#gosh it’s been a while since i made anything more than 3 panels
taohs · 3 months
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「 Jin Yuichi 」 for @misakarose
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danydarkly · 1 year
Hi! I just wanted to say, thank you so much for making the Red & Wolf comic. I just found it by accident and read through the whole thing in one night, I am seriously loving it so far. I'm autistic and I've always had a strong interest in wolves, specifically Little Red Riding Hood versions of wolves, and always wanted to read a story about the wolf having a sort of redemption or it being more than just "big bad wolf is evil and wants to eat the girl". There's hardly any content for me to dive into in regards of even just the fairytale itself, most stories are very gruesome, the short films online are incredibly dark and uncomfortable since those are the adaptations of the original grimm telling, or all of the red riding hood movies are horror films instead of fairytale adaptations. Or some sort of like... idk love triangle thing where it's all modernized or something for televesion where Red is wearing jeans and the Wolf isn't even a real wolf? But yours... this is like finding gold. I was hooked immediately and I couldn't stop reading.
Your story of Scarlett and Leikos... it's just so gorgeous, your art work has such clean lines and the way you draw eyes and hands especially is so beautiful. The design for Leikos' hair is my favorite!! And the panel you made where Scarlett is lying down on the grass/tree stump and she's blushing while Leikos is talking with her, oh my gosh, that's my favorite panel out of every chapter so far. Just... the vulnerability of these two growing closer, like... augh clutching my heart when Leikos is like "no don't cross the path you're gonna get hurt :(" and she's like "but I want to dance with you :)" like!!! she trusts him and he refuses to hurt her even when instincts kick in!! HIS BACKSTORY? BRO? I'M IN SHAMBLES?? Ugh your art is so GOOD and this STORY is so GOOD and I am just so thankful to be able to dive into a Wolf/Red story that has action, romance, suspense, all the good stuff. It's so perfect.
Thank you for working so so hard to make this comic. I'm an artist as well and I could never have the patience to upload one comic page, let alone several. Laying out panels is difficult and time consuming and not to mention you're shading and coloring the entire thing. Your poses are always fluid, never stiff, you have good perspective and composition, most ppl who make comics can easily just draw one single pose and one facial expression for 20 panels, but you've always had the expressions and body language shift and change and the camera view as well... and you gotta draw all those damn trees omfg. The flower meadow in the first chapter must have taken forever to draw too! Your hard work really shows in your art and I am so happy to have stumbled upon your comic. If you make any more merch for Red & Wolf on your Etsy, whether it's prints or charms or stickers or really anything, I would be more than willing to throw some money your way. Or if you open commissions as well someday, ahh, I love your stuff so much I would totally pay you to doodle Leikos hehe. Please have a wonderful day and take care! <3
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What a lovely message! Thank you so much, Anon! I really needed to read this today <3 I'm truly at a loss for words, like you basically complimented me on everything I'm mad-insecure about?? It's really nice, like maybe I really am too hard on myself?? Whenever I look back on my old panels (which I've been doing a lot lately since reformatting Red & Wolf for print), I always feel like I put way too much effort and kind of only see what I did wrong, but if you and others recognize the effort and like what I did - then maybe it wasn't a waste of time after all. That makes me feel way better about it, thank you :' ) Also, your favorite panel is one of my favorite panels too, where I felt "dang, I kind of nailed it here" - which is SUPER rare for me, haha. I should read this lovely message whenever the impostor syndrome kicks in, it really lifted my spirits <3
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 325: Deku VS the Outside of U.A. ~Conclusion~
Previously on BnHA: Ochako was all “dear bloodthirsty mob, this kid you see standing before you has fought harder than anyone and put his life on the line to protect you all, so please chill the fuck out, jesus christ. like, putting aside that he’s humanity’s best hope and so it’s very much in your best interests to let him rest and recover someplace safe so that he can keep fighting for us, are y’all seriously going to turn away an injured and exhausted child in front of his sobbing mother?? seriously?? come on now.” I’m paraphrasing here but that’s basically how it went down. Anyway so then the mob was all, “...” and Deku collapsed to his knees in tears, and Gigantic Fox Lady and Kouta ran over to give him a hug but then the chapter ended.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “FINE, YOU CAN HUG HIM”, which, was that so hard?? The U.A. Clown Mob is all “come to think of it, we’ve kind of been taking the heroes for granted this entire time, maybe we should be less passive in the future. anyway so Deku if it’s not too much to ask, can you please save everyone and fix everything.” Deku is all “I sure can, and by the way I forgive you for swarming around all menacingly two minutes ago and trying to deny me basic shelter and stuff.” Ectoplasm is all, “hey Todogang get a load of this. [walks in a circle].” Hawks is all, “that’s literally the greatest thing I’ve ever seen.” Rat Principal is all, “anyway so that’s what your students did today, hope you’re enjoying your new *~*ROBOT LEG*~*, Aizawa.” Aizawa is all “[lots of exposition about Kurogiri and for some reason, Toga, while being all brooding and sexy].” All Might is all “[standing here right outside of U.A. doing absolutely nothing and being foreboding AF]” and that immediately sucked away all of the warm fuzzy feelings from the hugs, goddammit.
each new week has become a waiting game of “when will Deku finally get to take a bath so people will actually be willing to go near him and give him the hugs he deserves.” the stakes have never been so compelling. I’ve almost forgotten about AFO entirely
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me: for the love of god will someone please give Deku a hug before I die of old age
Mineta: YOU GOT IT!! --
fucking losing it at Mineta’s crying face. he really wanted to hug him. I legit feel bad but this is also the funniest thing I have seen all week, omg
somehow Kouta, who last week was only a hand’s breadth away from touching Deku’s head, is now twenty miles away from him in this new chapter
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can I make a Loki reference here. is this recap a good place to insert a joke about someone using a TVA time-rewinding device to fuck with my poor boy Kouta over here. well anyway there it is
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(ETA: since when is he “niichan” omg?? can’t handle this cuteness.)
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“when I heard that lady I knew that I had to go, but then stop again within inches of actually touching you because you smell like week-old rotten onions.” listen Kouta, I’m not saying I don’t get it, but you all can’t keep doing this to me. it’s the way you guys keep teasing it. like, if you’re gonna hug him, hug him. don’t just stand there with your arms held rigidly out in front of you like a molded action figure
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(  ´͈ ᗨ `͈ )
SHE PICKED HIM UP LIKE A LITTLE BABY OMG?? she just leaned right over and lifted this child like he was a small animal. like a lil baby futon that she was about to hang up to dry. oh my god
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(: well that’s extremely fucked up. though sadly not too surprising given what we just saw these past couple chapters
incidentally, I hope that anyone who was legitimately defending the civilians’ perspective earlier takes note here of how quickly that line of thinking -- “we’re just trying to keep our families safe” and all that-- can lead to straight up bigotry. if you’re willing to deny a child shelter and protection simply because he’s not YOUR child, and because you’ve decided based on Internet rumors (no real-world parallels there, I’m sure) that he might present a threat, it’s really not that much further of a leap to discriminating against entire groups of people simply because you perceive those groups as being dangerous. I’m sure the people who turned Gigantic Fox Lady away also told themselves afterwards that they did it to protect their families. “better safe than sorry.” “she’ll be fine, someone will take her in, but as for us, we can’t afford to take that risk.” people can come up with all kinds of justifications for treating other people as less than human, and the really scary thing about it is how fucking easy it is
one last quick side note, which is that Horikoshi does a great job here of showing how scapegoating works, given that AFO is the one who’s really to blame and who presents the actual threat, and yet Deku is the one who ultimately winds up being the target of the mob’s fear and outrage despite him being as much of a victim as they are. gotta love that irony, which unfortunately plays out far too often in the real world as well.
anyway I’ll get off my soapbox now, sorry about that. let us continue
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holy shit. the real MVP right there. thanks for getting it done champ
jesus christ I have had it up to here with these people
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literally the bar is set so low at this point that I’ll go ahead and take it. helping him because it offers them a tactical advantage is at least one step up from not helping him at all
-- thank you!!
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okay this one guy with the antennae hair is having himself a character development speedrun here
-- okay, but this part?? fucking this part, right here??
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can we repeat that again?? the part where this guy acknowledges that the problems of hero society were caused not just by said heroes, but also by said society?? the part where he acknowledges that they treated the heroes like celebrities who were putting on a show for them?? the part where he acknowledges that when push came to shove, the vast majority of those heroes, when faced with a situation that offered no reward, were nonetheless willing to put their lives on the line to protect the very same people who then turned around and blamed them rather than thanking them?? are the civilians of BnHA even allowed to have actual deep thoughts about this stuff. holy shit
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meanwhile, on today’s episode of “one more chapter to go till the big volume cliffhanger, how else can I drag things out let’s see”
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it’s a panel. of people’s feet. just a bunch of normal feet. with sneakers and shit
this All Might shirt guy is getting more screentime in this arc than 90% of the class 1-A kids
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I guess I’m supposed to feel sorry for this dude now that he’s all “if we let you stay here do you promise to somehow magically fix every single problem that we are now currently facing?” those are some ridiculously exacting standards my dude. come on now
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thank fuck I’m not the only one who’s thoroughly unimpressed by absolutely all of this lol. I feel better now. meanwhile Iida and Kouda and Kiri are ready to run over there and hug them all. you guys are way too forgiving. damn you and your pure hearts
anyway so Deku’s like “yeah, definitely”
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(ETA: almost forgot to comment on the “I’m no longer alone” part – he basically corrects the guy and says “sorry, but you’ll need to direct that question towards all of us, not just me, because moving forward we’re a team.” good stuff.)
you know what though, all joking aside... fuck yeah. because perfect victory, right. the strongest guys don’t settle for anything less. so I guess Deku has pretty exacting standards himself
also can you all just take a look at this fucking kid who’s got so much light in his eyes now that I’m gonna need eclipse goggles. hot damn. “you’re welcome” says All Might Shirt Guy as he is frantically interviewed by several local news networks asking him how he daringly managed to save Deku all by himself. “well I guess I’ve just never been the kind of guy who can sit back and let a bunch of rabble-rousers blame a little kid for all of humanity’s problems. someone had to step in and take action, you know?”
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don’t let the door hit you on your way out All Might Shirt Guy
but meanwhile, sudden Tododrama action??
oh shit
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there are honestly so many ways in which Ochako’s very moving speech could have wildly backfired that I genuinely have no clue where this is headed lol. how exciting!!
so now Horikoshi is once again stalling for time with random filler panels, but this one is 10x better than the shoes lol omg
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(1) was Ectoplasm’s jacket always this oversized. (2) did you guys know that if you go back to chapter 319 you can see that Horikoshi gave us a sneak peak at Enji’s Sad Detective disguise and I in fact made a joke about it in the 319 recap not realizing it was actually the stone cold truth. (3) did Shouto deliberately speed up out of impatience because Hawks was walking so fucking slow and he couldn’t take it any longer. (4) and what, I ask you, is up with these dramatic speedlines. so many mysteries here. what a masterpiece
everyone is acting all shocked about something ahh what’s going on
wait what
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what the heck. did they just loop around behind everyone. what was the point of that lol. “anyway, so this is what they look like from the back” well okay, thanks for that Ectoplasm
(ETA: so it seems like they were actually hanging out someplace else away from the crowd this whole time, I guess? here I thought they had more faith in Enji’s disguise. I guess Shouto and Hawks don’t particularly want to attract this crowd’s attention themselves right now either, though.)
I am so fucking confused lmao
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speaking of All Might WHERE THE FUCK IS HE lol. but yes, good, OFA brings everyone together, and Hawks is very deeply moved about this out of the blue all of a sudden. you know how it is
aw heck yeah now this is another filler panel I can get behind
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Mineta really wants that hug, good lord. I genuinely love this actually. Mineta if you could just stay little and cute and keep crying about how much you love your classmates in a non-gross way for the rest of the series I would be so appreciative. you’re doing great
what did I tell you. Kiri wants to get all of the mob’s autographs now. Kiri you’re a peach
Shouji having a conversation with another mutant type is a very nice touch! we really need to get to his backstory soon. I feel like that casual remark from GFL earlier was kind of hinting at more to come
is this the first time we’ve ever seen the Yaoyorictionary in action?? never forget that Viz tried to call it the “Yaoyorozu Reference Book” because they hate fun
last but not least, KAMIBAKU IS BACK ON THE MENU, FUCK YEAH. Kaminari trying to spice things up and introduce a little bit of controversy by smacking Kacchan on the back of the head for god knows what. I will be deeply disappointed after this if I can’t find at least one person unironically declaring that KamiBaku is now toxic and abusive
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oh my god. Shouto’s face. Enji’s face. the back to “oyaji” again. the blunt, not-taking-no-for-an-answer, “I don’t know how much louder the universe can scream at you that doing things alone is not it, so hopefully you got the point” directness of it. fffdlkslj I’m so ready for this Horikoshi please don’t fuck it up my expectations are so high
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lol okay moment over and now Enji’s pulling his hat down all dramatically like a world-weary Cowboy
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(ETA: not to put Iida down or anything, but it’s kind of strange that Aizawa is all “the class rep sure did great” when Ochako is the one that was giving that whole big speech for like twenty minutes just now lol.)
(ETA 2: “thank god Iida stepped in just in the nick of time to keep Mineta from hugging Deku.” sorry Mineta I really do like you lately but it’s still low-hanging fruit lol.)
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well at least he’s not M.I.A. or back with the villains again like I thought he might be. still, that’s gotta be brutal to know your friend is in there somewhere, but to not be able to reach him again no matter how hard you try. that’s the kind of angst that pays off in final battles just when you most expect it. such is my hope, at any rate
what’s this now??
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trying to decide if this is Horikoshi’s way of saying don’t worry about that, or his way of saying definitely worry about that lol
anyway so Aizawa is out here being all irresponsibly handsome once again. when is someone going to do something about him
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here for Sexy Robot Leg Eyepatch Aizawa clenching his fists and making speeches about revenge. pretty sure we’re all here for that
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ffff. bracing myself for that cliffhanger next week. you’d better not touch one hair on this man’s head Horikoshi. I’m watching you 
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bigteefsmallbrain · 3 years
So, Soulmate AU where when you talk out loud to yourself, your soulmate can hear you and vice versa, but actively trying to have a conversation with them doesn't work. I'm here, it's 8:43 in the afternoon as opposed to 3:29 AM when I first came up with this.
SOULMATE AU HEADCANONS FOR: Shoto Todoroki, Rin Okumura, and Sakura Haruno
Shoto Todoroki
Aha, good luck finding out you have a soulmate in the first place with this one
He literally does not speak out loud to himself
Not at first that is
He also is clueless about soulmates, like, as soon as he hears your voice he’s google searching “Why is there a voice in my head talking about how their family is disrespecting Ramen?”
When he does realize that it’s his soulmate, he won’t actively pursue speaking to himself or finding you
Actively being the key word here
He wants to believe he doesn’t care and that his soulmate, whoever they are, will just get in his way
But that doesn’t stop him from focusing solely on you when you talk
Or trying to reply to you sometimes
And it certainly doesn’t stop him from subconsciously starting to speak to himself
Which, by the way, scared the piss out of you the first time
You didn’t even know you had a soulmate till that point
so hearing a male voice in your head go “I can’t believe they only serve hot soba here”
Would understandably frighten you
He doesn’t even realize it at first until his father gets pissed at him for mumbling
And he’s just like “oh” and immediately stops, as soon as he realizes from then on
Like you’ll be going about your day, hear him start to speak, then cut himself off
Which is disappointing
His sudden radio silence changes drastically after his fight with Midoriya
Like after getting knocked out by Bakugo and being put into the infirmary, he decides to check over himself while mumbling or if Recovery Girl lists his injuries for him, he’ll repeat them under his breath
Which, scares you obviously, but you’re also glad he’s not dead or something
He starts rating cold soba that he has or has had in the past
Reviewing his day
Talking about Midoriya
Which worries you, does he have a crush? Are they just good friends? Is this ‘Midoriya’ going to steal your soulmate
I stg, Midoriya has become a love rival and the poor boy has no idea
You’re stalking him on the internet trying to find anything you can on him to make sure you can outdo anything he does
He can knit? Oh look, professional lessons and equipment
He does Yoga? Aha, you have never been more flexible in your life
Anything he’s done? You are now doing it better than he ever could
Todoroki doesn’t have this same fear, his parents weren’t soulmates, and he fully trusts you, you’re made for each other, literally
When you finally meet, it’s so unexpected, and he blue screens
Here? Now? Who? What’s yesterday?
He’s not functioning
Todoroki.exe has crashed
Person too pretty
You’re not any better though
Honestly, have you seen this man? He’s model material
Worth millions
You both stare at each other for a good while before Midoriya comes and breaks the silence
And Todoroki makes the mistake of going “Oh, hey Midoriya” and paying attention to him
The fire has been lit, RIP Midoriya Izuku, an innocent man
Rin Okumura
You have a collection of recipes
He talks A LOT when cooking, like, he’s a walking cookbook, going through each step and ingredient
Even for recipes of his own creation
Which he never writes down and frequently forgets
So when you meet, he’s convinced he died and went to heaven
All his beautifully crafted recipes and instructions, he may cry when you show them to him
He also reads out loud to himself, so prepare for that
All the Manga, any book he may read, some new recipe he found on the internet
He reads it out, and sometimes does different voices for other characters
Which is great and all, but since he’s a dropout, it’s literally at all the worst times
Doing a math quiz? He’s crying while reading a romance manga
Trying to study? Good luck with that, he’s dramatically reenacting a action manga panel
He watches Hell's Kitchen and other cooking shows
He’s talking about how this technique would be better
Or how he should try recreating that dish later
Critiquing how something turned out
Making a dish along with the show
Now, for him, every time he hears your voice, he freezes
Like, physically freezes
No thoughts, head empty, only soulmate
He will not respond until you’re done talking to yourself
And he commits whatever you say to memory
If you talk about a certain food, he is IMMEDIATELY in the kitchen either A) Learning the recipe for it, or B) Making sure he can still cook it
I can, nearly guarantee, that this man will invite you to his home for breakfast/lunch/dinner when you meet, and cook literally everything you’ve ever mentioned
And continue to cook for you after that
Like, he goes from “I wish to eliminate my birth father” to “The way of the house husband, Okumura style”
When you both meet, he pounces on you
No, I mean literally
He leaps on top of you
No hesitation
As soon as he hears your voice
It’s a immediate cuddle session on the floor
Or if you manage to stay upright, he’s clinging to you like a koala
No, you can’t escape or avoid
And if you DO stay upright, he will continue to lunge at you every time he is within jumping distance
Sakura Haruno
Yes, she may be seen as annoying or useless, but I like her, so I’m going to self indulge, and you can’t stop me
That doesn’t mean I'm gonna sugar coat this though
She has spent who knows how long pursuing a toxic, probably Naruto-sexual, duck lookin emo DISASTER only to find out he’s NOT her soulmate?
“I went on this diet, and for what? Nothing”
“I bet it’s wrong, it has to be, right? Sasuke can’t NOT be my soulmate, RIGHT!?”
Yeah, she’s in a sad/denial state for about a week after that
And even after, she’s still salty
It’s not until Sasuke leaves, telling Sakura to go pursue HER soulmate instead of some stupid skin deep crush that she really begins to get OVER him and get INTO you
Except you’ve had enough of her Sasuke BS, so she not only needs to let go of her long time crush, but also make it up to her soulmate
The first time she says something about getting over Sasuke and wanting to be with her soulmate, you laugh, and she hears because you DON’T want to talk to her
“Does she really think one sentence is going to fix years of heartbreak?”
Now, when you put it like that, she cringes, and realizes that there's a lot of damage she caused
Honestly, when you two meet, you don’t recognize each other immediately, due to the fact that you don’t speak to her often or care to remember her voice
You probably found her with her head in her hands, probably eating away her woes at Ichirakus
You slide in, very smoothly, might I add, and ask what’s wrong while ordering yourself a bowl
She tells you the surface, that a friend ran from the village, which is true, but not what she’s sad about
You give her advice, chit chat a bit longer, getting to know each other, before paying for both her and your bowl and heading off
Never gave any names, just friendly conversation
You run into each other more frequently, growing closer with each talk, finally knowing each others names
Never mentioning meeting each other when talking to yourselves though
Eventually, using your advice when Sakura mentioned her soulmate was mad at her, you grew to forgive your soulmate
The two of you got such Deja Vu because of it too, since you were talking to each other and listening to the other ramble to themselves
Till one day, one of you mention the others name
And the other is like, “Oh my gosh [Y/N or Sakura] is my soulmate”
And then you both know
And the next time you see each other it’s a bit awkward, until Sakura says “So uh, I used your advice”
And you burst out laughing, conversation flowing as it would from there
You do hold a vendetta against Sasuke though, and after getting to know Sakura, it just gets 10 times worse
Like you’re ready to knock his teeth in if you ever see him
The pure, unadulterated rage you hold for him grows with every hate crime against Sakura he makes
Like, she tries to help him, now platonically, and he tries to kill her
There is no end to your rage
Everyone knows not to mention his name around you now
White boy better run and run fast if y’all ever meet
Yes, I do simp for pink haired characters, what are you gonna do about it?
If you’d like to see more headcanons, be that for this AU, or something else, feel free to submit an ask or comment! I hope you enjoyed these little headcanons!
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Back at it again with my self-indulgent comic posts. This time! It’s Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #3, perhaps the most tonally-distinct entry yet, with shades of The Twilight Zone. 
So, as mentioned, this issue is the most deliberate in terms of both its pacing and its tone, IMO.
What is that tone, you ask?
To quote Alex Danvers, from “Midvale”: Hello, darkness.
Kara and Ruthye are still looking for Krem Clues in the alien town of Maypole.
(Which is actually just Small Town, USA, complete with vintage 50s aesthetics.)
But the locals are clearly hiding something! So Kara and Ruthye continue to investigate, and they eventually discover what it was that the residents of Maypole were so keen to keep hidden. 
Genocide, basically. 
As I said, this issue struck me as very Twilight Zone; a genre story involving the build-up to a dark twist, all set against the backdrop of an idyllic small town. (Think, like, “The Monsters are Due on Maple Street” but instead of focusing on the Red Scare, it’s classism and racism.)
The wealthier blue aliens kicked all of the purple aliens out of town, and when space pirates showed up to pillage and plunder, the blue aliens made a deal with them: the lives of the purple aliens in exchange for their safety.  
Which is where the episodic story connects to the larger mission; it was Krem who suggested the trade, and then joined up with the Brigands (space pirates) when he was freed by the blue aliens.
The issue ends with no tidy resolution to the terrible things Kara and Ruthye discovered, but they do have a lead on where to find Krem, now, as well as Barbond’s Brigands.
Ironically, it’s here, in the darkest chapter yet, that we get the closest to what might be considered ‘classic’ Kara. 
Which I think comes down to that aforementioned deliberate pace--this issue is a little slower, a little quieter. It gives the characters some room to breathe.
That’s not to say Crusty Kara is gone. Oh no. She is still very much Crusty. XD 
But anyways. A list! Of Kara moments I loved!
I mentioned a few of these in a prior post when the preview pages came out: I like the moment where Kara blows down the guy’s house of cards, and I like that the action is echoed later in the issue when she grabs the mayor’s desk and tosses it aside. A nice visual representation of the escalation of Kara being, like. Done with these creeps. (Creeps is an understatement but you get the idea.)
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Another one from the preview pages: Kara explains to Ruthye that her super hearing won’t necessarily help her detect a lie, especially if she’s dealing with an alien species she’s not familiar with.
It not only reveals her level of competence and understanding of her super powers, it also shows that, you know. She’s a thinker. She’s smart. 
Amazing! Showing, rather than telling us, that Kara is smart! Without mentioning the science guild at all wow hey wow.
(Sorry, pointed criticism of the SG show fandom.)
I dig the PJs! 
And Kara catching the bullet! Not only are the poses and character acting great, it’s also a neat bit of panel composition:
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We start with Ruthye’s POV, and then move to the wide shot of the room. The panel where Kara actually catches the bullet is down and to the side of the wide shot panel--we move our eyes the way her body/arm would have to move to intercept the bullet. Physicality in static, 2D images!
Also, like. It’s a very tense moment, life-or-death, but. Ruthye’s wide-eyed surprise at the bullet in Kara’s hand? Kind of adorable. 
I was pretty much prepared for the page of Kara shielding Ruthye from the gunfire to be the highlight--it was one of the first pages King shared and I was like, ‘yeah, YEAH.’ But, shockingly? The TRUE highlight of the issue?
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Where do I BEGIN?!?!
EVERYTHING. About this moment. Is lovely.
From Kara holding Ruthye above the bench to explaining the concept of a piggyback ride, to telling her:
“I’m going to hold my hands here, and these hands can turn coal into diamonds, so they’re not going to let go. I’m going to keep you safe.”
Ruthye’s narration--about how Kara had avoided flying as she was concerned it would freak Ruthye out--just adds a whole additional layer of YES, GOOD, YES, and her line on that splash page is great: “You see, all that time, she was worried about me.”
To say nothing of the STELLAR ARTWORK.
And SPEAKING of that stellar artwork, Evely and Lopes continue to knock it out of the park. Each issue is distinct and beautifully crafted, a true joy to look at.
Before I jump into more of the art, a few final notes of character stuff in general.
Ruthye is the one most affected by the experience in Maypole, as she can’t comprehend how a society of people that look so nice and gentle and peaceful could have been party to such a horrible act.
One of the big criticisms of the book thus far is that Supergirl is not the main character, and I guess I can agree with that observation. Typically, in Western media, the main character is the one who goes through the most change in the story. 
And, yeah. That’s Ruthye.
As I was reading the end, where Ruthye sits on the curb and Kara hugs her, I was imagining how the scene would’ve played, had King stuck with the original idea for the series: Kara as the one learning to be tough/experiencing all of this for the first time, and while I think that could certainly work...
I continue to appreciate that King literally flipped the script; that Kara, especially in this issue, is like, ‘I’ve seen this, I know this,’ as opposed to being the one going through a loss of innocence.
*Marge Simpson voice* I just think it’s neat!
Because Kara’s been a teen in DC comics for so long--ever since she was reintroduced to the main DCU continuity, actually--so this is all brand new territory, here. Having an older Kara who’s SEEN SOME STUFF.
(Alsoooooo, since Bendis made the destruction of Krypton not just inaction and climate disaster, but rather, genocide, and the subtext of a Kryptonian diaspora text, the waitress’ derogatory comment regarding the the destruction of Kryton, as well as Kara picking up the bad vibes the entire time, suggests not just a broad commentary on discrimination in all its forms, but specifically allegorical anti-Semitism. The purple aliens being forced out of their homes and into substandard living conditions, then the blue aliens--their neighbors and once-fellow residents--essentially allowing the space pirates to kill them, making them literal scapegoats, Kara discovering the remains of the purple aliens, and Ruthye’s horror at the ‘banality of evil’...yes. A case could be made, I think.) 
(Which would probably require a post unto itself and a lot more in-depth discussion, nuance, and cited sources.)
(Should mention that King has brought up that both he and Orlando--the other Supergirl writer he talked to--are Jewish, and for him personally, that shaped his views on Kara’s origin story.)
I guess my point is that this issue is perhaps not as out-of-left-field as some might think, and just because there isn’t as obvious an arc for Kara, doesn’t mean there isn’t some sharp character work at play. 
(I could be WAY OFF, of course, and I’m not suggesting it’s a clear 1:1 comparison. I’d actually really love to hear King talk about this issue in particular.)
Here’s the final page, which I think works, because as I mentioned before, there is no easy answer/quick wrap-up to the story of Maypole:
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I mean. How many times can I just shout ‘ART! AAAARRRRRRRRRRRTTTT!’ before it gets old?
I dunno, but I guess we’re gonna FIND OUT.
There are some panels in this issue that I just. Like ‘em! From a purely artistic standpoint! Because they’re so good!
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Like, I just really love the way Kara is drawn in that top panel. Her troubled, confused expression, the colors of the fading light, the HAIR. 
Evely draws the best hair. I know I’ve said this before. I don’t care. I will continue to say it, because it continues to be true.
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The issue I find myself running up against when I make these posts is that I really don’t want to post whole pages, as that’s generally frowned upon (re: pirating etc.) but with something like this, you just can’t appreciate it in panel-by-panel snippets.
(Guided View on digital reading platforms is a BANE and a POX I say!)
LOVE the implied movement of the cape settling as Kara speeds in and stops. 
And, obviously, Kara flicking the bullet away is just. A+. 
Also, should note the lettering! The more rounded letters for the ‘WOOSH’ of Kara’s speed (and, earlier, the super breath) work nicely, and contrast with the angular, violent BLAMS of the gunshots. 
And, I gotta say, the editor is doing a really great job of not cluttering up the artwork with all the caption boxes. Which is no small task.
(I assume the editor is placing them, as editors usually handle word balloon/caption box placement, but I suppose it could be Evely? Sometimes the artist handles it. Either way, whoever’s taking care of all the text, EXCELLENT WORK! BRAVO!)
Okay I think that’s everything.
Ah, nope, wait.
Just a funny observation, more than anything else: Superman: Red and Blue dropped this week, and King had a story in there, “The Special” (which was very good, btw.) Both Lois and the waitress swear a lot so I’m beginning to think that this is just how King writes dialogue for any adult character who isn’t Clark. XD
This is absolutely a personal preference but when Kara was like, “And my name IS Supergirl,” I was like nooooo. I know King is trying to simplify all of the conflicting origin stories and lore but I LIKE KARA DANVERS, SIR. XD
It’s almost assuredly a cash-grab/an attempt for DC to get all the money it can out of a book they don’t have much confidence in, but I like the cardstock covers! Very classy, much Strange Adventures.
(OH my gosh, can you imagine that issue 1 cover with spot gloss???? Basically the only way you could possibly improve on it.) 
Okay NOW I’m done. For real. XD NEXT TIME: Kara and Ruthye go after Krem and the Brigands!
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amaya-chwan · 3 years
Takeaways from Therapy Game: Restart Chapter 10
Hello all! We’re back at it again with chapter 10! That’s right, 10 chapters of pure Shizuma and Minato goodness! My gosh, it’s gone by so fast! ❤️💛
Hinohara-sensei left us with quite the cliffhanger in the last chapter, but it wraps up BEAUTIFULLY in this one! 🥰
As always, here are our takeaways for this chapter:
AHHH POOR MINATO! So patient and so strong, I’m proud of you! 😭
I am pleasantly surprised that he has a sweet tooth for some strange reason? 🤔🤣
Onodera really has some problems of her own, and honestly they’re really relatable. I hope she continues to grow as a person because she deserves some happiness!
Shizuma, you really are a “super darling”! ❤️
Honestly, I love how much Minato has grown and tries to understand what Shizuma goes through. It’s so refreshing to see, and I love that Shizuma reciprocates it in kind. Wholesome relationship goals!
And that’s it for this chapter’s takeaways! For a more detailed breakdown/summary of this chapter, please continue after the cut! I tried to make it a little easier to read, so the summary might be a little different than usual. As always, I promise there is a little surprise (or 2, or more?) in these summaries!  😉✨
Our chapter begins with a flashback from Minato’s childhood. He overhears and sees his mother, who is all dressed up prepared to go out, talking to her husband on the phone. She is upset that he is once again not coming home on time/is late, but tells him she understands since it’s work and that can’t be helped sometimes. She keeps telling him “It’s okay, don’t worry. I’ll be waiting for you. Good luck with work. It’s okay, it’s fine...” while grasping onto her clothes tightly.
Back to the present, Minato is woken up from this dream by the cafe staff member. Minato is told it’s 6:30pm, 4.5 hours after he was supposed to meet up with Shizuma. Visibly annoyed and unable to smoke in the cafe to calm down, he orders a parfait and a cup of coffee.
While eating his food, he curses at Shizuma, saying Shizuma’s got some nerve to break his promise and not make it for the house tour after suggesting and persuading Minato to live together and getting him (Minato) all excited for it.
When he’s about to give up on the idea of living with Shizuma, Minato overhears the couple behind him. The man apologises to the woman for being late as his train was delayed. She tells him she thought he wouldn’t be coming to meet her, but now that he’s there, she excitedly tells him they should hurry to the movie theatre.
Minato, who is still annoyed, relaxes a little and becomes more visibly upset, wondering what his “liar” of a boyfriend is doing. Knowing Shizuma wouldn’t break his promise and be late for no reason (especially since he works at the clinic and has crazy work hours), Minato still can’t help but feel a bit down. He then looks up if there have been any traffic accidents near by, worried that Shizuma might have gotten into an accident.
As he frantically scrolls through the news, Minato continues to remember what happened to his mother (see Therapy Game for that info), and sighs, knowing Shizuma wouldn’t disappear like his mother did. He then blames his dream AND Shizuma (who broke his promise) for his current feelings. Minato thinks to himself that he’s in a good place now and doesn’t want all these memories coming back to haunt him again.
The cafe owner approaches Minato again, asking if he’s waiting for his girlfriend and if he’d like another cup of coffee while he waits. Looking at the now closed real estate agency, he refuses and says he’ll be leaving.
We change scenes to Shizuma’s workplace where he’s now giving an update on Hana-chan’s operation to her owners. In short, the 2nd and 3rd puppies couldn’t be delivered naturally, so Hana-chan had to have a caesarean. It was successful and she’s now still a little loopy on the anaesthetic. She can produce her own milk, feed her babies, and can be discharged in 3 days. Overjoyed, the owners thanks Shizuma profusely, even though he tells them it was because of Onodera.
As Shizuma goes to the locker room to change out of his scrubs, he is very relieved that the surgery went well, but he also realises he’s super late for his appointment with Minato, afraid that Minato will give up on the idea all together. He is afraid to check his phone.
Onodera then enters the room and thanks Shizuma for working outside of his work hours, saying she couldn’t have done it without him. She also thanks Shizuma for showing her a how to interact with people since he was able to calm the owners down and help them. Shizuma, being very humble and modest, said he stepped out of line speaking like that as he only wanted to change their minds about Onodera performing the surgery.
Onodera goes on say that she lacks the ability to converse and interact with humans as she just doesn’t have the skills for social interaction, which then affects her ability to help her animal patients despite having the medical skills and qualifications to do so.
She continues to talk about how people can’t “read” what she’s thinking or feeling and that she wouldn’t have been a vet if it wasn’t a request from her father, but is interupted when the microwave isn’t working. She apologises to Shizuma for a downer of a conversation, but he tells her that he made the right choice working with her. He goes on the tell her that he’s been able to help out at the clinic now and for her to use him more.
Shizuma gives her a bit of a pep talk, telling her that she’s got her awkward and unfriendly colleagues as well as Shizuma by her side if people won’t trust in her abilities and work. He also says compared to her colleagues, he finds Onodera to be more adorable/endearing.
Shizuma fixes the microwave--the button just needed to be pushed a little harder. Just as he does that, Onodera’s brother comes in and apologises for being late. Shizuma informs him of everything that’s happened, and Onodera praises Shizuma, telling her brother to let him help out more. Shizuma is surprised by this sudden praise, and Onodera’s brother is thankful for the extra set of hands to help him out!
During this conversation, Onodera called Shizuma “Iijima-sensei” once again, but this time Shizuma corrects her, telling her that the first step to building a good relationship with others is to remember their name. Shizuma then excuses himself and leaves.
Onodera and her brother talk. We find out that Onodera’s brother is Shizuma’s professor and seems to have placed Shizuma at her clinic since he is a “go-getting” and very motivated student, the type Onodera doesn’t seem to get on with. However, things seemed to have worked out this time and Onodera’s brother is glad he introduced Shizuma to her. Their scene ends with her brother telling her that she should see their father, and that she’d probably be told off for her hair again. She tells him he’s spoiled the mood.
We then see Shizuma walking the streets in the rain, checking his phone. Surprised that Minato hasn’t contacted him, he fears Minato is infuriated with him. As he tries to call Minato, he thinks to himself and isn’t surprised that Minato would be mad, especially since he persuaded Minato into living together. Wondering if Minato is at the cafe or has gone home, Shizuma is adament on seeing Minato today, even if Minato doesn’t want to see him. Just as Shizuma thinks that, Minato picks up the phone and responds to Shizuma with just a simple “what.”
Frantically trying to find out where Minato is, Shizuma bumps into a pedestrian and apologises profusely while Minato is still on the call. Minato tells Shizuma not to worry and that hurrying to see him wouldn’t change anything anyway since the real estate agency is already closed. Shizuma keeps asking Minato where he is because Shizuma still wants to see him. Minato keeps telling him not to hurry. Just as Shizuma reaches the parking lot to go to his car, we see that Minato is already waiting for him there.
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Minato, with his nose a little red and looking slightly annoyed, tells a very surprised Shizuma that he is very late.
Completely flabbergasted, Shizuma asks Minato why he’s waiting at his (Shizuma’s) car since he though Minato would have gone home already. Minato tells him that he wouldn’t be able to sleep if he didn’t get to hit Shizuma, but then proceeds to sneeze. Worried, Shizuma cups his palm on Minato’s cold face and asks how long he’s been waiting in the rain. Shizuma also tells Minato that he could’ve waited at the cafe or the hospital instead. Minato, shifting his gaze away from Shizuma, tells him he’s being too noisy and that guys who break their promises are the worst. Minato holds onto Shizuma’s hand and closes his eyes. Seeing and hearing this, Shizuma embraces Minato under his (Minato’s) umbrella.
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Shizuma agrees with what Minato said and apologises for breaking his promise, saying “it must’ve been cold (waiting for me in the rain).” Minato then falls deeper into the embrace, saying it’s (now) warm. He then says he’s relieved that Shizuma is alive (after having worried earlier in the chapter). Since the rain drowned out what Minato was saying, Shizuma doesn’t hear it and asks him to repeat what he said. Minato looks at Shizuma and smiles, saying it’s wasn’t anything important anyway, and that it’s okay.
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And that’s it for this chapter! It wrapped up really nicely! AHHHHHH my feelings! There’s something about resolutions in the rain that really get me right in the heart. 🥰😭
I hope you enjoyed the manga panels integrated in the summary--I think it helps visualise the story a little better. Let me know what you think about this! 😊
Again, THANK YOU FOR READING THIS FAR! 💜 📢  As always, please support Hinohara-sensei by purchasing her books and CDs! 📢 Just another reminder that this issue did have a Therapy Game Mini Drama CD, and might I just say, it was very adorable! Worth purchasing, I promise!
There won’t be a new chapter in the next issue of Dear+ BUT there will be a special interview with the cast regarding the release of the Therapy Game+ Play More Drama CD! 🎉 🎉 
I may or may not get around to translating that, but in any case, I shall see you next time for our next set of takeaways. As always, stay safe during these turbulent times and look out for each other and for your loved ones! 💜  
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Sonamy Prompt - Treat
Hello! Before I open my prompts back up, I wanted to write more of my own original prompt ideas! Please enjoy, and Commissions will open March 17th for all! (Not prompts! These are paid!)
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Amy’s hands lifted her up from her desk, the rebellion forces were still cleaning up the area from Eggman’s left behind robot trash, but Sonic’s cheery face on the screen made her even more anxious about joining them!
“OooOOOooohh,” she let out her iconic whimper as she shook her cute, bundled hands in small wiggles of envy, “But why can’t I go out and fight too?!”
“There, there, Amy! I promise you, you’ll have your time in the spotlight.” Sonic’s encouragement never failed to please her as his face shone on the communication line. He smiled down to her, clearing seeing how much she missed the battlefield. “Ever since we took down Eggman, you’ve been itching to get out of that dark, blocky room, right?”
“More than you know~” Amy sluggishly sank back down into her office chair, surrounded by metal and rock, she just wished to be useful on the other side of the screen, this time around! “Can’t you convince Knuckles to let me out?”
“Haha! No problem! I won’t even break a sweat.” he gave her a thumbs up. “But we really need you on communication lines right now. You’re a good organizer. Without you, I don’t think Knuckles would remember his lefts from his rights!”
She sighed as her head slumped against the cool steel where her control panel was. Her eyes batted slightly in her weariness, but she didn’t think he could see her that well, so she didn’t mind emoting just a tiny bit~<3
“Huh? Amy? You still there?”
Just as she assumed, she was out of sight from the camera and looked fondly up at him.
“...Just a little while ago...” she began, “I kept a silent dream in my heart... that you were still alive and well. Fighting the good fight, just somewhere far away from us...”
His expression changed and he held a more serious look, “Silent, huh..?” he then broke it and chuckled. “I was always fighting in my heart, Amy. Infinite just gave me a bit of a farther fight then I wanted.” he was mentioning his entrapment on the moon, which still stung at Amy’s core.
“Chaining you up? That’s like... a crime against nature.” She hugged her arms, sitting up again as her face came back into view for Sonic’s camera.
His face lit up at seeing her again, he seemed to not like that she was out of the shot for so long. “Yeah... It bit. Pretty hard. But I never worried about you all. I knew you could do it... even without me, I never once stopped believing in my team.”
Amy looked up as though melting at his gaze and swooning at his words as her body swayed a bit down, relaxing with a gentle glide into a new state of being.
She had missed this~ his calming presence and his kind, unbreakable spirit.
“Now, who does that remind me of?” She teased, wanting a little personal praise from her hero.
Her eyes darted away in a sneaky way, and Sonic gave her a sly look in return.
“Well, you’re not half bad yourself at keeping some faith and hope in these dark times, huh, Amy?” He played along, giving her jitters that sent a swarm of butterflies lose in her stomach. They seemed to migrate northward up to her chest, before fluttering to land on her cheeks, giving her a honey glow.
“I can’t resist you~” she admitted, placing her hands up to attempt to hide her blushing cheeks.
Sonic gave her a big grin, but his shyness got the better of him and he looked away, “Aw, come on, Amy... You make this too easy...” he seemed a little embarrassed now but that only made Amy even more overjoyed at his return.
“Ever since you got back, you’ve been really grateful for your friends... You even went so far as to spend individual time with everyone.” she ducked her chin down slightly, a desperate plea in her eyes for him to remember. “I’ve been kinda wondering... if I go out on the battlefield again... will I also receive that special, limited Sonic time?”
“Huh?” Sonic refocused himself back to the screen, having scratched his nose with an awkward look of giddy pride in making her day, but now he seemed to be pleasantly surprised by her statement. “I hadn’t really noticed I’ve been doing that... Guess I just missed everyone and our adventures together.” He gave her a wink, “Sure thing, Amy! I think your time with me is far past overdue!”
She covered her mouth, “You mean it..? Really!?” she was overwhelmed with springtime in her heart, feeling the butterflies suddenly launch off again and this time, fly over fast winds as flowers bloomed all along the insides of her skin. It was a warm sun, her heart, and it was all thanks to Sonic’s sunshine.
He seemed to notice this, a sudden, unconditional joy in her. “Gosh, Amy. You really do make me feel like-...” He stopped himself, but then huffed a bit through his nose to look down from the camera, closing his eyes. “Ah, nevermind. That’s just the hero-worship talking, right?” He looked back up, “Don’t get too excited, it’s not a date or anything...” he looked away, “Yet...” he muttered, “Knowing you, I suppose you would count it as ‘alone time’ away.” he sighed. “Alright, call it what you want, but I can’t help and be a little excited to see ya. In the flesh again, this time.” he cut off the communication.
Her eyes blinked as her hands came down from her head leaning on them in doting pleasure. But now... it seemed that his words weren’t adding up. “Hero Worship? Oh, Sonic... It’s you I can’t help but want to marry... poor guy~” she spun in her chair, leaning back in it. “He thinks its because he’s such a hotshot hero that I can’t resist him... But this next time we’re alone together-!” she jumped from her chair, looking more determined than ever. “I’ll prove to him with my love that no matter what hedgehog he chooses to be! I’ll stand by his side no matter what!” she punched the air a few times, then summoned her hammer and started swinging wildly, “Hyah! H’up! Hyahhh!” she seemed overly jazzed about the idea of fighting alongside Sonic, getting time for just them two~<3
Daydreams occupied most of her mind that day... but the day dragged on... and soon, she became overly exhausted and that beautiful, wonderful springtime slowly drifted into the late hours of the night.
The butterflies became slow-moving fireflies against the dark landscape of her inner-emotions. They flickered, like her fleeting moments of energy where she’d find herself dozing off and having to slap her cheeks twice to keep herself awake. They gently grazed against the flowers who once shook in mighty winds of ecstasy. But the moonlight coming from her eyes watching Sonic’s communication line streamed down a blue hue that gave her some hope.
“Soon, Amy Rose. Don’t fear.” she comforted herself, realizing she hadn’t heard from Sonic in hours. She leaned back up, checking the other lines and seeing everyone was still on their calculated routes and missions, doing fine and not needing her instruction or to be the middle man in their planning.
“Sonic’s here now~” she cooed, lightly skimming the buttons before reaching her own hand.
Another daydream... what if her hand was Sonic’s hand? What if... ever so gently he...
She lifted her hand and tried to hold it, then smiled weakly and squeezed it. She laughed, kicking up her feet in her excitement and getting a rush of energy again, like a frog leaping into the stream of her nerves.
“Ahh, haha! Okay! Just work through the night! You’ll be out on the field with Sonic in no time!” she once again pressed the palm of her hands against her cheeks, light pats, and then narrowed her sights upon the dull work schedule she had for herself... currently, anyway.
The next day.....
A flat line on Sonic’s communication channel.
Amy was fast asleep at the wheel, so to speak.
However, Sonic was striding into base with a howl of cheers for him. The forces were stoked to have their trademark hero back, and better than ever! He was planning to leave the base soon in search of where Eggman had gone, but until then, he continued down the building of praising fans, hopeful recruits, and squealing girls.
He waved a bit, just living it up, before Knuckles shook his head beside him. “You really let the fame get to your head, don’t’cha, Sonic?”
“Fame? Fortune? What are we talking about?” Pretending to be spacey about it, he noticed a young child run out of the crowd and hand Sonic a piece of paper and pen. The poor thing huffed and puffed, probably having fought through the whole crowd to get to him, and clearly had been rescued from some of the surviving towns and cities.
He smiled warmly and took the items, combining them to create his unique signature, and ruffled the kid’s head before handing him back the new treasure. The child gasped, as though amazed his plan had actually worked, hugged the piece of paper with Sonic’s name scribbled carefully onto it, and took off back into the crowd.
Knuckles couldn’t complain at that, he just watched with a frown, knowing he shouldn’t give Sonic such a hard time after being tortured and gone for so long.
Sonic just watched after the kid, then seemed to nod about a hidden thought.
‘I might be okay having a kid.’ He thought to himself before stretching, ‘Eh, some day.’ he seemed to be shrugging the thought off as quickly as it came, disregarding it as he turned to look back at Knuckles.
“Ah, speaking of which... Hey, Knuckles? Think Amy deserves a bit of a vacation?”
Knuckles seemed shocked by his words, “Speaking of? You didn’t say anything!”
“Ah, I was meaning too.” He kid, putting a hand up to his chin and acting up, “I vaguely remember you saying it was about time she got back into the sunshine. Looking a little pale, maybe?”
“Did I say that..?” Knuckles looked off to the side, doubting himself as Sonic’s ear twitched and a mischievous, trickster grin replaced his once ‘contemplative’ expression.
“Well, sure!” Sonic slung an arm around him, “You even mentioned you felt bad about keeping her cooped up in that underground bunker, working night and day on a computer, for so many long... strenuous... hard hours...”
The acting should have won Sonic an award. At least an Xbox achievement: Duped the Knuckles, yet again.
“Yeah... yeah, she has been working overtime!” Knuckles was easily convinced this was his own words, straight from his own--not oblivious, but totally considerate and aware of people’s needs--heart.
Bless him, he just didn’t know.
“She’s usually so cheery, I should have known better.” Knuckles seemed a bit down about it, so Sonic cheered him up.
He lightly nudged his side, “You did know better...” He winked in his sly deceptions.
“Oh yeah! I did!” Knuckles instantly beefed up his chest and stood tall and proud, “I mean, as the leader, I have to think of everything! Ah, but... who will lead communications if I let Amy go? And where would I send her too..? Hmm...” he put himself into a ‘thinking’ stance, but Sonic smiled fondly to his friend, leaning behind his head so he didn’t see his mouth move.
“I should let Amy go with Sonic.” Sonic whispered, then pretended to whistle in front of Knuckles.
“Ah! I should let her go out on the field, with you, Sonic!” he punched Sonic’s side, moving his looped arm off of him as Sonic looked around as though amazed by this statement.
“Who? Me?” He gestured to himself. “I guess... with you at communications... I’ll be down one man...”
“That’s right! I’ll work communications, and Sonic-” He put a hand to his shoulder, as Sonic continued his innocent game face. “...Give Amy the time she needs. She deserves it.”
Sonic formed an ‘o’ with his mouth, “Gee, Captain Knuckles, I’ll try.” he put his hand to his chest, crossing it over his heart. “I-I won’t let you down, sir!”
“That’s the spirit!” Knuckles patted his back, boasting a hard-hitting laugh. “I’m a genius! That only took a second to figure out!”
“You’re the cleverest man I know, besides Tails, Sonic.” Sonic smirked off to the side.
“What? I said Knuckles? Didn’t you hear me?” He lightly patted Knuckles’s head, confusing him, before he took off towards the communication room, still waving for the public.
When he opened the door, he could barely contain his excitement, “Long time no actual see, Amy!”
His face then dropped.
Her limp body suddenly rose in a steady beat of a breath, before descending even deeper into her slumber. Her arm dropped off the side and dangled as she was almost close to falling off the chair and counter too.
His eyes scanned her a moment, then the screen, seeing it completely silent on his channel.
His huge grin softened to an empathic smile, and he slowly moved the door to open wider, not bothering to shut it behind him as he was going to daringly rescue her from this awful fate.
He walked up to her with purpose, but as softly as a prince, began to lift her up and carry her bridal style.
“Emm...” She began to stir, and he just politely waited on held breath for her to recognize him.
She blinked her eyes wearily open, and a restrained gasp of awe came out delicately from her tired being. “Sonic..?” Her features fawned in quiet longing. “Am I dreaming again?”
“Only every minute of every hour that ticks by that cruel clock’s glow.” He gently shook his head in a teasing manner, then looked with a bit of a harsh coldness towards the office clock that glowed bright red letters to show the time. “...How long have you been trapped in here, Amy..?” He seemed to get antsy himself, just standing in the dull, lifeless room.
“Sonic..! I missed you... You promised...” Her hand lightly moved up to his cheek, which pulled his momentary distraction back to her, giving her his complete and full attention. “You have to... keep those...”
“At all cost.” his eyes lowered as his head tilt, trying to hold on to her slipping hand as she fell back to sleep. “Oh... Amy...” He sighed out, looking around and getting more and more upset at how long she must have been doomed to work in here.
“...Let’s blow this joint, before I start getting angry.” Sonic joked, but there was a bit of a grumble in his voice that spoke some truth to that comment.
When Amy woke up, she amazed to see that everyone was gathered in the meeting room. She lazily looked up to see that Sonic had placed her ontop of where he sat, letting her lean on his shoulder and chest as she must have taken a well-needed nap on accident.
She blushed as she noticed they were in front of everyone, and Sonic nonchalantly kept up the conversation while having her placed there in his chair.
His arms flopped around, as was his usual style when talking, and when Silver seemed to notice her awake, he smiled to her with a light smile and nod.
Her face like flushed with the red wings of butterflies.
This was... bold for Sonic.
“Then it’s settled.” Knuckles clasped his hands together, wiggling them tighter into place as he seemed to be settling on something she had missed in the conversation. “Tails and I will handle things here. He’s still trying to find out more about alternative dimensions like the one Other Sonic came through. Shadow and Silver will meet up at Blaze’s portal, try and get a reading on how she got here for Tails. Sonic and Amy will lead the Forces and search for Eggman.”
“Not for long, though.” Sonic chimed in, making her slightly turn her head, but trying to disguise the fact that she was awake and attentive now. ��I think I’m gonna split after this.”
Her heart dropped. Like the last note at an opera where the chandelier falls onto the stage...
He can’t mean that.
Knuckles dropped his head a moment, “Alright. Last mission then.” Knuckles looked off to the side, then flicked his nose with a slight sniff. “But we could really use you here, pal.”
“I know. But you can use me better with what I naturally do.” Sonic instinctively moved a hand that had been helping hold Amy up beside him and wagged it around like his signature style. “Saving the world my own way. Don’t forget that now, Captain Knuckles.” He lightly joked.
Shadow scolded Sonic a moment but left it at that since Sonic kept cracking out smart-aleck comments and not taking anything seriously anymore.
He raced out of the room with Amy in his arms still and headed for the craft that would hold their men in it.
“...What about... your promise?” She knew he probably had seen that her eyes were open and she was awake, but she was too torn up inside to really have said anything until now.
He looked down as though without a worry in the world, “You act as though this is goodbye. You know I hate those.” He kid again, moving his head up to hers a moment to get her spirits back.
It was a light touch of their cheeks meeting briefly, but it was still enough to get her to smile and giggle again.
“So... I can still be with you? When you leave?”
He didn’t say anything, just jumped from a high place and seemed to glide through the air to the top of the craft.
Once onboard, he headed to the ship’s main control room and noticed Tails fast at the wheel.
He set her down on a couch behind, since the room was modeled to be a captain’s courters as well, and began small talk with him.
Annoyed that they weren’t ‘alone’ like she thought Knuckles had said, she placed her shoulders square, hands in her lap, and pouted in silence. Seeping with fury, she was surprised to see Sonic not even look at her as he came over to the couch.
“-which is why I feel you weren’t meant for ground-control, Tails.” He suddenly sat down and put an arm around Amy.
‘...Hold up.’ She narrowed her eyes at his actions. ‘Is he really thinking this is enough?’ she nudged him away, flicking her head away from his stuck-up being and huffed angrily.
She didn’t know how he was reacting to it until she felt something flop across her lap.
Gasping, she saw him carrying on the conversation with Tails, a hand up to hold up his head, and his body laid out across her lap.
Her face exploded with red lava upon her cheeks, but he acted as though nothing was wrong.
One hand was relaxing on his hip, angling his elbow up, and one leg was also up as though his typical ‘I’m just chilling here’ expression.
When she continued to battle against his ridiculous idea of ‘being together’ he finally stopped his conversation with Tails and scooted down, laying his quills to the side so his head was now on her lap, staring up at her without poking holes into her.
“And as for Amy and me-” he began, this time, giving her a straight look right through her eyes and into her soul. “We’ll be out and about for a while. Sound good, Tails?”
Tails just sighed, “You’re being inconsiderate of her feelings, Sonic... She clearly doesn’t want you toying with her like this.”
Amy puffed up her cheeks. That was the word! Toying with!
If he intended to keep his promise, he should just take her on a real date! Of course, she wanted to swing her hammer again, enjoy the nice warm air and help the rebellion fix up the place... but at least do it like you mean it!
She shoved him off her lap, causing him to tumble before getting up and huffing away.
“Ouch...” Sonic rubbed his chest a second, getting up before tapping his head where he felt a slight ‘bump’ coming through. “I thought she’d think of it as a treat.”
He dusted himself off, hearing her slam the door. It made him flinch, but he rolled his eyes and got up. “What’d I do this time?”
“Well, your actions were what she’s wanting, Sonic... but your timing couldn’t be more off.”
Amy clasped her hands together outside the door again, mimicking her daydream of them holding hands.
‘You’re not meaning it.’ she told herself, leaning against the door with a sorrow that seemed to make her inner spring rain. ‘If you do something like that... do it because you want to be with me, not because you’re planning to leave me... not again... I don’t wnat to be alone!’
She suddenly glared and turned around, about to swing the door open but Sonic had already done so, making her stumble into his arms.
He smiled at the pleasant surprise.
She looked up from her face being squished against his chest, blinking innocently.
“You’re totally right, Tails,” Sonic called back, though Tails was unaware of the situation as he drove the large ship.
“She does deserve more of me.” he gave her a mischievous grin. “I’ll just Amy to the location where the abandoned Eggman fleet is attacking myself. Don’t wait up!”
He scooped her up with one arm, draping her over his shoulder in one fell swoop, and jumped off towards the ground in seconds flat.
While screaming on the way down, she felt Sonic grab one of her flailing hands, intertwine their fingers together, and land with her in a charming dip.
“Shall we save the rest of the world?” It was enough of an apology to get that he really just wanted to make her happy, and didn’t realize how it was coming off to her.
The gushing of affection for him flowed like a dam breaking loose, and she leaned up to embrace him from the dip, holding on tightly this time.
Even if he was going to leave soon... it wasn’t forever, and this time... he was making time for her and her alone.
“I really can’t resist you... Sonic The Hedgehog!!!”
“Oh good! Cause you’re a lot cuter when you’re happily swooning over me than being mad at me.” he lightly returned the hug the best he could, but there was some awkwardness to him again.
Shy? Already?
And she had hoped those days were gone but...
She giggled, moving away but lifting her arms to be around his neck.
“And you’re cute when you’re shy, too. Sonic~ But-!” she quickly put her fingers to his mouth, “Maaaaybe keep the ‘bold new Sonic’ just between us two~” she flicked his nose as rascally as she could and with a wink, she confidently trailblazed ahead of him.
He was left blinking and looking after her.
“Wow!” he shook his head and smiled, racing to scoop her up and carry her off again. “You don’t change!” he laughed.
(this is between the ending of Forces and before the beginning of IDW comics ;)b where he leaves and then they reunite again)
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dat-town · 4 years
beyond the horizon
Characters: Jongho & You
Setting: Star Wars au
Genre: adventure, action
Summary: They say the end is just a faraway beginning and running away from the planet you had known as your only home just to join the most famous smuggler of your generation in the entire Galactic Empire, you are sure up to one kind of an adventure.
Warnings: space fights I guess
Words: 2.6k
Happy b-day my dearest @lily-blue​! Please remember to take good care of yourself (both your health and mental being), keep smiling, try to be positive and look the bright side of things! Don’t forget I love you the way you are! (Also embrace the fact that there are handsome 00-liner boys out there as they are not that much younger than you than you are compared to me...)
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The Horizon was one of the fastest spaceships in the galaxy and it happened to land on Xahar the day before. It was your chance to get the hell out of there. Perfect timing actually since the Galactic Empire's guards just found out about you getting your hands on information you shouldn't have. So  your plan was easy: sneak on board, hide until you land after a hyperjump far far away then get off quietly and start a new life under a new identity. Easy as pie, wasn't it? Too bad you didn't calculate with the captain of Horizon, the infamous Choi  Jongho.
You were minding your own business, swinging your legs as you were hiding in the control room while you felt the spacecraft lifting off ground, slowly leaving the sphere of planet Xahar with its deserts and three moons, the usual scenery of your home, the place you have never once left in your 23 years.
"Come on, petit, hurry up or they will catch up with us and cook you for dinner," a deep voice grumbled to which some animalistic mumbling was the answer. You didn't want to know what it was but it wasn't like you had any choice and yeah, maybe you could have found a better hiding place than the control room with so much handles and wires leading to the engines but it wasn't like you had a choice, you had to find an easily approachable, empty room on the spaceship. How should you have known that the owner was going to check this one specifically?
Because of course, a guy just opened the door of the control room, and his eyes found you frozen in place with your gun pointed at his chest immediately. Despite the silent threat of your posture, he cracked an almost amused smile.
"Alright, we will talk later about how you got here, now help me get the hyperdrive to work," he told you calmer than you had expected which made you dumbfounded. Was he really asking you, an intruder to help him?  Who was he at all? He was way too young to be the captain, wasn't he? Maybe he was the second pilot, although you hadn't heard that Choi Jongho was working together with anyone. And why did he had an ewok as his companion when those bearlike creatures originating from planet Endor could clearly not sense danger as this one started hugging your leg? You had too many questions flashing in your mind, but the guy mistook your silence as incompetence – though he wasn't that far from the truth with that; you knew nothing about space travelling. 
"You can't even do that? Hell. Can you at least fire big guns?" the guy raised a brow at you glancing down at the age old model in your hand.
"I can certainly shoot you," you claimed confidently, straightening your back, trying to erase surprise from your features. The guy just laughed.
"Then none of us would get anywhere," he shook his head. "Go up and start firing at the guards following us while I fix the hyperdrive, so we can get out of here."
He didn’t give you too many choices, so you had no way to say no such an order even if it hurt your pride. The spaceship was already getting unstable as you were getting surrounded by other aircrafts.
You swore under your nose while you run up to the shooter section and took a seat trying to figure out what all that buttons and wheels were meant for. After a few not so successful attempts (which resulted in turning down the heater and closing a door you weren’t supposed to), finally you found the button to ignite the guns and you took the aiming wheel into your hands turning in your seat to face the three fighter squadron after you. You grit your teeth and started firing at them by pressing the two buttons with your thumbs. You were surprised that you hit one gunship straight on and you wondered whether they were so stupid to think you weren’t fighting back just because they were yelling at you to land at that very instant through the radio.
You heard some cursing and the ewok running around when you got a hit but just after you managed to send another guard back to the ground, you heard the stranger guy yell at you to get a grip before the ship launched into hyperspace. You let out a long sigh before getting off the shooter seat to stump up to the pilot section where Mr. Can You Even Fire A Guy sat all so content. You wanted to wipe that stupid grin off his face but he was the first one to speak up.
“That wasn’t half as bad as I’d expected,” he admitted and only because it felt like a semi-compliment you didn’t call him out on his bravado and instead slum down in the second pilot seat, earning a cute grumble from the ewok that sat by your leg then.
“Don’t be too surprised. Girls can shoot, too,” you claimed confidently which earned an annoying grin from the guy. He had youthful features even under that dusty cheek of his, though his nose looked as if someone had punched him hard not too long ago. His hair had gotten pretty long too, it had almost got into his eyes, the brown of it reminding you of the colour of one of your planet’s moons. Although it wasn’t your planet anymore, you reminded yourself with a gulp and looked around in the galaxy in front of you. The world was so much bigger than you had known before.
“So… why were you hiding on my ship?” The guy asked and he sounded more amused than mad or anything, so you decided being honest wouldn’t have hurt then. It didn’t seem like he was going to kill you or hand you over to authorities after he himself had just run away from the Empire as well.
“I just needed a ride,” you shrugged, hand involuntarily slipping into your pocket checking whether you still had the map with you.
“And you didn’t care to ask?” The pilot snorted, tilting his head towards you.
“Not like it’s your ship to begin with. Isn’t it Choi Jongho’s?” You raised a brow challengingly. You thought you would have recognize the ship of the greatest smuggler of your time but you started to get a bit uncertain. The Choi Jongho you had heard of would have never let his ship taken away from him willingly. So you were half expecting the guy to say he stole it or wo it over in gambling but he just grinned.
“Well, it is. I am him,” he claimed which resulted in a scoff in disbelief from your part.
“What? No! You are too young!” you protested as if it was your only concern.
“I’m taking it as a compliment,” the guy, Jongho as he claimed, just grinned but you shook your head. You were not willing to accept the fact that he was the guy you looked up at as a twisted kind of role model when you had first gotten into the bounty hunting business.
“But… you’re famous! You have done so much stuff going behind the Empire’s back for years I thought you are a thirty-something guy at least,” you admitted the reason behind your confusion and he just laughed wholeheartedly.
“I don’t have to be old to break an imperial stormtrooper’s arm with bare hands.”
You supposed he was right although you still had troubles believing that you had been dead wrong about him so far. The picture in your head and him in front of you just didn’t seem to match and it caused you a headache, gosh. You let out a gosh, sliding lower in your seat fixing your gaze on the stars, Suns of other solar systems and whatnot.
“So where were you intending to go?” Jongho kept up with interrogating you though his voice wasn’t rude, just annoyingly arrogant enough to make you frown.
“Not your business. Just drop me off at the next stop and we will be alright,” you shrugged but he tsked.
“A-ah, you still have to pay for the ride, I’m a businessman, you see.”
Businessman, huh? If he slept better telling himself this, let it be. 
“Pff, me saving your ass while you tried to get this bunch of metal going wasn’t enough?”
“Hey, be nice to Horizon, she’s a sensitive lady,” Jongho scolded you as he caressed the control panel which earned an eye roll from you. But this said, he didn’t press you more. Neither of you talked about the reason why you were running away and why he was basically chased off Xahar.
You dozed off a bit only to wake up to you getting into an asteroid field. Oh, just what you were missing out on! You two were shouting each other’s faces off as you blamed him for getting in there in the first place while he claimed the ship had only clashed with one smaller piece of asteroid because you distracted him with complaining and in the end he had to perform an emergency landing on one of the biggest block of space stone to do some outer repair on the ship. You stood there with your arms crossed like a sulky kid while he was fixing some stuff.
“Hey, petite, hand me that Y-looking thing, will you?” he pointed at his equipment and you had to bite your tongue to not call him names too.
"It’s pretty offending that you call me petite just as you do with your ewok. I'm at least like 3 or 2 heads taller!" you argued which made him check you out from head to toe. It shouldn’t have made your cheeks heat up as much as they did.
"Still petite," he concluded with a grin and you threw that metal gadget at him hoping it hurt when it landed on his feet.
You played with the ewok that was unfairly good at card games on the rest of the way and refused to talk with Jongho until he asked you to sit behind the wheel for a minute. You were just about to whine when he explained that he needed to take a piss. Okay, you didn’t want to know that but also didn’t want to hit anything while he was minding his business, so you sat into the pilot section as he instructed you.
“So you have never learned to drive a ship like this?” Jongho asked as he leaned on the doorframe, looking over you.
“I have never been out of space, so I didn’t need to,” you shrugged which earned a hum from him. It was surprisingly non-malicious and rather understanding.
“Do you want to learn?” he asked and even though you had your doubts in the beginning but Jongho was a surprisingly patient teacher as he explained how the basics worked and let you land until you reached Goorouma’s atmosphere and the radio tower asked you to identify yourself.
“Captain of Horizon, AFLE-110 freighter, speaking. We’re bringing cargo to Lord Fahley,” he said and took to wheel from you to handle the landing.
Goorouma looked very different from the planet you had grown up on. It had hundreds of tall buildings reaching for the sky like needles sprouting from the ground. You barely saw any green as it was mostly blue glass and a fake illusion of sea waves beneath.
“I don’t have a good feeling about it. It’s too quiet,” you mumbled under your nose as the Horizon landed in the middle of a building’s rooftop and there was nobody waiting for Jongho there.
“Tell me about it,” the guy muttered through gritted teeth and he looked suspicious as well. He told the ewok to stay on board and grabbed his gun as he opened the ramp of the ship. You followed him because this was just what you had planned: to leave the moment you reach another civilization. But the two of you barely crossed the bridge leading to the tower’s entrance, it opened and a bunch of stormtroopers poured out of it.
The melody of gunshots echoed in the air as you were trying to make it out alive and at some point you saved him from a laser shot that burned a hole in the wall next to the two of you.
“How is it for a payback?” You raised a brow at the guy only realizing your closeness then. He grinned before pushing you off of him and started firing at the soldiers.
You were way too outnumbered but luckily Lord Fahley and his men came to save the day mumbling about how much he hated when the Empire got in the way of business. He invited the two of you to lunch after finishing the deal with Jongho but both of you refused. Although he did offer you to help you out if you intended to stay on Goorouma which sounded pretty nice.
“Hey, petite, do you still need that ride?” Jongho walked up to you because he didn’t plan to stay long, he had a lot more other business to take care of. While you didn’t want to be picky about where to stay, so you shrugged.
“Nah, I will pass.”
“Sure about that? There are countless other planets you haven’t seen yet,” he told you and it sounded almost as if he wanted you to join. It confused you a bit. But maybe he was just lonely on that ship with that ewok you had grown fond of so quickly. You weren’t sure about its owner/friend/captain though.
“Sure enough,” you said but it was mostly to convince yourself and when Jongho saluted to you as a goodbye, your heart made a silly little aching pause.
Watching him walk away it had drawn down to you that the chances of you meeting again was really low as he was always on the move and even though his fame would follow him around, you would keeping hearing stories about the Horizon’s marvelous escapes and his newest tricks but you probably wouldn’t get as lucky again as you had been on Xahar.
So in a split of a second you make a choice and before the Horizon could set off, you made your way up on it, waiting until you were already in space when you made your presence obvious with a few loud steps behind the cockpit.
Jongho turned around, surprised, aiming his pistol at your chest before he recognized you and smiled.
“You are getting better at sneaking up on me.”
“Or you are getting sloppier,” you retorted immediately as the ship tilted to one side when you got hit from some gunships that had caught up with you. But this time, you weren’t annoyed. “You will need a new hyperdrive at this rate.”
“Good thing I plan to get one,” the captain grinned signalling you to get into the shooting seat while he takes care of the rest.
“You mean steal one.”
“Oh come on, shouldn’t you know me?” he put a hand over his heart as if he was offended before grinning cockily. “Borrowing it.”
You laughed, genuinely and you knew it was just the start of an adventure.
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johannesviii · 4 years
Top 10 Personal Favorite Hit Songs from 1999
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A list with quite possibly the most embarrassing #1 yet, and considering some of the previous ones, that’s really saying something.
Also, a very, very long list of honorable mentions.
Keep in mind I’m using both the year-end top 100 lists from the US and from France while making these top 10 things. There’s songs in English that charted in my country way higher than they did in their home countries, or even earlier or later, so that might get surprising at times.
Of course there will be stuff in French. We suck. I know. It’s my list. Deal with it.
My musical tastes have always been terrible and I’m not a critic, just a listener and an idiot.
I have sound to color synesthesia which justifies nothing but might explain why I have trouble describing some songs in other terms than visual ones.
This could have almost been a top fifteen, because holy f█cking shit look at this list of honorable mentions. I might eventually make a top 15 for some years (gosh I just finished my 2013 top and it’s a massacre of good songs, an absolute disaster, and I’m seriously considering making it a top 15 or 20 I swear), but for now, it’s still manageable.
Summer Son (Texas) - Why is this so hot. The lyrics aren’t even hot in the first place. What the hell.
That Don’t Impress Me Much (Shania Twain) - Not my favorite song from her but still very good. Fun fact, one of my English teachers was using songs as dictation exercises and that was the hardest one he ever used for that. I don’t think any of us got the Elvis line right. Also he’s solely responsible for me loving The Cure because the second song he used for this kind of exercise was Boys Don’t Cry. This has nothing to do with Shania Twain but I thought it was a fun little story to tell.
Jusqu’au Bout de la Nuit (Emile et Images) - Two French bands from the eighties team up and release a song which is composed of every single one of their hit songs from the eighties, with each chorus sung one after the other, and... it sounds great? And it charted?? My brother absolutely loved them, too. The only reason it’s not on the list is that it feels like cheating, in a way. I mean, half these songs could top some of my lists on their own. Putting them together is a dirty trick, guys! Oh well, I love you all anyway.
Baby One More Time (Britney Spears) - I really love this song and it was on the list at first, but overplay played a big role in its removal from it.
L’Ame Stram Gram (Mylène Farmer) - Has the privilege of being the first Mylène Farmer music video I ever saw in my life. Was incredibly confused but also fascinated. The song isn’t her best though, and she’s on so many of these lists that I claim self care on its removal from this one, especially because, uh... she’s still gonna appear on it anyway. Damn it.
Move Your Body (Eiffel 65) - I told you I loved stupid dance music didn’t I. Unfortunately things aren’t gonna get better as years pass. I just made a list (which is gonna be posted muuuuuuch later) where I put David Guetta six places higher than Adele. This isn’t a joke.
Save Tonight (Eagle Eye Cherry) - I genuinely love this song and it’s kinda sad I couldn’t fit it on any of the two lists where it was elligible.
La Manivelle (Wazoo) - This would NEVER have charted if La Tribu de Dana by Manau hadn’t been such an enormous hit the previous year. Not in a million years. And if it hadn’t, the world would have been a little less fun. So I’m glad. I love it and it was one of the last cuts from this list.
Kiss Me (Sixpence None the Richer) - Was also on the list at first. Was removed because it never ended on any compilation I made and that’s the only reason.
Well, that was long. Here’s the proper list.
10 - Crazy (Britney Spears)
US: Not on the list?? I was very surprised / FR: #14
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So I dug up the first cd compilations I ever made for the previous list, and look what’s the first song on the third compilation I ever made!
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Relistened to it, still love it to bits, put it on the list. Sorry Kiss Me.
9 - All Star (Smash Mouth)
US: #17 / FR: Not on the list
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I know it’s impossible to listen to it with fresh ears after something like 15 years of memes. But it’s still damn good and a ton of fun to sing along with it.
8 - Ma Baker 99 (Boney M)
US: Not on the list / FR: #66
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Where’s that photo of the cd compilation I mentioned in the previous list?
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There it is.
Yep, it’s a remix, but it charted here, and it sounds and looks absolutely fantastic. I had never heard the original at the time for some reason, and that song sounded so badass. I could only understand isolated bits of the lyrics (like “she was the meanest cat in all Chicago town”, “the cops appeared too soon they couldn’t get away”, “she never could cry”) but it was enough to get a general idea, and that was back when I was starting to realise than most of the dance songs I enjoyed as a kid didn’t tell stories and weren’t about wizards and magic. So, a song about a mean woman who’s also a gangster?? I was like, wow, nice, a song I like with an actual story, give me twenty.
7 - Boom Boom Boom Boom (Vengaboys)
US: Not on the list / FR: #20
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Told you I loved Vengaboys! It’s also on that third cd compilation I ever made!
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Fun fact, at the time, for a while I didn’t know what the lyrics were and since I only knew a couple of words of English I was convinced a “broom” was somehow involved in the lyrics instead of a “room”.
6 - Souviens-toi du jour (Mylène Farmer)
US: Not on the list / FR: #73
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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again ; I used to be a huge fan of her as a teenager and my brain somehow links her and her songs in general to some dark times in my life - and so, every single time she appears on one of my lists, I feel like I’m texting an unstable ex and that things will end horribly and I probably shouldn’t do that but, ugh, can’t help it, love her too much.
Ok so the first seconds are actually painful to listen to but holy shit, that’s a beautiful, beautiful song. When the chorus swells near the end, so full of hope and light? Amazing. Chills on my arms every single time. That’s from one of her best albums, too. I have nothing more to say about it.
5 - Better Off Alone (Alice Deejay)
US: Not on the list / FR: #30
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I don’t have anything to say about this one apart from the fact one of my friends around 2005 thought the lyrics were “do you think you’re better? rofl lol” and I think that’s hilarious.
Moving on to- oh shit oh no not that song
4 - Je te rends ton amour (Mylène Farmer)
US: Not on the list / FR: #97
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What I said in #6 also applies here and this song is so dark it feels even worse. That song used to be very important in my life. Bad memories, bad times. Really, really bad times.
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So. Uh. This is a song about a woman in a painting, who’s despising her creator, and possibly (that’s very, very open to interpretation, here’s a translation) coming out of her frame to kill him. That’s quite possibly the weirdest story I’ve ever heard in a song, and I love it. And it sounds so sinister. God, the first notes. They are so ominous. And that brief moment of silence after the bridge, right before the guitar explodes again? Horrible chills. I’m not sure who killed who or what actually happened in the story but press F to pay respects.
Also the music video has nothing to do with the lyrics and it’s absolutely terrifying and I shouldn’t have watched this at 14 because it’s kinda burned into my mind now and it will never go away and you probably shouldn’t watch it either.
If it wasn’t so inextricably linked to bad memories, this song would be #2. I still love it and listen to it but I kinda jump like a scared rabbit whenever I hear it by surprise and it should come with its own trigger warning as far as I’m concerned.
3 - Narcotic (Liquido)
US: Not on the list / FR: #99
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This is barely elligible. But I’m so, so glad it is. These chords right there? Love them. Love. Them.
Also here’s a fun story about this song and me. At first, I was like “oh wow, I can only understand one word out of five, but this sounds badass.” Then a couple of years later I was like “oh. Oh no. It’s about drugs.” And THEN a few years later I was like “oh shit oh no. It’s about sex.” But no, now that I can understand everything, it’s just a breakup song. It’s okay.
2 - Where I’m headed (Lene Marlin)
US: Not on the list / FR: #24
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Ok so. Uh. I just realised this song was called Where I’m headed and not, as I believed for literally 18 years, “Pass By”. I had never checked. I have it on several tapes and several cd compilations, always labelled Pass By. It’s also called Pass By on the mp3 I still have in my playlist. I know I’m in the wrong here and probably never checked what the title was but I still feel like there’s been a glitch in the matrix. What happened.
Anyway. Fantastic song. Love it.
Now let’s embarrass myself beyond all hopes of redemption.
1 - Blue (Eiffel 65)
US: Not on the list (...yet. #49 in 2000) / FR: #2
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So. Uh. Yeah.
Blue by Eiffel 65 was, for a long, long, LONG time, my favorite song ever.
See? This is one of my oldest lists of favorite songs.
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Another one from several months later.
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A cd compilation of my favorite songs ever, which I made around 2003 or 2004 as well, with a booklet with lyrics entirely copied by hand and with every page painstakingly illustrated with panels and characters from my favorite comic at the time, Horologiom.
You open the booklet, and look at that, Blue is the second song right after Children.
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This silly song which lists blue things and has a nonsensical chorus and one of the dumbest music videos of the entire 90s was, indeed, for years, my favorite song ever. Why. How. Well, first, please remember I am, in fact, a sucker for dance music and electronic music ESPECIALLY when a piano is involved, but this isn’t at all why this song was special to me (and still is, actually).
As I already mentioned, music has colors to me and guess what’s the dominant color of this song? Yepppppp. This is one of the bluest songs ever made even if there’s a little black, yellow and green here and there - the only song I can think about right now which out-blues it is Derezzed by Daft Punk.
And I can’t even begin to explain how SATISFYING a blue song called “Blue” listing blue things and which has an extremely blue music video is.
I know. It’s an embarrassing #1 even for 1999. It took me a long time to post this list partly for this reason. But I wouldn’t be honest if it was placed at any other position. It’s stupid, it’s repetitive, it’s meaningless. I absolutely love it and I’ve loved it for twenty years.
Deal with it.
Next up: the year when I actually started to buy cds with my own money, with debatable results.
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gotboredwrote · 5 years
Chapter 1: The Enticing Introduction of the American
[[The American Publicist // JRD]]
Pairing: John Richard Deacon x Reader Word Count: 1.8K (yeah kinda short, but they’ll get longer, I promise) Style: Multi-Chapter Warnings: Nothing yet, one mention of body shape, but in a completely positive way (it’s Roger, who are we kidding?) Summary: Y/N was just hired to become a co-manager and publicist for the band Queen. The boys had never travelled abroad, so meeting an American was . . . intriguing, to say the least. Permanent Author’s Note: To clarify, I write because I get bored. Nothing is meant to be professional in any way, nor is meant to offend, cause anxiety, cause anger, cause sadness, or promote disagreement among readers in any sort of (semi)permanent way. A/N: 1. Warnings will be per chapter, so as to know what to expect in each chapter (just seems easier that way). 2. Summary is for the entire story, so don’t expect that to change throughout the chapters. 3. Word count will be per chapter, so as to know just how much you can expect to get into (again, seems easier). 4. Don’t expect anything to move too fast in this story – I want to make this have some juicy (ew why did I choose that word) buildup. 5. I’m sorry if you aren’t American and you’re reading this, I hope that isn’t awkward for you!
Masterlist // Previous Chapter // Next Chapter // Masterpost
Queen had only been formed in the last year and a half, John Richard Deacon having joined exactly one year prior to today, hence why the boys, mainly Freddie, decided to throw a small affair for the shy man. It was not so much that they wanted to celebrate him, even though they did, but they also wanted to celebrate two huge accomplishments - getting a song played on the radio, and getting signed to a label! Things seemed to be looking up, and John began to realize that maybe this was not going to be a “side project” after all. As if that feeling had not kicked in enough, Miami crashed the party with some news.
“Boys, I just got off the horn with the label, and they feel that Queen is going to be huge. Too huge, in fact, for one person to manage alone. They’ve decided that it is critical that I have a partner in crime who can also double as a publicist of sorts. I brought said individual with me because I would like you all to meet and decide if this is going to work.”
Miami gestured to the door, and all the boys gaped. “Hi there! I’m Y/N, it is so great to finally meet you! I am so excited to watch you all work and make real names for yourselves!”
The boys listened intently to the individual’s words, collectively looked back at Miami, then back at the individual. Roger piped up first, followed quickly by Brian.
“You’re a girl?”
“And American?”
“I’m sorry, is that a real problem?” You had not worked with a British band before, and you have never experienced backlash like this from any other band. You actually could not tell if they were genuinely distressed or if there was a hint of mere confusion in their tones.
“Oh, no that’s not it,” Brian replied. “I think the way to put it is that we were not expecting to need a publicist, let alone a second manager. That is the reason for our response, well, um, be-besides the obvious.”
So, it was just confusion. That make you feel slightly better. After Brian’s response, you got a few minutes to really take all of them in because they had started chattering among themselves while Miami showed you around the studio. You would steal glances their way while Miami would discuss a small detail about a particular item hanging on the wall. Freddie Mercury was clearly the most flamboyant of the bunch, hand gestures accompanied every word that slipped past his lips. He also wore tight fitting clothes of extremely bright colors, and that is saying something considering this is the early seventies. He seemed like the kind of guy that people would either love or hate, and you find yourself falling into the prior without really having spoken any words to him. Seated to his left was the one that had spoken the most to you since you walked in – Brian May. You had heard some rumors about all of them, but the one thing about Brian that surprised you the most was that he went to school for astrophysics. He truly did not strike you as someone who would pick that as a major, but he definitely appeared smart, so at the same time, it did not surprise you. He also looked like he was attempting to reach hair-band-status hair, and you thought he was doing a mighty fine job. Across from the soon-to-be doctor was the band’s drummer, Roger Taylor. The rumors swirling around him were not your favorite things, but you decided to not pass judgement until you actually sat down and chatted with him. You had heard that he was a womanizer of sorts, and by his shaggy clothes and fluffed-out blonde hair, you could not help but assume something to that affect was true. Otherwise he actually seemed soft-spoken, and like he genuinely cared about his friends. Before you could get a look at the fourth member of the band, Miami escorted you by the arm out of the booth and into the control room, where there were a couple couches, a bunch of scattered pieces of sheet music, and a large, looming control panel that helped mix all recorded pieces of music. Miami said that you could sit right here for two minutes while he went and grabbed something for the both of you from the vending machine, and before you could even say thank you, he was out the door. Initially, you had completely forgotten to glance back over to the band to get your initial look at the fourth member and was just looking around the booth, since you would be spending more time here than in the booth with them. You got up to take a better look at the control panel, since you were genuinely curious if it was different than an American one. Eventually you had finished grazing over it, satisfied with finding out they are almost exactly the same. You were about to make your way back to the couch and you felt that weird sensation of someone drilling holes into you by staring seated deep in your core. You looked through the large, glass pane atop the control panel to find that the fourth member of the band was, in fact, staring at you, but not in the drilling-holes kind of way. It was almost nostalgic. The fourth one was the shy bassist whom they were partially celebrating this afternoon John Deacon. He was the quiet type around ninety-five percent of people, the other five percent were the members of Queen, their staff, and his family. He had been playing the bass for years, and it came as a bit of a shock when they were told they got a record deal and this would no longer be “just a hobby.” From what you were told, he was patient, friendly, kind, quiet, and basically, if you look up “good” in the dictionary, his face would appear right there. You made eye contact with the man, and his cheeks turned up and revealed the most adorable smile you had seen in your entire life. He had the sweetest crinkles to either side of his eyes that made his whole face light up, nearly as bright as the sun. It caught you by surprise that he was looking at you and not paying attention to his bandmates, and the smile was just icing on top of the cake. It was not intentional, but Miami swung the control room door open right at this moment unfolded, which made you visibly jump.
“Oh gosh, dear, I’m sorry. Not exactly sure what you were doing that made that scare you, but I am sorry.”
“It’s okay, no worries, Miami.” You were clutching your hand to your chest attempting to catch your breath and looked back through the panel. You saw John chuckling under his breath a little, and you shot him a small glare accompanied by a warm smile.
“Ms. Y/N, if you would so kindly follow me, I want to take you back into the booth with them, allow you to meet them one-on-one, and just briefly get to know each other.
Miami bent his arm as to allow you to take it, and he escorted you back into the booth. You and Miami made your entrance, and they boys concluded their little conversation. They all went to stand up as if they needed to address you in such a proper manner, and you simply started to laugh.
“Guys, please. You all know I’m not the queen, nor am I royalty in any version of the word. If we are gonna get to know each other, I would much rather just sit and talk. If that isn’t your style, I totally get it, but I don’t see a need for such formalities if we are going to be seeing a lot of each other.”
“You heard the lady, sit your bums down and let’s get down to business.” It seemed like Miami would be on your side throughout this whole endeavor, and honestly, a wingman did not sound like a terrible idea.
The boys resumed their positions in their little circle, Miami sat down next to Roger, and you plopped yourself between Miami and John, a little closer to John than Miami. “Unless anyone has anything critically important they would like to start this conversation with, I would like to properly introduce myself and give my oral resume.” You were given some small nods and smiles, John giving you the same one as before. Freddie piped in with an “Of course, darling, we are all ears!” and you felt like they were actually intrigued by you.
“Alright, so. As I mentioned before, my name is Y/N Y/L/N, and I have been working with record labels since I was sixteen years old. I have gotten lucky enough to work with a number of big, American rock bands, including The Who, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and The Rolling Stones, and have even helped a few of the bands I’ve worked with earn Grammy awards. I love what I do, and have the utmost confidence that I can help you guys achieve global status, assuming that you are willing to work with me.”
The boys were all looking at you and taking in each word you said with intense concentration. At first, they did not say anything to you. It was a little unnerving, honestly. They exchanged glances, and the smiles came back to their faces. Freddie then jumped up, grabbing your wrists in the process, and yanked you into a bone-crushing hug. “Of course we are, darling! Miami’s great, but it will be fabulous having two minds working together!”
“You’re also pretty fantastic to look at, different from British girls, so-”
“Roger! Be nice!” That was another thing about Brian – he did strike you as extremely respecting, as well, and it was coming out full force.
You all sat back down, and a number of things began to happen. Roger, Brian, and Freddie started a conversation amongst themselves, but Miami shushed them. He wanted to get started on the game plan for the new album, now that you had been officially accepted into the group. Freddie was mimicking Miami’s gestures, since Miami was a very serious person, which elicited a chuckle from both yourself and Roger, and an eye-roll from Brian. Meanwhile, John being the quiet soul he is, simply showed you that he accepted you by placing his hand right above your knee and lightly rubbing small circles there, accompanied by his signature smile. You would have to ask the boys if that was normal at some point.
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ephemeralnerd · 5 years
SNK 119: Big Brothers and Little Brothers
(AKA Paths No Jutsu and Central Nervous Nonsense)
Even before we get into the chapter, I would like to say that this is one of the best chapters in a while. Of course, not every chapter can be high-stakes desperation, but this chapter was exactly that and exactly what we needed. We haven’t felt anything like this since RTS. The Grim Reminder 2.0 at the festival was quite destructive, but it was nowhere near as brutal as this arc is. What shall we call this arc, anyway? Return to Shiganshina again? The Great Shiganshina Massacre?
Massacre is a very fitting word to use, since this chapter saw off many characters. 
An F in the Chat For:
Nile Dok, Dot Pixis, Rogue — basically the whole Military sans the SC
It hurt to see Pixis and Nile get titanised. Pixis is one of those characters that deserved an honourable death — he consistently put humanity before his own needs and being turned into a titan feels more an injustice towards him than anyone else in the military, in my opinion. While Nile wasn’t such a fan favourite, his actions over the past few chapters have proved that he was a good person too, even though he didn’t have the same kind of selfless abandon to risk his life on the front lines. We haven’t seen them in their Titan forms, though, which leads me to think that something relevant could happen with them. 
Porco Gaillard
R.I.P salty pork boy. I’m sad we never got more coverage of him relaying Ymir’s memories (I would have liked to see him interact with Historia, despite the lack of practicality in this situation), but his death was so fitting. Porco, despite having his doubts, was pretty loyal to Marley and his duty. His mission and his hate for Reiner were his two motivations, and they came together perfectly as he sacrificed himself for Falco. Since he was beyond regeneration anyway, he didn’t want Marley to lose the Jaw power. He also gave one last fuck-you to Reiner in two ways. One — reminding him that he was better, all the way to the end. Two — not putting Reiner out of his misery and letting him die. If anything, he just prolonged Reiner’s suffering and guilt at letting Marcel get eaten by Ymir. However, Porco didn’t die resenting Reiner. Seeing Marcel’s memories when Reiner touched Eren and he touched Reiner, Porco finally got the truth as to why Reiner inherited the armoured titan. It all just clicked. This was a perfect arc for a pretty good character, but if I have any criticism, it’s that Porco’s death felt quite rushed and out of the blue. 
Colt Grice
Dang. This one hurt the MOST. Colt wasn’t a remarkable boy by any means. While him qualifying to inherit the beast is a feat, he hadn’t really done much. But not every character needs to do much. Colt loved his family and no better is it shown here when he launches an emotional tirade at Zeke in an attempt to save Falco. He casts aside his loyalties, not caring what happens to Marley or Eldia — he just wants his brother to be safe. Colt constantly put himself on the line for Falco — when we’re introduced to him, he’s saving Falco’s life, sacrificing his helmet for him. He never has to do any of this. When Zeke screamed, he could’ve run away and saved himself. But he didn’t, because he didn’t want Falco to be alone. 
Gosh. That panel of him holding onto Falco is heart wrenching. Despite not being a stand-out character, Colt got one of the saddest deaths in the series. 
Dead, or just cosplaying as a corpse?
Theo Magath’s fate is pretty up in the air. This guy has survived every that life as thrown at him so far, and it would be most unceremonious for Magath of all people to go out like that. However, it’s difficult to survive a thunder spear blast. I mean, look what it did to Levi. 
Speaking of Levi (whom I will get to later), we still have no confirmation on his fate. Of course, Hanji wouldn’t rush away with him like that if he were dead, but we know nothing of the extent of his injuries (except from the fingers he lost). 
Did Shadis drink the wine? I know Shadis has basically no relevance now, and having him titanised wouldn’t affect anything at all, but it would be something poetic if the “non-special” one is the only one to survive. 
 Morality, My Favourite Shade of Grey
This chapter has made it increasingly difficult to predict what is going to happen next. How are our characters going to move forward? Are Paradis even doing the right thing? 
Everything is a mess. The commander is nowhere to be seen, the survey corps are in ruins, and our protagonist is headless. Suffice to say, things really could be better.  
Should Gabi have shot Eren? From a plot perspective, obviously not. We like our protags with their heads on, thank you very much. From a Marleyan perspective, Gabi’s basically Helos. She’s defeated the Eldian threat for the sake of Marley. But is Gabi doing this for Marley or for herself? Recently, her driving force has been the destruction of Liberio, and after Pieck talked to her in her cell, she could finally wake up and realise that Marley doesn't care about her one bit unless she’s used as cannon fodder. 
From an Eldian perspective, Eren’s death is the worst thing that could happen. If Marley possess the founding Titan, then the Walldians have no leverage in the world. It would essentially reverse all the work they’d done in tens of years.
But what if the Founding, Attack and Warhammer are passed on to babies in the walls? What if someone manages to inherit it? Remember what Magath said — they only need Eren’s spinal fluid, not his head. If there were any blatant foreshadowing in this chapter, that’s it. 
With Eren’s reckless behaviour, is he really the best person to hold all this immense power? One could argue that the pressure and holding the fates of everyone he holds dear within his hands could be the reason for his behaviour, but even then, all the characters are losing their trust in Eren, fast. Would it not be a relief for the wild goose chase to end? Or should they adopt Mikasa’s view and trust Eren to the end? Will the result of his behaviour justify the destruction, the distrust, chaos?
Another thing that I’ve been battling with is whether Zeke is an “ends justify the means” person or whether he is just plain heartless. Zeke has only shown proper, true affection for two people — Eren, and Tom Xaver, and that’s only because they would advance his plans and “agree” with his ideals. Well, the jury’s still out on Eren agreeing with the Euthanasia plan. 
Once again, here you can see that Zeke doesn’t care about anyone that isn’t useful to him. Even though he calls Pieck his “little dear”, he still doesn’t care whether she lives or dies, or what happens to the rest of the Marley crew. 
You could argue that him listening to Colt’s plea is demonstrative of empathy and that Zeke feels that what he’s about to do is truly unfortunate. However, I don’t buy it. For me, it just seems like Zeke is rubbing salt to a very raw wound. By hearing Colt out, essentially being like “too bad, I win”, and then screaming, all Zeke did was break their hearts even more. 
All he’s done is double cross people and murder for his own selfish gains. And while I could see his perspective — the sort of self-loathing he must feel is obviously incredibly painful — Zeke is ultimately pathetic. For a man with 11/10 smarts, his plans have fallen apart spectacularly, a plan which had a major flaw from the start. 
Eren is in control of the founding power. And what happens to that founding power after Eren’s beheading at the hands of Gabi?
If there’s someone you can count on to fulfil their promises, well… it’s Gabi. Not even Levi could fulfil his promise to kill Zeke (yet!). 
The ending panel leads us to the theorising side of this month. 
So, going forward, let’s address the most pressing questions.
 Questions, Questions, and More Damn Questions
1.Eren’s mortality. 
I’m personally confident that Eren isn’t dead. I think that the reason why Ymir (or Bucket girl, though I believe we can assume they’re the same person) resurrected Zeke was not for his own plan — because why would Ymir want her people to go extinct — but because he is instrumental to Eren’s. I think it’s obvious that this story will begin and end with Eren Jaeger. How he will recover from having his head lopped off, though…
 2. If life gives you lemons, make sandcastles?
I suppose the obvious way to go is for Eren to go to the paths dimension and get moulded like Zeke did. After the scream, there are tons of mindless titans around for this to happen. I don’t think Eren has been in the paths realm yet, so his reaction would be interesting to see. I imagine it would be something akin to him in Santa Titan’s stomach, less rage-y, but still good old “I’m free because I was born into this world” Eren. 
There aren’t many other ways. Consciousness transference seemingly won’t work in this case, since he’s not in Titan form and his CNS has been completely severed. 
A sort of plausible way is that he could be decoy 3.0 — he’s got a Warhammer-esque body underground and somehow this body is just a decoy. I don’t know how that’s going to work, and if I’m honest, I don’t really subscribe to this. 
The other way is if Zeke catches his head and somehow, they activate the founding powers. Remember, brain activity doesn’t stop immediately after death — even after a beheading. So, if Zeke’s reflexes are still point, which I imagine they are if he has a chance to complete his euthanasia plan — they could possibly enact it that way. 
But what if none of this is even necessary?
 3. It was all just a dream...
I suppose the wackest theory that’s circling is that Eren is conducting some       P A T H S memory game with us all. People have pointed out inconsistencies in the chapter that could just be chalked down to Isayama continuity error. Things such as:
Eren’s shirt changing, and him jumping out of his Titan with shoes and trousers after getting his legs bitten off
Pieck regenerating and re-transforming very quickly
Gabi riding a horse despite not knowing how to 
Colt’s rifle should be scorching hot after he got fried 
The only point where Zeke and Eren would have come into contact was through Zeke’s blood when he got shot. He’s actually not that far from Zeke when he falls from the wall. 
Another contact sub-theory is that Zeke touched the decoy Titan on the outer gate as he fell. That’s got to have Eren’s DNA on it, right? But the issue with that is Zeke isn’t the one to control the founding. I always assumed that the important point of contact was Eren, since he holds the power. 
Another issue that there are plenty of non-Eldians around, such as Mikasa, Yelena, and Magath. So, unless bloodlines are a lie… there’s no way that Eren can pull the wool over everyone’s eyes.  And now that it’s been confirmed that Yams had to rush 21 panels in 2 days, I’ve got to say this theory is starting to hold less and less water to the point where it’s almost debunked. 
 4. Friendship ended with Flying Falco Titan, now Jaw Falco Titan is my best friend 
Once again, Reiner evaded the grim reaper, Porco sacrificed himself and Falco is a shifter. What’s going to follow for warrior Falco? Now he hasn’t “saved” Gabi from inheriting the Armoured — well, personally, I don’t think any more formal inheriting is going to happen — how is Falco going to process all of this? From Porco’s sacrifice to Colt’s death and Gabi decapitating Eren, Falco’s got a lot to deal with once he comes to. 
 5. Yelena
TF is going on with Yelena in that panel. She knows something. She knowsss. Coupled with her behaviour in her meeting with Pixis and the (admittedly beautiful) panel in which she is watching the zeppelins go down, there’s something going on. She’s completely relaxed, like she’s at home in the chaos and disorder. If she’s pulling the strings, then everything must be going to plan. And the prospect of a Yelena-orchestrated scheme? Terrifying. She’s the only “Jaegerist” with any bite to their bark (Floch’s acts are entirely for show, even though he got the cadets to beat up Shadis he has no cunning or intelligence enough to properly outwit anyone on his own), and even then, she’s definitely got personal ulterior motives. Onyankopon has made it clear that she works on her own, barely lets anyone in on her plans, and is far too comfortable putting a bullet in a fellow Marleyan’s head. 
 6.  The Fate of the Formidable 
So, what’s going on with Levi and Hanji? Ever since Hanji made a water slide out of the river and escaped with him, we haven’t seen them. I also believe that a Levi is not dead, for the same reasons why Magath and Eren aren’t. Lack of closure. There’s so much to be explored with the fall of humanity’s strongest. Where will he go from here? Will he ever fulfil his promise to Erwin? How will he cope with the guilt, knowing that his failure to keep an eye on Zeke lead to about 70 Walldians being turned to titans?
I really can’t wait to see Levi and Hanji again. I wouldn’t be mad if Isayama took chapter 120 to go back in time to them and end the chapter where we are now (the scream, Eren getting shot).
 7. What do you get when you destroy her hometown? Gabi Braun pledging to hunt you down
What now for Gabi? She’s solidified her place as a murderer now. The fandom is once again ignited in hate towards her, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it were the same in the story. Someone needs to do something. They can’t just let her go because she’s a child, it’s unrealistic now, especially given her track record. 
Gabi’s shot at Eren though is still within character. I’ve seen people complaining that because she came to the “Eldian ≠ Devil” realisation last chapter she shouldn’t have shot. I disagree. Gabi now realises that most Eldians (such as Kaya’s mum) just lived a peaceful existence and didn’t hurt anyone. So, she understands that not every Eldian is a devil, simply because they’re Eldian. However, she still has a viable hatred towards Eren for what he did in Liberio. He has done something, something she believes he deserves to die for. 
Whether or not she’ll have a change of mentality, we’re yet to see. I personally don’t think so. Gabi is so far removed from her fellow Eldians and Eldian identity that she could never see the benefit of Eren’s actions.
All in all, spectacular chapter. Exactly one question has been answered (will Zeke scream?) and millions of others have been asked. Is that not the Isayama way?
10/10. I cannot wait to see this animated in what probably will be 2021. 
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sillygurl1021 · 5 years
Plance Mega Meta
Attention all Fellow Gardeners! LOOOONNG Post Ahead!!!!
This was a pain in the butt to make but well worth it! It's all over the place but it still presents my point of the many reasons why Pidge and Lance is most likely Endgame. Some may be a stretch but most of them have meaning! I know I missed some but it was hard to fit all this together and still remember everything lol
Ofcourse, whether your for Plance or just scrolling around, it's your opinion to agree or disagree! It's fine! This is just an analysis of mine and other gardeners of why Plance may be endgame in our eyes! :)
Alrighty Then!
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Okay, I’m starting off with all the comics of them that I know of!
“Lance’s Guide To Falling in Love” explains that you need activities that you both like to do each other. That sounds a lot like Pidge and Lance with the Game Console they both got! That’s a similar activity they always do! “Love is about feeling vulnerable. [. ] finding your best friend. That’s why you have to create opportunities to fall in love.” That whole line pretty much explained Lance and Pidge’s relationship. They are pretty much best friends and I’m so sure they have been vulnerable towards each other in many ways that I will explain later on as well.
That second image on the right is just so cute because Lance is holding her shoulder for reassurance as she plays that chess game they’re lives depend on!
The second two images I put an arrow on so u guys can see which scene starts first. On these two panels, first, Pidge had forgotten a lot of things when she put on that crown. I think it was that it gave her too much knowledge that it made her forget things or something but slowly started remembering and the first thing she remembered was Lance. If that doesn’t show she cares about him, aside from her actually saying she’s glad he’s not dead, then I don’t know what is! I'll also add that the last bit where he said "I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me" and she replies "Is that true?" maybe made her question herself because maybe she thought, Why would I be mean to him if I know I like him? Who knows. Lol.
So the third row of two pictures with Pidge, we all know she super smart and loves intelligent puns and Lance, well he tries to catch on. On the second picture he made a pun that Shiro caught onto so what is his reply? To not tell Pidge lol That just shows how much of an influence she’s become in him!
The fourth picture going down, we have Lance and Pidge saying some sort of jokes where they switch it up the next time they use those phrases again but I just love how close they seem and how gentle of expressions they seem to give each other on the second half of the panels!
As for the famous picture where Lance and Pidge are playing their game, well, Lance says that after seeing his family and so on that the next thing he will do is be with Pidge, and not just that! Take her her favorite cookies as well! That’s a great boyfriend right there! ;)
The last picture all the way on the bottom left is just cute banter and oh gosh. They are so cute!
Now, the final picture on the bottom-right, we have a page of Kaltenecker. But wait, his name is colored in a shade of Cyan… Cyan is a greenish-blue color, the color of the two Paladins who own her! Pidge and Lance! That’s just so darn… ugh! And the fact that Lance replied “Moo” for all the answers and the part where he said “we presume” only means they did all this together! That’s just so boyfriend/girlfriend of them!!! Lol
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I’m sorry ahead of time if this gets confusing. I added what season/episodes some are in that I remembered.
The first four I want to talk about (First Two Screen Caps on the first and second row) are from 1x1 (Season 1 x Episode 1) where they are talking about a ship entering earths atmosphere. The fact that they didn’t say spacecraft or shuttle but chose SHIP makes it feel that DW (DreamWorks) did this on purpose because as soon as Pidge says it’s a ship then Lance snatches the goggles, that she is still holding, and uses them! And then she says “We gotta see that ship!” and Lance FOLLOWS! Only Lance! Hunk stays behind!
Top Right>> Okay so now I’m doing this to make it easier lol. This SC (Screen Cap) is Lance noticing that the Kurboros Mission is a touchy subject for Pidge. He’s been close to her since they met so that only makes their bond stronger. That and Lance has amazing Intuitive Skills that we all know of which I will bring up again later!
R2 SC3 (Row 2 Screen Cap 3)>> Pidge is annoyed of Hunk touching her equipment. You know who she isn’t annoyed of touching her things? Lance. 😏
R3>> This whole row is just dedicated to their lack of personal space towards each other! Just a few from many SC! This has to be another foreshadowing man lol
R4 SC1-2>> 7x6 The episode that gave us all heart attacks lol I’m sure you all have heard this already but this episode had so much Plance/Kallura. The cinematic perspective of this whole episode just yelled Plance and Kallura. In these two scenes both couples specifically grab onto each other, there being SC of only when Keith grabs Alluras hand and Lance grabbing Pidge's. The shot where those light creatures come around them, you see Pidge, while holding Lances hand in the sweetest way in the back and same with Allura with Keith. Its just so… so… cinematically pleasing if you go for either ship lol
R4 SC3>> This was just a cute shot of them I put in to fill in the gap lol but its great!
R5 SC1-3>> 1x4 This episode was when Lance saved Coran from the explosion the fake Rover made. When Shiro and Lance are captures by Sendak, Pidge goes to save them only to be captured by him but Lance suddenly woke up from his unconscious state to shoot Sendak and save Pidge. He then falls back to the floor. I think this shows so much. Sure, he has yet to know Pidge was a girl at that time but he’s so close to her that he wouldn’t let anyone hurt her, even when he’s unconscious lol.
R6 SC1-2>> 1x1 Going back to this episode. I had seen this since I started watching the series but didn’t think much of it until I really put attention to the scene the second time around. Lance was showing off to Pidge, calling himself “The Tailor” and what not. Pidge in response gave a small blush, even of he did fail the simulator test. Sure, he obviously has yet to know she’s a girl but whose to say that’s just how their relationship has unknowingly built up? ;)
R6 SC3>> 2x6 This is interesting because Lance made fun of Pidge first saying her fancy Galra Finder didn’t work, then her showing her annoyed face. It then changes the scene to Shiro talking to one of the Aliens telling them the Galra were there only to change the scene back to Lance and Pidge, Pidge saying “So the Galra were here, Lance.” With a smug expression causing Lance to blush. Why would DW go back to this scene? It’s just playful banter BUT playful banter of them hinting us of a relationship to be maybe!
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R1 SC1-2>> It’s cute how Lance is all excited telling Pidge “That’s my thing!” when she didn’t believe he was a good shot haha like he gets excited telling her things!
R2 SC1-2>> These both are from different episodes but are of both Lance and Pidge blushing. Lance from him acting cocky and Pidge from seeing Lance in a body suit (at least that’s what I think) where she can see all the toned parts of his body ;) She is a teenager after all lol
Top Right Down Three>> All these SC are symbolic to me. A foreshadowing because these are a few of many where it shows them together in a single scene or doing the same. This shows me that they can’t be any more similar than they already are! They are one in the same honestly.
Last Three Down>> 5x6 This scene is one of my Favorites! Allura and Lotor had left to check out where Altean Alchemy is held along with the knowledge of Alteans and Lance is freaking out talking to everyone asking if she will be alright or if they are doing anything as Pidge and the rest try to turn the Castle back on. This whole time Lance interrupts them as Pidge works on the castle. Sure it sounds that she’s simply annoyed but if you listen to the tone she sounds more than annoyed! It’s like she’s annoyed, not just because he’s interrupting them, but because he’s over exaggerating about Allura. Obviously everyone is worried but Lance just goes overboard causing Pidge to also go overboard as everyone just stares at both of them back and forth. Haha.
Last 3 Second Row Down>> These three shots are from different episodes but you can see that it’s Hunk and Pidge doing their Team Punk Bump as Lance watches. I don’t exactly remember the order of it and some scenerios are different than others but you can see that he’s not always keeping a big smile. Almost like he’s jealous that they have a ‘Thing’ while he doesn’t have one with either of them *cough* Pidge *cough*.
Last 3 Third Row Down>> This could kind of be related to the last point. 6x3 When they are done playing M&M, Pidge and Hunk got out of their stump from what they are doing, make an explanation of what to do next and run off. Meanwhile Lance looks somewhat annoyed, saying that he doesn’t understand the science words as much as the fantasy ones but his expression from looking at them then look away seems to show otherwise!
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R1 SC1-2>> These two scenes have Lance with Pidge’s stuff! Her headphones and some of her pillows! Strange that she’s okay with Lance getting her stuff but not Hunk lol
R1 SC3>> 1x6 Where Pidge reveals she’s a girl and everyone BUT Lance knew. It’s weird that he didn’t know because he has amazing intuition. It kind of feels to me that maybe he’s playing dumb? Maybe he DID know? That’s why he’s always been ‘show offy’ with Pidge. Maybe… just maybe… that’s a big stretch right there but an interesting thought lol.
R2 SC1-2>> These two are a little different. The first one, Hunk and Pidge are teasing Lance because Allura is with Lotor but Pidge is kind of teasing in a ‘Haha she won’t return your feelings’ kind of way because she likes him. In the next one Lance and Pidge are teasing Hunk with Shay but her expression is more playful. Hmm. Interesting. ;)
R2 SC3/R3 SC3>> 7x1 “Wow. They’re a lot uglier than I thought they’d be.” “I think it’s cute. You know, in a creepy hideous sort of way. Like you Lance.” The fact that Pidge acknowledged Lance was even remotely cute shows she likes Lance! C’mon y’all! The look that Coran gives Pidge after that comment just kills me haha. He’s like “Ahhh. I see you Numbah five.” 😂 but really. The fact that Pidge says that right after Lance talks shows it even more!
R3 SC1-2>> So I actually have these two flipped wrong but the one with him by himself is when Pidge calls him the goofball of the team. At first it seems like he didn’t care much, since it’s their usual banter but then when Lance talks to Allura, it seems that Pidge’s words do somewhat get to Lance. Not in a mean way but Lance is vulnerable when it comes to Pidge.
R4>> 2x4 It’s taken me a while to figure this scene out because it was always strange to me how Pidge’s tone is. (Also, sorry I cut off some of the subs 😅) Pidge is amazed by how beautiful the tech is while Lance replies saying “It’s not a sunset Pidge” because maybe he loves sunsets. In that, Pidge replies “Your right. A billion sunsets just happen every day” with a kind of somber tone. Maybe she’s never really cared for sunsets? But in that third SC in the row, there is a small picture of a sunset on a beach on her wall. Maybe she’s coming to enjoy sunsets because of Lance? Maybe he’s talked to her about it? Maybe it reminds her of him? Interesting. There is also one more piece I will bring up in the next set of SC’s.
R5>> These! 1x4 Lance sees Rover but right away wonder where Pidge is because he knows she’s close to it. 7x4 The third SC is from The Feud when Lance is trying to remember Rolo's name. Interesting that right after trying to remember Rolo he says “Yeah. Pidge loved that Robot.” Not “Nyma was awesome.” Or “They tricked us”. He could have said any of that but chose something that reminded him of Pidge!
R6>> 2x2 Lance mentions he likes mermaids (maybe because he’s always loved the beach) and in 4x2 in Pidge’s room, she has a stuffed Mermaid!
Out of context but I just realized that for the whole Rover thing, its on Ep 4 of S 1 & 7. For the mermaid thing it’s on Ep 2 of S 2 & 4. What a weird coincidence lol.?
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R1 SC1>> 6x2 Chulatt and Chuchule making a heart with their cute little mice tails! This scene is where the mice tell Allura Lance’s secret of him liking her. What I feel gives away plance, and is ironic, is that those two specific Space Mice create the heart! The little one (Chulatt) is Pidge and the pink one (Chuchule) is Lance. We know this because there was a photo of the mice in Paladin Armor and they were in those specific colored armors. If anyone wants to add that picture in the comments, knock yourself out lol.!
R1 SC2-3>> 2x7 Hey look! Another sunset! And not just that. In the store they got a game console that they worked hard to get together, along with their Moo Child, Kaltenecker! 😏 Lol. This episode really brought out the relationship they have in full bloom! First! Lance was originally going to go with Allura and get her something pretty and shiny BUT instead, he stopped flirting to go and help Pidge get something she really wanted! Plus, had a blast doing it! The tender look he gives her when she’s holding the game is so heartwarming and he’s just as excited as she is to start the console up! Remember what he said is a point to falling in love? “Love is about finding your best friend.” Welp. There ya go Lance.!
R2 SC1-2>> 4x3 Before this scene Matt had complimented Pidge for being smart, so she responded with a goofy smile. Lance also compliments her intelligence right after Matt. She gives him this soft look. I rest my case. Lol.
R3 SC1-2>> 7x9 The Paladins arrive back on earth where their loved ones await them. The most anxious is Pidge as she jumps to her mom and who, you may ask, does it change to right afterwards? Lance. The shot has Lance and Hunk but it’s more zoomed in on Lance with the gentlest look that I believe he’s ever gave honestly. He then gets interrupted by his family running to him, him in tears of the joy in seeing them. THIS is another reason why I believe they are endgame because both love their family so much, who reside on earth. I can’t imagine them wanting to stay in space once the war is over. They are made for each other honestly haha.
Top Right going Down SC 2-3>> These two scenes are parallels. They both have strong feelings for eachother and are extremely protective of one another. 7x3 First Lance with his “Don’t you touch her!”. His choice in words just scream I’ll kill you! Because of how protective of her she is. Knowing he is tired up and unable to do much, he still tried to rescue her. 2x10 Pidge’s “Lance! No!” Just tells me she has liked him for so long. Her feelings were already strong since the beginning. This scene didn’t need to emphasize on her wanting to save Lance and showing emotion but DW did it this way on purpose! ;)
R4>> 6x3 Ahhh. Monsters & Mana again! You know how we’ve all found out that the filler episodes aren’t actually fillers but a foretelling of future things? Well, look at these cuties once again having lack of personal space! And then the second SC is of Pidge looking up at Lance instead of looking at the view like the others but still enjoying herself with her big smile! The third SC is now of Lance giving her that gentle look once again. Instead of looking at the view, he looks at Pidge as she is having the time of her life!
R5 SC1-2>> 5x1 I kind of messed up on my choice of SC but I’m sure you all will still understand. This episode is when Matt and Pidge failed in saving their dad. Pidge is there hugging her legs from the thought of her dad not being around anymore. Lance is the first to turn to see her and then Hunk. What I see though is Hunk having a worried expression and Lance looks a little worried for her as he is turning but once he is standing and looking her way, he looks more determined. Determined for her to get her father but for her to also be safe maybe? Last thing is that on the SC where it shows her hugging her legs, Lance is still in the shot. I would say that this is a vulnerable scene for Pidge because she is so in distress because of her father.
R5 SC3>> 6x7 Just a simple SC of Pidge looking back at Trash Lance as they get ready to leave the Castle of Lions. Trash Hunk is there too but she looks over Trash Lance lol.
R6>> 4x3 This whole row scene is just so cute. Lance and Hunk run to Pidge as she lands. Lance being the first one to get to her just smile at seeing his girlfriend back lol. She gives them all a smile as she holds her little space mouse.
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R1 SC1 Down First Two SC>> 1x10 I don’t think many think much of this scene but how can you not? The first SC Pidge messed up the robot and said “Whoops” but the second one was after Lance was asking about Allura, giving off a goofy smile until Pidge’s robot smacked him in the face. Afterwards she said “Whoops” again but in a more sarcastic tone. That’s jealosy at its finest lol.
R1 SC2 Down First Two SC>> Lance is showing off the pictures of him with the alien girls but to Pidge. I sometimes wonder if he did it on purpose to get a reaction from her because she was smiling before he showed her the picture. Jealousy moment numero dos! Lol
R1 SC3 Down First Two SC>> 1x10 I love this scene because as soon as Keith leaves after Lance told him to not leave, he glances over to Pidge who is very unimpressed. Afterwards he turned his head with a smug expression saying “I think I told him” and Pidge responding with the most sarcastic “You are the paragon of leadership, Lance” with him still being all proud. Its all just ugh. I love their relationship hahaha.
R3>> Dancing buddies? I think Yes! Lol how much more perfect can they be for eachother? Hahaha
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R1>> 2x4 Yet another scene I love because in this scene Lance and Pidge are kind of moving in sync. Lol. It’s so them haha.
R2&3 First SC>> 7x10 This is another scene that I don’t think that a lot of people take too in depth but Allura and Lance just had a moment where they both blush. Afterwards, all the paladins head out to their destination as they concentrate but Pidge looks like the only one that’s a little… sad? Distressed? The little lines under her eyes show a different emotion than the other paladins. She looks like she’s just thinking. I think she may have seen Allura with Lance and now is torn by her feelings because Allura might reciprocate his feelings. Right after her shot of the green Lion arriving to her, it turns to Lance who is calm and ready but we all know that scene that red showed up just in the Knick of time. I think red knows that Lance is meant to be with another, not with the one he wants but someone he will need.
R2&3 Second SC>> 6x2 This is where Lance is trying to get Alluras attention but she’s too into Lotor to care. Lance says “She’s smart, courageous, and makes me want to be a better person”. Adding on that aside from being an alien princess, she’s those things but that he isn’t a prince like Lotor so what does it matter. The first SC he honestly explained Pidge so if that’s what he is looking for in someone then maybe that was a hint to us. And then he goes on saying that Allura won’t take his feelings seriously and that he has nothing to offer. Maybe this is another foreshadowing that Pidge is going to take it super serious and he doesn’t need to offer anything with her because the way is is already everything she wants ;) That is a stretch though lmao.
R2&3 Third SC>> I’m just going to show you guys and not explain to much with this haha The Plance Nebula! We all know it but I don’t think we all yet know that it’s been in front of our faces all this time! In the intro of every episode when the screen pops up. That’s the nebula just on its side! Now answer me this. If it wasn’t important then why would it be right after Pidge’s Nebula in the trailer for S8???? That’s the only different nebula aside from all the others being the Paladins themselves!
I’m telling Y’all that alllllll this is what makes me think that Plance is Endgame!
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This I needed to add alone because they are so cute! They are the only onea that did this lol
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7x13 If these scene itself isn't enough to have you think they are foreshadowing them together then man. I don't remember seeing any other two Paladins do this when they use their bayards at the same time on voltron. Its just such a powerful scene for a super power couple!!!
Omg guys I can't believe I finished this. If you read all this then kudos to you! Please let me know what you guys thought or what your opinion is because I put alot of work into this for everyone to have their plance super watered lol
Thanks for the help guys!!! :) @callmesath @ohfishwall @truegryffindorforever2 @gracekogane
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franeridart · 6 years
Oh man, I'm just imagining that there's so many close brushes with kiribaku almost realizing or almost being in positions to find out that the other is a vigilante-- an injury and no way to get into contact with Jack or Mina-- a rainstorm washing Kiri's dye away on the job. I think it'd be especially funny if he thought for a minute that Kiri was bleeding but then Kiri is like "UH GOTTA GO ITS NOT BLOOD" and he realizes it's red hair dye
Oh Kirishima sort of already suspects it’s Bakugou - more or less? He’s in the process of starting to suspect it, at least lol for being someone who really doesn’t want to be found out Bakugou’s more carefree in his disguise than Kirishima is (his hair is a pretty obvious giveaway, for example, thought Bakugou relies a lot on the ‘attacking and running’ strategy, so in his mind all he gotta do is just not be seen by anyone at all lol) compared to Kiri he gets bruised and beaten up way more too (Kiri’s hardening makes it easy for him to avoid that in general) - Kiri’s noticing Bakugou’s bruises and his vigilante friend’s bruises match up a whole damn lot, so he’s starting to figure that one out
Bakugou’s a dumbass tho (read: he doesn’t really look at people he isn’t particularly interested in) so for him it’s gonna take a while haha
Anon said: If in vigilantes au Bakugou and jirou are just friends why do they live together and hug like a couple?
They’re best friends, and sometimes when your best friend is going through a real rough heartbreak and he’s in literal tears over it, you might be nice enough to offer your back for him to hide his face in and let him pretend he isn’t currently breaking down on you. Sometimes, you like a person in a platonic way enough to emotionally support them as best as you can when they’re at their lowest. It. Sort of happens between best friends, now and again. You don’t really need to want in someone’s pants to care about them.
They live together cause they started working together as vigilantes when they were in high school, and once they moved up to college they found it a good idea to have someone back home who knew about what they were doing to treat eventual wounds, since they can’t go to the hospital! Also the rent is cheaper this way
Anon said:Can you draw more comics of childhood kiribaku? You’re art is sooo cute 💓
It’s something I’ve regularly kept on going back on for years by now, so sure, it’ll probably happen! And thank you!
Anon said:OH MY GOD. Please tell me you will make an official webcomic of your Vigilante AU. It’s so beautiful, cute and I definitely need more of this. It’s like a drug that I did not know I needed until I read your concept(????). BTW, your art is soooo pretty. Thank you so much for drawing KiriBaku ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Ahhh I’m really happy to hear you like it! For personal reasons I’ve decided that making a cohesive, coherent succession of comics isn’t something I want to do, but I think I’ll draw more of that AU soon enough, snapshots and things like that! I hope that’s good enogh for you~
Anon said:May I request a pissed kiri??
Didn’t I draw that less than 10 posts ago
Anon said:Hey, I rlly admire you! I wish we were friends, you seem rlly nice!!
Thank you!!! The few close friends I have might tell you I’m actually not that great at the whole friends thing, but I appreciate the feeling a lot! :D
Anon said:Were Kirishima’s eyes red in the last panel of the last comic??
Yep :( he really does like Bakugou, after all
Anon said:I saw you answering the other anon and if I may ask, why posting the gem au was a big mistake? Were pol rude with you? If it’s so, I’m sorry abt it
Anon said:You said that posting your SU AU stuff was the biggest mistake you ever made… is it because of something that we, as viewers and worshippers of your KiriBaku (damn, I’ll never stop telling you it’s cute and adorable and it hurts but it’s also sweet), can help NOT doing? Or is there anything we can do?
It’s okay, it just got in the hands of people who don’t particularly like Bakugou, and these people started talking about the AU in less than nice terms, which was honestly pretty ridiculous and made me wonder how people can survive being alive on this earth when they consider Steven Universe sensitive material but either way it brought around in my activities a bunch of people I would have preferred not to interact with ever, and that sort of took the fun out of the AU? Now every time I think about drawing for it those people come back up in my head and I get annoyed all over again, it’s no fun
Anon said:are you still doing the fusion au? id love to see kaminari and shinsou
I’m not, sorry! Though someone did ask about baku and mineta and I’ve been thinking about drawing that horrible monster since then, and I’ve also been wanting to redesign the krbk fusion, so maybe I might get back to it ??? I’ll add shin*kami to the list haha
Anon said:I really like the relationship Jack and Bakugou have, and the angst is nice too! I really like the vigilatne AU! I hope we can see more of it, only if you feel like it of course!
Thank you so much ;;;
Anon said:Silly question. If Kirishima activated his quirk being in water. Would he float like wood, or he’d drown like a rock? >//w//
Oh, I’m pretty sure he’d go down since his quirk makes him into a rock haha
Anon said:I think this is around the eighth anonymous ask I send you, but being a porn-making Tumblr user, it’s better if I don’t go public. I just wanted to say, once again, that I love your KiriBaku, it makes me both ache and feel so warm and fuzzy inside; but right now, the focus is that Bakugou’s crying face against Jack’s back is just so good, expressive and painful. I often hate his guts, but yours I can never hate. And the sheer intensity of that expression, and the environment too… so many feels
Aw, thank you!!! I’m glad I can make you enjoy my fav character, anon :D !!
Anon said:I have a question about the vigilante AU. What’s the relationship between jirou and bakugou? Because they don’t look like just friends
Why don’t they look like just friends tho
Anon said:Hypothetically. How would Bakugou react (or what would he do) if Kirishima stopped showing interest in him?
Are we talking about a specific AU or is this meant for the canon universe? Well, either way I’d say he’d be pretty hurt, but it’s not like he can force Kirishima to like him can he. Ah, in the vigilantes AU he’d probably think it’s for the best even if he’d hurt a lot over it, but in canon and most other AUs I like to think he’d try to fix it somehow? Unless he has other reasons to not act on his feelings for Kirishima… gosh this is a vague question, there are so many possibilities really!
Anon said:🧡Hi Fran! I’m pretty sure you’re the one who introduced this concept to me so I wanted to say thanks! Touch starved Bakugou and super cuddly Bakugou are totally my fave, especially when you have him all curled up with Jirou! Having them be Mina and Kiri level besties makes so much sense and I love you for introducing that thought to me!!!🧡
I’m!!!!!!!!!!! so happy to hear that!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;O;
Anon said:in your vigilante au, Kiri has a scar, does Bakugo ever notice the scar?(curious if it reminds him of Red or nah, love yur art btw~~
When he’s not doing vigilantes work it’s actually hidden by the hair, so Bakugou never noticed! But if he were to notice he’d probably mark it down as a Kiri thing and leave it at that, as I said he’s not the most observant when he’s not particularly interested in someone so he hasn’t really registered it on Red’s face anyway haha
Anon said:I RLLY LOVE YOUR AU!! I haven’t found an AU in this fandom I’m rlly into but THIS IS SOCUTE??? will there be more?
Heck I sure hope so!! Thank you for liking it!!!
Anon said:hey for the anon you were looking for an outrageous ship to draw to test out their theory, try Tokoyami and Link (legend of Zelda link) cuz I just saw cosplayers of them hardcore dancing at dragoncon and I die every time I think about it. You can find a video of it on quirk-registration-office​  
…………………..I’m probably never gonna draw that ngl LMAO BUT this ask made me wanna draw Tokoyami as a Rito so I guess that’s ???? something that might happen instead heck that’s a good concept I should have thought about earlier
Anon said:I absolutely love your art its soon amazing and I really like the vigilantly au but take care of yourself okay
I dunno what I did to make you worry about me but thank you so much for it? I’ll try my best !!!! And thank you for liking my doodles too!!! ;^;
Anon said:Do you know about any fanfics based in your art?? (Idk if that’s grammatically correct sorry 😅)
Hmmmmmmmmmm there are a few but the only one that comes to mind right now is such a funny pair !!! boy ellen’s fics are always so damn amazing, I still can’t believe she wrote for me ;^;
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 050: Hunting Down Villains
Previously on BnHA: Deku and Gran Torino had a fierce fucking fight, during which Deku successfully utilized One for All LIKE A MAN, bouncing all over the damn place and increasing his body’s strength and speed. It was very badass, and he even managed to graze Torino’s cheek, although he was tired out afterward. Over at the Villain Bar, Stain rassled with Tomura and lightly stabbed him a bit to test his mettle, and apparently he was impressed enough to hold off on killing him for now. Then he headed back to Hosu, presumably to fuck up Iida’s shit ffffff.
Today on BnHA: Deku and Gran Torino hop on a bullet train trip to do some training in the city. Iida’s field training mentor Manual warns him not to try anything stupid like hunting down the guy who maimed his brother. Stain and Tomura arrive in Hosu. Tomura is annoyed and craving some mayhem, so he goes and summons THREE FUCKING NOUMUS to go wreck some shit. Deku and Gran’s train is attacked by one and Gran flies off to fight it. Iida spots Stain about to kill a dude in an alley and ignores everything Manual said and goes to confront him, announcing that he’s the hero who’s come to take down Stain in his brother’s stead: Ingenium.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 123 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
apparently we’re already on day 3 of the internship! we’re also just about a quarter of the way through the whole series now which is also cool!
this chapter is titled “Kill ‘Em Dead” so. that promises to be fun
looks like Deku has gotten his ass kicked again. but he wants to keep going!
“time for phase two... the actual internship!” oh yeah, that. I was wondering if he was ever going to actually do something hero-related. he hasn’t gotten much in the way of practical day-to-day experience thus far
off they go to hunt down some villains
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bad villains, really bad villains, talkative villains, mysterious villains, fabulous villains, lame villains, surprise villains, tragic villains... there are a lot
Deku doesn’t think his heart is ready for this. even though he already fought like three of the worst ones out there
even Gran points that out, and says this won’t even come close to how bad that was. well, good
(ETA: this just goes to show that YOU CAN’T SEE THE FUCKING FUTURE, GRAN TORINO)
apparently there isn’t enough crime in this quiet neighborhood, so they’re taking a taxi and then the bullet train
there’s a whole map explaining where they are in Japan, and I’m ashamed that I don’t know enough about the geography of Japan for it to mean much to me. I do know that Shibuya, where they’re headed, is basically the Times Square of Tokyo, though
apparently they’ll be passing through Hosu on their way, which gets Deku thinking about Iida again
he’s thinking to himself that maybe he’ll get in touch with him later, so clearly something terrible is about to happen
“meanwhile in Hosu City” oh lord. bracing myself
the guy Iida’s interning with is apologizing that things aren’t more exciting. but Iida says it’s better that way
because this guy was not, in fact, born yesterday, he finally asks Iida if he’s after the Hero Killer. since it’s pretty obvious that this kid, who recently tied for third place in the sports festival and is the younger brother of a bigshot like Ingenium, probably had a few more exciting prospects than his little agency
he’s telling Iida not to be motivated by personal grudges. I’m sure Iida will take all this to heart and drop the whole thing immediately
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actually that’s interesting to hear that they don’t have authority to make arrests. basically they just capture the bad guys and then let the cops and the courts deal with it from there
(ETA: although the way this rule is applied at the end of this arc is frankly mind-boggling to me. it should have been “thank you, children, for apprehending this serial killer who’s been terrorizing the country, and for saving Apache Chief’s life. we’re incredibly grateful to you and so very sorry that we fucked up so badly our own selves so as to make your actions necessary to begin with.” but nooooo, they get chewed out for having the fucking gall to take action in a life or death situation. and they’re told their actions can’t ever be made public or else they’d have to be punished since they broke! the! rules!! oh gosh. really the cops just didn’t want to deal with this on top of everything else and this was the laziest way they could sweep it under the rug.
sorry for that impromptu rant lol.)
Iida says he appreciates the warning. like I said,this gives me a ton of confidence that he’ll just go ahead and let this go
he is staring off into the sunset and clenching his fist
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this kid got bitten by the vengeance bug real bad
now we’re back on top of that water tower where Kurogiri first met up with Stain
for whatever reason, Tomura has decided to tag along
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“sacrifices” oh lord
Stain says the title of “hero” should be reserved for only the truly great, and that too many of them are just in it for the money and are undeserving
(ETA: Stain’s Annoying Rant Counter: 4)
now he’s jumping off, presumably to go kill some more of those money-grubbing heroes
as soon as he’s out of earshot Tomura immediately starts dissing him
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(ETA: it’s amazing how much I sympathize with Tomura in this arc)
but Kuro says the other cities Stain has appeared in have actually seen drops in their crime rate, and that it seems to tie in with “an increase in hero awareness”
Tomura’s like, great, isn’t that the exact opposite of what we, the evil villains, are shooting for
and he wants Kuro to bring out Noumu so they can go on their own rampage
wtf. Noumu who’s supposed to be in police custody right now?
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oh my god, fuck you and your s-less plurals you stupid misleading sneaky Japanese language
so these guys just have Noumus by the barrel, just lying in wait ready to be used at a moment’s notice, then??
one of the Noumus has FOUR FUCKING EYES because WHY NOT
so basically these guys are their fucking Sentinels
back to Deku and Gran on the train!
it’s going to be nighttime by the time they make it to Shibuya. awesome. Gran is happy because there should be more crime to put a stop to now
oh my god Deku is waiting for Iida to reply to his text. omg. I’m having a “millennial reads a gen z manga for the first time” moment once again
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FIRST OF ALL, I didn’t post the panel right before this, but basically Gran is like, “ON YOUR PHONE AGAIN?! KIDS THESE DAYS,” and OH MY GOD. GRAN IS LITERALLY NINETY PERCENT OF ALL BABY BOOMERS I’VE EVER MET
also, Iida read that shit and didn’t say a damn thing. that’s some shady fucking shit, Iida. up to no good
(ETA: I would also like to take this opportunity to complain about this translation, because in this version Deku has abbreviated the word “you” as “u” and ARE YOU KIDDING ME Deku would never)
oh shit they’re making an emergency stop
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...okay yeah, I would say that is a yes.
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yep. same
oh SHIT, it’s the Noumus. of fucking course they got those guys rather than Stain
so Deku immediately recognizes the familiar exposed-brains-and-vacant-expressions aesthetic, but before he can do anything, Gran shouts at him to stay put. and now he’s springing off into action
fucking shit. even All Might was only just barely able to beat the last Noumu, and that was with him using his full power and then some
oh shit the train hasn’t stopped yet!
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so now Deku, looking out at the city which is aflame, realizes that they’re still in Hosu, and...
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and now we’re cutting back to Iida and his pal. and his pal is telling him to get a move on and that they need to head toward the scene, but all of Iida’s attention seems to have become focused on this random dark alley nearby, and now he’s taking off in that direction
(ETA: what a fucking coincidence though that Stain just happens to be in the alley right next to them though. like, come on)
and it’s Stain... he’s looking towards the explosions? presumably? and complaining to himself that “that idiot” is being too flashy
so the explosions were what was drawing the attention of Iida’s hero pal, but Iida himself probably saw this guy. and just ran over without thinking
I mean, Stain’s clearly about to end this guy though
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the poor hero dude apparently can’t move. just like Kurogiri in the last chapter
and Iida’s appearing in the frame behind Stain now
oh godddd
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now Stain is asking Iida who he is. does Stain not watch the U.A. Sports Festival broadcast along with the rest of the country
wow he’s telling Iida to leave
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I left out “honorable villain” from my previous list of villain types, but this guy increasingly seems to fall under that category
(ETA: nope, already had him covered under “talkative villain”)
hoh boy Iida has his rage face on
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but while he’s busy being dramatic, Stain cuts him off and points his katana right in his fucking face omg
he says he can tell from his eyes that he’s out for revenge. OH CAN YOU. YOU DON’T SAY. THOSE EYES, REALLY? THEY’RE SO FRIENDLY THOUGH
“watch your mouth or your age won’t be enough to save you”
I didn’t mention this before because I was too caught up in everything, but Stain must be the first ever person in history to look at Iida fucking Tenya and immediately think, “child”
maybe it’s the lack of glasses. if Iida still had his glasses on he’d have immediately been pegged as forty and would now be fucking dead
now Iida’s pissed off all over again because Stain doesn’t consider him a threat
look at this fucking monologue
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and Stain is all “oh really? time to die then”
and the chapter ends
why are heroes so brave and stupid
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oh cool, I think this is Iida’s hero pal and I was wondering what his name was
“Manual” omg. like manual as in training manual? instruction manual?
“favorite things: equilibrium.” favorite color: beige. favorite food: oatmeal. favorite musician: phil collins
I actually love him now and I hope we get to see him more and that he somehow manages not to become collateral damage during this arc
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quicksilversquared · 5 years
How to Fake a Marriage: Ch 40
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21 22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39   
(AO3) (FF.net)
Nino was jittering almost nonstop. While Adrien couldn't blame him, it was starting to attract some stares.
"I just can't believe she's home," Nino told him as they waited for Alya in the Paris airport's baggage claim area. "I mean, I've known her schedule and when she was going to be coming home for months, but I've gotten so used to hearing from her when she's traveling and telling me where she's off to next for a week that to hear that she's coming home properly, and I can wake up next to her every morning..." Nino shook his head, grinning. "It was something I really took for granted before she left. I didn't think about how different it would be to start my day without Alya right next to me, even if we don't always talk much when we're getting ready for work. It's just- all these little things that I didn't notice after living together for two years that just really tripped me up when she wasn't there."
Adrien nodded. Although he couldn't admit it, he knew what Nino meant. Even if Marinette had gotten up before he had, he could still tell that she had been there. Waking up truly on his own when he was home was different, and it definitely wasn't something that he preferred.
Even if waking up with Marinette occasionally draped across his chest and making it hard to breath (or the inevitable cuddling, even in summer months) wasn't always sunshine and roses, he preferred it to his lonely bed.
"So I'm looking forward to all of the little things most, I think," Nino finished. He grinned. "And once Alya's rested up, I'm looking forward to splitting meal duty again. There's some things that she makes that I don't dare touch, and I've been rotating through the same menu ever since she left."
"That's the best part of splitting cooking duties." Adrien checked his phone. Marinette had said that she would be arriving soon- dress shopping with Mylène had run over and so she hadn't been able to hitch a ride with him to the airport- and he wanted to make sure that she would be able to find them. There were no messages yet, though, so maybe she was still on the bus to the airport. "That, and not having to eat the same thing for a week straight."
"Do you think you'll find an apartment to share with Marinette when you two move back, then?" Nino wanted to know. "So you two can keep cooking together?"
Of course, Adrien wanted to say. They wanted to stay together, and they certainly wouldn't be able to have their privacy if they stayed in his old room at his father's house and they wouldn't have enough space long-term for both of them plus Marinette's designing if they stayed in her old room. Besides, they wouldn't want to impose on her parents. But Nino didn't know that they were dating, so instead Adrien settled on a "Maybe. I'd have to ask her."
Nino shook his head, utterly exasperated. "You two might as well be married, really. You're glued at the hip anyway."
Adrien only grinned. If only Nino knew...
Adrien's phone buzzed then, and he hurried to pull it out. There was only a short message from Marinette.
At airport. Headed inside.
Shoving his phone back in his pocket, Adrien immediately looked up and started glancing around. After a minute, he spotted Marinette in the crowd nearest to the door and rolled up on his toes to wave to her. She spotted him and waved back, hurrying towards them.
Next to him, Nino craned his neck. "What? Did you see Alya?"
"No, Marinette. And Alya's plane isn't scheduled to land for another..." Adrien checked his watch. "Five minutes, if it's on time. And Alya said that she would text you when she landed, yeah?"
"Right, sorry. I got excited." Nino settled back down. "I gotta say thanks to you guys for coming to Paris for this. I would have been a mess waiting here by myself."
"Could Alya's family not made it at all?"
Nino shook his head. "The twins are busy with school, her mom had a huge catering event that she couldn't get out of, and her father was supposed to come but then the zoo's panther came down sick and he couldn't get away. He did lend me his car, though, so that we wouldn't have to wrestle with all of Alya's things on the bus." He winced. "It was just a whole slew of unfortunate timing, really. We'll swing past the zoo on our way home so that they can see each other for a bit, and then we'll go to the hotel to see her mom, and then we'll go to their place for dinner."
Adrien laughed as Marinette scooted up to his side. "Alya's going to be dead on her feet after all of that."
"You aren't just going to let Alya sleep when she gets home?" Marinette asked. She looked a bit harried, hair more ruffled than normal and clothes a bit rumpled. "Does she know that?"
Nino grinned. "Yeah, I told her last week, and she approved the plan. Of course, that was before she got on an 18-hour flight."
They all laughed.
"So how was your day?" Adrien asked Marinette. "You look a bit worse for wear."
"Gee, thanks." Marinette rolled her eyes at him. "It was all right. We did find Mylène's dress, though, so there's that."
Adrien grinned at the news and Nino looked over, finally distracted from Alya's impending arrival. "Oh, that's great! She was really hoping to find something today, wasn't she?"
Marinette nodded. "She really was. Mylène was completely burned out when we started since we hadn't had much success before, but then we looked back at some of the dresses that she had liked parts of and she found a skirt that she really liked and a top that was almost perfect, and they can be combined together for a nearly perfect dress."
One of Adrien's eyebrows quirked upwards. "You keep saying almost. What was wrong with it?"
"The top- it's this gorgeously cut halter top with a kind of low back, and Mylène has two moles on her back that she doesn't want showing," Marinette explained. "She doesn't like having her entire back exposed like that. So I came up with this idea of having an Eiffel Tower made of lace fill in that space a little bit. And then there can be some more of the lace in four flare panels on the skirt, which would tie the design in more. It would replace the existing lace, and then we asked- well, I recommended, and then Mylène asked- for the gold beading to be replaced with silver."
"Wait, so did you actually find a lace Eiffel Tower to fit in the area?" Nino asked, looking properly interested. "Or is this something that you would make?"
Marinette looked sheepish. Adrien sighed, but he couldn't help but smile fondly at her. "You really couldn't resist, could you?"
Nino laughed.
"It'll make the dress perfect!" Marinette protested. "And it's easy to make, too. I have the dimensions that I need to make sure that the thicker section for the first floor will be right where it needs to be to cover the moles. Mylène loved the idea, because then she gets to have a fairly open back that she's still comfortable with. So she has the new dress on order, and I'll make the lace sections as soon as I can." There was a pause. "Uh, but I might need to ask Madam Rosalie if I can use one of the company machines to do it. I'm sure she'll say yes, as long as they aren't needed."
"What are you going to do when you aren't at Madam Rosalie's anymore?" Adrien teased. "You won't have access to all of those lovely machines of hers."
Marinette stuck her tongue out at him. "I'll figure things out. And once I get into a new design house, then hopefully they would have the same kinds of machines. If not, well..." Marinette threw up her hands. "I'd be really tempted to buy ones of my own, but they're so expensive!"
"So will you be too burned out to help Alya find her dress?" Nino asked, grinning at Marinette. "I've heard that it's taken a couple outings."
"Oh, gosh." Marinette looked exhausted. "Yeah, Mylène had too many friends and cousins along for our first trip, so it was a complete bust. They all had ideas for shapes they wanted to see, and they were all wrong for her." She paused. "When is Alya going to go dress shopping?"
"Well-" Nino glanced around, then turned back to them. "We were thinking of telling you guys together, but as long as we're talking about it- Alya and I are going to get married this spring. So I'm guessing that she'll start looking at dresses pretty soon."
Marinette's eyes were huge, and Adrien was sure that his were the same. Sure, they had known that there was a possibility that Nino and Alya would go for the shorter turn-around, but they had thought it wouldn't be terribly likely. After all, Alya had stuff she had to get done for the newspaper, and there were a few final leads for her research that she wanted to follow up on before she forgot about them. The two of them had talked about moving to a new apartment shortly after Alya's return, too, or at least within a few months, and that was another big thing on their plate.
It would be a lot, even without the wedding planning.
"I just- wow, you guys must be superheroes to be able to balance all of that," Adrien told Nino. He smothered the grin that came with the words so that Nino wouldn't notice anything off.
Marinette noticed, though. Adrien heard her exasperated huff by his side and had to keep from grinning at that, too, especially when her fingers jabbed into his ribs.
"Well, we're going to be keeping it fairly simple. Church wedding so we can have both wedding and reception there instead of having to find some venue for both that actually has an opening when we want it, for one." Nino nodded like that was a big decision off of their backs. Adrien and Marinette waited for more...and got nothing.
"And...?" Marinette prompted. "Flowers, food, dress, suit, decorations...?"
"Tablecloths, napkins, style of silverware?" Adrien added, grinning wider when he got an elbow to the stomach from both Nino and Marinette.
"I think the church has a standard set of tablecloths and napkins and silverware that they use, thank-you-very-much," Nino sniffed. "But we can ask, I guess. It would be good to make sure. And we were planning on ordering the croquembouche tower from your parents' place, Marinette- we'll talk to them about that soon and figure out flavors, I guess. See, we have been planning."
Adrien applauded sarcastically. Nino elbowed him again.
"Look, Alya's flight just landed," Marinette cut in before Adrien could start listing off other details required for wedding planning, just for the express purpose of bugging Nino. "Nino, how big of a plane is it? How long should we expect it to take for Alya to get off?"
Nino groaned. "I don't know. It might be a while. I don't think she's near the back of the plane, though, so there's that." His phone buzzed and he pulled it out. "It's Alya. She said that it might take a good ten minutes before she can get off, and then there's the getting through the airport."
"So that's, what, a good fifteen to twenty minutes of time for us to quiz you about stationary for wedding invitations," Adrien said, grinning. "So, have you decided what kind of parchment you're going to use?"
  By the time Alya arrived, Nino had a whole list of things for him and Alya to think about for their wedding written up and looked about ready to throttle Adrien, who was helpfully not helping matters by asking about matching pocket squares for the men and table centerpieces for the reception.
"Do I even want to know?" Alya asked in exasperation after she had given Nino a kiss. "Marinette? Do I even want to know what these two clowns have been getting up to?"
"Adrien's not being helpful," Nino said right away, before Marinette could say anything. "I regret inviting him along. Is it too late for me to find another Best Man?"
They all laughed as Adrien spluttered.
"No, we do have a lot to consider," Alya admitted as soon as she spotted the list Nino held and caught on to what was going on. "I knew that as soon as we decided not to wait a year. But at least next year should be calmer. And we already decided to put the honeymoon off for a bit, since I've already been traveling so much recently."
"We both did," Nino added. "Since I've taken several weeks off of work in the last few months to visit. So we might wait for next winter and go somewhere warm and sunny, or go on our first anniversary or something. We didn't discuss that part too much yet. We've been busy."
"And we're about to get busier, even if we'll be in the same place." Alya ran a hand through her hair. "But let us have a few days to relax first! I need to shower, and I need to sleep. When are you two taking off?"
"Tonight. We have work and school tomorrow!" Marinette added when Alya's expression dropped. "We already took today off, and we're going to be missing more, I'm assuming, with coming back to help you guys with wedding stuff."
"Of course, of course." Alya stepped over to give both of them a hug. "I'm so looking forward to when you two are back in Paris and we can just see you whenever. That's, what- five months yet?"
"Four and a half?" Adrien suggested, exchanging a look with Marinette. "Yeah, that sounds right."
"Four and a half," Alya repeated. "That's so long, unless you're talking four and a half months to plan a wedding. In that case, it's short."
"And you don't even have that," Adrien pointed out. "Good luck with that, really."
Alya waved an airy hand. "Oh, my mom and Nino's are working to put together a list of relatives to invite and we've got a list of our friends already. We're not doing super extended family or anything, so it shouldn't be too large of a crowd. We'll be fine."
"I'll take your word for it." Adrien grinned as Alya turned and they followed her to the luggage carousel. "And I'll be a listening ear for when you decide to panic because your candlestick holders are lopsided or something."
"Candlestick holders? Is that what you've been bugging Nino about? Marinette, control your boy."
  Alya practically talked their ears off as Nino navigated their way out of the airport and back towards their section of the city. She wanted to know which of her vlogs they had watched (all of them, Alya), and then dove into a deeper detailing of some of the users that she had found most interesting.
"I've got so much material to go through for my articles for the paper, and then I gotta organize it for my book," Alya finally finished as they pulled in to a spot in the zoo's parking lot. "Like, I could go on for days. The vlogs I posted were just barely scratching the surface, really. And I got so much traffic on the Ladyblog for those. I'm still getting a lot of traffic, more than I've gotten for years. The ads I decided to put on the site are actually earning me a decent amount of money now."
"Are you going to keep doing the vlogs?" Adrien asked as they all piled out and headed for the zoo's employee entrance. "Like, just updates on what you're working on? I'm sure people would love to hear hints about your work and see more of those awesome drawings."
Alya laughed. "I gotta keep some stuff secret for my book! But maybe I could do little updates every two weeks or something, depending on how busy I am. I might only be able to manage once a month for the next few months," she added, glancing over at Nino. "Since I've got the wedding planning to do, too. But yeah, it would keep some interest in the Ladyblog going, and keep people interested in my book."
"It's a good way to keep the Ladyblog active while Ladybug and Chat Noir are out of the country, too," Nino chimed in. "For however long they'll be gone. And there hasn't been even the slightest whisper of where they might have gone. They've shown up during the holidays, and that's it. Oh, and Alya- your father said to meet him by the panther cage."
"Sweet!" Alya pulled a key out of her pocket and let them in the door, then led the way towards the panther enclosure. "And speaking of the superheroes- so you all saw the picture they submitted to the Ladyblog, right? Of them kissing at Christmas?" Alya let out a little squeal. "It was so cute! They're adorable together. I wonder how soon they'll be getting married."
Nino laughed. "Alya, they've only been together for, what? A year?"
"They've been confirmed for a year, but they could have been together for ages before that!" Alya was in full Ladynoir shipper mode, her face alight with enthusiasm. "They might have been together for years but have just been keeping it on the down-low. Either way, they're perfect for each other. Why wait?"
Marinette glanced towards Adrien and wasn't surprised to see him glancing back towards her, a small smile playing on his lips. She felt her cheeks flush and she glanced away for a second, suddenly feeling unreasonably shy.
The moment was broken when Alya's father spotted them. He was washing his hands and arms and wearing an apron. He shed it and quickly came towards them, scooping Alya up in a hug and swinging her around. Alya gave a delighted laugh, hugging her father back as he set her down. He gave her another hug, then released her to get a good look at the ring on her finger. Nino stepped closer with a grin and was given a hug as well. Marinette watched with a fond smile, pulling her coat tighter as a chilly wind blew across the zoo.
Adrien was at her side in an instant. "Are you cold?"
"Only when there's a wind." She stepped closer to his side, but not too close. They had gone for a year and a half without arousing too much suspicion from their friends in France, and now Marinette was determined to make it the rest of the way. "I'll be fine, kitty. I promise."
"If you say so."
Soon enough, Alya's father had to return to his work and they were on the way to the Grand Paris. Marinette noticed Adrien scanning Chloe's social media as they drew closer and raised an eyebrow at him in question.
"I just don't want to run into Chloe," Adrien admitted with a sheepish grin. "But it sounds like she's in the middle of a spa day right now, so we should be all right. From what I remember of her, when Chloe spends the day at the spa, she spends the entire day."
Nino laughed. "You'll have to deal with her occasionally when you come back to Paris."
"Yeah, but I can wait until then, believe me." Adrien pocketed his phone, zipping the pocket back up to keep it safe. "I think she's gotten worse over the years. I thought she would grow out of it."
Alya made a bit of a face at that, then shrugged. Her eyes caught on Adrien's coat then, and she gave it a proper look over. "Hey, that doesn't look like one of your father's designs. It looks nice, though."
Adrien grinned, and Marinette couldn't hide the pleased smile when he smoothed a hand down the front of the coat proudly. "Yeah! It's Marinette's design. I love it. I've brought all of my other coats back to Paris to leave here, since it's all I'm going to wear for the rest of the season."
"You don't say."
"Well, all of the coats that my dad picks out for me are boring," Adrien complained. "I mean, they look nice, but he's known for a fairly strict style most of the time. Strict and clean and classic. I like the imagination in Marinette's designs more."
They didn't stay at the Grand Paris for long, because Mrs. Cesare had to get back in the kitchen to help prep for a particularly large catering event. Their final stop was at Alya and Nino's apartment, which had only gotten more stuffed with things since the last time they had visited.
"I've been bringing back stuff that she bought back whenever I visit," Nino explained to Adrien and Marinette as they all piled in. "And she went to a lot of places, so..."
"He would come with a half-empty suitcase and leave with a bursting one, every time," Alya said with a laugh. "And there were a few things that I shipped. I'm not normally a huge shopper, but there's only so many times when I'll be able to travel like that."
"So you guys get to be buried under a pile of stuff until you find a new place," Adrien summed up. "And you get to plan a wedding like that. Uh, have you considered renting out a storage unit to use until you can actually move? Because add in wedding magazines and you trying to get your research in order to all of this- plus anything to look at apartment listings- and you'll be wasting half of your time trying to find stuff."
"That's not a bad idea, really. It would make moving easier, too if we don't have to pack up and move everything at the same time." Nino glanced around their living room area. "I'll look into that, actually. Right away. And then we can maybe invite Ivan and Mylène over to help move stuff and pick their brains about wedding planning."
Marinette laughed. "You know that they're giving themselves a full year to plan and order things. Mylène ordered her dress earlier today, and they aren't getting married until fall."
"Yeah, but they've done research. And they would actually be helpful with sharing it, unlike Mr. Candlestick Holder over here." Nino gave Adrien a stink eye. Adrien only snickered in response. "And they did say that we could call them up to brainstorm together, though they don't know what kind of schedule we're planning on and- wait, don't you remember that?" Nino asked when Alya looked puzzled. "It was when they were congratulating us. Maybe you just forgot about it because Ladybug and Chat Noir sent in their congratulations right after and you were too busy squeeing over that to pay attention to other stuff."
Adrien and Marinette exchanged a grin. They had posted a photo that they had taken while transformed of themselves holding up a card congratulating the Ladyblogger on her engagement after she made a short post on the Ladyblog sharing the news. They had both gotten excited texts from Alya over that, though the Ladyblogger was slightly disappointed that the photo, which had been taken in front of a plain white wall, hadn't given her any clues about where the superheroes were.
"The people I was working with then actually sent someone over to check and make sure that I was okay," Alya admitted, giggling a little at the memory. "They thought that I had injured myself somehow or something, and I had to explain what was going on. They responded so quickly, too!" Alya added. "Like, within a day. That means that they're paying attention to the Ladyblog and my research, and that's so cool!" She spun around in a circle, grinning widely. Nino grinned, amused by his fiancée's enthusiasm, and then edged past her to bring the first of her suitcases back towards their bedroom.
"So if you're done spinning, I have something for you and Nino to open before Adrien and I have to leave," Marinette said, glancing at the clock. Adrien had already pulled his phone out to summon the Gorilla to bring them to the train station. She handed Alya the large, lumpy package that she had carried up the stairs. "It's a joint Christmas gift."
As soon as Nino returned, he and Alya pulled the wrapping paper off of their present, and Marinette grinned as she watched their jaws drop once the quilt came into view.
"This is- wow, Marinette," Alya finally managed. She unfolded the quilt partway, draping it over their knees. "This is so pretty! And it's huge, so it'll cover our bed easily. I love it!"
"Look, Alya- that's the date we got together," Nino pointed out, running his fingers over the stitched date. "And the cat face- so cute! And then- oh, this is our first date, with the ice cream."
"It's a- what did you call it, Marinette? A double ring wedding quilt?" Adrien asked, looking at Marinette for confirmation, and she nodded. "A traditional wedding gift."
"It's gorgeous. I absolutely love it," Alya told them. "And we'll definitely appreciate it, since our bedroom here is a little drafty."
Marinette was grinning, clearly thrilled with their reactions.
"There are more of our dates on here," Nino announced. He had been steadily working his way across the chains, apparently having caught on to the pattern of where Marinette had had her quilter sew. "The big things, like the night I had my first gig as a DJ and then we had a date afterwards, and that time we went on that hike and then shared a tent afterwards, and- oh! Here's our engagement day, in the second to last ring."
"I'll fill in the date for your wedding once you decide," Marinette told them. "I had my quilter do the rest, but it'll be easy enough to finish up that bit. She told me what kind and color of thread she used so that it'll match."
"Oh, cool!" Alya was inspecting the dates as well now. "I love it! It's really personalized for us. How on earth did you remember all of these?"
"I looked back at my diary for those years for most of them," Marinette told them, still beaming proudly. "I had a general idea of when it was for a lot of the dates, but I didn't know the exact date until I looked it up."
"I love it!" Alya exclaimed again. She jumped up to hug Marinette. "Seriously. Best gift ever."
  As always, their visit had to be cut too short. Adrien had classes the next day and notes to catch up on, and Marinette had to be back at work. They had said their good-byes to their friends and made them promise to keep the two of them updated on the planning progress.
And then they were back on the Eurostar, headed for London.
"I can't believe they went for the get married in under a year option," Adrien said with a bit of a laugh once they were settled and the train was underway. "Absolutely insane. But at least it'll keep them busy in Paris, so we won't have to worry about them coming over and. Uh." He glanced around, suddenly realizing that maybe it wasn't a fantastic idea to blurt out anything about their living arrangements while out in public. He scrambled for a way to better finish his sentence. "And we'll have plenty of excuses to go back to Paris to help and to get our things back there."
"It's going to be a matter of balancing trips back with spending enough time in London," Marinette pointed out. "You have your studies and I have my commissions. And it would be expensive to travel back and forth every weekend to help."
"Not to mention tiring," Adrien agreed. "And they'll have their families to help, and other friends. Alya's dress shopping might be hard, though, if she wants your help."
Marinette sighed. "It will be. And she can't drag that out forever, even if she is going with the off-the-rack option. She'll need to get it fitted, and that takes time. So I might need her to send me pictures, or maybe we can video chat or something."
"I'm sure you'll figure it out." Adrien patted her arm, clearly restraining himself from wrapping his arm around her shoulders instead. "You said that you would tell her what kinds of shapes to look at, right? So she can use that to narrow her options down and then you can come in and help her make a final decision."
"Well, she'll be the one making the final decision. I'm mostly there to give feedback and steer her and her consultant in the right direction." Marinette flopped back in her seat. "Man, if they could have waited, I would have been able to go dress shopping with her in person, and we wouldn't have to worry about the whole scheduling thing."
Adrien just gave her shoulder another sympathetic pat.
It was dark by the time their train pulled in at the station, just in time to only just miss their bus.
"Great," Adrien groaned, rubbing his grumbling stomach. "Just great. Now we'll have to wait, what? Half an hour?"
Marinette was glancing around. The area near the train station was bustling, as was normal, but there weren't a ton of people out an about, since it was cold and damp and miserable. If they went even a street over, they might be able to duck into an alleyway unnoticed. From there, they could transform and just hope that people had their blinds closed and wouldn't look up when they were walking in the street.
And if they did...well, hopefully the Ladyblogger was too busy in Paris to hop a train over to London and investigate.
With Adrien still grumbling and looking around, Marinette snagged his arm and pulled him along the sidewalk. He yelped, then caught on to what she was thinking and immediately trotted after her, trying not to look like he had just thought that someone was attempting to abduct him. It didn't take long for them to find a suitable alleyway, and then Ladybug and Chat Noir were bounding over the rooftops, each lugging a suitcase in one hand.
"Uh, do you know the way?" Chat Noir asked after a few minutes of jumping over streets and scrambling to keep his balance on snow-slick rooftops. "I honestly have no clue where we're supposed to go."
Ladybug giggled. "I don't know either. I was just planning on going in this general direction for a bit and then checking my yo-yo to see how much I had to alter my course. Which-" She landed on a rooftop and paused, flipping open her yo-yo to see a map of their section of London. "We need to be headed a bit more to the left."
"And how much farther do we have to go?"
"At the speed we were going? Ten more minutes, tops." Ladybug picked up her suitcase and started running again. "Ugh, I wish the suitcases could have gotten sucked into our transformation. Running with them is a pain."
Chat Noir could only nod and wince as his suitcase twisted in his hand and whacked a chimney as they passed. They would be lucky if they weren't spotted- or, worse, reported to the police as suspected intruders. Normally they were a whole lot quieter and a lot more agile.
"I kind of feel like I've been hit by Reverser again," Ladybug said with a bit of a giggle as her suitcase knocked loudly against another rooftop. "I haven't felt this clumsy as Ladybug for ages."
"I wish we had brought backpacks or something. Or cord, to turn our suitcases into backpacks."
"Oh, that would be a fashion statement."
A wet snow started falling as the two superheroes made their way across London, making the roofs even slicker. Chat Noir had to reach out and grab Ladybug at one point when she started sliding on the shingles, nearly losing his grip on his suitcase in the process.
"Almost there," Ladybug managed, struggling to her feet. "I can see our building. I'd say if we can get a block closer, that's good enough. Then we can drop down and detransform and just walk."
"Sounds like a plan!"
Getting down from the rooftops didn't go much more smoothly than running and jumping across them. Ladybug slipped and fell most of the way before catching herself, bending a gutter rather badly in the process when her yo-yo snagged on it.
"I'll have to come back and fix that some other night," Marinette said with a sigh once they had detransformed. She peered up through the snow- sleet, practically- at the damaged gutter. "Hopefully I can just yank it back into shape."
"It's amazing that we didn't leave a trail of bent gutters and broken shingles behind us when we were fighting in Paris," Adrien commented, pulling up his hood against the weather. "Or broken statues and chimneys from your yo-yo."
"I think Lucky Charm fixed a lot of damage," Marinette pointed out. They stepped out into the street, pulling their suitcases along the slushy sidewalk. "Because my yo-yo definitely broke a lot of stuff. The Eiffel Tower, for one."
Adrien sniggered. "Out of context, that sounds absolutely ludicrous," he said, grinning. "A yo-yo, take down the Eiffel Tower? But it is crazy strong."
"Most of the akumas we fought sounded just as crazy." Now that they were history, Marinette could laugh thinking back on some of the designs. "There was the giant baby, Mr. Pigeon-"
"Oh, but he was terrifying. To my nose, at least."
"You are a terrible cat."
Adrien only laughed.
As they rolled into their building, one of the wheels on Adrien's suitcase, abused beyond what it could take, popped off and rolled into a corner. Adrien groaned and ditched his listing suitcase to go after it. When he held it up, Marinette had to laugh.
"I'm gonna have to get new wheels," Adrien grumbled, coming back with the dinged-up wheel in hand. A chunk of it was straight-up missing, presumably from a direct hit to a chimney. "I mean, they weren't in great shape before, but I think they aged twenty years in a single trip across London, and- oh, crud." Adrien had turned his suitcase over to try to replace the wheel and found the axle bent way out of whack. "Okay, can we take the elevator? This suitcase is a mess."
"Of course." Marinette led the way to the elevators, her own suitcase wobbling unevenly behind her. "C'mon, kitty. Let's get home and then we can fix everything up."
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fweeble · 6 years
Episode 6: My Lost City
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Buckle up, and more importantly, arm yourself with tissue boxes, we’re gonna need it.
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Pfffft. Max, when will you ever learn the rest of the lines? (Not that I know them, either.)
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*swoons into Mappa’s waiting arms* Gorgeous.
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Oh, my heart, look at these cuties sleeping. Shorter, cover your tummy, you’ll get a tummy ache. Q vQ
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*cries over how precious these two are* Bless this tiny extra scene.
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*blows kisses at Mappa*
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*swoons even more* Mappa, please, you’re killing me.
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*cries some more* I have always loved how gentle Ash is with Jennifer.
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Jimmy my dude, why’d ya gotta act like this???? >:T
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WOW, this is so tame compared to the mango like. Woah.
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This had hurt so much, because we know that Max is a father. He has a son, Michael, that he was trying to fight for custody for, but was convinced that giving up was what was best for his son. Imagine being a father who desperately misses their son, who wants to be in their son’s life, and watching another man treat his son like trash. MY HEART. MAX.
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Oh god, Ash’s expression. It hurts so much more than it did before. Mappa, why you gotta do this to meeee. I have a soft, squishy little baby girl heart and it bleeds easily.
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Totally my bad: They changed the order. JIMMY WHY YOU GOTTA BE LIKE THIS.
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*dying hippo noises* IT STILL KILLS ME. FUCK.
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Jennifer is way too good for you, Jim.
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*whispers* It’s so gorgeous.
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Ash, please. 8′(
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I wish Shorter didn’t have his sunglasses on. I want to see his face. Is he super-imposing Nadia onto Griff in this story. We don’t know anything about Shorter’s past. Did Nadia raise him? I HAVE FEELINGS.
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Jennifer. Q AQ <3
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*cries* I know. I agree with you entirely, Ash. Oof, I love how gentle he is with her. My heart. Look at that face. Let me pretend the one thing he missed about Cape Cod was Jennifer. Let me pretend she had more influence and was able to help Ash and Griff in little ways. Let me pretend Jennifer is stronger than she probably is. 
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My heart.
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Ash, why you always gotta be like this, twisting the knives in wounds and pouring salt all over them. It’s not like Max wants to see your painful past, it’s just that y’all need to suffer through it to get what you want --the truth about Banana Fish.
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Thank you Mappa for adding this scene! I’m constantly so worried you’ll cut out all the light-hearted bits in exchange for pure drama. Q vQ
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My heart. Eiji, your precious face. Q vQ
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MAPPA STOP PLAYING WITH MY HEART LIKE A STRESS BALL. It grows two sizes at the sight of Eiji’s adorable face and then is crushed by Ash’s pained one. *clutches chest*
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*whispers* My secret favorite thing is how close Shorter and Eiji have been. I have protective feelings about these two and Shorter has protective feelings for Eiji.
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Sure is him. Is it just me or do they all have surprisingly long hair for military people.
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Aaaaand Ash brings out a smart phone. Soogle...Soosle? This is... attempt... #5 for cells trying to save the day. (So far, they never have.)
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*strangled noises*
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Oh Ibe, you’re so soft with Eiji. You still have the mafia after you guys, you should be yoinking Eiji and heading for the nearest international airport. 
Also... y’all aren’t gonna discuss your Visa difficulties?
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Trust me, Ash. They all do. Q vQ
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Ash, please. Griff would be their age.
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Oh gosh, look at their faces. ‘What exactly set him off this time?’ ‘I dunno. It’s like a horse suddenly raging. Maybe a fly flew into his ear.’
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Shhhhh, he’s just young. And cranky.
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*strangled sobbing*
Excuse me as I interrupt this weekly Nanner Fish Liveblog to cry about the scenery in the next few seconds of footage:
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You are such a liar, Ash. You have very particular feelings towards your home.
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*cries more at sleeping cuties*
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Ash... this feels like such a waste? Someone spent a lot of time brewing that! Couldn’t you have filled empty ones with water??
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*cries more at the sky* Clearly what is gonna make me die of dehydration this episode isn’t what I thought it was gonna be. It’s gonna be the backgrounds. 
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Eiji... I know nothing about shooting but that looks super precarious. Your center of gravity looks... yeah. Ash looks so judgmental. Q vQ
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Alright, Annie Oakley. You missed a shot too. 
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Oh, Ibe. Subtly trying to get Eiji away. 
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Not subtle enough, though.
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*cries both over the words and the detail put into the sky and the sea*
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I’ve always found this surprisingly profound, especially since my mother, a naturalized US citizen, has similar opinions about parents in Taiwan coddling their children. (Taiwan has the same age of majority as Japan, 20 years old.)
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And Japan’s crime rate is also a lot lower. But Ash is right, Ibe, you aren’t in Japan and you have very dangerous people with very dangerous guns after you all.
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Bless their attention to detail. Lookit the truck!
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I love how they have Max fixing the truck! Instead of it getting magically fixed, we get a new tidbit about Max! I wonder if he learned this while serving.
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When Max is the voice of reason, listen.
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Yeeees! It’s finally here! Please forgive me as I spam gyazo and take a hundred pictures because I’ve been waiting for this!
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*strangled dying manatee noises*
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(Shorter, are you trying to steal Ash’s sandwich while you still have yours.)
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(Look at that hand. You totally were, weren’t you. You glutton.)
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(Oh, my tiny Grinch heart. Look at this smile. It just grew fifteen sizes.)
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(*cries forever* Protecting Eiji is like preserving a vision of himself he could never attain. Putting Eiji on a pedestal and keeping him safe and clean and pure, because he wishes he was Eiji. Excuse me as I have painful flashbacks to Tsuki no Ko and Tirt’s love for Seth.)
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*sings softly* “I will whisper my name to you: Antonio Salieri: patron saint of mediocrities.”
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So you’re keeping this bit but not the Visa part? At least Ibe is keeping some of his old manipulative tendencies when it comes to Eiji.
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(”It’s the only way to keep that child safe.” Anyone’s Japanese better than mine who can confirm this is indeed Ibe continuing to view Eiji as a child that needs to be sheltered and not just a cultural barrier?)
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And straight back into the coddling, right after the profound revelation.
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Jimmy, please. 
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Tear him a new one, Eiji!
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My heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeart. These two lines. Leave to me to die in this small sea of salt and tears.
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Something I will always miss is the loss of Eiji’s poor English. Q vQ
Oh boy, get your tissues ready. It’s here.
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(Afghanistan is replacing Korea, huh.)
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(*dying manatee noises* Someone, save this poor child.)
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(Let me spirit him away to a kinder, gentler world. Like GSNK. Or Kimi to Boku where it’s just boys sorting out their feelings.)
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(I also super hate the way it’s presented in the anime, so take this small manga panel:
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Shorter. Shorter. He didn’t want anyone to know. He didn’t want anyone to ever know.
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*dying manatee noises* Eiji... *strangled noises about leopards and mountains*
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Jennifer, you beautiful soul. Why are you with this mess.
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No, you listen to Jennifer!
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No, Shorter. This is where he’s from. New York is his home.
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Yes, good. Thank god.
You’re searching for Ash in the dark. Please take off your shades, Shorter.
Or not.
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Shorter, you’re wearing so much more than you were originally in the manga. Q vQ
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Look at that. Gorgeous even in the dark. *blows kisses at Mappa*
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Good instinct!
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Baaaaaaaaaaaad instinct. So bad.
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Eiji, no.
He’s got his back pressed against the wall.
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Listen to Shorter, Eiji.
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They sure fucking did.
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It’s so awful that they somehow managed to make this situation even marginally better.
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They had ripped off her top in the manga.
It’s entirely possible they did worse. She doesn’t even have her shoes on. D8
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Fuck you. Leave Jennifer alone.
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*sweats nervously but also blows kisses at Mappa because hnnng I love the way they deal with lighting, lookit the soft glow of the porch lights*
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Max has a plan. I love it when Max has plans. Brilliance or hilarity ensues.
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JIM’S FACE. Either he just realized his son still loves him or he’s fucking terrified that his son is now in immediate danger. (I think it’s both.)
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Oh, Jennifer. You deserve none of this. None of it. Protect her.
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Brilliance. That’s what happens today. Brilliance.
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ASH’S FACE. Nope, this is fine. I was born from water, let me return to the salty depths. 
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Don’t fucking see why you’re smiling, asshole.
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There, Shorter’s fixed it.
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Ash’s expressions are going to fucking murder me. 
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Sir, why don’t you have a cell phone???? Why aren’t you questioning why none of these people haven’t called yet???? (Well, to be fair, this is a panic situation...)
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*sobbing* A father’s love.
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And a son’s.
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MY HEART. *cries* Why couldn’t you have both talked like this from the beginning?????????????????? JIM, YOU GIANT BABY.
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Excuse me. I just need to... cry. Lots.
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*whispers* You should’ve kept this line to help explain the robbery. And help fund them in LA.
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Chinatowns are everywhere. |||orz
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Fuuuuuuck. Yut Lung is here.
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Shorter, please. Beggars can’t be choosers. (Or, those on the run from the Coriscan Mafia can’t whine when they at least have working transportation.)
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*whispers softly to Mappa* Chicago, dearests, not Cicago.
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Guess they’re cutting out one of the best scenes if this guy’s already here.
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*blows kisses at Mappa* Gorgeous.
Still... where in LA are they supposed to be? I think that’s supposed to be downtown, but I don’t remember any forest-y areas around downtown. (Says someone who may live in LA county but rarely goes west towards downtown. Maybe there are. I tend to go east. :V)
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The Great Shorter And Ash Chicken Raid. 
You will not be forgotten.
Oof. Stay hydrated, guys! I’m kinda emotionally drained, so I’m off now. |||orz
<<Episode 5                                     Masterlist                                     Episode 7>>
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