#he even says they need to stop wasting time as if he wasnt singing and dancing and doing push-ups(?) moments before with the rest of them
chocolatespyro · 6 months
sorry our drawings princess movie posting right now this movie is so bad and wonderful at the same time and i love it for that
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imma-queencard · 3 years
I just wanna kiss! [Professor-student!]
Onew/Lee Jinki(SHINee)
Pairing: female reader X Onew
Genre: fluff,romance
Ratings/warnings: 13+
Taggings: @supermwritersnet , @elviinwonderland
A/N: This is the oneshot requested by me. Today(24.07.21) is my birthday so I decided to gift myself a piece of writing. Jinki has been my number1 bias in SHINee from 2013. I really hope one day I can meet him and ask for a photo and autograph! And this is the dumbeeeest and the looongest piece I've ever written.
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"No-no-no!" you shook your head crossing your fingers.
"Miss,we are soon closing in..It's past 2 a.m...try to understand please-" the lady owner requested you knowing it would go in vain. She sighed seeing you resting your head on the table, "YAH!give me one more soju bottle! Please~"
"I really dont wanna throw this woman on the street... She looks so lovely..." the lady passed a comment to her husband when you kept giggling to yourself.
"But we have no choice left,right? Let's pick her up-" the husband suggested walking towards you to lift you up.
"Why aint you sending my soju bottle huh? I'm starving.. Look!" you hiccuped patting your tummy. Maybe trying to show that your stomach was empty?
"Yaaah!what!" you whined when two arms wrapped around your shoulder and made you stand up on your weak,wobbling legs.
"Shit! I dont think she can even walk!" the husband cursed as your legs gave in and your butt landed on the floor.
"Please~my soju soju soju bottle~" you kept singing and the couple started screaming in help.
Suddenly someone cleared his throat drawing enough attention of the owner couple and you.
"Sir,we are closing in..sorry!" the lady politely bowed showing the 'closed' sign hung on the wall.
"Um..I am aware of that...i was just passing by and heard some noises..I came to look if you need any help.." the couple watched him curiously as he scratched the back of his neck looking at your drunken state.
"this woman making a scene here too?oh my... She's really something.." Lee Jinki made sure to murmur to himself but his voice was enough audible to the couple. And their faces lit up with joy.
"Sir,do you know her?please sir take her away with you.... We dont wanna throw her on the street but we really need to shut down our shop.." the man almost begged Lee jinki. However,you were still singing your favourite soju song drawing stars in the air with your index finger.
"Me?" Lee Jinki's eyes widened in shock. Why would he take you?and where?
"Please sir I beg of you-" the woman dropped you on the floor to run towards Lee jinki and held his hands in hers, "please sir-" she pleaded desperately.
"Ah..okay....fine!' Lee Jinki announced looking at you making the couple happy. He walked to you and helped you stand on your feet.
"Miss Y/N,let's go.." he cooed and you furrowed looking at his face with your half opened eyes.
"Oh?you seeem sooo...where did I see you?" you asked pinching his cheek. He cursed under his breath as you pinched him hard. Your hands tightly gripped his shirt's collar while you used your weak legs to keep up your pace with him and he was holding you by your waist to balance your drunken body.
"Yeah!I remember you! Hahaha~ you are that dumb professor, right?who laughs for no reason! Wow~so foolish.." you giggled when he pushed you inside the back of his car.
"You want soju bottle too?that's so bad of you..because - I wont share my soju with you professor Leeeee!" you whined as he closed the door putting your legs inside the car.
"Shit!" he growled when he saw you kicking his car's door continually while shouting, "yaaah!grumpy ass!open that fucking door!" he closed his eyes in anger hearing you cursing out at him before slipping into the driver seat. You relaxed a bit seeing him hopping in. You didnt want to be alone and he wanted a soju bottle right? So, maybe he could share you some when he got his bottle. You giggled alone thinking how smart you were.
Lee jinki started the engine and drove his car off to another crowded street. His eyes relaxed a bit seeing you on the rare view mirror sitting on the back like a proper lady with your half opened eyes fixed on the street ahead.
"Where do you live anyway?" he asked politely when he pulled off his car on a red signal.
"Can you please answer?!" he almost yelled out breaking his gentle aura when you didnt reply. He was about to turn back and scold you for being such a pain in his ass. But he almost jumped in his seat as one of your hands traveled inside his shirt to fumble his abs. You stick out your tongue while running your palm over his abs.
"Yaaaah!" he screamed at the top of his lungs in horror. Grabbing your hand, he instantly took out your hand from inside of his shirt.
"Are you fucking insane!" he hissed throwing your hand away. He looked back at you and screamed, "what the hell were you even thinking!"
You pouted and replied,"stoooooop hiding my soooju bottle inside-you- your shirt. Give it to me...."
"What the- why will I hide your bottle- fuck-listen miss y/n, I dont have any soju,alright?" he spatted out and shifted his eyes to the street with a sigh. He steadied his breath holding the steering tight. He could still feel your palm sliding up and down over his chest.
"Fuck!" he cursed again looking at you through the rear view mirror before starting his car again.
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"Oooh miss Y/N!can you at least behave?" he hissed placing you on his sofa closing the door behind. You giggled curling up into a ball on his sofa.
"Prof-professor Leee!Your buttons!" you giggled making his ears turn red in embarrassment.
"Opps!sorry~hahaha~not your buttons!..shirt's buttons are opened..look at... -there" you pointed to his chest. He scowled, "and you took proper advantage of that,miss Y/N, putting your hand inside my shirt!" He was still embarrassed with that situation.
"Wh-what are you talking about?" you furrowed at him, "st-stop taking advantage of a yo-young lady like mee!"
"Yaah!where are you -- going...?um?" you pouted seeing him going somewhere leaving you on the sofa. You were about to stand up with your wobbling legs to follow him but he came back quick with a glass and a bottle in his hands.
Lee Jinki poured a glass of water and handed it to you,"take it miss Y/N.."
"Soju?" you smiled like a happy kid grabbing the glass as if you had just received an award. He sighed, "yes,soju..." He saw you gulping down all the water in one go thinking it soju.
"Can-can you give me more soju,Professor? " you showed him your empty glass.
"No!" he rolled his eyes snatching his glass out of your grip. You furrowed, "you are a bad person,professor"
"I know..." he mouthed sarcastically and left for his bedroom followed by you. It was such a hectic day for him. And to make it the worst,he had to meet you at night in front of a bar. All he needed was now a long good sleep. He looked back displeased hearing your clumsy footsteps. He asked blocking the way of his bedroom,"why are you following me?"
You made a cute face and pouted, "I-I Don't know?Professor,you are reeaaally...a bad person..."
"I just wanna go home and have soju..." you whispered rubbing your cheeks. His eyes softened a bit, "come here..follow me." he led you back to the dining room again and helped you sit on the sofa.
"Sleep here,okay?I will get a blanket for you" he cooed and you absentmindedly moved your head not knowing what he was saying.
You curled up in the sofa waiting for him. He came back to you with a blanket in his hands.
"Here" he placed it on the sofa. "Make yourself comfortable with it,okay?" You didnt reply. You started singing your soju song instead. He sighed. You were fully wasted. He was about to leave for his bedroom but stopped in his track when you sat up on the sofa again and cooed "professor lee...?."
He knelt down in front of the sofa and shoved your body on the sofa to make you lay there. But you wiggled and sat up.
"I am-i am feeling dizzy..did-did you put drugs in my soooojuu!" you accused him pointing your finger at the wall. He took a deep breath to calm himself down. Never in his life someone accused him in that way.
"Dont ta-take advantage of a little-little girl like me" you mumbled softly as your head started spinning.
"I have no intention of doing that miss y/n.." he almost whispered looking at your way worriedly. He could tell you were about to faint.
"Good!" you showed him your teeth cheekily. He shook his head sighing.
"Professor-" you wrapped your arms around his neck making him almost jump. He carefully tried to take your hands off his neck but you were pulling him towards you more in every attempt he made to wiggle out.
"What-what are you doing...." he whispered with a gasp when you pulled his face closer to yours having his upper body almost hovering on the sofa. He gave another try to unwrap your arms but he couldnt. He gasped out loud as you spoke, "my friends say you are hoooooot..."
His cheeks flushed hearing those words. It wasnt that he had never heard despite of his gentleman aura. But it was the first time he was listening it from a student of his. Maybe they said but not in front of him..but this lady here...his ears turned red. However,he quickly regained himself.
"Miss y/n..you are drunk..just sleep" he said with a flustered face pushing you on the sofa.
"No!listen to me!" you nagged holding his face close to yours. His eyes traveled to your lips unconsciously. He bit his lower lip for a second before he forced his eyes focus on your half opened eyes.
"Can't you just sleep?" he almost moaned out. He was feeling hot and so..weird all of a sudden.
"My friends say you are vewwy hot-but-but I find you vewwwy cute-" you chuckled pinching his cheeks playfully.
"Um..is that all?now -ca-can you sleep?" he asked almost closing his eyes when your hot breath fell on his nose.
"Thanks for helping mefo--for giving me soju.." you smiled leaving his neck to fall back on the sofa. He blinked a couple of times?soju? Oh,water.
"You know you should say 'welcomeee' huh? Bad bad professor -no no manneeers!" you whined moving your palms over your head.
"Huh?..um...welcome.?" he murmured with red cheeks. He put the blanket over your body but you kicked it away. He sighed and put it again. In return,you again kicked it away.
"I dont need that-" you whined.
"It's already past 4. I have no time playing with you miss y/n..so if you co-operate.." he said strictly pulling over the blanket again. You pouted.
"Goodnight miss y/n.." he mumbled softly but you held his arm.
"What?I seriously need to sleep miss y/n-what!" his words got muffled when you got up and put your warm lips over his. It was barely for a minute.
"Good night~" you chirped in after giving him a quick kiss and pulled the blanket over your head leaving a frozen Lee Jinki kneeling in front of the sofa.
"She-she's crazy..." he whispered to himself touching his lips softly.
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It had been exactly 13days since you created the most embarrassing scene of your whole life. When you woke up that morning,you actually remembered every single thing you did and said to him and so you just ran out of his apartment without bothering to inform him. You didnt know which part was more embarrassing.. Asking for his buttons or kissing him or putting your hand in his shirt touching his abs. You bit your lip. You stopped attending his classes for a week due to embarrassment. But sadly you had to attend those again. You would make sure not to have eye contact with him during his class despite feeling his occasional stares on you. Even you tried to remember how he tasted sometimes. However,your dull brain couldn’t make it right. So you were really pissed at this useless thing of yours.
You huffed when the bell rang. You quickly gathered your stuff and put them into your bag. You were almost on the edge of running away from his presence when he suddenly called out your name making everyone look at you in amusement. You hesitantly stole a glance at him under his intense stare on you.
"Miss y/n. Stay in a moment,please" he remarked clearing his throat before he started writing down his logbook. You nodded and waited for all the students to leave. Why did he call you suddenly? You were doing good avoiding him and him ignoring you. Sorry,staring at you. You sighed.
"Miss y/n?"
You rolled your eyes and walked up to his desk, "ye-yes professor?"
"Your grades in Applied Chemistry are dropping recently...and I have noticed that you have been skipping classes too-particularly mine...May I ask you for the reason?" he asked with his regular warm voice eyeing your every movement.
"No-no-reason.." you mumbled fidgeting with your fingers. You heard him sigh putting his glass on his desk.
"Look at me when I talk to you miss y/n.." he hissed in a husky voice. You shivered a little biting down your lip. You could bet no students had heard this voice of him except you.
"Yes professor?" you looked up to him blushing as you almost moaned out your last two words. He was wearing his as usual white shirt with a loose black tie hanging around his neck,first few buttons were wide opened but not enough to make it indecent. His calves were folded upto his elbows and his hair was neatly combed sidewards. He looked so decent yet so corrupted. Maybe into your eyes. You blushed again.
"You didn’t even inform me before leaving.You just disappeared from my apartment.. You know how freaked out was I that moment?you really did disappoint me with this irresponsible behaviour of yours miss y/n..I really expected better from you.." he said shaking his head in disappointment. You blushed. You wanted to recall everything but that incident. What did he expect me to do that morning? Get up and talk about the kiss?or maybe discussing 'his buttons' while having morning tea with him? You cursed him under your breath.
"Hm?miss y/n?"
"I- I was just-I am so sorry professor Lee" you bowed 90 degree, "I really caused you a lot of troubles... I am extremely sorry for that"
"That's true anyway..you were very...inappropriate that night,however..." he scratched his back of neck and quickly added, "May I know why you were ignoring me and my classes?You know we can always talk and settle this thing out ignoring your audacity that night....."
"Um-yeah yeah..." you blushed. God,isnt he the perfect boyfriend material you always wanted? You cursed your brain for thinking such...weird things about your young...okay,dashingly handsome young professor in such a complicated situation.
"Miss Y/n? Please do inform me whenever you are ready to talk about that.. I'll look forward to it. The last thing I want you is skipping classes and failing in my lectures because of that- indecent,silly reason." he chirped in putting his glass on.
Why cant you just avoid talking about that? You thought rolling your eyes.
"Um,may I take my leave,professor?"
"Well,yeah..and please concentrate on your study and ask me if you need any help on my lectures, I will be glad to provide you with tution anytime."
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"Are you busy today?"
"Hm?" you dazed out of your thoughts looking at your young professor Lee Jinki.
"You look so tired so I decided to ask..I hope my lectures ain't causing you the headache you are currently having in...." he replied with his honey like smooth voice while writing notes on his next lecture.
"No-no,professor Lee..It's not yours...you are helping me a lot with yours actually..you even agreed on helping me after classes...thanks for that" you said blushing looking at your book. You wouldn’t lie you hadn’t developed a crush on him. It had been months since that incident and you two started spending academic times into his study.
"I requested you to call me Jinki instead.." he didnt bother looking at you. Your ears turned red. Of course you would love calling him Jinki but you were just an ordinary undergraduate student and maybe you shouldn’t cross that thin fine line.
"I prefer professor,professor Lee"
"Um-so do you have any plans after tuition?" he asked looking nonchalant as if it was one genuine question. You furrowed he had been really interested in your schedules and daily life asking questions on them in recent days. You really thought of them genuine at first but were they?
"I've plans for a soju party this evening with few of my friends.." your cheeks turned red remembering what happened after your last soju party.
"What?really?" he started laughing out loud. You bit the inside of your cheek. He was looking too cute for you to handle.
"The previous one?" he asked after stopping his laughter.
"Ye-yeah" you tucked some hair behind your ear whilst he checked some message on his phone.
"Anyway,I'm sorry it's end of our today's session.. I just recall some urgent matters that I need to handle on my own...I hope you understand.. " he offered a beautiful smile to your way as he gathered all of his stuffs together.
"Please don't be sorry,professor Lee.. You are already owing me a lot.." you murmured stealing a glance at your busy professor.
"I can drop you off you know?"
"I don't wanna trouble you more with my necessities,professor Lee..." You said biting down your lip. Him dropping you off wouldn’t be that bad,y/n. You tried to convince yourself mentally.
"Oh?It's not the first time I offered you a ride back home miss y/n" he paused and pressed his lips in a thin line before continuing," and I'm running away from my duty so I insist you on that offer..so if you please..and I ain't taking No as an answer..."
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"When will this pathetic soju party end?~Jinki"
You double checked the message if it was really your professor sending a message asking you when your soju party would end. And 'pathetic'. You furrowed. Wasn't he just being a bit friendlier than he should be? You thought. But decided not to reply back thinking he might send it to the wrong recipient.
You brushed it off and poured some soju on your glass when your phone vibrated again.
"God,how long do I need to wait for you outside the bar?Can you come out already?I'm freezing~Jinki"
Your eyes widened in shock. He was kidding, wasn’t he?why the hell he would come here! You almost ran out of the bar to find your professor standing near a lamp post across the street while humming some song. His eyes met yours and they beamed in joy.
You walked up to him hurriedly hugging yourself with your arms, "Hey,why are you here,professor Lee?"
"Jinki..I insist on that please" he smiled.
You sighed, "Why...why are you here,ji-jinki-nim?" This man was persistent,wasnt he?
"I can't let any other person take you in their cars, can I? Who knows you will end up molesting him in their own cars the way you did me last time.."he winked at you. You gasped. Did your young professor just winked at your way?
"He-he looked so innocent!" you blurted out unconsciously rubbing your cheeks to cool down the sudden increase in the temperature.
"Oh y/n.." he smiled cockily and placed his large palm on your cheek to rub his thumb over your skin. You blinked. Is there something else that I'm missing out? You asked yourself.
"Of course none is innocent...hmm? But I am glad at least I dont go around and start kissing my professor in drunken state..or asking for his buttons or..maybe fumbling someone's chest without their consent,hm?" he said innocently though his eyes said different. You blushed harder. This man was making fun of you with such a innocent smile.
"I-I said sorry..I wouldn’t do this kind of stuff if I wasnt drunk that day..." you murmured looking at him in shock and embarrassment.
"Hm..I see...but why wouldn’t you?" he asked pouting cutely.
Your eyes widened in shock, "huh?"
"Huh?I asked why do you need to be drunk to kiss me when you can do it anytime perhaps?" he cooed pulling you closer.
"I can't, can I?" you said looking away in embarrassment. You could swear on butterfly flying around your stomach. Was he feeling the same too?
"Um? Can you? Why don't you give a try and check it out by yourself?if I were you,I would def-" you cut him off placing your lips on his tiptoeing on your heels. He moaned deliciously between the kiss which turned into music in your ears. Had you ever mentioned how sweet and melodious his voice was? You smiled unconsciously when he started sucking on your lips asking for your permission to slip his tongue in. His arms tightly wrapped around your waist when both of your tongues wrapped around each other. He just wanted to explore you,explore every inch of your mouth.
"God,I even forgot how you tasted that day.." you said blushingly when he pulled away to take a deep breath.
"But-now you do,don't you?" he asked playfully while placing a kiss over your head before patting it.
"Do I need to answer that question,professor?" you asked with red cheeks.
"Of course..but do you know the bestest thing that just happened?"
"We-we kissed?" you mumbled looking down at his shoes.
You heard him chuckle, "if you want to keep thinking about this kiss,you can but I assure you-thaaat-" he paused to bend down a little to meet your eyes.
"This is just the beginning miss y/n....you have more to explore." he smirked and moved away. You bit the inside of your cheeks. He was way playful than you thought.
"Anyway,the bestest thing is that you dont have to steal flirty glances at your handsome cute professor from now on." he joked earning a punch from you.
"Stop doing these jokes!I never sent inappropriate gla-glances.." you whined shaking your head.
"I don't mind them and you can trust me on that miss y/n.." he wiggled his eyebrows.
"No way" you rolled your eyes.
"You know how can you turn your life interesting than going to these pathetic soju parties?" he asked offering his elbow which you gladly took in before you both started walking in a steady pace matching with his.
"How?" you asked seriously looking at his side.
"By dating me of course miss y/n.." he said wiggling his eyebrows at you playfully. You blushed.
"So are we dating?" he asked pinching your nose. You nodded in response only to get smashed by his body. You breathed in his cologne and hummed in anticipation.
"Trust me girl,you are not gonna regret this..." he murmured huskily licking your earlobe.
"We can do a lot of adventures together...." he cooed cupping your cheeks seductively.
"Ad-adventure?" you stuttered at the hint of his double meaning.
He chuckled, "we will find it out later together,baby".
You blushed. He was such an evil in disguise!You could bet he was gonna spoil you soon but you were also sure that you were not gonna regret dating this young clumsy professor of yours. Maybe exploring adventures together wouldn't be that bad...
Check out the masterlist for more! Thanks
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fallingfor-fics · 3 years
Teachers Pet-chapter 11: he’s kind
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All chapters
chapter 10
Dinner had ended and I was heading to Snape's classroom for my detention/private lessons. I was thinking about the whole Yule Ball thing, was I really gonna get up in front of tons of people that I didn't know? And then start singing? I mean what if nothing comes out, or they laugh and think I'm ridiculous. But like Hermione had said I didnt wanna disappoint my Godfather. Plus I didn't know how much longer he was gonna be around. I don't want to upset him, especially after how gracious and kind he's been to me this year. 
As I got closer into the dungeons and nearer to Snape's classroom I spotted Lockhart going the same direction as I. I stopped for a moment to see where he was gonna go. Sure enough he walked into Snape's classroom, when the door shut behind him I quickly ran over and pressed my ear to it. "Ahhh Professor Snape I have an inquiry regarding one of our students." I heard lockhart say in a cocky tone, the bastard better not be talking about me. "What is it Gilderoy?" Snape asked, annoyance dripping from his voice, what a power move, calling him by his measly little first name. What kind of a name is Gilderoy? It sounds like something you step in. "I wanted to say..how dare you remove Y/n from my detention like that! She did a punishable offense and should have gotten far worse than what I gave her, and she is to serve it with me!" he exasperated, gosh he sounds like a toddler! "Ms. L/n does indeed need to be punished and I see it more fitting she serves detention with me, since I am able to provide her with a punishment that will ensure she never does it again." Snape clapped back, look at him, sticking up for me, what a gentleman. I began to feel heat rise to my cheeks but ignored it to keep listening. "Look here Severus, I don't know where you get off telling me how to punish my students!" Lockhart said with more anger in his tone. This was getting out of hand. I wonder if I should go in. No, no Snape can take care of himself.
"Oh I know perfectly well how you punish your students" Snape said with venom in his tone. Wait. What did he mean by that? "I have no idea what you are talking about." Lockhart said clearly more afraid now. "So it would seem, now get out of my class I have a student who needs to serve detention soon!" Snape said, raising his voice more. I heard footsteps coming closer and hurried back down the hallway to pretend I wasn't eavesdropping. As I walked back towards the classroom, surely looking like a fool if anyone saw me, Lockhart left Snape's room clearly stressed. "Ah Y/n hello darling" vomit. "Professor Lockhart" I said, nodding and trying to walk past him. He grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. "Not so fast" he said, leaning over me, considering our height difference was almost a foot. "Is there something I can do for you, put a spell on you again maybe?" I said not wanting him to think he could intimidate me. "Look here, you may think you have gotten out of this one, but I assure you, I am not finished with you yet and you can bet! that I-" "Mr. Lockhart, Ms. L/n needs to get to her detention so if you could kindly step away from the girl and let her through we won't have any issues now will we?" Snape said, cutting him off as he came out of his classroom. I smiled and hurriedly walked past Lockhart over to Snape. He cleared his throat "No I was just leaving." he said scared and hurrying off down the hall.
We got into his room and I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you professor, although I'm almost certain I can handle that joke of a man." I said looking up at him. "Yes, well i'm certain you can take him as well, but we do not need to give him any reason to assign you another detention." he said, almost smirking. There it is again the almost smile he's been doing around me. Dare I say I bring some joy to this man's life. We stood in silence for a few seconds and I chirped up "Professor, can I ask you something?" I inquired as he walked around over to his desk and sat down. "Depends what it is." He said, stacking some papers. "Do you ever smile?" I said with bright eyes, walking over to my seat, hoping he would understand it was a genuine question. "No" "No you don't smile, or No I can't ask you that?" he sighed, "Both" I laughed "Oh come on there's gotta be some stuff that makes you smile" I said staring at him writing whatever teachers write down. "Not even taking away house points? Or first years blowing up potions?" "Well I suppose seeing Lockhart lose his position would make me laugh" he responded, I giggled and he looked up at me "Was that a joke? Oh even if it wasnt, that was funny, I would smile, heck throw a party, if that happened!" I said laughing "You know what would also make me smile? Knowing I'm not wasting my time giving you these lessons and you pass the test tomorrow."
"Well do not worry Professor I will not let you down, let's crackin 'shall we?" I said smiling and opening my books. "Pull your chair up and we will make sure you succeed tomorrow, I don't need you bringing down my class average again" he said with a hint of a joking tone but a serious face. I pulled up my chair and we spent the next three hours studying. I didn't even realize it was so late it was already almost 10:00 and I was growing tired, but I was gonna do anything to pass this test, if not for me, than for Professor Snape. As we sat and studied I noticed more features of Snape I hadn't noticed before, his dark black eyes were actually very...nice... to look at and his face seemed soft, worn and distressed, like he'd seen some stuff, but smooth. And that hair it was pure black and long but it was beautiful, it looked silky, like my fingers would just glide through it. Wait what am I saying this is my Professor, oh merlin y/n stop these thoughts, shut it down right now. I blinked hard to erase the thoughts and yawned. "Mm yes it is actually very late, I think you have done a tremendous amount of studying for the test tomorrow and I think you will do well." he said as I snapped back into reality. "Yes thank you Sir I will get going now." We both stood and he walked over and opened the door for me. "Thank you for everything, not just the studying, but Lockhart and the whole detention thing too." I said looking up at him. I wanted to hug him as a kind gesture, but I wasn't sure that was entirely appropriate, especially after the intrusive thoughts I had minutes prior. "Of course anytime Ms. L/n" "you know you can just call me Y/n. I kinda feel we are friendly enough now for less formal titles." "Ok I will try Ms. L/n" "And I could call you Se-" he put his hand up, "Don't push it" he said. I smiled and looked down at my feet to hide the blush I felt rising to my cheeks, heavens what's gotten into me why does this keep happening? "Ok well Goodnight Sir." I said turning to leave. "Goodnight Y/n" he said quietly as I walked off down the hallway, smiling to myself that he called me Y/n.
As I got into my dormitory I tiptoed quietly, to not wake my roommates, over to my bed. Oh I need to tell Dumbledore I'm gonna do the Yule ball thing. I wrote a quick note accepting his offer and handed it to Hera, "Take this to Albus real quick please." I whispered to her and opened my window, she flew out and I went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. I exited the bathroom and Hera had returned with a response in beak. I opened it and it was Dumbledore saying he was glad I said yes and was very excited to see what I would sing. I gave my owl a treat and closed her cage door, and laid down in my bed. I looked up at the ceiling thinking about the test tomorrow, my mind wandered to the potions professor, he was being so kind to me, I thought of his voice, and his eyes. I felt a little nervous tingle in my chest that went as fast as it came, this time it was a good one. What was that? Why did that happen when I thought of him, I've never really had that weird spurt before. I rolled over and closed my eyes, ignoring the feeling and falling asleep.
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lununnunna · 4 years
Waterworks - Part Two || Dabi x Reader
part one
just a bit of a happier ending to the story bc a sweet anon asked for it 🥺❤️
(warnings(?): idk if its a warning but uhh smoking?? weed?? bc cigarettes are bad for u so i always go w weed?? idk if it should even be warned but uhh yeah theres usage of it so)
(oh, and brief alcohol mention)
it had been at least a week since you’d left him alone. maybe longer. he wasnt too sure, as the days all blended and blurred together into one agonizingly long and painful mass of time and regret.
he had hardly moved from his pitiful ball in the living room, only occasionally dragging himself to the bathroom to empty his bladder and then to the kichen to force himself to scarf down some sort of sustenance. it was always painful for him to eat, when all he craved was your cooking.
what he wouldnt give to hear you sing, to watch you dance as you made dinner for him. the lengths hed go through just to hear your sweet voice nag him for not taking better care of himself, to fix his diet, to put down those goddamn chips and stop spoiling his appetite when youre trying to make him something edible.
but he ate nonetheless, because even if the last thing he wanted to do was move and pretend to be alive, your nags and complaints for him to take care of himself stayed with him. he would take care of himself, if it meant youd be happy. it brought him some sort of bittersweet solace, to imagine you walking through the door and smiling at him for his slightly healthier choice of food. for you to praise him for eating, as if youd known he hadnt been.
the flick of a lighter burned through the heavy silence of the dark room. the bubbling of the bong sounded like firecrackers after having been in the quiet for so long.
he had been improving, moving around a bit more, slowly slipping into a more functional stage of heartbreak. he was able to smoke again, to shower, to burn some toast. he became motivated by the idea of seeing you and showing you he took care of himself.
slowly, the soothing scent of the substance filled the air in billows of soft gray as he exhaled. he set the piece of glass down before leaning back against the couch. his eyes slid shut as he focused on relaxing— he needed to think clearly, past the heartbreak; past the pain. he needed to relax.
dabi wasnt new to weed. when he was touya, he had smoked the plant plenty of times with his bad influence friend group— yet was smart enough to avoid anything serious or dangerous, with the exception of alcohol and cigarettes, of course. he couldnt be a narc.
when he became dabi, he stuck with cigarettes. hes not sure why. he hated them, and yet they were his go-to when he needed a moment to relax.
it was you who switched him to weed. you hated his cigarettes. he’d caught you flushing them several times, and although he was angry about it, each and every time you had handed him a couple blunts as a replacement and he couldnt bring himself to stay mad at you.
he wasnt quite sure when the switch really happened. all he could remember was feeling better. he no longer had an itch to scratch. he no longer smelled the bitter scent of nicotine lingering in his apartment when he came home. you would wear his clothes more often. you were a lot more willing to kiss him. he no longer heard you complain about his breath. he was really, truly better.
and now here he sat, sighing in relief as his load was lightened ever so slightly. it was easier to breathe. he felt calm. at peace. he could think more rationally now. he could reflect in the dark of the room; he could silently ponder how to change for the better. how to make you feel more loved with him. how he could possibly explain to you that he just couldnt cry.
he remained in silent meditation for the remainder of the night, taking a few hits occasionally, until the peace lulled him into a gentle sleep.
it was the first decent night of sleep he’s had since youd left.
the next day, he found himself at the door to your old apartment, where he was sure youd have taken refuge after leaving him.
he knocked once.
three times. no answer.
he almost wanted burn the door down and demand you to face him— and just as he finished weighing the pros and cons, left hand already beginning to heat in preparation, you answered the door.
he had imagined this moment over and over, practiced all the things he wanted to say to you, came ready and prepared to ask for your forgiveness— and yet standing here now, staring into your puffy, swollen red eyes, face rubbed raw presumably from consistently wiping away your snot and tears, all words escaped him.
thankfully, before he even began to scramble for a coherent sentence, you had practically thrown yourself onto him, your small arms wrapping tightly around his midsection as your face buried in his chest. he wasted no time in returning the affection, brows twisting in pain and concern when he heard your sobs.
“let it all out,” he murmured as soothingly as he could muster, leaning to rest his cheek at the top of your head, eyes gliding shut when he breathed in your familiar scent.
he couldn’t understand what garbled words you were trying to tell him, but he didnt mind. he only wanted you to get it all out of your system and feel better.
he couldnt believe you had been crying all this time, over him. he felt overjoyed at the fact that you were as torn up over the split as he was, but at the same time, felt guilty for not coming sooner. on one hand, your tears and pain were proof you loved him as much as he does, you, but on the other, he never wanted you to be in pain. he hated that you were crying because of him.
eventually, you had calmed down, and he was pulled from his thoughts when you had quieted.
“..do you wanna come inside?” your muffled voiced asked him timidly, and he couldnt stop himself from scooping you up into his hold, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he carried you.
“no. i want you to come home.”
you let out a teary laugh, sniffling as you clung to him. “okay, dabi. lets go home.”
he pulled from your neck, looking into your eyes, his oceanic hues shining with guilt, sorrow, and hope.
you only smiled shakily and pecked his lips, to which he responded to with ten times more passion.
“now,” you whispered breathlessly after a solid minute of reuniting, “are you going to take me home? we have an entire year and a half to rebuild, you know. we technically broke up so now we have to start over.”
he laughed.
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You walked in the front door, tripping over shoes and silently cursing. Harry always left his shoes right in the door for you to trip on. You reached down to pick them up but were surprised when you noticed they were a pair of heels, and not your pair of heels. You set the bag of food down on the counter before walking into the bedroom, shoes in hand. “Harry who’s shoes are-” your voice stopped. Harry looked up, panicked, and guilty. The girl in your bed rolled off the side, pulling her pants up and throwing her shirt on. You dropped the shoes and stared. She grabbed them and ran out the front door while Harry got up, walking towards you with his arms in the air.
“(y/n) wait, just please..I can explain.” You didn't say anything, you looked at the red hickey plastered on his neck and turned around walking out. “Baby wait.” He grabbed your wrist and you smacked him across the cheek, tears falling from your eyes.
“Get out. GET OUT HARRY!” you screamed. He stood in front of you shocked. You pushed your hands into his chest. “Harry get out.” You pushed him towards the door.
“Dont do that. Don't you dare call me baby.”
“(y/n)...” You looked at him, tears falling down your cheeks. 
“You need to leave Harry.” You grabbed his keys off the counter and threw them at him. “I don't care where you go but it needs to be somewhere far away from here.” You turned away from him, walking into the bedroom and locking the door. You collapsed against the door, holding back your sobs in until you heard the front door close. You got up and reached for the bed, freezing when you saw her bra laying in the sheets. You knew you couldn't stay here, you knew thinking about what just happened in YOUR bed would actually make you sick. You also knew that driving was not an option seeing as the tears were clouding your vision and you could barely breathe between the sobs escaping your mouth. You grabbed your phone. There was only one person who lived close enough and wouldn't judge the situation. “Gemma..” you cried into the phone.
“Oh god. What did the idiot do now?”
“Can you come get me? I just don't think I can stay here...”
“Say no more sister, I’ll be there soon.” You quickly threw some clothes into a bag, grabbed your toothbrush, phone charger, and hairbrush. Gemma pulled up, walked in and hugged you. She grabbed your bag and carried it to the car as you locked the door behind you. Thankfully Gemma didn't ask too many questions, she made you a cup of tea and wrapped a blanket around your shoulders. You quietly thanked her and sipped the tea, trying not to think about what had happened. She sat across from you and waited for your breathing to return to normal before talking. “So what do I need to kill Harry for?”
You took a shaky breath, tears returning to your eyes. “He- he” you were crying again and Gemma scooted closer placing her hand on yours. “There was another girl-”
“You don't have to talk about it (y/n)...” Gemma softly smiled at you. “Not until you're ready.. and I won't mention to Harry that youre here or that I know what happened. Stay as long as you need. I really mean it when I say that, you are my sister whether youre with Harry or not.” That made you cry more. You hugged her tightly and smiled.
“I love you so much.”
“I love you too girl. Forget my brother, he's an asshole anyway.” You laughed and she smiled. “You can have the guest room, its the door on the left. Make yourself at home, seriously.”
You told her you would as she walked away answering her phone that had been ringing. You grabbed your bag off the floor and dropped it on the bed in the room. You were exhausted at this point, your eyes were so puffy from crying they felt as if they weren't able to stay open. Your throat hurt, your nose was so stuffy you couldn't breathe, and you had a killer headache. You sat on the edge of the bed, tossing your phone on the floor. Harry and texted and called more times than you could count. The door cracked open and you looked up confused, but Olivia ran in jumping on the bed and laying on your lap. Olivia was Gemma’s cat. You and Harry had watched her a few weeks ago when Gemma went out of town, and clearly she remembered you. You scratched her ears before getting up, changing into pjs, and climbing under the covers. Olivia rejoined you, purring slightly as she snuggled with you. You were grateful for the distraction, the soft purr, and the feeling of something snuggled next to you. You didn’t do well sleeping apart from Harry, in fact when he wasnt with you, you barely slept at all. Having Olivia was helping a little though, you were able to fall into a distracted and restless sleep. 
When you woke up the next morning, you felt worse than you had the night before. You felt hungover even though you hadn't had a sip of alcohol. You stumbled into the kitchen where you found Gemma eating a bowl of cereal and scrolling through her phone. “Morning.” you mumbled grabbing a bowl for yourself.
“You look like shit dude.” she said looking up from her phone.
“Well I’m glad because that pretty much how I feel.”
She frowned and held up her phone. “This might cheer you up..” You looked at the article of Harry. He was in his boxers standing on the street, tears streaking down his face, and getting into a car. You just shrugged and sat down. “Come on (y/n) perk up we are doing something fun today.”
“We are?”
“Yes. We are not letting you sulk around the house questioning my brothers dumb life decisions. We are going shopping.”
“In public?”
“Well that's where shops are so yes.”
“I don't think I’m ready.”
“Oh I know you aren't ready. Thats why we are going. Youre not about to feel sorry for yourself all day. Nope. You are going to get Harry off your mind, which is why we will no longer be talking about him, reading about, or thinking about him okay?”
You ate another bite of cereal and nodded. “Fine.” you grudgingly said. She grinned. 
“Good, go get dressed then and wear something cute. You can borrow clothes if you need too.” You finished off your bowl and jumped into the shower. You took a nice long shower, soaking in the hot water and letting your mind relax. You quickly got dressed, applied some makeup and fixed your hair. Gemma was waiting for you in the living room and she smiled when you walked in. “Now that is what I’m talking about. You look like a person!” You laughed and rolled your eyes.
“No whatevers. Now, hand me your phone.”
“What? Why?”
“Because Harry has been calling and texting you all morning and all night. Today is a no Harry day. Your phone can stay here.”
“(y/n) youre never going to focus on shopping with him calling and texting. Take a break from the media, the rumors, the-”
“The rumors? There are rumors about this now?”
“Technically they are the truth but obviously no one has confirmed it which is why they are rumors still. But anyways everyone is on your side of the argument.” She shook her head “no no, this is a no Harry kind of day. We are not talking about this right now. Now leave the phone.” You followed her instructions, a girls only day is what you needed and you were definitely not ready to think about or talk about Harry. You tossed the phone into the couch and followed her out the door.
You and Gemma spent all day shopping and were finishing the day off with dinner. You had a really great day. Your mind hadn't wandered to Harry once and you hadn't even had the urge to cry once either. It was a winning day. Gemma had ordered you a bottle of wine and the two of you were going to town, laughing and singing at the table. It really was the perfect end to a perfect day. Until in walked Harry’s hoe. You wouldve recognized her anywhere, the fake eyelashes, the dead dying hair, the slutty composure. You stopped laughing and frowned. Gemma followed your gaze and shook her head. “Is that her?”
“What a prick. She's not even cute.”
“Im cute, she's ugly, and yet she still slept with Harry.”
“Harry’s a real disappointment. We should talk to her.”
“What? No.”
“Come on (y/n). Go tell her off.”
You stood up. “Youre right. She ruined everything.”
“There ya go.” You took a step forward, your breath catching in your throat. Tears falling down your cheeks. You turned and sat back down. “Im proud of you.”
“Its not her fault. Its Harry’s.”
“Damn right it is.”
“Im not ready to talk to him Gem”
“You don't have to..you need to heal a little before you talk to him. Otherwise youre just going to cry when you see him.”
“Ugh...give me the bottle.” you said reaching your hand out. It was safe to say that you and Gemma were wine drunk by the end of the night. You had finished almost 3 bottles of wine by the time dessert came out and you were having a great time. Gemma had called an uber and the two of you could barely control your laughter at the fact you were wine wasted. When you got home, the two of you were stumbling up the stairs together, leaning on each other and laughing at each others laugh. You opened the front door stepped in and smiled at Olivia. “Olivia!” you shouted through a laugh, Gemma following suit.
“(y/n)..” Harry’s voice whispered. You and Gemma stopped laughing. Harry stepped out from the kitchen, he looked terrible at least from what you could tell. He looked a little blurry, but his face was very red. Gemma stepped forward.
“Harry..you need to go.”
“No what I need is to talk to my girlfriend.”
You started laughing again, earning a confused look from Gemma and Harry. “Girlfriend? Is that what you think we are?”
“I’m not that dumb. I wouldn't date someone who cheated on me.”
Gemma seemed to have sobered up real quick. She grabbed Harry’s arm and pulled him towards the door. “Harry you need to leave.”
“Yeah.” you said stumbling forward. “Leave.”
“Are you drunk?” Harry asked leaning in closer to you.
“I’m wine wasted.” you laughed looking at Gemma who smiled.
“You like rarely even drink though.”
“Clearly not, she had almost 2 bottles at dinner.”
“2 bottles?” Harry look concerned.
“You've driven the girl to drink.”
“(y/n)” Harry’s tone had changed. He seemed to be very concerned.
Youre expression changed. You looked at him closer, you remembered the previous night. Tears formed in your eyes, sobs starting to echo through your chest. Gemma pushed Harry towards the door again, coming to your side. “Harry go. Cant you see you being here is upsetting her.”
“I just want to talk.”
“You can't talk your way out of this one little brother. She needs time.” You dropped to your knees, looking up at him. You were crying again, you couldn't tell if it was because you were drunk or because it had clicked again that Harry had cheated on you, and that he wasnt even yours anymore. Harry watched with a pained expression on his face. “Harry youre upsetting her, just please leave. We were having a great time until you showed up.”
“A great time?” Harry asked turning to her. “You got my girlfriend wasted Gemma.”
“She’s not your girlfriend Harry. You ruined this one. Im trying to fix it, to fix her. But you had to go and screw it up like always.” That made you cry harder. You didn't want them to fight just because of you.
Harry turned and stormed out not saying anything and Gemma kneeled at your side. “Its okay...shhh (y/n) breathe.” You tried breathing but were struggling. Gemma pulled you to your feet and escorted you to your room. She set pjs out and told you change while she was getting some tea. A few minutes later she returned, placing a cup of tea on the bedside table. You had changed and were sitting with your knees to your chest in bed, tears still falling. She sat on the edge of the bed and sighed. “I’m sorry (y/n)...I really didn't think he would shoe up.”
“Its not your fault. He probably tracked my phone and anyways it was bound to happen eventually.”
“It shouldn't have happened tonight. You said you weren't ready.”
“I don't know I ever will be.” Gemma looked at you surprised. “I love him Gemma. I love him more than I love anything else. But he broke the one promise he swore on. He broke my trust. He killed everything we had. I don't know how to forgive that..”
“You just have to give it time. Time will make it hurt less.” You nodded and yawned. Gemma yawned in response, standing up and saying goodnight. For the first time ever, you picked up your phone scrolling through his texts, listening to his voicemails, reading tweets and catching up. Turns out Harry had made a statement. He had admitted the whole truth to his millions of followers on twitter. Management probably loved that, you thought. He had tagged you in apology tweets, photos, and then of course fan accounts had stepped in. There was a hashtag associated with everything too. Of course, the thing that got you was his last voicemail. He was barely speaking clearly, tears clouding his voice. You could hear the snot in his voice. 
“(y/n)..I’m so sorry. I can't- I can't even apologize enough but baby I love you so much. That was a mistake, a drunken mistake. I broke your trust, I hurt you, but (y/n)...I can't live without you. I don't think I can go on without you. I-I don't know what I need to do to help you forgive me...I don't know if you ever will but baby I won't live in this world without you. I know what I did was screwed up. I know I’m a terrible person. I deserve to put in hell for what I did but just tell me-just tell me theres hope. That theres hope one day I’ll have you back..that one day you could love me again.”
You couldn't breathe. The pain in his voice killed you. You missed him, you wanted to comfort him, and yet you also wanted to kill him for what he did. Your phone buzzed again and you looked down reading the text from Harry. *Just know that I will NEVER stop loving you baby, you will always be my person. Sleep tight, don't let the monsters bite.* You dropped the phone and groaned. Of course he had to tuck you in..he had to be cute. You wiped the tears from your eyes, washed your face, brushed your teeth, of course you spilled water all down the front of your shirt so you also searched for pjs. You couldn't find any. You rummaged through the dresser and came across a large white tshirt. When you unfold it the familiar font caught your eye. It was Harry’s tshirt. It had the heart with his name inside, the album cover on the edge and an arrow going through the heart. You put the shirt to your nose, breathing in his smell. You quickly threw the shirt on, climbing in bed, and falling into a peaceful sleep, Harry on your mind.
Let me know what you think :)
Cheated (part 2)
Message me requests! And as always thanks for being awesome with all the support and love! You guys are the best! xoxo
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kimbrrleee · 3 years
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It’s been six years since September when she left us, but I missing my Grammy a little bit more than usual tonight. Seeing the ornament she made me for my first Christmas always makes it more real. I’m going to share a little bit about her tonight, I hope you don’t mind. This is what it wrote in my journal the day after she passed and what I read at her memorial service. (sorry about the formatting, I don’t understand tumblr’s spacing)
My beautiful Grammy lost her battle with cancer yesterday.
I am still trying to process all of this. This really the best way I can do it right now. Its not going to be terribly coherent or organized but I am just going to let you all in on some of my  memories with her. Putting them down is hopefully going to help fill the void I have in my heart right now so I hope you enjoy it...
 In preparation for writing this, I lit a candle and put on Frank Sinatra radio on iTunes radio.
I didnt even get halfway through the first song before I realized I was not ready for that yet.
My Grammy loved Sinatra.
In fact, it was something the two of us bonded over. I remember sitting in the living room of my parents house with my phone and a dock playing a mix of Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett.. etc.
We would just sit there and sing. No need for words. Every so often I would look over at her and I could tell that she was someplace other than chandler. See, my Grammy had the beginning stages of Alzheimer's and had trouble remembering quite a bit. However when I turned on that music you could see the warmth in her eyes and the little smile that crept across her face. She would sing harmony for a little bit and then lament about how her singing voice wasn't as good as it once was. (It always sounded beautiful to me. I would give anything to hear it again.) Then after a few more songs would go by she would say how happy she was that I loved this music as much as she did. "Most of the youngins these days... they dont listen to the old people music." She would tell me I had an old soul, and I would tell her she had a big hand in it. Every so often I would drag out my ukulele and play "Cant Help Falling in Love" by Elvis Presley. Even though I had played it for her so many times, she would always react like it was the first. She would start crying and telling me how beautiful it was and how much she adored Elvis. Elvis was Grammy's big crush. Even the mention of his name would send her into a tizzy. I remember a time I was at the dollar store and I picked up an Elvis magnet for her. She started crying a bit and kept repeating how much she wished he was still alive. It was the cutest thing ever. My Grammy was everything you would expect a Grandma to be. Sweet, hilarious, wise and a little ornery. One of my earliest memories of my Grammy was when I was (i think) 4 or 5 years old and we were visiting her in Florida. She wanted me to eat peas, and I didnt. So I took the peas, put them in my spoon, and flung them across the kitchen. She never let me forget that. She was a firm believer in horoscopes and would read the paper every morning just so she could tell me what my day would be like. She would tell me that when there was a full moon I should run outside and pray to it because it would give me money. She would scold me whenever I even though about wasting food. Followed promptly by a long dissertation about how she grew up in the Great Depression and were not afforded the opportunity to waste anything. She would feed the dogs scraps from the table even if she knew my mom would be upset. Nothing ever went to waste. She would always try to get me to dress up like a lady. She was disapproving of my tattered, dirty jeans and got so excited on the rare occasion I would wear a dress. Grammy was a straight shooter. Always said what was on her mind whether we wanted to hear it or not. I distinctly remember telling me "Kimmy, before you were born I had wished you were a boy. But I guess since you love football, beer, whiskey and bluejeans its gonna be the closest ill get." (I totally took it as a compliment) She was the most gracious person on this planet. When I would swing by and pick her up food on the way home she would always say "Thank you for thinking of me" about 8 or 9 times. She was always surprised but always so grateful when we would spend time with her. When she was diagnosed with lung cancer about a month ago, my world stopped. I never had to associate the words family and cancer. I had been lucky enough to not have encountered death in my immediate or extended family. I didnt know how to function... and I still dont. She was admitted to the hospital and I left right after work to go visit with her. She turned on "Catfish" and I tried to explain to her the main objective of the show. She was almost as amused as she was confused. I was still hopeful at the time because she hadn't been officially diagnosed. I was talking to her about how she's gotta stay there for a bit because we want her to get better and come home. Well she did come home, just not the way we had hoped.
She was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and the decision was made to not seek treatment. Hospice was set up and my parents dogs did not leave her side for the following weeks. I would make it a point to get there as much as possible. I would listen to music with her like we always did but this time she wasnt singing. As much as it broke my heart, I could still see the twinkle in her eye and I knew she was singing on the inside. When things were getting bad, we had almost all of the family over to be with her. She kept saying how happy she was and how "everything is going the way I want it to". That was all I needed to hear to find closure. The very last memory I had with her was last week: I gently kissed her swollen hand and whispered "I love you" I dont know when I will be able to listen to the likes of Sinatra and Elvis again... I can still hear her silly little chuckle in the back of my head. I can hear her saying "God I wish I had your energy" when I would dance stupidly across the living room or "looking good girl!" every other time I would pass by her. I still can't believe she's gone. It tears me up inside. But I take solace in knowing she went peacefully knowing that she has so many people who love her. I can just imagine her being united with the love of her life, my Grandpa Ed, after being separated for 60 years. And I can guarantee she is asking Elvis and Sinatra for an autograph.
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Ubbe x reader Protecting you
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Pairing: Ubbe x reader
Summary: Reader is a slave who has a hard time behaving. An incident at dinner has her scared and running away from Ivar. Ubbe decides to help her.
Warnings: Mentions of slavery, abuse, death, freezing, mild cursing.
Hey guys! I couldn't sleep so I wrote this instead lol, hope you like it😚
"You should watch what you say y/n, especially in front of Ivar, he can be very cruel" Calise warned as you rolled your eyes for the millionth time.
"How many times do I have to say it Calise?! Just because some foreign bastards stole me from my home and made me a slave doesn't mean I can just accept it. I'm a human being, not property. If one of those bastard brothers tries to hurt me they will be the ones who are sorry" you huffed setting down a large bucket of dish water.
Calise tsked nodding her head, "You won't last long with that attitude... believe me you weren't the first slave to think she wouldn't bend, but these men can be savages and they will not hesitate to beat you into submission.." she sighed when you didnt reply and continued washing silently.
In your mind you were seething. You understood that you couldn't just go around picking fights but you weren't going to be treated like dirt either. Ugh why were the gods punishing you like this?
You decided to try your best at keeping a low profile until a chance of escaping arose. After all if no one noticed you it wouldn't be that difficult to sneak away one night.
Alright brain, are you listening? No more smart mouthed comments. No more under the breath insults. And for the love of gods, no more dirty glares! Let's try to stay alive long enough to escape shall we?
That night you stood behind the chairs of the royal family as they ate and conversed happily. A rare occasion honestly, it was not often that all the brothers got along this well.
Ubbe was more sensible and to be honest you did not mind him much. Hviserk was for the most part ok, his comments about women sometimes made you clench your teeth. Sigurd wasnt that interesting to be honest, and then there was the devilish one known as Ivar, that one you had to be wary of, you had seen him almost choke to death a servant for spilling soup over him.
Your eyes roamed around the hall. Gods standing around was so boring... the first thing you were gonna do when you escaped was relax in a hot bath and feast on the fattiest foods. None of that leftover meat slop you slaves were fed.
Sometimes when you guys were cleaning up you would sneak some food in your mouth quickly. Calise scolded you everytime but hey, the gods taught not to be wasteful. In your eyes you were doing a good thing.
"Are you deaf slave?" A sudden sharp voice cut into your thoughts.
"Sorry, how may I serve you prince Ivar.." you quickly stepped forward.
"My cup is empty" he motioned holding it up mockingly.
This asshole is lucky I don't have my knife anymore...
You quickly filled his cup with ale, a simple task really. No one could've imagined what would happen next.
When you felt a wandering hand over your ass you acted on instinct. No you didnt even stop to think that slapping the craziest man in kattegat was a bad idea.
You stood there eyes wider than saucers. Frozen like a deer as you watched Ivars stunned face turn from the side slowly, a red welt already appearing on his pale skin. Fuck.
You took one giant step back suddenly afraid that he would stab you with a dinner knife right then and there.
"M-my prince, I'm so sorry I did-" you were abruptly cut off when he shot out of his chair, a wild look of murder in his eyes.
Fuck you were done for. Great job you managed to keep yourself in check for like what 7 minutes?!
"Ivar stop!" Aslaug tried to calm him down but he was already out of his chair and limping towards you dangerously. Afraid of him and what he could do you whipped around and darted past a shocked Calise out into the brisk winters air.
You could hear shouting behind you but you were too frightened to stop. Although you probably made it ten times worse by running away. Should you have just stayed and taken the beating?
Surely the brothers or the queen would've intervened before things got too out of hand. You shook your head. Well none of that mattered now, you had to hide before he found you. Gods for a cripple, he sure was fast.
You cursed as another ruthless wind made you shiver. Only a thin dress protected you from the harsh weather. Great instead of being beaten to death you were gonna freeze to death.
Maybe it was better that way.. even if you left kattegat, it's not like you had anywhere else to go. And being captured by bandits on the road didnt seem appealing either. For all your past bravery you were feeling pretty terrified right now.
You hid behind a house taking a deep breath. Ok so you couldn't ask anyone for help for surely they would turn you in. After all no one would risk protecting you for Ivars wrath.
A barn near the house caught your eye, and you immediately snuck through the crack in the door and pulled it shut.
There were some piles of hay, a table for crafting tools of some sort, and above it all was a semi sealed attic.
Seeing no ladder you quickly piled some hay until it was tall enough to climb on. You also pulled as much as you could up with you to cover yourself.
By this point your hands were starting to burn. But you feared going back more than freezing. So you scooched back as far as you could, almost hidden completely and pulled the hay onto your shaking body. It wasn't the furs you slept with but it would have to do.
Wrapping your arms tight you prayed to the gods that you would somehow survive this or at least die a quick death.
At some point the cold turned into burning and then you felt nothing. You couldn't even feel your eyelids as they drooped shut.
"Ivar calm down, she's new she doesn't know how to be a proper slave yet" Ubbe stood blocking the door. The only thing standing between him and your certain death.
"I agree, she doesn't know, so she must be taught a lesson" Ivar growled and tried to push past his brother once more.
Aslaug gently placed a hand on his back, "Ivar please, she is just a slave, she is not worth it"
Ubbe could tell he was starting to calm down, especially when his mother spoke he always listened.
"Ivar you're right, she does need to learn but please, let me go and deal with her" Ubbe pleaded.
Ivar glared at his brother a few moments before sighing and shoving his arm off.
"Fine, just promise me you wont be too easy on her brother" he grumbled making his way back to the chair.
Ubbe sighed in relief and made his way outside. He started to worry because it was heavily snowing and from what he saw you were only dressed in a thin dress.
He actually had no intention of "dealing with you" as Ivar had demanded. In all honesty he thought you reacted as any insulted girl would. It just so happened because you were a slave it wasnt permitted.
Later on after he found you he would probably have a good laugh about this with his brothers. After all it wasnt everyday someone stood up to Ivar the boneless.
Ubbe had been searching far into the night now, no one he asked had any clue where the girl was and he was starting to lose hope.
Part of him wanted to give up and warm up by the fire in his house but part of him knew you would die if he did. He was far too kind to let that happen. So with a sigh he rubbed his hands together trying to generate some heat before he set off again.
Ubbe lightly shook your numb body as he tried his best to bring you to conciousness.
"Wake up, c'mon woman this is not a good place to die" he lightly slapped your cheek.
He clicked his tongue when you didnt even flinch.
He pulled off his outer fur and gently wrapped you in it. Carefully he lifted a hand behind your back and under your knees. Adjusting you until you lay safely in his arms.
He decided to take care of you himself seeing as it was the middle of the night and his house was much closer than the hall. Plus it wasnt a good idea to be around Ivar right now.
He kicked open the door and gently layed you down by the firepit. He got to work lighting it and gathered all the warmest furs he could find.
Once he had you wrapped up in several layers he grabbed a pillow and made himself comfortable beside you. For a moment he just stared at your face, wondering what your name was, where you came from, what you were thinking when you slapped Ivar. The last one made him smile. You were an interesting one indeed.
Death felt cozy...? It was warm and comforting, like the first day of spring after a long winter.
You felt softness everywhere, like a bunch of tiny kittens were cuddling into you. If this was death, this must of been heaven. The smell of wood was soothing, reminding you of your home and the sounds were peaceful. The crackling, singing of birds, snoring....wait a minute...snoring???
Your eyes flew open as the realization that were in fact very much alive sunk in. You could see a wooden ceiling and tried to sit up but someone had piled what had to have been 1000 furs on you, making you feel like a swaddled baby. A very hot and sweaty baby. You tried to lift them off but your arms felt like jelly.
Ubbe heard the commotion and was awake in an instant.
He almost laughed as he watched you wiggle around like a trapped worm.
"Easy now, you're still recovering" Ubbes unmistakable voice echoed through the room.
You twisted around until your eyes landed on his amused ones.
"Prince Ubbe?" Ok now you were officially confused.
"Here" he scooted closer and started removing a few of the layers. When you moved to sit up he placed a hand on your back supporting you. You nodded a thank you and cleared your throat. It felt dry like you hadn't drank water in days.
As if he read your mind the prince reached over to a table where he poured water from a pitcher into a small cup then handed it to you.
After gulping the whole thing down you suddenly felt very awkward as he was just staring at you.
" Um Prince Ubbe?" You looked up.
"What am I doing here.." he let out a tiny laugh which only confused you more.
"You mean you don't remember?" He asked smirking.
"Remember? I don't know what you are talk-.......Oh my god I slapped Ivar!!" you shrieked in disbelief as the memories started to piece back together again.
You suddenly felt very unsafe and began scrambling to get up. What if he was waiting for you to get up just so he could torture you.
As soon as you stood up you felt a wave of dizziness pass and found yourself pitching to the side.
"Woah slow down" Ubbe effortlessly caught you and guided you back onto the ground. "You need to rest, your body has been through a lot." Ubbe said with his hands still supporting you.
You were about to protest when he held a finger to your lips, "Shh listen to me, my brother is not going to hurt you I give you my word." He promised pulling away slightly but still staying close.
You visibly relaxed at his words. Out of all the brothers Ubbe did seem the most trustworthy and kind.
"Although he did say that I should teach you a lesson" he meant it as a joke but you tended up immediately, ready to run again. He quickly noticed and shook his head smiling, "Don't worry, I think you almost freezing to death was punishment enough...how do you feel by the way?" He asked with genuine concern in his eyes.
"I'm fine I think...but I still don't understand how I came to be here with you.." all you remembered was crawling into that barn and feeling so tired.
"After you ran out we calmed down my brother and I convinced him to let me handle you. I searched for you a long time before I got lucky and happened to spot you curled up in the corner. You were nearly dead, I didn't waste time and brought you here to my home. I have to say I am quite surprised you are up already considering how unresponsive you were last night."
As he finished speaking you felt suddenly very vulnerable. All your life you had been on your own. You took care of yourself because that was all you knew. And in one night he had cared for you more than your own parents did your childhood. Suddenly you felt bad for every bad thought of him that ever ran through your mind.
"Thank you...you saved my life and somehow saved me from Ivars wrath as well. You must be a magic prince or something, definitely my new favorite" you let out a tired laugh.
His eyes lit up in amusement. You certainly were an interesting one indeed.
"As long as you don't make a habit of slapping princes I promise nothing will happen to you"
You wanted to believe that but you were a slave, anyone on the street could beat you and no one would bat an eye.
"You can't promise that....I mean no offense but I'm a slave, anyone has the right to punish me with the littlest excuse and no one would care.." you were getting angry at the thought of how many slaves you saw get brutally punished for simple mistakes.
Ubbe was quiet for a moment then shrugged his shoulders, "Then I guess I have no choice"
You tilted your head at his non chalant attitude.
"What do you mean?" You questioned.
"I'll just have to make you mine" he said it as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
Make me his? What is he talking about??
"If I convince my mother to give me you as a personal slave I would be able to watch over you. Down the road I would be able to free you and you could still serve and work for me if you wish."
You sat wide eyed at his words, was he being serious right now??
"You want me to be your slave...? And then you would free me..?"
He nodded his head confirming it.
"I've been in need of someone around the house anyway however I'm not looking for someone to force. If you agree, you would work and I would pay you. But you would be free to do as you please. What do you say"
You were stunned, this man had not only saved your life, he protected you, nursed you and now he was giving you your freedom!?
Again your instincts took over and before you knew what you were doing you launched yourself onto his body gripping him in the tightest hug possible.
"I say yes! Thank you my prince!!" You squeezed him still in disbelief.
He was not expecting that and let out a surprised laugh. When you realized what you had just done you shuffled back embarrassed.
"Ubbe, call me Ubbe from now on" he smiled before opening his mouth again, "Now I think I should know the name of the woman I'm going to be spending alot of time with yeah?"
You looked into his eyes and for the first time you felt so hopeful for the future, "Y/n..my name is Y/n".
He smirked and for the first time in your life you felt those tiny fluttering butterflies that all the girls had talked about.
Oh dear so this was what having a crush on someone felt like..
Thank you for reading! Please lemme know what you thought in the comments 💕
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insidetheacademy · 4 years
Say You Love Me || iv
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pairings: peter parker x reader (both peter and reader are 18+!)
summary: Peter found out that reader is moving away
warnings: angst, explicit language
gif credits: tomholandd
part i part ii part iii part iv part v 
you were sitting on a stool just painting on your perfectly laid out easel. envisioning the scenery that you had in your mind. frank ocean was playing in the background, basically you were just vibing to the whole scene that you’re in right now. brushes were gently dragged across the canvas while you sing along to frank ocean.
as you were about to drag your brush that was covered in purple paint, someone had rang your doorbell. it was odd as you dont usually get visitors ever. you think it wasnt appropriate to bring guests over since your place looks like it belongs in a dumpster– you dipped your brush in your jar that’s filled with water and walked over to your door. you opened it slightly to take a peek at who it was
and there he was in all of his glory; Peter Parker. you opened the door wide and greeted him, “Parker, hey. didnt know you were coming over,” you said nervously, his lips curved into a smile “yeah! thought i would surprise you,” it was shocking, yes, you hadnt even told him whats your apartment number. he must have stalked you when he’s being Spider-Man.
you invited him in and turned the volume of the radio down so it wouldnt be noisy. you walked over to your small kitchen to make some tea for the two of you. “so, what brings you here, Peter?” you curiously asked him, “i was just about to ask you out for lunch. i didnt know you were busy,” he said while looking around your cozy apartment.
you took out the teabags from their container and dunked it in the teapot. you then took out two cups and pour the tea out. “i wouldn’t say i’m busy. plus you should’ve called me before coming over,” you handed him his tea. he took a sip and shrugs his shoulder
the next few hours, he hung out at your place, you ordered pizza for the two of you while he was sitting on your couch watching a movie that you had put on. “so, what are you up to nowadays?” you asked Peter, he swallowed his pizza and said “well, i’m just doing superhero stuffs, you know?” you raised your eyebrows and laughed at his statement “as in what?” he crossed his arms and said “i’m actually working with Happy now. believe it or not, he gets on my nerves,” the both of you laughed
“ ‘kay, I’m gonna go to the bathroom” you put down your tea cup and your phone on the coffee table and headed to your bathroom. your phone dings and Peter couldnt help it but to take a small look on who it was, it read “congratulations y/n, on getting a job in Paris!! your father and i are so proud.” Peter heart drops as he read the first few lines. he felt as if he had been betrayed.
you walked into the living room “hey, so what do you wanna do for dinner? i can make mac and cheese,” you stopped in your tracks when you saw Peter holding your phone, “what are you doing with my phone, Pete?” you asked calmly trying not to burst, “y-you’re moving?” he asks almost heartbroken like, you nodded to his question which lead to him being furious. Peter asked yet again “when are you leaving?” , y/n looks down on her feet and said “tomorrow,”. he kept bombarding with questions not planning to stop until he’s got all the answers that he needs, “were you not planning to tell me?” he said you walked to him and snatched your phone away, “it’s not a big deal, Parker! what the hell were you doing looking at my phone anyways?!” you shouted at him
“its not a big deal? this could change your life, y/n! where am i gonna fit in after that?!” Peter scoffed, you were offended at his words, “where are YOU gonna fit in? let me remind you, Parker, you are not my boyfriend so stop acting like one!” you spit at him. as if he wasnt satisfied he shoot back “so you dont even think of me as a friend anymore?!” you rolled your eyes, “for God’s sake, Parker, you stopped calling and texting me when you fucked Jane! you were the one stopped being there! so, no! i dont even think you are a friend. what kind of friend ditches their OWN friend for a girl?” you tried swallowing it but tears just rolls down your cheeks,
the world then fell into this huge awkward silence. what you said to him really went through his head. you were right, he was the one who left you to fend on your own. he could’ve just rejected you and still be friends, but why did he had to ignore you altogether? you sobbed into your hands and said “I think you should leave,” Peter tried to hug you and say sorry “leave.” you said at him with anger and sadness in your voice.
he took his jacket and said “thanks for the tea,” and left. you were shocked, what kind of human being just say that after they had a fight?! you took one of the cups and throw it at the front door wishing that it would hit him. on the otherside, he didnt walk away easily, he stopped to think about his actions in front of your door and was startled to hear a shattering noise. he punched a wall to let out his frustrations only to realise that this isnt his apartment. he ran out as fast as possible before he got caught.
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
what the hell were you thinking?! Peter thought to himself. he continues to make you distant from him without even trying! he wanted to be happy for you but everything seems impossible only because of his stupid actions. he lies on his bed in the dark just hugging the life out of his pillow, getting everything out of his system.
the next morning, Peter woke up with swollen eyes and dry throat. he heads into his bathroom and splashed a bit of water on his face. words from yesterday creeping on his mind, replaying like a broken record. he walked to the kitchen to get something to eat. maybe a pop tarts for breakfast? he sat down and thinks to himself, what the hell am i gonna do? should i apologise? suddenly there was a knocking on his door, he gets up to open it, “May!” he exclaims with surprised in his eyes, “hey! did you forget that i was supposed to come over today?” May asked raising her eyebrows,
May walked inside and took a good look around Peter’s apartment, “I thought you were planning to decorate it?” she asked, Peter crosses his arms and said “I-I’ve been busy, May” May gave Peter a weird look as he moved out two months ago and he’s still sleeping on the floor. May walked to Peter and cusped his face, “have you been crying?” Peter nodded only to break down infront of her, “shhh.... shhh... tell me what happened,” May said trying to calm Peter down
Peter told May the whole story, “what do you think I should do, Aunt May?” he asks desperately for an advice, May took Peter’s hands into hers, “she’s leaving today right? go and send y/n off. don’t let her go knowing that she ended things badly with you.” May smiles. Peter stood up from the couch to get ready.
May was right. Peter cant let you go to Paris without apologising to you. this was his fault for acting out and he’s going to make things right. he kissed Aunt May on her cheeks and made his way to your apartment.
Peter is now at your front door just fidgeting with his fingers. he went ahead and ring the doorbell. he waited for a few seconds hoping that you were still sleeping in. he pressed the doorbell yet again but there was no answer. suddenly he heard a voice, “are you looking for Y/n, dear?” she asks in a most loving voice, Peter nodded “I’m afraid she’s already gone to the airport,” Peter’s face drops even more knowing that you had left. “Oh, thank you then,” he walks by her.
“though, you might still can catch her at the airport,” Peter stopped and turned around to face her, “I talked to her this morning and she said she doesnt get on the plane until its 1:50pm,” the old lady smiles at Peter. Peter swore he could feel his own spirits lifted, he thanked her with the hugest grin on his face. He drove right down to the airport. not trying to waste any moment more.
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
You had just arrived at the airport, the cab driver was kind enough to lend you a helping hand. You smiled and bid thank you. Suddenly there was a big commotion, people were honking their cars and screaming “hey!”, you turned back to see that it was Peter. You tried walking away from him damn it he’s too fast,
“Y/n, wait!” He shouted, “what do you want, Parker?” You asked in an uninterested voice, he took a deep breath and said “I cant let you go. Not like this. I am so sorry for what happened between the two of us. The truth is, I missed you. At nights, I think about the words you said to me when you confessed. I have been a dick and I am so sorry. I know nothing can erase my actions but let’s start this over again?” You were shocked to say the least, you couldnt believe he came all the way to the airport to say that.
You pulled Peter in for a hug. “I forgive you,” you mumbled against his neck, you let go of him and said “I’m sorry too.. for not telling you any sooner,” he wiped the tears on your cheeks, “hey, its okay. I was the one who had no rights to get mad at you,” you smiled at him and he smiled back.
For the next 40 minutes, he had helped you checked in your plane and carried your baggages around. You were both now sitting in Starbucks just trying to forget about what happened. “I have something for you,” you spoke, Peter was excited to see what it was, you took it out from your backpack and showed him. It was a painting. A painting of him as Spider-man. Peter took it in his hands and admired the painting, “this is awesome, y/n!” Peter blushed knowing that you had spent your time making a potrait of him on top of a building.
“Don’t think I had never saw you looking at me when you’re on the building thats infront of my apartment window,” You sipped your coffee, Peter was embarassed to know that he was caught stalking her. “How long have you had this?” Peter asked, “A month ago when we met again. I knew immediately that you were gonna, quote on quote, keep me safe, like you used to,” you winked at him. You were right, Peter sometimes do that to people he loves. Just lingering near their houses to keep them safe.
40 minutes has gone by so fast and now it was time for you to go. “So this is it!” You said with nervous laced in your voice, “I’m gonna miss you,” Peter smiles at you. You leaned it and gave Peter a kiss on the cheek, you then took your bag from him, “I’m gonna miss you too, Spider-boy,” you smirked at him and went to the gate.
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
a/n;; hii i am so sorry for the late update, my phone is fucked ;w; and i cant do anything about it since the whole world is in lockdown but here’s an angsty part 4 to make it all up! thank you all for waiting patiently!
say you love me taglist
@imawkwardandhereweare @canyonmoonspidey @thebadassbitchqueen @thequeenreaders @averyfosterthoughts @a--1--1--3
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haemosexuality · 5 years
She-ra SDCC panel stuff!
Theyll go there after the message (serenia, portal, mara)
characters'll go into the crimson waste, putting them into new situations. Their personalities and motivations will be pushed and explored more.
Mara is sending the message
Adora wants to find out more since she and mara came from the same place. Its the only way she feels she can have control of her destiny.
Huntara is there. Catra and scorpia too.
everytime adora gets confortable, something happens to her and she is sent back into existencial crisis loop
we'll learn more about her backstory
Adora has tricked herself into thinking shes ready but maybe shes not. Maybe she needs therapy
Adora didnt expect her past (shadow weaver) to come back so soon, just when she was figuring herself out
Adora thinks shadow weaver can change just like she did, and that she has some good deep, deep inside of her.
Shes not gonna process the revelation of her past well
It terrifies adora to know she chose to leave the horde, but she doesnt have a choice or control of her future as she-ra
adora loves shadow weaver, but this love is distorted, of course
She loves hard, to her own detriment. Shes the most loyal being to exist.
Negative villains prey on vulnerable people. Scorpia doesnt like that shes bad, but the horde took her in when she wasnt secure in her identity and didnt fit in, and they gave her a identity and became her family. Thats why she is loyal to them.
We all had times were we are really dedicated to someone who is really ambivalent to us and has little reciprocipation. thats scorpia and catra
Theres a lot more scorpia coming
theres no confirmation but everyone would like that.
They think adora would have the worst voice.
Theres no music in the horde but scorpia sings in the shower. She thinks she invented music
Lauren thinks Scorpia would sing catra lullabies. Noelle thinks she would sign a Fleetwood Mac song (who?)
bows voice cracks because when they started recording marcus voice was still cracking oabdoshfowbd puberty
There's more Hordak and Entrapta coming. Entrapta feels at home in the horde and is making a connection (science) with hordak. Theyre friends.
Its super important to noelle that bow having to dads isnt a big deal, its normal
Season 3 starts right where we left of. Catra and Adora have a lot of new stuff to deal with
Some new rebellions allies in s3
Hordak is a good dad. Free range parenting
Kyle would usually be a main character hes just…not one
Bows name would be kyle
We should be confortable with anything. Theres too many twists and turns
Catra cares too much all the time even if she pretends that she doesnt. She doesnt care anymore-she got nothing to lose and its kind of terrifying.
noelle loves writing shadow weaver bc she always surprises us. Shes evil and selfish but shes also human.
She makes every scene cackle with tension. Brightmoon will be very tense when she arrives, because she trained micah. Well get to see how everyone reacts to her
Adora wants to visit her in her cell but bow and glimmer keep stopping her
Neither marcus (Bow's voice) nor bow trust her
Adora is not from Etheria and LH shows her the portal she came from. The horde stole her and turned her into a soldier.
ADORA IS A FIRST ONE???? Lh said the sword would only work for their own kind and it was made by a first one.
Mara close the portal adora came through so she Cant Go Back (lapis lazuli anyone)
LH says adora doesnt get a choice about her future. When Adora storms off LH says "It's happening again."
LH is a frustation for Adora. Shes super knowledgeable but all over the place.
Lh is a program, a ghost of a dead civilization so she doesnt get why adora is so upset. "This is your function-why wouldnt you do it?"
Lh just watched as Adora was taken by the horde.
shes a tough desert warrior. A HUNTer if you will-
Huntara helps them with their quest (mara's message)!
shes hot.
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plainvanillapotato · 4 years
the 100 diaries S3 E1
quarantine diaries: june 20 2020
Season 3 episode 1: “Wanheda: Part 1″
chris? oof chris is dead
ok so this explains where the dead body went but where did these guys go??
murphy does not look good at all. he would do so poorly in quarantine. locked up murphy also reminds me of jess from breaking bad
what is going on. ummm 
too many people. thanos?? Dwight??
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so they just did a time skip through john murphy?? they could have chose a more interesting character but also 86 days is nothing murphy. but i do i like how hes vlogging his experience tho. likes hes the shane dawson of the 100
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oh my god! jaha is carrying murphy..lincoln and octavia who??? umm yes the ship is still strong even after the separation. 
what a way to start a season tho but like kinda in a bad way. murphy is not my favorite character so yeah this intro was not really for me.
ok so why was it closed in the first
looks like they’re sticking with the same intro :/
woah this is what i like to see! yes bellamy fight lincoln!!! reminds me of the sherlock home movie intro. 
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ICE NATION?! are we going to meet Katara? 
look at kane with a beard talking about real peace lol ok kane with these writers i just know that this wont last
MONTY!! looking good in a uniform
jasper shaved his head?! awww maya
bellamy and this girl?? theyre just gonna throw in this ship with no build up?? bitch waht?? ok fine but im calling it rn i bet this girl dies just for bellamy’s character development cuz there’s literally no other point to having this girl. but i will admit it was cute that she gave him a book
i wonder how many takes the water bucket to the face jasper’s actor had to do
hey hey hey chill jasper dont do that to my boy monty
lol i love jaspers salute into slapping bellamy like was that in the script or did the actor just come up with that on his own either way it was good
on the contrary raven i think that prettyboy bellamy is too good for her/whatever her name is
woooooow jasper blames monty? come on bro it was mostly bellamy and clarke
really who gave octavia a horse? but also since when did she learn how to horse ride because she her as hell didnt learn that on the ark
arkadia?? because of the ark?? ok
look at jasper just being an emo boy with his earbuds in. but also is that an ipod shuffle??? is raven steve jobs now? or where the heck did jasper get it?
what was that look jasper had with raven? ....ship?
wait that arm touch while miller sings let me make love to you...monty and miller a ship? you know what i ship it! 
aww and look at bellamy with a smile kinda reminds me of this cat
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this scene is just giving me all the feels!! i love it! 
i gotta say tho i still really dont like octavia. i hate her even more on a horse i just find it pretentious 
bellamy said screw protocol. love this chaotic energy. whatever the hell we want he said
but also bellamy said millers boyfriend?? waht?? so that like means that monty and miller might actually be come a thing tho right??? sorry not sorry that im literally shipping everyone with everyone
i dont like murphys hair now either. way too much gel
what a waste of an apple. that wasnt necessary at all murphy
we’re all kings said jaha. yes i like this attitude
stop it jaha. i dont think you can justice killing that many people
imo this is a very solid group even with octavia. like this is my favorite squad so far it has all my favorite characters bellamy, monty, miller, jasper, and raven (yeah thats right octavia is not my favorites list and neither is clarke)
the ice people with the white war paint remind me of that one racist movie that johnny depp was in 
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woah there jasper pretty bold and reckless there
lmao bellamy yells hold your fire after shooting the first shot
umm okaY OCTAVIA. nice throw.
oo bellamy said monty youre with me. yes yes yes monty and bellamy are my dream duo
what a beautiful black panther...what the heck clarke. clarke really is a crazy bitch to hunt a black panther 
also i really hate her hair rn. like im getting such bad vibez but also clarke really became fluent in 3 months??? huh?? what is that about?
ooo the wristband. 
if raven couldnt get down from the horse how did she get up there in the first place??
clarke is wanheda the commander of death umm really this is what the grounders think of clarke
that is not a good picture of clarke its like flynn rider and his wanted posters
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question: i thought only the warriors knew english so why does this merchant know english 
contraceptive implant removals??? calm down jackson that isnt a life or death procedure. but also damn these people really want to bring in new life into this crazy world?
side note where the hell is wick???
yeah abby fix yourself. preach raven
clarke and niylah... waht?? also the music choice for this scene was straight up weird. like watch the scene and tell me that it wasnt weird
octavia what is this?? octavia stop being salty bitch to lincoln. this is just such a weird dynamic. also octavia if youre gonna tell lincoln that “you can wear their jacket. but you’ll never be one of them” can you please fucking apply this about you really want to be a grounder. such a hypocrite
why does jaha need him? cuz it doesnt seem like murphy has an skill other than keeping himself alive
“pain hate envy those are the abcs of me”-murphy. who is this guy Eminem??
emori?? murphy is like i really dont want to go with jaha but i really into this girl shes the only person that doesnt hate me.
is that shaw mendes?? like is that really him because to be honest shawn mendes has a common face? i really dont know and i dont feel like looking it up. if it was a cameo then it was as weird as ed sheeran popping up in game of thrones
really octavia really. sleeping on the ground underneath the night sky?? bitch who do you think you are? you’ve been on the ground for less than a year and youre acting as if this grounder culture is all that you are. I also don’t like how she is trying to be more “grounder” than lincoln who literally grew up in that culture. idk guys i just get really weird vibes. 
oooo get’em jasper that music was annoying me too
side note: but also who the fuck taught these kids how to drive a car cuz its not like anyone on the ark knows how to?? i get that its easy to drive a car but honestly my real beef is that we dont see them learning how to drive cuz i think that it would be funny af...unless please tell me they have flashbacks to them learning how to drive. if not, we were robbed.
great job clarke way to get yourself caught
this is the weakest season opening for this show ever like i gotta say that i really dont like this direction of this season rn
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hitchell-mope · 5 years
Just put on the movie
And there we go. The dedication is there.
Oh god the rapping.
My palms will be bloody by the time this is over.
But I like the parallels to the first movie
To much auto tune
There goes my heart Disney.
Oh lord that’s high
Bbys. Smee twins
There’s my child Celia
MY BOY!!!!
I mean Mal has a point.
He thinks it through
I love him so fucking much
Loving Doug’s hair
Rat bastard. Rat bitch. Rat fairy (Adam belle Verna)
Fuck off leah chad Audrey
😍😍😍😍. This version is better then d1
Oh Evie love. Just tell him you love him
I hate you Adam and belle
Ben and the other three are adorable family
Still hating Audrey. So. Fucking. Much
Love the purple limo
Bal parent vibes are strong
They shoulda painted the limo roof purple
Dying of cuteness
Proud fiancé Mal. Love it
Fuck off leah
Here’s papa hades. And the ham.
Ah well. Nice while it lasted
So. Much. Ham.
Poor girl. Ouch.
🤮🤮🤮🤮. I still hate her and her geriatric bitch of a grandmother
Oh bitch please. First words out of your mouth were creel. And it ain’t abated
I’m supposed to be sorry for this sad act? I don’t think so
So. Much. Rapping
Still theft. Throw her on the isle with her grandmother
Lonely and friendless. Because Mal is so much better then you ya limp noodle
Gotta be bad on the back
Seriously though. The actual singing is better then the rapping. So gotta give satah her dues
Fuck off grown ups.
Blue bitch. Just like always belle
Ok. People. You can see it’s hurting bal to do this. KILL THE BEAST
Murder. The fucking. Parents
Evie. Evie’s sensible. Listen to your sister Mal.
And here comes the guilt. Like always. The narrative blames Mal
That darn cake
Ah. Pain. Hug them now
And jump scare
Oh god. Shut up Audrey. You’re a sore loser
Eh. The prosthesis look ok
Audrey. Nutter. Ben was more then ready to start the honeymoon when Mal was a dragon. Do you really think a hag would stop him?
Oh boy
That’s a lie and you know it bluey.
At least the bikes have an explanation
Why the red for Evie though
And the mutt speaks
Fuck off Chad. I hate you so much
This bitch again
So shrieky.
Kiss ass
Real original
Jump Jane jump!
So many neck cricks
No one tells him anything
Cella’s right Mal
Overly long gag. But cute
Awww 🥰🥰🥰🥰. At least he’s a good dad
Nice reference
And the fear mongering begins.
And here’s the cryptid. He shoulda died in it’s going down
Psycho bitch pirate whore
Cella’s a troll and I love it
The vehicle needs an oil change
At least he’s sleeping. Though that position can not be comfortable
At long last the reveal.
He’s funny. And hot. (I can see where @mochacake2016 is coming from)
We know! We know
And here’s the music
He’s got a point
She actually sounds like jade west here
So far. Besides the proposal. This is my favourite song. Mostly for Hades great looks. Great voice
And the tambourine
Would be better with purple and blue fire effects. But no. We can’t have nice things. They spent the budget on pirate whores make up
She’s got a point. They both do
Proud papa
C’mon girl. Cry
Of course she told her sister
He’s a good king.
T-shirt should be ripped.
🤮🤮🤮🤮. Hate her so much
And. Here. We. Go.
Benny. I love you. But did you not hear what she said to Evie when you first met the vks. Of course not. You were lost in Mal’s eyes.
Whore man is probably skunk drunk. Gil’s cute as ever though
Throw hook in the water. And keep it there.
🎶she’s back🎶
And there screwed
He makes feel physically sick
Uma. I love ya. But honestly. Mal owes no one anything. It’s not her job.
No it ain’t
Jay’s got a point
Oh honey
Hook. In the words of the irreverent Captain Jack Sparrow “if the bikes be crashed properly. You be crashed along with it”. Not you Gil. I like you
Mother hen strikes again. Uma ain’t buying what she’s selling
Pure child Celia. (I don’t use this very much but) Gil’s babey (it feels wrong to type£
Chicken arms. No brains. No wit. No dance skills. No rapping skills. Ya basically a walking corpse hook
The dogs giving me a nervous twitch.
I hate the pair of them so no. No sympathy for prince douche bag
Gil makes me cry so simply
Stab the pirate jay. Please. For all of us
Psycho bitch
I want. It. Dead. Brutally. Dead
And more music. If this weren’t Disney they coulda melted them yo pukes of goo and pour it down Harry’s throat.
Oh god
So she can’t count either. Just like her brother
Definitely cha cha slide.
Deep sigh
So much ham.
Here’s a funny idea. How about instead of a bloody pantomime. ACTUALLY FUCKING FIGHT YOU FECKERS
Synchronised armour dancing. That’s new
Oh for fuck sake
Ha ha. Save it for the sob story bitch
What’s next a kick line
Thank god I was wrong.
Hook should be suffocated under the armour right now. Put us out of our misery
Care bear alert
I had to have a flu jab today. And it weren’t as painful as every single nanosecond hooks on screen
Love the platonic affection (I hate the very concept of malvie. What did you expect?)
Mother alert
Don’t eat wild fruit honey
So cute. But so dumb
Oh. Phineas and Ferb reference
Awww babies.
Don’t you dare tell me Mal doesn’t care.
Uma’s so done with care bear bs
More singing. Yay(!)
Please. Remind me again exactly why this is a DCOM. Cause it honestly does not feel like it what with the backstory pirate whores entire existence and the choreography
How has evie not broken a leg in this number.
Believe me Mal and Uma. I feel your frustration they go together like peanut butter and chocolate spread. (Perfectly if you didn’t know)
Where is she going?
She knows how R&J ended right? Double suicide. Why the romanticism huh?
HE IS NOT A RAG DOLL! Though props to Zachary for not corpsing
How can you hate Doug. He’s adorable. Best straight couple ever
There’s ma boy. Rip Harry’s throyatvout plwae.
Ben’s always been hot. But this is definitely working for me.
Awww. Carlos helping his papa
Wet Ben. Yum
Awww. Janelos cuteness.
Love the beard. So good. 🤤🤤🤤🤤
Someone murder the man whore before I do.
He makes me wanna throw up. And I’m not physically capable of doing that
@rpsocsandcanonohmy. I get where you’re coming from. But I also get where Ben is coming from. Sunbeam did get him abducted. And man slut tried to feed him to sharks. So I do understand both points. Doesn’t mean you’re wrong though
Shoulda let Ben slash hooks throat jay. You’re slipping buddy
Mal’s eating crow
Hopefully he chad suffocates. Then she’s have done one thing that wasn’t completely worthlessly reprehensible
And it had to ruin it
Te-am work. As plankton says
Proud sister
Boys are back. (With dude and the mutt in tow)
I hate happy harry. But I do like happy Uma. Eh. Double edged sword
Shoulda gone with Janelos. Jarlos is from big time rush
Oh they’re so cute
Poor Doug.
So. Update. Might be like Mal. (Definitely loving Ben’s facial hair)
Yawning over chad. So pathetic
Her seat from him douchey mcuseless
Poor Janey
Cats outta the bag
Once again. I kinda understand all points. Yeah Mal shouldn’t have lied. But Uma didn’t really give her and choice. And Evie just kinda assumed. And no one really lets her explain anything.
Hooks still pathetic. Even hurt emotionally I still wanna punch his roger rabbit looking face (Sorry Roger)
Oh dear
Mal. Don’t apologise. You did what you felt you needed to do. And no gives you a chance to explain. Ever.
Yes. You needed to do what you could.
Excellent acting all around as usual
Evie. Look. I love you. Your favourite number seven. But WHY IS IT YOUR SISTERS JOB. WHY DOES EVERYONE MAKE IT MALS PROBLEM
Ha! Evie said it. She said family.
Oh fuck. Taken for granite
More singing.
I do want to stab Harry in the mouth with the hook
More flashback. Yay(.). Couldn’t they fill out the runtime
More dragon.
Audrey’s performance might make me a vegetarian
How is it not crushed by the claws?
Fire should be green
Yay. Auds dead. Please say yes?
The twins say literally one thing
From magical incantation to vaguely irritating verbal tick. Well alright then
Evie. Why do you sound so sad. It’s a good thing Audrey’s dying. The ultimate price and all that. You should be glad. It’s a good thing
Mal: he’s my father. Ben: shocked face. Me: makes a sound like a boiling kettle
Bye bye facial hair
Die slut
More eating crow
The in laws meet
Exactly hades. Exactly. Knee beast in the dick
God Ben’s so hot.
Bite Adam’s throat out please hades
Should’ve let Audrey waste away. And sent granny to Tartarus to meet her
OH SPARE ME YOUR BLEEDING HEART ROUTINE! I still hate you in a fundamental level
Nice little family moment
What the fuck is Evie’s dress?
Queen Mal has a very nice ring to it.
Sure you can. You owe them noting. You owe nobody anything
Jay has a pull back braid in his hair. Yay!
“Audrey would be gone”. You say it as though that’s a bad thing
“Insert woody woodpecker laugh”. Fuck you Adam
Compromise. Bring the vks over. And plop Adam Audrey chad anleah on the isle. Sink it into the ocean
Why didn’t Verna bring the barrier down. Oh yeah. Cause then she’d be useful
More singing
At least this takes place in daylight
I still hate harry
Push Harry in the drink please. IM LITERALLY BEGGING YOU
God I love Ben and Doug
Why the Charleston?
I still hate tremaine
Well. Jane. In ZM. You met Mal. She’s Carlos’s mother in this au
Giljay. It’s cute
So Harry makes me ill right upbto the end. Now he’s related to purple and blue
🎶a bitch is in the dog house🎶. And deservedly so
Sweet little king
Oh boy
Whore has a turkey neck
This is the end. Good movie. With some unneeded bits. I’m gonna change a lot in ZM part three. And both dedications broke me.
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quarktrinity · 5 years
hey so remember that post i made talking about how connor murphy is an abusive shithole? id like to make some adjustments to that.
in that post, i said that people are still allowes to like/relate to connor murphy and/or evan hansen. i only said that because if i didnt constantly cater to the opinions of deh stans, id be burned at the stake for it, and even when i did cater to them, i got people saying that connor actually isnt abusive, and that i should "let people enjoy things, karen".
well you know what? i literally dont give a shit right now.
dear evan hansen is a shitty garbage musical and anyone who tries to defend it needs to read the fuck out of this post.
lets address the elephant in the room. connor murphy abuses his sister. this shouldnt be up for debate, its literally part of his character, and basically stated in the script, which i own. if you "disagree" with this, i think you need to watch that show again.
so now that thats out of the way, i can go further into detail about this.
deh portrays connor murphy as a ~complicated~ individual, and says that even though he did bad things, the world shouldve been more welcoming and kind to him, and his parents shouldve tried harder to help him.
and sure, okay, his parents definitely sucked at trying to give their son the help he needed, but are we actually just going to skim over the fact that hes abusive? he threatened his sister and treated her like shit daily, thats not ~complicated~, thats called abuse, and the writers of this show cant fucking put this kid on the pedestal they put him on without giving the impression that they think abuse is justifiable.
you cant have it both ways. you cant have a character be irredeemable, then try to portray them in a sympathetic light. it makes you look like an asshole.
so if connors such a shithole, why do so many people like him?
well, lets just say that if sincerely me wasnt a song, people wouldnt give a shit about him. this is a classic case of "piece of media has a character say theyre gay, then pass it off as a joke to appeal to the straights, and lgbt+ fans eat it up." once fans had that impression of him, they couldnt let it go.
but that isnt who connor is. thats literally the point of sincerely me. connor isnt the cutesy sad baby you think he is, hes an abusive piece of shit who doesnt deserve the attention he got.
you might say: "but he was depressed!" "but his parents were neglectful!" "but he was ostracized!" and to that i say:
okay. that sucks. so?
how would any of that make him a sympathetic character? how would any of that justify giving the positive attention connor got? short answer: it wouldnt. long answer: you guys love saying "that doesnt make it okay, but..." but what you really mean is "i dont apply critical thinking to the characters i like because im stubborn about holding onto the first impression i had of them, so i dont care how objectively horrible they are, as long as i can tangentially relate to them via pride flags and neurodivergency, im good."
to portray connor the way he was portrayed is unacceptable. i literally cannot express how disgusted i am at this show and its fans.
moving on to the other huge asshole of this show, evan hansen himself.
where do i even start with evan hansen? well, lets make a list of all the reprehensible things hes done in the musical:
gaslighted an abuse victim into thinking her abuser loved her as a method to pursue her romantically
lied to said abusers entire family, painting a picture of a perfect child that definitely was nowhere close to who he actually was
antagonized his mother, claiming she saw him as "broken" when she was just trying to help him with his anxiety
hurt literally every single person in the musical and didnt hesitate to go straight for the jugular on every one of them
defended connor by saying "life is messy, people are complicated, blah blah blah blah false morality"
but sure hes adorable because anxiety.
evan hansen does not come anywhere close to what people call "morally gray" or "a good person doing bad things." i seriously cant think of a single thing he did in the musical that was solely for someone elses benefit. hes a selfish person. thats his whole thing. he wants attention so bad that he was willing to do outrageously bad things to get it. this isnt a matter of anxiety and getting caught up in a lie that got too big to let go, its a matter of being selfish. thats it. he isnt a good person. stop acting like he is.
the final thing id like to say is to those who identify as connorkin or evankin, or just relate to either of them as characters. to those people, i can say either 1) you dont know these characters as well as you think you do, and youre mistaken, OR, 2) you literally identify with one of these piles of human garbage, go away. im not going to waste my time arguing with people who relate to abusers/people who defend abusers
and if you think ive said "abuse/abuser" too much, and that i should find more creative ways to criticize connors character, i hate to break it to you, but theres not much else to say about him. the majority of whats said about him in dear evan hansen is a lie, so all i know about him is: 1) abuser, 2) some incident with a printer, so hes evidently a violent person, 3) weed, 4) depression? i guess? and 5) just a general asshole
thats kind of it
dear evan hansen spits in the face of abuse victims. it spits in the face of those who have depression or anxiety. it spits in the face of suicidal teenagers. it spits in the face of everything it pretends it cares about.
its a disgusting and damaging show, and id greatly appreciate it if i never had to see anyone sing its praises ever again.
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Stay ( Jungkook x You ONESHOT)
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Thankyou for this request anon! Sorry it took forever to get it done, and sorry its long (10k). But I hope you enjoy it <3 And requests are still open eventhough Im a bit slow these days. Sorry about that!
A/N: So I am currently writing a lot of stories based on cheating and it got me wondering, at what level should someone who cheats be forgiven? And at what level they shouldnt be? What are your thoughts on this? Should you forgive your partner who is cheating on you? Does the reason that leads them to cheat matter? Share with me your thoughts!
"I guess all those rumors were true," was all Y/N could managed to say while her eyes locked on Jungkook's brown ones. The eyes that used to look at her with love and adoration, now is filled with sympathy, and maybe, just maybe, a little guilt.
Rumors regarding Jungkook and another uprising girl group member has been going around for months, and being the doting girlfriend that she is, Y/N decides to trust Jungkook when he told her those were all rumors, a normal occurance for an idol like him, whenever she asks him about it. They have been together for almost six years, trusting him is just something she is so used to, and that's exactly what she did, without even a doubt in her mind.
But now...
Y/N went over to his dressing room during one of his music show although its not something that she usually do since no one other than the members and only some of the makeup artists and stylist knew about her existance as Jungkook's girlfriend. Its been six years but Jungkook still insisted to keep their relationship a secret, saying its for the sake of his career and his fans, but now she finally know the real reason why.
Jungkook left his wallet and phone that day, and after calling Jimin to asks their whereabouts, he told her that Jungkook always goes early to the venue whenever they have a show, and she should go straight there to see him. Went there she did, only to find her beloved boyfriend being straddled by the same rumored girl idol, skirt hitched up to her waist, her clothing scattered all over the floor, leaving her topless and panting on an equally shirtless Jungkook whose mouth is busy kissing her bare chest.
What's worse than seeing this is the fact that Jungkook calmly picks up her blouse that is on the floor to help her cover up, while she still stays on his lap, not even a slight remorse or guilt can be seen on his face.
"Hey babe, can you leave us alone for a while?" He turned to the girl who smile at him as she puts on her bloise and nodded. She leaned in to give him a peck on the lips, making Y/N closes her eyes as she feels her heart break into tinier pieces. The girl smirked at her as she passes by.
Jungkook sighed as he bends to pick up his own shirt and start buttoning up.
"I'm sorry you have to find out this way. Its not my intention,"
Y/N is speechless. How can the man who she had loved for the whole six years, and who she thought loves her back, be this cold and emotionless.
"I wanted to tell you soon. I just couldnt find the right time for it. But now you know," he stood up and look straight into her teary eyes. Y/N has lost all strength to yelled at him, or hit him or to just do anything. Jungkook doesnt seem to regret any of it, so whats the point for her to try scream and shout over it?
But still, there's something her broken heart needs to know.
"W-why? What did I do to make you stop loving me?"
Jungkook sighed and ran his hand through his hair before his eyes flickered back to her.
"Its nothing really. I just fall out of love," he said simply. Y/N's shoulders shakes as she tries her best to muffle her sobs when she hears his confession. Its been six long years, yes, but her love for him just gets stronger through every obstacle that they faced. She didnt think he would think the opposite. "Everything has becomes a routine for us. I want something new Y/N. I want adventures and fun. You... you just dont interest me anymore," his last sentence ends up in a whisper as the last effort to not hurt her.
Y/N cant stop her tears from flowing freely down her face anymore. She nodded weakly at Jungkook's emotionless face. She didnt know what to say. She didnt know what she should say.
"I'm sorry for thinking my love for you is enough," she whispered between choked sobs. "I love you Jungkook," Jungkook just stayed quiet as he looks at he hurt etched across the fcae of the woman he had loved for so long. "Just... just give me two days to clear up my things from the apartment... and... and I will be gone from your life,"
"Okay," he nodded before lowering his gaze. He thought he is going to be okay with this but it still hurts him to see Y/N cry. "I will give you the space you need and stay over at the dorm,"
Y/N looked over her shoulders one more time to the face that she loves and hate at the same time before exiting the now cold room. "Be happy Jungkook,"
With non stop tears running down her face, Y/N threw her things inside the cardboard boxes that littered the whole apartment. It kills her to packed up every little memory she had build with Jungkook. Every single thing in the apartment reminds her of him, happy memories with him kept on replaying in her mind. The TV that she has turned on to keep her mind distracted while she packs start to play an entertainment news, and with her rotten luck, it showed a picture of Jungkook with the same girl from yesterday, now known as Yurin, finally announcing that they are officially dating.
Y/N felt her heart stops. It havent even been a day since she found out and Jungkook has already made a move. Six years their relationship was kept in the dark, always telling her he is not allowed to date and it people found out it would hurt his career. Six years of allowing herself to be fooled, always thinking and putting him first. Six years together, she had done everything with him and for him to just throw it all away... Y/N collapsed on the floor, hugging her knees to her chest as she buried her face and cry.
You can do this Y/N. You can be strong. You can let go.
After being curled up in a ball for almost an hour, she finally stood up with new determination and start to throw away every memory she had with him, picture frames, polaroids, tshirts, plushies, gifts from him, everything, into a pile as she packed up her things in a faster pace.
No more. No more Jeon Jungkook.
Y/N smile as she look around the almost empty apartment. With her things gone, it looks almost unoccupied since Jungkook kept most of his things at the dorm. The movers has already brought down all her packed items and Y/N look around one last time, a small smile graced her face, along with a single tear that she quickly wiped away as she remembers for one last time the memory when she first moved in here with Jungkook. How happy they were back then.
Its over now. He has somebody new to make memories with. He dont love you anymore Y/N. Its over.
Its time for a new beginning. Y/N whispered to herself as she looks down at her flight ticket and the acceptance letter that she almost rejected at first because of Jungkook.
A new beginning without Jeon Jungkook.
Jungkook lay down on his bed, tossing his phone around, something feels unsettled in his chest, when it dings, indicating a text from Yurin just came in.
"Another party Yurin? Really?" Jungkook sighed. Yurin is an uprising idol who is labelled as the IT party girl. For the weeks he had cheated with her behind Y/N's back, Jungkook felt alive. Going out to new restaurants, clubs and attending exclusive parties with a beautiful girl on his arms, but he's sick of it now.
Yurin loves showing whatever she does to the public. Its only been a day since they went public and she already showed millions of intimate moments of their relationship to the world. Private selfies, voice clips that Jungkook sang to her at nights, cute videos of their dates, everything. Jungkook knows his life as an idol was never going to be kept private anyway, but cant he just have a private moment with his girlfriend? Just cuddling and talking all night until the sun rises without it being posted on social media the next day?
Yes, Yurin is something fresh. Something new. Adventures and fun. But he didnt want that. He didnt want parties every weekends. He didnt want new suits and dresses everyday, just to attend another snobbish event. He didnt want rough nights together between the sheets but ended up sleeping with their backs facing each other. Those wasnt adventures.
Adventures are hiking up the hill at 4 am just to watch the sunrise together. Cooking home made meals that they never tried before together instead of dressing up and eating at these fine dining places that doesnt even taste good. Wasting his free day watching back to back superhero marathons, cuddled up in blankets, limbs tangling with each other. Passionate nights together that leads to pillowtalk, exploring their dreams and fears with one another. Dancing and singing to old pop songs while trying to clean the apartment but ended up only making it messier. Running around in the rain instead of waiting it out, only to be sick the next day. Sneaking out together to some run down diner in the middle of the night, meeting up with his hyungs, eating multiple burgers and ice cream, laughing the night away, only to work extra hard the next day to burn it all off.
Jungkook blinked as he realizes, those are the things he miss.
Those are things he used to do with Y/N.
He said he wanted new things. He wanted adventures. Something fun. That is what he said to Y/N when she asks him why. That is what he thought he wanted in Yurin. But Jungkook never realized that Y/N is everything he had ever wanted. She is the combination of familiarity and new memories. She is new experiences and familiar warmth.
Y/N is his home.
"What the fuck am I doing? What the fuck did I do to Y/N?!" Jungkook yelled to himself, surprising Jimin who passed by his room. "I need to go. I need to talk to her before its too late!" He grabbed his jacket and ran out, leaving a puzzled Jimin who didnt get a chance to ask him anything.
With panting breath Jungkook slammed the door opened only to be greeted with a cold and empty apartment. It doesnt smell like home. It doesnt feel like home. Not anymore. He stood in the middle of the empty apartment, realizing he's too late and Y/N is no longer here.
Jungkook noticed every single thing that is different. How the coffee table is no longer littered with her books, how there are no more fresh flowers in the vase beside the window, empty walls that's used to be filled with pictures of them, the smell of home cooked food that usually fills the air the moment he open the door, her favorite cartoon character cups in the kitchen shelf, the magnets that littered the fridge which she always bought when they went travelling together... everything is gone. And Jungkook has never felt more lonely.
He didnt know where else to go, so he ran to the only place he could think off; her office. The receptionist was shocked when she recognized who he is, but he doesnt care. If Y/N takes him back, he will tell everybody that will listen that they are together. That he loves her. That he's never going to let her go ever again.
"L/N Y/N. I need to see her," Jungkook asks still panting. The still shocked receptionist scrolled on her computer and after a few seconds, she looks up at him.
"Im sorry sir. There is no one that works here under that name," Jungkook furrowed his brows. He is pretty sure this is where Y/N works. He himself has dropped her here a few times before.
"Are you sure? This is XXX Enterprise right? Is there another one?" The receptionist shakes her head.
"No. This is the only one,"
"Then she must be here!" Jungkook slammed his clenched fist on the counter, making the receptionist jumped. "I need to see L/N Y/N!"
"But Sir. I.. I-"
"Did you say L/N Y/N?" Their conversation was interrupted by a girl who just came down from the building. Jungkook immediately rushed to her.
"Yes. Do you know her? Can you take me to see her?"
"I do know her but... I'm sorry. Y/N doesnt work here anymore. She quit with a 24 hours notice yesterday. I heard she moved somewhere out of the country," the girl explained, giving him a sad smile before walking away. Jungkook felt his knees wobbled as he hold on to the wall. It cant be true. It just cant be.What has he done? Did he really make her ran out of the country?
Where did you go baby? Please come back to me. Please stay. Please.
Jungkook walked out from the building, steps unpurposeful and defeated and unknowingly his feet brought him back to their shared apartment.
He was about to slumped himself on the sofa and just drowned in self pity when his eyes caught a box in the corner of the room. He walked over and saw its a box filled with their memories together
Did Y/N forget to bring this with her? Or did she intended to throw it out but forgot?
Jungkook sit cross legged in front of the box and start to take out the things inside. He automatically smile as his hand touched the first item. His white tshirt. Y/N loves to sleep in those. She says its comfortable and it smells like him, it helps her sleep better on the nights when he is away on tour. He sniffed the shirt and her scent start to filled his nose. He inhale and close his eyes as he starts to feel an ache inside his heart. He continues to rummaged through and found plushies he had won her on their first date from the claw machine, picture frames of them, the bracelet he bought her on their first anniversary. Every inch of their memory, Y/N has discarded and left it behind. The thought hurts him so much he feels suffocated.
The last item that is shoved to the bottom of the box is a scrap book that Y/N made for their six years anniversary. Its filled with pictures and momentos dated back from their very first date to their last one, which is almost months ago, making Jungkook realized how long he has been neglecting her. And yet, she had never once complained.
He flipped through the pages and saw pictures of him and his group winning awards, photos of their performances. Events that he never allow Y/N to attend under the false pretense that he is not allowed to date. Y/N never asks why, never once argued or demand anything from their relationship. Quietly watching her own boyfriend from behind a screen instead of being there with him celebrating.
Jungkook sighed and placed the scrap book down. Y/N never questioned any of his move. She trusts him and he broke that trust. For six years, all she wanted was for him to be happy. She's always there when Jungkook is stressed out over work, releasing his anger on her instead, but she always takes it with a smile. She's there when he's sick, always attending to him, making sure he and his group mates have enough to eat, bringing them lunchboxes during practice. Its not a question that his hyungs adores her. She's always considerate, understanding and consistantly asking what Jungkook needs and want.Even on the verge of breaking up, she didnt make a scene, agreeing quietly, respecting Jungkook's decision to stop loving her.
After six years, Jungkook only now realized he had never once asks her how she's doing. If school and work is hard on her, if she has a problem, if she's sick. Never once has he told her that she's already a perfect girlfruend for him and he loves her just for who she is. Jungkook starts to shake as his body try to hold in the hurt and tears he's feeling. The memory of her starts to haunt every inch of him, making him collapsed to the floor.
Where are you Y/N? Please come back to me. I need to tell you Im sorry. I need to tell you I love you. Come back. Please come back.  Jungkook whispered repeatedly as he finally fall asleep with the shirt that still smell like her clutch tightly in his grasp.
Jungkook immediately went to see Yurin the next day, explaning that their whole relationship is a mistake, consumed with lust and not love. He had expected her wrath but to his surprised, she was calm and agreed to his request to break up. Her only request is to wait a month before officially announcing it as it would damage her image if the news came out only a day after going public.
Months passed by and the two of them still maintained a great friendship, hanging out and still contacting one another. If only Y/N is back in his arms, then everything would be perfect.
"Good job everyone, see you tomorrow!" The cheographer clapped his hands, indicating the end of their practice for the day. Jungkook slide himself down on the floor and take out his phone as he gulped down from his water bottle. He scrolled through the pictures of him and Y/N and smile to himself.
"What's up with you? Do you have like a secret girlfriemd or something?" Jin elbowed him as he slide down beside him and take a swift of water. Jungkook just smile at his hyung. Without anybody's knowledge, Jungkook tried to find her everyday since she left, texting and calling her number, but never once received a reply. But it gives him hope when no one ever text him back saying he got the wrong number or the number is no longer in used. He is sure its still Y/N's and she is just ignoring him.
"Seriously, are you keeping something from us?" Jimin pouts.
He looked up at Jimin, almost opening his mouth and stop when he remembers that nobody knows the truth except for Taehyung. Jungkook came back to an empty dorm the next day with tears still evident on his face, only to be found by Taehyung who is actually sleeping and decided to stay home. Emotionally hurt and unstable, Jungkook let out everything to his hyung and makes Taehyung promise to never tell anyone about it.
"Okay guys. Go shower. We have a meeting about the new variety show in 30," Namjoon announced making the boys groaned.
Freshly showered, the seven boys dragged their tired feet to the meeting room which is already filled with the production team and their own management team. Seating himself in the corner, Jungkook slumped down on his chair, tired. He dont really participate in these meetings anyways so maybe he can just dozed off. Namjoon and Jin can always fill him up later. After a while his manager clapped his hands.
"Okay. Its settled then. Take a look around guys, these are the faces you are going to be working with for the next one year or so," he told the room and everyone start to smile and busy themselves to look around, making themselves familiar with their new colleagues. Jungkook straighten up and scanned around the room too before his eyes fall on a girl seated way back on the opposite side, her hair and cap pulled low to cover her face. Jungkook continues to stare as there's just something familiar about her, but it seems she's trying hard to avoid looking at him or his hyungs.
Maybe she's a fan and she's starstruck?
To his luck, someone went over to greet her, and having no other choice, the girl raised her head to smile and greet the person back, revealing her face, making Jungkook's heart beat faster and eyes turned wide.
Ahhh shit. Why do my first project has to involved Bangtan? Why does life hate me so much?
Y/N cursed herself as she walked alongside her team into the meeting room. After a year of studying abroad in broadcasting and production, she finally came back and was immediately hired by one of the big company in the field. Impressed by her skill, she was immediately assigned to her first project, which is an ongoing variety show which will take up to a year or more. Y/N is excited until she read the project paper and realized with who she will be working with.
Very soon after her departure, she starts to receive daily calls and texts from Jungkook. Texts that says he miss her and he loves her, asking for forgiveness. She ignored each and every one of it. Her heart almost gives in at first, but when she remembers the image of Jungkook and Yurin, the memory of how he told her he dont love her anymore, her heart starts to harden again. She still remembers the lain and its never going away.
Y/N thought she was doing well in hiding herself. None of the boys seems to recognized her. Until the manager asks them to look around and she saw Jungkook's curious eyes keeps on staring at her. She pulled her cap low, hoping she can make it until the meeting ends. She almost made it when one of the senior calls out to her and she has no other choice but to look up, and that's when she heard it.
Y/N ignores it. Hoping Jungkook would think he got the wrong person if she just stayed quiet. But the relentless boy stood up and walked closer, giving her no other place to hide.
"Y/N? Y/N, its really you!" You take a deep breath and turned to face him. It would be weird if you didnt since Jungkook is calling your name in the middle of a crowded meeting room. Still, you thank god the room is noisy with people greeting each other so no one is really focusing on the two of you. You turned, only to be faced with Jungkook smiling wide at you, bunny teeth showing and all, the smile so wide it stretch across his face. He took a step closer and reached out for your hand but you flinched away.
"Im not dreaming am I?" He asks more to himself rather than to you. "Y/N... its you. It really is you..." his voice coming out almost a whisper, she can see his eyes glisten. You look around, hoping something will save you from this awkward situation.
"He... hello, Jungkook-ssi,"
Jungkook's brows furrowed, confused. "Y/N. Its me. Why are you-"
"Okay, that's it for today! We shall meet again on the first day of recording. Thankyou everyone!" Someone said above the noise and everybody start to exit the room, Y/N being the first to grabbed her things and ran, leaving Jungkook standing there alone.
"Hey Kook. You okay?" Taehyung patted his back, confused by the maknae's weird behavior.
"She's back hyung. Y/N's back," he whispered, eyes still locked on the door.
"Y/N is back. And I'm going to make her mine again,"
"Okay, so let me get this straight," Namjoon huffed. "You cheated on Y/N with Yurin. Then she found out, and then you say all these nasty things to her. Y/N moved to another country before your stupid ass can figured out that you actually love her and made a mistake. And again your stupid ass have been pining on her since then, and now a year later she's back as a part of the production team and you want her back?"
Jungkook nodded eagerly, disregarding all the insults thrown at him. Namjoon give the back of his head a hard smack.
"Owh hyung!"
"You deserve it you idiot!" Namjoon snarled. "How can you do that?"
"Yes. You do. You do deserve it. In fact, give him another smack Joon," Jin said as he continue to eat his food from the takeout box. All seven of them are now gathered around the living room, eating their takeout after the meeting when Jungkook, after being coaxed by Taehyung, decides to tell everything to his hyungs. Its better if they know anyway. Namjoon land another smack on the side of his head as per Jin's request.
"Oww hyung. That really hurts!" Jungkook groaned as he rubbed his head.
"Good. It should hurt. Its nothing compared to the hurt Y/N felt. Why would she loves an idiot like you I will never know," Jungkook lowered his gaze.
"I know I hurt her hyung. But I was stupid," he mumbled. "I'm still stupid. But... I want her back. Please help me. I have waited for a year to see her again. Now she's right here. I will die if I lose her again," Jungkook begged. Yoongi rolled his eyes.
"Oh stop being so dramatic! This happened because of your own stupidity anyway,"
Taehyung chuckle while Jungkook pouts. "I think he really will hyung. I have known about this for almost a year now and he does look like he is dying sometimes," Taehyung backed him up.
"Yoongi hyung is just pissed because he likes Y/N. We all like Y/N. She's great! He is still angry at Kook for breaking up with her," Jimin helps to explain something that everybody already knew.
"Of course I am. She the only one who understand the importance of sleep when you imbecile starts to make ridiculous amount of noise and she feeds me too. Jungkook is an asshole," he growled, making Jungkook ducked his head. Its no secret that Yoongi adores Y/N. She is the only girl he has ever brought to his studio and even share some of his unfinished songs. His hyung adoration towards his girlfriend sometimes ignites his own jealousy. Yoongi is extremely pissed off when Jungkook dumped her for Yurin, but now that he know he actually cheated on her... he's fuming. "I should have just dated her instead," he added, although teasingly, but it makes Jungkook tense up.
"Hyung, no! Y/N is mine!"
"No she's not yours idiot," Jin stood up and gave him another smack in the head. "At least not anymore," Jungkook grumbled as he rubbed his head again as he decides to ignore what Jin said.
"So are you all going to help me?"
"Of course we are! We like Y/N," Hoseok cheerfully answered.
"But Jungkook, remember. We want her to be happy. If she decides she doesnt want to be with you anymore, then promise us that you will let her go," Namjoon warned sternly.
"But hyung..."
"Promise us,".
Jungkook ponders for a while. Letting her go? How can he ever do that? But Namjoon is right. Y/N deserves to be happy and if Jungkook is not what makes her happy, the right thing should be letting her go.
"Okay... I promise,"
"Damn maknae, can you at least pretend that you are interested in the show?" Namjoon hissed at Jungkook, making the latter smile sheepishly and concerntrate to what the PD is explaning about the game they are going to play. How can he focus on some silly game when Y/N is right in front of him? Although she's trying to hide herself between the cameras and crew, Jungkook's eyes followed her like a radar. Its only the first day and he already cant control the urged to grab her and hug her tight. How is he going to make it through the whole year if Y/N decides she doesnt want him back?
"Hey Y/N," Jungkook smile at her, flashing his bunny teeth and turned to the crew she is talking to. "Can you excuse us for a while?" The crew bowed and leave, finally giving him a chance to talk to her alone.
"Hi Y/N," he tries again, still smiling. God, why am I smiling so much? Why do I sound like a love struck teenager? Jungkook scold himself and clear his throat to look cool. Y/N bowed and gave him a small smile.
"Hello Jungkook-ssi," Jungkook's smile dissappeared into a frown at her reply.
"Dont call me that. Dont act like you dont know me," his warm brown eyes looks sad as he stares into hers. "Please..."
"Im not doing anything," Y/N shakes her head. "We are just colleagues now Jungkook-ssi, I think its proper for us to keep our formalities," Jungkook sighed.
"Fine. Then can we be friends?"
"Its too early for that. We just got to know each other again," Y/N smile, making Jungkook's heart skipped a beat.
"Okay. Then I will make sure we will become friends," he smiled back. He is thankful enough that Y/N is atleast willing to talk to him after the shit he has done. "How are you? Im glad you are back," he said slowly. "I really miss you..." his voice is barely above a whisper.
"Erm, I..." Y/N felt awkward. She really didnt know what to say. Despite the way Jungkook broke things off with her, and how he cheated on her, Y/N doesnt hate him. Instead, she blames herself everyday for making Jungkook stop loving her. She told herself that she should have take care of her appearance more, be more interesting, more fun, anything. "Im doing fine,"
"Y/N...listen. I didnt get the chance to tell you before. The moment I found out you left I went to find you Y/N,  but I was too late..." Jungkook lowered his gaze. "I'm sorry. Im sorry for everything. Im sorry for-"
"Its okay!" She cut him off in a rush. She really didnt want to talk about it. She doesnt want to remember the pain she felt when Jungkook said he dont love her anymore. Her still healing heart might just break again. "Its not your fault. People fall out of love all the time. Things that happened are in the past. Lets just keep it there,"
Jungkook is surprised at the hurt he's feeling. What does she means by its not his fault? Its no one's fault but his! "But Y/N, I-"
"Kookie!" Jungkook saw Y/N's eyes widen as she looks over his shoulder at the sound that is currently calling his name.
"Oh hey! I'm Yurin," the girl flashed her a smile. Oh Y/N knows alright. She will never forget the face she found kissing and doing more intimate things with her boyfriend a year ago.
"H..hi. I'm Y/N," Jungkook chewed on his lower lips, guilt and panic all over his face.
"Oh sounds familiar. But anyway, nice to meet you!" Yurin greet cheerfully and turned to Jungkook. "Oh Kookie, I wanted to tell you that my group is joining this variety too! We are doing it together! Isnt that great?"
"Wh..what?" Jungkook flickered his gaze from Yurin to Y/N. Y/N averted her eyes as she looks down. Its all too much. The way she held his arm. The way she calls him. The way she talks to him. Its all too much.
"I...I better get going. See you Jungkook-ssi,"
"Y/N, wait! I-" He couldnt finished his sentence before she has hurried away.  He sighed in frustration as his eyes followed Y/N who is stopped by Taehyung and Yoongi who finally has the chance to greet her. He saw how Taehyung hug her tight and lifted her up, swinging her petite body around in glee and Yoongi swooped in and gave her another tight hug, burying his head in her hair, that lasted a little too long for Jungkook's liking. Taehyung then stilole her away again and kissed her forehead. Jungkook turned back to Yurin who is still happily telling him the news and excuse himself.
Why does Yurin has to appear right now?
Jungkook looks out the window as the van take them to their next venue for the shoot. Its the second day of shooting, and Jungkook is excited to see Y/N again. Its only been a few days and he miss her already. He's going crazy thinking of ways to get her back. But what bothers him most is what Y/N told him.
Its not your fault. People fall out of love all the time.
What does she meant by that? How is everything that happened not his fault? Does she really believes that he didnt love her anymore? How can she still be so forgiving and pure after everything he did and say to her in the midst of their breakup?
Jungkook mainly stare at her during the whole shoot and he almost cried out in frustration when its over and he still didnt have a chance to talk to her. That is until Taehyung happily told them that he managed to coaxed Y/N to join them for dinner. Despite being happy that he can get some time with her, Jungkook still feel a little jealousy seeping in when he thinks how Y/N easily agrees to Taehyung request. He calmed himself, trying to remember that Y/N and Taehyung has always been close even before she is in an official relationship with him.
Its okay. They are just very close friends. Very close friends.
Jungkook sat opposite from her, right at the end of the table, at the restaurant while Taehyung sat on her right. He keeps on looking at her as he placed pieces of grilled meat and side dishes on her plate without saying anything. She didnt say anything either, as she slowly eats whatever Jungkook placed in her plate while she softly talks and laugh with Taehyung.
"Thankyou for dinner. It was nice spending time with all of you again," she smiled at them. The truth is, she miss them so much when she was away.
"Then you should come and hang out at our dorm again. Just like before!" Jimin suggested.
"Yeah. You can be on my team when we play video games. Chim and Kookie is always ganging up on me!" Taehyung pouts. Y/N laughs and pinched his cheeks.
"Aish, you are so cute Tae. I really miss you,"
"Hear that? Y/N miss me!" He squeals at the other members making them rolled their eyes. Jungkook who is watching the whole scene start to feel the same sense of jealousy seeping through again.
Why is she calling him Tae? Why is she telling him she miss him? Why is she touching him? Is something going on with them? Jungkook cant stop all these negative thoughts from running through his mind.
"So I will get going now," Y/N motioned to the opposite way of the road. Hoseok and Jin starts to nudge Jungkook with their elbow.
"What?" He hissed. They motioned to Y/N with their eyes.
"Gosh, you are so stupid," Jin hissed back. It took a while for Jungkook to finally understand what they meant.
"Oh!" He quickly ran after Y/N. "Y/N, let me walk you home," he said between pants as he fall in steps beside her.
"Oh. Its okay Jungkook-ssi. Im used to it. The air is nice and I dont live that far from here," she smile, declining the offer.
"No. I insist. How can I let you walk home alone Y/N. You know I always worry about you," his voice turned soft as he looks at her. Y/N kept quiet as the memories came back. Its true. Through the six years they were together, Jungkook always worry about her safety. He always makes sure that she never walks alone. On nights when he is busy, he will make sure to call her a cab or an uber and check on her the minute she arrived to her destination.
"Y/N...I'm sorry," his soft voice broke through her thoughts. "I want to tell you again and again that I'm sorry. I am so so sorry for everything I did," Y/N shakes her head.
"No. Its okay. We dont have to talk about it. Its-"
"No!" Jungkook raised his voice, startling her. "Its not okay. Me cheating on you is not okay! The things I said to you that day... its not okay. Everything I did to you is not okay. Scream at me Y/N. Hit me, hate me. Do anything. I will take it all. I deserve it all," he said as she took both of her hands in his, stopping them in their tracks. "Do something. Dont pretend that I didnt hurt you... I know I did... and I'm stupid for doing it," Y/N finally hear the regret and pain in his voice, something she didnt witness when he broke up with her, making her heart ache.
"Yes Jungkook," her voice suddenly broke the silence. "It hurts so much. Is that what you wanted to hear? It hurts so much, I feel like dying," Y/N speaks up, making Jungkook's head snapped up to her face. "A part of me died when you say that you dont love me anymore. Especially when I cant think of anything else but loving you," tears starts to spilled down her cheeks. "But I know I'm the one to blame. I was too comfortable with our relationship, I let it die. I stop doing things that interest you... and its fine. You deserve better. You always do," she looked to his eyes with her teary ones.
Jungkook shakes his head as he held her hands tighter. Is that what Y/N thought all this while? She blamed herself?
God, what have I done to you baby?
"Y/N. Its nothing like that," he whispered softly. His own tears threatened to fall but he blinked them back. "I thought I wanted something new, but I was wrong. You are everything that I have always wanted  I have everything I need in you but I threw it all away. I'm sorry for making you doubt yourself. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry. I'm just so so sorry for everything," Jungkook exhale. "I have never stop loving you Y/N. Im sorry for what I said. I love you Y/N. I have waited for so long for you to come back. I have waited for so long to show you again how much I love you,"
Y/N is shocked by his confession.
"Y/N, I promise to shower you with everything that you deserve. I know I dont deserve you, but please... please give me a chance to make up for my mistake,"
Y/N shrugged off her hands from Jungkook's hold, making him startled. "No! Im sorry, but I cant Jungkook," her voice shakes from too much sadness. "You cant do this to me again. It hurts so much the first time. I tried everything just to get over you. You cant just come back in my life just so you can shatter by heart to pieces again. Im sorry, but I cant Jungkook," Y/N choked out between sobs as she start to turn around to run away but Jungkook was faster, grabbing her hands.
"Let me go... please,"
"I will. But you have to listen to me first!" Jungkook cried in desperation. "I know. I know I dont deserve you, I know that Y/N. But as much as I know that, I also know that I simply cant live without you. I love you too much. Losing you... it hurts. It hurts more than anything I have ever felt," he peeks into her eyes, making her look at him. "But I promise you this. You can run from me Y/N. You can leave and ran away. But I will chase after you. I wont stop chasing you, wherever you go, I will follow you, I will be right behind you. I will be right there, until you are fully healed and realized that I wont do anything to hurt you ever again," he said with determination as he lets go of his hold on her, letting Y/N ran off without looking back to him.
Jungkook tried hard to show he meant what he said after that night. He starts to talk to her more eventhough she ignores him. He will invite himself to eat with her, join her on her breaks and walk her home, even without her asking or acknowledging it. It also doesnt help that the boys are starting to pull her into getting close with them again. Inviting her to dinner and movie nights, lunches and just hanging out with them at the dorm. With time, Y/N has opened her heart to at least be friends with him again.
Yurin who eyed their growing relationship starts to be consumed with jealousy. She agreed to the breakup because its what Jungkook wants. She believes that someday he will come back to her. But with this Y/N girl around... and looking at how love struck and smitten Jungkook is with her... she sense all hope for them dying. The truth is, she loves Jungkook and she will do anything to get him back.
And that is exactly what she's going to do.
Jungkook sniffed the bouquet of sunflowers that he just bought with a smile on his face. Its Y/N's birthday today and he has everything planned out. He's going to give her the sunflowers when he sees her, then the boys are taking her out for dinner after work and after that they are going to give Jungkook some alone time with her. Jungkook has booked a private observatory just for the two of them. Maybe its a little too much for someone who are "just friends" but he feels giddy thinking about laying down on the blanket and the picnic he prepared for them, looking at the beautiful night sky together.
He look for her everywhere but couldnt seem to find Y/N. She most probably have somewhere else to be. Running late for his first scene, Jungkook just placed the flowers in one of the rooms, knowing Y/N will find it since he has attached a card to them. He smile as he makes his way to his hyungs.
"You guys are on in about 10 minutes," Y/N peeked her head inside the girls' dressing room. Yurin and her group are now also a part of the show and although it kills her to see the face that haunts her nights everyday, she have to keep it profesional. Y/N was about to turn away when she heard the girl's conversation.
"How sweet is Jungkook? Its like you two never broke up!"
"Yeah. My ex would never would have bought me flowers. Especially without an occasion," another squeal. "Maybe the two of you would get back together!"
Y/N, given in to her curiosity, peeks her head again to see Yurin smiling so bright, holding a bouquet of sunflowers close to her chest.
Jungkook gave her flowers? I guess they are still close... And he didnt even wish me a happy birthday. Y/N thought sadly as she walks away with a burning ache in her heart.
Dinner was wonderful. The boys was so much fun to be with and the food is delicious. But she was more excited after Jungkook leaned in close to her and smile, whispering something to her that make her forget about Yurin and the flowers earlier.
"I have something special planned for your birthday after dinner. Just you and me,"
Y/N was excited as all of them picked up their coats and get ready to head out from the restaurant, she is more than ready for Jungkook's surprise. Who is she kidding? She has forgiven him long ago and her heart is already falling for him again. Y/N smile as she thinks about Jungkook. She can feel he has really changed this time.
Jungkook was just about to take Y/N's hand as they head out when his phone rings.
"Yurin?" He answered making Y/N and the other boys turned their heads to him. "Yeah, yeah of course. I will be right there. Dont worry. I will always be there for you," he spoke rapidly into the phone. Hearing Jungkook saying those words makes Y/N''s heart ache even more.
"Y/N... I'm sorry... but I have to-"
"Its okay. Yurin needs you right?" She asks cocking her head. The other boys stands awkwardly, not knowing what to do.
"Its not like that. I..." Jungkook sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. Leaving her for Yurin. Again. On her birthday. He knows this doesnt look good on him. Especially when he's trying so hard to win her back. But Yurin was crying on the phone asking him to take her to the hospital. He cant just leave her alone.
But looking at Y/N who's trying to hide her dissapointed face... it kills him. "About what I said earlier... Tae-hyung will take you there," he suddenly said while looking at a surprised Taehyung.
"Me?" Taehyung points to himself. "Urm yeah, yeah. That's right. Anything for the birthday girl," he flashed her his signature smile and offer his arm to her after Jungkook mouthed a 'please' to him.
"Oh no. Its okay Tae. You dont have to. I dont want to burden you," Y/N waved her hands.
"No. I insisted. A pretty girl like you shouldnt be spending her birthday alone. And its not a burden. In fact Im the lucky one to be spending some alone time with you," he wiggle his eyebrows making her laugh. Jungkook swallowed a lump in his throat as he looks at the love of her life links her arms to his hyung's and walking away. Taehyung has always been flirty, Jungkook knows that. But he also knows how his hyung has a soft spot reserved just for Y/N and how his eyes twinkle when he looks at her.
Dont fall for Taehyung Y/N. Not when I'm right here waiting for you.
"Tae, its beautiful!" Y/N exclaimed as she looks up at the stars.
"Yes, it is..." Taehyung whispered as he keeps on looking at her. He still couldnt believe how Jungkook is stupid enough to have hurt such a wonderful girl like her. If he was given the privileged to own her heart, he will do anything to keep that smile on her face.
"Cant believe Jungkook prepared all this and didnt get to see it," at the sound of his friend's name, Taehyung snapped out from his thoughts and plopped down besides Y/N who is now sitting on the blanket. "But I guess Yurin is always more important," she said in a low voice as she lay her head on his shoulder. Taehyung wrapped his arms around her. He can see how much Y/N still loves his younger friend and how being so close to Yurin hurts her. Why cant Jungkook see that?
"Hey... dont be sad. Its your birthday," he replied softly as he kissed her head. "Jungkook cares about you, you know. He still loves you," it pains him to say it but if Jungkook is what makes Y/N happy, so he held it in. Y/N kept quiet, lifting her head, staring at the stars.
"Right now, I dont want to think about him Tae," she suddenly broke the silence. "Right now, I just want to enjoy this beautiful sight with you," she whispered as she snuggle closer, laying herself on his chest. "You are wonderful Tae. I wish you are the one I had fallen for..." her voice so soft, like she didnt mean for Taehyung to hear her but he did. Taehyung wrapped his hands tighter around her, feeling his heart skipped a little faster.
"Then fall for me Y/N," he whispered softly under his breath, making sure Y/N didnt hear him.
Jungkook cursed as he make his way back to the dorms after checking up on Yurin. He didnt know why she made such a big deal. When he arrived, Yurin just actually have a little cold. With frustration, he went to get her some medicine from the drug store and went home after giving them to her. Because of her, he missed out on a romantic night with Y/N on her birthday. Because of her, his hyung is spending some time alone with Y/N, doing God knows what. What if Y/N fall for Taehyung while looking into each other eyes under the stars? Those kind of thoughts fills his mind all night, especially when he realized Taehyung is still not back hours after he was supposed to. Jungkook sighed and forced himself to sleep while thinking of the good memories he used to have with Y/N.
Jungkook tries to make up for that night the next time he sees her by asking her out for a coffee date during one of the shoots break time. Y/N agreed and told him to just wait for her at the cafe as she has things to finished up first.
Ordering her favorite drink, smiling to himself when he realizes he still remembers, he sat down at a corner by the large glass window, patiently waiting for her.
"Hey Kookie. What are you doing here?" He groans as he looks up and see a smiling Yurin.
"Im actually waiting for Y/N,"
"Oh? Maybe I should keep you company while you wait for her. I have no where to go right now anyway and its so cold outside," Yurin took a seat without bothering to wait for his permission. Although annoyed, Jungkook and Yurin still has a decent conversation with each other. He still enjoy her presence. After all, they did used to date.
She suddenly blinked rapidly and squeal.
"What's wrong?"
"There's something in my eyes. Can you help to blow it away?" She asks as she squint. Jungkook stood up and leaned across the table, first softly tucking her stray hair behind her ear and blow into her eyes.
"Is it gone now?" She shakes her head.
"No. Lean in closer. Can you check if there's anything in my eye?" Jungkook, not doubting anything leaned in closer across the table, peering into her eyes, their faces are so close she can feel his warm breath on her face, his scent making her dizzy. She suddenly bumped her head to his, making their lips touched for a second.
"Oh Im sorry. It was an accident," she smile sheepishly. Jungkook just grunted and sat back down before he turned to the window. What he saw outside almost make his heart stop. Y/N is standing there staring at them and Jungkook knows she must saw what had just happened between him and Yurin and get the wrong idea. Jungkook immediately stood up to go out to her but the moment she realized Jungkook is looking back at her, she stumbled on her feet and fell down scraping her knee. She quickly stand up and ran away.
Jungkook ran after her, figuring our she must have went back to the shoot since they still have another scene later. Reaching the set, panting and breathless, Jungkook search everywhere for Y/N. After a while he finally found her, but not in the situation he has been expecting. Y/N was perched up on a table, her face wet with tears as Taehyung kneeled in front of her, cleaning her wounded knee from the fall earlier. Jungkook can feel his body starts to be consumed wirh anger and jealousy as he marched into the room.
"What are you doing hyung?!"
"Im cleaning Y/N's wound. Cant you see?" Taehyung replied, raising his eyebrow. Jungkook came closer and grab the hand that is touching Y/N's knee.
"Dont touch her!" His aggressive behavior surprised both himself and Taehyung, and of course Y/N herself. "I...I mean, let me do it,"
Taehyung hesitates for a moment but after looking at the two of them, he decides to give them space. "Fine. But if you hurt her again, I will kill you," he whispered to the maknae as he passes by to exit the room.
Jungkook kneeled down and start to continue cleaning the wound. Y/N shivers the moment Jungkook's warm fingers touch her cold skin and a fresh batch of tears starts to erupt.
"Y/N, its not like what you think," Jungkook srood up to level himself with her. "What you saw, its not like that,"
"I...I didnt see anything,"
"Then why are you crying?"
"Im crying because it hurts. My knee hurts," she whimpered. Jungkook smile.
"The Y/N I know didnt even bat an eye when she broke her arm. I dont think she will cry this hard because of some tiny wound on her knee," his face is so close to her, she can feel him breathing as she closes her eyes. "Y/N... I'm sorry," he leaned in closer. "Please believe me. There is nothing going on between me and Yurin. We-"
The mentioned of Yurin's name makes something snapped inside of Y/N, making her eyes opened and pushed Jungkook away, startling him. She climbed down the table and walk to further herself away from him.
"No. I cant do this anymore," she said in a shaky voice.
"Y/N, what are you talking ab-"
"This. Being this close to you. Pretending to be friends with you. I cant do it anymore. Not when the image of you and Yurin still haunt me everyday. I cant do it anymore Jungkook," she yelled. Jungkook is shocked. Y/N was never like this. She is always calm and composed. What has he done to push her to become this?
"Y/N. Please listen to me. I lov-"
"Dont say anything. Just dont," she cut him off, shaking her head. "You have hurt me enough Jungkook. Please... I dont want to hurt anymore. Please, just leave me alone!" She turned around and exited the room, living Jungkook alone, shaking to the bones trying to comprehend what just happened.
Y/N avoided him and his hyungs since then. Jungkook didnt know what else to do. How can he be so dumb? How can he not see what Yurin is up to? He finally found out the scheme Yurin is planning to ensure he and Y/N will never be together when he overheard her talking to one of her groupmates. He finally found out about the flowers, about the fake sickness, how she had planned everything to always ended up wherever Jungkook and Y/N is headed and how she staged the whole accidental kiss in the coffee shop. Jungkook is furious. Furious at her for being such a bitch. Furious at himself for falling for her trap. He should have known better to stay friends with a girl like Yurin.
And now he's going to lose Y/N all over again.
"I told you I will kill you if you hurt her again!" Taehyung slammed Jungkook's bedroom door open. Jungkook looks at him with no emotions in his eyes. That's how he is since Y/N told him to stay away form her. To stop hurting her. Her words keeps replaying in his mind and it kills him to know that that's what Y/N thought of him. As someone who continuously hurts her.
"Go away hyung,"
"No! After what you did, this is how you are going to act?!"
"What do you want me to do hyung? I am not good for her. I hurt her. Thats all I do. I know Im stupid, an idiot. Whatever it is you came here to say to me, I already know it. So just get on with it and leave," Jungkook turned around in his bed, showing his back to Taehyung.
"You are really a fucking asshole Jungkook. I dont know why she loves you. I dont even know why I'm doing this when I know you will just hurt her again. But..." Taehyung's voice soften. "She's leaving again Kook. She resigned and she's boarding a train today. She's leaving,"
"What?" Jungkook immediately sat up.
"She's leaving and she's not coming back. If you truly loves her, go now. Go and fight for her now!" Jungkook, without waiting for anything else jumped out of bed and ran outside the door.
I'm coming Y/N. Dont leave. Please dont leave me.
With the information that Taehyung has texted him with, Jungkook managed to reached the platform in time, having even to buy a random ticket to get in. He searched around everywhere and finally found the person he was looking for.
"Y/N..." Y/N turned around at the sound of her name, surprised to see the man she loves standing there, looking disheveled.
"Jungkook? Wh...why are you here?"
"Please dont leave me again. Please Y/N. Please stay with me..." He walks closer to her as Y/N chuckle through her tears.
"I didnt leave you the first time Jungkook. You left me. You left our relationship remember?" She said softly. Jungkook stand in front of her, both of them facing each other, having so much to say but also nothing at the same time.
"I'm sorry Y/N. But please stay with me this time. I... I love you. I love you so much," Jungkook's voice is broken, as broken as his heart.
"I cant. I'm sorry but I cant. I dont want to hurt anymore Jungkook. Being here... with you... my heart will never heal," she said softly. Jungkook didnt get to say anything as the train speeds in, blocking all sounds. "I have to go now. I'm sorry. I'm sorry Jungkook," Y/N said one last time with tears flowing down her face as she turnd away to the train's entrance. Jungkook can feel her vision gets blurry as tears starts to flood his eyes.
This is it. This is the moment he will lose her forever.
And there's nothing more he can do to make her stay.
"Be happy Y/N. I love you," he gave her a small smile and turned away, not willing to look at the girl he loves boarding the train that will take her away from him forever.
Jungkook fell down to his knees as he hear the sound of the train drove away, taking along his heart away with it. He sat there on the floor, crying his heart out.
"Yah, Jeon Jungkook!"
Jungkook wiped his eyes. Is he dreaming? That sounds like...
He turns around to see Y/N still standing there, wind blowing her hair and face a wet mess with tears, but never looking as beautiful as she did in this moment.
"How can you just let me go like that!" Y/N walks closer and hit his chest. "You promised me that night. You promised me that you wont stop chasing me Jungkook. Did you already give up on me?" She cried out. Jungkook grabbed her tiny wrists, halting her from continuosly hitting his chest. He pulled her into a hug and buried his face in her hair while her cries is muffled by his broad chest.
"N..no. I would never give up on you baby. I would never," he whispered. "But I promised you that I wont do anything to hurt you ever again. And being with me is what hurts you Y/N," he sniffled. Y/N pulled her face from his chest to look at him.
"You are an idiot. You are really an idiot Jeon Jungkook," she starts to hit his chest again. "How can you ever think for a moment that I would be happy without you? You may have broken my heart into pieces Jungkook, but without you, I wont ever be able to piece it back together. Maybe that makes me an idiot, but that is what I am. An idiot for you," her tears starts to flow again. "I love you so much Jungkook. I love you. Please. Please promise me that you will love me. You will keep on fighting for me this time. You will stop hurting me," her voice soft as she begged, breaking Jungkook's heart. Never again would he want to hear his love begged to be loved by him.
"Baby," he cupped her cheeks and wiped her tears with his thumb. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. But I promise this time I wont ever do anything to hurt you ever again. If I could turn back time, I would take away all the pain I have put you through. I will fight for you everyday. Even when you are mine, I will still fight for you. I wont ever take you for granted ever again. I will cherished you, love you, worship you,"
"Just promise me you wont hurt me ever again. Just promise me Jungkook,"
"I promise baby. I swear with my life that I will do everything I can to make you happy with me," he kissed her forehead. "Thankyou for taking me back baby. Thankyou for giving me a chance. Thankyou for staying,"
"I have never left Jungkook. Because you have taken my heart from the very first moment we met, and you never did give it back. So in here," she pokes his heart, "is where I will stay, forever,"
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bipiers-archive · 5 years
1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 26, 31, 32, 37, 42, 48 :3c
1. i wanna say he’s in his late 20s! i dont have a specific age tho akdjhfa his birthday is in June bc I have a bias! also he’s Gemini :3c
2. MERRON’S AGENDER... he uses he/him, tho he’d be good with they/them! tho mostly he/him!
3. Merron is bi :3c he uhhh... shows great interest in a certain someone (and its so obvious!)
7. he used to work at an inn until he heard enough info and tips so he can start his own adventuring! while hes taking time off from adventuring, he hunts and trades meat/pelts/anything he gets frm his kills!
8. he likes using a bow! its his weapon of choice bc he can be sneaky with it and is able to take animals and what have you out by surprise!
9. his hometown was Whiterun while his granny still lived with him! after she moved from skyrim due to the war, he moved to Morthal to work (and he hated it >:c )
12. a dragon ajdfkj a horse he “found”! he considered it a free ride at first but grew pretty fond of the horse! if he knows his journey is going to be dangerous, he leaves the horse somewhere he know itll be safe bc thats his baby now!
13. he currently doesnt have any kids! :0 he is good with them and isnt against having a child, his own or adopted, one day!
14. Merron can definitely cook and bake! he learned from his granny! he sometimes sells his baked goods for a lil extra cash!
18. Merron has a ring he got from his granny! it may not be special to any other individual, but its quite special to him ad he keeps it close at all times!
19. he likes hunting! nothing ever goes to waste and he makes sure of it! sewing and mending clothes is also a hobby to him! its very calming to him ;v;
26. [REDACTED] lkajsdklfjsa he also kinda likes to gamble! also hes shy about it but he likes to sing aksdjhf this is something he himself would consider a guilty pleasure!
31. this can also be his weakness in ways, but i think maybe his trustfulness (also can be considered his naivety) in others and his eagerness :( even with after what Happened, it wasnt a wake up call for him to stop being so trusting... he Knows its not good, especially in certain places in Skyrim, but he cant help trying to see the good in people :(
32. i wanna say he gets indirect help from Yuvon! :0 he begins thinking before just jumping into a new adventure. he doesnt just Stop trusting people but he does begin to have better judgement of character and situations!
37. he’s actually pretty claustrophobic :( especially when its hard to see, like you can be swallowed by the darkness. he’s not afraid of the dark tho :0 he is also somewhat... afraid of being alone at times..
42.  “it’s still daylight, i dont need a torch to check out this cave! this rock is awfully mossy and warm-” (and i’ll just leave it at that akjdshfka)
48. his lowest point is probably the time he got injured :( he was pretty scared and considered just stopping his adventuring and going back to working at an inn
his highest point tho was convincing Yuvon to travel with him! no more being alone, and he was much happier! it may not seem like much to just have a companion as your highest point but... Merron is happy...
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stuck-in-jelly · 6 years
MHA Characters as conversations I've had/heard Part 4
Its that time again folks! All the bullshit I hear in my school and at home
Kaminari, with balloons in his shirt as fake boob: what do you name yours??
Momo: what? That’s weird! We don’t name them!
Mina: yeah, that’s only in movies. Girls don’t do that
Kaminari :0 what
Bakugou: Bitch
Bakugou: Not bitch in a thotty way, bitch in a dumbass way
Mina: Oh okay!
Bakugou: Oh my god you are still eATING FATASS!?!
Kaminari: hEY
Iida: That wasnt very Plus Ultra of you
Gang Orca: Can you PLEASE stop scaring the kids?
Shinsou: Hey nerd
Aizawa: hmm hi
Shinsou:...dad are you okay? You didn't call me loser back
Yamada: I bet hundreds of people would pay to hear me sing
Shinsou and Eri: Eeeeeh
Yamada: Fine! I bet your father likes me singing! Right Shouta?
Yamada: SHOUTA!
Massur: Barny said "Share" Katsuki!
Sero: Who the fuck is George Washington??
Kaminari: Fucking idiot he invited the lightbulb
Mina: No! That was Frankenstein
Aizawa desperately: Guys its Monday
Midoryia: what is hotboxing?
Uraraka: Well you see its when you get in a car-
Mina: Aww cute!!
Mina: What why not?
Jirou: She's a lesbian Mina.
Present Mic: YOU OVER EASY EGGS- Hello Principle Nezu. How are you?
Monoma: Your boyfriend is trash
Kirishima: My boyfriend is trash to you cause you're a bitch ass hoe, he's actually really nice
Bakugou: UGH you're such a hufflepuff
Dabi:...are you copying off me?!? This is a opinion question!
Bakugou: So to get the answer are gonna need to make one side equal to the other-
Kirishima: you know I won't get it! Speak in dumbass!
Bakugou:....you see this equal 5? 5 needs a buddy.
Kirishima:...IT MAKES SENSE
Bakugou: holy sh-
Ururaka: Oh Deku, your shoes are untied
Midoryia smiling: Its okay I don't care about my life
Sero: I'm pansexual
Kaminari: What's that
Sero: I'm attracted to pans
Kaminari: honestly if you haven't cried at least once or twice in the UA bathrooms you aren't doing it right
Aizawa sipping coffee: its the same for the teachers...I've heard Mic crying
Mina: I GOT A 34!
Mina: Actually 30 bUT YEA!
Iida: How tall are you?
Bakugou: Tall enough to kick your balls in
Iida:...im asking because they want a class picture in order of height.Leave your aggresion in your stubby legs
Aizawa: Kids now a days waste money on such useless thing "I want a new iphone!" "I want Bluetooth headphones." Sero! What do you want?
Sero: Death
Dabi: I am a good, law abiding citi-
Todoroki flatly: Are you?
Dabil:....no not really
Aizawa: Bakugou is an amazing student. His scores are amazing and he's ranked as one of the top 10 students.
Aizawa: But god are his social skills horrible
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baebbaeby · 6 years
(NCT) Boyfriend!Jaehyun
Tumblr media
first of all i wanna say this man would speak softly to you no matter what
especially if he had a crush on you he’d be soooOOO soft
when he likes you he’d aaaalways smile at you, he’d be really casual about it by always sitting near you, always looking at you, always including you in conversations
he would always look into your eyes when talking to you, even if he got a little red or flustered, he’d always want to look into them
i just think he’d be really pulled by someone’s eyes if he really liked them
it would be in the small things you know? you probably wouldn’t notice it but someone else would
johnny would notice right away tbh
even if you had one of your friends with you guys and they didn’t know jaehyun that well i’m sure they’d be able to tell he liked you too 
so he’d be obvious to EVERYONE else but you bc it was all in the small things he does for you
i think a lot of thought would go into his confession to you 
he’d probably ask you to hang out like one on one 
and it kind of seems date-y but its not a date you know and then near the end he’d probs walk u home or wherever you had to go 
and his ears would be red and he’d be like uhm i like u a lot and i was wondering if u’d go on a date with me
and ur low key like....that wasn’t a date? if hanging out like THAT isn’t a date then sign me the f up i wanna know ur standards for a date
its taking my entire being to not write bro at the end of every sentence of that for some reason
hes a goddamn gentleman he’d open all the doors for you
and would guide you with your hand as if you were a royalty , especially if you wore heels to steady you 
would also get chairs for you and he’d do this alllll effortlessly and not breaking a goddamn sweat 
like its just natural for him to be so nice and gentlemanly
bc he’s so good to you i feel like it would make you feel like you werent good enough for him 
and i feel like he’d kind of lose a part of himself too bc he’d be so concentrated on you so you’d definitely need to encourage him to do stuff for himself sometimes 
and then he’d get the hang of it
hes also super nice so i feel like you’d have issues if you’re the type to get jealous easily since hes so friendly and everyone seems to fall in love with him 
and he also doesnt seem like the type to tell anyone off either if they’re flirting with him he just doesn’t seem like that kind of guy
but its also common in relationships to get jealous at something or someone so it’s all about trusting each other, which i hope you do if you’re in a relationship with anyone
but low key i also think he’d adore it if you told him you were a little jealous, he’d make sure to give you a little extra affection and attention
honestly he’d be so smitten with you
he’d literally worship every part of you [sfw wise and nsfw wise winkwink]
but seriously he’d look into your eyes like they’re everything and at your lips like they’re everything and your ears and and if you had freckles he’d look at them like they’re everything too
he just seems like someone who would just drink in the sight of their s/o? like maybe he’s feeling nervous before a performance and he sees you walking towards him 
and suddenly the nerves are all gone, relief has just washed over him because you’re right there in front of him and he’s got this now he can do this because you’re there watching him
something i think about a lot is jaehyun singing to his s/o oh my gaaaad
he’d get embarrassed but would totally sing for you if you asked and he would randomly do it if he knew you liked it which who wouldnt like it jesus
all while his ears turn red because singing like that for someone is so intimate dhsjkml
if you liked singing too he’d totally looove singing duets with you too
if you were into musicals he’d totally indulge with you and sing the songs with you too
if i were his s/o i would make him sing a whole new world to me every goddamn morning ahem
he’d be really affectionate in private but in public not so much
i think he’d accept your affection if you initiated it first in public if it was small things like hand holding and hugs idk he just doesn’t seem like a huge pda guy to me
and again, it would all be in the small things for him, he’d always be beside you or looking at you so he wouldn’t even need pda to show off that you were together in public - people would just be able to tell
i’m taking a few points from the cuddling scenario i did with him but if he did decide to be affectionate in public he would not half-ass it
a hand on the shoulder is not acceptable - his full arm is going around your shoulders and tucking you into his side
same thing for your waist
and the way he holds you (this is mainly in private but also applies to how he holds you in public) its very firm, and he has a strong grip but its also very soft and gentle at the same time
like a hug would be tight and firm but it would be so full of love and gentleness because he wants to hold you close 
okay let’s get into kisses now
my heart is fluttering at the thought
first of all he’d love it when you kiss his nose
his ears would go red and he’d smile and those little whiskers would appear on his face and he’d giggle a little he’d love it sooooooOOoo MUCH
he also seems like the type to smile into all your kisses
like most of his kisses would be smiling kisses
he just hold your face so gently and smiles at you because damn he loves you so much he can’t believe it and just slowly pulls in for a kiss and he still cant stop smiling because he’s kissing the one he loves and they’re kissing him back?! amazing
also can you just hear how he would giggle in his low baritone voice when he’s happy like that and it would just vibrate through and wow what happiness
something that would KILL him would be if you show him affection and you’re like “i love your eyes” and you kiss his eyelids and “i love your nose” and you kiss his nose and you do this with his ears and his whiskers and his dimples bc he’s smiling so wide UGH
i think he’d personally love kissing your head, especially if you’re shorter than him it would be so easy to just dip down and boop kiss your hair and the side of your head
and i think he’d love just nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck too so a lot of his kisses would go on your jawline/neck/right underneath your ears too
alright folks its about to get slightly nsfw
but i think he’d like to nibble on your neck too
i think he’d get off on marking you like that when it gets heated and esp seeing them later he’d be like oh mY i did that? heehee let’s do it again
i think the only way i could describe his hornyness would be hungry you feel me?
like his eyes would go from bright n loving to just dark and lustful and hungry
LOTS of low groans tbh ohhh boy
he’d still be a gentleman but when boy is hungry he is hungryyy
just think about the whole strong and firm thing i said but still gentle in a way but also strong and firm
and also the whole worshipping thing like he would drink in the sight of you without clothes and touch you like you were everything (bc u are) 
like im talking strong grip on your thighs and they rise up to curve your body oh boy
ahem thats it for this nsfw bit (thinking abt maybe making a nsfw series like this too ohoho)
anyways you guys were done being intimate he’d be so sweet and soft and would love to cuddle you forever and shower you with sweet nothings
he’d be really loving in the morning too he’d crawl on top of you and just tell you how much he loves you and he’d wake up with a smile bc he’d see your beautiful face first thing in the morning
but he also wouldn’t waste time in bed too in the morning he’d get up after showering you with affection and make breakfast or something
and if you’re still not up he’d come back and use his charms to get you out of bed like tickling you or smothering you with affection that makes you giggle yourself awake
would definitely plan a whooole event for your anniversary like a romantic picnic under the stars and would also definitely have a backup plan if the weather wasnt good
he’d love low key couple things like bracelets or rings but nothing too flashy like matching clothes i think
he’d love to just have that piece of jewellery he wears that has a super special meaning to him since you mean so much to him
and one last thing
he’d always laugh at your jokes no matter how dumb they were
and indulge in your weird habits or jokes
he would just love with his entire heart and whoever gets to hold his heart one day is a very lucky person and i hope they treat it with all the love they have because its what he deserves
if you want more be sure to check out the cuddling scenario i did with him too hehe HERE
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