#i Was interested in big tall science woman but i need to get to know her more before i decide
wlw-cryptid · 1 year
it's my birthdayyyyyy
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five-miles-over · 1 year
The Forbidden Room - Part One
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Summary: During a late night alone in the lobby of the Hotel Meister, you - a student at the University of Zurich - meet the charming night manager Mr.Jonathan Pine. And what starts out as simply two strangers getting to know each other turns into something more when Pine shows you a secret part of the hotel.
Warnings: Innocence/corruption kink, age gap (reader is of legal age, maybe 19?), sheltered reader has overprotective parents, mentions of strip poker, some comfort/fluff
Word Count: 4,234
"My name is Pine. I'm the night manager."
Sitting in the empty, luxurious lobby of Hotel Meister, you looked up from your hardcover copy of  Henry V. You wore a little black dress, matching flats, and red-tinted lip balm, with your hair remaining as close as possible to its natural texture. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Pine." You offered the tall, blond man standing in front of you a smile.
"And you are…?" Jonathan's eyes traveled over your form, and his thin, pink lips reciprocated your smile. 
You gave him your first name, crossing one leg over the other and placing the book in your lap. 
"It's nearly eleven-thirty. What are you doing here by yourself?"
"Oh," you craned your head to glance at the gilded windows of the hotel. "I…I'm so sorry, I didn't realize the time. I…" You closed your eyes and shook your head. "I was here to have dinner at the restaurant, and after I finished, I was hoping for some time to read, and to enjoy the…the ambience of this place. Sorry, I didn't realize it was so late."
The night manager chuckled, and he glanced at the hardcover. "No need to apologize. Are you a big reader?"
You nodded, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "Yeah, always was."
"You must be quite intelligent." After a moment, Jonathan sat next to you. "Are you here on holiday?"
"No," you gently corrected him, sharing that you were actually a student at the University of Zurich, studying history and political science. 
Jonathan listened intently, his smile widening just a little. "So…what's a lovely, intelligent young woman doing here all alone tonight? No boyfriend or perhaps a date?"
You nervously chuckled. "Actually, I…I have never had a boyfriend before. Or have ever been on a date. No boy was ever interested in me like that."
He raised his eyebrows, and a small laugh escaped. "That's impossible. A young woman like you…pretty and smart. How could no one have noticed that? Unless…" Jonathan bit his lower lip. "Unless you're not interested in dating. How long have you been single?"
"My whole life?" You shrugged. "My parents were protective; I wasn't encouraged to have a boyfriend or date."
A more clear picture of you formed inside Jonathan's mind as you spoke: a picture of a young woman who was constantly guided to focus on her studies, someone who'd never gone to parties or dated people, someone with an innocent demeanor. "So you've been a good girl your whole life?"
"I…I was the good girl." You confessed. "Perhaps I still am." Leaning forward, you rubbed your knees underneath your dress. "My parents had a lot of rules growing up - no short clothes, no clothes that showed cleavage, no boyfriends, no dating, no sleepover, no swearing, no…running up and down the stairs, no crushes, no bold makeup, and screaming."
The night manager laughed. "And what did you do? Did you rebel, and break a few of those rules? Or were you a perfect girl, like a doll?” His glance flitted towards your hands and knees. “Let me guess…no tattoos or body piercings either?”
“None.” You shook your head with a small giggle. “"Though...there were a few times I used to go to school early, sneak into the bathroom before class started, and put on magenta lipstick behind my parents' back."
Jonathan laughed again, he was already beginning to adore you. "That's very naughty: putting on makeup behind your parents' back. Did they ever notice it?”
“No. If they did, they would’ve scolded me, asking why I would need lipstick for school.” You joined in his laughter, leaning against the leather couch in the hotel lobby. Never before had you felt so safe around an older man whom you'd barely known, yet there was something about this night manager that gave you the sense of protection, like nothing bad was going to happen to you under his watch. Maybe it was just because he was handsome, older, and charismatic. Or perhaps it was because this night manager was meant to be so much more. 
“I bet wearing that lipstick made you feel quite free,” Jonathan surmised. “Tell me, darling…have you ever broken any other rules?”
“I…” You began, your cheeks growing hot. “I…once got caught reading an erotic book that my mum bought when I was twelve years old…I’m not really sure why she bought it, but I snuck into her closet to read bits of it in the morning while getting ready for school. And one morning, my father caught me.”
“And what did he say?” He chuckled, enjoying how comfortable you were to talk to him like this. “Did he get angry?”
“Yeah, he did. He loudly scolded me to stop filling my head with unnecessary things that polluted the mind, and to get ready for school.” You placed one hand over the other. “My mother also got upset with me for reading it, so you sat me down and lectured me about how erotica exploits women."
“They seem quite strict. Did you keep reading the book after they found out?” He tilted his head o the side, out of curiosity. 
“It was my mother’s book. I…I don’t think I ever saw that book again, she probably hid it really well.”
“Perhaps that explains why you seem innocent.” Jonathan teased, a thin row of white teeth present as he smirked. “Your parents never let you do anything! I bet they never let you go to parties or go out to have a good time with a group of friends. You've never even drank alcohol or smoked a cigarette, have you?”
“No cigarettes or alcohol.” You shifted in your seat, crossing one foot over the other. “But I was allowed to go out with a few friends in high school to have ice cream. Only girls though, and my parents had already met those friends.”
“See!” Jonathan remarked. “Your parents were strict with you; your friends couldn't even be male. But you don't seem resentful of your parents, not at all. Why is that?” His playful demeanor shifted into an expression of curiosity.
You shrugged. “Maybe it's because I was given anything I needed. If I wanted a book my parents were willing to buy it for me. Of course it had to be something educational, not dirty. My parents took good care of me, and because of them, I have the privilege of going to a wonderful university.”
The night manager took a breath, relaxing into the couch. “Perhaps you’re right in that sense. But you never got to experience the parties, the dates, the kisses that are so typical of adolescent experiences. Don't the strict norms of your parents make you feel as if you've missed out on some things in life?”
“Sometimes…but it’s not like there was a line of boys waiting to date me or anything like that.” You laughed a little.
“Are you sure?” Jonathan’s lip reverted to a smirk, and he raised an eyebrow. “I doubt it. You’re smart, pretty, and not at all rebellious as we’ve previously established. A girl like you would have made any boy crazy about her.” He leans forward a little. “Maybe they were just too scared to ask you.”
“Maybe.” You blushed, tapping the hardcover book in your lap. "I've talked a lot about myself, I'm sorry. I'm not very good at keeping secrets.”
The night manager chuckled, his cerulean eyes twinkling with amusement. “I love hearing from you, it's a pleasure. You’ve told me about your school days, your parents…even that you wore lipstick behind their backs. You’re not exactly shy.” Jonathan smiled and leaned back on the couch. "Now I think it's time for you to hear about me. What do you want to know?" Jonathan put his hands behind his head as he spoke your name for the first time.
You turned onto your side and ran a hand through your hair. “I want to know...what were you like as a boy, Mr.Pine?”
“Me?” Jonathan looked up, as if he were buying time for his next words. Then, he began to make up a backstory for himself, one that was akin to a young man from a privileged yet troubled background “I was…I happened to be a bit mischievous when I was a boy.” He tilted his head and assumed a jovial tone. “Always stirring up trouble, always getting into something.”
You giggled.
“That’s how I ended up in military school.” Jonathan continued, “There I got involved with a group of boys, and we had our own set of shenanigans.” “What did you do?”
“We…” the night manager narrated with a hint of bravado in his voice, “stole, like a merry little band of thieves. We used to steal from our superiors’ stash of alcohol, even before we were of legal age to be drinking.”
Continuing to giggle, you gazed at him. Just the way he told these things with such conviction made you believe that he was truly someone who’d seen the world, someone who’d been through more things than you could even imagine.
"I swear, we didn't just steal alcohol. Guns, watches, souvenirs,… you name it and we could steal it." A mischievous smile crossed his face. "Do you want to know the biggest thing we ever stole?" 
You nodded eagerly. “Was it an antique?…A tank?”
Jonathan grinned. "No, nothing like that. No, when I was about fifteen or sixteen, my friends and I stole a car - our lieutenant’s car: a nice, new black Corvette. It was risky but we took it at night and went on a joyride in the streets of Dover. It was the best night of our lives.”
With a gasp, you burst into a fit of giggles that made Jonathan’s heart melt. To him, yours was the type of smile that would make someone do a million things just to see that smile reappear. “Wow! Did you..” You bit your lip to stop laughing . “Did you break any speed limits?”
“Of course. We were practically kids,” Jonathan explained. “We went over 160 kilometers per hour a few times, we even had a few shots of vodka while we were driving. Stupid, yeah, but the adrenaline…it was incredible.”
“Did you get pulled over by a police officer?” Your eyes widened.
“Yes. You’re a smart girl.” The night manager admitted, “We got caught by the police and our lieutenant in charge had to come and get us from the station. I remember him yelling at me like never before, I had never seen him like that, it was terrifying.” Jonathan laughed and shook his head. “We were sentenced to corporal punishment for a month, but it was worth it.”
You giggled, still leaning against the couch. “So…how did you grow up? I’m assuming you don’t race cars or steal alcohol anymore.”
“Not anymore.” Jonathan took a deep breath and rested his head against his hand. “I grew older, and eventually had to stop being irresponsible.” “What made you realize that you didn’t want to race cars and steal booze anymore? Was it...when you turned of legal age, and you could have alcohol?”
Jonathan clicked his tongue. “"That's a good question. Well... it was not only when I turned of age, it was... it was when I realized that I could die. I lost someone close because of alcohol.  And when I was deployed across the globe, and nearly lost my life in combat several times. That’s when I realized that life is much more." Jonathan said quietly, a serious expression on his face.
Your smile disappeared. "I'm so sorry, Mr.Pine. I...I couldn't even imagine what that must be like.” You took a breath, straightening yourself. "So...what does life mean to you now?”
"Life... life is a gift. I always try to do the right thing. To do something that impacts others or leaves a small mark on the world.” Jonathan simply said with a small, charismatic smile. "To try to be happy without hurting anyone, and maybe help others along the way. I think that's what life is all about.”
You looked into his eyes with amazement. How could such a wonderful man be so real? “That’s really brave of you to say, Mr. Pine.”
Johnathan eyed you for a moment, and replied. “I have a feeling you’re pretty brave yourself. After all, you moved away from home to study at the University of Zurich, that’s not easy. And you’re here all by yourself in a hotel lobby past eleven-thirty at night.” He stood up from the couch and offered you his hand. “Follow me, I want to show you something.”
You blinked, wrapping your fingers around your book. “W-w-where…where are we going?”  Your legs shaking and your heart pounding inside your chest, you stood up and cautiously followed the night manager.”Mr. Pine, where are we going?”        
"You'll see soon enough...." Jonathan said with a devious smile as he walked further and further away from the lobby without saying a word. 
You shuffled your feet behind him, holding your book in one hand and glancing at the artwork that lined the opulent hallways. Finally, you and Jonathan reached a door near the staff room at the very back of the hotel lobby. Without a word, Jonathan opened the door at the back of the lobby, led you down  a flight of dusty stairs, and near a small door at the end of the staircase revealing a room. Inside the small, dimly-lit room were filing boxes, dust and some old furniture: a coffee table, two sofas, one small fridge, and a bedroom.  "Welcome to the hotel's basement. This is where the... more private activities happen," he introduced with a mischievous smile on his face.
"Private activities?" you trembled, your voice barely louder than a whisper. Taking a few steps, you glanced around to find no window in sight, no way of escaping except for the door, which Jonathan closed with a click. 
Jonathan leaned against the door. “Yes. Private activities. It’s the hotel’s forbidden room, the one place where clients can be sure no one can find out what they’re doing. No one other than the staff, of course.” He crossed his arms, and let out a small, darker chuckle. “Perhaps you can imagine what kind of activities they might be up to in a room like this.”
You swallowed. “Drug deals?…Smuggling.” Your knuckles whitened as you held onto the hardcover book in your hand, while your free hand stroked your own arm in a self-soothing manner.
The night manager smiled and walked towards you. “No. Those aren’t the activities that I had in mind.” His tone turned a bit more flirtatious. “Why don’t you have a seat, darling?”
The word rolled off his tongue like honey, and all of a sudden, you were reminded why you felt so…comfortable around this man. Despite having known him for a few hours - what time was it even?- you felt as if you could tell him anything, and that he would keep you safe. 
“Come on.”
You sat down on the edge of one of the couches, your eyes following his every move with curiosity. “Gambling?”
“Sometimes, but that’s not the most popular thing to take place in this room.” Jonathan laughed, standing an arm’s length from you. “Be honest,” he gently said, calling you by your name, “and tell me what you think happens in a hotel’s forbidden room.” Jonathan looked into your eyes with a hint of seduction. “Don’t be scared, darling. I won’t hurt you.”
After a few moments of silence, you answered with a thick swallow. “Adultery.”
“Something like that.” With a smile, Jonathan placed his hand on your upper arm. “This room is ideal for... discreet affairs. The clients can come with their lovers or mistresses and have a good time with them without anyone knowing. And the staff is sworn to secrecy - they won’t tell a soul. This room is a safe heaven for all those forbidden and hidden romances.”
Your eyes widened, and you felt a slight tingling in your lower stomach, butterflies perhaps. “If it’s supposed to be forbidden, how do people come to know about it without…getting the hotel in trouble? Does the hotel owner know about this?” Your voice grew quieter with every question.
“A forbidden romance can’t be incriminated in this city.” Jonathan simply said, rubbing a circle along your arm. “And because only certain people know about this secret, those who frequent the inner circles of the hotel’s patrons. A rule that the staff and I never break: what happens in this room stays in this room. No words spoken, no information given, no clues.” The night manager smiled. “And do you know what happens when that rule is broken?”
You rifled through your mind, thinking about what you already knew about famous gangsters and their affairs, which probably took place in seedy hotel rooms and luxurious private lounges .“They’re silenced.”
His smile faded. “Exactly.” He leaned in, close enough that you could see the incandescent light of the room reflected in his ocean blue irises. “Now…can I trust you to respect the one rule of this room? Can I trust that you'll never mention anything about what happens in this room?” 
You bit the inside of your cheek and watched as Jonathan let go of your arm and sat down on the other sofa. “You can..You can trust me, Mr. Pine. But tell me why we’re here.”
“I didn’t want you sitting in the lobby all night, a place open to the public. This way, you’ll have a bit more privacy without having to take one of the guest rooms. Now,” he began, “let me tell you what kind of activities I had what kind of activities I had in mind for this room. And if you like them, we’ll do them. Alright?”
Placing your book on the coffee table, you nodded. “What did you have in mind, Mr. Pine?”
“Well... first I was going to invite you to drink some champagne with me. To celebrate our new friendship and to make sure you're relaxed.” Jonathan stood up and walked to the small fridge "Then... I was thinking that we could start with a game of strip poker. If you lose a round, you have to take off one piece of clothing. And we'll see where that takes us." Jonathan said with a flirtatious smile. "Sounds good?”
You shook your head. “I don’t know…”
Jonathan continued to smile, confident that he could get you to change your mind. “What if you win? What if I'm the one that has to take off a piece of clothing?” He opened the fridge and reached inside it, grabbing a bottles of champagne. "Come on. You only live once, darling. It's time to do something dangerous and live a little. And this is the perfect place for it, don't you think?”
“But…why me?” You quietly asked, looking up at him with shaking hands. “Why…why would you do this? Bringing me here of all places?”
The night manger set the bottle of champagne down, and his demeanor morphed into a caring one, almost protective. He put his hands in the pockets of his blazer, and gazed upon you as if you were a rare, exquisite piece of living art.
“Because I think you’re someone special, darling. I think you're smarter and braver than you think you are. I have a gut feeling that says we're going to get along and understand each other. I like talking to you, I believe that we could have... something special. And if you let me, I want to show you a night you'll never forget.” Approaching you again, the night manager brushed the back of his finger along your shoulder. His eyes seemed to soften from their striking ocean hue to a soft shade of pale blue. “I want you to have fun, experience new things, to live a little.” He took a step towards you. “Would you let me make this night unforgettable for you, darling?”
You blinked, and harshly bit the inside of your cheek, your heart racing at the infinite possibilities of what could unfold throughout the night. Would there be more people involved? Was something illegal going to happen?
 “Yes, Mr. Pine.” You uttered. 
With a rakish smile, Jonathan took the champagne bottle and opened it with a loud pop. The bubbles freely flowed from the bottle until the night manager filled two clear flutes with the golden liquid. Then, he offered you one of the glasses. “To a special night,” he declared with a soft theatricality in his voice, raising the other glass.
That damn smile was enough to make you wrap your fingers around the stem of the glass, clink it against his, and raise it to your lips. “Cheers.” You took a sip of the golden liquid, sucking your lips in while the alcohol trickled down your throat. “It’s…it’s bitter,” you admitted, “but it’s good.”
Jonathan took a drink as well. “That's the effect of alcohol: the first time it tastes bitter and even repulsive. But sooner or later, you discover that it's not so bad. Some people start to enjoy it…others, not so much.” He took another gulp and emptied the contents of his glass. “Just be slow with your drink, take your time. If at any point you feel uncomfortable, please tell me. Alright, darling?”
You nodded. Your fingers crept towards the rim of the champagne glass as Jonathan knelt before you. He took your free hand in his, looked into your eyes with a sincere expression, and murmured your name. “I think you’re very beautiful.” His large, pale fingers stroked the back of your knuckles. “Would you let me give you a kiss?” 
You took another sip and gently set the glass aside. Never had you been kissed before and yet here you were, alone with one of the most charming men you had ever seen in real life. And this man, this elegant variant of a man was asking to kiss you. 
“Just a kiss,” you agreed, leaning towards the night manager. Closing your eyes, you felt his lips, slightly chapped, delicately brushed against yours.
The kiss started off sweet and affectionate, as delicate as a feather, but soon Jonathan’s fingers reached for your hair and pulled you closer. His lips pressed harder against yours, allowing him to savor the aftertaste of champagne on your lips while his fingers rested on your soft cheeks.  After a few moments, you leaned back on the couch and allowed Mr.Pine to take control. He grabbed your waist with his free hand and you put your arms around his broad shoulders, your fingertips enjoying the crisp fabric of his blazer. A little intoxicated by the champagne and a pleasure you never thought you desired, you couldn't help but admire how easily he could overpower you. 
“Mr. Pine…” You breathed after a few moments, breaking the kiss for air. As Jonathan pulled apart from you, you licked your lip, hoping you could catch the aftertaste of his lips.
The night manager blushed as he watched you recover. “Now, for the next part of our night…a game of poker,” he said with a twinkle in his eye, already a bit excited about the game. “Do you know how to play?”
“I know how to play poker,” you answered, straightening yourself. “I learned how to when I was fourteen, some family friends taught me.”
He nodded. “In this game of  poker, we can use anything as a bet: a kiss, an article of clothing, a touch... whatever comes to our minds. But only one rule applies: the loser has to do what the other person asks, no questions asked. Are you okay with it?” Jonathan asks, his voice getting slower and more seductive with each word.
“Okay.” You climbed off the couch and sat on the floor, in front of the old, worn-out coffee table. You couldn’t believe you were actually going to play poker - a game you’d only seen among grown-ups in real life and mafia men in films. And now instead of watching them with awe, you were going to play for the first time. “Do you know where the cards are?”
Jonathan smiled and walks to a nearby cabinet, opening the rickety door to find a dusty box. "They're right here.” He opened the box and fished out two decks of cards, taking one and shuffling them in his hands several times."I give you the deal, do you want to cut the deck first?” 
"Sure." You split the deck of cards into two halves, lifting one half of the cards and placing it face down next to the other half.
Jonathan picked the deck of cards, holding it in his hands. "Here's how we play this game: it's just a simple poker, five cards for each one of us. The person who has the most points wins and he gets to choose the bet of the next round. Do you want to deal the first hand or should I?” 
Part Two
Tagging: @lokischambermaid @smolvenger @lovelysizzlingbluebird @evelyn-kingsley @omgsuperstarg @holdmytesseract @lokidbadguy @stupidthoughtsinwriting @icytrickster17 @thatdummy-girl @fantasyfan4life @anukulee
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zafirosreverie · 1 year
You belong to us (Proxima x Reader)
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a/n: I did this in a hurry, but I hope you still like it!
for @1ntr0v3rt3dsna1l 
You sighed as you tried to keep your eyes open and hold back a yawn, praying you wouldn't fall asleep in class, you didn't need another strike just months away from finishing your master's degree.
It had been a long time since you had stopped paying attention, you would simply wait for one of your classmates to lend you their notes later, although from their faces, you doubted that any of them were understanding something. That was what happened when you go to the same school where Crabbles taught, that man could make anything sound insufferably boring.
"Psst, Y/N" someone tapped your shoulder
You turned to look at Miranda with a tired look. You liked her, she was a good friend and the only one you really got along with in the whole school. But she was also a bit... quirky. Her mind was always off the charts and she couldn't go anywhere without her comics. You assumed it was nice, to be able to live in a world where heroes were real and life was a little more fun.
"Did you see the news this morning?" Miranda whispered, almost as if she was conspiring.
"You know I don't watch the news, Mir" you answered "nothing interesting ever happens anyway"
"Oh, but today it did happen!"
"What? Is the president's cat missing again?" you said sarcastically
"A ring appeared in the sky" Miranda replied, not bothered by your tone.
"A what?" you frowned
"A ring! The police say it was just some tank residue from an airplane and the refraction of light made the cameras pick it up a different color, but people are saying it was a portal!"
She seemed strangely happy for someone who was talking about an event that was totally impossible for science and that if it were true, the whole world should probably start to worry.
"Maybe you should stop reading so many comics" you said
"Oh come on, you can't tell me it wouldn't be cool to witness an alien invasion"
"Yeah, sure, except in that case, we'd probably be very, very dead."
"At least we'd leave in a cool way"
"Sometimes you worry me, Mir" you smiled
Your friend just playfully stuck her tongue out at you and turned her attention back to her phone, probably looking for more news about that supposed portal. You envied her being able to distract herself from the world so easily.
You looked out the window, imagining what that "residue of an airplane tank" would have been like, perhaps you would have seen it if you had left home a little earlier.
Without realizing it, your mind began to imagine people in iron armor coming out of the portal, or men turning into big green monsters, sorcerers with weird necklaces that controlled time, and many other things.
"I have to stop watching movies with Mir" you thought
However, you did not have time to lose yourself in your thoughts again. At that moment, the ground began to shake, the walls moved and the ceiling lamps almost fell on three of your classmates. It was a matter of seconds before chaos reigned.
The professor, to his credit, tried to calm everyone down and enforce earthquake protocols, but the truth was, no one was listening. You turned to reach Miranda and pull her under one of the desks.
"great way to die isn't it?" you said upset
"I preferred the aliens" she replied
Right at that moment, a blue light blinded you for a few seconds, before a huge portal opened in the middle of the room. Miranda gasped and tightened her grip on your hand, swallowing back a cry.
"Did you have to say it, Mir?" you whispered, but still clung closer to her as well.
A tall woman with blue hair walked out of the portal and...were those horns?! She was terrifying, imposing and... strangely familiar? You didn't know why, but you felt like you knew her from somewhere, maybe in a dream?
The woman's red eyes scanned the room, as if she was searching for something…or someone. You swallowed hard as her gaze locked on you and she smirked.
"Y/N" she said "get up" she ordered
How did she know your name?! Miranda looked at you fearfully and the way she clung to your arm didn't seem to please the woman at all, so you did as she ordered, not wanting to risk your friend's life.
"You're just like her" the woman said, taking your chin and examining you from head to toe "...you'll do."
You were uncomfortably aware of the stares from your classmates, but you didn't have time to pay attention to them. The words of this terrifyingly pretty woman made no sense to you.
"W-what do you want from me?" you whispered, feeling like you were walking a tightrope
"Y/N...the one from my world, my Y/N...died" she said dryly, but you could catch a glimmer of sadness in her voice "And our daughter, Renma, needs a new mom. You're coming with me"
"W-what?!" you opened your eyes wide
She just grabbed your wrist tightly and started pulling you into the portal. You could hear Miranda calling you, but the woman's grip was too strong for you to break free, besides, your mind was trying to catch up with everything.
As soon as you passed through the portal, Miranda's voice disappeared, just like your only way to return to your universe. It took you a moment to react and to realize that you were in some kind of strange ship and your heart skipped a beat. You had to be dreaming, this had to be a nightmare.
"Renma will be here any minute" the woman told you "I suggest you put a smile on your face and act like you are a loving mother if you don't want to get in trouble"
"Where am I?" you asked
"In your new home"
"I need to go back" you said "I don't belong here, I don't even know who you are"
The woman looked at you with an impassive face, but in her eyes shone the same sadness that you had heard in her voice a few moments before. At that point it first occurred to you that maybe the daughter she was talking about wasn't the only one who needed a new Y/N.
"You're not coming back" she told you coldly "this is your new home and you'd better get used to it"
Her tone really said that there was no room for negotiations. And to be honest, what did you know about ships, space or aliens? Anything! That was Miranda's specialty, so it's not like you had much hope of escaping either.
But on second thought. Would you want to do it? Sure, you would miss your house, your plants, your city but... what did you really have? No family or friends besides Mir and you weren't going to drag her into this madness.
Deciding that your best option at that moment was to humor her and do as you were told while you found a way to return to or wake up from the nightmare, you worked up the courage to speak again.
"...at least tell me your name" you said "I-it would be ridiculous not to know who you are if we're supposed to have a daughter together" you clarified when she looked at you suspiciously.
The woman studied you again, sweeping her gaze over your entire body, more carefully than when she did it the first time. She at least seemed to find something that she liked because she smiled slightly before looking back at you.
"Proxima Midnight" she said "You're my wife, you were training when the Nova attacked so we'll have to train harder... I hope you're in good physical condition because I'm not going to lose another Y/N"
You opened your mouth to ask but just at that moment the doors of the room you were in opened and a little girl ran in. You didn't even have to ask who she was, because she was the very image of the woman in front of you.
"Mom!" she smiled when she saw you and immediately ran to hug your legs.
Feeling Proxima's penetrating gaze on you, you bent down to take her and let her hide her face in your neck, even though her little horns bothered you a little.
"Hello little dragon" you said, not knowing where you got the nickname from, it just felt natural.
However, Proxima seemed to like it, so you didn't think much of it. The woman moved closer to you and put a hand on your shoulder so she could whisper in your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
"You belong to us now"
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pastelwitchling · 2 years
Love on the Brain by Ali Hazelwood
Credit where credit's due, I did enjoy this book a bit, so I'll talk about some of the good points as well as why this book not only didn't work for me overall, but also put me off reading anymore of Hazelwood's writings.
Things I liked: - A lot of the humor. I did cringe at times, and just like The Love Hypothesis I think a lot of the jokes were more "I think this would sound funny" instead of "it's actually making me laugh so I'll put it in." Make sense? But ultimately, I did laugh quite a few times. - I do like some of the subtle bits of sexism presented in the STEM space, especially when a character would respond one way to Bee but differently to Levi. I think it was well-done and realistic without being over the top. - Levi. - The characters. The cats. All very likable. Especially Levi. Things I disliked: - I really hope both Schmac's idenitity and Guy's big reveal weren't meant to be a surprise because by the gods was this book predictable. Nothing came as a shock. This book panders so hard that the second I spotted the blonde guy, I knew he was evil. Same way with TLH which I was also right about. - Which brings me to my second point, and the thing that really lowered the rating. I've grown to be very, very sick of the white woman's self-righteousness. I don't like to harp on this too much, but when the main character who happens to be the whitest of white women to ever white harps on the love interest's music tastes because it composes of white male musicians, then I'm officially calling bull. For all the mention this book gives of Sausage Referencing, which is basically a woman's word and concerns only being right when a white man credits them as such, there sure is a LOT of White Woman Referencing in Hazelwood's work. This main character very much gives the feel of, "Look, poc and woc! Your concerns and feelings mean something because I say they do! I'm here to defend you, you poor victims, while also hyping up my own victimhood!" No, thanks. - This book is an exact copy of TLH, which I honestly wouldn't have minded at all if just a few details were changed. Like, oh I don't know, the main characters' appearances? She's tiny, he's huge. She's fair-haired, he'd dark-haired. Levi is Adam exactly, and yeah, Bee is basically Olive. Couldn't she be tall? Couldn't he be blonde? Oh no wait, I forgot blonde guys are automatically evil in Hazelwood's world. (Seriously, we don't need our hands held. It doesn't need to be an us vs them situation, in fact PLEASE STOP MAKING IT THAT. That helps NO ONE.) Couldn't some scenes and lines NOT be an exact copy/paste from TLH? You can write stories about women in STEM without making them all the same exact story. - I found it very silly that Levi has every tiny thing in common with Bee. She loves Star Wars? So does he! She's a vegan? So is he! She's a cat person? So is he! It just gets a little ridiculous. It would've been nice if we'd seen her start to like him thinking that they were completely different, but luckily, he's an exact copy of her, so it's fine. - The Marie Curie obsession was also ridiculous, in my opinion. As a writer, I have an idol I love and know everything about, too, but I also know about other writers. Because I love what I do and I love the craft and I love studying professionals whose work I admire. To say she loves science, wants to be the best of the best, and yet only EVER quotes, mentions, and references ONE scientist the entire book just feels a little one-dimensional. I really did enjoy this book. It was nothing mind-blowing but I don't think it was supposed to be. I think it was always supposed to be like fast food; something you have when you don't want to think too hard and which is passable enough for a decent time. I just think too much. If nothing else, I'm glad I got to it to officially help me step off the Ali Hazelwood train.
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rhinequeen · 2 years
Time to Infodump About My OCs
I’m working on a space pirate found family story. Humble beginnings to great things, but the real treasure is the friends we made along the way. Space is super queer and there’s a fascist, colonialist government cracking down on the galaxy. Enter an stubborn, idealistic pirate with dreams of claiming the legendary title of Dreadlord and securing his place in history, be it fame of infamy.
Some of the works that inspired this world are primarily Star Wars, One Piece and Pirates of the Carribean, but I also pull from Red Dwarf, Firefly, and other classic, campy science fantasy. In the same way that Star Wars is basically a samurai story in space, I’m aiming for a pirate story in space. All these characters are still in development, and there’s still a lot of blanks to fill in, but let me run you through the setup so far.
The captain is Tyranus Noble a young trans man from a backwater refining colony in the remote edges of the galaxy, a region known as the Reaches. He’s stubborn, hotheaded, impulsive, idealistic, big mouthed and a habitual liar. Technically not the best person, but is a dichotomy of nature and nurture. By nurture, he grew up among street gangs, came from a bad home, and lost his older brother, one of the few unwaveringly good people in his life at the time, when he was a young teenager. He’s learned to get what he needs and wants however he needs to get it, but ultimately he’s not malicious at heart. By nature, he’s ambitious and optimistic, but the maturity it takes to temper that ambition into something useful is part of the growing he needs to do.
He spends a lot of the story exploring, meeting new people and trying to get them to join his crew. I really liked the formatting of early One Piece and I liked that not every important character always joins, or even joins up immediately. To that end, I do know who’s eventually gonna be on his crew.
First to join officially is Massas “Moses” Del. She’s a six and a half foot tall, pink amphibious alien with some telepathic and telekinetic abilities. Loosely inspired by axolotls, her species is semi aquatic and she is a long way from home and trying to get back. She takes on the official role of pilot, but more importantly, she’s the heart of the group.
Filling a lancer type role for Ty, the next to join is a childhood friend to rival, Arlete Avon. She and Ty grew up in the same town and in a lot of ways their childhoods were similar. Ty joined the gang run by Arlete’s older sister, though ended up killing her sister in self defence. Arlete didn’t believe that it wasn’t intentional and this was shortly before Ty left. She’s just as stubborn and tough as Ty, though without his lofty ambitions. She joins when Ty returns home later on a job and they reconnect, making an effort to smooth out old wounds and eventually rekindle their friendship.
Dana Crane is actually on board with Ty longer than Moses, but she simply rents a room. She's an analytical and curious person with a special interest in bioengineering. She may seem off-putting and standoffish, and she is, but like Ty a hardened persona isn't representative of the truth which she keeps quiet about. She's a paranoid woman, on the run and legally she doesn't exist. She's taken great pains to separate herself from her childhood and doesn't like to talk about her past. She's not a total robot, as much as she wishes she was and uses her neural implants to store and process data, interface with technology and filter sensory input to help with overwhelm. A lot of the time she proves invaluable and eventually comes to join Ty's crew in a semi official sense.
There's gonna be more crew but because a lot of these ideas were forged in the fires on rps with my friend, character niches that were originally filled need to be rewritten so these parts are less detailed.
To round out the five man band there is a bounty hunter duo who come after Ty, one of whom ends up joining their crew instead, the other of whom Ty has a simmering homoerotic rivalry with. Working concepts are Like a swapped Luke/Leia kind of duo. One is a grace under pressure, cool headed, strong willed kind of homage to vintage action heroines. This would be the Leiaish who joins up with the crew to fund treatment for a fatal condition. The other is the pretty, fair, blonde, pouty, Channel boots wearing prince/son of a diplomat Luke analogue. He doesn't join the crew, but he and Ty have a thing.
There's still more to talk about and I'm doing some writing but I'll get to that when my hyperfocus comes around again.
0 notes
hi! thanks for answering my question abt poly requests :) can you do some viktor x fem!reader x jayce hcs where they’re all married and happy, i need super fluff especially after arcane :( thank you in advance i love ur writing
Oh my oh my - this will be quite interesting to write. Viktor and Jayce have an amazing dynamic and I absolutely love it.
Note 1: I have a big writing project I'm working on. It's with Viktor. So if you guys are interested in it, keep an eye out for my blog in the following days.
Note 2: I didn't quite know what you might wish for, but the "where they're all married and happy" line makes me assume that it wouldn't be a problem for you if, besides being in a relationship with you, they'd be in a relationship with each other as well. Poly dynamics can be a bit tricky to understand so I apologize if I'll offend anyone with my current confusion. As a conclusion to this note, this will contain JayVik as well as Jayce x Reader x Viktor.
Note 3: I decided to make this a soulmate AU because it works. Perfectly. If it's a problem, do send me another request. I love writing for these two idiots.
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Forever [Soulmate AU]
Pairing: Viktor & Reader & Jayce
Word count: 9109
Warnings: brief self-harm [not exactly what you'd think but I'm adding this here just in case], panic attack, NSFW
NSFW warnings: Size king, threesome.
~ When you finally returned to Piltover after finishing your studies in Shurima, you were shocked by how suffocating your home felt. The etiquette didn't bother you, not quite.
~ It was the lack of expression, of passion, the almost surgical coldness of your surroundings. Now that you were a grown up young lady, as your mother would say, it was so easy to see through the facades and masks worn by those around you.
~ Why did they even bother? Everyone was hiding something. Everyone was faking it. It was hard to not feel a bit ashamed when you saw the lack of emotions, of passion. The lack of feelings in a place you loved more than anything else.
~ Shurima had been... different. Full of life and raw energy. A desolated desert filled with magic and power. With ancient, forbidden things.
~ You were sent there to finish your studies in Archeology, to serve as a diplomatic resource.
~ And you returned with knowledge of things that would get you in serious trouble, if your parents were to find out.
~ The runes tattooed into your skin, right underneath your breasts, were the proof when it comes to your betrayal of science. Arcane magic. Power that should have been forbidden to you.
~ A legacy left behind by your mother's bloodline. Like your grandmother and her great grandmother before her. A legacy shunned by your mother once she had left the humble life of an average citizen, marrying your father - one of the successful traders in Piltover.
~ While your family had been able to perform their sacred magic in secret for generations, it all ended with your mother.
~ She tried to keep you away from your roots. She tried to stop any contact between you and your grandmother, who had decided to move to Shurima after your mother's deep betrayal.
~ After so many years, your mother was sure you wouldn't remember her.
~ But how could you forget your granny?
~ The strong, tall woman that seemed to charm everyone around her. You'd always remember her smile, her bright eyes... her flowing hair, full of life and colour even at her advanced age.
~ How could you forget the way she cradled you close to her chest, whispering to you stories of magic and mages lost in time and space.
~ The woman you'd always look up to - proud and strong, full of confidence and so charming in her natural beauty and femininity. A woman who was never afraid to get her hands dirty, to give her life away for the sake of another.
~ Unsurprisingly, you met her in Shurima. And, unknown to your mother...
~ She taught you the ways of controlling magic.
~ Before you returned to Piltover, she warned you of the danger that to constantly loom over you.
~ Mages weren't tolerated in the city during an age of progress and science. You'd have more chances of living peacefully in Zaun, where people would fear and respect your still limited power. But Piltover...
~ Piltover would rip the meat off your bones for such deep, offending heresy.
~ And things went well for a while. You lived in your comfortable apartment on the outskirts of the city, a place where you could gaze upon the natural beauty of the world, untainted by the condescending city behind you.
~ Every morning, you'd go on the balcony to do your meditations. And that glamorous, clear stretch of water - the blinding light of a new dawn, glistening in the languid movement of waves...
~ It made everything worth it. Even with the risks of being caught. Even with the risk of being exiled - or worse.
~ You started helping people in the Undercity. You'd go in and out with the help of an old friend, a Zaunite who didn't give a damn about the prejudices held against mages.
~ You were trying to specialize in healing magic, drawn from the nature around you. Burning energy brimming with life. Energy that left your skin irritated and itchy when you pushed yourself too much, still unaware of your own limits.
~ You healed people as much as you could. Of course, you'd find excuses for not following your grandmother's warnings. It was good practice for your magic and alchemy. It was...
~ It was the only thing you could really do. The only way you could give back to the world what you were taking through the use of magic.
~ You had a weak, sensitive heart. Every life you couldn't save wrecked you for days, haunting you to the point of a break down. Every time you saw a child suffering, or a bunch of kittens left to die... it broke your soul down, little by little. It left you broken and exposed.
~ It didn't stop you from helping. You did your best to take care of the children, debating solutions with your friend for countless hours. You adopted the stray kittens or puppies that you'd find abandoned, almost starved to death.
~ And you'd take them home, nursing them back to health and giving them away to people who would take care of those sweet souls.
~ As the years passed, it became harder and harder to get into the Undercity. And that's when you met Ekko - a young man who, reluctantly, offered you his trust after a few months of collaboration. You helped his people - and he gave you his protection to roam freely in Zaun.
~ You certainly didn't expect him to show up at your door with Professor Heimerdinger - Heimerdinger, out of all people - and another man.
~ The man himself - the icon of progress.
~ At that moment, you saw your end. They knew. You could see it in their eyes - they knew what you were capable of. And you could only look at Ekko with betrayed eyes as you remained frozen in the doorframe, fingers gripping the doorknob to the point of pain.
~ Heimerdinger cleared his throat, unsure of what to do in such awkward silence. "Miss [L/n], I'm well aware that such a late visit is uncalled for. But my dear friend over here," his small, enthusiastic hand gestured to Ekko. "He told me you could help us."
~ You slowly relaxed. Good. They weren't here to take you away. At least not yet. For now, they only needed help.
~ You were used to helping people.
~ With a heavy sigh, you backed away from the doorframe - long enough for them to enter your modest but cozy apartment. Full of flowers and plants you used in your alchemy. A few puppies and kittens sleeping peacefully in the corner, close the fireplace.
~ "Take a seat, professor." You had a soft spot for the recently retired dean of the science academy. Eyes filled with pain, yet hopeful. He looked weary and tired. Old. "Take a seat and tell me what you need."
~ You watched with careful eyes as he gingerly sat on your couch. Ekko leaned against the wall, familiar and casual in your home. You didn't glance at Jayce - you didn't quite like him. Someone who was willing to use magic in such a reckless manner, unaware of how powerful or deadly it could be.
~ "This young man said you're a mage." When Heimerdinger saw your body tense defensively, he continued in a rushed manner. "No, my dear. We're not here for that. You must be well aware of our recent experiments with the hextech."
~ Taking a few moments to think, you reluctantly nodded.
~ "We... need your help."
~ Help was a word you initially underestimated.
~ Help meant guiding their research. In the short-term, it meant stabilizing the core, the hidden power behind it. A difficult task, as you were still quite the novice in magic yourself - but you knew that, with hard work, it would listen to you.
~ It had to. Your blood would call out to it, after all.
~ Help also meant saving someone's life.
~ A very sick man.
~ You pondered over it for a few moments. This would take all of your energy and mental resources - too much to focus on your priority, Zaun.
~ You'd have to put everything you had into this for a few months. At least half a year. Maybe even more?
~ "And what if I refuse?"
~ Heimerdinger looked at you with pained eyes, but spoke wisely nonetheless. "It is your decision, my dear. We will not report you for your usage of magic. "
~ But others didn't seem to agree to Heimerdinger's perspective.
~ You could only gasp in shock when Jayce grabbed your shoulders tightly, pulling you toward him. Forcing you to face him. Distantly, you could hear Ekko getting closer - prepared to shove Jayce off you.
~ "Please! I beg you..." His grip on your shoulders tightened to the point of pain. "You need to help him. Viktor deserves to be saved. Please. Before you make any decisions, meet him. You won't regret it."
~ You stared at Jayce. He was a handsome man, with bright eyes and a shining soul. A man who wished to do good, but who got lost on his journey. This man he was talking about... what did he mean to Jayce?
~ What was Jayce willing to sacrifice for him?
~ You swallowed thickly around the knot stuck in your throat as your gaze fluttered down, away from his desperate eyes. You didn't enjoy being forced into helping people.
~ It was your effort. An effort you gave away freely, without asking for anything in return. And there were many innocent people in Zaun - people who actually needed your help.
~ Helping scientists solve their own messes wasn't exactly high on your priority list.
~ But you agreed to help them. You'd see for yourself who this man was.
~ And magic wasn't a toy. You knew that, as a mage, it was your duty to stabilize the core and help them.
~ As much as you'd be able to.
~ Your voice was soft as you spoke again. "I'll help you." Jayce's grip on your shoulders relaxed as he slouched, face overwhelmed with relief. "But for a price."
~ His next words broke your heart. "Whatever it takes," he breathed out as he watched you with wide eyes - with an intensity that made you feel uncomfortable.
~ "You will put as much effort as it takes into helping Zaun. And you will change the general mentality of the population when it comes to mages. Don't you find it a bit hypocritical, professor, how the academy uses the arcane magic freely while we are shunned for doing the same thing - in a much more controlled manner?"
~ You didn't have to look at Heimerdinger to notice his shame. His lack of words told you everything you needed to know.
~ The following day - after giving Ekko quite the scolding for telling professor Heimerdinger, out of all people, what you are - you met Viktor for the first time.
~ The academy was a cold place. To you, it lacked personality. It lacked the passion you were used to. Burning passion, as hot as the deserts you've grown to love so much.
~ But their research lab was... different. It had something. Not quite the passion you possessed, no.
~ Something guarded. Something that veiled a passion, a determination ready to swallow the whole city.
~ You assumed that the man sitting at the desk, next to Jayce, was Viktor. And, after thanking professor Heimerdinger for showing you the way, you approached them with cautious steps.
~ "You should stop messing with the core until I stabilize it." You spoke with a touch of disapproval as you watched the pale, lean man poke at the core with annoying determination.
~ You heard the echoes of pain, of anger. And it only made you cringe further. Only the Gods knew how they had managed to come so far with their crude handling of the magic.
~ When Viktor turned to look at you, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance behind his googles, you continued your previous statement. "Magic is sensitive. The more you probe it without its consent, the more vengeful it will become. And, believe me, it will get its revenge eventually."
~ Jayce beamed at you with a wide smile, his hand squeezing Viktor's shoulder comfortingly. He looked like an excited puppy - as if he had expected you to walk out on your promise.
~ "Viktor this is... [Y/n]. She's a mage. She will aid us in our research."
~ "And I would also like to take a look at your illness. I might be able to help." You ignored Jayce's glare at your crude approach. If this man was as sick as you had been told, you needed to start your workings immediately.
~ "I don't.." You watched him glare at Jayce before turning to face the core once more. "As much as I appreciate the offer, Miss [Y/n], I don't quite remember being in need of help."
~ Ah. A stubborn one, then.
~ "Could you leave us alone for a few moments?" You looked at Jayce with insistent eyes. Insistent enough for him to give up on any protests. As he quietly left the room, you approached Viktor.
~ "Listen, darling." You forcibly turned his chair around, pulling off his googles. His glare was as intense as you'd have expected, amber eyes staring at you with a fire that burned wild underneath.
~ "I know what you've been doing. I can smell it on you." You leaned closer to him, matching his glare. "You've come quite far with your research - for that I must applaud you. But it was an incredibly dumb move to mess with arcane magic without the assistance of a mage. Magic cannot be controlled. It chooses to help you, not the other way around. You've been pushing it for years, forcefully drawing energy from it without giving anything back. Do this any longer and it will destroy you."
~ You pulled back with a heavy sign. "You're sick. Why would you rather rely on a force that cannot provide you enough at this very moment instead of letting me help you? Are you that prideful?" Your steps took you closer to the large blackboard, filled with equations and scribbles. In that mess, you could only recognize your beloved runes. Slender fingers traced their contour, relishing in the soft whisper of magic inside them.
~ "Jayce told me you wish to help people. And you can't do that as a dead man." You faced him again. Viktor refused to look at you, stubbornly staring at the door.
~ It didn't take a genius to know he was annoyed by your presence , not used to someone pushing into his comfort zone.
~ "Look... If you don't want to do it for yourself, do it for Jayce. That man was ready to give his head on a plate to anyone who can help you." At last, Viktor relaxed. His face softened as you mentioned Jayce - and a deep sigh wrecked his chest, followed by violent coughs.
~ "What do you need?" You frowned at the sight of blood on his handkerchief. The diagnosis was clear. Still, he was worse than what you had expected.
~ "From you? Nothing. Just let me do my job and I'll let you do yours."
~ During those days you started thinking more about the blue ink engraved on your right wrist, constantly hidden from sight by bandages. Sometimes the sign itched horribly - and you'd catch yourself scratching it raw, even through the thick fabric of the bandages, under Sky's worried gaze.
~ And you'd give her a comforting little smile, making up some excuse about a skin irritation. But she knew. Everyone knew. Most people chose to show their signs freely when they were on a visible part of the body. But you didn't wish for that kind of attention.
~ In some ways, you were scared to meet the person who was linked so intimately to your life.
~ A life that went on slowly - days spent healing Viktor, little by little. Night spent with the core, trying to find a way to stabilize it without further provoking the raw magic.
~ A life that you found oddly comforting, with occasional visits to Ekko's modest Paradise in Zaun.
~ A life you enjoyed, no matter how exhausting it was.
~ Viktor proved to be a wonderful companion, exceeding all expectations. During the hours you'd spend with your hand pressed against his chest, pushing as much healing energy as you could into his very being, he'd talk to you. He'd tell you of his childhood, of his ambitions. Of his life with Jayce.
~ That's how you found out they were soulmates.
~ It surprised you, at first. But then it all made sense. Not only was Viktor Jayce's closest friend, he also held a part of his soul.
~ No wonder he was so desperate to save him.
~ Sometimes, he'd read to you. His voice would smooth out the increasingly painful migraine to grow behind your eyes, a sign of exhaustion.
~ But not enough to make you to stop.
~ It was hard. It was painful. But he was steadily getting better. And it made you happy to see this wonderful genius brighten up, blossoming like a delicate flower of the night. And to watch Jayce regain his hope, with an energy as bright as the sun.
~ When Viktor asked you about your soulmate, you could only stammer. It was quite hard for you to explain your nervous thoughts when it came to such things. Ironically, as a mage, you were supposed to understand better than anyone else the importance of such a connection - a bond that linked souls together in the most amazing, most natural way possible.
~ The very definition of true love.
~ Even so, no one was forced to have a relationship with their soulmate. People could live on happily without one.
~ Did you wish for that? No, not really. But you weren't prepared for it.
~ You weren't prepared for rejection.
~ Few people believed in magic. And so many shunned mages away, as if they were the plague.
~ You wouldn't stay with a person who couldn't accept that part of you, soulmate or not.
~ "It's... complicated." You gestured with your right hand - and his eyes fell on the bandage with a thoughtful look.
~ You didn't pay any attention to that look. You were used to them. Even your parents greatly disapproved of your choice. Others wondered if you were ashamed of your soulmate. Of your sign.
~ Professor Heimerdinger even inquired if you and Ekko...
~ Of course, your embarrassment had been immeasurable. And Professor Heimerdinger apologized repeatedly over the following days.
~ He didn't inquire about your soulmate ever again after that disaster.
~ You couldn't ignore the fact that you had to spend most of your time in the presence of two very handsome, very bright-minded men.
~ You tried to ignore the building attraction as much as you could. And it was hard to do so, especially with the annoying itching of your wrist. It happened more and more those days, to the point where the skin under the bandages was almost constantly red and irritated.
~ At least you were going through some massive progress with both the hexcore and Viktor's health.
~ One night, you returned to the research lab after taking a break of several hours - enough to eat something more consistent, take a nap in your own bed and enjoy a long, steaming shower.
~ It was a quiet, rainy night. Peaceful. You could see the dim glow of the core in one of the main rooms. A glow that, nowadays, was less threatening and slightly more willing to cooperate.
~ You just wanted to check on Viktor and see if he was still in his study. You didn't mean to peak in or anything, but the door was left open, exposing the low light of a lonely lamp.
~ You almost squealed when you saw them. Viktor pressed against his desk while Jayce was kissing him with the passion of a dying man, hand inside the younger man's pants -
~ Needless to be said, you covered your eyes and left as quietly as possible, trying to not trip over your own legs. And even outside, in the cool air of the night and the chilly rain falling from the sky, you could still feel your flushed face burning and your heart beating wildly in your chest.
~ "I think you scared off a little bunny." Viktor said with an amused glint in his eyes and a breathless voice when they heard the main door closing a bit too loudly.
~ "Caitlyn, they were fucking! Well, not exactly fucking. But they were plastered over each other and..." You watched as Caitlyn choked on her coffee before bursting into laughter. "It's not funny! How am I supposed to look them in the eye after seeing... that?!"
~ Next morning, you didn't hesitate to drag Caitlyn from her home to a nearby cafe. You were desperate for advice, and too embarrassed to go straight to the academy.
~ "Well, they are soulmates. What did you expect?" "For them to not fuck in the academy?!" "You said they weren't fucking!" "They were almost fucking!"
~ Caitlyn could only sigh at your childish antics. "Just... go in and act normal. They can't possibly know you were there. Right?" You stammered with your words as your face flushed even more.
~ "I tried to be quiet as I went out... I mean, they were busy so I doubt they heard me."
~ "Oh my God, [Y/n]. These guys have ears of a demon." You watched Caitlyn groan with a sheepish smile.
~ You were giving her so much second-hand embarrassment.
~ In the end, you had to go to the academy with a few words of encouragement and little advice. As Caitlyn put it, "You go in there and give your best innocent eyes. Don't you dare let them even smell the embarrassment on you. Jayce isn't the problem - Viktor is the real monster here. He has the sharpest tongue in Piltover and Zaun combined."
~ And you were lucky enough to escape their presence for a few hours. Something about a council meeting. But you weren't interested in politics.
~ Instead, you spent those hours working on the core, trying to persuade it into opening to you much like you'd persuade a child into actually trusting your good will.
~ As you stared at the core with annoyance - you'd call it a staring contest if you didn't know any better - you heard the door opening behind you. And the familiar sound of a cane.
~ "Is it still resistant?" The soft-spoken, professional voice calmed your nerves. You didn't turn to face him as you answered.
~ "It's... stubborn. And petty. Magic doesn't exactly appreciate being controlled against its will, you know."
~ You jumped out of your skin when Viktor pressed his large, warm hand on your shoulder - looking down at your form, seated on the floor.
~ "You should take a break. If there's anything I have learned during these past years... Pushing yourself to the very limit will always be counterproductive." He patted your shoulder gently and turned to leave the room.
~ You thought you were safe.
~ You almost thought you were safe.
~ "And that means staying home at night, [Y/n]."
~ As soon as the door closed, you slammed your forehead on the ground. Maybe, just maybe, the ground would swallow you whole.
~ You could almost feel that damned core laughing at your misery.
~ And when you went, later that night, to continue your healing workings with Viktor...
~ It was unbearable, how embarrassed you felt as you pressed your hand on his chest, against his steadily beating heart.
~ He didn't say anything, this time. He only leaned back and closed his eyes, slowly breathing as he relaxed into your touch.
~ It felt intimate.
~ It felt more intimate than it should've been. After all, he had a soulmate. There were even rumors that they were already married and here you were, blushing and being bothered by a man you shouldn't even have a crush on -
~ That night, lying in your bed, you scratched your wrist to a bleeding mess, trying to get rid of the itch embedded into your skin.
~ Your head felt clearer when, the next day, you returned to the academy.
~ The itch was still there, but it was overwhelmed by the dull pain that you inflicted upon yourself unintentionally. It hadn't been your intention, of course. It just... it just felt so overwhelming that...
~ You pulled in a deep breath as you sat on the chair, looking at the core.
~ It was quiet today. No negative energy, no unpleasant whispers in your mind.
~ Just a gentle, balanced energy.
~ You closed your tired eyes with a heavy sigh and, crossing your arms on the table, you rested your head on them.
~ The lab was filled with silence. Only the soft hum of the core, brimming with magic, echoed in the large room.
~ You watched it. You watched the mesmerizing pulse of magic call out, the raw power that made your skin tingle from the proximity.
~ It pulled you in with a hypnotizing power and, surely, you lifted your hand.
~ Closer, closer, closer.
~ Your fingers were tingling with blue energy, almost fully touching it, when you felt your wrist pulled back violently - a pained hiss leaving your mouth at the pressure on the wounded skin.
~ "What are you doing?" You heard Jayce scolding you as his grip tightened on your wrist, pulling another pained noise from you. And then the tall man stopped abruptly, relaxing his grip to glance down at the bloodied bandages.
~ You didn't protest when he pulled a chair closer, sitting next to you. Close enough to feel the heat of his body.
~ It made your wrist itch again and you tried to yank it out of his grip. But Jayce was much, much stronger than you. He effortlessly kept your wrist in his grasp, his free hand tugging gently at the bandages.
~ "Why would you do this to yourself, [Y/n]?" He was still scolding you, yet his voice was gentle. He seemed... surprised. Shocked, even, by your actions.
~ Why would you do this the one thing most people treasured the most in their lives?
~ And you didn't answer him. You only slouched against the chair, eyes closed, as he slowly unwrapped the bandage. And then...
~ There was a slight pause as his fingers tightened painfully around your wrist, pulling you from your slight reverie.
~ "Jayce, it hurts-" You looked at him, and paused as you caught him staring at your mark.
~ An intriguing mark, complicated and breathtaking. A design that made you think of machines, of... progress.
~ Not really that surprising. Not in Piltover, at the very least.
~ "Jayce? Jayce, let me go." You tugged your wrist back and that seemed to bring him back to you.
~ When he met your eyes, you saw something different in them. Something that burned deep into your soul.
~ At the time you had assumed it was anger.
~ But later on you realized it was something else entirely.
~ "I'm... okay." He cleared his throat as you pulled your wrist from his slackened grip. You refused to look at him again, embarrassed by this sign of your weakness. Gods, you didn't even want to imagine what he might think of you now.
~ "At least let me clean the wound." His voice was sure and stern, brimming with authority.
~ They were both quite dominant people. Two types of leaders.
~ Jayce was naturally born to be a direct leader. But Viktor... Viktor knew how to make people listen to him. When he was completely serious, even Professor Heimerdinger would stop and listen with all of his focus to what he had to say.
~ You sighed at his request. Nonetheless, you placed your wrist on the desk while he gathered some supplies from Viktor's office.
~ And you could only hiss and wince as he gently cleaned the wound, wrapping new bandages around your wrist with a care that worried and comforted you at the same time.
~ As if you were going to break.
~ Did he think you weren't up for the task anymore?
~ "You should go home and get some rest, [Y/n]. Viktor will be alright if we skip one day." You didn't argue with him, even as you felt your heart drown in worry.
~ After quietly gathering your things, you left the academy and Jayce alone at the desk.
~ And that's how Viktor found him, elbows pressed against the smooth surface. Head held in his palms, unaware to the world around him.
~ You didn't return to the academy the next day. Viktor was almost fully healed - there was no need to continue his treatment immediately.
~ You couldn't return. Now with the thoughts plaguing your mind.
~ Instead, you went to Zaun in search of Ekko.
~In search of an old friend's companionship.
~ When you returned home the following day, very early in the morning, you found the light in your apartment on. And two serious, worried men inside.
~ "What..." You glanced at Jayce and Viktor with surprised eyes. Jayce was leaning against the wall, close to the living room's window - and you couldn't blame him, the view was absolutely breathtaking - while Viktor was seated at your desk, looking over your notes and books on arcane magic, given to you by your grandmother. "How did you two even get in here?" You looked at your oldest dog with annoyed eyes. What a guardian he was, letting strangers help themselves into your home.
~ "I assume you don't remember this." Without raising his eyes from your notes, Viktor showed you the key dangling on one long, slender finger. The key to your apartment.
~ The one you gave to them in case of emergencies.
~ You sure know how to sabotage yourself.
~ "Quite a lovely home you have. And very well written notes - personally, I wouldn't have thought of magic as a sentient, living being. But I will admit defeat when I see myself bested." You watched him get up from the chair - reaching for his cane as he turned to face you.
~ "Now, my darling, I believe we have some things to discuss." His words only made your confusion grow more and more . You glanced at Jayce, but he remained still... eyes fixed on you with an unreadable look on his face.
~ Gods, you were royally fucked.
~ "Your bandages. Take them off." You met Viktor's eyes again. "Now."
~ You wanted to argue. You wanted to tell him that he had absolutely no right to address you in such a way, to force you into...
~ Yet your shaky fingers clumsily unwrapped the bandages, letting them fall to the floor. And your eyes remained fix on the healing skin as Viktor got closer to you, his own cool fingers brushing over the irritated lines of the sign.
~ It left your skin tingling and, as you tried to pull away, you were stopped by his hand wrapping sneaking around your waist.
~ "I did have my suspicions." You heard him mutter against your head, his body pressed close to your own. You wanted - you tried - to pull back, but the man was stronger than he seemed.
~ And you were already weak in your limbs, barely capable of keeping yourself together.
~ "I wonder how long it might have taken us to find out if you would've decided not to do something as foolish as hurting yourself." His voice maintained a scolding undertone. As if you were a stubborn, impolite child.
~ You didn't fight it when his hand moved to the small of your back, a ghostly touch on your weary body. "And this mess, just because you refused to wear your sign proudly."
~ You couldn't protest - you couldn't tell him it wasn't out of shame, but out of apprehension. But then he took his hand away from you. And you couldn't help but unconsciously lean closer to him, yearning for more.
~ His hand loosened his tie just as Jayce sneaked behind, caging you between their bodies. You would've fallen to the floor if not for Jayce's strong arm wrapping around your frame, shocked eyes falling on Viktor's pale collarbone.
~ The same mark you wore. That meant...
~ The same mark Jayce had.
~ Your breathing got heavier. You could hear your heart pounding, your blood rushing in your ears as you squeezed your eyes shut, completely overwhelmed by the situation.
~ It felt like you were suffocating, choking on air and you grew light-headed, leaning completely on Jayce.
~ You felt Viktor's cool hands rest on your cheeks, pulling you down with him to the ground. You couldn't feel Jayce's hands on you anymore, but when you were pushed back you hit his chest.
~ It took a while for you to calm down, back pressed against Jayce's well built body. You could hear Viktor speaking to you, the gentle lull of his accented words pulling you back from the sudden panic that had overwhelmed your entire being, his fingers lovingly caressing your face.
~ When your heart returned to its steady beat, you opened your eyes. In that moment, it felt as if you were gazing at Viktor for the first time.
~ His lovely, silky hair. His pale skin. The aristocratic shape of his face. The gold in his eyes.
~ With a shaky exhale, you leaned more heavily against Jayce, seeking his body warmth. To know you could want such a thing felt incredibly strange.
~ To know they'd give you anything you wished for... it left you incredibly confused and conflicted. And it was hard to understand that you'd do the same for them.
~ It was hard to comprehend the connection you shared with two amazing, incredible men.
~ And your heart quivered when Jayce squeezed you against him, hands wrapping fully around your chest. A warm, comforting embrace. You rested your head on his arm and your tired, exhausted eyes fluttered close just as you saw Viktor lean over you to press a kiss to Jayce's lips.
~ It made you feel... something. But you couldn't quite explain it.
~ You didn't have enough words for explaining it.
~ When you wake up the next morning, you're not even surprised to find yourself nestled between the two men, Jayce's face pressing into your back while you were resting your head on Viktor's shoulder.
~ It was an entirely new feeling. But you felt safe... and comfortable.
~ So you went back to sleep.
~ Things were a bit tricky for a few weeks. You remained quite shy and embarrassed, much like a spooked fox in the presence of wolves.
~ You continued to help them with the core. But, those days, you'd also sneak to the Undercity - now that Viktor was almost fully healed, you didn't need to do your healing as often as before. Only two or three times per week was enough.
~ Jayce didn't enjoy your work in Zaun. He was nervous and scared for your safety, while Viktor felt immense pride at your work. Why would he worry? Zaunites wouldn't hurt the one person who'd help anyone in need. It was an unspoken rule. And you had Ekko there, your self-proclaimed bodyguard.
~ While you weren't comfortable with initiating affections, Jayce and Viktor didn't have any complaints in spoiling you rotten. And you didn't mind the soft kisses you'd get from both of them when you'd leave the research lab, kisses that left you trembling and blushing down to your collarbone.
~ Viktor's kisses were slow, languid. Sensual. Calculated. They left you dizzy and trembling with need as you'd twist your fingers into his vest. Slow and long enough to leave you breathless, your mind empty and pupils blown wide with lust. He'd always have that knowing look on his face afterward, a look that made you remember his origins - as much as he was a gentleman, Viktor remained a Zaunite. And he was far from naive or innocent.
~ Jayce's kisses were fast and passionate. He took over your mouth like he owned it, overwhelming you with through his mere presence and ardent touch. Hands resting on your hips as he'd pull you flushed against him, swallowing the soft whimpers to leave your swollen lips. He enjoyed few things as much as your disheveled look when he'd finally pull back, lips flushed and glistening while you looked at him with glassy eyes.
~ And after your share of kisses, you'd leave the laboratory in a hurry, barely able to stand right and with a horrible ache in your core.
~ It wasn't surprising to return home and find them there. It felt strange to share your home with two men each night.
~ You learned new things about them. Viktor was a ridiculously good cook, while Jayce couldn't cook to save his own life. They both loved animals - you saw it in the way they dotted on the stray pets you'd bring back home from Zaun.
~ It was always a pleasure to watch them argue over their research while you dozed on the couch with a book in your hand, cuddled next to your only adult cat - a fluffy, ginger boy you absolutely adored. You'd also see them share kisses during those times, watching through short bursts of consciousness before you'd fall asleep again. And the memories of those kisses you'd occasionally see would always make their way into your mind when you finally had some time to touch yourself, some time to spend alone. You were left confused and ashamed by how much it turned you on.
~ You'd crawl into bed with them every night, too tired to be embarrassed about being squished between two incredibly attractive men. But it would bother you in other ways. You'd try to keep still and relaxed as your skin tingled from the proximity. And each time you thought you got it under control, Jayce would wrap around your body from behind or Viktor would groan softly into your ear as he stretched and...
~ And you'd be left cursing yourself for wanting them to fuck you so badly.
~ Bless your heart, they enjoyed pushing your buttons. They were much more experienced than you - and it was so easy to read your desire.
~ Jayce couldn't understand why you chose to hold back so much when you were soulmates. But Viktor could fully understand your apprehension and hesitation to take such a great step.
~ It doesn't mean he wouldn't tease you as much as Jayce did.
~ They asked you to move in with them.
~ And they lived together. Of course they did.
~ And while you were initially tempted to refuse, you...
~ Agreed.
~ You actually agreed to share a home with them.
~ They made sure you had your own room. A place where you could spend some time alone when things got too overwhelming. It was a nice thought that you appreciated. Just like Viktor had his study. Just like Jayce had his blacksmith - you had checked him down there once and dear Gods, the sight of him shirtless left you seeing stars - .
~ Sometimes, while you were in your room, Viktor would come and bring you some sweet milk and cookies. Jayce, on the other hand, always brought you coffee - just as you liked it. It was so endearing to see their dynamic, to see how different yet similar they were.
~ And you grew up more comfortable with them, softly blooming in their shared love and affections. You grew confident enough to kiss them whenever you wished to do so - and the look in their surprised, heated eyes was always worth it.
~ But sleeping with them also made you more and more uncomfortable as you opened up in your love for them. It became incredibly hard to actually only sleep with them. Your own touches didn't bring you any satisfaction, not anymore. Not when you were utterly and helplessly sexually frustrated.
~ One night, Viktor came to bed earlier than he usually did - to find you already in the bed. You were trying to fall asleep, hoping you'd have an easier time doing so in an empty bed. But your plan went horribly wrong when Viktor slipped in the bed, pulling you into a warm embrace.
~ You could only squirm as you listened to the shower - Jayce loved taking ridiculously long showers. And the thought only frustrated you more as you buried your face into Viktor's chest, breathing in the comforting scent of his body and the faint traces of his cologne.
~ He was so warm. His touch was so comforting. These days, you could see yourself spending the rest of your life with them.
~ It felt natural to share a life, a home with them.
~ You knew they'd ask you, sooner or later. Jayce was a very straightforward man. You've heard them talk about it from time to time, when they thought you were sleeping deeply. Soft whispers passed over your head as you cuddled against one of them, warm and more comfortable than you had even been before. And you knew you wouldn't mind marrying them.
~ You melted into his touch. One hand brushing through your soft, long locks of hair. His other rubbing your back comfortingly.
~ If he could feel the subtle quiver in your legs, he chose to not say anything.
~ Yet, he didn't seem surprised when you pushed against him fully with a shaky exhale, raising your head to meet his gaze. And his tired eyes were welcoming as you pressed yourself up to kiss him.
~ You deepened the kiss with a whimper when you heard his soft groan, and you didn't hesitate to press him flat on the bed. Crawling over his body, you straddled him. You arched into his touch like a cat in heat, your body burning with desire - a pent-up desire that has brought tears of frustration for many nights before.
~ When you grinded your hips against him, you almost lost your breath - and you definitely lost your mind when his hands found your hips, pulling you back down and guiding them into a swaying movement as you pressed your flushed face against his neck. Breathy gasps left your raw-bitten lips each time his hard length brushed against your clothed clit, sending sparks of uncontrolled pleasure through your body. His palm cradled the back of your neck as you gasped your pleasure into his skin, his other hand sneaking under your shirt to ghost over your naked skin.
~ "Having fun without me? I'm quite disappointed, Viktor." Jayce's voice pulled you from the hazy feeling in your mind and, instinctively, you tried to pull away - only to be stopped by Viktor's hand, who pushed your face back into his neck with a gentle shushing noise.
~ You could only squirm against Viktor's cock when Jayce pulled down the blanket. His warm hands pushed up your shirt and teasing lips left soft, sweet kisses over the expanse of your naked skin, droplets of water spilling from his wet hair. And then you felt him lean over and...
~ Your face grew even more flushed when he realized he was kissing Viktor.
~ But he wasn't done with you. Jayce's hands covered Viktor's own your hips and forced you to take a sharper, harder turn in your thrusts - an action that made Viktor break away from the kiss with a hissed curse. And then you felt Jayce's smile against your shoulder, followed by whispered words: "He likes it rough, sweetheart."
~ You outright moaned when his hand sneaked inside your shorts, ghosting over your soaked panties while Viktor guided one of your hands to his clothed, straining erection. And you rubbed it cautiously, a bit concerned at how big it felt against your hand, fingers twitching whenever Jayce's touch brushed against your clothed clit.
~ It was an onslaught of pleasure that left you breathless and dizzy, gently grinding down on the fingers teasing you.
~ It drove you fully, completely insane. It felt so good - and you berated yourself for waiting so long, for not doing this sooner. You were ready to combust into flames because of the tension inside you, the gnawing feeling deep inside your bones.
~ When Viktor pulled you further up his body, you were barely clear-headed enough to press your palms to the wall for balance. You felt hands push your shirt up and, when you opened your mouth to speak, a loud whimper escaped instead of words as lips wrapped around one of your nipples, tugging teasingly on the sensitive buds. Cold fingers pinched the other. You were almost seeing stars, looking at the wall in front of you and unable to comprehend how exactly did you end up like this.
~ And then Jayce's fingers slipped into your panties, touching your soaked skin - and your mind went completely blank. You heard him curse behind you, whispering how wet, how hungry for their cocks you were. You nodded your head desperately, pushing back against his fingers with building desperation - and when one of his fingers finally slipped inside, you sighed in relief as you slowly relaxed around the intrusion.
~ It felt a bit uncomfortable, yet satisfying. And you pressed down further, walls fluttering around the single digit when Viktor bit gently on your nipple, sending sparks of plain and pleasure down to your clit.
~ The first finger was followed by a second. By the time his third finger was inside, you were grinding down on his hand with increasing urgency, fingers digging into the wall.
~ You made a noise of confusion when Jayce drew out his fingers, pulling you off Viktor. Until you heard his words.
~ "I'll fuck you first. I'm gonna prepare you for him." Ah, yes. So he was as big as you had expected. The realization left you trembling with anticipation, well aware that it would be a long night.
~ While Jayce pressed you down on your back, you watched Viktor get comfortable against the pillows. He had a cigarette in one, ready to light it. Your brows furrowed. You had never seen him smoke. As you prepared to scold him for smoking in the first place, you were distracted as Jayce pulled off your shorts and panties, pressing his heated length against your soaking lips with a heavy thrust.
~ "Eyes on me, sugar." You turned your wide eyes to Jayce. Beautiful Jayce, with his damp hair and handsome face. You've heard so many girls and women talk about him. And here you were, in bed with him. As his soulmate.
~ It still felt surreal.
~ You relaxed further when he pressed a slow, gentle kiss to your lips - different from his usual ones - and you didn't protest when he nudged your thighs open with his own. But you did tense a bit when you felt the flushed head of his cock pressing teasingly against your opening. Your nails dig into his shoulders in nervous anticipation. You knew it would hurt, at least a bit. You couldn't help but feel nervous.
~ Jayce deepened the kiss when he started pressing inside you, a slow determination that forced you to arch your back through soft whimpers. It was painful, a stretch that brought tears to the corner of your eyes. He was bigger than you had anticipated. You shuddered only thinking of how Viktor would feel.
~ The slow roll of his hips left you breathless, gasping for breath when he pulled away to watch you as he pushed himself fully inside of your heated, soaking core. You threw your head back against the covers, overwhelmed, and felt him twitch, pressing just a bit harder inside.
~ A slow, patient rhythm - slightly pulling out, then pushing deeply inside. It left you clawing at his back, breath held in anticipation for every thrust that would follow. He maintained it with an annoying accuracy, to which you responded by biting his shoulder sharply. The satisfaction you felt from hearing his pained hiss was short-lived as he pushed you down into the covers, thrusting hard into you. Your legs shook at the force behind it - and you moaned sharply, hiding your face into the blanket.
~ "That was a very mean things to do, my dear." You heard Viktor's voice to your right, calm and nonchalant. Your walls fluttered violently around Jayce as you took in his thick, accented voice.
~ "Looks like she has a thing for your voice." Jayce didn't even sound surprised when he huffed those words.
~ You could almost feel the satisfaction rolling off Viktor.
~ And that's when Jayce truly went to business. Hard, deep thrusts that had no mercy behind them, that left you gasping for breath between broken whimpers and moans. Every thrust filled you with burning pleasure - yet it wasn't enough for you to reach an orgasm. And when he came, a few minutes later, you were left shaking and wanting more.
~ You weren't even surprised when Jayce flipped you to your belly and pushed you to Viktor - Viktor, who was watching you with heavy and dark eyes. Cigarette long forgotten.
~ "He's waiting, princess." And indeed he was, legs open with an erection bulging against his pants.
~ You looked to Jayce again with a questioning look in your eyes and he only grinned cheekily as he whispered in your ear. "Ride him."
~ Your heart fluttered as you turned to look at Viktor again, biting your lip in quiet contemplation. And then you crawled slowly over him as Jayce tugged Viktor's pants off, impatient to see you take the other man.
~ You didn't dare look at his cock, opting instead to softly kiss him. Your hand cupped his sharp cheek and you felt him relax against you with a sigh - a sigh that turned into a drawn out moan when you sat on his lap, your soaked folds dragging over his throbbing, thick cock.
~ He was longer and thicker than Jayce, enough to make you quite concerned about how he'd fit.
~ You could barely take Jayce. How in the name of Gods were you going to take him?
~ Your question was answered for you when Jayce's hands gently pulled your hips back - and moments later you were slowly pushed down on Viktor's cock. You whimpered at the renewed stretch, body trembling as your walls squeezed in protest at the overwhelming feeling.
~ "You're doing good, sweetheart." Jayce's voice rasped against your ear, sending shivers down your glistening body. "Fuck, you have no idea how hot you are right now." You heard the low tremble in his voice and it was enough for you to push yourself down, taking another portion of Viktor's cock inside you.
~ A long whine left you. You already felt so full. Full to bursting. But Jayce encouraged you to push down further and, to your surprise, you could take more. His words were muffled in your ear, words of encouragement, one hand reaching to pinch your left nipple between his thick fingers.
~ And then you were completely seated on Viktor's lap. With a heavy sigh, you relaxed your muscles around the uncomfortable stretch, curiously rocking your hips for a better position.
~ What you didn't expect was the sharp gasp from Viktor, one arm thrown over his eyes as he unconsciously thrust up into you. As you whimpered at the sudden pressure caused by his movement, you leaned over him - and then you slowly rose to your shaking knees, before falling back in a sharp sway of your hips.
~ You couldn't take your eyes away from him. While Jayce seemed much more confident in taking his pleasure, Viktor was clearly holding back. One hand gripping your thigh tightly, the other one pulling on his own hair with gritted teeth and shut eyes.
~ The most controlled man you had ever met, completely out of control.
~ And Jayce, Piltover's sweetheart, breathing heavily over your shoulder, enjoying the view as much as you did. His hands still guiding the gentle rocking of your hips, forcing you to go faster and harder - forcing you to take Viktor to the hilt, a sharp pleasurable pressure on your most sensitive spots.
~ You never thought you'd ever feel this full.
~ You never thought you would enjoy being so full.
~ As you leaned over Viktor, hands resting on his chest, you started putting more force into your hips - desperate to reach a point of relief, to finally have the tension snap. You were so wet you could hear it, the loud sound turning your ears red with embarrassment.
~ It only made you more wet, your sensitive and raw feeling skin fluttering around the thick, hot cock inside of you, tightening it like a vice.
~ And you could feel Viktor twitching madly inside of you, drawn closer and closer to his orgasm by your very presence on top of him, by the incredibly tight feeling around his cock. You were so very wet around him, driving him insane -
~ You were caught by surprise when he finally opened his eyes, golden orbs swimming in lust and pleasure as he glanced between you and Jayce, who was looking just over your shoulder, a constant, reassuring heat behind you.
~ When Viktor pulled you down to his chest, you went willingly. Too tired to keep yourself up. You rested for a few moments, his cock still deep inside of you. His hands caressing your heated skin for a few long moments, before securing their hold around your waist.
~ You downright wailed when he thrust inside you forcefully, pushing the air out of your lungs as you gasped and whimpered into his ear.
~ It was almost too much, too overwhelming. But Jayce's hands were a reassuring weight on your back, and Viktor's familiar scent in your lungs. You couldn't help but relax into the hard, rhythmic thrusts pushing you closer and closer to the edge - the knot in your lower stomach growing harder and harder to ignore.
~ When Jayce sneaked a hand between your lungs to flick at your sensitive, swollen clit you were gone. Thighs shaking violently while loud whimpers left your lips uncontrollably, you spasmed around Viktor's cock almost painfully. It took you almost two minutes to ride out your orgasm - and it took you another three to realize Viktor had also finished, his cock softening inside of you.
~ The next morning, you woke up splattered across Viktor's chest, with Jayce spooning the younger man. A soft smile appeared on your face as you glanced at the two man you've grown to love so much - your soulmates.
~ And as you snuggled closer to Viktor, you realized you wouldn't have it any other way.
So, I know I didn't really get into detail when it comes to married stuff - but I hope it will still have enough fluff and... yeah.
Somehow it also turned into a NSFW piece. I mean, it's Jayce and Viktor. It was bound to happen.
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lieutenantn · 3 years
The lower the self-esteem, the bigger the love
Captain Christopher Pike x Reader
This idea just kept coming back to me, so I felt this need to write it down, one way or another… I haven't written anything in a while… And this is also my first Captain Pike fic… and some parts were actually inspired by a song… or two... I will put a link to it... please enjoy!
Warnings: accident (scars, blood), low self-esteem, subtle anxiety, mention of loneliness, worried Pike, spaceship gets hurt, Reader gets hurt, eventually happy ending, some philosophical thoughts?, slight soulmates hint?, probably bad description of science (I'm a language student), I'm not native English, bad summary, headcanon kind of format (as I said, it's been a while, and this format currently is a little bit more comfortable to me, than actually writing out a whole story...)
Summary: Reader doesn't think they are good enough for Pike, and they always just push him away… Until an accident kicks them into the right direction…
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You have always felt a connection to space
Ever since you have started learning languages
You always wanted more, you were always thinking outside of the box
You couldn't stay on your planet for your whole life
You were an explorer
You needed to know more about other planets, cultures
And what's the main step for this? Their language…
That was what made you go to the Starfleet Academy
You have always had the passion, what makes a Starfleet officer, a Starfleet officer
You didn't always do great, weren't the best of the class
But you were always eager to learn new things, and after enough practice, you always became good in them
By the time you graduated, you knew more languages than you could count on your hands
Your constant focus on the small things with the different grammar structures, and differences between cultures made you a valuable observer
A valuable explorer
You weren't really a "people kind of person"
You were always kept to yourself, always focused on your tasks, interests, studies and future… had friends, but never close ones
You knew you wanted to travel, and dealing with languages took up most of your time, so you have never wanted to get too close to anyone, to make it hard for you to leave, and hurt the other one…
Your low self-esteem and what people might think of you weren't helping either… even though the bad things were all in your head… you were a likeable person, you just didn't know that… no one had told you… no one had the chance...
Before you got signed to a ship, you did some time in diplomacy and did translation works
By the time your big day arrived, you earned your Lieutenant rank
The ship you have been signed up was a science ship, that just got a new Captain
It was called: USS Discovery
When you got beamed up to the Discovery a tall kelpian and a woman were waiting for your arrival
You learned their names: Commander Saru, and Michael Burnham
They quickly filled you in, what point they are at in their (now yours too) journey, and they also told you, that the Captain couldn't be here, he just got some very important messages, and some old, antique papers… actually, that's why you're here
Saru and Burnham quickly showed you around, then took you to the bridge, and showed you the way to the Captain's ready room
You needed to meet him urgently
When you went in the ready room, and got greeted by none other than Christopher Pike, whom you have never met before, but you were a great admirer of him, because of his devotion to Starfleet, and just in general how he treated the people around him, how he thought about life itself, something happened
You were never the one who dismissed any thoughts about a great power, about faith itself, but you have never imagined to experience something like this
You have always hold your future in your hands, you have always stayed focused about what you want from life… even if it meant you are alone in the galaxy
So when your eyes met with Captain Pike’s blue ones, and the ship stopped moving, and the planets stopped turning, your breath got stuck in your throat
You weren’t sure about what Pike had felt, but he definitely felt something according to his expression
Both of you tried to quickly gather yourselves, and after the former introductions, the Captain told you why you are on the Discovery
Last time the ship picked up some strange signals, the away team found an ancient rock, which was buried with some ancient papyrus along with it, and had some unrecognizable energy around it
Burnham thought that maybe the papers could give an answer what the block of rock is for, but she couldn’t crack the languages and codes
Which brought you in the light
You needed to decode the papyrus
It have been a while since you had the chance to work with an ancient language, and your anxiety and nervousness from earlier changed into genuine excitement
Pike, when he saw the stars in your eyes following the news of your task, was in complete awe
He decided he wanted to know more about you, but first, he let you settle in
It has been weeks since you started to work on solving the mystery of that rock
You have been sitting in your little office, which you have been given to, to work in complete peace, alongside with other scientist who worked on the rock itself
Everytime you found something about the rock amongst the strange words and expressions, you told them the new discoveries, and in light of that, they tried to “crack” the block from another perspective
The needed to be very careful, none of you knew what might would happen if some kind of energy just got released from the inside of it
You worked in complete harmony down there
The only times you left your office were when you went to the cafeteria to eat something
And that’s where you met the Captain most of the time
It was rare for you to go up to the bridge, you only went there when you needed to give an update about your process
And you were making them, surely, but slowly
For the first few times when you did met the Captain during your lunch break, it seemed like they were on accident
And after some more time, you were sure it was on purpose
Like he realized when you were having lunch, and he was going to have his lunch at the same time
You always set alone, so Pike decided to ask for permission to sit with you
You didn’t know why, you gave it to him… He was your superior after all… Or you felt something more? A connection?...
You started talking, get to know each other
He told you he always does this, he likes to know his crew
But somehow, it felt different with you… for him… and for you
Like he wanted to know everything, wanted to understand you
You were careful what to share
You had nothing to hide, but didn’t want to get attached… You didn’t know how long you are going to stay on this ship…
Your progress with the papyrus started to pick up its speed, so you wanted to focus on that
You started to find unsettling details about the rock, you still weren’t confident in the language, so you only shared some of it with your crew, you didn’t want to start a unnecessary drama about it
Although it did put you on edge
Which didn’t go unnoticed by your Captain
He asked you about your distress one time you were having lunch together (again) but you just dismissed it with being a little tired
That was when he said it for the first time
He asked you if you needed some time to relax a little bit, you were working very hard for the past few days, you deserved some time to rest… and maybe a dinner… in his quarters… he had some awesome recipes from his home… And please call him Christopher when you were off duty… And Chris when it was just the two of you...
Nothing has ever tempted you this much in your life… But no… You couldn't do that… Your mind was constantly on your job, on the unsettling details, on the fact that maybe soon enough you were going to be finished here, got beamed off the Discovery, and never see anyone ever again… Including Pike
You tried to be as polite as it was possible, but you could see the sadness and hurt in the Captain’s blue eyes
But apparently, he didn’t lose all hope
Although, it might got a little bit awkward, he still tried to talk to you during breaks, sometimes even went down to your office, seemingly to keep track about your work
He kept offering that you could talk to him anytime, about anything
Your discomfort with the rock grew more and more, and somehow he could sense it
You still refused to call him by his name though, and not by his rank
After a few weeks of this, something happened
Everyone was doing there usual “rituals” around the rock and the office, when something from outside shaked the Discovery
The Captain’s voice came through the speakers, the ship got into a, some kind of energy field
From the corner of your eyes you saw something lighted up with purple blaze
Everyone was looking at the rock, which now had purple-ish aura around it, the other lights on the deck either went out, or just barely gave any light
This didn’t feel right, you thought
You heard the Captain’s voice again, you needed to jump out of this mess, because the high energy levels started messing with everything around the ship
Black alert
You looked down on your latest translated words… “releases energy”, “too high”, “heats up”, “detonation”...
The rock suddenly cracked
That was the last thing you registered before the whole office blowed up with everyone in it
After a few seconds your sight and hearing came back
You looked around, everyone seemed unconscious and hurt
You were sitting at the wall, when you looked down and saw a big piece of metal sticking out of your lower side
You didn’t know if anyone had the slightest idea about what could have happened on your level
You pulled out your communicator, but it seemed jammed, probably because of the sudden energy release
About that, you just caught a sight of the rock
It was still glowing
You needed to get to the bridge to warn them
You couldn't jump again, might as well the whole ship explodes
You slowly managed to get on your feet, and before you left the office you hit the emergency button to medbay, in hope that they could get down there to save your crewmates
You were bleeding hard, leaving a trace after you, as you tried to get to the turbolift, somehow it was still working, for your biggest relief
You got more and more dizzy as you got closer
You needed to keep it together and get to the bridge as soon as possible
In the lift, you had a few seconds to pull all your energy together that you still had in your body, to tell them what happened
You fall to the lift’s wall as it opened
It seemed like everything got a little messed up by the rock’s detonation
No one seemed to notice your presence
You saw the Captain in the middle of bridge, giving commands away frantically, he was distressed and worried
But you just couldn't make out anymore what he was saying
With everything you had in you, you propped yourself up on the wall, and spoke
You barely caught his head snapping towards you before your sight went blurry and started to fell towards the floor
But you never made it
Two strong arms gathered around you, and slowly laid you down
“The rock… Don’t jump… It detonates… The ship… Will blow up… too much energy...”
You managed to say before everything went dark
Pain, was the first thing you registered when you started to come back to reality
The second thing, someone was holding your hand
You slowly opened your eyes and looked over your right
There you saw Chr..the Captain, holding your hand with both of his hands, while holding the back of your hand to his forehead, his eyes were closed
Your eyes wandered down to his uniform
It had blood on it
Dry blood
Was that your blood?
You involuntarily clenched your right hand around the Captain’s ones
He immediately looked up
You had never seen that much relief in anyone’s eyes before
You wanted to speak but your throat was dry
After Pike realized this, he gave you a glass of water
He was sure you wanted to know what happened, so he filled you in while you were sipping the liquid
First of all, you scared the hell out of everyone on the bridge
Second of all, you saved everyone on your deck on the bridge
Third of all, you saved everyone on the ship with your suicidal mission
You couldn’t help but smile a little at your Captain, as he looked angry and relieved at the same time
He also told you that you were out for 2 days, you were going to be alright, and the rock is not on the ship anymore, but got transferred to a planet, with all of your work, where they were going to experiment on it, in a steady environment
He also mentioned how excepcional the work you had done, and how proud everyone of you was on the ship… Especially him
You blushed a little, but didn’t know what to say
You were glad that everyone was alright, but them proud of you? You didn’t really make friends with anyone… There were some people who tried to talk to you, like Tilly or Stamets, but you always kept your distance… Even with your crew, you mainly talked to them about your research
Pike told you he leave now, giving you time to process everything
You just noticed he seemed rather tired
What he didn’t tell you, you only got to know from Dr. Culber, that the Captain didn’t leave your side in the past two days...
You needed to realize that even though you weren’t sharing much and were pretty closed off, antisocial, your constant need to help where you can, your intelligent and generally kind nature made people to be fond of you… even if you hadn’t realized that… up until now
A handful of people dropped by medbay while you were recovering
They talked to you, cheered you up, brought you little things
They even managed to have your permission to through you a party, for your successful research and the fact that everyone was still alive after flying around with that rock onboard
You hadn’t seen the captain though after he left you to rest
And to be honest, you started missing him having close… Having him fuss over you...
A few days later you were cleared from medbay
On that day “your party” was due to
You didn’t really have any clothes on you, other than your uniform, so you just unzipped your jacket, pulled out your undershirt from your pants to make you look less formal, and head to the room where the party took place
In there you saw everyone, who came by medbay, and many of your crewmates from the office
You said hi to everyone, some people gave toasts, good and funny ones, than everyone started drinking and dancing
You still wanted to take it easy, and you were still shy, so you just sat there with your crewmates and just smiled at the ones who started to entertain everyone on the dancefloor
You sensed someone looking at you
You turned your face and see the Captain, leaning on the wall next to the door, alone, just smiling at you
You smiled back and went to gesture him to come closer but he already started to walk out of the room
You suddenly felt this urge to go after him, and when your eyes met some of the crew’s ones, of the bridge, and they equally gave you an incouriging nod, you took off to go after your Captain
Pike only managed to take some steps before he heard you calling for him
He turned around, smiling softly at you
“I’m glad you feel better. They threw a nice party for you.”
“When you're tired
When you're lonely
Can just reach out an arm
Know I'll be there”
“Yeah… I wasn’t expecting anyone paying any attention to me… To make something like this for me...”
“Well, they did paid attention… We all did...”
You saw the Cap...Christopher sad smile
You just couldn't bear it…
“Know I'll be there
You will never be alone
All I need is your love tonight”
You just stood there, looking at each other, like some awkward school kids
You wanted to say something, but after how you acted towards Christopher… You didn’t know how to stay what you felt now
Christopher looked like he wanted to say something too, but having the same problems
Is there any chance that he still feels the same?
You caught him looking at your lips, then back to your eyes
“I think I should...”
“All I need is your love tonight
All I need is your love tonight”
Fuck it
You practically launched forward, your lips meeting with Chris’ ones
He immediately reacted
Arms coming around you, walking you backwards, hitting the wall of the corridor
You groaned into his mouth
“Gosh, I’m so sorry”
He pulled off his weight off of you in a second, completely forgot that your scars might be still sensitive
You grabbed your side, laughing a little
He looked at you with so much love and adoration in his eyes you nearly teared up
He hold your face with both of his hands and kissed your forehead
You were the perfect height for this, with him being a little bit more than one head taller than you
“Something's telling me it might be you
It's telling me it might be you
All of my life”
You just smiled at each other like two idiots in love, while he rested his forehead against yours, slowly swinging you to the slow music that started playing in the other room
You weren’t even aware of the praying eyes that were glued to the door’s window, looking at the two of you… And being extremely happy...
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
In Case You Don’t Live Forever
~chapter nine rewritten~
Pairing: Peter Parker x Venom!Reader
Synopsis: you are Peters greatest love and Spider-Man’s greatest enemy
Series Masterlist
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You were quiet in the cab ride home. Peter was talking a mile a minute and all you gave him were small smiles and fake laughs every now and then so he wouldn’t suspect anything was wrong. He was too happy about how well the evening had gone to notice.
“Do you want to come back to my apartment? You can sleep over if you want.” Peter asked with a shy smile when you got to your floor. You didn’t want to lie in bed all night with Peter when you were literally lying to Peter, so you faked a yawn and stretched a little.
“Not tonight, babe. I’m a little tired.” You lied. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay Pete?”
Peter looked a little disappointed but you knew he understood.
“Okay, darling. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He went to kiss your lips but you turned so he only got your cheek. You pretended not to see the confusion and hurt in Peters eyes at your actions. You went into your apartment and went out the window immediately, needing to blow off some steam as Venom.
It didn’t take long to find crime, or for crime to find you. You soon heard the shrill cries of a panicked woman.
“Someone help me! He’s got my son!” She screamed. You immediately morphed into Venom and followed the sound of her voice. You climbed to the top of a tall building and scanned the city. Your eyes landed on a man running away with a small child struggling in his grasp. You jumped from the building and ran after the man at full speed. You caught up to him easily and blocked his path. You shot a web at the child and yanked him out of the mans grasp. At that moment, Spider-Man jumped down from the sky and landed between you and the man.
“Hold this.” You demanded and handed the child to Spider-Man. Spider-Man took the child and looked at you, the eyes on his mask squinting in confusion.
“What are you gonna do?” He asked as he bounced the child on his hip.
“Eat.” Venom said simply before bolting after the kidnapper who had took off running.
“Find the mom and get him to safety.” Venom called back to Spider-Man.
When you tracked the man down, you snatched the man up and suspended him in the air. Venom quickly swallowed him whole and fled the scene.
You found the mother just in time to see Spider-Man reuniting her with her child.
“Here you go ma’am.” He said kindly. The mother took her child and smiled at him gratefully.
“Thank you Spider-Man. I don’t know how you do it. You’re a hero.” The mom praised. Spider-Man laughed softly.
“I do my best. Stay safe.” Spider-Man waved kindly. The mother thanked him again and left with her son. Spider-Man turned to walk away as well but you stopped him.
“What the hell was that?” You roared. “You just took all the credit for saving that kid. You didn’t even do anything. We saved the kid, we killed the man, you were just the delivery boy. Why didn’t you tell the mom that we helped?” Spider-Man looked as taken aback as a man in a mask could look. Granted, your Y/n was showing. You were speaking in your Venom voice but it was really you talking, and Spider-Man seemed to notice the difference.
“Oh. I’m-I’m sorry. It’s just, you’re kinda scary and the kid was already super freaked out. I didn’t want to make it worse by him seeing you.” Spider-Man answered. He didn’t mean to offend you but his words hurt.
“We’re not scary. We saved that boy.” You said in defense.
“Yeah but, you’re honestly terrifying man.” Spider man laughed awkwardly. “Even I’m scared. A little kid wouldn’t want to see a hideous monster right after nearly being kidnapped. No offense.”
It almost seemed like he was trying to compliment you. Venom was much more hurt by his words than you were. At the end of the day, you could look like a regular person while Venom was stuck looking like a “hideous monster.”
“Don’t talk about her like that.” You shouted in your own voice. Spider-Man looked around for who the new voice came from. 
“Did that come from you?” He asked.
“It came from us.” You said, back to the low Venom growl.
“See it’s things like that that make you terrifying.” Spiderman continued. “That kid would’ve wet his pants if he saw you. I’m a nice, friendly face that people can trust. Really, no offense dude, but no one wants to see your face.”
You took a menacing step towards him and roared. He backed up instantly and held up his arms in defense.
“Woah woah woah please don’t put your eggs in me!” He shrieked. “I’m just stating the facts. You will never be a hero, if that what’s you’re going for. New York isn’t going to feel safe with a monster like you on the streets. If I told that mom that you were the one to save her kid, she would’ve ran straight to the cops. It might be better if you just went back to the planet you came from.”
He was trying something new. He knew he couldn’t physically beat Venom in a fight, so he tried using his words instead. His girlfriend was so good with words and he wanted to make her proud. All he knew was, he needed Venom out of the city.
“You’re wrong. We’re not a monster.” Venom growled. You just stayed silent.
“Fine. Monster. Alien. Whatever you want to be called, it doesn’t matter.” Spiderman waved his hand. “Because all anyone will call you is dangerous, scary, and a threat. You’re better off leaving earth and never coming back.”
“We’re not leaving.” Venom snarled.
“What’s with the we? Who else is in there?” Spider-Man asked. He reached out to touch you and you threw him against a building.
“Don’t touch us. Our host is in here.” Venom growled. Spider-Man tilted his head.
“Host? So you’re like a parasite?” He asked innocently. Innocent or not, it was the wrong question to ask. Venom picked Spider-Man up by his neck again and dangled him in the air. Spider-Man kicked his legs and tried to break free but couldn’t.
“First, you take credit for our work, then you insult us, and now you call us a parasite? We are not a parasite. We are Venom. And you are dead.” Venom sneered. Venom was too angry to listen to what Mr. Stark said about not eating Spider-Man. He had pushed you too far.
Venom ripped Spider-Mans mask off, wanting to see his identity before you killed him. To your devastating surprise, your terrified boyfriends face stared back at you. He had a bloody nose from being thrown against the wall and his face was red from lack of oxygen. He whispered pleas for mercy as his eyes begged you to let him go. You gasped and immediately dropped Peter onto the ground, looking around frantically for what to do next. He coughed and sputtered for a while while he rubbed his aching neck.
When he looked up, Venom was handing him his mask back with an apologetic look on your big white eyes. Peter shakily took the mask and nodded in thanks. You nodded back and ran as fast as you could back to your apartment. You climbed into your window, transformed back into yourself, and went to throw up in the bathroom.
Peter was Spider-Man. Peter was Spider-Man. And you were Venom. How could it be? How could fate be so cruel? And yet, it made perfect sense. He fit the description. College student from New York who traveled to Washington D.C. at the time of the elevator incident. It explained everything, from the first aid kit on Peters desk, to the constant phone calls, to Ned asking if you knew about Peter, and of course, Mr. Stark. The Stark Internship was being Spider-Man. You should’ve known. The signs were all there. But a part of you just wanted something good for once. Something that the rest of the world couldn’t touch. That something had been Peter. And now, you had to give him up.
You ignored Peters calls and texts for the next six days. You gave him a lame excuse about needed to stay focused on your Cletus Kasady article and so you couldn’t be on your phone. You had a week to tell him you were Venom, according to Mr. Stark. That week was almost up and you had spent it successfully avoiding Peter. You stayed in your apartment as often as you could and only left out the window when you had to go somewhere. Peters texts increasingly got harder and harder to ignore. You didn’t want to ignore his sweet good morning and goodnight texts or science puns, but you couldn’t face him. You just wanted to shake him and ask him why he kept something so big a secret from you. But alas, you said nothing.
On the sixth day of avoiding Peter, you knew you had to go out. You didn’t want to use the front door but you desperately needed to check your mail and it was pouring rain outside. You peered out your peephole and saw no signs of Peter. You quickly opened your door and didn’t even make it two steps before you heard the sound of Peters door opening. Running would be a bad option, right? You slowly turned around and gave Peter and awkward smile. He didn’t smile back.
“You’re avoiding me.” He stated. His voice wasn’t it’s usually happy tone. He sounded hurt and confused. You knew he had every reason to be, but you were hurt and confused too.
“I’m not. I told you I had to write my article.” You lied through your teeth. He didn’t buy it.
“Bullshit.” He scoffed. “I know you haven’t had your final interview with him. It’s in two days, right? How could you be finishing your article when you’re not even done with the interviews?”
You gulped. He saw right through your lies.
“Are you mad at me?” His tone changed as his voice weakened. “Did I do something wrong?”
Your heart broke. You wanted to hug him and tell him he didn’t do anything wrong, but you couldn’t. He’d been lying to you as long as you knew him. You couldn’t just forgive him and pretend you didn’t know he was Spider-Man.
“No.” You said quietly, suddenly taking extreme interest in your shoes. “No, Petey, I’m not mad.”
“Then why won’t you talk to me?” His voice cracked and your heart cracked with it. You looked down and shook your head, wishing you had an answer to give him. You looked around before stepping forward and pulling him into a tearful kiss. You let in longer in case it was the last kiss you ever shared with him He kissed you back but you felt his hesitation. His guard was up and you knew why.
“I’m sorry.” You breathed once you pulled away. “I can’t explain. I have to go, Peter. I’m sorry.”
You hated yourself for saying it, he deserved so much better. Peter looked like he was about to cry, confusion clouding his brown eyes. You turned away from him, unable to watch his heart breaking in front of you.
“Is this it?” His voice was quiet. “Are we over?”
“I think we are.” You said without turning around.
“Why the hell did you say that?” You thought. It’s not what you meant. You looked at Peter over your shoulder in time to see a tear run down his cheek. You went to turn back around but Peter grabbed your hand suddenly and pulled you towards the stairs. You didn’t resist and let him tug you, feeling like you owed him as much. You find it slightly ironic know that you knew why he was so strong.
Peter pulled you all the way to the roof, back to the very spot you once referred to as “ours.” He let go of your hand and pointed to the ledge, looking at you with weary eyes.
“Tell me it was all fake. Tell me it was all in my head and we weren’t happy together on that ledge. Tell me I made it all up and you were never as into me as I was into you. Tell me our first kiss, our first time, our first conversation meant nothing to you. Tell me you hate me and feel nothing for me.” He shouted before quieting down. “Because unless you tell me that, I won’t let you end this without giving me a reason. I won’t let you just walk away. Please, don’t end what we have just because you’re scared. You don’t have to be afraid. Not of me.”
“I know.” You whispered. “But you should be afraid of me. In fact, you already are.”
“What?” Peter furrowed his eyebrows. “Afraid—what?”
“I’m not afraid of you, Peter. Or of this. Of us. That’s not it.” You told him truthfully. “I’m afraid of what will happen when you find out I’m not who you think I am. I’m far worse.”
“What are you talking about? I do know you.” He insisted.
“You don’t.” You shook your head as tears fell from your eyes. “You do but you don’t.”
“Then who are you?”
“I’m a monster. We-“ you were cut off by the sounds of people screaming from the street below. Peter looked at you before running to the edge to peer down.
“Something’s attacking the city.” He called back to you. “It looks like a red version of Venom.”
“A red symbiote?” ,you thought, “how can that be?”
Peter turned and looked at you, not wanting to pull out his Spider-Man suit in front of you. Of course, he didn’t know that you were already well aware of his secret.
With the city under attack, your fight with Peter was going to wait. You wiped the tears from your face and walked past Peter, your shoulders brushing as you moved past him. You stared over the edge at the commotion, knowing you were the only one who could give the symbiote a fair fight. Your heart pounded in your chest as you looked over your shoulder at Peter, giving him a silent apology.
“I love you, Peter.” You said suddenly, never breaking eye contact. “I love you.”
With that, you jumped off the roof and turned into Venom in mid air. You landed on the ground below and roared at the red symbiote. You knew you had to focus on the fight, but your mind was goign a million miles an hour.
It was the first time you’d ever said those words to Peter, despite feeling them from the moment you met. He was the second boy you ever said those words to, but the first boy where you actually meant it.
You shook your head to free yourself from your thoughts and let out another roar.
“Venom!” The red symbiote smiled. “So glad you could make it! Where’s your friend huh? Is she too scared to come out and say hello to Carnage?”
“Carnage?” You wondered. Since when was there another symbiote on earth and more importantly, how did it know who you were?
You wasted no time in launching yourself at Carnage and attacking. You two wrestled for dominance for a while until Carnage ultimately won. He began to pull Venom off your body and you felt your face became uncovered. Carnage raised his razor sharp fingernails and prepared to slit your throat with his long nails.
“Heads up!” Spider-Man came swinging down and kicked Carnage off of you before he could harm you. You quickly bonded back with Venom and stood up, just in time to see Carnage throwing Peter across the street. You ran to him and helped him up.
“Shoot your web at the same time we do, okay?” You said and held out your wrist. Peter did the same and you both shot a web at the fast approaching Carnage. The combination of your webs was enough to capture Carnage and send him crashing to the floor. He soon broke out of his webbing and began running towards you again.
“Karen! Web grenade!” Peter yelled. He threw a web ball at Carnage and it blew up in the red symbiotes face. While he was distracted, you pulled the symbiote from its host by the ankles. Enough skin of the host was showing for you to take a bite. Carnage yelled in pain and turned to his closest attacker, which happened to be Peter. He picked Peter up and repeatedly slammed him into the pavement. To stop this, you tackled Carnage and spit acid spit in his eyes. Carnage howled and began to run away.
“I’ll be back, Venom.” He snarled. “And when I return, there’s gonna be Carnage.”
You ignored his threat and quickly ran to your unconscious boyfriend, kneeling down beside him. After checking to see that no one was around, you took off his mask and accessed his injuries. His face was beaten pretty badly and his pulse was weak. You transformed back into yourself and took off your hoodie and shirt, leaving you in a sports bra and leggings. You ran your hands over Peters body until you found a way to take the suit off, it was by pressing the spider on the chest. You tore up your shirt and pressed it to the large wound on Peters chest to stop the bleeding. You suddenly got an idea and pressed a hand to his chest, letting Venom go inside him and move around. Venoms healing abilities made the cuts on Peters chest disappear, but he was still knocked out. You pulled your hand away and slipped the hoodie around his body before picking him up with ease. He was adorably light. You quickly ran into the apartment building and went to his room before anyone could see you.
Peter came to about a half hour later just as you were finishing up healing his cuts. You had managed to bathe him and get him into a fresh pair of comfy clothes while his body healed.
Peter slowly woke up and noticed you were straddling his lap. After nearly a week of no contact with you, it felt nice. He missed the way your skin felt on his. He almost jumped out of his seat when he saw his Spider-Man suit hanging up in the closet where you could easily see it.
“Relax. I already know you’re Spider-Man.” You cooed as you put some Neosporin on his busted eyebrow. Peter relaxed under you for a moment as he took in his situation.
“And you’re not mad?” He asked quietly. You were surprisingly calm considering the circumstances.
“I’m not mad.” You smiled softly at him. “Venom is a little offended that you called her ugly though.”
“You’re Venom.” Peter said as he remembered seeing you jump off the building and transforming into the alien before his eyes. It made sense. The “We” was in reference to you. And you had saved his life the first night you met when Venom wanted to eat him. He just couldn’t believe his girlfriend was his arch nemesis this whole time.
“I am. Well, we are. Venom, say hi.” You turned to your left and watched as Venom shyly came out in her snake-like form to greet
“Hi.” Venom hissed.
“Hey.” Peter said back with a tiny bit a fear. He looked at you for reassurance and you nodded.
“You’re no panty dropper yourself, by the way.” Venom grumbled.
“Hey! Be nice or go back inside.” You scolded. Venom chose the later and went back inside.
“Are you mad?” You asked timidly, making him think about it.
“Not mad. Just confused.” He decided. “Is this why you were avoiding me? Because you saw my identity the night we ate dinner with Mr. Stark?”
“Yeah.” You admitted with guilt. “He told me I had a week to tell you. Today’s only day six so he’s gonna be thrilled.”
“He knows?” Peters eyes widened in surprise.
“Yes.” You confessed. “But he knew I was Venom before he knew I was your girlfriend.”
“That’s great news. Then I don’t have to explain anything to him.” Peter looked on the bright side. “Plus, he loves you. Speaking of love…”
Peter put his hand on the back of your neck and pulled you into a passionate, tear filled kiss. You wrapped your hand around his wrist and kissed him deeply, one last time. You slowly pulled apart and you bit your quivering lip.
“We have to break up.” You whispered before pulling your hands away from him.
“What? Why?” Peter asked in shock.
“Look at us Peter. Look what’s become of us.” Your voice wavered. “How can we ever be together when you’re Spider-Man and I’m Venom? We didn’t tell each other these huge things about our lives and we hurt each other because of it. Tell me, do you honestly think I’d ever lay a hand on you?”
“No.” Peter answered. He knew you didn’t have a malicious bone in your body.
“Exactly. I wouldn’t. And yet, I beat you to the point where you couldn’t even stand.” You began to cry from shame. “I should be protecting you, not hurting you.”
“But you didn’t know it was me.” Peter pointed out.
“Exactly Peter! I didn’t know it was you because you didn’t tell me!” You exclaimed. “Do you not trust me?”
“Of course I trust you. But in my defense, I’ve never told anyone I was Spider-Man. May, Ned, Mr. Stark, they all found out on their own. You were the first person I was actually going to tell willingly. I just hadn’t gotten around to it yet.” He sighed, and you believed him. “And what about you? You didn’t tell me you were Venom.” .
“It’s different, Peter.” You shook your head. “Venom isn’t a friendly neighborhood superhero. People see you and the run to you for help. But Peter, I’m what they’re running from. You said it yourself. I’m a hideous monster. I had a reason to hide who I was.”
Peter looked hurt at his own words. He cringed at the memory of insulting you so many times. He couldn’t imagine how it felt to hear that from your own boyfriend.
“You’re the most beautiful girl in the world. I said that about Venom, not you. I never would’ve said it if I had known.” Peter said softly, while reaching up to stroke your cheek. You wanted nothing more than to lean into his touch and forget the whole thing.
“That’s the point.” You moved his hand away. “We both would’ve done things differently if we had known. But we didn’t. And that’s why we need to breakup. Before we hurt each other any more.”
“Y/n, please.” Peter’s lips began to tremble. You couldn’t even look at him, not when you knew how much you were hurting him. You knew you’d take one took at his tear filled eyes and run right back into his arms. You had to be strong. You got up off his lap and headed towards the door before you lost your nerve.
“I’m sorry, Peter.” You said with your back to him. “We’re just on different paths. I’m so sorry.”
“Well what if I give up being Spider-Man?” Peter bartered. You looked at him over your shoulder in bewilderment.
“You’d give that up for me?”
“Anything for you.” He said confidently.
“I can’t ask you to do that. And what about Mr. Stark? You’re just gonna give up your mentor to be with me?” You asked him, hoping to knock some sense into him.
“Nothing means anything if I don’t have you.” Peter shot back. He was making it so difficult. You couldn’t help but to roll your eyes at him for how he was acting.
“You’re not throwing your life away for me.” You shook your head sternly. “I won’t allow it.”
“Well what if you give up Venom?” He suggested.
Venom jumped out and growled at Peter. He stumbled back and you held Venom back like a dog on a leash.
“She would never choose you over us, Spider-Man.” Venom snarled. “We’ve been with Y/n much longer than you have. We’ve dried her tears. We’ve kept her safe. What have you done? Y/n and I are inseparable by choice. I’m inside her. She’s mine.”
“Yea, well, I’ve been inside her too.” Peter shot back with faltering confidence. Your eyes widened at the two of them.
“Both of you, stop it.” You commanded. “This argument is over. I’m sorry, Peter. I’ll never be sorry enough. But I have to go.”
“Where are you going?” He panicked as you went for the door again.
“Home.” you answered, avoiding his gaze. 
“This is your home.” He protested. “Here, with me.”
“Not anymore.” You finally looked at him. “I’m going back to San Francisco. I booked the flight while you were knocked out and it leaves in the morning. I can’t be here anymore, Peter. I can’t see you everyday and not want to be with you.”
“Then be with me.” Peter practically yelled.
“We can’t be together. I knew it from the start.” You wiped your face when you remembered your breakdown in your car that one day.
“Y/n, please.” Peter gently took your arm, making you look at him. “Don’t go. I need you. You never even gave me a chance to say it back.”
In the midst of all the chaos and drama, you’d forgotten that you told Peter you loved him. A part of you was glad you finally got to say it, but the bigger part of you ached knowing you’d never hear it back.
“Don’t say it.” You put a half over his mouth for a moment. “Please, just, don’t say it. It’ll be too painful for the both of us. Just let me go. It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay. You and I not being together will never be okay.” Peter cried, leaving his sweet brown eyes a miserable red.
“Peter…” you breathed, hardly able to take it.
“Please don’t leave me. Everyone else has left me. And you’ve never been like everyone else.” Peter gave one last attempt to make you stay. You looked at him in his entirety. You took him all in. His wavy hair, his doe eyes, his slightly crooked nose and his eyebrow that stood all the way up. All the things you first fell in love with that day you knocked on his door to give him his mail. That seemed that a million years back but it was really only a few months. Your heart broke at the sight of Peter, as beautiful as ever, standing before with a broken heart. And even worse, you were the one that broke it.
“Stay.” His voice was barely above a whisper but he could see you beginning to weaken. He took his opportunity to beg to reconsider. A little gleam of hope bubbled in Peters chest. You stood up straighter, cleared your throat, and tore your eyes away from your ex-boyfriend.
“Peter Parker, I will love you until my lungs are empty. But I cannot stay.” You said firmly. Just like that, his hope was gone. Before he could say anything else, you ran out his bedroom door, through his kitchen, and out the front door. You locked your door behind you and climbed into bed, crying at the loss of your teenage love. You knew Peter could hear every tear that fell with his heightened hearing, so you whispered heartfelt apologies and hoped he’d find a way to forgive you.
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missvelvetsstuff · 2 years
The Cowgirl & the Engineer
Notes: this is some sort of Heathers/Mean Girls/The DUFF mash up, in college au. I tried to make it original but will admit to being influenced by other stories I have read. I have not intentionally stolen anyone else's work.
Summary: Reader is a hard working vet science major. I tried to keep the description vague except she's a she, tall and not thin. Bucky is a studious engineering major with a mean girl girlfriend, Sharon whose sister is Steve's ex Peggy another mean girl. Steve & Nat, Sam & Wanda, Brock Rumlow is a dick, brief reader x Jack Rollins
Warnings: Swearing, bullying, marijuana use
Chapter 2
In the morning she left early to spend some time with Frostie so she could avoid Nat and Wandas questions but they were up and still home when she returned.
Of course they started asking as soon as she got home
"How was the big date?" Nat raised her eyebrow.
"Nothing worth writing home about. He told me how to eat and act if I wanted to be with him and when I told him I wasn't interested he asked me to help him get Nat because she's who he really wants. On the way home he demanded a blow job and kicked me out of the car when I refused so I walked home in the rain losing my phone and ruining my good pumps. So, how was your nite?"
Nat and Wanda were pissed "How dare he treat you like that?" Wanda raged "I'm going to find him and-"
"Please don't, just let it go. I'm sure he'll find someone else to bug now" Y/N pleaded.
There was a knock on the door and Steve, Sam, Bucky and Sharon came in. Y/N headed for her room until she heard Sharon call her name "So, yn, I heard you had a hot date last nite, with Brock. How was it"
Steve looked up "Brock? Rumlow?" Y/N nodded, Steve shook his head "Why, he's like the biggest douche on campus"
Y/N grimaced, "He wouldn't take no for an answer. It was bad so I don't think he'll ask again"
Sharon piped up "Maybe you should have blown him, beggars like you can't be choosers you know"
Y/N just looked at her and then walked away to her room. Nat was pissed "What the fuck is wrong with you Sharon? Why do you insist on being such a bitch to yn"
Sharon scoffed "I saw how she was looking at my Bucky. She needs to be put in her place"
Wanda got in Sharon's face "I'd be happy to put YOU in your place"
Sharon whined "Bucky. You see how mean they are when I was just being honest about their DUFF roommate? Why do we have to hang out with them?"
Bucky shook his head "You're free to leave if you like"
Sharon screeched "James Barnes!! You better take me somewhere nice right now!"
Bucky sighed "There's my cue again, see you guys later" and left, with Sharon bitching all the way.
In her room Y/N was checking her messages and ordering a new phone to replace the one she lost. There was an email from her mom titled URGENT but when she read it her mom had tried to call and sent the email in a panic. Unfortunately she was only interested in how the date went. They chatted online for a few minutes and Y/N gave her the details. Her mom responded with a lecture about mens needs and keeping them happy, ending with an emphatic demand that she give the next guy a blow job right away and implied that sex was all Y/N had to offer a man. She also told her that sticking to salads and avoiding dessert would be best.
Y/N signed off and slammed her laptop closed. How did she stand a chance when even her own mother supported Brocks abusive behavior? She shouldn't have been surprised since her mom encouraged her to marry her ex Mike instead of going to college, insisting that a man with a good job was worth more to a woman than a college degree or her own career.
Y/N shook it off and dove into her studies for the rest of the day.
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superfreakerz · 3 years
“Til Death Do Us Part”
Rated M for smut and heavy themes.
Reincarnation/Immortal AU
Summary: There are immortals and there are those who reincarnate, but it’s best to keep these things hidden. Lucy is attending college and meets Natsu, a boy with pink hair, a devilish smile, and a body that never ages.
Chapter 32
The New Semester
Lucy frowned as she got ready for the new semester. The rest of winter break went by in the blink of an eye. She had partied at Fairy Tail during New Years and even called her father to catch up and wish him a happy new year. Every day during the break was spent with Natsu and their friends, which made the new term that much harder.
Last quarter, she had every class with at least someone from their group. Now, she has absolutely none. Disappointed was an understatement when she received her schedule. She was devastated. She hated the thought of not seeing her friends in class, and she hated the thought of starting over even more.
"C'mon, Luce. Cheer up. It's not the end of the world if we don't have classes together," Natsu's voice rang out. He spent nearly every night at her apartment, it was rare when he was at his own place.
"Easy for you to say!" she shot back. "You at least have a friend in every class!"
"Friend? I only have Gray in all my classes. That's not a blessing, that's a curse! That's worse than immortality!"
Lucy only rolled her eyes. "Oh, whatever. Point is, I'm going to be all alone! I'll have to make new friends! And in case you don't remember, I suck at that!"
"What do you mean? You made friends with all of us!"
"That's only because Levy introduced us. And she was the one to come up to me when we first met. I can't make friends on my own! And let's not forget that our first meeting went horribly!"
Natsu smoothed a hand over the back of her head. "Quit worrying so much. You'll be fine, I promise. And even if you don't make friends, I already told you that I'll pick you up from class everyday so we can go to Fairy Tail together and meet up with the rest of the gang. It's not like we're going to stop being friends just because we're in different classes. You're stuck with us now that you know our secret."
Lucy laughed. "Oh, I don't need you to pick me up today. I'm going to meet with Aquarius after my classes. But I guess you're right."
"I always am! Now hurry up and finish getting ready."
Wanting to look nice on her first day of class, Lucy threw on a pair of light jeans and a white sweater. It was still winter, so she couldn't show off her body just yet.
"Alright, I'm heading out now!" she called out.
Natsu gave her a quick kiss, sending her off with a grin. "Have fun!"
Lucy was surprised she was relatively early to her first class, taking a seat in the back. This quarter, all three of her classes were squeezed into the same days, but luckily she only had classes Tuesday and Thursday. That left her with the rest of the week to do whatever she wanted. Her first class was English with a professor named Virgo. According to Makarov, she was also a reincarnation. Lucy hoped she would be able to talk to her about it.
Suddenly, the seat next to her was pulled out. Lucy turned to find a boy with dirty blonde hair sitting next to her, flashing her a dazzling smile. His eyes were dark, his lashes long. If Lucy were single, she was sure she would be swooning over the pretty boy.
"Nice to meet you," the boy said, taking her hand in his. "I'm Hibiki. What might your name be, beautiful?"
Lucy was taken aback by his brazenness, reminded of her first boyfriend. "I'm Lucy."
"Lucy. What a pretty name!"
"Uhh, thanks."
"So, Lucy, what year are you?"
"I'm a freshman."
Hibiki gasped. "Me too! It must be fate that we met today!"
Lucy nearly rolled her eyes. "Fate? This is English 101, everyone here is a freshman."
Before Hibiki could reply, someone cleared their throat at the front of the room, grabbing her attention. It was a woman, relatively short with a pink pixie cut. Her eyes were a jaded blue.
"I'm Virgo, your professor for this quarter."
Lucy leaned forward in her seat, eager to learn more about the fellow reincarnation.
Once class ended, Lucy quickly packed her things before heading to her next class. She wished she could have talked to Virgo about reincarnation, but there were too many people around, not to mention she had limited time to make it to her next class. Not that there was a need to rush. She had all quarter to talk to the fellow reincarnation.
During her walk across campus, Lucy was surprised to find that Hibiki was walking along with her.
"Umm, is there a reason you're going this way?" she asked, starting to get weirded out by the boy.
He arched his brow. "My class is this way."
"Oh, okay."
When Lucy made it to her next class, she stopped outside the door to glare at Hibiki, who had followed her all the way there.
"Okay, you're stalking me," she said, crossing her arms.
Hibiki laughed awkwardly. "I'm not, I swear! I have this class!"
"There's no way we're in the same class! Show me your schedule!" The boy handed her his schedule, which she glossed over quickly. "Wait, we share every class together! How the hell did that happen?"
"I told you it was fate!" Hibiki exclaimed, grabbing Lucy's hand. He went to place a kiss over it, but she snatched it away.
"I can't believe how similar you are to an old friend of mine," she said, rolling her eyes.
"This friend of yours must have been charming!"
She laughed, and in a voice laced with sarcasm she replied, "Big time. Well, if we're going to be in all the same classes together, we might as well be friends. But no funny business, alright? I have a boyfriend."
Hibiki held his chest in mock pain. "I should have known a girl as beautiful as yourself was taken."
The two walked to the back of the classroom, taking their seats.
"So, what are you majoring in?" Lucy asked. She wasn't used to making friends on her own, but with Hibiki's laidback and all too familiar personality, she found it easy to slide into a conversation.
"Computer science. What about you?"
"Creative writing."
Lucy was about to ask the boy where he was from when their professor stepped into the room. He was a tall and lanky man with black hair. Unlike Virgo, he was a bit older, a couple of wrinkles adorning his face around his mouth. He wore a dark green turtleneck and black slacks that accentuated his slender legs.
"Hello, everyone. My name is Sagittarius. I will be your World History professor. I assume everyone came prepared with their textbooks."
Lucy sweat dropped. It was only the first day of the quarter, she didn't have her textbook yet. As if sensing her dilemma, she felt Hibiki nudge her elbow that was resting on the desk before he slid his textbook between the two of them to share. She shot him a quick grin.
"Thanks," she whispered.
He returned the smile. "Don't mention it."
Class seemed to drag on forever, Sagittarius' emotionless voice doing nothing to help as he discussed the contents of the first chapter. While Lucy may not have been an immortal who lived through most of the world's events, she had still been around long enough to have been through a good chunk of them. That, along with taking the same classes every lifetime, made learning relatively easy.
Once class ended, Lucy and Hibiki walked to a small coffee shop that was on campus. They had thirty minutes before their next class, and considering it was the first day, they didn't have too much homework to do yet. Instead, they decided to chat over a cup of coffee, which Lucy insisted on paying for since Hibiki was nice enough to share his textbook and send pictures of the portions she would need for homework later.
Lucy found it strange just how similar Hibiki was to her first boyfriend. She figured that was why it was easy to open up to him. Already familiar with flirty playboys, his personality didn't scare her away. Instead, it made things easier.
"I guess making friends isn't so hard."
The two talked about everything, ranging from where they grew up to what they wanted to do after college. Lucy had to admit, it was fun making new friends.
When they headed to their last class for the day, they took seats in the back yet again. It didn't take long for their professor to stumble in the room. Lucy's eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets seeing how absolutely ripped the man was. It looked like his white button-up shirt was going to pop any second with how large his muscles were.
"Yo! I'm Taurus!" the man exclaimed. His eyes filtered around the room, hearts practically shining in them whenever they glazed over a girl. Lucy wondered how he was able to teach given his pervy attitude.
Yet, when he started to go over the math topics they were going to learn over the quarter, all playfulness disappeared from his voice, replaced with seriousness. Unlike with Sagittarius, Taurus was surprisingly good at keeping the class engaged, and despite how hard to believe it was, he managed to make math seem somewhat interesting. Time practically flew by. To make matters even better, Taurus dismissed them without assigning any homework.
Heading out of the classroom, Hibiki invited Lucy to hang out.
"Thanks, but I have an old professor I want to catch up with," Lucy said with a smile. She was proud of herself for having made a friend already, one that even wanted to hang out with her after school.
Hibiki's eyes widened. "Oh, is it your boyfriend? Are you dating your old professor?"
"What? No! My boyfriend goes to this school too, but he's not a professor. Just a student."
"Oh. I'd love to meet the man that stole your heart! He must be quite the specimen!"
Lucy laughed, rolling her eyes. "I'm sure you'll meet him someday considering he plans on picking me up from school everyday. Anyways, I have to go. I'll see you Thursday!"
Waving a quick goodbye to her new friend, Lucy headed towards Aquarius' office. It was clear that Aquarius knew about her reincarnation, so why didn't she ever say anything instead of giving cryptic clues? And how did she even know about it in the first place? Had she slipped up in any way? If that was the case, she needed to know to make sure not to repeat the mistake in the future.
Reaching the cranky professor's office, Lucy peered inside to find the woman glaring at her computer screen. She wasn't surprised that there weren't any students utilizing Aquarius' office hours. After all, she was terrifying.
Feeling irked that Aquarius had kept things hidden from her, Lucy strode inside the office without bothering to knock and planted her hands on her hips with a glare. The older woman glanced up at her, a scowl immediately gracing her face.
"What do you want, brat? I thought I was finally free of you," she remarked.
Lucy closed the door behind her, locking it. "How did you know about me?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Yes you do. Makarov already told me about you, along with the others. Why didn't you tell me?"
Aquarius sighed, the scowl on her face finally relenting. When she looked back up at Lucy, her features were softer, a rare expression on the woman's face.
"We wanted you to find out on your own," she finally answered. "I assume Makarov told you about Acnologia and the other immortals?"
Lucy nodded. "Yeah. He told me about how we're all being hunted by some psychopath."
"And how did you take it?"
"...Not well, I guess."
"That's why I decided it was best not to tell you."
"But why?" Lucy asked. "Obviously I would have liked to know that there are others like me! What does Acnologia have to do with anything!?"
Because I didn't want you to be paranoid," Aquarius answered. "Do you know how many reincarnations live in fear for the rest of their lives, over and over again all because they found out about Acnologia? We already have enough to worry about, it's better not to have the knowledge of yet another threat to us. Besides, I was also doing it for you and Pinkie."
"You mean Natsu? What does he have to do with it?"
"Well you're dating, aren't you? I didn't want you to get scared of him since he's an immortal and all."
Lucy choked on her saliva. "W-What? How did you know about that?"
Aquarius sighed, tired of having to explain things. "I know about all of the immortals enrolled at this school, even the ones that are in Fairy Tail's basement. Considering the past between reincarnations and immortals, we are given information about each immortal so that we can choose if we want to work here or not."
"So you really knew this whole time? How did you know about me?"
"I actually met you in your first life."
Lucy felt the wind getting knocked out of her with that revelation. Feeling dizzy, she took a seat across from Aquarius, resting her head in her hands.
"I don't remember you," she finally said, meeting the older woman's gaze.
"That's because you were just a baby at the time," Aquarius replied.
"How did you know about me then? You couldn't have possibly recognized me when I was just a baby."
"I was friends with your mom. You're strangely enough the spitting image of her- though you lack all of her grace. When I first saw you, I thought that you were her and that she was a reincarnation as well. Until I found out your name, then I remembered that she named her daughter Lucy. It wasn't too hard to put the pieces together after that, though I did do a bit of research on you as well just to be sure."
Lucy gave a sad smile remembering her first mother. "I can't believe you knew her."
"It was a shock to me too when I first saw you," Aquarius replied, her own lips tugging upwards into a smile. "She was a fine woman, which is why it's so surprising you turned out like that. It must be the fault of the rest of your parents." Lucy shot her a glare before Aquarius continued, "Anyways, it was my idea to keep you from the truth, so don't even think about getting mad at Scorpio and the others."
"Don't worry, I'm not mad anymore. Just a little surprised is all. I still can't believe there are so many others like me, and that there are so many near me too."
"Who are your teachers this quarter?"
"Virgo, Sagittarius, and Taurus."
"Ah. Did you know they're all reincarnations too?"
Lucy grinned cheek to cheek. "Wow! I heard Virgo was, but I didn't know Sagittarius and Taurus were too!"
Aquarius nodded. "If you want, you would probably be allowed to teach here if you wanted. All you have to do is turn in an application to Makarov. You'd be allowed to come here every lifetime if you choose to do so."
Lucy considered the option. Truthfully, she had no idea what the future had in store for her. Still, it was nice to have another option available to her. Especially since this one allowed her to stay near Natsu and the others.
After chatting with Aquarius for another hour, Lucy finally decided to head over to Fairy Tail where her friends were waiting for her. Sure enough, when she strode inside the pub, she found Levy and Natsu hunched over, dejected from the conversation that was taking place around them.
"Why do you two look so upset?" Lucy asked once she approached them.
The two lit up like Christmas trees at the sight of her.
"Finally!" Natsu exclaimed, grabbing her wrist and gesturing for her to sit down. "We've been waiting forever! It sucks not having classes together!"
"Weren't you the one telling me it wasn't a big deal?"
"Well I changed my mind! It sucks!"
Levy nodded with the boy. "I agree! I've been wanting to talk to you all day about your story! I finally finished it!"
"Yeah! We've gotta talk about it!"
"Shouldn't you guys give her room to breathe?" Gray asked with a chuckle. Natsu and Levy were practically leeching onto the poor blonde. "Anyways, how was talking to Aquarius?"
Lucy smiled. "It was nice. She explained how she knew me and why she didn't tell me about it in the first place. Oh, she also told me that if I wanted to, I could probably teach at the university after graduation."
"Are you going to?" Erza asked.
"I don't know yet. There's a lot to think about. But since I'm still a freshman, I have plenty of time to mull it over."
Natsu stared at the blonde beside him. In truth, her teaching at the university sounded like a dream come true considering it meant she would stay in Magnolia. Then they could stay together forever, even in her next lives. Not wanting to come off too strong or pressure her in any way, the boy decided to keep his thoughts to himself for now.
He didn't know what the future entailed for the two of them. He knew that he wanted to be with Lucy for the rest of his infinite life, but that was a lot to ask of someone. He knew firsthand how long life could be, he didn't know if Lucy would feel tied down. After all, she lived in different countries, had different families, her life was forever changing while his stayed the same. Not to mention most of the time he was kept in the basement. What if she wanted to go on a date? What if she got tired of hanging out in his room? There was nothing he could do about it, and he wasn't sure the girl would want to put up with it. After all, who would?
Swallowing thickly, Natsu pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind. It was like Lucy said, they had plenty of time to figure it out. But no matter how many times he repeated that thought in his head, the worries he had were only swept under a thin veil that threatened to fly away with the slightest gust of wind. And he was sure they were going to come back sooner or later.
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andypantsx3 · 4 years
conspire | 1 | scheme
Tumblr media
pairing: Todoroki Shouto / Reader
length: 13,307 words / 5 chapters
summary: Shouto Todoroki had definitely only asked you out in order to ward off his horde of interested suitors. So why does he keep actually taking you out on suspiciously realistic dates?
tags: romance, reader-insert, fake dating, misunderstandings
warnings: aged up characters, eventual smut
Shouto Todoroki was standing outside your workroom.
This was unusual, as in the three years you’d both been attending UA, Todoroki had hardly been spotted anywhere near the support course rooms. Class H was typically avoided by anyone who didn’t want your classmate Mei to catch wind of them -- and very few hero course students had proved willing to do so, once they’d encountered her the first time.
Todoroki was one of the smart ones.
He looked incredibly out of place and yet almost comically festive in the doorway of the studio, his red and white mop of hair matching the horrible red and white heart banner someone had tacked above the entry for Valentine’s Day. He stopped midway through the door, eyes flicking over the other offensively bright decor, including several violently pink heart balloons and heinous red streamers that hung from the ceiling like sausages curing in a deli.
A ripple of interest went through the female segment of your classmates at his arrival, and despite yourself, you perked up too.
You didn’t know much about him, but Shouto Todoroki had the most interesting quirk you had ever worked with. You’d been paired for a project earlier this year where you’d helped develop an adjustment to his temperature jacket that used pattern recognition to help it anticipate changes in his quirk, in order to begin applying temperature controls sometimes even before he’d made the switch from hot to cold or vice versa.
You hadn’t spoken much on topics outside the project, but on the subject of your work, Todoroki had proved himself smart as a whip, asking insightful and probing questions, and making sensible suggestions based on what he learned from you. He’d been so keen on your ideas and so shockingly easy to work with that you’d lamented the project’s end.
It had only lasted two weeks, unfortunately, wrapping up before you’d had the chance to really delve into his personality or the actual science behind his quirk, and you’d been dying for the opportunity to pair up again and really study him since.
Less importantly, Shouto Todoroki was also inarguably the most handsome boy in your year, maybe even at all of UA. He was tall, strapped with lean muscle, and equipped with a facial symmetry that was almost more deadly than his quirk. Even his scar did nothing to deter from his good looks, only adding a roughed up, roguish charm to his otherwise pretty features. The first few days of your project, you’d had to pinch yourself on the leg more than a few times in order to reroute your brain from his face to the actual jacket.
You’d since put effort into ignoring his appearance, but you couldn’t really help that your eyes were pulled to him like a magnet whenever he stepped into a room.
Like now.
Todoroki’s own grey and blue eyes scanned over the faces of your classmates, stopping when they landed on you.
“Y/N,” he said in greeting, and you raised a bewildered hand. Several nearby girls shot you betrayed looks, like you’d been keeping an association with him secret. You’d have shot yourself something of a questioning look, too, if you could have. What reason would Shouto Todoroki have to seek you out outside of class? It had been almost a month since the project together. What might he want with you now?
“Hi, Todoroki,” you said, wondering if you’d awoken in some parallel dimension where he thought you were friends. “Uh, what brings you here?”
“I have a personal request,” he said in his low, soft tone, stepping into the room and making his way over to your worktable. He’d shed the grey blazer of the school uniform for the crisp white dress shirt and tie, and he looked unbearably good. As he drew closer, you could see the way his broad shoulders stretched the fabric of his shirt.
You self-consciously pushed around the messy wires and metal framing on your worktop, trying to clear space.
A personal request. Had he come for some kind of support item? Your mind suddenly ran with possibilities, and a thrill went through you at the potential to study half hot half cold in earnest. This was the kind of extracurricular project you’d been dreaming of, maybe even something that you could scope out and build as your submission for your senior project next month!
“Sure,” you said, gesturing to the other stool at your worktop and rifling around in your bag for a pen and paper. You’d probably need to take notes.
Todoroki stared at you. “Ah, not that kind of a request,” he said, eyeing your pen and paper.
Your cheer dropped. Oh.
“I had hoped to ask you in private, actually,” he said, something like discomfort flashing across his handsome features. He looked almost nervous, and you wondered wildly what kind of support request would make one of UA’s big three this awkward. Was he having a problem with his quirk that he didn’t want to cop to?
“Okay,” you said, looking up at him, “lead the way.”
A cool hand came up to grasp your wrist, tugging you out of your chair. Your face burned at the casual touch, and you felt the curious eyes of your classmates on you as you were led from the room.
Todoroki steered you through the hall and around the corner to a small alcove out of the way of student traffic. The alcove had clearly had the same treatment as your workrooms, festooned with a banner boasting a bizarre pattern of tiny All Might silhouettes interspersed with hearts. Your eyes felt like they might catch fire if you looked at it for too long.
“How have you been since the project?” you asked Todoroki, in the interest of being companionable. “Is everything on your vest still working well?”
A smile touched the corner of his mouth as he turned to face you. “It’s incredible. It still surprises me that it can predict what I’m going to do before I even think to do it.”
You flushed at the praise. “I’m glad. It was really cool work on. Your quirk is awesome - normally there are only so many variables with pattern prediction like that but the two sides of your quirk increased the possibilities exponentially, so the algorithm was hard to code. I had to get a little extra help from an actual computer scientist,” you admitted, before slapping a hand over your mouth, realizing you were rambling.
His smile widened and your traitorous eyes caught on his mouth. “You sound exactly as you did the last time we talked.”
You winced. “Yeah, sorry.”
His eyes widened and the hand on your wrist tightened. “No, I didn’t mean--it’s nice,” he said. His fingers seemed to grow the tiniest bit colder where he held you. “I would have liked to have worked with you longer.”
You tamped down on another blush, looking away. “Yeah. It’s too bad.”
Just then, footsteps sounded in the hall, and Himari Honda came wheeling around the corner.
Himari was another student you’d been paired with for a project at one time, and she hadn’t worked nearly as well with you as Todoroki had. A general course student with a quirk that let her track anyone within up to a mile of her person, Himari’s goal after graduation was to become an actress, with a particular focus on playing the love interest of powerful hero characters. She was certainly pretty enough, with large eyes, high cheekbones, and shiny pink hair that she wore in a long plait down her back, but that’s where her appeal ended. She wasn’t horrible, but she was a little too self-interested and it had certainly shown in how she’d handled your pair project.
Himari smiled winningly at Todoroki, and it became clear to you that she’d tracked him with her quirk. You knew instantly why she’d come to find him, today of all days.
“Hi, Shouto,” she purred. His fingers tightened where he still held your wrist.
“Hello,” he said politely.
You stifled a laugh at the carefully blank look he’d suddenly adopted. You guessed he’d been fending off advances of this type all day -- you’d caught sight of his shoe cubby when you’d changed into your own uniform shoes this morning, absolutely bursting with chocolate and brightly-colored valentine's notes. He was too handsome for his own good, it appeared. Still, it was interesting that Todoroki seemed not the slightest bit interested in what someone who looked like Himari had to say.
“Maybe I should go,” you said, tugging your wrist back, but Todoroki gripped you tighter.
“I still need to talk to you,” he said. He fixed you with an intense look like he could pin you in place with his gaze.
Himari seemed to ignore you. “Shouto, I was hoping to talk to you alone.”
“I’m a little occupied at the minute,” he said, gesturing to you. You gave a little wave.
Himari shot you a betrayed look like you’d beaten her to the punch, then puffed up like she was drawing up her courage. “Don’t accept her confession! Accept mine! I like you -- please go out with me!”
Your jaw dropped. You’d definitely not been in the middle of asking Todoroki out, but damn it took balls to cut another woman off like that. You couldn’t tell if you respected her or hated her for her shamelessness.
Todoroki shifted uncomfortably next to you. “Ah, I’m sorry,” he said softly. “I can’t accept your feelings. You see, I was just about to ask Y/N out.”
Your mind went blank.
He what now? Is that why he’d brought you to this alcove to speak to you in private? Is that why he’d been so nervous back in the support studio, asking to talk to you alone? Shouto Todoroki had wanted to ask you out?
You wondered at that. You couldn’t understand why, when he could have his pick of any girl at UA. You were fine, sure -- reasonably smart with good grades and a neat appearance, but you weren’t anywhere near his level of mind-numbing attractiveness. More than that, you didn’t even have a quirk, and it was impossible that someone who wielded a power like half hot half cold was going to wade that far into the bleak depths of the dating pool. He had plenty of other options, so why come to you...?
Then, like a slow sunrise, it dawned on you what he was actually up to.
Todoroki was trying to get rid of all the confessions in one fell swoop. If Himari went back to her classmates and told everyone what had happened, rumors would spread very quickly that Shouto Todoroki was a dead-end bet. No one would try to ask him out anymore if his heart purportedly belonged to another.
That sneaky little fuck.
“Right,” you said, perking up and playing along gamely. “And I was just about to accept,” you announced to Himari.
Todoroki threw you a wild look like he hadn’t expected you to take this track. Shit, had you been supposed to reject him instead? You could, you supposed, but what hot-blooded woman in possession of sound mind and sound body would possibly do so? Did he also want to start the rumor that you were a complete nutjob?
“Um, I mean, I was about to respond privately,” you backpedaled. “Uh, nothing confirmed at this point.”
Himari gave you a furious look, her large eyes filling with tears, and turned on her heel, storming off. Your heart went out to her, just a little.
“You’d really accept?” Todoroki asked you as soon as she’d gone. Something unreadable glinted in his two-toned gaze.
You thought for a moment. Did he actually want to do this? It was barely a couple months until graduation, but you had nothing to lose in helping him. Maybe this was also your opportunity to study his quirk more closely, if you were going to be spending more time together to keep up appearances. You might actually be able to use him for your senior project.
“Sure,” you said, smiling up at him. “If you wanted this, I mean.”
A smile curved the edges of his mouth. “I did, yes.”
“Great,” you said, “Then you’re officially my boyfriend, Todoroki.”
His smile widened. “It’s Shouto.”
You looked at him in question.
“My name, it’s Shouto,” he said. “I’d like it if you would call me that.”
Something warm bloomed in your chest. This was all pretend but damn it was cute anyway. “Shouto,” you tested it out, liking the sound of it in your mouth.
Shouto seemed to like it too, unwinding his fingers from your wrist to slip his hand into yours. The cool of his fingers between yours was soothing, and you quite liked the way it felt.
“Are you free Saturday, then, for a first date?” he asked.
He did nothing by halves, huh? You laughed. “Yes, I’m free. Text me the time and place?”
He agreed and you traded phones, plugging in each other’s numbers. Then he walked you back to your workroom and left you with promises to see you Saturday, after sending you a characteristically straightforward this is shouto text to confirm.
You smiled as you watched him leave, pleased to be in on his little scheme.
You’d never fake dated anyone before so you didn’t really know what you were getting into, but you thought this could be fun. You were looking forward to whatever Shouto had up his sleeve.
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rotten-games · 3 years
City of Immortals RO List
Okay so here it is, the list of ROs like I promised. Both mc's have their own pool of love interests to choose from with little overlap.
Here you’ll get a description of the ROs and some information on how the mc or others might view them. Also some info on the mc’s.
Born to be a soldier by design, they were afflicted with immortality and stopped aging entirely once they hit thirty. A side effect—or perhaps a feature—is the beast that all but lives inside them, taking control when they feel incredibly strong emotions, though most often when anger is present. Where once they held full control of it, of the transformation they go through, now they must wrestle with its control with each passing day.
You are what’s called a Hunter. Every settlement has them, but Eden has the most. Caroline controls all her hunters from Eden, though ‘Hunter’ may be a bit of an oversimplification of the job description. Yes, one of their main jobs is providing food and other resources for the settlement, but they’re also bounty hunters, keepers of the peace, and are also often recruited for odd jobs when they have no contracts to fill. Perhaps the most important rule in Hunting, is that you always work in pairs.
Caroline: She/her
The best way to describe Carol is ‘short’, with a pair of unblinking amber eyes and a wind-buffeted, naturally tanned complexion. Her russet curls, while  usually out of her face, never seem to stay tied back for long, a seemingly constant slew of curls sticking to her forehead. A jagged scar cuts across the knuckles on her right hand.
Caroline is unrelenting. She knows what her settlement needs and she’ll be damned if she doesn’t get it—to save the lives of those she must oversee she is willing to do anything. Within reason. Truthfully, Caroline never asked to be made the leader of Eden, the job just sort of fell into her lap one day and no one bothered to take it from her. You’ve worked for her for years by the start of chapter one, and if you’ve learned anything about her it’s that she doesn’t do smalltalk. She’s been in a relationship with Lowrie for years now, and as far as you can tell, they’re very happy with one another.
Lowrie: non-binary, they/them pronouns
Impossibly tall and scrawny, Lowrie’s skin is constantly burned red by the sun, seemingly unable to tan no matter what they do. Their face is long, with ash-coloured, shoulder-length hair that would usually hide their grey eyes but is otherwise kept out of their face with a blue-patterned scarf.
Some have called Lowrie stuck up in the past for their less than talkative nature but that would be an oversimplification. In truth, they just aren’t fond of talking—which is probably why they get on with Harley so well—and more shy than anything else. One of Eden’s finest Hunters, they spend most of their time in the sweltering heat of Wasteland bringing bandits in and shooting any of the mangy beasts that stray too close to Eden. The rest of their time is spent managing the bar with Caroline and Harley, tending to keep to themself. You’ve worked with Lowrie in the past, and as far as you can tell there’s little love lost between the two of you. 
Carol + Lowrie poly:
Caroline and Lowrie are poly and in a committed relationship with one another. They will not leave one another for monogamy with mc, however, you don’t have to be in a throuple with them—though that’s definitely on the table—you can simply be with one, who is with both you and the other. Lowrie is also currently casually seeing Harley. Carol is not seeing anyone else.
Mordred: he/him.
With a seemingly constant fuzz along his jaw, and a never-ending supply of little scars littering his warm olive skin, his hair tends to cover everything but his yellow eyes and the deep bags underneath. His hair is typically tied into a loose bun at the back of his head, mostly obscuring his pierced, slightly pointed ears.
Mordred is a hot-headed, easily irritated young man who’s been by your side since day one. You dragged yourselves out of the crumbling ruins of Ledala together, you fought together, and now you work together as Hunters. Partner’s in crime doesn’t quite cover your relationship but it’s certainly close. In recent years, however, your relationship has strained—perhaps it’s due to past mistakes getting in the way, or past feelings, but either way at the start of the book he’s nowhere to be found.
At the start of the game you can determine just what your relationship is with him—it’s strained at this point but the reasons why are totally up to you. He can also potentially have been an old flame of MC2.
Ridley: Gender variable
Ridley is an energetic person with a pair of bright green eyes constantly sparkling with a glint of adventure. Despite their heavily-muscled frame, they seem to constantly be hiding behind their oversized glasses, a veil of their shaggy red hair, and a slouch that makes them out to be much smaller than they are.
Ridley is… an enigma. While technically a Hunter, they seem much more interested in the pursuits of science and research than holding off rabid beasts with nothing but a gun that’s falling apart and a rusty sword. Of course, they can hold their own well enough, but when they’re meant to be spending their time training or helping out—and indeed, even on their time off—they’re usually found traipsing around in the desert looking for… who knows what.
Doc: She/her
Doc is stocky and sharp-jawed, dark brown, almost black eyes always watching. Her dense curls are shoulder-length and appear twisted together and held back behind her head. The tip of her left ear appears to have been torn off somehow.
Not known for her bedside manner, Doc travels between settlements to tend to the sick, injured, and broken, and though none can particularly vouch for her interpersonal skills (though who can say anyone has particularly good ones, these days?), they can certainly do so for her medicinal accomplishments. Some think her a wandering ghost, aiding those who need help to make up for the sins of her past, others simply see her as a woman seeking to do her part for the good of Wasteland, regardless, if you get on her bad side she’s been known to be liberal with her gun. Or so the rumors say.
J. Allard: Gender variable
Allard is a nervous-looking, shifty individual with short but messy brown hair flecked with grey. Constantly fidgeting with the ring on their thumb, their stutter becomes more obvious the more nervous they are. Though their eyes hide behind a pair of darkened glasses, a pallid face a week out from its last wash they are, completely, honest. Trust me.
J. Allard is a totally normal priest. There is nothing strange about them, they simply want what is best for you and your companions.
Dragged down into the depths of the earth on the day Ledala fell, you never knew of the city beneath the surface. Your sibling died that day, you’re sure of it, and a part of you died with them—the beast no longer responds to your call and you’re still left injured from whatever afflicted you and your comrades that day. The man who saved you set you to work for him—sorry, with him—and now you walk perpetually in the darkness of a city long since forgotten by the sun, with people named after the remnants of an old world you never knew existed. You were never meant to survive that night, and every day the world around you reminds you of that.
Arthur: he/him
Arthur doesn’t look quite there half the time. His skin is translucent, his pale blue eyes impossibly far away, platinum blond hair little more than wispy strands atop his head. Most of his body is otherwise covered completely by that old, brown coat of his. There’s light freckling across his nose.
Arthur saved you that night. A Private Investigator by trade, he brought you on to work together because you had no where else to go. Maybe because of it you should be closer than you are but there’s always been a distance between you he’s been unwilling to cross. Either way, despite working together—living together—he keeps to himself and you try to keep to yourself in turn. Still, you can’t help but notice the disdain he has for the City Council and their lackeys.
Perci: she/her
Perci is constantly smiling. Relaxed of posture, her straight hair once ashy brown is now dyed silver. It’s cut short at the sides and back, creating an undercut, most of her fringe tucked behind her ears to reveal a pair of dark brown, monolid eyes. She seems allergic to sleeves, taking whatever chance she gets to show off her cybernetic arm and the colourful tattoos that adorn her flesh arm.
A friend of Arthur who sometimes helps with investigations. She’s friendlier than he is with you, even inviting you out on occasion, but rebellion is on her lips more and more nowadays, and she isn’t subtle about it. You haven’t seen her in quite a while—as far as you can tell she and Arthur aren’t on speaking terms anymore after that big fight they had a few months back. As far as you can tell, she’s moved on and you certainly wouldn’t blame her if she has Council dogs on her heels.
Saga: Saga is always the same gender as your mc is.
Saga’s hair is a deep blue in colour, their black roots just barely growing through. Half of their head is shaved, the other half left chest-length and braided over their shoulder. Though their entire body seems to interwoven with tech, what is perhaps most interesting about them is the angular tattoo that crawls down the right side of their face. This is probably why they come to you completely covered in muck and baggy clothing.
Saga shows up at your door with a different name and a job. You aren’t given why, only the how, only the what. They’re stubborn and flighty in equal measure, suspicious of everyone around them including yourself. Oh, they dress the part of a street rat well, but the cash they have just on hand is nothing to blink at and, underneath all that grime, their skin is perfectly unmarred by the ravages of time.
Deimos: he/him, gay
Whether or not Deimos’ strength is his own or from borrowed, military-grade tech is anyone’s guess, but no one’s ever bothered to ask. Though he’s tall, he isn’t necessarily as muscular as the fear he commands would suggest. His eyes glow orange, black hair trimmed but not maintained, and his grin is enough to stop anyone in their tracks. For whatever reason, he always wears warm clothes.
Deimos is a Council dog who’s been hounding Arthur for a few years now. You’ve never officially met him; somehow whenever he drops into the office you always manage to be out. Whether that’s coincidence or because Arthur sends you out on errands very conveniently at those times it’s not for you to say. Somehow, he never seems to do too much damage to your colleague.
Adrastea: Non-binary, they/them or she/her pronouns, only attracted to nb or female mc’s
Adrastea has been voted the city’s most attractive person many years in a row now. Everything about them is perfect; perfect smile, perfect blue eyes, perfect cascading coils of iridescent hair, yet somehow despite their well-calculated appearance it’s like there’s a tiger waiting to pounce on any wary admirer who comes too close.
While not a member of the council they hold great sway simply by virtue of their age and the fact they’re so beloved by the populace. You’ve seen them on the holos, how they’re oh, so giving to the needy and even invite the commonfolk to their lavish parties all the important council members attend. It’s an act, it has to be; through their gorgeous smile and all those sheer dresses they seek nothing if not attention. A lot of their history is shrouded and deleted from public record, but you do know that they were once a head scientist that took part in the very same project that supposedly made you what you are today.
Dagda: gender variable
Dagda is the perfectly attractive face everyone sees on their screens every night. In a world of cybernetic bodies and unnaturally bright lights, they are the one person who almost looks... natural. With a perfectly cultivated appearance of salt and pepper hair, soulful brown eyes, and that winning smile, nothing about them is their own; everything they do exactly what everyone else tells them to do.
The mouthpiece of the Council, Dagda is seen to be charming and down to earth in the vids. They say Ledala is prospering more than it has in decades, that the crime rates are lowering thanks to the wonderful work they and their colleagues on the Council are doing. Of course, there always has been a certain emptiness behind their eyes. When the camera isn’t rolling, you wonder what they really think.
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paversandplatters · 3 years
||𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛 𝚘𝚏 𝚂𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚙|| (6/10)
Apocalypse! Au (TW! Minor gore and cussing)
Reader x multiple
Chapter 6: Found you.
Philza doesn't see the unexpected obstruction in the middle of the road until it's almost too late. The problem is he's far too engrossed in lecturing his younger proteges after one of them so boldly insulted his longtime companion and friend sat beside him. See the youngling seems to be plagued with diarrhea of the mouth. Philza sits behind the wheel of his rumbling winnebago, relentlessly chewing the ears off of Tommy, who is currently slumped in his seat, struggling to actually pay attention to what the older man is saying.
"May I remind you, if it hadn't been for Techno, this convoy woul-"
"LOOK OUT!" The angular masked man, deck out in leather and denim sits up with a start, eyes wide and fixed on something he sees through the massive windshield. Philza jerks the wheel and stands on the breaks. The contents of the RV shift. Water bottles, canned, goods and other heavy items tumble off the shelves and cubbies, a few crash onto the tops of Tubbo and Tommy's heads, eliciting a colorful string of curses. Both men slam forward as the trailer skids to a sudden halt. Philza and Techno flop back into their seats blinking, breathless, in the side mirror they see the long line of vehicles- pickup trucks, RVs, four-wheelers and even a few sedans- forming a chain reaction of lurching skids, every member of the caravan screeching to a stop, one by one in a billowing cloud of carbon monoxide.
“What in the hell is that?” he sucks in a breath, still gripping the steering wheel as he tries to focus on the figures standing blithely in their path less than twenty yards ahead of them.
One of them is a tall, Caucasian man, dressed in a tattered green pullover with the hood pull up and over an unsettling white mask- the only marking on it being a very minimal smiley face ‘:)’. In front of him stands a much shorter woman in an equally ragged black sweatshirt and jeans. She has one of her muddy boots propped up on the front fender of a fancy Cadillac SUV- the big black kind often used by shady government types- which is currently parked and idling in the middle of the road. The strangest part of this tableau is that the woman is smiling. Even from this distance, she aims her ultra bright grin at the convoy’s lead vehicle as though preparing to sell some new line of kitchen knives.Techno goes for his .38, which is stuffed down his boot.
“Easy Techno, easy…” Philza takes another deep breath, waving the weapon off. He’s a man approaching his early thirties, Philza wears a well worn graphic-t the design too mottled by age to be recognizable. His face marked with the faintest signs of age, his pouchy eyes radiate a certain kindness. “This seem like a group of the living, no sign yet that they aren’t friendly. Just keep your eyes peeled.”
Techno shoves the short barrel pistol under his belt.”you stay here Phil, I’ll go-”
Philza puts his hand up “No, no… Techno I’ll go. You tell the others to keep their cool and tell them to stay inside their vehicles.” The younger man reaches for his two-way radio as the older man climbs out of the cab.
Over the thirty seconds- the amount of time it takes him to struggle down the running board steps, and scuffle across twenty feet of pavement- a chemical reaction occurs. Unseen, subtle, undetectable to anyone other that the three coming to face each other in the middle of the asphalt two lane. It bubbles up within Philza unexpectedly and as powerfully as an electrical charge passing through him. Instantly he dislikes the large fellow looming behind her.
“Morning sir.” The woman occupying the road says with a gleam of neighborly congeniality in her eyes. Philza can see two others behind the tinted glass of the Escalade- Two young men sat in the back seat, their moods and demeanors are unknown. Their hands hidden, their spines rigid, muscles tightly coiled.
“Hello there…” he calls back, faking a smile. He can feel the eyes and ears of his people on the back of his neck. They need fresh souls and strong backs to help with the maintenance, fuel runs and heavy lifting involved in keep the caravan going. At the same time they must be careful. A few bad apples have passed through the group in recent months and have threatened Its very existence. “Something we can help you with?” He inquires.
The thousand kilowatt smile brightens as she adjusts the hem of her sleeves, almost as if she were readying for a sales meeting. “Didn’t want to sneak up on you back there.” She sniffs and covertly follows Philza’s gaze to the ever looming figure behind her. “You never know who you’re going to run into out here in the wilds of biter country. Your group here seem to have it down to a science, traveling in that little cavalcade of yours, always moving… Safety in numbers - it’s genius really.”
“Thank you.” He keeps his artificial smile plastered on to his face.
“That’s quite a vehicle you got there…”
“Thank you.”
“Is that a Cadillac?”
“Yessir, two thousand and seven, still runs like a top.”
“Looks like it’s been in some rough scrapes.”
“That it has..”
Philza nods pensively “What can we do for you? You seem like a woman-“ his eyes flit to the man behind her once more. “Who’s got something on her mind.”
“Names Y/n, just a fellow survivor trying to get by, avoid the unsavory types, the four us have had our full of it.”
“Uh-huh.” He scratches his chin. He knows what's coming and doesn't like it one bit. It doesn't feel right. “ what can we help you with? We’ve got some extra petrol if that’s something you’re interested in… if not we’ve got some bottled water on hand?”
She pours on the charm. “That's kind of you. These are difficult times. The biters out here are often the least of our problems, you have to be real careful. I wouldn't expect you to just take in any old stray you find along the road.” Her expression softens, her eyes filling with sadness and humility. “ Sir, we are good, hardworking people who need a place of refuge if not only for a short time, we need medical treatment, food and the safety of fellowship. It never occurred to us that solace might be found and a moving target like the one you've got here.”
The daylight has dawned enough now for Philza to clearly see the young men hunkered in the Escalade, obviously injured, nervously waiting. he swallows and licks dry chapped lips. “I'm going to have to ask if the two in the Caddy could maybe go ahead and show their hands.” She turns and gives them a nod, one by one the people in the SUV hold up their hands, revealing that they are unarmed.
Phil nods. “I appreciate that. Now may I ask the number and type of weapons you might be carrying?”
She grins. “It’s not much. Got a couple of nines and a shotgun. Big man’s got a snubby. Not much left over in the way of ammo, I’m afraid.”
He nods again and starts to say, “Fair enough, now if I might ask you to-”
Out of nowhere, a number of unexpected noises and quick movements in his peripheral vision interrupts his spiel and makes him flinch as if a bomb has just gone off. A figure from behind him approaches at a dead run, arms pumping excitedly, voice caterwauling-
“HOLY SHIT!! CHRIST, IT’S HER, I TOLD THEM IT WAS HER- I JUST KNEW IT-!!” The young protégé, dressed clad in red and white comes charging toward Y/n, Big man jerks back, reaching for his weapon taken completely by surprise.
“It’s okay! He’s one of ours!” Philza calls out shooting his hands up in a conciliatory gesture. “It’s alright, he’s harmless!” Y/n has her face suddenly aglow with emotion, eyes wet as she spots the kid, seeing the grey scarf still tightly knotted around his belt. She opens her arms.
“I fucking knew it!” The young man plunges into her arms. He so much taller than she remembers, that fact makes her heart ache. “I was worried you might’ve been dead.” He murmurs, his face pressed into the crook of her neck. The woman hugs him back, stroking his head with maternal tenderness. The young man begins to softly weep.
Y/n shushes him, murmuring soothing words. “I’m not dead yet… still that ‘cranky-old ass bitch’ you met in that hole.”
The young man now sobs into her neck. “I missed you… I tried coming back for you, but I was afraid… by the time I got help, you were already gone… I just.. I just didn’t think…”
She shushes him again “Now that’s enough of that, I told you not to bother looking back now didn’t I?” Her hand move to rub circles over his back. Nick pokes his head out the window with a furtive look. “What’s the deal..? Are we staying with these people or what.” Philza looks over at the two still embracing and smiles.
“looks like you’re already apart of the family.”
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pinkdoodoofart · 3 years
Why are You Here? Jotaro x Reader Pt. 1
As a twenty-one-year-old mother, you opted to become a housewife. Taking care of household chores and your newborn baby, Jolyne while your husband, Jotaro worked as a marine biologist. Life for you was like that for about eight years till you thought about doing something else with your life. So after some thinking and debating with yourself, you decided to go to college and major in Veterinary Science. As a child, you had always wanted to be a veterinarian as your interest in animals and worrying about their safety was always prominent in your life. So bringing that dream to life after twenty years brought you joy and excitement. So here you were, up at 5:00 AM, laying in your king-sized bed alone preparing to get up for your first day at Palm Beach Atlantic University. Looking to the empty left side of the bed that was missing your husband left you a little dejected. You were hoping you would have woken up early enough to get ready with him. Yawning to yourself, you get up and heads toward the bathroom to freshen up. Setting the shower to the right temperature, you stepped instead and felt more awake than ever. While inside the shower, you started thinking about how college was going to be like. 'What if it's similar to high school? That was hell enough...' you thought in distress. Sighing to yourself, you fixated on finishing your shower and thought about getting ready to distract you from your nerve-wracking thoughts. After your shower, you quickly brushed your teeth and made your way downstairs to a big surprise. There he was, your husband, Jotaro in the kitchen making a cup of coffee. Now, Jotaro knew you were going to college as he helped pay for your tuition even though you said not to. He also knew you were going to one he was teaching at as he also recommended it to you. But what he didn’t know was that she was in one of his classes.
“Oh, Jojo! I thought you had already left," you exclaimed, hastily entering the kitchen to stand next to your husband. Grunting to himself his usual catchphrase, he looked at you before slightly grinning.
“I don’t leave the house as early as you think I do you. Besides I was going to give you a ride because we are going to the same place.” Blushing to yourself, a quiet thanks left your lips before you gave Jotaro a quick kiss on the cheek. ‘Okay I need to make breakfast,’ nodding to yourself as to agree with your thoughts, you started to make your way towards the stove to make a simple breakfast of eggs and bacon for you and your husband to eat.
“Jotaro can you also make me a cup of coffee as well?” You asked, which in response you got a grunt that sounded like a yeah. After you finished making breakfast, you set up the dining room table with two plates of food while Jotaro brought the two cups of coffee. Both of you started to sit down and enjoy your meals. Even though Jotaro opted to eat in silence, you certainly did not. “Jojo, I hired a nanny to take care of Jolyne while I go to college and she will be staying with us in the guest bedroom until then.” Humming in response, Jotaro continued to eat, not knowing what else to respond with. Slightly huffing, you were hoping your husband would give you a little more attention and talk to you a little more. ‘Asking questions will only annoy him’ you thought. Realizing your attempts would be feeble, she just decided to stay silent and finish eating. Once the couple was finished, you took the plates into the kitchen to wash them with Jotaro not too far behind you. While washing the dishes, you could feel your husband come behind and hold you gently.
“Are you nervous?” He asked, kissing your cheek. Blushing again just like last time, you looked up at Jotaro with slight confliction.
“Just a little Joots. I mean I haven’t been to school in what? Eight years?” Sighing to yourself, you continued to wash the dishes. Rubbing your arms in response, Jotaro reassures you in his special way that she will be fine. After their little intimate moment, you check the clock to notice it's 6:15 AM and remembers to call the nanny. Detaching yourself from your husband, you made your way towards a wall phone in the kitchen and quickly dialed up the nanny’s number. The phone rang for a little while before the sound of the lady was heard. “Hi Anastasia, I just wanted to let you know you can come over now.”
‘Oh thank you! I will be there in about ten-fifteen minutes.’ Anastasia responded. Grinning to yourself, you quickly responded with a thank you of your own and a quick goodbye before hanging up. Turning around, you saw that your husband had left the kitchen. Confused, you leave the kitchen in search of your husband to find him sitting on the couch of their living room with papers in front of him. Slowly you walked up to him and sat next to him before latching onto his arm. “I got off the phone with the nanny, she should be here in a little bit.” Humming in response, Jotaro looks down at his wife for a few seconds before looking back at his disorganized paperwork. Noticing how unorganized the papers were, you offered to help but in response, you were given a quick no before he started to ignore you and continue organizing. Huffing slightly, you opted to make sure you had everything you needed before you could head out the door. Now noticing you left your bag upstairs, you quickly ran up the stairs to the master bedroom to retrieve it. Although before entering, you quickly checked your daughter Jolyne's room to check on you to make sure she was okay. Just as suspected, Jolyne was still in bed asleep surrounded by all you aquatic stuffed animals. Smiling to yourself, you quietly closed the door and quickly grabbed your bag from your shared bedroom. Running down the steps and looking through a bag probably wasn’t the smartest choice for you. Causing you to miss a step on the stairs and trip. But surprisingly, you didn't fall and neither did your stuff fall out of your bag. Feeling hands on the sides of your waist, you look over your shoulder, you noticed a tall purple ghost-like figure behind you. “Hehe, thank you star,” you giggled while walking down the stairs carefully. Finally reaching the living room from the stairs, you noted your husband staring at you intensely with concern.
“You alright?” He asked with a raised eyebrow. Nodding slightly embarrassed by the small situation that occurred only a few minutes ago. Looking at the pastel blue clock in the corner of the room showed that it was 6:45 AM. ‘Shit… Where is she?’ thinking to yourself with slight frustration. Although not even 10 seconds after you ’s little tantrum in your mind, she heard a knock at the front door. Blinking slightly, you quickly ran through the living room to the front door to see the one person she needed to be there.
“I am so sorry I’m late, I got sidetracked a little.” Chuckling a little bit, you reassured her and invited her inside. Giving a quick tour of the downstairs of their house. A few compliments were thrown in for the decor and a few thanks before they reached the living room that held your cold and stoic husband.
“This is my husband Jotaro. Jojo this Anastasia, the nanny.” Turning his attention to the short lady he gave you a little nod before picking up the rest of his paperwork. Blushing to herself, Anastasia hastily said hello trying to make herself look professional and also slightly seductive for the man in front of her. There was no doubt in your mind that the nanny would think your husband was hot. I mean almost every woman did. “Alright Jolyne is upstairs asleep so please wake you up around seven-seven thirty, please. There also should be a list of things for you to do in the kitchen on the counter. If you have any questions, my number is on the list as well.” Anastasia nodded taking in the information given while also taking small glances towards the big man standing up. “Alright, thank you so much again. Jojo, we should get ready to leave.” Humming in response the couple started for the front door towards Jotaro’s white SUV. Sitting in the passenger seat, bag in hands, you felt a flurry of emotions consisting of excitement, worry, and also determination. The drive to the university wasn’t that long because they live close to the beach anyway. Unbuckling his seatbelt on the driver's side, Jotaro exited the car waiting for his wife in suit. Noting that she didn’t he sighed out a ‘yare yare’ before walking to the passenger’s door and opened it for his wife.
“Hey, you’ll be fine.” Looking up at your husband, you sighed and got out.
“I know I know, just first-day jitters.” Receiving a hum in response once again, you kissed Jotaro quickly on the lips smiling,” I’ll see you during lunch?” Nodding, Jotaro reciprocated the kiss and started walking towards the university, with you not too far behind him. Entering the building, you noticed that your husband was nowhere to be found and she was left all alone. Opting to ask someone, you slowly walked up to a tall woman with fair skin and freckles. Red hair to your shoulders and green eyes that are as green as leaves on a tree. “Um, excuse me…” you asked the fair lady. Turning to the voice that called out to you she looked down and smiled.
“Yes, is there something you need?” Looking down for a second, you blushed in embarrassment,” Um I’m new here and just needed some help finding some of my classes if that won’t be a problem.” Smiling again, the taller girl agreed to help, making the shorter girl happy. “Here’s my schedule…” Looking over it the taller of the two looked very pleased.
“Ahhhh! Surprisingly we’re in some of the same classes. Looks like it’s your lucky day hehe. I’m Esme by the way.” you smiled thankfully to meet someone nice before sharing your name. “So it seems like our first class is Microbiology.” As if thinking for a moment, Esme continued to study your schedule before smiling softly. “Are you by any chance going into Veterinary Science?” Quickly looking up at her, you smiled brightly and nodded with excitement.
“Yes yes! I’ve always wanted to help and take care of animals ever since I was a little girl.” Eyes lighting up in admiration and excitement, Esme grabbed you ’s hands and jumped up and down with the excitement of a 6-year-old before saying, “Ahhh no way me too!!! Animals are just so cute, it breaks my heart seeing them injured.” you nodded in agreement before looking at a clock on a far wall of the University. Almost not being able to read it, you read what looked like said 7:36. Eyes widening, you quickly ask Esme to take you to their class before they are late. Noting your rushing tone, Esme realized they might be late. Nodding in response, Esme led you to their first-period class.
Barely making it, both you and Esme make their way towards some seats in the back next to each other. Once they sat down, you took into inventory how the lecture hall looked. Very spacious, but also very bland. Grey walls with a basic faded carpet floor. Rows of long wooden desks with a set of wooden stairs in the middle.
“Ahem.” Eyes forward you notice a man who looked to be in his 40s standing in front of the class in a nice white dress shirt, black dress pants, and nice black shoes. “My name is Mr. Brando, and I will be your Microbiology teacher this year.” Feeling an elbow jab to my side, you quickly turned to see Esme leaning over to say something, “He’s kinda hot.” Gasping slightly to yourself, you looked towards Emse with disbelief.
“Don’t tell me you’re gonna try and fuck him or something.” Slightly taken aback, Esme scoffs while blushing.
“Of course not! He’s just kinda hot..” Shaking your head, you turned to face Mr. Brando, only to find him staring at you intensely.
“As I was trying to say, I’m not going to be easy on you. This isn’t high school anymore where I would take pity on you. If you don’t have your homework, it will be an automatic 0.” Still staring at you with his intense gaze, he smirked and continued, “Any questions before we begin class?” ‘Why is he staring at me like that?’ you thought with a shiver running down your back. With no questions being asked, Mr. Brando started class. Two words went through your thoughts, ‘This sucks…’ Sighing, she continued to take notes and tough it out till class was over. While taking notes she couldn't help but feel eyes on you every 5 minutes. Looking up, you noticed Mr. Brando’s eyes are on you again before going back to looking at his notes. Noting your discomfort, Esme nudged you in a way to ask if she's okay. ‘God this is such a high school thing but whatever.’ you thought before ripping a piece of paper and wrote, ‘Mr. Brando keeps looking at me.’ Passing the note towards Esme, you looked at your face for any reactions. Going from shocked to disgusted. Looking at you with sympathy, Esme flipped the small piece of paper over and started writing your response. Once she was finished, Esme handed the note back and looked at Mr. Brando with intense dislike. Different from when she was practically gushing over his looks. Looking down at the note, you ’s (E/C) scanned the paper reading, ‘Yeah we have a few of those types of teachers. If he does anything, report him immediately.’ Nodding to yourself, you continued listening to the lesson.
The class was finally over. ‘God that was boring.’ you thought before packing up quickly to leave.
“C’mon we gotta hurry to our next class,” Esme exclaimed. Nodding while giggling, you grabbed your bag and walked down the stairs towards the door of the lecture hall with Esme.
“I noticed that this is your first year of college. I hope you enjoy it~.” Freezing, you turned around to see Mr. Brando stared at you with red eyes and a small smirk on his light brown skin.
“Um, thank you, Mr. Brando...” Grabbing your arm, Esme dragged you out of the room, feelings of disgust running through her. Once out, Esme immediately gagged.
“God what a weirdo. Why do the hot ones have to be creeps,” Esme whined. You weren't not paying attention to your newly acquired friend. Instead, you were more focused on why Mr. Brando kept staring at you in such an eerie way. Shaking your head to remove the bothersome thoughts, you continued walking to your next class.
Your next few classes weren’t that bad and some were pretty enjoyable. So now, you are heading out to have lunch with your husband.
“How was the first part of the day?” asked Jotaro. Feeling a small shudder shoot through your body, you looked at your husband with a slightly disturbed face.
“Well, I have a creepy Microbiology teacher. He stares at me a lot and says if I need any help ask him.”
“Who’s your Microbiology teacher,” Jotaro asked with his grip tightening around his plastic fork. Staring at his fist, you responded with the name that your husband dreaded the most. In just a matter of seconds, the fork snapped in half and the gaze from your husband made you shrink back a little. “If he does anything, and I mean anything, you tell me alright?”. With a nod, you continued to eat and talk about the rest of your classes she had so far.
Once finished, you kissed your husband goodbye and went to your second to last class. Entering the room of organic chemistry. Sighing, you decided to sit in the front so she could get to the door faster. ‘I can’t wait for my next class,’ smiling to yourself closed and closing your eyes imagining what might happen. A few scenarios were bad and some were good. Though she was just going to have to wait patiently.
“Hello class, I am Mr. Kakyoin. I will be your organic chemistry teacher this year,” a familiar voice said. Looking up, your eyes widened at the sight of your teacher.
“Noriaki?” you asked. The said person turned towards you with wide eyes and a smile.
“Y/N! It's good to see you! Let’s talk after class.” Nodding in response, you quickly started to engage in the lesson.
'My willpower to stay awake is scampering away... this is so boring.' You thought with disinterest. "And that concludes our lesson for today. Any questions?" Mr. Kakyoin finished with a smile. Noting the silence, he looked around to see almost his whole class looked bored. Sighing to himself, Mr. Kakyoin looked towards the class and said, “Just wait for the bell I guess.” Once the bell has rung, all the students except yourself have left the room to go to their next class. Walking over to Mr. Kakyoin’s desk, you grinned widely.
“It’s been so long Kakyoin!” Getting up from his seat, Kakyoin made his way towards you and gave you a tight hug.
“Y/N, we’ve been friends for years, call me by my first name.” Chuckling to yourself, you nodded in response. “So how have you been anyways?”
“Pretty good. I’m majoring in Veterinary Science. I would have gone to college sooner, but I had Jolyne earlier than expected… But I’m happy she’s here regardless. A bundle of joy is what she is! Anyways how about you Noriaki,” you rambled. Chuckling to himself, Noriaki responded, “You still haven’t changed huh Y/N? Still a rambler. I have been well, I’m married with a child on the way.” Eyes widening, you grab onto Noriaki in excitement, “Congratulations Noriaki! I’m so happy for you! How many months?”
“She’s about 4 months in.” The conversation continued on for what felt like hours before both realized you had to leave. “Here let me write you a pass. I had fun talking to you.”
“Thank you Noriaki, here take my number. We need to hang out more. Bye bye!” You responded before rushing off to find your next to class.
Finally making it, you stepped inside and saw what you have been the whole day to see. Your stoic husband.
“Why are you here?” Jotaro asked. Giggling to yourself you respond cheerfully, “This is my last clas….”
“Why are you late?” Feeling irked by being cut off, you respond again but this time with slight irritation, “I was talking with another teacher.”
“Yare Yare, take a seat.” Listening to the simple order, you sit down in a seat next to a cute looking girl in the front. You sadly, missed the first half of the lesson meaning you were already behind. ‘Great… I’m most likely gonna have an earful after this class,’ you thought to yourself. Feeling a tap on your shoulder, you turn to see the girl you decided to sit next to you staring at you intensely.
“Um, can I help you?” You whispered.
“I don’t know how you guys know each other? but I want to let you know that he’s mine.” Rolling your eyes, you nodded in response before paying attention to the lesson. ‘Damn my husband and god-like appearance.’
Another class that was a bore to be in.
“Does anyone have any questions?” Jotaro asked. Once again, a silence room of college students was what he received in response. Sighing in response, he waved them off and waited for the bell.
Once the bell had rung, everyone except you once again had left for the day. While you were still packing up, you jumped slightly to hands slamming down on your desk.
“Why the hell are you in my class?”
“Calm down Joots, I just chose this class because I need another credit…. and maybe because I wanted to see my husband at the end of the day…” Sighing in response, your husband looked at you before heading towards his desk and grabbing his stuff and heading out the door. “Waaaaah wait for me Joots!” You run out of the room only to bump into a muscular chest.
“Yare Yare, let’s just go home.”
Heading towards the car, you both get into your respectable seats and head home. The car ride was silent, but you can tell your husband is still not so thrilled about you being in his class. But knowing you, trying to change your mind to choose a different class would be feeble.
Once home, you both entered the house and was immediately greeted with a big hug.
“Welcome home mommy and daddy!” exclaimed Jolyne. Smiling brightly you hugged Jolyne back before walking towards the living room seeing Anastasia with Jolyne’s homework on the coffee table completed.
“Welcome home Mr. and Mrs. Kujo.”
“Thank you, how was Jolyne?” You asked.
“Oh she was wonderful. An absolute sweetheart. By the way, I have made dinner and it’s in the kitchen if you want to eat.” Thanking her once more you head upstairs to your shared bedroom to drop off your school stuff and sit on your bed exhausted. Hearing the bedroom door open, you see your husband standing there as exhausted as you.
“Look Joots, I’m sorry about me being in your class, but I'm not changing classe….”
“I'm not going to give you an advantage because you're my wife. I hope you know that.” Huffing in annoyance you respond with a quick yeah.
‘This is going to be harder than I thought.’
This is honestly pretty old and im probably going heavily edit it but i hope you enjoy the first part of this story.
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Thin Ice || Peter Parker x reader
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Summary: Midtown’s Decathalon team decides to go on a snow trip and Peter does his best to impress Y/N even though Brad Davis has his eyes on her too. 
Word Count: 2.5k
Author’s note: DUDE this is so fun to write. This will be a mini-series so expect more parts and if you wanna request something for this series, just send em cause I’m open to all ideas. I’m a big snowboard fan so hopefully, you guys enjoy! Also, the ski resort Keystone is real and I go snowboarding there so I can definitely include pictures of my trip to paint visuals for yall.  
Warning: Foul language and mentions of blood
part one || part two || part three || part four || part five || part six || to be continued 
The Decathalon Team got to choose where they wanted to go for their winter trip and for this year, they got to choose between a ski resort in Colorado or another extremely terrifying Europe trip.  The overwhelming results of the vote was for the ski trip since no one wanted a repeat of last year (especially Mr. Harrington) so the students packed up their snow clothes and headed to Colorado.
Out of everyone going on the trip, you were by far the most excited. You weren’t originally from New York so something about snow always seemed magical in a ‘hypothermia isn’t so bad’ kind of way. While you and others were super psyched to go, there was one person that dreaded the trip and that was Peter.
He didn’t know how to ski or snowboard and most importantly, he hated the cold. The idea of going on vacation meant escaping what you were used to, so what was the point of leaving New York, a placed that snows heavily, for another colder place?
“ Need any help Pete?” You smiled as Peter stopped struggling with his ski boots.
You. You were 100% the only reason why he was going on this trip in the first place. His heart swelled as he took a quick look of you up and down; even though you were wearing a bulky snow jacket, you still took his breath away.
Peter snapped out of his longing gaze and stomped his foot hard into the slot, making you and Ned jump slightly.
“ I think I got it. Thanks though,” Peter smiled as he huffed, a bit out of breath. Peter looked down at your board and he furrowed his eyebrows,” you’re gonna snowboard? I thought Mr. Harrington said we were all taking ski lessons?”
You shook your head and unclipped your board, holding it tall next to you,” Nope. Brad and I asked Mr. Harrington if we could go down the Flying Dutchman before lunch and he said as long as we stay together we should be fine.”
You and Brad were always two peas in a pod since your families were extremely close and that worried Peter. Peter felt that everything Brad was, Peter wasn’t, especially when it came to sports or natural charm. It was something Peter struggled with a lot; being a superhero gave him the gift of dominating the athletic world if he wanted to but if he wasn’t a jock then, why should he be one now?
“ Wait, that slope is a blue. Isn’t that like hard?” Ned asked as you shrugged, motioning to Brad that you were ready to head out.
“ Not when you’re a master snowboarder like me,” You teased as you looked down at Peter, who was struggling to get up from his skis,” here, let me help you. I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
Peter didn’t even have time to stop you before you grabbed his hands and helped him stand up straight, adjusting to the balance nicely. You smiled sweetly at him as you brushed off a clump of snow rested near his shoulder, lightly brushing up on his neck with your ungloved hand.
“ Nice Pete, look at you! You’re practically the next Chloe Kim...if you were a girl and a snowboarder!” You exclaimed as you ignored their confused expressions.
“ Hey Y/N, ready to go?” Brad asked as he looked between the three of you,” stay safe out there fellas. I heard the bunny slope is extra icy today. I Don’t want to see any of you get a bloody lip.”
You slapped Brad’s shoulder as you turned your attention back to Peter and Ned,” Don’t listen to him, you guys are going to do great. Save us a seat at the lodge, yeah?”  
You gave a small wave before following Brad through the snow towards the ski lift as Peter glared down Brad.
“ He is always ruining my plans! I thought he was supposed to be gone for basketball training. I was going to be super romantic and teach her how to ski like Dove Cameron in Cloud 9,” Peter sighed as he fumbled with his skis already.
“ First of all, that’s not what Cloud 9 is about at all. Secondly, why would she waste her time at ski lessons if she already knows how to do that and snowboard?” Ned asked, thinking his friend couldn’t get any dumber,” but you have a better shot than Brad, she’s like your twin but cooler.”
“ You sure about that?” MJ asked out of nowhere, startling both Peter and Ned,” Y/N is literally out of your league and Brad’s. Everyone on the science team has had a thing for her so what makes you so special?”
Again, his friend was right. He could think of a handful of his classmates liking Y/N at some point which made his heart sink.
“ You’re right. There is nothing special about me besides you know…,” Peter shook his head and stuffed his hands into his pocket,” I just like her a lot, I don’t know how else to explain it.”
Peter was usually never so down on himself, especially when it came to girls his age. With his past crushes, they were way easier to talk to but when it came to you, he was a blubbering mess. It didn’t make it any easier that you were the full embodiment of the ‘girl next door’ with your heart of gold and witty charm.
“ You just got to impress her at her own game,” Ned said as Peter looked up at him, nodding,” girls love guys who go out of their way to be interested in something they like. Show her how much skiing skills you can get down in a few hours and she’ll be all yours.”
It wasn’t the best idea but Peter had no other option than to learn how to ski in one-afternoon session. While MJ said that Peter was completely hopeless, Peter knew that the first step at winning your heart was to learn how to not embarrass himself.
That whole afternoon, Peter tried, again and again, to get down the bunny slope without falling on his face. Everyone said skiing was way easier than snowboarding but Peter just couldn’t control his speed going down the bunny slope. Time and time again, Peter would make it halfway down the beginner slope with ease but panicked towards the end and fell. At the end of the lesson, his knees and elbows were completely bruised but that didn’t stop him from trying.
While Peter was doing his best to get down the bunny slope, you and Brad had just finished with your three-mile one. You clipped off your board and took off your goggles, looking at yourself through Brad’s reflective ones.
“ I look like I just went through a hurricane,” you laughed as you took out your messy ponytail and tried to pat down your hair,” did you have fun?”
Brad took off his goggles and shook his hair with his hand, letting the freshly fallen snow fall out,” Are you kidding? That was awesome, especially that part where the slope dropped off towards the end. I’m impressed that you could keep up, I didn’t think you had it in you.”
“ Me?  I’m impressed you even made it down the mountain since half the time you were freaking out about ‘Oh what if there’s an avalanche!’” You mimicked as the two of you shared a heartfelt laugh.
Brad pushed your shoulder lightly as the two of you headed towards the lodge where everyone else in your group would be waiting. You checked the nearest clock tower and realized that you still had thirty minutes before lunch.
“ Hey, I think they’re still at the bunny slope, did you wanna go see how they’re doing?” You asked as Brad nodded enthusiastically.
“ I’ll be surprised if they made it in through the afternoon with all of their limbs intact.”
Peter stood at the top of the bunny slope, breathing in and out slowly. He could see you and Brad walking towards the bottom where some of your classmates were already waiting.
“ Maybe I shouldn’t do this. What if I fall and she thinks I’m some clumsy idiot?” Peter asked as MJ rolled her eyes.
“ Look, the worst thing that can happen is that you fall, big whoop. Also, you can’t back out. There is no other way down since the ski lift just closed so…” MJ shrugged simply and patted Peter’s back a bit too hard,” Woman up.”
MJ slid her goggles down over her eyes and gave him a last look before going down with Cindy. Now, Peter was all alone as MJ’s words replayed in his head. The worst thing that can happen is that he fell. He replayed that over and over again before he took a deep breath, secured his helmet, and made his way down the slope.
You watched Peter go down halfway before turning to your friends, who had already put their skis away. You threw your board and your helmet down and placed your hands on your hips, watching everybody’s tired expression.
“ How did you guys do? Wasn’t it exhilarating!” You asked excitedly as everyone at once talked about their day.
“ Considering that there weren’t any serious injuries, I’d say it was the best day ever,” Mr. Harrington said as he smiled with pride,” I’m glad you and Brad are back in one piece. I was worried I wouldn’t see you two at lunch.”
“ Yeah, we’re surprised too! Actually, there was one part of the slope where-”
The whole time you were talking, you didn’t notice how fast Peter was coming down the slope and all of his practice on a smooth landing had completely left his mind. Peter couldn’t control his route and once he knew that he was headed straight towards you, all he could do was brace himself.
Before anyone could react, you felt Peter collided straight into you, his helmet immediately making contact with your face as the force made the two of you crash backwards. Peter’s skiis hit you so hard, you could feel all of the air leave your body and once again after your back hit the snow behind you.
Everyone around you gasped as you and Peter cried out in pain, a whole vocabulary of curse words came out of Peter’s mouth once he realized what he had done.
“ Holy shit Y/N are you okay?” Peter asked as he was the first to get up, but tripped over his skiis, sending him back into the snow.
You felt like you were seeing stars but you tried your best to not cry in front of all your peers. Brad and Cindy rushed towards you as his eyes grew big.
“ Oh my god Y/N, your lips is bleeding,” Cindy shouted which made Peter feel like he had just committed murder.
You touched your lip tenderly and looked down at your hand to see that it was bleeding a lot. You stared at the blood and then looked to Peter who looked like he was about to cry. Even though you were in a lot of pain and you definitely had a concussion, you didn’t want Peter to feel bad. He was always so sweet to you and the last thing he needed was to feel guilty.
You shook your head and tried to stand up but you were too dizzy,” No! I’m fine really I’m okay. Check on Peter if he’s okay, I-I feel great.”
“ Y/N I am so so so sorry-”
“No Pete I’m the one who needs to be sorry,” you said as you let out a soft laugh,” I should’ve been more aware of my surroundings. Don’t even feel bad you weren’t going that fast.”
If Peter didn’t feel guilty enough, your words made him feel even worse especially since he knew you were lying to spare his feelings. Even after getting slammed, you were still apologizing up and down like you were somehow to blame.
Brad kneeled beside you and place a single finger out,” Okay Beautiful, follow my finger, I’m gonna make sure you didn’t hurt that pretty little head of yours.”
Peter’s stomach twisted into knots but you just nodded and followed his finger, doing your best to do as you were told while Mr. Harrington went to get a medical assistant.
“ Y/N I’m gonna ask you some questions,” Brad said as you nodded once again, your eyes drifting towards Peter.
“ What’s your name and where are you?”
“ Y/N L/N. Keystone Colorado.”
“ Where do you go to school?”
“ Midtown School of Science and Technology.”
“ Great, who is the President of the United States?”
“ Ugh Brad. Don’t make me say his name.”
Everyone around you sighed happily as Brad laughed and nodded,” Yep, she’s okay. I’ll be back with something for your lip okay?”
Brad turned to Peter and looked him up and down, almost sizing him up,” Try not to injure her again when I’m gone, Parker.”
Peter nodded and kneeled next to you with a sad expression plastered on his face. He felt like he had ruined everything with you but you were just too nice to tell him off. He was thinking that you were probably so pissed at him when in reality, you felt the complete opposite.
“ Don’t listen to Brad, he’s just protective,” You said as Peter pressed a thick napkin that was in his pocket from this morning and pressed it down on your bleeding lip,” please don’t beat yourself up about this Pete. We both know it was just an accident.”
All Peter could do was blurt out again how sorry he was for hurting you. If this didn’t make you hate him, he wondered what else you could withstand. Hollywood had lied to him; It wasn’t like the movies where the cliche of falling over each other was romantic cause Peter felt absolutely mortified.
“ Stop being so nice to me. I don’t deserve it,” Peter huffed as he examined your face,” I could’ve killed you.”
“ That’s a little dramatic don’t you think?” You asked as you scooted closer towards Peter and placed your hand on his knee to leverage yourself,” if I can survive the blip and Calculus, I think I’ll be more than okay.”
Peter tensed up as you touched his knee lightly and with Brad and Mr. Harrington coming back with a first aid kit, he quickly pulled away from you, leaving you embarrassed.
“ Here, do you need me to carry you over to the lodge so you’re more comfortable?” Brad asked as Peter looked away and turned towards Ned, who was whispering to him.
“ I’m okay to walk now,” You said softly as Brad extended out his hand for you to hold. You looked back at Peter who stared at you before turning away again, shaking his head. You held Brad’s hand as he helped you up and once you were on your feet, he didn’t let go of your hand.
“ Don’t worry, Dr. Davis is going to patch you up,” Brad smiled as the two of you walked hand in hand back to the lodge.
Peter slumped down in the snow next to MJ who was quick to comment.
“ Apparently falling isn’t the worst thing to happen after all.”
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aliresix · 3 years
 I’m watching One Piece
Episodes 1-50
In the very first scenes, Nami doesn’t have such an exaggerated body. But as time goes by it gets worse.
For some reason I think Usopp and Hanji (from snk) would get along well??? Just… I don’t know, science buddies and major nonbinary vibes.
I’m dying they’re spelling Luffy as “Rufy”. H e l p
How does Zoro talk in an understandable way so casually while having a fucking sword in his mouth????????
I can’t look at the tag for this fandom and I won’t be able to for 3 to 5 months. I don’t think I’ll resist that long.
Ep. 45 was just everyone going “awww baby’s first wanted poster”
Now that I think about it, how is taking several trees with you on a boat a good choice, Nami?
I want to appreciate all the voice actors
Luffy is the master of sleeping when he’s in danger/has almost died.
Zoro was straight up ready to lose an arm just to get a good sword. And they don’t have - yet - a doctor with them? What
Fuckin hell ep 50 gave me a dejavu but I love my lying son Usopp so worth it
Episodes 50-100
MY BABY SANJI FOUND THE ALL BLUE. Good for him, good for him.
Luffy. Luffy I love you. But how did you survive after getting struck by lightning and falling from something so tall??????
The marine trying to set the Merry Going on fire while it rains: yeah we brought gunpowder but we need more cause it got wet VS That one guy from Buggy’s crew: trying to light a match under the rain.
Every time someone learns they are pirates they’re super scared. then they get to know them and they’re like “ah”.
Please tell me at some point Luffy has/will come back to the whale. The poor thing deserves it.
Oh my god Luffy sleep-talked and the others anwered I can’t
Zoro: * is about to get turned into a wax statue*. Also Zoro: gotta look good while I’m at it 
Luffy went up a vertical mountain, in the snow, barely dressed and barefoot. While carrying two people. My boy is strong as fuck.
Me: no I won’t cry. Chopper’s whole backstory: hi.
Only Luffy’s brother could not be bother by Luffy having a reindeer in his cruise.
I want one of those turtle-seal things. I’ll keep it with me and cherish it forever.
Episodes 100-150
Places Luffy has fallen asleep at: a pit he created, the middle of a square, a beach after falling from a cliff.
Luffy, insulting a crocodile by calling it a “damned banana”. Gotta love him.
Luffy: almost dies. Also Luffy: M E A T
The lesbian energy just radiating from every interaction between Nami and Vivi is killing me (the bath scene??? help)
Love that despite them risking their own life, Nami still puts her maps first.
 They just keep rescuing people they find in the sea and help them out
This time they’re just chilling around in the boat of the people trying to catch them (also I kinda want to cook/eat curry rn)
Their reactions when Luffy was interested in a book were priceless
I can’t believe this old man  defeated the marine with GOATS
Hey remember that one time the Merry Going came out of a rainbow mist flying?
Mh so falling asleep in critical situations runs in the family, right, Ace?
Episodes 150-200
The only other reaction to the straw hats is "these idiots are dumb and therefore weak" and then getting your ass beaten.
What the actual fuck is happening in the clouds I'm very concerned
They said a lot of money but Sanji converted it in rice I’m dying over here
Single parent Usopp having to deal with all the problem children (expect Robin. In this house we stan Robin.) is a mood
Same thing goes for Nami hitting that dude in the face with a boat cause the price was too high
BIg brain time and it’s just “what if Robin knew how to fight with a sword”. She’d be even more unstoppable. Also woman with sword so
Luffy: gets attacked by dangerous wild animal. Luffy’s first thought: Hey Sanji can we eat it?
Once again, Luffy’s priority are well set: throw that golden necklace away, look for meat instead.
Fellas is it gay to trust a man you never met with the lives of your whole village, get mad at him and then forgive him while running in the water and telling him you’ll wait for him, and protect your land thinking that you need to be there for when he'll return? Asking for a friend.
I did some calculations (that are probably worng but shhh nobody needs to know that) and anyways remember the big golden ball attached to Luff’s arm for, like, 5 episodes? Well, it should weight somewhere between 140-150 kg and 200 kg. WHAT. Luffy supremacy, once again.
Pfft look at those idiots trying to escape with the gold while the citizens run after them to give them more.
How isn't anyone in Navarone recognizing them istg it doesn't make sense they are wanted by the law
Chopper decided to risk his life for the lives of complete strangers. What a good doctor.
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