#brad davis imagine
pollsnatural · 14 days
Imagine that a Supernatural sequel and its showrunner have been announced. Spin the wheel, find out which writer is the showrunner, and answer the question:
If you want to know/remember which episodes your writer wrote, you can follow the links below.
Eric Kripke
Sera Gamble
Jeremy Carver
Andrew Dabb
Ben Edlund
Cathryn Humphris
John Shiban
Raelle Tucker
Robert Berens
Buckleming - Brad Buckner and Eugenie Ross-Leming
Adam Glass
Robbie Thompson
Charmelo&Snyder - Eric Charmelo and Nicole Snyder
Steve Yockey
Davy Perez
Meredith Glynn
Jenny Klein
Ryan Murphy - he's the creator/writer of Glee, 9-1-1, American Horror Story, etc. He's never written anything for spn, he's just here for the joke (and for me to see if there are people who would watch Supernatural, written by the creator of Glee).
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Tony McNamara
The Provocative Poor Things Starring Emma Stone has Racked up Multiple Award wins and Noms Due to a Great Script
by Brad Balfour
It may have taken a while, but director Yorgos Lanthimos' Poor Things ultimately rose to the Awards season challenge, winning several Golden Globes and garnering 11 Oscar nominations: Best Actress, Best Picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Supporting Actor, and Best Cinematography. In this fractured tale inspired by the Frankenstein creation story, actress/producer Emma Stone plays a re-animated Bella Baxter as a fully grown body woman with the brain of a rapidly maturing child.
Bella doesn't hold back as she discovers the joys of masturbation and, further on, energetic sex – which she calls "furious jumping" – with Mark Ruffalo's domineering, and equally unclothed, paramour. Then she explores the inner-workings of a Paris whorehouse engaging with many men in many ways – but on her terms.
The movie's sexual candor is only some of the trappings to this extraordinary story of a woman – though born of men – comes into her own. In exposing herself aesthetically and physically, the seemingly fearless Stone is one of the rare A-list actresses willing to risk such exposure for her art.
Poor Things is a no-holds-barred re-imagining of female empowerment displayed in a thoroughly fantastical environment of striking colors, costumes and landscapes. As a result, the movie is rated R for strong and pervasive sexual content, graphic nudity, disturbing material, gore and language. 
Though the cinematic vision is Lanthimos, the essential story comes from veteran scriptwriter Tony McNamara, an Australian playwright, screenwriter, and television producer. Born in 1967, he worked on the script for The Favourite in 2018, the historical comedy-drama film directed by Lanthimos, also starring Stone. Originally a screenplay by Deborah Davis, written 20 years prior to the film's release, Lanthimos and McNamara worked together to refashion it into a final script resulting in it winning, or being nominated for, many various awards at the time.
McNamara also created The Great, a series revolving around the life of Catherine the Great, starring Elle Fanning and Nicholas Hoult, which premiered on Hulu in May 2020. It's based on his period play about Catherine, which premiered at the Sydney Theatre Company in 2008. McNamara also wrote a film adaptation of it as well.
This Q&A is based on an appearance by McNamara shortly before Poor Things began its run as an award nominee and cinematic phenomenon.
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Talk about the process of adapting this from the book by Alasdair Gray. That Poor Things is very much written from the male perspective in terms of people discussing and describing their experiences with Bella. The film switched that into [a story] from a female view of the world. What did it take to adapt and shift the perspective?
The book is a big Scottish classic – it's wild and has hundreds of pages about Scottish nationalism which, you might notice, is not in the movie. Bella's story was told by the men like Duncan and Max; they all tell you what happened to her. You never get her experience of it. Yorgos read it and we both felt the same – she was the character he was interested in. That's an interesting story and it seemed like a great thing to do. The point of the novel was that the men controlled her narrative. While keeping that idea, I wanted to flip it so that film-wise, it was her story.
This is the first time that you've done an adaptation from a book. What were the unique aspects of doing that?
Yes, it was the first time. When I read it, I thought the first one should be the baby's brain in the woman's head [chuckles]. But Yorgos is amazing, and we had such a good time on The Favourite that the biggest thing was to work out what to tell from the book. We could just depart from the book because I adapted material from history and stuff. I'm always a bit like, "Well, a book, that's one thing and a movie is a whole other thing. How do we make a movie that has a relationship to the book but isn't really about the book."
That started with the Bella thing, which let me invent a lot because the men told her story [in the novel]. I could invent her story because we didn't really know... There was nothing there when she went to Portugal, we knew she went, but we didn't know what happened there. I was creating this sort of internal story when she went on her journey, Yorgos kept saying it was a fantasy. We're both Fellini fans so we thought it should be a big European style, old school stage movie.
How do I create a language that's going to be big enough for what he's going to do? I had to create this sort of dialogue that felt baroque but was also contemporary enough that you could feel it emotionally. That was my main thing. You've got to feel her journey.
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You adapted from history before. What you do with language is take elements of period language, but then you really look at it from the perspective of a modern audience's lens into it. You created this unique amalgamation. So for this one, in particular, how did you find the way to make the language work in that regard?
I knew the scale of this story and also, I love language. Half the time, I'm not serving the audience, I'm serving myself [chuckles]. I think it's fun to create a particular language for a movie, which is why I was really drawn to doing this. Bella had a particular language, and it was a character where you had to evolve her language, which you never get to do. Usually the person just talks the way they talk. But with her, part of telling the story was changing the language throughout the narrative. So it's how to do that and make it fun.
It's interesting how her language changed, even [if it's] just with the grammar. It's the same way when you learn another language, you learn the present tense first. She's speaking specifically in the present tense in the beginning of the movie but that evolves. How did you find those different layers and textures of grammar and language for her?
It was like knowing where to start. We had this geographic journey, so I used the geography to change her language through each geographic point. She would change a little bit through it, and I knew where I wanted to start. She talked like my four-year-old. He was a real inspiration. He's very proud now. When Yorgos and I were developing it, we were having lunch one day and I was telling Yorgos about my son and I said, "He's kind of a sociopath and he's only four years old.” We were in a restaurant, and it was really loud. This baby was crying, and my son looked at me and went “punch that baby." I went to Yorgos, and he said that we should put that in! So when she's in the restaurant, she goes, "I'm just going to punch that baby." My son feels like he should get a credit now.
We should see if – in the DVD version – he's given credit. Bella changes so much throughout the script. You talked about thinking from different specifications. At the beginning, she started out pretty much a toddler and then we reached a point where this is when she's 16. When she's leaving home for the first time, she's like in her early '20s at first, then her mid '20s. How did you set about creating those different stages?
In my head it was just to create. Basically at its core. In a way, this is a coming-of-age story. It was as simple as that. It's like watching someone grow up and discover their sexuality and then their intellectual life and they come to terms with being mature and emotional. There's a point – on the boat – where she's so self-regarding and then realizes there's a world out there and she has to be part of it. I felt like there were certain points where… I think the contemporary thing for me was things like, "Oh, you go to college and discover books” and you're like "Oh books and ideas!" There were all these steps where you get a boyfriend and you think he's great and then you realize at some point, "Oh my God, he's the worst." There were simple things I was always thinking of but not to take it away from the bigness of it. I had to ask, what are the basics of it in terms of us, in terms of just a human experience?
That idea for Bella was to be like, "Oh, I've got a boyfriend but he's the worst." That's the arc of Duncan [Mark Ruffalo], where it's so great because he's such an audacious character. We understand that he's full of shit from the get-go. But she takes everything quite literally. So when he says, "I bedded over 100 women," she believes that to be true. What was it like writing the dynamic between those two characters with that in mind?
It was really fun to write because he is such a classic trope and yet I felt sorry for him because she doesn't have any of society's ideas which he owns. He has them all in his head and it's like a paradigm he lives through. She doesn't have any of that. So he can't even get the traction that he would normally get from a person. He sort of dissolves. I enjoyed writing it, but I didn't have as much fun as I did watching those two do it. They were so freakin' right.
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How did you shape the tension that starts to fester in Duncan because the less that he succeeds with her, the more frustrated he becomes. He's also watching her with the idea of who he wants to be in a world with no care.
I think that was what the irony was. He sees himself as a free spirit and he's outside society like all the men who have their view of themselves. Everyone in the movie had a view of society that she doesn't ascribe to. Even when they try hard, she either resists it or is oblivious to it. It was constructing that, and some people understood that ... like Max [Ramy Youssef] who went on a sort of positive journey in that respect. Duncan just dissolved more and more because he didn't know what to do. I liked the idea of that.
It's great the way that you have other characters start to use elements of her language. Suddenly another character uses the phrase "serious jumping." How did you find those moments when you wanted other characters to step into her world like that?
She's such a powerful character as she goes through life and gathers agency, I think she's so charismatic because she doesn't [back down]. Beat to beat [it's] just a pure response that isn't shaded by anything. How she feels in that moment without judgment of herself, I think that's attractive. I felt like [with the] other characters, [it] starts to rub off on them a little bit. 
What's the difference in writing a character who is so innately reactionary but in such a positive way?
I was talking to Emma about it. It's great for you as a person. I think she felt the same, playing Bella. I think for her and me, and I'm sure for Yorgos, writing that character and her playing that character, you're aware of how much you're shaped by everything. For her, playing a character who is just shaped by a really pure response, and we don't get that. I think that's why she's a character people can respond to because it's a bit of a wish fulfillment of like, "that would be good if you could just live life like that."
We get an opportunity to watch her learning in real time and developing her back story as a character. How did you set about making sure that you are always cognizant of what she has already learned in the space of a scene to make sure that it comes into play here?
I have a really strong process. I guess I've always thought about what she learns. Yorgos and I were very meticulous as it goes. We didn't do that many drafts. But what we did at the end is, we just went line by line over three or four days separately. There's always time between it and as there's a three-week rehearsal. Then we tweak that a little bit if we hear things that aren't quite right or Emma would say, "Oh, that word seems too sophisticated for her at that point." We're very meticulous about her verbal journey as well as Emma and Yorgos creating the physicality of that.
It sounds like with that process as well in the way that you talk about the film previously that you really aren't doing rewrites during production and that even during rehearsal, it's right mental. 
It's joyful. I'd just hang out and drink coffee and watch them do their thing. No one sees the script for a long time. The first person to see the script was Emma. I think the producers didn't see it for years and then when they see it, he's ready to make it. I think his view of it is that we spent four years on this by making it because I think it's right. He is a very strong individual about how he feels artistically. He's like, "That's what we decided; it is what it is!" He never really made changes on The Favourite. He rang me once [to make a change] because they literally couldn't do something physically. Through the couple of films we worked together, he's never changed anything.
This was a project that Yorgos had been trying to make since before The Favourite. What was the chronology of when you two started working on the script?
He'd moved to London and started on The Favourite and knew he wasn't... He'd only made Dogtooth and Alps, so he was like, no one's going to give me the money to make The Favourite. It's going to cost a little bit because of the period. So he went off with his Greek co-writer, Efthimis Filippouand they wrote The Lobster so they could try and make something cheap. While he was doing it, he rang me and said he'd read this book [Poor Things]. Even when he was making The Lobster no one would give him any money to develop Poor Things. Everyone was saying, "We like you but we're not doing the baby brain!” Once he made The Lobster and there was some buzz, Film4 came in with some money and he was like, "Do you want to do it?" So we started it. We were in pre-production for The Favourite, and I started writing Poor Things.
Going back to Bella as well, one of the things that's so refreshing about her as a character is she's not necessarily carrying this internal dialogue. Everything that she thinks and feels throughout the movie is said out loud. How is that a totally different approach to writing a character for you?
When I write, I'm just asking myself, "Where is she coming from? What does she want and what's in her way?" I knew she didn't question herself much and that was the joy of her as a character because she wasn't super conflicted about anything. Except towards the end, when she has to confront her feelings for Godwin [Willem Dafoe], but even then, she has clarity in the two different feelings she has. I think that was why she was a really refreshing character to write. She manages to be very simple and very complex at the same time.
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How did you find what you wanted to be the essence of the relationship between her and Godwin? It's such a fascinating dynamic. He's had the experience of her being an experiment and now he's kind of carrying it out with a lot of love and heart.
Yeah, I think for us it was one of the most interesting relationships we explored in a way because he was an experiment as well. In the book, he's not an experiment. I made that up so that we could understand him a bit better. His father made him an experiment, so it makes sense. He thinks everything is science and everything's an experiment. But deep down, he's a guy who wants someone to see him and not think he's ugly – someone to "get" him. He's someone that's never had that and he doesn't quite know how to deal with feelings.
That's why he rebels, but it's not in the book. There's the Margaret Qualley character where they just make another one [like Bella] but not quite. That was our idea of how we can show him go through a journey. I was like, "Oh, he makes another one." He'd go with his feelings; by the end of the movie, he realizes his feelings matter.
What was the difference that you wanted to show with Godwin and Margaret Qualley's character when that comes up? It's such a different experience for him.
I think because rather than replace [Bella], it was supposed to show the idiocy of what he did by trying to do that to himself. Then he understood it wasn't the experiment he loved, but it was her.
With the narrative up to where Bella goes back to her ex-husband to learn to visit her old life and learn about that. Initially the idea was that it was sort of a kidnapping, and it was against her will. But then you realize that it was important for it to be her choice to go there. How did that change for you?
Yeah, I think we've done it. We've done a couple of years, and we were having lunch, and everyone really liked the script at that point. We had long periods of silence. That's our process. We just sit there not talking for long periods. We all thought there was something wrong with the third act, so I said I'll go think of something and then I'll text Yorgos. What if she chooses it because she's choosing everything else? So why wouldn't she? She's fearless and that broke it open for us because the other way ­– when she was kidnapped, and then there was a shooting and that's how it ended – he was kind of like, I think they shot him or something and he died. It didn't feel totally right because it wasn't weird enough for the rest of it. So we brought in Christopher Abbott's character. I was always nervous about that because it's hard to bring in a character in two hours and have them hold their own in a big crazy movie like this. But Chris was terrific [as a bad guy].
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How did you deal with the sexuality of the whole film? Decisions you made and didn't make, where it would and wouldn't be?
It was always part of that coming-of-age thing. She's at a certain age and starts to discover it. A man comes into her life and she's like, "What adventure do I want to go on?" For me, it was all like, every beat wasn't so much a sex scene. It was the evolution of the character and of the general story. How it's shot and how it's managed was really Yorgos and Emma working together. For us, it was always going to be a movie that was like those '70s European films where it's very... Emma Stone was very unapologetic. It made no sense for it not to be very unapologetic. Yorgos was really devoted to that '70s European aesthetic.
The way you write with layers of comedy which stem from a place of truthfulness. There's so much comedy and attention that's created from Bella's perspective in the world. The way that she refuses to be tied down to other people's ideas of her – how did you write that in a way that feels so grounded – and then find the layers of comedy that can stem from that?
I always go for whatever's real, I think I read that someone famous once said, "To make it real, make it funny." I always try to go from the emotional place of what they want, so I never just go for the joke.
Yorgos and I love comedy, but I think it's all built from the ground up and it's built into the structure – it's a satire. She's a fish out of water. Here's the basics. They're all trying to control her and can't, the poor things. They're idiots. There's a certain element of comedy that I built into the whole structure. I love funny dialogue.
Copyright ©2024 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: March 9, 2024.
Photo #1 © 2023 Brad Balfour. All rights reserved.
Photos #2 - #5 © 2023 Yorgos Lanthimos and Atsushi Nishijima. Courtesy of Searchlight Pictures. All rights reserved.
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imnotgoinghome · 2 years
Peter Parker
Peter Parker, the famous Spider-Man. While being an Avenger seems cool, he got teased a lot for being a cinnamon roll. He can also be an idiot sometimes, hope someone can put up with him. I know the Avengers can’t, most of the time.
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FYI: They all go to the main pages of the series, you’ll find the chapters there
Alive or Just Breathing? - I would like to warn y’all now; this will be a series, marking my first series ever. Hope y’all enjoy this. Also, this is a sad story with what I hope to make a somewhat happy ending but I haven’t decided yet…
Peter Parker didn’t have an easy job. And after a while, him being gone tended to take a toll on the people he loved . After getting into a fight, he begins to wonder if he can fix your already broken relationship or if it’s coming to an end for good.
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True love - Yes, this is based off the song by Pink (ligit includes lyrics). Not gonna lie, it’s not great but it’s fun, sooo…
Peters way of cheering you up is different then you expected
Time flies when your in love -This one was just wrote in a short amount of time, so it’s not great but I still kinda like
One simple bump in the shoulder can lead to so much more
Peto Burrito - Y’all really liked this one, I’d say fan favorite?
Peters always cute, even when he’s sad
A Sleepover with Secrets - I wrote this one a long time ago and it always cracks me up that I never thought of a summary for it and ligit just made it a quote from the story
“Can I tell you something”
She was wrong - Death is implied. Do with that information what you will. Once again with the quote summary thing, like is it that hard to make a summary?
“I can’t believe she’s really gone”
Crushing - Yes this has a part 2. Are you surprised? The part two wasn’t originally planned, but I’m kinda glad it happened. Third times a charm with the quote.
“You’ve never felt that way about someone?”
The Letters that Meant Nothing - Please just go read the first one (Crushing), then this, makes it easier on me… but I can’t control you so do whatever you want
Brad Davis was determined to get you to go out with him, will letters work?
The Past, the Future, and the Present - Based on a request by oyasumimosura. Also, just FYI, this is more about you then you and Peter. I think Peters mentioned like 5ish times, not 100% sure tho.
The powers you never wanted, caused the things you never wanted to happen
Physically Close - Thank you prompt list. This is definitely a fan favorite. Once AGAIN with the quote. And I’m not kidding when I say the “summary” is what inspired the whole story.
“Y/n, I physically can’t get any closer to you, it’s impossible”
PDA - I’m gonna say it now, if you don’t like PDA, just don’t read it. I mean it’s not bad, but I know some people don’t like it. So if your one of those people and you read this, just keep in mind that I tried to warn you
PDA had never been your thing, but you’ll accept Peters
The Pictures on Your Phone - Btw, in the beginning, I set it up like you were in a place like Main Event or a place like that. But honestly, imagine what you want to.
After finding pictures taken by you on his phone, Peter realizes that his feelings aren’t what he thought they were
Against All Stereotypes - I completely thank my brain (and Pinterest) for this. I hope you guys like it, and I’m well aware that I suck at posting on time but it’s fine
Who would have thought of a Nerd and a Popular Girl being friends?
I Think I Like This Story - For the people wondering, not this I’m not a part of my story ‘Alive or Just Breathing’. Chapter 3 is in the works, trust me but right now I just need a break from thinking about it. It’s not easy for me to write sometimes and I know I just came back from a HUGE writers block, but sometimes we just needs break, ya know? I also have been on vacation so that’s one reason why Chapter 3 Isn’t out yet, but I’ll get working on it soon, trust me. Anyways, hope you guys like this story. It’s just a cute short little blur but I think it’s cute and I hope you guys will too.
With overwhelming stress and anxiety, all you wanted was to get away. But what you failed to realize, was that this get away wasn’t going to end like the rest.
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Holiday Specials:
Christmas but 10 Times Better - I know it’s been awhile, but I’ve been in serious writers block!!! So I hope you guys like it!
Christmas was a special time of year, but you had someone who made it ten times better
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dollycas · 1 year
Cozy Wednesday with Special Guest Kim Davis - Author of Muddled Matrimonial Murder (Cupcake Catering Mystery Series) #GuestPost #Review #Giveaway - Great Escapes Book Tour @Kookiesandbooks
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Welcome to Cozy Wednesday! I am thrilled to welcome Kim Davis to Escape With Dollycas today as part of her Great Escapes Book Tour!
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Muddled Matrimonial Murder (Cupcake Catering Mystery Series) by Kim Davis
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Hi Kim, Thanks so much for having me on your blog, Lori! It’s an honor to share a bit about my writing process and talk about my new release, Muddled Matrimonial Murder. There are, in a nutshell, two kinds of writers: the plotters and the pantsers… that is, those who write by the seat of their pants with little idea where the story is going and often, no idea who the killer will be or even the motivation. I fall firmly into the pantser camp.
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From the time I started writing novels, my engineer husband was practically appalled that I didn’t outline first. And meeting other authors who plot and outline made me decide perhaps I should research how to do it and give it a try. Well, after buying several books on how to plot and outline plus reading a multitude of blog posts on how to do it… I’m still writing by the seat of my pants. You see, I didn’t write at all when faced with having to come up with an outline. It overwhelmed me. But, with a blank page on my laptop and giving my characters free rein to take me for a ride, the words come (mostly) easy, albeit slowly. The downside is it takes several re-writes to make sure the threads of the story all make sense. And I have to fill in a few extra clues while making sure everything is addressed by the end of the story.
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That method has worked well for me until I got about four chapters written on Muddled Matrimonial Murder. It was about at that point I realized I had NO suspects (aside from my core characters). Zero, nada, zilch, none whatsoever. 🤦‍♀️I was already invested in the storyline and didn’t want to scratch the entire thing and start over. So what did I do? For starters, every time I got stuck, I’d take my dog, Missy, for a short walk to clear my head. (And yes, Missy is one of the dogs on the cover. The other dog is my granddaughters’ rescue, Piper.) And then I let my characters—imaginary friends if you will—talk to me… I evidently have a very active imagination. Bit by bit, the solution unfolded. Still, it wasn’t easy since no one but Brad, Emory’s best friend, even knew the victim. It’s much simpler to eventually settle on a killer (from a writer’s perspective) when there are lots of suspects to choose from.
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You might ask if I plan to change my writing methods and try to outline again… and my answer would be, naw… I’m hopeful that my characters will continue to talk me through all my plot holes and help me build a coherent mystery in future books. I hope you enjoy the new book and how Emory and her friends helped me find the killer! Thank you, Kim, for visiting today! Keep reading for information about Kim's new book and my thoughts about it. 
Read the full article
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tvsotherworlds · 1 year
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chrancecriber · 2 years
Radio NET Bulgaria (November 20, 2022)
23:57 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Wake up! 23:52 DAVE KOZ - Only Tomorrow Knows 23:48 GARY MEGGS - A Joyous World 23:43 PETER WHITE - Never Gonna Give You Up 23:38 JODY MAYFIELD - Summer Rain (feat. Michael Tarpley) 23:34 AL DEGREGORIS - Into the Sun 23:30 ROB TARDIK - B Positive (feat. Dave Koz) 23:26 QUINTIN GERARD W. - Air Beneath Your Wings 23:21 MARK MAXWELL - Winter Wonderland 23:17 EUGE GROOVE - Vinyl 23:12 JOY RIDE - Fly By 23:08 VANN BURCHFIELD - You Can Do It 23:04 WALTER BEASLEY - Lovely Day 23:00 WARREN HILL - Skinny Dippin' 22:59 JOYCE COOLING - Coasting 22:55 WILL SUMNER - Jolon Road 22:51 KIM WATERS - In The Fast Lane 22:46 BRAD ALEXANDER - Just Between Us (feat. Donald Hayes) 22:42 PAOLO RUSTICHELLI - Mondorama 22:39 BRIAN CULBERTSON - Deck The Halls 22:35 PATRICK YANDALL - Last Flight Home 22:31 THREESTYLE - Desert Moon 22:27 KIM SCOTT - Back Together Again 22:22 JEFF KASHIWA - 3 22:18 ZOLBERT - Find the Light 22:14 SHARMOND SMITH - Hark The Herald Angels Sing 22:10 TONY SAUNDERS - All Alone 22:06 WAYMAN TISDALE - Conversation Piece (feat. Bob James) 22:02 TERENCE YOUNG - Dance with Her 21:57 JACKIEM JOYNER - J Street 21:54 RICK BRAUN - Love Will Find a Way 21:50 ART FOUR SALE - Feliz Navidad 21:48 MARCUS ANDERSON - Psalm 42 21:43 DREW DAVIDSEN - I Can't Help It (feat. Bobby Lyle) 21:37 PETER WHITE - Good Day 21:33 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - EBF 21:28 BLAKE AARON - Sunday Strut (feat. Najee) 21:25 TONY CRADDOCK JR. - Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! 21:21 DARRON COOKIE - Your Smile 21:17 RONNY SMITH - Smooth 21:12 NELSON RANGELL - Welcome Home 21:07 GREGG KARUKAS - Show Me The Way 21:03 MARK JAIMES - Trigger Happy 20:59 CAROL NETHEN - Pat a Pan 20:56 CHRIS STANDRING - Change The World 20:51 JIM ADKINS - Time With You 20:48 DANIEL DOMENGE - Latin Flavours 20:43 NAJEE - Bottom To The Top 20:40 DEE BROWN - Smooth Talk 20:37 ARIEL B - Candy Cane Love 20:33 RICHARD ELLIOT - Authentic Life 20:28 REZA KHAN - Clear Skies 20:24 BLAIR BRYANT - Sapphire Rain 20:20 DEON YATES - When We Meet Again 20:15 RHYTHM LOGIC - Call Me Tonight 20:11 NEAL DAVIS - Golden Bells 20:07 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Electric 20:03 RYAN LA VALETTE - AMG Power 19:58 THE SAX PACK - Like Old Times 19:53 KAYLA WATERS - Heaven Said (vocal) 19:47 DEE LUCAS - The Grady Curve 19:43 MICHAEL LINGTON - Winter Wonderland, Let It Snow 19:38 KEN NAVARRO - I'll Tell You What 19:34 NILS - Play It 19:29 PETER WHITE - Long Ride Home 19:24 ART RUPRECHT - Wine and Dine 19:20 NORMAN BROWN - Wes Side Story 19:17 KEB' MO' - Moonlight, Mistletoe & You 19:13 RAINFOREST BAND - God's Nature 19:08 AL GOMEZ - Groovetimez 19:03 NICHOLAS COLE - Let's Take a Ride 19:00 PAUL BROWN - Love You Found Me 18:55 ROBERT HARRIS - Cool Breeze 18:51 COOL SPRING JAZZ QUARTET - The First Noel 18:47 DARREN MOTAMEDY - You're Incredible 18:43 NICK COLIONNE - On the Move 18:39 BRANDON WILLIS - Seduction 18:35 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Domino Effect 18:31 VINCENT INGALA - Vintage Vibe 18:28 DIRK K - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 18:24 RANDY SCOTT - Jade Mountain 18:19 OLI SILK - New Bounce 18:15 PIECES OF A DREAM - Ear Candy 18:11 DEAN JAMES - Neon Skies 18:07 MEKIEL REUBEN - No Where Love 18:01 JUSTIN YOUNG - Silver Bells 17:58 CAROL ALBERT - Fly Away Butterfly 17:53 DARRYL WILLIAMS - How Long Has It Been (feat. Jeff Lorber & Marcus Anderson) 17:49 FUNKTASTIC PLAYERS - Feeling Happy 17:45 RICK HABANA - Eclipse 17:41 LOWELL HOPPER - Change of Seasons 17:37 K.VIO, TIM TONIC - O Christmas Tree 17:32 JOHN E. LAWRENCE - Slammin' & Jammin' 17:28 BRIAN BROMBERG - Come To Me 17:23 PETER WHITE - Just My Imagination 17:18 WILL DONATO - Everlasting 17:13 DREAMING IN COLOUR - The Dream Merchant 17:09 SYLVIA BENNETT - A Rainbow Christmas 17:05 LES SABLER - Three Dee 17:01 SAM BASSMAN JENKINS - That's The Way Of The World 16:58 BRIAN SIMPSON - Daybreak 16:54 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - Hustle 16:50 BIRDS OF A FEATHER - Phoenix Rising 16:46 DAVID BENOIT - Angels We Have Heard On High 16:42 ADAM HAWLEY - 35Th St. (Feat. Eric Darius) 16:38 DANNY LERMAN - Gotcha! 16:33 ANDRE DELANO - Full Circle 16:29 ERIC MARIENTHAL - Your Move 16:24 JEREMY HECTOR - Spray Bay 16:21 HARPER, GUS AND GOMEZ - Christmas Time 16:17 BEN TANKARD - Thicker Than Water (Reality TV Mix) 16:13 FREDDIE FOX - No U Turn 16:09 GABRIEL MARK HASSELBACH - Vanishing Summer 16:04 NATE WHITE - Step up to the Plate 16:00 CHRIS GODBER - Essential (feat. Jordan Love) 15:59 RONALD BOO HINKSON - Second Look 15:54 BONEY JAMES - Camouflage 15:50 SMOOTH SOUL HOLIDAY - Silent Night 15:46 UNDER THE LAKE - Can't Believe It's True 15:41 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Rock the Boat 15:37 ROCCO VENTRELLA - In My Arms 15:32 DAVID PETROSYAN - Forgive Me 15:28 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Surviving the Storm 15:25 DANA FIELDS - Christmas Time Is Here 15:20 GERRY SMOOTH - Rise Above (feat. Maestro J.) 15:16 PETER WHITE - Bueno Funk 15:11 MARC ANTOINE - Silk And Steel 15:04 JEFFERY SMITH - The Chill Zone 15:00 JULIAN VAUGHN - Loving You 14:59 TIM BOWMAN - Into The Blue 14:55 SPECIAL EFX - Mother of Pearl 14:51 R. HARRIS - Blu Twilight (feat. Andrew Nixon, Ignacio Nunez & Dean Rickard) 14:48 DR. SAXLOVE - O Come All Ye Faithful 14:43 DARREN RAHN - Sonic Boom (feat. Jonathan Fritzen) 14:39 SPONTANEOUS GROOVIN' COMBUSTION - Double Deuces 14:36 PEET PROJECT - Lightyears 14:31 ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY - Lilac Lane 14:27 PAUL TAYLOR - Club 702 14:23 CHRISTMAS CAROLS - Happy Christmas 14:19 MARION MEADOWS - No Wind, No Rain 14:13 KEIKO MATSUI - A Night With Cha Cha from Soul Quest 14:09 STEVE OLIVER - Ba Aye 14:04 LISA ADDEO - Stay With Me Tonight 14:00 ERIC DARIUS - Nu Trane Of Thought 13:58 JEANETTE HARRIS - Passing Time 13:54 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Tell Me Why (Feat. Paul Brown) 13:49 DANIEL D. - Jingle Bell Groove 13:44 DAVE KOZ - Just To Be Next To You 13:41 JODY MAYFIELD - Right Now (feat. Bill Hart) 13:36 AL DEGREGORIS - All Over The Place (Feat. Eric Marienthal) 13:32 ROB TARDIK - That's a Strut 13:27 QUINTIN GERARD W. - Changing Signs 13:23 NATHAN WOODWARD - Angels We Have Heard 13:18 EUGE GROOVE - Talk To Me 13:13 PETER WHITE - Requiem For A Princess 13:08 JOY RIDE - Trade Winds 13:05 VANN BURCHFIELD - We Can Do This 13:00 WALTER BEASLEY - La Nina 12:58 WARREN HILL - Oh Girl 12:53 JOYCE COOLING - Jelly on My Jacket 12:49 WILL SUMNER - First Light 12:45 JACK JEZZRO - White Christmas 12:41 KIM WATERS - Walking On Air 12:36 BRAD ALEXANDER - Like the Dew 12:32 PAOLO RUSTICHELLI - Vagabond 12:28 PATRICK YANDALL - Viejo Amigo 12:24 THREESTYLE - Bring It Up 12:20 BRADLEY LEIGHTON - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 12:16 KIM SCOTT - J's Groove 12:12 JEFF KASHIWA - The Attraction 12:08 ZOLBERT - Above the Clouds 12:04 TONY SAUNDERS - Unlimited Access 12:00 RAGAN WHITESIDE - How Do You Know (vocal) 11:58 WAYMAN TISDALE - Watch Me Play Again (feat. Robert Wilson from The Gap Band) 11:53 TERENCE YOUNG - Island Love 11:49 SHIN GIWON CHRISTMAS CAROL COLLECTION - All I Want For Christmas Is You 11:45 JACKIEM JOYNER - Close 2 You 11:40 RICK BRAUN - Missing in Venice 11:34 MARCUS ANDERSON - Clean Heart 11:30 DREW DAVIDSEN - Don't Delay 11:26 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - Let's Ride 11:22 JONATHAN BUTLER - Winter Wonderland 11:17 BLAKE AARON - Groovers and Shakers (feat. Darren Rahn) 11:14 DARRON COOKIE - Other Places 11:08 PETER WHITE - Wake Up Everybody 11:04 JEFF RYAN - Sweet Spot 11:00 RONNY SMITH - I'm Beside You 10:56 NELSON RANGELL - Reasons 10:52 GREGG KARUKAS - Happy The Man 10:49 MARK JAIMES - ABC 10:45 PEGGY DUQUESNEL - Breath of Heaven 10:41 CHRIS STANDRING - Too Close for Comfort 10:37 JIM ADKINS - A Kiss From You 10:32 GREG MANNING - For the Love of You 10:28 DANIEL DOMENGE - French Connection 10:24 NAJEE - Modern Lovers 10:22 ART MORRIS - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town 10:17 ALEXANDER ZONJIC - Nature Boy 10:14 DEE BROWN - Love You Too 10:10 RICHARD ELLIOT - Summer Madness 10:04 REZA KHAN - Midnight Runner 10:00 BLAIR BRYANT - Red Tiger 09:58 DEON YATES - Quintastic 09:53 RHYTHM LOGIC - There for You 09:48 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Turn Back Time 09:45 YOLANDA RABUN - That's What I Want for Christmas 09:40 RYAN LA VALETTE - No Limits 09:36 THE SAX PACK - Can't Help Myself 09:32 KAYLA WATERS - Spirit Awakening 09:28 DEE LUCAS - To Be Continued 09:24 KEN NAVARRO - Walking Each Other Home 09:21 AARON BING - Away In A Manger 09:17 NILS - Shine Your Light On Me 09:13 ART RUPRECHT - Living in the Son 09:08 PETER WHITE - Drive By Night 09:04 RAINFOREST BAND - Caribbean Sunset 09:00 NORMAN BROWN - Back At Ya 08:55 3RD FORCE - Follow Me Home 08:50 AL GOMEZ - Closer to You 08:46 SHAKATAK - Christmas With You 08:42 NICHOLAS COLE - Whodat 08:38 JAY KING - My Song 08:34 AMANDUS - Chrome Improvement 08:30 ROBERT HARRIS - New Day 08:26 PAUL BROWN - Right Back At Ya 08:21 GERALD ALBRIGHT - Silent Night 08:17 DARREN MOTAMEDY - After the Storm 08:14 BRANDON WILLIS - Its Always Been You 08:10 KEITH MASON - End of Days 08:06 NICK COLIONNE - Just Being Me 08:00 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Soaring like an eagle Sax Remix 07:58 KENNY PORE - Touching Hearts Today 07:54 VINCENT INGALA - Can't Stop The Rain From Falling 07:50 WAKANA - Go for the Sound (feat. Darren Rahn & Koh Mr.Saxman) 07:46 DAMIEN ESCOBAR - Joy To The World 07:42 RANDY SCOTT - Sanctity 07:39 OLI SILK - All We Need 07:35 SHAUN LABELLE - Desert Nights 07:31 ALTHEA RENE - Pastel Leather 07:27 PIECES OF A DREAM - Gettin' Through It 07:23 U - NAM 07:18 DEAN JAMES - Can You Feel It 07:14 LIN ROUNTREE - Me for Me 07:09 MEKIEL REUBEN - Lovely Day 07:05 PETER WHITE - Deep In My Heart 07:00 DARRYL WILLIAMS - Here to Stay (feat. Euge Groove) 06:55 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - Loving 2 06:51 FUNKTASTIC PLAYERS - Cooling In My Ride 06:46 BRIAN LENAIR - O Come All Ye Faithful 06:42 RICK HABANA - Ocean Breeze 06:38 LOWELL HOPPER - Resurgence 06:33 JOHN E. LAWRENCE - Step into a Dream 06:28 VINCENT IOIA - No Time Like Now (feat. Bill Heller) 06:25 WILL DONATO - Always You (Feat. Steve Oliver) 06:22 CHRIS 'BIG DOG' DAVIS - White Christmas 06:17 DREAMING IN COLOUR - Yearbook 06:13 LES SABLER - City Rhythm 06:09 SAM BASSMAN JENKINS - Feel So Good 06:05 SEAN U - Xlr8 06:00 BIRDS OF A FEATHER - Above the Clouds 05:56 ADAM HAWLEY - Shuffle (Feat. Darren Rahn) 05:51 DERRICK HARVIN - Colombiana 05:47 BOBBY WELLS - Oooh Baby 05:45 HANK BILAL - Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow 05:41 DANNY LERMAN - Meow Baby 05:37 ANDRE DELANO - Vocalistic 05:33 ERIC MARIENTHAL - Just Around The Corner 05:29 JEREMY HECTOR - Clarity 05:25 NATE WHITE - Migration 05:21 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Oh Come All Ye Faithful 05:17 BEN TANKARD - It's Working 05:13 FREDDIE FOX - Day Dreamin' 05:08 GABRIEL MARK HASSELBACH - Litmus Test 05:04 PETER WHITE - Festival 05:00 CHRIS GODBER - West Coast Soul 04:59 RONALD BOO HINKSON - She's Mine (The Girl Is Mine) 04:54 BONEY JAMES - Got It Goin' On 04:48 BROOKE ALFORD - The Christmas Song (By the Fireside) 04:44 UNDER THE LAKE - Bridgetown 04:41 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Just the Two of Us 04:35 KIRK WHALUM - Afterthought 04:31 ROCCO VENTRELLA - Soulful Strut 04:26 DAVID PETROSYAN - Everytime You Go 04:23 HERB ALPERT - Merry Christmas, Darling 04:19 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Thinkin' Back on When 04:14 GERRY SMOOTH - I'm Glad You're Here 04:10 MARC ANTOINE - Spooky 04:05 JEFFERY SMITH - Southern Style 04:00 JULIAN VAUGHN - Sunday 03:56 TIM BOWMAN - Heart & Soul 03:52 SHAWN RAIFORD - In the Moment 03:48 DAVID GARFIELD - Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! 03:44 SPECIAL EFX - Never Ending Love 03:39 wo Years On (feat. Jimmy Engher, Monte Mann, Ignacio Nunez & Dean Rickard) 03:35 DARREN RAHN - Revelation 03:31 SPONTANEOUS GROOVIN' COMBUSTION - Road to Redemption 03:27 PEET PROJECT - Tell Me You Want It 03:23 LISA MCCLOWRY - It Wouldn't Feel Like Christmas 03:17 ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY - Only in My Dreams 03:13 GARY PALMER - Land of the Sun 03:09 PAUL TAYLOR - Friday@5 03:04 PETER WHITE - City Of Lights 03:00 MARION MEADOWS - Any Time Any Place 02:58 KEIKO MATSUI - Black Lion 02:55 STEVE OLIVER - Watching the World 02:51 LISA ADDEO - Never Enough 02:46 CHIELI MINUCCI - Little Drummer Boy's Dream 02:42 JOE MCBRIDE, THE TEXAS RHYTHM CLUB - Kickin' It 02:38 ERIC DARIUS - Jean Maries Groove (Dedication for Prvcy Jeans) 02:35 PAUL TUVMAN - In My Life 02:29 JEANETTE HARRIS - Here & Now 02:25 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - After Hours 02:21 THE TIMELESS QUINTET - Mary Did You Know 02:17 DAVE KOZ - Surrender 02:13 JODY MAYFIELD - Where Would I Be (feat. Heidi McLaughlin) 02:08 AL DEGREGORIS - Autumn Chill 02:04 ROB TARDIK - Two Much Fun 02:00 QUINTIN GERARD W. - Roundtrip LAX 01:56 EUGE GROOVE - Good Night 01:51 JOY RIDE - Raise The Roof 01:47 KIMBERLY BREWER - Every Day Feels Like Christmas 01:44 VANN BURCHFIELD - Ain't No Body 01:39 WALTER BEASLEY - Skip To My Lew 01:35 WARREN HILL - Mojo 01:31 JOYCE COOLING - South of Market 01:27 WILL SUMNER - The Girl 01:23 JOHN FLUKER - Oh Come All Ye Faithful (Instrumental) 01:19 BRAD ALEXANDER - It's About Time (feat. Dee Lucas) 01:14 KIM WATERS - The Moment I See You 01:09 BRIAN SIMPSON - Mystical 01:04 PETER WHITE - Romance Dance 01:00 PAOLO RUSTICHELLI - Voyager 00:59 PATRICK YANDALL - One Last Look 00:55 THREESTYLE - SteppinÂ'up (feat. Magdalena Chovancova & Robert Fertl) 00:50 KIM SCOTT - Poolside 00:47 NICK DUKAS - This Is Christmas 00:43 JEFF KASHIWA - When Will I Know 00:39 ZOLBERT - One 00:34 TONY SAUNDERS - Highway 5 00:30 RAGAN WHITESIDE - Options (vocal) 00:26 WAYMAN TISDALE - Let's Do It Again 00:22 GARY MEGGS - Hark The Dancing Angels 00:17 ANDY SNITZER - She Loves Me 00:14 TERENCE YOUNG - Take You Out 00:10 JACKIEM JOYNER - Take Me There 00:05 RICK BRAUN - Amor de mi vida (Love of my Life) 00:00 ROBERT CHRISTA - Let It Go
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thebisexualdogdad · 2 years
Brad Davis from spiderman x male reader established.
Peter asks brad to not try and date MJ and brad is just like “dude what? Don’t get me wrong MJ’s cool and all but I already got someone.”
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Peter was jealous, he thought Brad was trying to make a move on MJ before he could and after losing out on 5 years in the blip and denying Nick Fury himself help to save the world again he just wanted something to go right for him. 
MJ and Brad were sat next to each other on the plane ride to Europe, watching movies and sharing headphones Peter felt like he was missing out on his chance. 
Once they landed Ned and his new outlook on life now that he and Betty had somehow become a couple over the last 10 hours suggested Peter be an adult and just talk to Brad. 
Peter of course didn't want to seem desperate and was against it but had no choice when the two of them were alone in the bathroom together while the group waited for the tour bus to arrive. 
"You okay Peter?" Brad asks noticing Peter acting jumpy. 
"I'm fine but Brad… you don't happen to like MJ do you?" Peter says nervously. 
"Yeah I like MJ she's smart and funny who wouldn't like her," Brad states casually. 
"No I mean like… do you like her like you want to ask her out on a date cause I really like MJ and was planning on asking her out in Paris but then you guys were acting all couply on the plane ride and-," Peter rambles but Brad cuts him off. 
"Dude what? Don't me get wrong, MJ is cool and all but I already got someone," Brad chuckles. 
"You do? I didn't know you were dating someone," Peter sighs in relief. 
"Yeah, Y/N Y/L/N, we're keeping it on the downlow right now and I really wish he was in debate so he could have come on this trip with us but I'll be sending him plenty of pictures," Brad smiles. 
"That's great I mean, I'm happy for you guys," Peter says. 
"MJ is all yours man but may I suggest getting a move on asking her out cause she really seems to dig you too she wouldn't stop talking about you on the plane but you can't leave a girl like her waiting around forever," Brad says patting Peter's shoulder and leaving the bathroom. 
"Ned was right, all I had to do was talk it out… now I just have to tell MJ how I feel… this is gonna be a long trip," Peter says to himself in the mirror, "but now that I think about it Brad and Y/N do make a cute couple, we should double date sometime."
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motion-pic · 3 years
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I guess I went a little crazy, huh?
― No, you’ve always been crazy. This is just the first chance you’ve ever had to really express yourself.
Thelma & Louise (1991) dir. Ridley Scott
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Unsteady | Brad Davis x Filipina!Reader (Oneshot)
Prompt: Darkness
Words: 1580
Fandom: Marvel (MCU)
Warning: Quentin Beck is petty and shameless because he will not hesitate to kill or kidnap a high schooler, so...
A/N: @mjaudrey Sorry it took so long. I had so many wip drafts backed up and I almost forgot about this one.
Summary: After the revelation of Mysterio’s true colors, you and your friends were ready to support Peter on going against him. Before you could do anything, you are kidnapped and no one finds out about it until the next day. Continuation of [Illusion].
All you saw was darkness. You weren’t even sure whether you had opened your eyes or not because of how pitch black the room was. The last thing you remembered was entering your room before you felt a pinch on your neck and everything went dark.
You couldn’t call out to Peter. He had just left to tell Fury about Mysterio. Your brother was in his room and by now, so was Brad. You weren’t even sure if there was any point calling out to them. There was no indication that you were still in the hotel. There was no reason why you’d be targeted, as far as you could tell. Sure, you knew about Peter’s superhero identity and you knew the truth about Mysterio, but you weren’t that important. You didn’t want anything bad to happen to any of your friends, but surely Michelle or your brother would have been a target instead.
“She’s waking up, Mr. Beck,” someone said above you.
“Took long enough,” the familiar voice of Mysterio, or Quentin Beck, shouted. “Jesus, what did you guys put in that sleeping dart? We're trying to kidnap a small high schooler, not an elephant. I haven’t decided if I’m going to kill her yet, which is unfortunate.”
You tried to push your way through the fogginess, lifting yourself up with shaky arms. Lights flashed on from above, blinding you for a minute. The afterimage was still burned in your eyes as you blinked awake, taking in the scene before you. There was a woman in a lab coat sitting next to you on what looked to be rafters. Passing the railings looked to be like a sound stage with Quentin Beck standing in the middle wearing a CGI suit and EDITH on his face.
Hands shoot out to steady you as you stumbled towards the railings, putting all of your weight against the metal rods. You glared down at the phony superhero, hating how nonchalant he was being. Behind the shades was madness threatening to burst through.
“Why am I here?” you said.
Quentin’s face twisted into a frown, raising a hand behind his ear. “Sorry, what was that?” he mocked.
“Why the hell am I here, greasy man?” you shouted.
He clicked his tongue at this, clapping his hands. A swarm of drones appeared around him, flying in sync with each other. One drone turned around and pointed a red laser at your forehead.
“We can’t risk having my cover blown, so I’m afraid that your little friends and your boyfriend have to go. But, I still need Peter for the final act and you-” He jabs a finger in your direction “-I’m going to need you for it.”
“So, why threaten to kill me if you need me?”
He smirked. “You’re sharp, not like your spider friend. You know, talking to him and having to hear about all of his teenage angst, it really fully sunk in that this person that’s been hailed a hero and given all of these powers, in the end, he’s just a boy. But, you, my dear, are something else. You were my first choice to use. If you don’t fully cooperate and start causing problems, I will not hesitate to have that drone shoot… and then I’ll move on to someone else. Maybe Spidey's girlfriend, though I doubt she would be easy either. Maybe your brother… or your boyfriend?”
“Are you really that pathetic that you’d mess with high schoolers during their school trip now that none of the Avengers are around?” you spat, anger coursing through your veins and making you momentarily forget that you literally had a target on your head as you talked down a villain that had no issues killing kids.
“If the Avengers were so great, then where are they?” he shouted, stepping closer, “What did they do throughout those five years that half of our world was gone? Humans are so desperate for a savior, for someone else to solve their problems. I’ve bided my time, waiting for the right moment to strike, to show the world what a true hero looks like!”
“If you were a true hero, then you would have stepped up despite Tony Stark! All I see is a coward that’s attacking when his enemy is already dead. Do you know how many people crawl out of the woodworks, claiming to have their lives ruined because of Tony frickin’ Stark, only to be defeated by him.You know why? Because they were too arrogant, too… unstable.”
Your brother had always told you that you should have been in Midtown’s debate team, but you hated the attention on you, hated confrontation against someone else that would resort to being petty just to win a stupid debate. This was different, though. This wasn’t to debate about school issues against a privileged student. This was a matter of life and death. Still, you could feel your body shaking as you tried to maintain eye contact with him, not wanting to back down or let him know that you were scared.
At the word ‘unstable’ Quentin twitched, his face twisting into a snarl. “But, Tony Stark isn’t here, missy,” he growled, clicking his fingers.
Arms grabbed you on either side, holding you down as a needle was injected into your neck and you were consumed by darkness once again.
“(Y/n)? Are you still there?” Brad called, knocking on your door, his luggage at his side. He planned on walking down to the lobby with you and sitting together on the bus, but you weren’t answering any of his calls.
“Hey, she’s still in there?” Ned asked, walking over, “That’s… not like her.”
“You don’t think…,” Brad trailed off, not wanting to think the worse had happened and that there wasn’t anything he could have done to prevent it.
Ned looked around and spotted a housekeeper with her cleaning cart. “Excuse me, my sister forgot something in her room and she already turned her card in, can you please-” The housekeeper pursed her lips, taking out her card and opening the door for them “-Thank you so much! We’re just going to be quick…”
Ned and Brad walked in together, the whole room spotless and not a sign that you were ever there. Not even your luggage was left. The only thing that stood out was the window that was wide open. Ned looked out the window before closing it, his expression unreadable as he looked at Brad.
“Maybe she’s already downstairs?” he asked hopefully.
For the first time, Ned had no reply to that, walking past Brad to collect his own luggage before heading towards the elevator silently. Brad turned to follow when something under the bed caught his eye. He knelt down and picked up the object, his SD card that you took. You wouldn’t have carelessly dropped something as important as this, right?
When Brad made his way down, the others were already loading up into the bus. Everyone was bummed out that their Europe trip was cut short, but the gloominess was felt on another level as Brad and Ned were currently the only ones that even noticed that you were gone still. The teachers already believed Peter’s story and thought nothing of his absence. What were they going to do when they realized that you were missing?
His eyes landed on Michelle, who was already worried for Peter, but seeing that you were not with your brother or Brad made her fists clench. They were both new to Peter’s secret identity and there was so much weight already felt on their shoulders by being the only ones that knew of it, this helplessness. Yet, you and Ned had kept this a secret for almost six years.
As he sat down on the bus, his anxiety rising as the teachers had yet to question your absence, he stuffed his hand in his pocket where he stashed the SD card. If anything happened, he now held something that stood between Mysterio and what he wanted, to fool the world that he’s some perfect hero.
He looked over at Ned who was sitting quietly, nodding and humming along to what Betty was saying. Brad really wanted to ask him what to do. Were they just expected to just wait? Cover up anything suspicious by giving excuses or some kind of distraction?
“Ned, where’s your sister?” Mr. Harington finally asked.
Ned, the fluent liar, took a minute too long to respond. His mouth opened and closed as he tried to slow down his brain enough to come up with a coherent sentence. “I… I…”
“I’ve just texted her,” Brad said, “She had gone back to her room to grab something and missed the bus. She’s trying to catch a cab to meet us there.”
“This is why we have buddy systems!” Mr. Dell said.
“Wouldn’t that mean that two people would be missing, then?” Flash commented.
Mr. Dell sighed. “Sit down. Everyone, sit. We’ll do another head count once we reach the station. Davis, Leeds, keep us updated on (Y/n)’s status.”
“Will do,” Brad and Ned answered.
As everything settled down, Michelle leaned over to Brad. “What do you think happened? Why (Y/n)?”
Brad shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m sure Peter would find out and deal with it.”
Michelle grunted, looking out the window. Peter better hurry it up, then. Who knows what Quentin Beck would do next?
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sweatpeeee · 4 years
Love potion AU (part2)
yo yo yo yo yooooooooo
wassup guys, I FINALLY have part 2 ready!!!!! It only took me forever. but yeah! I hope you guys enjoy! Thanks for all the love and support btw! thank you so much for 114 followers!!! genuinely so amazing! anyways with no further adieu, her is part 2 (hey that rhymed lmao)
Warnings: swearing, passing out, Peter being petty, Brad being concerned. and i think that’s it! LMK if I missed anything! :)
  It seemed the peter couldn’t suppress the giddy smile on his face, the boy basically skipping down the hallway with a tiny glass vial closed off with corkscrew twirling between his fingers. The substance glowed blue, but only when it was stirred did the liquid radiate. Peter felt his heart race at the thought of having MJ in his arms finally noticing and loving him the way he’s always dreamed. He imagined walking down the hall with his hand in Michelles as she leaned her on his shoulder, Peter’s ears burned red at these intrusive innocent thoughts that crossed his mind. His pace was fast to his locker, too excited at the power that the little container held. 
“What is that?” Peter felt his soul leave his body at the sudden question from his best friend who was breathing down his neck. Peter spun around gasping and clutching his chest.
“Ah! Ned! What the Hell?!?” Slowly feeling his body untense, his breathing still rapid. 
“What is that” Ned asked again nonchalantly as if he didn’t almost give his best friend a heart attack. 
“Oh, uh… it’s- you know... it’s web fluid-” Of course, Peter’s best friend knew he was lying-not mentioning that peter’s voice goes up six octaves when he lies. 
“You seem to forget that I am your best friend and that I have actually seen what your web fluid really looks like.” The boy with a bucket hat lifted up his brow unamused. 
“God, Fine I’ll tell you- but you have to promise me you wont get mad at me or tell anyone.” Peter whispered while leaning towards his friend. Ned leaned closer too, slightly giddy. 
“It’s a love potion-” The boy mutters, Ned shoots his head up, beyond shocked. 
“ No, No, no, no. I am NAWT letting you do that- nope-” The outburst caused many students to cast their gaze at the two boys, muttering a few insults that the bucket hat boy didn’t seem to pay attention to. 
“Ned, would you shut up??? Just listen-” Peters hands were waving around trying to get his friend to quiet down, “And you promised you wouldn’t get mad!-” 
“No! I am mad!  Because it’s about time I tell you how INSANE you sound!-” Ned began to whisper aggressively with teeth clenched shut, “I mean you cannot be serious! That's genuinely horrible, Peter and I’m deadass disappointed in you-” 
“What’s horrible?” The sudden quiet and soft voice broke their bickering- both boys froze with wide eyes and turned  towards you. Your books clutched to your chest, your fingers picking at your already damaged binder.
“Y/n! Hey! Uh… when did you get here?” Peter’s hand whipped behind his back to hide the substance that would help with his goal to win over a girls heart. 
“Um.. A few minutes ago- what were you guys talking about?” You sensed they were hiding something but couldn’t quite put your finger on it. You simply gave them a confused glance. Ned’s smile was strained but sweet nonetheless, peter sweating buckets next to him. 
“N-Nothing! Nope, nothing at all- just how… uh,” Ned glanced at Peter for any sort of help, the brunette shrugged helplessly, “Just how- how dumb-” Ned lands a pinch to Peter’s forearm- resulting in a wince and yelp from the boy, “-Peter is for not consulting with us about a…. OH- A movie night without us!” Ned grumbled between his clenched yet smiling state, “Right Pete?”
“Y-Yeah! Of course! Caught me ha ha… um yeah I just wanted to surprise you guys- you know what they say…. Surprises never come often!” He clears his throat… His palm sweaty from your perplexed gaze. 
“God, I forget how absolutely weird you guys are. Whatever- uh movie sounds great but I think I won't be able to make it-” You began backing up to head to your first period, unwilling to be around the boy you swooned over. It’s probably best you stayed away to avoid heartbreak. Plus, he was most likely going to invite MJ and you weren’t in the mood to see your crush drool over your best friend, that was until a figure placed their arm around your shoulders. 
“I think she means she can’t wait to have a movie night!” Speak of the devil. MJ dragged you back to the two boys who were still trying to act casual. 
“MJ, please- I really-” You muttered until the curly haired girl cut you off, 
“No, y/n- you can’t bail and expect things to stop being difficult- come on.” She muttered back, “so who’s house?” she smirked. You glanced at Peter, already becoming a flushed mess, his mouth tripping over his own tongue. 
“W-we can go to- to uh- to mine… if you guys want..-” You would’ve thought that stutter was adorable if only the reason wasn’t for your best friend's presence that was making him blush. 
“Cool. 8pm, no later.” and with that, she spins around and heads to class right as the bell rings.    
Y/n felt uneasy the rest of the day- feeling her stomach drop at the sheer thought of going to the movie night just to watch Peter drool over her best friend. 
As the final bell of the day rang, y/n gathered her things and headed to her locker in a hurry- in hopes to avoid her group of friends. She shuts her locker and spins towards the exit, only to run into someone- felt like a brick wall honestly. Looking up to meet the tall figures' eyes to apologize, your eyes widen. 
“Hey, Y/n!” The boy smirked looking down at you, showing his bright clean teeth.
“Oh, Brad- I’m so sorry I wasn’t even aware-”
“No! You’re all good! It was my fault I should’ve warned you or something-” Brad laughed, his eyes crinkling on the edges. You had to admit that Brad was very attractive. He has a strong build and was very kind, he always seemed to be very happy to be around you. Lately Brad has been hanging out with you during lunch or in between classes, He even offered to become your year long chemistry partner. You would even go as far as consider Brad a friend. 
“Well, sorry anyway” You looked down at your shoes before forcing yourself to look up at your eyes, “uh, how can I help you?” You couldn’t help but blush at his intense gaze. 
“Well, I swear I had it at the tip of my tongue but I seemed…” He smirked as he leaned his hand on the locker next to your head- you felt yourself shrink under him, “- to get lost in those beautiful y/e/c eyes of yours. I must’ve forgotten what I was trying to tell you.” your cheeks and ears burned red. 
“Oh god- Brad stop that-” You giggled as you ducked under his arm to walk towards the school doors. Brad followed with an easy strut, of course it didn’t take much to catch up to you- The dude was tall as hell. 
Brad let out a hearty laugh, now walking next to you, “now, you know I’m just teasing you y/n- I love the way you get all hot and bothered when I compliment you.” You just shook your head with a grin adorning your features, “Hey, is it ok if I walk you home?” You look up at the kind boy, happy at the idea that at least someone wants to be around you voluntarily.
“I mean-” right then you feel an arm drape over my shoulder and interrupt your conversation. 
“Hey, Brad! How’s it going dude,” MJ lets go of you for a second and gives him a bro hug. 
“Hey MJ, it’s going pretty good- Just chatting with this cutie. Wondering if I could walk her home today.” He flashed you a grin accompanied with a wink. Your face hot as you avoided MJ’s growing smirk. 
“Hey, you can walk with us- were all having a movie night at Peter’s if you want to come along?” Brad’s face seemed to light up at the suggestion, 
“Woah, hey seriously? That’d be awesome! Well, if it’s cool with you guys? You sure Peter won’t mind?” his brows furrowed in worry. 
“Of course not! Pete’s a chill dude, he won’t care at all.” 
“Can someone explain to me why the hell Brad Davis is walking behind us with our y/n?” Peter couldn’t keep the venomous words from leaving his mouth the second they were far enough from the pair behind them. 
MJ chuckled at his frustration as Ned watched with curious eyes as to why his friend was so pressed. 
“Would you relax, he just wants to be near Y/n because he likes her.” MJ bumps Peter in the shoulder with her own, making him stumble a bit with a grunt. 
“Ok but why y/n?” He mumbles
“Woah-” Ned gasps in shock to Peter’s words
“No, no- I didn’t mean-” 
“Peter, you have no right saying what y/n can and cannot do and in who she talks to.” MJ could’ve caused physical pain to that boy with the glare she was giving him. Peter grumbled to himself- knowing his crush was right. The thought of y/n and Brad flirting didn’t sit well with him. 
“Wait- so Brad is having a movie night with us?” Ned peered behind them to see Brad poking his finger towards y/n’s side making her burst in giggles and attempt to push Brad's fingers away.
 MJ and Peter share a glance. The curly haired brunette squints, “what was that, Peter?” Challenging him to repeat his statement. 
“God, fine.” It comes out as a Scoff. He just wanted to get home so he could set his plan in motion. He could already tell MJ was beginning to grow annoyed with him already. 
“Shh- Brad, you c-can’t say stuff like that!” Your sweet laughter started to get on Peter’s nerves. His knuckles white as he unlocks the door and pushes in. 
What the hell is so funny? Of course this plan is going to be ruined with them constantly giggling and flirting- 
“Yo- Pete! Is it chill if I use your bathroom?” Brad's voice reaches Peter as he slings his backpack next to the door, just the thought of Brad staying at his apartment, eating his snacks and flirting with his y/n- he stops himself, he must be getting too protective over his friends. 
“It’s fine-“ he mutters before hearing a door close in the direction of his bathroom, Peter crouches to the movie cabinet, scanning every CD for hopefully a star wars movie, “finally some peace and quiet around here-“ 
“You ok Pete?” Your soft voice startled him- his head spins to his right- meeting your soft gaze. 
“Y-yeah it’s all good.” Hoping she didn’t hear his relief of Brad's absence. 
“Are you sure? You seem really tense,” Peter couldn’t find an excuse, looking around for one until his eyes landed on MJ laughing about something with Ned. Y/n noticed, “oh… is it because of MJ?” Her mood drained, all that talking with Brad distracted her from why she really didn’t want to go over for movie night. 
That has to be it- yeah, that’s why he’s irritated. He doesn’t want things to go wrong with MJ. 
He nods slightly. Y/n lips part, words she’s been itching to say about to leave her mouth before- 
“Hey, y/n! Check out this puppy wearing a lion costume!” Brad was holding up his phone in your direction. You glanced back then smiled at Peter and turned towards Brad. You smiled as the video played, a little smiling pout rested on your lips, Brad gazed at you- one would call them heart eyes, Peter would call it disgusting. Brad looked at Peter and winked. 
God this guy is insufferable. 
30 minutes into Back to Future, Peter unwillingly agreed to watch after a stern glare from Ned, and Brad was quite cuddled up to y/n. Peter had no idea why he was acting the way he was, he just didn’t trust Brad to take care of her and treat her right, he seemed like a player to Peter. Peter shook the negative thoughts out of his head before deciding that he should now start setting his plan into motion. 
“Anyone want a drink?” Peter stood, straightening out his jeans. 
“Yeah I’d like one,” Brad nodded, still watching TV, then shifted his eye’s to Y/n, “ What about you, Y/n?” You looked up at Brad and smiled, a small nod. Peter could all but roll his eyes. 
“Ned? MJ?” His eyes silently pleading that his crush says yes. Ned nods, MJ contemplates then shrugs.  
Peter nearly runs to the kitchen, pulling out the glowing vile from his pocket. Setting out 4 cups, pouring in some kool-aid he made earlier in the morning. Slowly he lifts the pitcher, filling 3 cups generously except for the fourth one. He pops open the tube with the chemical, remembering distinctly what Mr. Strange had told him. 
Absolutely no more than 3 drops. Any more than 3 drops and we’ll have some serious problems. Do I make myself clear? 
“Just 3. No more than 3, you got this Peter.” Peter focused intently on the tube, watching as the liquid dripped…
“Yo! Peter! You good with those drinks?” 
Peter could’ve screamed. He could’ve ripped his hair out. But there he stood with his jaw on the floor, with a cup full of, not 3 but 6, drops of the enchantment. Brad came strolling in, grabbing the infected drink and a clean one- 
“WAIT BRAD- DONT!” Peter nearly trampled the guy- making Brad jolt and spill some of the drink in his shirt. 
“Jesus Peter! What the hell is your problem??” Brad set the cups down on the small table in the living room with the girls as he made his way to the restroom. 
“What happened?” MJ was about to get out of her seat to check out the noise. 
“N-nothing! Nothing!” Peter peered at his friends, meeting with concerned eyes, ”It’s all good! Brad just uh- he spilled some of the drink on his shirt- Hey Ned I need assistance-“ Peter spoke through his teeth, attempting to reassure the girls. Ned looked around confused as well as the two girls sharing perplexed glances. 
“Code Death Star” he harshly whispered- 
Bed shot up out of his seat and rushed with Peter to the kitchen. 
“What happened???” Ned whispers while he  avoided the puddle of kool aid on the floor. 
“Brad happened! I was just putting in the drops like Mr.Strange told me, then Brad scared me and 6 drops slipped in-“ 
“6 drops?!??” Ned was quickly muted by Peter's hand slapping over his mouth. 
“Shhh keep it down, dude-“ 
Ned rips Peter's hand off, “Dude we have no idea what that could do! What if she pukes for the rest of her life?? What if it does the exact opposite of making her like you?? What if she dies-“ 
“I don’t know what it could do! We just need to make sure that no one touches that drink!” Peter then sees from his peripheral vision, his spider senses going haywire, a Y/n stuck with a grimace on her face. 
A red cup in her hand. 
No… nonononononono- don’t tell me-
“ No offense Peter, but this shits disgusting- tastes like medicine if you ask me.” You gag lightly, “god- it’s got a horrible aftertaste too- I swear you’re out to kill me Peter” you giggle. Walking past them and throwing out the cup. 
Peter found this anything but funny- Neds eyes went wide- absolute shock ran through both of the boys. 
“What? Is there something on my face?” You began rubbing your cheeks and your lips. The boys staying stoic, “guys…?” You began getting worried.
“H-how much did you drink?” Peter's voice is 6 octaves higher, taking slow cautious steps towards you.
“I- I chugged it-“ Peter then grips your wrist and as if the whole world stopped, you could only see Peter. Your feelings increase ten fold. suddenly you feel absolutely dizzy. Your legs tremble at the sheer touch of his hand on your wrist, he’s tugging you towards his room and your head keeps spinning, you place your hand onto the wall for balance before being dragged once again. Your blurry vision sees Brad barely exit the restroom wiping his shirt- then glancing at you- eyebrows furrowed.
You shut your eyes tightly, hoping it helps with your focus, blinking rapidly. Your body grows hot- like you’re running a fever, but your feet and hands are freezing. You can hardly hear anything as Peter's distant voice soothes you, probably telling you to sit on his bed. You started falling into a state of drowsy sleep despite his voice sounding distressed.
 You pass out. 
“Shit! Shit shit shit shit!” Peter was Whimpering and shaking your shoulders, pulling your eyelids open only to see the white of your eyes, iris rolled back, “oh god, please wake up Y/n! I need you awake!” Peter's heart was in absolute anguish, he felt a deep hole in his chest, he couldn’t breath. 
Panic attack. 
Ok, ok fuck- Ohmygod is she dead??? This was a mistake, god what the fuck did I do??? Fuck fuck fuck ok ok you need to calm down- what the hell am I having a panic attack right now??? ok ok 3 things- what can I see? Uh ok ok…. 
Peter glanced down at your unconscious body and started taking deep breaths. 
Ok ok I can see y/n’s…. smooth skin- uh I can… I can- I can see her favorite hair tie, I can see uh… her star wars shirt… ok good ok uh 3 things I can feel- 
He grasped her limp hand. His breaths are already regulating. 
I can feel her hand- a-and her pulse! Oh thank god I can feel her pulse….her bracelet. 
Ok and I can hear her breathing! I can hear cars outside, I can hear the movie from the living room. 
His heart rate goes down significantly. He’s at ease now. Ned barges in, startling Peter. About to speak before his eyes stop dead on an unconscious girl on Peter's bed. 
“Is she dead?!?” 
“No! No she’s ok! She’s just passed out!” Peter couldn’t bring himself to move from you- your hand still grasped tightly in his. He felt absolutely horrible, he’d never forgive himself for this. He only prayed that you woke up soon. 
“What’s going on?'' Brad's voice in the hallway, Peter runs to his door, holding it close to his body to stop Brad from looking inside. 
“Nothing Brad, mind your business-“ 
“No Peter! I don’t know what the fuck your problem is with me, but all I know is that you’re a sketchy little dude with some serious problems- Now I saw y/n and she didn’t look well- let me see her.” Brad attempted pushing open the door but Peter kept his grip on the door. His spider strength came quite in handy. 
“She's fine dude- she wasn’t feeling well so I took her to my room so she could rest!” Brad only glared down at Peter. His deathly stare was nearly intimidating but Peter wouldn’t cave,” I think you should go home.” Peter didn’t even try to hide the venomous tone this time. Brad was really getting on his nerves. 
“You’re up to something. Hiding things. And I’m sure that whatever it is you’re hiding,” Brad nods his head, signaling to you behind Peter, “you don’t want her finding out.” Brad slowly walks backwards, eyes never leaving Peter, “I’m on to you, Parker.” And with that Brad turned around and left the apartment, slamming the door. 
He sighed in relief, turning around to his best friend. 
“So now what?” 
aaaannnnnnnndddddd THAT’S part 2 errybody! Thanks for the love and support and I’ll do my best to get part 3 up sooner! 
taglist: @itscaminow @halparkebitch @missmulti @everyoneyoulovedies @le-yona @universeoffandoms @writeroutoftime @bluelida @yourbiggestspiderfan @marvel-moviesfan @zoerosethoughts @songbirdsingingthings @phrogtheguitarist @sophs-library @awesomebooklover17 @horanxholland @mystoragehatesme e @spideygirl2003
also lmk if the taglist is working :)
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buckysmischief · 4 years
i hate everybody - 11
Bucky Barnes x reader , college au
Warnings: language, mentions of smoking weed & sex, angst, idiots
AN: taglist is c l o s e d babes
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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Permanent tags: @sociallyeneptbarnes @rogvewitch @saturn-aka-six @stuckonjbbarnes @superavengerpotterstar @estillion14 @sleepingspacedragon @geeksareunique @infj-slytherclaw @imsoft-barnes @piper-koko-barnes-rogers @murdermornings @distractedgemini @screaming-fridge @readeity @whatinthyworld @my-drowning-in-time @valkyriesryde @sebbbystaaan @disaffectedbarnes @buggy-blogs @hey-its-grey @pinknerdpanda @brokenthelovely @sandyclaws @death-unbecomes-you @rhymesmenagerie @actualdpshuri @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @mushyjellybeans @https-bucky @also-fangirlinsweden @goalexis123 @missmeganrachel​ @sunflowersandcherry​ @miraclesoflove​ @matsumama​
Series tag: @blonddnamedhandz​ @team-lads-ass​ @simplyhaileysue​ @disgustangg​ @goodolbucky​ @of-a-chaotic-mind​ @what-is-your-plan-today​ @lunarmalfoy​ @bitchwhytho​ @welostkirsten​ @every-marveler-ever​ @maddope​ @katshrev​ @utopiamiroh​ @themusicalweirdo​ @merigoldcaroline​ @bluefaeriefury​ @quinjetboi​ @learisa​ @marvelrose​ @drinkfantasy​ @dressed-up-heartbreak​ @vicisbookishblog​ @sarcastic-and-cool​ @marvelismysafezone​ @maehara-san​ @whothehellisseb​ @angryknightstatesmantrash​ @shadowsndaisies​ @officialmarvelwhore​ @avipshamitra​
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tommyquackson · 4 years
Not Working | p. parker | part 2
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Not My Gif
summary: you and peter are together but maybe it’s not working anymore
warnings: angst
note: i’m so happy y’all enjoyed the first part!! make sure you request!!
“Oh y/n! Hey, noticed you haven’t been at lunch. You sick?”
You look up from the floor you almost fell on and see MJ. You heart pounds and your chest clenches. You clench you’re jaw and beg your mind to pull itself together.
“Uh, kinda. I gotta go Mj, see ya” You wave practically running in the opposite direction. You don’t stop speed waking until you get outside of the school. You lean against the wall and breathe.
“Stop y/n! Stop crying. Don’t be fucking stupid” You yell at yourself, sobs coming out of your mouth as you support yourself against the school building.
“You’re not stupid,” a low chuckle comes from beside you. You wipe your eyes quickly and look over.
Standing there is Brad Davis. He’s got his hands in his pockets and has his head against the wall, not even looking at you.
“What’re you doing our here Brad?” You bite, arms crossing.
“Oh come on. Don’t be mad at me. We’re in the same boat here Y/n/n.” He finally looks at you, shrugging.
“What are you talking about?”
“Peter and MJ, it’s obvious. They’re in love and we’re the suckers who fell for them. Me and you are in the same position. You love Peter but everyone knows he’s got heart eyes for her and I love MJ but we all know she’s got heart eyes for him. It sucks doesn’t it? Looking at someone you love, knowing they don’t feel the same, knowing they’re gonna choose someone over you” He looks at the ground then back at you.
“We’re not the same, you were an asshole to Peter on the trip. I’m his bestfriend.” You laugh coldly then lean back against the brick wall.
“Ok so i directed my anger towards Peter but that doesn’t mean anything. I know you and peter broke up, I heard him say it. Since you guys broke up, I’m guessing you don’t have any friends anymore?” He looks at you but you don’t say anything. “Exactly. You wanna go get actual lunch?” He lightly smiles at you.
“With you?”
“Well yea, I know a good pizza place not too far from here”
You chew your lip debating your options. It would be good to get out of school and get some food since you threw yours away. On the other hand this is Brad Davis, supposed to be Peters enemy, but he doesn’t seem that bad. You look back at the building and nod, looking back at Brad.
“Then follow me new friend” He smiles at you, beginning to walk away from campus.
“No way, you didn’t!” You laugh trying not to spill pizza grease on your jeans.
“No i totally did, he was so pissed when he got back. His face was priceless.” Brad laughs with you, continuing his story.
“ya know Brad, you’re not that bad. Don’t know why everyone hates you.” You wink sipping your water. For the first time in days you’re smiling, genuinely smiling. Brads hilarious and has lots of stories to kee you entertained.
“It’s been rough, everyone came back from the blip different, and I get it but you can’t be angry the world changed around you.” He shrugs and finishes off his pizza.
“Ok, hurry up and finish, It’s my turn to take you somewhere,” You smile at the boy in front of you.
You both stand and walk out of the pizza joint, walking closer than you did on the way here. You lead the way to a small park. You both sit on the swings and continue talking. Conversation was easy with Brad, it wasn’t forced or awkward like you thought it’d be.
“Thank you y/n”
You look up in surprise. “For what?”
“Understanding me. No ones gave me a shot yet, but you did. You are” He smiles at you, showing his white teeth. You smile back and mutter a reply. You both sit and lightly swing in comfortable silence for a minute before a phone ding comes from his phone.
“Schools almost out, I should get us back before the rush of people gets out.” Brad stands and stretches. He lends his hand to help you out of your swing. You take it but neither lets go as you whine, walking back towards Midway. You keep talking and joking around until you reach the main doors.
“Hey, here’s my number, text me when you make it home.” Brad hands you a piece of paper with his number on it. You take it and nod quickly. You look up at him and notice the blush rising in his face. “Catch ya later y/n.” He waves walking off towards his locker. You wave back and walk to yours.
“Y/n! There you are, we’ve been calling and texting when we can. Where’d you go?” Ned says standing at his locker near yours.
“I uh, went to the nurses office. Had a bad headache.” You smile lightly at your old friend, grabbing your books and bag.
“Well, my parents aren’t home so I was gonna have a movie night with everyone, you’re invited if you wanna come.” He smiles at you.
“I’m sorry ned, i don’t know if I can, it’s just seeing Peter is a little hard right now. Rain check?” You awkwardly smile and walk away.
You try and make it home as quick as possible. Once you finally do, you get most of your homework done quickly. As you’re changing into more comfortable clothes, you find the paper with Brads number and decide to text it.
hey brad, it’s y/n.
hey y/n
i’m assuming you made it home safely?
yep. except for the creepy guy that kept staring at me on the train :/
ew gross, how about on monday, i ride the train home with you
ya know to protect you from creepy guys
oh that sounds awesome :)
You continue texting brad and before you know it, it’s 8pm already. You facetime Brad as you cook dinner and pretend you’re on a cooking show, he’s making jokes throughout making you laugh.
As soon as you finish dinner and say goodnight to Brad, you get a knock on your door. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion, who could be at your door at 9:20 at night.
You walk towards the door and open it, seeing Peter.
“Pete, what’re your doing here?” Your body straightens you and your breathing picks up.
“I came to check on you. I should’ve earlier but I know how much you like your space and i-“
“Peter, i’m fine. I told you it’s okay.”
“I know but, i just wanted to make sure. Ned said you didn’t wanna come to movie night.”
“Because I don’t really wanna spend my friday night watching you and MJ awkwardly dance around me and each other. Look, I get this is weird but I think it’s best for everyone if we both do our best to move past it.” You sigh, leaning on the door threshold.
“Yea, you’re right. For what it’s worth, i’m sorry. I do love you but everything’s all messed up right now.” Peter smiles before stepping away from your apartment.
You sigh and close the door, walking back to your room and picking up your phone.
baddie brad 💅🏼
Peter just showed up at my door :(
what’s he want
to check on me i guess, said he’s sorry
that’s nice i guess, you good tho?
yea, i’m fine
thanks brad i’m gonna head to sleep tho, i’ll talk to you in the morning?
of course, goodnight y/n
goodnight brad
taglist: @cyrusandhiscollaredahirts @silver-winter-wolf @just4muggles @randomtrashpanda
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harrysbbby · 5 years
European Adventure Part 2 - Peter Parker x Reader
Read part 1 here
A/N: i just wanted to say thank you to everyone for the support on this, i did not expect it to have so many likes and comments so quckily. I haven’t had a chance to respond to everyone, so thank you!
warning: ffh spoilers
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“Good news, we’re going to Prague!” Mr Harrington announced. Everyone was very confused- what about Paris? “Tour company upgraded us” he clarified seeing the perplexed expressions of his students.
The class made their way towards the bus. You were walking with your roomie for the trip, Michelle aka MJ. You were helping each other with your bags as you clumsily made your way towards your not-very-bus-driver-looking bus driver, who you discovered name was Dimitri.
Peter and Ned were trailing behind the two of you, talking in hushed whispers, you could only catch the words “fury” and “hijacked”. What the hell were they talking about? You shrugged it off that it was probably one of their video games or something. But the thought continued to nag in the back of your head as you took a seat towards the back of the bus. This newly found suspicion of Peter came mainly from the previous day’s events.
What was that stuff coming out of him? Was it coming out of him- no of course it couldn’t, that’d be so weird… maybe it was just water? That would make sense.
Questions flew around your head- you hadn’t had much time to think about all the confusing things you had seen. But something didn’t sit right with you. But that was all you could go off, you didn’t see Peter again that day until you had all returned to the hotel, watching what had unfolded on the news.
He seemed fine- he had called his Aunt almost instantly but that wasn’t suspicious, we had all nearly died, talking to family was regular after a near-death experience- but you had heard him whisper down the line to her about this “plan” and how he had begun to rethink it. You assumed it was the one with MJ he talked so fondly about. But by the way he spoke you thought there might have been more to it.
Your phone dinged. As you looked at the screen you realised that you had been lost in your thoughts for over 2 hours now. Your eyes skimmed the notification on your screen.
Gwen: yo lover girl, where’s my denim jacket? It’s an EMERGENCY
You rolled your eyes. Your sister always had a knack for being ridiculously melodramatic. She was your best friend- when your parents disappeared she was there for you, being three years older than you she became your default parent, despite being only 14 at the time, as you were shifted between foster carers. She was what got you through it all.
Y/N: it’s in my suitcase dummy. You said I could take it with me, remember? Also, don’t call me lover girl
Gwen: damn I did too. What am I supposed to wear with my orange dress now??!! And because you’re in lurrrrvvvveee with that geeky boy
Y/N: wear the black one. It’s in my cupboard, next to my red coat. And I’m not in love with him! I’ve spent two days with him! All I said was he was cute and nice
Gwen: ooh yes this jacket is cute thx sis xx And I can hear wedding bells already <3
You puffed out a laugh as you lent back in your chair. Pfft, you weren’t in love with him. Sure, you liked Peter, he was funny and smart and far more mature then most guys going into senior year. But he liked MJ, and you weren’t going to put yourself through the pain of losing someone again.
But that didn’t mean you couldn’t hang out with him.
You stood up from your seat and made your way to the back seat of the bus where you knew he was sitting. As you reached where he was you peered over the chair in front of him and let out a giggle. He looked up and as soon as he saw you his cheeks became a dark shade of crimson.
“Sick glasses Parker.” You laughed as you took the seat two across from him since his bag was taking up the seat next to him.
He chuckled a little, before fumbling to put the glasses back into their case.
“T-thanks. Um, they were a gift from a... friend.” He swallowed as he finished his sentence. You nodded as you smiled at him
“Well your friend has a pretty suave sense of fashion. But, uh, I don’t know how well they suit you?” you fake grimaced as you squinted your eyes at you. He reached across the empty seat to lightly punch you in the arm.
“Hey! Shut up! They’re a fashion statement” he laughed
“Oh yeah Peter, because you’re just the pinnacle of stylish,” you smirked at him.
The bus came to halt just inside a small town as Mr Harrington’s voice rang out across the bus announcing a ten-minute pit stop. You stood up quickly. Peter laughed at your eagerness.
“You won’t be laughing when I pee on you Peter!” you shouted as you ran down the aisle of the bus before any of your classmates could leave their seats. A chorus of giggles followed you as you left the bus, quickly making your way towards the bathroom. You took your time in the bathroom, having a quick conversation with Betty and MJ. Betty was chattering about her and Ned’s relationship. You and MJ shared a look as she spoke about how amazing love at first sight was.
“Betty,” you said, “you’ve known Ned for years. This is like love at fifth million sight” you laugh and even MJ snorted out a laugh.
“Yeah, but this is like the first time I’ve seen him, you know?” Betty exaggerated.
“No” you stated as MJ dryly stated “Not at all”
“Whatever,” Betty huffed as she crossed her arms. You could hear Mr Dell’s voice urging you all to get back on the bus.
“I don’t believe in love” MJ stated. You laughed at her,
“Yeah sure, Miss ‘Obsessed-over-Mr-Darcy-for-4-months-straight.’”
“Hey! That was an unrealistic standard. He’s much better than anyone I could actually fall in love with” She countered
“He literally was a dick to her- that’s a ridiculously accurate portrayal of a relationship.” You countered back. She rolled her eyes,
“Only good thing about that book was its ability to pave way for the feminist movement,” Betty said, laughing at the banter between the two of you. “Besides,” she sighed dreamily, “Ned’s not a dick to me, does that mean we’re unrealistic.” You and MJ rolled your eyes at the lovestruck blonde as the three of you made your way onto the bus. You didn’t mean for it to happen, but for some reason, MJ’s statement clung to the front of you brain.
“I don’t believe in love”- maybe this means she doesn’t like Peter. This would make things much easier. Wait! Much easier for what?
But that was exactly the thing- it would make thing harder. This was exactly why Peter liked her- she was unconventional. She didn’t fall into the hopeless romantic category and that made her appealing. Unlike you. Whilst not a soppy, love-obsessed teenager, you did appreciate the occasional cutesy moment or proof of true love. It gave you hope that one day you would find someone that made you happy. Maybe that someone was Peter…
Just as the thought entered your head you made it disappear. That was weird. Sure, you’d known him for a little over a year, but you’d only gotten to know him really, really well in the past 3 days. God, you were turning into Betty.
But as you thought about him, you realised he hadn’t returned to his original seat at the back of the bus. You looked around for where he was when you saw him sitting in the very front seat. He was peaking around the seat, looking at Brad. Brad was looking down at his phone and he was looking at a photo.
You saw that it was Peter… with his pants down, with some random lady? You looked at Brad, back to where Peter was now standing.
You were walking towards him, to tell him what you saw on Brad’s phone, when you saw his hand fly across Flash’s face.
“Peter,” you said continuing down the aisle of seats towards him, “did you just punch Flash?”
He looked up at you with the glasses he had before now covering his face. He looked up astonished.
“No!” he exclaimed but looked like he immediately regretted it. He looked in terror behind you. You turned around to follow his gaze, but as you did, the bus lurched violently from side to side. Screams left the students mouths as the bus swerved.
“This is not the Autobahn!” you heard Mr Dell’s voice shriek.
You lost your footing as you fell forward. Peter was quick to reach his arms out in front of him and grab your shoulders just as your face was inches from the carpet of the bus. He stood you upright, and as you went to thank him, he turned around manically.
“Edith!” he said. What? Who the hell was Edith?
Once he found what he was looking for he crouched down and picked up his glasses, the ones you had seen earlier that day, and placed them on his nose. He looked passed you in terror once again. His mouth was opening and closing in panic, almost as if he was trying to find the right words to say to combat the situation he was in.
You opened your mouth to ask him what was wrong, when Mr Harrington’s voice came from behind you. You spun around, your back now facing Peter.
“Peter, Y/N, find your fannies in a seat and buckle up, right now!” he said. Peter grunted. He grabbed your shoulders and whispered through gritted teeth in your ear from behind you.
“Create a distraction.” A distraction? For what? You wanted to ask him, but you could tell by the tone of his voice this was urgent and needed to be acted upon immediately. You hesitated for a moment, before pointing out the window behind Mr Harrington’s head.
“Oh! Look at the baby mountain goats!” you yelled.
“Baby mountain goats?” Mr Harrington exclaimed. This caught the attention of your classmates as they all clamored to that side of the bus in order to catch a glimpse of the non-existent animal. As their attention was diverted you spun around to ask Peter what the actual hell was going on. But all you were met was his feet. As you looked up you saw him in the air, as if he had jumped through the escape hatch, his arm stretched out in front of him. He landed almost silently in front of you, his hair stuck up randomly from the force of the wind. You looked at him incredulously as he puffed.
“I don’t see any mountain goats.” Mr Harrington stated. You stared at Peter with confusion for one more second before turning around to you teacher.
“Oh, um, you must have, uh… you must’ve missed them, yeah…” you uttered slowly, as you turned back to Peter, with your brow still furrowed. His chest was still rising and falling hard, as he fixed the glasses on his nose since they had gone slightly askew when he had jumped.
You were shocked. How was that even humanly possible? And what was he doing? You opened and closed your mouth multiple times in an attempt to find the right words, but they escaped you. You had so many questions, but not the first clue on what to ask.
“I know you think none of us have noticed Peter,” Betty spoke up. You both whipped to face her direction as she continued, “but your new look? I love it”
“Oh, thanks” he breathed out. He nodded a few times before slumping into his seat.
“Right babe?” Betty stated to Ned.
You hesitated for a moment but decided to sit next to him. You heard Ned’s voice agreeing from the seats behind you as you looked over at the boy on your right.
“Yeah babe! Sophisticated, classy… very European.”
Peter opened his eyes after a few seconds, hand over his racing heart.
“Thanks for covering me” he said, a slight smile on his face, his nose scrunched as he looked at you hesitantly. He had no idea how you were going to react.
You looked at him stunned. You breathed harshly out your nose as you puffed out a laugh.
“You’re welcome I guess? But I mean, what was that..?” you trailed off as you dropped your voice and lent in closer to him, your thumb motioned over your shoulder to where you and him had stood during all the commotion.
“What was what?” he squeaked, “that was totally normal” he laughed awkwardly.
“Sure, Peter,” you rolled your eyes. “Um, anyway,” you shook your head to focus one what you were doing originally, “I came down here to tell you I saw a photo of you…on Brad’s phone.” You cringed as you recounted the image in your head.
Peter’s eyes widen, “that’s not what it looks like, at all!” he speaks quickly, sitting straight up in his seat, shaking his head furiously.
“It’s okay Peter,” you smiled, “you don’t have to explain.” His shoulders visibly relaxed at your words as he slouched back into his seat again. He ran a hand through his hair, clearly frustrated. “I can help. I do’t know, maybe I can try and get him to delete it?” you asked, shrugging.
“You would do that?” he asked. He peered at you over his glasses with a look of anticipation on his face, as if you were about laugh at him or make fun of him because of what the picture entailed.
“Yeah,” you said quietly, “I mean you clearly don’t want him to have it and I doubt it speaks much truth. You’re, um,” you cleared your throat awkwardly, “you’re not like that.”
He genuinely smiled at you. He stared at you for a moment with a look of admiration and, almost, realisation. Without thinking much he brought a finger up to push his glasses up his nose, but retracted his hand, almost as if he had forgotten they were there.
“Oh!” he spoke louder this time, making you jump slightly. “No! I mean, it’s okay. I can handle it.” He said firmly, nodding his head.
“Oh okay.” You said mildly deflated. You really did want to help Peter. “Okay, um, well I’ll just head back to my seat.” You sentence got quieter as you spoke, standing up to retreat to your seat. As you left you heard Peter’s quiet whisper ‘okay let’s try that again’.
Try what again?
You brushed the thought off- he was very confident when he said he had it handled, so you had every reason to believe him. As you continued up the aisle you saw Brad take a seat next to MJ. You didn’t think much of it as you sat back down with your things. As your eyes traveled over to Brad again, you saw him reach for his phone in his back pocket. Realisation dawned on you; he was going to show the photo to MJ!
Just as you went to snatch the phone out of his hand you heard his confused voice.
“I swear it was here!” he said as he flicked through the photos in his camera roll. “That’s so weird.”
“Yeah, weird.” MJ trailed off as her eyes shifted. You followed her gaze to see Peter with his stuck around his chair, glasses still perched on his face. As soon as he saw her looking he swung back into his seat.
She turned back to Brad as he continued to convince her of the photo he had taken. You rested back into your chair, relieved that Brad had no proof to embarrass Peter. But how did he delete the photo?
As the query hung in your head you felt like you were being watched. You lifted your head to look directly down the aisle of the bus. And at the end you saw brown eyes clad in blue glasses staring back at you.
A/N: i hope you all enjoyed :) not too sure where i was going with this lol, but hopefully it gives you a little bit more insight into the character and her relationships, especially with Peter. next part will be up soon!
@mrsnegan25 @accidentally-in-hell @miss-37mm @i-am-mina @supermegafoxyawesomehot @loveyourselfcreateyourself @sarcasticfangirlxx @huggablex @thiscuriouslymiss @littlxshitv @vanillanestor @wonders-of-the-multiverse @sweetdarlingholland @basically-thanks @deku-nyan @awesomefandomsunited @thegirlwiththeimpala @inkphilosopher @hardyxlove @mxxkscreate-write @eridanuswave @aiianovna @i-rather-not-say @irxnspxder @emilymarie0422 @exquisitebts @silhouettecrow @softrdj @dasydni @spnsquirrel @foxylupines @thomasstanleyholland2013 @thatpersonwithissues @galaxyrose10 @philophxbicrxmantic @belles-garden @morgannope @ibookishqueen
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takenbyheartstrings · 5 years
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part two of the “i lived” series ⏤ masterlist here.
pairing | peter parker x stark!reader
summary | you were in love with Peter Parker. it might’ve seen like a far fetch a year and a half ago, well, if we’re speaking in reality. 5 years ago before the snap. it was a crush, and nothing more. but as time went on after your father passed away, you realised more and more everyday that he was the one. he came by everyday, even if it was for five minutes to make sure, you, Pepper and Morgan had everything you needed and if you were alright. he even bought you a sandwich from the deli on the corner; in other words, he was too sweet for you to even comprehend. a pure masterpiece from the gods above.but you only pictured it in your head. what the reality could be like. you hoped he’d felt the same - even if all he went on about was MJ.who knew Europe could change so much.
warnings | fluff, some angst??? mentions of death.
authors note | sorry chapter 2 is so late! tumblr kept freezing and deleting my progress so i had to keep re-writing most of it, so sorry if this chapter’s so sloppily written, the next one’ll be better. Also sorry this is short oop- I realised that I made the series split into too many chapters, so the next few chapters may / may not be short idek
about y/n’s powers | y/n can control the elements on command, if she’s ever upset or angry, the water is trigged by y/n’s sadness and fire is triggered by the anger. Unless she manages to keep those emotions under some sort of control, they can create some destruction.
word count | 2.1k
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You didn’t know where to start. Looking at the ring was more heartbreaking than the five years apart from everyone. From everything. You played with it twisting it. You looked at Peter who looked like he was on the verge of tears as he set the E.D.I.T.H. glasses on his face. You smiled softly.
You sat back in your seat as MJ looked at you playing with your ring, she placed her hand over yours. Out of comfort, she smiled at you as you looked up at her. She pulled her hand away as she opened her mouth to speak, the bus came to a sudden stop. You jolted forward slightly, Dimitrie wasn’t a very smooth driver, to say the least.
He pointed you to a small room on the other side of all the other buildings, you walked inside to see a brunette woman, she had bright blue eyes and a pair of glasses on, they were round and had golden rims.
“Hello, Miss Stark.” She waved with a bright smile. “I’m Andrea! Mr. Fury said you didn’t want to be seen so I created this brand new suit for you.” She handed you a large bag, you could see the black suit through its clear plastic front.
You smiled at the new suit, it was as elegant as it could’ve been, it was a long leather suit, the top having a full mask to cover your face which had connected to the top part of the suit, which had been made from cotton. You smiled as you tried on the suit. The inside was a cotton build, so it wasn’t such a tight and uncomfortable fit.
“How’s it feel?” she asked you with such pride in her eyes.
“It’s amazing, thank you Andrea.” You nodded. She let out a breath she hadn’t even realized she’d been holding.
“Thank god! It um - Mr. Fury said that you received an artificial intelligence called E.D.I.T.H. so, um, it’s also connected to the suit, so you must have that ring on when wearing it.” she said pointing to the ring on your middle finger.
You smiled gratefully wrapping her in a hug, “Really... thank you.. It’s amazing, It’s so amazing we could be in contact very soon.”
She gave a large grin, “Thank you, Miss Stark.”
“You can call me y/n. But I best be going before someone gets worried,” you told her as you quickly changed back into your normal clothes as you gave a small wave walking out of the room.
You met Harry’s eyes, as he and Brad both stormed away from a room in which Peter hurriedly followed them out of, playing with the belt of his pants, you furrowed your eyebrows as he ran after the both of them.
You saw MJ look at you from across the yards of land, you gave her a shrug, communicating that you didn’t know anything about the trio’s weird behavior. You walked over to Harry who seemed like he was out of breath. You hadn’t talked to him much, and you didn’t know why. It seemed like Peter had been keeping Harry away from you.
“Hey, Harry!” You smiled. “How’re you? Feels like we haven’t talked.”
“That’s because we haven’t.” He laughed slightly.
You followed his laugh with your own, “Well we are now! How’re you finding the trip so far?”
“Random? It seems like they didn’t plan it too well.”
Your eyes widened slightly. “Well you know, it’s that stupid tour company, right? Made any new friends?”
“Brad and I are getting along quite well, and that girl MJ’s pretty cute.” He smiled as he looked at her from where you were standing.
“Well, I’m sure she’d love to get to know you. Just as well as you’d love to get to know her.” He nodded with a smile as Brad called him over to where he was standing as Brad looked you up and down with a smile, you shifted uncomfortably.
You finally walked back over to MJ as you heard Mr. Harrington and Mr. Dell call you all back onto the bus.
Once again you got back on, this ride was still long. The ride to Prague was long in General. You sighed getting up to stretch for a slight moment before sitting down. You looked over at Peter who was wearing the glasses. You sighed before you were feeling quite tired. You tried to get some sleep ( and failed due to the noise around you ).
In the flash of a second, Peter webbed the wheel, as the bus swerved violently. You kept your eye on him as he saw he’d dropped the glasses on the floor, he went to pick them up.
“Peter you find your fanny in a seat and buckle up right now!” Mr. Harrington yelled.
“Look! Baby mountain goats!” Peter pointed.
You watched Peter with your arms crossed, not caring about the ‘baby mountain goats’. 
“Don’t see any mountain goats.” Mr. Harrington said sadly.
“Ugh! You missed them!” Peter lied sadly as he made eye contact with you as you shook your head disapprovingly.
“Peter don’t act like we haven’t noticed,” Betty spoke up.
You could see a wave of fear washing over Peter’s face, wondering if his classmates saw the stunt he’d pulled, “W-What?”
“Your new look... I love it.” She smiled.
“T-Thanks.” Peter smiled awkwardly as he fell back into the two front seats. You got up and pulled him to the back, away from Mr. Harrington and Mr. Dell. 
You sat down with a quizzical look in your eyes, “Pete, what did you do?”
He tried to play it off like it was nothing, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Peter you just jumped out of the fucking roof! What’d you do?”
“Maybe I accidentally programmed a drone to attack and kill Brad, but it’s no biggie.”
“You what?” You questioned Peter, “How the fuck do you accidentally do that?”
“I was trying to do something else and that just happened!” He whisper-yelled at you, “How the fuck am I supposed to know how to use these?” he dramatically pointed to the glasses sitting on his face.
“I don’t- Peter-” You were cut short by Mr. Harrington.
“Everything okay back there?” He questioned both you and Peter.
“Yep! Everything’s fine!” You smiled politely as Peter followed, both of you trying not to look guilty and miserably failing.
“Y/n! Come here!” Brad beckoned you over as you stood up looking at Peter laughing slightly.
“You’re a dumbass, Pete.”
Brad pulled out his phone as he searched frantically through his phone to find a picture he wanted to show you, “I swear it was here! This is so weird! It was here.”
“Brad, It was probably something I’ve seen anyway, it’s not that important.” You sighed getting up as you walked back to your seat.
The class finally got to Prague as you entered a high-end hotel. You looked around, before looking down at yourself in a pair of sweatpants, converse, and sweater. Feeling down about yourself momentarily.
“It’s so fancy,” Betty said in amusement.
“Yeah... So why are we here?” Zach questioned.
“Speak for yourself...” Flash smiled up, “I’m home.”
“What can I say? The squeaky wheel gets the upgrade grease!” Mr. Harrington said cheerily. “Everybody get settled, rest up, because tonight, this is Prauges annual Carnival of Lights.”
You got a text from Maria as you pulled out your phone. Looking at the messages to put your suit on and wait for furthur instruction, you obviously couldn’t go to Festival. Next thing you know, you were in a room with Quentin, Fury, and Maria. You sighed as Fury turned around to face you
“Are we boring you?” He asked both you and Peter, who were both staring into the fire. You both whipped around quickly.
“No, they’re just thinking about how you kidnapped them,” Quinten said as you gave him a small smile and laughed.
“They had obstacles, I removed them.”
“They still won’t evacuate the city,” Maria told Fury.
He inhaled a deep breath, “Idiots.... So what’s the plan, Parker, Stark.”
“We’ll be in the Cathedral Tower, and wait for the monster, when that show’s up, I’ll radio you, y/n, Mr. Beck and I-”
“My name is Mysterio,” Quinten said cutting Peter short as he gave the two of you a small smile, making you let out small chuckles.
“-Y/n, Mysterio and I will move in.” Peter finished explaining.
“Peter, y/n, the best hope we have now is to stop it. Here. Right now. No matter what the cost. Maneuver it away from civilians if you can. But most importantly, keep it away from metal. If it gets too big, it’ll be able to draw power from the earth’s core. After that, there’s no way to stop it.”
“Easy, I’ll try and keep it under control, I can try my best to block it from the earth’s core, but I won’t be able to fend it off for long.” Peter looked at you with a small smile and you returned his.
“Hey, our friends are here and we can’t help but think we’re putting them in danger,” Peter told them, tears welling.
“You’re worried about us hurting your friends. YOU?” Fury laughed, “You called a drone strick on your own school tour bus. Stark gave you a multi-billionaire AR tactical intelligence system and the first thing you do with it is try and blow up your friends. It’s clear to me that you are not ready for this.”
You could feel it burning up in you, the anger, you used the metal from the earth to drag Fury back to his seat and keep him there. “Uncle Fury, with all due respect, Peter is ready. You can’t just put two sixteen-year-old kids on the job to save the whole fucking world.”
He was now in his seat, “Let me go, y/n.”
“Listen to me, Nick. If you didn’t think we were ready, why’d you bring us to Prague?” You looked at Peter who was slightly baffled, “There’s something to think about... Let’s go, Pete.”
You walked out of the room shoving Maria angrily as Peter followed you. The two of you were sat on the balcony of the building, you held his hand.
“Don’t listen to him... he just kinda blows up, all the time.” You tried to comfort him.
“But what if everything he said was true, y/n?” He questioned you, “What if I’m not ready.”
“Peter, you are more than ready. If everything Fury said was true, then we’d all be dead by now.” That earned a chuckle from Peter as a familiar figure filled your view.
“Mr. Fury told me to come up and check on you, he said he felt bad for what he said to you, Peter,” Quentin told the two of you.
“I call bullshit.” You laughed.
“Ding, ding, ding.” Quentin sang. “How’re you feeling?”
“Uhh...” Peter tried to think, “I didn’t think I was gonna have to save the world this summer. I know that makes me sound like such a jerk, I just - I had this plan with this girl I really like and now it’s all ruined.”
You pulled your hand away, a feeling in the pit of your stomach, you couldn’t help but think it was you. You hoped it was you. But all he did when Ned was around was talk about, Physics, Spider-man stuff, Star Wars, and MJ. Quentin noticed your destroyed look and the disconnection of your hands.
“You’re not a jerk for wanting a normal life. It’s a hard path. You see things, you do things, you make choices. People look up to you. Even if you win a battle. Sometimes... they die.” Quentin smiled, “I like you both, and there’s a part of me that wants to tell you to just turn around and run away from it all. Then there’s the other part of me that knows what we’re about to fight. What’s at stake and I’m glad you’re both here.”
You got up and sighed, “Well, I’m gonna go see if MJ wants to watch some TV before I have to go and do the mission, so I’ll um- I’ll see you both later.” You walked away as they kept talking.
“You’re worried about your friends, get them inside and then everything’ll be okay... and hey, if you survive this, you’ll have all summer to kill Brad and tell y/n how you feel.”
Peter’s head fell back, “It’s not that obvious is it?”
“Painfully.” Quentin laughed.
“Well, I’ll see you out there,” Peter said waving and leaving Quentin to his thoughts.
authors note | again, sorry this is shitty, late and short 😅
TAGLIST : (strikethroughs are blogs i can’t tag) @meiiyue @poisoned-pineapple @estate-euphoric @hardyxlove@cyrusandhiscollaredahirts @hollandjmc @blizzbx @spider-manholland @supernerdycookietrashblr @kii-mii @iamanerdnot @watson-emma @roserrys @waterspider7 @brunetteinblack@sweetdarlingholland @capinmerca @constantdisgrace @fosterthe-peter@brckenmemories @loki-helmet @tom-hollands-blog @anditwasjustus@spideylovin @graydolan12 @supernerdycookietrashblr @laic2299@ellesvoid @jackiehollanderr @thedivinepineapple @theolwebshooter@rish0217 @kii-mii @shawnandconnor @danielabetancourth @sabrinaaa056 @my-soul-is-the-moon  @ineedabifriend  @sltwins
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supernovaspidey · 5 years
I feel safer in your arms
               Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
               Summary: You have been MIA for over a week, and Peter and Ned are trying to figure out what they did that could possibly make you ignore them for so long. It took one party at Flash’s place and an inconvenient Brad Davis to make you finally go off.
               Author’s note: hey, guys. It took a lot for me to post this, the main plot is based on a personal experience I’ve been through, and I decided to write about it as a way of dealing with the shitty situation. I tried to make the emotions as realistic as possible, in order to express my feelings, but I’m not exactly a great writer and English is not my mother language, so please be patient with me if I’ve made some mistakes throughout the story. Make sure to tell me what you thought about the story, it would make me really happy. Also, if any of you have been through a similar experience and want to talk, hit me up, I’m sure we can help each other, I certainly do need some help lmao
               Dedicated to: my favorite blogs! @infamous-webhead @justauthoring @userspidey @imnotobsessedwithhim @tomhreads @peterjonesparker @soulspideys@spideyxchelle (I know some of you might be weirded out because I have never interacted with you but i am in love with your blogs, i’m  just rly shy, anyways hope you enjoy xo) and @lousimusician (U R THE BEST OMG as I said in your ask previously I am in love with your blog and your work fuckkkkkk, you are awesome and rly sweet ❤️)
               Warnings: angst, mentions of harassment, slight PTSD, slight swearing, fluff (I SWEAR!!!), Peter Parker being the clueless human being on Earth, but also the cutest, protective!Peter, Ned is just a sweetheart I love him
               Word count: 2961
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               - Dude, what’s going on? Did you two have a fight or something? Because if you did, I swear to God I’ll…
               - Ned! Stop freaking out on me, man. You are making me worse than I already am. And no, we didn’t have a fight or anything like that. I honestly don’t know what’s going on. – Peter was clearly hurt and worried.
               - Sorry, it’s just that… it’s been a week. I miss her. I wonder what you did wrong this time. – Ned looked really judgmental and Peter wasn’t having it.
               - What is that supposed to mean?
               - Come on, dude. You may be her best friend but she clearly has a thing for you and every time she gets somewhat flirty, your oblivious self, despite being completely obsessed with her as well, always screw things up and she gets mad, so… what did you do this time?
               - She doesn’t… have a thing for me. – Peter’s cheeks started getting red with the suggestion.
               - Whatever helps you sleep at night. And that’s not the point! What. Did. You. Do?
               - Nothing, I swear! One night we were fine texting each other and then… She just isolated everyone. She’s been ignoring me since then but I promise I didn’t do anything wrong, I even checked our conversation. Here! – Peter grabbed his phone so fast it almost fell, unblocked it, and clicked on your contact, he didn’t think it was right to show Ned your conversation but the need to prove his innocence was stronger.
               (y/n): “wassup, arachnid?”
               (Peter): “(y/n) could u pls come up with a better nickname? That one’s awful :(“
               (y/n): “i’m working on it, but until I find the perfect one u’ll just have to get used to this mediocre-quality one lol”
               You guys kept talking about nonsenses until you told him you needed to go.
               (y/n): “gotta go, family gathering at gram’s. try not to cry because u miss me so much, I’ll be back I promise :p”
               (Peter): “well I’ll try but idk if I will be able to go through the next couple of hours without you annoying the life out of me. It’ll be so hard :(“
               (y/n): “damn ur heartless. Anyways bye, arachnid xo”
               (Peter): “S T O P”
               (Peter): “are you still at your grandma’s place? It’s like 2 a.m.”
               (Peter): “(y/n)???”
               (Peter): “if ur mad about me calling u annoying i’m sorryyy”
               (Peter): “:(“
               (Peter): “you weren’t at class today. everything okay? just checking, I’m worried abt u”
               (Peter): “u missed a Chem assignment today, I’m paired up with you, it’s nothing out of this world but we need to talk abt it”
               (Peter): “hey… listen u’ve been MIA for almost a week, now idk what’s going on but you can talk to me, let me help”
               (Peter): “Ned and I went over to your place to talk to you but your mom didn’t let us in. pls tell me what’s going on”
               - Damn, Peter…
               - What? – He was certain he didn’t do anything wrong but after showing Ned the texts he got a little insecure. After all, he never realized when he was messing things up, he just got super nervous and started rambling nonstop until shit hit the fan.
               - You guys are so flirty, it’s so disgusting, just ask her out already, geez.
               - Ned!
               - Okay okay, well, I admit, I didn’t see anything wrong, except for you clearly trying to flirt with her and being a total failure.
               - Shut up.
               They were sitting at their usual table in the cafeteria, theorizing about what made you go off on them. Both of them were uneasy, you were their best friend and they liked you too much to just let you push them away like this. Peter was particularly off, at the same time he was dying of worries, he was pissed at you. After all the mad shit you’ve been through together, he’d think you cared about him enough not to just ignore his complete existence out of nowhere. To be honest he was hurt about the fact that you didn’t like him as much as he liked you.
               - Yo, assholes. – Flash just jumped up at your table. – I’m trying to do some community service, so as my first act of kindness I will allow you to go to my party tomorrow. My place at 10. Don’t be weird or I’ll change my mind and kick you out of there.  Make sure (y/n) is there, she’s a sight I’d like to see at my place. See ya, losers.
               As fast as Flash got to their table, he went away, not giving the boys an opportunity to answer. Peter closed his fists so hard at the mention of your name that his knuckles turned white. Ned simply rolled his eyes and told Peter to forget about it.
               Peter took his cellphone again and opened your chat. It had been one day since he last texted you and tried to go to your place, so he was thinking whether he should tell you about the party or not. A part of him was angry and didn’t want to text you because of the shit you’ve been making him go through, but the other part was hopeful you’d show up at Flash’s and finally give him an opportunity to talk to you. He decided he missed you too much and would take any chance he could to see you. So he sent you the text.
               (Peter): “hey, Flash is throwing a party tomorrow night and he invited us. yes. all of us. anyway, it’ll be at 10. hope you show up.”
               There. Plain and simple. A loud sigh left Peter’s mouth as he hit his head on the table.
               - It’s okay, dude. She’ll be there. Don’t stress about it.
               - Do you see her? – It was the fifth time Ned poked Peter and asked the same question. Peter felt like he was about to lose it.
               - No, dude. I’ve been looking directly at the door and she still hasn’t shown up.
               - She will come, Peter. Don’t worry. Hey, do you think Betty would be impressed with this hat I’m wearing?
               - Uhm, sure! Why don’t you go over to her?
               - Are you sure? You’ll be okay? I know (y/n) is always the one who makes you company… - Ned was about to start rambling but Peter was quick to stop him laughing.
               - Ned, I’m fine. Now go get your girl.
               - Yeah yeah, you should go get yours too, you know. Look who just showed up. – Ned pointed to the door.
               And there you were, with all your non-glory, and an alarm rang in Peter’s head almost instantaneously. The first thing he noticed was your clothing. You were wearing a jacket, which was not usual for you, who is always complaining about how hot it is, even if it´s freezing. The next thing he noticed was your body, you were thinner, not enough to make everyone notice, but he for sure did, and he for sure got worried right away. The last thing he noticed was your face. He always admired you for being so outgoing and confident, but now you looked scared and insecure, constantly looking to your sides, like the walls had spikes and the room was slowly getting smaller around you.
               After scanning the whole room, your eyes met Peter’s, he was beside Ned, looking straight at you, you forced a side smile and walked up to them.
               - Peter, Ned… Hi. – You looked really shy, something was definitely off.
               - Hey, (y/n)! Oh my God I missed you so much, where have you been? We thought you were mad at us. – Ned was as agitated as he was when he talked about Betty. You couldn’t help but smile at how excited your best friend was to see you.
               - I… I was sick, really sick. You know how it is… - You looked at Peter, but he had his eyes fixed on the floor, looking upset.
               - Of course you were. – He sighed and you felt the sarcasm in his voice.
               - Excuse me?
               - I’m not buying that, (y/n). If you really were sick you would tell us, you know, your best friends.
               - Yo, don’t put me into this mess, I’m going to talk to Betty now. But (y/n), I’ll talk to you later, okay? So happy to see you again! – Ned was quick to flee the situation, leaving you and Peter alone. You grabbed his hand and took him to the pool area, where there were less people.
               - Start talking, Parker.
               - What?
               - You were pretty quick to shoot me a snarky comment inside, so I guess you have a lot to say, right? Start talking.
               - I… I don’t have…
               - Peter, talk!
               - Why… Why would you ignore me for over a week? You were so sick you couldn’t grab your phone? And if you really were sick, why didn’t your mom tell us right away? I was so upset with you I wasn’t even going to tell you about the party, but I missed you and was worried about you and wanted to see you, and you lie to my face?
               - I shouldn’t have ignored you, I know. I’m sorry. I really am. But you want to talk about lying? What about all the times you lied right to my face for almost a year, huh? The Stark Internship, the Washington shit, me being stood up by you countless times, what about that? You didn’t tell me about the spider shit, I figured it out by myself. And it’s okay if you didn’t want to tell me, that’s your business, but don’t point your finger at me talking about fucking honesty. – Peter’s face was sad and angry at the same time as you threw the words at him.
               - You know, I only came to this shitty party to see you. – You stared right into his eyes. – I missed you and wanted to have a good time with you, but I guess that’s not going to happen so leave me alone. – At the moment Peter saw tears wanting to leave your eyes, he knew something was wrong, and that he had messed up. Big time.
               - (y/n), wait! – He tried to hold you but you sprinted back inside the house, leaving him with his thoughts.
               You were grabbing a snack at the kitchen, when you felt someone breathing down your neck. You froze instantly, trying to push away the memories. You turned and in front of you was Brad Davis. He was a good guy, but he was drunk and an alarm rang in your head.
               - What the fuck? Back off, Brad.
               - Hey, (y/n)! Long time no see, wanna dance? – He placed his hands on your shoulder, and the memories came flooding you as you tried pushing them away.
               - No.
               - Come here, I missed you. – He then pulled you in for a hug. At the moment you felt his hands on your back and waist, and smelled the alcohol exhaling from his mouth, you just couldn’t fight the memories any longer. It was like you were back your grandma’s house all over again, you started to shiver, your heart felt like it was going to go out of your chest and your vision turned black.
               - Get off of me! – You couldn’t stop yourself. You shoved him away aggressively, and punched him right in his face. It was like you were stuck in your own body, not being able to control it.
               You realized what you did when he hit the floor, nose bleeding.
               - I’m… I’m so sorry… I… - The music had stopped, you looked up and everyone was looking at you. Then you saw him. Peter. You immediately ran away and grabbed a cab down the street, ignoring Peter’s screams calling you and asking you to wait.
               By the time you got home, you were crying uncontrollably. You laid in bed and let everything sink in. You knew going to the party was a mistake but you did it anyway. Fucking stupid little girl.
               - (y/n), let me in. – You looked at your window and saw Peter with his suit on, how could he have changed clothes so fast?
               You went over and opened the window. He got in, you turned around as he changed clothes once more. You turned around again when he was done and sat on the bed. He sat beside you.
               - So, I’m an idiot. I know. – He looked at you with puppy hazel eyes and you couldn’t help but laugh a bit. – (y/n)… what happened? Please, I beg you to talk to me.
               So, you started talking immediately. The more you talked, the more you cried. You talked about how when at your grandma’s, while the whole family was going to take a picture, your old drunk cousin grabbed you by the arm to be closer to him, and started walking down your body with his hand, making you freeze with terror. You talked about how you felt like you couldn’t move or scream, about how hard he was squeezing your arm, leaving a bruise after. You talked about how you felt used, dirty, and weak, about how you should have done something, anything, but instead you stayed there like a scared little girl. You talked about how you were afraid of people touching you now, and how afraid you were of hurting people, and how that’s exactly what happened. You hurt someone, Brad. And finally, you talked about how you were feeling like your worst version of yourself, and didn’t want anyone to see that, especially Peter.
               He listened to everything quietly, and only after you finished talking was when he realized he wasn’t breathing and that you had grabbed his hand at some point. He didn’t know what to say, all he felt was hatred, so he started crying.
               - I’m so sorry, I made this whole thing about me when you were hurting so much. – You squeezed his hand when you heard he say that.
               - Listen, it’s not your fault. I shouldn’t have ignored you, I just didn’t want you to see the mess I am right now.
               - You are not a mess. It’s not your fault this happened to you. You are the strongest person that I’ve ever known, you are the utter best version of yourself and that’s one of the many reasons why I really like you and… - He suddenly stopped when he realized what he said.
               - You know… as a friend… my best friend! You are my best friend and I like you as my best friend and… - He stopped on his tracks when he felt you hugging him, he didn’t know what to do so he slowly and gently put his arms around you, making sure you were comfortable.
                 After that night, things didn’t get better, but they got less worse. Peter and Ned were the only people you were comfortable with, and Peter was the only one you were physically comfortable with. You didn’t think it was possible to be closer than you were before, but it happened. Peter was super protective of you, and he didn’t even noticed. He would always hold your hand when you were walking, and would always make sure you felt safe. Every time he noticed you being anxious, he would grab your hand and caress it with his thumb, or he would play with your hair and whisper “it’s okay, I’m here with you. You are okay” into your ear. He made you feel safe, and he also made you feel weird things, mushy and warm things. He looked at you differently, you knew it, and it always made you feel like your stomach was upside down, but in a great way.
               One day, you, Peter and Ned were at the cafeteria talking, you and Peter were holding hands when you felt hands on your shoulders. You stopped moving right away
               - (y/n), nice work on that assignment! – Your Chemistry teacher said and left without letting you respond.
               Peter and Ned looked at you, clear worriedness stamped on their faces. You started to breathe heavily, your heartbeat started racing, you started shaking and your eyes got wet. Peter quickly grabbed your hand and took you away.
               He took you to the janitor’s closet, the closest thing to the cafeteria. It was so small you were pressed against each other, but Peter didn’t care about that. All he cared about was you. When he closed the door, you started sobbing.
               - Hey, hey it’s okay, I’m here. You are okay. No one’s going to hurt you, okay? I promise. – He hold you tight in his arms.
               - I… I feel dirty.
               - Here – he stood in front of you, took off his sweater, staying only with his nerdy shirt, and swept it over your shoulders. – I’m cleaning them, see? They’re clean. You’re not dirty, you are perfect.
               He wiped your tears away and started caressing your cheek, cupping your face with his hands.
               - I’m here and I’ll always be here. You are okay.
               - I’m… I’m okay.
               - See? Everything’s going to be okay. – He hugged you once more.
               - Peter? – You called against his chest.
               - Huh? – He didn’t let you go.
               - Thank you. I… I really like you too. You know, as my best friend… - You felt his heart racing. – You know what I mean.
               He let you out of his arms to look at you. He knew what you meant, he remembered the day he almost confessed his feelings, but he thought you wouldn’t have realized.
               He kept his hazel eyes glued at yours, and you could swear he was seeing through your soul at that moment. He smiled, his face lit up. You smiled. You don’t know how long you guys stayed there, but it felt like eternity and it wasn’t enough.
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existentialasshole · 4 years
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I wanted to rewatch Beetlejuice and was scared it wouldn't hold up, but honestly, I did anyway and the 'no exit' sign in the dmv style purgatory is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. And the strip club being called 'Dante's Inferno Room' is funny, but what really get's me in that image is the sign that says 'air conditioned'.
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