#i cant wait to close down all the tabs i had to open for this question though mkjnbhjnbh when i tell you i did RESEARCH!!!
sushisocks · 7 months
so sorry for this weird ask, i have no idea what else i can try to find this out but you seem like a sean expert. im trying to figure out the year he left ireland, and for that i need his age in 1899.
so, how old do you think sean is?
GOD, this is such a good question, not a weird ask at all, and one I could go on FOREVER about. The question as to Sean's age is one which HAUNTS me, given the ambiguity of it. However we DO have some hints to go off.
First off, we can assume Sean is younger than Arthur, going off his line about Sean being like 'an annoying younger brother' to him. We also can assume he's younger than John, as John refers to him as 'kid' in the game. Javier, who seems to be around John's age as well, also refers to Sean as his 'little friend', most likely referencing the other's age. In that same vein, we can assume Sean is older than Lenny, who he calls kid - and who is the ONLY one Sean calls kid, besides Jack of course.
That all leaves us in an age range of the early to mid 20s - 20-25 is where I usually have him. I also usually veer towards the lower end of that spectrum tbh, and that is in large part because of how he is characterized and clearly supposed to be read. There's not only just a need to prove oneself, but also a youthful exuberance & arrogance to Sean we only really see mirrored in Lenny, though it shows differently between the two it is all CLEARLY there for both of them. And the way Sean treats Lenny as a peer, while still calling him 'kid' at almost every opportunity, very much reads as 'heheh, I am (barely) older than you and finally get to call someone kid instead of being called it' you know?
There's also the matter of his friendship with Mary-Beth, who is presumably about 21-22 like Arthur asked her. The fact that Sean asks her to go with him robbing that one stagecoach is in my opinion a hint of him seeing her as peer as well.
So, like, narratively, characteristically, he SHOULD for all intents and purposes probably be around 21-23. That's what makes sense to me, at least.
WHAT THEN GETS ME is, as you say, when did he leave Ireland?? Because, okay, let's talk about daddy dearest Darragh for a second!!
Note of his death is published in 1889! A full decade before the events of the game!! Which is SUPER surprising considering how Sean talks about him, but also makes it clearer why it's easier for him to speak about him so lightly - that loss has been well-mourned by now, though it makes the fact that Sean speaks so much of him even more tragic imho. They were CLOSE, Darragh was probably Sean's BEST friend growing up, and losing him at that age would've SUCKED so so much!! 10-13 is a very rough age bracket to lose your only guardian and to deal with the amount of upheaval Sean does in the time after.
The timeline given us by the newspaper scrap we can find at Clemens Point is somewhat incongruent with what I found when it came to the history of Fenian activity in Ireland in the 1800s. While there was a Fenian Rising, it was very much in 1867, and I could not find Galway having any significant role to play during it, compared to Dublin, for example. This means we can assume this Fenian Uprising spoken of in the scrap to be a fabrication on R*'s behalf. The Fenian Raids into Canada were VERY much a thing, and in 1866 there even was one in Ridgeway, right by Niagara Falls, as mentioned in the news scrap - though I found a higher death count for the incident on Wikipedia lol
So that gives us a little bit of a timeline! Darragh sets Galway on fire in 1860, fucks off to the US to join a Fenian Raid into Canada, presumably intended to be R*'s version of the Battle of Ridgeway, before eventually RETURNING to Ireland and getting involved in politics as an Irish Republican. What a complicated ass backstory for a character who doesn't even show up in the game beyond his name lmfao
ANYWAY furthermore, the newspaper scrap says the law has been hunting him for years. I mean, that makes sense, given how much back and forth he does over the decades. Let's for arguments' sake say Darragh stayed in the US for a little while before returning to Ireland and getting involved in the political landscape, and that Sean was born ca 1878. Maybe Darragh starts seeing the need to hide some years later; as his past starts closing in on him. They hide out for a while in different locations around Ireland, before the law finds them in Clifden, and THAT'S presumably what makes Darragh flee to the US. We don't know how long the manhunt lasted, but since they'd not gotten past Boston, and specifically quoting Sean's 'we never got that new start' line when talking about his past, I think it's fair to say that they weren't in the US for very long before Darragh died. THOUGH I'd argue they were there long enough for Darragh to lower his shoulders and sleep soundly enough to not hear someone sneak into his bedroom. Also, long enough for him to have found a residence for him and Sean to stay in. So, I'd say they might've had a year or so in the US together?
Now, taking into account the time frame it might've taken for news to get back to the UK, and for it to then be printed, I think it's not unreasonable to believe Darragh died in late 1888, or early 1889. Which means he and Sean probably arrived in the US in the latter half of 1887, while Sean was 9-10.
Anyway, if you're wondering if this changes my thoughts in regard of how long I think Sean was in reform school, I think yeah maybe!! But I still don't think he was there more than 2-3 years max lol. Idk why I thought Sean was older when Darragh died, but the math & research I've now done contradicts that assumption for sure!!
Thank you for the ask!! I definitely went OFF, and if you find my timeline doesn't work for you, that's completely fine!! I had a lot of fun looking into this anywho, and if any one part of it helps you out, that's more than good enough for me!!!!
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ihave-atummyache · 18 days
i was never there
bang chan one shot/imagine
SFW but some allusions to NSFW activities.
toxic relationship! toxic!chan toxic!reader
summary: to everyone’s disapproval, you and chan just cant seem to leave one another alone.
1.2k words
Chan knows that the two of you breaking up was for the best. Your relationship was unstable and toxic, borderline obsessive. You both had become distant from important things in your life because all you cared about was each other.
If he knows that then why is he feeling so guilty about having someone else in his bed? Why does he feel guilty that it isn’t you in some foreign country with him instead of some girl he met at a bar? Why has he only been able to write the worst heart broken lyrics that he has ever thought of?
Despite his better judgement, after his hookup leaves, he sits up and grabs his phone. He unlocks it and instantly opens social media, hoping that you had posted something, posted anything, just so he could see your face.
He feels like he’s going crazy. He checks your social media at least 10 times a day. He doesn’t care if he’s the first view, he just needs to see you. He opens your profile and sees you posted a story and of course he opens it.
13 s ago
He chews his bottom lip as he analyzes the photo you had posted. It looked like you were having brunch and mimosas but that isn’t what bothered him. What bothered him was the fact that there was somebody sitting at the seat across from you.
There was another plate and another glass but the chair was empty, something you had purposely done to try to maintain your privacy, he assumes.
Maybe it’s the drinks he had earlier in the night or the post nut high but something makes him open his texts and message you, despite every fiber in his brain telling him not to.
Who are you with?
Why would he say that? Now he probably looks insane. But your response is almost instant, not even a minute later.
it’s almost 5 am over there. why are u up?
He chuckles at his phone. You’re right, it’s 4:47am where he is but he can’t help his stomach doing a flip at the thought that you know exactly where in the world that he is. It makes him feel slightly less crazy that you seem to have been watching him just as much as he has been watching you.
Keeping tabs on me now? He types the message and sends it before he thinks too much about it. This is the first time the two of you have talked in almost a month and he feels like he’s getting an adrenaline high.
Chan stands from the bed and heads to his bathroom before turning the shower on and staring at his phone as he waits for the water to heat up.
ik YOU aren’t talking about keeping tabs on anyone. somehow you see everything i post within a minute of it being posted. care to explain? He can sense your sassy attitude through the screen and smirks down at his phone.
I can’t miss you?
Risky. Risky reply and he knows it but its all or nothing at this point.
He sends the message before he can think too hard about it. He sees you’re typing then the bubble disappears. This happens a few times before he finally decides to get into the shower.
A few countries away, you’re staring down at your phone, debating how you should reply.
“I fucked up,” you glance up at your coworker, a new friend that you had made. She had listened to you rant and rant about your ex boyfriend and it had actually brought the two of you pretty close.
“What happened?” She raises an eyebrow at you as she takes another sip of mimosa. you let out a sigh, running a hand through your hair before sliding your phone across the table to her. She reads the messages quickly before shaking her head in disbelief.
“He is fucking insane. Are you going to reply?” her words linger in the air for a minute before you grab your phone and read over the messages again.
“Should I even reply? This is so toxic. I’m feeding into him. Fuck!” You drag your hand down your face, frustrated and the waitress returns to your table at the perfect time.
“Can we get another bottle of champagne?” You ask with a polite smile and she nods before walking away.
“Y/n, it’s 11 in the morning,” your new friend eyes you from across the table and you shrug.
“I’ve officially been driven to drinking. I just need to get drunk and then I’ll go home and fall asleep then I’ll wake up and text him back,” you nod at her and she chuckles but lets you continue drinking anyways. Your phone vibrates again on the table and you flip it over, Chan had texted you again.
“What did he say?” Your friend already knows who it is without you having to say a word. You lean forward and unlock your phone and your heart drops at the message.
Baby, I need you. I miss you. Come to the show in Seoul.
You choke on air and start coughing before sliding your phone to your friend so she can read the messages. Her jaw drops and just as she hands your phone back, a notification pops up at the top of your screen; an incoming call from ‘Christopher Bahng’.
Without thinking you answer the call, excusing yourself from the table and stepping onto the patio, right next to your table so your friend can still see you.
“Chris…” you breathe his name out, it feels like a stab to your chest when you hear him let out a breath on the other side.
“I’ve missed hearing you say my name. I miss you so much, baby. Did you see my message?” His voice is slightly slurred over the phone and you recognize the influence that alcohol probably has over this entire interaction but honestly, you don’t even care.
“I saw it. Chris I don’t think that’s a good idea-”
“I don’t care if it’s a good idea or not. I just need to see you. I’m going to lose my fucking mind if I don’t get to hold you soon,” his voice is desperate and you can hear how overcome with emotions he is.
“We aren’t together anymore. This is exactly why. We aren’t healthy for each other, baby. You know that,” the nickname slips from your mouth like a habit and you immediately gulp when you realize what you said.
“I don’t care. I don’t care about anything if you aren’t at my side,” his confession just further nails it into your head that the two of you aren’t good for each other. You chew on your lip, pulling your sweater tighter around yourself.
“Fine.” Before you realize it, you have agreed to see him, just one more time. This will be the final time, your final goodbye.
Or the cycle will start over and you’ll be back in the endless toxicity that you two have been in for a long time.
“God, I love you so much, y/n,” his voice is raspy and you can tell he’s getting tired.
“I know, Chris. Send me two tickets so I can bring my friend since you ruined our brunch,” you chuckle and you hear him laugh on the other end.
“Yes ma’am,” he replies and you feel your phone vibrate, probably the notification that he just sent you the tickets.
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gregoftom · 11 months
Wait can you tell me more about comphet greg and/or your theory (that I'm pretty sure you mentioned or I could be making this up) about them fucking somewhere in s1? <3
of course!!!! okay so like. we didn’t really get any sort of romantic interest wrt to greg [lol] until late s3 when he declared an interest in comfrey and just the way that he spoke about her - you’re a fascinating book i’d like to crack open! she’s a very nice…… person! almost he like forgot what he was gonna say at the end there lol. and like, he loses his ‘interest’ in her after the whole conversation with tom and her actually agreeing to go out with him like, uh oh she actually said yes?! didn’t expect that and now i’m stuck. except she seems to disappear later. and it’s the same wrt the contessa - he makes this big proclamation of love and then we never see her or have her mentioned again lol. then we have the fucking. god. 4.01 the holy grail of comphet greg. we Know he didn’t have sex with bridget because a. he said “we put our hands down each others pants” which means he’s straight up lying because she was wearing a dress, b. he says “bingo bango bongo” which is exactly what roman says about him and tabs at a point and we are explicitly shown that he doesn’t/cant fuck her and c. there was more horny sexual energy in the “tell me” rummage to fruition scene than any moment he had with that girl like, damn. and she too mysteriously disappears!!
wrt his rep that kerry mentions i honestly think it’s just bullshit spread around hyped up by like, the general idea that men are gonna pump and dump women in this environment, and kerry is obv wise to it. i don’t think he’s ever had sex with a girl personally. furthest he’s gone is a kiss. ppl seem to think he’s become this slimeball casanova and like lol, get real. it’s pretty clear at least to me that he’s comphetting to fuck for multiple reasons. his interest in women just doesn’t seem genuine. ‘crunchy peanut butter’ uhuh dude, sure.
in terms of s1 sex, it’s just me picking up the horrendously sexual tension those mfs are laying down. my thoughts were that they messed around a little in i went to market, not full sex but enough to make greg come/feel good for like the first time ever bc not only is tom an exceptional lover, i don’t think greg’s ever had a particularly good experience wrt sex, if at all. and like. maybe he used that to help like push greg to getting rid of those docs, like, cement his closeness with him and something like, “that felt good right? want more?” “there’s more?!” “ohhh yeah greg, yeah. if you take care of this for me there is.” and then that leads to the next episode where tom takes him out on the ortolan date and to the club, and then fucks him that evening for real ❤️
realistically i don’t think it happened that early but the WAY greg looked at tom on that balcony and the WAY that tom held his lower back possessively and would not let go and the WAY that greg looked back at him while he did that, sheesh!!!! it’s at least somewhat plausible lol. i think for sure at the very least they fucked somewhere in the show. in the s3-4 gap, i’d wager.
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wh6res · 3 years
feat. the ‘00 line : tw suggestive
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✰ — RENJUN is mortified. wtf his screen turned black right as he was cropping off his face from the video of himself masturbating in the car, where he does most of his onlyfans content bc duh he can’t do it in the apartment. you were always straight home after classes. a homebody. he cant just splay himself on the bed and moan and whine loudly to his heart’s content or else you’ll hear him and god no he’d rather die than you finding out he has an onlyfans. but just as he was furiously pressing the space button of his laptop to get it work somehow, your head pokes inside the door. “uhm, renjun i think you accidentally casted your screen on the tv” “ha ha what? no i did not” and right on cue, he hears the very distinct “ugh baby bet you want this cock in your mouth don’t you? i do too” coming from the living room and his cheeks were tinged red when he fell to his knees. “yn please let me explain!”
✰ — JENO is proud. you and him are quite close, he wouldn’t call it being bestfriends but still, he’s comfortable in your presence and so are you with him. its not that he’s keeping his onlyfans a secret, it’s just you never really asked anyway so he didn’t tell you anything. you and him were chilling in the living room like always. just you getting some readings done on the coffee table while he edits his pictures on the sofa. he had his earphones on and everything and was just doing quick last touchups for this latest nude pic he’s going to post tonight. just when his laptop screen turned black, the smart tv opened on its own, you and jeno’s eyes widened questioningly until there it was. his nude pic; standing before the gym’s locker room mirror, holding his hard dick on one hand, phone on the other, with his tongue teasingly peaking out. “okay but can i see the real thing right now?” jeno doesn’t let the shock paint his features. simply, he smirks.“fine but no drooling”
✰ — HAECHAN is shameless. he’d be kinda confused as to why his laptop’s screen suddenly turned black on him while he’s editing the audio for a new video he’ll be uploading in the weekend. he’d be plugging up his laptop charger bc he thought the device was drained, until he heard slick sounds and his moans coming from the living room. where you were. holy shit. when he bolts out his room, he finds you choking on your chips, sat upright on the couch as you can’t even take your eyes off the screen. he was going to apologize but when he saw the pink tinge on your cheeks and the way your legs clenched as you watched the video of him jerking himself off, he didn’t feel sorry. “are you that fascinated that you can’t take your eyes off my cock, baby? there’s more where that came from” and when you shyly waddled inside his room well... “hey wanna make a sex video with me? we can split the money”
✰ — JAEMIN is clueless. so like jeno, jaem over here isn’t going crazy trying to keep his onlyfans a secret. he wanted to tell you initially about it but the topic was never breached in everyday conversation until eventually he forgot to tell you about it completely. he had been streaming live that night until his toe might’ve accidentally pressed the button that said screencast just as he was about to cum all over his hands. meanwhile you in the living room, raised an eyebrow when the movie cuts and you see him on screen, right when he says “i wish you were here with me. your pussy would feel amazing choking my cock” when his stream was over, he hears a knock on his bedroom door and he immediately put his pjs back on before opening it. “hey jaem thanks for free content, thats some good stuff you have there. maybe i can join in sometime, okay thats all i have to say! bye~” “uh wait hold tf up what do you mean”
✰ — YANGYANG is relieved. okay so yeah he’s keeping it a secret but only because from what he remembers, you were always more on the conservative side. bb is scared you might kick him out if you find out he’s a content creator at onlyfans. okay definitely, his secret keeping needs a little bit of work because he literally left the tab open, right on his profile. you and him were working on a project together and you had insisted he casts his laptop screen on the tv for the presentation file and boiiiii he accidentally casted the wrong tab omfg im dying. his fingers trembled trying to find the uncast button as the most recent video he posted autoplayed “hey babe, you back? daddy’s been waiting for such a long time i missed your sweet pussy” but he pauses when he hears you laughing. “omg yangyang! i cant believe you have a daddy kink wtf!” well at the end of the day, he’s just relieved he doesn’t have to hide it from you anymore and he can still live here.
✰ — SHOTARO is cheeky. okay if yalls think he’s going to be all innocent and embarrassed and soft uwu about the whole thing lmao hell no. i dont think he is. i bet he’s hiding all that sexayyy charisma under that cute face and it’s also probably why he’d have a hoard of people on his onlyfans. addicted to the contrast of that cute, soft voice of his going deep and domineering when the led lights in his room turn red. okay so you were running around the room almost late to your appointment when he “accidentally” hits screencast on his laptop. and suddenly the smart tv opened and he tried gulping down his laughter when you literally stopped in your tracks and watched the video of him unfold. “i bet baby’s laying down right now with her fingers shoved inside her cunny, getting off at the sight of my cock, hm slut?” your eyes widened like saucers and shit your pussy just clenched. “taro wtf is that-that you?” “i don’t know, why don’t you come here and find out, baby?”
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headcanon reqs are open bitches !! had so much fun making this lmao idk alot abt onlyfans so im sorry if some of the details are wrong :'>
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fantasy-innit · 3 years
high | wilbur soot x reader
first one shot! enjoy!
tw, smoking and drinking
words: 1222
cc!wilbur x non cc!reader
2am- brighton, england.
a pearly pool of water splashed around wilbur’s grey sneakers, soaking his white socks into an uncomfortable slush around his feet. he shielded his body from the rain with a black, compact umbrella and a maroon, zip-up sweatshirt he picked up before he left.
wilbur was adorned with only a yellow t-shirt and track pants, the yellow now a deep mustard with water seeping through to his chest. his soft coils flattened against his forehead as he tore his body through the nocturnal winds.
what was supposed to be a tipsy, middle of the night walk, turned into a search for shelter- this rain wasn’t going to get better. 
wilbur searched his brain, thinking of someone’s place he could wait the rain out in- he needed someone who was awake at 2:13 AM. 
the only person he could think of was y/n, his friend who was studying at the university of brighton. it was a quick walk to their dorm, and there wasn’t a doubt in wilbur’s mind that they weren’t awake.
y/n had been in his life for so long- he had always admired their caring personality that never failed to make him smile. they are my soulmate. the only person i feel like i can be myself around.
wilbur found an awning to stand under and sighed, pulling out his phone, finding their contact and calling anxiously.
“yo, wil? whats upppp?” they smiled through the phone. y/n sat at their desk studying for their english exam with music running through their headphones and into their ears.
wilbur laughed quietly. “im near your dorms, its pouring, please let me in.”
“did you even try to check the weather?”
“its not my fault i indulge on a cherry vodka every once in a while! the thing is that i’m a tad intoxicated and i would loveeee if i could come over for a bit and dry off.”
y/n rolled their eyes and closed their spiral notebook that was labeled ‘english :)’ and slipped on a pair of slippers. “ok, im coming down to let you in. be here quick.”
they hung up and wilbur quickly ran to their dorm complex, he had been there plenty and knew where it was even if he was under the influence.
he pounded on the glass door that could only be unlocked with a keycard, scaring y/n who was standing on the other side of the door scrolling on their phone.
they opened the door and stared at him. “wil you are a mess. i have a shirt you can change into, but your out of luck in the trousers department. you can sit on one of my bath towels. don’t you dare get naked again.”
“dude that was like 6th form... let it go....” he joked.
y/n puffed out a sigh. “i’ll let it go when the trauma goes away.”
“that was a fun time, though.” wilbur said, walking alongside y/n on the way to their dorm room. “that was the first time we drank together i think.”
“yeah,” they smiled, sarcastically. “that’s also where my smoking addiction started!”
wilbur laughed. “you’re still on that?”
“well i wouldn’t call it an addiction. its more of a social thing.”
“speaking of social...” wilbur trailed.
y/n furrowed their eyebrows at him as they unlocked their dorm room with their key. “what does that mean?”
“its a friday night. shouldn’t you be.. partying? like every other uni student on a friday?”
they smiled and grabbed a towel from their closet and setting on one side of their bed for wilbur. “well my roommate is down at a club or something so i decided i would take this time to study up. guess i wont be doing that. want a drink?”
“sure. what’ve you got?” wilbur asked as he grabbed a sweatshirt from your closet, turned around and slipped off his shirt. he threw the sweatshirt over his head and sat on the towel y/n placed for him.
they opened their mini fridge and examined the drinks on the bottom shelf. “i got a 6 pack of stella and a 6 pack of wine coolers. your choice.”
wilbur smiled, and pointed to the wine cooler. “you know im not a beer man.”
“that makes one of us!” they laughed, grabbed a bottle opener and popped open his wine cooler. they cracked the tab of their drink and took a few cold sips.
“well now that this is a social thing, you got anything?”
y/n rummaged into their desk drawer. “pre rolled, the way you like it.”
“i just cant roll, okay?”
“yeah..” y/n laughed and opened their window.
the night went on, the two smoking and drinking inside of y/ns cozy dorm.
the warm smoke drew into y/n’s lungs, and they enjoyed it. they had missed wilbur’s company, even if they had only not seen him for a few days.
“look, y/n- tonight has been amazing. but i have to ask- what are we?”
y/n turned their head and put out their joint, their ceramic ash tray filling up even more. they mumbled, “i dont know. what do you want?”
“i dont know. but i know for a fact that this isn’t the wine coolers talking. you’re such a puzzle, y/n. i can never figure you out. some days you love me, some days were just like two best friends.”
y/n looked at their feet. “i don’t know. i think it’s obvious that i like you but i  guess im just scared to commit. what if we dont work out? what if you find someone new? ive always felt inferior to you, especially now with all your fucking followers..” they laughed quietly, but sighed.
“you are the only person that makes me feel worthy of anything, y/n. no matter what i’m going through, i can go to you.”
y/n chuckled and grabbed the joint from in between wilburs fingers. they drew from it and smoke sprawled through the air.
“so beautiful even when you’re abusing drugs.” wilbur joked
“don’t even start that, wil...” they laughed and rested their head on his shoulder.
wilbur fiddled with his fingers. “i think you’re the one- i really do.”
“you’re crazy.”
“i dont care! please, can we just give this a shot? if it doesn’t work it, which it will work out, we can still be friends. just.. please.”
“...” y/n thought, passing the joint back to wilbur. “fine. fine.”
wilbur put the joint in the ashtray, smoke still in his lungs. he whisked it out and turned to them. “so does this mean-”
y/n grabbed the collar of the sweatshirt, pulling it in. “this is definitely the beer talking.”
“i dont care.” wilbur softly took their cheek into his hand and pulled them into his lips.
for the first time, wilbur felt love in a kiss. as if it had been stored in their throat and jetted into his as they kissed, like no feeling he had felt before, he pulled away and flopped backwards onto their bed.
“wow. i cant believe i just confessed my undying love for you under the influence of like 4 wine coolers.” wilbur laughed as he observed the small cracks in the dorm ceiling.
y/n laid down next to him, staring up at the ceiling as well. “maybe you’re just a light weight”
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barnes-n-nobles · 3 years
Youre My Path (SMUT)
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Yandere Bucky being crazy, possessive, and DARK!
TW-Mentions on non-con, drugging, stalking, and overall dark behavior. A little bit of knife play as well.
Let me know what y’all think 
Today was just another boring ordinary day. You had to go to the store and stock up on some groceries that you had been planning on getting but you lacked the will power to do so. You opened your phone and looked at the time. Ugh, I need to go before they close you thought to yourself as you managed to peel yourself off of your comfy sofa. You got ready and headed towards the nearest super market.
Lately youve been having some weird feelings, as if someone is constantly watching you. You always shake it off though, because nothing ever happens to you. You always get home safe and sound. Today was a little more intense though, as if you could almost hear someone breathing behind you when you were walking to the store. Relieved to have made it inside, you grabbed your cart and started your trip through the empty isles of the store. You loved and hated to come at night, it made you feel at peace knowing there there wouldn’t be annoying ass kids and angry moms yelling at them to behave. No people blocking the isles with their carts and most importantly, no need to run into someone you knew. The only reason you hated it, was because you didn’t want to get kidnapped and left for dead.
As you made your way to the bread isle, you had that feeling again. You felt like someone was behind you, you stopped dead in your tracks to see if anyone would walk past you. You pretended to look at the merchandise and you slowly turned around to see if there was anyone there. You looked both ways, and sure enough there was nothing. You rolled your eyes and kept it moving. As your trip started coming to an end you decided to stop by the makeup isle, needing a couple of items that you would use for your upcoming date.
Usually you didn’t try this hard but you figured you would give it a shot. All the past times you went on dates they would disappear after your first date. You weren’t sure if it was because you didn’t try hard enough or if they simply weren’t feeling your vibe. As your mind trailed off you accidentally ran into another person with your cart, completely snapping you out of your mind. A broad man, fell to his knee. “Oh my god!!! I’m so sorry. Are you ok? God I’m so clumsy please forgive me” you said frantically as you started to help him up. He lifted his head up to meet your gaze, big blue eyes % bore%% into your own. Your eyes started to trail from his eyes, to his lips, and up again to his perfectly sculpted face. You were mesmerized, you had never seen such a handsome man. “It’s okay, don’t worry about it, y/n” he said quickly getting up and walking off with a visible smirk on his face. You scrunched your eyebrows in confusion, knowing damn well he did not just say your name. You werent exactly sure if your mind was playing tricks on you or if he really said what you think he had said. You got up quickly, still in shock but hoping that it was really your mind playing tricks on you. Hesitantly you continued to shop, even though there was a little voice in your head telling you to get the hell out of that store.
Bucky POV
FUCK she’s so beautiful, he thought to himself. The way you stared at him, it was clear you wanted him the way he wanted you. This was the moment that he had been waiting for ever since he laid eyes on you. He had never been this close to you, it was like a dream come true. You smelled like candy, your beautiful e/c eyes meeting his. Just how he had imagined but better. The way you apologized made him hard. Just think of how submissive my y/n will be to me mmmm I’m going to devour her in every way possible he thought to himself, smirking.
Bucky ran into you at a coffee shop near your house. It was love at first sight for him. He watched you interact with your friends, smile, laugh, and it was like a match made in heaven for him. He knew he needed you to smile for him, laugh for him, and live for him. He followed you home that night. Making sure you wanted to be safe, of course. But his monthly visits turned to weekly and then turned to daily. He eventually managed to get into your home. You left a space key under your mat, and he felt so happy yet disappointed that you would endanger yourself like that. “When we live together, I’ll make sure you don’t make silly mistakes like this” he said to himself as he got into your home.
He went through your house just browsing, seeing if anything interesting caught his eye. He then made it into your room and continued to look through your things. He found your panties next to your bed and quickly grabbed them and put him in his picked for him to enjoy later. He also took some pictures of you, to also enjoy later.
You were his new routine and he enjoyed every second of it. As time went on he would keep tabs on you, absolutely hating it when you went on dates. He was consumed with jealousy and couldn’t believe anyone would dare lay a finger on you. He knew that this would not fly and he had to make sure to get rid of any roadblocks that got in his way. Bucky murdered them and everytime he did he felt relieved, almost happy knowing that he was that much closer to you.
After his encounter with you, Bucky walked off into the parking lot, one car over from yours, slipping into the drivers seat. His mind started to go wild. He needed you so badly. He wished he could have taken you right then and there. How he wished he could be inside you, your soft moans begging him to make you feel good. His cock soon started to throb at the thought of you. He leaned back in his seat taking a pair of your panties out from his pocket. He brought them to his nose and inhaled deeply, moaning as he exhaled. “Fuck Y/n...you make me so horny...I’m going to fuck the shit out of you when you’re here baby just you wait”.
Wasnt long before he pulled out his dick, stroking it hard. His hips bucking into his hand wishing it was your pussy. He started to think about how beautiful your pretty mouth would be around his dick, how good your tongue would feel swiveling around his tip. Just as he was about to cum, he stopped. He growled and threw his head back lowly moaning your name. “Fuck...I cant take this anymore. I need her” He quickly tucked himself back in and relaxed.
All you could think about was how that guy knew your name. It kept replaying in your head and it didn’t make sense. You headed to your car and started to load everything in. “Hello my Y/n” you heard someone say in a low deep voice. You quickly turned around, your heart starting to beat a little faster. “Umm. Do I know you?” You asked. Bucky sighed and started to walk towards you. “Not yet doll but you will” a smirk on his face once again. You backed up as he took steps forward. “Don’t come any closer, or I’m calling the police”.
Bucky pressed himself against your body, his hands snaking their way to your hips. His face now pressed against your neck. “No you wont Princess, I know you like this. I can tell by the way that you’re breathing that you want me to keep going” his low voice going straight to your core. “N-no please...stop I ..” you tried pushing him off but you started to feel so weak. You had not noticed that Bucky had used something to drug you. All you felt was your body going limp and you falling into his arms.
Bucky smiled as you fell into him, placing a soft kiss on your temple. He noticed that someone was coming over so he quickly pressed your body to your car, and grabbed your face, kissing you. The person walking, walked a little faster as they were feeling a little awkward. Perfect he thought to himself. He placed you into the back to his car, resting your head to a pillow he had just bought and covering you with his sweater. He quickly drove off, leaving all your things by your car.
Your eyes opened, your head pounding. Wherever you were it was dark but comfortable. You groaned as you started to fully wake up, slowly sitting up. Your left hand felt heavy, you tried pulling it and you heard a chain. You yanked your hand hard again, making a loud sound. Bucky heard the noise coming from your guy’s room and he smiled and quickly got up making his way to you.
“Baby you’re awake now” Bucky excitedly said
“What’s going on..why are you doing this to me, where am I?”
“You’re home doll, with me”
“But I don’t know you” you cried softly
“My name is James Buchanan Barnes, but you can call me Bucky. I’ve been looking after you for a while now and it’s been a pleasure but I'm so glad that I finally have you all to myself, just how it was always meant to be”
He started to get on the bed climbing towards you. You backed up as he came towards you, your back was now against the wall, pinning yourself between the cold wall and his broad body. His hand going to the back of your neck, bringing you close to him, your lips almost touching his.
“I’ve waited a life time for this, to have you here with me. You make me crazy and I would sacrifice the world for you. Now that you’re all mine, I won’t ever loose you” he closed the gap between you two, his lips desperately locking into yours. Kissing you passionately, he was hungry and desperate. You turned your head to the side, breaking the kiss.
“This isn’t the way Bucky, this isn’t right. You need to let me go” you begged. Bucky smiled and looked down moving back away from you. It made you feel relieved that he was not too mad due to your actions. He slowly got up from the bed and went over to his dresser, rummaging through some things.
“Bucky...maybe we are in different paths right now, maybe in the future we will be together but now right now, not like this...please Bucky listen to me”, hoping that he would have a little sympathy, you used his name to make it more personal.
“You know , y/n...just because you say we are on different paths doesn’t mean it’s true” he grabbed something and started to walk towards you again. This time his metal arm reached out to pull you by your leg to the edge of the bed, giving you whiplash. He quickly climbed on top of you, pinning your arms above your head with his metal arm and pulling out a syringe with his other hand.
You quickly started to wiggle around trying to get him off you. Shaking your head, “no no please stop no”. Buckys eyes had a hint of madness to them, dark and disturbing. “Don’t worry these don’t hurt, it will make you feel better I promise”. He quickly injected it to you and you soon started to feel get hot, with a tingling sensation “This will loosen you up a bit, it’ll make you relax so that we can enjoy eachother baby”
His lips made their way onto your neck, kissing and licking you all over. Your heart started to race, your eyes closing, soft moans escaping your lips, “n-no..” Bucky grunted as his erection started to press against your clothed pussy. His hips bucking forward, dry humping you. He lowered down to your ear, whispering, “ cant you see what you do to me. You’re so sexy and sensual you’re almost making me cum in my pants with your adorable moans, my love. As much as love to hear you right now, I want you to moan and scream my name y/n...begging me to fuck you harder”
All his words, combined with his dry humping made you soaking wet. As much as you hated this you couldn’t help but moan louder. His cock pressing against you was not enough and you needed more. You tried your hardest to resist, “G-get a..way f-from me..” you managed to choke out, trying to not moan anymore and trying to push him off with your body. Suddenly Bucky got angry. Hating how you were fighting him. He tore off your thin leggings in a fast single motion, revealing your soaked panties. He took out his knife and pressed it against you, earning a frantic gasp but you stopped moving. “Stop fighting me doll, for your own good because I swear I will fucking destroy you. I’ve waited too long for this, don’t push me because you won’t like the way I punish you.But......if you behave I’ll make sure to take care of you..real good care darling” he said as his knife traced your body. He grabbed your shirt roughly and ripped it off, slicing your bra open as well.
His mouth watered at the sight of your delicious breasts, making his cock twitch with excitement. His knife trailed down to your panties, making you whimper. “You’re so delicious kitten, I’m going to fuck you so hard. I cant wait till my cock is right in here” he motioned and tapped your clit with his knife. He roughly grabbed them and ripped them open instantly. He threw his knife to the side and quickly started to rub your clit making your back arch with your eyes closed. Your moans now filling up the room. Bucky smiled and took one of your nipples into his mouth, making you quiver and move your hips down into his hand. “Mmm, I knew you wanted this..wanted me...only me” he growled against your chest. “F-fuck Bucky...keep going please”. You hated yourself for saying that but you couldn’t help it, you were in pure ecstasy.
Just as you were about to reach your orgasm, he removed himself from you. Making you whine and buck your hips up, wanting and needing his touch once again. “Don’t worry kitten, I’m not done with you yet”. He quickly undressed and positioned himself at your entrance, rubbing his tip on your clit, making you mewl. “Tell me what you want doll...tell me what you want from me” he coaxed. You didn’t answer, as you were too embarrassed to say anything. His metal hand went to your neck, squeezing it hard. “Tell me y/n..tell me what you want NOW” he yelled, releasing his grip from your throat.
“Fuck me Bucky...please” you finally said. “I don’t think I heard you doll, say it loud and clear”. “FUCK ME BUCKY PLEASE I NEED YOU...PLEASE”. You finally broke. You needed him now, there was nothing in the world you wanted more than to have his cock inside of you, his lips on your skin and his hands all over you. You were finally filled with his big cock slipping in and out of your wet pussy. His hands on your neck, choking you but not too hard like before. His hips snapping in and out of you making your body shake. 
“Such an obedient slut, MY obedient slut. I’m going to break you and bend you to my will. Making you all mine. I’ll make you crave my touch, my attention, my voice. You’re going to live only for me, doll. Only for me” he growled as he pounded into you, rubbing your clit making you loose it. He then started to feel you reach your end, making him moan, “cum on my dick baby...cum for me. Let go” he cooed as he angled himself to reach into you deeper. That’s when you felt your orgasm hit you, your body started to shake, waves of pleasure surging through your body. “Mmm Buckyyyy” you moaned. Making him loose it as well, he coated your insides in his thick warm cum. Pumping himself in and out slowly. Gasping for air.
Fuck he was such a God, he made you want more of him. It was the first night and you were already going crazy for his touch. You wanted him to keep going keep doing you however he wanted, but most importantly to keep pleasuring you. Bucky finally pulled out and laid next to you, looking at your beautiful face. He brought his lips to yours and gave you a soft kiss. “The drug hasn’t worn off baby, don’t think this is over. We’re going until we cant no more, doll.” He said against your lips, flipping you over for round two.
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trouble-off-grid · 3 years
Little Fish
Here it is, this is my piece for the mcyt g/t enchange, and my person was @lorie-the-little-ghost! I’ve never written Karlnap before so I was supper excited to see this prompt and I hope you enjoy! Living with Sapnap felt just as natural as swimming, of course, there were the occasional rough parts, but the reward was worth more to Karl than any risks that came with sharing a house with a human. When Sapnap first suggested they were to get a house together, Karl all but glowed at the idea. He loved Sapnap and couldn’t wait to spend even more time together with his boyfriend, there was only a slight problem with this. The house they moved into was right on the seaside and while the view was truly gorgeous, Karl couldn’t help the way his body froze anytime Sapnap mentioned going down to the actual beach.
The idea of Sapnap seeing what Karl actually was terrified him, he truly loved Sapnap and as much as he hated keeping such a main part of him a secret from him he couldn’t help but be more scared of losing his love. So he agreed to move there and just promised himself that he would avoid all water while around Sapnap. Even if it hurt him every time he declined going down to the beach with some flimsy excuse. After all, the man was relentless with his efforts, and seeing his face fall every time was not something Karl wished for.
It was this current thought process that brought Karl back to the conversation he was having with his boyfriend, “Come on babe I promise it’ll be so much fun, I even packed us lunch!” Sapnap pleaded, staring at him with his best puppy dog eyes. Karl almost broke then and there, maybe if he went and just stuck strictly to the sand everything would be okay. But the little voice in his head couldn’t stop whispering about all the what-if scenarios. Ignoring how his heart yearned to be able to swim with Sapnap while in his true form. 
He looked away from Sapnap, not wanting to see the disappointment in his eyes at his answer, “I’m sorry Sap but I’ve just got a really bad cramp right now” The excuse sounded weak even to Karl, and as soon as he mumbled out his answer he was standing from his chair and making his way down to their bedroom. He immediately flopped down onto the bed and groaned loudly into his pillow. Getting all his frustrations out he grabbed it with both hands and curled himself around it, trying to swallow down the guilt he felt at lying to Sapnap.
Meanwhile, Sapnap just stared as his boyfriend all but ran out of the room from him. Sighing he sat down the bag with their lunches in it on the counter and slumped into the seat Karl was previously sitting in. He couldn’t help but feel that Karl was hiding something from him. He seemed so excited to move in together yet there were times when it felt like Karl would just completely pull away from him. Thinking over all the odd encounters he’s had with Karl recently made him notice how these moments aligned with anytime Sapnap mentioned going to the beach. 
Raking through his brain for possible solutions he tried to think of why Karl would avoid the beach like the plague. It’s not as if he avoided water either, as the man still took showers like a normal person. So if Karl wasn’t scared of water then why wouldn’t he want to swim? As if his muddled thoughts cleared suddenly, he was left with an answer that made so much sense he was shocked he hadn’t figured it out earlier. 
Karl can’t swim. 
It made perfect sense! He must have just been too embarrassed to say anything so instead, he just avoided his problem. Well, how could Sapnap claim himself as the best boyfriend if he continued to let Karl suffer alone in his embarrassment? Sapnap was determined to teach Karl to swim now, he smirked as he thought about his adorable boyfriend clinging to him as they waded in the ocean together. Taking their food out of the bag and putting it in the fridge Sapnap left the kitchen and made his way to their office where he began his research on how to teach someone to swim. 
Deciding to stop wallowing in his own self-pity Karl peeked out of the bedroom trying to gauge where Sapnap was in the house. Karl was already hiding a big part of himself, the last thing he wanted to do was completely hide away from Sapnap. Walking through the hallway he saw the lights were on in the office, he gently knocked on the door before pushing it fully open and entering. 
At the sound of Karl coming in Sapnap swiftly closed the tab he was on and spun his chair around to face Karl. They made eye contact and Karl gave a little apologetic smile at Sapnap, normally the younger would feel disheartened after his boyfriend declined his offer once again but knowing the truth now he smiled fully back at him. 
When Karl walked into the office he was a little suspicious of how quickly Sapnap closed whatever screen he was on but with how big of a secret Karl was keeping from him he figured it was only fair Sapnap got to have his own. So instead of questioning the weird behavior he just moved on getting ready to apologize to Sapnap only to be surprised when Sapnap genuinely smiled at him, “I just wanted to apologize again for not being able to go to the beach with you but uh, I think I might’ve just eaten something bad.” 
Standing from his chair Sapnap made his way over to Karl grabbing both his hands in his own and rubbing a circle gently on his boyfriends’ skin, “Hey, no worries baby, I understand and besides there’s always next time,” He let a smirk grow on his face and wiggled his eyebrows at Karl, delighted in the way he broke into giggles at his antics.
Karl seemed to stare longingly into Sapnaps eyes as he replied, “Yeah, next time.”
Next time seemed to come sooner than Karl was prepared for as normally Sapnap waited a couple of days to ask him the dreaded question again but it seemed his boyfriend had other plans for today. 
Sapnap had left the house extra early that morning just to go shopping for the items needed for his swimming lessons with Karl. He couldn’t wait to show Karl the kickboard and fun assortment of floaties he had bought.     
He was practically vibrating with excitement as he unlocked the front door shopping bags in hand. He couldn’t help but smile in glee when he saw Karl started as he burst in through the door and saw Karl startle. 
Their current positions felt like Deja vu as Sapnap prepared to ask Karl the same question he asked yesterday. But this time would be different as now Sapnap knew why Karl was declining all his offers. 
“Karl my love! We are going to the beach today!” Paying attention he noticed how Karl winced once he realized what was said, only reaffirming Sapnaps suspicion. 
Biting his lip in contemplation he tried to find the words to say, “Sap I would love to, but, I just ate and I really shouldn’t go swimming right after eating.” Normally this would be the moment when Sapnap tried and failed to not act sad over Karl declining and then he would eventually give up asking until another today. Today however Sapnap seemed to only grin wider after hearing Karls response.
“See I knew you’d say that, every time I’ve asked you to come down to the beach with me you’ve always declined,” Karl wasn’t sure he liked the way Sapnap was walking towards him as he spoke, “I’ve been trying to figure out why you would say no.” At this point Sapnap was practically standing over Karl making the taller have to look up at him as he was sitting down, “And I finally know the truth.” 
Karl felt like his heart was going to pound out of his chest with how fast it was beating. How could Sapnap know? He had been so careful not to slip up and expose himself yet somehow his boyfriend had still found out. “Go on, say it then.” He closed his eyes in preparation, not being able to look at Sapnap when he said it.
“You can’t swim!” Those three words had Karl startled out of his thoughts.
“I, uh what?”
“Yeah babe, I know you’ve been too embarrassed to say anything to me but I figured it out yesterday and I’ve decided I’m gonna teach you to swim.” Sapnap sounded so sure that Karl found it hard to even respond to him.
“That’s not- I know how to swim Sapnap” He weakly argued.
“You don’t have to lie anymore, plenty of people can’t swim Karl, you don’t have to be embarrassed around me,” and before Karl could even respond Sapnap was emptying the grocery bags to show his earlier purchases.
“Look! I even got stuff so that It would be easier for me to teach you!” 
Karl could feel as his eyes start to swell with tears, he was so lucky to have such a caring boyfriend, if only he knew the truth. Standing up so he was now right next to Sapnap, staring down at him. “Sapnap, this was all very sweet of you but I can’t go to the beach with you.”
He could see confusion paint Sapnaps’ face as he spoke, “I don’t understand, why are you avoiding this?”
“I just can’t okay?” He turned to leave the room, desperate to escape this conversation but found his wrist caught in Sapnaps hand before he could. 
“If you can swim then why are you avoiding me on this? Did I do something?” 
“No, I just can’t talk about it,” He tried to pull his wrist free but found Sapnap still holding on. 
“Why can’t you tell me?” Sapnap pleaded.
“I just cant!” Karl tried pulling his wrist out again at the same time Sapnap let go. Not expecting the sudden momentum Karl stumbled backward flailing his arms to try and catch his balance. As he did so he knocked a glass of water straight off the counter and onto himself.
It was as if time froze before multiple things happened all at once. Both men turned to a state of panic, Sapnap worried the glass hurt Karl while Karl was panicking over what he knew was about to happen. He could see Sapnaps lips moving, trying to ask if he were okay but his ears were filled with a ringing sensation. Karl could only pray that this time he got water on himself would be a fluke, maybe nothing bad would happen.
 As if thinking about it made it true he immediately felt himself go from towering over Sapnap to now having to stare up at him from the floor in just a quick flash. He had never seen Sapnap from this angle and he could only imagine the short jokes Sapnap would make if he saw him now. That is if he was able to ignore the fishtail now attached to his body and only focused on his new height.
Meanwhile, Sapnap stared in disbelief as one second his boyfriend was in front of him and the next he wasn’t. Looking around the now empty room and not seeing Karl he started to panic and call out, “Karl?! Baby, where’d you go?!”
While Karl was trying to figure out a plan to get away without being seen he couldn’t help but hear how desperate Sapnap sounded. He kept glancing from his tail, up to his boyfriend, and then again. If not for the way Sapnap was still calling out in a panic he might not have worked up the courage to gain his attention. Drawing all his nerves Karl sat, petting his tail for comfort, he had to remind himself that this was Sapnap, his loving boyfriend, who would never hurt him.
“Sapnap!” Watching as the aforementioned male looked around in confusion he continued, “Look down!” 
Sapnap hearing Karl’s voice looked down to see his boyfriend, not only tiny but sprouting a rainbow fishtail. Crouching down to get a closer look at him he saw that sure enough, his boyfriend was now a tiny merman,” So I take it this means you do know how to swim?” He joked.
Flustered, Karl covered his face with his hands, “That’s the first thing you’re going to say to me?!” God Karl couldn’t believe how much of a nimrod his boyfriend was. 
“Just trying to lighten the mood” He chuckled. It still felt like his eyes were deceiving him and he started to reach out to Karl only to pause right before actually touching him when he saw Karl flinch away from him. “I would never hurt you, Karl,” he whispered, keeping his hand right in front of Karl.
Slowly reaching out he put his hand on Sapnaps finger marveling at the size difference, “It’s not you I’m scared of, it’s just your height” 
Sapnap felt his breath hitch at the feeling of Karls little hand on him, looking closely he could even see little webbing between his fingers, “What, jealous that I’m taller?”
“Oh shut up nimrod!” Karl lightly smacked Sapnaps finger and gasped in surprise when he nudged him back in retaliation. 
“So, a fish huh, don’t you like need water or something?” His eyes squinted in concern as he stared at Karl as if he was about to drop dead.
“To stay in this form I need to remain wet, otherwise I’ll transform back, my scales will probably dry out soon enough”
“Do you want to? Stay in that uh form I mean, If you want, I can run a bath for you?” 
“Yeah actually, that would be really nice.”
Surprised that Karl agreed Sapnap perked up cupping his hands around Karl but not touching him just yet, “Is it okay if I carry you?”
Karl had never been held by a human before but if he was going to do this he was glad it was someone he trusted as much as Sapnap, “Yeah.”
Constantly looking at Karls’ face to see if there was any discomfort he slowly began to close his hands underneath the little fish. Until Karl was fully cupped safely in his hands, where he brought him against his chest for extra support, “I’m gonna stand now, okay?” He watched as Karl clung onto his thumb for support and nodded his head in confirmation.
With that Sapnap slowly stood up, thankful that he was still wearing shoes as he made his way around the broken glass on the floor, making a reminder to clean that up later. Careful not to jostle his little passenger he slowly made his way to the bathroom. Once inside he gently moved Karl to one hand, using his other to get the bath set up. 
He absentmindedly started to stroke Karl’s tail while waiting for the bath to fill, awed by how much trust Karl put into him. Karl may not have got a choice in Sapnap finding out his secret, but Sapnap was determined to do anything to show his boyfriend that he could be trusted with this.
Eventually, the tub was filled and Sapnap gently slid Karl into the water, “Into the tub for you.” As soon as he said that he felt water hit his face and looked to see Karl giggling before swimming under the water.
Sapnap couldn’t help but watch in amazement as Karl expertly glided through the water, truly able to see for the first time just how pretty his tail was as it seemed to sparkle underwater. It also looked like Karl just enjoyed swimming and it made Sapnap ponder when the last time he got to transform was. 
He waited until Karl popped his head above water to praise him, “You’re really fast underwater.” The blush that coated Karls tiny face was just an added bonus as he complimented his boyfriend.
“I’ve never really gotten to test out how fast I can go” 
“Well let’s see then,” that was all the heads up Karl got before his boyfriend’s hand approached the water ready to chase him down. 
Karl squealed before diving back under the water, and the chase was on. It was a little difficult for Karl to avoid capture while stuck in a smaller area but he was able to hold his own very well and the few times Sapnap almost got him he was able to slip out of his grasp and keep the chase going. 
It wasn’t until Sapnap used both hands to fully cup around Karl and scoop him out of the water completely did he admit defeat,” Sapnap,” Karl whined, “that’s cheating,” he pouted.
“Maybe this will make up for it,” He brought Karl up to his face and began to pepper kisses all over his body, delighting in Karl’s laughter and little squeals. He finally backed off, leaving Karl to catch his breath in his hands, minuscule chest breathing heavily as he did.
“Fish or not, I love you, Karl,” Karl didn’t think his face could get any redder at this point and he used his hands to cover his face before gesturing for Sap to come closer.
At his request, Sapnap leaned in closer, going cross-eyed as he watched Karl press a kiss to the tip of his nose, “I love you too, Sapnap.”
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gojos-sidepiece-69 · 3 years
Tokyo Tech Training- Chapter 7
“You’re late,” Sukuna said in a bored, unamused manner. “And I’ve been waiting for nearly half an hour. You’ve put me in a rather impatient mood.” You stood there panting in the doorway of Yuji’s room, hands on your knees. You looked up to see the curse sitting there on the bed, donning his usual white robe. His eyes broke contact and started to make their way down your body, soaking it up in the dim light. You began to feel increasingly aware of your exposed legs as you shifted uncomfortably. “Sorry...it’s my birthday and I lost track of time,” you said nervously. He sighed and said, “After a thousand years, silly things like birthdays stop having any meaning. Anyways, like I said, you’re late. And I did say I would punish you however I saw fit...”
You swallowed and straightened up, running a hand through your hair unconsciously as he made his way towards you, stopping a couple of inches away.
He opened his robe and tossed it to the side, revealing just his boxers, and you almost gasped. You had almost forgotten how attractive he was, and you began getting flashbacks to your sinful night a couple of days back. It was as if his body had a natural effect on you, turning you on like a dripping faucet. He could sense your heart rate picking up, so he moved closer, backing you up against the closed door. “Nervous?” He asked in a low growl, and you shook your head. “Liar,” he replied, and he was right. You couldn’t tell if the pit growing in your stomach was fear or excitement...definitely more parts fear.
His fingers toyed with your flimsy spaghetti straps. “Dressed up nice and pretty like a whore for me,” he said with an evil grin. “The dress is getting in my way, though,” he said before he tore your dress into two pieces. You gasped as you were left in nothing but your panties and your heels. “That’s better,” he said quietly as he unexpectedly grabbed at your pussy. You let out a small yelp, and he laughed, “You act like you’ve never been touched in your life.”
His hungry eyes were now on your exposed breasts, and he quickly rubbed at your hardened nipples with both his calloused thumbs. He leaned down and wetly sucked on one of your tits while squeezing the other. Liquid was trickling down your thighs, and you moaned loudly. You remembered how much he liked hearing you be loud and dramatic, so you didn’t feel the need to hold yourself back. After he’d had enough with licking at your breasts, he came back up and said, “Time to start your punishment.” He roughly flipped you around and you threw your hands up against the wall to break the impact. He placed a hand on the middle of your back and bent you over, one side of your face pressed against the door.
One of his hands stayed on your back to keep you bent over, and the other gave you a sharp slap on the ass. You gasped loudly against the door, and he laughed. “Do you like being slapped, you little slut? I’ll put you in your place,” he said into your ear from behind you as he slapped you again. Your knees buckled and you nearly fell over, but he turned you back to face him. “On your knees,” he demanded, shoving your shoulders downwards to get you to the ground.
Your knees hit the floor and Sukuna pulled himself out of his boxers. “You’re going to suck it like the dirty bitch you are,” he instructed, pushing himself against your lips. You allowed him to enter your lips, wrapping your hands around whatever couldn’t fit in your mouth. Your tongue moved around his tip and up and down his member hastily, but it wasn’t fast enough. He grabbed handfuls of your hair and moved you faster, groaning at the sight of tears burning at your eyes. You looked up into his eyes, and his face looked evil as ever, sadistically smiling at your pain. He pulled you off of his cock, his precum dripping around your lips. He took his thumb and swiped it against your wet lips, gathering some of the liquid up. He then smeared it against one of your nipples and you let out a high-pitched sound. He admired how much of a hot mess he made you, his juices moistening you over your breasts.
He picked you up before you had time to process it, and threw you on top of the bed roughly. He went to pull down your panties with his teeth, and tossed them to the side. You automatically pressed our legs together, feeling yourself pulse. He shook his head and said, “Open up your legs for me now. And don’t make me ask twice.” You slowly parted your legs, but again, were moving too slowly for his liking. His strong hands gripped your inner thighs and shoved them apart, causing your wetness to spill into the sheets. “Fuck,” you said, as he wasted no time diving in for a taste. You moaned his name, feeling your pleasure increase tenfold at the sound of him slurping you up. You wrapped your thighs around his head tightly, not afraid of suffocating him because he was strong enough and that was nothing to him. He pushed two of his fingers deep into your mouth before swiping them up and down your cunt, smearing around your wetness. “Please,” you begged, you’re voice cracking. You couldn’t take anymore waiting...you needed him to fill you.
“You do as I say, so shut your pretty little mouth and stop begging,” he snapped at you, and your heat clenched. He dragged you to the edge of the bed and flipped you onto all fours. “Now bend over for me.” He stood on the ground behind you, again bending you over forcefully with his hand on the small of your back. You were propped on your elbows, face pressed against the bedsheets. Your hair was messy and your mascara was running. But you nearly had a heart attack when you saw the door creak open. Of course, your son-of-a-bitch teacher let himself into the room and closed the door. You couldn’t see his eyes through those stupid sunglasses of his, but you could feel them burning into you and your nude body. “What the fuck are you doing here?” You choked out at him. He plopped down onto Yuji’s couch, crossed his long legs, and leaned his head back against the wall. “I said I’d be keeping tabs on this to make sure Sukuna didn’t fuck around and kill you or something. Cant have one of my favorite students getting hurt. Besides, I think it’s my turn to watch.” He said in an amused tone, a smile quirking at his pink mouth.
“You littl-“ you started, but immediately screamed and arched your back in pleasure as Sukuna pushed into your folds from behind. He didn’t seem to mind having an audience, and as much as you hated to admit it, neither did you. Fuck it. You didn’t get to show off to your Sensei during training yesterday, but you sure could now. You threw yourself back onto Sukuna, screaming louder and louder. You kept eye contact with Gojo, who you saw started to lose some of his cool. He tensed up and crossed his legs tighter as you smiled at him dopily. Your confidence and growing grasp on the man across the room prompted you to say, “Slap me again,” while still looking at Gojo. Sukuna laughed and said something about you being a harlot as he rewarded you with another slap on the ass.
Gojo’s eyes widened, and the smile on his face was gone. You saw his fists tighten, and he swallowed at the sight of you being slapped and getting pleasured by pain. You saw a bulge poking out of his nice black slacks, and smirked at it. But your eyes rolled back into your head as Sukuna moved into you faster and faster, pulling at your hair. Both of his hands gripped at the sides of your hips, again tight enough to leave marks. “Fuck, you’re so tight,” he groaned, and without warning, pulled out and came all over your thighs again. You felt emptied, and you hadn’t even come yet. But before you let your mind wander, you heard the sound of a belt unbuckling.
You looked behind you, and Sukuna had taken a seat, panting. Someone else flipped you over and pinned you down onto the bed. “Don’t be such a damn tease. It’s my turn.” You had never seen your teacher look so frustrated, and it made your breath hitch. “Repay me for yesterday, and I’ll forgive you for being a bad girl,” he said, referring to the generous oral sex he gave you at the sauna day before yesterday. He unzipped his expensive-looking slacks and pulled down his boxers, letting his erection into your small hands. You couldn’t help but drool a little at the sight of him in his handsome button down shirt that was rolled up to his elbows. You could cum just looking at him.
You decided to continue your evil games and stroke him lightly with your fingers. He wasn’t going in your mouth just yet. You looked up at him innocently as you moved your hands harder and faster. You wet your hands with your saliva to lubricate his shaft, feeling him tense up. He groaned. You were in control. You smiled wickedly as he looked down at you, silently pleading. But silent pleading wasn’t going to cut it with you tonight. It was your birthday and you still hadn’t gotten what you wanted yet. “You know what I really want for my birthday, Gojo?” He looked at you, his blue eyes peeking over his sunglasses. “What?” He breathed. “I want you to get on your knees and beg for me.”
You heard Sukuna whistle from behind you, enjoying the show. But you couldn’t care less about him right now. Gojo clearly weighed his options in his mind. On one hand, he had his ego, his reputation as a playboy, his dominance to protect. On the other, well...his dick was literally in your hands. And his erection gaining tension by the minute. Funny how this played out. He definitely thought you were going to suck his dick like a good girl, but now look at him. He lowered himself onto his knees and looked up at you. “Say the magic words,” you said. He looked confused for a second. “Please?” He said. You felt your pleasure mounting, seeing him down there.
“That desperate, huh?” You said as you sat back on top of bed and opened your legs. “Put your face here,” you ordered, and he obliged desperately, still kneeling in front of you. He realized you weren’t going to help him get off, so he started stroking himself as he kissed your slippery cunt. “Mmh. Good boy.” You pulled him in tighter, and he was practically salivating all over your inner thighs. He was so turned on by the fact that you were dominating him that he was throbbing. He was so used to giving orders, being the one in charge...but he was hypnotized. You couldn’t get over how handsome he looked in that damn shirt. You pulled on his hair as he placed careless, hurried, sloppy kissed all over your pussy.
All at the same time, he was stroking himself and groaning softly. He looked up at you from in between your thighs and you could see a pink blush dusting his cheeks. That was new. He quietly said, “Happy birthday, Y/n,” before sending you into an orgasm so good that you came into his ridiculously cushiony lips again. He looked so good covered in your essence that you could burst into tears. Boy, you really enjoyed being a switch, didn’t you?
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stardancerluv · 3 years
Saturday Night at the Black Mask Club
Part 2
Summary: Roman, comes down to handle things.
Warning: language, slapping, murder
“Where the fuck is Sionis?”
You shrugged, your one leg shook under the table uncontrollably ever since one of the men who came blazing into the club shot into the table. The hole that remained was huge, your drink and what had been Roman’s remained untouched. How you had not even been grazed by the bullet was a miracle.
“I-I don’t know.” You managed to say.
“You’re fucking him. You have to know.”
You don’t know why but you looked at the man Roman was supposed to meet, hoping he’d jump in and say something. Though the man remained silent. Great, you mused. Didn’t Roman usually meet with tough people, you thought.
“I don’t keep tabs on him.” You squeaked, looking back at the man barking at you. “His business is his business.” You dared to try and spot Zsasz, where the hell was he.
“Look at me when I fucking talk to you.”
You snapped your eyes back at him. You finally realized who was talking to you. He was no longer slouching, it actually gave him a good four inches. He was much taller. It was slimy Marino. Your stomach turned.
“You don’t know that he's an up and coming crime boss,” A oily smile spread across his face. “Well that is until tonight.” He chuckled. “After tonight, he’ll be lucky if I let him keep this fucking club.”
“What do you want, Marino?” You tried to ask gently.
“I wanted you to design my power desk but you turned me down. What did he offer you?”
Confusion filled you. Was this really what this was all about? “Nothing.” Your words shook.
He chuckled and a smug expression washed over his face. “I have a bigger cock! I’m pure Sicilian.”
You swallowed, you were feeling ill.
“Look, I’m the bigger boss.” He moved closer to you, his hand idly moved on your bare arm. It took everything in you not to flinch. “I take care of things, my things.” He gestured and one of his men came closer. “Tell me where the fucker is and things will go easier for you and everyone else in here.”
“I don’t know.” You barely got out.
Stars burst in front of your eyes followed closely by pain, as your head snapped from one side to the next. Blinking tears filled your eyes.
“I don’t believe you.” He gestured.
You watched as if in slow motion as they grabbed the man in front of you. You shot a look at Marino and a loud grunt came from the man in front of you. A burst exploded in front of you and something splashed over you. Releasing the back of the man’s head, he slumped dead in front of you. A scream poured from you. “Why did you do that!?” He threw his head back and laughed.
“Because you refuse to tell me where Roman is. Now will you just tell me?”
“I... I really don’t know.” You whimpered, you had to think of something. “Look, I’ve had some openings. Maybe I could-”
The lights snapped off and red strobe lights began bouncing around. Screams filled the club.
More sudden bursts filled the air.
“Shut the fuck up.” Marino bellowed at those that remained in the club.
He pulled you to him. There were a few more screams and once again it was silent. Stumbling on very unsteady feet, you practically fell into him. You looked around confused.
He chuckled. “He knows I’m here.” Licking his lips, he smirked. He paused. “Oh look, there he is.”
You watched as Roman came from the darkness and the red lights streaked across him. As you glanced down, you saw smoke coming from the barrel of the gun he held.
“Those of you still in here, leave now. I don’t want anyone else hurt.” Roman yelled. There wasn’t many, but there was enough. The wait staff and bartenders remained at the bar. He shifted his gaze to them. “You all get the fuck out of here too!”
Roman took the stairs. The elevator would only announce him.
He caught sight of one of the guys guarding the entrance into the club. Sliding his hand into his jacket, he popped the button and slid out his gun. He loved the feel of its weight in his hand.
The man didn’t even hear his approach, lifting his hand he smoothly pulled back on the hammer and the man crumpled to the floor. He died never knowing exactly what happened.
He enjoyed the look of surprise that came over Marino’s other goon. He aimed and the man was dead at his feet before he exhaled. Weak assholes.
Easily, he finished off another one and yet another. The frozen look of fear that splashed across their faces amused him. It brought a smile to his lips. As he walked farther into his club, he saw that Zsasz and the others had managed to get their hands on the rest of Marino’s men.
He stopped and looked around the club. Frightened faces were illuminated by the few candles that had been lit at their tables. Time to be the good guy. “Those of you still in here, leave now. I don’t want anyone else hurt.” Roman yelled.
There weren’t many but there were enough. The wait staff and bartenders he noticed remained at the bar. He shifted his gaze to them. “You all get the fuck out of here too!” He’d remember who remained and would give them raises.
Moving closer once again, he saw Marino holding you close. He watched as you winced. His body was against yours. How dare he get that fucking close to you. He would make him suffer.
“What the fuck do you want?” He barked.
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wonderlustlucas · 4 years
jack pot ; part 3 - hwang hyunjin
⇢ prompt You know it’s bad when you’re high as a kite and he’s still on your mind. ⇢ pairing hwang hyunjin x female reader ⇢ word count 6.4k ⇢ genre fluff & angst (not heavy, just in a slow burn kind of way) ⇢ warnings (18+) drug use, a suggestive make out & the mention of a boner twice maybe ⇢ summary College is a matter of working hard and playing hard. It’s an opportunity to start fresh, to grow as an individual and to blossom with those you befriend. People come and people go, leaving their mark on your life and showing you all the parts of becoming an adult. Some, however, do more than leave their mark. Some take just as much as they give. Things become complicated once they take the entirety of your love because you outright offered it to them.—college!au ; stoner!au ; friends to lovers!au ⇢ a/n AAAAAAAA omg im so excited to post this, this by far is my fav part of jack pot & i cant wait to hear what u all think!!! sorry its a bit shorter than the other parts, & technically this is the *last* part, but there will be an epilogue where you will see how everything comes to be!!!! have fun reading!!! <3
⇠ part 2
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“Oh, fuck, he’s good,” Yeji gasps, shoving her phone into Maddie’s hands before faceplanting into the table.
“Are you H-T-T-P because I’m colon-slash-slash without you,” Maddie reads with a chuckle, thumbs hesitating over the keyboard. “Quick, YN, look up some pick-up lines.”
Closing the tab on the article you should be reading but has been long forgotten, you promptly do as you are told and open the first link from your search, Minho and Jisung leaning in to help. “There,” Jisung stops you, pointing to one, “’Are you a parking ticket? Because you have fine written all over you.’”
The table can’t help but burst into laughter at such a sentence. It’s stupid, but ever since Yeji and Kim Sunwoo began texting, their conversations have been full of tacky puns and emoji-filled compliments.
“Damn,” Maddie whistles, setting the phone back into Yeji’s limp hand, “he’s already typing back.”
“Gross,” Ryujin teases, busy typing away on her laptop. How she manages to multitask so well is a skill you certainly lack. “Why don’t you just like, I don’t know, ask him out?” Jisung asks and when you glance up, he’s looking at you. “Because that’s the guy’s job,” Maddie quickly saves the day, winking to you when you send her a grateful smile.
“Bullshit,” Jeongin scoffs. Everyone, even Ryujin, stops to look at him.
Did he just curse?
“I mean, like,” he stammers, cheeks turning rosy at all the attention, “it’s 2020. Guys have insecurities, too.”
“I agree,” Minho hums, looking to Maddie with hearts in his eyes, “that kind of confidence is enough to make any boy fall in love.”
“Yeah, but—”
Lia rebuts, but your attention quickly falls elsewhere when a text message first appears on your laptop, then your phone.
hwang hyunjin🦔🕺🏻💞🧻 [now] Where r u rn?
Unable to fight your smile, you quickly type back.
[3:39 PM] YN: outside hollin st café [3:39 PM] YN: why? :)
“Have you seen their new house, YN?” Minho asks, prompting you to click your phone off and set it back on the table. “Whose house?”
“Changbin’s parents.”
“Oh,” shaking your head, you distantly curse Chan for keeping your friend busy today. Unlike Jisung, Changbin likes to write lyrics and do whatever other music stuff during the day at a normal time instead of the middle of the fucking night while stoned and trying to finish his computer science assignments at the same time. “No, he forgot to send me pictures.”
“Dude,” Jisung sighs dreamily, “it’s huge. So nice. I think the front door alone could cover tuition.”
“Is it really that nice?” Maddie asks in awe.
“He started to show me pics the other day but couldn’t finish but the kitchen… unnecessary,” Ryujin quips, pausing her work to check her phone. “Yeah, it’s insane. The whole place is unnecessary but the kitchen is like, a house in itself,” Jeongin hums, head shaking in disbelief.
“Damn, now I really want to see it,” you sigh, making a mental note to hunt Changbin down so he can show you. “It’s like Hyunjin and his rings,” Minho snickers, “he has so many. Whenever we’re out, if he sees a ring, boom. It’s his.”
Well, he’s not wrong but… You bite your tongue no matter how badly you wish to defend Hyunjin and his affinity for rings and jewelry in general. The boy has taste, what can you say? You certainly are not complaining about Hyunjin’s long fingers and the way he chooses to decorate them.
“I never thought I’d hear Changbin’s parent’s kitchen be analogous to Hyunjin’s jewelry collection, yet here we are,” Maddie chuckles, leaning over Yeji to peek at her conversation with Sunwoo.
“Wow, speak of the devil,” Jisung pipes up of course as soon as you have reopened the tab to your assignment. Changbin or Hyunjin, you don’t know, head whipping up to find out and a peculiar mix of relief and panic settling over you once you spot the latter. “Uh oh, YN’s gonna go into cardiac arrest.”
As subtly as you can, you elbow Jisung in the stomach and smile at Hyunjin as he nears. “Hey,” keeping his eyes on you, Hyunjin approaches your table and stops behind Maddie opposite from you, “I’m sorry, I should have asked if you were busy.” His cheeks, already flushed, burn pinker once he looks away to smile weakly at everyone else.
“I’m not busy!” You squeak, scrambling to close your laptop and shove it in your bag. “Are you sure? I can come back later?” He offers, tilting his head and this is when you realize he is holding a bubble tea in each hand. And from the looks of it, one seems to be your usual order. “No, she’s not,” Jeongin answers for you, recognizing your stupefied expression.
“I was just – yeah. No,” rushing to stand and swing your legs out around the bench, you nearly fall flat on your face, “I wasn’t doing anything, actually.” Steadying yourself with a hand on Minho’s shoulder, you heave a labored breath before carefully walking to meet Hyunjin.
“Okay,” he beams, either oblivious to how flustered you are or simply choosing to ignore it. Turning to wave to your friends, he hands you one of the cups and you realize it is, in fact, your favorite boba. Oh boy. “See ya later,” you wave to them as well, nose wrinkling when both Jisung and Maddie wink in return.
Following after Hyunjin, you finally allow yourself to take notice of his attire and can’t help but feel confused. He looks good. And not in the good attractive way—he always looks good. But good as in formal. It’s four o’clock on a Tuesday in October and he’s out here looking as if he just got out of a business meeting. White button-down tucked into fitted black slacks, dress shoes, black tie, and he even has a black suit jacket draped over his arm. His hair is styled, too; ever since he dyed it back to black, he’s been growing it out long enough for his bangs to cover his eyes. Now, however, it’s parted down the middle and seems as if he’s ever so slightly curled it away from his face.
Suddenly, you feel ridiculous walking beside him in mom jeans and a baggy sweatshirt from high school.
“Thanks for the boba,” you mumble around your straw, brain still preoccupied trying to get over how utterly handsome he is. “Why do you look so fancy?”
The side of his mouth twitches up at your words, but his eyes stay glued to the sidewalk as you continue to your unknown destination. “I had an audition,” Hyunjin admits, voice devoid of emotion as if it’s not important at all. “An audition?” You echo. “Why do you sound so not super mega excited? How did it go? What was it for?”
“Wait!” You interrupt, stopping your walk once you realize he had an audition and you didn’t know. “You had an audition? What – why didn’t you tell me?”
Hyunjin frowns, avoiding your gaze and dragging his bottom teeth over his top lip. “I didn’t tell anyone,” he finally says before reaching for your hand and tugging you away from the walkway and into your campus’ main courtyard. “Why? Is it some sort of secret or something, Hyunjin?” You scoff, sounding way more annoyed than you intended. But you are annoyed; why didn’t he want to tell anyone?
“No,” he sighs, finding an empty area in the grass and lowering himself to sit, “I just… didn’t want anyone to know. Didn’t want to make it a big deal.”
“Hyunjin,” you sigh, visibly softening for him and settling down next to him, crisscrossing your legs, “it is a big deal. I don’t know what it’s for, but if it’s important enough for you to audition, then it’s important to us, too. You don’t need to be humble twenty-four-seven, you know. I’m sure you could have used our support.”
“I didn’t get it, though,” Hyunjin whispers, “they just – I didn’t get in. I wasn’t good enough.” Sensing the sadness in his voice, you find a lump forming in your throat when you notice the way his bottom lip trembles. “Hey,” panicking, you set your boba down and sit up on your knees to wrap your arms around him, cradling his head into your chest once tears start falling, “no. Don’t ever say you’re not good enough, Hyunjin.”
“But if I did better, practiced more, than I would—"
“Stop,” you hush, combing your fingers through his hair and brushing strands away from his eyes, “I’ve never met someone who works as hard as you do. You can’t beat yourself up over this. Everything happens for a reason. You don’t know what could have happened if you got in. You could have hurt yourself eventually, or maybe met someone who’s a real asshole.”
“Yeah,” is all he says, quiet and muffled when he turns to press his forehead into your sternum, body still trembling as he lets out all his tears. You stay like that for a while, holding him against you and soothing a hand up and down his back until his sniffling falls quiet. “Listen,” you finally sigh, grabbing him by the shoulders and pulling him back. Your heart sinks once you take in the wet trails down his cheeks and the puffiness of his eyes. “Forget about it. Was it something for dance?”
When he nods subtly, you cup his face in your hands and swipe his cheeks with your thumbs. “You are an amazing dancer, Hyunjin. You can’t let this get to your head. And I don’t want you working your ass off more than you do already. Practice makes perfect, sure, but you need to rest. What about the idea Changbin came up with?”
“The YouTube thing?”
“Yes! Filming dance tutorials or just posting your routines is a really good idea,” you remind him, wiping your hands on your jeans once he falls back onto the grass with a gentle thud, hair flaying around him like a halo. Your limbs twitch with the urge to lie beside him, maybe throw an arm around him and rest your cheek on his chest, fingers tracing the soft features of his face, stroking through his hair and reminding him just how innately perfect he is, inside and out. You, of course, resist such a temptation, flopping down beside him and staring up at the clouds with a heavy heart.
“I could do that. Maybe,” Hyunjin huffs. Tilting your head to look at him, you find yourself knee-deep in that familiar longing feeling, pausing simply to appreciate how pretty he is in the evening sun, cheeks rosy from crying and hair begging to be touched. Shaking your head to rid such daydreams, you remind yourself how fragile his emotions are right now. Now is no time to get caught up on a fantasy. Reaching for your tea, you lean up on an elbow and redirect your gaze to the trees, the promise of winter having turned what was green burnt sienna and butterscotch, leaving trees barren and branches swaying gently in the crisp breeze that leaves you curling into yourself. “You should,” you hum, distant, mind clawing to come up with the words you want to say.
“Come here,” Hyunjin says now, voice stronger than before and when his hand wraps gently around your wrist, you can’t find it in yourself to resist. Allowing him to pull you back down beside him, you curl into his side, resting your head a safe distance away from his own and onto the curve of his arm. “Thank you for being so good to me,” he expresses. You squeeze your eyes shut when the arm you lie on wraps around your shoulders and pulls you substantially closer. “I need to tell you something.”
A long stretch of silence falls upon you and for a moment, you are unsure the words even left your mouth. What are you thinking?
“Wait! I have something first,” Hyunjin sighs, missing the way your breath hitches. “Okay,” you whisper, fiddling with one of the buttons on his shirt and focusing all your attention there.
“I just – I think… I owe you an apology,” he finally says, “I need to apologize for something that I did a while ago that I know probably hurt.” Your chest tightens. There’s a lot that has hurt you when it comes to Hyunjin, but none that he’s done purposely. None that are his fault. None that he should be apologizing for.
“I feel like we came to some mutual understanding to not mention what happened when we were freshmen, but it kills me to know that – that something happened, and we never talked about it,” Hyunjin starts, grip tightening on your shoulder and suddenly, you think you are dreaming. This cannot possibly be real. “I know it was awkward but, I also know me and Yiren dating was… ah. I don’t know.”
When he falls silent, you are unsure of what to say or do. You have no idea what the end goal of this conversation is. Hardly a minute ago, your heart and your brain decided it was time to tell him. Now, you’re not so sure you can do that until he finishes, and you are not about to give him your two cents if his reasoning for bringing it up is not the same as yours.
“I just want to apologize for not being brave enough to talk to you about it. I know I was confused, but I’m sure it was worse for you when they told you about her,” Hyunjin continues, sensing your rendered silence, “and it’s been so long since that happened, and now, you’re one of my closest friends.” Ouch.
“But I’ve been thinking,” when he picks up again, your eyes fly open in a panic. He’s been thinking. Hyunjinhas been thinking. You think you are going to pass out. “And I just feel like we… me and you, I mean—"
The standard iPhone alarm blares from beside you, promptly cutting him off and you think it is the biggest cockblock known to man. “Shit,” he hisses, leaning up to tug his phone from his pocket and in the process nudging you from your comfortable position. Sitting back up, nerves aflame and heart racing, your brows shoot up in confusion when all he does is stare at the number calling him. “What are you doing?”
“It’s the studio I was just at,” he scoffs in disbelief, barely glancing at you before looking back to his phone. You have never wanted to shrivel up and die as much as you want to right now. “Well? Aren’t you going to answer?”
Hyunjin makes a noise of acknowledgement before tapping the green icon and bringing the phone to his ear. “Hello?”
Sitting quietly beside him, you watch with a forced smile as his hummed responses and subtle nods morph into enthusiastic laughs and wide, beaming smiles. Hyunjin notices your confusion when you tilt your head, mouthing a ‘What?’ to him.
“They made a mistake,” he whispers, covering the speaker of his phone, “read off the wrong Hwang. I’m in.” When he grins excitedly at you, your response isn’t as cheerful as it could be. As it should be. “Yay!” You whisper, clapping gently but quickly turning to your boba when the other line begins speaking again. Looking away, you take a hefty sip, nearly choke on a tapioca ball, and build the walls around your heart up all over again in a matter of seconds.
“I’ve gotta go,” whispering, you manage one more pained smile before getting to your feet and wiping your butt of any possible grass stains, “good luck!” When he shines you one more breathtaking smile and waves excitedly, you hastily head in the other direction, wrapping your arms around yourself and swallowing past the lump that threatens to form the farther you walk.
It must be nice, you think, frantically wiping at your waterline. Must be nice to put yourself out there and have things work out the way you want them to. Must be nice being told you’re ‘in,’ you’re wanted, you’re desired.
It must be nice.
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Pick up food, you said. Ask Jisung, you said.
Your conscience is a big fat oompa loompa ass bitch. You would have never called Jisung to ask him if he wanted anything from Taco Bell if you knew he was with Changbin. And not just Changbin, you realized four minutes into your call; Seungmin and Hyunjin, too. Apparently he went over their place to record, or something, and didn’t care to let you know. Not that you’re his mom and he has too—but it would have been nice, and would have saved you from spending almost fifty dollars at Taco Bell.
“I tried calling Jisung but he didn’t answer,” you snap once Seungmin answers your call with a muffled hello. “Can one of you please come out and help me carry this in?” You glance at the five large sodas and two bags full of food in your passenger seat with a grimace. “Sure,” he agrees and you make a mental note for the umpteenth time just how much you love Seungmin, “I’ll be out in a sec.”
True to his word, you spot him making his way out of their apartment and across the small courtyard to meet you by your car not even a minute later, hauling each bag under his arms. “Thank you,” left only with the cupholder, you hurriedly lock your car and follow after him. “No problem. Thanks for being our Uber Eats,” then, pursing his lips, “how much was this?”
“Forty-seven something,” you grumble unhappily, knowing this was a big hit to your debit. “We’ll pay you back, don’t worry,” Seungmin smiles, leading you up the final flight of stairs and kicking open the ajar door.
Immediately, you’re hit with the smell.
“Dear, fucking hell,” making a face, you rub your nose to keep from sneezing, “it reeks in here. How have you guys not been kicked out yet?”
The stench of weed generally does not bother you anymore, but still—they could light a candle, or something. Seungmin shrugs, setting the bags down on the kitchen counter. “Luck, I guess.”
“IS THAT YN?” From another room, you hear Changbin shout, followed by an excited shriek from Jisung. “They’re high. Very high. You’ve been warned,” Seungmin whispers just as tweedle dee and tweedle dum themselves come flying around the corner. “YN!” Jisung grins, engulfing you in a dramatic hug. “Watch,” you hiss, regarding the blunt held between his fingers that comes dangerously close to your hair.
“Sorry,” he smiles, then, without warning, sticks the thing right between your lips. “I didn’t even offer.” Well, when life gives you lemons…
You hesitantly take the hit and blow the smoke away from him. You weren’t planning on getting high today, but here you are. “Thanks,” shaking your head as if that will clear it, you turn to Changbin and snugly wrap your arms around him. Every day you thank the heavens that he is a chill, calm high, unlike your maniac of a roommate.
“Thanks for the food,” fishing into his pockets and pulling out a crumpled ten-dollar bill, he slaps it into your palm. You only hum in reply, shoving it into your own pocket and praying you don’t lose it before you remember to put it in your wallet. “Where’s Hyunjin?” You ask, no longer caring about being slick.
“In his room,” Seungmin answers, rummaging through the bags to find what he ordered. Then, “HYUNJIN!” You jump, reaching for your soda and standing away from the other three until they have claimed whatever belongs to them. No sooner than Seungmin calls for him, you hear a door being cracked open and out comes Hyunjin.
He looks extremely disheveled. Like, just woke up from a two-month hibernation, disheveled. In the blink of an eye, however, he rakes a hand through long blonde hair and promptly sets a baseball cap backwards to keep the strands away and suddenly, he doesn’t look so disheveled anymore. You force yourself to look away, cursing the way your gut twists.
“Gimme my crunchwrap,” you say around your straw, snatching the blunt from Jisung’s fingers and moving around him to fetch your dinner. He doesn’t even protest.
He knows you need it more than he does.
“That’s a lot of food,” Hyunjin says once he has finally entered the kitchen, voice groggy and eyes puffy from sleep. Or from being high, you can’t tell. Pressing his chest to your back, he wraps one arm around you to keep you against him while the other reaches into a bag to take what’s his. Swallowing past the desert dryness of your throat, you manage a thick inhale from the blunt before tilting your head to look at him and mentally thanking the other three for taking it as their cue to head out.
“Not my fault you guys eat like animals,” you chuckle shakily, trying to ignore the firmness of his body against yours, veins prominent on the arm that holds you against him and the ripple of muscle along his abdomen noticeable even through his shirt and yours. Dear god, it is too early for this. Not even seven o’clock and you are already drooling in more places than one.
Hyunjin pouts as if it is not true. “How much do I owe you?” He asks, finally moving away to grab his drink and you can’t help your disappointment, quickly finishing the blunt before tapping it out into one of the many ashtrays. “Don’t worry about it,” you wave off, digging through their drawers for a paper plate.
“YN,” Hyunjin deadpans, regarding you with a raised brow once you come up and begin unwrapping your food. You refuse to look him in the eye. “What do I owe you?” He repeats, firmer this time and it sends a chill down your spine when it most certainly should not. Sighing, you retrieve the receipt from your pocket and count everything he got. “Thirteen.”
Humming in content, Hyunjin reaches for his wallet on the counter and pulls a ten and five out. “There,” he beams, tucking the bills into your pocket himself. Rolling your eyes, you pray he does not notice how you flush and hurry out of the kitchen to join Seungmin on the sofa.
“House Hunters?” You ask with a laugh, looking at the TV once you have settled next to him. “I told you HGTV is the best.”
Seungmin hums in agreement. “I thought it was stupid at first, but Hyunjin was watching Fixer Upper and I got addicted,” he says, nodding to the older boy doing a little dance in the kitchen as he eats one of his tacos. Your heart does somersaults at the sight. “They’re all so good,” you agree after taking a few bites of your own food, eyes trained on the television, “House Hunters is a classic, though.”
“I like the international one,” Hyunjin adds on his way over, crashing unceremoniously next to you. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Seungmin wrinkle his nose when Hyunjin sets his free hand casually on your thigh. “Shh,” he grumbles, vaguely gesturing to the screen and chewing a mouthful of food, “I wanna hear what the house has.”
One episode turns to two, which turns to three, which turns to four, and suddenly you have been watching House Hunters with Seungmin and Hyunjin for almost three hours. It definitely is the weed, always making time perpetually slower, and it did not help when Jisung and Changbin reappeared sometime during your binge with one of Felix’s bongs. Not necessarily how you intended to spend your precious Friday night, but there is no sense in complaining when you are with your buddies and Hyunjin, of course.
Taco Bell long gone, you watch with blurry eyes when Hyunjin gets up from his slumped position against you to head into the kitchen and open the freezer. This, as well as the realization that House Hunters has ended and gone to some other, not-as-cool show, brings both you and Seungmin somewhat back to reality.
“It’s almost ten,” Seungmin announces, staring dazedly at the time on his phone. You hum in acknowledgment, certainly sober enough to reply but simply too lazy to. “I think I’m going to bed. Or play something. Don’t wreck the place,” he sighs, dragging a hand down his face before standing up. “G’night, Minnie,” you smile, watching with a furrowed brow as he continues down the hall and into his room. It isn’t until you hear his door click shut does the weight of being alone with Hyunjin settle on your chest.
It’s not like you haven’t spent time alone with Hyunjin before. In fact, that usually is the way it’s been in the past three years; whether the two of you decided to do your own thing or the rest of your friends eventually left or went to bed, you are used to this feeling. Used to ignoring the butterflies in your gut when he does something particularly cute and used to tampering down the mental images you conjure up knowing it’s just you and him.
But that doesn’t make things any easier. No matter how hard you try, you simply can’t help but feel this way around Hyunjin, especially when you’re alone. That’s just the way the cookie crumbles.
“Whatcha wanna watch?” Hyunjin asks around one last spoonful of ice cream before setting the pint back into the freezer. “Uhh…” You drone, blinking heavily at the TV and back to him as he makes his way back over. “I dunno, I’m sure you’ve been watching some drama. You can put that on.”
“You sure?” He asks with a raised brow, collapsing next to you and slumping dramatically halfway down the cushions. “Yes,” laughing, you find yourself reaching out to tuck messy strands of hair back behind his ear without hesitation, “also, why are you wearing a hat inside?”
Hyunjin pauses, straining to look up as if he will be able to see the back of his cap against his forehead. “I’m wearing a hat?”
“Yes, you idiot,” in comes the endless weed giggles and you find yourself unable to stop laughing, watching with teary eyes as he sits up and takes his hat off. “I don’t remember putting this on,” he chuckles airily, flipping the cap back and forth in his hands before tossing it onto the coffee table. “Should I cut it?”
“No!” You shout a little too quickly and a little too loudly. Shrinking against the arm of the couch, you ignore his amused smile and look to his long hair, freshly bleached strands falling down to his neck and shorter pieces brushing against his cheeks. Fuck, it should be illegal to look this good. “I like it long. It really suits you.”
“It’s annoying,” Hyunjin grins despite his complaint, lifting his legs onto the couch and flopping onto his side, head now resting on your lap. “I don’t know what to do with it.”
Now that he’s offered playing with his hair on a silver platter, you don’t hesitate combing your fingers through it, tugging out pieces stuck under his head and brushing it out completely. “You could pull the sides back,” you hum distantly, separating a section of hair near his temple to pull back, “or make a bun with what you can. You just have to play around with it.”
Humming in agreement, Hyunjin resituates himself after reaching for the remote and switching to Netflix. When you go back to simply raking your fingers from root to tip in irregular directions, you don’t miss the way his eyelids flutter at the motion and make sure to pay extra attention to his scalp. When this turned into a head massage, you’re not entirely sure.
The drama Hyunjin puts on is unbearable. You stopped paying attention a while ago, focusing more on him and how he seems to enjoy it, fingers busy braiding random sections of hair, taking them out, and then braiding them again. With two finally done the way you want them to, you are midway through the third when your fingers begin to cramp up.
“Why’d you stop?” Hyunjin asks seconds after you drop the braid and stretch your fingers out. “Fingers are cramping,” chuckling at the disappointed pout of his lips, you crack what knuckles you can before going back and undoing the unfinished braid. “Oh,” he mutters, cheek still pressed against your leg, “feels good.”
Humming in response, you ignore the way his words make your heart swell and begin gathering all his hair into a ponytail, pressing the braids to lay flat and finally tying it with a hair tie once you have combed up all that you can. Immediately, his bangs and hairs closer to the nape of his neck fall out, leaving the ponytail spikey and messy. At least the braids look good. You can’t help but giggle.
“What?” Hyunjin asks, pausing his show and leaning up. “What’d you do?”
“Go see for yourself,” pointing to the bathroom, you comb out a looped piece of hair before he stands to do just that. His ponytail bobs the entire walk there.
When he reaches the door and flips the light on, you watch from your position as he checks himself out, brushing away his bangs and flicking the pony. You frown when he accidentally yanks at a braid.
“Come here,” you say, sitting up, “you messed up the braid.”
“Honestly,” Hyunjin considers his reflection one last time before skipping his way over, “it doesn’t look half bad.” Expecting him to sit back next to you, your pulse quickens when he anchors a hand to the armrest and leans in front you, only inches away from your face. “No, definitely,” you say once you have gotten over the shock of him being so close so suddenly, “I like it in the ponytail. You’d really impress the girls if you braided your hair yourself.” Reaching up to tuck hair back into the braid and press it down flat once more, you don’t miss the way his brows draw together and lips twitch down. “What?”
Time ceases to exist as Hyunjin begins to come closer. In reality, you know it simply is a matter of seconds, but all of space and time seems to still once he leans forward. It feels as if an eternity goes by, allowing you to count each individual eyelash, memorize the details of his skin, take note of the smoothed lines on his plump lips. The way time slows is cruel; it allows panic to set in, the realization that he most certainly is looming over you with his eyes on your lips sending a spark of excitement and anxiety through your veins.
And then, just as this realization and this panic has set your nerves aflame, a gentle hand comes to cradle your jaw before Hyunjin’s lips press against yours.
It is so easy to surrender to the taste and touch of him. Instantly, an eruption of emotions and thoughts spiraling out of control fills you, yet your brain focuses only on Hyunjin, Hyunjin, Hyunjin. This is not the first time you have kissed him, nor the first time simply having him so close, but the feeling that radiates from your heart outward is unlike anything you have felt before. This is uncalled for. This is not like two years ago. You were not expecting this.
Hyunjin sighs into the kiss when you lean up to loop your arms around his neck. No sooner have you done this, he breaks away to sit beside you once more, hands reaching for your waist and guiding you to sit over his lap.
You could kiss him all day, you think, palms lying flat by his collarbones before fisting the material of his shirt when his tongue prods at the seam of your lips. Blood seemingly coming to a boil and nerves sparking dangerously, you find yourself quickly sobering up as the minutes tick by, completely and utterly addicted to him and this feeling, this feeling you have craved but never crossed the line for. And now, it’s yours to keep.
Forgetting the braids, you seize the opportunity to rake your fingers through his hair. Different, than how you did earlier. Desperate. Combing it away from his face once, twice, swallowing his groans when you tug at the roots, you realize with a whine that his hands have left your face in favor of dragging down your sides, circling back to squeeze at your breasts, rubbing at your thighs and finally sliding back to your ass, situating you more comfortably on his thighs.
When Hyunjin finally breaks the kiss to journey elsewhere, littering chaste kisses across your jaw, below your ear, down your neck, the weight of your actions finally hits you. It is overwhelming, the way you come spiraling back to reality, and you are not sure if the quiet moan that leaves you is due to the press of something else against your thigh or simply the realization that you are making out with Hyunjin.
You have to stop before you get hurt again.
“Hyunjin,” you gasp, shuddering when his soft lips brush against your jaw, “wait. We need to talk.”
He pauses at this, fingers digging into your sides and you feel his frown against your neck. “What’s there to talk about?” He murmurs, arms sliding around you and tugging you closer, prompting you to wrap your arms around his neck and hug him close and pretend like his boner isn’t digging into you.
It’s your turn to frown. “About us,” whispering, you lift one hand to stroke through his hair, “we need to talk about us.”
“I thought my feelings were very clear,” Hyunjin scoffs, all tenderness in his voice gone. Instinctively, you lean back, blinking at him in surprise. “Unless this is just another one of your games? Does this not mean anything to you, YN? I don’t think I could stomach you running off to Changbin or fucking Chan again.”
His words pierce your heart before you have even fully processed them, hurt flashing across your features and your body goes numb. “What?” Is all you can manage, scrambling to get away from him, chest heaving and eyes suddenly burning with the brine of tears. “What are you talking about, Hyunjin?”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about!” He shouts. You flinch, not from the way he raises his voice, but from the genuine sadness in his eyes. “The past three years have been a constant battle with you. We’re best friends, for fucks sake, I figured out a long time ago that you have feelings for me. Feelings more than best friends. Yet every fucking time we started moving in the right direction, you turned your back on me.”
You can do nothing but stand there and let the tears fall. All the words and bottled emotions you wish to say are right there on the tip of your tongue, but you simply cannot bring yourself to voice them. Not when he’s right. Not when you have turned your back on him time and time again.
And then, he hisses more to himself than you, “Is this just sloppy seconds? You never once thought about my feelings in all of this?”
The anger brewing within you suddenly bursts from the dam and hisses through your body like deadly poison. “Sloppy seconds?” You snarl, fists clenching. “Who the fuck do you think you are? Your feelings? You just said you know how I feel about you, so why didn’t you ever do anything about it? How was I supposed to know you felt the same?”
“I thought it was pretty fucking obvious,” Hyunjin spits back, gaze narrowing, “didn’t think I had to spell out the fact that I like you, YN. You’re a smart girl.”
“Do not treat me like a child,” clenching your jaw, you have to look away for a moment, pacing one, two, three steps, hands raking through your hair and wiping away the stream of tears from your cheeks. You have never been filled with such rage. Having finally reached its boiling point, it now consumes you whole, sweeping off in waves and destroying all boundaries. “Confessing is not an easy thing, as you apparentlyknow, so don’t make me seem like the only idiot here. But maybe I was wrong about you if you think of me as just sloppy seconds.”
“I never said that!” Hyunjin barks, standing up to grasp your wrist when you turn away to grab your keys. “Don’t put words in my mouth! I would never, never think of you that way. I just don’t understand why you never spoke up after all this time. I’ve been dying, YN, you have no clue how badly I have been—”
“Oh, believe me, I know,” you snap, yanking your arm away from him, “I told you, Hyunjin. Telling someone you love them isn’t as easy as learning to ride a bike. You’re right, I have turned my back on you. But not intentionally. I’ve been scared, I’m a pussy, whatever.” Biting your top lip as if it will stop the tears that continue to fall freely, you avoid looking at him and glance back to find not only Seungmin, but Jisung and Changbin, too, peeking out from their doors with eyes blown wide with shock. Once you have noticed them, however, they panic and scramble to get out of sight.
Sighing shakily, you look back to Hyunjin and cannot ignore the way your heart sinks at the sight of him. Even upset, he is beautiful. You wonder how much you will see him after this.
“You don’t have to tell me you like me back to make me feel better, Hyunjin,” bouncing on your heels, you suddenly feel exhausted, body and soul heavy with the words you not only spoke, but heard, too. “We can figure this out another day, but for now, I need to go home. I’ll see you.”
Turning away once more, you do not make it very close to the front door before he stops you once more. “Wait, YN,” Hyunjin huffs, smiling softly when he reaches for your hand and you do not pull away. Running his tongue over his lip, he seems to hesitate for a moment, trying to gather his thoughts.
“Did you mean it when you said you love me?”
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⇢ epilogue
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Sixth Sense - Chapter 3
Paring: Loki x Female!Reader
Word Count: 2,255
Warnings: Accidental violence/injury. Mental health (Loki).
Posted: 03/01/2021
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Odin wasn’t particularly fond of you staying in Asgard. But you had insisted to keep a close eye on Loki. You had told him it was to make sure the darkness didn’t get stronger. But there was something else, after reading him so deeply, so intimately. Something changed. You no longer feared him, but you felt as if you wanted to save him. You needed to save him. From his thoughts, from the entity that harmed him before his forced attack on Earth. You knew he was tortured before his attack, you saw the footage, keeping tabs on what was happening during the battle. But now, you just felt worse. He thought he was the very monster his father despised. He had been lied to his whole life, even by his mother- whom he trusted the most.
Getting lost in your thoughts you didn’t hear Thor entering the room. He was worried for you, he had seen you read auras before but you had never acted like this afterwards. He hoped he hadn’t caused you harm letting you come here. He stared at your figure for a moment. You were facing away from him but your facial features seemed stressed and concerned. Your eyes were narrowed, facing the ground. Your right hand rested on your face while your left draped over your knees. You were unmoving. Completely still until you felt something and your head jerked up and your eyes met Thors. Your eyes narrowed, you had never sensed someone’s presence before. Was your being here helping you tap into your powers. The endless possibilities of being in a magic realm, would that make you more powerful, dangerous?
“Thor- I didn’t hear you come in.”
“You seemed deep in thought” You couldn’t tell him about Loki if he knew his feelings- from what you understood- it would break him.
“Yes, I think my pow- my abilities, I think they’re evolving” It wasn’t exactly a lie. But not the whole truth of what was on your mind.
“Evolving? How so?”
“Before I could only read auras. But now, I can sense them. Not straight away obviously. But what if- what if being here, is making me more powerful? Compared to earth, this realm is one of magic.” You stated, wanting his opinion on the matter.
“It’s possible. So you could sense my presence without knowing I was there?”
“Yes, and-”
“And- and I feel a connection- to Loki I mean. I had never read that deep into someone. I felt like his therapist, but it’s more than that. A man like that, he wouldn’t willingly let me read his emotions. But I still felt them. I cant tell emotions from peoples auras, Thor. But with Loki. I did. Is it my being here? “
“We need to tell my father about this” Thor turned to leave but you grabbed his arm holding him back from walking further.
“Don’t. Don’t tell him yet. He doesn’t trust me, not yet. Wait until I gain his trust, then you can tell him” Thor turned to face you again, as your arms fell to your side.
“What if being here causes you harm, Y/N?”
“And what if it doesn’t? If Odin finds out- He will banish me from Asgard for eternity. Thor, trust me on this. There are things you don’t know, about Loki, about your father. Thor, please. Give me a month.”
“One month. No more, no less.”
“Yes! Thank you, Thor” You pulled him into a hug in which he accepted. After pulling away you knew you had to ask Loki about it. You began walking and Thor automatically followed- being you protector here. You memorised the way to the prisons, once Thor had realised your destination he held a hand out in front of you stopping you.
“Are you sure this is wise?” He looked down at your smaller form, concern filling his eyes.
“His speciality is magic, who else could I ask about this?” He frowned, knowing he was the only one that you could ask for answers. A sigh escaped his lips, lowering his hand, letting you continue. Once in the prison you had asked the guards to leave, they denied until Thor had ordered them to. Loki looked up confused with your visit. Sitting up from his laying position on the bed he was given.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” His voice was dull. He knew there was no point in being strong around you, you could read him as easily as the books he reads.
“I have a question, related to magic.” His eyebrows perked in curiosity.
“Magic? Well, you’ve come to the right place.”
“My abilities are evolving. I assume it’s my being here. I can now, not only read auras but sense them. And I think they’re still growing.”
“Well, this is the realm of magic, my dear. There are endless possibilities for the reasoning of your growth. But I would say your assumption is correct.”
“Would I be in any danger being here? Will my body be able to handle the change in my abilities.”
“That all depends on you. If you’re strong enough to sustain it, you will be fine. But if not, there is a certain danger to it.”
“Thor let me into the cell. I need to test something”
“Are you sure? He just said it’s dangerous”
“Only if I can’t handle it. I’ll stop before any permanent damage is done. Don’t worry so much. I’m stronger than I look.” Thor was hesitant but complied. Loki didn’t make a move to hurt you even with Thor on the outside. You sat in from of Loki with a chair, much like last time.
“Look, I’ve never done this before so if it hurts I’m sorry.”
“What are you going to do to me?”
“Just relax” You placed your fingers on his temples gently, closing your eyes. You tried to concentrate on him, his pain. You wanted to understand him more. Then you saw the tesseract and a purple titan with a deceiving smile. A tear rolled down your cheek as you searched for the cause of his pain. You saw auras within his memories. Those of his adopted family in happy memories turned sour. He believed his life was a lie. He didn’t want to love anymore, in fear he would get hurt again. He-.
You were brought back to reality, your hands were no longer on Loki’s temple but within his hands. You had caused him pain. Making him relive those memories. Thor had entered the room at this point. You still didn’t notice the tear on your cheek until Loki wiped it away.
“How- how did I see that?”
“That I’m not entirely sure of. It seems you hold abilities even more than you already possess”
“But I read auras, not emotions and memories.”
“I’m afraid you might be wrong there.”
“You are not doing that again” Thor demanded, voice deep.
“Why not? This would be the best way to heal your brother”
“Y/N you screamed as you cried. I do not think its best for you to continue. I shall call Stark and-”
“No! I- I need to continue”
“Y/N it will harm you”
“No, you don’t understand. I need to continue Thor. Not only am I helping Loki, but I’m expanding my knowledge of my powers. Who knows what other abilities I possess.” Excitement and urgency filled your tone, making Thor rethink his decisions. Was it wise to keep you here, letting you continue? Without his father’s knowledge? What was he thinking? He trusted you. He had to let you do this. You know the dangers, yet still want to continue, who was he to deny that.
“I shall not stop you if this is the path you choose. You cannot stop. You must continue forward until the very end” He lectured you as if you were entering battle.
“I know. But I trust my gut, Thor. This is something I have to do. There are no choices in this, no decisions that will change my mind. Its something I know that must be done” Thor nodded saying nothing more. You turned your attention back to Loki. He stayed silent, knowing exactly what you saw.
“Thor, leave us. Can you mute the cell? The barrier would have that ability I assume?” Thor huffed but nodded, answering your question as he left. He gave a thumbs up showing that he could no longer hear you, but you had to check. You knew what he was like. You turned and yelled.
“Thor is a giant asshole with an ego bigger than Tony!” Thor didn’t budge, but Loki stifled a laugh. You turned towards him and let out a giggle yourself.
“I had to check. He’s not very fond of us being alone together. Even if he can see us, he thinks you’ll manipulate me if he cant hear us.”
“And what makes you think I won’t.” He tried to shield himself again, going back to his trickster persona.
“I’ve seen your pain, your memories, Loki. You don’t have to hide anymore. Not with me. You hold no hatred for attacking my planet. I know you had no choice. That thing. The purple titan. He forced you to do it. I know you're not the monster they think you are.” You held his hand in a comforting way. Letting him know that he could trust you. His eyes searched yours for deceit. Anything that would show him that you would betray him like the rest of them. But he found nothing. He began to break.
“I didn’t want to do it. I thought I killed Thor. And I hated it. But I had to prove to him- to Thanos-”
“His name is Thanos?” His eyes shut briefly as he sighed.
“Yes. I had to prove my loyalty. He tortured me after he saved me. He needed me. The god presumed dead by his brother. No one would see me coming.” You nodded your head, listening to every word diligently. He poured his heart out, for the first time in his life. He was vulnerable. He told a Midgardian everything that was eating at his conscious. And during that whole ordeal, you didn’t say a word. You let him vent. It seemed as though you were a therapist of some kind to him. Once he stopped, he noticed your tears. You felt empathy, for him. No one had cared enough to ever listen to his words. But now, here you were, sat in front of him, crying. He didn’t know what to feel.
Thor was stood outside Loki’s cell the whole time. Not being able to hear a word. He saw that Loki was the only one speaking. He feared that Loki was trying to manipulate you, he went to interrupt before he saw your hand signalling him to calm down. You sensed his tension. You had to let him know you were okay. Loki wouldn’t open up if Thor interrupted. But when Loki stopped speaking and Thor saw your lips move, with tears in your eyes. He couldn’t take it anymore. He burst into the cell. You stood in defence at the sudden sound.
“What did you say to her Loki?!” Thor had misread the situation. You had to calm him down. You walked towards him, putting your hands up to try and calm him.
“Thor, I’m fine. He didn’t do anything” Thor barged passed you and went to punch Loki but you jumped in front of him taking the hit. You grunted as the force threw you to the wall. Thor pulled back, seeing your figure leaning against the wall. He resented himself for striking you, even if it was by accident. You looked up, holding your waist. The force you hit the wall at caused some more physical damage than the broken and bloody nose. Your other hand made it up to your nose to examine the damage. With the force of a god, you were lucky you were still conscious. Loki had come to your aid, helping you up while Thor was frozen, unable to believe his actions.
“Are you alright?” Loki’s voice showed concern. You kept hold of Loki’s shoulders to keep your balance. The thumping in your head didn’t stop you from yelling.
“You idiot! Thor, when will you learn that your actions have consequences! Stop and listen before attacking someone. It will get you out of so many unnecessary situations!” You removed your hand from your waist, placing it on your head. The shouting had made it worse.
“Damn it, Thor. I told you to trust me.”
“You were crying what was I suppose-”
“I was crying because he told me everything! I got so sad thinking ‘How could he live like that? How did he last so long?’ I cried because I have empathy, Thor.”
“I’m so sorry Y/N I-”
“Save it. I’m not mad. Just hurt.” You groaned in pain as you shifted your weight.
“Let me take you to a healer” Thor’s hands reached out to help you.
“Fine.” You removed your arm from Loki’s shoulders as Thor placed a hand under your knees, and the other on the small of your back before he lifted you. You looked at Loki and saw how hurt he was of your pain. He wanted to take you himself and check on you whenever he could. But as a prisoner, he wasn’t granted that freedom.
Taglist: @lovermrjokerr @lord-byron @lucywrites02 @violetica
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belovedbangtan · 4 years
Alone Together | Christian Yu
Pairing: Christian Yu x Reader
Word Count: 3.2K
Warnings: Language, drinking, protected sex, dom!christian, sub!reader.
Description: Its not very often you see guys that look like him in your small town. When he expresses his interest in you, things get hot and heavy quick. Is it just a one night stand, or something more?
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I fidgeted with the empty shot glass in front of me, as I swiveled from left to right on my bar stool. I let out a sigh that was a bit too over dramatic. The bartender shot me a concerned look, before pouring me another one. I lifted the shot of tequila to my lips feeling it sink down my throat burning in such a unique way. I slam the glass down wincing as I put the lime in my mouth biting it between my teeth and keeping it there for a moment. The sound of the bells on the door ring and quickly pull me out of my daze. I look towards the door to see a group of guys walk in. They were all dressed way too nice to be from here. They must have been visiting. As I was analyzing the men walking through the door, one caught my eye specifically. He had tattoo’s for days, littering his arms and chest. His hair dark and wavy, bouncing as he walked. His eyes were the prettiest brown I’ve ever seen, and his smile was killer.
Before I could catch myself gawking at him, he caught me. He raised his eyebrows with a head nod. I smile and instantly wanted to punch myself realizing the lime peel was still in my mouth. This guy thinks I’m a lunatic. Tony, the bartender, walks over to the table asking what they wanted, not bothering to I.D them since they all look of age. I rolled my eyes, in a bar this small it was bound to happen. I watch Tony begin making the drinks. I sit up a little taller and I swivel my chair to the right making it easier to steal glances at the table. My eyes wander to the tattooed Adonis and his eyes are looking right back at me, a smirk gracing his lips. I quickly look away, biting my lip. The bartender walks the drinks over to the table and I hear a quick conversation happen then he goes back to making a drink. A rum and coke… what I drink. Then I watch as he walks it over and slides it in front of me. I look at him confused.
“Tony, I really don’t need free drinks, I can pay,” I insist, grabbing my wallet. I came in pretty frequently since I lived two buildings down. He took care of me way too often.
“It’s already taken care of,” Tony winks at me and points to the table of men behind me.
I nod my head slowly turning my stool to see the table. I look up and the brown haired boy is smirking at me raising his drink in the air. His friend next to him elbowing him and saying something that made him blush. I smiled and mouthed thank you, before turning my stool and sipping from my new drink. I started to talk to Tony, he eventually asked if I wanted another tequila shot. I smiled and nodded gratefully. Just as I was about to take my shot, his tattooed arm appears next to me.
“Can I have one, too, please?” He asks Tony. Just when you think he cant possibly get any more attractive, his Australian accent punches you in the gut.
I smile up at him. “Put it on my tab Tony,” I say licking my hand and pouring salt onto the wet spot.
“Pretty girls shouldn’t have to pay for their drinks,” He says holding out his hand for me to shake.
“Christian, you can call me Ian though,” His huge tattooed hand enveloping my own.  
“Well this pretty girl, doesn’t like that rule,” I say winking at him, before clinking his shot glass to your own and shooting it back.
I suck the lime and I put the peel into the glass.
“You should have kept it in your mouth, that was a really good look for you,” He says sarcastically.
I laugh at him, instantly blushing but impressed by his sense of humor.
“I’m Y/N, Ian. Nice to meet you.”
“You too,” He says glancing back at his table, noticing that they’re all really into whatever conversation they’re having. So he gets comfortable next to me.
“So… you’re from here?” He asks, trying to make things less awkward.
“Mhm, born and raised. Unfortunately,” I joke taking my drink to my lips.
“So why are you at this small bar all alone?” He asks, seeming genuinely concerned.
“Well.. if you must know. I just broke up with my boyfriend, and this small bar because I can walk home from here,” I bite my lip, wondering if the tequila is making me feel a little too comfortable around him.
“Messy break-up? How are you handling it?” He asked gently rubbing my arm, which I enjoyed.
“Uhm… he cheated on me... a lot. No. He was a piece of shit. I’m just an idiot for not leaving sooner,” I ramble looking away from him. I really was okay. I didn’t want him to think I was bull shitting him.
“Well I can assure you, that you weren’t the idiot in that situation. He was. You’re gorgeous,” He confirms smirking at me, blush rising in his cheeks and mine.
I chuckle, rolling my eyes. “I just have too much going on to be in a relationship.” I sighed taking a long sip of my drink.
He laughs next to me. “I understand the feeling,” He agrees.
We talk for a while, bonding over our anxieties. I could listen to him talk for hours. Passion lacing his voice when he talked about his family and friends, and the things he loves to do. Genuine wonder on his face when he asked about my own. It had been so long since I had, had a good conversation with someone like that and honestly, there was something so damn sexy about it.  
I feel his eyes on mine, I was so overwhelmed by his presence. Everything about it. From the way he looked to the way he talked and all of the mannerisms in-between. His eyes flick down to my lips as I stick my tongue out to wet them. I watch his Adams apple bob as he watched closely. I wasn’t until this moment that I realized how close we were to each other, and how many people had left the bar. I took a deep breath in, scooting back and standing from my stool. He watched cautiously as I excused myself to the bathroom. I glance down at my phone. 1 am. I had been talking to him for 2 hours.
I excused myself to the bathroom. Once I was there I start to analyze myself in the mirror. I run my fingers through my hair, trying to tame it somewhat.  I wiped my eyes, and re-applied my lip gloss. Realizing very quickly that I was way drunker than I anticipated. I took a deep breath opening the door to the bathroom. Looking up instantly greeted by Ian leaning against the wall opposite me. Smirking down at me with the rosiest cheeks of them all, I guess he had a few too many too.
I grin up at him, as he slowly pushes himself off of the wall and closer to me. I walk backwards until my back hits the wall next to me, he boxes me in. One of his arms leaning on the wall just next to my head and the other slowly moving my hair behind my ear. Our breathing was heavy, and rushed. I slowly looked up at him, biting my lip knowing that once I made eye contact, I was fucked.
As soon as I did, his lips captured mine. Needy and passionate all at once. His lips fit between mine perfectly. His tongue peaks out to swipe across my lower lip, and I involuntarily moan in response. Taking his lower lip and trapping it between my teeth gently tugging. He pulls back, breathing so heavy, smiling down at me.
“Now, Just so were clear. I thought about doing this before I was drinking,” He chuckles before pulling me back to his lips. I smile into the kiss, making him laugh harder. He moves to my neck and starts placing kisses all along my jawline and under my ear. His hands grabbing my waist, his thumbs rubbing gentle circles along my hip bones. I moan into his ear, pulling him in closer by his shirt. We both jumped apart being interrupted by someone coughing to get our attention. Our heads turning towards the sound.
“Guys I’m closing up… so….” Tony politely tells us to get a room. We both straighten ourselves up before rounding the corner and seeing his group. Even though they knew damn well what was happening. Most of his friends are gone already but two are still waiting for him. He walks up to them, whispering something. They nod and gather their things and head for the door as he walks back over to me.
I put my coat on and go to pay my tab, only to be told its already been taken care of. I roll my eyes as I turn to look at him. He raised his eyebrows and shrugged his shoulders at me. So I just shook my head and let it be.
“I’d like to walk you home if that’s okay.” He mumbles, stacking our empty glasses to make things easier on Tony.
“I guess that’s okay,” I smirk at him before telling Tony good night and heading for the door.
The wind was cold but the alcohol still coursed through my veins, warming me from the inside. Ian holds his arm out to me and I lace mine through it.
“You’re something special, Y/N” he announces, nudging me as we walked slowly to my place.
I nudged him back earning a throaty laugh, “Yeah? You’re not so bad yourself.”
“Seriously, so down to earth, and fucking hot. Doesn’t get better than that.”
We walk up the stairs and I start to put in my key, he pauses unsure of what to do.
“Do you… want to come inside?”
“Yes. I do.” His cheeks getting even rosier, if that was possible.
We walk upstairs and I unlock the door, letting him walk in first. I turn around to lock the door, starting to tell him that I’m sorry if It’s a mess, but before I could get a word out he was there, pushing me against the wall.
His lips finding mine again. His hands cupping my face as his moves from side to side, kissing me from every angle. He moves back looking down at me, lust swirling through his eyes.
“I… uhm… are you okay with this?” He asks me looking serious for a moment.
I giggle, pulling his lips to mine, and kissing him hard. “Mhmm.” I mumble in the kiss.
His hands slide down my sides, then to the back side of my body. Slowly over my ass before grabs each cheek hard, making me moan into our kiss. He smiles as his hands make their way down to my thighs. He bends down slightly, and effortlessly picks me up. I feel his hard on pressing against me, I buck my hips against him needing the friction. This time making him moan into my mouth, making me smirk into our kiss. He starts walking me down my hallway. He finds a door and opens it walking into my bathroom, he instantly sets me down. His confused face making me realize that he had no fucking clue where he was going. I looked around, and looked back at him. We instantly both started dying of laughter.
“Down the hall, to the left.” I mumbled biting my lip, trying to keep from laughing any more.
“That’s helpful, thanks.” He laughs, bending over and lifting me up by my knees and throwing me over his shoulder. I squeal as he spanks my ass, heading to the bedroom. Once there he reaches the bed and throws me onto it. I inch backwards, as he crawls on top of me. He pushes me down onto the bed, attacking my neck with his lips. Sucking and kissing, I was sure I would be covered in hickeys. His hand slowly finds its way under my shirt, sliding up and down my side. He pulled back to look down my body, I took the opportunity to push him flat on the bed. He lays on his back pulling me on top of him. My legs straddling his hips, he sits up pulling me as close as possible. Wrapping his arms around my waist as I grind into his hard on. His lips still marking their territory on my neck.
“I figured,” He breathes between the kisses he’s placing on my neck, “If we were both going to spend the night alone,” He pulls back finally kissing my lips once again, “we could be alone together.”
I smile into our kiss, his way with words had me reeling, I moan into his mouth telling him that I agreed whole heartedly. I reach down in between us as his teeth tug at my bottom lip, hungrily undoing the button on his jeans. As he starts to catch on I lift myself from his lap as he quickly slides his pants off. I sat back down, sliding his cock through my wetness.
“Fuck you’re so wet already,” He moaned into my ear instantly making me wetter. I reach into the nightstand at my bedside find a gold foil package. I rip open the packaging and I slide the condom onto him. I couldn’t stand it anymore, I slowly slid myself onto his swollen cock. I bite my lip hard as I watch his head fall back and his mouth hang open. My breathing quickens as I start to pick up my pace, finally adjusting to his size. His hands take purchase on my ass, grabbing as much as he could and pulling before he spanked the same spot.
“Feels… so fucking good,” I gasp as I rock my body back and forth rapidly, feeling myself getting closer to the edge.
“Mm, you’re close,” His lips find my nipples and start to suck gently before biting them, making me moan in pain and ecstasy, “not yet though, I want you on your knees,” he rasped, his voice dominant and strong and I instantly did as I was told. I pulled myself off of his cock, moaning in disappointment as I lose the feeling. I bend over in front of him on the bed, as he watches with lust filling his eyes. Something about his demeanor had changed and it was sexier than ever.
“Such a good girl,” He purred as he positioned himself behind me, his hand coming down hard on my ass once again making me scream in pleasure. He finally got close enough for him to slide his cock into me again, making me moan his name.
He starts slow, pulling my hips back towards him. I slowly start to slam my ass backwards onto him telling him I need more, as I do I hear an evil chuckle come from his lips.
“You need more, baby girl?” He asks as his hand glides up my spine, creating goosebumps all over.
“Yes please,” I whine, as my head gets buried farther into the mattress. His hand reaches the nape of my neck and I feel his fingers gently grabbing the messy pony tail at the back of my head. He tugs gently on the pony tail at first, making my back arch and my head pull backwards. Once he hears me moan he pulls harder and starts to slam his cock into me. The sounds of skin slapping skin, and my breathless moans fill the dark room.
His hand finds my shoulder as he pulls me back to him, so that my back was flesh against his chest. His cock still thrusting in and out quickly. His hands reach around my body, his right hand slides down to my clit and his left hand lightly wraps around my throat. As his fingers dance along my clit, I start to shake as he holds me still against him. His hand tightens around my throat as he moans into my ear.
“Cum for me Princess,” he begs into my ear as his fingers on my clit quicken, “cum all over this cock,” He demands, as I feel my muscles start to tighten around him. He feels it too because I hear his moans get louder. He pushes me down in front of him, grabbing my hips as he starts sliding himself as deep as possible. The change in position instantly bringing me to the edge.
I start to scream as I feel myself start to unhinge around him. He moans loud, as I feel his cock start to twitch, then I feel his thrust start to stagger as he finds his release too.
Sweaty and tired we both collapse onto the bed, he excused himself to bathroom so that he could clean himself up. As he does that I take the opportunity to put shorts and a t-shirt on. I stand at my dresser looking into the mirror that sits on top, brushing my hair. The alcohol that had made me confidant was slowly fading, and I started to wonder what was next.
Before I could start over thinking the situation, Christian came back in the room clutching a glass of water, handing it to me. He went back over to the bed and sat down, his feet over the side touching the floor. His boxers clung tight to his thighs and I could help but stare at the way his abdominal muscles flexed with every movement.
“Like what you see?” He giggles as he lays back on the bed, using his forearms to hold him up.
I raised my eye brows and nodded as I walked over to him, I could feel the rosy tint covering my cheeks. I placed myself between his knees looking down at him. His eyes slowly traveled up my body slowly, making my body warm once again. He slowly sat up then swiftly wrapped one arm under my legs and the other around my waist, pulling me onto his lap. He moved my legs so that I was straddling him.
He reached up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear. I started to lower my head closer to his, he grinned when he realized I was moving in for a kiss. He quickly slid his hand to the back of my head to pull me down to him quicker. His lips were on mine once again, but slower this time. The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy, but in a different way than before.
Finally he pulled away, so that he could leave wet kisses down my neck. Every touch was electrifying. We had already had sex but every touch was so addicting, I needed more of him.
“So,” He rasps between kisses, “you think I could sleep over?” his eyes peak up at me as he continues to peck my body.
My fingers playing with the short hair at the back of his head gently, “Mhm, I think so.”
He tongue jets out to wet his bottom lip slowly, and I have to remind myself to inhale.
As I push him down to the bed, much more intimate than the first time, I get the feeling that this isn’t just a one night stand.
And I’m definitely okay with that.
A/N: I know its not BTS but Christian has me feeling some typa way recently! Hopefully you enjoyed it! Dont forget that request are always open, and I LOVE feedback of any kind!
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elmflowers · 3 years
New writing challenge I just write in a Tumblr post and post the result.
[story below the cut it's witch au tommy]
It's been a very very long time since anything lived here.
Nothing was supposed to live here in the first place, just happenstance and incredibly stubborn characters forcing their way into the forest clearing that could not have screamed danger more than it did now. Saying fuck you, I want to live here. I'm going to build a sick shack. The fuck are you (nebulous and malicious beings) going to do about it?
And the clearing with it's dainty flowers and two short trees, one big, and the small pond in the middle with the lilypads, could not have cared less. The beings that would live there, that took the chance to be that ballsy, already knew the malice that came with the place. Young witches trying to become more powerful made up quite a few of the previous tenants.
They knew how cruel this place was and still tried to make it home. It didn't work, obviously, thus why there's nothing that lives here anyways.
And then, one afternoon identical to all of the rest, it changed.
There was a new person, a young boy wearing a witch's hat dressed in red and white. Blonde hair and bright neon blue eyes, with an expression looking focused and tense, he walked into the clearing with a guitar case slung over his shoulder and a red and white composition ruled notebook tucked under his arm.
The clearing, if it could, raised it's eyebrow minutely up. It's been a while since a intrepid witch came to try and tame the place. Apparently, it had been considered quite the challenge among witches. None quite strong enough to bend the land to their will and make a companion out of the malice.
He looked around the clearing. There wasn't much there, nice grass, a small pond front and center with a big tree growing next to it, another smaller tree on the other side with a similarly sized small tree near it.
He grinned to himself.
"Oh yeah. The great Tommy, witch of many, very manly things, has got the best project yet." Smiling wide, he slung the guitar case off of his shoulder and set it on the floor.
"Tommy" was the name of this tenant, huh? Well, he seems awfully sure of himself. The clearing thinks that this one might be fun to watch try his best. And fail regardless.
Opening the case, he brings out a tent that should not have conceivably fit within it. But it did anyways because magic doesn't work with "conceivables" and "inconceivables".
The clearing watches from it's many hidden eyes as the kid sets up shop. Getting out the tent fabric and poles, setting it up wrong the first time and being forced to redo the process, cursing as the rock he grabbed from the clearing (oh so rudely, may it add) accidently hit his fingers while nailing in the stakes, the works.
The tent is under the big tree and emits a warm glow from inside. A beacon of kindness, harmonizing with the soul of the young witch.
And really, young is the best word to describe him. He couldn't've been older than thirteen, practically a new fledgling leaving the nest (quite literally, too. Witches tend to forge their own identity and leave home at thirteen). Bright eyed and slightly unsure in his movements but genuine nonetheless.
This place was going to kill him.
He hums a short tune while sitting himself down by the water. Opening the notebook, he motions with his hand like he's magically pulling out something, and a empty glass bottle stretches out like a smear frame, and pops into existence. Grabbing the bottle in midair (fumbling a little but that's a detail only for Tommy and the clearing to know), he bottles a bit of the pond water.
He repeats the same bottle creation technique, and the wildflowers and grass can't help but be a little impressed. His magic is very strong, just in need of a little refining is all.
Instead of bottling pond water this time, he start putting in petals of water lilies, wildflowers, blades of grass, leaves from the old willow, bits of rock, and whatever else he could get his hands on. The bottles were lined up nice and neat like soldiers ready for battle on his guitar case.
He then closed his notebook (at this point the clearing assumes it's his grimoire) and then opened it again as if he was opening a laptop and. No, the book is straight up now working like a laptop. It still looks like a notebook, but the top page is now like a laptop screen and the bottom page has a keyboard with buttons overlayed on the page. It looks like the page is projected onto a keyboard, or if the page was stretched over it like lamination.
Tommy clicks away at the notebook-laptop, turning his body to face the line of bottles and setting the seeing glass (hung in the notebook as a bookmark, presumably) as if it was a camera, and then returning both hands to the keyboard.
A large mouse cursor appeared in the air in front of him, seemingly projected from the seeing glass still hanging in the air where Tommy set it. Selecting all of the bottles in front of him like apps on a computer and dragging it back towards the computer until it landed in with a "krr-THUNK".
Some more clicking, he seemed satisfied with his work. He closed the grimoire and set it within the Mary Poppins guitar case.
He's been quietly talking to himself the entire time, laughing at his own jokes. The clearing has been tuning the one sided conversation out, until it suddenly stops and there's a sound missing.
He looks over the horizon at the setting sun and frowns.
He pulls out the grimoire again, ripping off a tab of paper from a bigger piece (much like those adverts with phone numbers attached) and threw it on the ground.
It spontaneously combusted.
Tommy doesn't pay it any mind as the fire started to create a campfire and tended to itself, while he pulled out a cauldron from the guitar case and bottles of stuff from the notebook.
Setting the cauldron over the fire, he set about uncorking the bottles. The clearing realizes that those are the bottles he used to capture some of the clearing's stuff, like the pond water and petals.
He dropped in a bit of everything, half a cup of pond water, a couple of petals, one daisy, etc. Until the cauldron was boiling and gurgling, ready to be cast.
Tommy whispered to the cauldron something no one could hear, not even the clearing. The mixture swelled until it popped into a. Pineapple and steak sandwich.
Tommy grimaced. Okay, he probably should've expected that for a first location meal in a new place. And especially this clearing.
He took a bite of the sandwich. He hates it. He takes another.
"One day, you will be my land." He says to the clearing while chewing his sandwich. "One day you will be my companion."
It's been a long time since anything lived here.
It cant wait to see how long this one lasts.
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Infiltration.”
Sorry guys about my weird schedule,  I know I am posting a little early. Hope you like it :)
“No, this this doesn’t make sense. “Krill’s voice echoed about the room, carried on a loud and startled whisper up into the massive atrium.
Sunny placed a hand over his mouth stifling his shock as she stared on with wide eyes having come to the same conclusion as Krill, “I think it makes perfect sense.”
“No, they wouldn’t.”
“I think they would.” 
Before them, four large words stared at them from the darkness like the looming eye of some great beast, all powerful, and all knowing.
Bureau of Intergalactic Relations.
Department of Diplomacy
Department of Trade
Department of planetary security 
Department of Foreign policy 
Before Krill could say anything further, Sunny clamped a hand over his mouth and pulled them back into the darkness of the maintenance corridor.
Krill cursed and Sunny growled a warning for him to shut up, “They probably have security all over this place, and it will be more than a miracle if we didn’t already trip it.” She whispered. Just as she spoke, the two of them froze at the sound of approaching feet. Sunny grabbed Krill around the middle and retreated further into the darkness as voices approached.
Krill half assumed that sunny would conceal herself and wait for an opportunity to ambus, but instead, she dragged him further into the darkness of the maintenance corridor. The echoing voices faded behind them as she took a sharp corner and moved downward.
“What are you doing!” Krill hissed 
Sunny mostly ignored him as she moved on lower and lower until his struggling became so annoying she finally explained in a harsh whisper, “Tesraki have never had to worry about physical spies or assassins, so we can assume their security system will be relatively easy to breach. We know that you don’t want to try to hack the tesraki….. But sneaking into a government facility might be easier.”
“How exactly do you plan on doing that.”
It was then that Sunny let of a huff of pleasure, stopping in a small- dark room where all the building’s power outlets converged.
“I am an engineer, so I am going to…. Un-engineer This power, and cut feed to their cameras and security systems.”
“Isn’t that just the stupid way of saying break all their shit?”
“Ok yeah, go ahead and make it sound less cool.”
“You sound like Adam.”
Sunny stopped in her tracks and shrugged a bit, head down, “Well, he isn’t here so…. So someone has to say stupid stuff.”
The silence continued on for a long moment before a quiet hiss of pleasure, and with a loud THUD, the lights went out, and they were plunged into total darkness.
Krill blinked and immediately turned on his thermal vision, though the only thing visible in the space was Sunny’s heat signature.
“Good work, just, one question. How are we going to find them!”
“SHHH would you.” There was a sharp click, and a light flicked on somewhere in the darkness momentarily blinding him. Sunny’s face was suddenly lit by a soft beam of yellow light. She huffed, “I may sound like Adam a little bit, but at least I think ahead.”
“Hmm, so opposites do attract. You are the brains, and he is a complete idiot>’
Sunny frowned in the half light, the illuminating casting strange shadows over her face, “He isn’t an idiot…”
Krill gave her a look and she huffed, “Fine he is an idiot, but that isn’t to be confused with stupid. He’s smart, and you and I both know it.”
Krill held up his four hands, “No need to get defensive, I like The Admiral as much as you do.” He paused to think about that as she tilted her head at him, “Ok well actually no i don’t like him THAT much, but you get my point. Now let’s go.”
Krill inflamed his helium sack and floated up to grab ont the back of Sunny’s carapace as she started down the hall keeping her light shielded from any potential attackers as the moved further into the darkened building which housed the Tesraki government offices.
Adam stood, eyes wide, mouth agape at the bloody body before him. In the partial darkness he could see a line of blood, black in the dimness trailing down the side of the detective’s face like tar oozing out from his skin. Hesitantly, he moved forward, dropping to one knee as he reached out to feel for a pulse. 
He didn’t like the man, but he had never wished him dead.
It took a second, and for a moment he thought the man was dead, but after a few seconds he felt the soft fleeting beat of the man’s heart. It was weak, but the pulse was there. A sudden soft flutter to his left, had him turning on a dime hands raised as he stared into the dark. There was a soft thud, and another body hit the floor, this one also unconscious, though he could tell from the moving of his chest that the man was still alive.
He didn’t advance, staying where he was as the quiet movement walked forward from the darkness.
His eyes widened, surprised to find a familiar figure standing before him.
The Tesraki detective, holding a metal pipe in both of his hands and breathing heavily.
“He took a step back in shock, and worry.”
“Please.” THe Tesraki whispered, “You have to go, before they kill you.”
His mouth opened and closed in confusion, “I, w-what.” 
“Please, you must go. I have held them off this long, but I can no longer protect you from what is going to happen.” he pointed down at the floor where the detective lay, “Take him and leave as fast as you can out the back entrance. I will stay behind and make sure the security feed stays safe and is sent to the right people.” His head reeled in confusion, and the only words he managed to conjure were, “But… it’s dangerous.”
The Tesraki detective shook his head, “Humans do not have the monopoly on bravery. Yes it will be dangerous, and Yes I will likely come to regret my decision, but this is about the fate of the GA, now GO.”
Adam paused and then nodded, reaching down and hauling the unconscious detective onto his back in a fireman carry.
Footsteps echoed in the hallway.
“GO!” The Tesraki urged scuttling off into the darkness.
Adam followed his lead, hurrying off through a small open door he had not noticed before and down a narrow back hallway. There were a few times he nearly dropped the detective with how small the hallway was, and there were a few times he considered doing it on purpose just out of spite, but, thinking of what his mother would have wanted from him-- he avoided dropping the man flat on his head, dong his best to support the dead weight as he hurried out the back.
He was almost free when the voices started up behind him, growing closer.
WIth a curse, he broke into a light jog and lunged out into the pouring rain. Red neon still glittered off the streets as he ran, skidding through puddles and ducking through allies. Advertisements glowed down at him everywhere he looked, and he felt as if he was being watched by a thousand eyes from all directions. His feet dashed through a puddle that seemed to glow blue from the reflection above, it’s surface being broken by great drops of rain.
He could hear voices in the distance, though they seemed meandering and confused.
There was nowhere to go.
He continued his jog, breaking into a half run as he raced through the streets losing the voices in the pounding rain. He was soaked to the skin now, and so was the detective whose dead weight was growing even deader. The cold rain seemed to be reviving the man, who groaned in pain.
Adam ignored it and kept going moving through the night for what seemed like hours before coming to a nondescript building and an even more nondescript door. He paused there, and raising his hand, he pounded three times against the metal. He had to wait for what felt like a good five minutes, knocking three more times till the door opened, and he came face to face with a man and a Finnari, the man with a bright green mohawk one hand held protectively in front of the finnari.
“Admiral!” The man exclaimed.
He nodded to an old friend, “You have to help us.”
Eyes still wide with shock, the man opened the door to let them inside without hesitation, “What is going on.”
Adam made it onto the floor of the deserted club, tossing the detective like a sack of potatoes onto the floor before turning to look at the LFIL couple they had met on Noctopolis not so many months ago, “I’m being framed, and there are men trying to kill us. I need help.”
It was a testament to how poor tesraki physical security was that Sunny and Krill managed to sneak their way up through the building. There were a few close calls and more than one reroute, but at some point they found themselves at the top of the stairs next to the elevator and one big long hallway, which was even more grand than the entrance hall with an arching vaulted ceiling, chandeliers, in the human style, which were unlit as of that moment.
The water from the rolling pools on either side of the hallway had gone still, their power cut with everything else in the building. Exotic lush plants, also from earth, lined the hallways looking rather worse for ware as, whoever had bought them, was likely more interested in their aesthetic appeal than they were about their actual botanical function.
Voices emanate up the hallway, and Sunny and krill moved further inward. Krill was, of course, silent, floating as he was, and Sunny was nearly so as the rain drumming against the large glass skylights in the vaulted ceiling overhead concealed her footsteps.
“What do you mean he is MISSING!” The voice was recognizable as tesraki almost Immediately, “How hard is it to keep tabs on ONE measly human!”
“I told you he was dangerous.” Came the second voice, one Krill and Sunny recognized immediately as Kree.
Sunny turned to glance at Krill, and in the darkness, she could just barely make out the movement of his mouth as he mouthed the word “Adam”.
“We did what you asked! We put him away, we did everything we could, and yet you STILL cant get it to work.” Paused by the doorway, they could see the shadow of the Tesraki as they stood from their seat pacing back and forth before the window, “We should have known. You failed the burg, and look what happened to them, practically castrated by their love of humans.”
Another figure darkened the doorway, stepping into their path of site, “The burg failed because the burg did not listen. They simply tried to get rid of him, turning him into a martyr in the process, and dooming their species. I thought you Tesraki would be smart enough to proactively follow my instruction and DISCREDIT him, not let him GO. Now we have no idea where he is, and no idea what sort of allies he might have.:
The Tesraki snarled and threw his hands up in the air, “The better question is what allies DOESNT he have. I did what you asked, I brought the evidence forward before the GA council, and NONE of them believed me, well, none of them other than the Bran of course, but they have always had a thing against humans, so it wasn’t hard to convince.” The Tesraki snarled, “and what happened to the lights.”
The Kree ignored the Tesraki’s complaints, “Calm yourself, delegate, and be patient. With someone as well established as the Admiral, it will be difficult to discredit him. Humanity, the GA loves him, and they will not be so willing to cast off that love.”
The Tesraki snorted, “That is the truth. The chairwoman is wrapped around his finger, Lord Celzex practically threatened to destroy me for even suggesting that his dear admiral is something other than a friend, and the Drev counselor was prepared to challenge me to a duel.”
Sunny shifted in her place, but Krill barely noticed as he was fixated on the conversation.
“Can you believe it. The man has the most political power in the galaxy and he has no clue. Imagine having that much power and just…. Not caring.”
“That is probably why the people like him so much.”
“Don't sound so impressed!” The Tesraki growled, “Because of that one, single human, our economic power is failing. Humanity has booked the monopoly on some of the most important trade agreements in the galaxy. Human products are the HEIGHT of status, and that is only making their products more desirable. Their tourism is practically feeding our economy now, and if they ever decided to pull it away, we would be left helpless. Since the humans showed up we have lost 41% of our economic power 20% of our commissions, and I estimate my power in the GA has never been lower.
The kree churred deep in it’s chest almost in amusement, “yet your city is prospering because of them.”
“Whose side are you on.”
“Whoever pays more, though I am coming to think that might just be the humans.”
The Tesraki GA delegate turned around, his face coalescing into sharp relief in the dim light from the street, “Get out there, FIND HIM and make sure he doesn’t ruin this for me. If this all works out, by the end of the month I will be chairman of the GA, and the humans will simply be an afterthought.”
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Classic Heavy x OnPeriod!Reader || Oneshot
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Title: Period Horniness Mixed With Boredom and a Busy Boyfriend? 
Please let me know if I haven't used AFAB correctly! I just didn't want to back y’all into too small a corner. So, this is meant to be ‘Reader who gets periods’. Could be a cis female, transitioning trans female, gender-neutral or agender person with a vagina, etc. Just, provided you have a vagina. 
I know he isn't on the list but I wanted to try someone new! I don't play TF2 but I’ve read what there is of the comics! I loved them! ^^
Plot: So...
You decided that it was a good idea to sext Chevy. 
Warnings: SMUT (Penis in Vagina). Period sex (He licks it once but that’s it in the way of blood to mouth), dirty talk, Daddy kink, dirty names, etc. *Cough* Creampie also. Lets hope videogame characters cant procreate or contract STD’s. I meant for it to be nasty smut, but due to my lack of experience and fluff brain I dunno if it actually is 😅 So beware. 
As you are bored out of your mind and reading smuts (Dean Winchester. Beetlejuice. Herman Carter. Oh boy), causing your libido to get even more aggressive in your current hormonal state, you shrink down further into the couch cushions and groan from pain. 
Not from cramps; You don’t get them as bad as others anymore, thank god (And besides, you have a hot water bottle underwear your shirt and the top of your sweats), but from the fact that your very huge, very hot and very lusty boyfriend is stuck in a meeting elsewhere!! Pouting, you drop your phone onto your chest and drop your head to the side, staring at the ceiling. 
You sigh. 
Ross, on the other couch across from you, rolls his head to the side and puts down his magazine to raise his bushy brows at you. “What is yer problem??” 
“Hm,” You sigh again. “Nothing... “ 
As Ross looks back at his Lifestyle you get an idea, a cheeky smile slowly skidding across your lips as you peak down at your phone on your chest. Ooooh... Snatching up the phone, you open up Chevy’s message tab and start tapping out a text. “Heheh... “ 
You: Hey Chev. If you could do anything to me and I h a d to say yes, what would you do? 
Then quickly you turn off the phone and set it back in its place screen down on your chest. You wonder, what would he say if he responded? What would you really agree to? 
... actually lets not wonder that. We may scare ourselves. Lets just say; Much. 
A few minutes later your phone buzzes and you take a moment, calming your nerves and your excitement before you pick it up and open the messages again. 
Chevy: Ohhh, I wouldn’t go there sweet bottom. Very, very busy right now.  
Chewing on your thumb nail, you grin broadly at the screen and wonder even more what he’s thinking. 
You: What should I do while I wait for you then? If you’re so busy I’ll be so wet when you get here... 
You: Already am pretty soaked actually. I tried to handle it myself. . . 
Okay, this is the great thing about Chevy, realise. You can say whatever you like, sex-wise, and you wont ever be embarrassed. Because you know he’s always up to fuck, and he’s usually thinking about it first. 
Chevy: Oh, are you just teasing me or are you gonna send proof? This is a dangerous game your playing princess/prince. 
Oh dear. You cant send proof! How can you deflect this? “Ahh... “ Thinking as you look around the room, muttering in a panic ‘Um. Um. Um. Um-’, “OH!” You hop up from the couch and duck behind it, pull the front of your shirt forward and quickly snap a picture of your chest, before fixing your clothes and jumping back onto the couch, laying on your back again. Cheeks rosy from the adrenaline. Ross looks confused at you, nose scrunched up and beard askew, but you just waive him off and send the picture. You don’t type anything this time. 
“Squirrely... “ Ross mutters in annoyance, shaking his head back at his reading material. 
Your phone buzzes again and you try to keep a straight face as you read the block of text, and watch the attachment, the bottom half of your face hidden comfortably behind the collar of your shirt to hide your frazzled-ness. 
Chevy: Baby, you know that’s not what I meant... But look what its done to me. Devil person. 
*Chevy Attached: A video of his lap shifting, and there’s a slight bulge in his black pants. 
Eyes wide at the video he must’ve taken on the sly under the table, of his gently growing prominence, as he shifts to get more comfortable with it. Its just enough movement for you to imagine it thrusting onto your aching section and it makes you hide even more of your face under your shirt. “Jesus... “ This may have been a bad idea. 
Bad I cant stop. 
You: I love that
Chevy: I know 
*Chevy Attached: A picture of his grinning face from below, looking off assumedly to the slideshow or whatever they’re being shown in that meeting. 
Why is that cocky, mischievous look on his face, which some (Including yourself sometimes) would call an asshole look, hotter then the outline of his huge, ever loving cock?? It just doesn't add up! 
This is becoming a cruel, and unusual form of torture. You’ve never tried sexting before today, and you regret it. 
Ohhh, god. You wish he was here! Closing your eyes for a moment and furrowing your eyebrows from frustration and longing, you shamelessly imagine how Chev would lead you to the nearest empty room with a door (Any room. Laundry? Kitchen? Your room? His? Someone else's?? It wouldn’t matter to him, and by the time he got your favourite weapon of his out you wouldn't either. At least, that’s the way things were the last time you checked.) push your body against the wall and thrust his cock deep into you as he plays torturously with your front with his huge hands... 
And it wouldn't be hard. You’re already totally slick, with blood and slick. 
Oh, god. You love that he’s there for period sex. 
As you imagined, you had let your head fall to the side slowly relaxing. And, as you imagined further, fantasising about your orgasm building up and feeling your pussy ache for pressure in real life you start to hear h e a v y footsteps coming towards this room in the hall. 
Just as you realise that your knight in shining cargo has come you snap your eyes open and there that man is, standing behind the couch above you, jaw taught. You cant see his lower section due to the back of the couch obscuring your view but a broad grin rips across your lips anyway at the speediness of his arrival and the forcefulness - in other words, desperation, - in his face. You immediately, kind of hilariously, yank out the hot water bottle from your clothes.  “Well, hi there!- Oh,”
He just leans down, fixes his ginormous, manly hands around your waist and plucks you off the couch with ease, literally throwing you over his shoulder - your ass by his head, - and starts walking with just as much force as he came towards the exit. Oh, here we go... 
Your pussy sings at the pressure of his broad shoulder pressing against it, and bumping against it as he walks, and you would be embarrassed by that but instead you just promise it that its going to get its real treat, real soon. 
“Baby girl/boy, you’ve been a real, desperate, whore.” Cheavy growls out as he finds a room and turns on his heel, getting you both inside and kicking the door hard closed. You take that as a sign of how hard he’s about to fuck you, tingling with excitement. He lifts you off his shoulder and plops you down on the washing machine - or dryer? You don’t know. You just know its on, and its sending delicious vibrations through your core, - making you moan at the sudden, total attention to your cunt. But you’re also occupied sitting still, caught in his stern, smirking expression. “I really shouldn't reward you for behaviour like that, kid.”
Knitting your eyebrows together and shifting forward on the machine, opening your legs so he can nestle himself between them and running your hands around his neck so you can guide him forward you whine. Simping. “You don’t want to leave either, though, do you... ?” You smirk slyly. 
“Right.” He smirks back, even more mischievously then you. It makes you wonder, and your pussy yearn. “That’s why I’m doing this for me.” One of those hands, your favourite hands in the entire world (Well apart from that of those who fight for minorities rights every day *Sit com wink into the camera*. ) moves between the two and latches onto your mound, making you jolt forwards into it as he cups and massages it. His hand perfectly cups it, too. Palm big enough to press against the lips, thumb strong enough at the top to rub up and down the top and the rest of his fingers just warm it all up. “Are you gonna be an obedient, disgusting little cock sleeve?” Caught in his gaze, and almost too turned on to respond, you stay still for a moment, thighs just clamping around his hand. 
Quickly, when he stops his movements on your core you nod fervently. “Yes! Yes, I am.” 
“Hmmm?” He tilts his head, looking down as he unbuttons your jeans and makes your breath hitch as dips a thick finger past your underwear, into you and immediately takes it up again to his lips to taste, smirking at your stupefied expression. Blood... he just... tasted... your... He does this every time you two engage in period sex, just to see this reaction from you but you never get used to it. How does he do it?? “What do you call me when I fuck you, Y/N?” 
You break yourself out of the moment, getting back to reality. “D-Daddy. Sorry. Sorry, Daddy... “
“That’s right, baby doll. I’m your Daddy, and you are... ?” 
“Your amenable, disgusting little whore.” You respond obediently, like a student... yeah. A student right out of a porn video. 
“Correct, now... Undo my pants now, wild cat. Somethings just begging for your aching, pretty cunt.” All too happy to do so, your hands dive down - well, not without feeling his chest up on your way down which is made so much easier as he’s just wearing a normal t-shirt instead of chest armour, - and wolfishly unzip and push down his trousers, revealing a fully, entirely enlarged and throbbing penis hidden behind worn cotton boxers. You chew on your lips as you go to pull down those, too, but Chevy chuckles and and gathers your eager hands in one his, reclaiming control that he never really lost. “Oh, not yet. I told you this was for me, didn't I?- “ 
“When are our carnal relations ever any different, Chev?” You ask, scrunching up your nose cheekily. Then, “Ah,”, remembering your place for the moment, you correct yourself carefully. But, you still smirk. “I mean... Daddy.” 
“Get on your knees and use your mouth. You are so good at that- your best quality, really.” 
Scrunching up your nose at his snark this time, scowling, you do as he says anyway hopping off the machine and coming face-to-dick. 
Because you are a whore. 
In this moment, at least. 
And, besides; You are really, really good at this. If you do say so yourself. if you do it just right, his animal instincts will completely take over and he’ll really use you. He steps closer, feet on either side of your thighs making you crane your neck to not be motorboating his freaken balls. Pulling down his boxers, finally completely exposing his, admittedly perfect - for you, - , genitalia and sigh as you get to wrap both your hands around the girth. Its so thick. God, you love it. 
I would love it a heck of a lot more if it was nailing me into the tiles right now instead of nearly poking my eye out... but there are ways we can make that happen. 
Moaning, like you’re taking the first bite of a really good sandwich you take as much of his hot, leaking cock between your lips and your hot mouth. Immediately one of his hands cups the back of your head and firmly pushes you further, the girth disappearing into you until hair tickles your nose. You can only imagine how you look... and it kind of turns you on even more. 
“You are the best cocksleeve, sweet’eart... “ He says, voice not betraying anything so far. You can change that. 
Utilising the tip of your tongue, you begin to stroke the the bottom, all along it to the tip and you suck - gently at first, - and slipping your lips along the shaft over and over, like you’re eating an icy poll. Its a slick, spit sheening mess by the time he’s literally spilling spurts of cum into your mouth and chin, which you wipe off. Not a full orgasm, but enough to grant you what you really want. And damn, is it hot. 
As you slip off of his head again, licking up the creamy substance from the very tip, guided back by his hands in your hair gently but authoritatively he lets out a loud growl at the pleasure you give him. “... Tell me, who’s your Daddy?” 
You just innocently lean forward and nuzzle his thighs in response, making him shudder and get down to the floor with you. Frustratedly, like this has to happen right fucking now, Chevy lays you on your back on the cold floor and straddles you after tugging down your pants and your underwear, and shoves himself fully in you all at once. 
Its an easy fit, spearing into your searing, red, mess of a hole like it can only be one time of the month and when you have sex with Chevy. He grunts, and starts absolutely thundering into you over and over, like you’re the best feeling cunt he’s every experienced. You believe it. And, because of the way he makes you feel with that gorgeous, stone-hard cock of his you hope it is really true.  
The sounds that it causes you to make are completely pornographic, and can absolutely be heard outside the room. The strength he uses to pound your dripping pussy both presses your bare ass into the cold tiles of the floor and pushes you up across the ground, and you whine. So hard... “Oh my god, oh my god!!” You cant help how your legs spread as wide as possible at the thighs but your ankles press tightly to his back. You arch your back to meet him, listening to the squish sounds that come out of you and his growly, fast breathing. “So good, Chevy!!” 
“What.” He says quickly, wrapping his hands around your waist to keep you still and not sliding up the floor- so his hits find their target every time with an agonising strength. Pounding your pussy in a way you wish wouldn't stop. 
Pushing his chest up so you can relocate, and get a different position, making him sit and you straddle his waist, hands up his shirt and fingers spreading across his hairy chest. “I meant Daddy.”
“Yes you fucking did.” 
He always gets so cranky when he’s close to blowing. 
Its not a bad thing, cranky is sexy on him- provided his penis is shoved inside you. 
Grinding in his lap now, you do much of the grunt work, until he cant take your torment this time and takes your waist in his hands again, lifting you and jamming you back down on his rod over and over again, until he explodes cum inside you. 
The outburst fills you up completely, the funk dripping out from between your walls and around his base, dripping on the floor pink from your period causing you to see stars come too, a moment later as he slams you down on his manhood once more. 
Catching your breathes, you two stay sitting there like that, letting your shared fluid ooze out of you from around him, until his cock softens totally in you. When that’s done, he lifts your body off his and sets you down on the ground away from the puddle you two made. Your legs feel shaky, your breath is hard to catch, and your pussy feels battered. 
This was a good session. 
Chevy seems to think so too, as he grins and picks you up again, sitting you sideways, carefully on lap. “Oh, did I do well, Daddy?” You blink innocently, happy to keep playing the game but tired. 
“Mhm. As always. You’ve got the perfect cunt, baby girl/boy.” 
You look up, waiting for a kiss. “Oh, hope so.” Your lips meet, finally, tongues playing together gentle. You exchange long, open mouthed kisses with each other for a while after your session, making out lazily and dining on each others tastes as desert. 
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waitimcomingtoo · 5 years
Hello there! I hope you’re having a lovely day. Any chance you’d write a fake dating story with Tom?
That Day in the Rain
Synopsis: Tom lies and tells Haz you’re his girlfriend, who tells the world
Requests are CLOSED
I have added the “keep reading” tab a thousand times and it won’t stay I am so sorry
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“Before I say anything, I’d like you to think about how much you love me.” Tom said once you opened your door to him.
“God, what the hell did you do?” You asked him with wide eyes.
“And how much I love you.” Tom continued as if you never interrupted.
“Is there a body?” You whispered harshly. “Are you making me an accessory?”
“And most importantly”, Tom went on with a boop on your nose, “think about all the times you told me you’d do anything for me.”
“Oh my God, he’s killed someone.” You groaned and gave your hair a stressful tug.
“This is one of those times.” Tom went on as if you weren’t talking. 
“Who was it? A stranger? Harry? Jake?” You badgered. “Tom, please tell me you did not kill Jake Gyllenhaal.”
“I didn’t kill anyone! Why is that your first guess anyway?” Tom sounded almost insulted. “I just need a small, teeny tiny favor.” He said as he pinched his fingers together.
“What might that be?” You folded your arms.
“I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend.” Tom said in a rushed voice. 
“You need me to what?” Your voice dropped. 
“I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend.” Tom repeated, whining a little in the adorable way that he did. “Just for a little while.”
“Have you been staying up on tumblr again?” You raised an eyebrow. “You want to have a fake relationship? That is so Harry Styles x yourname, it’s unbelievable.”
“I haven’t.” Tom promised. “It’s just, the paparazzi took a picture of us Lady and the Tramp-ing that Kit Kat last week, so rumors have been off the charts. And then today, Haz and I were having you know a discussion over who’s braver and what not. He said he was because I couldn’t even ask a girl out, to which I replied, “I damn well could”, which we both know-“
“-you cant.” You cut in.
“I can’t. Exactly!” Tom excitedly agreed. “But I wasn’t about to let him win and he just kept teasing me over it so I snapped and “you know why I can’t ask girls out? I have a girlfriend.”, which we both know-“
“-you don’t.” You finished his thought.
“I know!” Tom exclaimed. “But he was really getting to me and I panicked. So he went, “oh yeah? Who?” all macho,” Tom imitated Haz’s voice in a buff manner, “and I started to panic right because I don’t actually have a girlfriend so I was just gonna say a random name but yours was the first that came to my head and I said it.”
“If it’s just Haz, why can’t you tell him you were kidding?” You asked.
“Because he started saying how he knew it all along and I was an idiot to think people didn’t know we were together.” Tom said sheepishly, taking sudden interest in the floor.
“But we’re not.” You stated.
“Apparently everyone thinks we are.” Tom scratched the back of his neck. “So of course, he told Harry who told Sam who told my entire extended family and now my mom is asking me about grandkids and I don’t know what to do!” Tom said in one breath. His eyes were full of panic and you knew he was beginning to spiral.
“Okay, okay.” You said soothingly and put your hands on his cheeks. He immediately stopped panicking and softened his eyes. “Don’t panic. Your family thinks we’re together, so what? We can pretend we’re dating for a little bit and then have a fake mutual break up. No big deal.”
“My mom wants you and your parents to come over for a family dinner tomorrow. Is that too much too soon?” Tom asked, bringing his hands up to your wrists and rubbing soft circles into them.
“Well, we have only been dating for about three minutes.” You joked.
“If you’re uncomfortable, we won’t do it. I’m okay with the years of embarrassment and ridicule I’ll have to deal with if you won’t pretend to be my girlfriend.” Tom sighed dramatically and drummed his fingers on your wrist. You rolled your eyes and pursed your lips.
“Just one dinner?” You held up on finger.
“Just one dinner.” Tom held up a finger and touched it to yours. You couldn’t help but smile.
“Alright, boyfriend.” You emphasized the last word, much to his amusement.
Tom picked you up, spinning you around and kissing your cheeks.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Tom squealed and set you down.
You prepared for the dinner like it was a final at school. You and Tom rehearsed the facts, well, fiction.
“We could say I first kissed you that one time my car broke down in the rain and we had to wait for the mechanic. Remember that?” Tom suggested with a shy smile as you drove to his parents house.
“I remember. We stood in that rain for hours because someone locked their keys in the car.” You laughed at the memory from the passenger seat.
“Well someone was distracted because someone else looked really pretty with raindrops in their hair.” Tom defended. You gave him a bright smile before leaning over and kissing his cheek.
“What was that for?” Tom chuckled.
“Just practicing. We have to be convincing, don’t we?” You shrugged as Tom pulled into the driveway. He kept his hand on your back as you walked up the walkway.
“We should probably hold hands. You know, for effect.” Tom suggested with pink cheeks.
You shyly slipped your hand into his as he rang the bell. Tom gave you an assuring squeeze.
“Tom! Y/n! Come in! Everyone’s here!” Nikki smiled as she opened the door. You walked inside, hand in hand and made your way to the table. Tom pulled your seat out for you and let you sit. You gave him a ridiculous smile as you sat down, finding it hilarious that your awkward-around-girls best friend was now pulling your seat out for you like a proper gentlemen. Everyone sat around the table, and the games began.
“So, Y/n, how long have you and Tom been together?” Dom asked, making polite conversation right away.
“A year.” You answered.
“Four months.” Tom said at the same time. You and him exchanged a look of panic before plastering on fake smiles.
“A year and four months.” You nodded, and everyone excepted it.
“You’ve been together for over a year and you never told us?” Your mom cut in.
“They didn’t have to. It’s not like everyone didn’t already know.” Dom laughed, and you and Tom let out fake laughs as a response.
“What do you mean?” You said through your fake laughter. You squeezed Toms leg under the table and gave him a scared look.
“Well, Tom talks about you all the time. I feel like I know everything about you, just from what he’s said. It’s funny, almost. He was never good in school because he couldn’t memorize facts, and yet he knows every detail about you like the back of his hand. I’ve never seen my son so enthralled as he is by you. He’d give you the damn world if you asked for it.” Dom quipped before taking a sip of his wine.
“Haha, very funny dad.” Tom said through a clenched smile. You furrowed your brows at the news.
“I’m not being funny. I was so happy when Sam told us you were an item because I know you’ve wanted it for so long. I’m proud of you, Tom. You’re really going after your dreams.” Dom said with a raise of his glass.
“Thanks, dad.” Tom said in a more sincere tone, feeling a little guilty for not being able to make his dad proud.
“What about you? Did Y/n keep it a secret that long from you too?” Nikki asked your parents.
“Oh dear.” You gulped. Tom sensed your fear and took your hand, under the table. You found it a little odd, since you were trying to fake a relationship but he was holding your hand out of sight. Nonetheless, you appreciated it.
“She just told us last night. We weren’t surprised either. Well I wasn’t. Y/n’s father just went “Tom who?” and went back to his newspaper. But I’ve known Y/n was in love with Tom since the day they met. She came home on the first day of school and told me she met the her future husband.” Your mom gushed. You sucked in your breath and avoided Toms piercing gaze.
“Alright, alright. I was six.” You defended. “Everyone has crushes when they’re six.”
“But it was so sweet! He used to come over everyday, and she’d talk about him all night when he left. I was so happy when she finally admitted they were together. I just thought it was closer to three years, not one.” Your mom went on, much to your embarrassment.
“You’ve thought Tom and I were together for three years and you didn’t say anything?” You wondered in amazement. Did the whole world see something you didn’t?
“I didn’t want to pry.” Your mom shrugged.
“I’m curious, Mrs. L/n. How did you know we were together?” Tom leaned forward on his hands with an amused grin, loving the embarrassment you were feeling.
“Oh, are you kidding? It’s like she wanted me to know. All the times I’d ask her where she got a T shirt or a sweatshirt and she’d go, “it’s Tom’s” ,with the reddest face you ever saw. I’m pretty sure she uses one of your shirts as a pillow case, right Y/n?” Your mom asked you from across the table. You gave her wide “shut up mom” eyes.
“Mom”, you fake laughed, “thats enough.”
“You do!” She exclaimed. “I remember now because I asked you why you did it and you told me you missed him. Isn’t that sweet? She missed her boyfriend.”
“I did that when I was little.” You told the table.
“Oh, but it was just last week that you said that.” Your mom said, completely oblivious to your efforts to make her stop. Tom, for one, was loving every second of this.
“Last week?” He said as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.
“She’s old.” You shook your head. “She forgets.”
“No I don’t. I remember it perfectly.” Your mom got ready to set the scene. “I came in your room at like three am and asked you where you got the pillowcase from. You got all shy about it, remember? Apparently it was his favorite shirt or something. I should’ve told you right then and there that I knew. What girl would care about a silly T shirt if she wasn’t in love with the guy who owned it?”
“Haha, yeah. Because we’re so in love, right Tom?” You looked at him with panic seeping in. Tom burst out laughing and took both your hands in his.
“That’s right, Y/n. I love you so much.” Tom matched your slightly sarcastic tone before switching to a more genuine one. “More than you know.”
You and Tom stared into each other’s eyes, having a real moment amidst the chaos.
“Yeah, no. I don’t buy it.” Harry interrupted.
“Buy what?” Tom asked.
“This whole thing.” Harry gestured between you two. “There’s no way you’re actually together. I don’t buy it.”
“Me either.” Sam chimed it with a look of disapproval. “It’s too forced.”
“It’s not forced. We’re in love.” Tom defended sharply. A little too sharply, for a fake relationship.
“No, I believe that part.” Harry laughed a little. “But I don’t believe that you’ve actually told each other that.”
“Boys, please.” Nikki scolded.
“But think about it, mum. Didn’t Tom say he had a thing for Y/n two weeks ago? How can you have a thing for your own girlfriend?” Harry brought up. You felt your heart stop a little at this revelation. Did he really say that? You looked to Tom for answers, who looked at you in fear.
“It’s possible.” Tom said quickly.
“Is it, Tom? Is it really?” Harry pressed.
“Or is it possible you’re pretending to date to get us off your back?” Sam pilled on. Tom wasn’t enjoying this as much anymore now that the attention was on him.
“More tea, anyone?” Nikki pipped up.
“We’re not pretending. It’s real.” You came to Toms defense.
“Do you smell that, Sam?” Harry snuffed the air around him.
“Yup.” Sam nodded and sniffed the air. “I smell clownery.”
“It’s not fake.” You burst out. “I’ll prove it.”
You turned to Tom, who met you with a confused gaze. Your eyes fell to his lips, and hesitated for a moment. It felt like the whole world was holding their breath as you leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips. He stiffened from initial shock before melting into you and cupping your face with his hand.
Right as your lips touched, you saw white lighting flash behind your eyelids, like the flash of a camera. You kept the kiss short, being you were in front of your family and all. When you pulled away, Tom looked at you in a way he never had before. You plastered a smile on your face and turned back to Sam and Harry.
“See? We do that all the time.” You shrugged as if the biggest moment of your life didn’t just happen.
“I stand corrected.” Sam said, visibly impressed.
“Then congratulations, Tom.” Harry said. “You finally got the girl you’ve been pining over for years.”
“Haha, yeah.” Tom mumbled, never taking his eyes off you. You were too busy talking to Nikki to notice Toms love struck gaze.
After dessert and helping to clear the table, you and Tom said your goodbyes and got into his car. As soon as he pulled away from the house and hit a red light, you high fived in celebration.
“That was great! They totally bought it.” You cheered.
“Our parents especially.” Tom agreed. “Good thinking with that kiss.”
“Oh, thanks. I just wanted to prove to Harry and Sam that we’re actually in love.” You said, eyes immediately widening. “I mean, pretend love.” You followed up.
“Yup. Pretend love. I was definitely pretending to be in love with you tonight.” Tom let out an awkward loud laugh. “Especially in that dress.” He fake laughed even harder.
“Oh, me too. I was pretending so hard that I’ve been in love with you all this time. Total make believe.” You nodded way too many times and kept your eyes on the road.
“I hear you. And that kiss? I was totally pretending to enjoy it. I completely forgot it even happened.” Tom shrugged with a squeaky voice.
“Me either. I’m definitely not thinking about it right now.” You told him.
“Oh, same. I’m not even thinking about your cherry chapstick transferring onto my lips and leaving a taste in my mouth.” Tom laughed again, sounding almost like he was in pain.
“It’d be a shame for us to continue this conversation and find out what tonight meant to the other.” You said sarcastically but attempted to sound sincere.
“You know what I’m thinking?” Tom said with a scarily huge smile.
“Pretend tonight never happened?” You finished his sentence, as always.
“Yup! You always know what to say.” Tom admired, sneaking a glance at you in the mirror. On the inside, he was dying to talk about the night. But you seemed to agree that it should be let go of.
“We’re just so in sync.” You faked a smile as you drifted further and further from the real conversation you wanted to have. “You’re the best fake boyfriend ever.”
“I totally don’t want to be your boyfriend for real.” Tom declared with fear in his eyes and a forced laugh. You were both saying the opposite of how you felt, and neither of you knew it.
“Me either. I’ve never even thought about it.” You lied.
“I know, right? I’ve never thought about holding your hand or being the little spoon or braiding your hair when you’re too tired because you stayed up all night helping me learn lines because you’re so selfless and kind that it makes my heart swell and burst.” Tom shrugged. “That’d be crazy, right?”
“Insane.” You agreed, replaying his words in your mind.
“But imagine if we really did get together, though?” Tom said as if he just thought of it. “I wonder what it’d be like if we went on a real date.”
“I bet it’d be terrible.” You forced a laugh. You knew it’d be magical.
“Oh, awful.” Tom agreed, despite the blatant lies. He felt hurt at your words, not knowing they were completely fabricated.
“The worst.” You nodded, feeling a little hurt at the confirmation that he didn’t feel the same. “That’s why we’re just faking it. But I have to admit, it’s pretty fun being your girlfriend. Almost makes me want to fall in love with you.” You said as a joke, but meant every word.
“Haha, I am in love with you.” Tom blurted in the same cheerful tone you’d both been using. The car filled with awkward silence as Tom drove on.
“But just pretend, right?” You asked softly.
“Right.” Tom nodded and cleared his throat, no longer looking at you in the mirror. “Just pretend.”
You got back to your shared apartment and flopped on your bed. You tried to push the nights events from your mind and went to sleep.
The next morning, your phone was nearly dead from blowing up all night. You had hundred of notifications, but only one caught your eye.
harryholland64 tagged you in a photo
You clicked on the notification and it brought you to his page. Right there, for the world to see, was you and Tom pecking each other on the lips. The caption was sweet and simple.
“lover boy.”
Your initial reaction was your heart swelling. That white lightning you saw during the kiss turned out to be the flash of Harry’s camera, but you felt oddly grateful that he’d captured it at all. Otherwise, the memory would fade with time and you’d forget how momentous that night was. Harry had immortalized that spontaneous kiss, and then sent it out into the world.
That was your second reaction.
Harry had upwards of a million followers, and anything he posted of Tom was inevitable posted in every single fan account in existence. That night was no longer between your respective families. Every marvel fan was about to get the surprise of a lifetime. Tom had been steadily denying a romantic relationship with you since he found success with Billy Eliot. All the news reporters wanted to know if the little girl in pigtails doing the dances in the wings and cheering the loudest was “Toms little girlfriend”. It’d only gotten worse when social media took off and your face was splashed all over Toms Instagram. He could count on being asked about you every time he was interviewed. This picture was nothing but air to the fire. There was no going back from it. Harry had unknowingly let all he’ll break loose, all because of a stupid, stupid, amazing kiss.
“Tom!” You screamed. Tom rushed to your room and you immediately held up the photo for him to see.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t know he was gonna post it.” Tom apologized, having already seen it. “But it’s up and there’s nothing we can do about it. On the bright side, people are being really supportive.”
“To you!” You cried. “I’m getting death threats from 12 year olds!”
“I’m so sorry, Y/n. I never meant for this to happen.” Tom said sincerely as he knelt next to your bed and took your hand.
“You need to post something about us breaking up.” You said as you pulled your hand away from him. Tom faltered and blinked in surprise.
“You said you’d pretend.” He reminded you with hurt evident in his voice.
“Yeah, for one dinner!” You whined, eyes landing on the amount of likes the picture had already. “The whole world knows now Tom. And there’s nothing to know! I’m getting harassed for dating you and we’re not even dating.”
“I think there’s something to know.” Tom mumbled, feelings once again hurt.
“Tom.” You whined and took his hand. He hesitated before putting his hand over yours and looking you in the eyes.
“They’re just want what we have.” He said gently. “They know you’re the most important girl in my life and you always will be. Can you blame them for being a little jealous?”
“No.” You admitted, a small smile creeping onto your face.
“Listen.” Tom tucked your hair behind your ears and cupped your face. “I can put an end to the hate. My fans will listen to me if I tell them to stop. My publicist wants us to do an interview together tomorrow on Ellen. If we go on and explain that we want our relationship private, people will leave it alone. We won’t have to pretend. People thought we were dating before anyway right?” Tom asked and you nodded. “Nothing has to change. Just do this one interview with me.”
“How am I supposed to lie to the whole world that I’m in love with you?” You asked. Toms heart fell and he prayed you couldn’t tell how much that hurt him.
“It’s not lying. It’s pretending. You can pretend to be in love with me for ten minutes, can’t you?” He asked a little bitterly before mumbling under his breath, “I’ve been pretending I wasn’t in love with you for ten years.”
“What?” You asked, not hearing him.
“Nothing. Will you please do it? I can do all the talking. You just have to sit there and look pretty.” Tom promised. You looked at his puppy dogs eyes before sighed.
“Fine.” You agreed.
You smoothed your dress and took one last look in the dressing room mirror just as Tom came in.
“Y/n, I belive I told you to look pretty. I never said anything about looking as radiant as the sun.” Tom teased as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You looked at his and your reflection in the mirror and told yourself he was only doing it to keep up the act. He didn’t really feel that way. It was just pretend.
“Aren’t you sweet?” You said with a tight lipped smile. “I might just fall in love with you for real.”
“I’d simply hate for that to happen.” Tom muttered and pressed a kiss to your shoulder. For the act, you told yourself, just an act.
“Me too.” You quipped, and quickly looked away.
“Did your mom mean what she said?” Tom asked suddenly. “About you sleeping with my t shirt?”
“I don’t even know what she was talking about.” You fake laughed and shrugged.
You knew exactly what she was talking about. A week earlier, she found you lying awake around three in the morning with tears in your eyes. You’d just gotten off the phone with Tom the night he left for shooting reshoots for Chaos Walking in Georgia. Knowing he’d be gone longer than usual, he gave his favorite black T shirt to wear when you missed him. Unbeknownst to him, that was all the time. You slipped the shirt over your pillowcase just as he rang your phone. You laid your phone on the pillow next to your head with a sigh as Toms voice filled your ears as his scent filled your nose. If you shut your eyes, it felt like you were lying on Toms chest, just like he was there. Your mom had found you in the position long after the call ended, and in the spur of the moment, you told her a little too much.
“Oh, okay.” Tom nodded his head, slight disappointment in his voice. “It just reminded me of all the times I’ve stolen one of your shirts before leaving for shooting.”
“Why do you do that?” You asked, turning in his arms to face you.
“The same reason you do. Or don’t do, apparently.” He said, slight disdain present.
“Because you miss me?” You asked. Tom looked frustrated and looked down at your lips.
“Because I love you.” He blurted.
“Pretend though, right?” You asked.
“Wrong.” Tom shook his head before crashing his lips to yours. You kissed him back for everything you were worth. Your fingers found their way to his hair, like they’d always meant to be there. He lifted you off your feet with arms secure around your waist. It was the fairytale you’d been waiting for since that first day of school when you told your mom you’d met your future husband. You only broke apart when a knock at the door came.
“Five minutes until you’re on.” Someone begin the door yelled.
“Thank you, five.” Tom called, his loving eyes never leaving yours. “I should’ve kissed you that day in the rain.” He whispered.
“That’s in the past. Let’s focus on our future. And my future is you.” You smiled at Tom and pecked his lips once again.
“You ready?” He asked.
“I am. I’m just glad we don’t have to lie anymore.” You said as you made your way to the main stage.
“Oh, Y/n.” Tom sighed dreamily as he brushed hair out of your face. “I was never lying.”
You took your seats in the couches next to Ellen after the crowd died down.
“So, how did you guys get together?” Ellen sat back in her chair and folded her hands.
“Well”, Tom looked at you and smiled as he linked his hands with yours, “it’s a bit of a funny story.”
Tag List 🏷
@maybemona @sunrise-shawn @meghan-8520xx @writing-for-hours-on-end @lavender-writer @captainmandeestudent17 @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning @imyourliquor-youremypoison @theolwebshooter @autumnlyholland @andreasworlsboring101 @guksmyfav @waiting-to-be-myself
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