#i do find it really comical but it’s obvious that a change of living arrangements is necessary
fingertipsmp3 · 14 days
I genuinely get too nervous when something goes wrong in the sims. I need to do a really chaotic challenge to get out of my comfort zone
#i had a mod conflict that caused my sims to start autonomously putting food away (to use as leftovers) before other sims (who were hungry)#could eat it#it wasn’t much of a problem on residential lots but in college.. oh boy#at one point one of my sims was just standing next to the dorm chef chucking everything he’d made straight in the fridge#i was like girl are you prepping for the apocalypse?? that mac and cheese will not save you#it was more chaotic in shared housing though because the girls had to cook for themselves#and whenever i tried to have somebody serve a meal; one of the others would immediately appear to whisk the serving plate away#it was TOO much#so i removed the mods that were causing it and i’m thinking about also moving the girls off that lot because honestly it’s just not good#they keep flooding the shower room and then complaining and also for some reason everyone ignores the private bedrooms with double beds#in favour of boning down on the sofa. which is just TOO awkward for me#the composition of this household is two sisters and their respective girlfriends#so at one point one couple was banging on the couch; the sister of one of them was like ‘this isn’t going to interrupt my workout’#and was doing press-ups right next to them??? and the fourth sim was just sitting in the armchair right next to them studying#i do find it really comical but it’s obvious that a change of living arrangements is necessary#the other thing that was happening was i kept getting this bizarre glitch where my sim would reset in the middle of an action#their whole queue would empty and they’d cease doing whatever they were doing. like completely. if they were painting; the painting#would disappear. if they’d just made a plate of spaghetti it was GONE#which obviously stressed me because i was like ‘if this happens when someone is starving they might not have time to feed themselves before#they straight up die.’ i took out a bunch of mods and eventually fixed it#i think i had a mod that was for a later expansion pack than i have. i only have the super collection so anything that’s made#for apartment life can’t be in my game#i swear i didn’t used to be this neurotic about my sims. i don’t know what happened#i need to do an isbi as a palette cleanser. get comfortable with chaos again#personal
0 notes
forhereyesonlyyy · 3 years
(i) lean on me. // gfriend, cyn. // one-shot.
in which you were feared by everyone in your school due to your violent nature, but one curious girl just can't stay away from you.
word count: 7.0k
author's note: i would like to apologize for the radio silence... but anyway, here she is! my favorite girl, yuju! 🥺 i didn't expect this to be so long so this will have several parts 😆 part two will be posted next week so make sure to stick around for that if you want to see more! i hope you guys enjoy reading this! btw, i did a lot of changes while i was writing this so if you see any strange mistakes, that’s me not proofreading properly,,,,
tags (overall): high school au, slow burn, angst, fluff, enemies to friends to lovers.
warnings (overall): violence, injury, bullying.
next: (ii) lean on me.
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You stared at your reflection in the mirror, staring deeply at your right arm that was wrapped in a cast. It has been weeks since your little incident, and you’ve told both your parents and your doctor that you feel fine but they still advised you to wear the cast just in case you ‘get into trouble’ again. You rolled your eyes hearing your older brother’s stern voice calling you an ‘immature, reckless brat’ in your head. It’s not like you were made of glass. Hell, the reason you got injured in the first place is because you tried to prove that you weren’t made of glass. It was indeed stupid but at least you’re not the one still sitting idly in a hospital room.
Just as you came out of the restroom for female students, the bell rang throughout the halls, indicating the start of the day. Fortunately, your locker was just in front of the restroom and it didn’t take you long to walk to your first class since it was only a few doors away. You could feel several pairs of eyes on you as you made your way to your usual seat which was right in the middle of the room.
A kind soul pulls out the chair for you and you raise your head to see Jung Eunha, the school sweetheart, smiling at you. “Welcome back, (Y/N). Good to see you again.” She said. Now, you and Eunha weren’t the closest schoolmates, but you’ve shared a couple of conversations before. She was one of the only people you would willingly hang out with for a whole weekend, and that says a lot since you’re known to mostly keep to yourself. Eunha is really the only one who was genuinely nice to you in the school, and unlike most, she’s not completely terrified of you.
“Thanks and uh, you too.” You said as you sat down on the chair. The teacher wasn’t present yet, he always takes too much time in the staff room and unknowingly allows his first class to cause havoc for the first ten minutes of class. Eunha sits near the back with her lovely girlfriend and her self-proclaimed sister-in-law who were complete polar opposites. You pay them no mind, they’re not that important to you. You were pretty sure that Eunha’s girlfriend hates you, for obvious reasons, and the sister-in-law is just not into troublemakers.
It was a shame. Kim Yewon was cute.
You still felt eyes on you and if it weren’t for your teacher suddenly walking inside the classroom, you probably would’ve picked a fight and either ended up in the principal’s office or the infirmary, again. This time though, you managed to control yourself and keep your eyes forward. Looks like those anger management ‘classes’ weren’t a waste of your time after all.
“It seems like today is the day of warm welcomes! (Y/N) is back after her well-deserved recovery break and we have a new student joining us,” The teacher says enthusiastically. His comic-worthy optimism has always pushed the wrong buttons, but today you were more annoyed that everyone is in your business. It’s like they’ve never seen a girl deck someone and win. “Come in. I promise these kids don’t bite.”
“If you’re an idiot, that could be arranged.” Eunha’s girlfriend, Kim Sojung, mutters to which everyone who heard chuckles at. You hear Eunha smack the taller girl lightly, but she couldn’t help but giggle too. It’s true. You lean your back on your chair, trying to relax since you felt a little too uncomfortable with your casted arm. You didn’t know how to work around it, where the hell should I even rest it at?
Your attention was soon stolen by the not-so-subtle chorus of ‘wow’s and the obvious atmosphere change in the classroom. You lift your eyes from your arm to the front and standing there was this unfamiliar girl clad in pink, black, and white. Her lustrous black hair sits on top of her shoulders, reaching just nearly below her breasts. She was wearing socks that extended to her knees and white shoes with heels that made her taller than she already looked.
Jesus, she was pretty. Like really pretty. Your mouth was half open as your eyes shamelessly roamed this stranger’s figure. Other than her shining orbs, there was just one more thing that stood out to you.
This new student shared the same casted arm as you, but at least it wasn’t on a stupid arm sling like yours. And she still looked beautiful despite the injury. She also just looked at you and smiled, which caused you to suddenly force yourself to stare down at your desk, suddenly finding the cover of your textbook interesting.
“Would you kindly introduce yourself to your new friends?” The teacher says, gesturing to the countless pairs of intrigued eyes focused on the tall girl at the front.
“My name is Yuju,” You slowly lift your head and oh, were you not prepared to find this girl staring intently at you. She wasn’t hiding her interest in you very well either. Some students at the front have allowed themselves to follow the new student’s gaze and were surprised to find out that they were on you of all people. It was like she was telling you her name instead of the whole class. You awkwardly turn your head somewhere else, it was too early in the morning for you to deal with weirdos. “Glad to be here.” The girl in the front said.
“And we’re happy to have you,” The teacher scans his classroom for a vacant seat and finds one right next to the window. It was three seats away to your left, thank goodness. “You can sit right there, in front of Jung Chaeyeon. Chaeyeon, please raise your hand.”
Yuju smiles kindly at Chaeyeon and walks towards the seat without another word, politely greeting her other classmates on the way. You intentionally put your attention into something else, but that didn’t stop Yuju from greeting you and smiling at you. Not even thirty-minutes in this classroom and she’s already on my ‘avoid forever’ list. That’s a new record. I’m impressed, new girl.
“Damn, I guess you’re not completely deprived of game after all,” The girl sitting behind you, Jung Yerin was her name as far as you cared. You shoot her a confused look. You genuinely did not know what that meant enough to get offended. “I don’t know if you noticed but that girl totally got into you as soon as she spotted your admittedly pretty face.”
You avert your gaze to the girl in question. Yuju was chatting with Chaeyeon, you guessed that they were going to be getting along pretty well. Amidst her small talk with the eye candy right behind her, Yuju managed to turn her head a little towards your direction and she winked before going back to talking with Chaeyeon.
She winked. At you. In front of everybody! Your mouth fell open at the sheer lack of shame of this new student. (As if you wouldn’t have done the same if she hadn’t rendered you speechless first.) Who the hell does she think she is?!
“Careful, (Y/N). I don’t want to lose you to the dark side too. Don’t fall in love!” Yerin exaggeratedly shakes your shoulders, faking panic and desperation in her voice.
You rolled your eyes, “Shut up.”
It was lunch time and normally, you would be wandering the hallways looking for some unlucky freshmen to pick on, but not today. You were sitting in a nearly empty classroom with several students who often stirred up trouble wherever they went. Your kind of people, but they were way too boring and standard for you so you never really hang out with them.
Technically, you weren’t a stranger to the detention supervisor. You’ve been in her ‘punishment’ room more than your own classes. Her way of torturing the troublemakers is by forcing them to do childish tasks that are supposed to be relaxing and therapeutic. For a long time, all the exercise has done for you is to annoy the living hell out of you until you were nearly pulling all of your hair out, but you’ve found a way to have fun. If it weren’t for detention, you would’ve never found coloring enjoyable.
“Aw, who knew you had a talent for coloring?” Jung Yerin emerges from behind you and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes, having forgotten that she was indeed here as well. Yerin wasn’t nearly as bad as you, she just liked pulling pranks and messing with the wrong people, that would be the teachers. You’ve heard that she was trying to impress one of the cool girls, Hwang SinB was her name, but you couldn’t care less.
“Girls, finish your task first and then you can chat.” The supervisor said, her eyes not even leaving the novel in her hands. Yerin sits back down on her seat, crossing her arms over her chest and staring at the clock sitting in the front of the classroom. You quietly continued finishing the rest of the page on the coloring book. Time always seemed to move slowly in this particular classroom but you adjusted to it pretty well. You weren’t sure about Yerin though, she always wanted to be doing something. It was impossible for her to stay still.
And that was exactly why she threw a balled up paper in your desk.
The supervisor didn’t seem to notice, she was way too engaged in her novel. You threw a glare towards Yerin, but she didn’t even flinch. Now, you don’t really get angry when you try to scare someone and it doesn’t work, it just makes you feel irritated. Because that’s not the same as getting angry, right?
Can we get out of here right now was written on the paper. You wrote a quick stop bothering me with red crayon and threw the paper behind you, hitting Yerin directly in the forehead. Upon reading your message, Yerin sighs deeply and presses her head against her desk. It was going to be a long lunch time.
“Excuse me,” A now familiar voice manages to steal your attention from the coloring book and when you looked at the direction of the door, you saw the face you’ve been trying to avoid since that eventful morning. Yuju stands by the door, seemingly surprised to see you sitting inside the room. You don’t exactly know why, but you couldn’t keep your eyes off of the tall girl. When you cocked your eyebrow and hardened your eyes, Yuju switches her gaze from you to the supervisor. You could hear a faint whistle coming from the back. It wasn’t Yerin. “I was told that you would be the one to show me where my locker is?” Yuju asked.
The supervisor closed her novel and nodded, “Ah, I’m assuming you’re our newest student then! Follow me.” She said, standing up from her chair and grabbing a single sticky note from one of the drawers in her desk. Before trailing behind the supervisor, Yuju once again looks at you and flashes you a tight-lipped smile before walking away.
“She has a nice body, don’t you think?” Yerin asks. You ignore your classmate to dwell on your own thoughts. You were getting pretty annoyed by the attention this new student was giving you. You haven’t stopped thinking about how she literally did not even hide her interest in you earlier in the morning, so now everyone is just looking at you more than ever.
The fact that you tend to get flustered around someone who has the hots for you is not unknown information to everyone as well, so now they can tease you to no end, and that just makes your blood boil. You had little to no control of your temper and often thought that violence is the answer to everything, but you weren’t completely heartless! Of course you’d be a blubbering mess when someone makes it obvious that they like you.
But you don’t know a single thing about Yuju, so you weren’t even sure if she was being serious or not. If this is her way of embarrassing me then I’m not gonna be so nice.
“If you won’t date her, then can I?” Yerin snaps you out of your thoughts. She was now sitting on the chair beside you, and you’ve just noticed that she was wearing this shit-eating grin that you hated so much.
You barely stopped yourself from throwing crayons at her direction, “Seriously, shut up.”
 “Hello,” Oh, fuck me. “I’m Yuju.”
It was nearly time for the next round of classes to start. What the hell is this girl doing here?
You slammed your locker shut and leaned your shoulder on it, you winced slightly but you recovered quick enough for Yuju to not even notice it, “I’m aware. What do you want?” You hoped that your tone would drive her away. You really didn’t want to help her, you just wanted to go to class.
Instead of coming up with a dumb excuse to leave as you had initially expected, Yuju only looked as if she had won the lottery, having your attention and all. She couldn’t stop herself from smiling and you just wanted to get out of there. You came up with the conclusion that this girl just does not know enough about you to be scared, or maybe she’s just plain stupid and persistent.
“Could you show me where Mr. Lee’s English class is?” Yuju asked. She was holding a piece of paper in her hand, which you assumed was her schedule. You find yourself a little confused. This girl could’ve just walked around the hallways until she found the right room. Or she could have asked one of the teachers to show her around! Why would she— wait.
You look at this girl and her charming smile and realize that wow, she was really bad at subtlety. This is her way of getting me to be alone with her and talking to me? It wasn’t the oldest trick in the book, you admit, but it gets the job done. Probably.
Not with you, though. You’d never give her the impression that you were interested. Because you really weren’t.
“It’s this way.” You said, turning around and walking away from the lockers.
Yuju quietly follows you as you lead her to one of the school’s infamous areas, the science hallway. Of course, Yuju doesn’t know a thing about the school yet so she doesn’t know that you were leading her to nowhere. Mr. Lee’s English class was on the other side of the building. A part of you just didn’t want to go all the way over there, and you also just wanted to mess with this new girl.
Yuju doesn’t seem to notice anything strange, she was just admiring the scenery beyond the window. It was just the garden. Obviously the garden would be seen from the science building, how convenient. You briefly look over your shoulder to see if Yuju was starting to become aware of what you were trying to do, but she was completely mesmerized by the field of flowers below.
Now I kinda feel bad… but I also don’t care.
“You can find it somewhere around here,” You gestured to the hallway filled with giant lab rooms. You looked at the taller girl beside you and yeah, she was completely clueless. It nearly made you crazy how much Yuju trusted you with something like this. There was no way she never felt like she was going to be kidnapped or killed while being led to this place. “I’m late. Knock yourself out in your English class. See you never.” You muttered before walking back to the opposite direction.
Not even halfway through the hallway, you hear Yuju calling for you, “Wait.” Her voice was like a whisper, but you hear it loud and clear. You stopped in your tracks, waiting for Yuju to continue.
“What’s your name?” Yuju asked, pulling on the ends of her skirt anxiously. You find it hard to believe that none of the gossips in the school has told Yuju about you and your unpleasant behavior, but seeing that she was eager to follow you without an ounce of hesitation, you could believe it too.
Well, (Y/N), let’s find out just how willing she is to keep her guard down around you.
You started walking back towards Yuju with your chin slightly tilted up. You cracked your good knuckle, it was a form of intimidation. It usually worked. You had no doubt that you looked like an idiot instead of a monster because of your injury, but seeing Yuju slowly become more and more uncomfortable tells you that it’s working somehow.
Eventually, you were standing right in front of Yuju, leaving almost no space for God. She smelled like fresh strawberries and mint. Yuju’s eyes were darting everywhere from your eyes, to your nose, to your lips. You couldn’t help but smirk. So she is scared, that’s hot.
“(Y/N).” You said, running your tongue across your upper lip before turning around and finally leaving. You didn’t look back. Somehow, you just knew that you left Yuju a blushing mess after that stunt you pulled.
And you were right.
“(Y/N),” There was fifteen minutes before the first classes started and you found yourself standing in front of the detention supervisor’s desk. She was waiting by your locker when you arrived, and you just knew that Yuju was the one behind this. I guess she’s got guts after all. “I’m very disappointed in you. After the countless hours you’ve spent in this classroom, I thought you’d have developed a less foul behavior, but I guess I was mistaken.”
The supervisor shakes her head. She irritated you so much. “You’re not my mother, you know.” You replied.
She ignores you, “Yuju was thirty minutes late to her English class yesterday after you dragged her to the wrong place. I know your main source of entertainment is to mess with your peers but this was taking it too far.” The supervisor said.
You couldn’t help but laugh, “What does that even mean? So what if I tricked her? I do it to everyone else and you don’t give me much shit for it, what’s so different now?”
“In case you hadn’t noticed, Yuju is injured too,” You couldn’t find words to spit back. You had forgotten about that. “I told her to come to you if she needed help because I assumed that being around someone who shared your pain, and someone who seemed like a decent person, would allow you to stop being so difficult all the time.” The supervisor confessed, sighing deeply. You stared at the fake plant sitting on her desk quietly. You wondered why you hadn’t stormed out of the classroom yet.
Whoa, do I actually feel bad?!
“Please stop talking as if you really know what happened with me,” You spoke calmly, not wanting anything to get out of hand so early in the morning. “That girl and I do not ‘share the same pain’. Her injury is so much more simpler than you think.”
You walked towards the door, ready to leave and forget this specific event forever, but the supervisor’s voice stops you. “Apologize to Yuju, okay?”
“Fine.” You replied without much thought before exiting the classroom.
“You snitched on me.”
Yuju jumps at the sound of your chilling voice. She turns away from her locker, which you now just realized was right next to yours unfortunately, and faces you with confusion evident on her face. It annoyed you. You were starting to lose patience after that encounter with the supervisor and it was only seven fifty-five in the morning. And the fact that Yuju still hasn’t caught on to what you were implying after you’ve given her a second to do so makes your blood boil even more.
Now you really needed to control yourself.
Taking a deep breath, you clenched your good fist and slowly stretched it out as you exhaled. You narrowed your eyes at the taller girl once again and spoke softly, “About yesterday. To the supervisor.”
Yuju shakes her head, “Ms. Kwon? No, I didn’t. I never said a word to anyone. I think she figured that out on her own.” She replied. She smiles at everyone that passes by, and bows her head to any teachers that she sees. If it was any other person, you would be scoffing at how pretentious they were, but you noticed that Yuju was just genuinely polite, so you didn’t bother to comment on it.
It just occurred to you that you hadn’t replied, but truthfully, you didn’t know what to say with the new information. Why am I even staying here? This is a waste of my time. I gotta get to class.
“Okay, well, just trying to make sure you’re not getting too brave.” You said and walked away, not even bothering to bring any of what you might need for the class. You could just ask Yerin for anything anyway. She may not look like it, but she’s actually really smart. Maybe she’s learning something from constantly hanging out with Yewon and her little group of kiss asses.
“Can I walk to class with you?” Yuju asks, although she had already caught up to you. That look in her eyes was back. The one that makes her look like she had just found the greatest treasure in the world. You don’t exactly know why this girl is still sticking around you after what you did, and you wished you could tell her off, you really did, but something about that look was stopping you.
“What the hell is your deal?” was the only thing you could say at the moment. As far as you’re concerned, that was as close as you can get to telling Yuju off. The two of you stop walking in the middle of the hallway, just staring at each other as if your life depended on it. And because of that, you didn’t see the wave of students coming towards you.
Before you knew it, you were being pushed into the wall. No, that was wrong. You were being pushed into Yuju as the horde of students passed by. Yuju’s back was already pressed against the wall, and with all your might, you try not to move your head forward because if you did, you’d be kissing your newest enemy.
But you couldn’t deny that Yuju was so much prettier up close. As you stared up at her, you could clearly see how her eyes slowly absorb every single detail of your face and when she stops at your lips, pauses, and looks back up at you as if to let you know of her intention, your heart skips a beat.
What is wrong with me?
“Ain’t that a pretty sight,” As if on cue, the literal Devil makes her entrance. Sojung stands behind you with a smug look on her face, and beside her stood Hwang SinB, her partner-in-crime, who shared the same said smug look on her face. “I think we got our school’s hottest new couple, after me and Eunha of course, what do you think Bi?” Sojung teases, nudging her best friend in the arm.
“I don’t know, Sojung. Maybe if (Y/N) cleans up her act then she would be perfect for our innocent little Yuju, but I guess they’re good the way they are now.” SinB joined in, grinning. You felt your ears heating up with all the teasing and you continued walking along the hallway without a word, making Sojung and SinB laugh from where they were standing.
If only your other arm was working… and if only Eunha wasn’t your friend, you probably would’ve pulled out a strand of Sojung’s hair or two.
“Are you okay? I hope you didn’t crush your arm back there.” Of fucking course, she’s still here. Yuju stops you just before you both reach the door of your first class. A lot of students were already trickling inside the classroom with only five minutes left until lessons start and since Yuju has wasted so much of your time, now you just feel like skipping the whole period and have some time for yourself.
“I’m fine,” You replied in a monotone voice. Yuju doesn’t seem convinced although you were telling a half-truth. Sure your arm was throbbing a little but it doesn’t hurt that bad. You sighed deeply, just wanting this morning to finally be over. “Could you leave me alone now? I don’t have time to play with you today.” And with that, you made your way inside the classroom without another word. You spot Yerin sitting on her seat, waving at you and frantically gesturing for you to hurry and come over.
Finding no other choice, you walked towards your seat and almost immediately, Yerin pulled you down. “The streets are saying that you and Yuju did a little something in front of everybody earlier, is that true?!” She says excitedly.
“By ‘streets’ you mean these loudmouths who are so bored that they stick their noses up in someone else’s business,” You gestured to your classmates. Those who heard threw a dirty look towards you but you ignored them, they were the kind of people who cowered in fear with one look from you so you were sure that they wouldn't actually try to grab you or talk back at you, that made you feel powerful. Yerin nods at your statement. “Nothing happened.” You said as you swiped the notebook on top of Yerin’s desk.
“Dude, that’s mine,” Yerin complains. She tries to snatch it back, but you were fast to turn around and place it at your desk. “I really preferred it when you had two hands because then I could punch you and get away with it.” The girl behind you says, officially giving up and allows you to borrow her notebook.
You grin, although Yerin can’t see it, “I prefer me with two hands too because that would mean that I can wrestle you to death.” You said. You were pretty sure that Yerin already had the whole lesson covered anyway. You have no doubt that she spends most of her free time getting ahead of everybody else so she can sleep while classes are going. I wish I had that much dedication.
While reading your friend’s notes, you felt a chill run down your spine suddenly. It was a weird thing your body does, it was like a warning. Someone with devious plans to take me down is looking at me and if it’s Sojung… then I’m sorry, Eunha!
You slowly turn your head to the direction of where you felt your ‘enemy’ was and lo and behold, Yuju was sitting prettily in her chair staring at you with nothing but the look of an absolute lovestruck person in her face. When she realized that she was just caught staring, she scrambled to find something to do but ultimately failed. You couldn’t help but giggle to yourself, what an idiot.
You feel Yerin lean close to your ear, “You will never admit it so I’m gonna say it. Her charms are really working on you, huh?” She teased, her smile increasing bit by bit when she saw how red your ears have gotten.
“Yerin, I swear, sh—”
“Shut up? No, thank you.”
Your first class was math, and as if that wasn’t enough to drive you crazy early in the morning, your second class was science. Now you really felt like skipping classes. You thought about inviting Yerin, but felt that you needed to be alone and plus, you’d never give her the chance to tease you about how you’re slowly adjusting to her presence all the time. You hated how she is always talking about Yuju though, and the way she was talking about the new student rubbed you the wrong way.
You shake your head at your thoughts. Everybody thinks she’s hot and I don’t give them shit for it. Yerin is Yerin! She’s always talking about girls. Still though, Yuju—
A strong force nearly knocks you down on the ground, but you manage to regain your balance in time and stay up. You glared at the poor soul that dared to cross your path, but you immediately soften up at the sight before you. It was Yuju, rubbing her behind after she got knocked down. Several textbooks were on the floor and you realized that it was probably your fault that this happened since you were so lost in your thoughts.
“The hell are you doing here?” You say instead of apologizing like a normal person. You clench your good fist, refusing to let yourself succumb to the guilt that was slowly creeping up inside you. Yuju looked surprised to see you. She takes a second or two to process what was going on before she finally blurts out a reply.
“I needed textbooks for my classes. I was just on my way back to Ms. Kwon to have her check them out for me in the library so I can use them tomorrow.” Yuju said, her cheeks beginning to get pink because of her embarrassing position. You looked around, it was empty, not a soul in sight. You squatted down and inspected the textbooks, looking like she has the right ones at least. You take one with your free (only) hand and put it on top of another, stacking them neatly.
Yuju scrambled to stop you, “I-It’s fine. I got it. I don’t want you to get hurt.” She said. You huff, feeling irritation bubble up your stomach but you push it down, but you don’t respond. After you stacked all of Yuju’s textbooks, you looked at her for the next step but she seemed to be distracted.
“You’re staring.” You said, as you stared back.
Yuju blushes, “Sorry. You’re just really pretty.” She whispers the last part, but just like the previous day, you heard it loud and clear. Now usually when someone tells you things like that, you would roll your eyes, but something about Yuju being the one saying it made you smile. Yuju herself smiles upon seeing yours, completely proud of herself for doing the near impossible.
“Any idea how you’re going to pick this up? You don’t exactly have the sufficient amount of hands to do so right now,” You gestured to Yuju’s casted arm and then your own. “And neither do I.”
Yuju shrugged. For a second, it looked like she wanted to say something, but instead, she leaned her back into the wall and sat there quietly. Once again, you look around the hallways and of course, it was still empty. You didn’t want to risk being seen by any teachers because they’d immediately know that you were intending to skip class, but you also didn’t want to leave Yuju all alone.
What? Why the hell do I even care? This is so stupid. I’m going.
“See you never.” You said and stood up, turning around to leave.
“You say that but you know we’ll end up meeting again. One because we’re literally in the same school and two,” Yuju paused. You wanted to hear more, so you turn around, and you find her smiling up at you. “I don’t think I can leave you alone now.”
You cringe, and you laughed albeit barely, “That is so not the romantic punchline you think it is.” You said. Yuju spaces out for a second. She was only staring at you in bewilderment, you didn’t know that she felt like air was knocked out of her. She wanted to hear your laugh again because she couldn’t believe the first time. Did she actually do that? You asked that question yourself too.
Eventually, Yuju snaps out of it. “I… um, maybe not. I’ll do better next time.” She said with a sheepish smile. You find yourself finding this girl’s smile, all kinds of it, rather heartwarming and sometimes… adorable. And it annoyed you so much that you’re feeling this way. You almost forgot about that whole scene in the hallway from earlier and now that you’re thinking about it again, you wondered if Yuju would’ve done what she was thinking if you had encouraged her.
For fun, and not because you wanted the same thing.
Definitely not.
“(Y/N)? Why are you here… with Yuju?” You turned around and saw Eunha with her demonic girlfriend standing there. Eunha was genuinely curious, meanwhile Sojung looked like she was going to do or say something malicious. This morning could literally not get any messier.
“Don’t tell me you’re brainwashing her into being a bad girl. She’s only been here for a day.” Sojung said, dramatically shaking her head and clicking her tongue. Eunha rushes to Yuju, who was still sitting on the ground for some reason, and helps her up. Meanwhile, you stood in your spot, glaring at Sojung who was now keeping an eye on her girlfriend. You don’t know why, but out of all the people you could be scared of, Sojung terrified you the most. Maybe because of the fact that she can quite literally plunge you to the depths of hell if you pushed the wrong button. Nah, I can probably take her on a good day.
Sojung carries the stack of textbooks in her arms while Eunha talks to Yuju, “We can help you with these. Were you going anywhere specific?” She asked. You pulled out your phone and saw that it has been exactly five minutes since classes started, and now that you weren’t in the mood to skip the period, you’ve decided to just drop everything and go to class.
And you didn’t want to be scolded by Eunha and made fun of by Sojung. Especially when Yuju of all people was around.
“No goodbye kiss for your new girlfriend?” Sojung teased as you started walking away. You raise your middle finger without looking back, only earning a loud laugh from Sojung which rang throughout the hallway even when you disappeared into another one. Oh how you couldn’t wait for this day to end.
“Hello,” The next day, it was you who was surprised by Yuju’s voice. Lunch time had just ended and you miraculously survived another one of Ms. Kwon’s detention periods. Yerin had already moved on to her next class feeling all giddy because SinB was her classmate, and for some reason, she wished you good luck on your ‘love life’ before skipping away. Weirdo. And now here comes Yuju whose smile just seems to get brighter every single day. “You have history next, right?” The tall girl asked.
You went back on preparing whatever you need for the aforementioned class, “Did I not make myself clear yesterday? I think I made it obvious that I don’t wanna be friends.” You said as you pulled out a textbook that was so unnecessarily thick and heavy. Have I always been this weak? You remember being able to carry all of your textbooks in one arm just fine before, so all of this was weird. I gotta recover quickly. 
“Yes, but I also don’t give up easily.” Yuju replied, her smile not showing any signs of faltering or disappearing any time soon. Her backpack was bulky, you guessed that she was carrying her necessities for her next class and now you wondered which class this was since holy cow her backpack is really big at the moment. I guess she’s not afraid of breaking her back, damn.
Yuju takes your history textbook without another word, ignoring your sharp glare. You think back to what she said the other day, when you were both on the floor after she bumped into you. 
I don’t want you to get hurt.
She was being nice of course, and you managed to not say anything about it since you busied yourself by cleaning up her mess, but that you were reminded of it, you feel the same irritation taking over and this time you didn’t feel like holding back or keeping up the nice act. Well, you haven’t been nice at all, you’d just realized, so now you were going to be even more cruel. No exceptions anymore.
You snatched back the textbook with your only hand, surprising the taller girl, “I’m not made of fucking glass. Leave me alone.” You said. Then you slammed your locker shut and started walking away, suddenly feeling hot after your outburst. You were halfway through the hallway when Yuju jogs up right next to you. You bite your lower lip to prevent from saying anything, you were really not in the mood for anything ridiculous.
Yuju awkwardly adjusts the straps of her backpack, “Why are you so angry all the time?” She asked carefully. You clench your jaw, pondering whether to reply to her question or not. There were other students in the hallways that stared at the two of you, some would whisper to themselves and you just know that it was mostly about you.
You reached the door of your history class and before she allowed you to leave merrily, Yuju asked another question, “How did you even get hurt?”
This time, you decided to answer instead of completely ignoring her, purely out of the desire to finally scare her away, “Because some idiot kept treating me as if I’ll break even with the slightest of touch, so I proved them wrong.” You said, and by the end of your sentence, you had Yuju with her back pressed against the wall. Yuju stares at you for a second, and if she wasn’t so obvious about deeply thinking about your words, you would’ve thought that it completely went over her head.
How is it taking her this long to know that she’ll end up like that idiot I beat if she sticks around? Slow or stupid, I can’t even figure her out.
“Proved them wrong? Eunha told me got hospitalized for nearly a month,” Yuju finally speaks. She gently touches your casted arm with the utmost concern in her eyes. You blinked, looking down at your injury. Now you were the one processing your own words in your head. “You literally have a broken arm. You didn’t prove shit.” The taller girl continues.
Hearing the most innocent looking girl in the school so far swear right in front of you makes this whole situation infuriating and the fact that she was right ticked you off so much, but you managed to hold on to the tiniest bits of your patience to step back and create some distance between the two of you. You had to remind yourself that Yuju was injured too, and that hurting her would be the worst thing you could ever do even though you were so angry you could literally throw someone over the roof.
It only occurred to you that a small crowd had already formed a circle around you and Yuju, excitedly anticipating a heated brawl. You opened your mouth to reply, but no words came out. What can you even say after that? Yuju did have a point and since you not just realized that everybody else might be thinking the same thing, you were more embarrassed than angry.
I’ve been looking like a freak this whole entire time… God, I am the idiot.
“What is going on here?”
Somewhere along the way, Eunha, Sojung and Yewon squeezed through the crowd and found themselves in the middle of the circle along with you and Yuju. Sojung wasted no time and stole the pen from your hand, you didn’t even realize that you had it out. Your eyes were glued to the ground, you wouldn’t be able to bear the disappointment in Eunha’s eyes.
“What the fuck is your deal, (Y/N)?” Sojung asked. You couldn’t find the energy to respond, so you kept staring at your shoes. She doesn’t know anything of what happened here and yet I can’t even tell her that. Coward.
Yuju steps forward and pulls Sojung back, “This is a misunderstanding. It was my fault. I provoked her, Sojung.” She says, attempting to ease the older girl’s anger.
While Eunha and Yuju worry over Sojung, Yewon steps forward and talks to you with her soft voice, the softest you’ve ever heard, “Why don’t you just go to class, (Y/N)? We’ll take care of everything here.” She said, patting your shoulder. You heard her voice tremble a little despite her attempts at trying to be calm. Of course she’d be afraid of me too. You felt tears form in your eyes, surprising Yewon and yourself. You blinked your tears away and pushed through the crowd, glaring at anyone who dared to look at you in your current state.
Before you completely walk away from the scene, you hear Eunha and Sojung bickering, just barely.
“We told you she’s bad news, Yuju. Why are you so obsessed with her?”
“Sojung, that’s not true. (Y/N) is just going through a lot right now.”
“That doesn’t give her the excuse to be a dick to everyone. She needs to grow the hell up and accept that she’s not invincible.”
Grow the hell up.
Grow the hell up.
Even after the end of the day, Sojung’s words never left your head. The more you thought about how you’ve treated Yuju, and pretty much everyone else, the more you realized that maybe your older brother was telling the truth about you being a brat.
You laid silently on your bed that night, wondering just how you can fix the mess you’ve made. The mess that was you and yourself.
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theravennest · 3 years
Hot Loki Take: Sylvie was Right
*Spoilers for all of Loki the series up to and including ep 6.
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Sylvie was right to kill He Who Remains and free the timeline.
I’m deadass.
He Who Remains forced reality into an endless cycle between a time of Order (he rules as dictator) & a time of simulated and controlled "Chaos" (his Conqueror variants wage war). I say this “chaos” is simulated because when you think about it, it’s chaos that He Who Remains arranges himself by manipulating Lokis.
He Who Remains is so fucking sus but for some reason people are just tripping over their own feet to believe everything he says and vilify Sylvie for killing him. 
He literally tells them (and us) that his methods are deceptive and we know for a fact that he’s willing to murder trillions upon trillions of people, planets, and realities to get the outcome he wants. Yet some are still believing everything he says cuz he said maybe 4 things that were truthful, I guess, and cuz he’s cute. Some of us are so blinded by the fear/anticipation of Kang the Conqueror’s arrival, we are letting him bamboozle us.
He Who Remains perfectly and personally tailored the Ordered period of the timeline to produce this exact Sylvie and this exact Loki, had them meet/influence each other, and then had them travel to the end of time...to him.
Now Lokis by nature are agents of chaos and could suddenly swerve left, so to speak, for no reason. So let’s assume I believe that He Who Remains didn’t 100% know what they would choose once they crossed the Threshold (if the Threshold he described is even real, tbh). He also so carefully molded both of their entire lives for that moment in the Citadel. He may not have known 100% but he knew at least 90% of how they would react to everything he said and did when they were both pushed to this place/mindset.
Notice how he teed them up for the fight that ended in his death:
Manufacturing a scenario where they would meet via the TVA’s variant pursuit.
Manufacturing a scenario where they would travel to the Void and meet Alioth.
Kid Loki being in just the right place to give his sword to Loki.
Miss Minutes appearing to menacingly offer an obvious devil’s bargain.
Him slyly telling Sylvie that she can’t trust Loki, putting it into her head just before he gives them his ultimatum.
All of these thing practically gift wrapped that ending to the Loki on Sylvie fight.
Let’s elaborate.
What was even the point of Miss Minutes offering to re-insert them into the same Sacred Timeline with both getting their hearts’ desires there? 
Not more than ten minutes later He Who Remains told Loki and Sylvie to their faces that he manipulated all this for the sole purpose of making them choose between taking over as rulers of the TVA or killing him and ushering in a Multiversal War. Neither of those choices would result in re-inserting Loki and Sylvie back into the timeline.
So what is the truth? Why waste precious moments with a creepy Miss Minutes menacing them in that vestibule scene?
Notice how Miss Minutes’ words pushed Loki further onto his path of no longer wanting power or a throne but desiring to change his attitude about himself and the universe. Notice how her words conversely pushed Sylvie into balking at the idea of accepting another “fictional” life after a lifetime of being manipulated and made her double down on her mission to free the timeline and get revenge.
Sylvie has the ability to see memories but interesting how he kept her distracted by condescending to her and provoking her, just stoking the fire to make her react negatively. (Interesting how he was far more focused on Sylvie’s reactions than Loki’s, most likely because he needed her to kill him for his plans to work.)
Now I don’t want to completely shift responsibility for her choices away from Sylvie. In truth, if she had held in her vengeance for let’s say an hour and trusted Loki a bit more, they could’ve sat down to talk about things and maybe found a third solution other than starting a Multiversal War or ruling the TVA that still could’ve even allowed her to get revenge. (More on the ultimatum later.)
But I can’t blame her for losing her cool, either. He Who Remains made damn sure she would burn as hot as possible because he tailor made her life to give her the personality he wanted. And any other version of her out there who might have made a different choice would’ve already been pruned.
He Who Remains tells Loki and Sylvie straight up that he set them on their particular life paths because he needed them to be “changed by the journey” to ensure everyone in that room was in exactly the right mindset to do what was needed to “finish the quest” and presumably “slay the dragon,” aka Him. (Notice the parallels to the speaker narration just before episode 2′s fight at the Ren Fair.)
We don’t know! Sylvie never enchanted him to read his memories because she was so filled with rage and Loki was too busy trying to stop her, he didn’t think to do it either. And we’ve already established that He Who Remains trained them that way. Nothing that happened in that office was without He Who Remains’ influence and meddling.
Another nail in the coffin that convinces me that He Who Remains is a no good dirty liar is Renslayer.
If He Who Remains’ end goal was to either have the Lokis choose to rule the TVA or destroy it and thus end up with no memory of her previous TVA judge role/life, why did he send Miss Minutes to Ravonna with files that caused her to pack her bags and search for what she calls “free will,” AKA the one in charge?
I’d bet dollars to donuts that when the next season rolls around the only people who will know what’s going on and still have their memories will be Loki, Miss Minutes, Sylvie, and Ravonna. (Maybe Kang the Conqueror will know as well but I could see it going the other way too. I’m 50-50.)
He Who Remains was planning something by pushing Ravonna the way he did. Does he want her out of the TVA so she doesn’t lose her memories when everything resets? Does he want her to go find the Conqueror version of himself? I mean, at this point, practically everyone knows who she is to Kang in the comics, so let’s not pretend that’s not an option.
Another thing to think about...it’s super suspicious that he was so eager to make them believe he’s one of the “good versions” of Kang and all these others are much worse while giving absolutely no evidence of that outside of an interactive blob powerpoint, a quirky attitude, and a couple of sad, weary faces????
Who’s to say He Who Remains isn’t playing the long game and always manipulates his variants to eventually give him the chance to seize control of the multiverse?
Who’s to say he’s not one of the Kangs that wanted to conquer too? Funny how the “pure of heart” Kang is the one who still wrested control of all reality, killed off every other timeline with a weapon of mass destruction, installed a fascist time bureaucracy, and set himself up as the dictator. Sounds an awful lot like some conqueror shit to me, just saying.
Even wilder theory: what if this really is the same Kang the Conqueror but at the end of his life? We only have hhis word that he’s a variant. He Who Remains tells Loki that this fight is for the “young and hungry.” Maybe the “young and hungry” he’s referring to is not Loki and Sylvie at all but his literal younger self. Perhaps he set up this entire cycle of chaos and order so that he can perpetually live, conqueror, rule, die, and start all over again? Reincarnation, as he says...
But let’s set that wild theory aside for a moment. Let’s circle back to the Multiversal War debate and say it really is is caused by an infinite amount of his variants.
I think it’s hella sus that He Who Remains was so insistent that Loki and Sylvie only had two choices to resolve this riddle: Multiversal War or running the TVA almost exactly the way he did while maintaining only a single timeline. Those are definitely not the only two options they had. In fact, I could probably name 1-3 other options off the top of my head right now:
Keep He Who Remains alive while learning how he manipulated time and using those skills to slowly unleash the multiverse while killing every version of Kang to prevent him from existing as either conqueror or dictator.
Kill He Who Remains, take over the TVA, and slowly change it to something not horrific or even build a brand new system for governing time.
Kill or keep He Who Remains, still take over the TVA, slow rollout the Multiverse and kill or prevent every Kang along the way.
(I’m not saying these aren’t also morally questionable options, I’m just saying they are different from the two choices He Who Remains presented.)
But let’s say these options I suggested are not feasible. I just randomly came up with them ten minutes ago so it would be fair if they were picked apart logically. 
So let’s contemplate this, instead:
Why should we assume/believe that a Multiversal War is actually a bad thing again??? Why are we assuming that He Who Remains’ Sacred Timeline really saved reality from total collapse? 
Assuming he told the truth about his motives, maybe he was just...wrong about the end of reality. Maybe he saw what he thought was the conclusion to the Multiversal War coming and erroneously believed it to be the end of everything but actually it was the multiverse sorting itself out and everything would’ve been fine after.
We (and He Who Remains too) will never know because not only did he not show any evidence to back up his claim that reality was on the brink of collapse, but he himself never allowed things to play out naturally. Whenever the end of the war comes to the brink of something, he always panics, weaponizes Alioth, and traps the universe in his cage of Order with the TVA.
Even more controversial take...maybe the collapse of timelines and the end of everything should be allowed to happen. Maybe the natural cycle of reality is to build and build, splinter and splinter timelines, until it collapses and starts all over again from the void.
Nothing is created and nothing is destroyed, all things exist in a cycle so why should the multiverse be any different?
After all in all, in all three possibilities an infinite number of timelines is destined to suffer and die. Whether it be during the Kang-controlled Order period, Kang-controlled fake Chaos period, or the unrestrained natural Chaos that collapses in on itself...an untold amount of people are dying anyway. There’s only one of those scenarios that has actual unrestrained free will where those people get to exist how they want, make choices they want (even bad ones) for as long as they can.
(Personally, I’ll take that over what the Kangs have wrestled the multiverse into.)
I’ll just take this moment to re-iterate: trust nothing He Who Remains says. He’s a known liar and manipulator, and unlike Loki he has done absolutely nothing to actionably show he’s not still lying or to show that he’s trying to change outside of some sad looks. It’s all pantomime, bruh. Like, the pageantry of it all astounds me. 
Is he maybe telling some truths? Sure. But that doesn’t mean he’s not using the truth to manipulate everything. It’s an illusion, I’m telling y’all! He was up to no fucking good.
Sylvie was far more right to kill him than to not. Loki, Sylvie, & team (prolly also the latest Avengers lineup too) now just need to find a way to break this Kang cycle.
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leviiattacks · 3 years
Two Faced | Chapter Two
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↳ levi ackerman, the very person who was about to kindly behead you by a surprising turn of events manages to become your loving husband? you would be elated if this was true love, but it's all thanks to a mysterious magic spell that your life is spared. for now at least.
pairing :: duke!levi x duchess!reader genre :: royal au, angst, fluff, slice of life etc word count :: 2.6k → click here for the next part !
You're apprehensive the first few days. Peering over your shoulder when you walk through the halls of the Duke's estate. You often find yourself fiddling with the only real possession you have remaining from the entire ordeal - a silver locket given to you by your mother, it hasn't stood the test of time, it's littered in small scratches and it's clearly seen better days. Neither does it shine the way it used to but you need it to feel at ease.
Currently, sitting in the estate's library you attempt to focus on reading the book in front of you. It details the life of an orphaned child, the rest of the plot is a blur to you as this task is not done with the intent of enjoying the literature but with the purpose of distracting yourself.
You've been avoiding Duke Ackerman for days on end now. He's made the occasional visit to your quarters, always politely asks if he's permitted to speak to you - allowed to take even a second of your precious time. You decline every single request, your excuses range from "I'm feeling particularly ill today." to"I would like to rest early.", He never inquires after you've responded. You do however find he communicates in a variety of different ways ; Meals of the finest standard, A luxurious place to live, the maids also offer you the opportunity to venture out into the beautiful gardens but you know he's asked them to do so.
Quite frankly, you're still petrified and are unable to fathom what happened that fateful day, you had never been one to put much faith in God especially after all he had put you through, but maybe there was a God or a higher being or a somebody who helped you in your moment of despair.
Eyes darting from your page to the door of the library, you swear you see the door knob twist and you hastily double take. Nothing looks out of the ordinary so you allow yourself to shake it off. Your eyes droop shut as you knead your shoulders attempting to relieve some of the tension you feel. Recently, you find it to be an ordinary occurrence for your muscles to seize at the worst possible opportunities.
"May I speak to you?" A beaming voice enters the room from behind you but never had such a cheerful voice made you freeze in fright. It's him.
At his appearance you begin to think of all sorts of scenarios and outcomes but the specific thought you've been actively ignoring slyly slips into view. What if the spell weakens?
Fate is an ever changing entity, one minute it may be in your favour, the next... you'd rather not delve any deeper into that alternative.
Jumping to your feet you don't look in his direction trying to keep the contact you have with him minimal.
He audibly huffs and just as you're about to scurry away he speaks again. "Halt your movements."
Something about his voice beckons you to do so and you anxiously face him.
"Did I come off too bold?" The expression he makes is unlike any other you've seen from him before. His eyes twinkle and it looks as if he's holding his breathe expectantly. It's almost comical how different he looks and you can't stop your cheeks from flushing. He's quite adorable under this spell.
But then a flashback is presented to you. The anger in his eyes, the cold feeling of his sword, if he were any closer he would have been swiftly slicing your neck open. Y/N, you were seconds away from becoming a corpse you remind yourself fiercely.
"I'm not doing very well at courting you, Am I?" He frowns as he asks but he's not upset, perhaps disappointed.
Looking at the floor you hear him bombard you with even more questions, he's crowding around you now like a swarm of bees - somehow he manages the job of an entire hive on his own. No one has ever taken such an interest in you.
Your conscience tells you that you will regret this later on down the line, it tells you this will come back and bite you incredibly hard, you will regret being so ignorant and trusting yet you yield. Is it so wrong for you to consider feeling affection? When the Duke snaps out of this spell he will promptly execute you and you're aware of that fact, so what reason is there to cower away in fear?
For all your life you have never experienced the true feeling of love. You had mother's maternal love, which hadn't lasted very long at all. Never would you have any other opportunity to experience the romantic intimate kind involving a significant other. If you were to die you may as well play the role of his wife for as long as this spell wills it. Perhaps he'll receive his memories back so late he forgets or simply no longer cares. Part of you hopes he doesn't remember at all.
"Would you like to..." you pause already regretting what you're doing but before you can continue the Duke cuts you off.
"Have tea together? Explore the gardens together?"
What really sticks out to you most is how he casually emphasizes the word together. He really doesn't care what activity you engage in as long as it's with him. You feel your heart twist in your chest. This is dangerous.
He's eager, leaning forward with wide eyes. It feels odd having someone care about your input, even more odd seeing that person smile at you with the same spirit of an elated child. It's bittersweet knowing his true character.
"Let's have some tea."
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A few months have passed since then. Surprisingly you're still alive and the spell shows no signs of wearing away any time soon.
After the raid at your palace he's been nothing but sweet towards you. At first many people were against him courting you and a handful of his advisors attempted to steer his sights away due to suspicions and speculation that you were a "sinful witch" who had manipulated or even seduced him.
The day he had heard those rumors he caused an uproar and had fired the royal advisor who spread them around. "Impertinent fools have the audacity to make such comments about my Duchess." You would usually add in you were not worth such respect considering you were not officially a Duchess but the fiery blaze in his eyes had stopped you.
"Hey Lev, lets go have some tea they've learnt their lesson." You shot the gossiping maids a sympathetic look.
Being under the spell does not make him more tolerable towards other people is what you learnt that day.
Multiple women all with visuals worlds more appealing than your own approach him, some even sent by his advisors to set you up. They test if his love is strong enough to withstand the attacks of others. Time and time again he proves everyone wrong and doesn't think for a second to give up on you.
You're glad for that because through these few months you've ascertained how much you love the Duke for who he is. Well, who he's acting as. You want to slam your head against a concrete wall repeatedly when you think about the level of affection and tenderness you hold towards the man but you can not lie and say you hate him.
The fact that before meeting him you lived a life lacking of love and affection does not help your case either. It only makes it harder.
But it's painfully obvious to you that this is all truly one sided. You aren't really in love with the Duke but you're in love with the magic holding him hostage.
You share these thoughts to yourself as you take a short sip from your tea cup. Sasha has left the room to fetch some pastries and sweets. She takes her job seriously as head maid (you never address her as such because really she's just a friend to you). It's a chilly day hence why you've covered yourself up in a shawl, it coincidentally matches the beige drapes.
Suddenly a boy who you recognize to be one of the young apprentices by the name of Eren bursts through the doors of your tea room. His hair is all over the place and he's panting as he tries to formulate a sentence.
"Duke." Puff. " Duke Ackerman" Puff. "Refuses to return to the Imperial Palace and is threatening the Emperor stating he won't return to his duties!"
You ignore it and try to keep to your own affairs because who are you to interfere in military business? It's looked down upon to involve yourself in such matters.
You send him off and in the mean time Sasha makes her way back.
A few minutes later as the both of you are munching on a particularly sweet macron the palace's butler bursts in the same way as Jaeger and tries to get a word in but Sasha manages to interject first.
"My lady, perhaps you should check in on the Duke." she suggests.
You try to speak but the Butler cuts in abruptly.
"Duchess. I'm afraid he hasn't ate a meal in five days. Please talk to him."
"Mike there is no need to call me a Duchess when I hold no such title...wait the Duke hasn't ate for five days???"
You find it unbelievable that Levi has forgotten to eat or possibly starved himself for something.
Making your way to his office you enter with a speech prepared about how eating is one of the blessings you've been given and how it should be appreciated but instead you're met face to face with a trail of rose petals that lead to the Duke.
You stare at him in confusion. He holds a bouquet of roses in his hands and they kiss his chest, He gives you a look of admiration that can only be described as the look that is reserved for your one true love. His eyes glimmer and they shine along with his glossy raven hair. You look him up and down in astonishment.
He's arranged all this for you.
"I'd do anything to have you be by my side for all of eternity. Will you honor me with the opportunity of taking your hand?"
Just looking at this entirely different version of the Duke, you feel relieved and in the moment you recklessly accept his proposal. You know it's stupid, you know it's ignorant, you know you should be denying him but you can't make yourself ignore the will of your heart.
"I hope to live a long life. One with you present." he whispers into the shell of your ear, it tingles.
After weeks of the Duke's courting you accept his marriage proposal and the both of you quietly wed two months later.
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He's so kind and affectionate that you're plagued with nightmares where the spell wears off.
In your nightmares he continues what he left unfinished. Every time he's about to plunge his sword into the depths of your chest he wakes you up and caresses your face in between his large hands. He wraps his arms around you after some time. Once your breathing relaxes he asks what has made you cry and you can't do anything to explain. It only hurts more seeing his concerned expression. The way his eyes flick between your eyes and trembling lips, you want to tell him the truth, instead you state that you"had a nightmare, and don't wish to talk about it." You don't want him asking questions over it.
It's another Wednesday and you're pacing back and forth in front of his office door arguing with yourself about whether or not you should enter. Finally, you decide to make your entrance and peek inside. You hear him arguing with his advisors as normal.
"Instead of blithering like a idiot and making excuses why don't yo-" he's midway through his sentence when he sees you at the doorway.
Dropping the previous matter he rushes over towards you and scoops you up in his arms. Smiling up at you, you smile back sheepishly ignoring the stares of his staff.
"Honey, why did you leave me? Where did you go?" He whines into your neck and you try to push him away shyly but he won't budge.
Everyone around you grimaces at his usual mood swings as well as the heavy flirting that he's targeting at you.
"You haven't come to eat dinner with me for three nights. You're the workaholic who left me." You swiftly retort his point and you pout at the end of your sentence. He pouts back and you can see his cheeks are tinged a blushed pink.
"Then we must dine immediately, you should have informed me that I had made you feel so neglected, my darling!"
After making your way to the dining room you and Levi are conversing happily as per usual when you spot his highly agitated secretary Mikasa. It settles in that she's been standing there for a considerable amount of time, time flies when you and Levi speak. She's clearly waiting for him to report back to duty.
The first time you had met Mikasa she was highly suspicious of you and would keep an eye on your movements at all times (literally) , you thought she perhaps fancied the Duke but later learnt that she was related to him and that was probably why she was on edge at the appearance of a new individual. Besides all that she's sweet really, sometime she joins you and Sasha for tea and you happily converse. She isn't much of a talker, more of a listener which works out well considering how extroverted Sasha is and how you love to story tell. You've shared many fond memories with her.
That's why you place a hand on Levi's shoulder and interrupt him.
"Why don't you return to your work? It's about time I send you back now." You suggest but he rolls his eyes in annoyance.
"Why do you keep on trying to get rid of me? I want to stay for a little longer. After all you are my wife. You count as one of my duties. If not the most important duty of all!" He's about to break out into one of his embarrassing speeches and you want to save Mikasa from that.
"Mikasa really needs you to complete your other duties. Do it for me Lev." You try and butter him up with the mention of his nickname. As expected he perks up and stands up to leave, not before placing a soft kiss on your cheek.
"Ah Lev, I'll be taking a short trip out today. Is that alright with you?"
You don't specify that 'out' means the Sunday Market place, he'll ask question after question.
He holds onto your chin with his thumb and leans in for a chaste kiss.
"Of course my darling. Be careful."
He giddily waves at you as he leaves and you wave back with the same enthusiasm. You giggle at the sight of Mikasa practically gagging at the two of you and glaring daggers at Levi.
The door then shuts and you're left alone.
All that accompanies you is silence and you purse your lips together trying to keep it together. Recently as soon as he turns away from you all you can think about is how this love of his is a hoax.
He doesn't really love you.
That doesn't stop all the sweet words he's ever uttered from flooding your memory.
"You're mine and I'm yours."
"My beautiful love."
"I love you I mean it." It hurts. He doesn't mean it.
But you'll keep the charade up. You'll find a way to keep him this way forever. It's selfish but you can't be blamed, It keeps you safe and happy.
Love is nice but you would prefer to live.
70 notes · View notes
jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(未定事件簿) 夏彦 SR [忆中人] [Tears of Themis] Xia Yan SR [Reminiscent Person] Card Story Translations (Part 3)
*Tears of Themis Masterlist  / Mobile Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Xia Yan’s personal tag will be #Tears of a PI. Personal master-list under construction! *Only the messages left before I start Mo Yi’s new Fairytale SR...  (*´艸`*)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / SMS
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Location: Staff Lounge
The lights came back on again, and I found myself standing in the Staff Lounge.
The Gamemaster that had disappeared earlier was facing me, all smiles.
Gamemaster: Hello young miss, it's been quite a while. I waited a really long time for you two to split up.
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MC: So that was you. You really scared the living daylights out of me just now.
Gamemaster: I didn't have much of a choice; I had to take the chance to steal you away.
MC: So, what exactly is being tested in this segment?
He gave me an inscrutable smile.
Gamemaster: Didn’t you guys already find the slip of paper? What did it say?
MC: Find me, take me… You mean, he’s supposed to find me?
Gamemaster: That’s right. We'll dress you up to look like the Staff to see if that boyfriend of yours can recognize and single you out from the rest.
Gamemaster: Okay, we're running short of time, so hurry and get changed in the changing room.
Waiting inside the changing room was a veil along with a matching dress with a couple of skull-like ornaments hanging from it…
It looked like something right out of the "Corpse Bride"; a movie that was more popular during this period. The only difference from the movie was that this veil was very heavy.
After putting it on, the black veil that hung in front of my eyes made it hard to make out what was in front of me.
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MC: This… is really opaque...
MC: I think I'll be better off holding it first...
After changing into the "costume" with ease, I walked out of the changing room, only to see five other girls of similar build to me, all warning the same outfit.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: In the Secret Room
The Staff Member opened another one of the Lounge's doors. It was clearly obvious that it led to another, completely new room.
MC: Why does this place have that many rooms...
Gamemaster: It's something that I painstakingly designed myself to utilize every single bit of space available here.
Gamemaster: Plus, this house didn't exactly come cheap either.
Putting the veil on, I lined up with the rest of the girls, mimicking their posture with my back to the door.
Gamemaster: Now young miss, you cannot move or make any sound from now on.
Gamemaster: You have to listen closely to me from now on.
MC: Okay. Rest assured; you have my full cooperation.
After thoroughly warning me a couple more times, the Staff Member opened a door that led to a corridor.
Xia Yan's rapid footsteps sounded closer and closer to the room.
Xia Yan: (Y/n)? Is that you? Are you here?
His tone was filled with worry, but I could not reply.
Gamemaster: Congratulations, Mister. You and your bride have already reached the last stage of the Cursed Castle.
Gamemaster: Please choose a bride to take with you. The curse will only be unraveled if you pick the right bride.
Xia Yan released the deep breath that he had been holding, his entire body seemingly relaxing from its former tenseness, only his voice held the slightest bit of shakiness.
Xia Yan: That's great. I was really worried about you just now even though I know that this must also be part of the game line-up.
I could only judge his current position from where his voice came from since I had my back facing him.
But I had an odd feeling that Xia Yan was currently looking straight in my direction.
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MC: (I think I'm overthinking things. There's no way he'd be able to tell who's who from this far away, right…?)
MC: (Not to mention how we're all wearing such a long veil…)
Gamemaster: Sir, you can stand 5 meters away from these few brides to observe them closely…
Gamemaster: You can order them to do something, but it cannot be to turn around or to remove their veil.
Xia Yan: No need. I don't require them to do anything.
Xia Yan: Can I go over now?
Gamemaster: Have you already decided? You only have but one chance.
Xia Yan: Of course. I'm very certain of my choice.
My heart started beating more and more fiercer the closer Xia Yan stepped towards me.
My hand was grabbed tightly by his, and I could feel the heat coming from the palm of his hand.
Gamemaster: Since you've already come to a decision, then how about you ask the bride to turn around?
He exerted a little force on his arm, forcefully turning me the other way around. But the veil covering my eyes was lifted before I was able to make a full turn.
I was caught off guard as everything before my eyes suddenly came into clear focus again.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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I was caught off guard as everything before my eyes suddenly came into clear focus again.
Reflexively, I looked back at the person behind me under the dim light.
A pair of eyes sparkling with absolute mirth entered my field of vision.
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He leaned down, inching closer to the cover of the veil, his warm breath fanning out on my face.
MC: Xia… Xia Yan…
The heavy veil obscured the figure of another, who was standing beside him. He was the one and only person in my world at this moment in time.
Xia Yan: Found you; my bride.
MC: ……
I was acutely aware of the fact that this whole “bride” business was only a part of the game’s story, but yet, I couldn’t help the blush that adorned my face as it heated up.
Those two words were just like little fawns, messing up my already restless heart even more.
Xia Yan: I told you that I'd definitely find you.
This moment saw his eyes filled with absolute seriousness and resolution.
He resembled a knight from the fairy tales I'd read back when I was a kid, solemnly vowing to the princess.
MC: How… How did you recognize me?
I stumbled over my words before eventually finding my voice.
He paused for a moment, as if he didn't expect me to throw such a question at him.
Xia Yan: Why wouldn't I?
MC: I had my back to you and the veil is so long...
He grinned at that.
Xia Yan: Because you're you!
Xia Yan: Your face, your voice, your silhouette; I’ve already committed them to memory.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
"Because you're you!" “Your face, your voice, your silhouette; I’ve already committed them to memory.” 
Those two lines continued repeating themselves in my mind all the way till we walked out of the room.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: Rest Area
Xia Yan: What's on your mind, (Y/n)?
MC: Oh, nothing! I was just lost in my thoughts.
Xia Yan: Come on, hurry up! The Store Owner’s calling us over!
The Staff Member dressed in the black swallowtail coat from earlier was beckoning us from afar.
Xia Yan dragged me along while I was still caught up in a daze.
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Xia Yan: Mr. Gamemaster! I never thought that you’d be the owner of this establishment.
Owner: What, can’t the owner take customer feedback?
Xia Yan: Of course not; it was just a little surprising.
Owner: Haha, the both of you cleared it way too quickly that you’ve even broken the highest record to be recorded in establishment.
Owner: Our Store will customize a special gift as a prize for you guys.
MC: A customized gift? What kind?
Owner: Let's keep this a secret first. You'll know once you come fetch it.
Owner: Come, come. The two of you should take a picture together in commemoration.
We both stood before the camera at the owner’s warm insistence.
Owner: What are the two of you being all shy for? Get closer! How about you hold your boyfriend’s hand, young lady?
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MC: Oh, er…okay, sure…
I held onto Xia Yan’s hand a little awkwardly. Well, we did sign up for this challenge as a couple after all.
Owner: Do something, strike a pose, anything. It’s not like you’re taking a wedding photo or anything, so why are you standing so straight like that?
Xia Yan: *Coughs* W-Wedding...photo…?
Xia Yan started coughing, a blush on his face, almost as if he had been choked by his own saliva.
I reached a hand out towards him, attempting to help him catch his breath.
And that was how this somewhat comical moment got recorded on camera.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
A week later.
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Location: Coffee Shop
The day where we’d arranged to meet with the Experience Hall’s Owner arrived, and Xia Yan and I decided to go receive our prize together.
Coincidentally, Li Xu, Xia Yan’s Client, wanted to thank Xia Yan for his work, so we decided to meet him in a nearby coffee shop.
Li Xu: Hello, Xia Yan, Miss (Y/n). 
Li Xu was sitting alone in a corner of the Coffee Shop. Upon seeing us enter, he nodded and gestured towards us.
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Xia Yan: How was it?
Li Xu: Thanks to the information you’ve given me, I prepared for an entire week ever since I got my hands on the questions and memorized every segment a good many times over.
Li Xu: I even went and watched lots of videos on “guess the drawing” and “Charades”, but it was still pretty tough, in the end.
Li Xu: Thankfully, I managed to hold out till the time limit was over and passed it.
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MC: (Why does he sound like he’s describing his finals instead…?)
Xia Yan: It’s great that everything went well. Now, I can report back the good results.
MC: Report?
Xia Yan: Yup. Didn’t I tell you before that he is… a relative of an acquaintance of mine?
Li Xu: Thank you for helping me, Detective Xia. I’d never have made it past that challenge alone...
None of us were aware of the person who had been seated at the table behind him, nor for how long said person had been present. And it was this exact same moment that the girl seated behind him suddenly stood up, coming up straight before him.
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???: You liar! So, you hired a Detective!? Our Tacit Understanding between each other was all just a lie!? That detective was helping you behind the scenes!?
Li Xu: J-Jia Jia? What are you doing here?
???: Never thought that I’d turn up here now, did you? And here I was wondering why you’d come to a place like this that’s so far away from your home... 
???: You liar! I’ll never believe you again!
Seeing his girlfriend about to leave, Li Xu hurriedly stood up and grabbed onto her hand.
Li Xu: No, listen to me...
The way that Li Xu stuttered simply went to show that he was very guilty about it, thus confirming the suspicions that the girl before him harbored in her heart.
She flung his arm away, picking up the bag that she had left atop her chair and made to leave.
Seeing how she was determined to leave, Xia Yan and I both shot out of our seats.
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MC: Miss, you’re really misunderstanding Mr. Li.
MC: He did hire the Detective, but the Tacit Understanding between the two of you isn’t fake.
???: Who are you and on what basis am I to believe what you’re saying?
Xia Yan: Hello, miss. My name’s Xia Yan, I’m the Detective who’s in charge of this investigation.
Xia Yan: And this is my assistant, (Y/n).
???: I’m Deng Jia, his girlfriend.
Deng Jia glared at Li Xu as she spoke. And Xia Yan hurriedly attempted to help Li Xu explain himself. 
Xia Yan: Li Xu only wanted me to investigate and see what the game itself entails. All I did was to tell him the possible questions that might be asked.
Xia Yan: He derived all the answers to those questions on his own.
Deng Jia looked at Li Xu a little suspiciously.
Deng Jia: You didn’t ask this detective to find out what my habits and my likes and dislikes are?
Li Xu: Of course not, why would I!?
Li Xu’s eyes widened in shock at the accusation.
Deng Jia: So you spent the money to hire this detective, all just to find out the contents of the game? Who in their right mind would do such a lose-lose transaction?
Li Xu: No… My cousin’s a friend of Detective Xia’s...
Xia Yan: I didn’t take any money from him; I only helped a friend, who came to me with a request, out.
Listening to Li Xu going round in circles about the matter, Xia Yan couldn’t do anything but to cut in and interrupt him.
The girl’s fury simmered down quite a bit after hearing the explanation, but she still harbored a few suspicions.
Deng Jia: Even if that’s the case… What you did was still a hasty effort made at the last minute.
Xia Yan appeared somewhat clueless as to how to carry on with the conversation, shooting me pleading look for help.
I sighed, turning to explain it all to Deng Jia patiently.
MC: Miss, calm down and think about it. He could have asked you about your likes and dislikes beforehand...
MC: But things like habits are very trivial and small, so not even a Detective can find out about all your little quirks in the mere span of a few days.
MC: Besides, the memories you two share are complex, so how would he remember all of it, if he didn’t make the extra effort to notice everything that went on?
MC: And, even if he did prepare all of those in-time, then what about the last segment where he had to choose a bride? How, then, would he be able to cheat?
Deng Jia seemed to have remembered something, her expression slightly faltering. Li Xu stood dumbly by the side, rooted to his spot, rubbing a hand over his arm that hung by his side.
MC: So, how about you here what Mr. Li has to say, Miss?
Deng Jia pursed her lips, silently looking at Li Xu. Li Xu breathed a deep sigh before finally raising his head and fixing her with a serious look.
Li Xu: I didn’t cheat; I remember all your habits and your likes and dislikes very clearly.
Li Xu: I also remember that it’s been 3 years since the first time we met. The first time you ever talked to me was to ask if you could borrow a pen of mine, and that we went for barbeque the first time we ever went out for a meal together...
Li Xu: The first time we ever went out together alone was to the Library, and the place where you agreed to be my girlfriend was the second tree to the left downstairs of your house...
Deng Jia: Okay… Okay, enough! I get it.
Listening to his chain of silly, yet absolutely direct confessions, Deng Jia’s cheeks reddened.
Even the anger that she had harbored in her voice steadily disappeared.
Deng Jia: If you’re not afraid of being tested, then why look to a Detective for help?
Li Xu: Only because I wasn’t sure if you’d be unhappy or dissatisfied with me after playing this game…
Li Xu: I don’t want you to be mad, but I was afraid that you’d ignore me after, just like the other couples who’ve gone through this; so I did my homework in advance.
Li Xu: I know that I can’t speak very well since I’m a bookworm, so all I can do to make you happy is to study things up in advance.
Li Xu said everything in all but a single breath, looking as if he had used up all his confidence to convey that. He lowered his head but couldn’t withstand the urge to secretly peak up at his girlfriend.
And it was at this moment, that all of Deng Jia’s anger vanished into thin air.
Deng Jia: I… I…
Her face was red and she looked a little shy about it.
Deng Jia: It wasn’t in my intention to put you to the test. It hasn’t been long since we got together, so it’s normal if you don’t understand me all that well.
Deng Jia: You’re always very quiet, so I thought that maybe we could learn more about each other through this game.
Deng Jia: I never thought… That you’d actually still remember things from that long ago.
Her face gradually reddened as she stepped forwards and grabbed onto Li Xu’s sleeve.
Seeing that, Xia Yan and I quietly took our leave from the coffee shop.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: Downtown
We both heaved a huge sigh of relief upon stepping out of the coffee shop.
MC: I thought that they were really going to fight and break up right then and there, but it was thankfully only a false alarm.
Xia Yan: Yeah, if his girlfriend was truly mad, then I’d only have brought him more trouble than help.
MC: Thankfully, Deng Jia doesn’t seem like an unreasonable person either.
MC: But I feel like Li Xu’s stepping on eggshells way too much around her; it’s almost as if he’s afraid of saying the wrong thing...
Xia Yan: Actually, Li Xu told me that he had been harboring a crush on her for nearly 3 years now and finally confessed after no longer being able to keep it a secret any longer back when he first came to me with this job.
Xia Yan: He honestly never thought that his revered goddess would agree to dating him, so he always feels as if he’s unworthy of having such a girlfriend.
MC: So that’s why he’s being so careful around her? Fearing that he might say something wrong, or do something wrong?
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Xia Yan: That’s how it is...
Xia Yan spread his hands and shrugged at that, sighing helplessly.
Xia Yan: And that’s precisely why I didn’t want to take any money from him for this. Anything and everything he wanted me to look into was clearly only to allow himself to have some assurance and an easier peace of mind.
Xia Yan: Although, I can understand where he’s coming from.
Xia Yan: Who wouldn’t hesitate and waver before their most favorite person in the world?
Xia Yan: It’s only because he’s way too concerned about how they’d think that he turned to self-doubting.
Xia Yan’s voice sounded a little off, but he didn’t show any hints of there being something wrong when I turned to look at him.
It was as though he had just been thinking about the matter with utter seriousness.
MC: But he’ll only be missing out on more of the beautiful things if he’s walking on eggshells that much.
MC: They’d be unable to pass the stage either, if Deng Jia didn’t understand him well enough.
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Xia Yan: It’s unfortunate, but apparently, Li Xu didn’t seem to notice that fact.
MC: Li Xu was all caught up about whether or not he was worthy of his girlfriend that he neglected what his girlfriend really wanted; a companion to accompany her.
Xia Yan: Yeah, he ended up ignoring the most important thing… Which was what his partner truly wanted.
Xia Yan halted in his footsteps, quietly looking at me, eyes full of smiles.
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MC: What? Why are you suddenly staring at me?
Xia Yan: Nothing! Let’s hurry and get our prize!
I don’t know if it was just my imagination, but Xia Yan’s tone sounded much lighter, and much more carefree than how it was just now.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: Experience Hall Front Desk
Owner: You’re here now, are you? Your prize is already finished.
Upon entering the store, the Owner walked towards us with a smile, a small box in his hands.
MC: Is this our prize?
Owner: Yup, hurry, open it up and have a look at it.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Xia Yan took the paper box from the Owner and slowly opened it.
Sitting quietly within the box was a pair of exquisite dolls. They were about palm-sized and were made in Chibi style.
MC: Oh… Are these… Dolls of us?
There were two dolls, a girl and a boy, both with happy smiles on their faces. And the color of their clothes was exactly the same as the outfits that Xia Yan and I had previously worn here.
Owner: That’s right, this was made according to both of your appearances.
Xia Yan: No wonder you insisted that we take a photo together. So, it was for the sake of making these dolls.
Owner: How are they? Do you like them?
MC: Yes, I do! I honestly never thought that these would be what we’re getting; thank you Owner!
Xia Yan: I really like them too. Sorry for troubling you with making these.
After chatting with the Owner for a bit, Xia Yan and I left the Experience Hall.
Before we left, the Owner beamed at us and told us that he hoped we’d come by again once they had another theme rotation.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: Downtown
The sun was already sinking westward when we walked out of the mall, the light of the setting sun filling the streets.
MC: The sunset’s really beautiful today.
Xia Yan and I both unconsciously stopped to quietly admire the beauty of this short-lived scene.
Xia Yan: Right, you should take the pair of dolls home.
Xia Yan: You’ll be able to see me every day upon returning home if you place them against the headboard of your bed.
His smile appeared much warmer under the light of the setting sun. His smile was contagious, for I found myself smiling along with him in no time at all. 
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MC: No can’t do! I can’t take them with me if that’s how it’s going to be.
Xia Yan paused, doubt flickering across his features.
Xia Yan: Why…? Do you not like them?
MC: Of course, I do.
MC: But I can only take one of them home. I’ll entrust my doll to you!
MC: You can put it on your nightstand; that way, I’ll also be accompanying you!
Xia Yan: M’kay.
The fiery red sun was slowly entering the cluster or clouds up in the sky, and before we knew it, there were a couple more people around us stopping to admire the scene.
Xia Yan: I've actually also had my own share of worries, just like Li Xu, about whether we'll be able to successfully re-connect with each other.
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Xia Yan: Is 8 years apart really… Have I missed too much of your life in my absence?
Thinking back to all the questions I had gotten wrong back in the Maze, I let out a helpless sigh.
MC: We've really grown and changed in those 8 years.
MC: But thankfully, we're still the same as how we left off, despite having changed so much.
Xia Yan: Thankfully, we're still the only ones who know each other the best.
MC: Hey, Xia Yan? You should really tell me more about your life during these 8 years whenever you have the time.
Xia Yan: Sure. I want to hear what you've gone through too.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: Xia Yan's House
Xia Yan had only just gotten home when his phone rang.
Taking out his phone, a familiar number entered his sight.
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Xia Yan: Hello? What’s up, Brother Yang?
Yang Xiao: Nothing; Li Xu asked me to convey his thanks to you.
Xia Yan: Don’t make me take up jobs like this ever again… This time’s the only exception so don’t make an example out of it!
Yang Xiao: I don’t want to bother you either, but I really didn’t have any options this time!
Yang Xiao: I can’t not help my distant cousin if he needs help; I even held him in my arms and played with him when he was little!
Yang Xiao: Come find me if you encounter any trouble. Looking at how caught up you always get, I owe you one, and we're also pretty similar to boot.
Xia Yan gave a wry laugh at Yang Xiao’s merciless teasing.
Xia Yan: Stop making fun of me, Brother Yang.
Yang Xiao: Anyway, thank you for this time; seriously.
Xia Yan: No need to be so humble. Honestly speaking, I should be the one thanking you instead.
Hanging up the phone, he picked up the gift from the Experience Hall.
The exquisite doll laid quietly in his hands, the brilliant smile on its face was exactly the same as hers.
Xia Yan looked at the masterpiece in his hands tenderly, a smile playing on his lips.
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Xia Yan: Let us slowly make up for the 8 years that we've missed.
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libsterslobsters · 4 years
What Is And What Should Never Be Pt. 2
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Summary: After the reader reveals the reason for her odd behavior, a lot of changes take place. How will she and Bucky adjust to the newest development in their always complicated life together?
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x fem!enhanced! Reader
(Reader can see shards of the future at random, understand every language, and process information abnormally quickly as well as being a super soldier)
Warnings: light angst, fluff, light smut, mentions of vomiting, pregnancy
“I’m happy about this.” The words are murmured against her shoulder. It’s a little ridiculous; they’re two full-grown adults who’ve been together for years, not teenagers in the first blush of romance. And yet, he’s still kneeling next to her and she’s working her fingers through his hair like this is a proposal.
“Me too.” She finally finds her voice, but it’s shaky, teary. “I’m also scared, Buck.” She can see shards of the future, for pete’s sake! That should give her a head’s up about life’s events, and yet somehow, she never imagined them here. She’s been running since the first time she realized those “daydreams” of hers come true. And when she met him, well, kids seemed like the last thing their lives would have room for. At this point, maybe she should just expect the unexpected.
“Me too.” At least she’s not the only who’s unsure of how to proceed.
Eventually she has to end the moment and return to the real world. The real world where kitchens don’t clean themselves. Placing one last peck on his forehead, she nudges him out of the way with her knee. It’s comical, the mild pout that settles on his lips as his eyebrows shoot up.
“The dishes. We should probably clear them away, or else they’ll be a bitch to wash tomorrow morning.”
“Language, Doll.” Did he really just..? His right hand which, somehow, is still resting on her waistline gives her middle a gentle pat. “Can’t have the baby coming out swearing like a sailor.”
She rolls her eyes.
“Bucky, the baby doesn’t even have ears yet.” At least, she doesn’t think so. She really needs to do some research.
“No?” The smirk on his face clues her in that a (probably terrible) joke is about to be made. “Then why don’t you go on up to bed? You need your rest so you can get a head start on making them. I’ll handle the dishes and join you in a little while.” She’s right; it’s terrible. But she’s not going to protest if he wants to clean up.
“Alright.” While he’s doing that, she’s going to google which week of pregnancy babies develop ears. And maybe change into something more comfortable.
In the confines of their bedroom, she considers the delicate nightgowns and lacy underthings she has tucked away from special occasions (or really any time one of them needs cheering up), but ultimately doesn’t like the look of any of them. Not tonight. Not after the distance that’s been between them for the past week, where she was so at war with herself that every time he touched her, it sent a stab of panic and guilt through her heart. No, this is a return to normal, reassuring themselves that they’re still okay, it’s just another bend in the road. After all, she thinks to herself as she climbs into bed and arranges the sheets to rest over her body beguilingly (a small part of her doesn’t want to just lie there naked in case he’s somehow disgusted by her now, although she knows it’s a foolish thought), she won’t look like this for much longer, so she may as well make the most of it.
Any concern is erased when he walks through the bedroom door and immediately freezes, carefully eyeing his way down her partially hidden body from head to toe like so many times before.
“I really did mean just rest, you know.” All the while, he’s tugging his shirt over his head.
“I know.” She nods, a slight smile on her face. “But it’s only a little after seven. There’s still plenty of time to rest later.”
He settles on the mattress next to her, leaning so close that she can feel his shallow breaths on her cheek.
“Are you sure?” It’s sweet, and she does appreciate the consideration, but it’s been long enough, and she’s almost certain he needs this as much as she does.
“Of course I’m sure.”
It’s gentler than usual, more whispered, “I love you’s”, soft gasps and deeper moans. Almost as if they’re rediscovering each other, both trying their damnedest to push every last hot spot that they’ve discovered over the years. This isn’t just sex (not that there’s anything “just” about anytime they’re together), but a way of reminding each other, “You’re safe. I know you, and you know me. You’re cherished. I’m not going anywhere.”
Afterwards, in the quiet of the afterglow, their bodies still pressed together with his chest to her back, he asks,
“When did you start to think-”
She doesn’t wait for him to finish. It’s obvious what he’s referring to.
“The food poisoning.” Which in hindsight, she feels pretty stupid for even considering. “I really did believe I’d eaten something bad-” It’s subtle, so subtle you might miss it, but she catches the quiet sigh of relief he lets out knowing that their promises hold true, they’re still completely honest with each other. “-until I remembered that I haven’t so much as had the sniffles since Nat put the needle in my arm.” It’s been years, but she still sometimes forgets that she doesn’t have to worry about things like the flu or her shopping bag being too heavy anymore.
“And, when it wasn’t better the next day…” She trails off, absentmindedly playing with his hand where he’s still got his arm thrown over her waist.
“I thought that was kinda weird too.” He chuckles quietly. “Now I really wish I’d made you stay home that day so we could’ve figured it out together.”
She doubts that either of them would have immediately jumped to the conclusion that she’s pregnant (they take precautions, even if those precautions aren’t fool-proof), but decides to go with the lighter option and concentrate on-
“Make me?” She cranes her neck to see his face. “And how were you planning to do that? Tie me to the bedposts?” His lips quirk up into a smirk.
“Now there’s an idea.”
“Watch it, Barnes.”
Bucky’s a light sleeper, so he wonders how he missed it before. But now that he knows it’s coming, he’s immediately awake when she slips out of bed and bolts toward the bathroom. It appears that super serum is powerless against morning sickness.
It’s a few minutes before she’s in any position to speak, much less sit up from her crouch over the toilet bowl, and in that time, he’s swept her hair up out of the way and started rubbing gently between her shoulder blades. When the sickness finally does ease up that she can lean back against him, he asks,
“Is this why you’ve been getting up before me?” He may not have heard her, but when his alarm went off, there was no way he could miss her side of the bed being empty and cold.
She groans quietly. “What do you think?”
He thinks she looks exhausted and so very small, curled in on herself on the cold bathroom tiles. With all the things he’s done in his life, guilt’s a familiar face, but it’s never been as heavy as it is now, seeing her suffer. It’s just part of the process, he knows that. It may not have been the topic of polite conversation back in his youth, but it still cropped up when mothers and grandmothers came together and talked. She’ll feel better eventually, but for now…
“I think I’m gonna read the room and shut up.”
She laughs tiredly. “Good answer.”
Several more minutes tick by before she tells him that she thinks it’s over for now. He really wishes she’d let him carry her back to bed, but when he suggests it, she rolls her eyes and teasingly calls him a mother hen. Still, once she’s safely tucked back under the covers, he goes downstairs in search of crackers and a glass of water. His phone is still on the nightstand charging, so he can’t do a quick search of what else is good for nausea, but decides to throw in some dry toast as well.
By the time he’s back upstairs with his tray of home remedies, she’s asleep again. A huge part of him wants to just let her rest, but he knows he should probably get her to choke something down.
“Come on, Doll. Wake up for me.” She’s not as light of a sleeper as him, but the words in combination with him brushing back her hair make those delicate eyelids flutter.
“Let’s get some food in you, and then I’ll let you go back to sleep. Promise.”
She doesn’t look too happy about it. In fact, her breathing is growing heavy again. She’s going back under.
“Sweetheart, please. You need to at least have some water. If you’re dehydrated, it’s not good for you or the baby.” That seems to be the magic word. With a groan, she sits up, still rubbing lightly at her eyes.
“I forgot…” She mumbles as she accepts the glass of water and slowly begins to drink. She forgot…? Oh. Well, she’s only known for a little while, and frankly, he’s still trying to wrap his head around it.
His wife is pregnant. That’s not a phrase he ever thought would apply to him (correction, he mentally amends; he used to hope for that one day, but after mad scientists experiment on you, well, an apple pie life seems unlikely). In a few months, there’s going to be another person living with them. One made out of them both, who’ll rely on them for safety, security, and love. She’s up to it, he’s absolutely sure. But him? He’s got a lot of baggage. He’s killed people. He’s missing a fucking arm, for goodness’ sake! How could he ever-
“You’ll be a good dad. You know that, right?”
She’s slurring a little, still half-asleep, and he’s a tiny bit concerned she’s going to go under and choke on that cracker she’s nibbling at. Still, she’s looking him square in the eyes, a small smile on her face. Maybe she saw a glance of the future which showed her what he’s thinking. Maybe she just knows him that well. Either way, he’s not sure of it, but-
“I know you’ll show me how.” She’s almost back under, so he brushes a few stray crumbs from her lips with is thumb and tucks the covers back around her shoulders. “And so will she.”
“She?” Her eyes are closed even as she asks. “You think it’s a girl?”
He’s not sure why he thinks that, or more, why he feels it, but he does.
“Yeah, Doll.” With a quick kiss to her forehead, he collects the now empty glass and starts towards the door. “I think it’s a girl.”
“Doll, aren’t you supposed to see a doctor at some point?” So close. She was so close to falling asleep (which seems to be all she wants to do lately) after marking the last paper in preparation for Monday morning. Still, it’s a valid question, and one she’s thought about herself.
“At some point, but you’re not supposed to go in until the eight week mark.” At least, if google is indeed correct. He nods and goes back to half-heartedly staring at the tv show in front of them.
“When is that, by the way?” She opens her mouth to tell him it’s not for a while, but then she realizes that… oh boy.
“Um…” When was the last time she had her period? It’s not like she keeps up with it. They weren’t trying to have a baby, and they were reasonably safe (in hindsight, maybe not as safe as they thought), so it didn’t seem necessary. He’s staring at her intently, expression growing more and more concerned with every second she doesn’t answer, so finally, she has to admit-
“I don’t really know. Do you have any idea?” She’s expecting the answer even before he says it.
“Not really.” 0 for 2. That sounds about right.
For a brief, hysterical moment, she thinks about scolding him for his language since he did it to her earlier, but that thought gives way to the more pressing matter: how pregnant is she? Not that there’s varying degrees. Knocked up is knocked up, and it’s pretty damn clear she is.
He’s the first to recover. “Okay. Let’s count.” Counting. Something she can do.
“Not in the last twenty-eight days, or else the test wouldn’t have worked…”
They spend a solid ten minutes trying to figure it out, but neither of them can narrow it down any further.
“We’re idiots!” She’s nearly shouting out of frustration with herself and whoever up there has it out for them. Seriously, just this once, couldn’t things be easy? “We’re actual idiots!”
“That’s a little harsh, don’t you think?” The pressure of his hand around hers calms her just a tiny bit.
“Okay.” She nods. “Not idiots, but we do have crappy memories.”
He offers her a crooked smile. “Hey, I’m over a hundred years old. My memory’s supposed to be shot. What’s your excuse, Pretty Young Thing?”
“Baby Brain.” Is that even a thing this early on? Then again, is she early on? She has to be, right? Otherwise the morning sickness would be over. And she’s not showing.
He chuckles. “You’re gonna be using that one a lot, aren’t you?”
The layers of stress are beginning to melt away. She nods.
“You have to admit, as far as excuses go, it’s a pretty solid one.”
Ultimately, she decides it’s best to make the call Monday morning, but schedule it for at least another week out just to be sure. They don’t want to go in and be lectured for jumping the gun, after all.
“Can you just confirm your name and date of birth for me?” That has to be the sixth time she’s been asked that since they walked into the OB-GYN’s office. He really would have thought they’d have it down by now. Still, she recites off the information from her place on the exam table.
“Great.” The technician smiles brightly. “Now, if you can lift up your shirt and roll down your pants, we’ll start the ultrasound. This is just to give us a better estimate on your due date and make sure everything’s looking good with baby, alright?” She must say something in response, but Bucky can’t hear anything over the blood rushing in his ears. This is it. They’re about to actually see their baby for the first time and hear the heartbeat. He’s not much for prayer, but he silently pleads with whoever might be listening that she’s fine, she’s healthy.
The screen is gray and grainy for the most part. So far, it doesn’t look like much. “Fluid looks good. Placenta’s where it should be, and-”
Does the tech have to push down that hard? Can’t he be a little more gentle? Surely it’s not necessary to use that much force when you’re trying to get a read on-
“-there’s your baby.” His mind immediately empties, instead focusing on the blurry image on the screen.
It’s a blob, and if he’s being honest, kind of looks like a tadpole that’s just grown arms and legs. The head is huge, and at the center is a flickering light.
“That’s the heartbeat. Would you like to hear it?” Again, she must say something, because an impossibly fast rhythm fills the room. There’s actually a little person in there. How can something so delicate with a heartbeat like the beat of hummingbird wings, already have such a huge place in his heart? How is it possible that he suddenly can't imagine life without that brightly flashing blob currently growing in his wife's womb?
He’s in a bit of a daze throughout the following appointment and exam. The doctor informs them that they're at 9 weeks and 5 days and gives them a predicted due date. After a far too invasive physical exam (at least to his mind, but she doesn't seem to think a thing about it(, they're given an appointment a month out, a prescription for prenatal vitamins, and sent on their way.
Once they’re in the car, a stack of brochures clutched in his hand and an envelope full of pictures in hers, he finally musters up the courage to speak.
"Looks like we really did it this time, Doll. She’s actually in there."
"Hey, at least it's not twins." She smiles as she speaks, but it’s a little uncertain. “Are you sure you're okay with this, Bucky?”
He thinks about telling her how completely in awe he is that he had anything to do with making something so tiny and perfect, how he's overwhelmingly in love with someone he's never met, not to mention how he's that much more in love with her, and he didn't think that was possible, but for now, he goes with-
“Yeah. I’m okay with it.”
Closing the gap between them, he presses their lips together in a kiss. This is just another bend in a long, winding road, but he has a feeling it’s the best one yet.
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nalu4emily · 4 years
The Unexpected Reward - Chapter 5
Summary: Natsu and Lucy go on a job together, but what they bring home is something neither anticipated. Forced to make a life changing decision, they have to adapt quickly, but that's never easy, especially given the circumstances. As they work together on their toughest adventure yet, they find themselves drawn to one another, in ways they never realised. Nalu/cute/fluff/multi-chapter. Chapter 5.
"Where are we going Natsu? We're now heading away from Magnolia! What could possibly be so exciting about the forest that you had to show me right now?" Lucy huffed as she trudged along, still being pulled by Natsu's hand. She really wasn't in the mood for Natsu's antics right now, couldn't he see that she was having one hell of a day? She didn't need him to pull some silly prank or show her some 'really cool frog' that he'd found.
"Lucy, come on! You're slowing us down!" Natsu looked over his shoulder at the blonde and grinned at her. If she would just cooperate with him, the surprise would make her feel so much better and to help her see that not all hope was lost.
They carried on for what seemed like hours to Lucy, walking past the last buildings on the outskirts of the city. Lucy rarely ventured out this far, there was no need to. The only person she knew that lived out this way was Natsu and he spent the majority of his time at hers or in the guild, so she highly doubted Natsu was going to show her his house. She knew what that looked like, she'd been there enough times to visit him.
She tried to wrack her brain for what he could possibly be dying to show her, something that she would love, is what he said, right? She pondered whilst being dragged forwards, what could it be? Natsu was so unpredictable sometimes, that it was hard to pinpoint if he was even being serious.
Once they reached a clearing, Natsu stopped and turned to her, he had such a serious expression, it caught Lucy off guard for a minute. What was he up to? The suspense was killing her, but just as she was about to yell at him, a white scaly scarf covered her eyes and blocked her vision, she could feel Natsu tightening it around her head.
"What the-? How am I supposed to walk the rest of the way if I can't see?" Lucy was totally baffled, why the hell was she wearing a blindfold?
"I can't let you see the rest of the way, you'll just have to trust me." Natsu said, he could see she was reluctant to go any further. He understood why, but was absolutely certain that his surprise would make everything, once again, right with the world, hopefully.
"I-I'm really not sure about this." Lucy stuttered, voice sounding uncertain, it wasn't that she didn't trust Natsu, she just wasn't in the best state of mind right now.
"Trust me, Lucy. It'll be worth it, I promise." He whispered up against her ear, pulling her back into him as he spoke, minding not to squish the baby still tucked into his jacket.
He reached his hand up to her shoulder to reassure her and ever so slowly skimmed the soft skin of her arm down to her hand, before interlacing their fingers. The sheer heat of his touch was enough to set her skin on fire, she gasped at the feeling, it seemed much more intimate with a blindfold on and she could hear him give a low chuckle, was he laughing at her? She wondered if he knew what kind of effect he had on her, maybe that's why he teased her so much. She could feel heat rise up her neck and spread across her face, but before she could say anything further, she was being gently tugged forwards.
Natsu was careful to lead her through mostly level ground, as comical as it was to watch her stumble, and grab hold of his jacket every few seconds, he didn't want her to actually fall and hurt herself.
Lucy, however, was starting to get frustrated, she had been tempted to just take the stupid blindfold off altogether. But Natsu seemed so determined to show her, whatever it was, he wanted to surprise her with that she had to admit, the further they walked, the more she could feel anticipation rising in her chest.
"Alright Luce, we're here! Are you ready for this?" Natsu was brimming with excitement, but he wanted to savour this moment, feeling a little tense himself, he just hoped that she liked it. She nodded, feeling her own nerves bubble in her stomach, adrenaline was coursing through her veins. "Only open your eyes when I tell you to." He walked behind her and undid his scarf from her head and leant down to her ear, "You can open them now." He said softly, gauging her reaction.
Lucy's eyes opened instantly and what she saw before her, admittedly confused her at first. They were standing outside of what was once Natsu and Happy's house. She couldn't put her finger on it but it looked different, bigger, much bigger in fact, more windows. Curiosity getting the better of her, she walked forward to get a better look.
From what use to be a little single storey hut with a tree growing out of it, now stood a much larger, two storey house. It had been cleaned up nicely and looked really charming on the outside. The wooden front door was situated in the middle with a window either side, then two large windows above for rooms that were now upstairs. It had a slight quirkiness to it, especially with the tree still growing through the middle.
She stepped back a bit, wanting to get a better look of the entire house, not paying attention to where she was treading, her leg collided with something hard. Turning to see what she'd walked into, she saw a sign. The sign that had always been at there, she remembered it reading 'Natsu and Happy's place' or something like that. She read it out loud, eyes widening from not fully believing what she was saying, no longer did it say just Natsu and Happy, but her and Haru as well. She took in a quick inhale, and continued to stare at it, allowing the cogs in her head to turn.
Tears suddenly flooded down her cheeks as she realised what Natsu had done, what he was so eager to show her. It was obvious to her now, where he'd been running off to every day, why he didn't seem to care about her losing her apartment. He'd planned for them to move in with him and Happy. To live together in their own house, just like a normal family. She couldn't help but let the tears fall, there were no words to describe how truly grateful she was.
Natsu stood back and watched her look around, he had wondered what was taking her so long, until he saw the tears spilling down her cheeks. His mind instantly went into overdrive, why the hell was she crying? Had he done something wrong? He quickly shot over to her, to see how he could make this better. But just as he was about to open his mouth, Lucy stopped him with her finger.
Stunned into silence, he watched as she brought her body in as close as she could, wrapping her arms around his torso and giving him the biggest face splitting grin she could as her eyes flickered up at him, she couldn't contain her happiness. Glad to see her smile, he felt the relief wash over him as he grinned back at her, she looked so pleased.
"Is this where you've been running off to?" She asked, wiping the tears away from her cheeks, still grinning from ear to ear.
"Of course, I wasn't just leaving you. I wanted to surprise you when the time was right. What d'you think?" He asked nervously, why was he so nervous? She was happy, that was a good sign! It wouldn't be too different to their usual arrangement, only Lucy wouldn't be able to kick him out now.
"It's incredible what you've done, Natsu! I can't believe you did this for all of us, I'm lost for words!" Lucy was over the moon, they were finally going to have a home big enough for all four of them, all thanks to Natsu.
"You haven't even seen the inside yet. Let me show you!" Natsu was so pleased to hear that she liked it. He'd do anything to see that pretty smile.
He lead the way, and entered through the big wooden door. The inside looked just as charming as the outside. There was a small porch that lead into the main living area, it was bright and airy, a total contrast to what it use to look like. There wasn't much furniture or anything in there yet, but once they moved all of Lucy's stuff in it would definitely feel more homely. There was a large open fire place and to the back there was an open plan kitchen and dining area. It was cosy and plenty big enough for all of them to live comfortably.
As Lucy looked over everything, picturing what it would look like once there was more furniture and some homely touches, she let her imagination run away with her. She could picture it now... standing in the kitchen with Natsu, watching Haru play with Happy in the living area. She could smell the dinner cooking on the stove, and the room was all nicely decorated, lots of furniture and pictures of all of them on every wall. Smiling happily, she busied herself, she could feel Natsu come up behind her and gently wrap his arms around her waist, head nestling into the crook of her neck while his hands softly lay on her small, pregnant belly...
"Earthland to Lucy!" Natsu was standing in front of her, waving his hand in her face to try and get her attention, wondering why she wasn't responding.
She immediately snapped out of her daze, looking straight up to Natsu, mortified by the daydream she'd just had. What was that? Why was she imagining such things?
"Are you okay, Luce? Does your tummy hurt?" Natsu seemed concerned, gesturing towards her stomach. Why would he think her stomach hurt?
She looked down and gasped, her hand had somehow come up to rest against her lower abdomen, just like Natsu had been doing in her daydream. She dropped it immediately to her side, mouth agape. What was she doing? In front of Natsu of all places! She chanced a glance at him, unable to contain her shock at her own actions. Luckily, Natsu hadn't paid it much attention, putting it down to her being weird as usual. She shook her head to try and rid herself of such thoughts and attempted to think of an explanation for her 'weirdness.'
"Er, sorry Natsu, did you say something?" She could kick herself, playing dumb wasn't exactly what she had in mind, but she'd gotten away with it, somehow.
Natsu smiled at her, glad to see that she was fine, before leading her up the stairs. The first room they came to was Haru's bedroom, it was stunning. Natsu had decorated it with bright colours and fire dragons all over the walls. Lucy wasn't surprised, obviously Natsu would want his son to be surrounded by dragons. She had to agree though, it was definitely appropriate for the little boy.
"It's perfect Natsu, you did a great job with this!" She beamed at him, before taking Haru from his arms and walking him around his bedroom, "Hi there baby!" Lucy held him close and kissed his cheek as he grumbled awake, making little cute noises and yawning, "What a big yawn! Mama didn't mean to wake you, but look at what Daddy's done. Do you like your cool new room?" She giggled at the baby, who wouldn't stop wriggling as she attempted to show him his bedroom. "Oh, you do like it! I thought you would!" She put on her best over the top voice, grinning from ear to ear at the baby's bewildered face.
Natsu's face split into a grin, chuckling at the sight of Lucy being silly with Haru, whilst leaning up against the door frame. There was something so raw and pure about seeing the beautiful blonde behave this way with their son. He could watch her like this all day and never get bored.
"Come on you two, there's still more to see." He said, gesturing for her to follow him. She adjusted the little one in her arms and walked out of the bedroom, following Natsu down the hall way, taking a quick look in the bathroom. She was so pleased to see a big bath tub sitting in the corner of the room. Next to the bathroom, was another bedroom, it needed furniture still, and Lucy couldn't help but wonder who would sleep in there.
"So, is this where I sleep? I-I mean do we have two separate rooms?" She asked nervously, she hoped that wasn't the case. She felt a little disappointed at the idea of sleeping alone.
"No, Luce, this is just a spare. I figured we would sleep in the same room like we always do. As long as you're alright with that?" He asked, realising that he was so use to sleeping next to Lucy, he'd assumed she'd be fine with it.
"Natsu, you've been breaking into my home and sleeping in my bed for years, why break the habit of a lifetime?" She smirked at him, relieved that they were going to be sharing a bedroom at least.
Natsu's face lit up, remembering all the times he'd broken in to sleep next to her. She shook her head at him playfully, he was such a dork sometimes. They then came to the biggest bedroom, their bedroom. This was the room he was most nervous about, he just prayed that she'd approve.
As Lucy walked in, the first thing she noticed was the bed, it was huge! She was also quite relieved that there was only one bed, she did enjoy sleeping next to the dragon slayer, he was always so warm and he made her feel safe at night. She caught sight of the window and looked out at the glistening city below, it was astonishing! Lucy could imagine herself sitting at the window often, reading a book and appreciating the view.
She went to sit on the bed, laying Haru down in the middle of it, whilst Natsu took a seat next to her. They sat there in silence for a little while, Lucy was totally overwhelmed by what Natsu had done and she wasn't sure how she could ever show how thankful she was. He had built them a home, he'd transformed his little hut so that they could all live together.
It amazed her, for someone who could be so immature and impulsive, could also do all of this. He'd grown so much since they first met, he'd matured in a way she hadn't realised until recently. He was still the same care free, destructive dragon slayer, but he also had this whole other side to him. A part of him that she mostly had the privilege of experiencing. He still had that loveable boyish charm about him, but he was definitely no boy, not any more. This change was most notable when he was looking after Haru.
Natsu in full on 'daddy mode' made her feel things she'd never felt before, including that weird daydream she'd had downstairs. The image had felt real, and the staggering feeling that came over her when she saw Natsu cradling her small swollen stomach, filled her with this longing, and with hope that one day, it wouldn't just be a daydream.
The silence had started to make him feel uneasy, not wanting to startle her, he kept his voice low, reaching out his hand to lay against the one she had splayed across her upper thigh.
"Whatcha thinking, Luce?" He asked, unsure of what the answer might be.
"I was thinking about you, Natsu. What you've done here for us, I don't think I'll ever be able to show you how thankful I am. This means so much to me, to us as a family. You've made us a home, one that Haru can grow up happily in." She said, eyes glassy but refusing to allow any more tears to fall, this was a happy moment and she wanted to show Natsu that. "Who'd have thought when we first met, this is where it would lead. I definitely never saw any of this coming! But I wouldn't change it for anything." She chuckled, thinking back over the years. Her voice trailed off a little from the intense look he was giving her, why did he have such an effect on her?
"Does that mean you'll come and live with me and Happy then? All of us together, Luce?" Natsu asked. He could feel his nerves bubble in his belly, like he was suffering from motion sickness. He'd never felt so anxious in his life, what was Lucy doing to him?
"Yes, Natsu! I'd love to!" She leapt at him in her enthusiasm, shoving him back onto the large bed, giggling as she looked down at him.
He couldn't hold back his own laugh as she threw herself at him, holding her close to him. When they came down from their high and separated, she'd noticed him ogling, not just at her face, but at her body as well. Neither had realised their compromising position. She'd landed solidly on top of him, straddling his hips with her ass lightly grazing his groin. He looked a little fuddled, like he wasn't sure what to make of the situation.
Lucy kinda found it cute, it wasn't very often the brazen dragon slayer looked so caught off guard. And that's when the idea popped into her head and she smirked down at him. Haru was still asleep which meant it was only the two of them, she figured from all the excitement, she could have a little fun with him. It was time to get pay back for all the times he'd teased her. How would he take to being on the receiving end for once?
"The infamous salamander seems to have lost his nerve." She sat herself up slowly onto him, pushing herself down into his crotch. "What's the problem, fire boy? Not use to having a girl on top of you?"
She watched as his face moulded into one he would usually adorn for battle as he realised what she was doing. Natsu's eyes were trained on hers, she was playing a dangerous game, one he would always win. She'd have to do better than that if she wanted to get a reaction out of him. He lifted an eyebrow at her and smirked, he could always play along, but there was no fun in that, he was much too competitive.
"You're lighting a wild fire, Lucy, and I'll make sure it burns." He growled threateningly, eyes never leaving hers as he heated his hands and touched the bare skin on her legs. He wasn't going to lose, not when she was so easy to fluster.
The feel of his searing hands on her, was electrifying, she could only imagine how they would stimulate other parts of her body. She let out a soft whimper, briefly giving in to her desire. His eyes were piercing and it made her feel weak, like a predator about to capture its prey. Even underneath her he still managed to look intimidating.
"Is that a threat, Mr Dragneel?" Her courage dwindling the more he stared at her like that. She leant down, pushing her chest firmly into his and whispered against his ear, caging his head between her hands. "Or a promise?"
"What do you think, Lucy?" He whispered back. She gasped as he grabbed her arms and held her in place, chuckling lowly at her attempts to break free.
She'd let her guard down trying to be seductive and now he had the upper hand. She yelped as he swiftly swapped their positions. Trapping her in with his larger, heavier body. He'd pinned her hands above her head, his hips were now hovering above hers, resting ever so closely to her sweet spot. He lowered his face to hers, smirking at the blush making it's way up her neck, revelling in his victory.
"I win!" He breathed softly against her, smugness was written all over his face and Lucy couldn't help but let out a slight huff of frustration, puffing out her cheeks.
"I almost had you!" She heaved, not meeting his eyes, trying to control her rapid heart beat. One of these days she was going to win and he's not going to know what hit him. She just needed to find his weakness, catch him off guard somehow.
"Sure you did, Luce." He chuckled at her cuteness, letting go of her hands and placing his own down on the mattress beside her head to hold himself up.
Looking down at her splayed out underneath him, was an incredible sight. She was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. Her angelic blonde hair was wildly covering the bed around her, and her deep chocolate brown eyes were filled with unspoken feelings. He loved fooling about with her, sure it was fun to tease her, but to see her have fun and be herself was something he would never get enough of.
She reached her hand up and cupped his cheek, he looked so far away yet he was staring right at her. She wondered what he was thinking, they'd been messing about just seconds ago and now the atmosphere had changed.
He leant into her hand, relishing in the softness of her skin. He wanted nothing more than to connect with her on a more intimate level, but would she let him? They'd come so close a few times, yet it still felt so far. He was hesitant, he didn't want to freak her out and push her past her limits, but, at the same time, she'd never shown any resistance to his previous advances. Maybe it was what she wanted too? There was only one way to find out.
He brought his face down to hers, eyes flickering between her eyes and lips as he moistened his with his tongue. He tucked his hand under her ear, fingers tangling in her silky hair. She could feel the butterflies going wild in her stomach, he was so close to her mouth, she could feel his heavy breath against hers. She reached her remaining hand up to rest on his other cheek, hoping it would give him the encouragement he needed to take the plunge. His lips ever so softly brushed against hers, testing the water, sparking a fire within her. He felt a bolt of electricity shoot straight through him and that's when he was sure, this was what he wanted.
Without warning, he completely bypassed Lucy's face and smacked his down into the mattress beside her, giving an exasperated sigh. When was he going to catch a break? Their lips had touched, just a few more seconds and who knows where it would've lead.
"W-What's the matter, Natsu? Did I do something wrong?" She asked, a little dismayed, her voice breaking. What just happened? She didn't understand, nobody had interrupted them this time, so what could be the problem? She was sure he was about to kiss her, and now, she could feel her heart sinking at the idea that she'd gotten it all wrong. Had she misread the situation?
"No, Luce, you didn't do anything." He murmured, bringing his head back up to look at her. He winced at her hurt expression, in his turmoil, he'd forgotten that Lucy was none the wiser to his actions. She was probably freaking out in that head of hers, he'd essentially just rejected her and that was definitely not his intention.
"Then why didn't you-?" She couldn't help the tremble in her voice, water gathered in the corner of her eyes, "Did you not want to?"
"What?!" His eyes wide like saucers, "No Lucy, you've got it all wrong! Of course I wanted to, I want nothing more. It's just we have company." He couldn't help but feel a little flustered.
He definitely didn't want Lucy thinking that he didn't want her, because he did, so much in fact. But he was so annoyed that they'd yet again been interrupted, he couldn't hide his frustration.
"Huh…? Who…?" She suddenly darted her head up to look at Haru, who was still fast asleep, then to the door, but no one was there. Who was he talking about?
"It's Happy." Natsu said, he could smell the little Exceed approaching, he felt bad but he kinda wanted more alone time with Lucy, "I left him at the guild earlier when I came looking for you." He smiled sheepishly at Lucy, as he stood up from the bed and helped her to her feet.
Within seconds, Happy flew in through the bedroom door, barrelling straight into Lucy, putting on his best fake cry. Whining into her chest about how worried he'd been and what a meanie Natsu was for not telling him where he was going. She stroked his head gently and rolled her eyes at his antics. Natsu who still had that sheepish look on his face, rubbed the back of his head. He did feel guilty, but his mind had been preoccupied with Lucy and Haru at the time.
Just as Natsu was about to apologise to Happy, his sensitive hearing picked up the quiet whimpers of the baby on the bed, smiling to himself, he walked over to him and picked him up gently. He wondered when the little guy was going to wake up, especially after all the messing about they were doing and that was before the commotion with Happy. His little whimpers turning into sweet grunts, it almost sounded like he was trying to say something, even though Natsu knew that he was too young for that yet, but went along with it anyway.
"Is that right? What a cool dream! Daddy dreams of food too. And I bet you've woken up super hungry?" Natsu found it funny when the baby wriggled at his words. He enjoyed having pretend conversations with Haru, even if the baby was totally clueless. "Let's go and get you some milk then, shall we?" He said, as they all make their way downstairs.
Natsu sat himself down on the floor and watched fondly as Haru drank his milk. He wondered for moment what the little boy would grow up to be like, or what he would even look like. Little Haru had a very thin coat of, what looked like, black hair, his skin was very pale and he had these enormous pale blue eyes. Natsu had to admit, he really was a cute looking baby. He couldn't really remember what the biological parents had looked like in great detail, they had no records of his birth or family history, so he figured they'd just have to wait and see.
"What do you think of the house then, Lucy?" Happy asked, breaking Natsu out of his trance as he looked up at the Exceed.
"I love it! It's wonderful!" She beamed, "I take it you knew about it then?"
"Duh! Everybody did. Natsu told us not to tell you!" Happy said, matter of fact. Of course they all knew, she shouldn't have expected any different. "Oh, that reminds me, Porlyusica said she wants to see Haru again at some point." Happy said. He noticed Lucy sweat drop, maybe he should have waited to tell her that.
"N-No, not again!" Lucy's heart thumped in her chest, her panic escalating rapidly. She really didn't want a repeat of what happened earlier, she didn't think she'd be able to cope, "I couldn't bare to listen to him cry like that again, it was heart breaking!" She put her head into her hands and tried to calm herself down, feeling her worries flood back.
"You seriously think I would let that happen again? Not a chance, Luce! If the old crow wants to see Haru, then it'll be on our terms. Don't let it get to you." Natsu said sternly, he always did have a way of making her feel better, even if he wasn't the best with words.
"Natsu's right Lucy. You guys have the last say, not anyone else. If Haru cries and you want to comfort him, then you do that!" Happy chirped in, he was very much like Natsu in that regard, always knew what to say.
She smiled whilst walking over to Natsu and making herself comfortable on the floor next to him. Happy had come over to sit on her lap. They sat there quietly, listening to the little gulps of the feeding infant. Lucy reached up and slowly started to stroke little Haru's head, she smiled brightly at him. Once he'd finished feeding, Natsu pulled the bottle gently out of Haru's mouth and placed it next to him. Cuddled together on the floor, they watched as Lucy's soft caresses sent the little baby into a peaceful slumber.
"He really is perfect! I could sit here and watch him sleep all day, but no doubt he'll be awake again in a few hours wanting more milk." She said, chuckling at the how big of an appetite the baby had. She looked over to Natsu, who hadn't taken his eyes off of the sleeping baby curled up in his lap.
"Man, could you imagine if this kid was really ours by blood, his appetite would rival mine!" Natsu laughed, not realising the implication of his words until they were already out of his mouth. He noticed Lucy's eyes widen and her cheeks turn pink, he wasn't sure what possessed him to say that, but it was too late now.
"Natsu wants to do naughty things to Lucy!" Happy giggled, with his hand covering his mouth.
"Shut up, cat!" Lucy said through gritted teeth, wanting to strangle the little menace, she glowered at him venomously, "You're lucky Haru's sleeping or I'd be pulling out your whiskers!" She threatened, although she wasn't overly adverse to the idea of her and Natsu, especially after how close they'd been earlier. But she wasn't going to tell Happy that, he'd tell everybody and use it against them.
"Maybe we should get going, all of Haru's stuff is still at yours, Luce. But we can start moving you both in tomorrow, the sooner the better?" Natsu said, changing the subject. Giving Lucy the baby so that he could save Happy from his impending doom. His excitement instantly returning as he remembered Lucy was going to be living with him.
Lucy nodded at him excitedly, instantly forgetting her bitterness towards the feline. She was looking forward to what tomorrow would bring. They gathered their things and left to return to Lucy's apartment. Natsu lit his hand on fire to help guide their way as they walked into the night. The stars were out, shining brilliantly, she'd never realised how clearly they could be seen from Natsu's house before. Maybe one day she could teach Haru all about the stars and constellations just like her mother once did with her.
As they neared Lucy's apartment building, she stopped and stared at it for a moment. She was going to miss living there, she had so many fond memories that she would cherish forever. Natsu was about to jump through the window, when he noticed Lucy hadn't followed him. He looked back at her, she looked conflicted, on the one hand, she was smiling and yet her eyes were glassy like she was ready to cry.
"Luce? Is everything alright?" He asked, walking back over to her.
"Of course Natsu, everything is more than alright. I was just thinking of all the memories this place has, that's all." She smiled softly at him, eyes flickering up to his to reassure him that she was fine.
"And now we can make new ones, in our new home. Come on Luce, let's go inside. Haru needs his crib." He linked his hand with hers and for once used the door to make his way up to Lucy's apartment.
They carefully set Haru down in his crib and laid Happy on Lucy's bed. Lucy quickly ran to the bathroom to get herself ready for bed, while Natsu shrugged his clothes off and laid down. He was going to miss sleeping in this bed with Lucy, it was so comfortable. But the bed that they were going to be sleeping in, was just as good, just a lot bigger. He figured that Lucy would want her space from time to time, not that she ever complained about him sleeping with her any more. Which he was really glad about.
He loved feeling her soft skin cuddled up to him at night, especially when she wore next to nothing, which he never really understood. She might as well be naked with some of the clothes she had, they didn't leave all that much up to the imagination. His mind wondered back to earlier when they had been messing around, she'd looked so right laying there, splayed out on the bed with him on top of her. He could imagine her being underneath him for other reasons, more 'adult' reasons. He shook his head, ridding himself of those thoughts, before his body reacted without his permission. Maybe Lucy had been up for kissing him, but sex was a whole different kettle of fish.
They still needed to get past the first hurdle, and that was proving challenging. He couldn't believe how close they had come and how hurt Lucy had been when he hadn't followed through. Did she really want it that badly? The thought sent shivers through his body, her lips had felt so soft from the brief contact he'd had with them and it felt like a switch had been flipped inside of him, he could only assume that she was just as keen and that made him happy. But he'd have to be patient and allow her to come to him, or he risked pushing her away and that was the last thing he wanted.
Lucy quietly re-emerged from the bathroom, and walked over to the crib, she hadn't realised just how tired she was until the cold air had hit her outside, it had been a very long day and there was lots to think about, but for now she needed a good nights sleep. Natsu watched fondly as she kissed Haru tenderly on the head before slipping into bed, cosying up to the dragon slayers warmth.
She wrapped her arms around Natsu, holding him close, she smiled at him before closing her eyes. Within seconds, her breathing had evened out, indicating she'd fallen asleep. Natsu gaped just a little longer at the beautiful blonde cuddled up to him, he wished he'd been able to kiss her earlier, to show his affections, but he'd have to wait and see, who knows what tomorrow would bring. He moved the hair that had fallen into her face and smiled at how peaceful she looked. Leaning over, he gave a little peck on her cheek, watching the sides of her lips perk up into a small smile. Smiling himself, he made himself comfortable and slowly closed his eyes, he knew what he'd be dreaming of tonight.
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felixstudies · 5 years
some back to school tips
since i'm going back to school in september (my final year of high school!!!) here are some Tips™ that make my life a little easier! 
SLEEP. I know, everyone says that. BUT. There's nothing worse than going to school after less than 7 hours of sleep for me. I'm that person who will faint if they don't get enough sleep so I treat it very seriously. Remember to sleep! 
BE KIND. It’s easy to fall into indifference. Be kind to your classmates. Treat yourself well. Even little things will influence your mood and help the day pass quickly. 
RESPECT SCHOOL EMPLOYEES. Teachers notice when someone is polite and doesn’t disturb them. Maintaining a good relationship with a teacher might help you a lot during the school year! It helped me get a better final grade in Physics. The teacher told me that my behavior in class influenced my grade (for the better!). The same goes for other people working at school. Those who clean the halls or make your lunch are extremely important - and they’re people, too. Saying hello to them isn’t that difficult. 
ENJOY THE WEATHER. Back to school season also happens to be the nicest season of all (imo) - AUTUMN! Think of a way to enjoy the sun and all those little things autumn brings to our lives: pumpkins, colorful leaves, perfect coffee weather... Try studying outside or go on a walk, if you can. Visit a local library. Studying by a window also works well!
BE YOURSELF. Is it the most boring advice in the world? Some may say so. But, entering my final year of high school, I’m so glad I’ve listened. School is definitely the time to figure yourself out and try new things! But don’t change everything in yourself just to impress someone. You are a human being. You are not made for consumption. 
EXIST OUTSIDE OF STUDYING. It’s something I had a problem with for quite a long time. I think it’s especially relevant in the studyblr community, where we post pretty pictures, talk about our progress and generally focus on our studies. And there’s nothing wrong with that! But make sure you have a hobby not connected to studying. It can be anything you want! It will help you find joy in life. 
CREATE THINGS. You don’t have to be good at it. Do it for your own enjoyment, or for the therapeutic feeling. Journal, write poetry, doodle, arrange flowers... There are so many things you can do and the feeling of having created something is incredible. I made a weird mini flower vase shaped like a flower. Is it Art(TM)? No, but I’m happy about it. 
EAT. Your body is using a lot of energy for studying, absorbing knowledge, growing... Food is your body’s fuel. Without it, you will start having health problems. Make sure you’re nourished and hydrated! 
and some little study tips too! 
TRY STUDYING WITH OTHERS. Especially if you haven’t before. It may not be your cup of tea... but it might as well be! 
USE YOUR KNOWLEDGE. “Well, Felix, how will that help me with studying?” I know. It sounds obvious. But it works! Try finding uses of what you’ve learned in your everyday life. For example, I use my literature knowledge when I talk about movies with my friends.
FIND WHAT’S RIGHT FOR YOU. Colorful, aesthetic notes? Amazing. Flashcards? Great. Typing up your notes in comic sans? Cool! If a study method works for you, use it. 
IF YOU DON’T ENJOY IT, SURVIVE IT. It’s best for us to find something interesting in every class. But sometimes it just... doesn’t happen. If it’s an insufferable elective, you can drop it! No shame in that! But if it’s a class you have to take, do your best to survive it. Find a way to motivate yourself - maybe sit with a classmate who you like? Doodle things the teacher talks about? Play a game of how many times they say [chosen word]? Try not to hate the class and you’ll get through it!
USE THE REWARD SYSTEM SMARTLY. It’s really good to reward yourself for hard work. And it’s motivating! But don’t go overboard with it. Don’t say “I cannot watch this series until I get an A.” or “I won’t do a SPA day until I learn everything for the test.” You’re human. You deserve to relax. Self-care shouldn’t be conditional.
that would be it for now, everyone! i hope you’ll have (or are already having) a great school year! feel free to add any tips you have and enjoy your day! (and reminder to get a glass of water now!) 
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alolanrain · 4 years
Nessa doesn’t believe it. She looks at Raihan with a raised eyebrow as Sonia continues to try and drag detail after detail out of him. “You’re so not in a relationship.”
“I am too!?” Raihan scrunched his face up at her. Eyeing the water gym leader like she’s gone particularly crazy. “Just because I don’t want to say anything more then ‘I’m taken’ doesn’t mean I’m not in a relationship.”
“Still.” She scoffed. Turning her nose up and away from the much taller man.
“Nessa!” Sonia admonished.
They didn’t say anything more after Sonia conceded the floor back to Raihan who was talking about how cool Sinnoh was during his dragon tamer camp he got to go to. 
Nessa still held onto her doubts but refused to speak any more on the topic of Raihans so called significant other.
It’s two years later when she spots a simple ring on Raihans finger, an engagement ring to be precise. They were at Melody’s place for a group dinner, Leon couldn’t make it like usual but that didn’t mean they couldn’t.
Raihan was talking in his comical way with his hands again. The piece of jewelry glittered in the sunlight that his hand swiped through when made a swooping motion, to represent a bird Pokémon to Gordie, before Melody immediately grabbed his hands and brought it up back into the light to examine it.
“Your married!?” Gordie was the first one to speak. Jaw slack as he spotted the ring for the first time.
“Engaged.” Raihan corrected. A syrupy sweet smile graced his lips as his bright blue eyes softened when Melody let out of his hand. Raihans other hand came up and his fingers twisted the ring about.
“I’m so happy for you!” Melody sang. Slinging an arm around Raihans shoulders and bringing the much large young adult into a tight side hug.
“Thanks Miss Melody.” Raihan grumbled.
“Oh who’s the lucky girl?” Piers snipped from the couch he was laying on. Currently having one of Melody’s younger kids on his stomach while the other happily plays with his hair.
“Who’s the lucky Ratatta in your hair?” Raihan snipped back jokingly. The two stuck their tongues out at each other but Piers didn’t question Raihan any further.
Nessa opted not to say anything. Biting her bottom lip between her teeth as she watched Milo get excited along with Bea and Opal about wedding plans and what’s Raihans theme for the wedding.
apparently it was gonna be themed after the sun and night. Very poetic and had all the girls there swooning slightly and Raihan actually having a more visible blush on his face. 
She still couldn’t find it in herself to believe Raihan. For so long he’s been trailing after Leon, their residential sunshine boy, and it seems so weird that Raihan would just drop him all of a sudden. Even after working so hard to get Leon to notice him romantically for years. 
Nessa will ask Sonia later. Raihan trust’s her more then anyone else in the league with this kind of gushy stuff. she’s bound to know more then anyone else. they are childhood friends after all with Rose being Raihan’s dad and Professor Magnolia being her Grandma. 
“Wait you have no clue!?” Nessa nearly screamed in shock and a bit of anger, “but you’re Raihan’s childhood best friend.” 
“Doesn’t mean I wouldn't know.” Sonia pointed out. stabbing into her piece of cake and eyeing her Grandma who was looking at some books on the other side of the lab and household. “Even though I kinda should? If that makes sense.” 
Nessa rolled a hand at her friend to continue as she sipped at her tea. eyes never leaving Sonia’s depressed face. 
“It’s obvious that Raihan wants to talk about... whoever he’s engaged to, but he always stops at the last second and looks around like someone might be recording him. even when we’re alone at his house or mine! this engagement is like this big dirty secret that nobody can know about and it’s killing me Nes! it’s killing me!” Sonia whined. slumping onto the table as Nessa moved her tea away, this was normal for the red head girl to act like this, draping herself over any object or living thing when she’s having a ‘crisis’. 
“Have you asked him about it?” Nessa prodded, “like call him out over him being secretive?” 
“I have!” Sonia shot up, hands almost slamming onto the table but stopping just above it, eye’s going back to her unassuming Grandma, “he called me a ‘bad friend’ for trying to pry into his deep personal life but I have the right as a best friend to know who he’s going to get married to.”  
Nessa didn’t say anything to that. perusing her lips and staring down to her half filed cup of tea. 
“Do you think he might be scared of something happening?” Sonia pipped up after a few minutes of both of them brain storming just what would make Raihan keep such a big secret under wraps for so long. 
“No clue.” Nessa muttered. 
Nessa’s the third one to notice the change of rings on Raihan’s hand. instead of a simple plain silver the ring was now a thick dark oak band mixed with some kind of dark blue jewel and gold. Elegant and stylish. 
she walked in on Raihan having a stare down with Rose, not even bothering to waver his gaze over to Oleana. Leon was sunk down in his seat as he watched Rose and Raihan glare and spit quite vile words at each other.
when Rose finally looked away from his son’s face and over to Nessa who stood behind Raihan in the doorway, it was like everything nasty and mean dissipated off his face. She never really liked the man for some unknown reason, now she understood why her gut always clenched when he was near. 
“Good morning, miss Nessa!” Rose cooed and it took all of Nessa’s model strength in not puking on the spot. “Sorry you had to me son and I have an... argument.” 
“I’m not divorcing them.” Raihan suddenly spat. eyes narrowed to slits as he damn near hissed at Rose when the chairman tried round the side of the conference table. 
“Now son,” Rose tried to reprehend Raihan. 
“I’ve never been your son!” Raihan shouted back. shoulder raised defensively. uncaring as Nessa and Leon shrunk from just how loud his voice echoed in the room. “Let me remind you, since your old man brain must be fucking melting in your thick ass skull, that you called Leon,” the Champion yipped a little when Raihan flung a hand out at him and slid even more into his seat, looking like a Yamper who was to fat and got stuck in one of those doggy Pokemon tunnels, “your son you never knew you had and always wanted on live television in front of me! Your actual fucking son! what do you have to say to that!?” 
“Not now Raihan!” Rose hissed, looking for once like a Deerling caught in headlights as he spotted Melody and Gordie who now stood besides Nessa behind Raihan, “we’ll speak more in my office.” 
“‘well speak more in my office.’,” Raihan mocked in a high pitch voice that was supposed to be Rose’s, “about what? you wanting me to divorce my Husband for a fucking arranged marriage you just now sprung onto me!? After you ignored me for most of my life after my mom died.” He snarled. 
“Riahan!” Rose yelled, “now is not the time or place to discuss this!” 
“It never is with you!” Raihan screamed back, slamming his hands onto the table,”there never a good time and every time there is you ignore my texts and calls. you used my wedding invitation as a coaster for your glass of fucking water! you mocked anyone who I brought home and now you’re interested in my love life!? get bent and I hope Eturnatus kills you before you can enact Darkest Day!” 
“How do you know about that!?” Oleana finally spoke up. shooting up from her seat with a wild panic look. 
“Eturnatus was my moms research after all,” Raihan sneered down at the blond woman, “her paperwork says it all, along with the diary you,” he pointed to Rose, “wrote in talking about your plan and how Mom responded that it was unethical and absolutely horrid to do to any kind of Pokemon, alien or not.” 
Rose’s face looks absolutely disgusted in rage. “Give me that book boy!” he threatened. 
“I burned it!” Raihan’s eyes now shone gleefully at Rose’s horror, “along with every other piece of paper with the world Eturnatus written on it and with that fact now out in the air. I quite.” 
with that Raihan stormed past the three gym leaders behind him and  and almost knocked into Bede and Allister. his loud footsteps echoing down the hall before Melony swirled back around and glared at rose with fire in her eyes. 
“Spill. Everything. Now.” Melony snarled. 
Nessa’s head was spinning as she slumped into a nearby chair as Melony started to tear into Rose while all the other Gym leaders arrived. she only moved and got up when Piers nudged her and nodded to Bea and Allister who were looking afraid and skittish with all the yelling from the adults. outside was more quite then inside that meting room and Nessa forced herself to go treat the two kids to a milkshake and some lunch. 
the First time Nessa saw Raihans husband was after Eturnatus broke free from it’s supposed egg shell. Ash was his name and he was gorgeous, standing by Raihan’s side. tall and strong as he glared down at Rose and Oleana as they were escorted away. 
Leon was being checked over by Champion Lance and Professor Magnolia. he leaned more into the older Champions side and weep in happy tears after the police drove those wretched people away.
she was by Sonia’s side, who was checking up on the kid gym leaders, byt she couldn’t help but keep glancing at Ash and Raihan. Watching them converse and move together like their one. 
they look down right deadly together, was the only thought on Nessa’s mind before she shoved Ash and Raihan out of her mind complete and turned back to Sonia and the kids. 
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min-youngis · 4 years
Tumblr media
gif not mine
~ Pairing : Im Jaebum x Reader
~ Genre : Fluff
~ Summary/Excerpt : “You look really cool when you’re taking photos.”
You let out a distracted hum as you reply, “You look really cool when your photo's being taken.”
Established Relationship
~ Word Count : 1,815
~ Warnings : None
~ A/N : that nylon shoot really did a number on me.
i'd love to hear feedback! spread the love!
masterlist in my description.
You can’t look away from him, his relaxed shoulders and penetrating eyes keeping you entranced, as you dumbly hold the umbrella stand in front of you.
“Y/N, a little to the left, please.”
The photographer’s voice snaps you out of your haze, and you obediently move the reflector to the left, angling it so that the light falls on the model just right.
He leans back on the headboard of the bed, bringing his right hand up and letting it hang lazily near his chin, light glinting off the ring on his pinkie finger.
It’s the quietest photoshoot you’ve ever assisted for, the entire aura being one of seriousness, only noises apart from the camera shutter being the rustling of sheets as the model moves around the bed, and the photographer’s instructions.
The subject exudes calmness and efficiency, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t find it attractive. If your less-than-professional staring didn’t make that obvious enough.
From the moment he walked into the room in his white, sleeveless t-shirt and denim shorts that you’re sure only he can pull off, you’ve been hooked on his every move, greedily drinking in the way he gracefully arranges himself on the bed at the photographer’s direction, movements making it obvious that he’s a dancer.
He’s every photographer’s dream model, really. Among their other dreams.
You want nothing more than to take photos of him yourself, position him the way you want. You can already see the concept in your mind's eye, his intense gaze and those sharp cheekbones a wonderful contrast to some flowers, maybe a photoshoot in a garden. Or his high aristocratic brow and broad shoulders would be perfect in a medieval setting. You’re particularly partial to the thought of seeing him in a fitted, royal coat in the middle of a palatial ruin. The image of him next to some marble sculptures, sculpted as he is himself, in an empty, high-ceilinged museum, rushes to the forefront of your brain.
But you can do all that later. Today, you’re assisting, and you’ll take what you can get.
The first part of the shoot gets over and Jaebum moves off the bed to get ready for the last instalment.
You walk towards the front of the room, reflector in hand, at the photographer’s summon, and slightly stumble over the leg of a chair. You’d be embarrassed if not for the break in Jaebum’s stoic facade as he sees you on his way out to get changed, a tiny smile breaking out on his face, and you feel a perverse sense of gratification, knowing that you managed to get a reaction from him. Even if he’s laughing at you.
Your mind is in a constant loop between wanting to see him through the lens and wanting to just...see him.
The rest of the shoot passes smoothly enough, with you trying not to ogle the way the shimmery fabric stretches across his wide shoulders and the faint outline of his abs when he climbs out of the tub, water dripping from the bottom of his chin-length hair and making his clothes cling to his body.
As pleasantries and Lovely working with you's are being thrown around, he chances a glance at you after ensuring that his manager isn’t looking, and shoots you a subtle blink-and-you'll-miss-it wink.
Fighting the urge to break your professional expression, you quickly turn away from him, mentally giving him a good bonk on the head for trying to distract you in what is, technically, both of your places of work, and very nearly succeeding too.
At the end of it all, after Jaebum’s left, you pack up your equipment and bid goodbye to your colleagues.
You’ve got somewhere to be.
The roads are relatively empty, in between rush hours, and you make it to his apartment soon enough, parking on the opposite side of the street.
Your phone vibrates with a notification right before you get out.
What’s taking you so long?
-Look outside your window.
On cue, you notice a face pop up through a first floor window. If you squint, you can make out a soft grin.
Crossing the road, you’re about to take the keys out of your bag when the door swings open in front of you, and you’re greeted by Jaebum’s twinkling eyes.
He wordlessly moves aside, letting you in, impatiently hovering behind you as you take your shoes off. You’ve no sooner hung your coat up than he latches onto you from the back, arms clinching around your waist, tugging you close and shuffling side to side to guide you into the living room.
This is new.
Placing your hands atop his, you let out an amused chuckle and teasingly ask, “Little needy today, are we?”
“I missed you, is all,” he says, his voice coming from somewhere above your head.
With a comforting pat on his knuckles, you giggle out, “We were literally in the same room for the last five hours.”
You cast a rueful look at the couch as he moves past the living room, wanting nothing more than to sit down for a while before lunch.
“Yeah, but I had to pretend I didn’t know you.”
You shrug in acquiescence as you let him lead you into the dining room, the balls of your feet occasionally stepping on his toes. You enjoy the attention. This is the first time you’re seeing clingy Jaebum and you could get used to it.
Dumping you in a chair, he takes a seat opposite you. Two bowls of bibimbap are laid out on the table, one with meat and one without.
Without preamble, he picks up his spoon, and after saying, “I picked up lunch on the way back,” he pulls the bowl with meat towards himself, beginning to shovel mouthfuls of food into his mouth.
You have to let out a little snort at the image in front of you, so very different from the man smouldering in front of the camera not an hour ago.
Swallowing a large portion, he gives you a blank look and enquires, “What? Is there something on my face?”
You stick your own spoon into your bowl and say, “One day, I wish somebody would take photos of you eating like the heathen you are. Or even drooling in your sleep.”
He lets out a scoff, leaning back in his chair, challenging glint in his eyes.
“Do it then, why don’t you?”
You feel your heart pick up pace.
“Careful, you’ll probably look super ugly.”
He lifts a single eyebrow.
“Are you saying you take bad photos?”
You snap. You’re an artist. Your ego is decently big, you’ll be the first to admit, and he knows it, if the supremely attractive smirk playing on his lips is any indication.
Abandoning your bowl, you bend down and pick up the bag near your feet, taking your camera out.
“Pose for me then, Mr. Model.”
He really doesn’t hold back, pulling the most obnoxious faces as he eats, and your initial annoyance slowly morphs into giggles at his comically flared nostrils.
And then he smiles.
Gleaming rows of teeth, half-crescent eyes, adorable button nose, shallow dimple on the corner of his mouth.
Your breath catches.
It’s nothing like what you saw that morning, none of the chic and sexy JB, who flirts with the camera and looks at every lens like he can see its soul. This is a private smile, like he’s remembering a secret only the two of you know, or he’s about to crack a dumb joke that he knows you’ll playfully roll your eyes at.
Your finger lingers over the button, your eyes focused on his face through the lens.
At the absence of the insofar frequent sound of the shutter, Jaebum asks through his teeth, “Everything okay?”
As you observe him through the camera, taking note of the sunlight that falls across his soft cheeks, you make a split second decision.
Wordlessly, you hang your camera around your neck and pick up both bowls, placing them on the counter.
Jaebum looks at you with a quizzical expression.
“Y/N, what are you doing?”
Turning around from the counter, you make eye contact with him, softly requesting, “Could you get on top of the table, please? Face me.”
His expression softens. Like he knows how much you want this, how much you’ve wanted this, even before watching him in action in today’s shoot. You’ve taken pictures of him before, of course. But not like this. Not with your professional camera and actual poses and in a photoshoot set up.
Without a word, he clambers up, gingerly testing whether the table can handle the weight of a fully grown man, before standing up completely. His head just about brushes the high ceiling, and from this angle, the light streaming in from the large glass windows falls on his entire left side, casting his right profile in a shadow.
It’s magnificent.
You bring the camera up to your eye, looking at his now-smaller smile through the lens, and press your finger over the button.
You move closer to the table so now you’re almost directly under his gaze, until he looks away, towards the window, so his dark brown eyes appear to turn a shade lighter in the sun.
You can’t wait to get these pictures developed.
And so it goes, him instinctively moving as you do, like he knows what you’re about to ask before you say anything out loud, the two of you working in tandem as he makes his way through smiles and smoulders, and in one memorable instance, a pout aimed directly at the camera, with him crouching on the table.
“That’s enough up there, can you come down, please?”
Obediently, he steps onto a chair and climbs back to floor level, walking towards you as you look through the shots you’ve just taken.
He comes behind you, one arm winding around your middle and the other moving your hair off of your shoulder so he can press a gentle kiss over the fabric of your hoodie.
“You look really cool when you’re taking photos.”
You let out a distracted hum as you reply, “You look really cool when your photo's being taken.”
He hugs you tighter as he bends his head to look at the camera screen better, his breath tickling the shell of your ear.
You feel weirdly exposed, even though it’s just pictures of him. Like he'll be able to tell how much love has gone into the process or something.
Abruptly switching off the camera, you let it hang back down, and turn around so you’re facing Jaebum, winding your arms around his neck, face upturned, gaze stuck on his left earring.
“Thank you for doing this,” you quietly say.
He ducks his head down, forcing you to meet his eyes.
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thirsty-x1 · 4 years
Walking In The Winter | Kim Wooseok
Can I request a Wooseok scenario in which the reader is a single parent and both of them have known each other for a long time. Wooseok starts to get closer to the reader as well as the child gradually and the once suppressed feelings of both the reader and Wooseok, towards each other start to return stronger than ever. Fluff please ^_^
↬ Pairing: Wooseok x fem!reader.
↬ Genre: Fluff, super slight past Angst?
↬ Warnings: Wooseok being too fucking cute?
↬ Word Count: 4.3k
↬ Song Recommendation: “Walking in the Winter” by Yun Ddan Ddan. Originally I was going for another title but after reading the lyrics it fit too well... plus Wooseok is obsessed with this song and that’s adorable.
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The tiredness spread on every inch of your body, the pain making itself notice with each step you took while going upstairs, the view of the hall becoming slightly comforting as you searched for the keys in your purse. Before unlocking the door, you took a deep breath, trying to put on your best face and getting in to be greeted with a walking Wooseok that constantly shushed the asleep kid in his arms. When your friend heard the door closing, he turned around to give you a small smile, pointing a few times towards your child.
“Thank you for taking care of him today…” Leaving everything by the entrance, you silently went to him, extending your arms to grab your son and quickly taking him to your room.
As soon as you made sure he was sleeping comfortably and kissed his forehead, you went back to the living room. You were about to grab your wallet when Wooseok stopped you.
“How many times do I need to tell you that this isn’t necessary?” His hands were gentle as he put the money down. Just then was that you noticed the small cut under his right eye.
Getting closer to examine it, you held his chin. “What happened to you?” He blinked a few times, the words not coming out and making you notice the rushed action, instantly pulling away while muttering an apology.
“Ah, I must have gotten it with him… he really likes to play with my face.” Wooseok let out a small laugh as he tapped his skin a few times and checked his fingertips.
“Must be because you have such pretty eyes.” He lowered his gaze, hiding the light blush on his cheeks. “Wait here, I will go look for something to cure it.”
There was no place for him to deny your offer this time as you left him alone, grabbing the first aid kit you kept close just in case and telling him to sit down on the couch. Imitating him, you faced him, cleaning the tiny wound and blowing on it when the alcohol made Wooseok flinch, your expression distracting him from the stinging. He would be lying if he denied that his heartbeat got faster with your every touch, so lost in the moment that it almost surprised him that it was over so soon. Now he felt the bandit on the place and held back a laugh as you took a picture of him and showed how it looked, the Doraemon design making a fun contrast on his usually serious face.
“Thank you.”
“I think it might leave a scar though…”
He scoffed at the mention. “It’s fine, really, don’t worry about it.” His phone rang and right after he picked up his stuff. “Ah, I think it’s pretty late so I should get going–”
A sound coming from the bed room interrupted both of you, making you sigh as you got up. Of course you missed sharing more time with your kid, but it became a bit hard to do so when you came after work, your body and mind not being ready to handle with it even if that’s what you wanted with all your might.
“You can go Wooseok, thank you so much–”
He shook his head. “Let me help and then I’ll go, you look too tired.” Ah, so he noticed. His pace got quicker towards the bedroom. “Besides, you don’t need to thank me every time, it’s been two months already.”
With a slight chuckle, you dragged your feet behind him, laying down next to the small body of your son and playing with his hair as he let out a few cries. Apparently, he had a nightmare and since he was alone, he got scared.
“What’s your plan?”
Your question made Wooseok roll his eyes as if it wasn’t obvious, a sweet melody filling the room as he sang the lullaby you knew well. He was making some arrangements to the song, the beat becoming slower and somehow sadder, but it seemed to work nonetheless. However, like this you got to pay more attention to the lyrics, your sight fixed on his expression and how the feeling seemed to be completely different from other times he had sang it, but Wooseok stared at the way the kid’s eyelids started to close again at the sound of his voice.
When he finished, he looked your way, only to find you sleeping soundly just like the child next to you, the resemblance striking him as funny. He stood up, trying to not disturb you as he put a blanket over you and left the room, flicking the lights off. Grabbing a pen, he scribbled a message on one of the notebooks he had used to color with his new favorite person and grabbed his keys, more like the ones you had given him in case an emergency happened and left the apartment.
The cold breeze reminded him of the song, scoffing annoyed at the lyrics. Well, he wasn’t annoyed at the song itself, but rather the memories it brought to him. It hadn’t been long since you two got in contact again… Years had passed since he heard your name, but three months ago that had changed when he crossed paths with that asshole. No, it wasn’t his intention to listen to his conversation, but he couldn’t quite help himself when he started talking about you with his friends, laughing at the mention of how he had cheated on you and you asking him to leave. After that, he tried to somehow find you, knowing that you would most probably need someone’s help, and at the time he didn’t think about others being able to lend a hand. Maybe it was because he wanted to be the one to be there for you, to fulfill the promise he made when you two were young, or maybe he simply wanted an excuse to see you again. He wasn’t quite sure, even to this day.
But he didn’t need to understand it. He tried to convince himself about it. Letting go of you had been extremely painful for him, and now that he was able to be with you again, he didn’t want to ruin it. So, he didn’t need to understand his feelings now. It wasn’t the time to be selfish.
Ignoring the freezing cold, he put on his air pods and hit the play button, scoffing once again as his healing song started playing. Without putting much resistance, he started walking, humming to the melody while doing it so.
When you walk, your heart will tell you. Wooseok didn’t need to understand, but he really hoped his heart would tell him whether he was doing the right thing or not this time.
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It was one of those miraculous days where you got to go home early, your mood brightening even if there was still some tiredness in your system. The reason? Because you would be able to spend some time with your beloved son, and maybe get to spend some time with Wooseok, invite him to have dinner now that you got the time to prepare it, just as a way to thank him for all the help he had provided you the past few months.
You weren’t expecting his call that day, nor any other day, if you had to be honest. It had been some years since you last saw him, things between you not ending well and that weighed you, but there was nothing any of you could have done to avoid it. After your ex and father of your son left, you felt a little bit lost, almost instantly regretting your decisions when the screen of your phone lit up with an unknown number. Slightly scared of it belonging to him, you picked up, your eyes filling with tears as the familiar low voice greeted on the other side of the line, wondering if it was your phone number. Of course he went silent the second you said yes, the awkwardness lingering in the air before he proceeded to ask how you were, and since then none touched the topic about what had happened once a long time ago.
Maybe because both of you knew what happened, and understood each other and your reasons to have done that. You were pregnant, and at the moment you thought about prioritizing family… how were you supposed to know that the man next to you would turn out to be an ungrateful asshole? And although kicking him out pained you, in the end you hoped to have taken the best decision, both for you and for the future of your son, but even then the thought of him asking for his father someday hunt you every day.
Reaching for the doorknob, you breathed in, collecting yourself as you opened the door and heard a cheering scream followed by tiny steps running towards you. The bags on your arms almost fell to the floor as you picked up the overjoyed kid, not caring about the paint in his small hands staining your clothes and kissing his plump cheeks. Wooseok stood up from the floor, giving you a small nod as a greeting before he helped you out with the groceries, taking them to the kitchen and starting to put everything in its place. The subtle detail made you smile; nothing had seemed to change between you two, and it made you happy. It was as if you had never stopped being friends, as if he had never left, making himself comfortable in your apartment after the six months you had shared together.
“Thank you for babysitting him again.” Wooseok sighed frustrated but shook his head the same way he had the last two months, giving up telling you to stop doing that.
The kid in your arms held your face, his fingers leaving a trace of paint along the bridge of your nose before laughing hysterically. “Hyung and I have been painting! Want to see?”
You giggled at his enthusiasm, getting closer to the table where a spectrum of different drawings were spread. Your son pointed out the fox, the cat and the wolf that he drew, ignoring what seemed to be panels that told a story in a similar way to a comic, the style reminiscing you of the drawings that Wooseok used to make when you were young. Right as you were about to read it, delicate fingers covered the paper, your friend coming back just in time to have you more intrigued about the story.
Trying to ignore it, you complimented the rest of the paintings. “You did so well! Aren’t you a whole artist? I think you deserve a prize…” His eyes got bigger waiting for it. “A thousand kisses!”
The whole room was filled with his vibrating chuckles as you snuggled and pressed your lips to his cute face, Wooseok smirking as he saw you two, warmth spreading through his body before remembering he was staying more time than what was needed.
“I should go now–”
“Hyung deserves kisses too!” The innocent demand made you both stop. “He also drew a lot and he’s good, right?”
How to explain this to a four year old? “Well, yes, but–” You could already sense the grumpy expression coming and that usually was followed by a waterfall of questions, so you simply leaned in and pressed a kiss on Wooseok’s cheek.
“That was one kiss.” What a witty kid. “And you should do it like in dramas!” His body stretched to grab one of the drawings by the older to show you an example, but what was pictured made your cheeks burn.
It had been a memorable day for him too, apparently.
“Those kisses are for special people!” Wooseok’s voice got high pitched as he snatched the paper as delicately as he could in order to not scare the kid. “Friends don’t give those to each other.”
The frown on the child’s face grew. “But mom said you were someone special for her.”
“N-no, I didn’t say that–”
“Yes, you did! After the first time hyung came home!” His memory was a blessing when you were forgetting to take something to your work, but right now it was closer to become a curse than anything else.
“Playtime is over, go wash your hands so that you help me cook, yes?” Sighing in defeat, he ran to the bathroom as soon as you put him on the ground, the mention of food distracting him enough to forget the recent argument.
You walked to the kitchen, ignoring Wooseok’s lingering gaze as you ran the water in the kitchen and scrubbed the rests of paint off your hands.
But he had to clear his throat. “So I’m a special person to you, huh?” That was something you wished had changed: his teasing nature.
“Uh, yeah…” The hesitation in your voice was obvious as you turned around to face him, not expecting him to be that close. “Am I?”
By the way his eyes started shaking, you could say he wasn’t ready for a comeback. Even if he hadn’t changed much, you did, and it appeared as if he was noticing it just now. However, his actions didn’t waver as he took a few tissues behind you, dampening them with water and pressing them against your face, cleaning what your son had left.
“You always were.”
It was hard to breathe if he stared at you with such intensity that made you forget how to even pronounce words, the sincerity sounding too real for you to brush it off as a joke. Thankfully, his phone received a message, giving you the perfect opportunity to turn around and hide the blush in your face while grabbing what you needed to cook.
“Hyung, will you stay for dinner?” The small voice caused you to close your eyes, slightly cursing at yourself for not having asked that to Wooseok before.
“Ah, I don’t think I can tonight, buddy… maybe next time, yes?” He ruffled the little one’s hair before grabbing his stuff and walking to the door. “Sorry to leave so hurriedly but I have to be somewhere, is it–”
“Yes!” It wasn’t your intention to raise your voice like that, but the mix of emotions inside you was hard to control. “I mean, yeah… it’s totally fine, don’t worry.”
“I’ll come back tomorrow.”
If you tried to talk again, you were almost sure that you wouldn’t be able to hide anything, so the only option was to give a short, simple answer. You could sense his hesitation but still the door closed behind you, the air becoming much lighter.
A sigh caught your attention. “I wanted hyung to stay…”
You smiled picking up the kid and handing him the plastic mixing bowl he liked to play with. “Me too, baby, me too.”
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After that day, none of you exchanged more words or looks than necessary. He would get home right on time for you to go work, and as soon as he came he would say goodbye. The atmosphere had somehow became more awkward than the first day you met each other again, and it was hard for you to figure how to change it. Each time you were about to ask if he wanted to stay, he had already left the apartment, your anxiety increasing. You didn’t want him to think that you were merely using him as a babysitter, although you had to recognize that it helped you out quite a lot and even more during holidays.
The couch welcomed your body as you flipped the pages of one an album, the unusual silence making you feel lonely and causing you to come up with ways to find comfort, old photos apparently doing the work. You had asked for the day off and it was also the birthday of a friend of your kid, so you dropped him there early and now a good few hours awaited… but it had been so long since the last time you had an opportunity like this that you weren’t sure what to do.
Getting overwhelmed with the nostalgia, you left the photo album on top of the small table and went to your room, taking off the old pajamas and instead trying on a dress you hadn’t worn in a long time. It looked nice… and it also felt nice. You tried fixing your hair in different ways, laughing when you realized you had been making faces in front of the mirror for the past ten minutes.
A knock on the door interrupted your fun, nervousness starting to settle in your system while you tried to remember whether you had told Wooseok that he didn’t need to come today or not. When you got to the door, taking a glance through the peephole was enough to confirm your suspicions: you hadn’t. Hiding behind the door, you opened, him walking right inside with a heavy bag, stopping a second to take off his shoes and then continued, slumping down on the couch.
“I brought the games you asked for, kiddo, better come here before your mom leaves or… Wow.” His eyes finally looked your way when you closed the door, his mouth dropping open before he cleared his throat and stared at the bag he had. “Where is–”
“He had a birthday party today.” He froze. “And I have the day off.” You could see his posture change. “I forgot to tell you, I’m so sorry–”
Not a second later, he stood up, picking up the bag and walking to the entrance. “That’s fine, don’t worry, I’ll leave right now.”
This was your chance, and it was slipping right between your fingers, so you took it. His steps came to a halt, the grip on his sleeve making it impossible for him to move and you made the biggest effort to get over your fear.
“Would you like to stay?” Wooseok didn’t say anything. “You already came all the way here… and I’ve meant to thank you for these past months.” What a ridiculous excuse.
As if he could read your mind, he turned around, giving you a half smile. “I would like that.”
It was your turn to freeze, appreciating the small distance that separated both of your hands before waking up from the trance to go to the kitchen. “Coffee?”
The silence prolonged, although the weird feeling that was present the other days had vanished. You weren’t sure if something changed, but it made you feel relieved. Quickly, you prepared a cup for each, smiling to yourself when you noticed you still remembered the way he liked it. When you turned around, he wasn’t behind you, but rather checking the album you were flipping through before on the couch. You handed him his cup, cautiously analyzing his expression when he took a sip of it and feeling warm when he smiled.
“Glad you like it.”
You sat next to him, getting comfortable as you peeped over his shoulder to see the picture he was staring at fondly, your heart tumbling seeing it was you and him years ago, the dress you were wearing looking more alive than now. And the look in your eyes was different too, even if it wasn’t evident because you were staring at Wooseok laughing, one of the few pictures you had of him doing it.
“You looked beautiful that day.” It seemed as if he was talking to himself, studying the picture and comparing it with his drawing. “Just like now.”
Taking compliments wasn’t your biggest talent and he knew that, flipping the page and stopping abruptly at the envelope that rested in the next one. The edges were worn out from the amount of times you had opened it to read the letter inside, the words in it becoming your healing song whenever you faced a hardship in the past.
“Ah, that–”
“I can’t believe you kept it.” His eyes looked sad as his fingers caressed his own calligraphy spelling your name on the front.
You had to swallow before answering. “It’s precious to me.”
“My confession letter?” He laughed, shaking his head in disbelief. “It was so bad.”
Even if he was talking about himself, it made you feel offended, grabbing it and holding it close to your chest. “It’s not!” Wooseok stared at you wide eyed. “The only bad thing was the timing.”
He couldn’t hold back his laugh. “You are right there… I don’t know what was I expecting.” He scratched the back of his head.
“The truth, I guess.”
Was there any use in lying about it now? “Well, I liked you too… but I was already dating with–”
“The asshole.”
You chuckled. “Yeah.”
The silence grew between you two, but this time Wooseok was the one to cut it.
“You never told me.”
Shrugging, you caressed the letter. “When I had made up my mind, you had left and I was pregnant, so… I thought the right thing was to move on.”
Wooseok’s piercing gaze was fixed on you, but the confessions were too many for you to face him while saying it out loud, so you kept fidgeting with the end of your dress, remembering how he had complimented you back then during your birthday party and how later his hands had been on the exact same place when you shared your first kiss. The next day you pretended nothing had happened, afraid to ruin the friendship, and it wasn’t until a year later that the paper between your hands confessed that he had done the exact same thing for the exact same reason. But it was too late.
“And what do you think is the right thing now?” You raised your head, finding Wooseok just a few centimeters away from you.
“I don’t know…” Your eyes dropped to his mouth. “I don’t think it matters, either.”
Just like that, his lips were on yours, the same feelings that invaded you that one time making themselves notice again. The electricity itched in your fingertips as the letter slipped of them, his hand resting on the back of your neck to bring you closer, stealing your breath right after you recovered it over and over again. You lost track of time, your chest welling up with all the repressed feelings as he held you between his arms, feeling weightless under his touch and becoming conscious of the burning sensation that his fingers left on your skin as he traced senseless figures on it.
When he finally pulled away, both shared the stupidest grins.
“That felt right, at least.”
Maybe it was the dress, or the kiss, or the situation, or simply Wooseok, but for the first time in years you laughed the way you did back then, and he did the same. Silently, you thanked to the objects next to you for helping you recreate a new cherished memory, although you were sure you wouldn’t need anything to remember this one.
The coffee went cold as the two of you kept talking about the past, confessing each other small secrets, some reminiscing of ancient times while others were incredibly recent, like him saying he was really happy when you cured the small wound on his face, or you telling him that you really loved his voice when he sang and that you wanted to hear it again since that night, or him explaining that the reason why he always left was because he didn’t trust his friend Seungyoun to take care of his apartment not one bit (sometimes threatening him to move his whole studio there).
A familiar melody caught your attention, making you grab your phone and pick up the call ignoring Wooseok’s mocking faces (“that’s my song”), nodding a few times before hanging up.
“The party is about to finish… do you want to walk with me there? It’s not very far away from here.”
“Sure, but under one condition.” You hummed for him to continue as you got up. “Keep the dress on. It really looks pretty on you.”
If it weren’t because you were in a rush, you would have called him out on his cheesiness, but secretly you appreciated it. “Shut up.”
Not ten minutes later you were already walking down the street, close to each other without being able to erase your silly grins from your faces. As you got close to the address, you saw your son running towards you, immediately blabbering about all he had done during the day and greeting Wooseok as if nothing. A few blocks later, he was complaining about walking, saying he was too tired for it and demanding to be picked up and of course Wooseok gave in immediately, the child falling asleep on his shoulder in record time as you continued walking. You felt a small touch on your hand, turning to see the male’s fingers hitting yours on purpose while pretending to look away until you finally held his hand, intertwining your fingers with his.
“You know…” His voice was soft as if to not wake up the toddler. “I could get used to this.” His eyes dropped to your hands and then to his other arm holding your kid. “If you agree on it, of course.”
The tightness in your throat didn’t let you answer, just like the day he had handed you the letter, but this time you simply nodded and kissed the back of his hand, ignoring the pressure in your chest. “I would like that.”
Wooseok pressed his lips together, his eyes becoming small as he tried to hide his happiness.
“I would like that too.”
A sleepy voice added its opinion: “Me too!”
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I’m... quite proud of this one. Yes, it’s fucking long for the kind of stories I tend to write but it just;; happened;;; I really hope you enjoyed it tho kasjkdjks. I was going to try and make the child gender neutral but since I wanted them to interact plenty with the kid I just went for he/him pronouns to fit the gif ^^;
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Half a Pint of Sex
A little AU that takes place during S2 E1. What if Rae didn’t leave after she saw Finn in the shower?
Also posted on AO3.
Thank you as ever to Lil, my beta reader from another mother: you are exacting and wise and very exciting to work with. 
@madfatty @burnnmyhearttout @thatfunnygirllauren @hellothisismebye
Rae was in a tizzy as she walked back from the lingerie shop. It was all well and good to bare everything in front of Chloe and Izzy and the baps-expert bra lady, but…ugh…who was she kidding? Even that was horribly uncomfortable. How could she ever do this with Finn? She closed her eyes and counted to ten. “He likes me,” she reminded herself. “He’s already touched my lady bits and he wants to go camping and he knows we’re getting three tents. Relax, idiot! He likes you. He really likes you.” She repeated the affirmation, though suspected this could all change once Finn really saw all of her. But the pep talk and the teal underwear in her shopping bag gave her a surge of confidence or maybe it was just hope. Whatever propelled her, she found herself heading to Finn’s house. Maybe to show him. Maybe not. 
Meanwhile, Finn was in his attic, waist-high in boxes and sorting fairy lights from Christmases past. Most of his thoughts were preoccupied by the camping trip and how not to let on that he was preoccupied. Being attentive to Rae was work but the best kind. It felt good to be in this deep, to care this much. Anyway, their first time would not be in a tent, that was not how he’d pictured it, hence ten calls to arrange the surprise caravan and a whole morning in the attic. He was glad she’d been busy earlier because he was crap at making excuses. He was covered in dust from his efforts, but now he just wanted to see her. Fuck it, he was going to go over to hers even if he had to wait around until she got home. He headed to the shower to wash up.
Rae’s feet automatically slowed as she approached Finn’s house; much had changed since the first time she’d walked up to his door. When she was with Finn their chemistry was obvious and magnetic, but when they were apart the whole thing still seemed impossible. If she could get back in the same room with him, the rest should take care of itself. She needed to trust in the strange magic of them. She pushed herself forward with the memory of Finn’s reassuring smile, his promise of “to be continued.” Gary welcomed her inside amidst a haze of Dire Straits. Rae prayed her own straits were not so dire.
Finn’s thoughts were racing in the shower. Was he putting too much pressure on her? He was pretty sure the whole thing had been Rae’s idea. It was a sleepover and she’d asked for three tents. And she had let him touch her the other day in her room, but then Linda had barged in and it just didn’t feel right to continue. He’d run off to footy practice even though he’d planned to skip it. But now it was all he could think about, how ready she’d been for his fingers. The hot water across his shoulders was starting to remind him of that warmth and how it had spread to her wickedly soft inner thighs. He rubbed at his stiffening cock but glanced up to find the door open, and his dad didn’t need to see that. He turned the water a little colder–he would wait until he was in his room to finish that thought.
Rae climbed the stairs with a distracted smirk on her face and heard the water running as she reached the top. Was Finn in the shower? Was he showering with the door open? Who showered with the door open? “Oh,” she thought, as she saw his wet and flawless frame turning away, “people with perfect bodies.” And there it was, the arse she coveted, bare as the day he was born, as peachy as she’d ever imagined.
Suddenly, she was struck with a huge choice: run out of this house straight to the airport and jump on a plane to the North Pole to live in a cave and raise polar bears and never again see a human arse that would remind her of what she couldn’t have OR literally put on her big girl pants and meet her own life head on. Seeing as she’d spent her last pound on the pants, air travel was out of the question. She walked halfway down the stairs and back up three times before finding herself in Finn’s room. The next set of events was a blur, as she ran to the window and yanked the curtain over to block out as much light as possible, raced into her new underwear while holding the door closed and finally dove under his duvet and slid herself all the way to the wall.
Lying in Finn’s bed, Rae was shocked by her own actions, completely out of breath and utterly grateful that Chloe had explained what she meant about preparing for “naked time” with Finn. That morning, Rae had shaved her legs, continuing above her knees which she hadn’t even realized was a thing, and she’d smoothed out her underarms and even tidied up her unruly thatch of pubic hair. As she awaited the inevitable, she tried to make herself as small as possible, but her flesh refused to cooperate and kept falling around her in the most hideous of ways. Every time she angled herself to smooth one area, another rolled up and out, and she was quickly getting itchy and hot in all the places where her skin was rubbing against itself, and this was all a very bad idea, and her head was pounding and she thought she might throw up. Her fevered train of thought came to an abrupt halt as the freshly-bathed scent of Finn Nelson burst across her senses and then he was there in the room, in his boxers and running a towel over his head. He didn’t see her at first, as he was taking in the closed window curtain with mild confusion.
“Don’t be scared it’s just me!” Rae blurted out as she pulled the duvet up to her nose. “Hiya.”
Tracking Rae’s voice, Finn found her wedged in the corner of his bed. Her position was almost comical as if she were trying to disappear into the wall, but this did not diminish the salient fact: Rae was in his bed. She was under his duvet. She was hiding something, possibly nakedness. His body was reacting faster than his mind and he quickly moved the towel down to hide his excitement. He was turned on; he was touched, and he was stunned by the boldness of her gesture. As his eyes adjusted to the dimness, he could see that she was terrified.
“What are ya doing under there, girl?” He asked in a tone he hoped was both non-threatening and affectionate.
“Oh nothin’,” Rae responded. “Just thought I’d make sure you had sheets under here.”
“Oh, and do I?” Finn couldn’t help but flirt as he moved slowly towards the bed. He was still having trouble processing what was happening, but whatever it was, was very good.
“Yes, comfy sheets.”
“They’re comfy, eh?” Finn was fully loving the dynamic now. He felt a little bad for torturing her like this, but he knew this would all work out even if she didn’t seem to. “Can you feel them especially, ‘cause maybe you’re not wearin’ anything?”
“Oh, I’m wearin’ something…some…things…” Rae was biting her lip, rolling her eyes and blushing to her toes.
Finn was standing right up against the bed now. His curiosity was beyond piqued, but he knew Rae was regretting her actions and he needed to get her back on board. He was always most confident expressing himself from his arsenal of smiles, and he carefully chose one for her that conveyed sympathy, encouragement and understated joy. When he saw the muscles around her eyes relax, he spoke, “I’m really glad you’re here.” Then even more gently, he added, “Would it be okay if I joined you under there?”
Rae nodded, and Finn slipped cautiously onto the bed, keeping a respectful distance and his eyes on her face.
“So, what are these… things…you’re wearing?”
Rae huffed and rolled her eyes, “Chloe took us to a lingerie shop and I wound up buyin’ this stuff. But they’re totally impractical and I don’t think they look good on me. And I mean, I’m not even sure if you like my boobs, because they’re too large and they’re not made for lacy-”
“Rae…Rae!” Finn was struggling to get Rae’s attention and she finally stopped babbling long enough to look at him. “Do you not know how I feel about your boobs? Guess you hadn’t noticed me looking at them all the time when we first met? Archie and Chop had to tell me to stop!”
“Nah… I hadn’t…” Rae attempted a nanosecond of mental acrobatics, trying to immediately recall all the times this could have happened. It was new information and she couldn’t help but smile and then laugh, “Chop had to stop you?! But Chop looks at them all the time!”
“Yeah…” Finn winced “Now he says if I get to touch’em, then he should at least be able to look at’em.” He scrunched his face and waited for her to punch him.
“What?! Oh thanks for that! Really defending my honor, eh?” The banter was so normal, that for a minute, Rae forgot they were in a bed and half naked. “You know Chop needs to watch himself or Izzy’s going to get seriously insecure. I know she already feels—"
Suddenly Finn was kissing her–his version of oral sparring was not really fair, because he always won.
Finn was glad she was back to form, because he was addicted to transforming loud opinionated Rae into quiet, yielding Rae. Kissing her was like unlocking so much sweetness, and it was all for him.
When she stilled, he spoke quietly, “Anyway, I told Chop, that was bullshit and he had to stop.” Finn continued with a playful pout, “But can we not talk about Chop anymore? Besides…I haven’t really touched them… not really…”
Rae was pleasantly transfixed by the recent kiss and his current gaze. This back and forth between humor and seriousness, teasing and affection, of her knowing him and his knowing her was the alchemy she needed. She bit her bottom lip as she slowly lowered the duvet to her waist, revealing all the cream and teal she’d been hiding. Finn gasped and stared, and Rae felt like she was on fire. His hand instinctively reached out to touch her, but he stopped himself.
“Can I?” His breath hitched on the words and Rae felt a sense of control that she had never known. She could feel how truly sexy she was in that moment with her hair flowing around her face and her lips parted. She looked at him from beneath her lashes and knew how completely she had him. All of time seemed to slow down in that astonishing moment.
When Rae finally spoke, “Yeah,” was all she said. He reached towards her hesitantly and ran his finger along the top of her shallow bra cup, tracing the entire seam where it met the soft flesh of her right breast. Finn’s eyes were on hers, as he slid his finger below the edge, lowering it inch by inch until her whole breast spilled out. They held each other’s eyes with half shock and open mouths. Gradually his eyes lowered to take her in, the fullness, the large dark areola, the perfectly protruding nipple; the sight drew his tongue forward. Then, just as slowly, Finn freed her from the left cup and felt woozy with the vision that lay before him.  
Rae smiled as she watched Finn’s reaction and relaxed into this new sensation of feeling like the best thing he’d ever seen.
“They look so good, Rae…” Finn was nearly stuttering, “better than I imagined.”
Finn was consumed with looking, just feeling her with his eyes for a full minute before finally sweeping his fingers around the outside curves of her and his thumbs against her nipples. He kissed her then, pressing his whole body into her, knowing she could feel him hard against her leg.
It all turned hot and heavy quickly as they licked and sucked at each other’s lips and tongues. They were grinding against each other’s thighs and her hands were grasping at his hair and his hands were full of her breasts. Things were escalating and their hearts were racing, when Rae put her hand between them and pushed him back.
“Are you okay?” he panted, concern registering in his eyes.
“Yeah, I’m good,” she panted back. “So, so good… I just don’t think I’m… ready…”
“Oh, Rae,” Finn smiled. “We don’t have to…there’s so many other things we can do… I mean…if you want to…”
“Yeah…I want to…” Rae smiled, and Finn remembered she had her own arsenal, and this was the one–so wide and genuine and beautiful–that lit up his heart.
“Honestly,” he added, “I’m just chuffed to see you in your underwear.”
“You really like it?” She asked, pretending the question was not rhetorical.
“Yeah, I really like it,” he answered, as if she didn’t know what an understatement that was.
“Do you think your dad might…?
“Nah.. not if my door’s closed.”
“So he’s not makin’ hot pot or anything? Maybe needs some ingredients?”
“He won’t bother us,” Finn grinned as he spoke. “He knows you’re up here. And he totally loves you.”
Rae smiled to herself wondering how many Nelsons might love her. Finn shifted out of the bed to put on some music.
Rae teased him, “Oh, let me guess…”
“Oi!” Finn shot back, “I’ve been waiting for this. You can’t deny me it.” He pulled out his album of decidedly not crap reggae and lowered the needle. “Plus now my dad will really know to stay away.”
As she watched him return to bed, bopping his head suggestively to the music, Rae giggled and felt her whole body melt and tingle in anticipation. “So, where were we, girl?” Finn asked as he crawled in next to her. He looked into her eyes and ran his fingers through her hair, and Rae was very happy to remind him. 
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kimshavacado · 4 years
Dead Heat Ch. 8
Pairing: Yoongi x reader
Genre: Arranged Marriage/Mafia AU
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Summary: Three extremely powerful families with enough power to bring down entire governments, all with vastly different views on how things should be run. The Min family thinks everything can be solved with money, the Jeon family think everything can be solved with violence, and the Kim family relies more on thought which leads to a lack of action. When Kim Y/N loses her father, she only has one way to save herself and her family. But it involves having to give herself over to a stranger. How the hell is she not supposed to punch him in his stupid rich face?
Dead Heat Masterlist
Warnings: Language, Awkwardness
A/N: I was honestly surprised by the final total. It was very split over tumblr and ao3, but there was a clear choice. One that I, myself, would not have chosen. Enjoy! 
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Chapter 8: Relocation
After a few minutes, you slowly escape the warmth of the bed to sneak out. If Yoongi notices, he doesn’t try to stop you. You head back to your room, which now feels cold and lonely. You wash up, get dressed, and prepare yourself for the undoubtedly long day your about to have because of the men downstairs.  
Just as you throw on a sweater, you hear your phone ring. It’s such a mundane thing that it takes you a second to realize that no one should be calling you. As you stalk over to your phone cautiously, your heart sinks to your feet when you read the name on the screen.
Quite a few things flash through your mind. Jimin’s face, the years you shared together, the hurt he had caused you. You seem to be frozen in your place, the only thing bringing you back to your senses is the “missed call” notification on the screen.
You search your brain for any explanation as to why called and when you can’t come up with one, it scares the shit out of you. You honestly have no idea what to do and start to panic. Should you have answered? You could just try to call him back. No, why would you do that? But why would we call you like that? Shit, should you tell-
“What’s taking so long?” You hear Yoongi from outside your door. Without thinking you run to the door and open it, but no words come out and you just stare at him. He meets you with surprised eyes. He officially looks weirded out.
“Why are you crying?” He asks cautiously.
You’re crying? You hadn’t really noticed, too focused on having a mental breakdown.
“It’s nothing.” You immediately say, apparently fixed in defense mode. He raises his eyebrows and presses his lips into a thin line while he stares at you. After yet another uncomfortable duration of time you bring your hands up to your face to wipe away any moisture. You need to pull your thoughts back together.
“Uh, okay then.” He says, still weirded out and turns to walk away. Shit you should tell him, right? Your little internal war is cut off again when you realize you’ve already latched onto his wrist to stop him from leaving.
“Jimin called me.” His face loses all expression once you say this. He turns serious, which has you feeling even more uneasy.
“What did he say?”
“I didn’t answer.”
“Why not?” That’s a wonderful question. Maybe you should’ve, just to hear… but maybe it would’ve been too much.
After a while he stops waiting for your response and walks away from you. You chase after him towards the stairs, ignoring that you two are no longer alone.
“Should I have? Would you have?” He stops on the stairs to think about this. You wonder what it is he’s thinking or who he’s thinking of if he’s entertaining this imaginary call.
“I don’t know.” He says looking directly at you. But in his eyes, you get a suspicion that that might not be true. “Come on, we all have some things to discuss.”
You can’t tell if he’s angry with you or not.
“You wanna ‘relocate’ me!? What is that even supposed to mean?” You start to make a scene in front of the men who have gathered around the large meeting room.
“Us. Relocate us, Y/N. It’s obvious this place isn’t secure anymore. While we prepare a plan, it’s best if we didn’t stay.” Yoongi explains in an attempt to calm you down.
You look around at the men at the large table and standing along the walls. Honestly, you were only hot headed at a moment because Jin and the rest of your house were here. It pissed you off to see him sitting there acting all mighty in your rightful place, sending you away again. How come you were never allowed to do what you wanted to do?
“What do you want us to do?” Your eyes go wide, afraid you might have said your internal rant out loud, but Yoongi is just asking you what your decision is. He’s giving you a say, but you know he’s right.
“Okay. We’ll go.” With a nod you submit. Then Yoongi dismisses everyone to speak with Jin about next steps.
“Y/N you’re part of this too.” Yoongi calls when he sees you leaving with the others.
“I’m sorry, do you just ask me to stay and talk important business?” You ask, a comical look of disbelief over your face. “Since when did my involvement ever give me the authority to do so?” You turn to bitter sarcasm to emphasize both of their disinterest in your opinions on prior matters. “Please don’t let me interrupt the discussion of almighty-“
“I mean, we could always just not tell you.” You huff at this, feeling like a child having a tantrum and collapse into a chair at the large table. After everything, you’ll honestly take what you can get from them. When he notices you’ve finished, Jin breaks the silence.
“I think I have a good place for you to go. Your parents used to have this private timeshare in the country. We basically own it now and no one’s been there in ages, so it won’t be that predictable of a location. Y/N, you’ve probably been there before, do you remember? You might have been too young, though.”
“Wait, my parents had a timeshare? When?”
“After they got married. Sort of needed a place to escape to sometimes, I guess it never hurt to have a sort of safe house away from all this.”
“Huh.” Jin’s confession has you reeling. That’s not something you had expected your father to have done.
“Who knows about it?” Yoongi asks.
“Well we don’t actually have a timeshare agreement anymore, and no one actually owns it. We’ve kept it handy for situations like this, and there’s no record saying we own it, so I guess, just me.” Jin responds.
“Huh.” Yoongi mocks by mirroring your previous response. “Alright then.”
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Jimin’s POV:
He needs to just quiet the war in his mind for good, and he might know a way he can do that.
He cares too much. It’s too important. You’re too important. He can’t keep hoping for your forgiveness, he has to know if he’s lost you for good. It’s too dangerous to be questioning sides. There’s one thing left to ask:
Which side is he on?
He chooses to put all his fate onto a leap of faith. All he needs is your help, even just to hear your voice. That would be enough, just to be reminded why he was doubting in the first place.
He gets his phone out and finds your name in the contacts. He hesitates before taping the call button. He shouldn’t be doing this to you, but he needs to know that he hasn’t messed everything in his life up.
Every unanswered ring diminishes his hope. But instead of sadness, he feels anger beginning to bubble up with every ring until it goes to voicemail.
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Of course it’s raining, why would there be good weather on an evening like this? It’s not like you and Yoongi are driving off into the sunset together. No, instead you’re watching the water droplets race down the car window wishing you could just melt away like them.
Yoongi is quiet the entire trip and you don’t mind. It means your mind is free to wander around all the events that have happened. You think about how everything has made you aggressive and cold to others. But you give yourself some slack, knowing you were once innocent and free of worry as a child.
You still have the good childhood memories at your core. You like to think you’re more like your mother than your father, but it’s hard to tell sometimes. You look over at Yoongi and he drums his fingers on the steering wheel and can’t help but think about his parents as well.
Soon you arrive at your destination and follow a long road covered in trees to a decent sized villa. Through the rainy evening glow you could see the outline of a clearing behind the building which might be a lake, but it’s too dark to see. You’ll have to view it in it’s full glory tomorrow morning.
“Here we go.” Yoongi takes a deep breath before running outside of the car to grab bags. You can’t help but laugh at the unique way he runs around like he’s almost waddling.
Once you see he’s getting soaked you get out to take the final bag up to the house with him. Once through the entrance, you notice how it’s dark and smells like dust. It really gives off abandoned vibes and you start to regret agreeing to this until Yoongi turns on the lights.
It doesn’t look like it’s been decades since someone’s cleaned, and you let out a sigh of relief that it’s passable for living.
“Find a bathroom and get changed.” Yoongi directs. You comply, wanting out of the wet clothes.
Thirty minutes later, after walking around to get acquainted with the space, you find yourself on the couch with a book and a cup of tea. But you’re focused on the words in your head instead of the words on the page. You’re back to your previous debate on which parent you’re like.
That’s when Yoongi walks in, noticing your spaced out expression. He decides to watch for a moment. But when your eyes don’t move, he lets out a small laugh.
“You’re definitely not reading that book.” Caught red handed, you continue to stare at the book with the same expression.
“I’m… thinking.” You say, not meaning to sound as suspicious as you do.
“Yeah, you do that a lot.” You finally tear your sight away from the book to see he flop down on the couch next to you. Now that you think of it, who was Yoongi like?
“Are you more like your mother or your father?” It sort of just comes out of you mouth. His eyebrows lift in surprise but he pulls them back down and takes time to think about it.
“Both.” He says, and you suppose the same of yourself. “But never at the same time.” This really resonates with you. “You can try to be your own person, but other people are what make us who we are.” You suppose this is true as well.
“I always wanted to be like Jimin. Everyone liked him when we were younger, he was practically perfect. But I always compared myself to him.” You pause and let out a sigh. “I’m glad I’m not like him.”
“Me too.” He says this quickly which gets your attention. When you look at him, he’s facing sideways towards you on the couch. His legs are only and inch from touching yours and he’s looking sincerely into your eyes. It’s either that or the low cut shirt he’s wearing that cause something to turn inside you.
“I need a drink.”
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Only good things come when alcohol is involved. Of course what better way to distract yourself from your attraction to your husband than to inhibit your ability to reason. Yoongi plays along though, and you find yourself a slurring mess an hour and a half later. You’re both pretty deep in, but it’s mostly you.
After you crying for the past 20 minutes about the fact that you haven’t had a “real” boyfriend since high school. He decides it best you call it a night.
“I think it’s your bedtime.” He says laughing at your most recent pout. But that only causes you to deepen your pout. He laughs again.
“You know sometimes, I forget you’re not a child.” When this doesn’t get fid of your pout he decides to mirror it. Leaning in to mock you. However, this gives you a great view given his choice of loose clothing and looking up to his pouting face, it’d be almost too easy to close the space. So you’re not surprised when you do. Yoongi however, is. Barely registering that it’s happened before you pull away from his face to stare him down in defiance.
“See? Not a child.” You say, but he’s still focused on your lips. He forgot that you’ve done that before, maybe he should be more careful. Did he really need to, though? You’re his wife, you’ve kissed him before. Maybe it’s because of the drink, but he pulls your head back into his with little thought.
This time is not quite as short as the first. You seem to reciprocate a little too easily, letting his mouth slot with yours. You take action to latch onto him as well, reaching out for the shirt you had so desperately wanted to touch before.
His hands snake down and around your waist as one of yours slides up his neck into his hair as things get a little more heated, tongues tasting the alcohol on each other. One of you lets out a noise resembling a moan, but you can’t tell who because the kiss has gotten impossibly deeper and you can’t stop yourself from throwing a leg over to the other side of him.
He seems to be as lost in it as you are since he pulls your body over the rest of the way so that you’re completely straddling him. After everything that’s gone through your head to day, it’s nice to lose yourself in him and forget anything else. You decide you want to share an impossible amount of time sharing breath like this.
When one of his hands ghosts under the back of your shirt to the bare small of your back, one of yours goes to the hem of his and begin to lift to take it off. Before you can, he grabs your thighs and hoists you up causing you to squeal from surprise. You two never part as he walks you to the bedroom, excitement bubbling in your gut.
When he reaches the bed, he lowers your head down to the pillow, slowing down the kiss. It makes you more desperate to continue but instead, Yoongi stops moving entirely. Pulling away and resting his forehead on yours, you two catch your breaths for a moment.
“Go to sleep.” He whispers just centimeters from your lips, and you want to yell at him. After all that? Go to sleep? You’re about to chastise him for treating you like a child once again until he pulls away climbs on the bed next to you appearing content in his decision to sleep.
You stare at him in awe of his ability to just close his eyes and pretend like that didn’t just happen.
He really is an ass. And you really like him.
A/N: Relationships are changing! Sorry for the steamy fake out there. If y'all are good, maybe Santa will bring some smut around the holidays. Thanks for dealing with me!
Next Chapter
Tags:  @badbyeyoongi @whothefuckstolemykeds @xxqueenwxtchxx @alecmidnight @rjsmochii @itsrapmonstanotdancemonsta @ superarmyofdreamersuk @zxlla​ @1796p​ @obeythehemmings​ @betysotelo18​ 
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wild-aloof-rebel · 5 years
When David steps into the motel, everything is almost disappointingly ordinary. The room looks the same as it had when he’d left it yesterday afternoon. An empty cinnamon roll box still lies open on the table. His overnight bag still sits atop the cedar chest. An army of nail polish bottles are still strewn across the nightstand. Alexis is propped up in bed, nose buried in her phone, and their mother is screeching something about "the wrong shade of black" on the other side of the connecting door.
David has walked in or woken up to a similar scene nearly every day for the past few years, and yet he’d expected today to be different somehow: a different room with different faces to greet him. Because today he is different. Because today he’s not the lonely and friendless misanthrope he’d been the day they’d moved in. He’s not even the hopeful and happy boyfriend he’d been just yesterday morning, excited about an afternoon picnic and wherever the evening might lead.
Because, today, he’s engaged.
How could anything possibly be the same?
Still in a bit of a daze about it all, he manages to make his feet carry him around his bed so that he can sit down. What he's supposed to do next, however, he isn't sure.
He’s engaged. Patrick had asked him to marry him. He’s engaged to the absolute love of his life, and they’re going to get married. They’re going to have a wedding. They're going to spend the rest of their lives together.
The full weight of the realization hits him like a truck, and he buries his face in his hands, overwhelmed and happy and relieved and embarrassingly, giddily, stupidly in love. He wants to cry. He wants to scream. He wants to laugh until his stomach aches. He's getting married.
“David?” comes Alexis’s voice from the other bed. “Are you oka– What are THOSE?”
He lifts his face to find her mouth open comically wide in shock, one accusatory finger pointed straight at his left hand. He hadn't been sure his family would even notice, wondering if he'd have to all but slap them across the face with them to get anyone to pay attention, but he should have known Alexis would sniff out new jewelry in a heartbeat. A glance at the four gold rings adorning his fingers sets his whole face twisting to hide the wide grin threatening to break free.
“David,” she says again, keener this time. “Are those what I think they are?”
He manages to move his head in a little tremor of a yes that grows and grows into an exaggerated, exuberant nod. “Yes,” he replies. “Yes, Patrick asked me to–”
“DAVID!” She launches herself off the bed, nearly toppling him over in excitement as she bounces onto the mattress beside him.
“Shhhhhh.” He glances toward the connecting door. “I am not telling mom before her afternoon valium kicks in."
"God, can you imagine?" she says with a grimace. “Let me see!” He holds his hand out to her and watches as she runs a gentle finger across his rings. Despite her obvious excitement, there’s something a little longing in the touch, something a little sad, and for a fraction of a second, he wants to pull her into his arms and tell her that she’ll have another chance at this. But then she opens her mouth again. “Are they 24 karat?”
“Fuck off, Alexis!” He snatches his hand away, but she just shimmies it right off of her shoulders.
“So did he get down on one knee? Did he do something super cliché like putting them in a glass of champagne? Oh my god, did he sing? Please tell me he sang something super embarrassing. I need the deets!”
“Okay, don’t say ‘deets.’ This isn’t 2005.”
David pushes himself to his feet. There’s too much excitement thrumming in his veins. He needs to move, or he might actually explode with joy, which would be the most embarrassing thing to happen to him in this room since his dad had walked in on him and Patrick celebrating their baseball win. Still, a soft smile slips back onto his face as he walks circles into the carpet, remembering the way Patrick's face had lit up when David had said yes.
“If you must know, he took me on a hike, and–”
“A hike? I thought you said you were going on a picnic.” Her look of surprise melts into a pout. “You poor thing.”
“Shut up,” he snaps, though there’s hardly any bite in it. He’s just too damn happy to really mean it. “We did have a picnic. It was just on top of a mountain. And it was perfect, okay?”
When she doesn’t tease him or press him for more details, he stops pacing to find her looking at him with some unfamiliar mix of emotions.
“I just--" She shakes her head. "You’re engaged, David."
"I know."
"No, like, you're actually going to get married."
"I know."
"But you, David. Of all people."
“Um, there's a lake just up the highway. Can you drive into it please?"
She scoffs. “I didn’t mean it like that. It's just, like, I always assumed that I would be the one to get to have that great big dream wedding we used to plan when we were kids." Her fingers absently tangle in her hair, her eyes unfocused now as she gets lost in some thought that makes her smile. "Do you remember when we broke apart mom's pearls to use for the seating chart?"
David remembers it well. That had been back when Alexis's modelling career hadn't yet taken off and her only trips around the world had been on family vacations with the rest of them. Back when breaking into the wig room just to have a look around had been the most dangerous thing they'd ever dared to do. "Adelina thought she was going to be furious."
"But when we told mom, she just said to use the sapphires instead next time because they better complemented the color scheme." They both laugh at the memory. Things had been so much easier then, back before they'd both gone out into the world and let it make things hard.
Happiness had been easier.
Love had, too.
"You just never really seemed interested in all that," Alexis says. "The planning part, yes, but not the part where you get yourself a cute, little husband.”
David can’t stop the smile that blossoms across his face at the word. Patrick is going to be his husband. He buries his face in his hands again, feeling the way his skin heats against his fingertips at the thought.
“I wasn’t,” he admits through his fingers. “Interested. Before.”
“Patrick’s changed you, David.” The smile that she gives him is strangely proud. “You’ve let him change you.”
There are so many things he's done in the last year that he'd never thought he'd do in his life. Things he'd never wanted to do. He's hiked up a mountain, and he's hit a homerun, and he's clambered across shaky boards thirty feet in the air. He's learned about tax brackets and insurance premiums. He's gotten up before 9 a.m., when the occasion has called for it.
"I know," he says.
Patrick has taught him to compromise, has shown him that sometimes you have to give more than you take, has shown him that sometimes trust and contentment and unconditional love can still be easy.
Because at the end of the day, all he wants is to make Patrick happy. It's as easy and as hard as that. He wants to give back every single ounce of joy that Patrick has given to him, and if that means that sometimes he has to move the lip balms a few inches down the counter, then that's something David can do. Because Patrick--because his fiancé--is worth it.
"I kind of think--" Alexis says, frowning a little like the words taste sour on her tongue, "I think I want to hug you."
"I'm sorry?"
She stands up and steps closer. "Can I hug you, David?"
"Oh. Um, o-okay."
Her arms are around him before the word is all the way out of his mouth. She squeezes him tight, hands clasped together behind his back, and he wraps his arms around her shoulders, closes his eyes, and breathes.
It's been years since they've done this, standing in nearly this same spot after she'd broken up with Mutt, and David isn't the only one who's changed since then. Alexis has pushed herself to be better in nearly every area of her life. She'd gone back to high school. She'd gotten her certificate. She'd turned down a job offer that would have taken her out of this town. And in the most un-Alexis move of all, she'd let go of Ted--chosen his happiness over her own--only to find him choosing her in the end. David is fiercely proud of her. Even if he'd never say it.
"I can't believe you're getting married," she mumbles into his sweater.
He holds her a little closer, ignoring the tears threatening to form. "I can't believe you're leaving."
"I'll be back in six months."
"You better be." He pulls back with a watery little laugh, blinking against the sting of his eyes. "Who else is going to help me arrange all those diamond-studded floral centerpieces?"
She rubs a hand across a wet cheek and chuckles. "I think the diamonds are gonna be hard to come by these days. You might have to settle for cubic zirconia."
"Ew. Why would you even say that to me?"
"And since Elton probably isn't an option anymore, maybe you can just get mom and the Jazzagals to sing a little medley for your first dance."
"Oh my god. Stop!" He swats a hand at her, but she dances out of his reach.
"Instead of the horse-drawn carriages, there could be, like, goats pulling a wagon."
His horrified gasp is drowned out by her gleeful cackle, and she bounds across her bed as he lunges after her, chasing her around the room as she continues to hurl increasingly disgusting suggestions his way.
"The cocktail hour can feature sangria with that gross fruit wine mom filmed that commercial for. The dinner can be a barbecue. Oh! The ceremony can be at town hall. You can get married at Roland's desk!"
"I hate you."
He does. He hates that she knows exactly what buttons to push, and he hates that she could push them with her eyes closed. He hates that she's reminding him in this otherwise happy moment of everything that they've lost. But most of all he hates that she isn't even going to be here to help with most of the planning. All those fantasy weddings they'd imagined as kids, they'd dreamed them up together. How is he supposed to plan his real wedding without her?
She pouts at him, but her eyes are still shining with glee. God, he loves her. He's gotten so used to having her around, he really doesn't know what he's going to do without her for six months.
"Oooh," she squeals. "You and Patrick can rent suits from that menswear store in Elmdale."
Okay, he takes it back. He does hate her after all.
"I hope you get eaten by a tortoise."
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thinkofduty · 4 years
  this post contains sexual themes. please don’t read if you’re under 18.
Six days.
It only takes six days for Ingvald to find and become accustomed to a new routine with Orella gone.
He bores quickly of it. Less than a full day goes by before he's bored of the raunchy novellas lying discarded around the manse. Nor does the housework afford him much opportunity to better himself. The dishes are dried and put away, the countertops swept clean of crumbs, the plants watered: his good conscience is soothed, but his body still wants for things to do.
By the second afternoon he takes up his rapier and sets a training dummy up in the front yard. Someone - mayhap a Riskbreaker - has decorated it with a goofy face reminiscent of a paissa. He decides immediately that he hates it.
For all its comical appearance, it is a hardy thing and weathers his spells well enough. That, or he hasn't perfected the art as well as he'd originally thought. The focusing crystal hums pleasantly when he inspects it for flaws, but he finds nothing that would cause his spells not to do so much damage. Idly, he thinks of the last time he was face-to-face with a training dummy; for sure, that first was a puny thing, and this one no doubt was built to weather adventurers aplenty...
It still confuses him, and he takes up a new goal. Delicately melt the paint off the dummy, or turn it into splinters.
By third day's end his arms shake with the effort of holding both rapier and crystal aloft, breathing hard with the exertion of casting over and over. The unblinking paissa eyes watch him mockingly; he has done not much more than turn a few splinters to the smallest sticks of charcoal despite his best efforts.
"Having trouble, old man?"
He turns to see Helisent, wrapped up in a travelling cape, a great grin plastered upon her face. She must be leaving for Gyr Abania once more. Her drive to help is admirable, if exhausting to think about - the Saltery has been mostly repaired and its workers brought back to live there, and she has finally set her sights upon other little hamlets in need of a helping hand.
"No," says Ingvald, not bothering to fight the smile that works its way to the fore. As they had worked together the teasing insults had been plentiful and somewhat of a comfort after a while. It is nice to hear them again. "Need someone to hold your hand back home?"
His only answer is a tongue stuck out in a decidedly miqo'te manner. "Orella'd kill you," she says happily, dumping her pack on the ground and bending to adjust the laces of her boots. "If you took off with a younger woman, I mean."
That earns a chuckle, though she doesn't say anything more, too busy making sure the leathers won't rub against her feet as she walks. Not one to interrupt such a process, Ingvald rolls his shoulders and tests the weight of the rapier; it doesn't feel as a block of stone yet, which means he can keep going. With a sigh he lifts the focusing crystal high as well, and it spins lazily in midair, barely glowing brighter as he casts a lackluster veraero at the abused training dummy.
"Wow," says Hel to his right. "Was that meant to be white magic? Come on, great-granddad, you can do better than that."
Ingvald grits his teeth. "Hush," he scowls, and tries again. This time his spell peters out before it even reaches his target; his jaw clenches in irritation, and Helisent bursts into laughter too loud for this time of night.
"Before I go," she says, and plucks the crystal from his hand. With his aether so extended down the weapon like an extension of his arm, he feels unbalanced, and the blade wavers. He lowers it, wary. "I think we better work on this so you don't embarrass me in the future."
"Red magic must be balanced," he protests, but doesn't reach to take it from her. "Don't overaspect it or you'll be paying for the replacement."
Without looking away from the crystal, Hel rolls her eyes and shakes her head, the tiniest motion, more fond than disdainful. "Please," she scoffs. "Overaspected. That'd be doing you a favour, as far as I'm concerned."
Something of his worry must bleed through, for he can feel the pulsing of her aether weaken as she tunes the crystal to her liking, and hands it back soon enough with a wink. Try as he might, Ingvald can feel nothing different about it, though he knows she must have done something - but when he opens his mouth to ask questions, she simply winks at him, slings her pack over her shoulder, and sets off.
Very quickly does Ingvald become irritable. He takes to practising harder, pushing himself further - not just at dawn and dusk but during the day, too, when it's more likely others will see him. Indeed, one elezen does stop to watch with fascination until he growls too loudly at the still-standing dummy one afternoon. She flees, long legs carrying her past the marketboard quick enough that when he looks over he does not see even the colour of her hair.
Between his mood and the locals it's clear enough he needs to rest. He retires indoors, sweat cooling on his lower back, and wonders if he looks hard enough whether or not he would find any books on magickal energy hidden around the Sandsea. He needs some sort of guidance, more than the paltry exercises Tia had taught him during their time in the Sagolii, and it is with no small amount of relief that he sinks into the chair closest to the fire. Maybe Helisent is right - maybe he is getting old. He certainly feels it, and the thought of getting up to hunt down a book that might not even exist is more draining than he wants to admit.
He falls into the story easier than he'd have thought possible, the chair comfortable enough that he is reluctant to even change position, the fire warm enough that his eyes feel heavier than they otherwise might. The tale he's picked up is engrossing enough - a young midlander convincing her Ishgardian beau to forsake his knightly vows for her arms (and if he rereads the passages detailing just how soft and pert the heroine's breasts are, that's between him and the fireplace) - that he pays no mind to the door when it swings open.
"Oh, how domestic," drawls an unfortunately familiar voice.
Gisfrid stands flanked by two women, nose freshly broken, looking just as smug as he ever has done. To his left, a woman he thinks he recognises but remembers not at all. To his right, Orella, looking as displeased as he's sure he feels.
Silence grows thick and heavy around all four of them until he snaps his book shut decisively. Gisfrid's brows rise almost high enough to meet his hairline when he sees the title.
"Bit racy for you," he says, and his words are swallowed up by the blanket of noiselessness. They all trade glances, all expecting an explanation, no one saying a single word to break it.
... Which means it falls to Ingvald to open the discussion. He sighs, keeps his eyes on Orella. She looks like she might develop a headache before the day is over.
She can't fully hide a little grin, at least. "I was waiting for you to kick off," she admits. "Tell me Ashelia isn't in."
She's not, and he says as much. Orella's shoulders relax, the tension visibly draining from her. Not for the first time, Ingvald wishes she could take some time for herself for once.
"Here," says Gisfrid. "That book-"
"Is it any of your business?" Ingvald snaps before he can carry on. He's as surprised as everyone else to find his tone as sharp as any blade, and forces himself to breath deeply, hold it for four, five seconds.
"... Let's go to our room," Orella suggests. It might be the most sensible thing she's ever said.
Their shared room is plain enough that no eyebrows are raised at the impropriety of the two of them sharing a single bed. It's a relief for, Ingvald suspects, both of them - he doesn't want to know how loud Gisfrid would become upon learning about their still-tentative relationship. It seems almost a stroke of luck that she'd forgone the simple copper band she's been wearing since the liberation before setting out.
At length, an explanation makes itself known to him. He sighs at every appropriate point, glares at their guests when he thinks it necessary, and suggests that they meet by the Brimming Heart when the moon's at its highest. Gisfrid shoots him an inquisitive look.
"You don't want us around?"
"Not really," Ingvald says, surprisingly mild for the way he feels. "I want to gather my things in peace before I have to spend weeks by your side again. Get out and we'll meet you later."
Milleuda is the one who shrugs and tells him to suit himself. Gisfrid does not look happy about the arrangement, but follows her anyway, clearly beholden to her rules, and Ingvald sighs deeply as the door clicks shut behind them.
"They're going to steal anything not nailed down, aren't they," he groans, and Orella snorts, amused.
"You don't have to come," she says, and looks weary when she looks at her. The circles under her eyes seem more pronounced than ever; he feels guilty, then, for not suggesting that they rest here tonight and meet them in the morning.
Whatever's going through her head clearly has her wanting to apologise for something or other, too, and he's having none of it. Before she can protest or chew him out or do aught else he crosses the three steps to her, takes her shoulders, and kisses her as firm as he thinks he can get away with: surprised, sh elets him.
"What-" she manages when he parts from her. Ingvald shrugs.
"I won't be able to when we're with them," he says easily, like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "I presume you want them knowing just as much as I do."
Irritation writes itself plainly across Orella's face as she contemplates that very real possibility. He allows it for one moment, two, before bending to kiss her again. This time she meets him, slides one hand into his shaggy hair. It's nice, until she's had enough, and she tugs him back easily.
"You don't have to," she says, and Ingvald doesn't know if she means this, or the search for Folles. "Ingvald-"
"Orella," he interrupts, "For once, be quiet."
If he knows her she has absolutely no intention of doing so. Rather than suffer through her complaints, he plants his hands beneath the slight curve of her ass and lifts; it's worth the strain in his arms for the little stoke to his pride that he can, and that flares into something more heady when Orella grabs tightly at his jacket. She's not heavy, but he could drop her easily, something they're both aware of.
"You thought I wouldn't leave with you?" he asks against her throat, and kisses the skin there. "You thought I'd let you go off with that shite and have nothing at all to do with it?"
She squirms in his arms, trying to steady herself. "No," she says simply. "Don't want to be dragging you into my dirty work all the time."
As if of their own accord, her legs wrap around his waist for extra balance. Ingvald takes one step, then another, and another, kissing her skin with every step he takes, before his knees bump against the edge of their mattress, and he dumps her unceremoniously. He follows her down, catches sight of the amusement in her eyes before he kisses her again.
"Alright," she murmurs when he pulls back, "What's all this about?"
Instead of answering her, he tugs at the laces holding her shirt closed, baring the skin beneath. As usual she's forgone any sort of brassiere, having always considered them a waste of time. He bends his head to take one dusky nipple between his teeth and worries it; when he pulls back it's ringed with toothmarks and perky.
"You aren't the only one who regrets things," he reminds her, and doesn't miss the way a frown begins to form between her brows. "He and I were the same. I'm making up for it."
"... You and Gisfrid?" Orella asks, lost, and hisses when he bites her other nipple harder.
"I," Ingvald mumbles, hands already working as his own laces. He's hard in his trous. "Would appreciate you not talking about him in bed."
He puncuates the remark with another sharp nip and sits up straight to glower down at her. Her eyes have gone dark, and they narrow when she sees him work himself roughly. "Folles," he clarifies, and feels a muscle in his jaw tense. His cock jumps in his hand, too. "Take these off," he says, hooking two fingers into her waistband when she opens her mouth to say something.
She swallows, wriggles beneath him to wrestle with the fabric.
"I have to make up for being like him for as long as I was," he continues, watching her. Her hands still at her smalls.
"pyr Bloodhound," he reminds her. "That's what they called me - or did you forget? I didn't get that by being nice."
It's taking her too long to undress. He hooks his own fingers into her smalls and tugs them down so sharply something in the fabric snaps loudly. She gives him an annoyed look but lifts her legs for him to pull them down further, and he finds he doesn't want to waste time undressing. With one arm he pulls her legs over one shoulder, holding them together at the knee where her clothes are gathered. When he catches her eye he stops, just for a moment, until she nods, just barely. Good.
"You're better than them," she says softly - more softly than he's used to from her, and rather than argue the point he pushes his cock between her thighs, gritting his teeth at the feel of her.  He does it again, and then grips himself, angles himself down as he pushes his hips forward, when when his cockhead slides between her folds and catches upon the hole of her cunt he growls, deep in his throat.
"Am I?" he manages, thinking of the past as he sinks into her in one movement. Orella sucks in a deep breath and screws her face up; for a moment he thinks maybe she needed more than what little he gave her, but when he pulls out his shaft glistens. "Could've been quo. Could've been rem. Could've made sas - would I be better, then?"
Instead of answering she grits her teeth. With every point he makes he fucks into her a little harder, a little sharper. With both legs held tight in place and her shirt undone, she looks like any other woman might've had he but dared ask during his time as pyr.
The thought shocks him: not once during their shared service did he ever indulge, though his authority would have afforded him the opportunity had he but asked to. None would have questioned him or looked down on him; he would not have been the first to take advantage of his position, nor would have been the last. Looking down upon her he knows Orella did not abstain as he had done - nor should she have, for pleasure was few and far between for both of them, and for her more than he.
"I did it for you," he growls, low and quiet as he sinks deeper than before into her, and she cries out, the first true noise she's made so far. "Agreed to fight for them for you. What does that make me? A coward- can't even choose for myself-"
"Ingvald," she gasps, and goes tight around him.
"I'm no better than any of them," he growls again, feeling a bead of sweat work its way down between his shoulderblades. Pulling out feels like a sin, but he cannot stop himself; his every movement is jerky and sharp. "Worse than plenty. Shit-"
He grits his teeth, holds her legs so tightly it must pain her for the way her knees are held together, and seats himself fully within her as he comes, breathing as though he's just run a malm.
Orella's hand cups his cheek. He leans into it blind; he can feel the hot prickle of tears begin to gather in his eyes and he closes them, willing them to stay put.
"I did too," she says quietly. He grunts to let her know he's heard and keeps his eyes closed, feeling the first start the slow path down his cheek. Her thumb wipes it away, and the next. "I swore the same. To serve in their name would be to save you."
He swallows heavily, and another tear slips out. Orella wipes that away, too, and runs the pads of her fingers over the stubble he wants to shave before they set out. All he can think of is how calloused her hands are. In another life she would maybe have enjoyed softer hands, softer clothes, softer words. She'd have hated every second of it.
"If I'd said no-" he chokes out, and finds himself pulled gently down, guided to rest against her bare skin, breasts a pillow for him to hide within. Here he can lift a hand to wipe at his eyes as subtley as he can; she ignores the movement. He loves her for that alone.
"We'd have been made to serve no matter what we'd said," she murmurs, and brushes chapped lips against his temple. She shifts under him, and he swallows: she's still hot and wet around him, and he cannot imagine she has found release yet. That fills him with as much shame as his past failings. "You know that as well as I do, and if you'd said no, I'd have been alone." She kisses the top of his head, and he feels her shift again, this time to hold him tight. "And I don't know about you, but I wouldn't have made twenty years by myself."
No, you wouldn't have, he does not say, because they both know she's right. Instead he turns his face up to meet her for a kiss, softer than any they've shared this evening, and chooses instead to reach between them to where her flesh is wet and swollen, and makes apologies with his fingertips.
Neither Gisfrid nor Milleuda look any different to how they did hours before; they are devoid of anything other than the weapons at their side. Clearly they've spent the day wasting time instead of putting a pack together.
"I presume you have a plan?" Gisfrid drawls as they approach. "Or is this to be a wild bhoot-chase?"
Ingvald and Orella share a long-suffering glance. It is going to be a long, long journey. As one, they shrug.
"Actually," he says, "We do."
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roominthecastle · 5 years
Hi Room, What do you think about the finale? Any theorys about why Katarina did that to Red? And what do you think about the Stranger? Thanks!
To me, the finale in general felt okay, which is strangely comforting bc it wasn’t bad. I’m good with an “okay”. “okay” is an improvement (like I still feel TBL is trying while – to use a concurrent example – GOT gave up on itself and its fans spectacularly). There are individual moments that are more than okay to me (DEMBE, the team work, esp Liz & Red, esp esp Liz taking charge and that tiny moment of synchronized tea drinking) and others are less than (e.g. the conclusion to the conspiracy plot is kinda… ?!), but overall I like how S6 played out and my excitement for (lucky number) 7 is intact. Things are in motion and interesting again, and I finally gave myself permission to do a proper, full-scale re-watch during the summer, maybe attempt to chart the timeline, too, which is sth I never expected to consider doing again. I’m even gonna read the comics. In short, this season pulled me back in the Zone.
the rest is behind a cut due to length – @ mobile app users, apologies as always
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Red’s identity, Dom’s story, and Liz’s side of these things
The Stranger: Masha was bound to figure out you aren’t who you say you are. What I can’t figure out is Dom. Why would he tell her all that?Red: In an attempt to help her move on.The Stranger: And she believed him?Red: She did. So much so that she‘s decided it’s safe to bring her daughter home.The Stranger: I know Dom meant well. He shouldn’t have told her that story.
So… having seen this scene, I def have more doubts than before, anon, but I still believe that the gist of the Rassvet story (including Red == Ilya) is true. This is (imo) why Red tells Dom “I know the broad strokes, I know who I am, but I need to hear the details you used to sugarcoat the ugly truth to make it look like a fairytale”, i.e. something that Liz has a tendency to swallow (see changed man!Tim or every paternity test they show her), something she was eager to embrace here, too, despite the obvious holes bc – as she told Ressler – “it is sweet and safe, so I’m gonna overlook things that don’t add up and hope it doesn’t come crashing down on me this time”. But it does. Every time.
Whether we like it or not, this is a consistent trait in Liz, this willingness to settle for a sweet, simple story over the messy, complicated truth even when she has misgivings (see her going at Red in 219, “It wouldn’t kill you to lie just once to make someone feel good.”). She’s not stupid, she’s just scared and unsure, imo (and so is Red but, unfortunately for Liz, being pathologically secretive is still what soothes him). But when there is no sweet story available to make Liz feel good/safe or it’s no longer sustainable, that’s when she grows restless/angry and goes on the offensive until she feels safe again. She did this w/ Tim and then w/ Red, too (she literally locked both of them up to gain control), and both times we can eventually hear her say “I was scared of you but not anymore”, and both times she expresses love for a safe & sweet idea and not the full reality of these men who cannot live up to that idea, so the cycle starts up again (well, not w/ Tim as he is now dead but Red is still in the running.)
It doesn’t really matter if the answer she gets is incomplete or untrue. As long as she can make herself swallow it, as long as it brings a sense of security, she will go for it. Tim played along w/ this and that fantasy bubble collapsed every time. Red never did and never will indulge her w/ sweet delusions but by doing so, he also reduces their “feelgood” time together. He hides behind her father’s identity but for her, he breaks cover repeatedly, which to me further signals that he doesn’t wish to take on the roles associated w/ this identity in her life, which clearly clashes w/ her park bench claim of “this is who you will always be to me”. And given Liz’s track record w/ these self-soothing declarations, I think we will once again see her being contradicted.
Having heard of what’s happened btw her and Red, I think Dom decided to tailor the truth to give them a quick-fix. His story brought a sense of safety/certainty that Liz craves – sth Red refused to offer when he told her he had a secret and he had to keep it and refused to give her any embellished feel-good alternative. But now he is on edge bc some of his secrets have been spilled and it was done in a way that maximizes his discomfort (by making him look like a hero when he considers himself anything but, and, ultimately, by undermining his control over his own “narrative” around Liz). I believe this is part of the reason why he tells Dom that he likely made everything worse by telling her that story.
I hope next season they will be pushed to face more of the actual truth together – in all its ugly, messy glory – about what exactly happened and, more importantly, why. Because we still don’t know much of that. Dom only offered a taste but now Katarina is back to mix some sour to the sweet (I am hungry as I am typing this, can you tell ;)
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The Stranger: well, we barely have anything to go on here but what we have is already intriguing, i.e. he grew up w/ Red, he seems to know Dom and Katarina personally, he seems to have some serious tradecraft background + connections, and he is among the v few who is trusted w/ Red’s secrets, so he is inner inner circle for sure (and he’s played by Brett Cullen, so… yes please). I still think the childhood pledge from the Rassvet story is an element of truth (it just fits our Red way too much + I see it reflected in “Cape May”), so I think these 3 (the Stranger, Red, and Kat) were likely childhood friends and they all picked similar career paths (or it was picked for them), so the Stranger is likely Russian, too.
Katarina continues to puzzle me to no end, I freely admit. And I am enjoying it (for now anyway). The finale offered some really interesting details here, imo, and I think Red’s 2nd meeting w/ the Stranger is the most revealing.
Red tasked his mysterious friend to locate Katarina bc Ressler’s dig for his real identity triggered an active search for her, too. The Stranger finds her and hands Red a picture saying, “It’s her. I’m telling you, Raymond. Paper trails. The passports. The travel. It’s her.” What we can immediately conclude here is that they didn’t even know what Kat looks like now since it’s not the picture the Stranger used to identify her but her signature methods/movements (knowledge of this implies a close working relationship in the past at the v least). And since he doesn’t hand Red the pic to ask him to confirm it’s her but to show him what she looks like now, we can also conclude that Red had no idea what she looks like now, either, which means that he hasn’t seen her for almost 3 decades and, apparently, he would have been fine w/ maintaining this arrangement if it hadn’t been for the security risk Ressler’s digging exposed them to.
This conclusion lines up nicely w/ two (imo very important) things established in previous episodes:
Red’s hallucinations at Cape May – he sees Kat the way she looked in 1991/92. His mind couldn’t conjure her present image bc his last memories of her are almost 30 years old. This in turn implies that the Hobson’s choice event took place around this time, as well, and that was the last time he saw her. It was the last time Dom saw her, too, if what he tells Liz in “Rassvet” – that it was 28 years ago – is true.
Katarina being dead – whatever happened to Kat, her own father considers her as good as dead now. So does Red and Dom blames him for this loss, going as far as saying he killed her.
Dom: These boxes are all I have left of my daughter.
Red: If Katarina were standing here instead of me, if it were she asking you, what would you tell her?Dom: It doesn’t matter because she is not here and she’s not asking.Red: But if you could tell her–Dom: I can’t!
Dom (to Liz): If my Katarina was still here, she would have let me know. [… her mother sent a letter hoping it] would find her alive. I picked it up because I knew it never would.”
Liz: You said the name Masha Rostova had been lost to history until the manhunt. Now it’s out there and someone’s looking for me. It’s my mother.Red: Lizzie, your mother is dead.
Her mother was dying, Kat never showed. Her daughter was being hunted and it was televised globally – Kat never showed. And clearly neither Dom nor Red expected her to as they both seem to consider Katarina dead despite being aware that she is still out there somewhere. Moreover, they both believe that Liz is better off thinking her mother is dead than knowing whatever the truth is (so it cannot be too good). Add to this Red’s latest remark to Liz – “your mother can’t hurt you” – and things truly get weird and interesting. Was Kat subjected to some special session w/ Krilov, too, that somehow “extinguished” parts of her, practically rendering her old self “gone”? This would be my current best guess (just a shot in the dark, really) and I know it’s crude sci-fi territory but this is TBL we’re talking about.
Whatever happened to Kat, Red was involved in it, and we have several remarks to back this up:
“All the money, all the time and effort, all the favors in the world cannot possibly equal what you took away from her.” (Red, 216)
“There was a woman and her child. Both were doomed. Both would die. I could either save one or lose both. I chose the child. It was the worst thing I’ve ever had to do in my life.” (Red, 319)
“I’m not sure Elizabeth will ever be ready to learn what you did to Katarina.” (Dembe, 422)
“[Katarina] is gone because of choices you made.” (Dom, 320)
In “Cape May”, Red hallucinated forgiveness/absolution from Katarina but we don’t know if this is how she actually felt. It could have been just Red trying to make himself feel better about doing what he felt to be necessary. Katarina in the present doesn’t seem to be in a forgiving mood, tho. She clearly expected to be contacted and she clearly considered Red’s presence a threat.
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Red: If Moscow is looking for Katarina, if Agent Ressler’s inquiry has reignited their search…The Stranger: Then I know that could be bad.Red: I want this done before Masha’s daughter comes home.
So… your guess is as good as mine here, anon. All we have for now is a whole lot of vaguing and very little concrete info. I agree, it feels there’s sth more to this but there’s just so little to go on, it could be almost anything. What we can conclude is that the Stranger and Red (and Dom) have stayed away from Katarina for almost 30 years and if it hadn’t been for Moscow’s freshly reignited interest in finding her, this complete lack of contact would have remained. They didn’t even keep direct tabs on her since they had no idea what she looked like or where exactly she was or that she was a threat to Red (otherwise he would have approached her differently, imo).
They clearly do not want Kat to be found – the precise “why” remains to be seen. Red’s first words to her are a warning – “it’s not safe” –, and I think he truly went there to make sure she wouldn’t be scooped up. That was his immediate objective. If she were found, the consequences would reach Liz and Agnes, and heading that threat off is what ultimately motivates Red here (→ “I want this done before Masha’s daughter comes home.”). He didn’t look too enthusiastic to make contact. He didn’t want to, he had to.  And he didn’t tell Liz, which suggests that he wants this separation to remain, which suggests that something is up w/ Katarina that goes beyond the usual “you can’t be in her life bc it’s dangerous” reason. Dom stayed out of Liz’s life, too, for safety reasons yet Red told him to find Liz if anything happened to him. That doesn’t seem to be the case w/ Kat at all. Red himself stayed away from her yet he went to find Dom after Liz “death” and returned several times after that for advice or simply for his company.
The meeting w/ Kat wasn’t a social call and it did not feel like a romantic reunion, either. Red just looked sad and tense to me. And he clearly did not expect to be stabbed, so I don’t think that bit was part of any planned performance. Why he received that treatment is another good question. Kat has clearly come into the possession of some new info that compelled her to go on the offensive. It could be related to their past and that vague remark about what Red did to her OR it is about something more recent that Red wasn’t aware she was aware of?? Right now this moment feels like a convergence of two separate threads: Red came to warn her based on “undisclosed plot point A” and Katarina reacted to him based on “undisclosed plot point B”.
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Oh, I love this song, anon. Antis can keep pointing at that awkward kiss (that he doesn’t even initiate, she keeps pushing her face into his) as evidence of some ~epic romance~ all they want, but once again they fail (and/or refuse) to see things in context and “Cape May” was already pretty clear wrt Red’s feelings, I agree. and the finale lines up w/ it, too, which is nice.
Red hasn’t seen her in 30 years yet he only decided to contact Kat bc her looming exposure threatened Liz and Agnes, and when he is shown a picture of her, this is his reaction:
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Not exactly what I’d expect from a dude in love (even if it were unrequited). He had a way more emotional reaction to Dembe’s return and he only left like a week ago. This is more like how you react when someone shows you photographic evidence of Bigfoot chilling in their hot tub w/ a beer. And now we know Red knew all along that Katarina was alive, so him “designating” Liz as the woman he loves and confessing (several times both to her and others) that without her he has nothing to live for and saying her name as his last word speak volumes already. So if they wanted to sell Red/Kat, they have already undercut themselves on multiple fronts here by giving literally all the romance tropes to Red/Liz. But I don’t believe they are selling R/K, it’s just another smoke screen + Kat is part of a past both Red and Liz have to settle for the sake of their future. And settling the past is always easier and more fruitful to do w/ a living human than w/ a ghost or a hallucination.
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Yeah, I think it’s there to signal that they (Dom and Kat included) go way back and were/are close, like you said. and to indicate shared Russian roots, perhaps. As I said above, I still think Red is Ilya and the Stranger is likely Russian, too, (and so is Dom), so using Liz’s original Russian name makes sense in this context of “Russian togetherness”.
and Red sometimes calls her Masha around Dom, too, bc that’s what Dom calls her bc that’s who she still is to Dom. And I think that’s why Red calls her Elizabeth bc that’s who she is to him, which is a nice little detail further emphasizing that his main/defining connection to her is the present one just as James keeps saying. Or as Red puts it on-screen
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I can def see both sides here, anon, and more. Knowing what we know about Red, both are likely among the multiple reasons that underpin his behavior in this scene. Yes, on the one hand, he was pressed for time and wanted that Kat thing done as soon as possible. On the other, he was also kinda closed-off as if he were trying to hold back emotionally as well as physically, which I think flows from 2 main sources: 1) he feels uncomfortable w/ the labels Liz wants to push on him (ever since the pilot he’s been displaying a preference for “partner” and not “father” and he might be reaching his saturation point) and 2) he is still heartbroken and afraid to put himself out there again w/ Liz after three major betrayals in a row. He’s already had a sort of baseline distress due to how emotionally vulnerable he is to Liz at all times, so after this latest heartbreak I think he is just trying to take things slow, leaving space and time for Liz and himself to figure out a mutually acceptable way to fit together.
She’s been using his heart as a knife block to satisfy her own needs and I think it’s making him less and less willing to force himself into slots that feel uncomfortable to him. She just decided that him playing dad and grandad is what suits him but a week ago she thought life in prison suited him the best. I mean… that’s not how you relationship. At all. Relationships are ongoing negotiations where all involved need to consent to their “roles”. It’s not “I hate you now, so I will put you in prison” and then “I love you now, so stay for dinner”. After everything that’s happened, I am not surprised Red is pushing back a little here for the sake of (what’s left of) his own sanity. He is a deeply flawed, problematique human being but he is still a human being and not a toy.
Liz and Agnes are the most important to him and he would never ever force his preferences on them, I completely agree. But that doesn’t mean Liz should be allowed to force her preferences on him esp when those change so often and so drastically bc she clearly doesn’t know what she really wants from him yet. I think this realization is finally truly dawning on this guilt-ridden, lovesick idiot and that’s part of what we see in this scene, esp in that “I don’t wanna intrude” comment that really does feel like a pointed retreat from her abrupt park bench declaration. But of course there is no negotiation w/o talking and that’s what Liz wanted to do before Red shut her down, so…
bottom line (that’s been the same for 6 years): these 2 need to talk.
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