#jason beck
Hello there Jason Beck fans.
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reikar33 · 2 years
Quotev for the win?
Here is the Quotev link. I really like their website...
So, I really like Quotev. It doesn't have the Serpentine Font, but wow... this is much easier to use! I love dreamkle too, but it won't let me edit my fanfic. Which is annoying...
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classichorrorblog · 11 months
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Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)
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siblingskissing · 17 days
"How can you like that character? They mistreated/abused/killed your favorite!" Simple: These characters are simply the barbies in my closets. I dress them up and they dance for me and have never done anything wrong because its all pretend
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deenabeck · 2 years
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I want to talk about an episode of Craig of the Creek that I’m so so thankful and proud to have been able to do: “Scout Guest”
I’m just gonna go through bits and pieces of the process, and I apologize if it’s a little disjointed or messy as I do.
Back in 2020 I made these tweets:
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I was so simultaneously happy and saddened to read how much this resonated with so many people. But also I’ve been thinking about these things… my whole life! Trying to navigate the messiness of childhood, family dynamics, love, nurture, care and self worth. Everyone on Craig of the Creek has always been open to listening and exploring people’s stories that they wanted to tell and this was a topic I wanted to talk about, it just took a while to figure out a way to do it that made sense for the show and our characters. I think I pitched a couple ideas here and there but nothing was quite working out yet.
Then I finally pitched an idea revolving Jason, one of our characters I got to play around a lot with in previous seasons. They liked it, and asked me to write up a little run down of what I envisioned the story would be. This is what I sent them:
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The amazing writers took this idea and ran with it and when the time came for the outline to be handed out, I was so thankful I also got to board this story as well. They brought in the super talented Danny Cragg which I was so thankful for, too ‘cause I really felt like he’d be able to handle this kind of story with care.
Here are my original boards from that episode most things stayed the same but it’s fun to see the little bits that got changed or cut.
It took me a while to figure out how to frame a story like this while also maintaining the POV being with one of our main characters. So I thought about a time in my life from the perspective of a kid outside looking in and having to interact with the messiness. I shared a little bit of that over on twitter as well:
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 So, in a way, through Jason, I got to tell a little bit of my story. I know when we did the first pitch of the boards one of the things that came up was the question of what IS the reason Jason can’t be at home that night? And I purposely wanted it to be unanswered. I wanted to cast as wide of a net as possible for anyone that maybe didn’t have the same story as me, or someone else, but that we all could understand the FEELINGS that Jason has. I wanted as many people as possible to be able to see themselves in Jason in that moment. 
Again, I am so glad and yet so saddened to know so many of you resonated with this story. I’m sorry it’s a story that needs to be told, but I’m so very thankful we got to tell it.
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moider-time · 1 year
Trans Bruce Wayne? Male to female? Like she loves wearing Martha Wayne's dresses.
Anon you're speaking my language???
Bryce grew up watching her Mama get all dolled up for galas and always connected with that in a way that people say boys shouldn't. Listen Thomas and Martha were definitely the type of parents that didn't care abt gender norms and would let their kid dress however they want. Thomas probably rocked a few dresses in his time.
So Bryce tells them that she feels more like a girl than a boy? They're so accommodating. They get her whatever she needs. The surgery, the drugs, the clothes (but she prefers to wear Martha's too big dresses). Alfred switches from Young Master to Young Madam. It would hit even harder when Thomas and Martha die because those were two of the three people who truly understood her. And now they're gone.
After they die, people feel a bit more comfortable bringing up her 'changes' to her face. Alfred is right by her side but she did have some uncomfortable moments with people. Thomas and Martha definitely protected her from a lot of the media attention and stares.
She still becomes The Bat. I can see her going by Batman to protect her identity even more but also sticking with gender neutral The Bat. People can't tell if The Bat is man or woman which elevates the cryptid vibe she's going for.
The day Martha's dresses fit her perfectly is a bittersweet day. All Bryce has ever wanted is to wear her Mama's dresses properly and now that she can, her Mama isn't there anymore. She sobs into Alfred's arms that day but after that, wears Martha's dresses with pride.
By the time she adopts Dick, she passes so well that he doesn't know she's trans. And it just kind of never comes up? He calls her Mama (which she cries at) or B and that's what all the other kids end up doing. There's some LoA magic/tech involved in Talia giving birth to Damian. He shows up at the manor and upon finding out that Batman is actually a woman, he's impressed.
They find out when the batfam decide to dye their suits for Gotham's Pride Parade and Bryce's suit is the trans flag and her cape is the demiromantic flag. There was a lot of screaming that day.
Jason tries but he just can't fight his Mama, no matter how angry he is at her for not killing the Joker. He spends some time away from the manor but after a lot of talks, screaming, tears and hugs, he comes around. He is also very protective over his Mama, I won't accept otherwise (they all are tbh)
Also let her be tiny?? 5'2, buff Bryce Wayne picking her 6ft+ sons up easily. A tabloid got a picture of Bryce holding Dick up after an attack at the museum by The Riddler. She's in a pretty floral dress, with pink pumps and soot all over her face and her muscled arms covered in blood and scratches. The internet went insane.
Bryce Wayne: *exists*
Gothamites: mommy- sorry mommy- i mean mommy-
Also rip the batkids cause Bryce mothers all their friends too. Shit hits the fan when Jason nearly strangles Garfield cause Bryce gave him a forehead kiss to check if he had a fever.
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sketchy-beck · 1 year
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Oh. Oh that’s a big boy.
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artist-issues · 7 months
I’m starting to hate that podcasts, movies, and books are being marketed specifically as arguments. Calls to arms. “If you think we ruffled some feathers last year, watch out! This year we’re really going to bury the [woke/liberal/conservative/bigoted/pearl-clutchers/misogynists/feminists] and roll on their graves! If you think casting a [insert the definition of a person by their outward appearance/native country/gender/orientation/religion] in this role was groundbreaking, wait till you see what we’ve got next! Get ready to see [insert hot-button words like “a strong female role model” or “what a real man looks like”]
Stop making “aggressive punk-rock idealogical powerhouse” your marketing identity. Just be genuine.
Stop saying “HERE’S WHAT WE HATE! HERE’S WHAT WE’RE AGAINST!” and just say what is true. When you actually believe something is true, and believe that truth stands on its own, and needs no help, then you can shine a spotlight on it genuinely, lovingly, without all the bluster and insecurity of false confidence and making “coolly mocking the other side” your whole persona.
Don’t say “here’s what THEY’RE doing that’s so wrong.” Say, “look how great this true thing is.” Anything else is a vanity project. You’re making your podcast/movie/book about how you’re the best voice for a specific audience, and you know how we can tell you’re not genuine? Because you don’t actually talk about what makes truth good. You talk about what makes liars disgusting, and then applaud yourself for being the one to say it. It’s all about you. It’s not about the actual values you align yourself with.
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bbqblorgon · 2 months
bluth nation rise!!!
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likeafantasy · 8 months
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31 DAYS OF HALLOWEEN 1980's edition — (13/31) ↳ Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)
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helena-bottom-farter · 10 months
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Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)
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Dir. Joseph Zito
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thejournalofbisonjack · 4 months
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I am sitting
on the front porch
in the idle breeze
that blows through
the blossom and
rust of things
hoping the sun
will find me and
my head will turn
for even though
I do not worship
gods, I still want to
believe they are here.
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kideternity · 8 months
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👻🦇🎃💀 Jack! Jack! Jack! Jack! JACK! JACK O’LANTERN! 💀🎃🦇👻
To continue repping myself as That One Freak In Spiderman Fandom Way Too Into Jack O’Lantern, I wanted to draw a bunch of chibis of everyone whose ever been Jack for October/Halloween. Life got in the way though, but through sheer Fuck It We Ball, I was able to squeeze these out before the month's end- some cuts had to be made (AKA I didn’t draw the Jack O’lanterns I didn’t care about as much), but overall, I'm happy with these. As an FYI, whilst the rest are all canon characters, the last Jack is actually an OC of mine for my own personal spiderman/venom AU! Who I wanted to include, because I can. Maybe one day I'll actually talk about him here alongside my 5000000 other comic book OCs. (Also, the reason almost all of them are unmasked is because I needed a good way to differentiate them- please. There are so many of these cunts.)
Regardless, Happy Halloween to all those who celebrate! 🎃💖❕
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faith-skull · 5 months
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🦋About my blog🦋
I go by she/her and you can call me Kaizeril or Kai
I write for different cod characters I do not write NSFW content I only write SFW content
‼️ please DO NOT be weird or request weird stuff‼️
Characters I may write for (you can request whatever cod characters you want!!):
Jason Hudson
Russell Adler
Maxim Antonov
Ingo Beck
William Peck
Lev Kravchenko
Vladimir Makarov
Grigori Weaver
David Mason
John Price
Gabriel T. Rorke
Dimitri belikov
Vadim Rudnik
Mendo Garcia
Victor Zakhaev
Philip graves
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(I'm sorry if this intro thing sucks I'm new to writing..)
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thevondoom62 · 5 days
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No matter who's wearing this costume, one thing is always certain: they've gotta be pretty jacked up.
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perfunctory-idols · 6 days
Beck and Jason Falkner dancing to Tracy Chapman's "Fast Car" in Australia, February 2018
Video by gothictropic via Instagram Stories
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