#just before i snapped this picture he had his paw on it and yanked it back when i said his name
rohirric-hunter · 6 months
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He thinks I don't see him inching closer and closer to my knitting
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moongreenlight · 4 months
Nanny!Reader x John Price hnnnnngh
Tw/Cw: Cheating, mentions of drug use and abuse.
@ceilidho put the words ‘marriage kink’ and ‘ambiguous gray blob wife’ into my head and it has been eating away at my psyche for DAYS.
The Maddie from Euphoria of it all, honestly.
Getting the job through a Craigslist ad because it pays better than some of the office jobs you’d been perusing and it comes with free housing and a car to use? It’s a no brainer.
The kids are alright. Spoiled, but not entirely obnoxious. They’re school-age, so you really only deal with them for breakfast and a few hours after school. Their mother is absent. Some sort of philanthropist who travels for work and prefers to jet-set instead of sitting home. Their father is lovely. Truly picture perfect.
He only brought you on because he couldn’t step away from work, and he wouldn’t hear of sending his children to some daycare. Too impersonal. He prefers to get to know the person raising his cubs. He’s sweet like that.
John doesn’t expect much of you. Decently tidy house. Well-tended kin. A pot of coffee in the morning before he’s off to work, and a hot supper if he’s home late.
Leaves you to your own devices while the kids are at school. What’s his is yours. At first, you mainly stuck to your quarters and the living room, but after so long, you got a little lax.
Started wandering the house. Awfully fucking big for a philanthropist and a military man with three kids, but you’re not one to speculate. You try out the hot tub. The jacuzzi bath in the primary en-suite bathroom. The home gym in the basement.
Even that gets boring after some time. Too routine. So you get adventurous. Get your paws on the mother's medicine cabinet. Take a cocktail of her nearly expired prescriptions and take a few hours to yourself in the bath.
You must have fallen asleep, because the snap of a door closing makes you jerk your head up off the cold rim of the tub.
"Hello?" You're trying to figure out who exactly would be home. Scrambling to yank the plug out of the drain with one hand and track down your phone with the other. Suddenly very worried you slept through school pickup.
But when your pruny fingers finally swatted at the screen hard enough, you were grateful to see you'd only really dozed off for twenty minutes or so. Still no response even though you were fairly certain you heard the door come from somewhere upstairs with you.
"Someone home?"
The drain was loud. A dead giveaway of your neglecting your job. Gargling as it sucked away the evidence of your lavender-scented bath. What's worse? You'd forgotten a towel. Mind fogged by some desperate housewives-adjacent combination of stimulants and muscle relaxers.
You nudged the bathroom door open with a dripping wet toe, poked your head out to see what was going on. Seeing nobody, you decided that maybe you were just hearing things. Just the house settling.
So you inched forward, cringing at the trail of wet footprints you were leaving on the carpet of John's bedroom floor. You made a mental note to tidy those somehow before you went to get the kids. It wasn't until you were out on the walk over the living room that you heard someone clearing their throat in the kitchen.
It made you whirl your head around, scrambling to cover your modesty as best you could. Maybe it was a contractor? John had a bad habit of not reminding you that his buddies were coming over to do some project or another.
"That how you dress when you've got the place to yourself?"
You wouldn't be so lucky.
A chuff from just beyond the wall downstairs. Strategically positioning himself where he could see, but wouldn't be seen.
"I-I didn't know you'd be home. God- I'm so sorry."
You weren't sure if it was better to run to your room or stay where you were. This was uncharted waters, after all.
A tsk, like he was sucking his teeth to keep the smile from creeping into his voice.
"In my room?"
Your mouth is painfully dry. You can't even manage to swallow.
"I'm so sorry, John. So sorry."
"Why don't you dry off and then we'll chat?"
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awkwardbeartrio · 5 months
Hello idk if ur alive or will ever see my request but yeah! I am asking can you make the bears react to their girlfriend who lives in a cottage and also wears cottage clothes? And thank u +take ur time !!
Hello and yes, I’m very much alive! I absolutely love this and I hope this is good! Enjoy <3
The Bros & Their Cottage sweetheart!🏡
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When Grizz first found out you lived in a cottage, it was merely by the smell of your sweet baking. His nose dragged him through the woods and then he stumbled across your abode. He knocks on the oak door only to be greeted by you. Your smile sends him over the moon, way more than the baking, might I add.
“WOAH! Y/n!? I didn’t know you lived out here and… your clothes— they’re…”
“Messy? I know…” you chuckle and he shakes his head with a toothy smile.
“Beautiful. I mean-! I’ve never seen you in that outfit before. Haha! It’s great! You’re great and that smell is also—”
“Great? Awesome? Totally rad? I know, Grizz. Would you want to come in and be my taste tester? I do need some help!”
Grizz sorta stands there, wondering how he hasn’t met you sooner. He feels even more lucky that you’re his girlfriend. You yanked him inside and he’s snapped out of his lovey-dovey daze.
“Haha, yes! I’d love nothing more than to be your super awesome, spectacular taste tester!”
You and Grizz were a perfect match, truth be told. He sticks by your side, licking the jams and jelly’s off his paw and hums in delight.
“This is so good!”
“You’ve said that about the last three pastries.” You laugh and Grizz beams.
“But it’s true! My girlfriend is the best baker ever! Not to mention you’re like, super amazing. You even look happier in your new clothes.”
This makes you blush and simper. You had struggled a little with finding a style you were comfortable with. It shifted like the tides, as city people do but you were simple and that was okay. You place a little kiss to Grizz’s cheek.
“Thank you, Grizz..”
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For the last couple of weeks, Panda helped you move all of your things to a new cottage. You preferred the woodsy lands rather than the hustle and bustle of the town. Though, this was the first time he was actually coming over to visit since you completed the move.
He knocks on the door and waits in anticipation for your reveal. Once the door is pulled open, his jaw hits the floor. You looked amazing.
“Hey uh- Hi, Y/n! You- you look so…so pretty.”
Panda is a stuttering mess. An absolute blushing buffoon and it only makes you flush pink and chuckle.
“Thank you, Panda. Come on in, I just got that new K-Drama for us to watch.” You motion inside and he gasps as he steps over the threshold.
“You mean you got the Red String of Fate series!? No way! I thought that was sold out!”
“I fought tooth and nail for it. I knew you wanted to see it just as much as I did so, you know..” You shrug bashfully with a little snicker. “I thought after the whole move, we can celebrate and spend some time together.”
Panda’s heart swells with absolute adoration and he clutches his scarf in his paws. His eyes twinkle and are glazed with tears.
“You’re the light of my life, Y/n. . . “
He sniffles and you are already prepared for such a reaction, pulling out a box of tissues. He takes them and wipes his eyes from the blossoming tears.
“And you are mine. Now come on, that series isn’t gonna binge itself!”
Panda loves you, so, so much.
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IceBear had known you loved the simplistic cottage lifestyle. You inherited an old, run down cottage from your family. For a very long time, it was in no condition to live in and due to being busy or having insufficient funds, it spent many moons being not repaired.
Of course, IceBear changed that. He had observed you scanning your favorite catalogs dealing with cottage living. He chopped many trees with his trusty axe. He built your favored furniture bottom up and even painted you and him together. The picture hangs right above the kitchen entryway.
The reaction from you is something that he has never forgotten. In fact, he still finds himself smiling about it from time to time. He loves you dearly but his words of affirmation are few so he makes it up immensely by his actions.
So when IceBear had stopped by in the early hours of the morning to drop off yet another gift (a nice succulent with a pink flower) he was enamored with your clothing. He loved the way you dressed up. It was hard for him to truly express that, however, his eyes widening gave it away instantaneously.
“IceBear thinks you are a forest goddess.”
“You’re so sweet, Icey. It’s the outfit you made for me a few months ago. I’m still surprised you knew my measurements.” You smile sweetly and he hands you the succulent.
“IceBear always knows what is important.”
IceBear then steps inside when you motion him in. He finds your decor impeccable and he hums in thought. His sight sets on the painting and he gently smiles, only for a moment.
IceBear knows you are important and always will be.
it’s been a minute since i’ve written for them, so i hope this suffices!
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raggaraddy · 3 years
Little Lie
Summary: You just wanted to go to a party, but Jimin is determined to make sure everyone knows you are his.
Trigger warning: Smut, yandere themes, non-con, abuse, facial.
Yandere! Jimin Playboy! Jimin
"Jimin," you whine, both from pleasure and from frustration. You were trying to be mad at him, but right now you were struggling to remember your own name.
You had been getting ready to go to your friend's party this afternoon. It would be the first time in months you'd be going out without him because he has a family event tonight that you were not invited to. He wasn't thrilled about the idea but after much convincing, he agreed to let you go.
While you were almost ready to leave, Jimin had started pawing at you, groping you. You had dealt with this mood of his 100 times before and it was always easier and quicker just to give him what he wanted than to argue with him.
Soon, he was rocking his hips against you, pressing you hard into the kitchen table. You were moaning and moving with him. The both of you pushing the other to climax. Crying his name and clinging to him as he filled you.
As he pulls out of you you need to clamp your thighs shut. He came so much that you can feel it flowing down your thighs and onto the table in an instant. Kissing you again and again he stretches your dress lower, helping you back onto the floor. The movement further making his release drip from inside you, the top of your thighs becoming slick.
Noting your discomfort, he has a striking grin plastered on his face, looking calmed and euphoric in the afterglow while he watches you run your hands down your outfit.
"Come on, let's go.  I'll take you to see your ex-boyfriend." He suddenly says taking your hand.
"What?" you mutter, looking across his face for an explanation.
"He's going to be there, right?" he smirks.
"Ah," you stutter, searching for a response.
Of course, you knew your ex would be going, but you had decided it was best to lie just a little to avoid any conflict or trouble. Not even really a lie, just omitting certain facts. Plus, it's not like you had feelings for your ex anymore. You more than likely wouldn't even talk to him during the night. But you knew Jimin wouldn't like it and you didn't want to risk not being allowed to go tonight.
Unfortunately for you, since your friends had started getting ready early, they were already posting pictures online. Whether it was out of curiosity, boredom, or because he was checking up on you, while you were showering Jimin was scrolling through their feed when he saw your ex-boyfriend in a few of the pictures.
And as he often did, Jimin pushed rational thinking aside and assumed that you were lying to him because you had feelings for this other man.
"Let's go. I'll drop you off," he says again. Nervously you accept his hand, unable to read his mood under the bright smile he has on. Right away he starts leading you towards the front of the house.
"I'm not going to talk to him. I'm going for everyone else, not him." You try to reassure him.
"Okay," he unexpectedly shrugs it off. Sounding unbothered.
"You're not mad?" You ask tepidly receiving a shake of the head.
"Nope. I want you to have fun, Y/n." 
You can't believe how decent he is being. You were certain the night was about to be ruined for you. But here he is adverting your expectations. Letting you go off by yourself, even after everything.
Stopping at the entrance toilet, you pull from him only to have your arm snatched back and to be held in place.
"Nuh-uh." he draws you towards the front door again.
"Huh?" you tug back fighting through your confusion. Forcing a small smile to match his energy. "Jimin, I need to clean up," you explain with a small glow of embarrassment on your cheeks.
"No, you don't. You're perfect like this." he chuckles, leaning into you kissing you softly.
"But," You look up at him with a pout and furrowed brows. "there is cum running down my legs," you whisper.
"Good." His arms wrap around you tightly, his fingers digging into your skin. He kisses you again, grinning with a chuckle.
"What?" You're sure he can't be serious. There has to be some kind of misunderstanding.  "No, I'm going to get cum on my dress, and it's too short. People will see." you try again to clarify, looking up at him utterly puzzled.
"Good," he repeats.
You're flustered. You don't want to go out like this. There is no way he can mean it. It would be so embarrassing if anyone noticed.
"Stop! I know you're just trying to make me stay home." You scold.
Out of space to resist, you reluctantly let him push his tongue into your mouth. You're certain Jimin has to be angry. He is being so stubborn and crude right now. However, he is also being very affectionate and bubbly. Which is not just making you confused but also frustrated by his unreasonableness.
Breaking the kiss, he keeps peppering small ones along your jaw until his mouth comes to your ear. "No, I'm not. I'll take you there right now."
"Jimin. I'm not going there like this!" you yell, shaking your head trying to make him listen to you.
Laughing, he ignores you, only continuing to yanks you and drag you out the front door, crushing your hand and forcing you to take large steps to keep pace with him.
By the time he shoves you into the passenger side, your dress, thighs, and now his car seat are a sticky mess. You yank on the door handle as soon as it shuts, but it doesn't open. Jimin had flicked on the child lock when he pushed you in.
You're starting to panic. You have to get him to stop. He is going to humiliate you. And on top of everything you haven't even got your jacket, purse, shoes, or underwear. It's just you and your thigh-high black dress. He is really about to put you out there, in front of all of your friends, while you're exposed like this. Even if you were to rush to the bathroom right away, you'd have to get there first. Which means there is too high a risk that someone would notice.
"Jimin! Stop being a dick!" you snap as soon as he opens his door, trying to sound authoritative. "Let me out. I am not playing anymore."
He slides in beside you, slamming his door loudly, smacking his hands against the steering wheel. Remaining determined, you do your best not to let his aggressive movements intimidate you.  Honestly, you'd almost rather he hit you right now because you know he wouldn't let you go out with a black eye.
"You wanted to sneak out and see your ex, Angel. So let's go see him." the smile in his eyes goes cold. His tone becoming distant.
"Oh for the love of-" you roll your eyes. "So what? Your plan is to mark your territory by making me see him with your cum all over me? Stop being pathetic!"
"Pathetic?!" he hisses.
His eyes go dark as he lunges at you across the centre console. You jerk back, banging into the door and window to try to avoid him. But you don't have a chance. Pressing his body weight into you, he keeps you trapped in the corner by digging his forearms across your throat. You thump your palms into his side, into his face, hoping to get him off you but no amount of struggling seems to phase him.
Prying his free hand between your thighs, he forces his fingers into you roughly, pushing them deep, curling them inside you.
"Ji-" you gasp from pain as Jimin pumps a third finger inside you. "Stop, it hurts!" you scream.
"Let's see," he pauses, pulling out of you. "if any of them," he brings his wet hand up and smacks it to your cheek, rubbing and smothering his cum over all your face. "want you after this."
Finally, he lets loose your throat, dropping back into his seat with a snicker.
Frozen, panting in the corner, you're staring straight ahead in shock at what he just did. At what he just said. Tears spring to your eyes, horrified by his plan.
He can't make you go out like this.
Yanking on the handle again, trying to lower the power windows, you have no better luck than before.
He starts the car, pulling on the road. A satisfied smirk smile on his face.
You wipe at your cheeks, your lips, your forehead. But the more you try to clear, the more it spreads and drys on your skin.
You had been trying so hard to hide from your friends how badly Jimin treats you. You'd gotten questions here and there about some of the bruises you had on your arms and legs, but you'd always managed to explain them away. But after this. After he kicks you out of the car looking like some kind of abuse victim, they'll never look at you the same.
"Jimin." You cry. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry baby." you lean over the seat stroking his arm, trying to get him to lighten up. To change his mind. "Please. Please don't make me go. Please." you beg, tears pouring out of you. 
But your pleas fall on deaf ears.
"Don't worry Angel," he turns to you, once more with a dazzling smile on his face. "we're just gonna show you around for a little bit. Then I'll bring you home."
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Insatiable  ( Jungkook x Oc ) Chapter 8
Pairing : Jeon Jungkook x OC
Rating 18+
Genre : Vampire Au!!!! , DILF! Jungkook ! Bodyguard AU! Babysitter OC!   Age difference!!!
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3   Chapter 4 Chapter 5   Chapter 6  Chapter 7
Chapter 8
“Heartbreak looks good on you...” My sister commented impishly, watching me slip the teardrop earring into my lobe, the ruby red stone glinting in the dimlight of the bedroom. 
It was a couple of weeks since my uncle had come over and today, all the important clan leaders from around the country would be heading over to pay their respects to him. As one of the oldest surviving vampires, he commanded a lot of respect and no one really wanted to be on his bad side. 
Which just made me love Jungkook all the more because I couldn’t forget how he’d literally thrown himself in between us that day. I wanted to give him  everything  in return but apparently, all i was allowed to give him was space. 
My father had visited me everyday , giving me a very cryptic, ‘ I’ll make sure the two of you get your happy ending, dearest but you need to trust me and stay away for a while. Just a while. ’. 
But it seemed so impossible, so far away and just so unlikely that I was beginning to lose hope. 
It didn’t help that I hadn’t actually seen Jungkook in these two weeks . Namjoon took his place and my only connection to him was Joowon , who told me his father was busy ...that he stayed with Hwasa most evenings . I felt jittery and nervous and even more so today because of the lavish party being hosted in the Grand Ball Room, which was easily the biggest room in the entire estate. The last time it had been opened was for my parent’s wedding a whole two centuries ago.  
For once I couldn’t hide in the daycare in sweats. My uncle apparently insisted that i be present for the party tonight. 
It only made my anxiety skyrocket. 
I was a mess when it came to formal parties with century old vampires. I had all the formal training of course, but still the etiquette lessons were long forgotten and lot of those cranky old bats had very archaic ideas about what was allowed and what wasn’t. 
I  didn’t want some entitled century old vampire pawing at my neck for a drink tonight. I really didn’t. 
But i had done my part. Put on a red dress, the backline dipping all the way down to the base of my spine , let one of the make up artists in the clan have a go at my face and even put on blood red lipstick. 
I grunted , trying to yank the small lace and leather garter up my thigh. It had a holster for a dagger, the small ornate silver one that all the women in the clan carried. The dagger was crafted with the Hwang crest on its handle and I carefully sheathed it in, patting my thigh to make sure it wouldn’t slip down my limb. 
“Don’t make fun of my misery.” I glared at her and she actually laughed. 
“Sera, you feel too much too deeply. Jungkook isn’t going anywhere. He’ll come around. “ She said gently.
I shook my head.
“I don’t want to wait though. I... I don’t know why I hate waiting but I do..”
“He looks like a kinky bastard. Tell me, did you guys try anything ...I don’t know..risky?”
Nothing riskier than getting edged in front of a whole hotel full of guests and then getting fucked in the back of a car. Oh, did I tell you he spit in my mouth? And I loved it.
“Not really.” I lied but I could feel my face heating up as I turned around, back to the mirror as i felt my ears burning.
My sister shrieked so loud I jumped, nearly knocking over the bottle of perfume on the dresser.
“Oh my God, Sera, you naughty little bint! Tell me now!!!” She screeched and i flushed.
Like hell i was telling my sister what we had done.
“It’s private!!” I hissed when she tried to yank me and she laughed. 
“You’re shy... aww that’s cute. But that’s just because you recently got un-virgined . Bet you  can’t wait for him to desecrate your special place again, huh?” She waggled her eyebrows. 
“That is the single most disgusting thing you’ve ever said.” I gagged.
She laughed again. 
“Relax. He was your first. Happens . But like I said, don’t worry about him being serious about this. I think he is. You guys had sex and dad knows that. And yet somehow he’s still walking around with his had attached to his shoulders. Do you really think father would have let him live if he didn’t have feelings for you?”
I frowned.
“That’s not fair. It was consensual. He didn’t force me into anything or tell me he had feelings ....”
She scoffed at that. 
“Please tell me you still don’t think he hasn’t got feelings for you. He went batshit-crazy when you went on that date with Yugyeom. Jimin thought he was having a stroke or something. Dude’s so gone for you it isn’t even funny.”
“ Fat lot of good that does me! ” I snapped. “ If he doesn’t acknowledge those feelings he might as well not have any. And so far he’s made it abundantly clear that he’s not going to act on them. Ever.” 
“Because he’s clearly involved in something dangerous.” She said easily, making me blink.  “I’m not supposed to be telling you this but I’m kind of sick of you moping around like the world is ending and I’m just going to trust you to be smart about it.”
“What do you mean dangerous?” I whirled around to glare at her, pulse racing. 
“I have no clue. Dad and Jungkook are working on something.  But they’ve been huddled in the administrative building for three days now and no one has seen them . So i don’t really know what it is they’re planning. But I’ve always wondered if Jungkook was hiding from something. It would explain why he’d work as a bodyguard...with his skills he could be so much more.  ”
Frustration bloomed,  this time laced with worry. I wanted to know what was going on. God, if i could only see him. A glimpse would be enough. Just to make sure he was okay. Just to hear from him that he was okay. That he was going to be safe. 
“Think he’ll be at the party?”  I asked softly, feeling a whole lot pathetic at the way my heart lurched hopefully. 
My sister gave me a very mischievous smile. 
“Maybe . Maybe not. You look ravishing by the way.  And everyone out there wants you. Literally. Don’t forget that. Don’t be easy. Make him beg a little. ” She winked. 
I frowned. 
“He won’t beg. He’ll turn the tables around and make me cry.” I shuddered.  . Which really wouldn’t be that hard . I felt like I was always on the verge of tears these days. 
The knock on the door made us both look up. 
“Who’s escorting you tonight?” My sister asked gently. 
I shrugged. 
“No one. I’m just gonna walk in there by myself because I hate all of you. ” I grabbed the small bejeweled clutch from the table and hesitated just a second. 
God , I had no strength for tonight but there was a possibility that Jungkook could be there tonight. And I wanted to see him, if for no other reason than to kick him in the teeth. 
 I slipped into the strappy peep toe heels, stumbling a little because i wasn’t used to them. 
Swearing at the sharp pain shooting up my heel and shin, I wrenched the door open. Ignoring the simpering man on the other side, i stalked right past him. 
It was going to be a long , long night 
The ballroom looked ....for lack of a better word : overwhelming. 
Whoever was in charge of the decoration had clearly taken the budget, quadrupled it and then pretty much ordered one of everything. I stared at the sheer overdose of satin and gauze and felt myself shuddering. 
Red and black was the theme for the night and I half wished I’d chosen to wear something in turquoise blue just to give my eyes some sort of relief. But there was no denying that it looked especially lavish, the huge hall big enough to fit a dozen foot ball fields, the high ceiling that seemed to stretch right up to the heavens and the million candelabras and chandeliers hung all over the place. 
The carpeted floors felt soft under my foot and it was still early, only a few pople flitting about while the ushers and helpers rushed about, tweaking deatils, rechecking placement charts, placing refreshments on the table. Small bottles of blood arranged neatly on the table and I rolled my shoulders, eyes darting around to find someone familiar. 
Kim Minjae and Kim Mingyu were just entering the hall and I grimaced. God, no. But i watched as they casually posed in front of the blood red backdrop, while cameras flashed and i frowned. Were supernatural tabloids really that starved for material? 
“Sera, go on, you need to get your picture taken too!” My aunt materialized out of nowhere , dressed in a puffy red gown with ruffles and I shook my head. 
“Later... i need a drink.” I said quickly, escaping her clingy fingers and rushing away . 
As the only human in the entire damn place, I would have to walk all the way to the bar on the far corner of the ballroom to beg for a drink. 
I was half way there when a commotion at the door made me look up. My father had arrived with him a majority of his counsel and a bunch of other guests as well. I stared, my eyes zeroing in on a very familiar figure , my father’s arm wrapped around his shoulder.
Jeon Jungkook stood right next to my father dressed to the nines and with a dazzling smile in place. 
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I gawked at him. 
Trying to process what it was that I was seeing. 
He was smiling. He had the audacity to smile after ignoring me for two whole weeks. 
I took a deep breath.
“You better have a pretty darn good explanation for the radio silence you treated me to the past two weeks. “ I intoned dully to myself , trying to ignore the way he looked, completely at ease in the spotlight. 
He turned a little to the left and his gaze caught mine. I watched as he smiled and shook hands with the people around him before whispering something to my father. 
I dug my heels into the floor, glaring as he extricated himself from the elite crowd and slowly began walking over. God, i wanted to kick him so bad. 
He stopped in front of me, looking expectant and my anger merely doubled in intensity. 
“Anything you wanna say, Jeon?” I snapped. 
“You’re beautiful. Breathtakingly so. Red is your color, angel. I wanna see you in it more often. “ He answered at once. 
My mind went distressingly blank for a whole thirty second. 
“ Did i fucking offer? ” I demanded , angry. “ I’m not dressing up for you. Ever. You ignored me for two entire weeks Jungkook! i didn’t know where you were...what you were doing...” 
“Sera, I’m sor -” He began but I squawked in disbelief, shoving him away hard. He stumbled, more in surprise than from the impact but he looked surprised .  
I felt myself shaking in anger. How dare he?
“Oh, no. No. You do not get to waltz back in with a simple sorry.... not after treating me like shit the past two weeks...Absolutely not.” I snarled, shoving him again but this time he didn’t budge. Ugh. 
I made to move past him but he grabbed my elbow , yanking me back till I crashed into his chest. It was humiliating , the way my body practically vibrated with pleasure from being near him. His arms around me felt like heaven and I’d spent two whole weeks in purgatory. 
“You need to stay with me Ms. Hwang. I’m your bodyguard, remember?” He whispered, lips pressing against my neck, breathing in my scent  and I glared at his arms.
“No you’re not. Namjoon is!! Where is he?” I asked angrily , but he pulled me closer, hands resting on the bare skin of my back as he hugged me tight, lips latching onto my neck, breathing deep and my knees buckled. i had missed this. So much and even if this was all i got, I wanted to savor it. Savor it even if I hated him for the way he treated me all the fucking time.  
“Missed you.” He whispered, lips wet and wanting , damp on my skin as he pressed kisses along my shoulder. I loved it but I knew he was going to leave me again and that just made me angrier. 
“You’re a liar.” I choked out. 
“No. I’ve lied about a lot of things but never about how you’ve made me feel, Sera. You set me on fire.”
I choked, anger and affection flooding my senses, confounding me because it was like being caught in an endless game of push and pull. 
I trembled, fists punching his shoulder in protest but he didn’t move. I could feel eyes on us and it made me flush. How dare he... How fucking dare he. 
“Let go of me! You said you don’t want me so let me go!” I said petulantly and he made a small noise of protest. 
“That’s not true angel...you know it’s not. I want you... Want you so damn bad , i ache with it.” He whispered the words into my skin and I bristled. 
“Fucking liar, let go of me!” i was going to cry. Actually burst into tears in the middle of the ballroom. 
He didn’t let go of me. 
Instead his fingers fluttered down my bare back, feather light and maddening , tracing a path down my bare skin and I gripped is jacket at the electric contact. 
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i trembled, my thighs shaking but I couldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing how much I wanted him. I swallowed, shaking my head. 
There was no music and we weren’t even near the dance floor. I couldn’t imagine how we must look to the people around us. But it was hard to think of that when I could feel him all over my body, could feel his heartbeat pulse right against mine and when his arms felt like an anchor , grounding me . 
“You think I need you.” My voice shook a little, “ I really fucking don’t Jungkook and I want you to remember that. I don’t need you. I don’t need to touch you . I’m fine with you never touching me ever again. ” I lied, gripping him harder. 
My words didn’t match my actions at all and he seemed to realize it, chuckling lightly and letting me press myself closer into his warm, solid body. He kept his arms around me, waist pressed into mine and thighs hard and solid against mine.
“I know that... i need you far more than you need me.” He said sweetly, kissing my brow and stroking my hair. He slipped his fingers into the strands, running the silky length between his fingertips , his voice brimming with fondness . It hurt, the fact that I couldn’t have this all the time. 
That somehow I was only offered glimpses of this Jungkook. Little snapshots of a what our life together could be but when I tried to draw closer, he always pulled away. 
I glared at him wanting to demand more answers 
. And then my eyes fell on the small dagger sheathed into his belt. My sister’s words floated into my mind. Was Jungkook running from something? 
“Are you in danger?” I whispered, softly. “ Darling, i need to know if you’re in trouble. I need to know.” 
He trembled a little at the endearment. 
“Baby, I’m going to be fine. Don’t worry about me alright. It’s important that you stay safe. “
The words brought no comfort of any kind. 
I stared at him. 
“What is it with the people around me spewing platitudes in my face without telling me what is going on! Do you just not trust me?” I asked desperately, hurt blooming. 
Jungkook swallowed.
“i trust you with my entire life Sera. But, I just don’t want you to get hurt.” He said gently.
I rolled my eyes. 
“Please....you’re five centuries old , so can you leave the whole cliché knight in shining armor back in the dark ages and just treat me like your equal? I’m not a helpless damsel in distress Jungkook...!!” 
He nodded, reaching for me again but I pulled away, wrapping an arm around myself. He hesitated, hands stretched out to touch but hovering a few inches away . 
“you’re right. I was out of line. But to be fair your father was very firm that I had to stay away from you...no contact of any kind till tonight. “
“And what’s so special about tonight.?” I asked , upset at how little i knew about what was going on. Jungkook’s gaze softened, and he pressed a palm to my cheek, thumb tracing circles on my jaw, before pressing a gentle kiss to my lips. 
“ You’ll see. “ He smiled, “ And as for the rest of it, we’ll talk about this . I promise. We will....tonight after everything ends. I need to go now. Your father’s waiting for me,” 
I clung to him, feeling abandoned all over again. 
“What are you guys upto?” I grabbed his arm but he gently pulled my fingers away. 
“I’ll come find you. “ Was all he said before moving away and I groaned in disbelief. 
“Uh oh. I can recognize that look. On a scale of one to ten , how much trouble is Jeon Jungkook in?” Namjoon asked gently, watching me glare daggers at the man in question as he hung around near the front of the hall, surrounded by clan leaders.
 He was meeting everyone, apparently a social butterfly and i couldn’t fathom it. The last time we’d had a party he’d sneaked off to get laid with Helena. 
Speaking of who,
“She’s going to castrate him. I can feel it.” The sultry eyed vampire, sat next to me, her long nails tapping the scarlet drape of the table as she watched me, eyes heavy and hot, gaze trained on my neck.
 I’d never felt more like prey. 
“ Nice to meet you Helena.” Namjoon said casually taking the seat next to me. Great.  I was caught between two vampires that knew exactly how gone I was for Jungkook and exactly how ....not gone he was for me.  The night just kept getting better. 
“Always a pleasure daddy.” Helena said , eyes dancing with wicked mischief and Namjoon choked on his wine, spewing it all over the table. I stared at the pair in disgust. 
“Disgusting.” I snapped. “Look at him. He hasn’t looked at me in an hour. How am i supposed to believe that he wants me so much I set his skin on fire.” I demanded shrilly. 
Both of them went quiet. They looked very uncomfortable and i felt myself flush. 
I glared at them , self conscious. 
“What?! Jungkook said so himself.” I protested. 
Both of them began guffawing. 
“I’m never letting him live this down.” Namjoon chuckled and I rolled my eyes. I could feel eyes on me, everywhere. Everyone’s gaze flitted to me every few minutes. Some of the younger vampires hovered a discreet distance away but had their gazes trained on me . 
Everyone looked at me except Jungkook. There really was no justice in this god forsaken world, was there? 
Did he really think I was weak and harmless? I suddenly felt foolish . I wasn’t weak. I wasn’t powerless. 
So , so far from it in fact.
I didn’t use my abilities because of how morally ambiguous they were. My father had drilled it into my head, right from childhood, that I couldn’t use my powers without explicit permission from him and I had listened to him. 
Had played the role of the harmless human who just happened to have really intoxicating blood inside her veins. 
But somehow that had ended up with me being pushed out of the loop with the man I loved. Jungkook thought I was some kind of helpless damsel he needed to keep safe and it just...it irked me. 
It was laughable that he thought something could be dangerous to me. 
It was laughable because I  was  easily the most dangerous creature in this entire room. 
i pulled my phone out, texting furiously.
 I want to see you. 
 I stared at Jungkook waiting for him to see. He pulled his phone out read the screen and to my utter chagrin he slipped the phone back in without answering.
 All right, That’s it.  
I stood up slowly, Namjoon stiffening next to me. 
“Where are you going? “ He asked warily. 
“To mingle.” I said casually. “ you can stay here, daddy. I’ll be fine by myself. “
He spluttered again and Helena laughed lowly. 
“I like her. “ Her voice rang out and i smirked, making a beeline to wards the front of the room, where Jungkook stood with a few other vampires around the same age as him. They all straightened at the sight of me, lust evident in their eyes and I saw Jungkook go a little stiff when he noticed I was alone.
“Where’s Namjoon?” He said shortly. 
“With Helena.” i said with a shrug.” Evening gentlemen.” I smiled softly, parting my lips lightly, letting my tongue dart out and wet them before leaving them parted, tongue peeking out. 
Jungkook pressed in closer, arm darting to wrap around my waist but he seemed to think better of it, pulling away again. 
“Sera...” He began warningly but i cut him off. Jungkook didn’t know what he had. 
And I was too fucking beautiful to be ignored tonight. 
“Isn’t someone starting the music? What a terrible bore this party has been...” I said loudly and the men scrambled closer, almost tripping over each other. 
Pathetic really but at least they served their purpose. 
“Should we get you another drink, Sera?” One of them said.��
“Let me go find that Dj...” The tallest of the lot wandered off. 
“You’re right..are you hungry..? Where’s that waiter?” The one right next to me lifted a hand, waving the nearest uniformed helped and I smirked at Jungkook. 
“Having fun?” I asked. 
“You need to go stay with Namjoon.” He said stiffly.
“where’s the fun in that? “ I hesitated, locking my eyes with him and lightly lifting my heel up to rest on the chair right next to him. The slit in my dress fell open, exposing the entire length of my leg, especially the red lace of my garter. 
Jungkook’s eyes narrowed as he stared at the dagger strapped to my thigh, the red and gold stark against the milky white flesh. I rand a forefinger up from my knee to the top of the garter belt, lightly circling the tip over the sharp edge of the dagger. 
“Don’t...” He growled. I smirked.
“Don’t what?” I whispered. 
“Don’t fucking do it, baby... I’ll be really , really mad if you do. “ He was almost shaking with the effort to not grab me and i could feel it. Feel the urge to put me in my place, simmering beneath his skin but he was helpless. 
Any wrong move on me and he would have a dozen daggers in his heart within the next second. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about .” I feigned ignorance, purposefully pressing the thick of my finger into the edge of the dagger, gasping as it broke skin, tearing my flesh and drawing out my blood. 
A collective gasp ran through the crowd around us and it was quite the sight, an entire group of century old Vampires going stiff as boards,  nostrils flared pupils blown wide open as they all stared at me .
 I smiled wide, trying to inject a note of contrition into my voice. 
“Oops. That was clumsy of me. .” I giggled, holding my finger up. the blood beaded over and spilled , trickling down my wrist and I locked my gaze with Jungkook’s, bringing my arm up, licking the scarlet fluid up, tracing its path with my tongue all the way to where the dagger had nicked me before sticking the finger into my mouth with a lewd pop. 
A vampire, about three feet away from me was breathing heavily , grabbing the chair next to him and sinking into it. His fangs were out and his breathing was erratic. i watched his eyes flash red and I laughed.
“I’m sorry. “ I said sweetly and he gave me a blank smile.
“That’s alright, my lady . “ He was almost choking from the effort to stay composed. Poor thing. I let my gaze flit back to Jungkook who had a terrifyingly blank look on his face. 
“You little whore.” Jungkook whispered softly and i lurched. 
“Yours . If you want me. But if you don’t...then anyone’s really.” I shrugged unrepentant. 
“Really? You think any of the vampires here’s gonna want you after the stunt you just pulled? No one wants a needy little slut.” He said casually but I could see him shaking a little. There was a teeny tiny crack in that cocky attitude and I’d never wanted to stick my fingers in something so bad. 
I felt myself grin in anticipation. 
“It’s not about what I think, Jungkook. Its about what I  know.” 
He stared at me. 
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“You think I’m helpless, Jungkookie.... But the truth is... I can turn every single person here into my own personal  marionette if i wanted to. “ I shrugged. 
Jungkook’s eyebrows lifted, lips parting in surprise. 
“I’m listening.” 
I moved to the table in the corner, patting the chair next to me. He took the seat next to me and I smiled. 
“Now watch....” I snapped my fingers, signaling the waiter with the glass jar of lemon soda  and vodka in his tray. 
“Can you let my father know I want to leave the party early with Jungkook here?” I asked gently. The waiter flushed, but nodded and I casually slipped my finger into the lemonade jar, dipping lightly in the fluid.
Jungkook grimaced . 
“That’s disgusting.” 
I laughed. 
“Now let’s see who gets to drink it.” I followed the waiter as he moved around stopping in front of a group of very young vampires, about four or five of them. Two girls and three guys. They all took glasses of vodka from the waiter and i sighed.
“You know what makes my blood so powerful Jungkookie? “ I said softly. “ It’s the fact that it is  sentient.” 
Jungkook went stock still still next to me, lips parting in shock.
“What?” He croaked. 
I nodded.
“My blood is sentient. It can feel and see and control. If my blood mixes with yours, it will dominate your thoughts and feelings. I will literally take over you. But it also needs my instruction. So it’ll put you in a trance..... Leave you feeling boneless and disoriented , easier to manipulate. People think its because it tastes so good and they enjoy the feeling. They don’t know what the fuck they’re opening themselves up to...by letting me inside. “ I wrapped my arms around myself. 
“I’m painted as the beautiful, kind and precious human who needs to be protected....only because I am anything  but. In this room, Jungkook....I’m probably the one capable of wrecking the most havoc.” 
“Nobody knows except for my father and I because...well... just the scent of it makes people chase me down. Can you imagine what they’d do to me if they knew the true extent of my powers.” I said bitterly. I let my gaze shift back to the kids with the drinks. The drinks that were tainted with my life essence.  
I watched them take sips of their drink and felt the mild tingling in the back of my head. Like a gossamer thread forming and wrapping around me and I swallowed. It was easy to ignore and I never had any trouble ignoring it when I let my family feed from me. Because I trusted them. 
But these kids though. My body thrummed, focusing on one person. 
The girl in the red halter top. 
“See the girl with the red top and black skirt....” I swallowed. “ She slit the throat of an old woman on her way here.” 
Jungkook swore next to me. 
“I can see the woman... she’s on her knees , begging for her life. She’s really old.” 
That wasn’t all. i could feel the grip of the dagger, the push of the blade against skin, the pull as the flesh gave in, the blood spurting out onto my fingers the scent of death as she bled out. 
I felt nausea bubble and I severed the connection forcibly. The girl’s pretty face didn’t match her filthy insides. i couldn’t stay in her head. The tendrils began wrapping around my head as  the four of them took more sips. 
“When I want... i can influence their thoughts. It takes more effort but it’s possible. it’s why my father wanted to make sure you actually wanted to be with me. He thought I’d coerced you . which I can . if I want. But I didn’t. I don’t do that ever. ” I shook my head. 
Jungkook’s brows raised. 
“By coerce you mean....”
“It can be as simple as influence your decision... but if I really put in the effort, i can make people physically do what I wanted. “ 
I smiled.
“Remember the boys from my college ? the ones who nearly drained me out?” 
He nodded. 
“My father didn’t have them defanged. They did it to themselves. Literally stuck their own hand into their mouth and ripped their fangs out . Because I wanted them too.” 
Jungkook looked like he’d stopped breathing. 
I swallowed.
“You don’t have to say anything. I just wanted to tell you that if you’re trying to protect me by withholding information, its kind of unnecessary. I can take care of myself.” 
“Alright. What do you want to know?”
“Just tell me what’s going on  “ I sighed.  Jungkook gave me a piercing look. 
“Remember Joo Won’s mother?” 
“The witch you killed?”
“Her father’s out for my blood. He doesn’t know where I am as of now. Your father thinks one of his lackeys must be in attendance today so he’ll know where I am.... and  he’ll come for me. And when he does... I’m going to end it .”
I stared at him.
“ Okay. “ I swallowed. “ How dangerous is he?” 
Jungkook laughed without mirth. 
“I’m not sure if I’m coming out of this alive.” 
Blood rushed to my ears, so fast I felt momentarily lightheaded. My entire body rejected the mere idea of Jungkook getting hurt. And to hear him talk of it so lightly, it messed me up badly. The fragile hold I had on my mind snapped. 
“No.” I said angrily. 
Across the room, the girl in the red halter stumbled,  clutching her head .
  Anger and the urge to hurt clawed up inside me and I tried to get it under control. 
Fuck, I had to sever the connection fully before i did something terrible to her..
 But it wasn’t happening, 
In fact the more i tried to get away the more her conscience seemed to be wrapping around mine., 
 Distance. I had to put distance between us. 
I need to leave now,  I pushed the thought in through the connection and  i watched her as she stumbled away from her friends, hands buried in her hair.
“Sera what the fuck... “ Jungkook grabbed my arm, eyes wide and panicked and I trembled. 
I felt guilty and scared because there was a reason i didn’t do this and the reason was quite simple. This power...or whatever you wanted to call it, It was bigger than me. I couldn’t control it . 
My blood was sentient and sometimes it could control me , just as easily as it controlled others. 
“She’s just leaving... I just made her leave because I’m not .. I can’t. ...fuck...” My head swam as I tried to get my bearings. 
“ okay that’s it...we’re getting out of here.... ” Jungkook stood up, reaching for me and I blinked, disoriented and dizzy. “Come here, baby I got you...” 
I let him wrap his hand around my waist, half lifting , half dragging me out of the ballroom and into the hallway. I gripped his chest, stumbling. I wasn’t tired, just struggling to get my head on straight . 
But the scent of him calmed me. 
“I need you.” I whispered. “ I need you to be safe Jungkook. I’ve spent too long pretending to be something I’m not but with you... I’m.. You... You make me feel human. Truly human. “ 
“Fuck... hang on. I’m gonna take you to my cottage.”
I blinked
“your what?”
“My cottage. Hang on...”
By the time Jungkook opened the door to the cottage, I felt a little like myself again. But my body thrummed , my skin on fire, my fingers trembling with adrenaline. 
“you look like you need to lie down.” He said gently.
I glared at him. 
“The last thing I need is to lie down.” I snapped.
He held his hands up.
“Alright. Calm down, baby..... Why are you so upset?” He asked soothingly and I scoffed.
“ You fucked me in public and the next day  you looked like you’d been handed a death sentence, when my father suggested that you court me and then... you disappeared for two whole weeks....and now you turn up and tell me that your life is in danger. You do all this shit and I’m  not allowed to be upset? ” I said angrily.
He hesitated. 
“I merely meant it would be dangerous. I am not actively trying to die.” He said softly.
“As for the rest of it.... I’m not the same person I was a month ago Sera.... You.. You’ve managed to claw you way into my heart and the only reason I didn’t want to court you was because of what I was involved in. I told you that...the baggage I’m carrying is too much for me to even think about being with you.... That’s the only reason. “
I stared at him. 
“Are you telling me you fell for me too?”
Jungkook smirked a little.
“You were fucking me all the time without touching me. How could I not fall for that utterly shameless gaze of yours. You were your heart on your sleeve and your heart is always filled with filthy thoughts about me Sera. You make it way too obvious. “ He said teasingly. 
“I don’t want you to die.” I said petulantly. 
“That makes two of us. “ He smiled. “ What do you want, Sera?” 
“Want you.” I said automatically, too raw and upset to think too much about it.
“You have me.” He stepped closer, hands resting on my shoulder, eyes earnest and i hated how much I wanted to believe him . But heartbreak after heartbreak after heartbreak had taught me that it was all a lie. I didn’t have him and now ....there was a possibility I could never have him. 
“No, I don’t.” I shook my head, angry. “ Don’t lie to me. I don’t have you.” 
Jungkook made to touch me again but I shoved him away, hard.
“you’re angry. “ He said thoughtfully. “ I understand that. You have every right to be angry. And I’m sorry I can’t tell you what you want to hear right now...Not until this whole debacle ends. But Sera...look at me...”
I bit my lips staring at him.
“I’m here. Now. I’m not going anywhere. It’s just us. You and I. Don’t worry about what happens next. Don’t. Let’s not worry about any of that. I’m here and I’m telling you I’m yours. You have me now.” 
I stared at him, tilting my head as I took him in. 
He didn’t move , merely staring at me evenly.
“You know.... you aren’t the only one who hates being ignored.” I said softly. 
I felt weird. 
None of the usual nervousness or anticipation but instead a sort of burning need to  take. To reach out and pin him down , force him to follow through on his promise that I  had him. 
“ I’ve been giving too much of myself to you, Jungkook ...for way too long. I think it’s time I get something back.” I whispered. 
His lips curled in a small, impish smile and he looked a decade younger. His eyes flashed with mischief and anticipation. He looked eager....desperate even and I wondered if this is what I looked like all the time with him. 
“And what would that be...my queen?” he whispered meekly. 
“You. “ I said simply. “ All of you. Your words... your pain...your pleasure... your moans and your very breath. I want to take all of it.” 
I could see his pupils dilating even from the distance between us. 
“Its yours, sweetheart” Jungkook  bowed his head gently, holding his arms out. “Tell me where you want me...how you want me...” 
I glanced around the room. Not the bed. Not yet. 
There was a very sturdy looking chair in front of the small table in the corner. 
“Put that in the middle of the room and sit down.” I pointed at the chair. 
He smiled.
“You want me to stay dressed?” He asked carefully and I nodded. 
“Very well.” He moved to get the chair, placing it in  front of the bed. He sat down carefully. 
“Anything else?” He asked gently.
I narrowed my eyes at him 
“Yes. Keep your mouth shut unless I ask you something.” I said with a smile. His eyes widened in surprise. But he didn’t protest. 
I took in the sight of him on the chair, dressed in his perfectly fitted tux , legs spread and hands on his knees, eyes wide and alert as he stared at me. Pretty red mouth shut obediently. 
I moved closer till I was standing right between his thighs. His hands came up to grip my waists instinctively and I glared.
“Hands’ to yourself Jungkook. You don’t just get to treat me as you fucking like and then touch me without my permission.” I snapped. 
He lowered his hands , letting them rest on his knees again.
“Do you want to touch me , baby?” I whispered pressed my palm to his face before letting my fingers trail up to his hair. it was soft and silky to the touch, the strands like fine silk. 
“Yes.” He answered simply. 
“Then you need to earn it.” I threaded my fingers' into his raven locks, gripping hard and yanking his head back . i stared, fascinated by the ivory length of his neck, the little mole there and i pressed a kiss to his skin. I let my teeth sink in , just a little and then a little bit more. When he shifted, I pulled back, licking the skin to soothe the sting.  His breath caught and he gasped, eyes widening a bit and a small, ‘ fuck’ leaving his lips. 
I pulled back , keeping my fingers in his hair , gripping lightly, before reaching down with my free hand. 
“You have such a pretty neck and it make me wonder what it feels for your kind...sinking your teeth into people and feeding from them. Too bad I don’t have fangs. But you know what I do have?” I winked . 
I brought my leg up, the front end of my shoe resting on the small empty space on the chair , right in the V if his legs. If he moved even a little, my toes would brush the straining length of his cock visible even through the black of his slacks. He was so hard I knew it must’ve hurt. 
I gripped his hair harder and tilted his head down to he could stare at my thighs, specifically the dagger in my garter. 
“I want a taste . Of you. Can I?” I asked gently staring at him, fingers fiddling with the dagger and unsheathing it. 
He nodded. 
“Words. Please.” I smiled.
“Yes...fuck yes.....please...Sera...” 
“Good boy.” I winked, bringing the dagger up to his neck. It was really sharp and I used the tip to lightly draw a small dash, an inch below his ear. I watched the blade tear through the flesh, light and delicate, the skin cleaving and scarlet liquid bubbling up. I chased the flow with my tongue, licking it into my mouth and Jungkook trembled in the chair, jerking forward.
The movement jolted my foot onto his crotch and he grunted, grabbing my ankle when I made to move it away, keeping my heeled foot on his clothed cock. I swallowed,  little out of my league but i stared at him, at the sheer intensity of the desperation in his eyes and I inhaled ....before gently bringing my toes down to press into his cock. 
He moaned, thighs trembling and I  dropped the dagger to the floor.
I slipped both my hands into his hair, holding his head in place as i bent low to capture his lips with mine, sticking my tongue inside his mouth while grinding my foot down into his cock. I licked into his mouth, chasing the warm heady taste of him, my fingers tightening in his hair for leverage and I wondered if he was wet.... If his cock was weeping precum, dribbling into his slacks .
I pulled back to stare into his eyes but he had them shut.
“Look at me.!” i demanded,”  wanna see you...” 
His eyes fluttered open, doe- like and warm and swimming with pleasure and I’d never felt more powerful in my life. I moved my foot slowly, in small controlled circles for a few seconds. 
“You wanna cum in your pants like this? Rutting on my foot like a little mutt? Or do you want to get on the bed and touch me like you wanted to...?” I whispered softly. 
Jungkook swallowed and his fingers tightened on my ankle. . 
“Wanna cum like this.” He said taking me by surprise. I raised an eyebrow. 
“Really... then what about me...?  I want to get fucked too Jungkook ..? How’re you gonna do that if you cum so fast.....” I snapped, gripping his hair harder and he groaned. 
“I... I’ll fuck you again... i promise.. I’ll fuck you hard and make you feel good... just..let me cum...please.. It fucking hurts...” The way his voice cracked a bit on the last few words made my heart jerk inside my ribs. I found myself fighting the urge to give him everything. 
I smiled instead, kissing his lips again.
“Thank God for fast refractory periods huh, my big bad vampire?” I bit his lips, tugging it between my teeth , before reaching between us and slipping the shoe off my foot. Jungkook trembled, gripping me for support when I pulled my foot away and I let him cling to me for a second, before dropping the shoe down and pressing my bare foot on his erection. I spread my toes over the head, pressing down just a little and he inhaled sharply when i circled my toe on the wet patch . 
“Go on them. Make yourself cum.” I whispered, leaning down and kissing him again. He grabbed my ankle with both hands, rutting up into the balls of my feet, hips thrusting up and I let him lick into my mouth, messy and wet as he chased his pleasure. 
I felt him stiffen underneath me, followed by a wash of dampness under my sole and I wrapped my arms around him, holding him close and letting him bury his face into my neck as he trembled through the aftershocks. He gripped my waist, hands shaking as he held me and i waited, worried if I should take my foot off or not. I could feel my legs beginning to cramp and I swallowed.
“You okay?” i whispered.
“Yeah.” He grunted. “ Fuck..that was...” he laughed a little. 
“We’re not done.” I said pressing a kiss to his cheeks and stroking his hair back gently. 
He hummed, gently gripping my ankle and lifting my foot off his crotch. I brought my leg down, wincing a bit. 
“Should we get on the bed?” He whispered. 
I nodded, yelping when he stood up with me still in his arms, he carried me over to the bed, dropping me lightly. 
“Strip.” I said quickly. “ All of it. Want you naked and stretched out on this bed for me.” 
He moved quickly, stepping out of his clothes with ease and I sat on the edge of the bed, grabbing the black tie he discarded. I took off my panties, leaving my dress and the garter belt on. 
 Jungkook naked was a sight i could never tire off and I watched as he climbed into the bed, lying down in the center, legs splayed slightly and hands by his side. 
“Bring your wrists together up over your head” I said quickly and he moved his wrists up , letting me tie them to the head board with his tie as i sat straddled on his chest. I was wet, sopping wet and I felt the trail of dampness I left on his rock hard abs. 
“I’m gonna sit on your face and you’re gonna make me cum. And then , I’m gonna ride you .” I whispered. 
“That’s the plan.”
I scooted forward, resting one knee close to either shoulder before gripping the head board with one hand and the hair on top of his head with the other. Tugging him closer, I lowered my pussy onto his mouth, groaning when i felt soft pressure of his tongue against my center, licking tentatively. 
Jungkook knew what he was doing, and he licked into me with practiced ease tongue slipping into my slit, curling against the walls, before tracing circles around my clit. He used his lips to suckled on the hardened nub , following it up with quick little licks and i slipped a hand between my legs, stuffing three fingers into my cunt to get myself off faster. 
“Oh...fuck... I want... “ I could feel myself shaking and he sped up his movement, licking my lit in quick little strokes and my orgasm hit me like a wave, drowning me in pleasure. I scooted down before losing my strength, collapsing on top of him. The orgasm having knocked me right out of my headspace. I was trembling and shaking, lethargic and completely out of it. 
”Baby...you okay?” Jungkook’s concerned voice came from above and I whimpered. 
“I’m... I’m sorry.... I’m so tired... I...” 
“Don’t worry baby .. i got you. “
I heard the sound of wood splintering and blinked, glancing up. Jungkook had tugged his hands free from the restraint, breaking the headboard in the process. 
I gawked at the scene in disbelief. 
“Did you just....?”
He grabbed the hem of my dress, ripping it up and off me quickly. 
“Fuck..... want to pound you into the fucking mattress my little princess... Such a little tiger aren’t you kitten... so fierce and hot... i loved it baby...you were so good to me ...made me feel so fucking good...” He maneuvered me onto my back and i felt myself blushing at the praise, face heating up as i gripped his shoulders. 
He grabbed the back of my thigh, spreading my legs before lining himself up against my pussy. 
“Fuck...” He slid right in , knocking the breath out of me and i clung to him, whimpering as he pounded into me, hips working so fact I was sure I was going to have trouble walking for a week after this. 
I could feel my orgasm build from the sheer intensity of the thrusts, the hard thick length of his cock pounding into my cunt till i felt swollen and bruised and tender and when it finally tore through me , i was drooling a little, eyes damp with tears and fingers numb from gripping him too hard. 
Jungkook fucked me through the orgasm and chased his own each push of his hips leaving me battered and I bit my lips to stay conscious . When he finally stilled, his cock throbbing as he came for the second time, filling my insides with the wet warmth of his cum, I felt myself shake like a leaf caught in a  storm, my entire body ice cold and trembling. A thin layer of sweat coated my body and I was pretty sure I wouldn’t recover from this for a really long time
“My pretty pretty queen....” He whispered , pressing kisses all over my face as he hugged me closer and I mewled at the warmth of him. 
“Don’t leave me .” i whispered, unable to fight the tug of sleep and exhaustion. 
“I’m right here, baby.” His voice was soothing against my ear as he held me closer. 
Maybe I could have him after all. 
Author’s note : okay. well. that happened.  if you don’t give me feedback this will be the last smut scene. 
but please do give me feedback . i love hearing from you guys. 
Taglist. : @ladyartemesia        @veronawrites   @alpaca1612     @bonyg    @unseejuice21  @sppvjj     @ggukkieland     @tae-by-tae      @blr1004      @yoongichild    @stussyjeon  @jellybearo  @sumzysworld   @carolsummerlove@bunniechoon  @unicornbabylover @preciouschimine    @baekhyunatthehaunted-house @craztextae@nikkiordonez12 
@jiminiscricket​  @yeotan07​
@chimchimmy95bts  @jinscharms​
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gobblewanker · 3 years
So, uh, I've been pretty busy these last few days so I'm sorry for the lack of posts. But I decided to finally finish up an old one shot drabble I've had sitting in my phone since January. So, ye.
Hope you like Werewolf Stan.
Stanley was absolutely massive. Ford didn't have a good estimate as he was far less cooperative with him in this state than he was with the children, but he felt heavier than either of them in human form. That was only the most noticeable difference Ford could distinguish between him and a regular wolf though. His teeth were larger, seeming almost too big for his mouth, and the claws reminded him or sickles. His frame was sturdier, more front heavy, characteristic of a lone hunter rather than a pack based predator.
Yet despite all of that, there he was now. Lying stretched out on the floor in front of the TV and letting the two children poke and prod at him without as much as a warning growl. Like a very polite golden retriever.
Ford had expected tonight's excursion to end with him returning home to finish compiling his research on the effects of the full moon on wendigo migration patterns, comparing his new data with whatever remained of his notes from thirty years ago, and - if his paranoia allowed it - maybe even get some proper sleep in. He had expected observing the solitary and very territorial beasts without being detected to be the dangerous part. The one during which he might risk being attacked. He had not expected to be thrown onto the floor and pinned by a large creature covered in scraggly grey fur the second he entered the house.
He had deduced that it was a werewolf the second he looked into its far too human eyes. But hadn't spared a single thought as to who the person beneath the fur might have been. He'd been to busy trying to push against it's broad neck to keep the furiously snarling maw out of range of his own throat. Too busy cursing his own curiosity for compelling him to leave his family unguarded with a full moon high in the sky, and fighting against the raw terror that clawed up his back and whispered in his ear that this creature - this monster - had surely already killed Stanley and the kids when Ford should have been there to protect them.
In the end though, by the mercy of whatever good there was out in the multiverse, there would be no graves to dig and no next of kin to inform because appearing out of nowhere as if herself sent by some form of divine intervention was Mabel. Alive, uninjured, Mabel.
She cried out in alarm and rapidly descended the remainder of the stairs despite Ford's breathlessly shouted demands that she return to the attic and barricade herself along with her brother. Mabel did no such thing. With the foolish fearlessness only a child could posesses, she threw herself at the head of the werewolf, grabbed two small fistfuls of it's fur, and yanked. Shockingly, the beast did allow itself to be pulled back. If only the slightest bit.
"No! Bad!" She admonished firmly, as if she was handling a rowdy pet, rather than a monster the size of a small car made out of muscles and teeth.
Before Ford could move to put a stop to her suicidal overconfidence, she had somehow managed to plant herself firmly between her still prone great uncle and the werewolf. The large unkempt animal lunged at Mabel. Maw open and snapping at her neck. For a second, Ford could have sworn he actually felt his heart stop. But there was no blood or screaming. Instead, jagged yellow fangs caught the fabric on the back of her sweater collar. Tugging her back like a mother wolf grabbing a disobedient pup by the scruff of it's neck. She yelped as her backside connected with the floorboards, but showed no further signs of distress. In fact, as the animal worriedly shoved it's snout in her face with such force and hurry it nearly knocked her over, she giggled. Tiny hands pushing it away with little regard for how close her fingers were to it's teeth.
"Ew, your nose is all wet!" Mabel laughed.
Again, it was Mabel who broke the stalemate. Quietly pressing a hand to the werewolf's side and slowly stepping closer to Ford again. She didn't remove her hand from it's fur, letting it trail along with her as she carefully moved. As if the only thing keeping the creature restrained was her small hand resting reassuringly in its pelt. Ford was half convinced it was.
Ford was absolutely dumbfounded, but despite his fight or flight instincts practically screaming at him to get Mabel away from the creature now, it showed no signs of hostility at all. At least not aimed at the child. The second Ford attempted to push himself back up off of the ground a deep rumble tore from the werewolf's throat. It whipped it's head around, instantly alert again. Eyes blown wide and assessing, ears pressed flat against it's head. It took one markedly distrusting step to the side, very deliberately placing itself between Mabel and Ford this time. Never letting the man out of eyesight. Ford glared back, hoping against hope that rising to the challenge wouldn't escalate things. Faltering gave animals the confidence to attack: A painful lesson permanently etched into his skin.
The creature let out another rumbling growl as Mabel apparently stepped closer to Ford than it was comfortable letting her, but this time all it took was another firm but gentle reprimand for the growl to break into a low whine. It's eyes flitting worriedly between Ford and Mabel.
"It's okay." She spoke carefully, reaching out to take one of Ford's hands in her unoccupied one. The growl flared up again, even if just for a moment. "No. It's okay, Grunkle Stan. It's just Ford."
She pressed Ford's palm to the werewolf's head, between it's - too human, too sharp, deep brown - eyes. His fingers sunk into the fur, Mabel's small hand still splayed on top of his. His fur was thinning, missing in patches over gnarled scar tissue, and almost the exact same shade of grey as...
Recognition finally flickered in those familiar brown eyes. Only to almost immediately be replaced by horror. Stan pulled his head back swiftly and pressed himself low against the floor. He covered his face with two enormous paws, and let out a low, guilty, whine. Ford just watched in stunned silence.
Ultimately, Mabel had convinced both her grunkles to move back into the tv room, gone to wake up her brother, and insisted on settling down to watch a late night movie. No doubt all in a valiant effort to lift the tense atmosphere. So there they were now: Mabel was doing her best to braid the longer fur around Stan's neck, cramming every hair clip she owned into his wild mane, while Dipper lifted, squeezed, and turned one of his massive paws over in his hands, trying to make an accurate sketch of it. All while both children were half-laying on him like a scraggly pillow. Mabel had even brought her pet pig down from the attic, and despite what Ford had expected and feared might happen, even in wolf form Stan showed absolutely no inclination to harm what logically speaking should be a very natural prey animal. All he did was grumble, and shove the pig away with a padded foot when it began to nibble at his ear.
He was the very picture of self control.
And yet he'd attacked Ford.
His own brother hadn't recognized him. Had categorised him as a threat.
As Ford watched from the doorway as his small family settled down into the comfortably tired haze of domesticity, he wondered how he could have ever let something like this happen.
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loki--fics · 3 years
All For You - Part 2
Loki x Reader
Content Warnings: abuse mentions, violence, strong language
Word Count: 2,294
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     Loki had only been partially right the night before - you did have a slight headache when you woke, but it wasn't nearly as bad as he had made it seem like it would be. It's nothing a couple of aspirin can't cure, You thought as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes.
     "Well look who finally decided to get up." Your head snapped to the side, your fiancé's voice startling you. "Did you have fun?"
     You sighed. "What are you on about now?"
     "As if you don't know," He scoffed. "Bringing that God back to our room, flirting with him, kissing him."
     "For fuck's sake, Ben, he kissed my cheek," You retorted. "I'd had a bit too much to drink so he walked me back to our room."
     Ben was visibly seething. "Is he better than me? Is that it? Are you going to leave me for him now?"
     "God, what is wrong with you?" You snapped. "I only just met him last night!"
     "What's wrong with me?" Ben shouted, grabbing you by the arm and yanking you off the bed. "I'm not the one behaving like some depraved whore! That's all you, Y/N!"
     You rolled your eyes. "Oh, yeah, because you eye-fucking Nat last night totally wasn't worse than a kiss on the cheek."
     The force behind the resounding crack that followed was enough to knock you to the floor. Your eyes watered as you held a hand to your burning cheek, the sour taste of iron filling your mouth as your head spun trying to process what just happened.
     Touching a finger to your lip, it came away bloody, and you looked up at your fiancé in shock. "Did you just hit me?" 
     Immediately, Ben's face softened as he dropped to his knees in front of you. "Baby, I am so sorry, I- I didn't mean to!" He kissed your forehead and pet your hair. "You know I didn't mean to do that, right? I just… You made me so angry, it wasn't my fault! I- All I could picture was Loki kissing you, and-"
     "Ben, stop," You said, too in shock to cry. "Stop it."
     "And then you said I was eye-fucking Nat, when you know I wasn't, right baby?" He continued. "You were just being jealous, and maybe you aren't as hot as she is but if I wanted her then I wouldn't be with you, okay? I love you."
     You looked at him in disbelief. "Maybe I'm not as hot as she is, Ben?" You asked coldly.
     "Baby, come on, don't be like that," He scoffed. "It's okay, I'm not going to go after her, I love you."
     Shaking your head, you scooted away. "You love me?" 
     His eyes welled up with tears. "Don't make me beg, please? I love you, Y/N. I didn't mean it, I promise. You know I wouldn't have done that if you hadn't made me so angry, don't you?"
     Your resolve broke at the sight of Ben crying, and you placed a hand to his cheek. "Please don't cry," You said softly.
     "Let's just forget this ever happened, okay?" He said. "Don't tell anybody, then they'll think I'm an awful person and they'll try to make you leave me, and you don't want that, do you?"
     "No," You sighed. "I know you didn't mean to, Ben. I'm sorry I made you so angry, it won't happen again."
     He smiled, kissing you roughly. "I know baby. We're leaving today anyway, so let's just get packed up, and-"
     "I'm going to take a shower," You interrupted. "Then I'll help pack, okay?" Ben nodded as you stood, and started to follow you to the bathroom until you turned around. "Alone, please."
     His smile faltered, but he nodded. "Okay, I'll just pack it all up myself then, I guess." 
     "Ben, I'll help when I get out-"
     "No, just go enjoy your shower alone," He said harshly before turning around and throwing your things into suitcases. You let out a sigh and walked into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind you. 
     Walking over to the mirror, you inspected your cheek. There was a very prominent angry red handprint, already starting to bruise, and blood was dripping from your split lip. You felt tears burn behind your eyes as you started the shower, undressing slowly before stepping in. You noticed bruises on your wrist and arm beginning to form as well, and it was like the floodgates had burst open as tears poured from your eyes.
     You sat on your knees on the floor of the tub, hunched over as you tried to sob as quietly as possible. You didn't bother with actually washing yourself, you just sat there and cried until you had no tears left and the water went cold.
     Turning off the water, you wrapped your body in a towel and grabbed a second one to dry your hair, ignoring the pain in your wrist as you did so. The bruise on your cheek would be easy to hide with makeup, and you could cover the bruises on your arm with long sleeves, but your split lip was another thing entirely.
     I'll have to come up with a story to explain that, You thought as you went about your routine. You splashed some cold water on your face, hoping to get rid of the puffiness of your eyes, and then brushed your teeth (and in doing so, reopened the cut on your lip). After it had stopped bleeding, you began layering concealer on your cheek to cover the bruise, trying to take your time before you had to face your fiancé again.
     Even with all of your stalling, you were soon finished in the bathroom, and walked back into your room to find Ben sitting on the bed, suitcases unpacked, with a sour look on his face.
     "What's the matter?" You asked. "I thought you said you were going to start packing while I was in the shower."
     He huffed. "There's a snowstorm moving in, we're not going to be able to leave for at least another few days."
     You tried not to show the relief that poured through you at the news. "I'm sorry baby, I know how much you wanted to go home today. This could be a good thing, though-"
     "How is it a good thing?" He snapped. "I don't want to have to stay here, with that slimy snake Loki just waiting to get his filthy paws on you."
     "You're right, I'm sorry," You replied quickly. "I was just trying to see a silver lining, but I guess there is none."
     "Whatever," He grumbled. "We'll just stay in here."
     You raised a brow at him. "Baby, if I have a few more days to spend with my brother, then I want to spend them with him, not hiding in my room." You saw him stiffen, and knew he was getting upset so you quickly continued, "Besides, would that not be suspicious, if we stayed holed up in here for days?"
     He sighed. "I guess you're right. Just… Stay away from Loki, if I catch that weasel anywhere near you, I'll kill him."
     Deciding that now would not be a good time to mention that he, a normal human man, could not kill a magic wielding God, you simply nodded. "Okay, I'll stay away from him. Let's.. Let me get dressed, and we can go eat breakfast, alright?"
     He rolled his eyes, but nodded, and you quickly picked out an oversized, cream coloured turtleneck and black fitted jeans, throwing them on after putting on clean knickers. 
     "Are you ready?" You asked, and he nodded. The two of you walked to the kitchen together, where you were greeted by your brother, who was very obviously nursing a hangover. 
     "How are you feeling, Tony?" You asked. "You must have one hell of a hangover, because you look like absolute crap."
     He chuckled dryly. "I'm surprised you don't, Y/N, what with all that Asgardian wine you drank last night." 
     You felt Ben stiffen beside you, but you didn't dare look up at him. "It's nothing that a couple of aspirin won't fix," You replied, looking for something to change the subject. "Did Pepper make breakfast? It smells amazing in here."
     "Yes she did," Tony said. "She just finished, went all out since you two are here. The whole shebang."
     You smiled. "Well, I'm going to go check if she could use a hand setting the table or anything. Ben, you can stay here and catch up with Tony, tell him about your new job."
     Giving your fiancé a quick kiss on the cheek, you escaped to the dining room, where you found Pepper laying plates down in front of the seats at the table. "Hey! Do you need a hand?"
     "Oh, no, Y/N, you're our guest," She said, smiling warmly. "I'd never ask you to- Your lip! What happened?"
     You felt anxiety prick at your chest as you forced a smile. "I'm a pretty rough sleeper, I must have smacked myself. But please, you put so much effort into cooking, it's the least I can do."
     You felt a wave of relief crash over you as she accepted your explanation and handed you the rest of the plates. When you had finished putting them out, you helped her carry the food from the kitchen, and Tony wasn't kidding when he said she made the whole shebang - French toast, eggs, sausage, bacon, hash browns, crêpes, and fresh fruits.
     "That's everything," Pepper said, setting down two pitchers of orange juice. "Thank you for your help, Y/N."
     "Of course," You said, smiling warmly. "Is JARVIS going to let the others know breakfast is ready?"
     "Yes," Tony said, walking in with Ben. "But I'm starved, so I'm not going to wait for them." 
     You and Pepper laughed as the four of you sat down, and you filled your plate with some French toast, fruit, and hash browns as more of the Avengers began to trickle into the dining room.
     Everyone chatted amicably amongst each other, giving much deserved compliments to Pepper on her cooking, but you could feel Ben seething next to you. What had Tony said to him that would have made him angry all over again? It couldn't have just been about you drinking that wine, could it?
     Whilst you were eating, the cut on your lip reopened once again, and you had to excuse yourself to the kitchen to clean it up. Dabbing a paper towel to your lip, Loki meandered into the kitchen from the hall, eyeing you.
     "What happened?" He asked, eyes staring at your split lip and noticing the faint discolouration on your cheek. 
     "I'm a rough sleeper," You said. "I must have hit myself in the mouth while I was asleep or something." 
     "Did you hit your cheek as well?" He asked.
     You looked away from his intense gaze. "I don't know what you're talking about," You replied quickly.
     He was about to reply when Ben walked into the room, his eyes immediately falling on Loki. If looks could kill, Loki would be dust on the floor - but, to be fair, so would Ben. 
     "What do you want?" Ben snapped. "Here to mack on my fiancé some more are you?"
     Loki looked at you, and you looked at Ben. "It wasn't like that, Ben, we'd all had a lot to drink last night."
     "Yeah, I know you kissed him first," Ben said, his voice thick with barely-suppressed rage. "Tony told me."
     You froze, looking at him in shock. "It was on the cheek!" You hissed. "Ben, please just stop this!" 
     "What's the problem?" Thor asked, walking into the kitchen. 
     Ben visibly paled, and his shoulders sagged. "Nothing," He said, obviously defeated. "I was just leaving." 
     "What happened?" Thor asked after Ben left. "He seemed upset, is he okay?"
     "He's fine," Loki said quickly. "I provoked him."
     A look of understanding came over Thor's face. "Ah, yes, well that does make sense. You need to stop that, brother."
     Loki nodded, and Thor went back in the dining room. Turning back to you, Loki looked at you expectantly.
     "I do believe you owe me an explanation," Loki said. "That is twice now that I have witnessed your fiancé speak to you in such a manner."
     "I don't know what you're on about," You huffed.
     Loki stepped closer to you. "Have you forgotten that I am the God of Lies? You cannot lie to me, I will know."
     "Well, you're wrong." You turned away from him. He grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him.
     "Your lip is split open, your cheek is bruised, that oaf you call a fiancé speaks to you like you are his property, and twice now I have had to step in to cover for you." His blue eyes bore into yours, and you were at a loss for words.
     Taking a deep breath, you exhaled slowly. "I don't know what you want me to say, Loki. You don't know what you're talking about. Ben would never intentionally hurt me, he loves me." 
     "So he's unintentionally hurt you, then?" Loki asked, catching on to your careful choice of words. 
     You pulled your chin away from his grasp. "I would appreciate it if you would stop interrogating me and allow me to finish my breakfast," You said. "You're welcome to join."
     You plastered a smile on your face as you walked back into the dining room, ignoring the dread seeping into the pit of your stomach. Ben was livid, that much was obvious, but you tried to convince yourself that there was no way he would repeat the events of that morning.
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midnightmoonkiss · 4 years
Before The Full Moon.
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Werewolf! Izuku Midoriya X Fem! Reader
Summary: The night before a full moon always offered an abundance of fun, especially when you call your man ‘Alpha.’
WARNINGS!: Biting, oral (female receiving), horny asf Izuku, sex, sub!reader & dom!Izuku
Category: Smut
Word Count: 3k
A/N: Werewolf! Izuku is here! First out of three Halloween Au’s!  I’m a bit rusty with my writing skills.. heh..
Just To Clarify: 
Despite Reader calling Izuku ‘alpha,’ this is not ABO
Izuku always has his tail and wolf ears, he just hides them when in public or around reader earlier in the relationship
This takes place in the country in a forest town
Werewolves can shapeshift whenever, they just has no control over it on a full moon night
All characters are aged up
Reader and Izuku are living together but not married or engaged
Perm. Tag List
@coupsieddori​ @desia2​ @strwbrry-lia​: 
Having a werewolf as a boyfriend wasn’t nearly as bad as you originally thought it would be.
Granted, you were lucky enough to fall madly in love with a kind one, and not a bloodthirsty beast.
You had been dating the buff man covered in freckles and scars with an addiction to sweaters for a year and a half before actually finding out his little secret, having witnessed him morph into a ginormous wolf with thick, green and black fur under the blinding light of the full moon.
You had been frozen in fear, tripping over your own two feet as you stumbled back when his head snapped towards you.
The floor creaked with every step he took, the sheer weight of the wolf being enough to make a loud thump that only added to the terror and nausea bubbling up in your stomach. You had almost accepted your death once he towered over you, only to promptly flop down beside you, whining like a puppy as he placed his large head on your legs, eyes practically begging for you to not freak the fuck out.
He made himself as small, cute, and less threatening as possible.
It was a wild night.
Later, he introduced you to the world of werewolves, how they fit seamlessly into society.
“You can always tell someone is a werewolf based on if they smell like a wet dog in the rain, though!” He chirped happily, emerald eyes squeezing shut as he gave you that radiant smile that showed off his sharper than average canines that you had never noticed before despite locking lips on a regular basis.
It had been a year since then, and getting used to your boyfriend shapeshifting was no easy task. Hell, you still weren’t used to coming home to a huge ass dog in your living room on nights with the moon full, despite being fully aware of what was going to happen to him that evening.
He certainly wasn’t what you expected when the word ‘werewolf’ came to mind.
Wolf-like humans covered in fur are what you and most people pictured, standing up on two legs with a snout of a dog and a bushy tail, not… essentially a dire wolf.
Apparently, werewolves could turn whenever they pleased but had no control over themselves on the night of a full moon. Most weren’t vicious, but the few that were stirred up fear in the small communities with their legends rooted deep in the ground.
He even had a pack, friends he led who were as loyal as can be to him, just as he was.
Living in a small town surrounded by forests, trees with trunks thrice your size, he had shown you what it was like to be a werewolf, letting you cling to his fur for dear life as he ran through the greenery, dirt kicking up behind his large paws as his tongue lolled out, clearly joyful to hear you screech and hold on tighter whenever he jumped. The shit.
But werewolves.. were extremely territorial. It wasn’t often you’d hear about a wolf giving up territory without a bloody fight, and so it certainly wasn’t uncommon for your sweet Izuku to come home to you covered in bruises and scratches.
You’d always take care of him, wash his wounds and wrap them if necessary before smothering him in love that always made the tail he typically hid in loose shorts or pants when in public wag.
He was your big puppy, and you were, as embarrassing and thrilling as it was to admit, his mate.
Since he was technically an alpha, a title he wore proudly since he had fought to earn it, you’d occasionally refer to him as that, just to watch as his freckled cheeks light up, darkened eyes side-eyeing you as you giggled like a school girl.
His friends always teased him when you’d call him that in front of them, to which he shook his head at, only for him to absolutely wreck your insides once you got home, growling for you to call him it again.
It got under his skin in a good way, made it burn and sent shivers down his spine.
He loved it.
He loved being an alpha, being your alpha, and he was never going to let that go.
But there was.. one thing you found out pretty quickly about werewolves the night before a full moon.. Before you found out his secret, you would always wonder why he avoided you the days before, but now you understood why.
If only you had found out sooner, you could have helped him with his problem.
“(Y/N)..” He growled possessively against your sensitive neck, sending shivers down your spine as your legs tightened around his slim waist.
You were pressed against the wall in your shared apartments darkened hallway, the hunk of a man you were honored to call your own had you pressed snuggly against him.
“Izuku..” You whined, his hot, growing erection grinding against your clothed crotch. He nipped at your skin, making you gasp and tilt your head, giving him more room to lick, nibble, and suck, marking you as his own with each hickey, large or small. Each bite was sweetly kissed, his chest vibrating with glee with each little noise you made.
His jade eyes sparkled with lust as he gazed at you, making your belly burn and twist with excitement, panties growing even more wet.
His large hands went down to your ass, squeezing at the plump flesh just to draw a gasp from you.
Making sure you were secure against him, he pulled away from the wall, drawing a small shriek from you.
He chuckled, and if you weren’t as horny and desperate as you were to get the daylights fucked out of you, you would’ve scolded him.
His lips then smashed against your own, tongue invading your wet cavern and smiling when he heard your muffled moan. Lips met again and again in a hungry haze as he walked to your shared bedroom, your hips continuously grinding down on his cock making it hard to focus.
All he wanted to do was to bury himself deep in your tight, warm walls, make you his again and again and again so that all who were nearby could hear your cries of his name. You were his.
Reaching the large bed, you were promptly shoved onto the soft mattress, legs loosely hanging off his hips as he pulled away from you.
His hands instantly went to his shirt, practically tearing it off of himself before doing the same with your own.
He was delighted to see you with no bra, your nipples already so delightfully perky and cute.
You were in your pajamas, after all. 
Your face was flushed, eyebrows pulled together, tugging him forward by the waistband of his gym shorts.
Diving down, he captured your lips in another heated kiss, shoving your own shorts down so he could grind himself against your core again. He could practically feel your wetness soaking his front, it was exhilarating to know he could turn you into putty so easily.
His tail tickled at your feet as it wagged, his ears standing up on top of his bushy head, listening to every ragged breath you let out and the light creak of the bed with every movement.
Pulling away, he nibbled at your lower lip, kissing down your chin, over your jawline, licking and nipping at the large marks he’d already left.
He could feel your heart hammering in your chest as he kissed down to your exposed left breast, its sound like a love song singing his name.
Rough, calloused fingers trailed up your body, scarred palms smoothing against your warm skin as he shamelessly felt up what was his.
Moving down, you whined at the lack of friction, only to whimper as his lips encased one of your nipples, tongue circling the flesh and teeth grazing over and pulling it. Your back arched off the bed, one hand fisting the pure white sheets below you as the other tangled itself in his green curls.
His thumb played with your other bud, pinching and rolling it, kneading at your soft flesh whilst sucking on the other one.
“Hah..! I-Izu..! Mm..” You enjoyed the rough treatment he gave you, finding pleasure in the smallest amount of pain as his sharpened canines touched your skin.
He pulled away with an audible pop, letting the cool night air hit your wet nipple, moving to give your other bud equal treatment with his addicting mouth.
He always was a boob man, their plushness and bounce always catching his attention. But yours.. my God he was devoted to yours. Sweet to the taste, so cute and such a beautiful canvas for him to paint a picture on, he couldn’t help but suck marks all over them, his own sanity slipping through his fingers as the night went on. 
He could smell and feel how wet you were, smell how much you wanted him.
It thrilled him to the very bone, made it hard for him to give attention to his favorite girls.
Giving one final lick to your nipple, he finally moved down your burning body, sitting back on his knees on the floor, hooking his large, muscular arms dotted with freckles under your thighs just to yank you down to the end of the bed.
Your soaked panties were right in front of his face, legs dangling off his broad shoulders.
Kissing at your thigh, he pressed his nose against your clothed core, inhaling your scent deeply, making his tail wag and you cry out in embarrassment.
You were so cute, hiding behind your hands.
He adored it.
Impatiently, he ripped the flimsy material from your body, giving you no tome to protest as he dove straight into his sopping meal.
“H-hAH.!!” You cried, fingers pulling at his green curls as he eagerly began to lap at your pussy like a starving dog.
Your juices dripped down his chin and neck, but he couldnt give less of a fuck. You were delicious.
His pupils were blown wide, drinking in the sight of your arched back and parted mouth.
His tongue expertly licked at all your special spots, giving a broad lick over your pink labia, avoiding your clit just to have you buck desperately at his face. 
Izuku Midoriya was a simple man. 
When his mate cries out for more, sobbing his name, he gives them more.
Your hips bucked off the bed once the flat of his tongue ran over your twitching nub.
Finding it hard to please you with your hips going wild, he held them down to the bed, eagerly eating your cunt out, holding you to his face so you couldn’t move away.
The crickets chirping just outside the window above your bedframe were drowned out by the wet sounds echoing in the room from his sloppiness, you were too focused on the pleasure to even care.
“O-oh!! I-Izu!! Mm! Haa..aAAH!!”
His mouth felt like pure numbing magic, sucking on your clit like he did your tit felt like heaven. He moaned against your wet flesh, sending your head flying back into the mattress, belly tightening with that familiar burn. 
You were close. So damn close.
And he knew it.
He knew you so well.
“I’m..!! Izuku, I-I’m so..!” Your legs were shaking like crazy, squeezing the bushy warm head between them as he made you feel like you were high on drugs with his mouth alone.
A particular rough lick at your clit sent you over the edge, screaming his name as your eyes fells shut, convulsing like you were possessed against his mouth. 
He held you even closer to him, slurping up the mess you had made, sticking his tongue into your fluttering walls to lick you clean, savoring your addicting taste that drove him absolutely insane.
But he wasnt done.
Pulling away, strings of your cum mixed with his saliva stuck to his face for a moment before breaking. He watched as your clit twitched and throbbed, much like the neglected cock in his boxers.
Pulling one hand away from your hip, he slid two digits down your cunt, collecting left over juice to slicken them up before pressing at your entrance that seemed to begged for him already.
“P-please…” You weeped, finally looking down between your twitching legs just to be met with such a sexy sight.
His face was covered with your mess, pupils blown wide with a feral gleam to his usually warm eyes, it made your cunt squeeze around thin air.
Despite being the sweetest man you knew, he sure fucking knew how to drive you mad.
Typically, he would tease you, make you beg and beg for him to give you what you want, but his mind was far to foggy to truly even try.
He just wanted to break you in the sweetest way possible.
And so, he plunged his fingers inside you, groaning at how you sucked them in, barely giving you a second to adjust before he began thrusting them in and out of your pussy, dragging more and more moans from your throat as his thick fingers filled you up.
Curling them, he pressed against that spongey spot inside of you, “NGHHAH!! AaaAAhH!! Th-There! HaAh..!” His fingers clicked wet against your squishy walls, mouth coming back down to lick around your clit before flicking it with the tip of his tongue.
Your body felt like it was charged by electricity, zaps running down your thighs and up to your belly, shooting shocks at your perky nipples and down your back.
You couldn't help but grind against him, crying out for more and more, to which he was always eager to give.
He couldnt take it anymore.
His sanity finally snapped, and with an animalistic snarl nothing short of carnal that had you keening, he pulled his fingers from you, shoving you further up the bed, yanking his shorts and boxers down. You had a single second to soak in the image of his large member slapping against his toned abdomen and oozing with precum before you were flipped over, ass high in the air and face pressed down into the soft pillows.
“Mine.”He growled out, mounting you and plunging his thick cock deep into your squeezing walls. Eyes rolling back into your head, a scream of ecstasy and pain tore from your throat, legs instinctively spreading as he fucked into your little cunt. 
He leaned down, pressing his warm chest against your back, nuzzling his chiseled yet rounded face into the crook of your neck as he thrusted in and out of your tight hole that constantly pulled him back in.
Saliva dribbled down your chin, jaw slack as you cried out into the night, “Alpha..!”
His hips stutter, fingernails digging into your flesh, sure to leave blemishes in the shape of crescent moons as the title registered in his delirious mind.
His tongue flopped out of his mouth, smiling and panting as his chest rumbled with desire as he pulled you impossibly closer, thrusting faster than you could even handle, tail wagging like a bullet behind him.
Slick poured down your thighs, the loud slapping of skin against skin and animalistic growls echoing around the room, bouncing off the walls and intensifying the sensation of your brain being turned to mush with how good you felt, how good he always made you feel.
“‘MmMMH! S-sO!! H-aaH!! NNHH!! So g-good!! Alpha!! Y-you fah… feel!! Mm!!”
It was hard to get a coherent sentence out as his thick cock filled you up again and again, rubbing and fucking at all your sensitive spots with expert precision, kissing at your cervix each time he bottomed out inside your dripping cunt.
“Mine.” Izuku breathed out roughly, spare hand burying itself between your legs spread wide for him, just so he could rub your puffy, twitching clit in a circle that drove you closer and closer to the edge.
“Nn-! N-no! W-ait! It’s t-oo..!! Much!! Aa-aAaaAh!!
You quickly reached another mind blowing orgasm, head flinging back as stars exploded in your vision, his teeth digging into your throat making you nose dive off the edge of pure ecstasy.
Your pussy fluttered around his aching dick, squeezing him like a molten hot vice as you came on his cock, stomach feeling full as you squirted onto his tense thighs.
He didnt stop fucking in and out of you as you came undone, only adding to the extreme, overwhelming pleasure you felt, pins and needles dancing across your shocked skin making your head lob to the side as fat tears rolled down your flushed and sweating cheeks.
Suddenly, you were flipped onto your back, dick pulling from you momentarily with a wet pop, your thighs trembling like a newborn doe around him were shoved down to the bed, fully exposing your pretty pink, wet cunt before shoving himself back inside your warm heat.
You screamed his name, your own nails digging into the toned muscles of his back, scratching to ground yourself as his hips snapped into yours so roughly the bed banged concerningly loud against the wall.
The bed was squeaking so loudly you feared for a second it would break from the sheer force he was giving each time he slammed into your over-sensitive pussy.
“No!” He snarled into your ear, glaring at your blissed out face, “who am I?” His threatening tone made you shake like a leaf, only turning you on even more.
His nose was crinkled up as he growled at you, ears pressed to the back of his head,
“Y-you’re Iz- HAAAH!!! AAAH!! oOOH MY- F-FUCK!” His hips moved impossibly faster, stirring up your insides like day old soup on a burner.
It made your toes curl as incoherent babbles fled from your mouth, “ALPHA!”
He always loved it, being called Alpha.
“That’s right.!” He grunted, pulling back, he forced you to stare into his eyes blown wide with lust and gleaming in the silvery, angelic light of the moon pouring in from the open window,
“I’m your alpha.”
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celestialtitania · 3 years
my colours on you
Written for Day 9: Blanket of Marichat May. Can also read on AO3.
Marinette let her head collapse onto her desk as soon as Mme. Bustier gave them the dismissal. She was utterly exhausted. The only thing Marinette wanted to do was take a nice long nap.
She turned her face towards Alya, feeling her best friend watching her in amusement. "Girl, you have got to start getting some more sleep. This cannot be healthy for you."
"You're one to talk," Marinette groused. "I know for a fact that you sleep no earlier than 2 am most nights, writing up new articles for the Ladyblog."
Alya flushed in response. "But I'm not the one dying, now am I?" came the expected retort.
"Only because you've got that," Marinette pushed herself upwards to nod at Alya's large thermos. She gave it a longing stare, knowing it was full of Alya's special cinnamon-blend coffee.
"No way. If you get caffeinated now you'll never get any sleep. It's a vicious cycle you know," Alya chided. Marinette sighed, laying back onto her desk and burying her head into her arms. "C'mon, let's get some fresh air."
"You do that. I'm gonna take a quick nap," Marinette yawned.
Alya frowned doubtfully. "I don't know, girl. You could catch a cold like that." Marinette blinked at her in confusion, so Alya tried her best to explain. "I don't know, something about cold weather lowering your immune system? And that you're more at risk when asleep?"
Marinette thought that over for a moment before digging into her backpack. She pulled out a small, round blanket bag while Alya goggled at her.
"Is that a blanket? You just carry around a blanket?"
"It's cozy," Marinette defended herself, pulling the blanket free from its bag. "At least now when you post my sleeping pics, I'll look stylish," she joked.
"Viewers of the #marinettechallenge thank you," Alya responded dryly. They shared a laugh over that as Marinette finished unfolding her blanket. It was dark black in colour with lime green piping. What made it interesting was the gigantic paw print stamped in the middle of the blanket.
"No way," Alya breathed out in awe. "Where'd you get that?" She demanded to know.
Marinette simply smirked at her. "Where do you think?"
"No. Way," Alya gushed.
"Well...I found the blanket at a thrift sale. But I added the paw print and piping myself," Marinette clarified, her modesty getting the best of her.
"That does not make you any less awesome. I can't imagine how long it must have taken," Alya looked utterly astonished, reaching out to run a hand over the blanket. Marinette graciously allowed her to stroke it before pulling it away.
"Ahem, nap time," she reminded her friend.
"Wait, hold on!" Alya cried. "I have to put this on my blog!"
"Your blog?" Marinette echoed. "Why?"
Alya stared at her in disbelief. "Girl, the blanket is clearly Chat Noir inspired. I have to show my viewers and also I think Chat Noir would be flattered to know about it."
Marinette thought it over. Alya wasn't wrong, her Kitty would be delighted to know he had a fan. The thought of him smiling in glee won her over. Marinette spread out the blanket as much as she could along their table, raising an eyebrow at Alya when she continued to watch her without reacting.
"Well? Aren't you gonna take the photo?"
Alya reacted faster than Marinette expected, whipping out her phone with a gigantic grin on her face. She began snapping pictures rapidly from all angles until she was satisfied.
"Thanks, Marinette!"
They turned towards the doorway as someone sprinted in. Adrien was panting, bent over with his hands on his knees. His cheeks were flushed and his hair was sticking up in different directions.
The sight of him was enough to make Marinette swoon.
"Made it just in time," he sighed, before giving them a smile. "Hey, guys. Did I miss anything important in morning classes? I had a photoshoot I couldn't get out of."
"Just this amazing blanket my girl made," Alya bragged. She waved her hands to demonstrate the blanket where it was laying on their desk.
Adrien's eyes took on an interested shine as he leaned in to examine it. "Wow, Marinette. This looks amazing. You're so awesome," he smiled at her. The brightness of his smile made Marinette's heart flutter and she had to grip tightly to the desk to make her tongue move.
"Yank tou! I mean thank you, Adrien!" She stammered. He gave her another blinding smile before slipping into his seat.
"Okay, I can die happy now," Marinette muttered to Alya, who simply chuckled. "Okay, but seriously," she pulled the blanket off the desk, draping it around herself. "It's nap time. Mme. Bustier will be back soon and I need some rest."
Alya didn't say another word, but as Marinette drifted off to sleep, she thought she had seen Adrien turning around to look at her.
Chat Noir leaped through the rooftops, trying to avoid going to Marinette's place. He didn't know how to explain it but the sight of her, wrapped in his colours with a paw print stamped over her back?
It had awoken some urge within him, he hadn't even known he had had. He was lucky that Marinette had fallen asleep so quickly, otherwise, she would have never let him live it down. Not that he had gotten lucky with Alya.
He was still lost in his thoughts about how cute Marinette had looked while asleep, he didn't even notice when he landed on her balcony.
Chat gave his surroundings a startled glance and was about to turn back around when Marinette poked her head outside.
"Chat Noir?" She asked incredulously. "What are you doing here?"
He blinked at her, his brain whirring furiously trying to come up with an excuse. "Oh! I...um saw the Ladyblog! That was one amazing blanket you made there, Marinette." He said, hoping desperately that Alya had in fact, uploaded the pics onto the Ladyblog.
Marinette's face softened as she invited him inside. Something inside him said he shouldn't but Chat couldn't resist. He followed her in and sat on her chaise, reminding himself to act as though he hadn't seen the blanket in person before.
Marinette carried out the blanket and deposited it in his arms. "Here, take a good look at it."
He couldn't tell the softness through his gloves, but the workmanship on the blanket was exquisite. "This is incredible, Marinette. You're amazing."
She flushed pink at his words but gave him a beatific smile. "Thank you for making it in my honor," he added. He put the blanket on the chaise before taking one of her hands in his and kneeling before her.
"Princess, this lowly tomcat thanks you for caring so deeply about him. I...this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me." He blinked up at her gratefully, only to see Marinette's smile fall.
"Oh, Kitty. You deserve the world," she told him, making his smile broaden.
"You're a true friend, Marinette. I'm lucky to have you." He gave her a hand a soft kiss, before straightening. Her lips parted and cheeks flushed, she looked absolutely stunning. Tucking away a loose strand of her hair, he leaned in just close enough for her breath to hitch, before pulling away.
"I should get going, Princess," he said instead, turning to leave. As she stammered out a goodbye, Chat allowed himself a smirk. He was planning on taking things slowly, to ensure he would win his Princess's heart.
Seeing her just now had helped him realize something and he was nothing if not a persistent kitty.
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Sweet, Spice and Hot Water Is Always Nice
Summary- 7.6k Mike (renamed from Me-Playing It Cool) x You. Mike is struggling to get a story line down for his script, and you were sent home from work. You just LOVE when Aunt Flo comes to visit (insert sarcasm), and Mike has a suggestion to make you feel better. Warnings- Period Sex (it isnt overly graphic though) Male receiving Oral, Fingering, One mention of blood. Thigh Riding cause its a mood. That is about it. A mild argument. Oh swear or two, cause ya know me. And I know, another holiday fic with him, but Holidays are my favorite, and I just love these two. 
A/N- Fall themed Moodboard added to this was made by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor​. Thank you so much, I loved it, and I hope you like the fluffiness it caused. 
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“Okay Brian, you want this rom com to deliver.” Mike cracked his knuckles and let his fingers lower over the keys, starting to type out the main character's opening scene, picturing the actress Brian described as standing just behind him, sitting at your kitchen table your grandmother gave you, picking at plates of food. 
Ally, I could have told you it wasn't going to work out with
Rick two months ago. - Daisy sighs. 
Why? - Ally gives a clueless look at her sister across the table. 
You love meat, you hate cyclists. - Daisy says flippant. 
His hand came up to rub at his face, trying to think ahead as the two blondes faded away from the table, and he was sitting there pondering at the theme of the script he was supposed to be writing. Single woman worried about the amount of men she has been with, and was set on finding the ONE. The man who made all her dreams come true. Of course the man was supposed to be a playboy across the hall. 
“Fucking fantastic.” Mike groaned, finding the whole theme of the story kind of stupid. “What woman would worry about that?” 
Setting back to trying to type, he heard the door unlock, your footsteps snapping against the tile of the hallway floor leading into the kitchen. Pushing back his chair, he twisted it to face the kitchen with a confused look on his face. You tossed your purse and keys on the counter, and bracing a hand against the counter, you leaned down to yank off your heels to fall to the flat of your feet with a sigh. Using the side of your foot, you pushed them aside so no one would trip over them. “I know- I know… I'm home early Mike. I promise to be quiet.” 
Mike just shook his head to disregard what you had said. “I don't care that you’re home so early, I'm just trying to figure out why you're home early?” 
You stand there for a moment staring at him, then you give a sniffle that was so out of character, it worried him. Holding out his hands to you, he made a come motion. “Come on baby, now you're starting to scare me a bit.” Which entices you to make your way to him, and stand between his legs while his hands slide up and down the back of your thighs. “You left for work just a couple hours ago?” 
Your hands come to smooth over his head, sighing at how good the softness of his slightly grown out buzz cut felt, and you could see the worry lines depending between his eyebrows, always deeper on the left side, his eyes having lost their usual mirth and teasing when they looked at you. “I haven't felt good all morning, and the boss sent me home. The boss caught me puking in my trashcan and wouldnt take no for an answer.”
Mike let his fingers sink in lightly while pulling you into his lap, your hands sliding to lock around his neck. “Well why were you puking? This morning you seemed fine.” His brows furrowed as a worried thought niggled his mind, and blossomed into a full panicked look as it really settled in. “Wait, your not-?” his eyes widened in his panic, and you scoffed at him. 
“No so you don't have to worry Mike. Although it's great to see you panic if we should have been.” You snapped a bit although you knew you would have matched that panic as well, and he softened a bit, smoothing his hands along your lower back. 
“Sorry baby, you said puking and my mind went away with it.” Apologizing, he tilted his head a bit. “So, You going to put me out of my misery and tell me? Or do I have to keep making dumb ass assumptions?” 
You were still a bit irritated with his earlier remark, but were you really mad at Mike? Or were you just feeling like shit and everything was irritating you? You glanced back at his genuinely worried face, you softened to him for how worried he was. “I started to get cramps today, and they just ache badly today.” you sniffled a bit again, and Mike pulled you in closer for a hug, and you settled in against his chest. “And I feel terrible for coming into your space when you're working.” You said softly, and Mike shrugged, the movement making you pull back. 
“I could care less, you're not feeling good and this is home first, office second. Besides, I just started it. Not like I have any story yet to get down. Just an idea.” He turned his chair with you in his lap, and moved his finger over the keyboard to wake the laptop back up. You gave a slight chuckle seeing he literally had two whole lines.
“What have you been doing all morning?” You snicker a bit and he picks up Brians notes laying right next to them. 
“I have been trying to think of how to get this shit into something decent. Listen to this- Ally is a woman who has many ex-boyfriends who turned out to be losers. Now she believes that she can't find a good guy. But when she runs into one of her exes who is now a 'Prince Charming', she decides to look up all of her exes to see if any of them have changed for the better. When she has trouble locating them, she asks her neighbor Colin, who sleeps with a different woman every night and sneaks out the morning after to avoid talking to them, to help her.” He tossed it back down to the table. “Like anyone cares how many people someone slept with.”
You wrinkled your nose, and you knew you shouldn't say anything. Because you honestly had to agree with him, but that dark little voice in the back of your mind that seemed to always be there when you weren't feeling good poked at you. “Well some people, it does matter Mike.” You push to stand, and go around the counter to search out your midol from your purse. Grabbing the bag, you started to paw through the contents while Mike twisted his office chair to look at you. You could see this slight furrow in his brow as he went over what you had said. 
“Did it matter to you, when we talked about it ourselves Y/N? Cause you were pretty chill.” he asked, and you could see from the corner of your eye as you snatched your bottle that he was leaning forward in his chair, the curious look on his face was seriously wondering if you did or not. In that moment you just wanted to snap at him, he should know that you didn't nor ever would care who was a part of his past. Since it was just the past. 
“If I had cared, Mike, would I have asked you for your number on that first date? Of course I didn't give two shits about who you dated or fooled around with.” You retorted, shaking out a couple pills and popping them dry before screwing the cap back on and ditching the bottle back in your bag. Going to the fridge, you sought out water, which all were left were bottles half gone. Groaning, you dropped your head. “You haven't been to the store yet Mike?” you snapped as you shut the door, taking one of the bottles anyways. You weren't drinking tap water, that was for damn sure. 
“I was going to go this afternoon before you get home.” He brushed off your irritation in favor of your earlier comment, more keen to go back to the conversation you two were having before. “Did someone like say something about me before you even met up with me? Because we certainly didn't talk about our dating history for a while.” 
You leaned against the counter for a moment, rubbing at your face for a moment. “Why do you put everything off to the last minute Mike? You always do this, and then I’m left either having to nag you, beg you, and just end up doing it myself.” You grumbled, and ignored his question. “Can you go now please? So the water will be chilled by tonight.” you left him at his computer, going to crash on the couch and grab the remote. But Mike wasn't far behind, following you to the couch. 
“I will later, but I’m curious if someone said something to you? Like a warning?” He flopped down on the other end, his arm slinging along the back and looking at you intently. 
You flicked through stations and rolled your eyes. ‘Fuck Mike, it was so long ago, drop it. It doesn't matter who told me what before we even met. We're together, aren't we? I make my own decisions about someone.” 
“But someone did say something.” He pushed you once more, and you clench your hand around the remote hearing him keep on going. 
“Fucking hell Mike, you really wanna know. It's not exactly like you were dating anyone during that time. Mallory told me all about how you two would fool around and that maybe I needed un-fucking-winding. So she set us up. But you already knew that.” You toss the remote at him, and push off the couch. “Then I really liked you, so we made it work. But right this second, if you follow me to the bedroom, I will kick your ass out to the couch for the rest of the week.” you snapped, and left him there to brood, going into the bedroom with a sharp slam of the door. 
Mike winced when he heard the door slam, feeling bad now that he pushed for something that really didn't matter. That first hook up was two years ago, and you two had been together ever since. It just nagged at him in a way that he was shocked at, thinking that someone might have said “hey he's a player, be careful.” Maybe you were right, a small part of him might have cared? Not so much that he or you slept with a few people, but that anyone would actually care. 
Mike waited a few moments for things to cool down, he knew he shouldnt have pushed on such a stupid matter, cause it honestly didnt matter to him what anyone might have said. It was a stupid fight, and Mike wanted to make it up to you, apologize for upsetting you when you were already feeling so awful. Listening, he could hear you in the bedroom, opening drawers and snapping them shut then it went quiet. Pushing up from the couch, he approached the bedroom, and knocked on the door to ease it open. You were laying on the bed, a heating pad plugged in where your phone usually was. You had it resting on your stomach, and had your other arm slung over your face to block out the light. 
“I mean it Mike, you come in here looking to argue, I will scratch those blue eyes of yours out and leave you a blind man.” You threatened him, which he tried not to chuckle at, but a tiny one burst out while he went to stretch on the bed next to you, sliding his hands under your shirt to rub your back. 
“Im sorry Y/N, I was being kind of an ass.” He said, and you snorted a bit in agreement. Mike could feel the knots in your back loosen a little as you relaxed into his hand, and he pulled in closer to you. “Is it really bad this time?” he looked at the time, it had only been twenty minutes since you had taken your painkillers, still hadn't had a proper chance to kick in for you yet. 
You stretched a bit and pressed yourself back hard enough for him to know you wanted more pressure in his touch, which he did, digging in his fingers. You sighed a bit into your pillow. “It's messing me up this time Mike, not going to lie.” You twisted your head to glance over your shoulder, and your look softened a bit when you saw how concerned he did look. So you twisted to lay on your back and look up at him. “I'm sorry to Mike, I came in looking for a fight because of how I was feeling. Your script will be good, and people who do care probably have boring sex lives.” You joked a bit while lifting a hand to let the back of your fingers brush against the rasp of his beard. It made you tingle to feel it, and his hand slipped along your waist and over your belly where the heating pad didn't cover.  
“You know there are other ways to help you.” Mike started, looming over you slightly and you wrinkled your nose, knowing what he was talking about. It always made you feel a little guilty though, like it was something he had to do, not that he wanted to do. All in your head, you knew, but the thought still had manifested there after that time he ended up being late on a deadline cause of a weekend of him taking care of you. 
You shrugged a bit and shook your head. “You don't have to do anything, you should probably get back to your script. Brian’s going to want to see it in a few days.” You brushed it off, but Mike wasn't about to be deterred, because he knew how much better you felt afterwards, and he enjoyed making you feel good immensely. 
“I know I don't have to “do anything”, but how about I want to?” He pushed up off the bed, and reached down to grasp your hands and ease you up into a sitting position, making you groan and pull off the heating pad, being sure to click it off. Mike gave you what he hoped would be a promising grin to get you in the mood. “Fuck that script, I rather have some dirty sex… in the bed?” He questioned, and you gripped his hands tighter, pulling yourself up. 
“You're not going to leave me in peace to wither and die are you?” You scoffed as you side stepped him to grab a couple towels, and draped them over your arm. “Shower, mess be minimal, and the hot water will help my back.” Mike came up behind and ran his hands along your sides, while kissing on your neck, making you sigh a bit in appreciation. That rasp of beard followed by soft velvet lips always did something, even now your toes were curling up the more he did it. 
Getting in the bathroom, he reached and grabbed the towels from you, tossing them on the bathroom counter. “Absolutely not going to let you wither and die, you know how much work it would be to find another awesome girlfriend like you?” He cupped your face, dragging you into a kiss while you grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it off when he pulled away, he mimicked you and pulled your top off over your head and discarding them wherever they happened to land. 
“Ooh I like being awesome. How awesome am I Mike?” You wiggled your brows at him, and reached behind you to unclasp your bra, which Mike eagerly drew off you when you got it unclasped and cupped your breasts, massage them lightly, thinking about what to say. Thumbs circled around your sensitive nipples and you took a slight inhale that Mike happened to hear, causing him to do it a little harder the next time around. “You're always so sensitive right now, I absolutely love it.” Mike admitted while massaging his palms into the globes, you ended up arching into his touch and dropped your hands to his pants to start working open his belt. 
“You didn't answer me, pain in the ass.” You tugged the belt open and popped open the button, sure to watch him as you pressed your hands under the boxer band and wrapped fingers around his cock. You felt him twitch in your hand, a hitch in his breath as his normally bright blue eyes darkened. “Am I distracting you a little too much?” 
He took a deep breath as you sunk to the floor, Mike's hand falling to the bathroom counter, his knuckles turning white while he gripped the counter at the anticipation. “Here I thought I was supposed to make you feel better?” Seeing you kneeling, giving him that sultry fuck look from under your lashes while darts of your tongue teased your lips. A tug on his jeans dragged them down further so you could pull his cock out, giving measured firm strokes and breaking eye contact to look at his erection instead, sliding a thumb around his head and dragging your thumb back to your lips to suck your fingertip.
“You are making me feel better. Well actually, hand me a towel?” you arched up to bring your face closer to him, your free hand held out while Mike handed you a towel in which you put under your knees to get comfy. “See you helped me.” Giving a teasing wink, you twist your head to give him a trailing lick of your tongue along the underside of his cock and spit to lube him in your hands. A kiss of your lips to the tip made him shudder com watching the sinfully sweet act, and then you spread your lips to lower your mouth on him and suck with a moan. Already he was cursing above you under his breath as he did his best to not look away. 
“Fuck baby” Mike grunted, and you widened your mouth to draw him in further, fluttering your tongue around him while rubbing your hands against the front of his thighs till you circled fingers around the base, pumping him where your mouth couldnt take him yet. You relished the taste and heaviness on your tongue, lips drawing him in further to leave a wet trail on his cock when you bobbed your head faster. Heavy breaths flared your nostrils while you hummed your satisfaction till he hit the back of your throat. His hips rocked to meet your bobbing head until you gagged around his girth. “Just a bit more baby.” Mike grunted as his hands went to cup your face, fingers digging in your cheeks. Mike's head tipped back, and your gaze rolled upwards to see his adam's apple bobbing up and down, the muscles in his torso tighten, and where your hands grasped his thighs to hold on while he face-fucked you, kept flexing. “Fuck… FUCK…” He pulled you off him, his hips stuttering to a stop and his cock weeped with desire to shoot his load. The thick white dribble looked too tempting to you. Your tongue tip curled out and you darted back in close to give a kitten lick to the tip, cleaning the drool and precum off and maybe just to tease him slightly, knowing how close he was. 
“God your a fucking little brat.” He hissed at your antics, stepping away and leaning down to grasp your upper arms, and bring you back up while kicking off his pants and boxers fast as he could, making you giggle at how strained he sounded. 
“Get out of those clothes.” He instructed as he reached in the shower to start the water and stumbled in. You were tugging your pants off, and getting ready as you heard him swear in the shower. “Fucking water.” You open the curtain to see him drenched already, trying to wiggle the knobs to the proper temperature. 
“Well why did you already get in Mike?” you ask, putting your hand in the water to make sure it wasn't too cold, when he reached out to wrap an arm around your waist and drag you in with him making you squeal as the water was still adjusting to temperature. Mike backed you up against the showers wall, his hands rubbing your hips while kissing your lips with a hunger that made your head spin, and your hands grasped the back of his neck and head to hold on. 
Pulling away from your mouth, and working his lips against your neck, you tilted your head back into the stream to feel the warmth wash over your sore body twitch a groan. The hot water had already started to fog up the small space. “I was hoping the cold water would cool me off, I want…” Lap of his tongue moved over your jawline. “... to be…” his hand swept down your stomach and cupped your mound between your clenched thighs to stroke your folds. “... inside you when I cum.”
You pulled away a bit to look at him, biting at your lip which caused his eyes to drop down too, wanting to pull at it because of the way you teased yourself . But your words brought him back to you. “It really doesn't bother you Mike? That I'm on my period?” That bit of self doubt starting to come back to the front of your mind, bringing along guilt that maybe he didn’t enjoy this like you did.
He gave a roll of his eyes and nipped at your lips, sliding his tongue over that bottom lip before pulling it from your teasing teeth, laying his own mark on you to cover your bite from before. “We’ve done this many times Baby. Only boys would care about such a thing, good thing I’m not a boy.” He surged to claim all your senses, his fingers spreading your folds to start touching you in a way that would drive you crazy. 
You kareened when you felt his fingers start to tease you, his hand planting on the wall as his upper body leaned in closer, eyes staring into yours while rubbing from your clit to your entrance, watching as your breathing picked up and your eyes turned into a needing glaze. “Ahh, just like that, huh baby. Fuck I love how sensitive you get during this time.” He wasn't wrong, everything felt amplified, his fingers felt thicker as he started to pump one into you, your core was hotter, your arousal seeping down your thigh to mix with the hot water. 
It wasn't long till your thighs were spreading further for him, and you rocked slightly to meet his fingers plunging back into you, his strokes making you clench tightly around him, as well as grasp his biceps to keep yourself from losing your balance. Mike loved watching your jaw drop as you were fluttering around his thick fingers, sobbing out when Mike twisted his palm slightly to grind the heel of his hand against your clit. “Mike! Oh too much.” you tried pushing him away while moving your hips faster, but he was too solid and was driven to have you come all on his palm. Mike nudged his nose against your jaw to tip your head back, licking the running water  streaming down your neck with a low timbre voice making his demands. “Come on baby, this is just the first one.” 
Just the first one. Fuck
You dug in your fingers while you rode out your orgasm that crashed over you, Mike slowing his pumps down so you could come down from your high, tilting his head to give you an open mouthed kiss. And he started again to bring you up, his fingers sliding in your sensitive pussy, his thumb sweeping around your clit slowly. “Mike,” you whined softly against his mouth, your forehead pressed against his. His fingers knew just where to touch you. He was able to go much deeper than your own fingers could ever reach. Mike thrummed you again, nudging his nose against yours to have you focus on him. “You're going to come for me once more Pretty Girl, I love how you flood my hand, riding my fingers with that greedy pussy of yours.” His tongue licked over your lips, and greedily you sucked on his tongue rocking harder to meet his fingers faster. Your second orgasm is coming fast, as sensitive as you were. “Ahhh good girl, I'm going to add another cause you're taking me so well.” Mike bit at your lip teasing as your eyes widened, a third finger stretched you, and he smirked, still holding your gaze. “Squeezing so tight baby, you should make yourself cum now Babe.” 
You started falling apart once more and Mike let his chest press against yours and your arms locked around his neck, burying your face in his shoulder as he feathered kisses up and down your neck. “Did I tell you yet I love you?” His erection pressed against your stomach, still hard and demanding as when your mouth had been wrapped around it and you rubbed yourself against it, purring in his ear. “Show me Mike.” Your toes curled as remains of your orgasm raced up your spine, any pain you had been in before was replaced with fluttering clenching muscles, and languid pleasure seeping in your system. 
Mike's hands fell to the back of your thighs, and he slipped your legs up to swing around his waist, and position yourself to take him. “I'm glad you finally accepted this suggestion.” Mike let go of your thighs once you were holding onto him, and he pressed his cock through your folds, feeling your wet heat welcoming to accept him. You nodded in a rush, blinking out the water pelting over you. 
“Yes, Fuck Mike you feel so good, its driving me insane.” You tried pressing yourself on him, and when he pressed in against your sensitive channel, clenching around him as he worked himself into your pussy. “Yes, oh yes.” stiffening against him when he thrusted to bury himself in, rutting against you to make you cry out as he started slow, letting you appreciate the hard drag through you. It wasn’t long though when Mike started to pound himself into you, and your bouncing breasts moved in his face. He freed a hand to massage them, almost on the verge of a blissed pain how his teeth sucked in the curve, and the lash of his tongue dragging over your pebbled flesh till he could pull on it. Stretch the nerves to quiver and mess with your rational thought, till all you could focus on his mouth, hot and wetter then even the steam of water pouring from above, the feeling of Mike's cock driving in harder and harder, sure that you felt him almost kiss your womb, fighting the urge to cum already. Your hands scrambled for purchase against his back, which clenched under your nails digging in, flexing and tightening with each pounding thrust trying to lay claim to your orgasm. 
“I can feel you, you want to, your body is trying to.” He moaned into your breasts his face was buried against, his scruff rough between your cleavage. You back bounced off the tile of the bathroom wall at these words, you wanted to deny him, keep feeling him driving back the pain, and keeping you on the edge of pleasure. But it was all so overwhelming, and you caved, cumming again to flood his cock with your arousal, clenching around him. “God your so fucking tight around me. Trying to get me to cum in you.” Mike grunted, and you just squeezed him more, wanting it, so badly to feel filled with him. 
“Course I want it, don't you dare pull out.” You cried, flexing around him again as his balls slapped against you and you tighten your legs around him to keep him with you. His grunts became more feral, his tongue marking your skin while he chased water droplets like a man dying of thirst, and you saw nothing but sparks filled your vision while he groaned into your ear that he too was close. You whined as you gave one last demanding squeeze, your own demand that he fill you, which he did. Happily shooting himself to fill you, spreading himself deeper and both of you ended blissed around each other
You lean into him, taking deep breaths against his shoulder while his arm slings around your waist. “Okay, I got you babes. We really do need to get a mat for this tub though. Almost slipped a few times.” You giggle into his neck before straightening, unlocking your legs from around his waist to lower to a stand, careful cause it was slippery. Reaching down, you flick the water back to the facet, and Mike cranks both the knobs off, the last of the water rushing down the drain. Pulling back the curtain, Mike stepped out, and grabbed the last towel on the counter and handed it to you, which after you two stepped out you started rubbing your body down to dry. 
He grasped the one you had used for your knees earlier, rubbing it over his head, and whisking across his body, but he was done quick and had yanked on his boxers. You immediately reached down and grabbed his tee from earlier, slipping it on and went to the counter to brush out your hair before it dried in a mess. Knowing you would come out when you were ready, Mike went and stretched out on the bed, leaning against the headboard and flicked on the tv, flipping channels until you came out all dressed for a day in bed. Moving around the bed, you tumbled into your side of the mattress. 
You curl up against Mike's side, and he hands the remote over so his arm can circle around your shoulders and let his fingertips brush along the soft part of your upper arm. “Feeling any better Babes?” He tilted his head to look down at you while you focused on the tv, and you hummed, tilting up to put a thank you on his lips. “Much, all relaxed and sated, thank you Handsome.” Mike couldn't deny that made his chest swell a bit, proud and pleased his girl was now feeling better. He dropped a kiss to the top of your head as you finally stopped at the beginning of Con Air. 
“Nicholas Cage?” Mike mused as he looked up, and you tugged the blankets over the two of you while you twisted, leaning your back against Mike's chest, and your head on his shoulder. 
“Damn straight Mike, Cage, Malkovich, and Buscemi? Doesn't get better.” your love of 90’s movies didn't bypass Mike, so he wasn't surprised. It didn't take long though till you had passed out, within the first 15 minutes of it, and Mike stayed for a while before it was apparent you were really passed out. He eased away, and shifted you enough so you were comfy against the pillows. Going to put his clothes back on, he looked in the shower and went under the sink looking for a quick spray to wipe down the shower with. Running a cloth over the wall, and using the shower head, he rinsed away any bloody traces that might have been left behind. Mike didn't want you happening across it, and having to deal with it yourself. Once he was satisfied, he took care of everything and flicked the lights off to go back in the room, seeing you still sound asleep and relaxed.
Mike went over to your side of the bed to grab the heating pad you discarded earlier and put it on low. Laying it against your lower back as you rolled to hug a pillow against your chest. Snapping the blankets up around you as he started to leave the room, he turned the tv down a few notches, and eased the door almost to a shut. 
Mike knew he probably should work on his script, you were right earlier that Brian would be wanting to see it soon, but he bypassed his computer. Grabbing his wallet and phone, he stuffed them in his back pocket. At the kitchen counter he scribbled a quick note, should you wake up. He didn't want to set your phone off and wake you up by sending a message to it. ~went to go pick up that water, message if you need anything baby. XO Mike.~ 
Leaving the apartment, when he hit the street his hands found their way into his pockets, and he whistled happily. Sure he might have gotten jack shit done for work so far, but he spent his morning loving on his girl, and if that isn't life goals, damned if Mike knew what would actually be better. Reaching the local shop the two of you used near the apartment. The door’s bell jingled when he pushed it open, the clerk lifting her head to see who was coming in and gave a grin seeing him. “Hey Mike, wondering if I was seeing you today.” 
Mike grabbed a hand basket, winking at the clerk. “Of course MissThompson, my day wouldn't be complete without you.” he flirted with the older woman, making her chuckle a bit as he went down the first aisle. He grabbed a few things you two typically needed, a loaf of that specialty bread for toast that you liked, a tin of bbq pringles he liked snacking on when watching a game, a bar of chocolate you swore up and down you required during this time, he was also sure to grab a couple gallons of water to bring home. Wandering back towards the counter, Miss Thompson cleared her newspaper off the counter for him to set his stuff down. 
“Did you see the fall stuff Mike? I think Y/N would really like them.” She pointed at a small display table nearby, which was covered with a few pumpkin trinkets, some homemade baked goods, and candles. Mike wandered over, and started picking through the items. “She would like them wouldn't she, and she's been having a rough day.” He mused outloud and Miss Thompson tutted in sympathy. Glancing over the stuff, he picked up a few different candle holders, a box of autumn tinted macaroons, and some pumpkin pastries that he knew would remind you of home. Bringing it up to the counter, Miss Thompson gave an approving smile and was quick to ring it up for Mike. “I think she’s gonna appreciate it all.” 
“She does love fall, always going on about home this time of year.” Mike stated as he took out his card and gave it a swipe, his stuff was bagged, and he juggled the bag in one arm and the water in the other. “Probably see you tomorrow.” 
“You know I will be here.” Miss Thompson offered as Mike worked the door open, and headed home. Once he arrived back at the apartment, he was quiet while slipping off his sneakers, and dropping off his arm loads at the kitchen counter where his note went untouched. Scooping it up and crumpling to shoot into the basket, he paused long enough to make sure he made it, giving a fist pump when it landed inside. Quietly he went down the hall, and pushed the door open a bit to see you were still sleeping. You looked soft in your sleep, relaxed and peaceful. You had rolled once more in your sleep, your arm holding the heating pad to your stomach. 
Leaving you in peace, he went back out to take care of what he purchased, sure to put one of the jugs of water in the fridge. Then he spread the ornaments around the coffee table, and set the desserts out on a tray, leaving them on the coffee table as well. Thinking about what else he could do to surprise you, he left the apartment once more to go down to the storage unit in the basement of the apartment complex, just knowing you had to have some of your treasured halloween decorations, stored away in a bright orange bin with a jack o'lantern drawn on the front. Once he saw the tote and pulled it down, he popped it open to double check, and sure enough you had it packed with lights, halloween trinkets, more candle holders, and foam pumpkins. Securing the lid, he brought it up to the apartment, and set it down. 
Unpopping the top, he started to pull out the lights, and untangle them. Looking around at just where to hang them, already he was picturing how you had it set up last year, and grinned to himself, knowing exactly how he wanted it to look for you. 
Several hours later, you stretched out with a yawn, turning to grab your phone and see it was later in the afternoon. Pushing up to a sit and rubbing at your eyes as you push off the bed, You headed to use the bathroom. Once finished, You came out several moments later, now sporting shorts and a warm sweater just looking for the coziness of the soft material. You pulled your hands into the sleeves, grasping the cuffs in your fingertips to play with the soft material while you left the bedroom. Before you even entered the kitchen, you could hear the clickity clack of Mike's keys on his laptop, and you smiled to yourself. From the rate the keys were clicking, he must have figured out a storyline. 
Stepping into the kitchen, you stalled as your eyes roamed over the orange and purple lit up apartment, Mike had hung up your halloween lights around the tv, and living room, along the counter and bookshelves were orange pumpkins glowing, one corner by the door was a scarecrow and your foam pumpkins, like it was the front porch you didn't have yet. On the TV was paused on a Harry Potter movie, and you took a step further into the room, hovering your hand over one of the candle light holders, enjoying the heat for a second before moving on. “Mike, this is… wow, I didn't think you really cared if I decorated or not.” 
Hearing you he spun his chair away from his laptop, holding his hand out and when you went to him, he tugged you into his lap, circling around your waist. “I wanted you to wake up to something I knew you loved. Plus you've been too busy at work to decorate.” He kissed your shoulder and rested his chin on it while you slid your fingers gently up and down the back of his neck. 
“You are right Mike, I do love it, Thank You.” you hummed lightly and wrapped your arms around his neck to give him a hug, pulling in close. “And all those new pumpkins? Where did they come from?” You slid off his lap and went to go look closer at the new additions, tweaking them just a bit to put them where you wanted them, biting your lip excitedly. Mike was sure to save his work, and closed the laptop. Following you into the living room, he wrapped his arms around your waist. “Miss Thompson insisted you would like them. Want me to throw a pizza in the oven and we crash on the couch to watch a few halloween movies?” 
You twisted in his arms, and grasped his face, tilting up to kiss his lips with a teasing nip. “Yes, please. Anything I can do to help?” you fall back to the flat of your feet, and Mike leads you into the kitchen. “Bring us a couple drinks out to the living room, and as soon as I get this in the oven, I will be out to join you.” You grab a couple beers from the fridge, and make your way while Mike is turning on the oven and flipping the box to read the directions to himself. Entering the living room once more, you set the beers on a couple coasters, and fall onto the couch. In front of you were all sorts of sweet treats. You leaned forward, grabbing a pie when your empty stomach started to rumble, your teeth sank into the delicate pastry as you leaned your head back, moaning softly at the flaked crust and sweet filling with the taste of pumpkin, nutmeg, cinnamon and allspice. The spices tickle your taste buds, and the sweetness soothed it away. 
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Mike came around the back of the couch, seeing you slowly chewing and giving that satisfied moan, moving to fall down next to you, arching a brow. “That better than the shower?” he teased you, and your eyes sprang open, shaking your head. 
“This just tastes good.” You grinned as you leaned forward to set it down and moved to straddle his lap, dipping for kisses against his lips, where your tongue slid along the seam of his lips till you could work past them, rolling your tongue against his, and he was caught unaware at how you would taste. A mix of your usual sweetness and the desert danced on his tongue, and his hands moved to grasp the back of your hair, to hold you in place, effectively take your kiss as his own. “You taste and feel good.” you pulled enough away to say before he closed the slight space to claim you all over again, strokes of his tongue teasing you.
Your hips started grinding, shifting yourself enough to straddle just one of his thighs while your hands slid along his shoulders, and you started to arch a bit more, a bit faster, harder as you pushed down. Mike's hands fell to your hips, helping you along by guiding you up and down. He pushed forward a bit to draw himself in closer, pulling his mouth from yours and muttering. “That's it pretty girl, make yourself cum again.” you nodded slightly and he pulled you down on his flexing thigh, making you toss your head back when it made your clit throb and your breathing come out in a rush. “Again Sir…” 
“Sir?” Mike pulled back, his blue eyes twinkling at you while he watched you pick up speed, chasing your end. Your fingers curled, clutching at his shirt and digging into his shoulders. 
“It slipped out Mike, I'm so close now.” your voice high pitched whine. You needed that rush, so close that you could taste that pleasure almost. Your movements started stuttering as your own muscles ached and Mike was quick to take over, picking up the speed you had before and you started chanting. “Yes, yesyesyesyes, fuck please.” 
One of Mikes hands snaked up to grasp the back of your head, tilting your head back and he pressed his face against your neck, chaining kisses and nips while whispering. “Come on Pretty Girl, I need you to come now.” Behind you the oven started alarming and the sense of urgency overcame you, to just rock on his thigh, your knee brushing against his hard on in his pants, and you were cumming for him, whimpering as you rode it out and you went slack, Mike loosening his hard grips and rubbing your back as he slid you off his thigh. “I gotta go check that pizza.” 
You nodded as he pushed off the couch, grabbing at his crotch to try and give himself some room, making you hide your face on the couch and giggle. You heard the squeak of the oven door and a soft “Shit” from Mike as a clang of a pizza pan went on top of the stove. “Babe, it's a bit crispy, but not terrible.” You wriggled to pull yourself up to kneel on the couch, leaning against the back to watch him in the kitchen look for the pizza cutter in a drawer. 
“Not a big deal. Crispy pizza is worth that orgasm.” You couldn't hide the grin as Mike was quick to slice the pizza into slices, and slide a couple on each plate while grasping the paper towels to tuck under his arm. 
“You can start the movie, and fuck you were about to make me blow my load in my jeans watching you. And that ‘Sir’? We still have to discuss that.” He sauntered back into the living room, while you were searching for the remote on the coffee table. Sure to hit play, he waited till you were comfy, and set your plate on your lap. You grasp the first piece, working on taking the crust off and rip off a bite size piece. Your eyes went from the screen to Mike. 
“It just… happened in the moment Mike. Why, did you like it?” You popped your bite in your mouth, and Mike tilted his head, pondering it a moment. 
“You caught me by surprise, but I wouldn't mind hearing it again.” He stated, and you grinned, wiggling brows. 
“Just wait till the day I call you Daddy.” 
Mike groaned, tilting his head back against the couch with a groan. “Your gonna be the death of me Y/N.” 
You snorted while tucking up your legs, and smirking at him. “I can think of worst ways to go.” 
You cuddled up closer, laughing before you took another bite of your food, and Mike pulled you in closer, both of you turning your attention to the movie for the rest of the evening. 
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tsarisfanfiction · 3 years
This does not have a title, mostly because it’s 6am and hell if I can be bothered to wrestle with my brain to get one together.  The doc is under the name ‘Holey Scott’, oops.
Once again, I lay the blame firmly at @gumnut-logic‘s feet.  Firstly for This Picture, which got my muses curious earlier, and then for giving me the prompt ‘Scott has a hole in his side’ when I was (once again) hyped up on sugar at stupid o’clock in the morning.  I need to stop doing that.
There is room for more.  There is room for this to be a proper fic.  Whether that will happen, I have no idea.  For now, we have a Scott with a hole where there shouldn’t be.
Ow.  Something hurt.  Something hurt a lot, and Scott wasn’t sure what it was, but he did know that it wasn’t a good thing.  Hands pawed at him, large, warm, familiar hands, before catching something that really, really hurt.
Someone screamed.
He clamped his mouth shut when he realised it was him.
He knew that voice.
“Gordon, get Thunderbird Two over here now!”
Gordon?  Shouldn’t it be Vir-
It was Virgil’s voice.
Virgil was here.
Virgil sounded scared.
That wasn’t right. Virgil shouldn’t be scared.
His eyes were closed. He peeled them open with a firm demand to his reluctant eyelids, who really did not want to obey.  Tough.  Virgil was scared.  Scott was needed.
He saw blue first.  A grubby blue, covered with grey blobs.
Something solid ran along his shoulders, not quite supporting the back of his neck.  It was warm.
Scott ignored it in favour of telling the muscles in his neck to work, bringing his line of sight down from the cloud-marred sky to a shock of black hair.
His brother was still talking, words sharp with fear.  Scott moved his head a little more and met brown eyes.  They widened, and his voice died.
“Vir-”  Talking hurt.  Breathing hurt.  Saying his brother’s name took more effort than it ever had any right to.  “-gil.”
“Don’t move.”  It was as close to a snap as Virgil ever got, but he still didn’t sound angry.  Just scared. Terrified, and Scott needed to move, just to find whatever was scaring his little brother and make it stop.
No-one scared his little brothers.
“Virg-” he tried again, but once again his body interrupted him.  A cough tore through his chest, hacking its way up his throat and ending in a gargle of liquid in his mouth.
That wasn’t right.
Virgil’s face was white, and he was talking again.  “-lung, John. Gordon, how far out are you?”
Scott couldn’t make out the words garbled out of the communicator.  The liquid sloshed in the back of his mouth, trying to run back down his throat, and his windpipe constricted in protest.  He choked out another cough, and that time felt the liquid erupt past his lips, running down his chin.
It tasted metallic. That was not a good thing.
“No!” Virgil yelled. He did something – moved a hand, maybe – and Scott’s vision went white, then black with little stars dancing across his vision.
He didn’t want to see the stars.  He wanted to see Virgil and find out what was making his brother so scared so he could fix it.
He was Virgil’s big brother. He had to fix it.  There was never another option.
“Scott, stay with me.” It was a plea, wrenching at Scott’s heart.  Why would Virgil think he’d go anywhere?  Why would he ever leave him?
“No-” he tried to reassure him, remind him that he would never abandon his brother, but there wasn’t enough breath in his body and everything hurt so much he couldn’t even get his voice to work properly.  “Not-” He coughed again, more warm, metallic liquid pooling in his mouth and dribbling down his chin.  “L-Lea… ving.”
It took everything he had to push the last syllable out.  Wet, gargled, and nothing like the reassurance Scott had been trying for.
“No,” Virgil said.  It was supposed to be firm, Scott knew, but there was the barest tremble in it.  Fear.  Virgil was still scared.  “No, you’re not.”
That didn’t sound like a confirmation.  That sounded like he was trying to convince himself.  Did he doubt Scott?  Did he honestly thing anything could tear him from his little brother?
His chest tightened and another cough tore through him.  More liquid in his mouth, down his chin.  That hurt.  That really, really, hurt.
That was past pain and well into agony and the dull click of comprehension switched on in his brain.
He was hurt. Virgil was scared because he was hurt.
He… was hurt badly.
Scott didn’t know what had happened, couldn’t remember what came before ow and Virgil yelling his name, but something had happened and it really, really wasn’t good.
No, he couldn’t have that. Couldn’t have Virgil worrying over him when they were there to save people and he never, ever wanted to hear his brother so scared because of him.
His knuckles were brushing the ground, arm limp.
Scott told the limb to move.
It twitched.
Not good enough. Scott sent all the disdain he had for its lacklustre performance at it and tried again.  Another twitch, and he sent his frustration at it instead.  Didn’t the stupid thing understand that it had to pacify Virgil?  His voice wasn’t working, strangled by a lack of air and drowned by liquid going places it shouldn’t be, so he had to move.
“Scott, keep your eyes open!”  Virgil was begging and Scott hadn’t noticed when his vision had gone dark, eyelids taking advantage of his shifting focus to slide shut.
With a grunt that should have been frustration but ended up another admittance of pain, Scott forced them open again.
His arm decided that was permission to relax again.
Damn it.  Why wasn’t his body listening to him?  Virgil was scared and he had to stop that.  He was scaring Virgil and that was absolutely not allowed, so why wasn’t his body co-operating?
He yanked at his arm again, but it refused to move.  His fingertips twitched.
“No, Scott.”  Virgil was trying to boss him around but the command in his tone didn’t hide the fear.  “Don’t try to move.  I just need you to stay awake.  You hear me, Scott?  Stay. Awake.”
Scott wasn’t tired. He wasn’t planning on sleeping.
His eyelids really needed to get the memo on that one, because Virgil’s hair was blending in with the rest of the darkness again, and he abandoned his useless, insubordinate arm to yell at them again.  No sound emerged from his throat, the shout entirely mental, but his body took it as a signal to try and cough up his lung.
Coughing hurt, especially when each one was accompanied by a full-chest jerk and the agony that caused painted his vision white.  Liquid gargled in his mouth and drops escaped through his lips, but this time it just wasn’t stopping.
He couldn’t respond to the terror in his brother’s voice, couldn’t do anything, even keep his eyes open, as his body was wracked with cough after cough.
“Gordon, where are you!”
Scott didn’t hear if their brother replied.  He didn’t hear anything as agony subsided into pain and then washed away into a dark, blissful, oblivion.
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deathordemise · 3 years
hello, here’s a little piece i speedran (it’s 12:15 am so don’t get your expectations too high lmao). more under the cut!!
it’s the wtnv au so props to @auddaxenderdragon for the ideas and motivation and shoutout to night vale anon
There’s a dog hovering 4 feet above the floor by the sink in the Dream SMP Community Radio Station.
The small white dog has taken residence in the men’s bathroom to be precise, startling a certain radio host during a weather break. Bad has walked into an unoccupied cubicle in the empty bathroom only to find the dog when he exited.
Being a dog person, he immediately fawned over her. Leaving the faucet running, he sprinted into the Station Management office and begged to keep her. Bad determined that the guttural groans and shrieks were an affirmative, and named her Rat.
The first problem was that Rat couldn’t seem to move from the bathroom. In fact, Rat couldn’t seem to move from her position 4 feet in the air next to the sink, as if she had been encased there by an invisible hamster ball. She could move her little furry paws, do flips midair , and let out these adorable little barks, but remained stationary when Bad sat in the doorway, trying to tempt her with treats while cooing and patting his lap, probably looking like an absolute madman.Thank god Intern Sam had a way with carpentry, and fashioned her an easier access to food bowls, water and a litter box.
The next problem was that she doesn’t really show up in pictures, a problem that Bad was lamenting over next time Skeppy dropped by. Instead of the usual team of scientists and equipment, he came alone with a beeping box. Bas wasn’t completely sure what it did or how it worked, but Skeppy has walked all around the room with it, tutting and writing down some notes.
“This place is completely radioactive.” He commented, absorbed with whatever was happening on the box’s screen.
“Uh huh.” Bad wasn’t completely sure if that was a good or bad thing, but nodded anyway.
“It should have been evacuated decades ago.” Skeppy smiles at him, and Bad decides that yes, it’s probably a good thing if Skeppy looks at him like that.
“We’ve got a station dog !” He blurts, drumming the table with his hands. Skeppy perks up even more, putting the gadget back into one of his huge lab coat pockets.
“Oh, that’s so cool. I wanna see!”
Bad quickly cues a few pre-recorded segments and then leads him out of the booth.The scientist has a very similar reaction as Bad did, baby talking and giving her a good scratch behind her ear.
“Her name is Rat.” Bad informs, feeling very much like someone introducing his child to his new partner. He wants to take a picture of the two more than anything but alas, Rat is nothing more than a fuzzy blur with teeth and headache inducing glowing eyes in photos.
“Do all dogs in the SMP have poisonous spines and float?” He asked, gently probing along her back experimentally.
“Well, the spine thing really depends on what breed you’re getting, but the floating is a Rat only special.”
“Have you tried getting her down?”
“Yeah, I tried coaxing her with treaties but she didn’t really respond.”
“No, I mean, have you tried-“ Skeppy mimes yanking something .
“Oh. I didn’t think of that, actually.”
“First time for everything!” Skeppy’s already digging some gloves out of another pocket.
The first tug proves to be fruitless. Rat does another one of her cute little barks, a distorted booming noise that makes every hair stand in its end, and a blood curdling cry that Bad does not recognise echoes in reply from within the buildings depths. After 20 minutes worth of pushing,pulling and attempts to pick her up, Rat remains afloat while the two men collapse to the floor exhausted and covered in dog fur.
Skeppy immediately pulls out his notepad to scribble down something. Bad is content watching him work. He reluctantly gets back up though, when Skeppy shuts the book and hauls him to his feet.
“Kay, I’m gonna go do some shit in the lab and tomorrow we can try again. I’m thinking of maybe a carrier of some sorts?”
“Tomorrow?” Bad let's the swear slip.
“If that’s cool with you, I mean.”
“Yes! Yes, come back again tomorrow.”
“I look forward to it.” he runs his hand through his hair, making it even messier than before.
After seeing the scientist off, Bad wanders back to his recording booth, snapping the earphones over his ears and waiting for the signal. The “On Air” sign flashes on, and the voice of DSMP clears his throat.
“Hello, listeners. You’ll never guess who just stopped by.”
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magalidragon · 4 years
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Tiny Dancer | a drabble set in the “It Is What It Is” universe
a/n: For @stilesssolo I said I would do a drabble of smol!Jon in ballet tights. 🤣 Here it is! Also I just threw his moodboard together in like ten min which is why it is trash.  But then again, so am I, just absolute Jonerys trash, lol.
Dany grunted, separating back the heel of her ballet shoe from the fabric, reaching down with her knife and gouging out the shank of the shoe, releasing a triumphant cry when she yanked it out, holding it into the air like a prize. She dropped it to the floor with the rest of the detritus that accumulated when she prepped her shoes. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her boyfriend frowning at her, over top of his book, his glasses glinting in the light coming off the fireplace in front of them both. “What?” she asked, chuckling, not stopping her destruction of the shoes.
“Aren’t those things rather expensive?”
“About 200 dragons a pair, yes.”
“And you just…destroy them?”
She folded the shoe backwards and forwards, easily moldable now that the shank was out. Once she had it the way she wanted, she picked up her darning needle and threaded it, beginning to work on the ribbons. She shrugged. “It’s a disposable product at the end of the day, these need to fit me perfectly.” She wiggled her toes out, so he could see the broken nails, bruises, and calluses that covered her small, yet strong, feet. It used to upset her, how she couldn’t wear sandals or get cute pedicures the way all her friends could, but she was proud of her feet. They showed how good at her profession she was, how athletic and strong. They were what kept her going. “Because they protect these, ultimately.”
“I guess I won’t understand.” He set his book aside, crawling onto the floor to sit with her. One of her cats, Drogon, was fussing with an end of her ribbons, batting it back and forth in his paws. Ghost eyed them all and she kept watch on him out of the corner of her other eye, lest he run off with one of her shoes again. He’d taken a liking to them.
Although she’d discovered one day that his chewing on one of the shoes had actually softened the toe box a little. It wasn’t a habit she wanted him to get into though. “You didn’t see your mom doing this?”
Jon laughed. “Yeah, I did, sometimes helped her. She would give me the shoes and have me bang them on the floor with her.”
“That’s actually genius.” Little boys were all about that loud noise and screaming. Lyanna getting a small tiny Jon to beat the shit out of her pointe shoes was actually a nice sight. She pursed her lips up, smacking a kiss to his cheek. “Baby Jon.”
His palm came over, pressing to the very tiny bump on her waist, his face soft and goofy. “Baby Dany.”
Her hand covered his, squeezing lightly. “Baby You and Me,” she said, accepting his kiss. He patted her belly gently and moved, getting to his feet. She glanced down at her bump, which had not deterred her from dancing; if anything she wanted to keep it up, to stay in shape throughout the pregnancy. It had been quite a shock, discovering that after only a year they were expecting, but it was only a matter of time.
The bell at the front of the house, a small cottage they’d located on the outskirts of Winterfell, rang—more like gonged—Ghost released his high-pitched whine, closest thing he could do as a mute. He jumped up and bounded after Jon to the door, while she remained on the floor, stretching out her legs to either side into a semi-splitz and forward bend, figuring maybe she’d prep for a workout later and get some stretching in.
At the front door there was a happy laugh, the sound of bags rustling, and a moment later Jon entered, smiling wide. “Mom came to visit.”
“I actually come bearing gifts.” Lyanna, who wasn’t quite as petite as her, nimbly stepped around the various objects on the floor, and held aloft two gift bags. She glanced at the shoes piled up that Dany had been working on, and chuckled. “Oh, I remember those days. Shoe prep. You know I used to get Jon to…”
“He told me,” she laughed, coming up and reaching for Lyanna. It was still amazing to her that this woman would be her mother-in-law one day, when she idolized her as a small girl. She poked at one of the bags, nudging into the tissue paper. “You didn’t need to bring anything.”
Lyanna patted her belly, which Dany pushed out a bit obnoxiously, since at five months she wasn’t quite as big as she’d expected to be. Doctor said itw as because she was an athlete, she might not pop until the end. “I did so have to bring something for my future grandchild. Also…” A devlish look crossed her face, her gray eyes twinkling. “I found something while cleaning out the house.”
Whatever it was, Jon was wary, his matching gray eyes narrowing. “Oh?”
“Hmm. Be a dear and get me some tea.”
“You don’t need tea, what is it?”
“Jon, get your mother some tea,” Dany chastised. He huffed, storming out of the room, throwing a censuring look over his shoulder. She stuck her tongue out at him. Once he was out of earshot, she whipped around to Lyanna. “Oh gods, what is it? What did you find?”
Lyanna grinned, hand diving into the other bag. She removed a DVD case, smirking. “Had to get this transferred from the recorded copy but it is so worth it.”
One of the things that Dany had wanted desperately to see when she’d begun dating Jon and after learning that his mother had forced him into ballet shoes when he was little, were ballet photos of him. Except, to Lyanna’s enduring disappointment in her son, when he was a teenager, Jon had gone through the house and purged it of any photo of him in ballet clothes, lest his friends or Robb might locate them and humiliate him. Lyanna was still pissed off at him for it.
“Didn’t leave me with one photo!” she raged, when Dany had asked her about it at their first dinner together. Jon hadn’t cared and calmly continued eating, saying it was for the best.
Lyanna hurried to the TV and plugged in what she needed. A moment later, the screen flickered and Dany was greeted with the greatest thing she ahd ever seen in her entire life. Except maybe the sonogram of her child. This was an exceptionally close second.
The footage was homemade, from someone’s old-fashioned camcorder, and from the front row of what she recognized was the main auditorium at the ballet academy. The curtain pulled open, the audience applauded, and then a line of little girls in pale pink leotards, tights, and tutus walked onto the stage, eagerly waving at their parents. They couldn’t be more than five. And then….teh greatest thing ever….Dany yelped, covering her mouth with her hands, tears springing to the corners of her eyes.
In both adoration, love, and because she thought she might start laughing nonstop.
A little Jon Snow, dark curls tangled on his head, in a white shirt and gray leotard tights, bringing up the rear of the line. He looked down at the camera and to her amusement, he scowled. Then he reluctantly lifted up his little hand and waved, before focusing his attention on the instructor, who Dany couldn’t see. He snapped to attention immediately and began to follow the program, little feet moving as they ran across the stage, prancing and doing plies and jumping here and there.
“Oh my gods,” she breathed, a hand on her belly and the over stilly over her mouth, watching the tiny Jon on the stage. She kept repeating it, while Lyanna giggled nonstop beside her.
“He’s so adorable! Oh, I forgot how tiny his frown was. Such a grumpy little boy I had.”
”What the bloody seven hells are you watching?!”
Lyanna paused the video, turning to glare at her son. “Your dance recital when you were five. It’s all I have of my only child doing ballet. Give your mother this much, you burned all the other pictures.”
Jon was flushed so red, Dany worried he’d stopped breathing. He closed his eyes. “Where did you find that?”
“The studio actually. I’m sure there’s more I can locate soon enough.” She picked upt he other bag, handing it to Dany, beaming. “And here’s your other gift.”
Dany giggled, almost jumping in place, so full of love and giddiness. She grabbed something soft from inside the bag and tugged it out, bursting into tears. “Fucking hormones,” she complained, wiping her eyes and holding up the little cotton onesie. She sniffed. “Oh Lyanna! It’s so sweet!”
Lyanna wiped at her own tears, hugging her tightly. “Well you’re having a little dancer.”
“A tiny dancer,” Jon read from the onesie, as Dany held it up, placing it over her belly. He chuckled. “Thanks Mom.” He pointed to the television, his image mid-leap in gray tights, intense focus on his small features frozen on the screen. “But not for that.”
“Oh hush and give your mother a kiss. I need to get back to the school.”
Dany couldn’t stop, wiping at her tears and saying thank you to Lyanna, for so many things. The onesie, the video, for producing Jon, even. They managed to get her out of the house, even with the tea Jon had made for her and put into a travel mug, like he knew she wouldn’t be long. He probably was hoping she wouldn’t stay long. He hugged her, wiping at her eyes. “Don’t cry,” he chuckled. “It’s just a silly little gift.”
She shook her head. “No, it’s everything. I just love yo so much.”
He softened, touching his forehead to hers. “I love you too.”
A few days later, at the studio, Dany finished with her workout and went over to the stereo to turn off her music, when the door opened. She glanced over to tell whomever it was she was almost done, when she saw Jon slip in. “Jon!” she exclaimed. He held two cups of coffee in his hand. She grinned, flicking off the music and rushed to him, shoes clomping on the hardwood. “You brought me tea!”
“Herbal, no caffeine.”
She flicked down the coffee collar, his writing scribbled out. <i>Baby might need this more than you.</i> She patted her belly, kissing him. “Yes, baby did need it. Thank you.”
“I have something else.” He shifted, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out an envelope, passing it over to her. “My mom isn’t always right. Contrary to her belief.”
Dany took the envelope, curious. She set the tea on the top of the piano and flicked opent he envelope, pulling out a few old photos, the glossy images spilling forth into her hands. She stared, mouth falling open, at the treasures she now held. “You didn’t destroy them!”
They were of little Jon, just like the video from the recital, only in these ones he was in a studio, very small and holding his mother’s hand, while she wore her ballet leotard and skirt, his little chubby feet and legs in tights. Another holding onto the barre. She beamed, flicking through them. They were bloody adorable. She looked up, pressing them to her heart. He smiled, sheepish. “I guess I subconsciously held onto those because I was going to fall in love with a dancer.”
She giggled. “Maybe you did.” She looked down at them again, shaking her head, still smiling. “They’re perfect. Thank you.” The photos returned to the envelope, she put them carefully into her bag, and bounced back up. “Come on, dance with me.”
Jon smirked. “I don’t dance.”
“You’re having a baby with a dancer. Guess what Jon? You dance.” She giggled. “I’ll hsow you my baby pictures of me in a tutu. I think my mother ingrained me young, just like yours.”
“Funny how that works,” he laughed. He spun her around, tugging her up to his chest, and kissed her softly. “Love you.”
“Love you too.” She took her coffee and together they clinked the lids together, before he spun her back around, dancing lazily around the studio, both of them laughing goofily.
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randompersonnumber3 · 4 years
Starving for Love
Just a bit of a Huskerdust fanfic I wrote because I was bored and obsessed and so my poor Spouse doesn’t have to listen to me gush about Hazbin all night... again. It’s my take on what happened when Husk brought Angel food as shown in the official Instagram.
I also challenged myself to try and write from two different POVs. Please let me know how that turned out!
Husker sat at the greeting desk, tapping his claws bored as he finished the bottle labeled “cheap booze”. It was another long and boring day at the Hazbin Hotel because no one ever fucking checked into the biggest fucking joke in Hell. Why the fuck did he have to make a deal with that smiling freak Alastor? Thanks to that he was yanked from his life to be put here in constant boredom.** **
“Fucking asshole,” he said to himself and leaned back in his chair, pulling out his phone to browse around aimlessly out of mindless boredom. A part of him thought to get up and stretch his legs, but the lazy procrastinator side of him decided fuck that. Besides, everyone was gone but him and Nifty and like Hell he was going to leave her alone in the hotel. For some reason that just seemed like a bad idea to leave her alone with his cheap booze.
Voxtagram was the first place he checked. He scrolled through pictures of people he didn’t even know why the fuck he was following them. Seriously, why did he decide to follow the owner of that stupid murder company who was obsessed with horses? He unfollowed a few before his feed showed him a picture of Angel Dust, sitting on the curb complaining about being hungry.
Husker poked through the comments to get an idea of what was going on. It looked like the overlord and jackass that was Angel’s boss forgot about him and left him stranded. His perma-scowl deepened. That didn’t set right with him. He had a sort of idea of what kind of person Valentino was just from his own experiences back when he was alive and growing up in a casino.
“Ah fuck it!” He shouted and got up. “Nifty, you’re in charge.” he told the little cyclops as he grabbed his jacket. He grumbled under his breath and headed out to grab the fucking spider demon some god damn food.
Angel Dust stared vacantly out at the street. His stomach grumbled at him, begging Daddy to be fed and he glared at it. “Hey! This ain’t my fault!” He snapped at it, more than a little impatient. Val had fucking forgot about him and was more than content to just leave him to starve. It wasn’t too surprising, nor the worst thing Val had done to him. But that bastard could have a little decency since Angel and his flawless body were Val’s biggest money maker in the porn studio.
He checked his phone again to see if Val had replied with any information about bringing him food. Nothing yet. He sighed over dramatically and leaned back, tucking his phone in the fluff on his chest. At least he made starving look fucking awesome.
“Hey Jackass!” He heard a voice and looked up. Husk was walking towards  him with a greasy bag of Spendys. A bag of delicious delicious food. His stomach growled again, almost demanding he snatch the bag and shove it down his face like a rat man. But Angel Dust had more class than that... at least he did when the camera’s weren’t on him.
Angel posed more seductively and winked, “You pay me good, me love you long time.” He flirted. Immediately Husk tensed and turned around, mumbling something under his breath, “Wait wait wait wait wait!” Angel scrambled up to go to him. “I was just kidding! Come on Husky, I’m wasting away here!”
“I’m not a fucking dog!” Husk snapped, shoving the food into Angel’s chest. Angel oofed and grabbed it. Husk went to head back to the hotel and Angel reached a gloved hand to grab his. “I grabbed too much hangover food and saw your post and decided this would be easier than listening to you bitch when I get home, okay? Doesn’t mean jack shit.”
Angel Dust smirked. A part of him…. Okay more like ninety percent, didn’t believe that. He took out his phone and went to take a selfie with Husk. Maybe it would show Val that he was starting to get more independent and didn’t have to rely on that fucking creep as much anymore. Husk looked pissed at the camera and pulled away as soon as the flash went off.
“What? Going so soon? I can give you a good time as thanks.” He winked, unable to help himself. He didn’t know why but he always enjoyed seeing Husk push back against his flirting. Maybe because it felt nice to have another man not just treat him like a sweet sexy piece of ass. He thought about it for another moment. So had Husk really delivered him food because he saw he was starving and just to be nice? This was Hell. No one did things just to be nice. Well, unless you were Charlie but she was a nutcase.
“Enough with the fucking jokes!” Husk snapped, glaring daggers at the spider demon. “I told ya, I was just in the area and had extra. It don’t mean anything you fucking idiot. I’ll see you at the hotel.” He grumbled, playing with his hat.
“Hey Husk…” Angel reached out to grab his hand...paw… claw… thing. Whatever it was, it was soft. Angel kind of marveled at it for a second before kissing Husk on the cheek. “Seriously, thanks. I thought I would waste away here.” Husk didn’t reply, rubbing his cheek where Angel had kissed it like he was afraid it would leave a mark… okay it kind of hard with Angel’s lipstick for the day.
Angel watched Husk leave with a smirk. He should do something to thank him. He had a show coming up soon. Maybe the kitty would like a ticket. Plus… for some reason a part of him wanted Husk there. It almost sounded like a warm security blanket, which if he was honest with himself he kind of needed. Yeah, that sounded good.
He blew a kiss at the back of Husk’s head and sat down to eat. The Hotel wasn’t starting to seem so terrible now. 
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dilly-oh · 4 years
Crayons and Kunai
    Kakashi finds it in the back of Iruka’s dresser, tucked away in a top drawer beneath several pairs of boxers. 
    Granted, he wasn’t being a creep. It’s just that he’s got a mission in an hour and wants something of Iruka’s to warm him up on the cold, lonely nights. Which actually does seem a little creepy now that he thinks about it.
    It’s a plain brown envelope, one used to store important papers or documents in, which is rather confusing as to why it was hidden in the back of an underwear drawer and not filed away with the rest of the paperwork. This intrigues Kakashi, who hesitates on opening it, wrestling with the impulse to snoop for all of five seconds before giving in. Besides, if it was really important, it would be plastered with seals and chakra locks.
    Also, Iruka’s out buying groceries and he’s bored.
    So, without further ado, he opens the envelope and unveils the contents.
    It’s a crayon drawing of the two of them, standing side by side, smiling while holding hands. In Kakashi’s other hand is a kunai, while Iruka has an explosive tag. Several red hearts dot the air around them, completing the picture. 
    His first thought is that it was done by one of Iruka’s students, Naruto even. But, no, that can’t be right, the two characters look different. Kakashi recognizes his outfit - it’s the one from his very early Jounin years, the black jumpsuit with the weird harness straps and arm guards. Iruka’s clothes are different as well, his old genin garb, a simple tan shirt and cropped pants. Also, the paper is old, yellowed with age, the edges curling slightly. Obviously it’d been drawn years ago and put away in the envelope for safekeeping, though Kakashi can’t imagine why this gem had been hidden away like that. It’s almost as if the artist was reluctant to share their masterpiece, like they were ashamed. But...considering it had been concealed in Iruka’s underwear drawer, it could only have been drawn by-
    “Kakashi,” Iruka calls as he enters the apartment, “they didn’t have two-ply, so you’re just gonna have to man up and make do with-”
    He stops in the bedroom doorway. Sees Kakashi. Sees what’s in his hand.
    He turns bright red, spins on his heel, and walks out.
    “Iruuuukaaaaaa,” Kakashi croons, following after him, the drawing clutched to his chest. “You drew this, didn’t you? It’s adorable. I never knew you were such an artist.”
    “Shut up shut up shut UP,” Iruka hisses, kicking the grocery bags out of his way as he flees. “SHUT. UP. I can’t believe you. I can’t believe you found it. I hid it in my- you were never supposed to see that stupid, awful-”
    “I love it.”
    Iruka collapses on the couch and hides his face in his hands. His ears are beet red. Kakashi resists the urge to kiss them.
    “Are you really that embarrassed by it?” he gently teases, sitting beside him. Iruka just shakes his head.
    “I was so young,” he grumbles. “It was dumb puppy love, a crush. I barely even knew you back then. It’s so silly now that I think about it.”
    “But you kept it,” Kakashi says. 
    “It was one of the only things that survived the Kyuubi attack,” Iruka whispers. “I just couldn’t throw it away.”
    Kakashi feels a pang in his chest. Like many others in the village, most of Iruka’s possessions had been destroyed during the disaster. Irreplaceable family photos, heirlooms, and homes, all gone in an instant, not to mention his parents themselves. No wonder he’d clung to this last memory so desperately, despite the embarrassment. 
    “Let me show you something,” he says softly.
    “Kakashi,” Iruka sighs, “now is not the time to whip out your dick-”
    “That is NOT what I’m showing you. Here.” He reaches into the inner breast pocket of his flak jacket, pulling out a secret envelope of his own. He silently hands it to Iruka, who takes it, confusion written on his face. After an encouraging nod from Kakashi, he eases it open and unfolds the paper within.
    Kakashi’s drawing is sloppier than Iruka’s. Even after obtaining the Sharingan, he’s never developed a talent for the arts. The characters are more like stick figures, the colors straying out of the lines and smeared about. It depicts Hokage Kakashi defending a cheering Iruka from attacking missing-nin, his faithful ninken scattered around the battlefield as they lend a helping paw. His drawing is in much worse shape as well - there’s an entire corner missing and several drops of dried blood on the paper, as well as heavy creases cutting it into sections. 
    “Oh my God, you fucking SAP,” Iruka groans, but Kakashi can see the tears in his eyes. “I’m with the cheesiest man in the world.” 
    “And you love it,” Kakashi chuckles, pulling him in for a quick kiss. 
    For once, Iruka doesn’t argue. 
    “Let’s trade,” Kakashi suggests after they pull apart. “You keep mine, I keep yours.”
    “Don’t tell me you want to take it with you,” Iruka says with exasperation. 
    “Of course not,” Kakashi scoffs. “I don’t want anything to happen to it. I’ll take something else of yours instead.” He looks him critically up and down. “I’ll take your underwear.”
    “Kakashi, remember that talk we had about you being creepy? You’re doing it now.”
    “But I need something of yours to-”
    “Warm you up on the cold nights, yeah, yeah,” Iruka cuts off his whining with a wave of a hand. “Here. You get this.” He reaches up and yanks out his hair-tie, his hair flopping down around his shoulders. Taking Kakashi’s hand, he slips the band around his wrist and gives it a snap. “Every time you’re about to do something stupid or reckless, snap that. It’s a reminder from me to NOT. DO IT. I want you back here, with me. Safe. Got it?”
    Kakashi settles for that.
    And several lingering goodbye kisses as well. 
    When Kakashi returns a week later with a broken leg and two cracked ribs, he’s able to guilt Iruka into having the two drawings framed and hung in the living room for all to see. 
(Written for @kakairu-fest Nine Weeks of Summer, Week Three Prompt: Kid Fic)
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undeadgoathead · 3 years
Whumptober 2021- Prompt # 4: Trust Fall
Devilsclaw was traveling alongside Tarragon, Bitterclover, and Dandelion, when suddenly he was grabbed from behind. He tried to scream, but a hand covered his mouth, and another throttled his throat. He grabbed at the hands that choked him, and tried to kick himself free, but he was already subdued.
“Shh, be still now, Thorn prince. We do not wish to hurt you. Come with us quietly, and do as we say.”
The unseen captor eased their grip on Devilsclaw, but he still couldn’t speak. He pawed at his own face, and was horrified to feel a strip of parchment sealing his mouth.
“We put a scroll of silence on you. It’s a demonic spell. A curse, if you will. But never fear. We know the counter-spell, an angelic blessing, to take it back off.” This voice was different. Higher. There were two people here.
One captor grabbed Devilsclaw’s wrists and held them before him, and the other bound them with a long rope. Devilsclaw struggled and screamed, even though his voice was muffled and he was outnumbered. He recognized one of them. The blue hair styled in an undercut was a dead giveaway. Brambleberry, a Wildflower Nomad. The other was a stranger. But their pink skin,  green mohawk, and face full of piercings betrayed their identity. Horsecrippler.
Brambleberry finished tying the final knot, and Horsecrippler struck the backs of Devilsclaw’s knees with a wooden staff. Devilsclaw doubled over,, falling to his knees, wincing with pain. Brambleberry and Horsecrippler towered over Devilsclaw as he knelt on the ground.
“I warned you.” Horsecrippler sneered. “Obey me or you will get hurt.” They grabbed Devilsclaw under his arms, and hoisted him back on his feet.
“Are you well enough to walk?” Brambleberry asked.
Before Devilsclaw could answer, Bramleberry yanked on the long rope that dangled from Devilsclaw’s bound hands, forcing him to stagger a few steps forward.
“Yep, he’s alright to march.” Horsecrippler snipped.
“Alright, come along now, Thorn prince. We have plans for you.”
They brought him toward the Wildflower Palace, a magnificent tower of intertwined grass, trees, and stones. Even from a mile away, they could see the green spire as they approached its living walls. Brambleberry walked in front of Devilsclaw, leading him by the rope. Horsecrippler walked behind, with their needle-sharp blade aimed at the small of Devilsclaw’s back, forcing him to keep up his pace. Devilsclaw hung his head, ashamed of his capture.
They finally reached a massive, mossy door of their destination. Brambleberry pounded on the door. Devilsclaw mewled against the scroll that gagged him, and struggled against the ropes, but Horsecrippler held him down. “Shut up! We’ve taken you this far. We’re not letting you get away now.” But Devilsclaw continued to resist.
Just then, the door swung open, revealing a beautiful fae with long blue braids falling over her dark brown skin.
“Larkspur! Just in time!” Horsecrippler called out, still struggling to control Devilsclaw.
“Horsecrippler. Brambleberry.” Larkspur nodded in a curt greeting. “Who have you got there?”
“We’ve captured the Thorn prince!” Brambleberry boasted.
“Is that so? I’ve never met Devilsclaw in person before. Sovereign will be most pleased! Come now, take him inside.”  Larksur stepped aside, welcoming them within.
Devilsclaw stared at Larkspur as Horsecrippler and Brambleberry dragged him in. She didn’t look like he had pictured her. She was an ancient and wise elder mystic, yet she appeared so young.  But why did he even know her name?He had heard of her before, but where and when? Could she be the one who had stolen Bitterclover from the Bisti Badlands?
“You’re lucky that our Wandering King happened to be in the palace tonight. Our Sovereign travels extensively, even for one of our nomadic clan of Wildflowers.” Larkspur led them down the earthy hallway. They came across a wooden door, with brass knobs and knocker, at the end of a narrow passageway. Larkspur rapped  her knuckles on the door three times. “Lord Sovereign, it is I, Larkspur, your royal Mystic. Your faithful soldiers, Brambleberry and Horsecrippler, have come to seek your audience.”
After a few moments, there was a rattle at the brass doorknob, and the door opened with a creak. Someone with blonde hair peeked through the crack.
“Marigold! Is our king in the throne room?”
“Yes, lady Larkspur. Please come inside. Horsecrippler, Brambleberry. Welcome.” Marigold gasped when she saw Devilsclaw, bound and gagged. “Is that-?”
Larkspur put a finger on her lips to hush her. “Shh. It’s a surprise.”
Marigold nodded silently, and ushered them all into the grand throne room.
Devilsclaw gulped. The roome was supported by columns of red marble, and the floor was pink granite. The walls were adorned with impressionist oil paintings framed in ornate brass, bronze, and gold. The throne was similarly jeweled and intricate. Before the grand throne, stood a tall, lean man with locks of golden hair spilling out over his suit of armor. He wore a robe of red velvet. He stood proud, holding his mighty broadsword, pointing ceremoniously downward.
Larkspur and Marigold curtsied, while Brambleberry and Horsecrippler bowed low, taking Devilsclaw down with them. Horsecrippler pushed down on the back of Devilsclaw’s head, forcing him down even further, as he tried to crane his neck to look Sovereign in the eye.
“Welcome to my court, subjects. What brings you to my palace this evening?” Sovereign spoke in a smooth, soothing voice. Even as he spoke softly, his voice commanded respect and reverence.
“Your majesty, Brambleberry and I have captured the Thorn prince, Devilsclaw.” Horsecrippler said.
“I see. Let go of him. I want to take a closer look.”
“My lord?”
“I command you to unhand him!”
Brambleberry and Horsecrippler obeyed. Devilsclaw was still kneeling, but straightened his back up straight in defiance. The king grabbed Devilsclaw by the chin and peered into his eyes.
“Hmm. Purple irises. Long black hair. Golden hoop earrings. This certainly looks like Devilsclaw.” Sovereign grabbed the rope falling from Devilsclaw’s wrists, and hoisted his hands up, inspecting his arms. “I don’t see any cuts or bruises on him, though it is difficult to tell, with these tattoos. Still, well done. You know I want our prisoners treated fairly. Especially my fellow royalty.”
Devilsclaw winced. Sovereign could not see the welts behind his knees, where Horsecrippler had hit him.
“Thank you, my lord. We followed your orders to treat our captives humanely.” Brambleberry said.
“Indeed. “ Sovereing replied. “ We shall ransom him back to the Thorn Empire. They will have three days to give us our money and collect their prince. Until then, keep him locked up in our holding cells. But unbind him, and give him something to eat and drink.”
“Yes,  my liege.” Horsecrippler and Brambleberry said in unison. They picked Devilsclaw up, back on his feet, and walked him down another hallway. His new home was a chamber deep underground beneath the palace.
Brambleberry took Devilsclaw’s bound hands and hastily untied them. Devilsclaw massaged his sore wrists. Horsecrippler recited an ancient, gutteral spell, and the scroll of silence fell from Devilsclaw’s lips, and burned itself off in a wisp of crimson smoke.
“Thank you.” Devilsclaw gasped. He still resented his captors, but hi was relieved to finally move and speak freely again.
“Silence, little weed.” Horsecroppler snapped.
“Excuse me?” Devilsclaw bristled. Nobody had ever insulted him like this before. At least, not too his face. Sure, the Thorn Empire was invasive and all-consuming. But to be called a weed was the ultimate humiliation.
“You heard me. Sit down and be quiet. You Thorns are so barbaric. Even a prince like you.” Horsecrippler scoffed.
“It’s you Wildflowers who are savages! You ambushed me, and now I’m your prisoner!”
“Yes, we captured you. But we didn’t kill you. We didn’t even maim you. We have nothing to gain from torturing a weak little sapling like yourself. We’re holding you hostage for ransom. We need your money more than we need you.”
“And we took only you. You were the only valuable one. Tarragon has lost all her former status, glory, and riches. Her brother, the former king Basil, is now a common soldier, as lowly as myself and Brambleberry. Dandelion and Bitterclover are merchants. Their modest fortunes wouldn’t even be worth the trouble of kidnapping them. But you? Emperor Tribulus and Widow Witch Belladonna will pay a fine price for your head.”
“Joke’s on you. My father hates me. And the merchants will help Tarragon find me.”
Horsecrippler cackled. “Your father loves you, at least as an heir to his empire and legacy, if nothing else. That alone is worth a prince’s ransom. Or perhaps it will be your beloved mystic, Sagebrush, will pay for your safe return. Or your lover, Tarragon, who you said will find you anyway. But even if she and the merchants find you, they’ll still have to pay the price to have you back.”
“Thorn warriors would have captured all, or captured the prince and killed the rest. But we Wildflowers show some sophistication and restraint, a testament to our virtuous chivalry.”  Brambleberry bragged.
Devilsclaw paused. He remembered the legends, tales, and stories about valiant Thorn warriors, like his grandmother, Woodspider, who was notoriously ruthless in battle. In his heart, Devilsclaw knew that Horsecrippler and Brambleberry were right about Thorn military tactics, thought he hated to admit it.
“Here’s your rations, damn it.” Horsecrippler threw a flask of water and a loaf of bread on the ground at Devilsclaw’s feet. Horsecrippler slammed the barred door shut and locked Devilsclaw in the cell.
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