#lo quill
boiling-potato · 6 months
can I humbly request Trickster Dancing with Lo/Master?
What would Tricksters relationship be with Master? Would she feel the same towards him as she does Meztli, or, does she feel different because she knows who he really is?
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Trickster like I said, dislikes psychopaths. She doesn't generally hate all of them, she just hates meztli because he just keeps hanging around her, annoying her on purpose and killing people in front of her and she hates that because she has a different type of way of killing a person. Seeing people getting killed carelessly without even putting much thought into it just leaves a bad taste in her mouth (it's complicated, I know)
Basically, meztli is the only psychopath she hates but other's just make her feel on edge, not scared! Just uncomfortable and tense because like I said so many times. She dislikes being around people who reminded her of herself.
Her relationship with master, I imagine is like, master being his sadistic and mischievous way. Killing people, toying with their hearts and just being overall a monster. Then there's trickster just being unsure and tense around him. She knows the person he was before! And seeing him like this just makes her blame herself. "Did she do this??" "Did she influence him? Or pushed him over the edge, that's why he turned out like this??" Oh those questions are gonna drive her insane. If there's anything more that she hates other than meztli and being around psychopaths, It's her influencing someone to become like her. (That's why she doesn't like being in her own house and around her family)
Her tension around them is like... how do I say this? Fighting the urge to get rid of them? Yeah, that's it. She knows Lo and she cares deeply for him that's why she just acts timid and uncomfortable around master, so he wouldn't also push her over the edge and snapping/hurting him.
Master Lo quill belongs to @feelin-lo !
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sealedchasm · 6 months
May I humbly request an art for the council ship pls? :,3
(I missed these beautiful creatures TwT)
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HELLOOOO SORRY FOR NOT ANSWERING SOONER,,, thats just a big ahh gummy worm dont worry
meztli belongs to @aesopsbaby
trickster to @boiling-potato
and lo to @feelin-lo !!!
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aesopsbaby · 5 months
Since meztli is more popular,do u think Nathan gets jealous of the attention Meztli gets?
HI HON!! Thank you for asking about Nathan,,,I'm just using anything as an excuse to draw/talk more about him <,3
Nathan could care less. He'd also probably think that Meztli is lying, given his personality-
Lo belongs to @feelin-lo
Star belongs to @startheimpactfangirl
Trickster belongs to @boiling-potato
And Nathan + Meztli belongs to me! ^^
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~Achilles and Patroclus~
(Tom ambrosi x Lo Quill)
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"I will look for you in every lifetime,"
"Until we finally stay together."
UAAAGGHH!! I MISSED MELLOW TIMEBOMB!! TAT <,333 I'm so glad that this au is bringing my most favorite oc x oc ships back!!! Achilies as Tom and Patroclus as Lo honestly has my heart!! QwQ <,333333
Tom Ambrosi belongs to @sealedchasm
Lo Quill belongs to @feelin-lo
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alcohol1maid · 1 year
I asked act this and got a decent answer, your turn!
Pick an Oc of Lo's to Malewife up!
what one (ones?) You wanna marry, just... on the spot.
(if you can't decide, pic 5!)
Hmm, if I gotta be honest I'd pick lo quill, I dont really know why, but he's my first choice when someone says a question like this to me. He would be a perfect malewife in my opinion, he's just ✨️perfect✨️
Even tho I'm a lesbian if he proposed to me out of nowhere, I'd say yes without thinking twice, he's just that perfect 👌🏻👌🏻
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(Lo belongs to @feelin-lo !!)
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hufflepotato-18 · 7 months
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feelin-lo · 28 days
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Be still, my bloodhound.
Master Quill x Chaoxiang!
FINALLY I'm posting something. Ive been gone for so long AAAAAA It's just a short one, sorry 😔😔
Master Quill is my delightful little fungus, and Chaoxiang belongs to the forever wonderful @boiling-potato !!
Story synopsis; Master Quill was born from flowery essence. Flowers need to pollinate, and Master does the same. It acts like hypnosis, really. And instead of pollen, Master has this red smoke that follows him.
However, it doesn't effect Chaoxiang... wierd...
"I told you. It's staying on."
Chaoxiang said, deadpan, looking down from his chair at the murderer on his knees before him. Master Quill... a fearsome animal of a man. Some people love him and would do anything for him, others? Dead on a spike.
"I will hog tie your entrails..." Master growled, tugging at the leash he was on.
It was pollen season. Because Master was born from flowers, he too, has his own kind of pollen. But his? It makes people fall for him, make them want to do what Master wants... But for some reason, Chaoxiang is immune. He was trying to read a book while Master fought against his confines.
"you're like a puppy in heat. Calm down."
Chaoxiang said, his eyes narrowing. Master licked his lips, shuffling closer. "Oh Chao Chao~" "No." "Wha-?" "Mr.... I cannot say Quill, as I find that Lo is a good friend of mine, so... Mr. Master.. (that'll have to do...) we both know that your... tactics... won't work on me."
"But I wanna get out..."
"I know."
Master used this trick on everyone. The sweet voice - a perfect mimic of Lo's voice (master's is a little harsher), he lures his victims in... then... he snatches them up, like nightmares in the night.
During his pollination, Master Quill gets... antsy, nibbly... touchy.
Red smoke gathered as it flowed from his skin, slowly getting thicker. Chaoxiang sighed and using the leash, walked Master to the window, opening it. Master took the opportunity to pounce, but misses, Chaoxiang pressed his shoe on Master's stomach.
"Listen here, there is only so much disrespect I can tolerate before you're punished. Severely punished. And I don't mean a cage. I mean, I'll give you to the twins. I'll give you to Trickster, maybe Hayden might have a turn."
Chaoxiang's voice DROPPED. He wasn't playing around anymore - he never really was, but Lo tasked him with babysitting and Chaoxiang did owe Lo a favour.
Master smirked, using his hands to hold onto Chaoxiang's leg... "oh... I could get used to being on the bottom."
Chaoxiang rolled his eyes at that comment.
"I would kill for you my darling... my love... my everything~" Master cooed. "Don't start." Chaoxiang barked, taking his seat again. Master put his head in Chaoxiang's lap.. between his legs, looking up. "Do you like babysitting me?"
"absolutely not. But... I owed Lo a favour. And I suppose... this is good research."
"You love me really."
"Be still, Bloodhound. Don't go barking for no reason."
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jennsaravia · 1 year
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Movie day with my brother 🪐🌌
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inboundremblog · 2 days
The Ultimate Guide to Ornament Hooks: Everything You Need to Know
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Credit: Image by Aaron Burden | Unsplash
Elevate Your Holiday Decor: Understanding Ornament Hooks
Who doesn’t love good ornament hooks? These are the unseen workers of Christmas and every other festive occasion marked by ornaments.
Despite being small paraphernalia you never really pay much attention to, the best ornament hooks can make your holiday decorations appear better and firmer!
This article will cover the different ornament hooks, materials used, design features, and buying guides for the proper ornaments for holiday decorations.
Understanding Ornament Hooks
Ornament hooks are small devices for suspending ornaments, Christmas tree branches, garlands, wreaths, and similar decorations. Some are big, some are small, and they are made from various materials depending on the type of ornaments and/or decorations required.
Types of Ornament Hooks
Traditional Metal Hooks
These are the most commonly used ornament hooks made of thin metal wire. They are floppy and, thus, can be easily twisted and turned when placing ornaments and objects of various sizes and weights.
Plastic Hooks
They are made from polyvinyl chloride and are offered in different colors. This is also beneficial since the robot cleaners do not quickly scratch fragile ornaments and are suitable for light decorations.
Fancy and Decorative Hooks
These hooks are meant to become the decorations themselves. They are present in designs more appropriate for decorating Christmas tree ornaments, such as snowflakes, stars, and the rest.
Ribbon Hooks
Some prefer using ribbons instead of putting the ornaments on a metal or plastic hanger. It can give the finishing touch of your decorations a relatively smooth and magnificent look.
Adjustable Hooks
These hooks also have an adjustable size, enabling one to hang ornaments at different heights. They are ideal for placing on top of each other, creating that numerous-layered look on the tree.
Materials Used in Ornament Hooks
The choice of material for ornament hooks can impact their durability, flexibility, and appearance. Here are some common materials used:
When fully developed, knobs are usually of metal steel, brass, or copper with hooks at the back. They are rigid-based and sturdy and can support larger weights of ornaments. Some metal hooks available in the market have been coated to avoid rusting and match a tree's color.
Plastic hooks are lightweight and available in black, green, and many other colors. They are especially appropriate for small loads and do not pose a risk to fragile items.
Ribbon hooks are a type of fabric ornament accessory crafted from fabric ribbons. While they may not offer the same level of durability as metal or plastic hooks, they add decorative flair and enhance the appearance of your ornaments.
Choosing the Right Ornament Hooks
Selecting the right ornament hooks involves considering several factors:
Weight of the Ornament
Make sure you can hang your ornament or ornament on the hook without flexing it or causing it to snap. Metal hooks are more suitable for hanging ornamental items that require more support, while plastic hooks or ribbon hooks are more suitable for hanging lighter ornaments.
Tree Type and Branch Strength
Metal hooks are the most suitable for a real tree with strong branches. While metallic hooks can support tree-like structures with heavy branches, plastic hooks might be used for artificial trees with fragile branches.
Aesthetic Appeal
This type of hook can complement the general appearance of your tree in a manner that other conventional hangers cannot. It is essential to pick hooks appropriate to the style and color of your ornaments and tree.
When using hooks in your designs, ensure they will not slip off the branches easily. This is especially important if you have pets or children likely to run into the tree.
Tips for Using Ornament Hooks
Securing Ornaments
Double Loop Method: For security, make sure you make a loop with the hook around the branch and then make another loop to enhance its security. This helps prevent the ornament from slipping off quickly from the finger.
Bending the Hook: After fastening the hook on the branch, it is recommended to be twisted slightly to guarantee that it does not move.
Enhancing the Tree's Appearance
Varying Heights: To hang ornaments at different levels, it’s also good to stand some hooks or change the length of hooks to achieve more depth and appearance.
Spacing: Ornamental items should be arranged to prevent clutter while ensuring that the house occupants quickly notice and love every ornament or ornament.
Storing Ornament Hooks
Organization: It is wise to have your hooks safely held, and they should be stored in a small jar or even a tiny plastic bag. This also helps avoid tangling, making decorating the next year more accessible.
Labeling: It would be easier if you also sort the hooks in containers, placing labels that show which hook is for which type of ornament or ornament.
D.I.Y. Ornament Hooks
Creating your ornament hooks can be a fun and rewarding D.I.Y. project. Here’s a simple guide to making custom ornament hooks:
Materials Needed -Thin gauge wire (copper or steel) -Wire cutters -Needle-nose pliers -Decorative beads or charms (optional)
Cut the Wire: Take about a 6-inch piece of wire.
Create a Loop: Form a small loop on the other end of the wire using the needle-nose pliers. Instead, this will be the part that hooks onto the branch.
Add Decorations: This is the final step in making jewelry. If you wish to have beads or pendants, put beads or charms around the wire.
Create the Hook: Bend the other end of the wire into a hook. Make sure the hook is tight and can hold your ornament or ornament.
Adjust as Needed: The size and shape of the hook should be altered depending on the ornament or ornament you are hanging and the branch on which it will be placed.
Ornament hooks are valuable pieces that ensure a beautiful appearance and decent sturdiness to the festoons.
Knowing the kinds of hooks to use and the factors to consider, such as the material variety, weight, and appearance, makes it easy to select the right hooks.
Whether you choose metal hooks, colorful plastic hooks, or even fashionable ribbon hooks, they all aim to create beautiful, safe, and eye-catching ornament hooks that brighten homes with celebration. Happy decorating!
Check out our website at https://mrgreentrees.com/product/ornament-hooks/ for more information.
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stoneyocean · 2 months
Join the wave 🌊
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odinsonblog · 2 years
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boiling-potato · 8 days
With Master and Chaoxiang, I doubt it'd be romantic love immediately. Or even at all.
Ironically, Master wears the heart over his good eye, the other one, is almost completely blind. Because of his terrible eyesight, he'd think Chaoxiang is Lo, at first sight (because of the long brown hair, nothing else)
And immediately want to do Chaoxiang some damage.
But Chaoxiang is to smart for that, he gets to Master before Master can get to him.
He treats Master Like a wild animal. Like a Rabid Lion.
In this cage, Master slowly becomes Obsessed with Chaoxiang, Calling him Alice, wanting his head. Wanting his heart.
Wanting him.
When Chaoxiang finally let's him out of this cage, Master refuses to let anyone touch him. Even others are the mansion, anyone comes to close and they're met with Chaoxiang
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I freaking love this scene on the story (⁠ ⁠˶⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ꁞ⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠˶⁠ ⁠)
I can just imagine this scene happening:
"Chaoxiang, I'm afraid to inform you that your,,, pet has been causing some troubles lately and I believe that you're fully aware of how much I hate pests that cause trouble.. I'm telling you now that If you don't get him to behave like I asked then I'll have no choice but to put that dog down myself, do you understand?"
Casimir and Chaoxiang stood in the hallway, having a one on one conversation about how a certain family member is being uncooperative by agreeing to bring an unwanted guest in the house, disturbing the perfect family line up. The ginger haired male narrowed his eyes at the unfazed male in front of him, clearly not taking his request seriously. Chaoxiang hates hearing the scolding he gets from Cas all the time, he hates how he always wanted to make this the perfect family when it's not, he especially hates it when he keeps getting forced to stay in line just to fullfil the stupid master's perfect made-up family that clearly isn't working. Chaoxiang knows how much it irritated Cas to see him with Master Quill,, maybe that's why he likes to keep him around, it gave Chaoxiang an excuse to disobey and to annoy the hell out of Casimir.
"Master is a companion to Trickster's friend, Lo and I was assigned to,,, take care of him. I cannot fully control his actions when he clearly is unstable but I can assure you that I am doing my best." That's a lie. Chaoxiang can indeed get someone in line no matter how feral or frantic a person is, it's one of his skill to subdue and Casimir knows this cause he's been doing it with visitors in the past. Casimir took a step closer to Chaoxiang with a threatening aura surrounding him, clearly not pleased with the response.
"Chaoxiang.. do you think I'm stupid?" Casimir leaned close to Chaoxiang's face, looking at him with a sinister smile on his face. "Do you honestly think that I don't know what you're doing? The young master made it clear that a family member is not allowed to kill a fellow member so you might think that you're safe, knowing I can't kill you right?"
He smiles wider "Yes, I can't kill you,, but it doesn't mean that I can't still hurt you."
"Just as long as you're still breathing, The young master will just turn a blind eye if I just leave you in agony cause you won't be able to use your arms or legs anymore once I'm done with you."
Chaoxiang narrowed his eyes, not breaking eye contact with the guy in front of him.
"Like what you did to your friend back then?"
Casimir snapped
Black snake-like tendrils came out in Casimir's back and lunged towards Chaoxiang aiming at every part of his body.
Chaoxiang didn't have any time to react
But before one of them can reach him,,, it suddenly stopped, recoiling, and turning back into a normal scarf that wrapped around the ginger haired males neck.
Chaoxiang looked at Cas who's holding his face, blood dripping from his hands and running down his sleeves. The green eyed male raised a brow, confused on what suddenly happened. But that's when he saw the brown haired boy to the side with a blood stained hand.
"Nobody's allowed to hurt my Alice,, except for me~"
Nice, now casimir has claw marks across his face. Don't worry, he's fine. Trickster saw the fight and stopped it, casimir was treated by willow, Chaoxiang continue to take care of master and they all lived happily ever after ^^
Sorry, I kinda got lazy with the story but I really loved this idea of how Master will be like a guard dog for Chaoxiang!! (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)✨✨ It's literally perfect for them! I can definitely see Master hurting some of the house members, trying to keep them away from Chaoxiang and Chaoxiang just trying to discipline him, training him and maybe,,, also trying experimenting on him?? He'd definitely write journals and essays about this strange creature that always leeches onto him.
Chaoxiang would for sure put a leash and a muzzle on him to keep him from hurting him. Master feeling extra feral? Handcuff behind the back, chains attached to the wall while Chaoxiang's drinking some tea. Listening to Master's pleas in Lo's voice, trying to get Chaoxiang to release him.
Chaoxiang finds it rather cute how Master keeps trying he's dirty tricks on him, "does he really think I'm that stupid?"
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sealedchasm · 5 months
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Lo belongs 2 @feelin-lo !! 🫶
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aesopsbaby · 6 months
any masquerade au thoughts or thinkerings? :000 ive been missing that au so bad 😞😞😞😞
OUUGGGHHHH!! This is gonna be long,,and kinda hard to understand since my mind is a little muddled rn 💔
ANYWAYSS hear me out now!
I like to think that the different partners (Tom,Lo,Trickster,Meztli) all each have different little "endings".
It's like a game! And they probably treat it as such too.
Example: You accept Meztli for a dance! The other partners leave you with him and as the night goes on, you're presented with a question from him: "Do you trust me?"
Will you get entranced by the glowing diamond-shaped pupil peering down at you? Will you allow him to take your hand and take you away?
...do you trust him?
And depending on your answer, the ending may differ! >:] There's different routes based on your answers/actions.
ANDD some other things:
Everyone is more popular amongst the guests but Tom is preferred more.
Guests are rarely seen with Meztli. And he doesn't get many partners to dance with. It's probably because he's waayyy too arrogant. Always have his head tilted upwards and making snarky remarks at the guests passing by. (And sometimes he's just bored and cast them aside mid-dance..)
THINKINGGG about how the entire party was hosted by Trickster and when the doors shut, all 4 of them have until a certain timing to eliminate one guest. Ohh but not ONLY to kill them, but to also successfully get the guest to admit that they want to be killed by their partners. (Through written/voice recording/video whatever)
So that plays into both their killing tendencies and how they're going to use their charm and charisma to their advantage.
Tom belongs to @sealedchasm !
Lo belongs to @feelin-lo !
Trickster belongs to @boiling-potato !
Meztli belongs to me :D
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justafriendlystranger · 6 months
After hours~
The council scenario!! (masquerade au)
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The scene goes something like this... 3 am, or as people would call it, the witching hour. Tom was roaming the the halls of milkshake mansion unable to sleep. He was so tired because they just finished hosting another successful party, a winter's ball to be exact. Entertaining, talking and charming guests sure took a lot out of him than expected and yet when the day's finally over, not a wink of sleep is coming to his favor.
He figured that maybe a little stroll could probably relax his mind and hopefully put him to a more tired state just enough to let him sleep. He was enjoying his time taking the view of his companion's mansion when he heard something... Music? No, not just any music.. the ballroom's music and it's also coming from there.
Of course, tom struck by curiosity couldn't help but follow the music. He was led to the doors of the place where they hosted all of their magnificent parties. Wasting no time he then open the doors and was shocked to see his companions also awake, wearing their sleeping attire and... Dancing? Well, Lo and meztli are while the green haired girl, Trickster is accompanying the piano.
Tom then approach Trickster while looking at the two boys dancing.
"Can't sleep too?" Asked Trickster without looking up.
"Yeah.... what are you guys doing?"
"Enjoying our time alone together. It's nice to hear the silence after a long day of thundering music and the cheering of guests, don't you think?"
And with a last twirl, meztli then dipped Lo into his arm and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips. It's much nicer to see all of them without their mask on, it just shows how beautiful their eyes are.
Trickster then finally stopped and looked up at Tom with a soft smile on her face.
"You look nice, I knew that black button down shirt would look good on you.... Heh I'm so glad you decided to stay even after the party's over."
Even with the party being over, Trickster manage to maintain her charm that Tom couldn't help but to blush a little at the comment.
"Heh thanks, you look... Nice too." Tom complimented back. He then looked up at the two boys who are heading right towards them, Meztli walked towards the green haired girl then offered her a hand. To Tom's surprise, Trickster actually accepted meztli's hand without a single sarcastic or mocking remark like she always does whenever she's interacting with meztli. He then lead her to the dance floor and started slow dancing, her night gown reflecting the soft glow of the candle lights.
"She needed that.."
Lo said while standing beside tom, looking at meztli and trickster.
Lo then turned to Tom.
"We needed this.... so..."
He offered a hand towards Tom, looking at him lovingly.
"May I have this dance~?"
Soooo... I may have over done it.. sorry.. :,))
Lo belongs to @feelin-lo !
Tom belongs to @sealedchasm !
Meztli belongs to @aesopsbaby !
and trickster belongs to @boiling-potato !
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ellecdc · 3 months
A Man With a Plan.6
prologue // p1 // p2 // p3 // p4 // p5 // p6 // p7
Remus Lupin x whimsical!reader - Hogwarts Era (no Voldemort) - Soulmate AU
CW: swearing, mostly fluff, funny moments with friends, no plot just vibes [crystal dialogue prompt courtesy of keke the unstablereader 🫶]
Though Remus was undoubtedly relieved that you a) knew of his affliction, and b) forgave him for his arseholery, he was admittedly a little more than slightly disappointed that very little had changed between the two of you.
Which made no sense on account of the fact that he never planned on anything changing between the two of you to begin with; he was discontent, nevertheless. 
“Oh, good, Y/N’s here. Listen, how the hell do I stop the nargles from stealing my things?” James shouted as you approached the table. You looked like you had perhaps only been prepared to say hello and carry on, to which James was having none of it and nearly bodily forced you onto the bench next to him. 
“Hello, Jamie. Do you have your cranberry seed oil infused corks?” You asked as you obediently took your seat.
James scoffed and pulled out a lanyard from under his uniform which, lo and behold, had a cork attached to it smelling very much like cranberry seed oil. “I literally never go anywhere without it.” He said as if you had asked a particularly ridiculous question.
You hummed and Remus watched a divot appear between your eyebrows as you scrutinized what Remus assumed was James’ aura or some other such entity. “Well, I don’t see any around you, James. What makes you think you have a nargle problem?”
James groaned dejectedly and turned back towards his lunch. “All of my things are missing! It started around the time you went missing.” James stressed, still not having completely forgiven you for your disappearance at the last full moon. “It was my school tie, and some socks, a quill set my mom got me at the start of school, and now I can’t find my herbology textbook!”
You hummed again and seemed to look around the table as if you’d somehow find his belongings there. “Perhaps you should ask your friend Peter.”
Remus heard Peter choke on his pumpkin juice as James, Sirius, and Remus all turned to look at him. 
“Uh...haha, so, funny thing...” He started, cut off by an indignant squawk from James.
“You were stealing my stuff!? Why!?” He cried.
Peter’s cheeks pinked though a pleased smile graced his lips. “You were so worried about Y/N being missing and the nargles taking your things. I thought a funny prank would lighten the mood; I wouldn’t get a chance like that again!” He defended himself. 
“You are so dead.” James muttered as Peter (wisely) took off out of the Great Hall with James hot on his heels.
“Alright Y/N.” Sirius started, throwing an arm over your shoulders. “You’ve gotta tell me; how’d you know it was Petey boy?”
A shy sort of pride painted your features and Remus thought it was the most beautiful you ever looked. “Wrackspurts.”
Sirius’ smile fell slightly, but the amusement never left his eyes. “Wrackspurts?” 
You nodded in agreement. “Mhm. His head was full of them.” You said simply as you took a piece of cut strawberry from James’ abandoned plate and popped it in your mouth.
Sirius nodded with a look on his face that seemed to say ‘fair enough’. “And how’d you know about this one?” He asked, motioning towards Remus with his head.
“About his affliction, or about his soulmate bond?” You asked as if you were simply talking about the weather.
Sirius cocked his head as he considered you. “Both.”
“His aura...or I suppose Moony’s aura.”
Remus felt his eyebrows recede into his hair line. “Moony has an aura?” He asked you.
You nodded in the affirmative. “I’m assuming you’re right-handed?”
Remus nodded numbly.
“Most of the lunar cycle, Moony’s aura sits around your left shoulder. As the cycle moves closer to the full, he resides on your right. Also, sometimes when I’m near, he tries to come closer. Would you say that’s true?” Your serene tone did nothing to calm the racing of his heart.
“Well, I’ll be damned.” Sirius said, interrupting Remus’ internal struggle. “There really was nothing you could do to hide from this witch, huh Moons?”
Remus chuckled self-deprecatingly and looked down into his lap in a little bit of shame. Your smile never faltered, however. 
Peter and James returned then; James with a self-satisfied grin on his face, and Peter with his hair, shirt collar, and tie in disarray. 
“What’s so funny?” James asked as he sat beside you, smacking a platonic kiss to your cheek as he winked over at Lily from her spot further down the table, whose face turned a shade of red rivaling her hair at having been caught watching James.
“Remus and his last two braincells trying to keep Y/N away from him.” Sirius snickered. Remus kicked at him under the table which caused you to jump. He apparently had missed his mark and had kicked your shin by accident. 
“Fuckin’ hells, dove. I’m so sorry. Are you okay? Oh my gods...” 
Sirius barked another laugh as Peter whispered a quiet ‘dove?’
“Oi! You really have lost your gobstones! Can’t believe Moony’s the dumbest one out of all of us now.” James said as he checked your shin for injury under the table. 
“Remus isn’t dumb.” You defended the dumb bastard. 
“Well, you can’t say he’s very smart here, dollface.” Sirius conceded.
You hummed and shooed James away from your leg. “Wisdom was chasing him; Remus was just always faster.” 
This time, poor Pete lost his pumpkin juice completely as he sputtered mid-sip. You didn’t even seem to realize you’d said something particularly funny (or devastating) as James nearly fell off the bench in a fit of laughter and Sirius pulled you into his side.
“Oh, for the love of Merlin. Remus, please, can we keep her!?” He said in between bouts of laughter, wiping away a mirthful tear from under his eye.
Remus had no objections. 
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What Remus hadn’t agreed to was this.
Remus understood that allowing Moony (and...himself) to keep you around meant that he would ultimately have to share you. He knew that he’d have to share you with James, he’d have to (rather unfortunately) share you with Regulus, he’d have to share you with Pete and Sirius who seemed just as enamored with you, and he’d likely eventually have to share you with Lily, Marlene, Mary, and the rest of his friend group.
He was however not in the slightest prepared to have to share you with the likes of Barty Crouch Junior. 
Remus had, quite happily, found you studying in the library alone and asked politely if he could join you at your table. The two of you had been studying in companionable silence when Regulus showed up. No matter, Regulus was quiet and diligent in his schoolwork. 
Then, Sirius had shown up perturbed that his baby brother and his best mate were hanging out (to which both Regulus and Remus vehemently denied, seeing as they were both here studying with you, not each other), and insisted he be involved. Though Sirius struggled with the whole sitting-still-and-quietly thing, he more or less managed to join the three of you without much fuss.
But then James showed up, which sparked a long and arduous debate between he and Regulus regarding which entity was worse – wrackspurts or nargles – to which you weren’t even a part of save for each of them calling to you in need of an explanation every so often. You would look up from your book and answer them politely before returning to your schoolwork as if you weren’t surrounded by complete idiots. 
Remus was lovestruck. 
And then Barty showed up.
“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N.” Crouch screeched as he ran through the library completely ignoring the shushing from other students and string of curse words following him from the crotchety librarian. 
“Hello, Bartemus.” You greeted the banshee serenely.
“Quickly, darling.” He started before promptly dumping a large sack of tumbled rocks and gems in front of you. 
“Where’d you get all of these?” Regulus asked incredulously, reaching to pluck a small stone that had rolled over to his open book.
“Never you mind that!” Barty shouted as he swatted his hand away. “Y/N - light of my life, apple of my eye - which of these crystals will help me piss of my dad the most?!”
Once again appearing completely unperturbed by the general chaos around you, you perused the crystals set before you. 
“Well, Carnelian can invoke passion.” You said as you plucked a red stone from the pile. “Garnet can invoke intense emotions: jealousy, anger, fear. I recommend pairing it with gold – maybe place it in a gold setting for a necklace or something similar. Dravite will bring up unresolved emotions...” And soon, two red stones and a brown stone sat in your palm as you held them before Barty. 
“Pfft, figures.” Barty grumbled. “Red and gold never fail to piss me off either.” He sneered, looking pointedly at the three Gryffindor’s seated at your table. Remus was not necessarily proud of the low growl that the comment elicited from him, but he was proud of the restraint he showed when Moony was screaming in his head to tear the fuckers head clean off his scrawny body. 
“Bartemus.” You chided gently, looking up at Barty standing above you like a parent might look at a particularly troublesome child: full of love.
Remus hated it. 
“Sorry my sweets.” Barty cooed at you and ran a finger along your cheekbone. 
Remus hated that more. 
“Mr. Crouch!” The librarian called, finally having caught up to her problem student.
“Well, I must be off.” Barty called casually as if it was completely of his own volition that he now vacate the premises. “Keep the rest, beautiful angel face. Much love!” 
And he was gone. 
Thank Merlin. 
“The friends you keep.” James muttered as he shook his head in disappointment as if he wasn’t one of said friends you keep.
“Oh, Bartemus is not so bad. Perhaps just a little misunderstood, and a little more than maniacal.” You put simply. 
James was shushed loudly by the librarian for his laughter.
“I’ll go check on him.” Regulus said as he stood. He barely spared the Gryffindors a glance as he nodded politely at you. “I’ll see you later, Y/N.”
“Goodbye Regulus.” You sang to him, smiling brightly like he had just been anything more than sort of polite to you.
Remus once again figured that was as much affection as Regulus could ever show. 
“You boys are welcome to help yourselves to the crystals. It’s a wonderful idea to take the ones that speak most to you.”
James exclaimed gleefully as he started to browse the many stones in front of you. Sirius’ face piqued in interest as he quickly plucked the most sparkly stone on the table.
“Jamie, you should bring this one to Lily.” You said as you handed him a small, slightly translucent pink stone. James didn’t bother asking questions such as ‘why?’ or ‘what is it?’ or even ‘should I be worried?’ before he accepted it, punctuating his ‘thanks angel’ with a kiss to your hair before he was racing out of the library.
“What stone was that?” Remus asked, unable to quell his curiosity.
“Rose quartz.” You responded simply.
“What’s it do?” Sirius asked.
Your mouth quirked in thought. “Stones don’t really do anything. They just encourage what’s already possible.”
Sirius rolled his eyes earning him a defensive kick in the shin from Remus. 
“What does rose quartz encourage, dove?” Remus placated.
“Love and affection.”
Remus nodded and watched as Sirius pocketed two more shiny and sparkly stones before his expression was painted with mischief. “Say, Y/N. What crystals should our dear Moony here have?”
Remus couldn’t even bother shooting his mate an unimpressed glare when your face picked up excitedly and you began sifting through the stones. He watched just as animatedly. 
After a few moments, you proudly displayed a small palmful of stones. 
Remus placed his hand palm up beside your much smaller one and relished in the intimacy of you gently transferring the stones into his palm; your hands gently brushing in the action.
“What are those stones?” Sirius asked curiously.
Remus swore some bashfulness painted your features as you pointed the stones out in Remus’ palm. He was thankful for the continued contact as you explained them all. 
“This is amethyst, which supports calmness; rids the mind of negative thoughts, and promotes dreamless and restful sleep.” You explained, causing Remus to nod his head. That could be helpful.“This is obsidian which helps one process their emotions.” That one earned a snort of laughter from Sirius. “Jasper is supposed to provide support during stressful times. This is moonstone which...well...I suppose that’s self-explanatory.” 
Remus hummed but couldn’t help but notice you failed to discuss the last stone sitting in his palm. He wasn’t going to push it, however.
“And the pink one?” Sirius asked sharing no such qualms, lips quirked in a smirk and eyes full of mirth. 
You cleared your throat awkwardly, clearly feeling slightly self-conscious, but explained it nonetheless. “Rose quartz to encourage love and trust.” 
Remus would usually consider himself a generally skeptical person: but you may have just converted him.
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taglist: @hanniejji, @y0urm0m12, @c0nsc10usworld, @aphrcdites, @starsval, @thepunisherfrankcastle, @anuncalledbridge, @unstablereader, @rai-strangebr, @klazina-couch-potato, @cancelledkaley, @fandom-crashlanding, @ttulipwritezz, @boo8008, @daisiesformylove, @frostooo, @myriadmoons, @aremuslupinsimp, @simars3, @stargurl99, @dreamingofts18, @iwannabeinthesequalmrghostface, @agent-tempest, @xxrougefangxx, @serenadingtigers, @adhxmoony, @hufflepufffangirlqueen, @thebiggestnaturaldisaster, @urmomw4ntsme, @b4tm4nn, @jamieolivia27, @stqrgirlies-blog, @loving-and-dreaming 
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