#me: okay what would make shadow smile (maria) (his chao) got it
lowpolyshadow · 2 years
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i just wanted draw shadow smiling
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moralitas · 4 years
Fallen Angel: Destiel scene but Sonadow
Little collaboration between myself, @teamxdark​, and @nutkin​!
We all saw the destiel scene and went “okay but sonadow” and what started as a joke got a ficlet and some art.
I was told to @mintywhisker​ bc I think they inadvertently started this for us.
Sketch was by Nutkin, lineart/coloring by myself, and writing by teamxdark!
Shadow heaved a breath, his brain fuzzy from exertion. Warping the ARK back into orbit had been a herculean task, and he was already feeling his body pay the price. The universe around him blurred and swam in front of his eyes, with the stars disappearing into the endless void of space.
Space around him seemed so vast and Shadow felt so small. The Ultimate Lifeform felt like less than nothing in between a world, a colony, and the universe itself.
Yet Sonic was larger than life somehow.
The other hedgehog was still grasping at his hand, jubilant at their victory. Shadow could sense his joy, could see it in the bright pulses of light that seemed to come off of him in waves. In the middle of everything, Sonic shone stronger, glowed warmer, burned brighter than the sun. Shadow could feel his energy seeping far and wide, revitalizing him by a fraction, enough to focus his sight and his thoughts again.
Sonic was like life itself, condensed into one singular magnificent being.
Shadow knew now, more than ever, that he was a goner.
It didn’t make logical sense. He knew that. But almost nothing about this situation made logical sense. How did someone hold the power to Chaos Control with a fake emerald? How did someone manage to retain their super from after such a major effort, while Shadow, the Ultimate Lifeform, created to hold and manipulate Chaos Energy as part of his purpose, was struggling?
Sonic was stronger than Shadow.
Sonic was stronger than Shadow.
And sometimes you didn’t need logic to know that your other half, your soulmate, the one that held your heart was right there in front of you.
Shadow felt his strength continue to ebb, and he wanted to do one thing right in his life. He wanted closure. He wanted solace.
He wanted to be.
Glowing red eyes turned to him, eyes strong with life and power and warmth. Shadow felt himself get pulled in, and his tongue loosened, letting his thoughts fall free from his lips.
“When Maria died… I wondered if I could ever be happy again.”
Sonic’s face morphed into a look of confusion. Shadow wasn’t deterred. After all, it didn’t really matter the outcome of his speech.
He wasn’t going to last much longer.
“I always wondered, ever since I saw that moment, that awful moment, I wondered… If I ever could feel it again. What true happiness could feel like. I never found an answer, because the one thing I want… I can never have.” He closed his eyes and shook his head. “Something I know I can’t have."
Maria… I always wanted you to come back. I didn’t know how to live without you.
Shadow heaved a sigh. That was the easy part. Now for the hard part.
Sonic’s hand was still warm around his own. Shadow gathered his courage and continued.
“But I think I know… I think I know now. What could make me happy again. Happiness… isn’t always in ‘having’.” Shadow’s eyes reopened, but nothing came into focus. Sonic, brilliant and glorious, was a golden blur that his eyes savored. “It can be in ‘being’. It can be in just… saying it.”
“What are you talking about, Shadow?” Sonic sounded confused. Sonic sounded concerned.
Shadow kept going regardless. It was now or never. He would not die with these thoughts bottled up.
“I know… I know how I’ve been. How I’ve presented myself, to you and everyone else. Destructive, and angry, and broken, and… and the professor’s weapon to wield. That hate and anger… that’s what drove me. Like that was who I am. But it’s not.” Shadow took in another breath, but the fog in his head was seeping in and refusing to clear. “This whole time… I was driven by love. Everything I have ever done, the good and the bad, I have done for love. Love for someone I would never see again.”
Shadow could feel the energy begin to die in his body, feel the power inside him drain and dissipate, but he pushed on, determined to see this through. “And then I saw you, and I know… I know you’re the same. You guide your friends for love, you fought for this whole world for love… That is who you are.” His fingers squeezed Sonic’s, indulging in the warm energy that exuded from his grasp. “You are the most caring man on earth, you are the most selfless, loving person… that I will ever know again.”
Maria would have loved you.
Shadow blinked, and a few tears fell. Sonic remained silent, and Shadow couldn’t see his face in between the tears and the blurriness of his vision, but it didn’t matter. Whether reciprocated or not, Shadow wouldn’t be alive to see the consequences of his confession. 
“You know, ever since we met, ever since I first fought you, knowing you has changed me.” A silent laugh escaped his lips, and Shadow felt the tug of gravity begin to bring him down. “Because you’ve proven everything I thought to be true to be wrong. I learned that the world is not filled with nothing but cruelty, I learned that I was not alone in my power, I learned that caring for others was not something that held me back from what I was really supposed to be fighting for all along… A world where people could be happy and safe.” His mind flashed to Rouge, and their unfortunate final conversation. He hoped that she knew that he held no ill will against her. “I think I’ve discovered, now, what the Ultimate Lifeform is. I think… it might be you.” And that’s why I know the world will be safe with you. I know I can trust you with Maria’s final wish. “You changed me, Sonic.” Shadow’s head swam with dizziness and his soul sang with emotion, too many to identify and appreciate in the moment. He took a few more breaths, but they did nothing to bring clarity to his mind.
“Why does this sound like a goodbye?”
Sonic’s voice finally made its way to Shadow’s ears, and Shadow felt himself smile, in spite of himself. His words weren’t falling on deaf ears, and though his mind was too far gone to tell what Sonic was feeling, he was pretty sure he could feel a few tears that weren’t his own fall onto his arm as gravity pulled mercilessly at his legs.
He could hope, but again, it didn’t really matter now if his feelings were reciprocated or not.
“Because it is.”
He felt it now, the coldness of space, the hollowness that spread as his super form gave out, and the only thing keeping him suspended in the air was Sonic’s grip around his
wrist. Shadow closed his eyes, not planning on reopening them. It was now. His final truth, to be said before all, yet only to be heard by one.
“I love you.”
And he felt his heart pick up speed, because this was a new love, unlike the one he had felt for Maria, unlike the one that had been growing with Rouge. This was a love that he had only ever heard about before, a love that he always considered as something that belonged in the stories Maria had read to him when he was still young and growing and learning about everything around him. A love that he wanted to bask in, like the sun’s rays, or like Sonic’s unyielding brilliance.
He felt his wrist begin to slip as the inhibitor ring loosened. Sonic still said nothing, but Shadow didn’t mind. It was a lot to take in, and perhaps it was better this way. Shadow could die, not burdened by the sting of rejection or the longing for what he could have if he had managed to pull through.
His wrist slipped even more, and he felt Sonic jolt. “Shadow, wait--”
“Sayonara… Sonic the Hedgehog…”
Gravity claimed him. Shadow hardly noticed when his hand slipped free of the ring. He felt himself plummet, yet he felt the lightest he ever had in his life. He had fulfilled his promise to Maria. He had protected the world from his own mistakes, and found someone to keep it safe in his absence.
He had fallen in love.
As he fell into the atmosphere, burning upon entry, feeling as though he were surrounded by hellfire, Shadow the Hedgehog had no regrets.
He only felt happiness.
Some minutes later, on board the ARK, Sonic clutched at Shadow’s ring as he stared out into space. The others had scattered, talking to each other and making sense of what had happened, and what would happen next. Sonic knew that they had questions, they had concerns, all of them, Amy, Rouge, Knuckles, his brother… but he wasn’t ready to face them. Not yet.
Sonic heaved a breath, fogging up the window in front of him. The loss stung him more than he could possibly fathom in that moment, still fresh and new. He was alone in the observation deck, now. He squeezed the ring in his grasp, making a mental note to pass it on to Rouge. He wasn’t…
He wasn’t ready to hold it for the rest of his life. He wasn’t ready to be reminded of…
“Sayonara… Shadow the Hedgehog…”
Sonic left the room, and didn’t look back.
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shadamyheadcanons · 4 years
Headcanon #25
Shadow invites Amy over to his place to watch the newest movie in the cute, sappy Chao series, stating he knows she’s the only one who won’t “give him grief” for it; he never says it out loud, but the fact that she’s the only one who’s seen him cry since he lost Maria makes him trust her with even silly things like this.
Once she joins him, Shadow sets the movie up, and they’re ten minutes in when his wrist communicator goes off. Shadow curses, pauses the movie, and stands up to take the call.
“I just got back home. What do you need?” Amy can barely hear Omega’s voice on the other end. “What do you mean, you’re ‘stuck?’ I just--no, I can’t. I’m busy with...with something, okay? Can’t you call Rouge? She’s...of course she is. Fine, fine, whatever. Just...give me a minute.”
Shadow shut off his communicator and rubbed his temples. “I know I’m being a horrible host, but I have to take care of something. I won’t be out for more than five minutes, I promise.”
Amy smiled. “And I know you always keep your promises. Say hi to Omega for me!” He gave a small smile and a nod of acknowledgement before swiftly leaving for his errand, mumbling something about WD-40.
Amy watched him go, then looked around the room for a little while until her gaze settled upon the back of the couch next to her, where Shadow had left his jacket. She pulled it down to inspect it.
Usually, Shadow doesn’t talk to her much about his job--something about keeping loved ones out of it if possible, he said?--but Shadow had recently gotten a promotion for his years of service at G.U.N. and was given, among other things, a swanky new leather jacket. It featured the G.U.N. logo on the back and had Shadow’s name monogrammed on the left arm.  The new leather felt fresh and stiff, but the inner lining was softer than expected.
Amy stopped and looked around the room suspiciously. No one’s here...and he’s not due back for another five minutes... She stood up slowly, then carefully slipped the jacket on and felt her face split into a huge grin. She wanted to squeal. The comfort...the warmth...the POWER! She’d heard that the clothes make the Mobian, but she’d never truly felt it like this before. This jacket made Amy want to fight, protect, and serve justice! She couldn’t help but try a few experimental kicks and punches, incorporating her experience with kickboxing. Fueled by an internal crime-fighting monologue, she muttered into her wrist, “Agent Amy Rose, in pursuit.” She dashed around a few times and gave a few more punches, then lifted her hand aloft and declared, “CHAOS CONTROOOOL!” in her best, huskiest Shadow impression.
“Nice moves you got there, hot shot.”
Amy’s shout of power ended in a high-pitched shriek of distress in response to Rouge’s comment. Before Rouge could blink, the jacket was hurled back onto the couch and Amy was nowhere to be found.
Rouge didn’t have to pout for too long, as Shadow warped back to the spot where Amy had been a few moments earlier. “Snooping as usual, I see,” he sighed, not even needing to look up to know which ceiling corner Rouge would be hiding in. “What did you do to scare her off?”
“Don’t look at me, I only teased her a little, I swear!” She glided to the floor. “But while we’re on the subject, are we sure Sonic is the fastest thing alive?”
Shadow didn’t respond, as he was preoccupied with picking up his jacket from the couch. That’s not quite where I left it. He pulled it on, then stopped and sniffed at the collar and frowned in confusion.
Rouge raised an eyebrow. “What’s wrong now? I didn’t touch your jacket--”
“I know it wasn’t you. It smells good.”
Rouge’s suddenly enraged face clued Shadow in that he’d accidentally said something Unforgivable. A laugh escaped his chest, and he dashed from the room to track down Amy...and avoid Rouge’s wrath.
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shadowsfascination · 3 years
Shadamy oneshot| Free me of myself
Trigger Warning: see end notes.
The warmth of heavy breaths against a thick, wide and curved, cold window briefly stuck on the glass. The repeating cycle of condense licking the glass like soot to the window pane of a wood stove to evaporate as quickly as it had appeared was mesmerizing in a strange way. Then again: this entire scenery was.
From the sharp contrast of the cool metal floors and walls with their blue and greenish tones to the warmth and fierce illumination from the sun onto the planets. From the horrifying atmosphere inside with haunting memories clinging to his throat to the breath-taking spectacle outside.
Both aspects took his breath away and both endeavoured swallowing him inside their mighty-strong vibes, consuming him and lift him out of his body. Although their tones couldn’t be further away from one another, either of them had a traction so strong it reminded him of an approaching tsunami. One that’s still building up its’ devastating fortitude before it’d curl over him and swill away everything on its’ path.
This place was one of the very few things capable of leaving him frozen. Every time he came here it happened. And yet he kept coming back. He had to. Felt obligated to. Wanted to. Yes, a part of him longed to be swallowed entirely by the darkness and relive the events that haunted him to this very day. The feeling grew on him particularly around this time of the year.
Overcome by a returning urge to pay off his debts and right his mistakes, being plagued by this gruesome guilt felt like it needed to be done. It was the only darn thing he could do; be here and endure all of it; the depression, agony, indignance, failure, grief and self-loath. It was a bitter pill to swallow.
If only it were useful. If only it could bring you back.
But it wasn’t and it would never change being like this, for she was gone- forever. It left Shadow to be standing lifeless on the ARK. His open palms pressed against the glass while all he could do was breathe in and out again, eyeing the condense on the window. The sensation of the cold glass against his hands was the only thing keeping him grounded by now.
Every year when he paid this cursed place a visit it he heard her voice just when he was on the edge of giving in to the menacing shadows that tainted his past. As bright, gentle and hopeful as no other, the sweetness of her voice invited him to step out of the shadows, into a shower of light. With a single effort she freed him of the relentlessness he felt towards himself, blaming himself for her death.
But not this year.
There only was the mundane silence that was usual for this place. An insecure frown curved his brow and he squinted his eyes when he shifted his glance towards the light of the sun. The view on the planet of fire, when seen from the colony, was accompanied by many halo’s, each of them reflecting the constantly changing spectrum of colours upon the rays of light. They seemed capable of catching you and dragging you into space if you stared into them for too long.
With a dull glance in his crimson orbs, Shadow gazed out the very window Maria and he frequently had watched the blue planet, always dreaming of the day they’d set foot on it together. A renewed sadness whirled inside him, churning his stomach to the point where it nauseated him and clenched his open palms into fists.
He hoped to feel her presence here. He desperately longed for it; the one that always changed the hurricane whirling inside him on the day of her death into a much gentler breeze. Every year since he had awakened he came here and every year he’d felt something of her, something that allowed him to carry on. On an unconscious note his friend, while having passed a long time ago, still had the capacities to change his mind. There were only few he could give credit to when it came to that.
Have you… forsaken me, Maria?
Shadow’s pulse accelerated to a crazy high pace, even for the ultimate lifeform and he sank down to his knees. While his heart thumped against the insides of his chest so fast it felt like it would burst through, he cried. The thought of his first friend rejecting him even after she passed literally just hurt so bad! The pain cramped his chest together and he struggled to breath.
Sudden acoustics, her voice without doubt, called out to him on the abandoned colony, a whisper with the impact of a scream.
‘Shadow, it’s time for you to let go of me.’
“You’re wrong! I will always keep remembering you! It’s the only thing I can do…”
He pictured her bright blue eyes and friendly smile in front of him. Tightening every muscle in his body he forcefully attempted to transfer image of her into a physical presence, into reality. The line between his messed up mind, memories, wishes, dreams and reality grew thinner by the minute. He was almost certain she was here, almost able to see her. Almost.  If only he tried a little harder.
‘It’s time you stop blaming yourself, Shadow. I don’t want to see you like this. Please, let go of the past for there’s others who need your help now. You will only imprison yourself if you keep looking for me and my sacrifice will be left in vain. Remember why you were created Shadow. It’s the key to your freedom.’
The voice slowly extinguished, dying out into the darkness to be replaced by a suppressed, wheezy howl. Shadows’ cries were abruptly disturbed by an extremely loud bang elsewhere on the colony, a crash that shook the ARK in a rough way. Normally the alarm would have sound, but Shadow had turned off the electricity. He did that sometimes when he felt gloomy, feeling it added to his mood.
After wiping his tearstained face he rose and turned towards the elevator, prepared for anything and nothing all at once. He was NOT in the mood to fight. Still, there were a lot of strong, negative emotions to fuel his strength. Even so, his mentally unstable state of mind switched between the urge to conquer any opponent and the thought of willingly getting killed. They battled for precedence inside him and he was unsure which one would win.
“Sweet Chaos! Shadow!?!”
The black and red striped hedgehog couldn’t decide which of their faces looked more awestruck when they regarded each other; Amy’s or his own. He flinched and stiffened up when she took a few steps towards him, the sound of the heals of her boots clanking on the metal floors. She noticed and didn’t pursue, trying to lock her eyes with him, but his gaze went right through her. Eventually he turned around walked up to the window again, wishing to escape both her presence around and gaze upon him. Amy followed his lead and joined his stargazing.
Ever since Shadow and she became more acquainted with one another, they discovered they were quite compatible as friends and hung out more often. The two hedgehogs appreciated the other’s pureness, call it a rawness if you will. He respected her and accepted her for who she was; the good, bad and the ugly. Amy’s assertiveness, strength and straight-forward attitude were highly valued by Shadow. Even though his confidence barely ever seemed to be shaken, it was clear that was the occasion tonight. Shadow heaved a sigh.
“Tell me how you got here.” He finally said.
“Hey, if Knuckles can fly a rocket here, I figured I could too. So, I broke into one of Eggman’s old bases and took the liberty of borrowing one.”
Shadow rolled his eyes on her.
“You’re crazy, you know that? You could’ve gotten hurt with no one around to save you.”
“I made it, all right?! I’m more concerned about you right now.”
His bloodshot, red eyes met her emerald ones for a moment and then the moment was gone.
“I’m fine. Just wished you hadn’t come up here.”
“Shadow, I’m worried about you! I know what today is…”
“I said I didn’t wanna hang out tonight. HECK, I EXPLICITLY told you I wanted to be alone tonight. And yet here you are, forcing yourself on me when I asked you not to. Ever heard of boundaries?”
“Fine, I’ll leave if you want me to.”
“No, you’re staying now. I can’t have peace of mind when I know your safety might be compromised when flying a rocket back to the planet on your own.”
“You’re saying you had peace of mind before I came here? I’m not stupid, okay?”
“I wasn’t. That’s why I wanted to be alone. This doesn’t concern you.”
“Well it does now, since you’re making me stay.”
He shrugged and shifted his gaze back to the countless stars in the never-ending shades of different blue’s that coloured the heavens. Shutting himself off from Amy and the ARK, his heart ached for a hint of Maria out there. Even if it were a last goodbye, but the closest thing he could find was the disapproval his childhood friend would’ve had regarding his rude attitude towards his friend now.
“Does her presence still linger around this place?” Amy dared ask after a long silence.
“It used to, at least on this day.”
“It doesn’t anymore?”
“She… told me to move on, let go of her. Or at least that’s what entered my mind when I sought her.”
 Normally Shadow would have hesitated to tell anyone about any of this, feeling it didn’t go with his down-to-earth attitude. Amy was the exception on this to him. She strongly believed in a connection between the visible and the invisible so he need not to fear being laughed at. He figured she’d be able to understand the visions he’d had of Maria and how he’d heard her voice.
“Anything else?” She asked like it was any other ordinary topic.
“That I should stop blaming myself. I don’t know if I can. I don’t know if I want to. It’s the last thing I have of her.”
“What is?”
“The guilt I can cast upon myself.”
Amy’s eyed filled with a compassionate sadness. She reached out to him to rest a hand on his shoulder. When he did not protest, she stepped in and carefully enclosed him from behind in a warm embrace.
It puzzled her that Shadow usually wasn’t fond of physical contact and yet this was the second time she hugged him like this. The first time was on Prison Island, when silly 12-year old her had mistaken him for Sonic. He never showed a sign of discomfort or tried to shake her off. They stood there for a while, his arms hanging limp along his numb body.
“Maria’s right.” Amy said. “It’s long time for you to let go of that guilt. You’re not to blame for anything that happened here.”
“I’m the reason why they flew up here to shut down the facility. I’m the reason she’s dead.”
“No, G.U.N. is. They’re the ones who conducted these crimes. Their terrible policy and way of handling the situation is the reason she’s dead. There’s no excuse for the way they misinterpreted and poorly handled the situation. There’s no excuse, no explanation good enough for killing the people up here the way they did. And…”
Amy bit her lower lip and hesitated for a moment.
“I don’t know if you’ll agree with me, but Maria chose to free you. She might’ve been able to save both of you or herself instead.”
“Are you saying it’s her fault for getting shot?” Shadow sneered at her.
“I’m not. Just saying she did what she did and with that she left you no choice. You can’t be guilty for something you had no hold on. It was out of your control. She freed you because she knew the reason behind your creation. She knew your potential, Shadow. It was her choice, not yours. There’s no point in punishing yourself now.”
She hugged him tighter and rested her head on his shoulder. With Amy’s words still echoing on in his head, a vague, translucent image was drawn before his eyes. Maria. Shadow wondered if it was a figment of his imagination and whether Amy was able to see her too. The blonde girl smiled a serene smile of hope and reached out to him, covering his hands in hers. A pleasant tingling radiated from them, reassuring him that his pink friend was right.
Maria regarded Amy for a second and gave her a warm smile. Then the blue of her eyes and the dress she always wore faded into the darker blue of the starry skies, leaving them behind. It was just Shadow and Amy now. She still held him and he let her.
“Did you see…?”
“I did. I saw her too.”
Shadow now freed himself of her embrace to face her. The storm clouds that were reflected in his eyes before had vanished. With a new peace of mind, the kind he’d never experienced before, he cleared his throat.
“Bless you for being such a stubborn, persistent soul, Amy Rose.”
“No biggie, we’re friends. I got your back and I’m sure you’ve got mine.”
He gave her a single, yet assuring nod.
“Let’s leave this place. Whadd’ya say?”
“I wanna fly the rocket. I think I really got the hang of it!”
“You seriously expect me to believe that after the ever-so-graceful landing you performed here earlier?”
 “Hey- …I!- That was a rough patch, okay?!”
 “Understatement! You almost shook the ARK out of its’ orbit. I bet you wrecked the place.”
Shadow cocked a brow at her before giving her a playful push. She snorted when she eyed him. Amusement sparkled in his eyes at the thought what the heck of a ride it must have been on that rocket, giving her awful piloting skills. It was another ridiculous outcome of her impulsive nature. The two burst into laughter, their cackling echoing on throughout the colony.
With Amy already in his arms to warp them back home Chaos Control-style, he glanced back at the window. The translucent vision of his childhood friend respawned again. He felt this was their final parting and for the first time, he’d made his peace with that. She waved them goodbye before dissolving into the background, sending off millions of stars into a meteor shower. Her calm, gentle voice resounded throughout the universe for the last time:
 Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog.
Trigger Warning [SPOILERS?!]: - suggestive suicidal thought (No actual suicide or attempt) - mental struggles (trauma, grief, losing touch of reality, feelings of desperation, depression, anxiety) - eventual happy ending > Please message me if you think I need to adjust something in the TW. First time using it. Better safe than sorry (:
If you’re struggling with mental health problems or suicidal thoughts or even plans: seek help! Even if it seems useless to you and I imagine it will. There’s lines you can call and people out there who will listen to you. Google them in the area where you live. I know it’s a good starting point to get help.  
I wanted to do a short story on Shadow’s and Amy’s friendship and how she’ll help him cope with the loss of Maria. I believe that Amy’s headstrong, yet endearing sweet personality allows her to change Shadow’s mind sometimes like we have seen in SA2 before.
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solalunar-eclipse · 4 years
Scars You Can’t See - Chapter 2
Chapter title: Escape (from the city)
Word count: about 3500
Some small word choice has been edited.
If you’re here from the updated first chapter, please scroll down to the bolded line! The story continues there.
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Rouge looked out the window cautiously, sliding along the wall and peering around the window frame. She snapped the curtain shut a second later, spinning to face the others. Her eyes were wide. “Crap. They’re here. G.U.N. is here. They want the file- and us, probably. Chaos...I wonder if they want to ‘disappear’ us like in those spy movies.”
“Now who isn’t helping?” Omega said snarkily, aware that Shadow seemed to be on the verge of an actual panic attack. 
Rouge glowered at him, before ignoring his comment entirely. “Alright, we probably have a few minutes, max, before they break down the door and try to get us. Omega, start packing. We need nonperishable food and water in case we can’t show ourselves in public, and we’ll want money. Hang on to our office supplies, too- we might need those. I am going to talk to Shadow and try to help him out a little. Good? Be ready to go in five.”
She sat Shadow down on the couch. His body was shaking slightly and his breathing was unsteady.
“Okay, hon, what’s got you so stressed?”
He shivered silently, refusing to speak- he could be very stubborn when he wanted to be.
Rouge rubbed his back cautiously. “Talk to me, Shadow. Just talk. We can work on solving everything later, but you’ve got to get it out there so that I can help. Please?”
Shadow gave in. Again. His friends were far too good at getting him to open up- words spilled from his mouth faster than he could say them, crashing into each other. “It- it all started when I had to carry the guns again- they were barely tolerable during the invasion, but now all they do is remind me of that day- I can’t help but remember that it was them who did it all to me…”
His voice was tight, but he fought past it. “It makes me sick thinking about it, and the idea that they could do that again. But- they have the power, I don’t want everyone to hate me...what if- what if they do it, tell the world lies about me to retaliate for outing them, and Tails, Silver, Sonic can’t look at me the same? What if they believe G.U.N.?”
Rouge kept her hand on his shoulder, not sure of what else she could do. The bat knew she had only scratched the surface of his struggles, and it was already painful for her to watch. “They won’t! They would never, I can tell you that. Right now, though, we have to focus on making sure we get the word out about this so that G.U.N. can’t do it again, alright? One step at a time. Then we’ll deal with whatever comes next. And I promise Omega and I will always be here for you, no matter what.”
“If you say so...okay.” Shadow sighed. He could deal with this more later. Right now, the agents were here, ready to hurt his friends. They had to run, and Rouge and Omega would support him through everything. That could hold him together. For now.
Omega appeared in the doorway. “Are you ready to go? I do not wish to be turned into scrap metal.”
“Yes.” Shadow said, his voice slightly stronger. “Let’s get out of here.”
------------------------------ STORY CONTINUES HERE ---------------------------------
The three jumped into the high-tech convertible from earlier- now plus two impressively packed suitcases- and peeled out of the garage at full speed. Rouge was driving, since Shadow still wasn’t at a hundred percent. They could all hear the G.U.N. agents shouting behind them as they drove wildly away, but Rouge forced herself to focus on the road despite them.
The hybrid picked up his phone, knowing what he had to do next. It didn’t make this any better, though.
He dialed the number.
“Hello. This is Shadow.”
“Hi, Shads! What’s up! You busy?” an instantly recognizable voice chirped.
“I am in fact busy at the moment. That is why I am calling.”
“Aw, really?” Sonic sounded disappointed. “I was gonna ask if you could come over and race.”
“I’m afraid I cannot. Rouge, Omega and I are currently trying our best to not be captured by about twenty angry G.U.N. agents, so racing is… not an option right now.”
He heard a gasp from the other end of the line. “What?! Wait, what happened? Is there anything you need?”
Shadow smiled faintly- that was Sonic, always looking out for others. “Omega stole some files on my sister and her death. We spoke to G.U.N. beforehand, and they refused to do anything about their actions or even admit wrongdoing, so. We’re calling them out on it by finding proof of what they did.”
“They wouldn’t apologize? For that?!” Sonic yelled. “Jerks! I can’t believe you work for them!”
“Well, I strongly suspect that we are all fired, so that solves that problem.” Shadow replied dryly.
“Good! But you should’ve quit- show them who’s boss! If you need a place to stay while you’re taking them out, you can come crash with us, y’know.”
“That is a kind offer, Sonic, but I’m afraid I must turn you down. G.U.N. is already going to come in and question both you and Tails, and I don’t want you getting in any more trouble than you need.”
Sonic groaned. “Ugh, this whole thing sounds like one of those overly complicated super-secret missions you guys always go on. Or used to go on, whatever. There isn’t any butt-kicking in any of this- wish there was some dude I could beat up and then it’d be fixed.”
Shadow’s smile grew wider. “If only.” Then it faded. “I hope you understand why I won’t be able to tell you where we’re going or what our plans are from now on. The less you know, the safer you are. Despite this, don’t let G.U.N. take you or anyone else anywhere. You might not come back.”
He heard the skepticism in Sonic’s voice. “Seriously? You think so?”
“I know so. Be careful, Sonic. These people aren’t crazy geniuses- they’re ruthless destroyers. Trust me. And...we’re all going to shut down our phones. We could be tapped or tracked at any time. We’ll only call in from public phones or the like.”
“Oh, chaos….this really is serious, isn’t it?” Sonic’s voice was small. “Hang on, put me on speaker.”
Shadow did. “You’re on now.”
“Guys?” Sonic said. “You’re all awesome- I know you’re gonna make them pay. Just don’t die on me, we need you for movie night.” he said, only half joking.
“We will do our best.” Omega replied.
“Tell Knux I love him, ‘kay?” Rouge shouted. 
“Will do!” Sonic replied, giggling. 
Shadow took him off speaker and told him so. 
“Sonic…stay safe. Please. I know you like to be the one who saves the day, but not this time, alright?”
The hero sounded tense. “Fine. But if I don’t hear from you guys for three days, I’m gonna start freaking out. You hear me?”
Shadow laughed bitterly. “I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen. I’d hate to come back and find your house destroyed.”
“Yeah…” Sonic said weakly.
The hybrid sighed. “I suppose I must go now. Tell everyone else, alright? I’ll confirm what you say via text before I shut down my phone.”
“Okay. Bye, Shads- talk to ya later!” Sonic made an effort to sound cheerful.
“Talk to you soon.” Shadow said, and then he ended the call.
Rouge grinned. “Awww, that’s sweet. Done talking to your boyfriend, Shadow?”
“He is not my boyfriend!” Shadow roared, blushing. “We’re only rivals, Rouge, get that idea out of your head now!”
“Suuure~” Rouge said, laughing at Shadow’s embarrassment.
They became serious again quickly, however. Rouge hadn’t quite managed to lose the agents yet. She drove through two alleyways (“I just cleaned the car yesterday…” Omega complained), ran several red lights, and played one horrible game of chicken with a streetcar before they were able to get away.
Shadow had nearly had multiple heart attacks by the time that was over.
He heard his phone ping with a message while he was in the middle of switching off the other two. Of course Rouge had the latest iCall 11, while Omega had a 10 that Rouge had gifted him.
Shadow himself had a Candystripe (shameful, he knew, but they were easier for him to use), and that was at least partly why the group always messaged through Entropy.
He opened it up to see Sonic’s ten texts.
sanic: hey guys shads just called
he & rouge & omega are running from gun
they stole some important files about maria (sorry about the name drop shadow)
& gun got stupid mad
they wouldn’t say sorry or do anything about what they did to her either
so i really wanna beat someone up for that ୧(๑•̀ᗝ•́)૭
team dark is kinda scared for their lives now bc of gun so we can’t text them for a while or anything cuz they’re turning off their phones
oh and knux rouge says she loves u
i’d make a joke but tbh i’m actually freaking out a little rn
this sounds crazy i kno but it’s true
milesperhour: Wait, what? Are you serious??
andknuckles: Rouge, stay safe, alright
Don’t get hurt
Shadow smirked. “Your boyfriend wants you to stay safe. He’s worried.”
Rouge blushed. “He’s sweet, isn’t he?”
notclairvoyantjustpsychic: WHAT 
edgehog: Yes, they did. Unfortunately. I’ve passed your message along, Knuckles. Please don’t scream, Silver.
Goodbye for now. We’ll get in touch later.
Shadow shut off his phone after that, but not before he saw one last private text.
sanic: i’m gonna miss u shads…. T-T
Shadow sighed quietly as he and his friends drove out of the city. He and Sonic had grown pretty close, and the blue hero was the only person outside of Team Dark whom he truly trusted.
He would most definitely miss Sonic as well.
Once the three had driven for the rest of the day- Omega took over once Rouge got tired- they pulled off into a small motel out in the plains of the United Federation.
A neon “Vacant” sign flickered faintly as the wind rushed through the golden fields. The sign for Cloud 9 Motel was faded and weatherbeaten, and there was only one other car in the parking lot. The sandstone-colored building was shaped like a blocky U, the front desk vaguely visible through clouded windows.
Shadow walked over to the motel doors and pushed them open, pulling out some money to pay for a room. Omega went with him- the robot needed to charge, and Rouge wanted some privacy for a minute.
The bat found an old pay phone off to the side and took a turn calling Knuckles. She stood there quietly, watching the sunset as she waited for him to pick up.
“Hi, sweetie.”
“Rouge?! It’s you?” She heard him shout away from the phone. “Sonic! Tails! It’s Rouge calling!”
She smiled quietly, but couldn’t quite bring herself to laugh. “You’re with your friends, hm?”
“Yeah- we’re figuring out what to do.”
Rouge frowned. “Don’t do anything- didn’t Sonic tell you what Shadow said? This is dangerous!”
Knuckles scoffed. “Dangerous? I led the Resistance against the Eggman Empire! Don’t talk to me about danger!”
Rouge facepalmed. She loved Knuckles so, so much, but he could be such an idiot sometimes.
“Yes, but the difference is, Eggman launched full-scale attacks that you could plan for. G.U.N. will not hesitate to shoot you in the back as you hang out with your friends.” 
“People would do that?!” Knuckles shouted. He was still awfully naive about the world, and Rouge tended to forget this occasionally.
“They absolutely would. I need you to promise me that you, Sonic, and Tails will stay out of this.”
“But what about you?” he asked. “And Omega and Shadow?”
“I see you’re even worried about him, hm? Well, don’t worry about us- we’re used to dealing with these guys.” Rouge snickered. 
Knuckles groaned. “I don’t hate Shadow, I just don’t really like him either. And he’s in danger too.”
“Thank you, hon.” she said honestly, appreciating that the echidna was starting to care about her friend. At least a little.
“I should probably go soon, but we’re currently at a motel in the middle of nowhere- I can’t tell you which one- and we’ll start planning our next move. Talk to you later, alright?”
“Talk to you later. Love you…” Knuckles said nervously. She could practically hear him blushing on the other end.
“Love you too, Knuckles. Bye!”
She hung up the phone and leaned against the glass wall of the booth, already missing him. He was really such a kind person underneath all that bluster, and that’s what she’d fallen for in the first place.
She looked up, noticing that Shadow left the building. He walked across the parking lot and opened up the door. “You’ll see him again soon, Rouge. All we have to do is get this footage and then we’ll be back home.”
“I know, it’s nothing.” she said softly.
The hybrid stood awkwardly for a moment, before quietly extending his arms. The gesture looked incredibly strange, but Rouge knew what he was trying to do and really appreciated it. She hugged him tightly and smiled. “You’re a good friend, Shadow.”
He held her a little tighter. “Take a look at yourself- you’re willing to go to Chaos-knows-where just to help me find some old video.”
She pulled back and smiled at him. “That’s what friends are for, right? Now let’s go check out that room.”
Shadow scuffed at the ground, sighing loudly. “Before you go in, you should know I used false names for all of us- the woman at the desk didn’t seem to know who any of us were, though she did say I looked like Sonic.” He didn’t seem pleased with that.
“I called Omega ‘Theta’ because it was the first idea I had. I haven’t given you a name yet because I thought you’d want your own…...less lame one.”
“Good...but what’s yours?” Rouge asked, smirking.
“I was on the spot.” Shadow couldn’t meet her eyes. “I used Apophis as my name. The ancient mythical chaos snake. It sounds so formal….”
Rouge grinned but held in her laugh for his sake. Shadow, despite his emo appearance, was definitely a nerd. 
“My name should be….Ruby. Like the gem.”
Shadow looked confused. “Why?”
“Because of my name, silly. It means ‘red’ in French, and rubies are red.” Rouge said lightly.
“Oh….I suppose that makes sense.” he muttered, looking a little bewildered.
They went up to the room and discovered that Omega had already plugged himself into the outlet in the wall. He looked up when Rouge and Shadow walked in. “This electricity is subpar, but it will suit my purposes.” he informed them.
Rouge couldn’t help teasing him a little. “What, does it taste bad or something?”
Omega would have rolled his eyes, if he could. “No. It is simply weak and limited so that you organics do not electrocute yourselves.”
The bat surveyed the room critically, noting the lack of certain furniture. “Really, Shadow? You know Knuckles is going to pound you into the ground if he finds out we shared a bed.”
“It was cheaper.” Shadow called flatly from the closet, over the noise of his attempt to put away the suitcases. “We don’t have an endless supply of money, and I can sleep in the desk chair if you have an issue with this.”
“No, no, I’m fine.” Rouge replied. “Besides, he knows that I’ve never been into that kind of thing. Or dating you, no offense.”
“Agreed, and none taken.” The hybrid came back out and sank down onto the bed. “Omega, would you mind pulling up the schematics of the G.U.N. facility we’re trying to break into? I know you were heading in that general direction, but where is it, and how would we get inside?”
“Processing. You know, you are very lucky that I downloaded all schematics early on in our work with G.U.N..”
“Very lucky that you got lost once and then refused to have it happen again, you mean,” Rouge shot back.
“We do not speak of that incident. Ever.”
“Alright, alright, now where are we breaking in?” Shadow snapped, his quills bristling. He looked tense, Rouge noticed. She sat down next to Shadow and gave him a quiet look to try and calm him down. He sighed.
“Schematic loaded. Accessing…”
Suddenly, a three-dimensional map of the facility appeared in the room, along with an address in the lower right corner of the display. Rouge patted Shadow’s back once before getting up to survey the map- as a thief, she was the most experienced and therefore the authority on breaking and entering. And stealing, of course.
“So,” she said after a moment, “we’re definitely going in through the side door. While the vents are more classic, they’re also a greater hazard and Omega wouldn’t fit. Sorry, Omega.”
“That is fine.”
“So, we’ll grab a couple of delivery uniforms- and we will return them, don’t worry-” she added, for Shadow’s benefit. She knew he didn’t like doing anything that would hurt people just trying to get by.
“-and then we can get inside through that door. We’ll navigate the halls and head straight to the video storage rooms, which are here.” Rouge pointed to a specific area of the map, which Omega helpfully enlarged. “We’re going to need to split up and search them quickly. Most likely, the video will be on a VHS tape, so that’s what we’re looking for. G.U.N. is nothing if not organized, so they’ll probably just have a box labeled ‘ARK Files’. Everyone clear?”
“Now then, there are guards on a rotating schedule that pass by the same area every fifteen minutes. We’ll need to avoid them and move quickly, because we don’t want to be seen. I know we could take out two guards if necessary, but we don’t want any of them radioing in to the security center and setting off an alarm.”
“I will remove any threat before it becomes too big to handle, no matter what.” Omega declared. 
“I’m not sure that’s the point of a stealth mission, Omega.” Shadow replied, a small smile on his face. 
Rouge noticed that this was the first time he’d smiled properly in a while.
“Alright, now let’s get some rest. We’re going to need it for the next few days.”
“The next few days?” Omega asked. “Why are we not attacking them tomorrow?”
“Because they’ll be expecting us tomorrow, Omega- all of G.U.N. is going to be on high alert.” Rouge said, exasperated. “We have to lie low for a while, make them drop their guard.”
Shadow sighed. “I can’t stand waiting, but if it means we’ll be safer, I suppose we have no choice.”
“Good.” Rouge replied, going into her “team mom” mode. “Now. Rest.”
It was strange for her sometimes, being the leader of the team. Shadow and Omega both acted younger than her, even though their ages were incredibly confusing. Shadow was either five, fifteen, or fifty-five, depending on how you counted, and Omega was essentially ageless. Yet somehow she, at eighteen, was the team leader in most situations. 
She certainly didn’t mind it, though.
As she lay in bed at night, her attempts to sleep were quickly foiled by the hedgehog next to her. Shadow could not lie still.
“Are you always like...this, Shadow?” she asked, trying her best to be polite. 
“...no…” he mumbled quietly, turning away from her. 
“This is a really stressful time for you, isn’t it?” she asked gently. 
He lay there for a moment.
“Perhaps.” he said finally, his voice flat.
Rouge thought about what to do next. 
“Omega, what’s the length of your charging cable?”
“Twelve feet. Why do you ask?”
“Get in.”
Shadow sat up quickly. “Wait- what?!”
Rouge smirked. “Get in, Omega. It’s time for a team hug session.”
Shadow attempted to protest, but Omega climbed onto the bed anyway and lay down on the hybrid’s other side. 
Rouge watched Shadow, feeling relieved when he began to relax. Omega’s computers were whirring away softly, providing a steady background hum that pushed her friend to sleep.
He sighed, murmuring quietly. “Good night, Omega. Sleep well, Rouge.”
“Night, boys.” she said.
“I will keep watch while you both sleep. Just in case.” Omega replied.
Shadow’s eyes began to close. “Heh. Thanks…. Omega……”
Rouge shut her eyes as well, pleased with herself. This was her team, and they were going to kick G.U.N. to the curb. But that could wait for tomorrow- right now, it was late, and she could rest. Finally.
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jadekitty777 · 4 years
@chiherah drew the cutest Fair Game sketch of Clover and Qrow sharing an umbrella at my request. And thus, I got inspired.
Rating: K+
Pairing: Qrow/Clover
Word Count: 1900
Ao3 Link: Umbrella
Summary: It’s pouring out and Qrow has no umbrella. Luckily, the cute, new guy at the apartment complex is willing to share his. [Modern AU]
Qrow liked to think of his mornings as chaotically organized.
That is to say that he got up at 6:40 sharp every morning, spent 5 minutes on downing a burning cup of instant coffee, 12 minutes on his bathroom routine, and was out the lobby doors of the apartment complex by 7:02 to catch the 7:10 bus that was two blocks away. He had it down to an art, always was on time without failure every day; and though he’d probably benefit from turning his clock back even five minutes to avoid rush, why change something that wasn’t broken?
Problem was, being so precise with his schedule didn’t leave for any opportunity to make last minute adjustments. Like, for example, grabbing an umbrella. Or a coat.
Qrow stood in the foyer that acted as a go-between to the lobby and the outside world, sourly staring at the sheets of rain coming down in thick torrents from the sky. As he pulled out his phone, hoping by some miracle he had three minutes to spare, he stepped aside as he heard the door open behind him to get out of the way of whomever it was.
7:02 AM laughed back at him.
“Shit.” He grumbled.
“Everything alright?”
He jumped, looking over to the person who’d joined him in the foyer. Brunette hair, teal eyes, and an easy-going smile greeted him in return. He instantly recognized him as the new guy who’d taken Maria Calavera’s old apartment when she’d moved out into assisted living earlier on this month (A fact he was a bit salty about – he liked that old codger). Qrow also happened to already know his name because, by habit one day, he went to go get Maria’s mail for her and found a new name etched on the box: Clover Ebi.
He’d caught a few glances of him in passing, but this was his first up-close contact and the realization hit him hard over how unforgivably handsome he was.
“Uh, yeah.” He avoided his gaze when he realized he was staring. “Just, forgot it was going to rain, is all.”
“Oh. That’s unfortunate.”
Qrow snorted. “Buddy, that’s my middle name. Anyways, see ya.” He offered him a wave before walking into the storm. He ducked his head as the rain instantly assaulted him, feeling cold spikes hit along the back of his neck and exposed arms. He sighed, crossing his arms and hunching over as he started his miserable walk to the bus stop, knowing he was going to be drenched by the time he got there.
Or so he thought, until a shadow fell over him, the rain blocked from above.
“You know, I had thought you were going to go back up and grab a coat at least. You’ll catch your death of cold going out like that.”
He tilted his head up, spotting the turquoise umbrella with little, happy aquatic creatures patterned along it, then to the one who had offered it. “Don’t have time. I’ll miss the bus.”
Clover’s smile hadn’t faltered, even as he was pelted by the rain. “Where ya headed? I’ll walk you there.”
Despite the chill in the air, he could feel heat creeping up his neck. “Don’t you have anywhere else to be?”
Wow, real grateful. Good job Qrow. A+ social skills.
But if it offended the other, he didn’t show it, stepping closer so he could hide under the umbrella as well. “Actually, I’m running early. I don’t mind, really.”
“I uh, well, sure, thanks.” He said articulately, his sociability surely continuing to impress.
“Lead the way.” As they started down the street, shoulders nearly touching, he offered. “I’m Clover, by the way.”
“Qrow.” He replied. With his profile now in his sight-line, it made him realize his left ear was pierced, a little silver shamrock twinkling there. Huh, cute. “Soo,” He drawled, feigning obliviousness, “You just moved in, didn’t you?”
“Yep, all the way from Montana.” Clover replied.
“Montana?” He felt his eyebrows shoot towards his hairline, easily picturing lush forests and grand mountain ranges and snow fall ten feet deep. He had to wonder if the guy also had a deer head mounted on the wall and a bearskin rug in his living room. “That’s quite a move. Why’d you come out all this way? It not like Wilmington is the Los Angeles of North Carolina.”
Clover laughed. It was a very nice sound that had Qrow’s heart pattering harder than the rain along their nylon shelter. “That’s an interesting way of putting it. Honestly though? The beach.”
“Okay, fair.” He conceded. Wrightsville Beach was less than an hour away from here, and was the one of the east coast’s most beautiful tourist attractions for a reason. The stunning, deep blue water and wide sandy banks were easy attractions to an appreciative eye and had a calming effect on the soul.  Back during his more insomniac years in Uni, Qrow would oftentimes head down there just to capture the sunrises on his easel.
“I’ve always loved the sea, so when my job offered a relocation opportunity out here, I knew I’d be stupid not to take it.” Clover continued. “Kind of hoping for some time off to rent a boat, maybe do some fishing.”
Well, now the aquatic creatures above them made more sense.
Qrow stuffed his hands into his pockets, trying to keep them warm. “You fish?”
“I know, it’s about the most boring thing you’ve ever heard, right?” He joked.
He rolled his shoulders in a shrug, focusing more on the cracks in the concrete as he hesitantly admitted, “Actually, I uh, I bird watch.”
Immediately as the words flew out of his mouth, he regretted them. Of all the things he could have said! What was he thinking, telling this cute guy about his dumb, weird hobby? Now, he probably thought he was about as drab as a broken lamp.
…So then why did he sound so awestruck?
Qrow swallowed his nerves. “Yeah, my parents were ornithologists and they were a little obsessed with their work. It’s why they named me and my sis after birds. Raven hated it.” He did another shoulder roll, feeling that blush creeping up on him again. “But my parents were always so fascinated and one day I decided I wanted to try and see what was so special about ‘em and well, I didn’t care for all the science and stuff, but I liked watching them fly and build nests. I even learned how to do a few calls.”
“Really?” Clover’s eyes widened. “Can I hear one?”
“What? No!” Now he was positive the blush was on his face.
“I won’t laugh, I promise.”
He just shook his head even more vehemently.
“Alright, then I guess I’ll just have to improvise.”
Clover cupped a hand over his mouth, took a deep breath, and then let out a series of loud squawks. “Caw-caw! Caw-caw!”
Qrow watched him a moment, briefly flabbergasted, and then just started to laugh. “What in the hell are you doing?”
“Bird-calling.” He replied innocently.
“That is not bird calling.”
“Well then,” He lent forward in the small space the umbrella offered, his smile coy. “Guess I got to learn from the master.”
Yep. He was red a tomato, for sure. “Alright, jeez, you swindler. I’ll do one.” Ignoring the way Clover’s face lit up like a damn Christmas tree, Qrow regretfully unearthed his hands from their temporary warmth. He thought over which one to do that was both easy for him but also impressive. “Okay, this’ll be a canary.”
He’d learned how to do that one in high school, and it taken him months to get it just right. The moment he did though, he belted it out randomly in the halls, enjoying the slight chaos it caused the other kids as they tried to find the source of the noise. Just like he used to back then, he pressed the pinkies of both hands to his lips, curled back his tongue a bit, and whistled through them, vibrating his vocal chords just enough to make the sharp trill of the bright yellow bird, the sound easily piercing over the falling rain.
Unlike his classmates though, Clover wasn’t fooled by who had made the noise. “Wow.” He breathed. “That was spectacular.”
“Ehehe, not really.” Qrow rubbed the back of his neck.
“Yes really.” He knocked his arm gently with the umbrella stem. “Don’t cut yourself so short. I bet that was hard to learn how to do.”
How was this guy so nice? Helplessly, he scrambled to respond, “I mean, not as hard as the seagull.” At the other’s sudden, eager grin, he gave a firm, “No.”
“Aah, alright.” Clover surrendered, “We’re almost at the stop anyways.”
Qrow glanced forward, spotting the familiar black structure just a few feet away. As the approached it, he ducked under the curved roof that functioned as a blissful shelter form the rain, and turned back to the man who had gotten him here, realizing this was probably goodbye.
He was surprised by how disappointed he suddenly felt.
“Uh, thanks, for, you know.” He said, gesturing around himself as words again failed him. There was a reason he never took public speaking in school.
“It was no trouble, really.” Clover replied, that easygoing smile back on his face.
He crossed his arms, rubbing the exposed skin idly. “Guess I’ll see you around?”
“Yeah – oh, wait.” Suddenly, the other stepped into the shelter with him, flipping his umbrella upside down and leaning it up against the bench. Then in one smooth motion, he yanked the green hoodie up and over his back, running a hand through his hair to fix the little quiff at the front.
Qrow’s brain short-circuited because whoa, muscles.
Clover held it out to him. “Here, you can borrow this.”
“Huh?” He looked from those nicely toned arms to the offering to his eyes, suddenly catching up to the situation. “No, I couldn’t.”
“I have time to go back and get another. Besides,” He winked, short circuiting Qrow’s brain again, “It’s not like you don’t know where I live.”
Oh. Oooh.
Qrow was experienced enough to recognize the gesture for what it really was: a surefire guarantee that they’d run into each other again.
Now how could he ever refuse that?
“Suppose I do.” He quipped back as suave as he could. He took the hoodie, pulling it on. It smelt like pine, heady and rich and despite their similar heights, it still dwarfed his leaner frame. Some of the other’s body heat still lingered in the fabric and he couldn’t help but melt into the much-needed warmth. He fingered one of the strings, trying to remain casual as he subtly offered, “I’ll return it tonight. Around…?”
“6:30.” Clover rested the umbrella back on his shoulder, expression just as sly. “Maybe we could catch some dinner too?”
Qrow felt his stomach flutter, face easing into a grin. “I’d like that.”
“Then it’s a date.” As he stepped back out into the rain, he winked at him again. “See you soon pretty bird.”
“See you.” He returned, watching the other leave, eyes scanning along his backside and appreciating the view.
Despite the dreary beginnings, it was shaping up to be a great morning after all.
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lyrazehedgieboiii · 4 years
Wedding Disaster!
Another crappy story I made long ago. Original is on Wattpad under Lyra_ze_hedgie. Both part 1 and part 2 is on this.
Amy= 19 years old
Sonic= 21 years old
Lyra 18 1/2 years old
Blaze= 19 years old
Cream= 18 years old
Rouge= 19 years old
Maria= 19 years old
Silver= 21 years old
Knuckles= 21 1/2 years old
Shadow= 22 years old
Tails= 20 years old
It was 7 in the morning, and the Sonic Team girls were wide awake. As you can see in your brain, the girls are at Amy's house, sneaking through the door. They were about to wake up Amy and get her ready.
Cream, Amy's self proclaimed little sister, did the honors of waking the sleeping beauty. "Amy, wake up! You got to get ready for the happiest day of your life!" Cream squealed with excitement.
"I'm gonna give birth..?" Amy said dozily. She was 1/2 asleep, if you were wondering. Rouge and Maria were holding their chests from trying not to snort and laugh.
"Out of the way everyone! This is sure to wake Rosy Posy up!" Lyra yelled as she carried a 3 gallon full bucket into Amy's bedroom. She sprinkled a few drops onto Amelia's face. She still isn't up. She spills a little on to her face. Amy got up immediately.
"I'm up, let's get ready! Lyra water the plants with that, and make me look like a goddess, girls!" Lyra opened Amy's window and dumped the water close enough to the plants. The girls all dragged Amy to Rouge's mansion because her wedding dress was there. They had her take a shower, and while Amy was doing that, the girls took all the make-up out.
"This is going to be amazing! Sonic and Amy getting married! Amy will be my sister-in-law! Girls, she has to look perfect!" Lyra said. Lyra is Sonic's little sister.
"Amy, are you done yet?" Maria asked from outside the bathroom door.
"Yes!" A muffled voice answered from the other side of the door.
The girls all shoved Amy into a chair in front of Lyra's vanity table, and began to look at Amy and thought of what to do.
"Oh shoot! I forgot the curling iron! My 20 others are broken." Rouge realized.
"It's alright, Rouge. Besides, I have fire powers, so watch what I can do. Oh wait, first dry Amy's hair." Cream quickly did that with the blow dryer. Blaze wrapped sections of Amy's quills around her finger and warmed it up. She let go, and made luscious curls. "There, perfect. Amy, you look like an angel."
"She'll look more like an angel once she wears her wedding dress!" Lyra said, while bringing in the wedding dress. (It was a long white gown with red petals all over the bottom hem and along the chest.           
"Oh Lyra, it's beautiful." Amy said with tears in her eyes.
"Don't cry, Amy, or else you'll ruin your makeup!" Cream yelled.
"Okay, okay!"
Amy put on her dress, and it fit perfectly on her. It made her look like a princess. While admiring her wedding dress, Rouge and Lyra put some eyeliner and some blush on.
"Perfect! Now let's go, or we'll be 5 minutes late to being early." Lyra said.
"You sound like Spongebob, Hun." Rouge stated.
"Point is, we should be out now!" Blaze said, in an impatient tone. "I want to see some SonAmy smooching!" Amy blushed in embarrassment.
"Amelia! Now I can't tell if you're blushing, or if that's your blush making you look pink on the muzzle!" Cream said. Everyone laughed.
As the girls went out, something totally unexpected happened...
Hey, it's chapter 2. (Cream's POV)
Oh no. Eggbots. They're going to ruin Amy's wedding day, and her dress! Everyone immediately gets into battle stance, and takes out their weapons, or show their powers. Me? I stayed in front of Amy to guard her. Lyra, who's still learning to use her scythe, has formed a somewhat big shield around Amy and the girls. I was scared, was Amy going to be kidnapped by Eggman? That bastard! He's in his 70's or something, and he's still trying to kill Sonic! Then, Lyra moved a little, she could only protect me and Amy. The girls started to fight the crab-bots, and bee bots, whatever they're called. I heard some short battle cries. "Cream! Run Amy over to the limo!!!" Maria yells.
"Okay!" I take the hem at the back of Amy's dress, and raise it up, so it doesn't get dirty. I didn't really care about my dress getting messed up, it's Amy's that mattered. We suddenly see all the girls get thrown back. Oh, no... Amy hates when any of her friends get attacked, so in a snap, her piko-piko hammer comes out of nowhere, and Amy makes pissed off look at the robots. I don't want to interfere, but this is her wedding, I don't want her beautiful image get ruined! "Amy! Don't! You'll ruin your dress!" I shouted, but she ignored me. 
Oh no. 
It's the hammer of doom! Amy's hammer evolved and she was swearing like there was no tomorrow. Hey, I'd be doing the same thing if it were my wedding. Amy suddenly smashed all the bots, and strutted her way to the limo, all the girls watching her with shocked faces. She didn't even ruin anything! We all ran to the car, me going first. Not to brag, but I'm the maid of honor!!! Everyone expected Rouge, but I was chosen. I'm the most like her sister! Suddenly, Maria kicked the driver out of his seat.
"We are supposed to be at the altar by now!" Maria stepped on the peddle, not caring whether she got a ticket or not. Within minutes we were here. Lyra checked to see if everyone was there, and they were. First the ring bearer, and flower girl, which were Sonia's kids, Cecilia and Carlos. Then came in Amy, arm in arm with Shadow, since Amy had no father figure in her life. Behind her was the maid of honor. Which happens to be me. Then, came in Rouge, Sonia, Blaze, and Maria. Lyra was going to be the person that recited the vow things. On the side were Sonic's groomsmen, Shadow, Silver, Knuckles, and Manic. The best man was my boyfriend, Tails. We lined up beside Amy, and watched everything.
"How come the girls look like they were ambushed?" Tails asked.
"Amy looks like an angel."
"And in a few minutes she'll be my sister in law!"
"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today on this momentous occasion, to witness the joining together of Sonic Ogilvie Maurice the Hedgehog, and Amelia Lynn Merica Rosette. Now, before we begin, is there anyone who rejects this proposal?" We looked around. "Thank Chaos, no one. Sonic, do you take Amelia to be your wife, through life and sickness, and til death do you part?" Lyra looked at Sonic, who was smiling, a few tears falling down his face.
"I do." Sonic responded. Amy was crying heavily, and so was I, it was beautiful!
"And Amy, do you take Sonic to be your lawfully wedded husband, to protect you, to love you, through life and sickness, and til death do you part?" Lyra looked in Amy's direction.
"I do."
"A good marriage is created. The little things in your life will become the big things. You will never be too old to hold hands, never be too old to say good night or for a gentle kiss.
A good marriage is remembering to say "I love you" on a regular basis. It is never going to sleep angry. It is standing together, on each other’s strength and support.
It is having the capacity to forgive and forget. It is providing an atmosphere in which each of you can grow.
It is finding room for the fruits of the spirit; which are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.
It is not only marrying the right partner, it is being the right partner.
You will have this kind of marriage if you continue to Chaos as the source of your romance, love, and affection. Now, say your vows." Sonic started first.
"Ames," everyone 'aww's when he said 'Ames.' "When I first saved you from Metal Sonic, I was surprised to see someone as brave and courageous as you. You were as cute as a button, but fierce with that hammer, and I wouldn't marry anyone else. You are the only thing that keeps me happy. You were the only person I noticed, the only person who could turn me on. You were different from those other fan-girls. You were always by my side, even if I lost a battle, you still loved me, even if I was a werehog!" He chuckled. "And since I met you, every time you talked to me, my heart beat in my chest, and only you made me feel like that. I love you Ames." Amy was crying heavily. She sobbed, and gave him a quick hug, before beginning. (Lmao so uncharacteristic)
"Sonikku, before we met, I had a thing for tarot cards, it would say we will meet, it would say you are my perfect soulmate. I believed all of that, in fact, it's one of the things that got us together. And when I got kidnapped by Metal Sonic unexpectedly, you saved me. You were exactly everything I imagined. You were brave, courageous, loyal, smart, strong, loving, and experienced, if you know what I mean." Insert a dirty smirk and wink amen. "You're also very confident, and knew when pride got in your way. I wanted to always be beside you, to love you, to make you happy, to stay with you for all eternity. And now you made my dreams come true. And you have my near all to yourself, until our futures children are born. I love Sonikku."
"With the power bestowed upon Chaos, I pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride." Lyra said. Sonic picked Amy up and spun her around before kissing her gently. She kissed him back, hands never leaving each other.
"Hey, Sonic?"
"I caught you."
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classicdaisycalico · 5 years
Fictober 2019, Prompt #1: “It Will Be Fun. Trust Me.”
FANDOM: Sonic the Hedgehog
WARNINGS: Caves, dark alleys, PTSD, death mention
It was the first full week off she had received in a while, and Rouge the Bat knew exactly what to do with it, something she had been sorely missed for a very long time:
Jewel hunting.
In whatever spare time she had (in this particular case, “spare time” referred to sneaking around on her office computer when her boss wasn’t looking), she would peruse the web for different famous gems around the world. One particular variety of diamond popped up in nearly all of her search queries. According to quite a few sources, they could only be found nestled away deep in the depths of a partially blocked-off cave in Spagonia somewhere.
Needless to say, it was halfway across the world, extremely rare, and hard to reach, but that wouldn’t stop her in the slightest. After all, she had flown, kicked, and snuck her way into the highest ranked spies G.U.N had at their disposal, right alongside none other than her partner, Shadow the Hedgehog.
Thinking about the Ultimate Life Form gave her an idea. He had off the same week she did, and she was not about to let him spend the entire time alone and brooding. Maybe she could try convincing him to go with her to Spagonia...
She laughed to herself as she spread her wings and took flight. Getting Shadow to agree to such things was a big challenge, for certain. Still, everyone who knew Rouge also knew she was never one to back down from anything standing in her way...
It had been almost 3 hours since she began scouting around for any places Shadow frequented in the time he had taken up residence in Rouge’s apartment. Scouring every alley in the city produced nothing. Clawing her way through the greenery of the local park didn’t prove much better. Searching every part of the city limits was fruitless. She knew he never liked crowds, so...maybe he was someplace outside of the city?
That’s when it hit her. The day before, Sonic had egged him into a footrace by Emerald Hill about half an hour’s flight away. Some argument had spurred the challenge, and knowing Shadow in all of his stubborn glory, he refused to walk away from it.
She wasn’t sure whether or not the race had already happened, but it was definitely some time in the early afternoon. According to her last time-check, it was around half past 11:00. If she hurried, she would most likely catch the two of them in the middle of duking it out.
She sighed as she began flying in the other direction. Hopefully she wouldn’t catch either of them doing anything stupid.
Rouge was exhausted out of her mind by the time she got to Emerald Hill, but thankfully, she was able to see the two of them skid to a stop right in front of her. “What the heck, Rouge?!” Sonic exclaimed. “You’re right in the way of our finish line!”
He turned to Shadow in a brief aside and quipped, “Which, oh by the way, I was going to reach first, anyway. Just so you know.”
He got no response but a signature “Hmph” from the black hedgehog in question.
“Anyway, what brings you here?”
“I wanted to see how the race was going,” the bat answered, “but it looks like I just missed it. Oh, well.”
“Don’t worry about it. We’ll find another time to actually settle the score.” He faced Shadow once again. “Right, Faker?”
Once again, another “Hmph�� of indifference.
“...I’ll take that as a ‘yes’, then.” He switched his focus back to Rouge. “I’m supposed to be meeting Tails back at his workshop right about now so...I’ll give you guys more details on the when and where, okay?”
She winked. “Sounds good, Big Blue.”
“Cool. Catch ya later!”
And Sonic sped off in a blaze of cobalt. Once he was gone, Shadow sighed in annoyance. “If he calls me ‘Faker’ one more time...”
“He was just trying to get a rise out of you,” Rouge replied. “You know that.”
“And I know you weren’t here for that stupid race, either,” Shadow countered. “Why did you come here?”
“Because I have a question for you.”
She grinned. “So there’s this diamond mine in Spagonia...”
“Rouge...really?” the hedgehog asked incredulously. “A jewel hunt? That’s what you plan to do with our week off?”
“Well, it beats sitting around in the apartment, stewing in your own broody angst,” the bat fired back. “But, you know...none of my business.”
A light smirk appeared on his face. “I’m getting this crazy idea that you want me to come with you.”
“It will be fun. Trust me.” She continued. “Besides...we don’t have to just kick through rocks in underground caves. We can go sightseeing, just walk around town and people-watch, go to museums, try some of the local food...there’s so much we can do.”
She paused, and slowly placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “I know you told me Maria would have wanted you to see the world even if she couldn’t. I also know you’ve wanted to honor that wish for a long time. Spagonia is a good start, Shadow.”
Rouge could feel the Ultimate Life Form grow rigid as soon as he heard the name “Maria.” While the death of his surrogate sister was still a touchy subject even 50 years after the fact, she hadn’t meant to invoke her to guilt him.
After a brief silence, he spoke again. “Spagonia...I remember her reading books about it. She always said if she ever got better...then that would be the first place she’d travel...”
The black hedgehog looked up at his partner. “You won’t steal anything from those museums? Or the mines?”
She smiled, noticing how he was slowly warming up to the idea. “At this point, the diamonds don’t matter. Helping you finally get the chance to see the world is far more fulfilling than any gem in existence.”
That last comment took him aback, somewhat. “...Thank you, Rouge. And you’re right. She would have wanted me to do this for her.”
The smile on her face grew, only to grow puzzled when she saw what looked like a slight tinge of red make its way across Shadow’s muzzle. Was he...no, he couldn’t have been...
“So how are we getting to Spagonia, anyway?”
“Oh!” Rouge piped up, her train of thought interrupted. “I don’t know, to tell you the truth. I...hadn’t really thought about it.”
From what seemed like nowhere, Shadow produced a glowing green gem in one of his hands. “It’s fortunate that I happen to have a Chaos Emerald on hand.”
She laughed. “Yeah, that will definitely solve a lot of our problems.”
“When were we planning on going?”
“Honestly, I was thinking tomorrow.”
He smirked. “Why wait?”
He grabbed her arm, much to the bat’s shock, and held up the Chaos Emerald in the air. “You know,” Rouge mused aloud, “It’s kind of cute seeing you get all excited to travel like this.”
The blush on his muzzle came back in full force at this last remark. “...Dont tell Sonic,” he muttered. “I’ve got a reputation to maintain.”
He held up the Emerald. “Chaos...CONTROL!” 
In a flash of bright green light, away they went, warping to adventure.
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avengers-nextgen · 5 years
Noctis III
The ship was dry. Bone dry. But the creaking of metal could still be heard as if water continued to flow through the sunken vessel. Noctis loomed over the growing pool of darkness. Her world was finally seeping into another. Her conquests could continue and there was nothing that could stop her. Those heroes hadn’t the faintest idea who she was. To her, it would be a cake walk, and the only difficulty of her conquest came with coaxing civilians into submission. She would need help with that.
“Don’t disappoint me this time,” Noctis warned, waving a hand across the bubbling black. The liquid writhed, contorted, stretched, and solidified into a familiar form.
A gasping face emerged first with two piercing eyes contrasting with the dark. A violent shudder passed through the man as he fell to his knees. “Welcome back, Prometheus.”
At the sound of his name, the Titan stared up at his resurrector. His face was unreadable as his eyes scanned the room. “Where’s the girl?”
“The blonde?” Noctis asked coyly.
“Where is she?” Prometheus demanded, a violent rage contorting his face.
“You will find her. Don’t worry,” Noctis smiled. “In the mean time I need your work. We need an army old friend. I trust you to handle this with care?”
“Of course,” the Titan bowed. “Nightmares are your specialty are they not?”
“No,” Noctis chuckled darkly, “fear is my specialty. Whether they know it or not, everyone’s afraid of the dark.”
— — —
The universe went into hibernation. The outside world had stilled. People remained inside, doors were locked, windows covered, neighbors were no longer trusted, and the sound of shivering wind was all that rang out.
“You guys getting this?” Peter Parker, the unfortunate candidate to inspect the outside world, asked.
“Loud and clear,” Tony hummed, tapping a few keys on his tablet. “Seems you’re in a dead zone.”
“Okay, where to next?” Peter asked.
“What’re you looking for?” Hope arched a brow, standing by for backup if need be.
“Some weird cool spots are popping up. It’s like the sun’s energy literally isn’t being absorbed. Like the shadows are preventing it,” Tony explained.
“Hey, uh, Tony?” Peter interrupted. “What’s the big deal about these dead spots anyways?”
“I’m mapping the locations because something tells me this will be useful in the future,” Tony replied. “Especially if we’re dealing with some nocturnal edge lord.”
“You gonna come up with a way to block her traveling through the dark?” Hope speculated.
“It’s worth a shot but I don’t know if it’s even possible,” Tony snorted.
“Yeah, well I hope it is,” Peter laughed nervously.
— — —
“Mom?” Fox knocked lightly on Maria’ door before easing it open. She found the woman perched on the edge of her bed, gun in hand, still in her pajamas of a tank top and shorts. “Are you okay?”
“What? Oh, yeah,” Maria nodded.
“You say I can’t lie so don’t do the same,” Fox frowned, stepping inside. “Everything’s gonna be fine. So far it’s just the anticipation that’s got everyone worked up.”
“Fox,” Maria sighed, “I’ve seen enough to know that shit’s about to hit the fan but it was always manageable.”
“What’s changed?”
“I lost a good friend,” Maria pursed her lips, “and after that things like world chaos didn’t seem so hopeful.”
“Are you talking about him?” Fox asked, pointing to a picture of young Maria beside a youthful man with kind hearted eyes, a bright smile, and the aura of a gentle sole.
“Phil Coulson,” Maria nodded, smiling slightly. “He was a day of sunshine. Makes the dark like this seem kind of cruel.”
“Were you close?”
“He was my best friend,” Maria nodded. “Sometimes I’m reminded that things were better back when he was around.”
“Well, he’s be proud of you I’m sure of it. He seems like a really nice guy,” Fox smiled.
“He’d like you. He had a soft spot of rough kids,” Maria laughed. “Take Clint and Natasha for example. Though, he did collect cards on Steve. Had a whole collection.”
“Nerd,” Fox snorted.
“He was,” Maria nodded. “Now, what really brought you in?”
“Well, I was thinking about the thing that happened with Harper,” Fox began, “she has powers. Whether they are from her ancestors or there’s a scientific explanation I don’t know, but...it’s something we should look in to. Especially with everything going. If she can harness whatever she’s got in her, then she might be able to protect herself and her family.”
“You’re right,” Maria nodded. “Give me some time to change and have her meet me at a testing room. Is she...is she okay with this though?”
“Yeah, I talked to her,” Fox assured. “She’s actually pretty excited. It’ll give her a chance to feel useful.”
“She’s useful with or without super human abilities,” Maria smiled faintly. “Sometimes I think you kids forget that.”
— — —
“You shouldn’t be outside alone,” Thor frowned, making his way onto the landing where his niece observed the streets below.
“It’s quiet,” Sage replied, ignoring his remarks, “but I heard something. I could’ve sworn it.”
“It’s the wind playing tricks,” Thor suggested, standing beside her. For once, Sage didn’t move away from him.
“No, no, the voice was familiar,” Sage frowned. “It’s something I’ve heard before.”
“Then you better get inside,” Thor warned, eyes scanning the terrain. “I don’t trust anything outside of the tower walls. Darkness is easily manipulated.”
Despite wanting to remain outside in hopes of hearing the voice again, Sage knew that Thor was right. With a sigh, she followed him back. All the while, he kept looking over his shoulder as if some hideous beast were going to appear out of thin air.
But he wasn’t the only one feeling uneasy. Whatever Sage had heard put her on edge the rest of the evening. The faintest noise had her jumping in surprise, and the slightest disturbance made her shiver.
Even falling asleep was hard. She couldn’t get the idea out of her head that maybe sleeping with the lights on was best, and despite having Alex right beside her, Sage was genuinely frightened. Eventually, she worried herself to sleep, but she didn’t stay that way for long.
Alex’s knee slammed into her gut knocking the wind clear out of Sage’s lungs. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust in the dark but she was aware of Alex trying desperately to peel away tangled sheets. Almost like they were suffocating her.
“Hey, easy,” Sage wheezed, trying to catch hold of Alex’s hand. Her breathe was slowly coming back, and with a flick of the wrist a green flame erupted in her open palm. With the room properly illuminated Sage spotted Salem, back arched, teeth exposed, lowered on his stomach, and ready to strike. “Salem, what is it?”
The feline gave an uncertain yowl, pacing the room slowly. Sage’s attention turned back to Alex and the blonde’s expression was one of genuine fear. Something was wrong.
“He’s back,” Alex choked out.
“Who? What do you mean?” Sage frowned.
“Don’t say his name,” Sage warned. “Was he here?”
“I don’t know. It felt like it but when I woke up...” Alex shook her head in defeat.
By now, Salem has calmed, and his single eye scanned the room wearily. That was a good sign. Whatever presence he’d felt had finally gone.
“Okay,” Sage nodded, “lay down. I’ll stay up and keep an eye out.”
“That’s not fair to you,” Alex protested.
“I’ll be fine. Besides, usually when I’m awake there’s no hope in me going back to sleep,” Sage assured. With a skeptical look, Alex settled back down and closed her eyes. She kept ahold of Sage’s hand through the remainder of the night.
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bringhopetohumanity · 6 years
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—    BASICS.
▸     IS    YOUR    MUSE    TALL    /    SHORT    /    AVERAGE ? Short. She’s 4′7″/140cm. That’s not much taller than most mobians. Given that she’s only twelve she’ll get taller if as she gets older.
▸      ARE    THEY    OKAY    WITH    THEIR    HEIGHT ? It’s a good height when your brother is a mobian! But for things intended for humans she sometimes wishes she was taller. High shelves are the bane of her existence.
▸      WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR    LIKE ? Soft and fluffy with a bit of bounce. If you started running your fingers through you’d have a hard time stopping.
▸     DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    THEIR    HAIR     /    GROOMING ? Maria takes good care of her hair. She doesn’t spend hours on it like she knows some people do, but she washes it often and uses nice shampoos so it comes out nice and soft. As for styling all she really does is brush it the way she wants it and adds her hairband.
▸      DOES   YOUR   MUSE   CARE   ABOUT   THEIR   APPEARANCE   /   WHAT    OTHERS    THINK ? Maria cares what she thinks. She wants to look pretty and/or cute and does her best to achieve that. What other people think of her looks doesn’t matter to her. Unless it’s family then she cares a bit more, but doesn’t always take their advice.
▸     INDOORS    OR    OUTDOORS ? Outdoors! She’s been longing for the great outdoors all her life. Given the chance she’ll stay outside as long as reasonable. Until it becomes a hazard to her health you’ll find her with the sky overhead.
▸     RAIN    OR    SUNSHINE ? While sunshine is beautiful and warm she’d pick rain. Something she could never have back on the ARK. No the shower is absolutely not the same. Unless it’s storm levels of downpour she’ll probably be standing in it with no umbrella. And then have Shadow scold her because that’s how you catch a cold and that’d be a stupid reason to die. ▸     FOREST    OR    BEACH ?   Either, but leaning toward the beach. Maria loves nature in all its forms and would be quite happy in a little cottage in the woods. But the beach, oh goodness the ocean entrances her. She’ll spend hours just watching the waves, taking in that salty air, and digging her fingers into the warm sand. ▸     PRECIOUS    METALS    OR    GEMS ?   Gems are prettier. Plus she knows Shadow’s powers work better around those gems called Chaos Emeralds so there’s a bit of a bias there. But gems are just so much more beautiful then metals.
▸     FLOWERS    OR    PERFUMES ? Flowers. Perfumes smell lovely and can emulate a great many things but Maria would prefer the natural scent in its purest form. Flowers any day. ▸     PERSONALITY    OR    APPEARANCE ?   Personality. What is most important is how the person acts, how they treat others, what are their interests and dreams? Personality is key. Never judge a book by its cover. Never judge a person by their looks.
But Maria is attracted to pretty girls. Beauty is subjective of course and she doesn’t have set-in-stone standards. She likes those that feel ethereal in some way. That just with your appearance you evoke that feeling of being an angel in another life. Personality helps with this but it is looks that grab her first. ▸     BEING    ALONE    OR    BEING    IN    A    CROWD ?   A crowd. Always. Even if she doesn’t know anyone there she just doesn’t want to be alone. Too many days spent on her own staring out a window, trying as hard as she can to find a bright side. Too many days alone before Abe and Shadow. She’ll always take a crowd. ▸     ORDER    OR    ANARCHY ?   Order. Anarchy is chaos and chaos causes bad things to happen. Order is peace. Order is calm. Order is the best way to do things. Unless of course you mean some kind of dystopian order, in which case she will fully support anarchy provided no-one is hurt. Protest and break in and overthrow the evil people. Just don’t hurt and/or kill anyone in the process.
▸     PAINFUL    TRUTHS    OR    WHITE    LIES ?  White lies. She wants people to be happy and if that’s what it takes then so be it. It’s not a big lie. It won’t affect them for years to come. It won’t damage their psyche. It’s just a little minor lie that keeps them from being sadder.
▸     SCIENCE    OR    MAGIC ?   Science of course! She’s a Robotnik after all; it runs in the family. She leans toward medical science if we’re getting specific. She’s also a kid though and is willing to believe in magic if you can convince her that it doesn’t break the laws of physics. ▸     PEACE    OR    CONFLICT ?   Peace. Maria has only ever wanted peace. The world would be a better place if everyone put down their weapons, talked things over, and learned to love each other. ▸     NIGHT    OR    DAY ?  Day. She’s had the night sky all her life up in space. Maria will always prefer day. The sun shining overhead, clouds floating on by, everything lit naturally. Even on dreary and cloudy/rainy days she still prefers them to the night.
▸     DUSK    OR    DAWN ? Dawn. As I said she’s had night all her life. What a joy it is to watch the sun climb up the horizon and bathe the world in its bright warmth! Maria will get up early, even if she’s exhausted, just to watch the sunrise. It’s something no-one should take for granted.
▸     WARMTH    OR    COLD ? Warmth. Even though the ARK was heated it just felt cold. The nature of a metal space station full of research experiments. The warmth to Maria came from the people, not the place. She prefers Earth which is warm in both aspects.
If we’re talking just basic temperature the same applies. Maria prefers to be warm but her stature makes her easily cold. She likes to have warm clothes and lots of blankets/a heated blanket in colder temperatures.
▸     MANY   ACQUAINTANCES    OR    A    FEW    CLOSE    FRIENDS ?  A few close friends. Maria will take either honestly but she likes to be close to the people she knows. She wants to really get to know them and be a part of their lives.
▸     READING    OR    PLAYING    A    GAME ?  
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▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS ? Maria is a fidgeter. No matter the situation she wants to be moving. This stems from so many days laid up in the medical wing’s beds. There is a longing there to not waste her time by doing nothing so she unconsciously satisfies it by doing small things to keep idle; fiddling with any accessories she’s wearing, running a hand through her hair, swinging her legs from a tall chair, re-organizing the objects around her, etc. It has driven more than one researcher up the wall when she’s visiting them and can’t keep still while they work.
There’s also the little white lies as mentioned above. Small things to keep people happier. She knows lying is bad but sometimes the best option truly is ‘what they don’t know can’t hurt them’. If a lie can make it better and not majorly affect things then that will be her first instinct. Maria will also lie to protect her friends on a small scale. Like say Abe or Shadow accidentally broke something and hid the evidence. ❝Well if it’s gone missing can you get a new one?❞ Until they fess up she’ll cover for them.
▸      HAS    YOUR    MUSE    LOST    ANYONE    CLOSE    TO    THEM ?      HOW    HAS    IT    AFFECTED    THEM ? She lost her parents when she was too young to remember. There are photos of Alice and Cyril with little baby Maria, and the stories Gerald tells of his daughter and her husband, but that’s all she’s ever known of them. There’s a sadness in her when she hears those stories and looks at those photos but its a sadness of never having the opportunity to know them.
She also lost her grandfather, the only father she ever knew, later in life. In my main verse she doesn’t know this. Only in my ghost verse is she aware of what her death did to him. It devastated her how much she hurt him, and how much he hurt Shadow in turn. But she refuses to remember him that way. She holds her head high and keeps him in her heart with all the happy memories they shared.
Maria knows people would rather be remembered fondly so she tries not to get too sad over them. Oh she’ll be a wreck at first but eventually she’ll smile when thinking of them rather than cry.
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    FOND    MEMORIES    YOUR    MUSE    HAS ?   Family time. Sometimes if he had a break from work Gerald would join in Shadow and Maria’s games or read to them. Those moments the three of them spent as a family will always be remembered fondly.
Also the games she played with Abe. To her he’s not the Commander of GUN. He’s just the little boy who was always trying to cheer her up with some silly game. Even though she wasn’t physically fit she tried her hardest to be a good playmate. He was excellent at tag and hide-n-seek and never treated her as anything less than an equal. She treasures those memories.
▸     IS    IT    EASY    FOR    YOUR    MUSE    TO    KILL ? Oh god no! Maria would never. Could never.
▸      WHAT’S    IT    LIKE    WHEN    YOUR    MUSE    BREAKS    DOWN ?  When Maria breaks she becomes a sobbing mess. I hate the term ‘ugly cry’ cause no-one is pretty when they’re crying, but Maria definitely fits the usage of that term and what it entails.
▸      IS    YOUR    MUSE    CAPABLE    OF    TRUSTING    SOMEONE    WITH    THEIR    LIFE ? Yes. Not many people but yes. Gerald, Shadow, and Abe is about the extent of that list. Maybe Ivo if she gets to know him better. Maria is a very trusting girl but her life has always been on borrowed time. You’d better be able to take care of it.
Of course on the flipside as much as she cares about herself she cares about others more. Those people I mentioned? She’d sacrifice herself in a heartbeat if it meant they got to keep living. Hence taking a bullet for Shadow.
▸      WHAT’S    YOUR    MUSE    LIKE    WHEN    THEY’RE    IN    LOVE ?  Maria is quite happy and giggly, always trying to do nice things for her crush. Do you like this? Let me get it for you! Oh you’ve always wanted to go there? Let’s go together! Her selflessness has always been at 11 but the way she throws herself at the object of her affections...
She can be a bit clingy in this regard. She understands though if they want to back away because of it. She’ll give them their space. Hopefully they’ll come back. Maria can be intense in her affections. It’s best that they are directed at someone who can handle this and return them equally. That would be her ideal partner later in life.
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geek-gem · 6 years
Some random Sonic movie sequel stuff
So this is something I wanted to make. Yet I guess for almost an hour or I forgot. I remember my last reblog and that net neutrality is important. Yet I was thinking of reblogging this post about it again after I make this.
This is just random and about that Reddit leak about what the 2019 movies story will be about. I remember talking to myself about it playing Sonic Forces talking about and spoilers basically imagine the sequel well a comment I thought said Metal Sonic and Shadow in the sequel g. But it was about Knuckles and Metal Sonic...or Shadow....just.....
Basically spoilers the leak mentions a post credits scene revealing Metal Sonic which did make me smile. Including today was thinking okay if they are gonna take liberties with the movie which is alright.
I seriously thought of this....just...Shadow's in the movie too but he's important.
Yet was thinking of just....I'll make the joke now.
Sonic: we saved the world from Perfect Chaos and Dr. Eggman and we're heroes.
Dr. Eggman: well guess what surprise surprise, I made a robotic version of you with it's only purpose in life to kill you.
Sonic: oh crap.
Dr. Eggman: not also that I even found out some secrets about a project from my grandfather Gerald Robotnik, stuff about Project Shadow and the Space Colony Ark. His name is Shadow and he's gonna kick your ass too.
Sonic: oh double crap.
Shadow: screw you all, my sister my family Maria died for no reason at all. The world needs to know my suffering of what it feels like to lose family after everything I've been through. Including she was just a kid with a disease called NIDS that couldn't be cured.
Sonic: oh triple crap and that's sad bro. Yet would your sister really approve of that and you becoming the monster you so desperately hate and want to destroy.
Metal Sonic: screw everything, my father doesn't love me, I can't do what I've been programmed to do. I HATE EVERYTHING AND IM GONNA DESTROY EVERYTHING IN HOPES OF KILLING SONIC FINALLY AND MAKE MY OWN DESTINY!
Sonic:....uhhhh a lot of crap.
Knuckles: you guys stole my Master Emerald.
Dr. Eggman: yet Sonic is the villain.
Knuckles: screw that I was forgotten in this joke and the guy writing realized he forgotten about me. Yet that's maybe the story maybe for me to go with me being introduced. Yet even though you have a robotic evil Sonic that should and would make me question you of how evil it looks compared to Sonic.
Metal Sonic: I HATE EVERYTHING SONIC MUST DIE ALL LIVING THINGS KNEEL BEFORE YOUR MASTER! *turns into Metal Madness and to Metal Overlord*
Sonic: oh shit that's a lot of crap we have to deal with. *Him and Shadow turn super*
Shadow: where's the Biolizard right now screw that. In Sonic Adventure 2 I realized I'm a big asshole and becoming the monster I want to destroy so I'm gonna scarifice myself to save everyone. Also the guy writing this almost put me turning super but decided to put it under Sonic's line before me.
Sonic: oh wait Shadow don't do that. I'm gonna scarifice myself instead.
*record sound stops*
Shadow: wait what the hell why. *Shadow looking confused and putting his hands like why or whatever this confused what the fuck face*
Sonic: because so instead of you in a way dying and possibly well will come back. I'm gonna scarifice myself or basically try to destroy or basically some how kill Metal Sonic to show everyone that I'm a true hero. Along with the idea the world is doubting me, their blaming me for Eggman, the battles we've fought that have caused destruction. Including blaming my existence of Metal Sonic even existing. Including me at a point I'm starting to lose myself, some times angry and acting different. Along with believing does the world really need me. But it ends with me realizing I need to do that right thing even if it costs me life. To show I don't care about that but I care more about people.
Shadow:......umm wow.
Sonic: including when the guy was writing my last paragraph before you just talked. He remembered about putting Tikal in here to make sure Chaos from the last movie still had that sort of back story. Including thought I talk to her at times she appears at times and it's weird man still thinking.
Shadow: okay but seriously your gonna die in the sequel the 2nd movie!
Sonic: kind of yet I'm gonna disappear mainly and it's gonna look like I died. But actually I guess the idea some what in the process is me using Chaos Control on Metal Sonic to send him some where else. Yet in a way he some what stabs me and you get a visual reference of you falling down like in SA2 but instead you basically see what is happening to me. While it's close to the ground still in the sky, everyone hears my death scream it's so loud that the whole city hears it's maybe Station Square need to think or Metropolis or some shit. Also probably Blaze in the Sol Dimension and maybe Classic Sonic from his dimension.
Shadow:....you can't be serious.
Sonic: no I'm serious bro or 50 plus years old bro lol don't worry I'll probably be in a different place maybe Blaze's dimension or some shit but the Classic dimension I don't know a Sonic Mania movie seems better first before the third film. Anyway see you in the next film! *Flies off waving his right hand and just smiles as he says that last line. After that Shadow just watches in confusion with no facial expression but just like what even as a very bright yellow light shines like an explosion and Sonic's and Metal's screams are heard and everyone hears too and like Shadow too maybe*
Metal Sonic: oh I am dead or just very damaged just I'm down. *Falls on the front side of his body all damaged and some pieces fall apart too. But in Neo Metal Sonic form too.
Shadow: what the hell was that.
Blaze: seriously what is this.
Classic Sonic: I'm questioning this too.
Infinite: I'm the main villain of the next film. The whole world is depressed that Sonic is basically dead in a way. While me and Eggman rule the world I some how have Shadow and Chaos and Metal Sonic is back with us. But he's real. Yet Tikal is pissed and just appears when Chaos is fake. Also theirs no Zavok because their isn't much of him and we haven't introduced him yet. Including screw you Shadow for beating me up, my team leaving me, and everyone being so happy screw everything, I HATE THE WORLD AND HAPPINESS AND WEAKNESS IM NOT WEAK! ALL HOPE IS LOST HOPE IS FOR THE WEAK AND FAMILY IS FOR THE WEAK!
Sonic: hey you big asshole of a jerk with a cool song still. You and Eggman are going down.
Buddy/Gadget/Rookie: I'm gay for Sonic or something like that or even like brothers like Tails. Yet I feel quite gay for Sonic he really inspired me to be brave and fight back.
Shadow:.....this is just so confusing right now.
I think I'll leave Shadow as that and before Sonic explaining his role in the sequel where Shadow asks about it well Sonic's first big paragraph. I changed the channel to Boomerang.
Basically was thinking of BVS and even thought of, "This Is My World" from the soundtrack. I thought of this at Walmart and even thought of how sad and emotional that would be. Including listened to the track at home which I am at home now.
Also the idea that Shadow is surprised and in a way inspired and shocked by Sonic's scarifice which is something almost like Maria's scarifice and shows Shadow the world's different something and not everyone is bad....
This is BVS but I've finally thought of the perfect some what story okay how we gonna get it through with people of how Sonic is important and how selfless he is and cares more about everyone and it even makes characters think about their lives and how some could change them for the better.
While the Reddit leak it's unknown if it's true or not. It's the only biggest piece of information we have for the movie and I seriously thought of a sequel might be. Even of how crazy it is.
Basically okay or my head like the script I want to see the movie and I'm just happy or still happy theirs some sort of information to work with.
Including it's basically Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Heroes into one better or something and remembered Sonic 3 and just remembered Sonic And Knuckles and some shit like that.
Got tags down and almost left the word rags I'm sorry to bother and remember I'm gonna reblog something after this.
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sucaritra · 7 years
Bāṛi - Chapter 12
Word Count: 1671
Warnings: language, anxiety, Negan
Summary: reader makes a new friend
A/N: comments are greatly appreciated!
“Who's that?”
“You've not seen Mason before?”
You narrow your eyes and try to recall if you’d come across the man who just entered the games room with Simon, exuding authority and power on par with Negan and Simon. You've been at the Sanctuary long enough now to know everyone’s faces, if not their names, and Mason’s was definitely a face you haven't come across.
“Nope. Who is he? Looks important.”
You turn your attention back to Sam as she takes a swig of something that was most definitely homebrewed, given the smell. You wrinkle your nose in disgust when she offers you a sip, causing her to chuckle at your actions.
“He's one of Negan’s top guys, probably ranks after Simon.”
“How come I’ve never seen him?”
“I think he's been taking charge of the outposts. You probably just missed him when you got here. No idea why he's back now though.”
“You know, he hasn't actually been here that long, compared to everyone else. Got here just a few months before you.”
This brought your attention back to Mason. How does one rise to the top so quickly? You voiced your wonder to Sam, who didn't disappoint.
“Well, he's just an all around good guy. Does whatever he's told, doesn't cause any problems.”
“You can say that about a lot of the Saviors though.”
“True, but no one shed blood they way he did. I don't know exactly what happened, but the gist of it is that there was an incident on the drive back from a pickup. Negan was there, I think they were attacked. Well, anyway, Mason basically took a bullet for Negan, and you know how Negan loves a good soldier. From then on, Mason was given more responsibility and I guess Negan trusts him since he's part of the inner circle.”
Looking back at Mason, you see he's already looking your way. All it took was a wink from him before you quickly averted your gaze away from him, cheeks flaming in embarrassment at being caught looking.
You had the pleasure of meeting Mason up close and personal the next morning when you smacked into him just as you reached the top floor in your rush to not be late. With reflexes quick as lightning, he grabbed hold of your arms so you didn't take a potentially lethal tumble down the flights of stairs.
Would you ever go a day without embarrassing the shit out of yourself?
Smiling apologetically, you squeak out an apology and thank you, though he laughs it off.
“Don't you worry about it honey, it’s forgiven since it looks as though you’re runnin’ late for work?”
“I am, but that’s no excuse for not watching where I was going, again, I’m sorry.”
And you really were. If it were anyone else, you probably would have winded them from the force of your little collision, but Mason was no ordinary man. If you had no idea about Negan, it would have been very easy to believe Mason was the one running the show. He definitely looked the part with his strong build, self-confidence oozing out of every pore and his dominant personality. Though he looked to be in his late thirties/early forties, it certainly didn't take away from his good looks as his striking green eyes and mousy brown hair gave him a certain charm.
“No more of that, it’s forgiven and forgotten!” The laugh lines around his mouth and creases in the corner of his eyes were so infectious that you found yourself smiling along with him. Thinking that was the end of it, you slowly edge around him to continue your way towards the office, only to be stopped by a gentle hand on your arm.
“Listen, before you dash off, I gotta say somethin’. I heard about what happened with that scumbag Roy.”
You tense up immediately, all traces of the smile gone from your face as you recall your encounter with him and the subsequent punishment, thanks to your tattling. Though his warm smile does help to ease your guilt, if only slightly.
“I just wanted to let you know that he’ll be out of the infirmary in the next couple of days, but you have nothing to worry about. We’re gonna make sure he can't get near anyone again and try and pull another stunt like that. Hell, even if I gotta shadow him 24/7, then that's what I’m gonna do.” Your chest warms at his cheeky smile and wink sent your way, causing you to roll your eyes and huff out a laugh.
“Thank you, I appreciate that but as long as I don’t have to see him again, then I’m sweet.”
“That you are, honey.”
Does the Sanctuary have a siren call drawing all these hot as shit men to it that you don't know about?!
One at a time Maria. If James turns out to be a dud then you can have a go at sinking your claws into this hunk.
Doing your best to appear cool, you quickly bid goodbye before making your escape to the office. Although, you wouldn't be you if you didn't bump your shoulder into the door to the hallway during your escape, earning a hearty chuckle from Captain Green-Eyes.
The buzz of activity seems to never end at the Sanctuary and the first chills of the changing seasons is felt in every corner. Thanks to your tardiness, Negan sent you out into the chaos to seek out the Savior team leaders and hand out rotas for their shifts. Negan has had to move quite a few Saviors to outposts just to make room for all the new survivors that keep turning up on an almost weekly basis, causing a shake up of the Savior's different roles. Saviors with more menial jobs are suddenly finding themselves guarding the weapons stash or patrolling alongside the more trusted Saviors.
All in all, it just meant more paperwork for you.
Venturing outside to try and find Arat to hand over her papers, you pull your jacket closer to your body in a vain attempt to retain some heat. The slight nudge against your rib comforted you as you felt your knife in your inside pocket. After the incident with Roy, Negan let you hold on to it when you tried to hand it back after the Alexandria trip, saying you can keep it as long as you continue being a “good girl”. Pfft. Smug git.
You watch as a couple of trucks pile in through the gates and various Saviors emerge and immediately begin to unload the supplies. Catching sight of James, you quickly make your way over. It feels like you never see him anymore, which is a damn shame since you wouldn't mind looking at nothing but him for the rest of your, probably short, life.
His face lights up as soon as he spots you, grinning from ear to ear as he holds out his arms to you. You happily oblige, wrapping your arms around him as he playfully lifts you off the ground. He catches you by surprise when you feel him place a light kiss to the side of your head before placing you back on your feet.
Trying not to let the red takeover your face, you look up at him and lightly punch his arm.
“Where've you been?! I feel like I never see you anymore.” Your bottom lip juts out slightly, genuinely disappointed at how little time you've spent together. James was probably the first real friend you'd made at the Sanctuary, inadvertently making him your source of comfort. And after the events of the last week, you could do with a bit of comfort, and just simply forgetting about all the bad that had taken place.
“I know, I know. It’s only temporary though! Once we’re good for winter, I’ll be stationed back at the Sanctuary like I used to be. Then you won't be able to wait to get rid of me.”
Just as you were about to reply, you caught sight of Arat talking to Mason by the front gates, before starting to walk around the building, heading towards the gardens.
“Oh! I have to go! I've got something for Arat.” you flash James the papers in your hands, “Can we meet up later?”
“I’ll do you one better. I just need ten minutes to help with unloading and then you wanna get lunch?”
You beamed at him before nodding your okay and dashing off after Arat. You learned early on that Arat was a woman of few words, or, at least, she was with you, which you were always grateful for as it meant you didn't have to attempt any awkward small talk.
Since you didn't have long to wait, you decided to wait for James by the front entrance, plopping down on one of the many picnic tables scattered about. Mason soon joined you, striking up a conversation so easily with you that you almost forgot how terrible you are when it comes to talking with other people.
You found yourself enjoying being in his company, and also completely agreeing with Sam’s description of him, “he’s just a good guy.” And he truly was. In the short ten minutes you were talking, Mason managed to get out of you how you were feeling slightly guilty about how things went down with Roy, even though you knew you shouldn't. You were almost glowing in self-assurance after his little speech about how you did the right thing and how, through your actions, Roy won't be able to try anything with any woman here anymore. You were almost sad to cut you talk short; it was doing wonders for your self-esteem.
Walking side by side with James to the canteen, you couldn't help but grin as he oh-so-casually took hold of your hand, gripping it tight and pulling you close as you made your way through the Sanctuary.
tagging: @neganisking @backseat-negan
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Innocent [4]
Summary: Blake Ainsley’s always had a rule that she wouldn’t getting into a relationship with someone outside of SHIELD, the problem came in the form of a tall brunette hunter trying to be normal. Blake and Sam believe each other to be too innocent for the world they both know, one that involved chaos, death, blood and pain. Will they ever know about each others ‘real life’?    
Characters: Blake Ainsley/OC x Sam Winchester, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff
Words: 3367
Warnings: Swearing, blood, a little fluff, and a little angst.
Part One  Part Two Part Three
Prompt List
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Alexander motioned in the direction of where Fury and Steve were conversing before with determination walked back to the exit with a small smile thinking of the girl. Blake shook her head before walking over to her boss with little caution.
“Continuous suborbital flight courtesy of our new repulser engines.” Fury said towards the other male.
“Stark?” Steve questioned.
“Well, he had some suggestions once he got a close look at our old turbines. These new long range precision guns can eliminate a thousand hostiles a minute. The satellites can read a terrorists DNA before he steps outside his spider hold. We gonna neutralize a lot of threats before they even happen.” Fury explained looking over the project.
“I thought the punishment usually came after the crime.” Steve stated.
“My exact thoughts Cap.” Blake said sashaying up to her boss and friend. Steve had the decency to look a little surprised whereas Fury gave her a soul shivering glance with his one eye. He had the habit of making her squirm even by accident, “But it may have a positive outcome in all of this. How many times have be been too busy with a mission that millions of people get hurt or killed? Sometimes we are the only way of survival but we can’t be everywhere at once.”
“We can’t afford to wait that long. Just as Ainsley described for you.” Fury nodded in the direction of the young agent. 
 “Who’s we?” Steve and Blake questioned together rather confused. “After New York, I convinced the World Security Council we needed a quantum surgeon threat analysis. For once we’re way ahead of the curve.” Fury explained.
“Face it. Nobody but Stark is ahead of the curve.” Blake smirked thinking of the brunette that had more spunk than any one she had known in her life.
“By holding a gun at everyone on Earth and calling it protection?” Steve snapped. “Wait what?!” Blake exclaimed looking at the director.
“You know, I read those SSR files. Greatest generation? You guys did some nasty stuff.” Fury looked at one of his best agents.
“Yeah, we compromised though. Sometimes in ways that made us not sleep so well. But we did it so the people could be free-” Steve began to say.
“This is freedom Fury. This is definitely not freedom but instead it is fear.” Blake glared at her boss.
“SHIELD take the world as it is, not as we’d like it to be. It’s getting damn near past time for you to get with the program, Cap.” Fury stated towards the blonde male. “That’s a little far.” Blake hissed as her friend stood tall and with a sharp term left with the last word.
“Don’t hold your breath.”
With that the blonde super soldier had stormed out of the building with conviction towards the one place that Blake would know he was. At the Smithsonian Museum where he could look back to where he came from and road he travelled to the present time. That and she had gone with him once and gushed about James Barnes to his annoyance.
Once they reached the museum Steve wandered around only keeping a ball cap as his disguise. Blake followed silently as she felt the nostalgia overcome her blonde friend from the past. Currently they were at the Captain America exhibition.
“A symbol to the nation. A hero to the world. The story of Captain America is one of honour, bravery and sacrifice. Denied enlistment due to poor health, Steven Rogers was chosen for a program unique in the annals of American warfare. One that would transform him into the world’s first super soldier.” The narrator said. Blake wandered over to the screen with a picture of Bucky Barnes letting her eyes roam the mans face with a sadness of having not known him. She looked over to the side feeling the eyes of someone, there in a wheelchair was a little girl with a scarf around her head.
“Hey sweetheart.” Blake said kneeling down in front of her, “What can I do for you?”
“Are you…” The little girl gasped in excitement already knowing the answer.
“Yes sweetheart I’m Viper.” Blake whispered, “Don’t tell anyone.”
“I promise!” The little girl grinned watching her favourite hero vanish into the shadows. “Okay Lacey. You have chemo to get to.” Her mother said beginning to roll the girl out of the entryway.
Blake found her way back to Steve with a smile as she walked back out of the shadows. Steve was staring at the uniforms of the Howling Commandos with sadness. Reaching her hand out she grasped his hand earning a small smile in thanks. Blake wasn’t known to dish out affection when it didn’t involve Sam.
“Battle tested, Captain America and his Howling Commandos quickly earned their stripes. Their mission, taking down Hyrda, the Nazi rogue science division.” She listened to the narrator as he continued on, “Best friends since childhood, Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers were inseparable both on the school yard and battlefield. Barnes is the only Howling commando to give his life in the service of his country.”
She was stepped back a little as he wandered over a screen showing an interview with a woman she recognized as Peggy Carter, the first woman Steve loved. She knew the gist of the history between the Cap and her. Letting Steve have this moment she wandered further off not catching the lovely and spunky agent give her information.
With a brief mention of where he would be, Steve walked out of the museum with the mission of talking to Peggy. Blake knew that it was too private even to wait for him outside so she blended into the flood of people; Peggy wouldn’t be around much longer and they deserved some alone time together. Soon she found herself in front of the Avengers tower convinced it was time to return home to Sam for awhile, she missed him dearly and knew that their relationship would fall apart if she didn’t return.
Convincing Stark to loan her a jet wasn’t the easiest nor hardest thing she had done. All she had to do was mention a past indiscretion of his that Pepper didn’t know and she was flying home. She felt if she was needed the team would come for her instead. It was rather late at night when she was sneaking into the apartment smiling at the smell that Sam always held.
Poking her head into the bedroom she saw the shaggy head of his nestled into her pillow as if her scent helped him sleep. Using her stealth training she quieting undressed and slipped into the bed. Sam groaned opening his eyes to see his girlfriends tired eyes gazing at him. He was still upset with her and her little white lies so he turned on his stomach and faced away from her. “Sam? Are you awake?” Blake questioned noticing the change in breathing.
“Go to sleep Blake.” Sam replied monotone. He wasn’t in the mood to fight after midnight, he wanted to sleep it off and have an adult conversation.
Blake felt the distance between them despite the small amount of physical space between them. Waiting to see if he would cave and bring her into his arms she settled into a sleep feeling the tug of her stitches as she did so. It was going to be a rough night so she started to get out of bed.
“Leaving so soon?” Sam nearly spat out forgetting his previous decision.
“No. I’m going to the couch.” Blake whispered sadly, “I’m sorry Sam.”
“Yeah. Me too.” He whispered after she left the room.
The night was rough on the both of them for similar reasons.
                                                  ➰ Fury had just talked to Maria Hill at a red light when the unexpected happened, the police car he had made that comment about rushed off. He was just starting to drive off when a smash happened leading to more hits from patrol cars. “Fracture detected. Recommend anesthetic injection.” The car announced. Without hesitation  he swiftly injected himself kist as the SWAT team truck pulled onto scene. In that moment it become clear that his suspicion of a takeover was true. Especially since the men were truly disguised mercenaries and he was the target.
“Get me out of here!” Fury said to the car’s computer. Right at that moment the gunfire began.
“Propulsion systems offline.”
“Then reboot dammit!” Fury yelled as the car’s armour began to obviously weaken under the abuse from the mercs. He felt the slightest amount of panic when the battering ram appeared.
“Warning! Window integrity compromised!”
“You think?! How long to propulsion?”
“Calculating.” The computer responds as Fury watches the battering ram begin to abuse his car window, “Window integrity thirty-one percent. Deploying countermeasures.”
“Hold that order!” Fury says holding his injured arm closer. Just as he finished saying that the machine gun popped up in front of him and he begins returning fire towards the mercenaries. Watching both the SWAT truck and police cars explode in a fiery haze.
“Propulsion systems now online.”
“Full acceleration, now!” Fury yells as he continues his assault on the the enemies, even as the car begins to move, “Initiate vertical takeoff!”
“Flight systems damaged.”
“Then activate guidance camera! Give me the wheel!” He practically throws a small fit as he takes over driving allowing mercenaries to be driven over, “Get me Agent Hill!”
“Communications array damaged.”
“Well what isn’t damaged?” Fury snaps.
“Air conditioning is fully operational.”
“Give me an alternate route.” Fury growls as he weaves through the traffic with skill and ease.
“Traffic alert on Roosevelt Bridge. All vehicles have stopped. 17 Avenue clear in clear blocks, directly ahead.” A pileup up happens as Fury crashes into some of the cars there. Due to the stop of traffic his chasers pile out to begin shooting once more. It’s now Fury being chased by the remaining mercs, seeing them sandwich his car, “ Warning approaching intersection.”
With two more mercenaries dead Fury quickly tries to make a plan.
“Get me off the road!” He orders the computer.
“Calculating route to secure location.” The computer had barely finished before a figure materialized on the road ahead. With precision Fury saw the bomb coming before he felt the explosion flip the car. He watched the person’s feet walking towards him while in a last ditch plan he pulls a laser weapon. He catches the figure rip the door off to only find an empty car and a hole on the ground.
Steve was walked towards his apartment happy to get some downtime and relax. He doesn’t sleep as well as he did back in the 40s. That had something to do with the regrets he held and the nightmares he sometimes he got. He was pulling his keys out of his pocket when he heard his neighbour talked on the phone outside her door with a bucket of laundry.
“That’s so sweet. That is so nice.” Kate said before she noticed Steve standing there smiling at her, “Hey. I gotta go, though. Okay bye.”
She turned towards Steve with a soft, kind smile which he thought fit her because of the scrubs he noticed her wearing often. He found it nice knowing that there are still people in the world that worked of others with a kind smile. She was also pretty but his heart was still held in Peggy’s hands.
“Hey aunt.” She said nodding towards her phone, “She’s kind of an insomniac. Yep.”
“Hey, if you want…if you want, you’re welcome to use my machine. Might be cheaper than the one in the basement.” Steve offered a little nervous but he wouldn’t admit to that.
Nat kept trying to get him to ask ladies out but he kept saying no for a number of reasons. If he wanted to find someone he would do so on his own terms. Maybe it was time to try testing the dating water with a lot of slow moves.
“Oh, yeah? What’s it cost?” “A cup of coffee.” Steve returned the flirting lightly. He noticed Kate’s smile dim a little before he replied.
“Thank you, but um…I already have a load in downstairs, and, uh…you really don’t want my scrubs in your machine. I just finished a rotation in the infectious disease ward, so…”
“Ah, well, I’ll keep my distance.” Steve replied feeling a little sadness at her answer.
“Well hopefully not too far.” Kate said feeling upset she had made her neighbour sad but there were a lot of reasons why she should’t go out with him, “Oh, and I think you left your stereo on.”
“Oh. Right. Thank you.”
“Yeah.” She said returning to what she had been doing.
Steve frowned a little knowing he hadn’t had his record player on in the last couple days. It had been a little too hectic for it. As Kate walked down the stairs he waited a couple minutes before deciding to use the element of surprise by using the window. Once he was in he navigated through his apartment before grabbing his shield just in case. He relaxes when he sees that it’s a clearly beat up Nick Fury sitting next to a lamp.
“I don’t remember giving you a key.” Steve stated feeling upset that the one part of his life that was normal was compromised.
“You really think I’d need one? My wife kicked me out.” Fury said leaning back in the chair in pain.
“Didn’t know you were married.” Steve sighed weary of the situation.
“There are a lot of things you don’t know about me.” Fury replied slightly dramatically.
“I know, Nick. That’s the problem.” Steve released with an angry huff as he turned on the light. He quickly noticed the injuries his boss had. Fury simply raises his hand to his mouth to indicated being silent. Swiftly he turned the lamp light off and typing something on his phone.
‘Ears everywhere’
“I’m sorry to have to do this, but I have no place else to crash.” Fury states typing again.
‘SHIELD compromised’
“Who else knows about your wife?” Steve asked waiting for the phone again.
‘You and me’
“Just…my friends.” Fury voiced.
“Is that what we are?”
“That’s up to you.” Fury says before the silence is broke by three shots coming in from the window. Fury collapses as Steve looks out the window for the shooter.
Steve yanks Fury down on the ground before dragging him into a separate room where he sees Fury handing him something. Looking down Steve sees the object is actually a flash drive. He grabs it from Fury before watching Fury carefully.
“Don’t…trust anyone but Ainsley.” Fury says but Steve’s attention is turned to the sound of someone breaking into his apartment. His surprise in the moment is changed to shock when the intruder speaks out.
“Captain Rogers?” Kate says walking in with her gun out, “Captain, I’m Agent 13 of SHIELD’s Special Service.”
“Kate?” Steve asks in complete shock.
“I’m assigned to protect you.”
Steve’s face tightens not liking the fact he was was being babysat the entire time he had lived here in the same building as her. He’s noticeably annoyed because he wanted something that was completely his and had nothing to do with his life as Captain America.
“On whose order?”
“His.” Kate says pointing at the passed out man on the floor. She quickly pulled out a device before speaking into it, “Foxtrot id down, he's unresponsive. I need EMT’s.
“Do you have a twenty on the shooter?” A voice asks.
“Tell them I’m in pursuit.” Steve says having noticed the shooter outside the window. Without a response he jumped out the window.
He breaks through the window in the building across rolling to his feet with a concentrated face looking up to see the assassin in only a short distance ahead of him on the roof. Steve quickly breaks through double doors of the office building not bothering to stop for turn, instead he kicks off the hallways door landing on a long table. Raising his shield in front of his face he breaks through glass. Next her breaks through another set of double doors accidentally sending a pile of papers everywhere. He doesn’t have time to kick off a wall again but instead he slams into his causing a shield side imprint but that doesn’t stop him. He just continues to run through another set of double doors into a hallway with a window at the end of the hall. He jumps through rolling right behind the assassin and without hesitation he whips it at the figure ahead of him.
For the third time in the last half an hour he’s sent into a fit of shock when instead of hitting the man, he whips around to catch the shield without moving an inch. With his metal arm. The assassin looks at Steve with almost a sad expression just by the half mask on the bottom of his face with black paint around his eyes. Whirrling from the metal arm is heard before the shield is thrown back at a faster speed. Catching it as it hits Steve in his midsection he looks down to see himself pushed back and he looks up to see nothing even as he looks over the ledge of the building. The assassin has mysteriously disappeared without a trace.
It was bright and early when Sam stumbled out of the bedroom clad in only a pair of grey sweatpants. He yawned scanning the apartment for Blake and came up with nothing. Feeling the anger turn into disappointment he trekked into the kitchen seeing her sleepily eating pancakes with bacon.
“There’s more in the oven.” Blake mumbled wincing at the movement of her shoulder. Sam noticed and frowned in concern.
Blake herself had began to question if keeping Sam out of that part of her life was worth the possibility of losing him. Most of the time she wasn’t a selfish creature but it seemed as if this was one part she would be okay with and that was saving Sam in her life. The comfortable silence is broke when Blake’s phone goes off.
“Hello?” She asks frowning.
“Blake. It’s Steve, Fury was in an accident. He came to my apartment with information and he told me to only trust you and no one else. He was shot by an assassin with a metal arm and he’s going into surgery. We need you.”
“Shit.” Blake says, “I’ll try and be there but I don't think I can.”
“You have to leave.” Sam stated pouring some coffee. Blake sighed knowing he was right.
“I do. I’ve made a decision that I won’t leave.” Blake sighs knowing that Steve was holding back from begging.
“Is it important?” Sam questioned sitting down with the plate of food she had dished up. Blake mutely continued to stare into her coffee cup, “What’s going on?”
“A close friend and co-worker was in a serious accident. He’s in rough shape and going into surgery soon.” Blake whispered feeling the reality of the situation hit her.
“Oh. I’m so sorry Blake.” Sam whispered feeling the heartbreak she was giving off.
“Thanks. I’m sorry I haven’t been around as much as normal.” She whispered.
“I’m sorry I’ve been giving you such a hard time.” Sam sighed looking down also, “Blake, you should go wait for your friend. We have discuss or argue when you get back. Take however long you need and I’ll be waiting for you.”
“Okay, Steve. I’m on my way.” She says ending the call.
With a smile Blake got up and kissed him deeply before walking towards the bag she hadn’t had time to unpack. Sam watched her with a small smile as she walked into the bedroom but not before he saw the stitches in her shoulder and side.
“Blake. What the fuck is that?” Sam exclaimed rushing over to her.

 “Ask me when I get back.” Blake replied kissing him again, “I love you Sam.”
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Innocent Tag List
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geek-gem · 7 years
Infinite's An Asshole
Just saying I’ve been thinking about this for some time and even mentioned in my last post about Chaos in Sonic Forces. Including when searching up Tumblr infinite sonic forces I’ve decided and even thought more when liking some stuff of finally making this.
Including I thought of making more where it’s other characters from other forms of media.
I know with the lyrics in Infinite’s theme seems like he has a tragic back story. Which seems very nice I like that. Yet what your about to read is very harsh yet funny. The characters even make some 4th wall mentions because they don’t give a shit. Including just I keep thinking Infinite is just the biggest asshole…also it may have some of my own thoughts in it.
Please be aware of not just spoilers but very…brutal and kind of dark things said in this that might bother you. Yet supposed to be done in a funny way.
Infinite to Shadow.
Infinite: Your whole existence is the reason why everyone on the Ark died. You are basically the reason why Maria died. Basically you killed your own family by existing.
Shadow: *looking disgusted and pissed off* how dare you.
Infinite to Sonic.
Infinite: Your up beat positivity and outlook on life sickens me. One of these days your gonna break down and realize how much of a failure you are. Your the reason why I exist and why the world’s gone to shit being taken over by Eggman and me. It’s all your fault.
Sonic:…the game hasn’t released yet and I don’t know if I know you in anyway. Also the breaking down thing I’m feeling depressed at times I’ll think about it…or wait till I see what the game has to offer.
Infinite to Chaos.
Infinite: All Chao’s deserve to die. Your a piss ass guardian and Chao’s are weak and deserved to be slaughtered to out right extinction.
*Chaos now instead of one middle finger and now puts up his arms, forms huge hands and puts up both middle fingers with his eyes looking like he’s pissed*
Infinite to Metal Sonic.
Infinite: You a weak copy of the real Sonic. You will never beat him and never be the real Sonic. Your life is filled with misery, your father hates you because you fail to do the one thing you were born to do. I’m surprised you haven’t decided to end your life yet. You will always the worst thing Eggman has ever built.
Metal Sonic: Must…kill…now. *puts up both middle fingers and his red eyes flash*
Infinite to Zavok.
Infinite: Nobody will give a shit about your achievements in Sonic Lost World. You will always be forgotten and never considered one of the greats. Even people didn’t know who you were in the E3 trailer. Shows how much of an impact you left because you hardly left an impact.
Zavok: *sigh* it’s true. *He looks down to the ground just being all depressed as fuck*
Infinite to Dr. Eggman.
Infinite: I find it embarrassing of working for you despite the game isn’t out yet. I don’t care how threatening you are and what achievements you’ve done in your life. Your a weak villain who can never beat Sonic until now and you had my help. I’m surprised you haven’t committed suicide yet. In fact Ken Penders is more of a villain then you and we all hate him.
Dr. Eggman: Orbot hold my beer. *Left hand gives beer to Orbot* Exuse me while I get the Egg Dragoon and kill this sorry exuse of a villain WHO SAID KEN PENDERS WAS MORE OF A VILLAIN THEN ME!
Infinite to Silver.
Infinite: I honestly feel sorry for you. Your birth is so tainted in a game were sick of joking about. Yet our memory still stays strong remembering your horrible exuse of a debut. Unless Sega and Sonic Team reinvents you in canon. You’ll forever be taunted and your potential will never be reached and remain as a joke forever.
Silver: I’m sorry ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME CRY! *Has tears being formed in his eyes*
Infinite to Mephiles. Had to look on Google twice for Mephile’s name.
Infinite: I don’t care what people say. You were never the greatest Sonic villain. Your such a dumbass that you would of killed Elise at any chance. I don’t care if you wanted to be an asshole just for the sake of it. The way you are written. Also even when Elise dies old everyone’s gonna die anyway. Your plan is so flawed…you just fucking suck and the game you debuted in sucks.
Mephiles: *sigh* I know. *Like Zavok just looks to the ground being depressed as all fuck*
Infinite to Classic Sonic.
Infinite: I don’t care if your pandering. You have no exuse to me here with your pandering ass even if I talked about that. Your a God damn punk ass who was inspired by Mickey Mouse and Felix The Cat and might never speak in this game maybe.
*Classic Sonic just looks sad with tears forming in his eyes. Along with his mouth being messy*
Infinite to Buddy the wolf the custom character.
*Buddy just falls to the ground crying sobbing uncontrollably kind of like a baby but in his own voice*
Sonic: Jesus Christ Infinite what the fuck is wrong with you!
Infinite: What I’m an asshole!
Sonic: You didn’t have to make him cry like that my God seriously you made him feel more like shit then the others.
Infinite: I’ve been wanting to save the worse for him cause he deserves it.
Sonic: This is just GeekGem speaking isn’t it.
Infinite: What if GeekGem is Infinite.
Sonic: What.
Infinite: Or Jessie Eisenberg is Infinite.
Infinite: Damn it I just hope I’m really cool and I pick up buildings and throw them at people and me screaming I AM THE DEVIL I AM SATAN! Yeah I need to chill out and wait but I’m still an asshole.
Sonic: Damn it just Jesus Infinite.
Went to tags by mistake on that last part when choosing the word Infinite. To be honest the Classic Sonic part I don’t mind as long as they well the dimensions thing is an explanation.
Yet the custom character. I actually said in my head looked when making the you don’t deserve to be in this game I thought in my head or some shit the design looks cool. Seriously my head saying random shit okay it does don��t lie to self.
I’ve even made a post saying when I play the game I will make my own opinion about if I like the custom character or not. Saying I will not do anything special by just making the custom character look like what he’s been looking like. Because I rather not give a shit. Just don’t like to myself I could hate it or not.
We just have to wait and see. I wanted to make these pretty maybe not as harsh ha normal to smile yet well the funny parts are of how characters react Infinite’s insulting basically roasting them.
Well got tags down and forgot to mention Sonic Mania fuck it that looks good as fuck just as Sonic Forces and some new messages 4 by the same person scared me when getting the tags down.
edit this is funny read what I typed. Also fixed oh to or on the Jessie Eisenberg part
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geek-gem · 7 years
My Continuation And Talk After The Sonic Movie Post
So I forgot to put Tikal's tag below it and I just did. But also it reminded me of that I guess when a friend of mine messaged me when I put talk. Because I was making this then she replied of how I was doing again. Which means this is my second time.
But okay major spoilers for anything yet just my last post. I just took a shower and the last post I discovered theirs a length of how much you can write.
Yet holy crap guys. Seriously what the fuck. I actually wrote all of that and when I was in the shower remembered it's the 10 anniversary of Sonic Rush Adventure and the official Sonic Tumblr blog made a post referencing that. I feel like mentioning that because I mentioned Blaze in the last post and tagged her too. So in a way some what of a celebration sorry yet just....
That was my fan fiction and I was gonna talk about how the fuck could you put the stories of both Sonic Adventure games into one.
Including my huge liking towards BVS Batman V Superman Dawn Of Justice and just...
It's basically Sonic Dawn Of Justice. Including Shadow is basically a mixture of Batman's character and Superman's character a bit. Because the whole concept of his character.
Along with I just....I was listening to some songs mainly some other versions of, "This Is My World" from BVS and how that film is basically the reason why I came up with the idea imagine putting well mixing the stories of Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 into one and just....
Even the death of Shadow and I call it that normal to smile only a little stop it just a little.
Yet I wanted to share that because with my mindset is off of Sonic right now. Including the last story trailer the Japanese one for Sonic Forces really put me off I have not listened Infinite's theme since that day I've seen the trailer. Including I've been thinking about other games such as Injustice and the DC universe, the Mortal Kombat franchise and Killzone 1 and 2 been playing those two games and how I've gotten really better with those games.
Despite mentioning I've finally took out the Sonic OVA DVD out of my PS4 so I can play Mortal Kombat XL.
Really just...I honestly wanna see so many of my favorite characters on the big screen. Also the exuse of Sega and Sonic Team would quickly put Shadow in the sequel Sega has learned their lesson of rushing shit out. I'm sorry to sound stupid yet...just the idea of so much shit going on in one movie. Because even I feel like I don't want to wait for Shadow's appearance in a movie so how about we risk this shit and combine the story of Sonic Adventure 2 with Sonic Adventure 1 and that is fucking insane.
But also because the themes and some other things I noticed in both games are similar. Such as Shadow and Chaos of how their characters are in a way.
Also this mixture of an idea of Chaos's first appearance in Station Square mix it with Shadow's first meeting in some what San Francisco well Shadow's first meeting with Sonic did mention that to a friend okay to smile.
But just no it doesn't suck my head says random shit.....just the idea is insane. Along with.....it's basically my fan fiction such as the idea of Super Sonic, Super Shadow, Metal Sonic, and Perfect Chaos fighting the Biolizard and the death of Shadow is such a big moment that I wanted it to have a lasting effect and how it goes with the movie.
Also I think I'll just mention the death of Shadow seriously as a joke despite like BVS very much imagine Superman before his again major spoilers but his death in that movie and Photoshop Shadow's head whether Super Shadow yet keep imagining the head of Shadow from pointing pose from Sonic Adventure 2 let me look.
http://en.sonicscanf.org/gallery/shadow-the-hedgehog-5/sonic-adventure-2-3/ okay so it's his running pose I was getting confused. It's mainly that I guess. Maybe I'm imagining things but I don't know I just wanna make this.
Including the idea for the sequel is mixing Sonic Rush and Sonic Lost World and adding Marine The Raccoon but maybe some elements of Sonic Rush Adventure in there with the rebirth of Shadow.
Where it's a visual reference of his return where's he standing on some pole with two Chaos Emeralds in Sonic X and how he can't remember who he was yet everyone tells him who he is he even see's the memorial and other stuff. It's better then the Deadly Six take advantage of his amnesia. He doesn't know if he should even try to defend the Earth and people question his existence now.
Because they find out in a way Shadow did die. Yet he was in some death like coma where his damage was so brutal it took a long time before he could break out of his grave. Basically he was slowly healing and the damage was just much it took a long time. Along with using all four of his inhibitor rings he used so much power he needed to recharge.
Including trying to and with help from others remember that he made a promise to Maria yet because of his amnesia can't have much of an emotional connection or just...he wants to help yet his other side such as his dislike for the planet comes back.
But because of others and including with the Chaos Emeralds he remembers everything now. Which he then realizes it's not just a promise he made to Maria anymore still he's keeping the promise to Maria. Yet he's basically found a new family and a new home to protect including when he meets Zavok who represents everything Shadow despises and this awesome fight scene between Super Shadow and Zavok and Zavok being very powerful on his own.
Basically even a reference to I never read the comic it was a old Sonic Universe one focusing on Shadow dealing with a new type of Black Arms such as one called Black Death yet not based upon it but... basically going a bit quick and what should of happened in the games in a way. This development of Shadow where the others tell him what happened yet he wonders about his place now and trying to remember despite having help and then remembers what he's supposed to do now.
On a silly note Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes, and Shadow The Hedgehog are kind of like a Shadow trilogy.
Yet I honestly had a problem like other people have mentioned about how the games treat Shadow when he returns. I will say I don't mind and like the Black Arms. But I just really don't like the...maybe they didn't have to be fully deep in his origin and really I hardly have plans for them but easter egg references are always nice. Maybe such as Gerald found a dead Black Arm and put it into Shadow's blood making him in a way related to the Black Arms. Instead of the idea Black Doom helped Gerald create Shadow. Well I meant mixed the dead Black Arm's blood with Shadow's blood is what I meant because their was some things that could help Shadow.
This is very weird. Including just...will say Red's, "The Ever" was a song I listened to. It's been a while along with, "A Beautiful Lie" and, "Fight Night" before I started writing that last post which were tracks from BVS.
Think I'll leave the tags like that ohhh
Well I remembered when getting the tags down of having the Deadly Six in the third movie because to build up to Sonic Forces as a two parter with a Sonic Unleashed movie as the fourth movie. From what just...yeah first movie is Metal Sonic Jesus I'm rushing shit I'm sounding...okay another friend of mine messaged me. But I'm sounding hypocritical.
Including people like Blaze and I put her in the third movie. Okay no offense don't put me in charge of these Sonic movies. Oh my random head no it can't suck just...meh and yeah build up to Infinite oh yeah mentioned his theme lol it's okay to smile. Got tags done lol just...I wanted to share this lol
Just chill out is okay to smile sorry other shit I forgot or just if that is all I don't know again o wanted to share this
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geek-gem · 7 years
Imagine this as a Sonic movie
Well was trying to think of a good title a bit. Also went to photo by mistake yet…so okay I’m at Target and I messaged a friend yet he hasn’t answered back. Yet I thought of this idea and when I was waiting for my pizza I’m finished with it by the way man.
This idea…I said in the message and was a bit nervous to talk about this.
Imagine if just…an idea so terrifying, unbelievable, and I even went ABSOLUTELY INSANE yet cool at the same time.
Sonic Adventure 1’s story and Sonic Adventure 2’s story were mixed together. Or something like that and became one story. Mainly ended with the usual … But maybe more forgot or some shit.
Yet that is absolutely insane.
Hey imagine in a game too man. Yet I was thinking of imaging for a sequel to that Sonic movie in 2019 listen I really like Shadow and Chaos. Yet with Shadow being a big popular character and the thirst the want for him to be in one of the films yet is still one whether a easter egg or not.
But imagine them going that route.
Including in a way but yeah it undermines the importance of characters like Shadow, Chaos, Tikal, Gamma, Gerald Robotnik, Maria Robotnik, Rouge, and even a bit of Big. Yet his story is a bit simple.
What I mean is the lost or not having a single narrative.
Such as dealing and mixing both themes not the songs yet the stories and what stuff they deal with.
Mixing the story spoilers of Shadow learning and realizing he’s become the monster he so hates, and his supposed scarifice and death. Along with the story with Chaos that the world’s changed and we need a bit more positivity. Theirs a lot of shit that I don’t wanna detail I’m trying not to make this huge. Also Shadow being reborn in the next film or some shit Jesus style.
Mostly I got thinking of this cause of certain characters I like, and what people like. Including the craving for certain stories and characters.
Including I was thinking of Batman V Superman Dawn Of Justice listen I don’t hate that film I honestly like it. Yet at times dealing with a lot of stories…
Also I thought imagine putting Metal Sonic in there too…..
Random bullshit.
Sonic, Shadow, Metal Sonic all team up to fight Chaos or have Chaos join then and they all fight the Biolizard. Yet the Biolizard no not shit yet might not be as powerful as Perfect Chaos.
Also hear a kid crying yeah behind me their looking at clothes.
Yeah Metal Sonic.
I’m gonna say I love adaptations and if they are well made and respect the source or are even better and improve upon it I would love that.
Yet…I don’t know okay smiled it’s okay to smile man yet…the idea just Jesus man.
I’m sorry I wanted to share this said the word this or… quietly some shit man. Got tags down and deleted and put the Shadow tag again…Sonic Adventure Battle 2…other way okay don’t be silly. Yet the looked to my left the mom and her kids are gone. So I checked and checked again I find that Biolizard has almost left had…it had a tag.
Sorry and good at controlling ticks. Also sorry wanted to share this cause I seriously question what the fuck is gonna be the story for the movie. Imagine a Adventure 1 almost left 2 but no…an Adventure 1 yet still.
Also almost left any but I mean phone put any…Amy Pascal also almost left Ton twice but Tom Rothman…stay away from this movie and this franchise please. The franchise has had enough from Penders so Amy touching the Sonic movie almost left imagining okay imagine the first movie.
Well okay that Emoji Movie got me or yeah at times almost left gas I type too fast at times…that Emoji Movie has me worried
edit about Metal Sonic I mean he's already established in the first movie yet still. But damn it Sony just The Emoji Movie...The Emoji Movie I'm stalling yet you know what I mean or some shit The Emoji Movie. Meh some kids and their mom not the same at some table on the left. Their not being annoying yet mainly making noise moving a bunch. Heard giggling looked okay so well... One kid the bit said banana not his two sisters or mom. He said minion sorry. The Emoji Movie
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