prettywitchiusaka · 2 months
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It means the Colonel and his Lieutenant are reunited, once more!
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stewardofningishzida · 7 months
Stephen Strange Meta-Fic Sequel Chapter 10: Trix is for Avengers!
A showdown commences! Stay tuned and read on!~
TRIGGER WARNING: Torture, kidnapping, mental manipulation
*The Quinjet lands in an open field near October Mountain Wilderness.  On it, four Avengers and three very angry and worried young women disembark, ready to rescue their captive friend.  The rest of their journey to the witch’s lair will have to be done on foot.  Using Tony’s GPS, the group silently approaches Agatha’s cabin.  They stop at the edge of the clearing to perform some recon and locate potential traps.  Tony scans the area with his devices while the girls concentrate to perform some basic magical scans of their own. Meanwhile, Scott encourages some of his ants to begin spreading around the area.*
*There are at least eight people wandering around the cabin. If not for their almost zombie-like movements, they looked exactly like hikers or tourists, complete with backpacks and flannel. In fact, they could have been. Now a purple glow radiates from their eyes and their hands are blackened similar to Agatha’s. They don’t patrol together, but wander aimlessly around the area, not getting further than 15 feet away from the cabin itself which has smoke coming out of the chimney. The building itself looks like it could have been pulled from a Christmas card with how stereotypical it looked for a one-story wooden cabin, minus the snow. All in all, it looked pretty ordinary on the surface.*
Steve (low whisper):  Looks like we have company.  With those eyes, they’re probably brainwashed.  We’ll have to knock out and restrain them.
Me (quietly):  Think they’re all on some sort of trigger too?  Like…If one of them falls even out of view, it might set the others off?
Peter: I could try knocking something over with my web shooters? See what kind of a reaction we get?
Tony: No, we can’t risk alerting all of them to us being here if they do work under a hivemind. We need to find that crystal keeping Trix trapped first before we give up our presence.
Prettywitch: I wonder…What if I used my divination to find out?
Me (staying quiet):  Go ahead.  *I encourage her.*
Tear: Just remember not to push too far. We can’t have you draining your magical energy so early into the mission.
Prettywitch: Okay. * She pulls out the tarot deck from her satchel and quickly cleanses it. Then she shuffles the deck while asking herself, “Is there some sort of psychic link between the group in front of us or no?”, five times before finally stopping to pull the first card that “calls” to her. She pulled the Six of Wands* Six of Wands?
Tony: *Lifts a skeptical eyebrow at the card* Is that supposed to be a variation of NATO?
Prettywitch: *Glares at Tony* No, Stark. It’s saying that, yes; they do share a link…At least I’m pretty sure that’s what it’s saying.
Tear: That’s amazing! Then we won’t get their attention until we are certain Trix’s crystal will be safe from Agatha retaliating.
Tony: It’s a bug’s life, after all. Right, Lang, you are up. What do your ant eyes see? Any way for you and the girls to approach in search of Trix and those anti-magic runes without triggering anything?
Scott: *He doesn’t answer Tony right away. He’s busy communicating with one of the ants.* AnToinette’s saying there’s zombies everywhere. Our best bet is for someone to cause a distraction.
Prettywitch: Guess that means Harrass Harkness is up.
*Steve raises an eyebrow.*
Steve:  Harass Harkness?
Prettywitch: Yeah. That’s the name of the group name for everyone who stays behind to deal with Agatha’s goons. 
Me:  Let’s strategize, then.  One part of the group stays here and plans a diversion tactic.  The other part shrinks down and sneaks into the cabin to try and swipe Trix’s crystal.  What else did you foresee, Prettywitch?  Anyone in particular need to stay or go in? 
Prettywitch: Hmmm…Let me think. *She cleanses the deck again and shuffles them, asking, “Should anyone in particular come with Antman?” five times before pulling three cards that “call* to her. They are; The Chariot (Past), Two of Cups (Present), Ace of Coins (Future)* Huh?...That’s kinda weird…Unless-
*As PrettyWitch begins to explain, one of the zombie-like guards shuffles around the outskirts of the clearing, slowly and almost stumbling over their own feet with a blank look on their face. He is slowly getting closer to the group and is about twenty feet away at the moment.*
*Steve gestures silently at the group to duck down and stay as quiet as possible.  We all do so.*
*The guard wanders in front of where the group are hiding and pauses as if he hears something and looks around, almost looking like all of his limbs and neck are limp as he lazily scouts out the woods from his position.*
*We stay quiet, waiting for him to leave.*
*After about thirty seconds, the guard seems satisfied even if it doesn’t reflect on his face. He wanders off again around the rest of the perimeter.*
*Steve watches for a bit to make sure nobody else is around before gesturing to let Prettywitch finish speaking.*
Steve (polite, but down to business):  The coast is clear.  Go on.
Prettywitch: So in tarot, Ace of Coins represents new beginnings, opportunity, potential. But more in the sense of possibilities, not success. So, we’ll still need to plan accordingly. 
Me:  Since I can sense spirits, maybe that’ll give us an edge.  Plus, I have lockpicks.  I’ll go in with Scott.
Tear: Tony taught me how to set up the explosives Steward requested too, so I can be backup help if she needs it. Plus, if we manage to find Trix… We don’t know what condition she’ll be in when we find her, and I want to do everything I can to help her. So I’m going too.
Prettywitch: Perfect. I’ll stay here so we can keep the rescue party small.
Steve:  Okay.  Scott, go ahead and shrink down with the two girls.  Report back as soon as you can.  We’ll provide a diversion when needed.
Scott: Alright. Let’s go.
*Scott, Tear, and I shrink down and climb onto three winged ants already waiting for us. They easily fly us across the field and into Agatha’s cabin. We are tense and dreading the activation of any traps, but everything remains quiet as we stealthily pass through a crack under a baseboard, unnoticed.  At least for now.  None of us sees or senses Trix in the small house.  Agatha is bustling around, looking frustrated.  It seems she’s preparing something.  We don’t see any crystals on her person or anywhere in the cabin.  However, Scott quickly points out scuff marks on the floor, barely covered by a rug.  We quietly slip under the rug to avoid detection and find a trapdoor with a lock on it.  Scott inspects the lock for a bit and tries to pick it with one of Cassie’s old barretts he keeps on hand. It doesn’t open the lock.  Meanwhile, Tear is a lookout to make sure Agatha doesn’t step on or notice us.*
Scott (using his earpiece, whispering): Just like I thought; we can’t get it open through conventional means.
*I pull out the small ring of lockpicks with a smirk and pass Scott the tools.*
Scott: Thank you. (He takes the lockpicks from Steward and carefully  fiddles with each one until he finally gets it open.) And…open sesame!
*Agatha continues to grab some ingredients for a spell and is grumbling to herself.*
Agatha: I am going to hex every single person who decides that Washington should be a city. I have been to eighty-eight of them and still no trace of that specific magic. That kid isn’t lying so there’s a missing piece of the puzzle. It should only take a session or two more before she shatters… *she continues muttering to herself*
*After Scott opens the lock, we barely open the trapdoor, just a crack, to squeeze through, not moving the rug either to reduce the chance of detection.  We drop into what appears to be a small cave system beneath the cabin.  To Tear and me, the place feels like a veritable hornet’s nest of magical activity now.  We try to sense Trix, nerves mounting even further from Agatha’s “shattering” remark.  The path is slippery and treacherous.  I detect the energy of the runes’ spellwork and follow it to its origin points. It’s easy to spot the glowing purple runes on different stones, and we make a mental note of the locations of all the carvings. There seem to be even more secrets and artifacts in the caves, but we can’t stray too far because we sense…things…hidden somewhere in the dark recesses.  Tear and I are trying our best to push away flashbacks of the mine we explored with Stephen months ago.*
*Eventually, we see a dimly-lit area and head towards it, being careful of any potential traps.  Anything that looks or feels even vaguely suspicious is avoided.  We reach a candlelit chamber and deem it safe enough to grow back to normal size. Scott takes up the role of lookout at the entrance while Tear and I sense the room.  I attempt to scan for Trix’s presence, but feel nothing.  There are a few shattered crystal fragments swept into a pile at a corner on the floor.  My pulse rises further as I cannot help but fear the worst.*
Tear: Steward… *I gently grip Steward’s wrist to catch her attention and point over at a desk on the opposite wall* 
*I look at Tear and then the desk and let out a sigh of relief.*
Me:  Thank goodness…Good eye, Tear.
*There is an intact pair of dark purple crystals on that desk.  Each one has a leather band attached to them, making them look like pendants.  They’re both identical, and I touch them carefully and sense life within each one.*
Scott: Guys! Agatha’s coming! AnToinette said she and the other ants can buy us some time but we gotta be quick about it.
Me (quickly):  Coming!  If these are the only intact crystals here, one of them has to have Trix inside.  The other is probably some other poor soul that got caught.  We’ll take both of them to be sure.  
*I snatch both of them before we turn around to head up.  As we ascend, Tear and I plant Tony’s explosives on each rune we found earlier.  Then, we shrink back down with Scott’s tech and slip back out of the caves through the trapdoor.*
*While under the rug, we see Agatha is swearing up a storm as thousands of ants have swarmed her kitchen and are even crawling up her hands and arms.*
Agatha (pissed off): Get a cabin in the woods they said! I am going to get a nice city apartment so I don’t have to deal with all of this nature *She sneers and uses her magic to set as many ants on fire as she can* I’m going to find a spell to wipe as many of you pests off the face of the Earth as possible… *She pauses as she realizes that something is off* Wait…Weren’t you an Avenger’s…?
*She whirls around and stomps back to our hiding place, making the floorboards shake under our feet. At Scott’s command, we cling to the fibers of the rug moment before Agatha grabs it and flings it aside in her rush to check the trapdoor. She pales as she realizes it’s unlocked.*
Agatha: Little brats think they can steal from me? *she growls and slams the trapdoor open with a flick of her hand before storming down the stairs that lead to the caves*
*A bit shaken from the sudden carpet ride, we stumble our way out from under the discarded rug and make sure that Agatha isn’t looking before scuttling back outside of the cabin through the cracked baseboard. We then climb back onto our rides and fly out into the field.  We grow back to normal size as soon as we rejoin the group.*
Me (holding out the loot):  Crystals secured.  They’re both inhabited with a soul, but we don’t know which one’s Trix.  It’s some sort of enchantment.  By the way, Agatha’s onto us.  She almost caught us just as we were leaving.
Steve (proudly impressed):  Good work.  As soon as you disable the runes, Steward, you girls start working on breaking that spell and freeing the hostages.  We’ll draw Agatha out for capture.  Seeing as she’s gotten suspicious, it shouldn’t take much to get her out of her cabin now.
Me:  Yes, Sir.  *I grin evilly.  It’s rather unsettling since there’s some actual venom behind it this time.*
Tony: You copy that, Strange, Wong? We have visual confirmation that the crystals are now in the girls’ possession. The second those runes blow, you two are free to portal in.
Strange (via earpiece):  Copy.
Wong (via earpiece):  We’re ready.
Tony: *He turns to Peter.* I want you to stay with the girls, okay? Once the explosion happens, we’ll be heading in guns blazing. I’m sure it’ll help the wizards concentrate if they know you’re watching over their ducklings while they Wingardium Leviosa those crystals. It’s a lot of responsibility, kid. You up for it?
Peter: *He can smell the reverse psychology trick a mile away, but he can’t help standing up straighter and puffing out proudly with his new orders.* I won’t let anything happen to them, I promise.
Me: Ready for me to detonate, everyone?  *I’m holding the detonator button, ready to be pressed.*
Tear: Blow that witch to pieces.
Prettywitch: Ready!
Scott: Ready!
Tony: Set off the fireworks, kid.
Peter: All set here, Steward!
Steve:  *Gives me a thumbs-up.*  Affirmative.  Detonation in T-Minus 3 seconds.  
*I quietly gesture “three…two…one!” with my fingers and then push the button.  The charges explode, blowing up the runes. Though since the caves were apparently soundproofed, we hear nothing.  FRIDAY confirms the detonation shortly before the cabin collapses in on itself from the newly-expanded caves below. Agatha’s magic wards are down.*
Steve:  All right.  *He speaks into his earpiece so that Stephen and Wong can also hear the signal.*  Avengers, assemble!
*Meanwhile, a loud angry screech comes from the now collapsed cabin. Agatha floats upwards, her purple magic glowing dangerously around her hands and her hair curling in the air with her power like the snakes on Medusa’s head. She’s covered in dust and debris but still looks regal in her full witch attire. Dark purple light radiates from her glaring eyes as she snarls, and a pulse of raw energy booms across the entire valley, making all of us tense.*
*Within seconds, a large portal of golden sparks appears in the clearing and two furious sorcerers come charging out.  Stephen and Wong have joined the fight and their magic immediately snatches Agatha’s attention. They unleash a volley of offensive spells towards the witch, and all Hell breaks loose in the clearing.*
Agatha: So, you decided to invite yourselves over and literally crash the party. *She grins as she absorbs the magic of Stephen and Wong’s attacks and takes a deep breath as it rejuvenates her and turns into purple mist to dodge the Eldritch weapons being thrown at her* You’re going to have to do better than that, dearies. *She summons a large orb of purple magic before pushing it forward, where it shoots dozens of purple orbs of magic out into the clearing like falling meteors. A few hit her minions, who screech as their bodies wither away quickly into what almost looks like mummies, completely sapped of energy and life.*
Steve:  Avengers, shields and defensive positions!  Devices on!  *He rushes in after Stephen and Wong, ready to protect the others if needed.*
Tony: Lang! Wrangle up all of the zombies. We can’t have the witch killing civilians left and right! *He shoots up into a wide arc in the sky, aiming his repulsor blasts straight at Agatha as he provides the sorcerers with cover fire.*
Agatha: *She easily dodges the attacks and reforms in the air above the group* Pretty brave to attack a witch on her home turf, but you Avengers were never quite that bright to begin with. *She raises her arms and the remaining zombies are given spectral weapons and they charge the Avengers*
Tony: Ah, shit. Lang! Change of plans! *He swiftly propels himself in another direction, heavily landing behind Steve and protecting his six from a zombie tourist swinging down a phantom-looking scythe.*
*Meanwhile, Stephen and Wong cast their shield spells to offer an additional layer of protection to the Avengers without giving Agatha more power.  This frees up some of the team to provide a counteroffensive with their tech.*
*While Agatha is occupied with the chaos of battle, Prettywitch, Tear, and I join forces to cast an invisibility spell on us and Peter. We then sneak into the brush so we can figure the crystal issue out.*
Peter: Huh, this is weird… *He’s looking down at his hand, which looks oddly transparent, as if he was now made of clear water. We look the same to him so he can tell where we are even with the invisibility spell active* So how do you guys reverse engineer an enchantment?
Tear: To be honest, Wong hasn’t taught us that yet. The magic witches use is very different to the sorcerers’. I can’t exactly make heads or tails of how this transmutation worked in the first place.
*A loud boom makes us all tense and snap our attention back to the on-going fight in the distance. Iron Man has brought out his elliptical shield, and Peter looks like he really wants to join the fight and help, but he resolutely stays crouched down with us.*
Me:  Crap, crap, crap…*I frantically try to think of something before getting an idea.*
*I turn to look at Barry, who has been following us as usual.  After all, it’s not as though he can really leave since he bound himself to me before.*
Barry:  …Seriously?
Me:  We’ve been trying to make peace with each other, right?
Barry:  …Yeah, but how do we know that bitch’s jewelry isn’t gonna vaporize me or something?
Me:  The crystal’s some kind of soul trap.  It’s a container.  Containers don’t generally zap their contents into oblivion.  Look…If this works out, then I promise to let you listen to every single Kurt Cobain performance ever recorded.
Barry:  *Scoffs*  Has to be better than that…
Me (desperate):  We can’t do this exchange right now!  *Still arguing with Barry.*
Peter: *He leans over a bit to whisper at PrettyWitch, a bit unnerved as he watches Steward and the empty air next to her* Is this normal behavior for her…?
Prettywitch: Yeah. She’s a medium and can talk to ghosts. Most people can’t see or hear them.
*This does not comfort Peter in the slightest as he continues to watch in disturbed fascination.*
Barry (unfazed):  I still want a favor.
Me:  After!  Just name it after we free Trix.  PLEASE.
Barry (reluctant, but still snarky):  Fine…
*He drifts over towards one of the crystals and touches it before it sucks him in.*
*Barry is disoriented by what he sees as he looks around.*
Barry (processing what he just experienced):  What the fuck…
*Loki immediately is on guard as this unknown suddenly appears in his astral realm and stands between him and Trix, blocking the young woman from being spotted as she is currently recovering and is as close to being asleep as she can be in the astral plains*
Loki (snarling): Who are you? Why did Agatha send you here? Leave before I have to take drastic action. *he summons two daggers and leans forward menacingly*
Barry (raising his hands):  Whoa!  I’m here for the chick, not you, dude!  
Loki (incredibly serious): Wrong answer. *he darts forward extending his daggers to attack*
Barry:  SHIT!  Fuck you, Steward!  *He shouts to seemingly nobody in particular.  All the while, the surrounding color of the crystal seems to be slowly starting to shift.*
*Loki perks up at the mention of Steward and uses the forward momentum to feint at last moment and stares at Barry*
Loki: I’m sorry, did you say Steward– *he’s cut off as seemingly an earthquake hits his side of the astral plains and cracks begin to form everywhere, including the invisible wall between his area and Trix’s* What did you just do?!
Barry:  Nothing!  I don’t know!  She told me to try and get in here to check who was trapped!
*There’s a blinding flash.*
*The crystal that Barry entered starts to glitch out, flashing several different colors at once before it poofs, revealing a very confused, disheveled, and exhausted Loki.  Barry gets launched forcefully out of the god’s body as soon as it reforms.  The girls are shocked by the sudden appearance, and their broken concentration makes their invisibility spell fail. Peter immediately leaps up to stand in front of the girls protectively. He aims both webshooters at Loki and immediately webs him back against a bush, leaving a sight reminiscent of a Halloween decoration.*
Peter: Mr. Loki? What are you doing here? *His voice sounds shocked behind his mask, but he still doesn’t drop his protective stance in front of the others.*
Me (small voice):  W-What?!
Loki (dazed): Well that was entirely unexpected but it seems her plan worked. *He looks at the girls and Peter gathered around him and stares blankly down at the webs only to focus in on the crystal that’s still left in Steward’s hands. His expression softens a bit* There you are…
Me (privately praying that this Loki isn’t about to somehow screw the group over):  O-Okay…So, Trix is in the other one, right?  Right?
Loki (starting to collect himself): Yes, yes she is. Agatha just had her in a session and she was quickly reaching the end of her rope.
*The group of girls relaxes slightly at the news of Trix still being alive.  I turn to Barry again.*
Me:  …Please?
Barry:  HELL NO.  I’ve already had enough surprises being dragged around this damn multiverse!
Loki (unamused): Perhaps trying to overshadow someone’s unprotected soul isn’t the best way to introduce one’s self. *He hears the fight going on in the background and his face quickly turns to rage when he spots the witch* Oh, that woman has another thing coming to her– *He tries to get out of the webs but quickly gives up due to his exhaustion.*
Prettywitch: Uh, Loki? Maybe you should sit this one out. I’m sort of an amateur at tarot, you can help me with that! What do you say?
Loki: *he stares at PrettyWitch for a moment before calming down and finally nodding* I am not familiar with this…tarot, but I can recognize a seer easily. I can help.
*We all look around at each other, and silently conclude to trust him. Peter carefully approaches Loki and narrows his mask’s eyes at him.*
Peter: I’ll dissolve the webs, but you make any move to attack us and I won’t hesitate to fight you.
Loki (nods): I vow on my magic that I will not bring harm to any of you or your allies.
*He sprays his dissolvent onto the webs, freeing Loki, who sort of shuffles closer to PrettyWitch and looks at her for permission to cast a spell.*
Prettywitch: Uh…I don’t know where you’re going with this, dude. But I just wanna be friends. 
Loki: I just wish to give you a boost if you would allow it.
Prettywitch: Oh! Well then, by all means. Sorry about that.
*Loki performs a quick hand gesture and a shimmering green aura gently settles on PrettyWitch.*
*Prettywitch performs the tarot ritual and draws three cards; Two of Cups (Past), King of Cups (Present), Ace of Coins (Future). This time, she asked the cards the quickest way to defeat Agatha, so she’s a bit flummoxed by her reading.*
Prettywitch: Ace of Coins, again!? That doesn’t make any sense! *She looks over the spread again and her eyes widen.* Unless… Remember I said Ace of Coins is for new opportunities and manifestation? Well, Two of Cups represents a connection, a happy bond or partnership; that’s in the past. King of Cups, the present, represents devotion, loyalty, faithfulness, even wisdom. I think it’s trying to say that two people who’ve formed a bond recently are the key to beating Agatha.
Loki (frowning): It honestly sounds like Trix and I in the Astral Plains. Honestly she kept me sane in that place… 
Prettywitch: I think you’re right! What do you think, Steward?
Me:  *Thinking for a moment.*  Hmm…Yeah, that tracks.
Prettywitch: Alright! Now we just need to come up with a plan. I’m thinking that if we can distract Agatha long enough, it should give Loki and Trix enough time to deliver the finishing blow.  
Me (frustrated):  Provided I can convince Barry to follow through.
Prettywitch: True. Have you considered bribing him?
Me:  Already did.  I owe him one.
Prettywitch: Fuck! Guess we’ll have to force him into it. I can’t see any other way and we’re on borrowed time as it is.
Me:  I’ll keep trying.  *I turn and go back to arguing with the ghost.*
Loki (looking around at the girls): I do apologize that I am not your friend and that I am of a rather untrustworthy sort. However, I am fully committed to ending the witch’s reign of terror and I have not witnessed Trix’s bravery from risk to her own person only to not assist her friends.
*He is pensive for a moment before looking back up at the group*
Loki: I was rather startled when her first reaction to me was joy instead of anger or fear. I will not betray her trust. I am not Sylvie. I refuse to look out only for myself.
*It’s then that a rogue spell from Agatha comes hurtling towards their position and both Loki and Peter react instinctively. Peter tackles his friends out of harms way, but his actions are unnecessary since Loki pulls up a shield and effectively stops the spell at the same time. However, he finds that his shield is now made of crystal rather than magical energy. He stares at it, confused.
Loki: Oh. That probably isn’t good. *he shakes his head to clear it* Though we should consult your Doctor Strange and Wong as they would be more familiar with the consequences of being trapped by that spell than I.
*Meanwhile, Barry has adamantly refused to help any further.*
Me:  Barry, you’re the only one who can do this.  
Barry:  …And?!
Loki (sighing): Unfortunately she’s correct. I don’t have the energy to be of assistance so your rather (he pauses and sneers) invasive way of overshadowing the crystal may be the only way of pulling Trickstress out of it. Though, I can help with my part of the plan. *he’s rather smug despite looking exhausted*
Barry (stubborn):  It’s not like I’m a damn magician like you people claim to be.  Why do I have to do all of this soul stuff?  Can’t any of you actually conjure ANY useful magic for this?!
Me (flatly, at Barry):  Fine.  Have it your way.  *I look at the group.*  Guys, make sure we don’t get blown up and look after my body, please.  *I turn back to the ghost.*  Barry, kick me out.  
Barry (confused and taken aback):  What?
Me:  Seeing as you won’t go into the crystal, I will.  I can't do astral projection by myself yet.  So, go ahead and possess me.  Kick me out of my own body.  I’ll break the spell myself.
Barry:  …and if you get your ass killed, then three of us are screwed.
Me (firmly, my mind made up):  Then don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone.
*He stares for a moment.*
Barry:  Fine.
*He floats over and enters my body.  Since I’m not resisting, the only thing that happens is an involuntary shudder and my body momentarily going stiff as control is shifted.  My astral form lurches out and I get my bearings for a second before gliding over to the crystal and touching it, being sucked in.*
*The astral plains are a muted orange and violet haze as a figure is lying on the ground, looking devastated. Getting closer, I can see that it’s Trix who looks worse for wear.*
Me (worried and scared):  Trix!  *I go over to her.*  I’m so sorry, Trix…We came as soon as we could.  I’m gonna get you out of here, I promise.
Trix (dazed): Are you really here? Or did Agatha find a way to torment me here too? Loki is already gone so she probably killed him…
Me (sincere):  No, I’m really here.  Remember Barry?  He’s being an ass again.  So, I came in here myself.  Though, he kinda accidentally freed Loki from the first crystal.  Anyway, he refused to try again and now he has my body.
Trix (hopeful): *she starts to sit up* Tell me something only we know. Something that even Stephen wouldn’t.
Me:  Okay.  Well, first off, you were the first group member to see Stephen when I was trying to hide him.  Also, back around last Christmas, I got you that Loki headband with the horns.  I don’t think anyone besides you, me, and the other two would know these facts.
Trix (tearing up): Oh god. It’s really you. *She starts to sob* This is all my fault, I’m so sorry. Is everyone okay?!
Me (raising a hand to indicate to her that it’s okay):  Trix, no.  It’s not.  Agatha manipulated you.  It’s what she does.  She finds people’s pain and insecurities and picks at them until they snap.  It could have happened to any of us. It was just crappy luck that she picked on you.  Any of us could have done it and would feel the same way afterwards.  It’s not your fault.  Yes, we’re all relatively okay.  The battle’s raging outside and Agatha’s apparently able to siphon off Stephen and Wong’s magic to boost herself.  They can’t do much besides distract her.  The Avengers are throwing everything they can at her too.  The group is hiding with Loki while we bust you out of here.
Trix (sniffles): I’m taking her off my favorite villains list, that’s for sure. Though I did manage to learn some stuff while she had me…
Me:  Think you know anything that could screw up her latest spells? PrettyWitch has a Seer-hunch.
Trix (beaming): I have a trick or two up my sleeve.
*The astral plains starts to crack around them*
Me (glancing around as the spell glitches):  Okay…Well, here’s our ticket out.  You ready?
Trix: You got it! *She takes the opportunity to take a breath and center herself, just like Wong taught her.*
*As the spell breaks, Trix reappears in her body. I’m inside too like what happened to Barry and Loki, but I quickly eject myself to avoid straining Trix’s body and magic more. It’s easier if there’s already another soul there.  Particularly if it’s the one that actually belongs to the body in question.  Still, Barry continues to refuse to give me my own body back, so I remain stuck outside in Astral form.*
*Barry, inhabiting my body, goes over to check Trix.  He seems…different.  More pensive.  It’s honestly hard to tell.*
Me:  Tear, think you can heal Trix?
Tear: *I cast a glowing diagnostic spell, and frown at the results* I don’t know, I’m not picking up any physical injuries. The forced transformation seems to have left no damage, so I guess we have to thank Agatha’s quality spellcasting for that. A half-done transformation could have been lethal. However, it’s her mind and soul I’m mainly worried about. I’ll try my best to give you some magical energy back to encourage a speedier self-healing.
Trix (grimacing with her eyes closed): Fuck, I never thought it would hurt this much to be in my own body. Everything is stiff, at least it’s hard for me to move. *She seems to be speaking to herself*
*Loki frowns and moves closer*
Loki: Likely because of your body being transformed the way it was plus the torture being done on your soul itself. It’s likely not hitting me as hard as I am a god but even I can feel that my joints are harder to move. *He fusses over her but isn’t surprised by her reaction*
Me:  I can’t even imagine…*I watch over Trix.*
Tear: Alright, I’ll begin. Please try not to move, Trix. *I concentrate in casting the slightly modified healing spell Wong taught us. It is easy to fall into the familiar flow of energy, feeding my own desire to help our friend until I feel that innate connection begin forming between our essence. Immediately, Trix’s real pain syphons through the bond, making me grit my teeth in shock. My very blood feels like its boiling with painful shocks of electricity, and I’m surprised Trix has been withstanding the feeling for so long. My hands begin shaking and perspiration coats my forehead, but I refuse to break the connection and end my spell, focusing instead in sending Trix my own care and calm through the bond.*
*Trix finally looks around as she starts to figure out what’s going on as the healing starts to help. She has been in a bit of a daze. She smiles weakly as she sees all of her friends around her.*
Trix (relieved): You’re all safe! Thank god, I was worried that Agatha had killed you or something horrible. I was holding out hope but y’know how it is…
*She slumps back as Tear is healing her and Loki moves to help hold Trix up. For such a relatively short amount of time kept captive together, the two are rather protective of the other.*
Peter (Nervously): Okay, Tear. I think Trix is looking a bit better now. That should give us enough time to take her back to Kamar-Taj, right? You’re starting to look a bit pale yourself…
Trix: *flustered* I can’t leave yet! Agatha is only going to get stronger as they keep fighting! *She looks out at the battle*
Me (cautiously):  You sure you’re up to this, Trix?  Those injuries look pretty bad on the scan.
Trix: I may have bartered information to stall her *she realizes the implications of that news* It was all nothing that we would deem important! I just wasn’t allowed to lie and had to keep her busy! So in exchange for telling her everything and I mean absolutely every non relevant detail, she would teach me something about witchcraft. So she eventually taught me about runes…she did it without the right context but I know exactly what runes and the sequence they need to cast to pull off the end battle of Wandavision. *She blinks* Without being sucked dry of course.
Tear: *I flicker a look up at Trix, panting with exhertion by now* I don’t know, Trix. Your energy is already near its limit. You promise you can control the magic to stop before you reach zero?
Trix: I have to do it. I just have to have one last burst of energy and I can pull it off. Though…Loki-
*He perks up as Trix looks at him*
Trix: I just need something to work off of. You know the limitations.
Loki (nodding): I can pull off one last big trick before I’m spent as well. Might as well make it flashy.
*Trix grins in response*
Trix: There’s a reason we get along so well. But yeah, *she turns back to the others* So long as we don’t die from energy exhaustion I can do it. I’m not going to actually fight her. Just cast the runes.
Tear: …Okay. I’ll trust you with this, Trix. Go give her hell. *I close my eyes and shove more energy into the healing spell. The connection created by my magic broadens, and I drain more of Trix’s pain into myself. I yell with the effort, but force myself to stop the spell only when I’m sure Trix has all the energy she needs to perform her last trick. When I do, the echo of Trix’s pain vanishes as quickly as it reached me and I collapse sideways against Peter, limbs twitching with the remaining phantom pains.*
Trix: Thank you. So much. I am so sorry you have to go through this too. I’ll make it quick!
*She smiles before suddenly her body goes limp. Then, a moment passes before she flickers into view a few feet away in her astral form. She vanishes again quickly, the others not able to catch a good glimpse of her quite yet.*
*Trix finally reappears on the battlefield, a ghostly version of herself with glowing orange eyes and a surprisingly commanding presence. Parts of her astral body are either made of crystal or are missing altogether like a chunk of her arm. Trix stares down Agatha, who freezes when she spots the apprentice sorceress. All around, the Avengers and sorcerers pause in their fighting too.*
Trix: You made a mistake, Agatha. *She glares at the witch*
*Loki grins from his spot and uses all the magic he can to create six large pillars of green crystal that emerge from the ground surrounding the clearing. It nearly takes the rest of his strength but he is absolutely delighted*
Trix: You never should have made a deal with me. And that’s your downfall.
*Trix raises her arms and six familiar runes carve themselves in the crystal pillars one by one, illuminating an orange glow and effectively nullifies all magic in the clearing and her cabin. Agatha looks around in horror as she realizes her mistake and stares at Trix in both anger and grudging respect. She hadn’t expected to be outsmarted by a baby sorcerer.*
*After she casts the runes, Trix’s eyes finally lose their glow and they roll back into her head. Her astral form disappears as she is forcefully shoved back into her now restored body. She has pushed herself way too hard. Loki immediately scrambles over to her and checks to make sure if she’s still alive.*
*Meanwhile, as Agatha is suddenly depowered, the Avengers make their move to capture her.  Stephen and Wong use a set of relics to bind her to make sure that the witch can’t break loose later on during transport to custody.  Other members of the Avengers tend to the remaining now passed-out and/or disoriented guards.  As soon as the sorcerers are sure that Agatha is secure, they jog over to our group to check on us while Steve guards the witch.  They’re relieved that we’re all alive and safe, but shocked to see Loki amongst the group.*
Stephen (relieved):  Thank the Vishanti, you girls are okay.  *He glances at Loki with a mix of confusion and apprehension.*  How did…?
Wong:  Steward, do you need help?  *He’s looking at my astral form still drifting about above the group.*
Me (meekly):  Yes.
*Wong looks at my possessed body.*
Wong (gruff):  Okay, get out.  
Barry (through me):  I…Okay…*He looks…sad.  As though he finally realized something.  The ghost leaves my body and it crumples, empty.  Wong helps me back in.  I gasp for air and have a brief coughing fit.*
Me:  Thank you…
Loki (exhaustedly sitting on the ground in a heap): Ah, you must be Doctor Strange and Wong. I have heard good things about you both.
*Both sorcerers are on-guard, uncertain of this new version of Loki.  They’re watching him.*
Stephen (defensive, but trying to figure Loki out):  Which universe are you from?
Loki: I’m not sure what it is called however Trix mentioned that I was a remnant of the Avenger’s time heist. 
*It dawns on Stephen.*
Stephen:  So, you’re the one who stole the Tesseract.
Loki (grimacing): Trust me, it was not worth it. Infinity stones are apparently just trinkets anyway. When I was…taken, I found a handful just being used as paperweights in an office desk drawer.
*Both sorcerers are taken aback and look skeptical.*
Wong:  Infinity Stones as mere trinkets?
Trix (weak): He’s right. It’s why we were so worried about the TVA. *She had woken up as the conversation started and was curious as to where it would go*
Stephen (concerned):  …We’ll gather more information on this later.  *He looks at Trix and this new Loki.*  You both need to recover.  Astral imprisonment in your own crystalized bodies takes a heavy toll.  Especially given what you went through.
Trix: I just have one question. *She looks up at Stephen*
Stephen:  Yes?
Trix (grinning): Did I finally look cool?
*He sighs and gives her a reluctant smile.*
Stephen (gently mussing her hair):  Yes, dear.  You all looked cool.  I’m very proud of you girls.
*I’m practically glowing from the unexpected praise.*
Trix: *She smiles wider and leans into his touch before closing her eyes* Alright, bring on the tentacle soup I know is coming. I wanna sleep for a month.
*Now that the threat has passed, the adrenaline has worn off.  I try to walk with the group once Wong opens a portal to Kamar-Taj’s hospital wing.  However, after the adrenaline is gone, my legs finally give out from being pushed too far.  The Cloak comes off of Stephen’s shoulders and helps me up.  Seeing as I’m stubborn and refuse to be carried, it satisfies itself by hoisting my torso up enough for me to at least attempt to look like I’m walking through the portal on my own.  Stephen fusses over all of us, checking each of us over and over just to be absolutely sure that he doesn’t miss anything.  He also checks Loki and demands that all of us spend some time under observation.*
Loki: I’m rather surprised that you trust me enough to be here. *He’s exhausted and hasn’t really fought off any help or healing and is happy to just be in a bed again*
Wong:  Given the extenuating circumstances and the fact that Trix appears to trust you, we will accommodate you.  However, we will still keep you under strict observation.  No funny business.
Loki (resigned): Trust me, I have had more nonsense in the past three months than the previous 1300 years. *He looks up at Wong seriously* I was told that my previous life, well, future me that is dead didn’t particularly get along with you both. I would like to state that I am not him and have no such reservations. I have only heard good things and I will not do Trix the disservice of disrespecting her mentors and friends.
*Stephen is stunned by his earnest behavior.*
Stephen:  It is appreciated.  
*Loki grimaces as he summons a large book into his lap and frowns as the spine is coated in green, orange, and violet crystals*
Loki: As a bit of a peace offering, this is what Trix spent much of her time and… *he frowns deeper* torture on. I recorded all of the knowledge she gained from Agatha on witchcraft in this grimoire. I hope it helps in any future endeavors. *His arms shake as he holds up the rather heavy book*
*Wong carefully, but gratefully accepts the book and begins to look through it.*
Wong:  Thank you.
Stephen (gently, to the group):  Rest.  We’ll make sure you all recover safely.  *He sounds practically paternal here.  Wong gives him an amused look.*
*After going an entire day running around, fighting, and sneaking without any food or rest, we’re all famished and exhausted.  So, the food, even if some of it is some sort of interdimensional abomination, is more than welcome.  We sit together in our area of the medical bay and bring each other up to speed on everything that happened.  After checking in with each other, each of us eventually succumbs to exhaustion.  I still feel incredibly guilty that the group got in danger in the first place since I had led us this far.  Since they had mentioned me as a leader before, I felt responsible for our group’s safety and still feel as though I had failed us.  I don’t say anything about it out of shame, instead satisfying myself by forcing myself to stay awake until I know that the others are safely asleep.  Then, I listen to our surroundings for a while before my own fatigue finally takes me.*  
***To be continued***
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doctortwhohiddles · 1 year
Sadly, Gatorshit isn't the only one writing "Hey Benedict" post anymore. This is from Prettywitch, another vulnerable woman who fell for Patty's lies.
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Again, we have someone who thinks Aeltri is friends with Ben. A man she's never talked to and who doesn't she exists, much less who she is. All of this because of Patty's pathological need for attention. Ben isn't in any danger from Sophie and his friends, he never was. His career is doing fine. He's doing 2 miniseries this year alone, that doesn't sound like a man who is struggling to find work, does it?
Of course, Patty needed to take credit for this word salad. After all, Prettywitch wouldn't have written this if it wasn't for her lies.
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She's been going after Ben for over 8 years now. I've lost count of the number of times she said she was about to give up. She never will, she has nothing else to do with her time. I can't wait to see the meltdown she's going to have next time we have pictures of Ben and Sophie together. It's going to be epic.
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sinfulcutters · 2 years
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I love this adorablely Pretty Witch! She is just so dainty, sweet and pretty! She was designed and decorated by Geeji @sprinkledbz. It is available in 2, 3, 3.5, 4, 5 and 6 inch tall cutters. Sinfulcutters.com #sinfulcutters #royalbluecutters #sugarcookies #cookies #cookiecutter #cookiecutters #cookieart #cookiedecorating #decoratedcookies #food #instacookie #3Dcookiecutters #sugarcookiesofinstagram #sugarcookies #royalicingcookies #satisfying #royalicingart #edibleart #smallbusiness #halloween #halloweencookies #witch #witches #witchcookies #prettywitch https://www.instagram.com/p/CiiM2LEJIeP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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stickermania-by-mp · 4 years
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"There's a little witch in every woman" - Halloween girl on broomstick with cat Sticker
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debramejia · 5 years
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Happy Halloween!!🎃👻🎃👻🎃 I had great plans of making some new Halloween art work for today, then I came down with a cold. I’ve been so sick the last couple of days that I haven’t gotten much done, so I’m sharing the sketch I did for last Halloween. Have fun trick or treating! 🍭 🍬 #doitfortheprocess #fashionillustration #watercolor #glitter #halloween #prettywitch #fashionblogger #sketch https://www.instagram.com/p/BpmcMzTlw77/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3tn1h0jsz0kg
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luvusomach · 3 years
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here’s me lookin emo and sexci (side note: this was my first time trying graphic eyeliner and now im obsessed)
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Redraw of Wadanohara ♡♧♡♧♡♧♡♧♡♧♡♧♡♧♡♧♡♧♡♧♡♧♡♧ App : Paint Tool Sai Instagram : coni_owo Deviantart : Coni64 ♡♧♡♧♡♧♡♧♡♧♡♧♡♧♡♧♡♧♡♧♡♧♡♧
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Follow me on Instagram for daily witch shit🔮 🌛🌝🌜🔮
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iiamsshe · 4 years
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🌸🌺🌸🌺 Spring time vibes 🌷 #Selfie #selfiequeen #Goddess #tarotreader #spiritualreader #empath #GoddessGang #positivevibes #iiamsshe #iiamsshethedivinegoddess #iiamsshethedivinegoddesstarot #PsychicEmpath #witchesofig #witchesofinstagram #prettygirls #melanatedwitches #Blackbruja #spiritualblackgirls #prettywitch #beautifulwitch #Blackwitches #Blackwitchesofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B7wCcqpHeDR/?igshid=17j1kj5jhxom7
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prettywitchiusaka · 7 months
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Because the characters not knowing who they can trust, and people believing Rhodey might be a Skrull didn't do that!?
If they thought Maria Hill dying was essential to the story? Fine. If Cobie Smulders wanted out? Fine. Why couldn't she just die in Episode 4 alongside Talos? And wouldn't a better death be for her to take a bullet for Fury and tell him to keep going while she dies in his arms? Yeah, I like Fury and Talos acting like they're married, too. But Maria's not some one-off, she's Fury's right hand woman and best friend! A position she's held since the first Avengers film. She deserved a much better death than what she was given.
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stewardofningishzida · 4 months
Stephen Strange Meta-Fic Sequel — Chapter 17: Catch-Up, Make-Out
There we go! Sorry for the delay! Gonna keep these chapters coming! Also, love is in the air here for our beloved sorcerer. Stay tuned!
TRIGGER WARNING: injury mention, death mention
Chapter 17: Catch-up, Make-Out
*Stephen opens a portal back to Kamar-Taj and lets Prettywitch go change.  He lets Wong know that Prettywitch has passed her Trial.  With that news, Wong goes to find Trix.*
*Trix is patiently waiting in the cafeteria for the others when she spots Wong.*
Trix: Well? How did it go?
Wong:  Your friends have both passed.  Prettywitch has gone to her quarters to try on her new robes and Steward is in sickbay.  There was an incident.  *He catches her up to speed.*
Trix (worried): A soul eater?!
*Wong nods grimly.*
Wong:  Strange did not intend to put her in such danger, but the Catacombs are vast.  It is easy for hostile entities to find their way there and conceal themselves.
Trix (hesitantly): But…Steward killed it, right?
Wong:  Yes.
*Trix frowns to herself.*
Trix: Tear and Steward were a mess for a while after the mine. We’ll have to keep an eye on her after this for a bit but thank god she’s safe. Plus PrettyWitch got to meet Bats! And you willingly hugged me so today has turned out well all things considered. *She shakes herself out of her funk.* Let’s go find the others then.
Prettywitch: *She comes running out in her new robes.* Hey guys! *She stops to show off her new wardrobe.* Well? What do you think?
*Her robes are an elegant shade of indigo with an intricate yellow trim.  The overall design of the robes has a distinctly Japanese influence.  It beautifully encapsulates the principle of wabi-sabi; the acceptance of transience and imperfection while appreciating the beauty of nature and life.  While it appears simple, the details within the fabric give way to a subtle grace that reflects the harmonic chaos of the universe.*
Trix (grinning): Absolutely gorgeous! What do you think of mine? *She does a little twirl.*
*Meanwhile, in the sickbay, I’m awake again and try to sit up.  It’s rather painful to breathe too deeply or attempt to sit up.  To top it off, I’m still slightly woozy.  So, after a bit of concentration and struggling, I cautiously use telekinesis to prop myself up and move some pillows behind my back.  It hurts, but after I let go, I’m at least in a semi-reclined position.  It took a lot of effort and I pause to cough up some ectoplasm.  It’s a side-effect from having had 55 spirits inhabit my body at once.  When I hear someone approach, I quickly compose myself and wipe my mouth, wanting to at least be semi-presentable.  Stephen comes in to check on me, looking horribly guilty.*
Stephen (grim and sincere):  Hey, Steward…I’m sorry for what happened during your Trial.  I should have looked more into it and I screwed the whole thing up-
Me:  Stephen, stuff happens.  Since when did anything run smoothly or as intended?
Stephen (frustrated):  This SHOULD have gone smoothly.
Me:  What’s done is done.  It’s in the past already.
Stephen:  You got hurt because of my mistake.
Me:  The Catacombs are literally an enormous underground maze, Stephen.  It would be hard for anyone to see everything down there.  The important thing is that I’m alive, right?
Stephen:  I would have preferred alive and uninjured.
Me:  Hon, I’m not even mad.  I chose to go confront that thing on my own because I didn’t want it to keep eating innocent people.  That fight was my choice.  I had help, yes, but I acted of my own free will.  I could have ran.  You know that.
*He stares at me for a moment and sighs.*
Stephen (resigned):  Gods, the Ancient One really did call both of us out, didn’t she?
Me (giving him a small smirk, to indicate to him that I’m sincere and truly not angry at him):  Yep.
*He’s quiet for a while.*
Me:  I’ll be okay.  You popped in right during the fight and got me out of there safely afterwards.  This kind of thing is what you and Wong were training us for, right?
Stephen:  Well, yes, but I didn’t want it to escalate so quickly out of control.
Me:  *Teasing him slightly, imitating the Ancient One*  You cannot beat a river into submission.  Surrender, Stephen.
*He huffs, trying to be annoyed, but he can’t.*
Me:  We’re good, Stephen.  Okay?  The danger has passed for now, I’m here, and I’m not even mad.
Stephen:  Fine, but I’m keeping an eye on all of you.
*I stick my tongue out to tease him again, also doubling as a way to good-naturedly comfort him.*
*He finally cracks a small smile.*
Stephen:  I’m proud of you.  
Me (smartass, but more just to make him laugh):  I know.
*He musses my hair affectionately.*
*Trix walks into the infirmary with Wong and PrettyWitch behind her*
Trix: You better not be dead. I know your thing is ghosts but that would be a bit much. *She grins at Stephen and Steward.*
Prettywitch: We’re glad to see you’re okay, hun.
Me:  Heh.  Nah, that’s for next week.  *I joke a bit with Trix, indicating to her and Prettywitch that I’ll be fine.  I look at both of them.*  Nice new robes.  Seriously, they’re freaking magnificent!  
Prettywitch: I know, right!? I can’t wait to see you in your new ones when you get better.
Trix: Yeah, did you get to see yours yet?
Me:  Not yet.  I kinda passed out after a while.  Can’t move too much yet either.  The box is on the nightstand next to my bed.
Stephen:  Your stamina should be recovered enough from that rest to have another healing session done.  After that, you should be in decent enough shape to get up and move around again.  I’d still avoid anything strenuous for a week, but otherwise, it looks like you’ll be okay with a few more sessions throughout this recovery period.  Prettywitch, could you go get her robes from her room while I make sure the healing session goes well?
Prettywitch: You got it! (She runs off.)
Trix: I don’t want to be in the way while you finish up. I’ll be out waiting with Wong in the courtyard!
Me:  See you guys in a few moments.
Prettywitch: (She comes back and holds the robes out to Steward.) Here you go, love.
Me:  Thank you!  I’ll meet you in the courtyard after I change.  *I give her a small smile as I accept the ornate box of robes.*
 *Trix heads out to the courtyard and finds Wong waiting by himself.*
Wong:  At least Steward seems to be taking this in stride.  That is a good sign.  I lectured Strange about his oversight during her Trial earlier.
Trix: True. A lot better than last time…probably because it was killed this time around. And that is absolutely not surprising. Honestly, you were very subtle about keeping an eye on me. If I hadn’t found out at the end the way you revealed yourself, I wouldn’t have guessed. If Stephen didn’t remember someone watching him I could see the oversight happening. *She’s trying to rationalize it because she knows it absolutely wasn’t Stephen’s intention for this to happen.*
Wong:  His Master’s Trial was…different.  When the Ancient One died, it was in the midst of Kaecillius’ uprising.  When his Zealots killed Master Drumm in the New York Sanctum and Stephen acted to defend it AND our dimension from the Dread Dormammu, he had earned his title.  It was a trial by fire, so to speak. 
Trix (shocked): Oh. Yeah. I hadn’t realized that that ended up being his trial… *She looks down before looking over at Wong.* I don’t think it would be a good idea to show Stephen because it might bring up trauma, but I think someday you should take a look at our movies about this universe. It may…help with clarification of things for the Kamar-Taj records at least in the general sense since it’s not a one for one but seems to follow similar lines. *She has a small smile and fidgets with her hands.* At least, I’m trying to figure out how to go about this from a future librarian sort of view. 
*Wong listens to her and nods.*
Wong:  I will take a look when I have time.
Trix: I had some questions for you as well, if you don’t mind me asking.
Wong:  Very well.  Ask.
Trix: Just- how do you do it? Manage to keep calm all the time and sort of be this…pillar that keeps everything upright? I know it’s likely going to be me who ends up needing to be the one holding down the fort while the others go out on missions, but I honestly don’t know if I can manage that without breaking down myself. I almost lost myself from caretaking for years and while I’m excited, I’m also terrified about setting this up in our own world.
*Wong thinks about this for a bit before answering.*
Wong:  Well, one of the more important things to remember is that everyone has their limits.  So, keeping this in mind, I don’t necessarily do everything myself.  I delegate.  Remember how I had you sorting the shelves, doing basic repairs, and cleaning during training?
*She nods.*
Wong:  I know that I need help.  So, I use the community that I am a part of and have a team of my own to help me keep things in order.  I do most of the more complex tasks myself, but when I need to, I ask one of the other Masters for assistance.  We sorcerers, although individuals, still work as a cohesive unit.  We have each others’ backs.  I also take care to help others when they need it.  With all of us working together with our own niches and subsections, we are able to work fairly efficiently.  Then, I make sure to take some time for myself.  At least an hour every day where I relax my mind and take care of my own needs.  It does not always happen, especially during the more intense periods we sometimes deal with, but whenever I do have a chance, I take it.  It is good to clear your mind from time to time.
*Trix chuckles softly herself.*
Trix: I guess I’m just so used to ending up by myself again that it didn’t occur to me to ask for help from the others. It’s why I’m a bit clingy, I end up by myself eventually through one way or another and it’s kinda messed with me. I do have a feeling that this is going to stick though, even if I am cautious to get my hopes up. It’s just something I have to meditate more on I guess. *She shrugs with a wry smile.* Thanks for always listening to me. I haven’t felt as…free to speak my thoughts and not be my people personality self as much. I can relax. I’m nearly there with PrettyWitch and Steward but that anxiety just… *She trails off.*
Wong (gently):  It will come with time.  *He reassures her.*  As for being left alone again, it is highly unlikely now.  With the challenges your world faces, sticking together is a matter of survival.  You will need each other.  That much, I am certain of.
Trix (smiling): True. And you’re stuck with me now. You hugged me back after the trials, that’s no take-backsies.
*Wong curls his lip, amused.*
*After a moment, I finally walk out of sickbay.  I’m a bit stiff and slower since the injuries are still healing, but I’m able to move around now.  Prettywitch had given me my robes so I could change.  So, now I’m wearing them properly.  They’re predominantly indigo with tan and magenta trim.  The patterning across the front clasps of my robes makes up the symbol of the Third Eye chakra.  Other more subtle patterns present within the trim on my robes consist of the Endless Knot and the Ankh.  These small details are found in the embroidery making up the hems of the robes.*
Me (smiling):  So, how do I look?
Trix (grinning): Like a proper Master of the Mystic Arts, so gorgeous!
Prettywitch: I know! (She’s trying not to squee.)
Me (smirking):  You’re not so bad yourselves.  *I’m teasing a bit.*  Seriously, though.  You both look majestic as hell.  *I’m sincere about the last part.*
Trix: We’re going to rock the hell out of our world once we start setting up our Order, that’s for sure. *She smiles softly.* The group of us.
Me:  Yes.  Yes, we are.  *I offer Trix a high-five, but then flinch and put my hand back down awkwardly.*  Right!  Dumb!  *I chuckle morbidly to mask the pain since I just did a stupid move.*
*Trix shoulder bumps her gently instead before doing the same to PrettyWitch.*
*Prettywitch laughs awkwardly and holds her hand out for Trix to high-five her. Trix returns the high-five.*
*Stephen comes out of sickbay, having sorted things out.*
Stephen (warmly):  Nicely done, girls.  You three look magnificent.  
PrettyWitch: Thanks!
Trix: Thank you!
Me:  Thanks!  
Stephen:  How about a celebration dinner?  You three can choose a place.
*Wong nods approvingly.*
*As they work on a decision, Clea portals into the courtyard.  She’s carrying several shopping bags and a few books Stephen recognizes from his Sanctum Library.*
Clea: Hello everyone. (She notices the girl’s outfits.) What’s the occasion?
Stephen:  The girls just earned their Master ranks.  *He can’t help but be proud as he says this.  It’s obvious in his face and voice.*
Clea: *She smiles brightly.* Oh, that’s wonderful! Congratulations, girls!
Trix: Thank you Clea!
Me:  Awww, thank you, Clea!
Prettywitch: *She blushes awkwardly.* Awe! Thanks, Clea.
Clea: Don’t mention it.
*A pillar of green smoke appears as Loki arrives in his usual fashion. His eyebrow raises at our change in attire.*
Loki: I suppose I should be congratulating you all. Congratulations on your masteries, ladies.
Trix: Thanks Loki!
Me:  Thank you, Loki.  *I give him a small smile.*
Prettywitch: Yeah, thanks.
Wong:  I take it you sensed a shift in Trix’s aura?
Loki (smirking): Absolutely. *He eyes her robes before grinning widely* I also must commend the choice of robes. One befitting a ward of a god. *He sniffs haughtily before breaking into a laugh. He’s clearly delighted.*
Trix (slightly embarassed): You’re just happy you’re being represented.
*Loki shrugs before turning to Steward and PrettyWitch.*
Loki: Both of you wear your talents well. You will have to regale me with the tale of your trials since I will be joining your celebrations.
*I smile at Loki before letting out a small squawk, remembering something.*
Me:  Ack!  I promised to free the ghosts with me.  Just a sec, guys…Lemme take care of this before we go.  
*I center myself before opening a portal with blue sparks.  This is the first time Trix and Prettywitch have ever seen this portal to the afterlife in-person.  Interestingly, whatever’s on the other side of the portal isn’t properly visible.  It just looks like an opening with a rippling veil across it.*
Me (to seemingly nobody):  Okay.  Those who wish to move on, please step forward.  Anyone who isn’t ready yet, stay put.  *I wait for a minute before slipping briefly into a meditative state.  After the outbound spirits and I mutually sever our bond, I gesture to them to indicate that they’re free to go.*  Thank you for all of your help earlier.  Goodbye and may you all enjoy a restful existence in the afterlife.  
*Those who leave, depart.  The only indication to the living that something has gone is a subtle change in temperature and the veil within the portal shifting wildly, as though in a high wind.  After a moment, the veil settles back down and I close the portal.  I inhale and then shudder involuntarily.  It feels as though my energy has become slightly stronger.  Also, there are now a few small balls of fiery blue light drifting lazily around me.*
Me (calmly):  Okay.  It’s done.  A few chose to stay, including The Ancient One.  So, where would we like to go?
Trix: I’m fine going anywhere really.
Prettywitch: Ooooh!!!! Why don’t we go to The Olive Garden!? Or Famous Daves!? *She’s practically salivating.*
Trix: I vote Olive Garden!
Me:  All right.  *I’m hungry from the healing sessions and exertion due to sending the outbound spirits away.  So, I’m fine with anything.*
Stephen:  Okay.  I’ll get us there.  *We portal to the front of the restaurant.  Wong goes to get us a table.*
Clea: *She notices the decor inside.* Hmmm…This place seems slightly upscale. *She snaps her fingers and her clothes change to reflect the casual dress environment of everyone there. She’s wearing a low cut, purple top with a nice pair of jeans. She smiles.* Much better.
*Stephen is subtly looking Clea up and down after her outfit change.  It seems she has his interest.  Wong smirks at him, making Stephen blush slightly.*
Loki (slightly confused): I thought we were going to a garden of olives. 
Me:  It’s Italian.  *I shrug nonchalantly*
Trix: Just keep eating breadsticks and you’re golden.
*We’re seated and as we have dinner, we catch Loki and Clea up with what went on during our Trials.*
Loki: Tell me, what was the hardest part of each of your trials?
Clea: Oh yes! I’m dying to know, myself!
Trix: Probably staying focused during mine. The book I was cleansing kept trying to corrupt my thoughts but apparently everyone here has helped me finally get past enough of my self-doubts to get through it. *She smiles softly.*
*I gently pat Trix’s back, clearly proud of her.*
Prettywitch: Mine was pretty straight forward. I had to outwit a certain Ghost Dog.
Trix: Are you telling me…you got to meet Bats?! *She’s both excited and jealous.*
Prettywitch: Oh yeah! And let me tell you, he’s a bit of a smartass. Anyway, after that my biggest challenge was having you expand my range of magic. I’d been performing magic using a lot of what I’d seen in anime and manga I like, as well as comics, and…well, I had to start thinking outside the box. So I took inspiration from some of my own unpublished works. *She smiles.* And it felt really good doing that, actually.
Wong:  Good.  It’s about time that you learned to act as yourself.  *He’s happy about this, although it’s as subtle as he always is.*
Prettywitch: Thanks, Wong.
Trix: I’m super excited to see what spells you came up with!
Me:  *Grinning, amused.*  Really?  Nice!  Trix and I will have to find and talk to Bats later, then!    Also, whoo!  Good job, Prettywitch!  I can’t wait to see some of your new spells!  *I’m both excited to meet Bats and proud of Prettywitch.  Then, go back to Loki’s question.*  Anyway, my Trial started out fairly straightforward, but there was a bit of an accident.  It wasn’t Stephen’s fault at all, but a soul eater showed up and I had to borrow the energy from over 50 spirits who had decided to follow me so I could boost my abilities enough to dispatch it.  Was still a close call…I’ve faced one before and it really messed Tear and me up, but I suppose the reason this one wasn’t as bad was that not only did I have help from the spirits and Stephen’s original mentor, but I had grown stronger with training and had more of idea of what I was doing.  We’ve seen and been through so much together that it just kinda became yet another thing to deal with instead of a huge unbeatable threat.  Still terrifying, but I knew I had a way out if I couldn’t handle it.  We didn’t have the luxury of expending more magical energy for portals in our world the first time.  So, with all of these factors, it just sorta…clicked.
*Stephen squeezes my shoulder gently.  He’s still just relieved that I’m okay.*
Loki (impressed): A soul eater is not one to trifle with. Very well done. *He looks at all of us proudly.* You’ve clearly all earned your masteries well…and now we can easily bail you out of Kamar-Taj without lessons being an excuse. *He grins.*
*Stephen raises an eyebrow.  He still wants to keep an eye on us just in case for obvious reasons.*
Clea: I must say, all of your trials are fascinating. You overcame difficult odds and came out of it stronger; I’m sure you’ll all make wonderful masters back home.
Prettywitch: Oh, you’re just saying that!
Clea: No, not at all. Stephen and Wong should be proud they’ve trained such fine girls as yourself.
Prettywitch: Awe! *She gives her a small hug.* Thank you.
*Clea accepts the hug, albeit awkwardly.*
*I’m slightly red, but happy.*
*The rest of the meal goes well and we all enjoy some quality time together.  When it’s over, we head back to Kamar-Taj.  Stephen bids us a fond goodnight and after we go to our quarters he walks off, subtly gesturing for Clea to follow him.  He leads her to a nice, secluded area of the temple.  The architecture here is beautiful and the lighting is warm and inviting.*
Clea: You wanted to see me?
Stephen (awkwardly):  Over the past few months since you’ve arrived and gotten acclimated here, I’ve come to know you.  Your company is appreciated and since we have befriended one another, I was just wondering if…Well…ehhhhh…Perhaps you may consider a…date?  I’m not sure how fond you are of me now that you’ve been in close proximity for an extended amount of time, but-
Clea: *She cuts him off by cupping his face in her hands and kissing him passionately. When she breaks the kiss and sees his shocked face, she’s a bit nervous, but keeps it to herself and gives him a playful smile.* Does that answer your question?
*Stephen is breathless and as red as his Cloak now.  After a second, he composes himself.*
Stephen:  I…I like you too.  
*Clea smiles.*
Clea: So…did you have something in mind for our date?
Stephen:  Well, there are all of those movies the girls introduced me to…Perhaps you may like to see one tonight?
Clea: I’d love to.
*Stephen smiles and picks a movie, inviting her to one of the empty rooms so they can watch in peace.  As the movie goes, at times, Stephen is quietly more interested in Clea and her reactions to the film than in the movie itself.*
*Clea begins to notice this.*
Clea: What are you looking at? *Her tone is playful when she asks that.*
Stephen (slightly flustered):  It’s just fun to see your reactions, that’s all.
Clea: *Giggles* Guess we have that in common, huh?
*He smiles, blushing.  He’s finding it difficult to articulate himself.*
Clea: *She leans.* What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?
Stephen:  Ehhhhh…*He’s getting more flustered*
Clea: *Giggles.* I like seeing this side of you, it’s so cute.
Stephen (awkwardly):  Want to finish the movie or…?
Clea: *She kisses him again. Only this time she deepens it; she wraps her arms around his neck and runs her fingers through his hair.*
*He lets her and kisses her back, the movie entirely forgotten.  The rest of the night passes.*
***To be continued***
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lulaverse · 7 years
This would have been the perfect Halloween costume! Maybe next year? #thelovewitch #feministwitch #witchcraft #annabiller #samantharobinson #1960s #1960sstyle #halloweencostume #prettywitch
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sinfulcutters · 2 years
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I love this adorablely Pretty Witch! She is just so dainty, sweet and pretty! She was designed and decorated by Geeji @sprinkledbz. It is available in 2, 3, 3.5, 4, 5 and 6 inch tall cutters. Sinfulcutters.com #sinfulcutters #royalbluecutters #sugarcookies #cookies #cookiecutter #cookiecutters #cookieart #cookiedecorating #decoratedcookies #food #instacookie #3Dcookiecutters #sugarcookiesofinstagram #sugarcookies #royalicingcookies #satisfying #royalicingart #edibleart #smallbusiness #halloween #halloweencookies #witch #prettywitch #witchcookies #halloweenwitch https://www.instagram.com/p/ChZpKgnu_LU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ricardocury · 4 years
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@elvira_von_holle no @queensparkbikes #burlesco #burlescobrasil #burlesquebrazil #braziliangirl #brazilianmodel #blackandwhitephotography #witch #witchyvibes #broomstick #prettywitch #darkimages https://www.instagram.com/p/B61HkMVADEB/?igshid=1luvsrckumbmo
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faerie-priestess · 7 years
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#prettywitch #dreamer #lace #gothic
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