#psychology notes
puffycinnabunny · 1 month
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Yeah man ofc u can borrow my notes (if u can read them)
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astroyongie · 1 month
Why Am I This Way - Psychology Answers
Note: hey guys! This will be a little series post mainly based on psychology. In order for me to congratulate myself for finally achieving my masters in clinical psychology I have decided to create these mini posts that will contain different questions that we often ask ourselves. In these questions I will provide psychological answers in which they will hopefully bring you a sense of understanding on yourself! Enjoy!
Note 2: This first Why Am I This Way will be based on the “How Am I” Section. Other sessions will include “Why do I behave this way?”, “How Others see me”, “What's Happening” and “How can I get better?”
This section will have the following parts: “I know I shouldn't but.. can I have another piece of cake?”; “I love to be alone.. am I weird?”; “Why do I procrastinate so much’”; “ Am I really a good person?”; “ I was just joking!”, “Why does it always happen to me?”, “Why do I hate working so much?” and “Should I be more egocentric?” 
With that said, let's dive into it! 
“How Am I” Section
“I know I shouldn't but.. can I have another piece of cake?”
What happens in the unconscious brain: 
Based on Freud’s work, these type of questions that overwhelm us are usually thoughts linked with pent up guilt that is unconsciously working its way out
One thing is clear. Often, we don't realize the things that we think and we don't always understand our actions and our behaviors. When we stop to reflect on it, we are usually stuck in a sense of guilt for doing things that are against our values and morals and yet we cannot understand why we have done things that way. 
Based on the most known theories of Freud, the ID and the superego (based on ID, EGO and SUPEREGO Theory) are actually the ones that are behind these guilty feelings of  “should i do this or not, even if i know that i will regret it later”. 
ID is the mind that is first formed when we are born. It is something rigid on our unconscious, something that is based on the principle of pleasure. The ID is constantly seeking gratification and pleasure in order to smooth our anguish within one self.
The superEgo is different, it is the last thing that is formatted in the unconscious (after the Ego) and it works on the principle of the world’s rules. Basically it is a part of us that comprehends the world around us and it tries to follow the rules and the interdictions that were instructed when we were younger. 
Now this is why many of us struggles with this. Having craving desires about something, and that guilty feeling coming from the Superego because we have internalized that what we want is wrong. 
Someone that has had a harsh childhood, who has been neglected or has seen their rules being too strict will often struggle with this, because they need to have their ID smoothed but they cannot bear the guilt. 
This is what happens: ID wants to be fed with something comforting. Chocolate! so it stays in your head “let's have chocolate!” and the superego will whiplash right after “are you crazy? Having chocolate? you cant even fit in your pants and you want chocolate! you should be ashamed of yourself!”
This is basically how overthinking your worth will work, how one often develops Eating disorders for example or bad relationships with food, but this also happens with social relationships, addictions and any reward system. 
The fear of the outside world usually unleashed that overwhelming anxiety that will after turn into guilt if you give in to your ID or it turns into restrictive punishment if you follow the Superego. 
Many of us will put so much effort into controlling impulsive destructive thoughts  and behaviors in order to muffle the critics of Superego but that often results in depression, anxiety and an affinity with other psychological problems. 
So what can we do?
understand where those desires come from. If your ID is making you crave something, either food, social contact, a new dress, a new drink or anything that it is, ask yourself where this feeling comes from? Are you bored? are you sad? are you upset? Are you overly excited? understanding that process and allowing yourself not to be psychorigid is already a big improvement. find balance between rewarding yourself and being true to your rules. Also stop punishing yourself, You have done nothing wrong. You deserve to be happy and smoothed the same way you deserve to go beyond your addictions
Understand in which you fall. If you are the type to crave in in your desires it means these possibilities: Early trauma ou neglect, environmental stressors, maladaptive coping mechanism,, substance abuse, personality disorders, lack of emotional regulation skills and cultural and social influences 
If you fall in the fragil superego, if you are too strict with yourself, it means these possibilities: weak parental influence, traumatic experience, overly harsh and permissive parenting, lack of role model, cultural influence, early childhood experiences like rejection and personality disorders. 
For those who have balance between giving in desires and restraining, then congrats! You are a rather healthy being
Now that you know this, you have a start on where to work to become a better version of yourself 
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er-cryptid · 7 months
Approaches in Psychology
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nat-love-4ever · 2 months
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Happy Valentines Day! ❤️🫶💌
I hope you have a wonderful day spending time with your loved ones today! In the mean time I’ll be writing notes and catching up on class lectures for my Health Psychology.
P.S. My new MacBook Pro is Amazing!🤩
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Also for work, I need to work on my latte art and cappuccinos.
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blank-616 · 4 months
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Psychology punk?
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whatevswhocares · 2 years
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Day 07/30
Revision revision and revision
Currently listening to east of eden
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neblina-a-blin · 2 years
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AUG 8-16 - 22  13/100 days of productivity
☊: Juniper Vale - Bird Song
☐  morning pages ☐ morning stretches ☑  waffle (3 stars)
(🇪🇸) spanish: daily duolingo
(✎) writing: penned ideas for the stream w/ Anya
(Ψ) psychology: reached p 97 of learning to counsel (notes above)
(📖) reading: a long way to a small angry planet by becky chambers (hopepunk for the soul) + matrix by lauren groff
(📺) watching: w.i.t.c.h. is taking me back to my childhood <3
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makimanodenji · 1 year
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lunnaxrose · 2 years
Cambridge A Level Psychology Notes
Hi everyone! I made a google slides presentation of all my A Level Psychology notes and I thought I might as well post it here incase anyone else might find it useful since I won't be needing it much anymore c:
A Level Psychology Notes
(note; research methods not included! I made the intro slide but never got around to it, sorry!)
( update note; research methods is *kind of* included now, but don't fully rely on it please it's not the best - just quick notes for myself to catch up for uni :3 )
thank you for all the likes and stuff guys, I'm glad a couple people are finding it useful c;
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Article readings, essays, and note taking. 😬
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puffycinnabunny · 2 months
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Never underestimate psychology and its sheer amount of memorization, fellas
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astroyongie · 19 days
Why Am I This Way - Psychology Answers
Note: Another one <3 we are almost done with the How Am I section !!
“How Am I” Section
“Am I Really A Good Person?”
What happens in the unconscious brain: 
To start off, it's important that we understand that being wrong and right are social constructs and they will depend on your cultural background, on you ethnic and the way you were born and social class.
Now these feelings of being a good person, of caring from the social norms and looks come from childhood where the family plays an essential role on how we want to be cared for and loved.
In a dysfunctional family they usually have a closed system. For any interest in these topics you can always check the works that are based on little information and the resources are shared between the family members (communication isn't used often). In this cases (these families) communication tend to be rare and the rules of the family are usually strict and not just, working in the favor of the parent authority 
In contrary, in a functional family, the system us open and the information and the ressources shred is shared through communication between the family 
Basically in dysfunctional families the rules are not said. They learn in silence. In function, the parent actually verbalizes the good and the wrong.
back on the dysfunctional family, the communication is so fragile and limited that the little things that are said are usually harsh, violent and painful to the child (for example the child is make a mistake, the parent will proceed with accusatory screaming or physical abuse)
Because of this, the children who got raised in such an environment learn to mold themselves to reach security. They are always weary of their environment and they tend to read people to accommodate and adapt their behaviors. 
Basically they learn to recognize a bad action and a good acio based on their parents' punishments and because of that they tend to always please others or provoke a better reaction in their counterpart to avoid the violence.
These children (from dysfunctional families) can develop four types of communication patterns when evolving with other people. Those are: 
“Appeased” : they are people pleasers and they will put a lot of effort in for that to happen during arguments. To be a good person they use extreme generosity by neglecting themselves and their needs (because their parents have neglected them so much so why shouldn't they do the same?)
“Accuser”: A mirroying of narcissistic parenting/ defensive category. People like that will try to manipulate the situation and turn the tables to avoid being on the receiving pain end. They try to be a good person by using reverse psychology 
“Congruent”: the person is aware of their surroundings, they are aware of signals that can be potentially triggering. These types of people when arguments happen tend to use verbal and non verbal communication at the same type to smooth the situation and avoid being hit. more of a “fight” response to avoid panic and be a good person.
“Evasive”: they are usually people that often retreat in arguments. They will keep themselves shut because they have learnt that speaking will bring them more pain so they usually try to keep themselves shut and repress emotions in order to be the good person. some of them can also use humor as a mechanism 
Usually people that are always questioning their worth as a good people come mostly from a dysfunctional family weather neglect and violence were the main resource and where the people had to learn strategies to survive in that environment
if you are interested in more of these topics you can check the works of Virginia Satir and Karen Horney
So what can we do?
We cannot allow the limited perceptions of others define us
You need to understand that you have lost touch with your inner self in order to avoid conflict. the important here is to learn that arguments and conflicts are often necessary to solve the issues and they are important to communicate feelings and that one should not stop putting their fears first and take time to open up
now this is hard but with therapy and the right relationship, this gets easier and those behavioral patterns can be changed
There’s also the need to stop blaming yourself for everything and prioritize your happiness. 
Learn to say no, learn to stand for yourself and believe that you are worth more than what the dysfunctional family provided. you are worth love
and no, you're not a bad person you are just hurt
Now, you know where to work to become a better version of yourself 
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er-cryptid · 13 days
Traumatic Events
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nat-love-4ever · 2 months
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I don’t understand why but I have this stupid need for stuff to be perfect. But of course that’s not possible. I keep rewriting my notes for my Health Psychology for chapter 1 in our textbook for the class and I haven’t ready any of the other chapters assigned for class.
Last month, I spoke to my counselor about this issue. First it was writing my notes (writing in pencil but then got angry because the letters weren’t consistent and I hate smearing), then i decided to type my notes (then again I’m a slow typer and lost my patience), now I’m back to writing my notes but in pen. Not to mention I’m still not sleeping at night well. I keep tossing and turning in my bed, just trying to fall back asleep. This honestly sucks.
I also keep watching Batman movies on repeat and this time it’s The Batman (2022). It’s so good.
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