#the cats are being rude to loki
anyrisse · 8 months
So I recently got that MCU Loki body pillow, and after a couple of days decided to dedicate the pillow to Loki so I could snuggle on him if he so desired.
And my cats spend most of their time in my room... On the bed. Which has so far (4 days now) led to such gems as:
"Are you... making muffins on Loki??"
"Did you just lick Loki‽"
"We are not using Loki as a scratcher."
"WTF don't lick your butthole on Loki! That's rude."
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ashdreams2023 · 8 months
Hey, how are you doing? Do you think you could do some headcanons of Loki about how would his morning routine and night routine be like with a Reader, from already thank you very much!
I’m good honey and of course!
Everyday routine with Loki
He’s not an early bird like Thor but he also doesn’t oversleep, so he wakes up around 8:30 or 9:00 early enough to have breakfast
Takes around 30 minutes in the bathroom to freshen up and apply his skincare because let’s be real he cares
I feel like it depends if you’re one to make breakfast then he would make the table if he’s the one making breakfast you’re kinda just standing there looking pretty
Not the biggest talker in the morning but when he has his tea he starts asking you about your plans for the day
Usually stays in his pjs until like 11 then takes a nice bath and changes to his outside clothes
If you two have plans together he makes sure you’re ready on time, because he doesn’t like being late to things
Likes going on walks in the park with you, also pets every cat he encounters
You have a rule whenever you’re out he pays, no matter what
You may pay for takeout at home but outside you better sit your pretty ass done and enjoy the spoiling
If you have a job, he spends most of the day reading and taking care of his plants, but there is many occasions where you would come home to angry neighbors
He acts all innocent every time too
"You can’t just blow up the neighbors pool!"
"She was using a rude tone with me!"
You two cuddle after you come home from work and it’s his favorite time of the day
Lunch is late most days and sometimes you two just snack away until dinner
By evening he’s back to his comfortable pjs, also he wears those fluffy Cookie Monster slippers around the house
If he goes and does errands know that you will come back home to something new and unnecessarily bought 
And somehow he always has space for this stuff
"I can’t do this anymore!"
"Oh come on! It was on sale too"
"We don’t need a waffle maker!"
"But it has Mickey Mouse on it!"
Honestly you just give up, at least he uses them
After dinner and long conversations about your day he cleans up and reads a little more then finds something else to busy himself with until bed time
He sleeps on the left side of the bed and always cold so he’s always reaching for you during the night for warmth
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fanficshiddles · 3 months
The Redbridge Hunts, Chapter 35
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 Loki was sleeping soundly… was being the imperative word. He was rudely awoken when a suitcase was thrown on top of him.
‘Ooooft... What the hell?’ He shot up and squinted when Claire turned on the big light.
He let out a hiss and covered his eyes.
‘Come on, Loki! Time to get up, dressed and get packed.’
Loki blinked hard and glanced at the bedside table. He groaned when the clock showed it was just after six. He pushed the suitcase off of him and looked over at Claire.
‘Claire… My darling, my beloved… I love you, and I am very excited for our trip… but it’s only bloody six o clock. We have all day to get there, it’s far too early.’
‘Exactly, all day. It will take most of the day to get there, it’s like a five-hour drive away. Plus, we need to go via my place to get my things packed, then drop Bat off with Matt.’ Claire said as she dashed about the bedroom, not exactly doing anything proactive, apart from tossing some of her clothes into a pile that she kept at Loki’s.
‘Love… just how many cups of coffee have you had already?’ Loki asked. He noticed that her favourite mug was sitting on the dressing table.
Claire looked at him and shrugged. ‘I’ve been wide awake for an hour or two… I’m just so excited. Come onnnnnn vampy!’ She said as she shoved at his leg.
Loki fell back down on his pillow and pinched the bridge of his nose.
‘Let’s shower together, to save time.’ Claire said as suddenly Loki was covered by her nightgown. He tugged it off his head and then was instantly covered again when she tossed her knickers at him too.
Since when did she get such a good aim? Loki thought as he leapt out of bed and ran after her into the bathroom. A naked Claire with the promise of a shower together was more than enough to get him out of bed at any time of the morning.
‘You better be on your best behaviour, Bat.’ Loki said as he gave her another cuddle, then Claire took her for one last cuddle too.
She handed him over to Matt, who smiled as Bat clambered onto his shoulder straight away and purred against the side of his face.
‘I’m sure she will be.’ Matt chuckled.
‘I really appreciate it.’ Loki said as he patted Matt’s free shoulder.
‘No problem at all. I’m just glad I managed to beat Jessica and David for her.’ Matt grinned widely.
Loki had mentioned on the last school day before the Easter holidays about going away for five nights with Claire. Jessica, Matt and David all instantly asked who was looking after Bat. Initially, Loki was going to ask his dad to have her. Though the three teachers began offering, then argued over who got her.
So after a lot of bickering, in the end, Claire had them do rock, paper, scissors to find a winner. Loki found it hilarious, but he was very honoured that people were fighting over who got to look after his cat.
Matt was very pleased when he beat Jessica first, then won against David.
‘See you next week. Thanks again.’ Loki called to him as he and Claire went back to Loki’s car.
‘I’m gonna miss Bat.’ Claire said when she buckled in.
‘Me too. I always do when I go away, even for a night. I know she’ll have a great time with Matt.’ Loki said as he started up the car.
‘Yeah, she will. I’m so excited about this trip.’ Claire said with a big smile as Loki pulled out onto the road.
‘Me too, love. Just the two of us for five whole nights. What on earth will we do with ourselves?’ Loki smirked and reached over to squeeze her knee.
‘Hmm, I do wonder.’ Claire pondered and tapped her lip.
‘There’s a supermarket not far from the cabin, so we can stock up on food on the way there. Means we shouldn’t need to go into civilisation for the whole trip.’ Loki said.
‘Sounds perfect to me. A human, in a secluded cabin in the woods, with a vampire. All alone. Shit phone signal. Sounds ideal for a horror movie.’ Claire teased.
Loki laughed and squeezed her knee again. ‘It does indeed.’ He purred, winking at her.
They’d booked the cabin a month ago, it had a hot tub on the patio. Even though it was only Spring and not overly warm, it wouldn’t matter once they were in the water. There were no other houses around for miles, as it was quite literally in the middle of the woods. It had a log fire, with plenty of logs already seasoned and stacked, ready to use. Some walks were marked out with signs around the woods and up into the hills, so if they did get bored of chilling around the cabin they could go and explore without the worry of getting lost.
The only downside was it said on the website that there was no phone signal, unless you walked down the track a good bit. Though Loki and Claire decided that it wouldn’t be such a bad thing, it would let them switch off better and just be together. He did give Lucius the address, so if there was an emergency Lucius could fly there to alert them of anything.
They playfully bickered over control of the music on the way, then ended up compromising and having half an hour each at a time. They stopped for lunch on the way too, and just enjoyed the car ride as part of the holiday.
When they finally arrived at the cabin, after stocking up on so much food from the supermarket, Claire was practically vibrating with excitement.
‘This is so freaking amazing! Look at it! It’s like something out of a fairytale.’ She said delightfully as she sprinted from the car to the cabin.
Loki laughed as he opened the boot of the car. ‘I’ll bring in all the luggage, shall I?’ He called to her.
‘Of course, you’re the strong one after all.’ Claire called back at him as she opened the lockbox to get the key.
Claire rushed inside and had a good look around. It was mainly one big room, with comfy sofas on front of a large fireplace. Had a small TV, a snooker table at the back next to a dining table. There was a small kitchen area in the corner. A staircase led up to a bedroom that was open and overlooked the main living area. The only room that was separate was the bathroom.
‘This is so cosy! I love it!’ Claire said when Loki entered, juggling their suitcases and some of the shopping bags.
‘Wow, that fireplace is huge.’ Loki commented when he placed everything down.
‘Check out the bed! It’s even bigger than yours.’ Claire ran and jumped onto the bed, star-fishing as she landed on it. ‘IT’S LIKE A MARSHMALLOW!’
Loki couldn’t help but laugh, he absolutely adored her excitement. How easily pleased she was. It made his heart soar so much.
‘Just going to get the last of the shopping bags, love.’ Loki ducked back outside.
He looked around their surroundings and smiled as he sighed in contentment. It was so peaceful, just the birds tweeting. The only bad thing was he had a feeling at the end of the holiday, it would be difficult to leave. Though he tried not to think about that, since they’d only just arrived.
When he returned inside, he frowned as Claire had vanished.
‘Claire?’ He called out, but there was no response.
He checked the bathroom after knocking, but it was empty.
‘Where has that little minx gone?’ He muttered to himself.
As he walked by the kitchen area, he looked out the window and saw on the porch out the back was the hot tub. The owners had turned it on earlier so it was ready for them arriving. Claire was already stripping off next to it.
Loki laughed and by the time he got to the back door, Claire was sinking into the water.
‘Aaaah. This is freaking awesome.’ She groaned and let her head fall back. ‘Come and join me, Vampy.’
‘I’ll get the wine first.’ Loki chuckled and ducked back inside to grab said wine, then he went back outside and stripped down too, and climbed in next to her. ‘Ohh this is nice.’
Claire shimmied along the seat so she was pressed against Loki’s side. He handed her a glass of wine and they toasted.
‘To our little getaway holiday.’ Loki hummed as he slid his arm around her waist.
‘And to peace and quiet for the week.’ Claire added as they clinked glasses.
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megamindsecretlair · 11 months
The God Who Stole Me
Pairing: Loki x Black!Fem!reader / Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+. Minors DNI. You are in charge of your own reading experience. Degrading/Praise kink, cursing, cruel language, mentions of "being worthless and nothing". Unprotected sex, PWP, PIV, fingering fem receiving, oral male receiving, domination, pet names, established relationship, sorry if I miss any others!
Summary: Set in the early days, before Thor 1, you are a mere mortal who found your way to Asgard. You and Loki understand each other in a way no one else really does. There's not much plot, just pure smut.
Word Count: 2,852k
A/N: I don't know what to say, beyond I'm a whore and feral and my hormones are out of my control. If I missed warnings, I'm really sorry. I just thought this was hot as hell. Not beta'd or proofread so all mistakes are mine. While likes are awesome, please consider commenting and reblogging to support writers!
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You enter his office. You cast your eyes about looking for the man himself. He stands before a window, looking out across the realm. At your entrance, he turns his scowl on you. 
You step softly on the hardwood floor and close the door behind you. “Yes?” He asks. 
You rock on your heels. He’s in a nasty mood tonight. “Came to bother you, of course.” You don’t have an ounce of self-preservation around this man. There was no use pretending. 
“I’m busy planning. I don’t have time for you right now,” he says. He turns his attention back to the window. 
You study his profile. He wears his casual leathers, the black and green highlighting his dark hair as it fans around his face. His shoulders are hunched forward and he rubs his chin. Planning, scheming, plotting. 
“Maybe I can help,” you offer. 
Loki’s laugh is cruel and mocking. “Do you think me so foolish that I would accept help from you? If so, you must be a special kind of stupid.” 
You only smile. “Right, right. Not like your last dozen or so schemes weren’t complete failures or anything.” You cast your eyes about the room. Your poor baby had been hard at work, pouring over mountains of paperwork. 
Loki chuckles with little humor. “I am the God of Mischief, not the God of Utter Failure. Show some respect if you want to leave here alive,” he says. 
“You won’t hurt me, Loki. So stop with the threats, you’re boring me,” you sing. Your long burnished orange dress swishes against the floor as you walk about, tidying up things. He hates when you do that. So you continue to do it anyway with a happy smile on your face.
“What makes you so confident that I won’t hurt you?” He asks.
“You love me too much, duh,” you say. 
Loki turns away from the window and leans against the frame. He watches you with little interest. Like a cat regarding a poor offering of food. “Do not flatter yourself, little mortal. I could never love something so…insignificant,” he says. 
You only laugh. “The lord doth protests too much,” you say and smirk at him. 
“Stop provoking me, mortal,” he says. He narrows his eyes. His scowl deepens. Whatever it was that happened to put him in such a foul mood, you bet it had to do with Odin. Curse the All Father, he is a cruel and bitter man. A Has-Been. He heaps praise on Thor and ignores his other son. 
“Use my name properly, God of Failure,” you say with a raised eyebrow. “Stop being rude.” 
He scoffs and stalks towards you. A thrill goes through you. Perhaps he isn’t in that bad of a mood. If he were truly fed up, he wouldn’t engage with you at all. He’d simply ignore you as if you were a fly buzzing about his head.
“I was not aware I had a reason to be nice to you.” He leans forward and looks down his nose at you. You stare at him square in the eye. 
“You might hurt my feelings,” you say. You pout and give him puppy dog eyes. 
“Perhaps hurting your feelings would not be the worst idea,” he said. He reachs up and strokes your cheek softly. His eyes finally soften, filled with longing and some unknowable emotion you couldn’t name.
“You’d only fail at that too,” you say. You lean into his touch. 
“I’m not even trying yet.”
You smile. You back away until your legs hit his desk. You slide backwards onto it, getting as comfortable as you can. You lean back on your hands and tilt your head at him.
“Go on then, let’s hear your best attempt,” you say.
Loki takes in your prone form and his eyes darken. He smirks as he thinks. “You are just a tiny mortal, no more than an insect to me,” he says.
“A good first attempt. Give us another,” you command.
Loki's smirk grows wider. He approaches you until he crowds your space. You widen your legs and he steps between them, running his hands up and down your bare, copper skin. 
“You will grow old and die, forgotten by all. You are nothing but an extra who will be left on the cutting room floor. You will fade away, no more than a whisper in the wind.”
“That’s too easy, even for you.” You grip the edge of his collar and absently play with it. His mahogany and teakwood scent float over and around you, crowding your senses. Heat casts off him in waves.
Loki scoffs. He runs the back of his fingers along your cheek. Then he rubs his thumb across your full, pouty lips. “Maybe this will work then. No man, no god, nor creature could ever love you the way you want to be loved. You are doomed to a life of eternal loneliness and misery.”
You pretend to yawn. You smack your lips and blink sleepily at him. 
Loki’s answering chuckle vibrates his whole body. Standing between your legs as he is, you feel him. He trails his long fingers along the length of your neck before sliding up under your chin and lifts it. 
“You will live out your days as a mere plaything, used and discarded by whoever deigns to give you their attention.” 
A slow grin spreads across your face. “Are you the God of Stating the Obvious?” 
“You are worthless and unlovable. Weak. Your life is pathetic,” he continues. 
You give a lazy shrug. “I’m waiting for my feelings to be hurt,” you say. 
“Why would anyone want you? You are not even attractive,” he says. His eyes roam over your body with a mild disgusted face. You suppress a giggle. 
“Attacking my beauty is also too easy. I guess you’re not capable of hurting my feelings. The God of Utter Failure, I see.” 
Loki smiles seductively, leaning down to kiss along your neck, your jaw, and the corners over your lips. “You are truly frail and breakable,” he says. He captures your lips in his. His fingers grab the hem of your dress and lift it. His hands trail up your bare legs, causing goosebumps to raise in his wake.
He pulls your legs wider, forcing you to open up further for him. You gasp and bite your lip. Your thighs tingle with anticipation. 
“I’m frail and mortal and disgusting,” you say. You kiss him back, desperately. The cadence of his voice weaves a spell on your body. You react to him more strongly than before. Or perhaps it’s just him. Just your attraction to this all powerful god before you. 
“You are mine,” he growls into your mouth. His hands get closer to your pussy and you moan just thinking of what he’s going to do to you. 
“Even as ugly and pathetic as I am?” 
“Especially as ugly and pathetic as you are.” He licks your lips and pushes his tongue inside to duel with yours. Soon, there is nothing but mashing teeth and desperate cries between you. 
“Who says you deserve me?” You lean up and run your fingers through his long, black hair. Your nails graze his scalp. He shudders beneath your touch. 
“Nobody else would want you. I am doing you a favor by claiming you,” he says. He leans in again and kisses you harder, nipping at your bottom lip. His fingers dig into your fleshy thighs. He will leave bruises come morning. The thought only excites you and makes your pussy throb painfully.
“A favor from the God of Failure? Don’t make me laugh,” you say.
“And yet, you are a mess before me,” he says. To emphasize his point, he runs his fingers over your damp panties. He hisses. “You’re soaked,” he coos. “You would throw yourself at anyone who gave you attention.” 
“Yet I have the attention of a petty, cruel god at my feet. That’s certainly something I can get used to,” you say. You tighten your legs around his waist, needing him to get closer. To do something else. Your skin feels aflame. 
“You think yourself above the God of Mischief? You are so foolish,” he says.
“I am the foolish one, yet your hands are on me. Your lips kiss my skin. What god do you serve then? Yourself? Or me?” 
“I serve myself. Only my own desires matter,” he says. He finally, finally sinks his finger into you. He coos more about how soaked you are and what a pretty mess you make before him. At the moment, you care so little. You grab onto his shoulders for any type of anchor.
He adds a finger as he swiftly glides in and out of you. The sound of his pumping fingers and your wet suction drive both of you wild. 
“Allow me to leave then. If I matter so little,” you somehow manage to say. You make obscene whimpers and cries as he drives your pleasure even higher. You lean forward and bite his shoulder through his clothes.
“You’ll leave when I’m done with you,” he growls. He watches your face as different emotions play out. He can see how much you want to resist. How badly you want to prove him wrong. But your body betrays you. Your hips jerk forward as it becomes too much sensation. 
“I truly pity you. Nothing more than a little playtoy for anyone to use and discard.” 
You whimper and bite the inside of your cheek. He leans down and nuzzles your neck.
“So, you concede that my body is desirable,” you smirk. His dark chuckle sends shivers across your skin. 
“It is your only redeeming feature. Such a pity that it is wasted on someone so dull and dim-witted,” he says. He adds a third finger and you come undone in his hands. You scream out your pleasure for any passerby to hear you. Your nails dig into his nape. Loki keeps up his relentless pounding, making your legs jerk harder. 
Your harsh breaths scorch your throat as you try to calm down. Loki’s fingers still and finally withdraw from you. He licks them one by one as he maintains eye contact with you.
“I have to be dimwitted to keep up with someone of your minor stature. Someone so jealous and cruel and prone to childish temper tantrums,” you say.
“I am the Son of Odin and the God of Mischief,” he says. He grabs your chin and forces you to look at him. His tone is disdainful and arrogant. “Pray, what do I have to be jealous of, mortal? You are nothing.” 
“I live a full life, free from burden. You are nothing more than a lost boy begging for his father’s love,” you say. 
Loki’s face morphs into a mask of pure rage. He grabs your throat and squeezes. You moan and writhe beneath him. 
Loki leans down and kisses you softly, reverently. His thumb strokes your neck as his grip lessens. 
“Your dense little brain cannot begin to fathom the complicated nature of gods,” he whispers against your lips. “I bet you could never dream that a god would set you free. Give in and let me take what you have desired for so long.”
“Are you not a God? Will you not take what you want?” You have no choice but to look into his piercing, crystal eyes. 
“I am whatever you need me to be.” 
“I wish for you to be yourself,” you say. You rub your leg against his, feeling his dick straining against his pants. “Only yourself and I shall revel in it.”
“I am myself. And what I am is yours,” he says. He says your name and smiles at you, your game momentarily forgotten. 
“Who says you’ve earned me, my god?” 
Loki chuckles, still caressing your neck. “You have it backwards, pet. You need to earn me.”
You grin. Finally. He moves away and pulls you to your feet. You stand on shaky legs but hold your weight. You trade places with him. You sink to your knees and unbutton his pants, freeing his cock. You lick your lips at the sight of it. It’s long and thick and a bead of precum leaks out from the tip.
He watches you and plays with your hair. “Oh, my little pet is bold. What a good girl,” he says.
The unexpected praise makes you sigh. He looks down at you with adoration and lust as you pump his cock. You take him into your mouth and he shivers. A low moan escapes him as you work him deeper and deeper. Your sloppy sucking is loud in your ears. He grips your hair tighter and soon, he’s fucking your mouth. You take it all, gagging on him. You can barely breathe as he pumps into you, his salty cum dripping with abandon.
“That’s my good fucking pet. You want all of it, don’t you?” He says. You can only whimper as he continues to pump into you. 
You use your hands and your mouth to drive him wild. You fondle his balls as you suck greedily. “Oh, sweet mortals and their tricks…” 
You think he’s about to climax but he roughly pulls out of your mouth. He lifts you, kissing you, tasting himself on your tongue. He sucks on your bottom lip as he trades places with you once more.  His eyes are on fire, burning into you with a near animalistic rage. He bends you over his desk, your ass jiggling and like putty in his hands. 
He drags up the hem of your dress and is too focused on getting to you that he has no time to pull down your panties. He pulls it to the side and slams into you. You both moan from the sheer sensation of him filling you up completely. He stretches you out. A lifetime with him would never prepare you for his size.
He leans over you and licks the shell of your ear. “I will have you, pet,” he whispers, which is a direct contrast from his rough fucking. Your pussy clenches around his dick and he groans. 
“Nothing in this world can satisfy me quite like your needy little pussy,” he says. He pounds relentlessly into you. His balls slap your clit from the force of his strokes. He pushes your head down until your upper body is flat on the desk. 
With one hand on your lower back, his other hand grips your thick hips. His grip is punishing. You feel his devotion in every slide, every squeeze, every spent breath. It heightens your own pleasure. That he needs you this much, craves you this much. “You are mine,” he says, thrusting with each word. “Vow it.”
“I vow it. I’m yours. I’m only yours,” you say. He’s hitting a spot so deep inside you, it’s like he’s writing his name. He’s marking you and staking his claim in the most brutal way. 
“Mine forever? Are you such a good girl to admit it?” 
“Forever. Always and forever yours,” you moan. Pressure builds painfully in your lower tummy. Your hands roam across his desk looking for anything to keep you tethered to your body. It’s like he’s trying to fuck the soul out of you. You grip the edge of his desk pathetically. Nothing but him can keep you tied down. 
You can hear the smile in his voice. “My pet…my lover…my everything,” he says and explodes inside you. A second later, you release your own orgasm. Dark spots wink in and out of your vision as pleasure courses through you. Loki makes a deep satisfied grunt as you cum all over him. 
You shake and he rubs his hands down your thighs, your hips, your sides, and your arms. He whispers incoherent things into your ear.
When you’ve finally calmed down, you shiver from the breeze coming through the open window. Loki withdraws from you. You share a moan. But the ache he leaves behind is nearly unbearable. You cry from it. 
Your combined ragged breaths are the only sound in the room as he pulls you to him. He carries the bulk of your weight to the couch where he settles you. He fixes his pants and then sits beside you, conjuring a blanket to wrap around you. He waves his hand and a fire ignites in his fireplace.
“Oh, my love. Thank you. I would rather beg at your feet than bend my knee to any other. The only one I wish to serve is you,” he says. He peppers your face with soft kisses.
“You bow to no one, my god,” you say sleepily. You are wrecked and as you grow warm, you grow sleepy.
“I bow to you. I worship you,” he says. He kisses your forehead.
You have just enough energy to look at him. He gazes lovingly at you. You may not have forever with him, but you certainly have now and all the little moments until then.
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If you need more Loki in your life, great news! The Secret Loki Files
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glcive · 9 months
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☾ welcome ☽₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
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about me
you can call me juno or astraea
im a cancer sun, libra moon and sagittarius rising
my pronouns are they/she (and my pronoun page is here)
i'm a proud bisexual (i am very sapphic lol)
im taken (you can hear about my love via the “them tag <33")
i am a minor (i won't immediately block people 18+ but if you're creepy i will <3)
australian!! also a bunch of different places, none really interesting
this blog is for me to dump thoughts, interact with people and just have a good time :)
i play the drums and im currently in two bands! i also love playing guitar and one of my 2024 goals is to get better at playing!!
currently listening -> 🍁☕️🎸 nyc
currently reading -> the odyssey translated by emily wilson
currently watching -> doctor who and rewatching gilmore girls
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things i like
i love: literature, the arts, queer culture, astronomy, feminism (no terfs allowed!!!!), fruit flavoured drinks, flared pants, converse, dark red, nail polish, eyeliner, burgundy lipgloss, tank tops, tote bags, brie (always dreaming of cheese), pinterest, spotify, my headphones, the ocean, my grandparents house (im there rn i love it), spring+winter, very specific shades of pink and green, black <3, folklore and 1989 girl, fiddling around on the guitar, fantasising about being a famous musician, finding new music, snow, picking silly little outfits,
books: osemanverse, the hunger games, books by rhiannon wilde, tim te maro's subterranean heartsick blues, all the best liars, books by octavia butler (specifically parable of the sower and parable of the talents), the last true poets of the sea, acotar, the weight of the stars, the seven husbands of evelyn hugo, the picture of dorian grey, house of hollow, howls moving castle, harry potter (mainly marauders, FUCK JKR), i kissed shara wheeler, red white and royal blue, song of achilles
movies + tv shows: dont look up, little women (2019), scream (i like most of them but 1996 is my fav by far), ladybird, barbie (2023), some of the mcu (thor and guardians of the galaxy <33), spiderverse (itsv is my love), gilmore girls, stranger things, loki, heartstopper, arcane, scott pilgrim takes off, she ra
musicians/bands: boygenius, taylor swift, lovejoy, glaive, brakence, paramore, ricky jamaraz, melanie martinez, lana del rey, ashnikko, girl in red, billie eilish, doja cat, big thief, adrienne lenker, ethel cain, mitski, remi wolf, cigarettes after sex, ericdoa, tv girl, clairo, the neighbourhood, bon iver, deftones (getting into them just a little), maneskin, courtney barnett, poppy
my favourite colours are black, dark red, burgundy, denim blue, sage green, soft pink, glaucous blue, golden yellow (i love colour theory so all colours are beautiful in their own context but here are my favs to wear/see)
i really want to get into more poetry so if you have any recs lmk!!
i have recently begun practising some very simple witchcraft, so feel free to talk to me about that and i would love to learn more!!
i love learning about astrology and use my birth chart frequently
i write very, very infrequently and think of more stories than i even start to plot lmao.
i draw way more than i write and will occasionally post some!! its not good by any means but its fun ig
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talk to me + dni
my asks and dms are open!! feel free to talk to me about anything and everything!! i love talking!!
i love my mutuals so much so if ur my mutual *looks you dead in your eyes* i love you
my discord is the same @ as here, i literally just got it today so idrk how it works but feel free to add me there <33 but please lmk if you do if your username is different
if we’re very close you can ask for my insta!!
i rarely follow people without an intro post/descriptive enough bio (with name, age group, pronouns) so if you want to be mutuals please have one!! if not just shoot me an ask about who you are and what you like so we can be friends <33
dni: rude, racist, homophobic, transphobic, zionist, terfs, sexist, ableist, antisemitic people
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#juno.txt -> ramblings, original posts
#asks -> asks ive answered
#ask bait -> hehehe send me asks <3
#tag games -> tag games ive participated in
#beautiful mutuals -> interactions with my beautiful mutuals!
#spotify -> my music obsession dw im fine fhdklfhdal
#them tag <33 -> posts that remind me of my wonderful bf <3
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links + sideblogs
@likeasugarcubeinateacup -> my notes app poetry
@slowrotburiedinthepark -> a random sideblog i post art and occasional web weaving on
@stabbingstarsthroughmyback -> my writing sideblog (ask me about my wip!!)
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stunning dividers by @chachachannah :))
here is a totally beautiful and amazing moodboard by @svnflowermoon that always makes me so fhadkfhakd
last updated: jan 19th 2024
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billygoat26 · 7 months
NOTE: Anything I say that has to do with politics or shit like that is likely to not be entirely true, so if you see that I have said something that is incorrect, PLEASE TELL ME! (Preferably in a nice way? If it’s in a rude way chances are I’ll not accept it as easily.)
Helloooo everybody and welcome back to my Youtu-
Just kiddiiiiing!
As I’m sure you’ve gathered, I am a person who likes to joke around a lot. I also tend to type/write a lot, so instead of making you guys suffer with a whole essay about me, let’s break it all down!
Name/Nickname: BillyGOAT (Elsewhere you might see me as CallMeToes or StillToes. The nickname originated from auto correct, to put it shortly)
Other Accounts: @horrorrrrrrr @vox-does-shit @the-short-king-of-hell-himself
Birthday: February 26th
Fandoms I’m in: Undertale/Underverse, Gravity Falls, TOH (The Owl House), anything to do with Marvel is awesome, Spiderverse (does that count as Marvel anymore?) Honkai: Star Rail, Helluva boss, Hazbin Hotel, The Amazing Digital Circus, Eddsworld, South Park, Sherlock (BBC version)… (This list CAN and probably WILL grow as I either join more or think of more)
What do I do here: Art. Plain and simple. Though there may be some random things I post that have nothing to do with art, I’ll mostly be posting art stuff (Edit: Oh past me, how silly you were... Now I mostly reblog stuff and sometimes rant)
More about me: Jokester, I play the viola, singing is fun when I’m alone lol, I have two cats (Maui and Loki)
I'm currently working on an AU of my own for Undertale called Ambertale. Character designs are a WIP, and once I figure all that out then I’ll work on an official comic! Just… don’t expect it too soon, life is being life and free time is on vacation lately. (Edit: So the comic has just been sitting in my iPad for ages now and I don't wanna continue it right now- might continue it when school decides to not school or when it's summer break. For now, no comic.)
With that, have fun staring at all my random posts!
#ambertale reblogs
#ambertale lore
#ambertale side comic
#ambertale asks
#ambertale holidays
#ambertale sans lore
(anything that has to do with amber sans [example: #ambertale sans, #amber!sans, etc.])
#amber sans guide
#Billygoat talks
#ambertale fanart
#antics of billygoat and killer
#incorrect quotes / #incorrect utmv quotes
(Eventually there will be a comic tag that will be #ambertale comic)
Ambertale Character Designs:
Ambertale Papyrus by rurunyaa
Ambertale Sans by me
Asher reference sheet in progress (I think- updated version anyways)
Ambertale: A Day in the Life of Sans:
Part 1
Part 2 (coming soon)
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Loki's Di-Lama 🦙🦙🦙- The good, the Bad and the Loki.....
Pairing: Eventual Loki x Reader but right now he thinks she's a stinky mess and she thinks he's a hot jerk. Together they're a hot mess.
Warnings: Some innuendos and euphemisms about what Loki is packing down under and the effect it may have on some people. 🤨🤨 mild swearing, attempted poisoning, pining, enemies to lovers.....no llamas or cats were harmed in the making if this fic, and imma dip into some implied smut.....nothing graphic tho don't worry!!
Summary: In the land of Asgard, King Loki is selfish and vain. His arrogance causes others to plot against him. When he's turned into a llama, will humble peasant Y/N help Loki even though he plans to knock down her beloved village and build...a closet for his clothes?!
A/N: written with the wonderful and amazing @xorpsbane as my coauthor, who will be picking up the pen for the next part!! 💚💚
Part four-
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"Aaaahhhhh ruuuunnnn!" Nat heard scream from her kids room. She ran up to see what was going on when she saw her son flailing on the bed "Hey brucie, what's wrong?" She asked shaking him awake "I had the worst dream, auntie y/n was running through the forest being chased by jaguars and there was this squirrel names jason.....and she fell and cascaded down a raging river of DEATH!" He said panting "hey hey your aunt Is fine, she just went back to see the king." Nat said smiling "did you tell her to take panties? He'll definitely see her then." He said "well I had a dream auntie kissed a llama!" Your daughter wamda ran in jumping on the bed. "Ew..that would never happen." Brucie said "it could!" She yelled "NU UH!" He yelled "YA HUH!" She yelled back "alright!! Go to sleep you two." Nat said turning the light off as the children continue to bicker.
Meanwhile......deep in the forest........
You dove into the river head first, coming up shaking your head, looking over seeing Loki laying on his back with his tongue sticking out. "Good...stupid llama." You growled swimming over to the bank grabbing your soap. You tried to ignore his constant rude remarks about how you smelled but if you were being honest it was making you a tad self conscious, so you decided to wash up while he slept. You lathered the bar in your hand, scrubbing the last couple of days off of you inhaling the sweet scent of the soap before getting enough on your hands to wash your hair. Dipping your head under to rinse you came up seeing Loki looking at you wide eyed "Holy shit! What the hell are you doing!?" You yelled sinking down, trying to forget your chest was entirely exposed to him two seconds ago.
"Um...well you see....I was....and you were....I'm gonna go." He said darting off back to where you made camp. Your cheeks burned with embarrassment but the fact that he was flustered made you smile. You got out, drying off you put on some clean clothes that you had packed before walking back over by the fire. Sitting down you looked over seeing Loki's back to you "it's safe to turn around you know." You said laughing as he grabbed your poncho with his teeth and slowly walked over to you dropping it next to you "umm, so thanks....for that" He said looking everywhere but at you. "Well, I know it's not panties but..." you trailed off picking it up. "So, I was um thinking, maybe I could possibly consider building my closet...somewhere else." He said quietly looking down.
You looked at him wide eyed for a minute "does this have anything to do with you seeing my breasts a minute ago?" You asked "what!? Absolutely not! I've seen lots of breasts....more then you I'm sure." He said bragginly "I'm sure." You smiled pulling your poncho on "see here, I can have any breasts I choose...and I do not need stinky peasent breasts thank you." He sneered walking off making you roll your eyes "so...your choosing to be nice?" You asked "Well yeah, is that so hard to believe?" He asked as you stared at him. "I mean, there are nicer places for a closet instead of that dirt heap you call a village." He said.
You glared at him a minute, trying to decide if he was lying "what is your problem?" He asked "so, I take you back to the palace and you'll leave my village alone?" You asked "thats what I said....your ears do work don't they?" He asked sarcastically. You held out your hand deciding to trust him when he lifted his hoof "don't shake unless you mean what you say." You said stently as he looked at you hesitantly before shaking your hand. "Awesome! Let's get you back to your pantie collection." You said standing up. "Thank the norns!" He said following behind you. You made it to a clearing, seeing the bridge you smiled "ok, once we reach the other side its only about an hour." You said as he pushed past you "kings first..." he said starting to cross the bridge.
You made it about half way, hearing the wood groan with your combined weight. "Hey, maybe we should..." you started as a board cracked, sending you down between the two planks, barely grabbing a piece of rope before plummeting to the river below. "Loki! Help me!" You yelled, seeing him walk back looking down at you "mm....no I'm good." He said smiling "your just gonna leave me here?" You asked glaring at him "Well, I had considered having you flogged....maybe imprisoned, but I do like this" He smiled "now if you'll excuse me, I have people to see and panties to collect." He said turning around. "But we shook hands you ungrateful little..." you yelled gripping the rope.
"You know, it doesn't really count...if you don't have hands!" He smirked "ok...bu-bye." He said walking off again when a board snapped sending him down with you, his limbs tangling in the ropes "Oh gods, are you ok?" You asked seeing the panicked look on his face "y..yeah...I think so." He said shakely "ok good" You said kicking him hard, sending him into the cliff face. "That's for lieing to me!" You yelled he swung back knocking you into the other cliff face "that's for kidnapping me and making me smell you you stinky peasant..oh, and I'm still gonna knock your village down." He said laughing "Hey! Now wait just a minute!" He said as you pushed off, ramming into him hard knocking him to the other side.
"I don't know why I risked my life for a selfish little ass like you!" You yelled bracing against the cliff "I used to think there was good in eveyone, but your just rotten!" You yelled "awww now i feel really bad... bad llama." He mocked slapping himself. "I should have let you die out there from your own stupidity, and all my problems would be solved." You sneered "Well that makes you stinky aaaand stupid then." He sneered from the other side. "Let's end this" you glared "peasents first." He smiled. You both pushed off, ready to rip him apart when you heard several cracks above you. You both stopped, looking up seeing the bridge fall apart "shit.." you sighed as you both plummeted down towards the river, the canyon walls closing in on you the further you fell.
"Put your feet out." You yelled, doing the same when yout backs met, you both sliding to a stop. Looking down seeing alligators swarming in the river just below you "oh my gods we're gonna die! I'm too pretty to die!" He cried out. "What are we going to do?" He asked, your grip beginning to slip. You looked up seeing a rope hanging down from the now broken bridge "ok, stop whining, I have an idea." You said "I beg your pardon. I was not whining." He said sternly "would you please shut up for once." You said "ok, this is what we're gonna do." You reached back, looping your arms with his "ok, push against my back, and we're going to walk up the cliff." You said.
"And go." You said, pressing yourself against him as you slowly made your way up. "Ok, almost....there..." you said reaching up grabbing the rope, pulling on it seeing it tangled in a small bush higher up "shit...it's stuck." You said pulling hard "no worries, take your time...I have all day." He sighed when you pulled as hard as you could, not realizing there was a nest of scorpions until it was soon late. "Your smell is getting a tad overwhelming, so if you could...." he trailed off feeling something fall onto his chest "SCORPIONS!" He screeched, letting go of your arms he began flailing when his feet slipped. "Shit...Loki!" You yelled grabbing his tail before he fell, slamming him into the cliff wall. "Why is it always my face!" He yelled.
You looked down, trying to figure out how you were going to pull you both up when you felt something slide down your back "aaahhh no no no!" You screamed, slamming your back against the cliff "what are you..." Loki trailed off, hearing a strange sound coming from a hole in the cliff face "umm...y/n..." he said trying to get your attention as you continued frantically trying to get them off you. "Y/N!" He yelled "WHAT!?" You yelled back looking down as a swarm of bats shot out of the rock into Loki's face. "What is happening!?" You yelled, trying to pull him up as he failed and swung frantically trying to get them away from him when he bolted up the cliff face, dragging you behind him, holding the rope for dear life. "Loki...stop!" You yelled when he jumped, you both landing hard at the top of the cliff.
You groaned, rolling over seeing him wide eyed and panting "are...are you ok?" You asked "y..yeah I think so.." he trailed off trying to stand up. You got to your knees, looking down trying to comprehend everything that just happened when the rock beneath you shifted and began to slide down "Y/n!" Loki yelled, grabbing your poncho in his mouth he pulled you back throwing you aside as the rock broke off and tumbled down the cliff. "Oo...did you see that! I snatched you from the jaws of death itself." He bragged puffing his chest out "oh...I'm a crumbly canyon wall and I'm taking you with...well not today sir" He yelled. Was he dancing? "Mm uh huh uh huh uh huh..." he continued as you sat up "y..you...saved me life.." you trailed off making him freeze.
"I..well...I still need you to get back to the palace." He said sternly. "No...you could have made it...you like me." You smirked standing up "what!? Absolutely not..." he said looking around "Come on...admit it..." you said walking closer "nope..nu uh..." he said looking around "Loooki...." you cooed smiling "what's the big deal!? No one's that heartless." He rushed out, his nervousness making you giggle "don't read too much into it...it was a one time thing." He said non chalantly. "Yeah...ok." you said brushing the dirt off of you. "Well, with that bridge out, it's a four day walk to the palace, we should get going." You said walking back the way you came "your...your still taking me back?" He asked running up to you. "I said i would didn't i?" You said shrugging. "Well yeah....but I'm still building my epic closet when I get back." He smiled walking beside you.
"Well, four days is a pretty long time..who knows, you may change your mind." You said smiling. "Riiiight...." he said "so...what are the chances you'll carry me?" He asked nudging you. "Not Good." You said looking ahead. You walked side by side for awhile, chancing small glances at him smiling, as much as you hated to admit it the ass was growing on you. Underneath that spoiled, pampered facade there was a decent man, you just had to pull him out. Maybe in the next four days you could...
@vbecker10 @lokisgoodgirl @sinsandguilt @high-functioning-lokipath @mochie85 @slytherclaw1227 @jaidenhawke @budugu @schizonephilim @lokidokieokie @holdmytesseract @your-taste-on-my-lips @lokixryss @asgardianprincess1050 @tallseaweed @aniar4wniak @sekaishell @lokispetblogs @loopsisloops @trojanaurora @lonadane @all-envy-suyu @yelkmelk @stupidthoughtsinwriting @123forgottherest @silverfire475 @goblingirlsarah @commanding-officer @glitterylokislut @kkdvkyya @cueloki @daggers-and-mischief @sititran @witchyblue @verycollectivecreator @nixymarvelkins @chantsdemarins @shinraski @usagishira @nightshadelm @filthyhiddles @dukes2581 @assemblingavenger @lulubelle814 @irishhappiness @wolfsmom1 @luvlady-writes @lovingchoices14 @thomase1
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kaunis-sielu · 1 year
Frozen: The Night Before
You cannot wait to start your new job. You get to be the new athletic trainer for Asgard Hockey team and tonight you’re celebrating. You were also really excited to be living in the same city as your favorite cousin, Cat. She and her football star boyfriend, the incredibly sexy and crazy about her Steve Rogers are letting you stay with them until you can find a place. It was also her idea for you to go out with some of the most beautiful women you’ve ever seen the day before your job starts. The Avengers cheerleaders that Cat hangs out with are honestly so fucking cool and nice that you’ve completely forgotten that they’re basically celebrities here.
“Are you having fun?” Cat asks from her seat next to you, smartly she’d planned a dinner not a night at a club for your first night in town.
“I am. Your friends are amazing.”
“I’m super lucky that’s for sure, also Yelena is looking for a roommate if you’re interested.”
“Wait really?“
“Yea! You wanna go look at it sometime this week? I’m not trying to get rid of you but I know that having your own space is nice.”
“If I had Steve Rogers madly in love with me I wouldn’t want company either. Don’t worry.” You can’t help but tease her and Cat punches you in the arm.
“Shut up Moxie.” She says with a laugh.
“I’d love to check out her place though, she’s the blonde at the end with the high ponytail right?”
“Yea, her bark is probably worse than her bite.”
“I’ve never been on her bad side.”
“Of course you haven’t.” You nudge her with an arm and she laughs again. Cat has always been the nicest of your cousins, it’s probably because you’re so close in age and some of the only girls on this side of your family. You’ve always loved spending time with Cat and you like her now as much as you did when you were kids.
The rest of the night is a blast and when you go to pay the bill the waitress tells you,
“The hot blond over there took care of it.” When you look at where she’s pointing you’re surprised to see Thor Odinson, Captain and Center of Asgard looking over at your table with a small smile.
“Oh, that was so nice!”
“I would’ve had a better bottle of wine had I known.” Natasha mutters to you.
“I should go say thank you.” Cat says putting her napkin on the table.
“You know Thor?” You ask in surprise.
“Not super well but he and Steve are friends.”
“Of course they are.” You say with a laugh and she grabs your arm,
“Come on. Come meet him, it looks like he’s with Loki too.” You follow along behind her as she makes her way to the bar.
“Thor! It’s great to see you. Thank you so much for paying for dinner.”
“You’re welcome, you didn’t need to come thank me. Steve did it for, uh, Sif once.” He blanches when he says her name. They’ve been going through a rather dramatic divorce after he caught Sif with another woman.
“I’m so sorry.” Cat says resting a hand on his arm.
“We’re celebrating.” Loki says, “he’s finally rid of the bitch.”
“Loki.” Thor sighs but you can’t help the small snort that slips out.
“Sorry.” You say covering your mouth with one had.
“Oh, I’m being rude. This is my cousin Moxie.” Cat says with a little smirk.
“Your family has such interesting nicknames.” Loki says and you have a feeling you’re going to get along well with him.
“Yes, cuz Thor and Loki are such normal names.” You sass back and Loki laughs.
“Touché.” Loki says with an approving nod and Thor gives you a soft smile.
“We’ll leave you to your celebrating, I just wanted to come say thank you.” Cat says looping her arm through yours.
“It was nothing. Say hi to Steve for us.” Thor says and you and Cat head back to your table.
You don’t stay much longer and when you and Cat get into Steve’s car at the end of the night she glances over at you and throws her head back in laughter.
“What about Thor?” The actual hottest man you’ve ever seen in your life.
“What about him? Bitch. He was drooling over you!”
“What? He hardly even looked at me? Are you drunk? Should I be driving?”
“He couldn’t stop looking at you!”
“He just got divorced!”
“They’ve been separated for over two years already.”
“He tried to make it work but couldn’t get past the cheating.” This is new and heartbreaking information.
“Just because you started dating one of the hottest athletes on the planet doesn’t mean that’s going to happen for me.”
“It doesn’t mean it’s not.” She points out and you roll your eyes. “Besides, I know you found him attractive.”
“It’s not going to happen Cat.”
“Wanna bet?”
“No, it wouldn’t be fair to you.” She laughs and you grin over at her.
“I’m so glad you’re here. It’ll be nice to get to hang out with you more.” Cat says and you nod in agreement.
You’re ready for a new adventure and this one might just be the best one yet.
This is a series of one shots. If you have any suggestions or ideas for Thor and Moxie please let me know.
Tag list:
@foxyjwls007 @andahugaroundtheneck @also-fangirlinsweden @pagina16ps @princesssterek @valsworldofcreativity @dumblani @inkedaztec @loving-life-my-way @animegirlgeeky @shinycupcakebaker @eralen @sophham @gh0stgurl @wonderlandfandomkingdom @killcomet @abschaffer2 @sass-masterkittenmama
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lifblogs · 1 year
Things my mom’s asshole boyfriend did wrong at the animal hospital tonight:
• Came, for one thing. He didn’t need to be there.
• Told me I could carry Loki in his carrier despite me being visibly injured.
• Wasted time signing important paperwork because he was worried about the price. (He doesn’t even have to pay or sign. This isn’t his cat.)
• Rude to the point a girl chewed out even me for it.
• Scared a dog so badly his port cast came off.
• Tried to touch other people’s animals.
• Tried suggesting a fucking useless and invasive test for Loki.
• Didn’t listen to me when I tried telling him 4 million times that seizures happen in the brain, and no, it was not something he ate, or the vet approved over the counter sinus meds.
• Didn’t listen to me when I said Loki can’t have an actual fish as a treat because most fish have the minerals and such he can’t have. No one gives a fuck if it’s organic, dipshit.
• Complained that we didn’t take him to the room to talk to the doctor and say good night to Loki, despite him not owning this cat or being a family member.
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rottenkadaver · 2 years
Ohhh pls ramble abt your oc's story from symphony remixed I want to know the basics!! -🐇🎉anon
Sinfonietta: REMIXED (or known to u all as Symphony) is a retelling and rewrite of the original series 'Symphony: Music of Mind"
The story takes place in the same world as all of my other stories, The Overworld. It follows the same characters and some new ones.
The main rule of the main cast is that they're all based on a song, not just in design but in personality and sometimes backstory as well.
Let me run you through the main characters!
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Adrianne [she/her || trans woman || bisexual]
Based on the song 'hot girl bummer' by blackbear, surprisingly
She's the titular protagonist and the reason the Symphony crew came to be. She got everyone onto the team by herself, from angels to demons to a little orphaned kid. She is, for the most part, very kind and sincere. At least for a while, she is.
She came from an LGBTQphobic home with a Christian human father and a polytheistic messenger bird mother. She moved out at 16, got a part-time job as an actress, moved onto singing and formed her own little group.
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Bridgette [she/they || bisexual]
Based on the song 'Boss Bitch' by Doja Cat
Bridgette is a demon from the Underworld and is the little sister of two of the Devil's servants. They found Adrianne while they were crossing the Overworld one day and decided to be the first official member of the squad. She's very self-righteous but they have a soft spot.
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Alastor [they/he/it || asexual]
Based on the song 'im so tired...' by Lauv and Troye Sivan.
A angel cast out from heaven from apparently not doing their job well enough, even though they were brutally overworked. Alastor is always sleepy, even during shows, but he soldiers on anyway. He's loved by most for how soft his voice is and how smoothing his solo songs tend to be.
Generally it's very kind and wouldn't hurt a soul but will get a bit salty or rude if provoked.
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Cerys [he/him || mlm]
Based on the song 'Fighter' by Jack Stauber.
Cerys is a fruit farmer from the western area. He lives over the hills in solitary with just himself and his cats (Bella, Banbury, Beryl and Beckford). He delivers his fruit to multiple cities and towns and other locations across the Overworld and is loved by pretty much everyone. People all over were delighted when they heard he was going to be joining a music group.
He's a very kindhearted guy and wouldn't hurt a fly. At least, he wouldn't hurt a fly anymore.
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Randy [trans man || he/him || gay]
Based on the song 'PUNK TACTICS' by JOEY VALENCE
Randy is a demon, that's for sure. He's a follower of Lord Diabolos and Lord Dionysus. He's not very mean if you get to know him, he only plays jerk if he doesn't know you.
He was the child of extremely violent parents and was raised by random strangers, pretty much. He got into the squad because he made a living off of singing on the streetside as a young adult.
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Darkie [all pronouns || asexual]
Based on the song 'Little Dark Age' by MGMT
The angel who tricked everyone, even God. Known for framing as the archangel Gabriel, Darkie's actual name is Loki. He was exiled from heaven for being unfaithful.
She got into the squad because she pretty much,, sang whenever she spoke. Adrianne liked this and found it charming for.. whatever reason.
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Ava [she/it || lesbian]
Based on 'missing home' by nineishuman
After escaping an abusive home, Ava was just seeking out employment. Adrianne knew her from school and let her join the crew.
Ava is a very paranoid person and has high empathy/sympathy. It's seen as a very dependable and loving friend and the squad treats her like a younger sister of sorts.
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Ghost [they/them || gay]
Based on the songs 'Honey I'm Home' by Ghost and 'Doubt' by twenty-one pilots
The first ever angel to ever grace existence and then first ever fallen one. Ghost didn't even do anything to deserve their cruel treatment in Heaven. They were only doing what they were told.
Ghost sings of his experiences and is described to, unironically, have a very 'heavenly' and 'angelic' voice. They are loved far and wide for not just their singing, but their personality and.. the way they dress.
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Brutus [all pronouns, gender is up for interpretation /srs || unlabeled]
Based on the song 'Brutus' by The Buttress.
Brutus is a very.. special individual. He's commonly called 'Judas' because of the rumors that he.. stabbed Jesus. He's also described as unpredictable and barely controllable.
He, too, is a fallen angel but he was tortured for years before he was exiled for, y'know, the usual. Trying to kill God because of the corrupt system Heaven had at the time and still has. He would later be diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and complex PTSD.
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Lukas [they/he/it/zir/xey || mlm]
Based on the song 'heather' by glaive and ericdoa
Lukas is a very strange guy. He's of unknown origin and his parents are also anonymous. He does have an older and younger brother though.
Lukas could be said to be pretty standard in terms of personality. It's never gotten angry at.. anybody. Not even at people who hurt hurt them.
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Lasabrotr Chapter 84: Crystalization
Chapters: 84/?
Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: pg13
Relationships: Loki x Reader
Characters: Loki (Marvel),
Additional Tags: Post-Endgame: Best Possible Ending (Canon-Divergent), A Moments Peace
Summary: The last day of Buridag goes by way too fast.
“I almost wish they were being rude.” your father complained, as the hundredth Asgardian approached to give small obeisance to you both. “I don't know what to do with all this politeness.” “You wish they were ignoring you, you mean.” you teased. “Well, if you want rude, I could always go find Gloa.”
“Who?” “Nevermind.” “I miss my cat.” “You should take home the collar Loki offered. It would look great on Momo.” Your father scoffed. “I'm not gonna.” “You should.” You accepted the hand of yet another Asgardian, who bowed over it with a murmured blessing. This was the last part of the Third Feast, and your adoption into the royal family, as well as your initiation. You'd been declared a hero, after saving that Einherjar from the Hulk's stomachache, and for all of those things, every Asgardian alive was now obliged to participate in this ceremony. While that meant you had to sit and endure the same gestures and words from three thousand people, it also meant you'd had the incredible satisfaction of Gloa's blessing, knowing that she knew you understood Asgardian. She could not mutter a curse or an insult, but instead had to thank and bless you. It was sweet. Most of the rest of the humans had left earlier that day, leaving only your father, Tara, the three attending Avengers, and a few of the most local diplomats. Thor and Loki had been smoothing things over with everyone who had suffered from the attempted poisoning. Most of those effected had been people from Trollekaerhalla, who were very forgiving, but there were a few of the more august personages, including a musician and a religious leader, who had proved harder to mollify. Omens were important at Buridag. The omens this year unsettled you. Yes, you had been accepted, both by the blood and by the magic. But why sabotage? Why poison? Why had the fire failed you during your ceremony? And why had you, an outsider, been chosen to receive  information about the Asgardian's lost origins? Perhaps it was precisely because of your outsider status that this truth had been revealed to you. It may simply have been that an Asgardian could not have accepted it. Or perhaps it was your connection to Loki, a Jotun of three worlds. Or maybe it was just the right time; now was when that information was ripe for recovery, and you were the only Seidkona being confirmed at the time.
Learning these things about Loki, and at the height of this holiday, had to be important. Had to be. Not just to him, but to the future itself. You couldn't help but turn over all the things you'd seen in your mind over and over, feeling as if there were things you had missed. Things you weren't properly understanding. Not knowing what to expect had left you unprepared to absorb everything you had seen, and while Saga had that recording of you making the figures on Ymir's Dreamscape dance to a story, it wasn't actually what you had seen.
No leads on the poisoner had yet been found. Poison was such a rare weapon to be used in Asgard, considering how hard it was to find a poison that could actually harm Asgardians, that it had become a major oversight in the Buridag safety plans. That still didn't narrow down the suspects, as Loki and Brunhilde still couldn't decide if the poisoner was human, and simply didn't know the poison would not kill Asgardians, or if the poisoner was Asgardian, and knew the poison wouldn't kill fellow Asgardians.
As for yourself, the omens of danger and failure clashed hard with the omens of acceptance, and all of the new information backed up in your mind like a traffic jam, with only you to decide which vehicle to allow through.
Loki had confessed to being a genocidal madman who may have actually doomed an entire intelligent species. Or perhaps not. You had no idea what to do with this information. The hate that it took, the callous disregard for others, seemed so at odds with the man you had grown to know. He mourned those actions now, but you couldn't tell if it was for the jotnar on their soon to be melting world, or for the destruction his actions brought to his family and honor. Soon, the two frozen giants would be dug free of the ice and revived. Was Loki, was Asgard ready to receive them? Was that the reason the origin of Asgard had been revealed to you? Because this challenge was now hurtling towards you all like a hailstone? Certainly, it would be better if Asgard could be convinced to view these lost travelers as distant cousins, rather than old enemies. The stream of Adgardian blessings faded into the background as you descended into your new knowledge. Ymir may have been the first living thing in the whole universe. They created life from their imagination. They were very definitely what humans would consider a god. They were what Thanos had wanted to be.
It was so odd to you that one wielder of the Stones had created life, but another could only think to destroy it. What would you have done, had it been you? Messed it all up, no doubt. Even though Ymir had meant no harm, they had still brought danger to their creations. It was the entire reason they'd been killed. You understood more about the complexity of life than Ymir had, but you also knew that there were so many other things that you didn't understand, that you would invariably botch if you tried playing god like that.
It was a wonder the Avengers had been able to do it without any unforeseen consequences. Probably due to all the great minds among them.
Right? Well, luckily, that wasn't anything you'd have to deal with. The deed had been done, and the Stones had been sent...elsewhere. They were still out in the universe of course, but you didn't know where. It wasn't your concern, was it? What you had to think about now was continuing your study of magic, furthering your overall education, and advising Loki. Being a princess, even if only in title, brought a whole slew of new expectations down on you. You'd been trying to study in your free time, what a princess was supposed to do, but that information was thin on the ground, and intermingled with a great deal of fantasy. There were not many princesses left in the world, and you couldn't exactly phone them up and ask them what you were supposed to do. And what a modern human princess was responsible for, might be very different from what was expected of an Asgardian princess. So far you'd deduced that you were supposed to be as highly educated as possible, charitable, courageous, and selfless. And that was just as a human princess. As an Asgardian princess, you were also required to be a warrior, and to have a power even beyond that. You were not an Aesir, but your magic would have to suffice. As for the rest-it was going to be an uphill climb. Loki's lessons about the the nine realms had been little more than starter course, a brief overview of the things you would now need to learn about them. But just like the rest of your time here, you wouldn't be bored!
“Okay, I'll take the damn collar.” your father muttered. “Momo deserves something nice.”
“You never could deny her anything.”
“Just like my other little girl.”
All too soon the horns were blown, and Buridag was over. Farewell songs were sung as the last of the guests boarded their planes. You gave Tara an invite to the Asgardian/Human relations discord Peter had set up, with a promise to share whatever information you were allowed, and to definitely keep in touch. You had also arranged to send her home with a dress of the kind you usually wore, which absolutely tickled her.
“I'm gonna be the prettiest little anachronism in Iowa!” she exclaimed.
“It's extra vintage. A thousand year old haute couture.”
“Can't knock the classics.”
Your father was harder to let go of. You had totally known you were going to cry, but you still weren't ready for it. Not when he cupped you face and crooned his pride over and over again.
“You're grown, you're actually grown. You did it baby girl, you made it. You're bigger than any of us have ever been. You've got the whole future.”
And you cried hard. You were older now than your mother had ever gotten to be, older than your Nana Beth, and with no signs of stopping. You hadn't actually thought you would get to grow old, but now it seemed like you would be able to know what that was like. You were looking forward to it.
Your father left with Momo's new collar, and a pair of new, Asgardian leather gloves. Driving had been getting hard on his hands lately. It started snowing after the last plane took off, the temporary landing area disappearing once more under the white drifts.
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enchantricksbot · 1 year
I saw your tweet and I’m sorry you’re getting hate. I don’t ship enchantricks, just Sylki but I do follow you and I agree that people should stop posting about her being or becoming enchantress. I think it’s rude to hijack and honestly I don’t want her to be enchantress, I love her as her own unique character. She isn’t similar to Amora at all either. Sophia and the writers even said Sylvie is her own woman and won’t be any characters we’ve seen before. I’m not sure why people want her to be. All Sophia said is that she’s AN enchantress in terms of she can enchant, the same way Loki can or Wanda or Strange. But she’s isn’t THE enchantress as the character. Similar to a Loki but not Loki. Part of me wishes she wasn’t even a Loki at all.
I like sylvie, she isn’t my all time fave, that’s a small tier tbh, but I do like her. It made me kinda sad the whole “superior Loki” thing but that’s the writers being messy tbh, her character shouldn’t suffer for that. I rly liked her scene in the field and at the Ren fairs. (I still want to know what happened when she used all the grenades things in the roxxmart) Most of her Stan’s are cool cats.
Only thing that makes me a little iffy are when amora and sylvie are pitted against each other by both sides of the fandom. I don’t like the “I’m better than you” trope in anything. Esp amongst women who that’s a reoccurring and demeaning theme. Which I understand a bit more why amora stans might feel that way. I think it’s a nervous possessive thing bc the comic fandom is so small and having amora be a partial inspo for sylvie feels like we might lose her, if the writers have her take Amoras name. That doesn’t excuse it and I personally don’t think they will take her mantle next season either. I think Sophia seems to have input and knows her character and her motives. I also don’t think we will ever see amora in the MCU, but I don’t think that’s necessarily sylvies fault. They are v different so it’d be possible still, and amora doesn’t need to be Lokis love interest if she was introduced. I think if she was going to appear it wouldve be in LOVE and thunder. Or ragnarok bc she was scourges partner for long.
Idk I’m neutral on sylvie being a Loki, I don’t see the point of her being the only woman Loki tho, since Loki is gender-fluid and all. And also ur telling me of so many universes there only one woman, and that’s “scary” I felt a little like that’s misogyny disguised as being progressive girl boss. Again that’s on the writers not on sylvie, she’s done nothing wrong lol. I feel like the romance would’ve made me less uncomfortable without her being a Loki but I also don’t see the chemistry. Ok ok Ik so many ppl r gonna disagree but I don’t see it in lokius or dashingfrost either personally. Which is just my opinion doesn’t mean it’s right or wrong. Lastly Idk why ppl want her as the mcu’s enchantress, maybe they’re expecting her to be? I tend to fixate on what’s canon explicitly in canon so idk but I don’t see anything suggesting her to be so. I also like her as her own character, there isn’t rly a set of rules sylvie has to follow i think Sophia has it under control
Also thank you for following, I have no issues with sylki shippers, everyone is welcome here and I enjoy discussions a lot. It’s nice to get positive anons sometimes.
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themculibrary · 3 days
Non-Explicit Femslash Masterlist 2
part one
A Bit of Friendly Advice (ao3) - incrxibles wanda/agatha G, 2k
Summary: “Or maybe I could just be myself, more or less.” Agatha stared at Wanda, a seemingly dumbfounded look on her face, causing her to wonder what exactly she’d said wrong. And then, a familiar pale hand was on her cheek.
Set during WandaVision episode 2.
a minor distraction (ao3) - brilligspoons peggy/natasha, peggy/angie T, 3k
Summary: Rumors about an organization experimenting with the super soldier serum bring Peggy Carter to Russia, where she meets a young factory worker named Natalia.
And keep on living (ao3) - judyannhale wanda/agatha T, 12k
Summary: “I’ll find you the whitest picket fence in all of New Jersey.”
A Woman's Touch (ao3) - all_soul peggie/angie T, 59k
Summary: It’s been a week since Peggy saved New York from Dr. Fenhoff, and Dottie is loose in the big city. Regardless of Interim-Chief Jack keeping her off the Underwood case, her fraying relationship with Daniel, and the tightrope that she walks at home with Angie, she’ll find her. Peggy Carter always gets her girl.
Cat Got Your Tongue (ao3) - Meskeet peggie/angie T, 10k
Summary: There’s only two things Peggy’s currently certain about.
One, she’s in love with Angela Martinelli.
Two, she’s a cat.
(Or, the one where Howard Stark turns Peggy into a cat.)
Crescendo (ao3) - Becci Barnes (BeccEEE) natasha/maria G, 1k
Summary: When watching the concert of a famous pianist, Maria and Natasha start talking about music.
Turns out old hobbies die hard, and as they rediscover their passions they find common ground in unexpected ways.
i break wild roses (ao3) - halfmoonsevenstars peggy/natasha, peggy/angie M, 7k
Summary: It’s August 1950 and Peggy Carter, Director of SHIELD, is back in New York for the week, wrangling diplomats and soothing fractured bureaucratic egos by day. By night, Peggy goes out for drinks and dancing with Angie, but it’s a beautiful Russian girl she brings back to the hotel room.
i'm staying at my parents’ house and the road not taken looks real good now (ao3) - hannaenomia maria/natasha N/R, 22k
Summary: Natasha takes The Avengers to her family's farm to recover after their first run-in with the Scarlet Witch and promptly flirts with Maria Hill in front of everyone, whether she admits it or not. (Black Widow comes before Age of Ultron in this storyline)
kidnapped! (ao3) - Sartapaw92 kate/yelena T, 11k
Summary: Kate Bishop takes a break from her superhero duties for a while as she relaxes in her Apartment. Yelena Belova remains active in working for the ill-repute as she likes to be paid. At times, Yelena likes to mess with Kate, mainly over the phone. And at times Yelena likes to bring Kate to assist her with whatever task that Yelena has been given by her Mob Boss. The next job will be no exception.
Kisses Through the Decades (ao3) - aparticularbandit agatha/wanda, wanda/vision M, 38k
Summary: The world is full of various shades of grey – charcoal, smoke, silver, ash, pewter, steel, iron, and so on. For all the black and white, there is relatively little of that. Agnes’s hair trends as dark a grey as the world allows, but even it isn’t a pure black. The closest to that is the ribbon tied tight around her waist, accenting the narrowness of it, the hourglass shape of her. Wanda’s hands have found that waist far many times to count at this point, if only to usher her out of the kitchen when she’s stayed – not past her welcome, because that sounds rude, but…well, past her welcome.
Problem being, of course, that the more Wanda guides her by the waist out of the kitchen and through the back door, the more her hands find a proper place there.
no retreat, no surrender (ao3) - Haywire maria/natasha G, 7k
Summary: After the Avengers send Loki back to Asgard in Thor’s custody, Natasha and Maria run into each other and spend an unscheduled day together, changing their relationship in a fundamental way in the process.
Sun, Sea, And Sand (ao3) - Marv_aka_Kitten_Writes yelena/kate T, 5k
Summary: A day at the beach with Kate turns out to be surprisingly fun for Yelena. After all, what's wrong with sand, sun, surf and saying I love you?
The Sisterhood Of The Ruby Stilettos XXV: A Picnic With Peppery Potato Salad ;) (ao3) - BradyGirl_12 pepper/natasha G, 951
Summary: As spring blossoms, Natasha and Pepper enjoy a picnic in Central Park. :)
the sun and her flowers (ao3) - wandaverse wanda/agatha T, 10k
Summary: Months after Wanda leaves Agatha in Westview, she finds herself coming right back and they agree to a magical partnership. Over the coming year, Agatha comes to slowly fall for the miracle that is Wanda Maximoff. And so, she expresses her truest desires through the only way she knows; the language of flowers.
The story of how two lonely witches find healing and home in each other, told through 5 flowers Agatha gives Wanda and 1 she gives in return.
The Way I Loved You (ao3) - agayturtle wanda/natasha T, 3k
Summary: "It's 2am and I'm cursing your name..."
Wanda and Natasha's relationship didn't last longer than a couple of months, but Natasha can't help but wonder if they made the right choice when they ended things.
or The Way I Loved You by Taylor Swift but it's Wandanat.
this is me trying (ao3) - wlwromanoff (orphan_account) wanda/natasha T, 7k
Summary: i had a feeling so peculiar, that this pain wouldn't be for evermore
as natasha falls into a downward spiral, wanda is there for her.
violets & ink (ao3) - idiotlesbian wanda/natasha G, 6k
Summary: Wanda isn’t really enjoying life at the moment. She’s grieving her family and spends most of her time working in her family’s flowers shop to avoid her feelings.
Until she meets the tattoo artist from across the street, whom she secretly has had a crush on forever.
sad florist!wanda meets tattoo artist!natasha
Westview Holiday (ao3) - aparticularbandit wanda/agatha T, 3k
Summary: Wanda and Agatha exert a great deal of magic for a Westview celebration, and Wanda has an idea on how to cool down afterwards.
what they don't see (ao3) - acolonf6 peggy/angie, past peggy/steve T, 22k
Summary: Angie is convinced that her new next door neighbor is a spy, and is determined to find proof of such.
you're a sunflower (ao3) - inwelled (orphan_account) carol/maria, phil/nick T, 3k
Summary: The woman in the doorway is breathing heavily. Her eyes jump around the room until they land on Monica, Goose purring contently in her arms. They seem to skip right over Carol, too concerned with the little girl in the middle of the shop.
The face clicks in her mind and Carol freezes.
It can't be.
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glittering-and-golden · 2 months
An rp blog for my bsd oc: Abby!
Basic dni rules
No explicit nsfw stuff (not yet sure where I draw the line)
Mod actually has another rp blog, have fun figuring out which!
First time playing a bsd oc tho
Character information under the cut
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Name: Abigail Foster - prefers Abby
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: 31th October
Height: 5'2 / 1,57m
Origin: Germany
Affiliation: Not currently part of any organization; works for a small library near the center of Yokohama
Likes: spooky things, books, cats, watching the stars & mythology
Dislikes: rude people, crowds, spiders, being cooped up for too long & the ocean
Ability: »Glitter & Gold« - Abby's ability is a touch activated one. When touching something with her right hand, she can gradually cover the surface (organic and inorganic) with a golden sheen that seems to turn things into gold- which can take a bit. However, her ability only lasts for ten minutes before the gold starts to fade away into mist. So if she happens to hit a person with it? No worries, it's pretty much harmless.
Random fun facts:
Mod almost called her ability "Hand of Midas"
She was supposed to be American but since there are currently no canon German characters and I think no oc characters either, I thought why not
She always keeps her right hand wrapped in either bandages or a glove to keep her ability from acting up
She has a cat called Loki, who tends to sit on her shoulder
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glcive · 4 months
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐬
𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐎 ☆ they/them (i dont mind she/her) ☆ minor (xiv) ☆ bisexual ☆ cancer sun, libra moon, sag rising ☆ intp-t ☆ aus ☆ either a celestial god or a pebble ☆ anxious mess ☆ i change my theme way too much ☆ sparkling water > regular water ☆ in love with piercings and wants all of them ☆ professional procrastinator ☆ a humanities/arts/music girl in a science/maths world ☆ wouldnt survive a day without spotify ☆ free palestine!! ☆
͙͘͡★ 𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 - literature, the arts, queer culture, astronomy + astrology, witchcraft, feminism (no terfs allowed!!!!), fruit flavoured drinks, flared pants, converse, dark red, nail polish, eyeliner, burgundy lipgloss, tank tops, tote bags, brie (always dreaming of cheese), pinterest, spotify, my headphones, the ocean, my grandparents house, spring+winter, very specific shades of pink and green, black <3, fiddling around on the guitar, fantasising about being a famous musician, finding new music, snow, picking silly little outfits, drawing, writing, going to concerts
͙͘͡★ 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬 - osemanverse, the hunger games, books by rhiannon wilde, tim te maro's subterranean heartsick blues, all the best liars, books by octavia butler (specifically parable of the sower and parable of the talents), the last true poets of the sea, acotar, the weight of the stars, the seven husbands of evelyn hugo, the picture of dorian grey, house of hollow, howls moving castle, harry potter (mainly marauders, FUCK JKR), i kissed shara wheeler, red white and royal blue, song of achilles, wings of fire, the secret history, crime and punishment
͙͘͡★ 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐬 + 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐬 - dont look up, little women (2019), scream (i like most of them but 1996 is my fav by far), ladybird, barbie (2023), some of the mcu (thor and guardians of the galaxy <33), spiderverse (itsv is my love), gilmore girls, stranger things, loki, heartstopper, arcane, scott pilgrim takes off + scott pilgrim vs the world, mean girls (i love both hehe), dr who, percy jackson (the show, i um havent read the books), gossip girls, do revenge, my little pony, the bear, hannibal
͙͘͡★ 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 - boygenius + solos, taylor swift, glaive, brakence, paramore, ricky jamaraz, melanie martinez, lana del rey, ashnikko, girl in red, billie eilish, doja cat, big thief, adrianne lenker, ethel cain, mitski, remi wolf, cigarettes after sex, ericdoa, tv girl, clairo, the neighbourhood, bon iver, deftones, maneskin, courtney barnett, poppy, the smiths, american football, susannah joffe, renee rapp, mcr, the front bottoms, pierce the veil, gracie abrams, feeble little horse, esha tewari, radiohead
͙͘͡★ 𝐚𝐥𝐛𝐮𝐦𝐬 - the record, 1989 tv, around the fur, riot, three cheers for sweet revenge, all we know is falling, hypochondriac, girl with fish, doa, things with wings, punk2, songs, masterpiece, guts, lust for life, dykttatuob, punisher, stranger in the alps, i care so much that i dont care at all, collide with the sky, manic, badlands, folklore, trafoamp, k-12, crybaby, portals, this is why, ttpd + the anthology, hit me hard and soft, the bends
͙͘͡★ 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞 - asks and dms are open for chatting/venting/whatever, i might take a while to respond ☆ i rarely follow people without an intro post/descriptive bio (with name, age group and pronouns especially) ☆ discord is astraeasparrow ☆ i dont currently have any trigger warnings tagged but just send me an ask/dm if you want me to tag something specific!! ☆ dni: people who are: rude, racist, homophobic, transphobic, zionist, terfs, sexist, ableist, antisemitic
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͙͘͡★ 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬:
#juno.txt -> ramblings, original posts
#asks -> asks ive answered
#ask bait -> send me asks!
#tag games -> tag games ive participated in
#beautiful mutuals -> interactions with my beautiful mutuals!
#spotify -> my music obsession
#junocore -> posts that are so incredibly mecore
(im working on a better taglist with my moots tags)
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͙͘͡★ 𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐬: pinterest ☆ spotify ☆ carrd ☆ pronoun page
͙͘͡★ 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬: @likeasugarcubeinateacup (notes app poetry) -- @slowrotburiedinthepark (web weaving and random art) -- @stabbingstarsthroughmyback (writing) (im not that active on them though)
͙͘͡★ 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬/𝐮𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬:
☆ previously astraeasparrow and gu1lty-as-sin
☆ last updated: june 1st 2024
☆ dividers by @dollywons, @v6que, @plutism
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thats all!! stay hydrated and have a wonderful day/night everyone <3
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nihilsgamingcorner · 1 year
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Here comes the sim family spam! This is the Realmwalker Family, consisting of Victoria and Rufus, and their two cats Loki and Walley. Technically this wedding didn't happen because the game crashed before I could save it so I had to redo but these pics are so cute! In the current save they are expecting so when I do play on them expect babies! :D Also, Vic is a werewolf and Rufus is a spellcaster. Gonna be some wild kids 0_0
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Victoria is also currently a mint heir for the Not So Berry challenge! Before she met Rufus she was squatting in a large house in Moonwood Mill, but she was able to build her way up and after meeting Rufus her life changed forever. Not without a strange visit from Greg, though.. that may have been a mistake!
They've had Rufus' parents live with them in their new house, but things really didn't go well as Rufus' mother is not only strict but slightly unaccepting of her child's nonbinary identity. Their father is on their mother's side, however he is a bit softer. Despite this, after Rufus' mother quite rudely picked on Victoria one too many times they got kicked out. Victoria's father was there for them and very welcoming, and he even helped out with the wedding!
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Might I mention Rufus is an actor? They'll be the most famous sim on this side of Henford-on-Bagley (where they live) and beyond. They even got nominated for an award! Haven't hit the point where the ceremony is but if they win I WILL post. I'll post even if they dont but yk
(trigger warning pregnancy loss in the next paragraph. if this is an uncomfortable topic for you please skip to the next set of pictures!)
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I will say, though, that Victoria's pregnancy journey has been somewhat rough. She's always been iffy about pregnancy (they do take steps to prevent it where they can but sometimes things do slip.) and the first time she got pregnant she was not ready. Woohoo Wellness is a fucking incredible mod by the way, highly recommend for making pregnancy more interesting, especially if you play longer lifespans and make pregnancy last longer like I do. I can make a post about my settings and such another time. The first pregnancy was really rough. Victoria was constantly stressed and she couldn't deal with it. By the second trimester, things went south and she came home from the hospital with an urn. Despite not being excited about the pregnancy at all she was still devastated over the loss. She got pregnant again a while later and not only was she still not sure about it, she was even more afraid because of the previous loss. She's taken steps both on her own and with Rufus to figure it out, and she's come to accept this. Rufus is overjoyed to be having a child, and while they are sad that Victoria isn't quite as happy, they're still as supportive as they can be. As of where I've left off, Victoria was in her third trimester (though the save seems to want to complain with her not showing at all the moodlet or the belly but i'll fix it next time i play on them) and we're getting close. The baby room is ready and they're both set to go.
I'm not sure if her first born will be the red NSB heir or not but we will see <3
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This is the catch up on the Realmwalker family up to this point and I look forward to sharing their next chapter with y'all! If you have baby name suggestions feel free to send em my way ^^
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