#time to go study for this bio midterm
cruciomione · 7 months
"fixing" the panic attack scene to be more platonic ™
im extremely active on twt and have been noticing a sydcarmy tweet go viral multiple times a week (like w thousands of interactions its crazy), and its really great to see how much people love and see it for this ship. recently carmys panic attack scene went viral again, and naturally, some ppl gave their piece about how we are all dumb for interpreting it as romantic. that sydney represents his love for his job or his duty to the restaurant (*sigh*).
this scene imo, is the most concrete proof of this ship. i can excuse (not really) interpreting every interaction between them thus far as platonic but this scene....i just refuse. this is gonna be a long post, not analyzing the scene per se because i can't possibly say anything that hasn't already been said but more "fixing" the scene to fit the narrative of antis, and i hope in doing so really shows there's no other way to interpret this scene as other than romantic. again its gonna be a long post bc im just ranting and i think i will lose my mind if i dont type this out.
lets go.
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so first off i like to think of this scene as an equation/experiment. simply a problem that needs to be solved.
problem/reason of panic = ...we will discuss this...
solution # 1 = claire -> failed
solution # 2 = sydney -> worked.
s02e09 opens up with carmy and claire finally consummating their relationship, with an interesting song choice might i add and carmy dissociating, looking sad, or broken (???) after. because many have said carmy pulling memories of sydney from his psyche to calm down have to do with work i always remember that, it really doesnt make any sense?
carmy is clearly having a panic attack due to him not being "fixed" as soon as he made it official with claire. he felt pressure from his family both currently and in the past to date claire because she is amazing and perfect. add mikey also being a part of that crowd, and carmy so desperately trying to connect with him when he cannot, is why i think he looks so despondent after that scene. i truly think he thought he would be a changed person after everything with claire and when that didn't happen he flipped...
we know this is the reason bc his panic attack starts with their sex scene and the lyric "I dont know" from strange currencies by REM.
this isn't to say that he isn't nervous or stressed about the soft open but its clear that he's not having a panic attack about work nor have we ever seen him have a work-related panic attack (correct me if I'm wrong). in s1 he has one or two due to him greiving his brother.
platonic fix: To make it about work I would have added scenes like when Carmy started that stove fire in braciole, his meltdown in review, some scenes of his horrible time at EMP, and him grieving his brother. i think these would represent his fear of failure, falling back into old toxic habits pertaining his career, the fear of fostering a toxic work environment like the ny chef and also the idea of "failing" mikey
but theres a reason why none of this occurs bc its not about his job or the opening of the bear. this is explicitly about his personal and romantic love life.
Solution # 1 : Claire
carmy proceeds to try and calm down by thinking of claire through literal rose-coloured glasses...
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the music is distorted, he's thinking of his abusive family, he remembers every one pushing him to date claire bc shes a #goodthing.
again...this is not about his job and wouldnt make sense to think of sydneys place in his work life as a soultion to his clear personal problem....
platonic fix: in the story of carmys love life claire and sydney act as narrative foils. they have been compared and contrasted for all of s2. my platonic fix for this would be making the NY chef this first "solution" of a work-related panic attack. he represents a horrible time in his life but also represents a time when carmy was at the height of his career. when carmy gets locked in the walk in and has his monologue, its alluded to that he will revert back to that mind set in order to not let everyone down.
NY chef abused him for so long, it makes sense that carmys psyche would readily go back to his insults and the time he himself was an isolated 'psycho' bc it yielded results.
nothing is black and white and i DO think sydney represents a healthier approach to the toxic mess that is the culinary world and does represent that for carmy. if the show was invested in that, sydney and the NY chef could be overtly contrasted like sydney and claire have been.
BUT again this isnt about his job and dedication as a chef...thus why he tries to think of claire to solve his personal problem, and it fails.
Solution # 2: Sydney
carmy then in a crazy plot twist starts thinking of his platonic work bestie sydney adamu....the love song dedicated by the show to his relationship with his girlfriend is then made clear highlighting some pretty damning lyrics about desire and love.....all platonic btw. yes you are dumb if you think otherwise (*wink*)
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I actually have two platonic fixes for this...
platonic fix # 1: if we only wanted to focus on sydney as a person who calms carmy down because shes his work bestie who represents his responsibilty to the bear and the postive change they are trying effect in the culinary world, i would add scenes where they are...you know actually cooking???
i think its pretty crazy how the memories carmys immediately jump to are ones that have little to do with their jobs. when they first meet (would also like to note that when carmy first laid eyes on Sydney, he forgot she was there for a job, so this is his raw reaction to seeing a pretty girl lol) and when she comes back after she quit and their break up fight.
i would add their scenes in carmys kitchen (even tho this is extremely damning bc they were flirting DOWN - they don't make this easy at all). this represents their collaboration skills and the way they WORK and bounce ideas off of each other seamlessly. specifically the scene about him wanting to give her a star, representing his duty to her and the restaurant.
*and no shade to carmy but if his responsibility to the bear/syd as a co-worker was bothering him this much and calmed him down wouldn't he have just immediately called the fridge guy.....anyways*
platonic fix # 2 (the best one): if i was chris storer and joanna calo and i REALLY wanted to sell it that carmy isnt in love with sydney then i would put every single member of the OG beef crew + Nat to calm him down not just Sydney.
im talking to them laughing at family, carmy giving tina his chefs knife, richie in his new suit, carmys one on one w Marcus/trying his donut, nat telling carmy shes pregnant (signifing rebirth/wanting to rid all the toxic abuse from his family), carmy trying sydney risotto, and her face when he said it was tremendous etc etc...you get the gist
and honestly?
even as i type this out im tearing up a little bit bc that would have been really beautiful. carmy is changing. he can and is getting rid of old toxic habits from his family and the mess that is the culinary industry. things are changing for the better....that would be beautiful....IF his panic attack was about any of these things lol.
and to even look at this scene without this need for symmetry and we entertain the idea of carmy thinking about his job as a solution for his personal problem...carmy has said himself (s02e01) that this isnt fun for him. i dont think that means he hates cooking i kinda disagree with the ppl who think he isnt passionate about it. i just think currently its something that doesnt bring him joy but i do think its something hes starting to or at least could have started to enjoy if he just committed to working with syd...
theres a lot of....delusion? denial? straight up bias? yes all of that, going on.
idk what is happening bc this show is really great at being subtle. but i dont know whats more in your face, dumbed down, even a toddler could understand, than this scene. if you dont come out of this understanding that carmy is falling in love/currently in love with Sydney...and i hate using this term..but you just arent media literate.
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bonus: bc it makes me laugh and connects the purpose and solutions.
i think we need a Snyder Sydcarmy Cut™ of bolognese and omelette.
the start of the episode is when sydney and carmy fight over claires inclusion in the menu, and also when sydney randomly asks him to define his relationship with Claire. the episode would continue until we get to the table scene.
i think its WILD how as soon as Sydney asks him to define their relationship, carmy starts calling claire his girlfriend. then the show proceeds to insert sydney in their romantic montage, shows her tattoo about heartbreak and someone getting in the way of your relationship...THEN proceeds to have carmy compare these two women in his mind and only calms down after seeing Sydney.
i could talk about this scene for AGES. wheres the straitjacket....
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cherrychilli · 6 months
Slip of the Tongue
A mini series I 18+ I Enemies to lovers
Chapter two
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Eddie Munson x neighbor! reader
Reader and Eddie are the same age - she's in College and he's repeating his senior year once again.
Chapter Summary: Eddie invites you back to his room for a one on one demonstration of his skills.
A/N: Sorry for edging y'all last chapter. This one's pure smut start to finish. Enjoy💛
Chapter warnings: Oral sex (f), fingering, squirting
Tag list rules:
New additions: Make sure to both reblog the chapter and comment to let me know if you'd like to be added to the list and PLEASE HAVE YOUR AGE CLEARLY LISTED IN YOUR BIO IF YOU WANT TO BE TAGGED. AGELESS BLOGS/BLANK BLOGS/MINORS WILL BE BLOCKED.
Current tag list: Make sure to reblog the chapter if you'd like to remain on the list for future updates.
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The stress had taken its toll on you.
Juggling two part time jobs while studying for your college midterms had you running on fumes, unable to unwind no matter what you tried. The little time you had to yourself was usually spent catching up on sleep but that wasn't ever enough to reinvigorate you, not when you had other needs that went unmet in the meantime.
You were desperate for some real stress relief, bordering on delirious. You had to be because how the hell else could you explain ending up in Eddie Munson's bedroom? Lying in his bed, your panties amongst the litter of cassettes and fantasy magazines strewn across his bedroom floor, and said boy's head between your thighs.
"You better not be wasting my time, Munson", you tried your best to sound tough, a near impossible task when his lips are brushing against your inner thigh, so very close to your slit. He had your skirt pushed out of the way to bunch at your waist, large, rough hands wrapped around your thighs which bracket his face.
"So feisty", he cooed back in reply, breath puffing warm against your core.
It's all so painfully surreal, being here like this, but you try your hardest not to think about it too hard for the sake of keeping your sanity intact. About how Eddie's got you laid out and completely exposed, your bare pussy mere inches away from the boy you'd come over to yell at, the same boy who'd caused a fair amount of the tension he's now offering to help relieve with his tongue.
"Don't worry. I'm going to take real good care of you", he breaks you out of your internal spiral, a teasing but lighthearted lilt to his voice as if somehow, he'd sensed your nerves.
And then he says, "You ready?"
It's a simple yes or no question, much easier than the ones you've been pouring over for days in your practice tests but you find this one the hardest to answer. Not because you're unsure of what to say – you had your answer ready and tucked at the back of your throat ever since his fingers climbed up your thighs to tug at the waistband of your panties.
No, it's because you’re certain that when you answer him, everything’s going to change.
"Yeah...go ahead", you manage to wring the words from your throat, fingers clenching his sheets, eyes trained up at the ceiling because watching him somehow feels like too much.
The few seconds that elapse before his mouth descends on you feels like you’re freefalling, a sharp, plunging descent with no way to prepare yourself for the impact of his tongue gently licking at your folds, thighs jerking as he lapped at the slick which had gathered when you watched him play through the window.
"Y' know, for someone who's always in a sour mood you taste pretty fucking sweet", he smirked, knowing it would set you off, thumb momentarily skimming your folds in place of his tongue.
Ordinarily, a comment like that would have earned him a knee to the groin but now, in this maddeningly bizarre situation you've find yourself in the middle of, your body reacts against its usual instincts, hips shifting off the bed to chase his mouth for more.
"Don't stop", you mutter loud enough for him to hear, tone somewhere between commanding and imploring, eyes slipping shut.
You've never felt a warmth like the kind that seeps into your veins like sunlight when Eddie's broad tongue parts your folds, licking his way up to your clit to lightly swirl the pointed tip over your sensitive bud, hands bringing your hips back down to bed to hold them firmly in place.
"Shit, Eddie that's...nice", you sigh out, perhaps the most civil thing you've said to him in weeks.
Everything smelled like him – the sheets, the pillows, even you, you realize as you turned to press your cheek against his mattress, your hair now carrying the same woodsy, smoky scent, inhaling a little deeper to take in that undertone of boyish musk you find yourself strangely drawn to.
His scent.
Another soft swipe of his tongue along your folds has your toes curling but what's makes the fluttering sensation brewing in the pit of your stomach grow stronger is knowing that he's carrying your scent too.
"Oh fuck..."
The way his tongue roams you is slow and lingering, not at all like what you'd watched him do with his guitar but fuck does it feel good, having his fingers press into the meat of your thighs like he’s afraid you might slip through them at any moment, teasing your clit with soft kitten licks, plush lips occasionally trapping the bud to suck lightly before releasing it again.
He's building you up for what's to come, taking his time to find out what makes your breath stutter and your spine curve in an effort to press yourself closer to him, getting you to loosen up and give yourself to him.
Minutes go by like this though you’re not sure how many. Ten? fifteen? maybe longer, of him lazily laving and sucking gently and it's amazing but it’s also only nearly enough, steadily stoking the fire inside you. It’s enough to draw out a soft pants and muffled moans out of you, enough to make all the tension that had wound you so tight begin to unravel but not enough to grant you the release you're seeking.
Chest heaving, you can’t bring yourself to beg, afraid of what you might sound like if you did, a choked whine of Eddie’s name so close to spilling from your lips already. You don’t want to give him the satisfaction of hearing it.
Angling your right foot, you’re able to reach down and press your heel into his waist, not forceful, just enough to make him pull away from cunt, lips sheened with your slick and chin brushing the soft curls on your mound when he peeks up from between your legs.
“Need more already huh?”, he beats you to it, knowing and smug.
As much as you wanted to deny it, you already missed having his mouth on you. Lips pressing into a thin line to show your annoyance, you try to grasp at the right words from the jumble of them knocking around inside your head, hoping to pick the ones that might help you seem less needy than you actually feel, not wanting to boost his ego more than you probably already have.
“What you did earlier when you were playing… that was different”, you point out carefully.
“I know, I’m just getting you ready”, he explains matter-of-factly, eyes dropping back down to your cunt, gently spreading your folds apart with his thumbs with rapt attention.
“I am ready”, you try to argue, a little breathless but firm.
Eddie meets your stern gaze again and gives you a skeptical look in return, holding your stare for a few more seconds as if assessing you before he ultimately yields.
"Alright alright. Listen, uh - this might get a little intense so just um… pinch my hand if it gets too much for you and I'll stop, okay?", he winds one arm around your hip, holding out his hand for you to take.
The shift in demeanor has you slightly taken aback. He’d been so cocky for most this, showing shades of something softer at times but this was the most blatant display of that side of him so far – no sass, no crude remarks, no teasing jab. It was a side you’d seen glimpses of back when you were in school with him, that considerate streak he was sometimes partial to like when he’d taken in those freshmen who didn’t seem to fit in anywhere else. You never thought he’d show you the same kindness, no matter how veiled. Part of you even thought you didn’t deserve it after all the squabbling you’d initiated over the years.
Tentatively, you stare at the hand he offers you, his words echoing in your head loud enough to override your temporary and uncharacteristic bout of guilt.
Intense? Too much for you? Fuck, it's so hard to keep from wanting to grind your core against his face when he says things like that.
"You're pretty confident, aren't you?", you say instead, stalling so that you could discreetly wipe your palm against his sheets before you place your hand in his, afraid yours might be sweaty.
"Yeah, I am. And for good reason", he grinned, curling his much longer fingers around yours as you rest your joined hands close to your belly button, hoping he couldn't feel the storm of butterflies flapping their wings wildly inside your stomach.
“Oh, but first–”
Despite your best efforts, you can’t contain the pathetic yelp he rips from you when he pulls you closer by his free hand, picking your legs up abruptly to get them over his shoulders, spreading you even wider and getting you so close that you’re practically locked in place.
"Eddie-shit", you try to scold but it’s no use.
There’s no more soft, gentle licking when he dives in, tongue moving boldly to pulse against your clit with enough pressure to make your whole chest feel like its crackling with pops of electricity. He’d warned you it would be intense and you learned he was a man of his word, thighs twitching and quivering around his cheeks and curtain of curls. You squeeze his hand instantly, not pinching, he notices, a sign that it’s okay to continue as you throw your head back.
Spiraling again, you’re at a complete loss as to how good this feels. It never felt this good with the other boys and it definitely didn’t feel like this even when you touched yourself. How could someone who’s never touched you until today be able to get you like this so quickly and so easily?
Well, the position certainly helped. You’re entirely at his mercy like this, pinned in place from the waist down, suddenly very aware of how strong Eddie really is, not what you’d expected of someone who spent most of his time occupied with fantasy games. He groans, deep and rumbling, the vibration of it travelling through you while you fight to keep your teeth firmly set in your bottom lip, starting to writhe as he alternates between flicking your clit with his tongue and sucking on it, sloppy, wet, filthy sounds echoing plentiful in his bedroom.
It’s a riot inside your head – two thoughts competing and clashing fiercely; one part of you screams for him to slow down, that it’s all so much so fast despite having asked for it and the other roars back a resounding keep going, oh god, keep fucking going, overtaking the first.
But Eddie isn’t privy to any of this – you don’t want to let him know because even with the way he’s making it harder and harder for you to not just cry out for more, you’re much too stubborn to actually do so – knowing full well that if you were to let on just how much you’re enjoying his ministrations, he’d never let you hear the end of it.
Easier said than done.
Your resolve is withering at an alarming rate, not sure how long you can keep true to your vow of silence when he slips his tongue into your opening, pleasure and relief melding into one now that you have somethinginside you, curtailing the ache of being empty for this long. He fucks you with it, driving it in and out, lavishing you from the inside with every stroke and drag of the slippery muscle against your walls.
“Oh Ed– oh fuck”, you blabber, hips bucking up against his face. You clench around it, clit throbbing in the absence of his tongue swiping over it but the way his nose bumps the tender pearl with every sloppy thrust of your hips more than makes up for it.
He lets you rut against his face like that, only pulling back and away minutes later but you’re not left wanting for long.
A sharp gasp is pulled from you when a finger plunges into you, another joining not too long after. You feel stupid for forgetting how well those fingers moved on his guitar when he curls them inside you, long and thick, reaching deeper than your own, filling you better than his tongue did.
“Shit, listen to you”, he tutted, cunt sopping and squelching loud enough for your whole face to flare up. “Got this worked up just for me, huh?”
He wants to hear you beg; you know it. Rather than replying you whine between ragged breaths, containing the rest that threatened to spill out in moans and cries for more. But it’s nowhere near enough to satiate him now. Eddie frowns, face clouding with irritation. He wasn’t going to let you get away with stifling yourself any longer.
“Tell me how good I make you feel”, he says, tone losing its playful lilt and gaining a firm edge instead, eyes darkening.
“I’ve been real generous with you today – even after all your fucking attitude”, he punctuates with a particularly rough thrust of his fingers into your cunt, another gasp tapering into a whimper falling from your lips.
“Not g-gonna say it…” you tremor, so clearly affected by what he’s doing to you. 
He laughs but there’s no amusement there, only something foreboding glinting in his eyes. “Can feel you, honey – trying so hard to hold back but you’re soaked and you’re squeezing me so tight”, sinking his fingers in up to the knuckles.
“C’mon, I’m not asking for a lot, am I?  just say the words and I’ll let you cum,” he murmured, amber eyes hooded and locked on yours.
“Eddie-”, you start, hating how it came out all pitchy and wavering, hating it even more when you see how much he liked hearing his name leave your lips like that. “You said you would- this isn’t what we agreed- “
“Do it or I’ll stop”, he cuts you off, unsmiling. You can tell he isn’t joking when his pace falters and his fingers still inside you.
The fear of him stopping when you’re already so close rushes in with torrential urgency, no time to feel embarrassed by how quickly or how hard you squeeze his hand when you feel him begin to unweave his fingers from yours to make good on his threat, your steely grip preventing him from slipping away, begging him to stay.
“Please...”, you begin to crumble, breathy and desperate and aching for him to finish what he started.
The smile pulling at his slick lips tells you he’s appeased, pumping his fingers inside you again, slow but deep, stretching you well.
“Go on…” he encourages, speeding up when you let loose an unrestrained moan that comes out all high and pretty for him, helpless to his touch, your building arousal making you grow compliant.
“Fuck -Eddie, I’ve- I’ve never felt this good before”, you relent with a sob.
“Yeah? Poor baby – always working so hard… got no one else to take care of you. Needed it so bad, didn’t you? Couldn’t even control yourself when you saw me today, huh? Climbed in my bed and spread your legs even though you say you can't stand me”, he grins wickedly, tone thick with condescension.
He was right. For years, you were gasoline and him, the match, all of that smoldering friction between the two of you culminating in the most surprising way.
“But now you can’t get enough of me.”, he finished with a sneer.
Something new blossoms beneath your ribs – humiliation.
But instead of trying to shy away from it you find yourself welcoming the way it sprouts up like tendrils, winding around you all slow and creeping, all because you’ve been put in your place, rendered a mewling, gasping, desperate thing by the boy you’ve spent far too much time despising.
“Wanna feel your mouth on me again”, you blurt between pants, a broken, pitiful sound.
“Need you to make me cum – please”
He watches you struggle under the weight of your own desire, willing to debase yourself if it meant he’d grant you your release and it makes him chuckle, satisfied.
“Was that so hard?”, he flashed you one of those impish, shit eating grins before his mouth is on your clit again, fingers driving inside you in tandem. Your free hand shoots out to weave into his hair, clutching it like a lifeline.
The combination sends you careening towards the edge, the feeling starting to become too much when he sucks hard on your bundle of nerves but there’s no way to pull yourself away from him – not that you wanted to. Not really.
Your whole body tenses and ripples when it crests, something white hot barreling its way out of you – too fast and too intense to warn him, cunt fluttering around his moving fingers, thighs squeezing, throat growing hoarse from your cries.
It runs through you in crashing, gushing waves, leaving you shaking and keening, lungs burning for air until breath returns to you slowly, roiling intensity settling down into pulsing aftershocks. They subside when the afterglow comes next and you relish the way it drapes over your quivering body, lips trembling and chanting whispered exclamations of ‘oh my god oh my god oh my god’ up at the ceiling, still reeling from it all. It’s only when the sensation of weightlessness that had cradled you for those moments following your orgasm begins to recede that you spring up, elbows pressing into the mattress to support you, heart shooting up into your throat when you catch sight of Eddie.
And it’s worse than you thought.
His cheeks, mouth, jaw and neck are soaked, as is the collar of his shirt now clinging wetly to the dip between his clavicles. Oh shit it’s in his hair too, noticing a few dampened ends which stick to the fabric near his shoulders.
In the thick fog of your afterglow your mind turns sluggish – too slow to piece together what exactly had happened as your eyes lowered in search of what caused Eddie’s current state. Realization sets in after a few seconds of delay in the form of a swooping, twisting flurry in your belly, worsening when you find the same wetness coating your inner thighs and pooling on his sheets, your ass resting in a little puddle of well, yourself.
You've squirted all over his face and his bed.
"I've never done that before”, you breathe out, both stunned and mortified at what you’ve done. Though your worry lessens somewhat when you dare to look at Eddie again, the look on his drenched face telling you that he’s anything but upset about it.
“I’ve never made anyone do that before”, he utters back, sharing your surprise.
Your hand which somehow had managed to stay clasped in his throughout the whole thing is finally returned to you when you both loosen your hold on each other, awkwardly pulling away enough for you to scoot off the damp spot on his bed and for Eddie to ease up onto his knees, which he realizes a little too late was probably a mistake.
Your eyes dart to it when you hear his sharp inhale, widening at the sight.
There's a new elephant in the room to address now – the massive erection straining against his sweatpants.
Silence shrouds the room, both of you speechless, panting and sweaty. He makes no move to cover himself and you don’t think to set your gaze anywhere else.
You’re not sure why you did what you did next, only that you felt compelled to do so.
Easing up on to your knees, you come face to face with Eddie, skirt falling back down to conceal you. Your fingers move seemingly on their own accord, curling into the waistband of his sweats, fingertips grazing the hot skin that lies underneath and for some reason he lets you, watching you closely albeit a little disbelieving. This wasn’t part of your ‘agreement’. He’d offered to get you off and you had accepted but that was the extent of it, neither of you giving much thought as to what would happen after but here you are, chasing after more.
Inches away from his lips, you can smell yourself on his skin. That tangy, earthy essence he'd lapped at and drunk down so eagerly for the past hour. What made him like it so much? What made him want to do this all in the first place? You wanted to ask him but more than that, fingers tightening on the cotton waistband, daring to dip inside and skim the course trail of hair above his pelvis, you wanted to find out what he tasted like too.
You draw a little closer and so does he, nose brushing his, chin tipping up, eyes slipping shut…
But your lips don’t meet.
Whatever was about to happen is cut short then, the both of you whipping your heads in the direction Eddie’s bedroom door, on the other side of which comes the sound of the front door unlatching and a set of boots stepping through the entryway.
Wayne’s home.
“Fuck”, you exclaim in unison.
Sharing a panicked look with Eddie the two of you begin to scramble quietly off the bed, not wanting to risk alerting Wayne to your presence in their trailer.
You liked Wayne. Despite his gruff exterior he’d always been fair to you and your family but the last thing you wanted was to get caught out in his nephew's room. Like this.
"Shit – I can't believe I'm saying this now but...you have to go", Eddie winced as he whispered to you, looking increasingly more regretful with every word he’s forced to let out in reference to your departure.
"No– It's okay. I get it, I really should leave", you hush back in agreement, looking all kinds of frazzled and just as sympathetic given you bare as much of the responsibility for how things escalated the way they did.
You get your shoes back on as quickly and quietly as you can manage, panic rising when Wayne calls out something from the kitchen about dinner.
“Be right there!”, Eddie yells back, swooping down to pick your panties up off the floor, sheepishly handing them to you and you ball the underwear in your fist, suddenly too embarrassed to let him look at them despite everything that’s transpired.
And with that brief brush of his fingers against yours, a moment hangs over the two of you as you stare at one another, a moment that begs for something more to be said about the situation.
But what could you say?
"Thanks for the head?"
"Sorry about the mess. I hope it doesn't leave a stain?"
Nothing feels right no matter what you try to scrounge up and scrape together from the recesses of your mind so reluctantly, you don’t say anything at all, turning towards the window and letting him help you out through it, a faint sense of something sour washing over you when his fingers slip away from yours.
The walk back to your trailer is a short one but it’s made all the more difficult on unsteady, wobbling legs. Casting your gaze at every neighboring window in search of anyone happening to look outside, you try your best to look as inconspicuous as possible despite your ungainly stride and your disheveled state, scrambling up and through your front door.
Back in your room, slumping against your bedroom door, your thighs are wet and sticky, breath coming out in short, hurried puffs, heart thudding a mile a minute and you have just one thought ballooning in your mind.
How the hell were you ever going to look Eddie in the eye after this?
Tag list: @sadlittlesquish @honey-flustered @cryingglightningg @cadence73
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autisticlancemcclain · 8 months
It has been many, many days since Lance has seen his bed.
Actually, he’s not sure how many days it’s been since he’s seen his dorm, either. Probably more than four. What he has right now is the app Pidge made him for his birthday, where he can input several alarms in advance and thus set up reminders for every single one of his classes and assignments et cetera, and empty can of Redbull, and an equally empty wallet.
He looks blankly at the vending machine in front of him, in the dilapidated old hallway in the science building. The lights in the machine are long broken, so the clearest thing he can see in the dark glass is his own reflection. He looks busted as hell — there are more bags under his eyes than actual eyes, his hair is a logic defying mix of flat and greasy and frizzy beyond gravity, his skin seems to almost sag, and there’s a grey quality to him, as if he’s a cartoon in a black and white TV show. Tired does not begin to cover it.
Midterms are hell.
“C’mon,” he mutters, wrapping his hands around the sides of the machine and shaking slightly.
More people die per year from being crushed to death by vending machines then via shark attack.
Lance squeezes his eyes shut. The image of his Marine Bio II textbook and all its dorky fun fact graphics still burns behind his eyelids. He’s read it so many times at this point that he’s not sure if he’ll ever be able to forget it.
“Please,” he says again, half begging and half praying. To what he doesn’t know. The vending machine, probably. He honestly cannot remember the last thing he ate. It was probably takis, but. Still. He needs sustenance again. Preferably the kind that is less than two dollars and he can eat while filling out calculus problems.
He fumbles with the little flap at the base of the machine, managing to tug it open on the third try and stick his arm in it. He stretches, managing to brush his fingertip on the corner of a dust-covered Snickers, but can’t quite manage to tip it out of its little cell.
He sighs, resting his forehead on the glass. He’ll just — close his eyes, maybe. For three seconds. His alarms will go off twenty minutes before class starts, so it’s fine. And no one even comes into this hallway so it’s not like he’ll get robbed, or anything. Not that he has anything to rob.
Rest. Just a little one. If he can’t get snacks he’ll rest. It’s fine. He doesn’t need to study for the next few minutes anyway. He can afford one or two percent on his midterm. Probably. Or not, but that’s a Future Lance problem. Present Lance needs to power off for half a second.
He registers, vaguely, the sound of rumbly growling accompanied by heavy footsteps coming from behind it, but dismisses it easily. He’s gone at least half a week without sleep. He knows science. It’s hallucination time. It’s not his first and it won’t be his last. He’s been hearing pterodactyl roars periodically for the last six hours. It’s whatever. It’ll chill out by the time he opens his eyes again.
The footsteps stop, and Lance sighs a little, and then the vending machine moves as if shifted, and Lance thinks, huh.
Then the sound of glass shattering echoes in the dusty hallway, and Lance thinks, louder, h u h.
And then Lance opens his eyes, blinking away the grogginess, a — person stands in front of him, dressed in the dweebiest GI Joe meets James Bond outfit of all time, seven foot four, covered in purple fur. Fangs protrude from his mouth. His ears are massive and fluffy. His sclera are yellow.
He holds out, in clawed hands, a bag of takis, pulled from a hole punched clean through the old glass.
Huh, Lance thinks, for the third time.
Slowly, because what the fuck, Lance reaches out and grabs the offered snack. In the three seconds it takes for the snack to travel from the stranger’s hand to his, he decides, whatever. It’s been a long period of time. He is thinking half in math. He is starving. He did not, technically, steal these takis, so there’s not even an issue morally. There’s not an issue anywhere, really. It’s a non-issue.
“Thanks,” he says, muffled from the eight chips he’d immediately shoved in his mouth at once.
The person (he’s a person, probably, right, he got him takis, non-people don’t generally get people takis) makes some kind of — growling noise, at him, but not a scary one. A fairly neutral one, if Lance had to categorize it.
Or maybe he’s wrong and he’s about to get eaten. Who knows. That’s an issue, once again, for Future Lance.
“I’m Lance,” Lance says, sticking out his non-chip dust covered hand to shake.
The person brightens, grabbing Lance’s hand and shaking it so vigorously it nearly pops out of its socket. He garbles something in what Lance assumes is French, too fast for him to make out. He must be an exchange student. Lance would usually try to strike up a conversation, ask how he’s liking it here — he knows how hard it can be, struggling with a new language in a new country — and he even took a semester of French in high school, and it’s decently similar to Spanish, so he could probably keep up with the guy.
But Lance is probably medically brain dead, at this point. Thoughts outside of practice exam questions are just…so hard.
“I’m gonna call you Keith,” Lance says (because someone at the local starbucks has a thing for Keith Richards so those are the only songs in his head right now. The matching mullets also come into play).
Keith offers no protest.
Lance’s alarm goes off in his back pocket, startling him. He pops the last taki in his mouth, wiping the dust on his jeans, and swipes open his phone, reading the notification. Physics tutorial in twenty minutes on the other side of campus. Oh, he knows that one. The TA is a ninety year old retired air force pilot who sits at the front of the classroom with a random tangentially-related-to-class-material wikipedia article open on his phone and reads out loud when he finds something interesting. Finally, Lance can nap.
“Well, Keith,” Lance says, crumpling up his package and tucking it in his pocket. “I appreciate the chips. You cannot understand how much. I’m gonna head to class. See you around?”
He pats the guy’s shoulder as he walks past him. Or, well, tries, he ends up kind of tapping his upper bicep because lordie the man is tall. Keith doesn’t say anything back, but Lance isn’t really paying any attention to him anymore, as rude as that is. There’s this one cupboard, in his physics class, in the very back corner, and there’s a space in between it and the wall that he just barely fits in between, right on top of a heating grate. It’s heaven. It might even be more comfortable than his dorm bed, not that he can remember what that feels like. Ha. He’s so looking forward to it. This nap is going to hit so hard. He can feel it in his bones. He’s gonna nap through physics, then stop at the cafe in between the building and the library, espresso up, and study until close. And then his last midterm at six thirty tomorrow morning. And then he can collapse in bed and stay there for four days. Freedom is so close.
As he hauls ass to the classroom, slipping and sliding on the icy November sidewalks, he catches someone following him out of the corner of his eye. Like the footsteps from earlier, this is not the first time he’s seen this. When he looks he’s sure there’s going to be nothing there.
But…earlier there was something. With the footsteps. So. What does he know.
He looks.
As he half-expected, Keith is following him.
“Do you…need something?” Lance asks, tilting his head curiously. Now that he’s had some food and is less out of it, Keith looks a lot more normal. He’s still absolutely stupid tall, but the purple fur and giant ears he’d been convinced he’d seen are no longer there. His skin is pale, now, fuzz-free, and while his nails are a little long, they certainly aren’t claws. When he smiles, his teeth are still sharper than what Lance would call normal, but not fangs. Probably.
Keith shrugs. He has a certain look in his strange, indigo eyes that remind Lance of his dog back home, following him to the door with her leash in her mouth, expecting to be taken along.
“It’s a boring class,” Lance warns. “And I’m gonna sleep, man. The whole time.”
Keith doesn’t seem bothered. He simply takes a step forward so he’s beside Lance instead of behind him, even reaching down and grabbing his hand.
Lance glances down at their clasped fingers. He asks his brain if it has to power to analyze how that makes him feel. It responds that it does not. He resolves to handle it later, deciding to just go with it for now.
“You’re a strange guy,” Lance mumbles, walking them both to the class. He wonders if this is how people regularly act in France. Probably. He’s never been. Regardless, though, Keith is nice enough to offer a shoulder for Lance to sleep on when he finds his beloved corner occupied with some kind of new equipment. His shoulder is quite soft.
Lance thinks he might be able to get used to Keith.
based on this post
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therealdisneyfan2319 · 11 months
The Spider and The Witch Chapter 2: The Visitor and The Proposal
Summary: After gaining Spidey powers in an experiment gone wrong, Y/N finds an unexpected visitor in his room who offers him the proposal of a lifetime
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader
Warnings: Mild language
Word Count: 1.2K
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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The last person you expected to see spinning in your desk chair was Tony Stark.
“Holy shit!”
“That would be ‘holy shit, Mr. Stark’ to you,” Tony answered as he grabbed your desk to stop himself from spinning.  
“Sorry, Mr. Stark,” you mumbled, dropping your backpack to the floor.  
“I’m kidding.  Just kidding.  Ask Peter, he’ll tell you about my sardonic sense of humor.”  He extended his hand to you.  “You must be Y/N.”
“Yeah,” you gulped as you shook his hand.  Your hand was sweaty.  Hopefully he didn’t notice or care too much, but the Tony Stark was standing right in front of you, shaking your hand, in your bedroom.  
“Peter told me about your little…mixup in the lab the other day.” He shoved his hands in his pockets, wandering around your room as he looked at everything on your shelves.  “Guess that’s one way of testing your experiment.”  You chuckled weakly, watching him as he picked up a science fair trophy you’d won in high school.  “First prize, huh?”
“Junior year.  Natural occurrence of bioluminescence in various ecosystems.”  You felt wildly inferior telling the head of Stark Industries about the science fair project you spent hours working on back in high school.  But you figured Tony wasn’t here to discuss your high school endeavors.  “Mr. Stark-”
“I get it.  You’re a busy man, I’m a busy man, let’s cut the bullshit and get right to it.  You can do things now, things some people only dream of.  I’ve been looking for someone to take over for Peter for a while now.  The job’s yours if you want it.”
“Mr. Stark-”
“It’s a lot, I know.  One minute you’re studying for…what are you studying?” He snapped his fingers and cocked his head as if he was trying to remember a long forgotten conversation between the two of you.
“Biochemistry.  Studio art minor.”
“One minute you’re studying for your bio midterm, the next minute you’re hanging from the ceiling and shooting webs out of your wrist-?”  He looked down at your arm hanging by your side, almost asking you to show off.  You flicked your wrist in front of you as a web shot wildly from your wrist, landing on the window over to your left.  “Aim’s a little off,” Tony noted, “but we can work on that.”
“Peter’s old room is free.  You can take that.  It’s right next to Vision’s.  He’s got a bit of an issue with phasing through walls, but that’ll get better the second he sees you naked for the first time.”
“Mr. Stark, thank you for the offer, but I’m not interested.”  
Tony studied you.  You felt like he was trying to unravel the deepest depths of your brain.  He looked you up and down, his eyebrows raised as he tried to figure out what was really going on behind your eyes.  “You sure?”
“Yeah.  I mean Peter’s told me enough stories to keep my feet firmly planted on the ground.”
“Can’t say I’m surprised.  Peter told me you’d say no.”  He stared at your Back to the Future poster, his hands once again shoved in his pockets.  “We can’t all be heroes now, can we?”
The room suddenly felt too hot as your face tinted red with shame.  His unspoken disappointment hung in the air.  While you knew you weren’t under any obligation to join, you knew that Peter’s loss left an indelible hole on the team.  It was a sensitive situation.  Logistically they were just fine without a Spider-Man, but the lack was felt all over the compound and in the City of New York as well.  It had been a long time since the neighborhood web-slinger fought off the local urchins.  Sure, there was the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, but he stuck to more of the vigilantes and the underground crime rings.
“Look, Mr. Stark,” you explained.  “I appreciate the offer, I really do.  I just, I don’t know…I want to go to med school, you know?  I want to be a normal guy doing normal college things.  I know Peter loved being an Avenger, but the things he’s told me…I mean, that last accident, Mr. Stark-?”
Tony averted his eyes as he picked up the Rubik’s cube on your nightstand.  He fiddled with it, turning sides absentmindedly.  He shook his head, chuckling as he tossed the toy from one hand to another.  “Yeah.  That was a shitty night.  I, umm…I blame myself.  I shouldn’t have put him in that situation.  Look at him now.  Bright kid, hell of a future ahead of him, just sucks his life went this way.”  He trailed off as he placed the Rubik’s cube back down.  “I get it.  Less danger when your feet are firmly planted on the ground, right?  You’re not going to break your neck performing surgery.  But if you ever want it, the offer stands.”
“Thanks,” you replied, extending your hand.  Tony grasped it firmly, looking you in the eye as he shook your hand. 
“You ever need an internship or something, just let me know.  I’ll hook you up.”
“Thank you, Mr. Stark.  That means a lot.”
“Still can’t believe you turned him down,” Peter griped as Kirby smashed Pikachu.
“In what universe did you think I’d say yes, Pete?” you quipped as Kirby jumped up to the next level only to be flattened by Donkey Kong.
“I think you should do it.  Just give it a try at least.”
“Y/N, it’ll be good for you.  Look, if anything it’ll help you get used to living with these powers.  It’s fucking weird.  I’ve known that for a while, but just being in an environment where you can experiment and train will help you a lot in the long run.”
The two of you sat in an awkward silence for a while, the only sounds in the room coming from the game on the TV.  As much as you hated to admit it, part of you knew that Peter was right.  Ever since you gained the “Peter Tingle” as Peter’s Aunt May lovingly called it, you felt you were going through the world slightly slanted to the left.  Everything was ever-so slightly off.  Tony had experience working with both Spider-Man and designing the technology for his suits; he was a great resource for you.
“Do you think Mr. Stark would be okay with a part-time commitment?  I don’t want to drop out of school for this.”
“I don’t see why not,” Peter shrugged.  He threw the Switch controller down on the couch next to him.  “See if you can go over winter break.  That’s about a month.  Plenty of time to train and get a basic handle on things.  If you like it, great.  If not, then you come back and keep going with life.  That’s a fair trade-off.”
“Yeah, I guess,” you reluctantly agreed.  
“Plus you can put down that you had a Stark Internship on your med school applications.  Harvard Med would totally kill to get someone who worked at Stark Industries.”  You smiled at that thought.  Harvard was your dream medical school.  There wasn’t anything you wouldn’t do to help boost your chances of being accepted.  
“Lemme see your phone.  You’ve got his number right?”  Peter tossed you his phone.  You scrolled through his contacts list until you found the number that filled you with both excitement and dread.  Placing the phone to your ear, you waited for a familiar voice to say hello.
“Mr. Stark?  It’s Y/N.  I have a proposal for you.”
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hemipenal-system · 7 months
1 - Ridges
Oh, shit.
Lin squirmed again, trying to get any semblance of movement – and failing. They were entirely stuck, weren't they? The length buried inside them wasn't getting any smaller, either, and all their moving seemed to be exciting the lizard she was straddled across.
They were supposed to be studying. They had a bio exam tomorrow. When they proposed to Okais to take a quick break, they hadn't expected it to be three hours of break. It wasn't even their fault really, but they hadn't expected Okais' instrument to flare outwards when he finished, the ridges pushing into them and holding them open as they drenched the golden scales beneath them, and now it seemed like they were physically incapable of pulling excalibur out of themself.
Okais wasn't going to be any help. The lizard was sprawled out on the carpet, head lolling blissfully, eyes closed, tongue occasionally flicking at the air. They'd tried to get him to help and they weren't even sure he was really conscious from his lack of response.
"Oka," Lin protested. "Oka, you have to get out." The yellow lizard carefully opened one dark eye, fixing his lover with it.
"Oka, I'm stuck." This had happened before, but it usually didn't last this long. Okais sat up, claws dipping under Lin's shoulders as he yawned, jaw unhinging and showing off his teeth. He always got tired after, but now wasn't the time. They had a dozen chapters of material to memorize for this midterm, damn it!
Oka shrugged and let his tongue flick across Lin's face. He was always so nonchalant about this sort of thing. Like, sure, he may have been shoved into someone so deep that their hips were touching, and both of them had a test they had barely studied for. No biggie. Okais was about the here and now. The idea of failing the bio midterm didn't even phase him because at the moment his lover was sitting in his lap. Lin wished they could be that calm about anything related to academics.
Lin reached up to the table they had been sitting at, grabbing the study guide off of it and reading the first line, trying not to squirm enough to make Okais want to fuck them again more than they already did.
"What the fuck is a codon?"
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i-am-still-bb · 7 months
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No. 7
“I paced around for hours on empty; I jumped at the slightest of sounds.” | Alleyway | Radio Silence | “Can you hear me?”
Fili/Kili, T Fast Car (formerly Dead Batteries) AU
429 words
A/N: Comes after I'll Call Out Your Name, But You Won't Call Back.
Fili expected Kili to call, so they could talk about the whole college thing. Kili usually was the one to reach out after any disagreement, no matter which of them had started it or was wrong.
But he didn’t.
And Fili wanted to call or text. But then too long had passed and they had even more to apologize for because of the silence. And every time Fili started to type anything—usually just a “hey”—he stopped because it wasn’t right. It was not what he wanted to say.
And then most of the summer had passed.
And then Kili was gone. 
And now when Fili would type out that short message, just to make contact again, to see if Kili would even reply to him there was even more there, what if Kili was out doing something and this message interrupted him? What if he was studying? What if he was in class? What if he was with someone else now? 
That last one hurt the most. 
Fili didn’t really believe it, but he had seen how fast people moved on from relationships that they had vowed would last forever in a court, in a church, or even just under the bleachers at a high school football game. 
And then six months had passed.
And longer. 
No one really texted Fili anymore. Things had been petering off throughout the fall. But after that DUI in December his phone really was silent. And even if they had called, Fili did not have a car or his bike anymore. And he couldn’t even borrow a car because his license was suspended for six months—his punishment along with a $750 fine and 96 hours in jail. 
He knew Kili was home for Christmas.
Fili lost himself in online video games. 
After the new year Fili signed up for some classes at the local community college. He just picked some random general requirements, whatever had room left. His mom would have to drive him to campus on the days he had class, but he felt like at least he would be moving forward rather than sitting still while everything else changed.
In March the ping of the phone made Fili jump. He had not heard the notification for a text message in so long. 
It’s Isa, from Bio with Humbug, want to study together? I’m going to flunk this midterm.
Fili smiled at the purposeful butchering of Instructor Humbert’s name. 
Sounds good. But I don’t have a car.
I’ll pick you up.
And things moved forward even without Kili by his side.
Taglist: @silvermoon-scrolls @dubhlachen
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WIP Wednesday : I Would For You
itty bitty snippet of this buddie fic
NOTE: I'm currently too busy studying last minute for my bio midterm but writing in between many hours long knowt sessions is keeping me sane. Here's what i worked on last night instead of crying in frustration :)
It's gonna be real angsty. Buddie is endgame ultimately, but it's gonna take some healing and some personal growth before that can ever happen for either of them. I respect BuckTommy enough to let them have their reign, however long that may be.
Synopsis: Long story short, everyone found out Eddie is in love with Buck just when he's getting serious with Tommy. Eddie planned on taking that one to his grave out of respect for his best friend and his partner. He loves Buck enough to just let him be happy. Things get complicated when Chimney can't keep his mouth shut. Tensions run high. Conversations need to be had. This fallout is exactly what he was trying to avoid. But it might just be exactly what they needed to find their truth and live it proudly.
Based off this song by Lauren Duski
Eddie just broke one night when Buck picked Chris up for the weekend like they were some divorced couple. Something him and Shannon should have been doing. Something he's never really dealt with as much as he should have until now. Something he would have to if he wanted to have the love that was slowly killing him inside.
Eddie called out that Monday. Claimed he wasn't feeling well. Which isn't all that much of a lie. He called out Tuesday too. By Wednesday, Buck came knocking. Eddie never showed up after dropping Chris off for school, and Bobby couldn't have him in the field being that distracted.
So, here they were. Sitting on the floor of Eddie's kitchen, across from one another. Eddie refused to make eye contact as Buck looked at him like he was fragile enough to break at any moment.
"Eds? What's going on?" You're scaring me, Buck thinks. We haven't had a real conversation in weeks and I'm scared for you. It's never been this quiet on your end.
"I um...I told my parents. That I'm not really into women."
"Didn't go well?"
"No. It really didn't." He spent 6 nights in a row pacing the floor, working up the courage. He feels like he was being foolish to think they would ever have understood or accepted him. "Frank said it was some sort of trigger for Shannon. " Eddie's voice breaks. "That I'll never get to tell her. That I'll never not be grieving her and the life we had. I'll never get closure. I thought..." Eddie sighs, scratching the back of his neck. "I don't know what I thought. It was complicated with her. But I'm just not as moved on from the life we had together like I thought I was."
"She was your wife." Is all Buck can offer.
"She is-" a heavy sigh before he corrects, "She was. She-She would've accepted me, I think? It wouldn't have been easy but she would have accepted me. She would have tried to understood for Christopher's sake if we ever got that far."
The room stands still as Buck is at a loss for words.
"How did we get here?" Eddie asks so simply, "Not being able to talk to one another?"
"I think we've become reached complicated territory."
"Because I'm in love with you and you're in love with someone else."
Buck just stares at him. Eddie looks anywhere else, particularly at the ceiling.
"There's no point in trying to still dance around it. It's not a secret anymore." It still stings them both.
This Buckley's hands get thrown up in the air. "I feel speechless. I don't know what to say in all honesty."
"I'd rather have a part of you still in my life than none of you at all. So tell me what I need to do to make this right."
Their eyes meet for the first time since Buck unlocked his front door with a fear he doesn't even want to say out loud because Eddie's okay. Because Eddie's safe. Because Eddie's still alive.
"You haven't done anything wrong."
"I'm in love with you and you're dating Tommy. How is that not wrong?"
"Did you fall in love with me after we got together? Did you try to go after me anyways or break us up? Have you ever acted entitled about us being together? No. You haven't. Because you respect me. Because you love me enough to let me be with someone else, no matter how much that pains you. That's-" Buck stops himself. That's true love. "That's not wrong. It's just a complicated situation."
"Would you want to go to therapy with me? So we can figure it out together? I'm not really sure we're equipped to do this on our own."
Eddie's heart is laughing at the irony of going to couple's therapy with a man who's committed to someone else because it's pitiful he fell in love with hie best friend. "Yeah. I'd love that." And I love you.
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professor-dr-kujo · 8 months
Hello everyone.
This is an update, I have been busy with midterms in my classes. My bio students have been struggling with a few things as of late with their work. The interns and work study students are also on edge too from the exams. I unfortunately had to come home late, due to many of my students (mostly female) coming into my classroom and asking for help with their notes. Some actually needed my help, others were just visiting me.
I also have been trying to figure out how to post a poll on this site, I want to do it myself and not bother my wife too much.
I want to do polls to... Let everyone have a chance at picking topics or maybe me writing in detail about something important. I don't know if it will be a good idea, but one of my students saw my blog on here and gave me some actually useful advice about going forward.
I think that's it for now.
Good night or whatever time is.
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cryptidsnackpack · 2 years
Tonight, Tonight
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader, Fluff, Part One of maybe more? You’re a cheerleader and Dustin’s cousin.
You and Chrissy had gone over to Megan Kowalska’s house after the game to study for Mrs. Davidson’s AP Bio midterm. Except Megan had other ideas, which involved raiding her parent’s liquor cabinet and inviting over half of Hawkins High’s student body.
You elbowed your way through the sweaty crowd. Someone had been playing exclusively Wham! for the past two hours, your cheer uniform was overly starched and uncomfortable, and Jason had tried to set you up with at least three guys. All of which were in various stages of slurring, and one had a suspiciously vomit colored splotch on his letterman.
You snagged the sickly yellow phone from the Kowalska’s kitchen wall and brought it into the pantry with you. You closed the door as much as you dared, worried about pinching the long cord.
You fished the crinkled piece of paper from the pocket of your Members Only jacket. It had been torn out of a composition notebook. Vampire bats, wizards, and dancing skeletons dominated the page in pencil and red ink.
In a large speech bubble sat Eddie Munson’s number. He’d slipped the note to you after your inaugural session with the Hellfire Club. You were more of a floater in the group, with cheer, academics, and journalism club taking up a large portion of your time. But you were Henderson’s “cool older cousin”, and you couldn’t let him down. Not to mention you actually loved it. Trying to find a D&D group that took you seriously was hard enough as it is.
Munson wasn’t trying to flirt by giving you his number. He gave it to everybody in case they had some last minute backstory they wanted to share. As a DM Eddie was big on character development. Despite that, you got the sense that Eddie was a very lonely person, and the silly note with his number on it was a lifeline in equal measure for himself and others.
On the third ring you were about to hang up. You could walk to the video store. Robin and Steve were working, and you and Robin lived right next door to each other. Steve could drop you off, or you could just spend the night with Robin. You practically lived at Robin’s on the weekends.
“You’ve reached Hell Enterprises. Unfortunately, the Dark Lord is unable to take your call right now. How can a hapless hellion of horror help you in the meantime?”
“Hey Eddie. It’s y/n. Henderson’s cousin?”
“You think I don’t know my party’s own level 13 half-elf ranger?” Some of your nervousness began to ebb. This was Eddie after all. While he came of as unhinged and intimidating, intentionally so, he was actually pretty sweet underneath.
You let out a dry laugh.
“So uhm… What are you doing right now?”
“About to head to a gig. What’s up? Gunna ask what I’m wearing next?” His laugh bubbled through the line.
“Mind picking me up from the Kowalska’s? Megan decided to throw a party and I’m miserable. Jason was just explaining, in detail, how to properly iron an Izod. I have some-” Your eyes scanned the shelves of the pantry. “Oooh! An unopened box of Smurf Berry Crunch to trade you for a ride.”
“God. You do know the way to a man’s heart y/l/n. I’ll pick you up in ten.”
You met Eddie outside the Kowalska’s with a backpack filled with contraband cereal and a shit-eating grin plastered to your face. Eddie opened the passenger door for you, bowing dramatically.
You curtsied before hopping inside.
Eddie drove like a maniac. Which you commented on, like one time. But apparently that one time was enough for Eddie to loudly proclaim that he wasn’t removing his hands from the wheel. Ever. He was going to die with his hands at 10 and 2. Which meant it was your duty to hand feed him fistfuls of Smurf Berry Crunch.
“Eddie!” Your sides had started to cramp from laughter three blown stop signs ago. He tried to nip at your fingers as you dropped cereal into his open mouth. He started to laugh, and three chunks of red cereal flecked the dashboard.
“Eeeewwww.” He laughed harder, taking both hands off the wheel to brush crumbs off his lap. Panicked you reached over, gripping the steering wheel in a white-knuckle grip. Eddie’s laughed simmered to a low chuckle.
“This is a much better idea. You take the wheel for a while.” He patted his lap before tucking both hands behind his head. Scowling you plopped down. Not that you minded. Not that you hadn’t thought about sitting on Eddie’s lap a million times. But you didn’t want him to know that.
His lap was warm, and you could feel the rough denim of his jeans prickle the backs of your thighs where your skirt had ridden up. He wrapped his hands around your middle immediately.
“This alright?” He tucked his chin against hollow of your neck and shoulder. You nodded jerkily, pretending to concentrate on keeping the van between the lines. You were, quite honestly, incredibly comfortable. Eddie’s arms felt good around you, the interior of the van was warm and smelled like too-sweet cereal. Vince Neill was crooning about home from the cassette stereo.
“TONIIIIIIGHT, TOOOONIGGGHT. I’M ON MY WAAAAAY.” Eddie screeched into your ear. You joined him.
“Just set me freeeeeee! Home sweet hoooooome.” You both devolved into giggles and Eddie pulled you in a little tighter.
“Where’s your gig?”
“The Hideout. Their Friday usuals dropped.”
“Lucky for you.” You stopped at the intersection of Cornwallis and Kerley. Left would take you home. Straight would take you out to Highway 77 and the Hideout. You went straight.
“It’s also lucky for you Munson” You cocked your head to see him grinning from your peripheral. “That your chauffer and cereal supplier is going to this gig with you.”
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mikaharuka · 1 year
7 Snippets, 7 People
So, I noticed this new tag game that @late-to-the-fandom posted, and decided to jump on the open tag, because why not? From what I've seen, the concept is seven snippets with a common thread
I'll tag (no pressure): @tsunderewatermelon, @udaberriwrites, @mrsmungus, @sliebman10, @writingpotato07, @oceangirl24, @danceswithdarkspawn, @kayedium-writes, @sarahlizziewrites, @axolotlsupremacyowo, @alpaca-clouds, @frostedlemonwriter, @aohendo, and the open tag for anyone else interested.
For my seven snippets, I figured I'd capture the evolving friendship between Beau and Mike, over the 14 chapters of Apricity that are up.
1 - Amethyst Impasse (Ch 3)
While Mme. Allaire took attendance, a hand tapped lightly on his desk. Beau looked over to find a conventionally cute, slightly baby-faced blond guy. “Are you Beauregard Swan?” “Yeah, though I go by Beau. And you are…?” “Mike Newton.” He nodded at the half-Korean boy. “Looks like you already met Eric.”  “He helped me find the room in time.” Beau looked at Eric. “Thanks again.” “All good!” Eric grinned at him. “By the way… what classes are you taking?” Beau put his schedule on his desk and motioned at Eric and Mike. “Honors student, huh? Definitely not me… we might share lunch though,” Eric said. Mike looked at the schedule. “We share a lot of classes… but in different blocks. We have AP Bio together after lunch, though. Did you need help finding the rooms?” “I think I can find them, but I’ll be sure to ask if I need help.” Mike nodded at him. Right then, Mme. Allaire called out another student for texting in class. Mike and Eric quickly turned their attention forward, not wanting to get called out. Beau was secretly grateful; though he appreciated their kindness, he needed a quick breather. He wasn’t used to that level of interaction or attention yet - hopefully that would change soon.
2 - Cerise Blossom (Ch 6)
Mike was only a few yards away from Beau when everything went down. Maybe he could help him make sense of things? Beau would have to ask him later, but for now, he read Mike’s messages. Mike: ‘Beau. Just wanted to check in’ Mike: ‘Hope you're feeling a bit better’ Mike: ‘Reply whenever works. No rush’ Mike: ‘Make sure to rest though’ Beau appreciated the space Mike offered, but he wanted to ask him about the accident. Or should he? He wasn’t exactly in the best state of mind. Maybe, Beau could give himself a few days. Beau: ‘On my way home now. Everything’s good’ Mike: ‘Glad to hear. We were really worried about you’ Beau: ‘I bet the gossip mill is running at full speed’ Mike: ‘More like it's working overtime lol’ [...] Mike: ‘Should I tell the others if they ask?’ Mike: ‘About the accident, I mean?’ Beau: ‘Sure, tell them whatever’ Mike: ‘Will do. Go home and get some rest’ Mike: ‘I’ll try to keep the others away for now' Mike: ‘We’ll figure out the notes and homework’ Beau: ‘Thanks Mike’ Beau: ‘I'm ready to call it quits for the day’ Mike: ‘See you when you get back’
3 - Jade Challenge (Ch 8)
It would be really useful to see Mike’s brain pick the hospital mess apart, but… “I… err…” Beau flushed slightly. “If you don’t want to say, that’s fine. Other clues will show up.” “No, it’ll be better to get everything on the table now.” “Are you sure? You’re looking a bit… err…” “It’s fine. It’s just… this is going to sound really stupid, but… uhh…” “Beau - we’ve already sailed well past stupidity into outright supernatural conspiracy.” “Oh my god. Mike! We’re full-blown conspiracy theorists now!” Beau cackled loudly. Mike put his head in his hands. “What even is my life right now?” “You sure you want to ask me that?” “Point. I can’t imagine what that feels like.” “Well, it became your problem ever since you overslept and ran late that day.” “Oh come on! I was just trying to do some last-minute studying for the midterm!” “And where did that land you?” Beau asked smugly. “...point. Again.” Mike shook his head. “So… what was your idea?” Beau sighed. “It’s a long story.” Oh well. In for a penny, in for a pound. [...] “I know everyone makes eyes at the Cullens, but wow. That’s certainly… uh… intense.” “Hey, you’re the one who asked!” Beau exclaimed. “I know, I know, thanks for sharing.” Mike appeased him, holding his palms up. “I do see why you think it’s related, though.”
4 - Azure Mystique (Ch 11)** [**this takes place in Agni: Nakshatra, Ch 3's fire/star phase]
The two boys stood frozen for several moments before Mike broke free first, tapped on Beau’s shoulder, and led them both outside. Once the door closed, Beau addressed him. “Dude, what the fuck,” Beau said in a rush. “That’s… one way to put it.” “How the fuck is this getting so complicated?” “You’re asking the wrong person, dude.” “No seriously - what is this? Some kind of cosmic joke?” Beau asked more rapidly. Mike looked Beau over and furrowed his eyebrows, deep in thought, before grabbing his free hand and leading him back to the coffee shop they visited earlier. “Let’s get something to eat before we head back. We should still make it back by nine,” Mike looked back at Beau. “Besides, it looks like you could use a strong mint tea.” “Huh?” Beau paused for a moment before he snorted. “Yeah, that sounds good. Thanks.” Beau looked over the other boy, deeply grateful for his steady presence through the entire mess they were caught up in. Mike pulled him along before Beau picked up the pace to match his stride. “What about you? It must be pretty crazy for you too.” “I just need some time to think over that info dump before Saturday. That’s all.” Beau really hoped that was the case, for both their sakes.
5 - Sapphire Precipice (Ch 12) 
“Wait.” Beau narrowed his eyes at Mike. “What were you thinking about just now? And don’t say ‘nothing’. Because I know something had your attention just now.”  Ah… well, shit. This was awkward. Beau continued a bit sharply. “You have this subtle, far-off but focused look when your mind runs off. It’s hard to spot, but I noticed it after spending the month with you.” Of course he did. Beau was more observant than most people, with only a slight delay in reaching the conclusions Mike did. If anything, this was inevitable. Mike really should have known better. “I…” Mike faltered. “Honestly, given everything that’s happened so far, I doubt you’d faze me much.” Beau’s lips quirked slightly. “I mean, this is me we’re talking about…” Beau wasn’t wrong - he owed him the truth, considering the situation. Still, he’d have to watch himself closely going forward. “I…” Mike forced himself to continue. “I didn’t plan on hiding anything. I didn’t want to, really. It’s just that things kind of got out of hand, and somehow…” Beau’s face softened slightly. “I get it, dude - trust me, I really do. But at this point, we need everything on the table to make the most of today’s trip, right?” Of course he was right. Mike sighed and resolved himself.  [...] “Would you have said anything, if I hadn’t asked just now?” “Yes. Later today, to be exact.” Mike met Beau’s eyes. He needed- no, wanted Beau to believe him at least on that count. [...] Beau paused, turned around, and gave him a smile. “Earlier, you said that part of why you kept quiet was because you were worried about me. That goes both ways, you know? So you’re not off the hook yet… but thanks. For helping me. For being around in general. I’m not sure how I would’ve reacted or handled any of this without you around… so yeah!” Beau finished before speeding off to the red sedan. How was Mike supposed to respond to that?
6 - Sangria Totality (Ch 13)
“You’re exactly as he described you,” Mina said as she met Mike’s eyes. “What?” Mike turned to Beau. “Hey, do you gossip about me during your little sauna sessions?” “Obviously not, you idiot. Why would I even do that?” Beau retorted. “She’s clearly talking about Edward.” “Huh? That makes even less sense! We barely even talk outside of AP Bio - what is there even to gossip about?” “Don’t ask me, dude,” Beau shrugged before considering him more thoughtfully. “Hmm… though now that I think about it, he has mentioned you quite a few times.” “Of course he has, dumbass. We’ve been bugging him this entire time about this mess of a mystery, and you’re the one who talks to him all the time outside of school.” Beau snorted. “Obviously that's true, but he also mentions you when-” A sudden burst of laughter interrupted them. The two boys turned to face the gold-eyed girl who was trying and failing to stifle her laughter and keep a straight face. “Sorry, sorry,” she said after calming down… though that smile never left her face. “He’s right about Edward, but that’s a completely different issue.” No? No it wasn’t? What the hell was going on this time? [...] “You didn’t talk to your dad after the bonfire last weekend, did you?” “Of course not!” Beau looked at Mike like he thought he was stupid. “What would I say to him? ‘Hey Dad, did you know that the Cullens are vampires and that magic is real and this strange mark showed up on my body? Of course I didn’t say anything to him!” Mike sighed. “At least your dad knows, so this won’t come out of the left field for him… but my family has absolutely no idea about any of this.” Mike turned back to Izumi and Mina. “That’s why I can’t stay here. I have to get back to Forks tonight.” “You don’t have to worry about that either,” Mina spoke up. “Charlie told your parents that you’d be staying with him and Beau in Seattle tonight and they seemed fine with it.” His parents went along with that story that easily?  Hmm… to be fair, though, his parents had no reason to think that Chief Swan was covering for him - after all, Mike spent quite a few nights at the Swan residence over the past month. Besides, it wasn’t like Chief Swan lied about anything.
7 - Midnight Freefall (Ch 14)** [**this takes place in Prakriti: Nakshatra, Ch 6's prime/star phase]
“Err… the situation turned out okay in the end, but Beau got this tiny scratch near the mark. Don’t worry though - it was quite minor and Mina looked it over. He’s doing fine now, probably off doing his own thing in peace,” Mike concluded rather quickly. “That certainly explains a lot. I am relieved to hear that Beau is doing okay. However…” Carlisle took a few steps towards him and Mike would be lying if he said that his first instinct wasn’t to step back - though he held his ground in the end. “I believe I asked after you, Michael. Are you faring okay, or at least well enough at the moment?” Why was the doctor asking him that? [...] “You don’t know what’s going on, then?” “There are a lot of mystic phenomena out there and I could make a few educated guesses with enough time, but no. I do not know very much right now.” “You…” It was Mike’s turn to look away awkwardly. “You know you have to talk to Beau at some point, right? You say you don’t know much, but he knows even less than you do, so I’m sure he’d appreciate any information… considering the circumstances.” “Yes, I am aware,” Carlisle said with a somewhat resigned tone. “I will speak to him and do what I can to resolve the circumstances as quickly and efficiently as possible.” [...] He… he really knew nothing at all. It wasn’t just the lack of control, but also the lack of foresight to even look within himself. Just stumbling in the dark, thinking he’d made sense of the hand he’d been dealt, only to find out he’d been doing it all wrong - wasting his time and energy and whatever else until a few hours ago. And even then, it wasn’t Mike who initiated the breakthrough - it was Beau and his throwaway comment. ‘Because it’s harder to see things when you’re in the middle of the mess.' Beau said that to him, but it wasn’t like the other boy was distanced from the mess. Hell, he was right in the middle of it! Even deeper than Mike was! Yet Beau still had that presence of mind, that way of pointing Mike in the right direction and sending him off. Really, Mike was an idiot for not talking to him about the colors before that morning.
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Rose... you know what this will double as a rant post because holy hell this was the first time I literally collapsed from exhaustion oh god-
So like cell bio was fine, seriously, like come on the exam basically boiled down to the machinations of the bilipid membrane, the anatomy of microtubules, and cell locomotion so like I was stressed by it a little but overall pretty confident.
But biochemistry?
My major??? The fate I'd signed myself up for? Rose, no, I'm a changed woman now. How you studied for OChem is how I studied for this class. My professor knows me by name because of how often I went to office hours, hell, I prepped for this exam so hard that I made a study guide, got it approved by my prof, and sent it to my classmates. Then, boom, every single thing I studied? Not on the exam. There was a point where my face looked so stressed out that when I looked up and made eye contact with my professor, he gave me that questioning look with a thumbs up and I just slowly shook my head. I didn't realize it until I got home, but I drove the entire twenty+ miles in complete silence then I proceeded to pass out on my floor... literally. I don't know what the fuck that was but it drained the life out of me. It wasn't even that bad, it was just so unexpected with content he'd barely mentioned that I was so taken aback.
Either way what's done is done, I got way above average on my genetics midterm so my ego is saved LMAOOO
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studywithanoodle · 2 years
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Week 1
I started really using the purpose of my new Notion board system, which was allowing myself time for certain tasks over several days as buffer time. I think I'll have these diary-like posts in this format where I look at my week of studying in terms of what I actually got done, complications, and analysis of my hobbies and their progress.
A View Into My Week of Work and Studying
Early this week on Monday, I got back to my dorm from a weekend at home later than usual, and I had to rush to try and finish my lab report for physics before class. Unfortunately, I didn't end up submitting it to the TA until that evening, which was very painful.
I had workshop for bio this week instead of lab because of how a field trip to a salt marsh made the schedule for my lab section wonky. I went to the library on Wednesday evening to try and get work done, which helped a little bit, but I didn't get done as much as I would've liked.
I finally submitted my application to become a tutor in the learning resource center at the medical school for physics, so I'm waiting for them to process that application.
I think that I need to get more disciplined with moving into areas where I know I'll be productive, such as the library, the seminar room in my dorm, or even downstairs in my house when I go home.
Hobby Analysis
As expected, I didn't get anything done in terms of my hobbies. However, I did find out that they're trying to start a crochet club as a part of the wellness initiatives at the medical school, so I hope to get involved in that soon.
Hopes for Next Week
I hope that I'm better able to catch up on work in general, but particularly for the nonprofit that I work for. I also hope to finish looking for articles for the atypical meningioma study I'm working on and start studying for my bio midterm that's coming up on November 9th.
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mainfaggot · 1 year
i feel like crying so badly rn but i can't i have until 11:20 am on Monday to memorise all my bio notes which is enough actually since i watched all the lectures and did the practice quizzes but i feel crazy and doomed bc everyone has been telling me how hard this bio course is even tho it's only first year ugh idk why im so easily influenced by people 😭 i have no trust in my capabilities i have like the most flimsy self esteem and also i have little hope for the future it's like this is deeper than a stupid midterm. bc I'm sitting here wondering what im even trying to work towards. What will even come out of this. I spent 2 years of high school thinking I'd kill myself before i got here and it's like now what. What next. What is this all for. IDK!!!!!!; time to go study lol bye
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Diary Entry 2
Hey guys, sorry I skipped a day, but these last few days have been low key insane. 
Tuesday did not go according to plan which caused me to binge very badly- like I went hay. The issue was that i was supposed to come into lab for only an hour and study for my midterm and final the next day. Instead, my lab mentor gave me so many fucking tasks, I stayed in lab for close to 7 hours. Additionally, I have been low key trying to get over my ex so that has been a little rough, so i went and got so drunk that I texted that man who albeit was very nice to me 
But I am obsessed with him so that sucks bro. I need a literal ANA coach like good god i am incapable of being held accountable 
I genuinely dont know why I put up with any of it. I attend an Ivy League but I am the biggest idiot that I have ever met like good god can I just be an academic whore..
Anyways, I got drunk and texted my ex and got up the next morning slightly hangover
I ate high calorie restriction the entire day bc of my final and midterm and then went running afterwards because i am paranoid 
Bio Lab Final technical went so well… I am legit just such a girlboss in stem 
Chem Midterm- eh which is not good bc I NEED a good grade to maintain my grades
Also all of my friends are humanities majors and it shows guys: my roommates get to leave a week early because of no finals and her final project is writing fanfiction for twilight 
Anyways, I am getting back on my diet and workout plan:
To be honest: I still haven't found like an actual schedule that works- I might sit down when I have some free time and figure it out
Here is the plan for today:
Discussion Section 
Small Meal: max 200 cals for lunch 
Sushi with my Big Sib max: 400 cals (i am so excited i love her so much)
Go over last bio unit/ study for the bio final 
Go to lab 
Email (chronic emailing fear) i am not posting this until i send these goodman emails 
Update i did not each lunch- gonna pray that i dont binge 
The plan is to go to bed early…
I am so nervous for my chem grade eeeek 
i am trying to figure out if this works for my final week studying:
No breakfast, 300 cal lunch (prepacked sandwhich so i dont lose spot at the library) and then soup dinner (87 cal)
also veganism low key sucks balls when u have an eating disorder
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studentbyday · 8 months
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src: wallpapers.com & pinterest
not a huge fan of freezing temperatures and (heavy) snow but i AM a huge fan of no school and cozy, peaceful downtime, so we are going with a december/christmas aesthetic today even tho it's not even past halloween.
on a more stressful note, i am soo far behind on my goals for this week and i totally forgot to review week 2's psyc notes today so i gotta review week 2 AND 3 tmr 🤦🏻‍♀️ and i'm so overwhelmed by all the stuff i gotta read for biochem and mol bio 😵‍💫 but i calendar blocked tmr instead of writing my usual to-do list, and if i can wake up at 8 tmr and study for the majority of the day, unlike today, i think i can make some decent progress
finished biochem midterm! (not as bad as i thought it would be and i finished answering questions by halftime and the rest of the time was spent reviewing 🤓😊)
finished 1/3 psyc ch
worked on mol bio notes
started mol bio assignment
did physio exercises (yes apparently i have to go to physio too, just like @zzzzzestforlife, bc all this sitting is causing me problemsss 🤦🏻‍♀️)
🎶 study playlist of the day:
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thoughtsbyjille · 2 months
moments like this makes me realize that maybe i am indeed smart. this midterms i haven't gotten much time to study ky super heavy ang workload sa 2nd sem esp capstone!! to the point nga sa capstone lang gd ko nagafocus and literally forgot abt my other subjects. i made my gen bio reviewer the night before the exam, and studied it the next morning (day of the exam) for only 2HOURS. super hapyaw lang gd pagstudy ko sa mga topics and trust me when i say nga di ko gets ang genetics nga part when 60% of the exam was genetics. wara ako gamati paglesson sa genetics bc i was busy revising our paper sa capstone. nagsabak ako sa exam with only hapyaw nga knowledge and review and 0 fucking knowledge sa genetics. i was shocked when i found out that i got the highest score out of all the sections. BECAUSE I HAD NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT I WAS DOING. purely analysation & stock knowledge lang gd balon ko pag exam but gosh how did i manage to push through that. maybe the test was just that easy, maybe i just got lucky, or maybe my analytical skills in situational scenarios improved. whatever it is, i'm proud of this little achievement. (plus heartwarming ang compliments ni sir kanakun sa iba nga section 🥹) gamay lang ko mahulog sa with high this sem and got my first line 8 this senior high, but i still shined in some subjects. for now that's enough to keep me going.
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