#tua au ideas
captainkirkk · 2 years
this is rly random but i feel like five would definitely be like... accidentally flirtatious?? like imagine this is all not canon compliant and the time travel aGAIN and five is like 17/18 and sometimes when he talks to people, he comes off as flirtatious bc he has that smirk and bright eyes and shit and ppl of all genders are falling for him left and right and the fam is like "wtf five /pos"
Oh he definitely would. He has a gaggle of young college students who are low-key in love with him (because I love the hc that he gets into academia and is a little shit about it), and his sibs find it both hilarious and baffling. Especially since Five couldn't care less.
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threedaycharter · 11 months
something about those s1 aus where five is actually 13 and viktor being his older brother and then them being brothers stops the apocalypse
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non-plutonian-druid · 9 months
hear me out; delores as one of those carousel horses.
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hmm. i'm not mad at it
[ID: a drawing of Delores as a carousel horse (or rather, carousel centaur) instead of a mannequin. Her hair is broken off, as well as her arm and one of her legs. Her horse part is red and she has a curly yellow tail. Her saddle and top (which resembles the bodice of a fancy dress, without the dress) are both molded on, and are made up of matching pink, blue, green, gold, and cloudy white. The shading and highlight colors are very bright and chaotic, and the line art has been drawn over by the colors in places. End ID]
It was interesting to draw not just a simplified horse, but someone else's simplification of a horse. Those are different shapes than I do! Also, a note on Delores' hair: she's bald in the show because of course she is, it's pretty common for mannequins to be bald, but why would a carousel statue lady be bald? They're not gonna put a wig on those, the hair would be molded on. So I drew her as having had hair at some point, but broken off by now
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cryptidcave-dweller · 6 months
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Someone take my phone away from me
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celerysimpnartz · 2 years
Here's a lazy one for you guys 😭
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Tap the image for better quality 🤡
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yepperoniro · 9 months
TUA AU Idea. Harland Dies. Idk how the commission or something else like cancer. Either way, harland dies before the main cast was born. So he doesn't kill their moms before they give birth to them. And when they are teleported into this universe, there isn't a Kugelblitz. However, they are wanted felons because of the Kennedy Six. Or something. Idk. 4:30 idea, man.
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black-wolf066 · 2 years
(((I’m still doing a TUA re-watch, so I'm still not at season 3, but I'm at work and I'm bored and this AU idea kinda wouldn’t leave me alone. it’s just a very short little blurb and I highly doubt I'll do much more with it, but it’s an idea, lmao.))).
When Vanya was four, a natural disaster had struck the city she and her mom had lived in.
For years, her mother spoke of a bright angel that had saved them both, bathing them in blinding ethereal white. Vanya remembered that light, but she also remembered the deafening, head-splitting, ringing sound of her own cries as it echoed off the rubble. It wasn't until she was 14, when she realized that that angel her mother spoke so highly of, had been Vanya all along.
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arcsin27 · 2 years
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justasimp1 · 2 years
Hii first i wanna say your writing is amazing! i am not sure if you are taking requests right now but if (when) you do, what about reader and Five working in comission together, have a mission where they have to pretend they're a couple (love the fake dating troupe xD), sexual tension building up and things get heated by the end? if you still do smut ofc! Have a great day :)
Five Hargreeves x F! Reader
I love this idea! Smut, Fluff, Fake Dating
Important Information: Five and the reader are both over 18 years old. This is a separate universe from TUA! If you like this AU then try reading this....
Task Finder
You wanted to murder the Handler–like jump over the glass desk and wrap your hands around her throat, squeezing them down. You imagined her esophagus twitching underneath your palm, a smirk lifting your lips, the weak slaps to push your hands away, the life leaving her-
"You can leave now" The Handler's words snapped you out of your murderous gaze. Five began to stride to the door. However, your feet reluctantly stayed in place.
"No, hell no, fuck no, I won't, I can't" Your words didn't seem to faze her. She shrugged, looking back at the door. You thought about getting on your knees and begging but remembered Five was still in the room. "He can just kill them!" You crossed your arms, a small pout tugging at your bottom lip.
"You're doing the task, no exceptions. Now leave!" The Handler closed her eyes, ignoring your previous question.
You didn't want to act like a bratty child but fuck you wanted to throw a mini tantrum in the bathroom. Five's eyes kept side-eyeing you, his lips were pressed in a thin line, his jaw tense. Going on a mission with Five...cool. Going on a mission with Five and having to fake date?! Everything would've been fine if you didn't have a burning infatuation for him.
"Is working with me that bad?" He made a snarky grin but his voice sounded hurt. You looked up at the fluorescent office lights, shaking your head.
"No, it's just because we're friends and we have to pretend to date for the whole day" You pinched your temples, thinking about forced kisses, subtle touches, and eye contact.
"Don't worry too much about it, darling" He put on this fake charming voice, looping an arm around your shoulders. You grimaced pushing him away.
"What's wrong, baby?" He squeezed your cheeks together, making your lips inflate. You stopped walking down the hallway, trying to avert your gaze somewhere else. But the proximity between you two made you pear up at him through your eyelashes.
"Can you stop with the pet names?" You let out a stifled chuckle, your words muffled by your plush lips. Five smiled, his tongue darting out on his lips, he leaned in closer to the point where you could smell his expensive cologne. It wasn't strong but it made your mind go hazy.
You gulped, fingernails digging into your sweaty palm. "We need to practice" His voice warmed your lips. You couldn't tell if he was talking about the pet names or closing the distance between you two. You slightly leaned up, only a few centimeters, testing the waters.
His thumb crossed your bottom lip, pressing it down. His cocky response was caught in his throat. And so was yours. Still, you managed to mumble a quiet "Five"
Time was moving too slow, his lips ghosted yours before he clicked his tongue, letting you go. He continued his walk towards the elevator at the end of the hall. "Let's go" He snickered. You blinked rapidly, trying to process what happened.
"Right..." You whispered underneath your uneven breathing.
"4'o'clock" Five pulled you closer. You looked to the right, scanning for a man with a brown slick back and a curled mustache. You squeezed Five's arm, as the man walked over to you. "I'm right here, stay calm" His thumb rubbed circles into your exposed skin.
"Are you enjoying the party?" His voice was rusty and slurred. Alcohol coming from his body.
"Yes, thank you for inviting us, Mr. Houghton" You smiled, unconsciously leaning into Five. "I and my husband were interested in your private collection" When you finished your sentence his eyes darkened and the foolish beer emotions disappeared.
"Are you cops?" He let out an obnoxious laugh, looking at your expression for hesitation. His hand went to touch your arm. You allowed him, forcing another smile.
"Never in my 38 years of living, I ever thought of being one of those hooligans" You laughed, biting at the inside of your cheek. Five bit back a laugh when he heard your fake age and minor accent.
"You seem very curious for a woman. My private collection is more of a man's thing, eh?" Mr. Houghton gestured towards Five, waiting for an agreed hum. Five's arm rested at your waist, if he could pull you any closer he 100% would.
You took in a sharp inhale, your brain rebooting. Mr. Houghton seemed to notice, his eyebrows arching at the awkward PDA. "How long have you been married?" Shit, he was quizzing you. You prayed that you or Five wouldn't slip up.
"10 long happy years" Five lifted your hand to his mouth, his lips pressing against the silver band around your finger. You looked at his action, the temperature of your cheeks rising. A faint rosy tint covered his cheeks also.
Only if he knew...
" I couldn't even stand the first one" Mr. Houghton let out a loud laugh, putting a hand on his abdomen.
Five grimaced, intertwined your hands, rubbing small circles on the back of your hand. "Well, I married her for a reason: I love her" Five leaned down pressing a kiss on your forehead. For a second, you imagined a scenario if you were married, him whispering corny sweet nothings late at night, subtle glances, him taking special days off at the commission just to spend time with you.
"Any children?" He queried, the space between his eyebrows creasing in disgust.
You bit the corner of your lip, a little excited to learn if Five would ever think about having children. However, he was glancing at you like it was your choice to make. "Not yet. We want to enjoy the silence a bit longer" You wondered what Five would name his kids, maybe something unique but not too extreme.
"What's her favorite flower?" The questions started getting more personal. Shit. You thought about different flowers, hoping to telepathically send your true answer to Five.
"Magnolia, I got her a bouquet on her birthday" Five spoke without missing a beat. And that had to be the truest thing he's uttered since the shenanigan started. He gave you a bouquet of Magnolia flowers on your birthday and after one whiff of the plant, you fell in love.
From then he got you those flowers often, gave you special scented perfume, and even planted a Magnolia tree in your backyard. That was around 3 years ago, you were surprised he even still remembered.
"Where did you meet?" His nose scrunched, his eyes narrowing at the small hint of standstill.
Fuck. You had been working in the commission with Five for whose knows how long. Yet, you guys didn't meet there, you met at a coffee shop- no an office- no a— "17 years old, at a funeral of a mutual friend" Five's eyes remained on Houghton, keeping a tight smile.
You squinted your eyes, thinking back to your teenage years. There was definitely a funeral but you don't remember Five being— oh shit he was right?! You were beyond flabbergasted, your memories were foggy but you could tell Five's face structure apart from any hazy person.
The elderly man hummed for a bit, sticking a piece of brown stiff tobacco inside his mouth. He chewed on it for a while, eyes scanning the ceiling. " I need new colleagues, anyways" Mr. Houghton's voice was laced with alcoholic venom. He trudged towards the opening leading outside of the gallery.
"Brace yourself, try to not think about killing him too soon" Five whispered. He seems to skip over your shocked expression. Nonetheless, he put his finger underneath your slack jaw, pushing it up, his thumb rubbed your lip as he did at the office.
"How...what the hell?" You were squeezing your eyes, hoping that he would transform into some type of cyborg. Your throat urged you to take a fresh breath of air.
"What can I say? You're hard to forget" His lips stayed parted like he wanted to say more. His eyes flickered towards your pressed mouth. You felt warm under him, like you would melt if his eyed you any longer. You wondered if he was able to see every insecurity from vision.
"Five" The words came out strained. You looked away, pushing his hand away, your heart filling your ears. Five murmured something incoherent, beginning to follow Houghton out of the room.
"Leave us" Mr. Houghton grumbled to the two bulky men standing in front of the burgundy door. The men scanned you like a fresh piece of meat. Five's hand twitched, reaching to grab your arm, he sent a glare at the nearest man. They huffed, taking heavy steps towards the unsupervised art gallery.
Houghton fiddled with a key, shoving it into the golden keyhole. When the door creaked open, he step aside, allowing you and Five to enter first. The room was small, with a chair in the middle of it and a large safe in front of it. Your hands balled into a tight fist when he closed the door.
He wobbled to the safe, twisting the lock several times. You slyly peered inside, seeing stacks of books, your stomach churned. "My newest edition" He let out a long groan, selecting the top book. He popped it open, holding it high so you both can see.
Multiple pictures of a tied-up woman (maybe even girls) were scattered across the page. Usually, bondage could have been a turn but there is no way these pictures were consented to. You gritted your teeth, hand rubbing the gun tucked under your dress.
Five beat you to it, removing his gun from the inside of your jacket, shooting him 4 times in his leg. He let out a scream, it echoing off the soundproof walls. You reached up the slit of your dress, snatching your gun. The barrel lined perfectly against Houghton's temple.
Five put the book back inside the safe along with a small shot glass of booze he's been hiding and several lit matches. The paper book covers caused a domino effect of flames. "NO!" Houghton choked out, his hand smearing his blood on the pant leg of his suit.
You removed the safety, teasingly dragging the head of the gun into his mouth. You cooed inside his ear, shoving the tough material down his throat. Five smirked in admiration and something more dark lurked beneath his pupils. "Crazy fucking cock-sucking whore" His filthy words were muffled by the gun.
You laughed holding back the hysteria before pulling the trigger. The sound blurred your ear drums, his body trashing came to a slow stop, and there was a thud as his head hit the floor. You stood up before the pool of blood could stain your skin.
You must've been staring at the lifeless body for too long because Five pulled you into him. He embraced you tightly, kissing your head. "He was a lunatic, you saved a lot of people" He sounded like he was trying to comfort you. You knew what he was saying was right but taking a life put pressure on your soul.
And Five knew this.
You looked up at him, batting your eyelashes. "You did so good" He rubbed your cheek, pulling your face up. You could taste his scent on your tongue. Your legs went weak while you strained yourself to hold back from smashing your lips on each other. The hand on your back was enough to make your mind go blank.
He was so close. A silent ache filled your lower abdomen. You gripped onto the front of his suit. He was lost in your eyes like there wasn't a decomposing body on the ground. Your lips were touching but neither of you dared to move.
Your mouth opened but you didn't say his name in a stern voice like usual. You just slowly breathed, relaxing in his touch. "We should go" His words tickled your face.
"Right..." You said however you made no move towards the door. Five gulped, like a character in a movie that knew staying in a particular situation would have bad consequences. If you pushed further, he would have no choice but to return the kiss. You thought about it for a while, basking in his stare.
Five wanted–no he needed you to say his name, stop him from doing something irreversible. His tongue swiped across bottom. It took a long time for you to realize this is Five, a commission's assassin, a cocky bastard, a teasing son-of-a-bitch-who-made-you-fall-in-love-too-early-in-your-life.
If you kissed him, he would laugh and act like you accidentally tripped on a rock. If you confessed to him, he would think you were drunk and mistaken him for your future husband.
You backed away, looking down at the rim of blood that had yet to reach your heels. You hurried out of the room, not waiting for Five to catch up. Rich people were still talking with soft classical music. You lifted the slit of your dress and grabbed the car keys, that were stuffed inside your garter belt.
The wind was icy, making you shiver, and the ruffles of your dress sway in the wind. Five walked out of the doors, his eyes burning holes at the back of your head. In your peripheral, his face was contorted in confusion.
You snorted under your breath, clicking the lock button on the car key, faint beeps came from the middle of the crowded parking lot. You wondered aimlessly towards Five's black car. "Are you driving?" You jiggled the keys at him.
"Y/N." He deadpanned, the rest of the sentence dying on his tongue.
"I kind of wanted to doze off in the back or something..." You hummed, unlocking the car, and opening the back seat door.
"Y/N-" You closed the door, his grumbling still seeped into the cracks of the car door. You tossed the keys in the front seat before laying down, exhaustion taking over your body.
Five's footsteps faltered, turning back around. He swung open the door, almost sitting on your legs if you didn't move them fast enough. He slammed the door shut, turning towards you. You sighed, scooting to make more room. Five didn't get the memo because his body hovered over you, hand moving up your leg to your waist, and he pulled you back down.
He was acting on some rapid impulse.
"Five?" You swallowed your confusion, looking at him almost connecting your lips, your hands helplessly by your side. He shook his head, throwing out apologies, his hand running threw his hair. You absentmindedly reached for his suit jacket again, tugging him back down.
It was contradicting your recent statement but it was worth it even if Five wouldn't acknowledge your stupid crush on him. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in. He kissed like a starved animal, desperately scraping at your rising dress. His tongue poking around your mouth.
His teeth clashed with yours, heavy pants leaving your mouth. It made your insides clench around nothing when he pressed his hard groin into yours. His brown hair was making a small curtain around you two. His breath smelt like mint and expensive champagne.
Your fingernails dug into his scalp, quiet moans of his name leaving your lips. "Five" His lips moved messily on your lips, jaw, and neck. His fingers slid up your stockings, to your thin black undergarments. He found the oval-shaped damp spot and applied pressure to his rubbing.
You arched your back, fingers clawing for something to grasp. "You're driving me crazy" Five strained, his fingers pushing your panties to the side, his thick fingers dipping inside your hole. "Saying my..." He let out a guttural groan "Fuck—saying my name like that"
You felt like just the width of his fingers would tear you apart, he made strong efforts to pump his fingers back and forth. Your eyes fluttered shut, your tongue running dry. "Five...please" Bolts were forming at the base of your veins. Heart pulsing along with your hole.
Five hissed, bowing his head. He pulled out his fingers to palm his growing erection. He made lazy kisses on your breast, sucking at your clothed nipples. You squirmed, feeling wetness coat your inner thigh. "Can I?" His voice was hoarse but he managed to say it gently.
You waited for a moment, thinking about your angsty declaration. There was a part of you saying don't think anything of it, it's just a regular hookup. Then again you wanted to believe the soft look in his clouded eyes, the desperate holding back gaze. You wanted to believe that saying yes was going to lead to something worth more than car sex.
"Yes," The words were unsure of themselves. You tilted your head up, avoiding eye contact. Five took your hand, unhurriedly making you cup his sore boner. You swallowed the lump swelling in your throat, your finger tugged at his pants. Five allowed you to drag them down along with his boxers.
You peeked down, the tip of his hard cock was flushed red, the rest of the shaft leading to a darker tan. Your mouth watered at the sight of sticky precum building at the tip. You stretched your fingers to meet his girth, you stroked him softly, not wanting to hurt the fragile organ.
"Five...?" You continued moving your hand, gathering the slick from his tip.
"God–please" He whimpered, tossing his jacket off, and unfastening his tie. You wrapped your legs around his torso, bringing him closer. You moved your hand faster, pumping more of him. Your lips opened to speak but Five put a shaky finger over your mouth. "I'm going to cum if you keep talking"
You narrowed your eyes, hiding a laugh. You placed his cock near your entrance, rolling your hips so Five would get the none verbal message. He put a tense arm on the seat, and the spot to the right of your head dipped. You tried to move your eyes away from his face but fuck he was making your lungs stop functioning.
Your obscene thoughts were put to an end when he rammed his length inside you. You felt all the remaining air you had, leave your body. His grip on your hips was going to bruise. You couldn't form a complete thought before he started moving.
His cock was covered in your slick, a glistening ring forming at his base. He rutted into you with little concern with the force pushing the car. You felt your spirit rising from your body, your pounding heart canceling out the moans.
Fire was under your fingertips, shocks twirling in your stomach. You threw your head back, eyes losing their vision. "I need to feel you cum–on my cock" He muttered, regaining his composure. It all hit you like one wave.
Losing feeling in your muscles, a long whimper leaving your mouth, contractions erupting through your form, involuntary trembling circling your weak limbs. You sucked and pulled at Five's length, making him lean back, burying your hips into his.
He repeated your name along with frantic nonsense: "You are so perfect" "I've wanted to do this for so long" and "You feel so good inside". His hips stutter, making his nails dig into your hips. In the blink of an eye, he pulled out, spraying his cum on the inside of your thigh.
He twitched, massaging his dick, and more white beads dripped out. You tried to catch your breath in the steamy car. The smell of sex and cum filling your nostrils. Five wiped his semen off with his stranded jacket, tossing it back down again.
The weight of his body hovered over you again. He delicately pressed himself down, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. "You okay?" You wouldn't have noticed his calm words if you weren't paying attention to the awkward silence.
"Yeah...it was nice" You kept the smile to yourself, trying to get a peak of Five's face. He lifted, his face crinkled with a gasp.
"Well I thought it was breathtaking" He chuckled, seeing panic cross your face. Before you could take back your words, he pressed a kiss to your lips. You tried you move but your body was too tired.
"If we could do this again. I would marry you in a heartbeat" He mumbled, grinning.
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justherefortua · 26 days
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Hello all, as we wait in the blank space between season 3 and season 4, the last season of these silly little guys…
I reopen my vault of absolutely unposted content to bring some drawings from a tua x omori au i was thinking up. Because sibling trauma + death in the family + they surprisingly fit the style super well! Look at how cute the kid versions are!! There are a lot of parallels in both stories that just fit so well
Of course, these images are probably more meaningful if you know both media, but haha. Yeah. Basically, Ben is dead. And the siblings are… coping (?)
Under the read more is a little more of what I mean, omori and tua spoilers warning! Well. Yeah.
A happier childhood -> a bleaker adulthood after the Incident, in this case being ben’s death.
Ben haunts the dreamscape of viktor and (to make it fun) the other siblings as the HORROR, much like SOMETHING does for basil and sunny. “4 days left, 3 days left…”, quite haunting in the context of an apocalypse instead of moving away…
Viktor would probably be the Sunny equivalent here because. Coughs. Violin. Five would also work—they can share that burden together. I don’t know if the powers are in this au since it would probably focus more on how they’re just messed up kids?? But also Viktor causing the apocalypse in the bad endings makes a lot of sense. Maybe they can still have their powers and make a mess.
Since they’re all siblings it’s obviously a different situation than the friend group, but…
Very Roughly,
Sunny -> Five and Viktor
Omori -> The White Violin
Stranger/Something -> The Horror (Ben but spooky)
Mari -> Ben
Kel -> Klaus
Basil -> Klaus
Aubrey -> Diego, maybe also Allison?? As in she changes a lot between then and now.
Hero -> Luther, maybe also Allison
But yeah! I drew these long ago so I don’t remember fully every detail, but ): the happy Bens are so precious to me. And Viktor works so well in this style it’s like he was born for that deadpan numb stare. Er, well. Drugged.
Feel free to expand this idea as you wish, if it give you food for thought… or come yell at me about these messed up kids! I’d love to get in touch with the fandom again :)
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captainkirkk · 2 years
i haven’t watched tua season 3 yet BUT your post abt it reminded me of my self-indulgent brain thought of Five, except he ends up with a friend who is actually 13 because. i don’t know it’s funny. how and why and when does it happen? zero clue but there is nothing more amusing to me than a dynamic that is basically “this is my friend :D he’s kind of weird but he’s cool and helps me with my homework :D” vs. “i am literally babysitting right now what the actual fuck”
Bonus points if everyone thinks the 13yo friend doesn't know/believe that Five is actually a time-travelling man
He knows. He just doesn't care.
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seth-shitposts · 5 months
I really want to talk about a thought I had during my shift today, but I have to give *at least some* context to it-
So in the SoFS&V au, Tua founds and leads a group who works in the public eye, speaking & acting against the empire. Helping those in need and encouraging others to do what they can as well.
As part of Kallus helping the (former) Grand Inquisitior (and as a way to know his whereabouts), he ask Him to help Tua, so the group initially is just the two of them. It does grow from there.
At first He doesn't think Tua is capable of the job, that she doesn't possess the backbone necessary for it. And she honestly doesn't think she does either. Near the beginning, the role is swapped into his hands and he Very Quickly Starts To Fail In Some Of The Most Humiliating Ways. To the point where he isn't able to handle the specific social pressures for much longer than even a day. He returns to Tua and insists that she takes the job back. Now that he knows full well what the role entails, he also knows that she is the most capable of it and has had the necessary abilities for a long time.
After that, he stays by her side constantly and encourages her, reminding her of her capabilities and such. He has confidence in her and she gives him this sense of something he hasn't truly felt in a long time. Something to believe in. She's very charismatic, she's able to demand and hold then attention of conversation and of her audience. She makes him believe in her cause, in her call to fight.
When He first met with her after all the time apart from them both leaving/escaping the empire, he expected her fear. He remembered it well and part of him was looking forward to taunting her and having that fear before him once again. She feared him even before Tarkin gave him the order to set an example. The fear only increased in her after that day. It's what he was expecting when he was about to reunite with her.
But then
When she stood before Him, there wasn't even a trace of fear in her being. In fact, she seemed almost warm about his presence. Nothing he ever did, no amount of intimidation he tried to display ever drew fear from her. She changed just as much as Kallus had. It was infuriating for a while. Which is what led to some of his outbursts in try to intimidate her, but the fact that she was unphased shocked him and what kept him from trying harder was how she always held a warmth toward him. One the cooled and soothed him. And by working by her side, he stopped trying to intimate her, and began to encourage her at least just as much as she did him.
And then after a major victory for the team, everyone was estatic and talking about ways to celebrate. She looked to him with the biggest smile and he gave her congratulations on her victory.
And then she gave a quick, friendly kiss to his cheek and said that it was a team victory.
He honestly has no idea how to read what happened. The small action seemed second nature to her, as she led the team from their victory to their celebration while his mind was still miles behind in complete and total shock, trying to micro analyze what happened and what it meant.
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non-plutonian-druid · 6 months
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[ID: two drawings in a style imitating the art from the webcomic Paranatural. In the first, an adult Five is snuggling with Delores, who is a giant centipede-shaped spirit in this universe. The second is a bust of Five and Delores, several years in the past, when Five is a teenager. Delores looks mostly unchanged. Five is wearing a NASA t-shirt. End ID.]
bug wife cuddling. also, a baby! (hes (slightly) older than he is in the show lmao)
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jweekgoji · 2 years
some small yandere tua ideas that maybe I will write or maybe I'll just left some ideas for ur own thoughts o.O
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Yandere!Sparrow!Ben who is in love with Sparrow!Reader because they are the only one who thought that he deserves to be Number One, and they praise him all the time, and he just can't get enough of it <3
Yandere!Five in au where Umbrella's kids are very popular just like Sparrows and Five is not stuck in the apocalypse; he ends up being one of the popular heroes due to his charismatic personality and one day he saves you from bad guy/villain
Yandere!Viktor x Hargreeves!reader x Yandere!Five where reader is a good sis/bro to Viktor and helps him a lot; Viktor can't help but had a childish crush on you (Five is a lil jelaous (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠)
Yandere!Viktor that got crush on Five's darling that so cute and treat Viktor very well!! and Five somehow knows about Viktor's feelings and they had a little fight like in season 2
Yandere!Five where he is dreaming about his darling while he stuck at the Commission/in the Apocalypse and all of his thoughts are about you and him living as a happy couple together (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
Yandere!Viktor x Reader x Yandere!Five where Vik and 5 sharing their darling with each other but while Viktor is fine with you being around others, Five is so paranoid><
Yandere!Five x Commission's Director!Reader that take place in season 2 where Five supposed to kill them all due to the deal with The Handler, but he notices Reader, and he just can't harm them because they look so small and innocent even though they work in such place!!!
Soft!Yandere! Five x Reader that take place in season 3 where Reader is his old friend from The Commission and they both on their retirement but Five slowly catches feelings for them while they on their road trip, talking about their lives<3
Yandere!Sparrow!Ben x Sparrow!Reader x Yandere!Klaus where Klaus find out that you and Ben are alive in this alternative timeline and he just can't help to stick to yours and Ben's sides like a lost puppy!
Yandere!Five x Reader where Five lost his powers in the ending of season 3 and he must keep an eye on his darling 24/7 because now he can't use his powers to just blink to them wherever he wants and his overprotection⬆️⬆️⬆️
Yandere!Five x Reader where Five is stuck in the apocalypse and the only one living person who can keep him company instead of Delores is... you! The android/robot that somehow is still working and can talk to him. <3
Yandere!Five x Reader where you and him managed to finally go back to 2019 but somehow...your the one who got stuck in your teenage self body
Au with Yandere!Five x Reader where you are one of the most dangerous villains and such a pain for Reginald and Umbrella Academy; Reginald finally give Five a task to get rid of you!!
Yandere!Lila x Reader x Yandere!Five where two of them always fighting each other for your attention (even though Five don't want to admit it) bonus point if Reader is their old friend from The Commission and one day reader enter to the bathroom where Lila is fighting Five naked, and you just o_O while they're staring at you too O_o, both silent but when you try to leave and pretend that you didn't see it they both just panicking mess that trying to explain to you that that's not how it looks like- (note: not poly, they both in love with you and fighting over you)
Sparrow!Reader x Yandere! Five where he confused you with Delores (when Jayme hits him with her power) and this silly little old man just can't get past away this fact that you actually looks like his mannequin wife so he gets delusional and kidnaps you, takes care of you as you were a doll and calls you Delores all the time:(
Yandere! Five x Reader where both of you are stuck in their teenage bodies but still mentally old and works for The Commission to take the briefcase and all this time The Handler tries to get on Five's nerves by messing with you, and he really tries not to kill that woman right there and right now;
Yandere!Five x Reader where he accidentally confesses his feelings for you, but you don't feel the same because you see him only as a good old friend, but he doesn't want to let you go when the end of the world soon and all he wants was you <3
Yandere!Viktor x Reader where you saw how he hurts Allison and other people as The White Violin and you are so scared of him that you just a nervous sobbing mess around him and Viktor is panicking too!! but everything is getting even worse when he uses Five's help with it
Jelaous!Yandere!Five x Male!Reader where instead of Pogo he went to club to find you and when he sees you surrounded with pretty girls; he gets so mad and frustrated cuz you such a ladies man
Yandere!Five (Netflix version) x Reader x Yandere!Five (comics version)
Yandere!Five x Hargreeves!Reader where Five is giving me a big brother vibes and when some other assassins from the Commission comes to Umbrella Academy to find Five they actually see only you here; So they decided to play along and you forces them to make a tea party with you instead of torturing you (cuz u cute) and when Five come back home he just kill them all not letting you to see <3
Yandere!Young!Five x Young!Reader where you are one of his siblings and you're really close to everyone, even with Viktor but not with him because you are such a shy person and u can't stand his behavior and also he somehow scares you. 
Yandere! Five x Reader where you both stuck in the Apocalypse and one day you suddenly wake up only to see that Five watching you sleep all this time :p
Yandere! Five x Reader x Yandere!The Handler where The Handler is getting too close to his sweet beloved, and he needs to keep you always so close because he thought that The Handler is using you just to get him all mad (plus your easy target to use against him) but the truth is that The Handler is actually got an eye on you!  0.0
A little idea of Yandere! Five x Manipulative!Reader (pt.7 maybe?) and your life together. This should be reminiscent of the Diego and Five scene at the start of Season 2
Yandere!Five x Reader x Yandere!Sparrow!Ben (Sparrow Ben reminds me of young Five but more edgy) imagine Sparrow!Ben having crush on Umbrella!Reader when you really close to Five all the time and when Ben sees u he really hates it and so grumpy around u. somehow u got kidnapped instead of Luther and Five is so mad!! and begin to panic when he notices that your not around >:(
Yandere!Umbrella!Ben x Reader x Yandere! Sparrow!Ben where our Ben is alive and when Sparrow!Ben sees our softy he want to fight him all the time and shows him that he's better than our Ben and one time he tries to steal Umbrella's!Ben beloved because the true #1 is taking everything he wants >:)
Ghostface AU where Five and Lila as Billy and Stu and they both yandere for u <3 While Five doing it to protect u and scare off other people around u, Lila doing it mostly for fun and likes to tease u(plus as Five's friend she needs to help him with that!)
Yandere!Five x Reader where you is all bratty and sarcastic with everyone; bonus point if you work for the Commission and refused to time travel with Five to 2019; bonus point if The Handler sends you with Hazel and Cha Cha to kill Five; bonus point where you two meet each other and Five still have hope that you listen to him(spoiler: you don't) <3
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sharkneto · 7 months
🍰🧠😐 for the Fanfic Ask Game please :>
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
Have a couple- TUA fic not my own... man hard to choose. Obviously Shifting Mirrors is up there. Along the Corridor and Up the Stairs by @ancientstone is a classic one, too. TUA fic of my own is absolutely A Rusty Cog. I miss writing that fic, not because I really have more to write of it but I miss being in the headspace thinking about it. A great outlet for a melancholic mood. Still one of my favorite things I've written.
Non TUA Fic, forever and always Walking With a Ghost/Running With a Ghost (Being Human UK fics), and unpretty's Sorrowverse DC fics, specifically Christmas in Kansas and Third Wheel
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
I've got so many half-baked things sitting in my WIP folder. It's getting a little ridiculous (I just checked and there's 37 WIP files in there what the fuck). A lot of them probably aren't going to ever really go anywhere, but they're in that folder with the little snippet I've written. A lot of them spawn from playing around with ideas with @non-plutonian-druid. Highlights... There's the Centaur AU (Pluto's art all with that found HERE) where the Umbrellas run into centaur!Delores. There's the Number finds out about/meets mannequin Delores. There's the Amanda meets Old Five while he's out on a job in the 70s because Number fucked up some time travel. One that I've never even written is this whole plot where Amanda gets kidnapped with Five as collateral, Five gets drugged so he's loopy and useless, but Luther, Diego, and Klaus come to rescue them. Amanda meeting our Five with Number is in the same Nothing Written boat. Got too many WIPs and ideas and so little writing happening.
😐 What embarrasses you most about your own writing?
Man, I think the same stuff that embarrasses most writers. If I get too aware of what I'm doing, how often I use certain phrases or words, I overthink and get self-conscious and embarrassed about it.
There's also the funk of just being embarrassed about people irl finding out I write fic, even though there isn't anything to be embarrassed about - I've written a fucking novel! Two novels! How many people can say they've done that? But I think I've still got that Was In Fandom In The Late Aughts baggage when fanfic was more taboo and cringy in mainstream instead of the normal thing I guess it is now. It's a thing I'm working on.
response to this fanfic ask game
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kanerallels · 11 months
For my 501st follower celebration from this ask, a fic for @ladywren7! Au #73, the Time Travel Au. Rated G, with major character death implied
The first time it happened, he didn’t really understand.
One minute, he was on the bridge of the Chimaera, facing off with Thrawn. Or, rather, he was defeating Thrawn. And launching himself into the unknown with a ship full of enemies and a handful of purrgil as backup.
Generally speaking, it wasn’t Ezra’s best idea.
But it was the only one he had. It was the only way out for his home. Sometimes, you had to make the sacrifice. Like Kanan had taught him.
So he’d done it. And as hyperspace had rushed to meet them he felt this awful twist, and—
He reeled backwards, his head spinning. Every bone in his body hurt, like he’d been shoved into a small space he didn’t really fit in. Stumbling backwards a little, he caught himself on the low wall behind him and gasped for breath. Ow. What just— wait.
As he blinked the spots out of his vision, Ezra registered the familiarity of his surroundings. He wasn’t on the Chimaera any more. He was on a rooftop in Lothal.
What? Frowning, Ezra cautiously stepped forward, looking around. There was something strangely familiar about this particular rooftop, like he knew it somehow. Is this real? Or is it just a Force vision? He was too familiar with those to totally rule that possibility out. Swiping his hair out of his eyes, he started towards the roof’s edge— and then froze again.
His hair. His hair was supposed to be short. Cut close to his scalp.
So why was it long enough to brush his jawline? Like he hadn’t had a haircut in months. Like… when he’d first met the crew.
No way, Ezra thought. That’s impossible. But he remembered how he’d rescued Ahsoka, and how the hyperspace jump had felt, like he was being shoved into a too small space.
Or… a too small body?
Reaching up, he touched his cheek where the two scars from the Inquisitor’s lightsaber were. But his fingers met only smooth skin. Oh, crap. Does that mean—
Taking a step forward, he peered over the edge of the roof— and saw the ponytailed figure of Kanan Jarrus. His dead master. Looking years younger than the last time Ezra had seen him.
This was the day he’d first met him. Somehow, Ezra had wound up in the past.
He did his best to keep up after that. Followed along with events similarly to how they’d gone the first time through. But it was so much harder to just toss Kanan a snarky salute and zip out of there, instead of hurling himself into his master’s arms. His master, who he missed so much.
Still, Kanan didn’t remember him— Ezra’s prevailing theory was that only people on the Chimaera, or possibly only him and Thrawn, since they’d been most directly involved with the purrgil, could remember what happened— so he played along. Pretended like his heart didn’t leap with joy at the sight of Sabine, and Hera, and Zeb. Force, he was even glad to see Chopper.
He stuck to the timeline as long as he could.
And then, he didn’t any more. Ezra figured he was here for a reason. It was his job to figure out that reason, and help as many people as possible.
So he saved lives. He helped them evade the Grand Inquisitor, and Gall  Trayvis. He tried to save Kanan at the comm tower— but his master wouldn’t leave. Ezra reluctantly let him, knowing they’d get him back. And they did.
He managed to prevent Minister Tua from dying, and got the Rebellion important intel. He played mediator on Seelos and kept them out of the way of the two new Inquisitors. When the question of a base came up, Ezra nudged them towards the planet where Chopper picked up AP-5.
He hadn’t been sure if it was the right idea. But when they made it to Malachor, and he ran into Maul again, Ezra let him come with. But when Kanan voiced doubts, he made sure his master knew he agreed. “Just stay out of his way,” Ezra begged him. “Be careful, okay? Trust that I can keep myself out of danger.”
A confused Kanan had agreed— and somehow, made it out with his eyesight intact. Ezra breathed a sigh of relief. The months between Malachor and Kanan’s return had hurt, and he knew it would still hurt, even knowing what he did.
Things had gotten… a little confusing at that point.
Mainly because Ahsoka made it out alive.
And Ezra was pretty sure that was something he did.
So he did a little casual snooping, while Kanan and Hera reunited, and everyone else tried to figure out what was next. And it turned out that the Ahsoka who was here? This wasn’t the Ahsoka who’d been fighting with them the past few months.
This was the Ahsoka from Ezra’s timeline. And she had her memories, same as him.
She still needed a little catching up, but it was nice to have someone else who knew what was going on.
Unfortunately, there was someone else who knew what was going on. Sort of. And he showed up right on time, in all his red-eyed, blue-skinned glory. Thrawn had his memories, same as Ezra. But he seemed to be playing it safe, just to see what Ezra would do.
So Ezra kept going, kept saving people. He handled Maul, made sure Sabine found the darksaber, supported her through that. (And still teased her a little. This was the one area he was better at something than her— was he supposed to resist it?)
And when Thrawn’s fleet found Atollon, Ezra was ready. He made sure everyone escaped safely, even Commander Sato. And when the crew, plus Kallus, made it out, he let out a sigh of relief. Maybe this could be better this time.
But then. Lothal came. Hera still ran the blockade, the Rebellion still refused any real help until the last minute, and Pryce still caught Hera. 
Ezra did everything in his power to convince Kanan to stay. But his master wasn’t about to let the woman he loved be in danger and do nothing.
So, for the second time, Ezra lost his master. And despite everything, despite all his frantic working and planning, he still wound up on the bridge of a Star Destroyer. Just him, Thrawn, and the purrgil.
But then he woke up as Kanan helped him and the crate of blasters onto the Ghost. And that was when Ezra realized it.
He was stuck in a time loop. This wasn’t a second chance. This was a “get it right and you get your second chance, otherwise you’re stuck reliving this over and over again”.
So Ezra went to work.
It didn’t really go as planned. For one thing, Thrawn seemed to have put this together, too. And he had decided to hound Ezra as long and hard as he could, ruining every plan he could. But Ezra was stubborn, too. He would go through this loop as many times as he had to— a loop that he quickly became aware was growing smaller with every go round. Every time he woke up, time had passed since his previous awakening— in order to get it right.
He grew bolder. Prevented bigger things, or at least he tried to. Some things seemed to be a fifty-fifty chance, like Kanan going blind. He got rid of Inquisitors and… well, he tried to get rid of Maul. He seemed to be pretty consistent, though.
But Thrawn kept throwing bigger things at him— more Inquisitors, more troops, more everything. And Ezra was finding it hard to keep up on his own.
And then he did something that he hadn’t tried before. He brought someone else into the time loop with him.
Sabine knew what Ezra was planning. She’d seen the look in his eyes, and knew the odds just as well as he had. So she’d let him go.
And about five minutes later she’d regretted it.
And so, somehow— she still wasn’t quite sure how— she’d snuck onto the Chimaera after him. She’d made it onto the bridge just as the purrgil showed up, which she hadn’t expected. But Ezra had this really bad habit of making plans and then refusing to share them with others, so it wasn’t really her fault.
Diving under a tentacle, she pushed her way into the bridge, where Ezra had Thrawn pinned. Around them, Sabine could feel the thrumming in the air that was the Force— and something else, as the tentacles surrounding them flashed.
We’re about to jump to hyperspace.
This was his plan?
Ezra was saying something as she moved out into the open. A stormtrooper moved towards her, and Sabine shot him before he could take another step. The sound of blaster fire caught Ezra’s attention, and he looked towards her. His eyes went wide with horror. “Sabine?”
And then they made the jump and everything hurt, in a way that was Wrong. Sabine stumbled backwards, smacking into something. Her stomach churned, and she clenched her teeth, eyes squeezing shut. Don’t be sick. Don’t be.
The turmoil swirling around them seemed to still as Ezra’s voice came again, this time closer. “Oh, boy. Uh, Sabine? Are you okay?”
“Fine,” Sabine mumbled, taking a deep breath. Opening her eyes, she said, “That plan was— AHHH!”
Letting out a very undignified yelp, she leapt backwards from Ezra Bridger. But it wasn’t her Ezra. It looked more like Ezra when they’d first met him— long hair, scruffy clothes and an overall scrawny look. “What the kriff?” she demanded.
“Don’t panic,” Ezra said, holding up his hands. “It’s okay— we just went back in time a little bit.”
“We WHAT? How? Wait, what color’s my hair?”
“Orange and blue,” Ezra told her. “I think this is… right after Zeb and I stole that TIE fighter?”
Sabine rubbed at her face as she blearily took in their surroundings. They were in the Ghost kitchen— but it looked different. Some of the paintings she’d done on the wall were gone, as were some of Kanan’s newer implements. This can’t be happening.
But she took another look at the much shorter Ezra, who was gazing at her earnestly, and knew it was.
“What. Just happened,” she said, propping her hands on her hips. “Particularly how and why, too.”
Clearing his throat, Ezra said, “So, in coming on the bridge of the Chimaera— like I specifically told you not to—”
“You did no such thing. Also, since when do I listen to you?”
“Fair. Well, when you did that, you kinda got yourself… caught in a time loop with me?”
Sabine’s eyebrows shot up. “What?”
“I’ve been reliving my time with the crew repeatedly,” Ezra said matter of factly. Then he frowned. “Well, kinda. Some parts seem to kinda get skipped over. Like, I’ll go to sleep and you and Ketsu’s mission already happened when I woke up, and I was there. Some things are on autoplay, I guess. But other things aren’t, which is where I change stuff.”
Rubbing her face with one hand, Sabine said, “Okay, let me get this straight. You’ve been time looping your way through the past four years, and changing stuff?”
“Trying to,” Ezra said. The expression that flashed across his face was far, far too old for a fourteen year old to be wearing. Although Sabine supposed he wasn’t technically fourteen.
“Okay,” she said slowly. “It’s because of the purrgil, I’m guessing?”
“Yeah, but Thrawn and I seem to be the only ones who remember anything,” Ezra said with a frown. “Well, except Ahsoka.”
“Yeah, she… long story short, she gets her memories of the original timeline back on Malachor.”
Sabine lifted her eyebrow at him. “What’s the long story?”
“Really, really long,” Ezra said. “But I’ll tell you someday.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” Sabine told him. Starting to pace back and forth, she said, “Okay. So you’ve been changing stuff. Like what?”
“Well, for one, Ahsoka doesn’t always come back with us from Malachor,” Ezra said. “For another… we lose people. Commander Sato, some of the others. I’ve tried to save him in as many loops as possible. In— in some of them, I even kept Kanan from getting blinded.”
The catch in his voice was obvious, and Sabine felt an internal pang at the memory of how much both he and Kanan had been through during those six months. But that hadn’t been the first time he’d handled that.
“Ezra— how many times have you done this loop?”
Ezra’s gaze flicked downwards, and his voice held a note of forced casualness as he said, “Oh, like eighty-six or so.”
“SSSSH! The others will hear you!” Ezra hissed. “But… yeah. Not all of them were the full loop, though. Turns out that when you die, the time loop resets.”
Sabine stared at him, shock stabbing through her. “You— you’ve died?”
“A couple times, yeah. First time Thrawn did a little orbital bombardment thing. A couple times the Inquisitors got me, and Vader did once. Oh, and Maul, obviously. And the fight on Atollon, once— what?”
Sabine shook her head. “Nothing, I just— you’ve been doing all this alone?”
Shrugging, Ezra said, “No one else knew. And no one would have believed me. I couldn’t really ask for help.”
“You have it now,” Sabine told him firmly, and a smile crossed his face.
“So,” Sabine said briskly. “How do we break this time loop?”
Sighing, Ezra said, “I have a theory. The one thing that’s been the same every time has been… Kanan.”
Sabine swallowed hard, pain shooting through her chest. He’s not dead here. Which means… we can save him. “Challenge accepted,” she said with a shrug. “We have a Jedi to save.”
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