How to tell them, that their daughter isn't okay?do they know what she wishes for? Do they know who's her favorite teacher or what's her favorite subject? Do they know what subjects she's taking? Do they understand that she's not okay,? Do they realize, every day, every night she goes to the bathroom and sees the scars all over her body, wishing it was not part of her but sadly it's? Do they know that how heavy her heart is? Do they know that how undeserving she thinks of herself? Do they know that she's exhausted? Do they know that their perfect daughter is popping pills? Do they know that their perfect daughter is imperfect? Do they know that their perfect daughter wishes to die? But prefer not to. Do they know, what's she going through? Do they even realize that they have a daughter?
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Keshi is like everybody’s secret. Whenever you want to listen to some relaxing songs for yourself, it's always Keshi on the playlist.
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I don't know where I'm going. I'm just swinging by. Maybe I don't belong here. It all feels meaningless. Why do I've to wait until the night passes by? Why does everyone hear me wrong? If I told you differently, would it sound the same? I've been through some phases. They've only tarnished my views. What to do? Dying is the only option left. Weeds don't help. So I guess, baby, I should die.
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When RUEL said “I guess , people change but I didn’t expect you to” , I felt that.
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I wish I could find a way to undo you
If you've loved me, then tell me why would you leave me. Baby, our love has gone cold.
Wondering what went wrong, make forever dead.
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I fell in love with thoughts, not personality or appearance. I like the way, people think, I like the way their brains operate. The human brain is so amusing and tricky, isn't it?
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You keep kicking me, till, I bleed out. You keep pushing me, till my bones are separated. You keep hurting my heart, till it's into pieces. Still, I stay for you, to adore me.I can't help how I'm feeling, scared of my intentions. I know you don't care for me. Yet, baby, I'll keep searching for another way to keep us safe. And it hurts when it's true.I need room to breathe. It's killing me to say that I want you, I want you to be mine, I want you to examine my eyes, my heart, I want you by my side. Now I just lie in the bed and think of you. I'm lost in the thoughts of you and I don't know where am I. Reckoned I had it right but I'm still thinking about you. Playing the memories of you and I. Can't help but drown in the memories of you.If tonight ends up being my last night, I'll search for another way to get us back together. Can't take this any longer. Look at all heartache, what's left? Forget how it started, this is how it's ending. Tell me that it's over. Tell me that you mean it. Tell me that I'm unknown to you.
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tumblr is the safest social media to open in public bc nobody recognises its interface. if u recognise it thats ur problem
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I want RUEL to be recognized by the world but at the same time, I want him to be my small mystery boy.
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Heart so heavy
Words won't come out
Distraction, not helping
Everything sucks
Life seems sophisticated
Living in a town of candy lies
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So it's 11:11, here in my country.
Here's my wish :
I hate school, please, shut schools again.
Please take my heart away.
Please, teleport me to an old library with a small coffee counter where I can make coffee and read any book
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Well, these questions are interesting. I wanna try. Here are my answers
1- my guilty pleasure song is probably “Love yourself by Justin Bieber “. This song hits me every time.
2. Positive things that are going on in my life are I'm doing the things I love, I adore.
3. I don't know what you guys call it, assumably milk tea. In my country, we call it “chae”.
4.so far, 4 glasses of water, it's 3 pm right now. Then I guess I'm doing great
5. “Your parents raised you so well” this compliment always hits me so hard. I feel delighted.
From the watercolour ask
hansal yellow, rose, azure blue, umber and indigo
What’s your guilty pleasure song?
Idk what counts as a guilty pleasure song but probably This Day Aria from My Little Pony because that song slaps. The high notes are just ✨🤌✨
What’s something really positive going on in your life right now?
My brother just agreed to watch the One Direction movie with me tomorrow so that’s exciting!
What’s your favorite type of tea, if any?
I don’t really like tea. I’ll sometimes drink iced tea like at a barbecue or picnic but rarely.
Have you drank enough water today?
I’m about as dehydrated as a raisin. So no. I’ll go get a glass of water. Thank you for reminding me that I need water to survive.
What’s the best/sweetest compliment you have ever received?
Just yesterday I was collecting pieces of glass to hoard and my friend just stared down at me with a dopey grin and said, “you amaze me.” Also people always tell me I have a nice smile.
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You said you loved my long blonde hair
So I cut it off with tears in my eyes
And colored it with rage in my heart
Do you still love me?
Or was it just the image of your little girl that you loved?
I’m not little anymore, mom.
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His dark brown eyes, so extraordinary so luxurious, so mesmerizing that she almost drench in them. When sunlight strikes, it's like his eyes are made of gold with a small moon fixed in it. There was something remarkable in his eyes, and that was the gleam. She was astonished. By him. By his eyes. His splendid eyes. She wanted to pause the time, wanted to freeze everything around her. “Perhaps, love” by Eric Nam playing in her headphone, her pen, with which she was drawing, slipped out her hands. He sat beside her, as the seat was available, and grinned at her. The bus proceeded to move to its destination.
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