language-dragon · 2 years
Hi everyone!
Just wanted to let you know that I created a Twitter account where I’ll be collecting weird etymologies (and welcoming submissions!) ✨
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language-dragon · 2 years
Swedish-English false friends
Corrections/additions appreciated!
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Aktuell — actual relevant/current
Egentlig, faktisk — actual, real
Annonsera — announce advertise
Att tillkännage — to announce
En blankett — blanket form (a blanc document to be filled in)
En filt — blanket
Eventuellt — eventually possibly
Äntligen — eventually, finally
Hugga — hug chop, stab
att krama — to hug
Högtid — high time celebration, fest
Dags — high time, the due time for something to happen
Kinkig — kinky tricky/petulant
Krullig — kinky (of hair), kinky, pervers — kinky (of people
Kraft (en) — craft force, power
Hantverk (en) — craft
Mondän — mundane sophisticated, chic
Trivial, vardaglig — mundane
En paragraf — paragraph section, chapter
Ett stycke — paragraph, portion of text
En pensel — pencil paintbrush
En blyertspenna — pencil
En semester — semester holiday
En termin — semester
Spirituell — spiritual witty
Ändlig, religiös — spiritual
En vrist — wrist ankle
En handled — wrist
Vinka — wink wave (one’s hand)
Att blinka — to wink
En vikarie — vicar substitute (tex: lärarvikarie — substitute teacher)
En kyrkoherde — vicar
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language-dragon · 2 years
if you were a mouse and you wanted to change the subject you could say “squeaking of which….”
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language-dragon · 2 years
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Olen juonut tänään liian paljon kahvia.
I have drunk too much cofee today.
→ olen -nut is indicative, perfect, single 1st person.
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language-dragon · 2 years
苔 ・準1級
苔 「こけ」 moss
苔生す 「こけむす」 to become covered in moss, to become aged
苔桃 「こけもも」 lingonberry
苔玉 「こけだま」 moss ball
苔庭 「こけにわ」 moss garden
海苔 「のり」 nori, seaweed
転石苔を生ぜず 「てんせきこけをしょうぜす」  a rolling stone gathers no moss
掃苔する 「そうたいする」 to visit a grave, to clean moss of a headstone
蘚苔 「せんたい」 moss
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language-dragon · 2 years
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language-dragon · 2 years
“bear with me” you say. we both turn into bears and escape into the woods
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language-dragon · 2 years
i used to know the finnish word for “down”, but alas
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language-dragon · 2 years
Japanese Winter Vocabulary ❄
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冬  ( ふゆ ) - winter
冬至  ( とうじ ) - winter solstice
十二月  ( じゅうにがつ ) - December
一月  ( いちがつ ) - January
二月  ( にがつ ) - February
雪  ( ゆき ) - snow
雪片  ( せっぺん )  /  スノーフレーク - snowflake
白  ( しろ ) - white
氷  ( こうり ) - ice
氷柱  ( つらら ) - icicle
寒い  ( さむい ) - cold, chilly
ゾクゾク  /  ぞくぞく - shivering (onomatopoeic / SFX word)
凍る  ( こおる ) - to freeze
霜  ( しも ) - frost
雹  ( ひょう ) - hail
吹雪  ( ふぶき ) - blizzard
冬眠  ( とうみん ) - hibernation
雪だるま  ( ゆきだるま ) - snowman
そり - sled, sleigh
アイススケート - ice skating
スキー - skiing
毛布  ( もうふ ) - blanket
コート  /  上着  ( うわぎ ) - coat
セーター - sweater
スカーフ - scarf
手袋  ( てぶくろ ) - glove, mitten
帽子  ( ぼうし ) - hat
クリスマス - Christmas
「メリークリスマス!」 - “Merry Christmas!”
ハヌカ - Hanukkah
正月  ( しょうがつ ) - New Year
大晦日  ( おおみそか ) - New Year’s Eve
元日  ( がんじつ ) - New Year’s Day (January 1st)
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language-dragon · 2 years
Winter vocab in Norwegian
/Norwegian Bokmål/ 
Vinter (m) - winter Vintermåned (m) - winter month Desember - December Januar - January Februar - February Snø (m) - snow Snøflak/fnugg (m) - snowflake Å snø - to snow Å stå/gå på ski - (lit: to stand/walk on skis) to ski Ski (m) - ski Slalåm (m) - slalom Is (m) - ice Sludd (n) - sleet Hagl (n) - hail Skare - snow with hard surface, soft under Slaps (n) - slush Frost (m) - frost Rim (m) - rime, frost Å fryse - to freeze Jul (m/f) - Christmas Nyttårsaften (m) - New Year’s Eve Skjerf (n) - scarf Vott (m) - mitten Lue (m/f) - hat Jakke (m/f) - jacket
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language-dragon · 2 years
so I'm listening to NRK P3 and they have a bit where listeners can ask for a song and they pick one to play, like in a lottery, and it's called... et låteri 😂
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language-dragon · 2 years
reading in your target language is like
*reads two words* *picks up dictionary* *reads two more words* *looks up two words in dictionary* *understands two sentences* *rejoices* *looks up word in dictionary* *finally understands the sentence* *looks up same word in dictionary* *despairs* *reads under breath to aid comprehension* *opens up dictionary again* *understands every single word in the sentence but doesn’t understand the sentence* *sighs* *picks up dictionary* *understands more sentences* *rereads same sentence three times* *doesn’t understand* *opens dictiona—
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language-dragon · 2 years
Vocabulaire et Expressions
la jungle du quotidien — the rat race
passer en priorité — to take precedence
primer sur — to be prioritised over
malavisé — misguided
semé d’embûches — fraught with difficulties
un moment de lucidité — a moment of clarity
se nourrir de — to thrive off of
bien mal acquis ne profite jamais — ill got, ill spent
la trêve — let-up, break
la béquille — (emotional) crutch
se désensorceler — become disenchanted
affubler de — deck out in
un vrai périple — a real trek
j’en parlerai à mon cheval! — do I look like I care?
l’empressement — haste, alacrity
le havre de paix — haven of peace
un effet délétère — a deleterious effect
claquer de l’argent — to squander money
broyer du noir — to ruminate with dark thoughts
une conscience lourde — a heavy conscience
considérer comme un dû — to take as a given
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language-dragon · 2 years
Wait, hang on, so if sarx is "meat", and phagus is "eating", what does that make a sarcophagus?!
Sure enough: "from Ancient Greek σαρκοφάγος (sarkophágos, "coffin of limestone"), so named from a supposed property of consuming the flesh of corpses laid in it, from σαρκοφάγος (sarkophágos, "flesh-eating, carnivorous"), from genitive σαρκός (sarkós) of σάρξ (sárx, "flesh, meat")"
Flesh-eating rock, you scary 🥲
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Sarcophilus, from Greek sarx (”flesh”) + philos (”loving”), is the genus containing the Tasmanian devil and its extinct relatives.
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language-dragon · 2 years
Deadly knife-tooth
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Smilodon fatalis - sabre-toothed tiger
From Greek smilē (”knife”) + odont (”tooth”) and Latin fatalis  (”deadly”).
image credit: Charles R. Knight [Public domain]
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language-dragon · 3 years
Happy Halloween (Cover Version by Raon Lee)
Japanese Vocab List for Happy Halloween
魔法 (まほう) - magic, witchcraft, sorcery
掛ける (かけれる) - to hang, suspend; to put on, wear; to spend (time, money); to pour/sprinkle something onto; to put an effect on; here: 魔法にかけられた - magic was [passive form] put on [me] 
お菓子 (おかし) - sweets, candy; confections​
~ちゃう - cutesy, childish version of ~してしまう (to do something by accident, or to finish completely)
きっと - surely, undoubtedly
霧 (きり) - fog, mist​
濃い (こい) - deep (colour); strong (flavour, smell, etc.)
集まる (あつまる) - to gather, collect; to assemble
アマイモノ (甘い物) - sweets, sweet food
我慢 (がまん) - endurance, patience, perseverance; self-control, restraint
ご褒美 (ほうび) - reward; prize
ほら - an outcry like “look!”, “look out!”, “hey!”
鐘 (かね) - (often large hanging) bell; chime​
音 (ね) - sound; noise (おと is the most common reading of 音; ね is mostly used in literary contexts; e.g., poems)
騒ぎ出す (さわぎだす) - to start making a noise, start making an uproar; to go berserk
オバケ - ghost; apparition
許 (ゆるす) -  to permit, allow; to forgive, excuse
悪戯 (いたずら) - prank, trick; mischief
幼気な (いたいけな) - young and sweet; adorable, cute; innocent
踊る (おどる) - to dance
カブ (蕪) - turnip 
街中 (まちじゅう) - the whole town; all over town
頂戴 (ちょうだい) - [humble ]receiving, reception, getting; being given​ [something]
不思議な (ふしぎな) - wonderful, marvelous; strange, mysterious; incredible;
欲張りな (よくばりな) - greedy; gluttonous
餌食 (えじき) - prey; victim
庭木 (にわき) - garden tree
ぐるぐる - [Onomatopoetic] (turning) round and round​; wrapping, winding around​
~ちゃえ - like ~ちゃう, cutesy ~してしまう, but ~え expresses that something is done recklessly, or encourages someone to do something bold
灯 (とう) - lamp; light
時計 (とけい) - clock; watch; timepiece
回る (まわる) - to turn; to revolve​
眩む (くらむ) - to be dazzled by; to be dizzied by; to be disoriented by​
夜更かし (よふかし) - staying up late; keeping late hours
寝る (ねる) - to sleep, go to bed; to lie down
コロがす (ころ転す) - to roll; to wheel; to turn over; to tip over
Full lyrics under the break
ねぇもう暗 (くら) くなりそうだから - Hey, looks like it's about to get dark now デちゃってもいいかしら?- So would it be alright to go out, I wonder? ちょっとね魔法 (まほう) にかけられた - A little magic was put on me, you see キミのお菓子 (かし) から食 (た) べちゃうぞ - Let's eat, starting with your candy
きっともう霧 (きり) が濃 (こ) くなるから - It looks like the fog will get thicker ミンナ集 (あつ) まるかな? - Will everyone gather together, maybe? じっと待 (ま) ってアマイモノ我慢 (がまん) した - I firmly waited and stayed away from sweets ご褒美 (ほうび) をほら - So as for the reward, look here
ひとつふたつ鐘 (かね) の音 (ね) - One, two, the sound of the bell 騒 (さわ) ぎ出 (だ) す小 (ちい) さいオバケたち - The small ghosts are starting to bustle 今日 (きょう) は許 (ゆる) してくれるの - Today it will be allowed さあ街 (まち) に行 (い) こう - So, let's go into town
だって Happy Halloween - 'Cause it's Happy Halloween 悪戯 (いたずら) しちゃうぞ ding-dong-dang - Let's play a prank ding-dong-dang あっちもこっちも trick or treat - Trick or treat here and there and everywhere, キャンディーはくれないの?- Won't you give us some candy? だって Happy Halloween - ‘Cause it's Happy Halloween, 幼気 (いたいけ) なランタンパンプキン - Some innocent-looking pumpkin lanterns 疲 (つか) れたジャックも踊 (おど) るよ朝 (あさ) まで - Even the tired Jack dances all the while until morning
だって Happy Halloween - 'Cause it's Happy Halloween, オバケのカブだってラララ - Even the ghost turnips, la la la 今日は街中 (まちじゅう) trick or treat - Trick or treat today all throughout town, チョコも頂戴 (ちょうだい) よ - Some chocolate too please だって Happy Halloween - 'Cause it's happy halloween, 不思議 (ふしぎ) な世界 (せかい) へようこそ - Welcome to this wondrous world 疲れたジャックも歌 (うた) うよ - Even the tired Jack sings Let's trick or treat
もっともっとほしい - They want more and more, 欲張 (よくば) りゴースト - The greedy ghosts もうない?それなら - There's no more? If that’s the case 悪戯 (いたずら) の餌食 (えじき) ね - Then they'll be prey to our pranks
くれない家 (いえ) なんて庭木 (にわき) に - As for the houses that won't give anything トイレットペーパーぐるぐるしちゃえ - Let's wrap their garden trees in toilet paper 今夜 (こんや) はランタン灯 (とう) してるなら甘 (あま) いの頂戴 (ちょうだい) - If the lanterns are lit tonight, give us some sweets please さぁ Let's Party Night - So let's party tonight
ほらだって Happy Halloween - Hey 'cause it's Happy Halloween, 時計 (とけい) も回 (まわ) る tick-tack - the clock too continues to spin, tick-tack あっちもこっちも trick or treat - Here, there and everywhere, trick or treat 目 (め) もくらむパンプキンパイ - Pumpkin pies that dazzle the eye だって Happy Halloween - 'Cause it's Happy Halloween, だから夜更 (よふ) かししちゃうじゃない - Why not; let's stay up till late 疲れたジャックも寝 (ね) ないわ朝まで - The tired Jack won't sleep either until morning
だって Happy Halloween... -  'Cause it's Happy Halloween... x3
今日は Happy Halloween - Today it's Happy Halloween さぁ Let's trick or treat - So now, let's trick or treat 赤 (あか) いキャンディーコロがして - Red candy rolling around 朝まで寝たくない - Don't wanna sleep till morning
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language-dragon · 3 years
Words You Wouldn't Think Were Etymologically Related: Part 2
Amateur and Amanda
Amateur and Amanda both originate from the Latin amare, meaning to love.
Amateur comes from the Old French amateur, where it meant a lover of something, which originated from the Latin amator, meaning lover. Amator came from amare, which itself originated from the Proto-Italic root *amāō, which meant to be loved.
Amanda is a name meaning 'worthy of love', and was first recorded in England in 1212 and before that in late Antiquity.
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