sofiaisqueen2004 · 11 months
His Little Mermaid-Part 2
Summary: You're a mermaid, and you've wanted to see the human world all your life. Prince Eric has always wanted to explore the uncharted waters. When your two world collide, it seems like it was written in the stars.
Pairing: Prince Eric x Mermaid!Reader
Warnings: Violence (no more come to mind)
Note: This series has a mixture of both the original Little Mermaid movie and the new live action version. All rights reserved to Disney. I do not own any of these characters.
Upon the ship, there was a prince. He just turned eighteen that day, and his name was Eric. Starting from when he was little, he had such a fascination with the sea. He’s always heard the tales of the sea about Mermaids, luring sailors to their doom. But he never really believed them
“HEY! What’s going on kiddo? Quite a show eh?” Scuttle yelled.
“Shhh! Scuttle be quiet! They’ll hear you!” Y/n shushed. 
“Ohhh I get it! We’re being secretive!”
“I’ve never seen a human this close before…” Y/n begins to smile, “He’s very handsome, isn’t he?”
“I don’t know about handsome but the kid does play a mean snarfblatt!”
“Silence! Silence! It is now my honor and privilege to present our esteemed Prince Eric with a very special… very expensive… very large birthday present!” 
Two sailors begin to bring out the present. It was wrapped in tarp but it was very big.
“Aww Grimsby, you shouldn’t have.” The sailors pull off the tarp. Eric weakly smiles, “It’s uh… really something.” 
It was a large life size statue of Prince Eric in a dramatic pose. 
“I had hoped this would be a wedding present, but it’ll do for your birthday.”
Eric sighs and rolls his eyes, “C’mon Grims. Don’t Start!” He begins walking away towards the side of the bow of the ship. Y/n sees them coming towards her and she ducks down, closer to the side of the ship. Eric looks out towards the side of the ship, seeing the rolling waves pass by.
“Eric, It isn’t me alone. The entire kingdom wants to see you happily settled down with the right girl. Including your mother.”
“Oh she’s out there, somewhere. I just… I just haven’t found her yet.” 
“Perhaps you haven’t been looking hard enough.” Grimsby added.
“Believe me Grim, when I find her, I’ll know. Without a doubt!” All of the sudden, lightning strikes, causing Eric to look up. He sees dark clouds forming in the sky, and a strong wind begins to blow.
“Secure the rigging men!” Eric yells and begins tightening up the ship.
Y/n sits there on the rescue boat, watching everything. Another gust of wind picks up and blows Scuttle away.
“Gosh these winds! I’ll see ya later kid!” Scuttle yells.
Another lightning strikes, causing the mass to catch on fire. Grimsby attempts to catch the statue of Eric, but he just narrowly misses it. The statue falls deep into the water down below. In the midst of all of this happening, Grimsby falls into the water with most of the other sailors. Y/n decides to untie the rope holding the rescue boat, letting it fall into the water for the sailors to use. Then, she hears a huge splash and turns around. She sees Eric falling into the water, unconscious. She immediately swims towards him, helping him keep afloat. 
In the morning, she makes it to the shore of the nearest beach, which happens to be the beach of the island where the royal family lives. 
“Is he dead?” Y/n asked Scuttle worriedly.
“Hard to say…” Scuttle goes up to Eric, and begins to inspect his body. When he gets to his foot, he raises it to his ear. “Hmmm… I can’t make out a heartbeat…”
Y/n looks at Eric sadly. But suddenly, Eric stirs slightly.
“No, look! He’s breathing!” She begins to stroke his hair, “He’s so… beautiful. I would give anything to live where you are. What would I pay to stay here beside you.” Eric begins to turn his head towards Y/n, and begins to smile while his eyes are still closed.
Castle men begin to come down the hill behind them, shouting for Eric. In a haste, Y/n dives back into the water, trying to get away from the soldiers. She hides behind a rock, secretly watching the group.
“Eric! You really enjoy straining my blood pressure, don’t you?” Grimsby yells while attempting to pick up Eric.
Eric tries to stand up in a daze, “A girl… rescued me… she was… singing. She had- she had the most beautiful voice…”
“Eric, I think you’ve swallowed a bit too much seawater. Up we go!”
“I don’t know when, I don’t know how, someday I’ll be part of your world.” 
Down below, Ursula is watching from her underwater cave, plotting her newest scheme. 
“My, my… the daughter of the great Sea King interacting with a human… How shocking! What would old daddy say? She rolls her eyes, “Serves him right! That miserable old tyrant! Still, this little mermaid’s situation seems ripe with possibilities. Yes, I see the most brilliant future for this lovesick girl.”
Back at the King’s palace, Y/n’s sisters yell for her.
“Y/n dear! Time to come out! You’ve been in there all morning!” Andrina yells.
“We have to get dressed too, you know!” Adella adds.
“What is with her lately?” Aquata asks.
“I know what you mean. Mooning around with that giddy smile on her face.” Said Attina.
“I asked her what was wrong but she wouldn’t tell me anything!”
“Isn’t it obvious? The girl’s in love!”
All the sisters gasp, “She’s in love?” How- with who?”
Y/n emerges from the room with her hair brushed nicely and a flower in her hair. She hums a tune while swimming past her sisters, nearly crashing into her father.
“Morning, daddy!”
“She’s got it bad!” her sisters laugh.
“What? What has she got? Their father questioned.
“Isn’t it obvious, daddy? Y/n’s in love!”
“Y/n… in love?”
“Where is Eric?” The Queen, Eric’s mother, asks.
“I’m not sure. I think he is still getting ready.” Grimsby responds.
“Ugh, is he still chasing over that fantasy girl?”
“I am afraid so, your Majesty.” Just then, Eric walks into the room.
“Ah, there you are. Come, have a seat. You must be tired.”
“I’m not tired.” Eric snaps back.
“Well then, come eat some breakfast-”
“I’m not hungry. I have better things to worry about. Grimsby, have any of the boats found anything?”
“Uh, I’m afraid not sir-”
“Then I will go look for her myself-” He turns to walk away before his mother stops him.
“NO! Eric. Your duties lie here. I will not let you look for this fantasy girl that you think is real anymore.” His mother yells.
“And what is that supposed to mean?”
She sighs, “I forbid you from going on another ship. For anything.”
“What- Mother-” 
“Enough. You’re not allowed to go on another ship.”
“But I am helping the island. The ship I went on the other day carried very valuable trades. Did you know in other islands they use things we have on our island to cure malaria? We brought those things to those islands and they traded with us.”
“And where is that stuff now?” She raises her eyebrows at him. “At the bottom of the sea.” Eric rolls his eyes and walks the other way, his mother catching up to him. “There have been 7 shipwrecks in the past couple months. The sea gods are against us.”
“You’re wrong.” Eric then turns away and starts running down the staircase that leads to the beach. “All I’ve ever wanted was the open sea and sky, freedom from the life I always knew. I had almost drowned, ‘til you came around and you found me. All I do is wonder who you are and where you’ll be. In my mind, your melody goes on. I will finally find you again. In uncharted waters, come find me again!” Eric sings out towards the shore, hoping the mystery woman emerges from the wild uncharted waters.
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sofiaisqueen2004 · 11 months
His Little Mermaid- Part 1
Summary: You're a mermaid, and you've wanted to see the human world all your life. Prince Eric has always wanted to explore the uncharted waters. When your two world collide, it seems like it was written in the stars.
Pairing: Prince Eric x Mermaid!Reader
Warnings: Violence (no more come to mind)
Note: This series has a mixture of both the original Little Mermaid movie and the new live action version. All rights reserved to Disney. I do not own any of these characters.
One day, at the bottom of the sea, there was a little mermaid. Her name was Y/n. She has always wanted to be a part of the human world. But her father forbade it. You see, her mother was unfortunately killed by a human. Multiple, at that. Ever since that fateful day all those years ago, none of the children of King Triton were allowed above shore. Though, this was not what Y/n wanted. She wanted to be above the shore, where the humans were. 
“Has anyone seen Ariel?” Arista, one of Y/n’s sisters asked.
“I haven’t seen her.” Andrina, another sister, said.
Sebastian, a crab, who is King Triton’s most trusted advisor, comes up to the sisters.
“Sebastian, have you seen-”
Sebastian interrupts Andrina, “Now now ladies! Listen up! All of you need to be prepared to sing!”
“Are you guys ready?”
“Y/n is not here!” All the sisters looked concerned.
“What- where is she?” Sebastian asked. 
Then, all of the sudden, The King appeared.
“WHERE IS Y/N?” He yelled.
“I do not know sire.”
“Well, GO and look for her! She is always missing the important events!”  
“Y/n! Wait up! You know I can’t swim that fast!” Flounder exclaimed.
“Ugh c’mon Flounder! The ship isn’t that far away. Try to swim faster!” Y/n said.
“Oh no. There is no way I am going in there.”
“Suit yourself. You can watch out for sharks!” Y/n teased.
“W-what? S-Sharks?” 
Flounder begins to swim as fast as he can just to stay near Y/n. As they enter the shipwreck, Y/n notices something.
“What is that thing shining?” Y/n swam over to the table where the shining thing was. “This is the smallest trident I have ever seen” Y/n laughs while Flounder looks around alarmed.
“Y/n, do you hear that?”
“Flounder, you need to relax. Stop being a guppy.” But when Y/n turns around, she sees a giant Great White shark staring back at her. “Flounder! Look out!” 
The shark's jaws open up and chomp down, narrowly missing the pair. Y/n and Flounder swim around the shark, going every which way, continuing to narrowly miss its bites. The pair swim through a small hole in the ship, effectively trapping the shark in the doorway. They swim as fast as they can away from the shipwrecks.
“That was close. We need to go up to the surface to see Scuttle and ask him what this thing is.” Y/n holds up the item, trying to examine it.
“Are you sure? Your father would not be happy if he found out you went to the surface AND the shipwrecks.” Flounder stated.
Y/n rolls her eyes, “IF he finds out Flounder. I don’t plan on telling him… do you?” Flounder looks pensive for a bit but ultimately shakes his head no.
“Good. Now let’s go!”
Once they get to the surface, they find scuttle laying out on a rock.
“Scuttle! Look at what I found!” Scuttle jumps awake, looking around frantically. 
“What- what? Oh, it’s just you Y/n. What have you got for me today?”
Y/n pulls out the “mini-trident” and shows it off to Scuttle.
“Ahhh this! This- this is- a dinglehopper! Yeah! Humans use these to uh… to straighten their hair out! Like so…” He begins to wrap his feathers around the dinglehopper and yanks it out of his fair, making his feathers look fluffy. 
“Like this?” Y/n imitates the same actions Scuttle had just done.
“You got it, kiddo!”
Suddenly, Y/n hears shouting below her.
“Y/N? Y/N! There you are, child! You missed the concert!” Sebastian yelled for her.
“Oh no! Father’s going to kill me! Sorry Scuttle, I’ve gotta go! Thank you!” Y/n, Flounder, and Sebastian all swim towards. In the shadowy distance, two eels watch the trio. Ursula, the Evil Sea Witch, watched through them.
“Such a strange child. So unlike her sisters, so foolish, so vulnerable.” Ursula begins to smirk, “Flotsam! Jetsam! Keep an eye on this one. She may prove to be Triton’s undoing…”
“It’s not just me you disappointed, young lady! What about your sisters? What about Sebastian?” King Triton shouted.
Y/n looks down in shame, “I said I was sorry daddy…”
Flounder decides to speak up, ‘B-but it wasn’t her f-fault! A shark chased us and then this seagull was talking and…” Y/n shuts him up with a dirty glare.
Triton looks at them confused, “Seagull…?” Then he realizes. “You went up to the surface again, didn't you? DIDN’T YOU?”
Y/n flinches from his loud voice, “I did. You never hear me. I’ve been wanting to go up to the human world ever since I was little and I just don’t understand why-”
King Triton interrupts her, “You know WHY! Your mother was killed by those humans. What you did was very dangerous!”
“I was careful-”
“Not another word! I forbid you from going up to the surface ever again. Is that clear?”
Y/n shakes her head and swims away angrily. The King looks towards Sebastian, sighing, “Am I too hard on her?”
Sebastian just shrugs, “Y/n is stubborn, but she is young-”
The King interrupts once again, “She is your responsibility. I want you to watch over her and keep her out of trouble.”
“But your majesty, I serve you-”
“The best way you can serve me is by watching over her for me. Now go!”
Sebastian reluctantly swims away, on his way to go look for Y/n.
Y/n sits on a rock, surrounded by all the things she has found over the years. Flounder looks at her sadly. 
“Are you okay Y/n?” She looks up at him, then begins to look around.
She sighs, “Maybe he’s right… Maybe there is something the matter with me. I just don’t see how a world that could make such wonderful things… could be bad.” She sighs again and begins to swim around, closely examining all her collections. “I just wanna be where the people are. I want to be up where they walk, where they run… I wish I could be a part of their world. I would give and risk anything to be up there.”
“Y/N! What is all this? Is this all the human stuff you have collected? If your father ever found out about this-” Sebastian said, baffled.
Flounder interrupted him, “You’re not going to tell him are you?”
“Please Sebastian! He would never understand!” Y/n swims up to him, looking concerned. 
All of the sudden, the grotto begins to light up in colorful lights. The trio looked up and saw a giant oval shaped like thing pass over them.
“What is that?” Y/n begins to swim up towards it. 
“Y/n! No! Come back!” Flounder shouts.
She makes it up to the surface, looking at what is in front of her. There is a ship with fireworks coming out of it. Curious, she swims over to the boat and grabs a rope that was hanging off the ship. She climbs up the rope and situates herself on a smaller boat, next to the bigger one.
“Wow…” she whispered, “Humans.”
Authors note: There will be more chapters, I'm not sure how many more, but expect more. Thanks for reading!
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sofiaisqueen2004 · 3 years
What Happened?-P.P *AG*
*I wrote this when three years ago so sorry if it’s cringey!
Summary-Peter climbs into Y/n’s room and asks her for help for something.
Warning-Slight mentions of blood and cuts.
*Y/n POV*
I was sitting in my room trying to finish an english paper that was due tomorrow and I haven’t even started it.
“Ok so, when Juliet say, ‘Romeo, oh Romeo! Where for out 'thou Romeo?’ she is calling out for Romeo because she knows their love if forbidden. So, she’s saying these words hoping that Romeo could hear her…” I hear a knock at my window. I turn around in my office chair and see the famous red and blue silhouette, or better known as my boyfriend Peter Parker, laying on my window. I smile at him and gesture for him to come in. He nods his head and slowly opens the window. I hear him land on my blue carpet and lay against the chair.
“Ya know Peter, next time you come into my room, try not to give me a heart–” I look at him and see his face with huge bloody cuts. His suit had a variety of tears. Small, big, and huge ones. I rush to him and help him up to one of my chairs in my room…
“Babe! What happened?” I ask him while I help him take off his suit. I see his chest and it has a bunch of cuts and bruises.
“I was fighting these bad people. And the police still think i’m a menace! So they shot at me and I dodged most of them but one got me in the leg, and then when I was fighting these bad people, they kicked and punched me…” I started tearing up while running to the bathroom and grabbing my first aid kit.
“Ok this will sting probably a lot!” I say as I rub the rubbing alcohol on his cuts. He groans in pain and moves a lot, “Peter, I can’t clean you up if you keep on moving!”
“Sorry! I’m trying my best not to move!” He yells. I look at him and smile.
“It’s ok! Just try…” After 15 minutes I finally got Peter all fixed up. I started tearing up seeing him all bandaged up. Peter notices and pulls me into a tight hug and I start uncontrollably start crying…
“Shh, shh, shh. It’s ok. I’m right here…” He whispers into my hair and kisses my head. I start to calm down a little bit still hugging him tightly, “Peter, you seriously could’ve gotten way more hurt. I don’t know what I would’ve done if lost you…”
“You won’t ever lose me because…” He pauses and takes a deep breath in, “I love you…”
I look up at him, and smile warmly at him, “I love you too…” He smiles back at me and starts leaning into me. Our lips touch, and move in sync. I pull back from him and stare into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes.
“You know you have beautiful eyes y/n?” Peter asks me in a stating voice.
“Well, you have beautiful ones too…” I respond back, closing the gap in between us and kiss him with love. He kisses back and it feels like fireworks…
'What am I gonna do with you Peter Parker?’ I think in my head and smiling to myself…
Word Count: 525
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sofiaisqueen2004 · 3 years
Finding Out-Peter Parker *TH*
*This one might be short and also is edited! I also wrote this like three years ago so sorry of it’s cingey! They get better!*
Summary- You find out about something Peter was trying to hide from you.
*Y/N’s POV*
I was walking to Peter’s House because we were going to have a movie night together. I’m gonna be honest, I do have a crush on Peter. The only people who know about this are Ned and Michelle. They found out by constantly seeing me looking at Peter during school. I finally get to Peter’s apartment and knock on the door. A lady opens the door. She has long brown hair, and thick round glasses. And beautiful brown chocolate brown eyes like Peters. She’s also extremely skinny and it makes me kind of jealous.
“Well hello sweetie!” She smiles sweetly, “You must be Peter’s friend! Y/n right?”
I nod my head in agreement, “Yes ma'am that is me!”
“Oh just call me Aunt May! Peter is at the library but he should be here in about 10-15 minutes! You can go up to his room and just wait for him.” She smiles kindly at me.
“Thank you so much! I’ll be waiting for him then!” I smile back at her.
I walk up to Peter’s room. I enter and of course his room is a mess. I lay on the bottom bunk of his bed and go on a few social media’s. 15 minutes later, I hear the window slowly open. I sit up from lying down on the bed and stare in shock. There’s Spider-man upside down on the roof. My mouth slightly agape. He shoots a web at the door and slowly closes it. He gets down from the ceiling fully closing the door. He takes off his mask and starts walking backwards. He turns around. He sees me and his mouth dropped open. There before me stand my crush Peter. Tears start brimming my eyes as I look at him. I grab my stuff about to run out of his room.
“Y/N!! WAIT!” I feel something sticky on my hand. I look down and see a web on my hand that’s connected to the doorknob, “Let me explain please y/n!”
I turn to look at him while tears start to fall down my red cheeks, “What is there to explain Peter!? Is there more I need to know!? What makes you think I’m gonna actually listen!”
I hear him take a breath in and sigh, “Y/n, look i’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier! If I told you, you would be put in major danger! And I couldn’t afford to loose another person that I care so much about. But that obviously doesn’t matter because you’re probably infuriated with me…” His voice cracking at the end.
I look at him with sad eyes. I feel his pain. I know what it’s like to loose someone that you car so much about. But to be honest, I wasn’t mad at him. I was just disappointed he didn’t trust me enough to tell me his secret.
“P-peter. Come here.” I say softly. He looks up at me and starts walking over. Once he’s near me I pull him into a tight hug. I feel him start sobbing into my shoulder. I hug him tighter as both of his arms go around my waist tightly.
I retract from our hug and stare into his chocolate brown eyes, “Umm Peter? Could you please take me out of this web?” He chuckles a little and cuts the web of off my hand.
“Thank you… and Peter. I’m not angry at you for not telling me that you are Spider-man… I’m really happy that you care about my safety…” I smile at him and bring my hand up to his cheek wiping away his tears. He smiles back at me and puts his hands on my waist and pulls me closer to him. I feel his lips touch mine. I kiss him back while he pulls me closer to his body. I pull back from the kiss and smile at him.
“So…” I say.
“So… do you wanna maybe be my girlfriend?” He asks me while scratching the back of his neck.
I hug him tightly and let out a chuckle.
“Of course i’ll be your girlfriend!” I yell happily. He grabs me and spins me in the air. I giggle as he puts me down and pecks my lips.
“I’m just letting you know now, Ned is going to be fangirling so badly tomorrow at school!” Peter tells me. I nod and chuckle, “Yeah that sounds like Ned! And maybe Michelle?”
He laughs then smiles, “Do you still wanna have our movie night?”
“Yeah sure! What movie are we gonna watch?”
“Umm… how about The Empire Strikes Back?” I look at him and roll my eyes,
“Of course you would pick that movie! But i’m fine with it so play it!” I smile at him. He kisses me on my temple and puts his arm around me.
*3rd Person View*
Halfway through the movie, y/n’s eyes get heavy. She leans her head on Peter’s shoulder and falls asleep. Peter notices and smiles to himself. He kisses her temple and pulls the covers over the both of them. Peter falls asleep with the beautiful girl that he had fallen in love with since freshman year of high school…
‘I’m gonna love life from now on’ Peter thought to himself before drifting off to sleep.
Word Count: 827
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sofiaisqueen2004 · 3 years
Loner-Peter Parker *TH*
*I wrote this almost three years ago so sorry if it’s really cingey*
Warnings-Hurtful words, bullying
*Y/n POV*
See, high school sucks if none of you have noticed. I’m what you may call it, a loner. No one really knows who I am. I’m usually studying, or at lunch I usually have my nose stuck in a book. Also, I have a crush on Peter Parker. But there’s no way that we would end up together because even though he’s also a nerd like me, he is still more popular than me.
I’m at my locker putting some things away. Then Liz Allen comes up behind me and shoves me into the locker.
“Hey nerd!” She yells in my face.
“Hi…” I say quietly.
“Why are you so quiet today?” Liz yells again.
“No reason but just please leave me alone…” I respond.
“Whatever loser! I’ll see you later” She shoves me again and I drop my books. ‘Let’s just go to class y/n’ I say to myself.
*At lunch*
I’m sitting at a table in the lunchroom alone because I have no friends to eat lunch With. I brought my favorite book with me to read during lunch. I would occasionally look up and stare at Peter. He is so adorable. Hopefully he doesn’t realize that I’m staring at him.
*Peter’s POV* I was sitting with Ned during lunch just staring at the table. I was thinking about how I’m Spider-Man and I basically am a superhero! I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I look up an see that Ned has his hand on my shoulder,
“Dude look,” He averts his eyes towards y/n, “She was looking at you man…”
I feel a strange heat come to my cheeks. 'Am I blushing?’ I think to myself.
“You know Ned, even though I like her, there’s no way someone as beautiful as her likes me back…” I say with disappointment laced in my voice.
“Look man, she does like you! I promise you! The way she looks at you during classes, means that she likes you back! NOW get your butt up NOW and go and make a MOVE!!!!” Ned yells at me pushing my up… I smile at him and thank him but then Liz comes over with a sweet smile.
“Hey Peter!” She waves at me, “See I have this party that i’m…” I tune her out and look over her shoulder. I see her look at me then quickly glance away. She grabs her stuff and heads out the blue cafeteria doors. I interrupt Liz by saying,
“Yeah umm that sounds cool! Bye now! I gotta go!” I run off after y/n as quick as my spidey legs can go. I see her walking to the outside of the school and run up to her.
“Y/N! Wait up!” I yell. She turns around and smiles faintly at me.
“Oh hey Peter! Do you need anything?” She asks me.
I take a deep breath prepared to tell her about the way I feel about her.
“Well all I need you to do is listen…” She nods slowly at me with confusion written all over her face.
“Ok so, umm. Ok, I’ve l-liked you for a w-while now and I just w-wanted to let you k-know..” I stutter a lot but still confess my feelings. I hear her chuckle, and I look up feeling more worried. I close my eyes and sigh, I was about to walk away when I feel someone grab my arm and turn me around. Then I feel a pair of soft/gentle lips on mine. I slightly gasp in shock but then immediately kiss back, and that makes her smile into the kiss… I put my hands on her waist while her hands go around my neck… I pull back smiling at her…
“You don’t know how long i’ve been waiting to hear those words come out of your mouth…” She chuckles softly with her little cute smile on her face.
“Well then, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?” I ask. She kisses my cheek softly and whispers, “Yes I will!” I cup her face and kiss her softly again…
'Man I could get used to kissing her lips over and over again…’ I think to myself as I smile into the kiss…
Word Count: 694
I hope you guys liked my first imagine! This one was ok but hopefully my writing will get better!
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sofiaisqueen2004 · 3 years
Hey y’all! My name is Sofia and I am a fanfic writer! I have a wattpad as well and my @ there is sofia_is_queen. All of my posts on here are from my own wattpad and you can repost my stories as long as you give me credit and @ me! Thank you and I hope you enjoy! I will ask for requests soon but I’ll tell you guys when that’s open! And you guys can ask me questions about anything!
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sofiaisqueen2004 · 3 years
It’s Gonna be Okay-H.O *JF*
(I wrote this three years ago so sorry if it’s cringey! This is a Harry Osborn imagine.)
Summary-Harry’s dad just passed away and Y/n is the first one there to comfort him.
*Y/n’s POV*
Things for Harry and I have been really tough lately after finding out that my boyfriends dad was the Green Goblin.
When his father died, Harry could not stop crying. I mean, I don't blame him. If my parents were killed, I wouldn't be able to live anymore. It's been five days since his father has passed away. I don't feel as bas as Harry because Norman Osborn was never really a good father.
He would manipulate Harry, he would being down Harry's self esteem, and Norman never really accepted Harry as his son. Me on the other hand, I've always been there for him. I was there for him when MJ broke up with him, I was there when Peter betrayed him when Peter started to date MJ.
I love Harry with all my heart and I would die for him if it came down to that. I walked into his mansion and saw him sitting on the couch with a cup of scotch in his hands. I sigh, while closing the door behind me.
"Babe, i'm here!" I say quietly. I walk over to him and sit next to him on the brown leather couch. He turns to me and smiles.
"Hey babe. What're you doing here so late at night?" I kiss him on the cheek then smile back at him.
"Oh ya know. Just wanted to see my extremely handsome boyfriend." I trace my fingers along his jaw then start rubbing it. He leans into my touch and brings his face close to mine. We're so close to each other that I can feel his breath on my mouth. I finally pull his face towards mine and connect our lips. He kisses back almost immediately. After a few minutes of our heated make out session, I pull back and smirk at him.
"Well, someone was eager to see me huh?" He chuckles then sits back with his arm around me. I snuggle into his side and turn on the massive flat screen T.V.
"Hey, I um never really asked this but, how are you feeling?" Harry looks down at me then sighs, "I'm gonna be honest, i'm feeling better, but I could be better." I frown a little then grab his face to turn to me,
"Hey, look at me..." He looks into my eyes, "It's gonna be ok. You have me and I will always love you." He swallows then smiles.
"You know what, I do have you! And you're the best thing that has happened to me. I will always love you no matter what." He chuckles then sighs, "I think i've just found the one person who I want to marry..."
My eyes start to water and I pull him into the tightest hug I think i've ever given to someone. He hugs back and kisses the temple of my head. He pulls back and puts his hands on my cheeks.
"I love you so much y/n. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us as a couple." He smiles widely and kisses my forehead.
"I can't wait too..." I pull him down with me and we cuddle each other until we both fall asleep...
Word Count: 599
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sofiaisqueen2004 · 3 years
“I’m gonna need the suit back”-P.P *TH*
*I wrote this three years ago so sorry if it’s cringey!
Summary-Peter does something reckless that costs him his job.
Warnings-Slight Violence
*Spider-Man/ Peter Parker's POV*
I can't believe I split the boat open in half....what the HELL was going through my head. How could I be stupid enough to split the whole freaking Ferry in half with about 100 people on it! I was just trying to be like Mr.Stark. And yet it got me fired, got my suit taken away, and I lost my girlfriend...
[Long Flashback] (My bad for it being so long)
"Who's that guy on the left." I asked my A.I. that was in my suit. I looked down to a group of 3 men.
"Matt Gargon. Extensive criminal record, including homicide. Would you like me to activate instant kill?" Karen responded.
"N-no! Stop it with the instant kill already!" I yelled. I listened in on what the group of men were saying.
"White pickup truck." A guy with a denim jacket said.
Another guy with tattoos all over his neck signaled to another guy to go into where all the cars were.
"Droney, scan the ship for a white pickup truck." I signaled my spider drone.
I saw what my drone saw and smiled, "This is too perfect! They got the weapons, the buyers, and the seller all in ONE place!"
Karen interrupted me, "Incoming call from Tony Stark"
I started to panic, "No, no, no, no! Don't answer!"
Mr.Starks face popped up on my screen in my suit, "Mr.Parker. Got a sec?"
"Uhh, no i-i'm actually at s-school!" I lied.
Karen said, "No you're not!"
"Nice work in D.C kid!" Mr.Stark said.
"O-ok!" I stuttered.
"My dad never really gave me much support, and i'm just trying to break the cycle."
I interrupted him, "I'm kind of in the middle of something..."
"Don't cut me off when i'm complimenting you! Anyway, great things are about to happen," He stopped talking abruptly because of the Ferry's honk... "What was that?"
I actually started having a panic attack, "Umm, i'm at band practice..." I'm such a terrible liar.
"That's odd, Happy told me you quit band two week ago?" He stated confused.
"I gotta go!" I yelled.
'Hey...." Then I hung up on him.
"I'll take those!" I shot my web at the man who was holding a pair of keys, and brought the keys back to me. I jumped off from where I was and landed onto the floor that they were standing on.
"Hey guys, you left at the wrong time! The ferry doesn't doc until 10:30! You guys are early!" I said and they came running towards me. I shot two guys away and punched another guy in the face. He fell all the way towards the end of the boat. He was dangling off the edge of the boat. Another guy came up behind me and tried to hit me with a blue glowing glove. I dodged it and shot my web at his arm and it was stuck to a metal pole.
Two other men tried to get up but I shot them and they went flying the other way with a motorcycle. "Woah, woah, woah, not so fast! Oh sorry! Are you guys ok? My bad that was a little hard. I gotta say," Shooting my empty web cartridge out then replacing it was a full one, "The other guy was way better with that glove thingy. I'm honestly, i-i'm shocked!"
The guy with the wings came out and smirked at me, I started running towards him but before I could get to him, the FBI showed up and yelled, "FBI! GET ON THE GROUND!" A bunch of men came towards me and I put my hands up in the air yelling, "Wait, wait, wait! What do you guys mean FBI??"
Karen started to speak, "The FBI is the Federal Bureau of-"
"NO! I understand what the FBI is! But what are they doing here?" Wings popped out of a white van cut the van in half. They were metal which means it's the same winged man that I fought before! He flew towards me with a purple lowing gun in his hands.
I moved everyone out of the way without getting hit. He flew up in the air and aimed his gun towards the guy who had the blue glowing gun and set him free. He yelled, "Get to the roof. We're leaving here!" I shot my web at the guy but missed. So then I shot it to the winged man's ankle. He shot his gun everywhere on the boat making holes.
I activated my taser web that was attached to the guys gun, and he let go of it. It landed in front of me but it exploded and shot everywhere. There was a huge crack in the middle of the ferry. The guy flew away from the scene and water started bursting through the crack. Both halves of the boat started falling apart.  The cars were going everywhere and were being pushed by the water.
"OH MY GOD!!! WHAT DO I DO!!" I screamed, "Karen, show me a x-ray of the boat! And point out all the strongest points." I saw all of the poles. I got an idea. I shot my webs at every single one of them then tied them together and pulled them as close as I could to myself. So that the boat wouldn't fall apart.
It stopped moving after 5 seconds. A man started clapping but then the boat immediately started falling apart again. Then after a few minutes, the boat started getting back together again. I looked over and saw Iron Man, pushing the boat back together, "Hi Spider-Man! Band practice was it?" He said sternly and sarcastically.
He flew to the bottom floor and I followed him. He somehow glued the boat back together, "Uhh Mr.Stark! Hey Mr.Stark!" I yelled climbing to the top of the boat, "Can I do anything!? Is there anything I can do!?"
He sighed, "I think you've done enough!" He flew off...
I sat at the top of a building with my legs dangling off the ledge. I hear two suits land near me, I assumed they were Tony Stark, and Y/n Stark...
*Y/N's POV*
I saw everything that happened. I felt bad for Peter because I know my dad won't let him hear the end of it. We flew towards him. I had my own iron man suit only it was fit for my body type.
"SO previously on Peter screws the pooch, I'd tell ya to stay away from this. You have a multimillionaire suit, not so you can just sneak off anywhere and do the one thing I told you NOT to do!" My dad yelled at him.
"Dad! Cut him some slack!" I yelled at him.
"NO Y/N! I will NOT! He disobeyed me! He deserved to be punished!!!" Dad yelled back.
"Is everyone ok?" I looked towards Peter.
"No thanks to you..." Dad said.
"Dad!" I yelled.
"Y/n! If you keep on defending him I will ground you!" I stayed silent.
Peter turned around with his mask off, "No thanks to me!? Those weapons were out there and I tried to tell you about it, but you didn't listen!" My dad flew down to Peter's level, while Peter started walking closer to dad, "NONE of this would've happened if you had just listened to me!!!!" I knew Peter was on the verge of bursting out into tears.
"If you even cared, you'd actually be here..." Peter continued speaking but then stopped. My dad's suit opened revealing himself. I did the same thing too. My dad walked right up to Peter while Peter backed away...
"I did listen Kid. Who do you think called the FBI huh?" He sighed walking closer to Peter, "Did you know I was the only one who believed in you while everybody else said I was crazy to recruit a 14 year old kid!" Dad stated.
"I'm 15-" Peter said quietly.
"No-THIS IS WHERE YOU ZIP IT ALRIGHT!!!!! AND LET THE ADULT TALK!" Dad screamed in front of Peter's face, "What if somebody died tonight? Hmm? Different story right? But this time it would be on you! But If you died, I think that's on me... I don't need that on my conscious."
"Y-yes sir. I know! I-i'm sorry" He stuttered. But my dad just shook his head, "Yeah, sorry doesn't cut it."
"I-I just wanted to be like you!" My dad shook his head again, "And I just wanted you to be better..."
"DAD!! Shut the hell up!!!!! Peter is my age! He didn't know what to do because you NEVER listened to him!" I took a deep breath while my Dad glared at me, "He's too young to make these life threatening decisions. I love him ok. We've been dating secretly for a few months...so don't you dare go yelling at him and blaming him for something that could've easily been avoided if YOU HAD JUST LISTENED TO HIM FOR ONCE!!!!"
"Ok so, you're grounded for the rest of your life and you're done dating Peter," He said pointing at me, "And so this is not working out, i'm gonna need the suit back."
"WHAT!?" I screamed, "You can't do that to him!!!"
"ZIP IT Y/N!!" He screamed at me. I had tears clouding my eyes now.
"Wait, for how long?" Peter asked.
"Forever" Dad responded sternly.
"No, no, no! Please, please, please! You don't understand! This is all I have! I am NOTHING without this suit!" Peter whined.
"If you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it! Ok? God I sound like my dad..." Dad said disappointedly.
"I don't have any clothes..."
"Ok we'll sort that out..."
[End of flashback]
*Peter's POV*
I walked into my apartment where my Aunt May and I live. I had my headphones in and went straight to my room...
I stopped abruptly at the door that leads to my room. I saw Y/n sitting on my bed with a bag in her hands.
"Y-y/n..." I whispered in shock. Her head shot up and instantly ran into me. She hugged me so tight I couldn't even breathe. But I hugged her back and I heard her start crying. I pulled back and wiped her tears away with the pad of my thumb.
"Hey don't cry! I'm right here..." I leaned into her and kissed her soft lips. She kissed back putting her hands on my neck. I pulled back and she smiled at me and I smiled back.
"I came here because I convinced my dad to give this back to you..." She handed me the bag. I opened it and found my Spider-Man suit in it.
"No... freaking...WAY!!! Oh my gosh Y/n thank you so much!!!" I yelled. She chuckled and pecked my lips, "And we can be back together now!" I grabbed her and spun her around in the air. She giggled and said, "Can't wait to be your girlfriend again!"
"I wouldn't have it any other way..." She smiles at me then I kiss her again.
Word Count: 1,887
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sofiaisqueen2004 · 3 years
Partners-P.P *TH*
*I wrote this three years ago so sorry fi it’s cringey!
Summary- You’re a superhero named Black HAwk and have the same powers as the Scarlet Witch. You and Spider-Man work alongside each other but something happens. 
Warning-Guns, Slight violence
*Black Hawk's POV*
Being a superhero is hard. And it's a huge risk! You could get killed at any moment. And that puts your loved ones at risk! If your enemies found out you had a relationship with someone, they would go right for them.
I thought that I would be the only superhero serving New York. But, when I saw a person in red and blue spandex swinging using webs, across New York, I realized I was wrong. Spidey and I became friends after saving a bank from being robbed by the 'Avengers' I used my powers which are being able to fly and being able to control chaos with magic.  (This is the power of The Scarlet Witch) Also, I have the power to heal people, but it takes up a lot my energy.
Another building ended up being blown-up, and it seemed to really to affect Spidey. He came out of the burning building holding a man and the mans cat. I didn't think much of it but I did help the man as much as I could.
It's around 8 p.m. right now, Spidey and I are on patrol right now. We have a meet up spot on the top of a tall building.
"Hey Black Hawk" I hear Spidey say.
"Yo spider-boy. What's up?" I respond.
I hear him sigh loudly, "First off, it's Spider-Man. Second, the police radio said that there was a robbery at the bank on 10th street. So that's where we gotta go."
I nod then we go off towards the bank... Once we get there, we see the robbers.
"Ok here's the plan, you go through the back door, while I go through the front door and web them all together. Then you come in and use you magic to hang them on the wall for the police to find." Spidey explains. I follow his direction and plan and head straight to the back of the bank.
*Spider-Man's POV*
I walk through the front door and climb up the wall and up to the ceiling. I shoot my web at the three men and they get stuck together. One of them somehow gets out of my web and grabs it and pulls me towards them. I go flying into them and immediately get punched in the face. I flip backwards and kick the guy that has my web in his hand. He falls over while the next guy grabs the gun that the three had and points it at me...
"Spider-Man! You have been our enemies far too long. Now it's time you die!" He yells. Black Hawk burst through the door and has black sparkles around her hands...
"Now, wouldn't that be bad if you killed Spider-Man? I mean, robbing and stealing wouldn't be fun anymore because no one would try to stop you." She stops talking for a second, "It would get boring after a while. Wouldn't it?" She puts her hands up and shoots her black magic and the two other thieves. They both go flying and I shoot a web at them both and they both are stuck.
The one with the gun shoots at her and gets her in the arm. She looks at her arm and then it suddenly heals...
"You really think a stupid little bullet could kill me?" She chuckles, "Well ya thought wrong!" She shoots another ball of her black magic at the man and he passes out. I shoot a web at him and web him to the two other guys.
"Good job guys trying to rob this bank!" We then her police sirens. I look back towards the thieves and say, "And that's our cue to leave!
"Next time, try not to be caught by us or the Police!" Black Hawk says then we both run out of the building leaving he scene. We get up to our meet up spot. Once we get on the roof, she falls on the ground grabbing her arm and her head.
"Hey, are you ok?" I ask her concerned.
"Y-yeah i'm fine it's just that," She sighs, "Whenever I use my healing powers, it uses a lot of my energy and my arm hurts pretty bad. And so does my head."
"Are you gonna be ok?" I ask again.
"Yeah I should be good. But I getter get back to my house so I can rest." She stands up then goes on the ledge of the building, "Bye Spider-boy!" She jumps of the ledge then flies away.
'That girl is beast! She's also super cool!' I smile at the thought of her... 'Can't wait for the next time we meet...'
Word Count: 770
0 notes
sofiaisqueen2004 · 3 years
Kisses in the Rain-P.P *TM*
*I wrote this three years ago so sorry if it’s cringey!
Summary-Y/n needs help, and Spider-Man is the one to save her.
Warnings- Slight Violence
I was walking towards my house after having a little argument with Peter. Peter and I were friends. But, after he found out that Harry and I were together, he seemed a bit off.
So I asked him why he was acting weird and we got into an argument. I care about Peter, but in a way that I shouldn't. I'll admit it! I do have a crush on Peter but i'm with Harry... What am I supposed to do? I didn't even realise that I had walked into an unfamiliar part of Queens. 
I walked passed a dark, grimmy, and misty alley way. I stopped and looked in it. I saw a black figure leaning against a wall, but then starts walking towards me. I panic and start running for my life. I hear loud footsteps behind me and I run even faster.
The mysterious person catches up to me and grabs me by the waist. He puts his hand over my mouth and shoves me against the wall...
"You will give me everything you have and never speak of this! Got it?" The man yells in my face. I start tearing up and reach for my purse. Then Spider-Man pops out of nowhere and walks towards us...
"You know, that's no way to treat a lady!" He shoots a web at the man then pulls him back. The man hits his head on the wall then blacks out. Spider-Man shoots him up on the brick wall with his web. He turns back to me and quickly hurries over to me...
"Are you alright miss?" He asks me.
I nod still trembling, "Y-yeah I think i'm fine..."
Ne nods his head. He shoots a web at a fire escape ladder and swigs off. But before he could leave I yell, "Wait Spider-Man!"
He looks back down and slowly comes down his web upside down. He finally gets to me and I walk up to him smiling. I raise my hands to the bottom of his mask and slowly pull it down...
I lean into him and press my lips to his. He kisses back and we kiss for about five seconds before he pulls away...
"I'm sorry but I have to go and do my job..." He says sadly.
I smile at him then give him a quick peck on the lips, "Well then, see ya later Spidey!"
He smirks before pulling down his mask, then swinging off into the dark sky...
Word Count: 404
Sorry that this was short again!
0 notes
sofiaisqueen2004 · 3 years
What Happened?-P.P *AG*
*I wrote this when three years ago so sorry if it’s cringey!
Summary-Peter climbs into Y/n’s room and asks her for help for something.
Warning-Slight mentions of blood and cuts.
*Y/n POV*
I was sitting in my room trying to finish an english paper that was due tomorrow and I haven't even started it.
"Ok so, when Juliet say, 'Romeo, oh Romeo! Where for out 'thou Romeo?' she is calling out for Romeo because she knows their love if forbidden. So, she's saying these words hoping that Romeo could hear her..." I hear a knock at my window. I turn around in my office chair and see the famous red and blue silhouette, or better known as my boyfriend Peter Parker, laying on my window. I smile at him and gesture for him to come in. He nods his head and slowly opens the window. I hear him land on my blue carpet and lay against the chair.
"Ya know Peter, next time you come into my room, try not to give me a heart--" I look at him and see his face with huge bloody cuts. His suit had a variety of tears. Small, big, and huge ones. I rush to him and help him up to one of my chairs in my room...
"Babe! What happened?" I ask him while I help him take off his suit. I see his chest and it has a bunch of cuts and bruises.
"I was fighting these bad people. And the police still think i'm a menace! So they shot at me and I dodged most of them but one got me in the leg, and then when I was fighting these bad people, they kicked and punched me..." I started tearing up while running to the bathroom and grabbing my first aid kit.
"Ok this will sting probably a lot!" I say as I rub the rubbing alcohol on his cuts. He groans in pain and moves a lot, "Peter, I can't clean you up if you keep on moving!"
"Sorry! I'm trying my best not to move!" He yells. I look at him and smile.
"It's ok! Just try..." After 15 minutes I finally got Peter all fixed up. I started tearing up seeing him all bandaged up. Peter notices and pulls me into a tight hug and I start uncontrollably start crying...
"Shh, shh, shh. It's ok. I'm right here..." He whispers into my hair and kisses my head. I start to calm down a little bit still hugging him tightly, "Peter, you seriously could've gotten way more hurt. I don't know what I would've done if lost you..."
"You won't ever lose me because..." He pauses and takes a deep breath in, "I love you..."
I look up at him, and smile warmly at him, "I love you too..." He smiles back at me and starts leaning into me. Our lips touch, and move in sync. I pull back from him and stare into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes.
"You know you have beautiful eyes y/n?" Peter asks me in a stating voice.
"Well, you have beautiful ones too..." I respond back, closing the gap in between us and kiss him with love. He kisses back and it feels like fireworks...
'What am I gonna do with you Peter Parker?' I think in my head and smiling to myself...
Word Count: 525
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sofiaisqueen2004 · 3 years
Finding Out-Peter Parker *TH*
*This one might be short and also is edited! I also wrote this like three years ago so sorry of it’s cingey! They get better!*
Summary- You find out about something Peter was trying to hide from you.
*Y/N’s POV*
I was walking to Peter's House because we were going to have a movie night together. I'm gonna be honest, I do have a crush on Peter. The only people who know about this are Ned and Michelle. They found out by constantly seeing me looking at Peter during school. I finally get to Peter's apartment and knock on the door. A lady opens the door. She has long brown hair, and thick round glasses. And beautiful brown chocolate brown eyes like Peters. She's also extremely skinny and it makes me kind of jealous.
"Well hello sweetie!" She smiles sweetly, "You must be Peter's friend! Y/n right?"
I nod my head in agreement, "Yes ma'am that is me!"
"Oh just call me Aunt May! Peter is at the library but he should be here in about 10-15 minutes! You can go up to his room and just wait for him." She smiles kindly at me.
"Thank you so much! I'll be waiting for him then!" I smile back at her.
I walk up to Peter's room. I enter and of course his room is a mess. I lay on the bottom bunk of his bed and go on a few social media's. 15 minutes later, I hear the window slowly open. I sit up from lying down on the bed and stare in shock. There's Spider-man upside down on the roof. My mouth slightly agape. He shoots a web at the door and slowly closes it. He gets down from the ceiling fully closing the door. He takes off his mask and starts walking backwards. He turns around. He sees me and his mouth dropped open. There before me stand my crush Peter. Tears start brimming my eyes as I look at him. I grab my stuff about to run out of his room.
"Y/N!! WAIT!" I feel something sticky on my hand. I look down and see a web on my hand that's connected to the doorknob, "Let me explain please y/n!"
I turn to look at him while tears start to fall down my red cheeks, "What is there to explain Peter!? Is there more I need to know!? What makes you think I'm gonna actually listen!"
I hear him take a breath in and sigh, "Y/n, look i'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier! If I told you, you would be put in major danger! And I couldn't afford to loose another person that I care so much about. But that obviously doesn't matter because you're probably infuriated with me..." His voice cracking at the end.
I look at him with sad eyes. I feel his pain. I know what it's like to loose someone that you car so much about. But to be honest, I wasn't mad at him. I was just disappointed he didn't trust me enough to tell me his secret.
"P-peter. Come here." I say softly. He looks up at me and starts walking over. Once he's near me I pull him into a tight hug. I feel him start sobbing into my shoulder. I hug him tighter as both of his arms go around my waist tightly.
I retract from our hug and stare into his chocolate brown eyes, "Umm Peter? Could you please take me out of this web?" He chuckles a little and cuts the web of off my hand.
"Thank you... and Peter. I'm not angry at you for not telling me that you are Spider-man... I'm really happy that you care about my safety..." I smile at him and bring my hand up to his cheek wiping away his tears. He smiles back at me and puts his hands on my waist and pulls me closer to him. I feel his lips touch mine. I kiss him back while he pulls me closer to his body. I pull back from the kiss and smile at him.
"So..." I say.
"So... do you wanna maybe be my girlfriend?" He asks me while scratching the back of his neck.
I hug him tightly and let out a chuckle.
"Of course i'll be your girlfriend!" I yell happily. He grabs me and spins me in the air. I giggle as he puts me down and pecks my lips.
"I'm just letting you know now, Ned is going to be fangirling so badly tomorrow at school!" Peter tells me. I nod and chuckle, "Yeah that sounds like Ned! And maybe Michelle?"
He laughs then smiles, "Do you still wanna have our movie night?"
"Yeah sure! What movie are we gonna watch?"
"Umm... how about The Empire Strikes Back?" I look at him and roll my eyes,
"Of course you would pick that movie! But i'm fine with it so play it!" I smile at him. He kisses me on my temple and puts his arm around me.
*3rd Person View*
Halfway through the movie, y/n's eyes get heavy. She leans her head on Peter's shoulder and falls asleep. Peter notices and smiles to himself. He kisses her temple and pulls the covers over the both of them. Peter falls asleep with the beautiful girl that he had fallen in love with since freshman year of high school...
'I'm gonna love life from now on' Peter thought to himself before drifting off to sleep.
Word Count: 827
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sofiaisqueen2004 · 3 years
Loner-Peter Parker *TH*
*I wrote this almost three years ago so sorry if it’s really cingey*
Warnings-Hurtful words, bullying
*Y/n POV*
See, high school sucks if none of you have noticed. I'm what you may call it, a loner. No one really knows who I am. I'm usually studying, or at lunch I usually have my nose stuck in a book. Also, I have a crush on Peter Parker. But there's no way that we would end up together because even though he's also a nerd like me, he is still more popular than me.
I'm at my locker putting some things away. Then Liz Allen comes up behind me and shoves me into the locker.
"Hey nerd!" She yells in my face.
"Hi..." I say quietly.
"Why are you so quiet today?" Liz yells again.
"No reason but just please leave me alone..." I respond.
"Whatever loser! I'll see you later" She shoves me again and I drop my books. 'Let's just go to class y/n' I say to myself.
*At lunch*
I'm sitting at a table in the lunchroom alone because I have no friends to eat lunch With. I brought my favorite book with me to read during lunch. I would occasionally look up and stare at Peter. He is so adorable. Hopefully he doesn't realize that I'm staring at him.
*Peter's POV* I was sitting with Ned during lunch just staring at the table. I was thinking about how I'm Spider-Man and I basically am a superhero! I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I look up an see that Ned has his hand on my shoulder,
"Dude look," He averts his eyes towards y/n, "She was looking at you man..."
I feel a strange heat come to my cheeks. 'Am I blushing?' I think to myself.
"You know Ned, even though I like her, there's no way someone as beautiful as her likes me back..." I say with disappointment laced in my voice.
"Look man, she does like you! I promise you! The way she looks at you during classes, means that she likes you back! NOW get your butt up NOW and go and make a MOVE!!!!" Ned yells at me pushing my up... I smile at him and thank him but then Liz comes over with a sweet smile.
"Hey Peter!" She waves at me, "See I have this party that i'm..." I tune her out and look over her shoulder. I see her look at me then quickly glance away. She grabs her stuff and heads out the blue cafeteria doors. I interrupt Liz by saying,
"Yeah umm that sounds cool! Bye now! I gotta go!" I run off after y/n as quick as my spidey legs can go. I see her walking to the outside of the school and run up to her.
"Y/N! Wait up!" I yell. She turns around and smiles faintly at me.
"Oh hey Peter! Do you need anything?" She asks me.
I take a deep breath prepared to tell her about the way I feel about her.
"Well all I need you to do is listen..." She nods slowly at me with confusion written all over her face.
"Ok so, umm. Ok, I've l-liked you for a w-while now and I just w-wanted to let you k-know.." I stutter a lot but still confess my feelings. I hear her chuckle, and I look up feeling more worried. I close my eyes and sigh, I was about to walk away when I feel someone grab my arm and turn me around. Then I feel a pair of soft/gentle lips on mine. I slightly gasp in shock but then immediately kiss back, and that makes her smile into the kiss... I put my hands on her waist while her hands go around my neck... I pull back smiling at her...
"You don't know how long i've been waiting to hear those words come out of your mouth..." She chuckles softly with her little cute smile on her face.
"Well then, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" I ask. She kisses my cheek softly and whispers, "Yes I will!" I cup her face and kiss her softly again...
'Man I could get used to kissing her lips over and over again...' I think to myself as I smile into the kiss...
Word Count: 694
I hope you guys liked my first imagine! This one was ok but hopefully my writing will get better!
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