storythymee · 4 years
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storythymee · 4 years
Not my blog "aesthetic" but this art is amazing so fuck it
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Art by GuangYuan YU
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storythymee · 4 years
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storythymee · 4 years
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The White Room / The Garden Room Pali Hill, Mumbai, India, 2019; images © The White Room.
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storythymee · 4 years
Ya'll should read my fic on Ao3 :)
Plenty of angsty, sad Jaskier and a smutty treat at the end!
oh, also, while you’re at it
do your best not to think about jaskier drinking his weight in cheap ale to banish the memory of the mountaintop
do your best not to think about jaskier sobbing into the bedding in the room he rents with the last little bit of coin he has left because he gave it all to geralt to carry, lest the dragon slay him and leave his witcher standing
do your best not to think about jaskier leaving the tavern to move on, unaccustomed to walking after geralt had finally began to let him ride with him regularly
do your best not to think about jaskier’s feet growing sore and his body growing weary, darkness encroaching with him miles from civilization
do your best not to think about jaskier struggling to find shelter for the night off the road, the beasts in the forest drawn by the scent of sweet blood
do your best not to think about jaskier losing the will to perform, the desire to even touch his lute, the motivation to do anything more than lay in bed and loathe himself for every little thing he’s ever done
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storythymee · 4 years
Characters who don’t typically seem phased by things (maybe they’re pretty stoic, or bright and bubbly, or boundlessly determined) who have something particularly bad happen to them, so bad that it breaks their spirit or leaves them so weak that they can’t carry on as normal, and everyone suddenly realizing how vulnerable they are.
“Are they… crying?”
“They look so small on that hospital bed.”
“I didn’t realize how quiet things would feel without their incessant chatter.”
“They always looked after us, but we never asked if they needed help. We always just assumed they were fine, we never bothered to check?”
“God, I forgot just how young they are.”
“Have they always looked so… sad?”
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storythymee · 4 years
"Oh no you don't", they shake their head, pissed off and marching right at them, "over my dead body"
"If you even THINK of touching them, so much as look at them funny, I'll fucking kill you."
"I waited all day for you" *cracking knuckles* "I'm going to enjoy this"
"Take one more step and I'll shove your foot so far up your ass, you'll taste it"
I need prompts for aggressively badass caretakers protecting the whumpee from a threat STAT
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storythymee · 4 years
Hey, it’s been a while!
I’ve kinda dropped this blog for a while. I got caught up on a lot of life things (I’m doing a major career change) and I just never found the energy to write.But now I’m back at it!
I’ve fallen in love with The Witcher and the show gave me the sudden inspiration to write a fanfic with Geralt and Jaskier. God, I love those two.
I’ve written almost 30 pages and I’m so close to finishing! 
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storythymee · 5 years
I will never ever ever ever EVER be over Character A barely surviving something and Character B being so overcome with relief they just have to clutch A and bury their face in A’s neck while A tells them it’s okay.
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storythymee · 5 years
Hey Everyone!, it's been a while! I missed posting so I churned this bad boy out. Hope ya like it!
They're all yelling over eachother. Everyone in the room is pointing their fingers and twisting their tongues over accusations. You didnt try hard enough. You weren't paying attention. You failed them.
Everyone in the room used to be apart of a team, each stepping up to be the leader when their time came. Intelligent, strong, moral, thet has a balance.
The city they now screamed in considered them heroes. She had saved a young child's life from a perilous fall last week and he intercepted a viscous attack against one of the cities largest hospitals only a month ago. And together, combined with the other members, they banded together and fought tooth and nail to end a deadly war before it could even start.
Yet here they stood, spitting venom across the table because each any every person in this room failed, and they were too afraid to admit it.
The Whumpee was their light in dark times. They would walk into the room, find each member brooding in their respective corner, and giggle.
"You all look so serious!"
And that mellifluous giggle would tear through tension in their shoulders and they would all finally be able to relax, breathe, and share collective smiles. But all that came flooding back when their Whumpee was gone.
The giggle distorted and faded as the days passed. The Whumpee disappeared, taken from the team under their noses with out a speck of dust to examine. They couldnt figure it out. The Whumpee was just gone...
So as their screams rose and those who were once friends began crowding into each other's space with their fingers digging into the meat of the other's chest. Their loathsome rage suffocated the room as ear drums rattled.
No one heard the door slide open, nor did they hear is click shut. No one hears the quivering breaths fall from chapped lips nor did they see the way a battered body stumbled as a knee buckled.
But they all cut the cords on their next verbal attack when a chair slipped and crashed onto the tiled floor, it's weight bouncing heavily until is it settled. The Whumpee stood in its place, shakey fingers clutching to the edge of the table as they desperately tried to hold their body up. The shock was palpable and held the team in their places. No one moved but a broken exhale poured from one of the hero's mouth.
Then, all hell broke loose. One of the hero's, the Caretake who threw himself into a boiling pot of recklessness upon the whumpee's disappearance, kept forward and rushed to the whumpee. As their fingers curled around the thinned biceps of the Whumpee, the rest of the team piled in.
"(Whumpee)! (Whumpee), how?! You're alive, oh god, what happened to you?!"
The Whumpee's long hair flopped back and the light hit their bruised eyes. They opened their mouth, but nothing came out.
"You're-" the bruises burned the Caretaker's eyes, their embedded pain searing against the Caretaker's heart, "Who hurt you? (Whumpee)! Tell me who hurt you!"
Their feral raged bared its teeth and the whumpee curled in on themselves, but their wide eyes never looked away. Their irises grew glassy but they didnt blink, and the very fear that guided them all this time rushed to the surface.
The other team members grabbed onto the hero and tried to pull him back, but his limitless strength locked onto the Whumpee and they dove in closer to demand an answer. The Whumpee shook their head and gasped as the grip tightened on their arms.
Yet the Caretaker was oblivious, their vision soaked red and the need to find and kill boils their blood. How could someone hurt the Whumpee like this. This, this stranger in front of the Caretaker was no longer the bubbly and carefree friend their fought alongside. Gone were the honey dipped smiles and wind chime laughter. The shell within the Caretakers grip was not the sweet Whumpee who was taken from him, and the Caretaker will ruin whoever did this.
Larger and more aggressive hands latched onto the Caretaker's back and pull. When they suddenly fall back, the desperate voices flood passed their blocked ears. Let go, let go-
"Let go of him!" Her voice was shrill and scared, her body swooping in and pulling the Whumpee away from him and into her chest. Her hands ran frantic and soothing traces along the Whumpee's shaking form, his head tucked under her chin and his face hidden away in her body.
Her eyes were locked on the Caretaker, an anger so deadly aimed right at him. The adrenaline was then sapped from the Caretaker's body and their eyes flicked back and forth between their empty hands and the Whumpee. An icy wash of fear drowned out their killer intent and they whimpered with a broken heart. Her unforgiving glare was projected back.
What had he done?
No, no, please-
"I-I'm sorry. Please-"
"Get out!"
He back away with a knot forming in his throat. He pushed himself up but he couldnt pull himself up to his full height. He stepped backwards through the doorway and one of his team members moved in to slide it shut. Over their shoulder, the Caretaker met the Whumpee's teary eyes. As the door clicked, that sweet, honeysuckle child closed their eyes and looked away.
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storythymee · 5 years
Give your emotionally damaged whumpees pets instead of caretakers. Write your whumpee breaking down on the bathroom floor in the middle of the night until their dog comes in to lick their face. Give your whumpee a cat that they hold tight to their body until the purring eases their panic. Give them any sort of animal that follows them around to ease their pain because they don’t have any human friends to do it.
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storythymee · 5 years
Alright y’all. I need some healthblr/fitblrs to follow
Reblog so I can find you.
I follow from my main @mypunchbag
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storythymee · 5 years
whumpees putting on their caretakers clothes, whenever they have to leave to get food or get the whumpee their medicine, because they can’t be alone again
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storythymee · 5 years
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storythymee · 5 years
Concept #40
Hero (Or Villain) is getting hunted down by a big threat. Terrified of what’s going to happen, they leave they their child in the hands of the only person they know who is capable of protecting them: Villain (Or Hero).
Got a little thing here about my upcoming story series if anyone is interested.
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storythymee · 5 years
This is so sweet 🧡
The Whump Community
You have whump as a kink? You're valid!
You only like it because the writing prompts are helpful? Also valid!
Your characters get stabbed, shot, and sick every time you write? That's great!!
You prefer to focus on the comfort and aftercare? That's awesome!!
You're an adult who's liked this content for years? I look up to you!
You're a teenager who just found out what Whump is in the past few months? Hey, same here!
You can't share this side of yourself with anyone for fear of judgement? That's okay, and im proud of you for having boundaries!
You post Whump fics openly? I'm glad you can be proud of your writing!
We're all valid here. ❤
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storythymee · 5 years
Whump Prompt 033
Caregiver hugging the whumpee close, shielding them from the whip striking down hard repeatedly from the whumper. The beatings get worse but only manages to draw out strangled grunts and groans from the caregiver through their clenched teeth. 
The whumper eventually gives up, leaving the two alone. The caregiver is shaking badly, their vision blurring, but they still manage to put on a tender smile and ask for the whumpee’s wellbeing. The whumpee sobs, muttering apologies, trying to pull themselves together as the caregiver inevitably fall limp into their arms.  
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