#& i went on a ghost tour or some shit on a ghost bus near there it was so fucking funny big recommend i love london i can’t wait to go back
bibleofficial · 11 months
INSANE talent at triangulating where people are located via grindr & scruff
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jennay · 7 months
Haunted Memories
Request: The reader has been tagging along with the guys while they are on tour. She is in a relationship with Noah. They are back in their hometown and the reader is walking through the venue when she is stopped by her ex, which she had an abusive past with. She immediately gets shaken up by seeing him. Instead of hanging out on the side stage to watch the guys like she normally does, the reader heads back to the bus. Noah notices that she isn't around before and when they are on stage, so he starts to wonder where the reader is. After the show is over, he finds out from someone backstage that she had went back to the bus before the show even started. When he gets on the bus, he finds the reader distraught and extremely upset. Maybe something along those lines.
Warnings: talks of physical abuse lots of angst but ends in fluffy goodness
Word Count: 2100
Noah Master List
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You couldn't believe it. Of all the places in the world, the final show of the tour had to be in your home town. Noah had warned you about this, but you didn't think it would affect you so much.
You found yourself wandering around the venue, feeling like a ghost, while Bad Omens rocked the stage. This place was haunted by your past. You had so many memories here, some that made you smile and some that made you shiver.
You remembered the day Noah left Virginia, the day your best friend ripped your heart out. You sobbed when he hugged you goodbye, but you also cheered him on.
You wanted him to follow his dreams, even if it meant leaving you behind. You wanted to go with him, but you had things to finish in Richmond, things that couldn't wait.
You sighed as you walked to the merch section, looking for comfort in the colorful shirts. Buying new shirts from all the tours was your guilty pleasure. You told Noah once that you would make a quilt out of them someday, a quilt that would keep you warm and remind you of him when you couldn't tour with the band.
You spin around and freeze. There he is, the monster who ruined your life, the one you thought was locked up for good. Your heart sinks to your stomach, and you feel sick as your memories flood. How could this happen? Why did you have to bump into him here, of all places?
Why couldn't Noah be by your side to protect you from him? Your hands tremble as you back away, wishing you could vanish.
You try to speak, but your throat is dry, and your voice is gone.
He moves closer to you, a wicked grin on his face. He pretends he didn't do anything wrong, he didn't send you to the hospital with broken bones and bruises, and he didn't make you fear every man who looked at you.
"It's so nice to see you I-, I went by your parent's house last year. I wanted to apologize for, you know, things that happened in the past." He bites his lip. You can tell he's nervous, but you don't know if the regret in his voice is being faked or not, "I've changed a lot." He tells you.
You shake your head in disbelief, "Fuck you!" You roughly say. "You don't get to walk back into my life and say shit to me." You turn to walk away, feeling your adrenaline rush. Who did he think he was? Did he really think an apology would make you swoon and forgive him?
You feel a hand grab your wrist, and he pulls you back to him. You feel like you did all those years ago, "I've changed. I'm sorry for what I did. I went through therapy, and they said the best thing I could do was ask for forgiveness. It's part of the program I'm in. I'm not heavy in addiction anymore. I don't even know that person, and I'm so ashamed! Please just listen to me. Please, I'm sorry."
You feel your body tremble as you pull your wrist out of his grasp, "You knew I'd be here, didn't you?" You look down at his hand that’s reaching for you again. You quickly swat it away, "Don't fucking touch me. If my boyfriend sees you, of all people even near me, you will end up in the hospital."
He nods knowingly. "I know you're dating Noah now. I'm not here to step on your toes. I just need you to forgive me." He desperately says like this was the last thing on his list before he could move on.
You snap your head back, shocked by his words, baffled by how he could ever expect you to forgive him. “You don’t deserve a fucking thing from me.” You hissed. “I hate you. You shattered me beyond repair. You twisted me, and I could never heal from what you did. You wrecked all my chances of happiness, you ruined what I could’ve been for Noah, and you dare to ask for my forgiveness?” You snarl through gritted teeth. “You think you’re worthy of that?” You pause, feeling your jaw clench. “I hope you die with the guilt of what you did. I hope it torments you every time you touch another woman.” Your eyes fill with tears, “But most of all, I hope everyone you love abandons you.”
You see his eyes turn black, and before you can react, his hand is flying towards your face, just like old times. You shut your eyes, bracing for the pain, but relax when you hear a familiar voice, "Whoa there, buddy. What the fuck is it that you think you're doing?" You hear Steven's voice ring in your ears, and you open your eyes to see that Steven has David's arm in his hand over your head. He roughly throws it aside and quickly pushes you behind him. "I don't know who the fuck you are...but I suggest you get the fuck out of here before I cause a scene."
Steven wraps his arm around your shoulders, pulling you close as he walks away from David. He looks down at you feeling your body slightly shaking still, "I'm not going to ask if you're OK because obviously, you're not, but who the fuck was that and do we need security to follow you around from now on?"
You shake your head no, your eyes landing on the ground as you walk, "He'd nobody, and I don't want to talk about it."
Steven nods understandingly, "Let me walk you back to the bus. I'll know you're safe there, and I'll let Noah know where you are, okay?"
"I don't really want Noah to know about this." You say sheepishly.
Steven bites his lip, knowing he's about to say something you won't like, "You know I can't do that."
You take a deep breath, "I know."
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After the show, Steven immediately finds Noah to talk to him about what he witnessed.
Noah clenches his fists as Steven tells him what he saw. “I don’t know who the bastard was, she wouldn’t tell me. She shut me out, and I didn’t want to push her.”
He wishes he could have been there instead of Steven, but he’s grateful to him for stepping in and stopping the assault before it happened. He knows if he had been there and seen a man try to hurt you, he’d lose it. He’d end up in jail, but he wouldn’t regret it. He’d smile in his mug shot, knowing he did the right thing. Whether you were his girlfriend or not, you would always be safe with him.
Before Noah opens the bus door, he takes a deep breath. He asked the others to leave you alone for a while before they came to check on you. He wanted to make sure you were okay, or at least not falling apart.
He knew you hated showing your vulnerability in front of anyone. Even with him, you tried to act strong and hide your pain. He opens the door, scanning the bus for you. He doesn’t see you anywhere until he hears a faint whimper from the bunk area. His heart breaks at the sound of your cry.
Noah walks softly toward the noise, stopping in the middle of the hallway. He sees you lying in his bunk, staring blankly at the ceiling. He notices the tear stains on your cheeks and the redness in your eyes.
You don’t look at him as he kneels by the side. He gently reaches for your hand, making you flinch out of your daze. Noah wants to kill the man who did this to you. He wants to smash things and yell at the world. He wants to make the pain go away. You didn’t deserve this. How could anyone be so cruel to you?
"Baby," he coos while brushing your hair out of your face, "What can I do to help?"
You tilt your head finally looking him in the eyes. You wipe your burning cheeks and turn on your side, patting the spot next to you.
He nods and slides into the bunk beside you, wrapping his arms around you as you snuggle close. He tenderly strokes your hair as you cry into his chest, letting out all the emotions that have been bottled up inside you. He holds you firmly, making you feel safe and loved in his embrace.
“I don’t want to feel this way.” You say in a shaky voice. “It’s like every time I think I’m healing, something triggers me, and I feel worthless and broken. The voice in the back of my head…” You pause, gasping for air, “It keeps telling me I’m not good enough, and I want to be good enough for you, but I’m so damaged, and I know you’ll leave me too because I don’t deserve you.”
Noah’s face twists with confusion and pain, wondering how you could ever doubt yourself so much. “Y/n…” He says softly, pulling away from you slightly, lifting your chin, and making you look into his eyes, “I will never leave you.” He kisses your nose and smiles gently, “If you ever want to break up with me, that’s your decision, but I’ll do everything in my power to keep you. I was serious when I said I was going to marry you someday. I know you might have thought it was a joke, I mean we were only fourteen, but I meant it with all my heart.” He says, pulling you back to his chest. “Was it David?”
He feels you nod your head against his chest. “Yeah.” You whisper, barely audible.
Noah feels his blood boil, he’d heard rumors from your friends about what he did to you, and he remembered the hospital visits, the bruises and the scars. You didn’t tell him the truth back then, but you opened up to him before you became official, just in case he changed his mind.
He kisses your forehead and whispers, “ I’m sorry he hurt you. I’m so sorry he made you feel this way. But you’re not alone. I’m here for you, always. I love you more than you can imagine. You’re beautiful, you’re strong, you’re amazing. And I’m not going anywhere, I promise. You’re stuck with me.”
You feel his words warm your heart, and you wrap your arms around him, holding him tight. You feel a flicker of hope, a spark of happiness. You smile and say, “I love you. Thank you for being here and being you. I’m not going anywhere either, I promise. You’re stuck with me, too.”
He laughs and hugs you closer, feeling a wave of relief and joy. “Sounds perfect to me. We’re going to be OK, you know that, right? We’re going to get through this together. We’re going to have a happy ending.”
You nod and kiss his chest, feeling loved. “I believe you. We’re going to be OK. We’re going to have a happy ending.” You repeat.
He nods and kisses your hair, feeling love and hope. I love you, Y/n."
“I love you, Noah. I love you more than words can say.” You cuddle up to him, feeling his heartbeat, warmth, and love. You close your eyes, feeling worn out from all the emotions of the day, and drift off to sleep, feeling safe and happy in his arms.
You dream of a better future with him, where you’re both happy and free—a future with only happy endings.
Tags: @thisbicc @yumikitten @lma1986 @chemicallady
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age-of-greta · 2 years
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The Lovers
The Lovers represent relationships and choices. Its appearance in a spread indicates some decision about an existing relationship, a temptation of the heart, or a choice of potential partners. Often an aspect of the querent's life will have to be sacrificed; a bachelor's lifestyle may be sacrificed and a relationship gaine, or one potential partner may be chosen while another is turned down. Whatever the choice, it should not be made lightly, as the ramifications will be lasting.
Author’s note: hi!! as always, this fic has two time jumps, then and today. I proofread by typos happen! The LAST (omg) chapter will be out next Wednesday at midnight. Then the epilogue will be out the next week. Can’t believe it’s coming to an end!! Enjoy :)
Pairing: Jake x reader & Sam x reader
Warnings: language, alcohol consumption, angsttt, adult content
Word count: 4k
PART 12:
“Sammy there’s no way in hell I’m doing that again.” You said.
You had just beat Sam in a hand grenade chugging challenge and you were slumped. It was your last night in New Orleans. The guys played at a festival here yesterday and they killed it. You were now all out on bourbon street drinking and getting into trouble.
“It was that goddamn gumbo!” Sam exclaimed, still recovering.
“We are going to miss the ghost tour, let's go!” You hear Danny yell at you two.
You grab Sam’s hand and drag him to catch up with the others. Jake eyes you strangely when Sam continues to hold your hand. You had let go, but Jake still seemed off about it. Everyone was buzzed to say the least, and you were about to embark on a haunted pub crawl. You all finally made it and got on the bus just in time, there were three bars you would be visiting tonight, each with special stories and drinks. The first two stops went smoothly. Everyone had gotten along and enjoyed the drinks and tales. It was the third stop that had gotten a little weird.
“Shit I’m drunk.” Josh says , entering the final bar for the night.
You giggle at him. “Me too Joshua, me too.”
Josh links arms with you as you two make your way to the bar. Jake had been acting strangely all night. He wasn’t necessarily snippy with you, but something was pissing him off. He was standing near you and Josh, while Sam and Danny had found their way a few people over from you.
“This next drink is called the devil’s delight. It has been said that the circles of hell reside under this very bar.” The bartender says, holding up a bottle of fireball.
“Oh hell yes.” You hear Josh say.
Jake snakes his hand around your waist while you all wait, you lean slightly into him. You look over and his expression is somewhat blank. When he looks over at you a small smile creeps over his face.
“Enjoying yourself, lover?” Jake asks.
You smile back at him. “Yes. Maybe a little too much.”
Jake snickers at that. Now is your chance to try and get some information.
“Are you enjoying yourself?” You ask, casually.
Jake takes a small breath and nods. “Of course. I’m getting my favorite things, booze and you.”
There are cups of the drinks being passed around. Jake grabs two and hands you your cup.
“Are you ready to be delighted by the devil my darling?” You ask dramatically.
Jake smirks at you. “Bottoms up baby.”
You clink your glasses and choke down the cinnamon liquid. Whew, it was strong.
“Fuck.” You say setting your cup down.
Jake chokes back a laugh. “Yeah. That’ll do it huh.”
The bartender makes another round of drinks for his next story and you, Jake, and Josh shoot those back as well. When the story is over Danny and Sam find their way over to you.
“We ordered everyone another devil’s delight.” Sam announces.
You make a face. “I don’t know if I can do another one, Sammy.”
Sam laughs at you and throws his arm around you. “Oh come on you can take it.”
You notice Jake’s expression and he looks like his bad mood is coming back.
“I really don’t think I can.” You say.
Then the drinks arrived and everyone took one. Sam takes two and hands you the other.
“Give mine to Josh. He enjoys it way more than me.” You say with a laugh.
Sam squeezes the grip on your shoulder and smiles big at you. “Come on sorority girl! Do it for me.”
“She said she doesn’t fucking want it.” Jake spits out. “And why the fuck do you always call her that? She doesn’t need a pet name from you.”
Sam makes a face at his older brother. “What is your deal?”
Josh clears his throat before Jake can respond. “Hey, looks like the bus is back! Come on guys- oh and Sam I will take the extra one- thank you.”
Josh takes your cup and grabs Sam, dragging him towards the door. Danny looks at you and raises his eyebrows before walking off. You look back at Jake, who has finished his drink and is running his fingers through his hair.
“You ready?” You ask, cautiously not wanting him to bite your head off too.
“Yep.” He stands up and takes your hand.
That was weird? Why is he upset that Sam calls you the name he always has since you met? You figured Sam had probably pissed Jake off prior and now Jake was just looking for reasons to lash out on him.
The rest of the bus ride back was normal. Jake acted as if nothing was wrong and drunkenly held your hand and pointed out all kinds of sights on the way back to bourbon street. When you finally returned, you had all decided to call it a night. Sam’s buzz had dwindled immensely and you could tell he was still pissed at Jake. Nevertheless you all ubered back to your hotel like nothing was wrong.
“Jake, you have to take off your shoes.” You say through laughs as Jake lay face down on the bed.
He groans in response and reluctantly sits up and gets them off. He strips down to just his underwear and crawls under the blankets, making a patting motion next to him for you to join.
“I’m going to grab some water from vending machines in the hall. It looks like we’re going to need it.” You say, grabbing your wallet and heading out the door.
When you make it to the vending machine you see Sam standing there pondering at the snack options. Then you smell it on him.
“Holding out on me Sammy?” You ask approaching him.
Sam jumps a little. “Jesus, you scared me. But, yes sorry I didn’t know if you would be up for it.”
You give him a smile. “It’s okay, I definitely didn’t need it. I’m about to buy out all the water in this machine as we speak. Jake has passed out already.”
“Ah I see.” Sam says, a little weary of that name.
You bite your lip, suddenly aware of the tension. “I’m sorry he bit your head off. I’m not sure why he’s in a bad mood but the alcohol didn’t help.”
Sam furrows his brows and looks down at you. “Did he go off on you too?”
“No, not at all.” You clarify. “I think he’s probably mad about something minuscule that happened during the festival. You know how he can be.”
Sam nods his head. “Right, I'm sure that’s it.”
After getting your water, Sam selects his snacks and looks over at you. “If you want you can come to my room and we can smoke.”
You give him a soft smile. “Raincheck? I’m exhausted and need to get a start on packing.”
“Sure. Next time then.” Sam responds.
“Goodnight Sammy.” You say, starting to shift back towards your room.
“Goodnight.” He responds nodding his head.
You and Jake had woken up the next morning and immediately decided to grab some greasy breakfast.
You found yourselves at a 24 breakfast diner, washing down aspirin with coffee and orange juice.
“So, I have news.” Jake says, sipping his coffee.
“Do tell.” You respond.
Jake takes a breath. “Well we booked another mini tour.”
Your face lights up at that. “Jake, that's amazing!”
He shrugs. “Yeah, I just found out about it yesterday. It’s in Europe.”
Your heart sinks a little. “Oh wow.”
“Mhm. It’s about a month long, this summer.” Jake says, fumbling around with his napkins.
“That’s great. I’m so happy for you, truly. Congratulations.” You say, trying to sound as sincere as possible.
“Would you like to come?” Jake asks, cautiously.
You let out a small laugh. “To Europe? For a month? Sounds beyond fun and all, but I think I’ll have to keep my tag along trips on the weekends- and probably stateside.” You respond.
Jake sucks in his cheeks. “Understandable. Just know the offer stands.”
You smile at him. “I appreciate that. Now, can we order some damn waffles?”
The dreaded goodbye time had come along. Jake was flying back to Atlanta with you for a few days, but you had to say bye to everyone else. Your flight was before the Nashville flight, so when your uber arrived you had to say goodbyes quickly while Jake loaded up.
“Bring it in mama.” Josh says, pulling you into a hug.
“I trust we’ll be seeing you soon.” Danny says, a statement more than a question.
When you got to Sam he was standing with his hands in his pockets. You embraced him in a hug.
“Call me when you make it home?” You ask, still nuzzled in his chest.
“Absolutely.” Sam replies, lightly patting your back.
“Bye Sammy. Be safe.” You say ending the hug.
Sam offers you a smile. “Bye. You too.”
That was now two encounters where Sam did not use your nickname. There would be many more.
It had been a month since you saw Jake. You had tried to call a few times, but it was to no avail. You spoke to Sam on the phone two times since he had left. The first time was a day after he had gotten back. He told you how pissed Jake still was, but he thought they would move past it eventually. The second and last time was a week after that. It was a brief call, just checking in on you. You tried to ask about Jake, but just got vague bullshit. Sam had texted you sporadically, but nothing meaningful.
How are you? Thinking about you. I hope you’re doing okay. I miss you.
Were the the common ones. You knew he was being cautious because of Jake. But you didn’t feel like interacting with Sam much either. You were too sad. You couldn’t think of Sam without thinking of what happened.
Two days before Christmas a package arrived for you. It was a vintage Bob Dylan poster from one of his early shows. The only note attached said:
Ordered this a few months ago. It just came in, I have no use for it.
It wasn’t signed, but you knew Jake’s handwriting. That made you spiral again. But you had been trying to let go. To get over him, it wasn’t working.
Other than wallowing in your self pity, you had taken up yoga more seriously. It calmed you and gave you a reason to leave your apartment on the weekends. Your mom had commented that you looked “good” when you came home for Christmas. But you felt anything but good. Nevertheless you faked it for two days, before returning to your usual 10pm crying session. Lana had been there for you through all this. She was heaven sent actually. But tonight you did not want her encouragement at all.
Danny’s birthday/New Years celebration was tonight. You felt sick about going. In fact you absolutely did not want to go. The thought of seeing Jake made you want to vomit. How were you supposed to act around Sam? It was the worst idea for you to go. But you felt like shit because it was Danny’s birthday, and you hadn’t been uninvited. In fact Danny had texted you telling you that you were still more than welcome to come and he missed you. You felt like that may have been a cop out, but Lana was also invited and she bugged the shit out of you to go. Danny had decided to have his birthday celebration in Atlanta and you knew they had all landed yesterday. Originally they were all supposed to stay with you, but that was out of the question now. You hadn’t left your apartment in two days from paranoia of running into them. Even at the damn yoga studio. Danny had rented out the bar that you took them to after the first concert you went to of theirs. It was right down the street from your office.
You had switched up your look a little. You added blonde highlights, got sewn in hair extensions, started self tanning regularly, and professionally whitened your teeth. You thought it would make you feel better, it didn’t. Lana took you to get your nails and toes done three days ago, you had chosen black for both. You knew she was taking you because you had the party coming up, but you didn’t question it. There you sat now staring at yourself in the mirror. You had just showered and you were wrapped in a towel. Even though you had dried off your face it was wet, you realized you were crying. Fuck. How could you even go about pulling this off. Lana had texted you an hour ago that she would be over soon to get ready and pregame. You splashed yourself with water and decided to make a cup of tea to calm your nerves. Then Lana showed up, cheery and peppy at the door with two dress bags and a bottle of wine in hand.
“Hey you gloomy bitch! Lose the sad face, tonight is going to be fun.” She says as she hugs you in the doorway.
You huff out and try to smile. “Yeah, you’re right.”
Three hours later and you were both ready to go. Lana looked so cute, she wore a silver metallic dress with black heels. She has also bought you a dress, it was something you might have never chosen for yourself but you loved it. It was an emerald green square necked glitter bodycon dress with long sleeves. It was tight, but not uncomfortable. It was short and it complimented your tan perfectly. You paired it with gold strappy heels and gold large snake earrings that had emerald gems as eyes. Your hair was blown out with waves, full and significantly more blonde than you even realized. You had put on sparkly body oil and enough perfume to choke a horse. You had a full face of makeup, with extra lashes on, and a matte pink lip. You had a little more than half a bottle of wine and you were feeling yourself. You knew you looked hot, and you had hoped that Jake might think so as well. You both giggled as you plopped into the Uber, you were ready to face tonight.
When you and Lana pulled up outside of the bar your nervousness was back. She took your hand and gave it a squeeze before you entered inside. The bar had a good amount of people there, maybe 30 in total. John Denver played on the jukebox as you entered the bar. You took a deep breath and put on your bravest face. You wouldn’t allow your eyes to wander a lot because you were terrified to make eye contact with Jake.
“Oh my god hi guys!” You see Danny beeline for you two. He hugs Lana then hugs you. “I’m so glad you made it!”
You smile at him. “Happy Birthday Danny.”
“Thank you!” Danny smiles back. “The bar is over there if you guys want some drinks.” He points over.
Then you see him. His eyes are burning holes into you. But he’s not alone. He’s sitting at a booth with a blonde girl. Holy fucking shit. It’s Jessica. Jessica who has a huge crush on Jake and he brought her here. You watch him flick his eyes off of you and turn to Jessica and smile and put his arm around her while she talks. Her hands are all over him. She looks beyond tacky in a rose gold metallic tank dress with bright red lipstick. You knew you didn’t have a ton of room to speak on it, but damn he moved on fast and it hurt. You felt a tug at your hand and it snapped you out of your daze.
“Oh perfect thank you.” Lana said to Danny.
You gave him a small smile as Lana dragged you towards the bar.
“Don’t look at him. It will make it harder. I’m getting us tequila sodas.” Lana says motioning to the bartender.
“Hey mama.” Josh says as he approaches you.
You give him a weak smile, he and Jake rarely have secrets so you’re sure he has heard all about it. “Hi Josh.”
He pulls you into a hug and kisses your forehead. “I’ve missed you, we all have.”
You can't even begin to know how to reply to that.
“I hope you two have a lovely night, and always know I am here if you need me.” Josh says with a genuine smile.
You give him a nod and try to keep your hands from shaking as he walks away.
Lana gets your drinks and guides you to a table three rows back from Jake. You can still see him from where you’re sitting but don’t let Lana know or she would make you switch sides with her. You and Lana have a few drinks rather quickly. It’s about 10:40. You had decided you would stay for the cake, but would be gone before midnight as you didn’t care to see Jake kiss Jessica. Right on cue a decent sized cake is brought out with sparklers on top. Everyone stands up and claps before starting to sing Happy Birthday to Danny. You notice Jessica standing and clinging onto Jake’s arm with her head on his shoulder. You want to die, but continue to smile as Danny blows out his candles.
“I’m going to grab us another round.” You say to Lana as you get up and head to the bar.
Once there you order and patiently wait. Out of the corner of your eye you catch Sam standing a person over from you. You weren’t sure how to navigate this. Sam catches a glimpse of you and gives you a small smile before walking to you.
“You look nice. I like the hair.” He says almost awkwardly.
“Oh thanks, so do you.” You say back with the same awkwardness.
“Here’s your tequila sunrises miss.” The bartender says, sitting your drinks in front of you.
You thank him and grab the glasses. Sam smiles down at your drink of choice.
You huff a laugh. “I know I’m predictable. I’m going to take this to Lana. It was good seeing you Sammy.”
He flinches ever so slightly at that familiar nickname. You try not to notice or feel somber at that fact. “Yeah, it was good to see you too.”
Sam gives you a smile, but you can’t tell there is much more he wants to say to you. You smile back before walking away. You return with your drinks and try your best not to look at Jake. This night was nowhere near as fun as Lana pitched it, but she kept making flirty eyes with a guy from across the bar.
“Go talk to him.” You say.
She scoffs at you. “No, I'm not leaving you alone.”
“Lana, I'm a big girl. I’ll be fine, I promise. Go shoot your shot.” You reply with a smirk.
“Okay fine. But I’ll be back.” She says getting up from the booth.
You swirl your drink around with your straw trying not to look like the loneliest loser here. About 25 minutes pass by and you notice a significant change in music as Lord Huron’s The Night We Met comes on the jukebox. You glance over and see a happy couple punching it in. Gross. This song is not only a vibe killer for the party atmosphere, but also guts you slightly. You look up from your drink and see Jake peering back at you.
I had all and then most of you. Some and now none of you.
Take me back to the night we met.
I don’t know what I’m supposed to do haunted by the ghost of you.
Oh take me back to the night we met.
You see Jake take a deep breath and get up and lightly smack the table before walking away. You can feel the threat of tears brimming in your eyes and you decide you’ve had enough. You call an Uber on your phone but it says it won’t arrive until 12:05. Damnit. It’s 11:45, but you decided you would rather spend the rest of the time freezing outside waiting, than do further damage to your sanity. You say goodbye to Lana. She raises her eyebrows high at you, but you whisper assuring her you’re fine and you want her to stay and have a good time. You find Danny before you leave and hug him, he also looks at you worried but doesn’t say anything. It’s freezing outside, but you still feel numb. You had bummed a cigarette from a fellow patron outside, but shut down his attempted conversation. You stood on the wall outside, alone now dragging the end of your cigarette. You can hear the 60 second countdown until the New Year beginning. You put your cigarette out and flick it in the trash can. You take a deep breath and they’re in the twenties. You hear the door open but don’t think anything of it until someone is standing right next to you.
You glance over and your eyes almost pop out of your head when you see Jake.
He isn’t looking at you. They’re in the tens now.
5…4…3…2…1… Happy New Year!
Jake walks in front of you and grabs your face lightly. He caresses your cheek with his thumb and looks down at you with soft eyes, you hadn’t seen those in a while. You look up at him, you probably look like a deer in the headlights, not daring to move to say anything. Jake dips in and plants a deep kiss onto your lips. You can taste the whiskey and nicotine on him. You kiss back, absolutely bewildered at what is happening, but he breaks the kiss as fast as it started. He lets out a small shaky breath before he taps the side of the building with his fist. He doesn’t even look at you again, then walks straight back inside. Not a word spoken between the two of you.
What the fuck?
Your head is spinning and your heart is pounding. You have never felt more confused in your life, and you’re not sure you didn’t just hallucinate that whole thing. A few minutes later you still haven’t recovered as your Uber pulls up. You climb inside and look out the window at the bar as you pull away.
You wake up the next morning with a text from Sam.
Hi, sorry I missed you leaving last night. I will be in Atlanta until the 4th if you want to grab lunch or something. I hope you’re doing okay.
You groan at the text message. You have no idea what to respond, so you leave it for now. Last night quite literally felt like a fever dream. You still can’t make sense as to why Jake had kissed you. But he kissed you at midnight, not Jessica. That made you feel better but also somehow worse? Would spending time with Sam make things better or worse? You had no idea. Lana had texted you that she had gone home with the guy from the bar. At least she had a good night.
Today was about self care. You ran a hot bath and made a coffee and sat there staring at the wall for an hour. Then forced yourself to do your whole skincare routine. You threw on a pair of pajama shorts, a large band tee, and fuzzy socks. Then you made a turkey wrap with grapes before sitting on the couch and turning on a horror movie. You sat there all day only getting up to pee and make popcorn. Around 8pm there was a knock at your door. Ugh you didn’t want to get up and you didn’t want to hear Lana rave about her new hookup. You placed the popcorn down on the table and dusted off your hands. Your favorite part of the Conjuring had just come on. You shuffled over to the door and began undoing your locks. When you opened it your heart skipped a beat.
Jake was standing there with his hands in his pockets.
- thanks for reading!! :)
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phantomphangphucker · 2 years
Phic Phight - Does Anybody Have A Scrub Daddy™️
For: @catalystofthesoul @lunastarthecat @currentlylurking @buff-borf-bork @zombiemerlin @lexosaurus @higgidigs @what-even-is-sleep @language-of-ghosts @ crazydragonlady
The G.I.W. litterally invited all this chaos. So there is absolutely no sympathy to be spared. Plus, they’re just stupid face bigoted meanies with about as much colour to them as unbaked potatoes
Mr. Lancer looks over the class before nodding to himself, “so as you all know there is a G.I.W. compound just a little way outside of Amity Park”, nodding slightly at the class paying more close attention, “tomorrow, yes I know this is quite last minute, the G.I.W. have extended an invitation for us to tour that very compound”.
Todd jerking up a had, speaking before Lancer even calls on him, “can we bring flamethrowers”.
“Absolutely not”; Lancer throws a bit of a glare at the teen, who rolls his eyes.
“What about a bazooka!?!”.
“A collection of knives?”.
“What about pro-ghost propaganda t-shirts?”.
“Can I bring a blob ghost?”.
“Oh mi god yes! Blob ghost army to their doorstep, girl!”.
Lancer sighs and gestures for the class to be quiet. Daniel having not said anything and just chuckling in the back of the class is honestly more worrying that everyone else. “Quiet down. There will be no weapons, beyond standard ecto-weapons for personal protection”, glaring slightly, “and that does not include bazookas or flamethrowers or knives or bombs. Only pen-blasters, lipstick-blasters, and personal mini shields”, eyeing Daniel, “and Daniel, please try not to destroy anything”.
Daniel smirks, “you know… technically I am certified to wield a bazooka”. Lancer simply sighs.
Lancer truly has no idea why his principal thought this was actually a good idea.
Danny laughs to himself as he walks into the classroom the next day. He knows shit is going to be fucking CRAZY crazy. Especially since Wes looked like he had at least eight major recording devices on him, not including his phone. He’d bet money on the teens necklace being a disguised mini camera too. But hey! At least that’ll keep the G.I.W. from being too fucked up due to fear of being recorded!
And Lancer eyeing Wes with a tired look tells Danny that the teacher felt the exact same way as him. Lancer clapping his hands together, “alright everyone! To the bus please! Single file!”. Everyone runs out, decidedly not in single file or in any kind of orderly way. Danny’s not sure why the man still tries to control the chaos, all things considered.
By the time they actually get to the compound, everyone on board is getting a little rowdy. At least eleven games of seat surfing have happened, one guy had begun doing some seriously outdated planking, it smelled like someone had lit a joint that Lancer had yet to successfully find, and there was a very heated debate about proper Tamagotchi care while calling Lancer old for knowing what they’re talking about much to the teacher's confusion.
And once the G.I.W. compound was actively in sight, damn near everyone went out of their way to stare meanly or hungrily at random G.I.W. men to just be randomly creepy or scary. Why? Because fuck the G.I.W. that’s why; the whole fucking town actually really hated them pretty much.
Lancer sighing as the bus stops, “please, everyone, behave yourselves”. Emilie lifts up a paint can and laughs meanly, chucking it out the window and immediately causing a code brown. Off to a fucking GREAT start.
Danny’s the last to get off, hands in his pockets, “Lance?”.
“Yes Daniel?”.
“You know this is going to be a right shit show, yeah?”. Lancer sighs, nodding slowly. So Danny pats him on the arm, “you have my pity”, then moving to join his classmates.
The most surprising thing about the first five minutes is that absolutely no one has punched one of the agents yet. What’s also not legitimately surprising is the way Danny can feel the agents all eyeing him. Why? Because the G.I.W. plus last-minute plus him really only equals them having figured his shit.
Should he maybe have skipped out of this? Probably. But he wasn’t a chuckle fuck like that and it’s not like they could end his ass? Sure torture was totally on the table, but who doesn’t get a little dose of torture in their life every now and again these days? So long as whatever happens in the near future doesn’t involve Dash’s underwear, Danny couldn’t be paid to give a flying rats ass about what happens in this shitty little middle of butt fuck nowhere compound.
Lancer eventually noticing the staring, approaching Danny some, “Daniel… is there something going on between the Fenton’s and the G.I.W. again?”. It wouldn’t be the first time after all.
Danny snickers, “eh they’re probably just playing a lets abduct Danny game”.
Lancer looks concerned.
Annnnnnnnnnd not even five minutes later Danny winds up getting separated from the group via weird moving floor tiles and being knocked out. Apparently a strange ‘pop the balloons full of powder’ game to teach ghost hunting somehow was really just a way to release an ectoplasm-specific knock-out drug. But of course that kinda went wrong, knocking fuck all everyone out ‘cause fuckin’ everyone and their mother was ecto-contaminated these days. But anyways, Danny winds up getting dragged into some over sterile room… all the while all the live footage Wes had been taken suddenly goes live, due to his unconscious finger no longer holding down a certain little trigger. Queue the G.I.W.s image and name getting tarnished even more for knocking out a goddamn group of teenagers. But also queue a now slightly panicking and very pissed off Jazz Fenton, who was currently hauling ass to rain down wrath on some shitty men in shitty suits. Though she forgoes weapons purely because she knows, and unlike everyone else actually cares, about the fact that the G.I.W. have sensors for literally anything ectoplasmic; including stuff powered by ectoplasm. So she was going to take a page out of her brother's book, and her mother's training, and punch a couple of people in the face.
Danny wakes up blearily. Blinking and chuckling faintly, speaking up from the table he’s definitely strapped down on to, “well good morning gentlemen, a lovely fucking day we’re having right?”.
One of the men glares at him, tightening a restraint just to be a dick, talk about a totally dick move right? “Silence, ghost”.
Danny, in fact, does not go into silence, “do I look like I’ve got a glow or whacky ass glow-stick eyes? You been smoking Johnny’s good shit”, Danny waving a finger mockingly from inside the restraint, “you know he gets really pissed about people stealing his shit, right?”.
Annnnnnnnnd he gets a cattle prod to the side. Nice. What is it with people and jabbing him with cattle prods specifically. Valerie did that, his mom that one notable time, Vlad keeps doing it for funsies Danny thinks, and Walker actually has a specialised cattle prod with Phantom’s name branded on it.
Why couldn’t someone spice it up with bear mace or something?
Anyway, some fuck stick rolls out a cart of scalpels, Exacto knives, and other medical thingamajigs and doohickies; and Danny sighs. This shit? Really? Chuckling anyway at the men, “oOoOoOo, now that the sharp silver friends are here can I officially dub this area the stabbin’ cabin?”, beginning a little cheer of: “stabbin’! Cabin! stabbin’! Cabin! stabbin’! Cabin! stabbin’! Cabin! stabbin’! Cabin!“; until one of them gets fed up enough with his shenanigans that they just stab him one in the leg with a knife or some shit. Danny sticking out his tongue at them, “awww are you trying to butter me up with a nice little butter knife”, that earns him another stab, “hey can we at least play rock, paper, Caesar over what gets actually used first?”.
One of the men scowls, “no. This isn’t up to you”.
“Well don’t worry about any medical sensor shit, I promise I’m in stab-le condition”.
They just ignore him and move on to cutting off his shirt. Him muttering, “well this sure as shit ain’t my preferred type of exposure”, blinking, “oh wait! Make sure to take pictures please!”, smirking, “I came pretty and proper for my all my close-ups!”, and winking. They slap a piece of white duct tape on his mouth, him promptly eating it, “now that’s what I call pointless”.
One with a particularly excessively shaved head -like really, the dude had a really fucking ugly head shape and should thus never ever shave almost down to smooth scalp ever again- just gets this party popping n’ hopping by shanking him one right in the sternum. Which is not how you do a fucking dissection, man. Have class why dontcha? “Bro, you're supposed to start happy stabby time higher up, did they not train you for shit? Like the right proper dick weasel you are?”.
Some other guy decidedly starts the actual dissection process. Baldy was a basic bitch that probably didn’t know his scold’s bridles from his bone saws. Danny makes a point to whistle the most annoying song he can think of followed up by whistling a good old fashion Rick Roll. They cut a little more meanly for that, “really cut in deep there, fuck sticks. You know… y'all should start stabbing clocks too, it’s a great way to kill time”.
And then the dick on the right decides to jab him right in the fucking heart with a fucking tazer like an ASSHOLE. Danny forcing down a wince with comedy, “awww that’s touching. Really heartwarming. You’re the ecg to my heart, babe”, blowing a cheeky kiss, “we’re really getting to the heart of the matter, eh?”.
The G.I.W. douche canoe snapping, ”you are, by far, the worst ghost we have ever captured”.
“Oh please do sing my glorious praises more!”, Danny breaking out into song, “🎵You wooo me so! Just look at my heart palpitations go!🎵”. He even manages to keep up the mild tune when one of the fucking asses rips out a solid wad of Danny’s very own intestines. Danny spitting a bit and eyeing the mound on the floor, “wow that is very officially eight metric fuck tons of my exposed steaming innards! Nice!”, looking back to the men, “so how we gonna cook it?”, groaning, “oh wait don’t tell me, you guys are the ‘we like it raw’ kinda cannibals?”.
They ignore him and keep going, peeling away bits of skin and muscle, moving around organs.
“You know, US stats say a guy gets stabbed every fifty-four minutes; I think I’m really skewing those rates”, barking out a laugh, “soon it’s gonna be a guy gets stabbed fifty-four times every minute!”.
“What? You gonna use knitting needles next? Really start following a pattern?”.
“Guys, I promise I’m not a Pikachu, you can’t play poke a man with me”.
“You know, I bet y’all’s therapists have all said time heals all wounds, and your responses were to stab them and see how long it would take“.
One of the guys stabs something that is definitely not part of Danny’s insides, it sounding vaguely like an over pressurised gas canister being pierced, followed by a loud bang and peanut butter getting absolutely splattered fucking everywhere. The G.I.W. guys screaming about cleanliness breaches, while Danny glances at his entirely popped open and exposed stomach, “huh. I forgot I stored a jar of peanut butter in there. Man that must be so expired”, at the men beginning to scream and the globs of peanut butter beginning to attack the men, “and definitely ecto-contaminated”.
Needless to say, Danny was having a very exposing fun time.
Meanwhile, while Danny’s busy torturing his tortures, Jazz gets to the compound at the same time as Lancer, one of the less ecto-contaminated people, wakes up.  Lancer quirking an eyebrow at her, “Jasmine? Why are you here?”. Jazz sighing, “I saw Danny getting abducted over Wes’s stream”.
“He was streaming this?”, Lancer sighs to himself, slouching for a bit before walking after Jazz as she begins moving around the compound, kicking open random doors. Lancer muttering, “never mind. I really need to ban Wesley from carrying any kind of camera”.
What neither of them were aware of, was the fact that there was actually a second stream coming straight from a mini cam Wes slipped into Danny’s back pocket. Danny totally noticed, Danny totally didn’t care, Danny was totally letting Wes take the blame if the G.I.W. tried suing over the footage.
Jazz humming, “that would be an idea but currently I’m glad you haven’t”, kicking in another door and sending the G.I.W. agent on the other side flying into a wall. Her smirking and walking over, “okay you, where is my brother”; even Lancer’s a bit thrown by the threat to her voice.
“As if I would tell some ghost lover”. Jazz punches him in the kidney and then slams the heel of her shoe into his forehead. Turning on the next G.I.W. agent in the room, “where is my brother”.
“You’re probably a ghost too”.
Jazz breaks his fucking jaw, before moving on to the next man.
Lancer stares a bit, officially believing those odd comments he’s heard about Danny beating the Hell out of the school bullies. Size really meant nothing when you knew what you were doing. Jazz steps on the next guys fingers and rams her knee clean into his eye socket; before body slamming him through a wall and moving on to the next man in the next room.
At this point, Lancer’s just following in an attempt to ‘supervise’ the situation and the one teenager just going on a rampage; this was so far above his pay grade.
And at that very moment the wall next to Jazz, who’s currently holding a man up by the collar, gets blown in; bits of rubble and… peanut butter? going flying by their heads.
Lancer whipping some off while men shout about cleanliness breaches. Jazz blinking before decking the man she was holding up in the face, knocking him out easily. Groaning sounding from inside the room the peanut butter came from, followed by thumping, some screaming, someone that sounds suspiciously like Daniel Fenton, “awwww, you look disappointed. What’s the stigmata?”.
Jazz damn near running into the room, shouting, “Danny!”.
Lancer just stands near a bit of destroyed wall, Daniel chuckling while half attached to some kind of experimentation table and having seeming been completely gutted. Lancer can’t help but turn to the side and vomit. While Danny speaks up, “oh uh, hey, some totally unneeded but needed help would totally be appreciated here. This is limiting my range of motion so much that I’m just really not interested in getting e-motional attachment”.
“Danny, oh my god”, Jazz ripping the straps off him.
“Oh hey now, surely these guys just grabbed me up specifically for all the cutting remarks, right?”.
Jazz smacks him one over the head, his skin flaps flapping around and bits of insides dripping out, “Danny this should not be funny to you!”.
“And how many fucks do I give?”.
“I don’t know, Danny”.
“Well I don’t know either, so you want the measurements in imperial or metric? Either way it’s still zero”, and flips her off. She cuffs him over the head for that.
A G.I.W. agent pops out around a corner, grabbing Danny by the wirst, “what are you doing out of containment!”.
“Pfffft. Fuck you, you peon”, and Danny’s arm just… pops off. Sending the G.I.W. agents stumbling over, the bone of the arm smashing him in the face so hard it breaks his nose. Danny blinks, “what the actual fuck actually”, looking to Jazz in shock, “I just delimbed my arm! I AM THE DANNY STARFISH!”. Lancer sighs, “I’m going to check on the other teens. Just, Daniel? Please put yourself back together again?”; he is decidedly not asking. He knows as well as Shakespeare knows drama, that questioning Daniel’s everything was simply not worth it and didn’t actually do anyone any good.
Danny chuckles, watching his poor poor son of a bitch teacher walk off, avoiding bits and bobs of rubble as he goes, Danny shouting after him, “I do not apologise for solidly wrecking shop!”. His teacher just waving over his shoulder at him. Danny turning his silly smile on his sister, “so, did you know that spinal fluid tastes like a mixture of bananas and a nine-volt battery?”, waving her off, “sure with a slight tingle of the ecto, but that one’s all on me”.
“I was worried about, you problem child”.
Danny cackles at that very loudly while Jazz jumps a little, spinning on her heel to punch some APPARENTLY FUCKING SENTIENT PEANUT-BUTTER. The peanut butter makes grabbled sounds of annoyance.
And off in the distance, another explosion rings out. Ahhh it sounds like all the teens have awoken, and now doomsday has finally come.
By the time Lancer got back to his students, utter pandemonium had broken out. There were fistfights left and right. One guy was being choked. Someone had seemingly forged a hammer utilising bits of metal torn out from a wall and their lipstick-blaster, they were screaming about ‘indoctrinating others into a good ol’ round of whack-a-mole!’ while chasing a G.I.W. agent. Emilie had an entire katana and was just going to town on anything that looked expensive. Eight people where jumping weirdly and chanting in gibberish around a tied-up G.I.W. agent. And then there was Wes… off in the corner recording with a smirk, he even had a tripod set up; it was probably recording live and streaming with Lancer’s luck.
Oh god the angry parents were probably coming.
One of the agents can be heard shouting, “this was not how this was supposed to go! What is wrong with this town!”. Receiving cackles in return. You know,  Lancer had once wondered why no one thought Amity Park was actually a real place, but of course they didn’t; the sentient peanut butter -there’s more of it?????- really selling the sheer insanity here.
Apparently, the peanut butter has congealed into a hulking goopy mass, with G.I.W. agents and other assorted things stuck in it and struggling to get free. Lancer has never heard peanut butter roar before, and he wishes it had stayed that way. And just then the angry parents arrive on schedule, being stereotypical as everything by currently wielding shed tools and torches, as they break through a few sidewalls.  Lancer’s not surprised to see James’s rumoured to be mob-involved parents at the forefront with hunting knives.
Danny walking up behind the teacher, looking wrapped up like a mummy and still sans an entire arm, “well this is some syphilitic insanity shit right here”. Lancer just sighs, sitting down and putting his head in his hands. Though he does side-eye Jazz, when she walks in dragging an unconscious man, “we found who was responsible for this whole plan”.
Lancer sighs, “good. That’s good”; sounding tired.
Danny giving a cheery, “yup! Now we know who gets to foot the bill! And who’s got enough of an ego to make my organs be or-gones”, gesturing to his rather messy self since the bandages and everything were just done over top of the blood splatter gore, “got a sponge? ‘Cause I could so use a good sponge bath scrub down. Seeing as I am the quirkiest of quirked up white boys goaded with the sauce and I deserve to get this everything hygienically busted down sexual style”.
“Will… you be alright”.
“Indubitably”. Danny then shrieks like a banshee, roundhouse kicks an agent in the face, and goes off whacking them and different things with his unattached arm.
One of the parents laughing at the entire situation, many of the teens having just started infighting for the fuck of it, “well at least the kids are having fun”.
Someone shouting, “hello hello! Oh my my my what have we here!”, is followed by a loud explosion that results in the peanut butter monster just kinda exploding everywhere. Danny snickering from being thrown into the ceiling, “ah I just love sticky situations. A lovely turn of events”.
Everyone can see the culprit of the explosion after a while, Emilie’s father strongman style holding up a questionable gas canister with a knife in it, “THE DRAGONS HEART HAS BEEN SLAIN!”. Far too much laughter followed that statement.
The clean up the next day was truly something to behold, and the peanut butter factories were confused for a few weeks by the aggressive amount of their product that was being sold and used in memes. And the Amity news absolutely paid to use Wes’s footage, including the audio taken from Danny’s back pocket which had already gone viral. The town's general consensus was that the Fenton boy apparently had one really disturbed sense of humour.
But the other notable thing that happened shortly after? Why the local Amity Ghost Relief Fund receives an honestly staggering amount of donations, why? Well someone *cough cough* Danny and Tucker *cough cough* had created a subscription-based donation service to supply the great world with weekly footage of Amity Park’s general insanity. Apparently selling the visual embodiment of a crackfic was lucrative business. No one was going to question how the actual fuck the teens got around the G.I.W.s tendency to screen and block footage from Amity getting out into world too heavily though. Maybe Phantom had helped them out to make up for it being him and his kind’s fault that the town had been months away from complete bankruptcy; eh, who were they to question their town hero? And hey, at least the town wasn’t all strapped for cash now? Right? Right.
Prompts: Peanut butter. and Danny Fenton has been kidnapped! Unfortunately for his kidnappers, he finds this hilarious. and The Fenton siblings aren't just formitable with different types of ghost hunting weapons; their black belt of a mother taught them better than that! and Danny goes missing, and it's up to Jazz to find him. and Oh no! Danny has gotten himself captured by either his parents or the Guys in White. Hope nobody brought a scalpel with them hahaha…. unless? and Amity Park holds a fundraiser to try to profit off the ghosts in town, but with no one biting Danny and co. have to figure out how to con investors/tourists into supporting the town. and danny learns he can starfish his limbs. and The school field trip to the Guys in White facility goes wrong. and Mr. Lancer doesn’t get paid enough for this.  and Jazz, but make her terrifying. and Amity Park takes a lot of damage on a regular basis. The city government has disaster funds and the mayor donates some dough out of his pocket, but six months after Danny Phantom and ghost fights appear, the money is about to run dry.
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slashscowboyboots · 3 years
The Stars Are a Part of Us: Popcorn and Chamomile Tea (Part 6)
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Tag list @izzysdenimjacket @warrendemachokeme @awrestlinggirlwholoves80sbands @smokeandmirrorz @sodalitefully @roger-taylors-car @lost-in-the-80s @whisperess33 @shawolat @80snikki @rumoured-whispers @i-wont-be-caged​
Warnings: Underage sex, drug use, drinking, implied violence.  18+ ONLY
Another woefully underrated band: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGkF5OYGynE 
Their album “Fruit of Life” is sooo killer
Steven had been distraught over Absinthe’s departure, a beaten sadness replacing his normal sunny radiance, and although Karen had reassured him her friend was never far from the nest, he’d latched onto Izzy, sleeping in the seat next to him and seldom leaving his side during the never-ending bus ride towards Calgary.
Steven pounded a tattoo on the seat in front of him with his hands.  “You remember that girl that blew us outside of Gardner studio, Izz?”
“I came all over her face.”
Izzy chuckled.  “Yeah, you did.”
“She knew her way around a cock.  Or two.”  He laughed, then said, “I miss you, dude.”
“Stevie, I’m right here.”
“I know.  But I miss partying with you.”
“You know I can’t party anymore.”
“Yeah.  But you’re like a ghost now.  You’re just, like, always moving away.  You can still have fun, can’t you?  That’s not illegal?”
“Well, no.”
“I mean,” Steven whispered, “you’re not married to that Donna chick, right?  I saw you leave with her last night.”
“Karen.  And no, I’m not.”
“See, there you go.  We’ll get a chick and hang out with her and it’ll be just like old times.”
Izzy smiled, leaning over and ruffling Steven’s blonde hair.  “Sure, Popcorn, that’ll be fun.”
Izzy knew Steven hadn’t imbibed any coke on the bus trip, he’d never left his sight, but he was still bouncing off the walls of the hotel even before Izzy had unlocked their room.
“This is so cool, Izz, us hanging out.  I think Slash and Duff are mad at me anyway.  Axl always is.”
“Why are Slash and Duff mad at you?”
Steven giggled.  “My chick was really loud.   Total screamer.  She’d go all night too, she was like a fucking beast.  Do you know why she left?   Did that Donna girl tell you?”
Izzy sighed, not wanting to tell Steven Absinthe chased greener pastures, where the hotels always had hot water and nobody ate off a cold cut platter backstage.  “Uh, she said Absinthe knew one of the girls traveling with The Cult and she wanted to hang out with her.  She’ll come back.”
“I hope so, she was fucking amazing.  Hey, Izz, you think there’s hookers in the phone book?”
“I don’t know, buddy.  I’m going to take a shower.  I realized today how fucking rank Duff smells and thought it was me at first.”
“Yeah, he promised Mandy he wouldn’t change his leather pants the entire tour.  And it smells like he’s keeping his word.” 
In the bathroom, Izzy stripped his own black leather pants off and pulled the lining out, then filled the sink up with water and a little soap.  Duff had taken his breath when he sat across from him at breakfast, and Izzy’d tucked his McMuffin in his coat to eat on the bus, away from the stench.  He shook the excess water out of the fabric, then laid his pants on the toilet and stepped into the shower.
The water pressure was laughable at best, but he even scrubbed and rinsed his hair.  Living in the Gardner place without running water had gotten him used to going without bathing for a week or more, but since he’d gotten sober, normal things like showering were becoming more of a priority, and Fran had announced at their first meeting that she considered cleanliness above godliness.  
“Not bathing is a sign of depression, Izzy, and if you’re depressed I’ll have the court psychiatrist assigned to you.  But your funky ass is not going to stink up my office, now or ever.”
He’d found a doctor’s office near the hotel, and he planned on visiting it first thing in the morning to get his first international piss test out of the way.  Dammit, he realized, he really did want to make Fran proud.  And he’d been able to turn down drugs, even after he’d had his dick sucked by a groupie.  This tour was going to be a piece of cake.
Izzy toweled off the mirror and shaved, then dug through his bag and found some clean clothes.  He hung his wet pants over the shower rod, then zipped his boots back on.  He could hear noise coming from the room and figured Steven had switched on the television, then he turned the door handle to find Steven naked and plowing into a dark-headed chick from behind on his bed, her huge tits bouncing as she moaned and cried, and a shapely blonde wearing a spandex minidress sitting on Izzy's bed.  She crooked a finger at him, and he huffed a quiet laugh as he sat down in front of her.
Steven crowed, “They were in the phone book!  I got one for each of us, dude!”
“Thanks, man,” Izzy muttered, watching as the blonde peeled down the top of her dress, setting two very perky and unnaturally round tits free.  
“Like what you see, honey?” she purred.
Izzy nodded, fleetingly wondering how they were going to pay for all this, then lost his train of thought as she pulled her dress over her head and reached for him.
He leaned forward and kissed one breast, then she pushed him back and reached for her bag on the nightstand.  “I’m going to blow your mind,” she cooed, and he closed his eyes and gasped as she worked his crotch with one hand, then she used the other to open a vial of cocaine and smear it on her other breast.  She grabbed the back of Izzy’s head, slamming his face in the coke and rubbing his nose in it.  With everything he had, he jerked out of her grasp with a bellow and leapt to the bathroom, holding his breath and frantically washing off every trace of powder he could see, scrubbing frantically until his face was red and his nostrils felt raw.  
He grabbed his bag and flew down the hall, racing down the stairs, and when he reached room 317, he pounded on the door.
“Karen, open up,” he demanded.
He heard the lock turn, then she opened the door.  “Izzy, what’s wrong?”
He pushed past her and shot into the bathroom, peering at himself in the mirror, then blowing his nose on a handful of toilet paper. 
She stood in the doorway, her hair wet, clad in an oversized jersey and short shorts with her hands on her hips and asked, “What the hell is going on?”
“A hooker shoved my face in some blow.  And I have to take a piss test tomorrow.”
“Oh, Izzy,” she said quietly.  “Here, here, sit,” putting down the lid on the toilet.
He sat down and she took his face in her hands, tilting it this way toward the overhead light, then that.  “I think you got it all.”
“Could you-maybe?” he blurted, and she nodded, running a washcloth under the faucet and gently wiping his nose, then his chin, and cheeks.  She stroked his forehead and eyebrows with it, and when she wiped under his chin and onto his neck, he began to relax.  
“Do you want to take a shower?” she asked gently, and he shook his head.  The skittery, jumping feeling he had inside was still there, but now he felt too exhausted to stand, and he was suddenly overcome by a desire to lay his head against her breasts and wrap his arms around her waist.
“Did you get your hands too?” she asked, then pulled them up in hers and rubbed the washrag against them.  Izzy watched her as she worked, carefully going over his fingertips, and her eyes met his and held them, her chest rising and falling.  
She was so close to him he could feel her body heat rising from her, and he smelled her comforting scent on his hands and in the still-humid bathroom.  He began to feel lightheaded and heavy at the same time, his wide eyes never leaving hers, his breathing becoming shallower as his neck grew hot, then she stepped back and softly said, “I-I think you’re good.”
She came back and ran water into a small pot, then went back into the other room.�� “Um, I’m going to make you some tea,” she called, and he came out, smiling as he watched her fiddle with a mini Mr. Coffee machine.  “It’ll-it’ll calm your nerves.”
He sat down in a chair and smiled up at her.  “You travel with that?”
“Of course.  I can’t live without tea.”
“What kind settles my nerves?”
“Chamomile.  It probably wouldn’t hurt to pound liquids tonight, so you flush out your system.  I’m even not going to ask how this happened.”
“Steven’s been lonely since Absinthe left him, and he let his fingers do the walking.”
“Yeah, I heard him say he missed you.”
“You were eavesdropping.”
“Was not.  That bus is only so big.  Speaking of which, who’s going to tell Duff he smells like the ass end of a dead yak?”
“Not me.  This is some kind of engagement promise he made to not change his pants.”
“Hoss, y’all don’t want me to intervene.  I’ll strip him when he’s passed out drunk and he’ll be naked all the way to Saskatoon.”  She poured him a mug.  “Take sugar?”
“No.  You make it sweet with your love.”
“Oh, shit.  You can shove that right up your ass.”
He took a sip, then asked, “Is it true?”
“Is what true?”
“Stevie Nicks can’t put coke up her nose, so she puts it in her ass.”
Her face turned white, then she grabbed the mug out of his hands.  “Get out,” she gritted.
“I SAID GET OUT!” she shouted.
“The fuck did I do?”
Karen was near tears.  “Izzy, GET OUT!”
“I don’t have anywhere to fucking go!” he yelled.
She grabbed her giant bag, throwing it over her shoulder, screaming, “Fine!  If you won’t leave, I will!” and slammed the door.
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Take Me Away
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Chapter Three: Poison the Wine
The restaurant was crowded, people were milling about in groups anywhere from two to ten as I slowly made my way through the sitting area towards the bar. After the brief yet disappointing interaction with Aaron on the beach, I’d made a vow to myself to drink away the memory and re-focus on what was important: my vacation, and figuring out what the hell the necklace that hung around my neck was. 
I’d attempted to do some research up in my room but the wifi wasn’t the best, and a guilt formed in the pit of my belly that sitting in my room on my laptop was not the way I should be spending my time. The information I’d come up with on the necklace was little to none.
Everything I typed into the search engine led me to jewelry sites, not anything that would be beneficial in my search, unless I wanted to buy some new jewelry. 
Okay, I bought a cute bracelet but then I forced myself away. My credit card was getting close to the max. 
The bar was situated closely to the outdoor seating and pool. Meandering around a few more tables, I noticed a small opening at the bar where an empty seat was. I quickened my pace, nabbing the seat just as another was passing by. 
“Buonasera,” I said smiling to the waiter who came over. From the minimal amount of Italian I knew, it was safe to say I could order my drink without uttering a word of English. 
“Buonasera signorina,” the waiter responded happily.  “Cosa posso portarti da bere?”
I glanced down at the wine list briefly, eventually landing on a wine that seemed good. Besides it was from Tuscany. 
“Antinori Tignanello, per favore.” I smiled back at the waiter, fiddling with the chain on my neck. 
The waiter nodded, confirming the order before walking away. Meanwhile, I looked around the bar, trying to find any familiar faces from the tour bus. Sydney and Lynn were nowhere to be seen and had probably turned in early for the night. There were some others, I noticed from the tour, but I’d only seen them in passing. Part of me wondered if one of them was like me — alone on the trip — and needed a companion. If so, I was happy to apply.
The waiter returned with my wine, and I ordered a plate of bruschetta. I swiveled in the bar chair, looking out to the ocean view. The sun was glittering, setting lower in the sky. The rays that were left, warmed my skin to the touch. Maybe it was the wine. I was a light weight after all. 
It was as my bruschetta was delivered and I ordered another glass of wine that I saw him enter the room. He too had cleaned up, changing his clothes to more formal wear with dress pants and a polo. I couldn’t deny he looked good. He looked hot. He must have showered because his hair still looked damp, and there was a light sheen on his skin. His hands were stuffed into his dress pant pockets and he surveyed the room carefully. It wasn’t until our eyes met, that he meandered around tables and groups of people to meet me just as a bar stool seat opened up. 
“Well, if it isn’t my biggest fan,” Aaron surmised as he sat in the chair. I rolled my eyes turning away from him. Noting my wine and food, he hailed down the waiter and ordered a drink. I planned on ignoring him completely. 
“Come on now, you can’t be that choked up about me being what you call a “broadway bitch”. You said so yourself, reality bites.” 
I held my wine glass up, inspecting it. “I’m sorry, did you hear something? It’s almost as if the ghost of broadway’s bitch choir is haunting me.” 
This time Aaron rolled his eyes. I took a sip of wine. His drink arrived. A small glass only partially filled. One small ice cube floated atop it. I wrinkled my nose in disgust. 
“You can’t be drinking that in Italy,” I said dropping the ignorance act.
“It’s not illegal is it?” Aaron took a sip and I almost gagged. 
“Wine is the drink of choice in this country. Not some hardcore liquor that will ruin your evening with the mistakes you make by drinking it.” 
Aaron chuckled. “You know, I really am starting to like you. You’ve got a wit and killer comebacks. Thinking on your feet is strategy.”
“Why thank you for such a genuine compliment.” I looked out into the crowds, trying to find a way to escape. I wasn’t going to let him ruin my evening. 
“So what brings your here?” Aaron changed the subject. I did a double take, noting how he’d turned his body in the stool towards me. With his head gently leaning to the side, I took another sip of wine. 
“Surprise vacation from my parents,” I finally said. “I’m the first in the family to finish higher education. They believe it was a well-earned trip.” 
Aaron looked impressed. But before he could ask another question, I bet him to it.
“Why’re you here?”
“A wedding. Old friend from home is getting married. The whole family was invited but I was the only one to make the trip.” 
“Cause you got the dough?” I snickered. 
Aaron stared at me flatly. “No,” he said slowly. “Because my family had other things going on.” 
“Well cheers to them. I’m sure vacationing with you would be a nightmare. You at least brought a date did you?” 
Aaron didn’t answer, and I knew I had hit a sore spot. 
“Girlfriend dump you?” 
“Why are you here alone? Wouldn’t you parents have come with you as well?” 
“Unlike you and I’d assume your family, mine doesn’t make a comfortable enough wage to travel to expensive countries. This trip was out of the goodness of their hearts. If they could afford it, of course they’d be here with me. But I get to enjoy the company of a tour bus instead. Which isn’t bad if I really think about it . . .” 
My words faltered. I’d noticed I’m been babbling and the look on Aaron’s face only proved I sounded like an idiot. I clamped my mouth shut, forcing another sip of wine to trickle down my throat. The magic of alcohol was beginning. 
“So I got another question for ya,” I said as I turned in my chair to look at him. He seemed curious as to what I’d ask but then his eyes trained on my neck, noting the necklace. His face went white and I noticed his hand on the bar turn into a clenched fist. 
“Oh!” I said feigning surprise. “You like it? I thought it looks rather ravishing on me.” I swept my short bobbed hair to the side, knowing it did nothing — my hair barely passed my chin. 
Aaron turned to the bar again, taking a swig of his drink as he grumbled incoherently underneath his breath. The image of us both on the beach fumbling through the sand entered my mind, followed by the act with Sydney and his wife. No matter how much I disliked him after finding out he was a jerk, I felt the sinking stomach in my belly, urging me to be nice. 
“So, back to my question. I think you’d look extremely pitiful and pathetic alone at such a fancy and expensive wedding, wearing a Givenchy suit because you know,” I waved my hands in the air, “you’re successful and all. And knowing guys like you, you feel insecure when you don’t have a hot chick on your arm. So I guess what I’m asking is do you need a date?” 
For a brief moment, Aaron’s face softened. He looked me over, almost thinking about the question, wondering if I was serious. And then it hit me. I was being serious. Being Aaron’s date to a wedding in Tuscany? What else could I fantasize about? I wanted to smile at him, reach my hand out and gain a truce. But the minute I was about to, it all came crumbling down with his next words.
“You? My date? After you took what I was looking for on the beach? I don’t think so. You’d ruin the evening.” 
Ouch. Inner me cringed. I took a sip of wine, shrugging my shoulders. Play it off, Mary! Play it off!
“Too bad. I think you could use a little fun.” 
Aaron chuckled. He seemed amused with my flirting. Was it even flirting? 
“Sunshine, you’re just a little too young for me.” He pushed himself off the bar and took his drink, walking towards the awning that gave view to the resort. The water on the ocean, a mere fifty feet away glimmered from the setting sun. I walked over to Aaron, meeting him and leaned against a pillar. 
“For your information, I’m twenty-six years old. Almost twenty-seven really. I’m a woman. And don’t call me sunshine.” 
Aaron looked at me out of the corner of his eye, his chin jutting out just the slightest as he took a sip from his glass. It was pure bourbon. But how could he drink it straight? Thinking of that smooth liquid sloshing around in my mouth before trickling down my throat already made me want to gag. 
“I’ve got a good handful of years on ya.” 
“No shit. You don’t look a day over thirty.” 
Aaron nodded his head, raised his glass to me. “I’ll toast to that.” 
We took a few sips of our drinks, watching the sun set lower and lower in the sky. A cool breeze had made it’s way towards us, causing the awning and small tables with umbrella stands to sway. Folks coming from the pool laughed and spoke avidly as their wet footprints left marks on the floor. The aftertaste of the wine remained on my tongue. I was getting to the bottom of my drink. 
“Where are you from?” 
His question caught me off guard. I had been the one asking questions. I drained the rest of my wine out the glass. Aaron stretched out a hand, offering to take it. I handed it over, mumbling a thanks. 
“Yeah? What part?” 
“Bay Area.” 
Aaron nodded his head. 
“What about you?” I asked. 
“New York. Not far from the city.” 
“Opposite coasts. I imagine you think East Coast is superior?” 
“Nothing else like it,” Aaron surmised. He grinned at me and settled my drink on a passing waiter’s platter. “Another glass for the lady here . . . Grazzi.” The waiter nodded and made his way back to the bar. Aaron walked a few more steps outside, urging me to follow. He settled down on a chair, near a small fire pit. I sat in the one opposite of his. 
“But doesn’t the saying “West Coast is the best coast” have a nicer ring to it?” 
Aaron chuckled. “Yes, but it doesn’t make up for all the luscious and rich history we have. Even the tourism. It’s unbelievable.” 
“Agree to disagree. Ever heard of Disneyland? San Francisco? Hollywood? Napa Valley? We have it all. We take up more than half the coast which is the size of approximately five or six states on your side combined.” 
“Don’t brag.”
“Humble bragging, I am.” 
Aaron rolled his eyes. My Yoda impression did not amuse him. 
The waiter brought back my drink and I thanked him before sliding over five euros as a tip. I took my drink into my hands, nursing it like a child. Aaron had almost finished his bourbon. By this time my tongue felt too thick to continue speaking Italian. 
“I’ll take the check now, grazzi.” 
The waiter nodded getting ready to leave but Aaron held up his hand, catching us off guard. 
“It’s all on me,” he said casually with a smile to the waiter. “The wine, the bruschetta. All of it. Another bourbon would be great.” 
The waiter smiled, nodding his head. “Of course,” he murmured, his accent thick. “I’ll be right back with that.” 
I tried not to gawk at Aaron so I forced myself to take a long sip of the wine. My mind was beginning to buzz. 
“You didn’t have to do that,” I said finally after a few moments.
“I’m calling a truce,” Aaron said as I blinked. “You know, for taking . . . that.” He motioned towards the necklace. Instinctively I touched it, feeling the slightest amount of guilt seep into my bones.
“I figured we both started off on the wrong foot . . . and I want you to know that I’m not actually a bad guy. You just caught me at the wrong time.” 
I raised a brow, curious. “No shit . . . Okay. Truce.” I held out my hand, waiting for him to shake it. He stared at me, eyes focused and certain before he took my hand in his and held it. He didn’t shake, just held. And part of me wanted him to not let go. 
He slid his hand away, swiping it on his pant leg. I took another drink, the wine tasting more like juice than earlier. 
A live band had started playing on a small stage outside. Aaron turned to look towards the band just as the lead singer began to croon in Italian. He looked back at me, nodding towards the small crowd forming around the stage. 
“Wanna dance?” 
I scoffed, almost choking on my wine. Covering my mouth with a napkin, scared the wine would come running down my nose, I attempted to calm myself. 
“You’re not serious, are you?” 
“I am, actually.”
“But you just said you wouldn’t be caught dead with me as your wedding date. I think dancing with me stands with wedding date.” 
Aaron rolled his eyes. He stood up, coming up to my chair before he extended a hand. I gaped, my glass of wine still in my hand. 
“Mary,” he said my name and I felt a thrill in-between my legs. “Would you please dance with me?” 
“Because I’m sitting beside a lovely girl, trying to gain a truce. Dancing seems like it would be good. Plus food and drink . . . which you never thanked me for by the way.” 
“I told you, you didn’t have to do it!” I exclaimed. 
“But I wanted to,” he said. 
I stared at him, hard. This was totally unlike the man I’d met on the beach, and he was turning into the guy I’d fantasized him to be. Was the wine really getting to me? Was I on the brink of passing into a drunken state of stupor? 
Aaron’s hand was still outstretched towards me, and I found myself draining the glass of wine before extending mine to mold in to his. I stood up, and he pulled me in close. The dance floor was filling up with more couples and people dancing. The music seemed to be reverberating in my head. I felt like I was floating as he walked me out to the edge of the dance floor. His arms gently encircled me, politely making sure not to go any lower or higher than my waist. 
A new song was beginning, this one slower and as my head continued to buzz, Aaron was careful not to spin me around. The sky had darkened to a navy blue, and the stars were slowly starting to shine. I felt my body relaxing in Aaron’s arms and smiled as I turned my gaze to him. I noticed his eyes on my neck, and with my free hand, I reached up to take hold of the necklace. His eyes met mine again and I shivered as he brought me in closer, his chest pressed to mine. 
“Haunted by her side is the darkness in her eyes that so enslaves me . . .” Aaron began singing along to the song. My eyelids fluttered, reacting to his voice as if it were a lullaby lulling me to sleep. 
“But if my love is blind, then I don’t want to see. She’s a mystery to me.” 
God he was such a good singer. My body relaxed more. The music began to swell, the singer crooning as the bridge before the chorus came. I let myself lean further into Aaron, going as far to rest my head on his shoulder. He still held my hand, but closer to us now while his other appropriately rested on my upper waist. 
“She’s a mystery girl . . .” 
With one last glimpse of the dance floor and Aaron’s hand in mine, my eyes closed and a sweet darkness of wine and romance took me whole. 
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stereksecretsanta · 3 years
Merry Christmas, tabbytabbytabby!
For @tabbytabbytabby, who wanted alive Hale pack and anything alternative universe. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT!!!! I decided to go with a rock band AU because let's face it, they're all stupid hot and would look so good doing it. My headcanon for alive Laura Hale is the incomparable Katie McGrath if you want a visual. Those eyes, man. They make my little bisexual heart very happy.
Also everyone here is somewhere in the Kinsey Scale :)))) There will be smut and idiocy. Idiots in love has become one of my favourite tags!
The underage occurs when Derek and Stiles are in high school. Derek is a senior and Stiles is a sophomore.
Band line up is as follows:
Laura - lead vocals Derek - lead guitar Boyd - bass Erica - acoustic guitar and backing vocals Isaac - keyboard and backing vocals Cora - drums and backing vocals
Read On AO3
Edge Of Seventeen
Chapter 1 - Say What Now?
‘Do you want to?’
It took Stiles a few moments to focus on the words, electricity buzzing under his skin and his mouth bruised and still wet with Derek’s spit. Two warm broad hands settled either side of his face and gently redirected his attention. In the dark of the Camaro’s back seat, Derek’s pale eyes glittered.
‘We can.’ His voice was low and rough, his breathing out of kilter. ‘If you want to.’
Stiles looked at him, his heart racing a thousand miles a minute.
I want to.’ he said and fell into another kiss.
The alarm woke Stiles with a start. He swore and leaned over to slide a finger across the screen and turn it off. He’d forgotten when he’d arrived the night before, still a little jet lagged and not quite with everything when he’d collapsed into bed and been asleep in what was probably a record time.
He lay still, looking up at the ceiling and getting his breath back. He hadn’t had a dream about Derek Hale in a very long time and he was chalking it up to being back in his childhood bed. Independence Day had been the one holiday he’d won in the field office lottery, and so Stiles had packed up and gone home for the long weekend, four blissful days off. He’d known going into the FBI would be hard, but he’d had no idea just how hard it would be. Noah was delighted. The last time they’d seen each other had been Christmas and Stiles had been morose after yet another break up. He’d spent an afternoon wandering around the preserve, ending up staring at the Hale house, still closed up and looking a little worse for wear, with nary a Hale in sight.
This time it was summer, the heat already making his room uncomfortable. Stiles grimaced and plucked his damp t-shirt away from his skin, sitting up and dragging a hand over his face as he tried to wake up properly, manfully ignoring his dream-induced erection that made him feel like he was a teenager all over again.
‘Stiles?’ Noah yelled from downstairs. ‘You up, kiddo?’
‘I’m twenty-six, Dad,’ Stiles muttered, standing up and stretching. ‘Not a kid anymore.’
He was feeling it too, the crashing realisation that those carefree days were far behind him. He had a job and an apartment in Sacramento, cacti that he had managed not to kill. All the cool stuff. It wasn’t hard to feel like something was missing but Stiles would never admit that the string of failed relationships he had accumulated were anything to do with what Lydia referred to as ‘the one who got away’.
Noah was in the kitchen as he predicted, sleep rumpled and unshaven in sweat pants and an old BHPD t-shirt. He’d been taking it a bit easier, giving Parrish more and more responsibility. Stiles was pleased and Parrish was both smart and sensible, a combination that Lydia had found irresistible. Their senior year fling had evolved into a long term relationship until Lydia had come home to buy them a small clapboard Victorian near the preserve and commute to the research lab every day where she had her associate professorship. Parrish had presented her with a simple solitaire ring at Christmas and she was very happy.
‘Are you going to see Mom?’ he asked and Stiles nodded, grabbing the orange juice from the ridge and pouring himself a glass, sniffing hopefully at the eggs Noah was scrambling. He noticed Stiles’ meaningful look and grinned.
‘I thought I would go after breakfast,’ He beamed at his father when he was presented with a plate full of eggs and bacon.
‘It’s turkey before you get on your high horse,’ Noah told him. ‘Get your own coffee if you want some.’
‘Not yet.’ Stiles made space for him to sit down and they ate in comfortable silence. Once finished, he did get up to make two cups. Noah accepted his gratefully and smiled at his son, grey eyes twinkling.
‘So…,’ he started and Stiles held up a finger.
‘No,’ he said. ‘I don’t care who it is you want to set me up with, it’s not happening.’ His parents had a terrible habit of matchmaking.
Noah held up both hands in supplication.
‘Not setting you up,’ he protested. ‘Just thought I’d mention that when your mother went into the shop yesterday, she saw a ghost from the past. Several, actually.’
Stiles cursed internally. His dad knew he couldn’t resist a good mystery.
‘Okay, I’ll bite,’ he replied, starting to get up.
‘The Hales.’ Noah replied with all the smugness of a man who knew he had the scoop of the year.
‘Oh fuck.’ Stiles blurted and tripped over his chair.
It was the sneezing that woke Derek up.
‘Jesus fuck!’ Laura roared a floor below him. ‘How much fucking shit is in this place?’
‘Oh good, she’s awake.’ Cora muttered and turned over. They were in what had been the twins’ bedroom, each of them crammed into a single that was a little on the small side. The top storey of the house was still a burned out wreck and the furniture had been largely taken away over the years and so the pickings had been slim, with their merry threesome taking the scorched master bedroom and Laura camping out on the sagging couch downstairs. As Alpha, she always preferred to be on watch as it were.
‘This was such a bad idea.’ Derek borrowed deeper into his comforter. ‘We should have brought the bus.’
‘That would have given the game away.’ Laura replied, hearing them both perfectly even though she was now in the kitchen. ‘Which part of low profile are you two having trouble with?’
‘We could have always stayed in a hotel. Sleeping int the burned out remains of our family home is precisely the opposite of low profile. Lo.’ Derek pointed out, sitting up. There was no way he’d be going back to sleep. Not with his alpha on a mission.
‘Discretion is our watchword, Derek.’ Laura hissed and started banging pots and pans around with a maximum of noise. Derek looked over at Cora. Her dark eyes were just visible under the pillow she had over her head.
‘You’re her second.’ She bared her teeth at him. ‘You go deal with her.’
‘I hate you.’ Derek said flatly, rolling out of bed and onto his feet. He stumbled a little on the stairs, still half asleep. Laura had her head buried in a blackened cupboard when he got to the kitchen. It hadn’t been as badly affected as the rest of the house but it was still a health hazard as far as he was concerned.
‘Where the hell is the waffle iron?’ she demanded. ‘Mom said she left it here.’
‘Who the fuck knows?’ Derek yawned and went to the fridge. There was nothing inside except for a gallon of milk and the leftover Chinese take out from the night before. He sniffed a carton of lemon chicken, grabbing some disposable chopsticks from the small pile on the kitchen table, and started eating. Laura eyed him, one fang just visible.
‘We need proper food.’ She glared at the ceiling. ‘Everybody up! We’re going grocery shopping!’
‘Christ.’ Derek grumbled. ‘You think that’s low profile too?’
‘Shut up.’ Laura swept past him, nose in the air. ‘I’m the Alpha now.’
Derek sniggered and let her go, enjoying his leftovers while he listened to her rouse the threesome. There was a lot of complaining, and he couldn’t really blame them. Their schedule had been hectic, even for wolves, and they were all tired and the house wasn’t exactly welcoming. Laura’s plans to come home and reclaim their territory now she was an Alpha in her own right had seen them finish the final leg of their international tour in New York, a quick catch up with their pack and then flying down to Sacramento and driving the three hours to Beacon Hills all in twenty-four hours. They had barely had time to stop in at the small coffee shop near the Sheriff's station before coming out to the house, which had been shut up for the past ten years. Peter had intended to join them, but had been delayed in New York. As their manager, he was the one who took care of all the dealings with their record company. If it was left to him and Laura, they probably would have eaten every executive by now. He was worth every penny they paid him, even if the meeting had probably been manufactured as a way to get out of cleaning up the house.
Stiles pulled up at the cemetery, parking the Jeep behind the old truck that had parked off centre and across two spaces. Grinning, he got out and made his way through the iron gates, remembering Isaac Lahey, who’d been a couple of years above him at school. His father had been the groundskeeper before there had been an incident at their house and Coach Lahey had been found dead. He remembered Isaac being taken in by social services and a whole sordid story of child abuse and alcoholicism coming out. Isaac had stayed off school for a week and then simply vanished off the face of the earth. There had been a lot of theories as to where he’d gone, but the truth was he wasn’t the first person to do that in 2011.
Stiles got lost in thought as he meandered between the headstones, finally coming to a stop in front of one made of white marble and embossed with angels.
‘That’s new.’ he remarked. ‘Not sure about the daffodils.’
‘They’re so gaudy.’ The dark haired woman kneeling at the grave grinned over her shoulder at him, her eyes the same warm whiskey brown as her son’s. ‘I’m glad to see you made it out of bed. I was starting to think you’d spend the whole weekend hibernating.’
‘Funny.’ Stiles helped Claudia up and gave her a long hug. When she let him go, she stepped back and looked him up and down.
‘You look good.’ she said. ‘Dare I say, professional.’
‘Mom.’ Stiles settled his hands on her shoulders. ‘Dad said you saw the Hales yesterday.’
‘Oh.’ Claudia’s look of faux innocence was belied by the mischievous twinkle in her eyes. ‘Is that why you came to see me. No ‘I’ve missed you terribly Mother’, but ‘You saw the fucking Hales’.’
‘Mom.’ Stiles narrowed his eyes at her. ‘Did you see him?’
‘Who?’ Claudia crinkled her nose in amusement. ‘The boy you’ve been literally pining for, for almost a decade?’
‘I’m sure he’s not a boy anymore.’ Stiles snorted. ‘And yes. Stop playing dumb.’
‘I might have.’ Claudia tilted her head. ‘What’s it worth?’
‘A double chocolate muffin and all the lattes you can drink.’ Stiles replied and she cackled and linked her arm through his.
‘Done.’ she declared. ‘And you’re right. He’s definitely not a boy anymore.’
Derek leaned heavily on the cart, eyelids at half mast and his senses muted. The store was fairly empty, the early hour on a Saturday meaning that most shoppers were yet to make an appearance. Next to him Boyd yawned and shifted on his feet, hands sunk deep in the pockets of his leather jacket.
They’d been best friends a long time, playing basketball and baseball and getting into shit when they were teenagers and when things had turned bad and they’d had to leave, Boyd had been dogged in his refusal to cut ties and turned up at the pack house in New York a week after graduation with Erica in tow. They had walked right in and asked Talia for the bite and she’d given it gladly. Derek knew she was going to do it for Erica even before they had had to flee their territory and they’d settled in like they’d always been pack. Isaac had, of course, already joined them earlier and his delight at having them back had turned into a deep and abiding love that saw them forming their triad and becoming mates.
Erica was leaning on Isaac, her blond curls dragged into a messy ponytail and Cora was trailing Laura a few feet ahead. It always grated that she had inherited their mother’s early rising nature while the rest of them would have happily slept in and threw her weight around to get them out of bed when they most definitely didn’t want to. Even the fact that Derek was her twin didn’t let him get out of doing what she wanted.
‘Toilet paper.’ Laura turned and they all tried to avoid her eyes. ‘Derek. Take Boyd and grab some.’
‘But I’m minding the cart,’ he whined, clinging to it like a drowning man to a life preserver.
‘Go!’ Laura’s eyes flared red for just a second and Derek had to resist the urge to snarl back at her like he’d always used to. The whole alpha thing was new, the result of an overambitious alpha that had come into their territory planning to challenge Talia and ending up facing her daughter instead when they tried to take Cora with the intention of forcibly mating her and claiming rights. Talia had always taught them to solve their problems with diplomacy but Laura was headstrong and fiercely protective of her siblings, ever since Kate Argent had tried to use her to get close enough to kill them all. She’d almost succeeded too, that night of the party to celebrate the basketball teams’ victory for nationals providing the perfect distraction for them to be off their guard. Kate had struck in the early hours of the morning and she’d had them trapped, the beginnings of an arson that would have killed them all if Derek hadn’t come back and caught her. He’d ripped her throat out with his teeth, calling Deaton in a panic to come and break the circle of mountain ash that kept them trapped and they’d all watched their family home burn until the police and emergency services had arrived.
Talia had decided that it was too dangerous to stay, knowing the Argents would come for Derek, getting them all packed in a matter of twenty-four hours and away from what was left of their home. They’d gone to their father’s pack in New York State, leaving no sign of them behind. It was the way with wolves, always having a back-up in case something went wrong. The Argents were a large and powerful hunting clan and there would be retribution for the death of Gerard’s golden child, but when they came for the Hales they would find the place empty. Deaton stayed, both to protect the territory and report back to Talia about hunters coming in and not a month after it had happened, they had come. Thankfully the wards on the Hale land had kept the territory claim in place and the hunters had left with no satisfaction.
The rest had been a long and bloody fight between their respective Councils. Gerard had wanted Derek’s head for killing Kate and Talia had countered with the evidence that Kate had planned to kill a pack of law-abiding wolves along with their children. The matter had finally been settled when Gerard died of cancer and his granddaughter, by all accounts a level headed and honourable young woman about the same age as Derek, had taken over.
The music had started as a way to keep them all sane while this was happening, Talia more or less forcing them into music therapy as a way to deal with what had happened. It had been a bit of a shock to realise they were actually very good at it and they’d formed the band. Some minor success saw them moving steadily up the indie charts until it became their lives. Laura had named them Hale Pack 2.0 and Talia had laughed so hard when they’d told her that she’d shifted and clawed right through the cushion she was holding, feathers flying around them like a small snowstorm.
Derek hadn’t minded at first. The music was what he loved, the fame and money secondary. The Hales were already rich, but Peter had jumped at the chance to do something different and he drove their commercial success. They were in that comfortable zone of being middle of the road, not so successful enough that they were household names but it became hard in New York to go anywhere without being recognised.
Derek didn’t enjoy that part much. He was solitary and quietly sarcastic by nature, but unfortunately that just seemed to translate into brooding and mysterious in interviews and so he was plagued by a long line of would-be groupies that tagged along after him like a cloud of midges. Laura found it hilarious and basked in her own popularity. As an out lesbian, she had her choice of pretty girls to shack up with. Cora kept her asexuality to herself, just as surly as Derek was. The other three were not exactly open about their polyamorous arrangegment, but they didn’t hide it either. They were lucky, having found each other and being able to keep each other.
He often thought about that night, the one where the reason he’d been able to save his family was because he’d been in the back seat of his father’s illicitly borrowed Camaro with the boy he’d loved pretty much forever and indulging in a bit of mutual deflowering. Then he’d had to pack up and leave said boy without even saying goodbye or telling him where he was going. It had hurt more than he’d thought possible and if part of why Derek was so keen to come back to Beacon Hills was to try and track down that boy, then who was to know. The only people who knew what he’d been up to were Boyd (because Derek told him everything) and Laura (because she’d sat on him and tickled him until he’d confessed and then had to hold her while she cried, guilt and shame coming off her in waves). Derek hadn’t had the heart to complain when their very survival had been at stake because he’d killed Kate Argent, no matter whose fault it had been. Talia had said to make a clean break with the town and while she’d made allowances for their friends who were already in the know, that was as far as she was willing to push her luck.
Derek and Laura had finished out their schooling at home, Cora had gone to boarding school in South America with her Argentinian grandmother’s pack and the twins were still too young to be a problem so that was, as they said, that. Then had come college, followed by the band and the success and the travelling and before Derek knew it, it had been almost ten years and he was twenty-eight and still hung up on Stiles fucking Stilinski.
‘Hey.’ Boyd bumped him with his shoulder. ‘You alive in there?’
‘Not really.’ Derek surveyed the toilet paper and grabbed a couple of twenty-four packs. ‘Just thinking.’
‘Yeah.’ Boyd grinned, lighting up his usually serious face. ‘I can guess what about too.’
‘Not a goddamned word.’ Derek growled and then froze, his nose twitching madly.
It wasn’t exactly the same, a little deeper and a little thicker but he’d recognise that scent anywhere with his nose stuffed up and people throwing peppermint oil in his face. He shoved the toilet paper at Boyd and charged through the aisle, needing to find the source and skidding to a halt in the aisle with the candy and stared at the Sheriff, who looked like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. In fact, as it was he had cookies in his hands which he quickly put back.
‘Derek?’ He looked pleasantly surprised. ‘Claudia said she’d seen you.’ He came over and Derek couldn’t help taking in a deep breath. The scent of Stiles was all over the Sheriff and it made his heart start thumping like a drum.
‘Sheriff Stilinski.’ He took the offered hand and shook it, gleeful when he could smell a little bit of Stiles on his own skin. ‘Yeah, we’re back. Laura said she was going to stop by and talk to you about the house. She’s actually around here somewhere.’ He couldn’t stop smiling. ‘I’m glad you’re still here.’
‘Where else would we be?’ The Sheriff raised an eyebrow at him. ‘To be honest, we never thought you’d come back. Any of you. The last we heard, you mom and dad had skipped town and taken you all with them after the fire and then five years later, you and your sisters pop up playing gigs in New York with the Lahey kid, Vernon Boyd’s son and Erica Reyes and since you hit the big times, you’ve been entirely responsible for provisioning this town with 90% of its salacious gossip.’
‘How did you know that? I mean, New York.’ Derek was completely bemused. They had started out small, playing tiny venues, still wary of being recognised. It had only been in the last couple of years that they’d made it big enough to be known internationally.
‘I kept track.’ The Sheriff replied. ‘The fact that you all pretty much disappeared overnight hit this town like a slap in the face. I called in a lot of favours.’ There was something in his voice though that had Derek frowning. ‘I had my reasons, son.’
Derek was about to ask him what those were exactly when Laura came barreling down the aisle.
‘There you are.’ She came up short when she saw who he was talking to. ‘Sheriff Stilinski?’
‘The one and only.’ The Sheriff tipped an invisible hat at her. ‘It’s good to see you, Laura. Derek and I were just catching up.’
‘Well, I have to steal him. Excuse us.’ Laura gave him a toothy grin that was not her usual smile and Derek wondered just what was happening. She caught his arm and practically dragged him away.
‘What the hell?’ he protested, trying to wriggle out of her iron grip.
‘Hunters.’ she hissed and Derek’s blood ran cold.
‘Are you sure?’ he asked and she nodded, her face grim.
‘The others are doing the check out.’ she said. ‘We need to go.’
Stiles parked on the kerb and got out. Claudia already had the front door open and was looking down the street.
‘Visitor.’ she announced and went inside, leaving him to stand and wait for the car to stop. He bounced in excitement, barely waiting for the driver to get out before grabbing her and squeezing her hard enough to make her squeak.
‘Lydia, my strawberry blonde goddess.’ He kissed her cheek soundly. ‘I was wondering when you’d show up.’
‘Stiles.’ Lydia had softened since high school, growing into her intellect and losing the hard veneer of extreme fashion that had been her armour in high school. She was still elegant, but the tan leather boots she wore under her long floral skirt were flat and her face was less determinedly made up, her hair a mass of loose fronds that framed her face. She was also as beautiful as she had always been but Stiles loved her for more than that. They had grown close in junior year when Jackson had moved to the UK and she’d been left bereft. Scott had been dating Kira that year and he’d had little time for Stiles so they’d drifted together and never really drifted apart, in spite of their physical distance. Now Scott and Kira were engaged, with Scott working for Deaton full time and Kira teaching martial arts with their first baby on the way and Stiles felt even more like he was lagging behind. Lydia kept him tied to Beacon Hills as much as his parents did.
‘So what are you doing here?’ He escorted her to the house. Lydia went in first, saying hello to Claudia as they went into the kitchen.
‘I have some news you might want to hear.’ she said, her eyes dancing.
‘’If it’s that the Hales are back, I already know.’ Stiles was smug when she pouted. He so seldom got one over on her so it was fun when he did.
‘Sorry.’ Claudia grinned at Lydia. ‘That was my fault.’
‘Dammit.’ Lydia folded her arms. ‘Well that may be, but I bet you don’t know that they’re going to be playing the Jungle tonight.’
‘No, that I did not know.’ Stiles was immediately hooked. He’d always wanted to go watch them, ever since they’d first popped back up on his radar after years of radio silence, courtesy of a discarded music magazine in the field office. He’d fantasised about meeting Derek’s eyes across a crowded venue but he knew that in reality, Derek probably didn’t even remember the boy he fucked in the back of his sister’s car and probably also had his pick of beautiful people to spend his time with. It hadn’t stopped him from following the band’s progress almost obsessively though.
He’d been distraught when Derek had gone, trying to find any trace of him online, but there had been nothing at all in the years just after the fire. Noah had been cagey about what he’d known and Stiles had been at a loose end, trying to fill in the gaps. When he’d rediscovered them, Stiles had followed them on every form of social media he could and tracked down every article about them. Derek still didn’t have any online presence apart from that and the music videos his band put out. Stiles had jealously hoarded every single tiny piece of information and downloaded every picture and video of him, seeing how handsome Derek had become, growing into himself in a way Stiles envied. He’d jerked off many a night, watching the stylised black and white videos that the Hale Pack 2.0 preferred. Derek was always dressed in black jeans and tight white t-shirts, the sleeves of his trademark leather jacket pushed up to his elbows and his broad hands drawing Stiles’ gaze in as he played his guitar, all precision and power that had Stiles breath coming short at the thought of them on him.
‘Danny told me this morning. He’s practically beside himself at getting them on his books at such short notice.’ Lydia smirked, knowing she had his full attention. Danny had made a ton of money in apps and bought his old stomping ground. It had had a makeover and was now a very stylish LGBTQ+ venue that he ruled along with Jackson as his partner in business and life, once he’d had his gay crisis while he was gone. Stiles knew from the Hales’ publicity that Laura was a lesbian and he was pretty sure Isaac, Erica and Boyd were involved in something that looked pretty polyamorous but Derek and Cora were notoriously private and there was never any suggestion as to who they might be seeing. It seemed the kind of place they would be playing.
‘Okay.’ He moved to the coffee maker, preparing for a long sit down. ‘Tell me everything.’
TBC on AO3!
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katehuntington · 4 years
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Title: Black Dog - part eight Word count: 1900± words Episode summary: When Sam gets an anonymous phone call with information about his father, Dean receives a text message with coordinates to different location. The brothers clash and split up, one following orders, the other trusting his instincts. Meanwhile, in the wilderness of Cascade Range,  Washington State, Zoë loses grip on a personal case and is forced to confront her  demons. Without back up, this might very well turn out to  be her final hunt. Part eight summary: Sam finally arrives in Nashville and is about to begin the search for his father, when an unexpected call comes in. Episode warnings: Dark! NSFW, 18+ only! Angst, gore, violence, character death. Description of blood, injury and medical procedures. Supernatural creatures/entities, mentions of demon possession. Swearing, smoking, weaponry. Descriptions of  torture and murder. Illegal/criminal practices. Mentions of nightmares and   flashbacks. Descriptions of suicidal thoughts and tendencies, depression, panic attacks, hallucinations. Author’s note: Beta’d by @winchest09​​​​​​​​ & @deanwanddamons​​​​​​​​​. Thanks, girls!
Supernatural: The Sullivan Series Masterlist
S1E03 “Black Dog” Masterlist
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     Nashville, Tennessee      December 3rd, 2005 - Present Day
     With a sigh, Sam gets off the bus. The rain beats down on him straight away, but instead of being annoyed by it, he finds it refreshing. Finally, he’s in Nashville. It’s  taken him three days to get here. Three days of torture - which included waiting for his damn transport to arrive in the first place, being forced in a seat made for someone who is 4’8, and having to change twice to get to his final destination - but he’s in Nashville. 
     Of course, he could have hopped on a plane for a journey of only several hours, but he had a hunch he would have a bit of trouble getting through customs, carrying a duffel loaded with blades, guns, and ammunition. He might always be complaining about his brother’s driving skills or his collection of Metallica, Motorhead, and Black Sabbath tapes which he plays over and over again while he sings along, but seventy-six hours of traveling to get from Texas to Tennessee wasn’t a joy either. 
     He watches the touring car take off into the night, continuing its trip, the droplets that run down the side catching the light of the overhanging streetlights. The sound of the engine fades as the carrier merges into traffic again. Suddenly, he feels alone, left behind, and not just by the bus. It’s not the first time he experiences this uneasiness, because Sam has pondered about the fight he had with his older sibling more than once. Truth be told; he never expected Dean to leave him on the side of the road. He called his bluff, and when his brother didn’t give him an inch, he himself refused to surrender as well. If he’s completely honest with himself, he started regretting this impulsive act the minute he saw the Impala drive away, but he couldn’t let it show, he couldn’t let Dean win. He is so tired of being bossed around and being treated like a little kid. Stubborn? Maybe. Guess it runs in the family.
     Sam can take care of himself, but tracking his father will not be an easy task without Dean. When it comes to Dad, the oldest son knows him best and Sam realizes he’s going to be missing him on this search. He hopes the woman who set him on this path will call him again, because he could use a lead.
     So, what now? He decides it will probably be best to settle down in a motel and get online, see if he can find some information, then he will start asking questions. There’s not much he can do right at this moment, considering it’s 2.30 AM. It’s going to be quite a task, finding a man in a city covering 550 square miles with over 600.000 citizens. And all he has is the word of a girl he has never met, of which he didn’t even catch her name.      “This is insane,” he mutters, looking around.
     A voice of reason whispers in his ear again: go back. Dean’s words had some truth to them. What if this is a trap? What if he’s walking straight into it? Sam’s doubts will not make him turn around, though. He is here and he is not going to stop searching until he finds Dad. 
     Sam keeps his head low and buries his hand in his pockets, protecting himself from the rain as he shivers. It’s not particularly cold for this time of the year, but 39 °F isn’t anything near Texas. Raindrops bring down the temperature as well and continue to fall down on the hunter as clouds block out the moon.
     He starts to walk in the direction of what seems to be a hotel. The interstate, which lays directly next to the parking lot, crosses Highway 70. Lines of cars travel by, their white headlights and red tail lights lighting the road like it’s Christmas already. 
     Through the curtains of water, the young Winchester spots a neon sign at the entrance of the building he’s approaching. He was right; it is a hotel, funnily enough one from the same chain where Zoë spent the night in Paragould. The Hampton Inn Bellevue looks like a fancy place from the outside, and remembering the luxurious room of the huntress, he reckons this hotel will not be any different. Sam doesn’t like to waste money, but he will do anything for a decent bed after being crammed into that touring car like a canned sardine. Not that he’s planning to sleep much; he has better things to do. He has to find Dad, it’s all he can think of. 
     Right when he’s about to enter the establishment, he hears his cell phone ringing. Hastily, he takes his Blackberry from his pocket, hoping it to be the anonymous caller who tipped him off three days ago. The display announces the caller as ‘unidentified’, it might not be so far fetched. Sam picks up immediately.      “Hello?”      A relieved sigh sounds from the other side. “Hey, Sam.”
     It’s a feminine voice alright, but it’s not the ‘mysterious lady’, as Dean called the woman who passed him the information about their Dad. He does recognize the person on the other end, though. She is the last human being on earth he expected a call from.      “Zoë,” he concludes, stunned.      “Yeah… hey, listen,” she cuts to the chase. “I’m in deep shit.”
     Sam stops dead in his tracks. He thought she might be after she left so abruptly back in Arkansas, but the fact that she’s admitting that she’s in trouble means that this is serious.
     “Where the hell are you?” he asks.      “I’m just outside Darrington, Washington State.”      “Are you hurt?” Sam asks worriedly.      “Yeah, but that’s not the point.” She pauses for a moment, knowing what she is about to say might come as an unpleasant surprise. “Your brother’s here.”
     Completely staggered, Sam stares ahead with his phone still close to his ear. What did she just say? Dean is there? With her?! A million questions pop up in his head, but he finds it difficult to choose the first one to ask. 
     “What?!” is the only thing he can cry out.      “Yeah, I thought you might say that.”      “But, how the…? He went out to do Dad’s dirty laundry!” he recalls, stunned.      “Are you calling me dirty laundry?”      Sam’s eyebrows reach his hairline, remembering the coordinates John sent his brother. “You are Dad’s dirty laundry?”      “Apparently, but it doesn’t matter.” She interferes before the receiver of the call has the chance to ramble on. “Listen, Dean’s life is in danger. If he stays here with me, he’ll die. You have to get him out bef--”
     Now, it’s Zo who gets interrupted. Puzzled, Sam stares at his phone for a moment, assuming the connection might be bad. When the display shows three bars in the right upper corner, he presses the Blackberry against his ear again and listens carefully, trying to identify the sounds he hears. It seems like Zoë is fighting someone over the phone, then he hears Dean in the background.      “Give me the damn phone! Give it!”      “No! Let go!”      “Zoë!”      “Don’t Zoë me, you son of a--”      “Hand me the fucking phone!”
     The line cracks, but then the noise of static stabilizes. Dean has apparently won the fight over the device, because he can hear his voice loud and clear.      “Sam?”      “What?” he replies coldly.      “Whatever you do, don’t hang up,” Dean pleads before Sam does something he will regret later.      “I thought you were on Dad’s job?” the younger brother confronts, still angry with his brother.      “I am, this is the job. The coordinates led me to Zo,” he explains. “This is not some ghost hunt, Sam. This is unlike anything I’ve ever faced before.”
     The hunter hears the concern in his sibling’s voice and he immediately swallows back the smart response he had waiting for him.      “I need you to get over here, and while you’re at it look up everything you can find about hellhounds,” Dean demands, calm but stern.      “Hellhounds?” Sam repeats, perplexed. “As in the actual soul claimers of the crossroad demons?”      “Yep, and we’re on the menu.”      “How did that happen? You have to make a deal before they claim your soul at the arranged time,” Sam remembers from one of the lore he studied.      “They were let off the hook,” Dean claims. “Sam, you have to find out a way to kill them.”      “You can’t kill hellhounds, Dean,” Sam replies.      “No, you don’t understand. You have to find a way to kill them,” Dean repeats slowly, making sure the words sink in.
     The youngest gulps, realizing how much trouble Zoë and his brother are in. He has read some books that mentioned these creatures, but he never found anything about killing them. He turns around and stares up, letting the rain fall down on him, the water clumping his brown hair together in strands. The hunter scoffs; and he thought he made it to his final destination. He just traveled half the country to get east, now he has to travel all the way up north?
     “This better not be some excuse to get me away from Dad, Dean,” he warns.      “I wish it was, Sam,” Dean says, concerned. “Hurry it up, will ya?”      “Will do.”      “And - uh, about what happened down in Texas…”      “That’s not important now. We’ll talk about it later,” Sam replies to Dean’s unspoken words.
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     Knowing they both can bury their pride and work this out, the younger brother closes his eyes as a burden falls off his shoulders. It must, for him to be able to carry a much heavier weight on them. Zoë’s and Dean’s life will depend on him.
     “One more thing,” Sam states, before hanging up. “You do know what happens when these things catch you. You don’t just die…”      “I know. You go to hell,” Dean finishes.      The young Winchester nods his head, although his sibling can’t see that. A short silence follows, after which Dean ends their conversation.      “See you soon, Sammy.”
     The line disconnects and a tone beeps in his ear, but it takes a few seconds before the young hunter actually lowers the phone and puts it away. Well, that changes things. There is no time to lose; he needs to get to Washington State and fast. 
     Determined, he stalks back onto the parking lot, observing his surroundings. No bus ride this time, he needs faster transportation. His gaze glides over the parking lot. Then he spots a silver 2005 Chrysler Crossfire Roadster amongst them. He nods, approving, knowing that the vehicle would make good time, but his conscience kicks in soon enough. He can not just connect some wires and steal a car like that! Or any car! But the thought of his brother and Zoë ending up dog food because he was too civilized to go grand theft auto isn’t something he could live with either. He’s left with no other option. 
     Reluctantly, Sam groans and eyes the vehicle, but then steps towards it while shaking his head and mumbling to himself, “I am so gonna regret this.”
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Thank  you so much for reading. I appreciate every single one of you, but if you do want to give me some extra love, you are free to reblog my work or buy me coffee. Link in bio at the  top of the page.
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probably-writing-x · 5 years
Truth tells.
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"You're what?!" You can't stop the words that escape your lips as you jump forward in the seat with sheer excitement.
"Shhhh!" Aaliyah widens her eyes, flicking to glance over her shoulder before focusing back on you, "Please, please don't say anything,"
With the pleading in her tone, it's impossible to say no.
"You're not going to tell him?" You frown, scratching at the back of your neck, "Aaliyah, honey, I never lie to-"
She stops you before you continue, "I know. But I really like this guy and I don't want Shawn to ruin anything by being too..."
"Too Shawn," You roll your eyes, "I get it,"
Currently, you were sat opposite your near enough sister in law as she confessed to you that she'd been asked on a date. And, now, she was begging you to help her out.
"I just need you to make up a reason why you can drop me off and then he can drive me home, okay?" She sighs, her eyes far too innocent for you to say anything to object.
"Alright, but we need to leave soon if you want to be there on time," You nod, "Go! Go get ready!"
She lets out an involuntary squeal before hurrying upstairs to get ready for the big night. You let out a deep exhale and already begin to feel the guilt set in about lying to your boyfriend.
"Hey beautiful," The familiar voice begins as he walks into the lounge of his family home, "Should we get going soon?"
Before you can reply, Shawn's arms wrap around your shoulders from behind, his tall form dropping so his head could rest beside yours.
"I was actually thinking I'd meet you back home," You say, hands instinctively reaching up so you could run your fingers through his hair, "I wanted to take Aaliyah to see about that dress for her birthday and they're selling out pretty fast so-"
Shawn hums and turns his head so that his lips ghost your cheek, "You're so sweet, darling,"
You chuckle and shake your head, feeling the lump already form in your throat from lying to those irresistible eyes.
"I'll see you back at ours then," He mumbles and presses soft kisses to your jaw, "Don't leave me alone for too long," He jokes, nuzzling his nose into the crook of your neck.
"Of course not, babe," You turn and catch his lips against yours before hopping up from the couch, "I'll go see if she's ready to go,"
Despite the guilt from your lack of truth to Shawn, the plan had gone relatively smoothly. You'd dropped Aaliyah off at the restaurant and made sure the boy was there for her, thankful when you saw the beaming smile on his face as soon as she walked close.
And now, you were walking up the driveway to the house you shared with Shawn.
"Hey honey, I'm back," You call as the front door shuts behind you, "They didn't have the dress but we've seen a few nice ones so there are still options,"
Oh god, could this lie be over already?
You can see Shawn in the kitchen but he doesn't respond.
"Did you ask your parents about giving us a lift to the airport? I know it's still a few weeks away bu-" You continue to ramble but stop when you realise your boyfriend hasn't even glanced up from his phone since you'd walked in, "Babe?"
You couldn't remember the last time you'd come home and Shawn hadn't instinctively welcomed you with a kiss. In fact, it was like a rule in your relationship that he did so.
"Are you alright?" You let your brows fall to a frown.
Your instant reaction was one of worry, of course.
"Hmm?" He glances up, eyes partially void of their normal warmth, "What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine,"
"Okay," You reply with laced caution, "Well, it's the first Friday of the month which means it's rom-com night! You pick the movie and I'll get the snacks,"
"You can choose," Shawn shrugs, standing up and going to walk past you, "I'll watch whatever,"
As he walks past, your lips pucker like you expect him to kiss you but they are met with the harsh touch of empty air instead.
What the fuck was wrong with this kid?!
Nonetheless, you grab the popcorn and opt for a random Netflix romance film, settling down onto the couch beside him to watch it. Normally, Shawn would make grabby hands at you as soon as you walked in and he would engulf you in his hug. Or he would yawn and settle his head over your lap so you could play with his hair and, every so often, dot the brown curls with delicate kisses.
"Are you okay?" You ask instinctively, unable to brush off the worry seeping through you.
"I'm fine," He mumbles and did he just roll his eyes?!
You let your eyes linger on him for a moment longer before forcing them back to the screen and focusing solely on the really shit storyline.
In the last half of the movie, Shawn stuffs his phone into his pocket and stands up, "I'm going to bed,"
"Shawn what ar-"
"Are you alright locking up?" He interrupts instantly.
You pause and blink once, twice, "Uhh, yeah yeah that's fine,"
Again, you didn't remember the last time that Shawn didn't lock up the house before the two of you went to bed - always having a flare of protectiveness that he couldn't shift.
However, tonight, he nods and makes his way upstairs to the room you shared - leaving you to lock up the house and follow with a deepset worry in your chest about what had happened and where your loving boyfriend had gone.
Climbing into bed was even worse, as soon as your weight dipped onto the bed, Shawn was quick to shift to face away from you, one arm tucking under the pillow.
"Are you kidding me Shawn?" You sigh, more fed up than worried by now, "First you don't kiss me when I came home, then you sit on your phone all through movie night, you go upstairs before I do and now you're going to bed without talking to me?"
Shawn grunts some sort of incoherent reply.
"You know you were the one that set up these little traditions and now you're pissed so you're acting like it's nothing," You continue, hoping your anger would spark some in him.
"Well maybe I thought not lying was a tradition too but I guess not," Shawn snaps, grabbing his phone from the nightstand and handing it over, shifting himself to sit up in the bed, bringing his knees up.
When you look down at the phone, it was open on a conversation of him and one of his school friends. Specifically, there was a screenshot the friend had sent him. From his little brother. And it was none other than a photo of Aaliyah sat across the table from him - on their date.
"You took her on a date and you lied to me," Shawn mumbles with sadness washing his syllables.
You take a deep sigh before beginning, "Shawn I think there's two parts to this, okay?"
He glances up but not at you.
"I should've told you, I know, because we don't lie to each other and I hated doing it, god knows I'm terrible at lying!" You try to laugh a little, "Remember the time I tried to surprise you on tour for the first time?"
He can't help but faintly smile, "I was on the phone to you for forty one seconds before you told me,"
"So you know I wouldn't want to lie to you," You turn things back to the situation, "But Aaliyah's a teenage girl who got asked on a date and I wanted it to go well for her, is that so bad?"
"You could've told me," He grumbles, "I would've been okay with it," His jaw clenches as he speaks.
"Now you're the one that's lying," You scoff, shifting in the bed so your positioning was identical to his, with inches still between you.
"She's my little sister, I don't want to see her dating some random guy," He states, dragging a hand through his curls, "He could be an asshole,"
"Shawn, when I first started dating you my brother was the same. In fact, I didn't tell him we were dating until everybody else already knew because I knew what he'd be like," You confess, "And, to me, it was ridiculous. Here I was dating this incredible guy and all he could think of was the worst,"
"So you think I'm being selfish? Pathetic?"
"No, I actually think you're completely justified. Because you're her brother. But from her perspective it isn't like that. She's going on a date with a boy she likes and she's scared to let her brother get in the way of that," You explain, "So I had to help her. Because I know what it's like to be in her shoes,"
Shawn swallows and you can tell he feels guilty for how he reacted.
"And, fuck, it was worth it to lie to my brother if it meant I could go on dating you," You laugh, "So maybe it will be worth it for Aaliyah and this guy. And, if not, well, I'll be there to handle that one too,"
You push down his legs and swing yourself round to sit atop his thick thighs, facing his blushing cheeks.
"I'm sorry for overreacting," He nibbles at his lip, "I should've kissed you when you came in and I should've cuddled on the couch and I sh-"
You silence him with a much awaited kiss, cupping his jaw and holding him against your lips as his hands move to pull your waist as close to him as humanly possible.
"You were just being a pouty boy," You mock, pouting your lips and letting out a light chuckle.
He rolls his eyes and kneads your hips in his grasp, "I don't appreciate you enough, you know?"
"Oh, god, I know," You joke with a shake of your head, "But, hey, I couldn't ask for more,"
He hums and kisses you once again, running his hands to slightly south of your hips and moans a little against your mouth, evidently fed up of acting distant.
Tags: @imarypayne @sunshine112 @bringmethehorizonandpizza @supernatural-girl97 @vibhati123 @butithasntkilledyouyet @faefictions @carisi-sonny @trap-house-homiecide @spiderrpcrker @tommydaspidey @oneblckcoffee @darlingtholland @fanficparker @xxtomxo
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phantomchase-blog1 · 4 years
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Perhaps my fate  
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I am a business man. My life was so busy that I could not even waste a single minute. Perhaps this may be my fate which dragged me to such a terrifying horror.          
I had a marketing business all over the world. Through this, I brought a lot of money to my house. I had a loving wife. We lived together in that busy city.
I was a person who would not believe in any supernatural forces. That mindset could even have brought that horror into my life.
The Haunted one 
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I used to wander around the world for my business problems. I used to gain more and more money from these tours. As usual, I went to a nearby town for my work. That was the town that I had never visited before. The town was ‘Bhagalpur’, the name known for its incidents. I made my deal settled. Then I had finished all my work.
It was the time to get to my car and get a return to my house. As usual, I went to my car parking place and searched for my car. I found my car and tried to start it. But the car didn’t start. The accelerator was damaged. I asked my co-men for the way to near-by garage. I went there and left there my car for a repair. I asked the garage man where to hire a cab. He said, “Sir, there will be a main road if you go on this way straight. There you can hire for a cab,” and he added on, “Sir please remember, here in this town, some things may appear like true, but don’t believe.” I thought he might be saying something and I went off from that place. I went straight my way to the road and waited for any cab to come.
Might be my saver
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That road was not usual. There was not a single man waiting. At last, I saw a man, somewhat in a different attire. He was wearing a black blanket curled around his body. He had a big moustache. He was like an old saint.  I greeted him, “Hello sir!” and asked him, “Could you please guide me to the nearby bus stop?” Then he replied in a hurried manner, “There is no bus stop here and no buses will stop in this village! Some things may appear like visible, but don’t even believe your eyes. I request you to get out of this town as soon as possible. Hire a cab and go fast!” I was so shocked to hear the same response that I got from the garage man.
Time rolled on for half-an-hour, but no one came to give me a lift. It was almost my dinner time. I was so hungry. Then immediately, my wife came to my remembrance. I made a phone call to my wife by the same number I usually used to do. But, the call was not responded and said, “Please check the number once again!!!!”.
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I thought, “Bull s h*t! This is the same number I use to call daily! Then why is it saying like this!” I called again and again to the same number, “0 4 4 – 2 2 *** 4 8 9…,” but in vain.  
But the thing which I saw made me somewhat relaxed. I saw the man from top to bottom and saw that his clothes were all torn. And that made me to think that he was a beggar and that he might be a mad. "So, he might have blabbered like that,” I thought. Then why even the garage man must say like that. That logic didn’t strike me in that tired situation. Really, I was so hungry that I didn’t have such a logical mind at that time. That old man advised me and went off from that place immediately.
After 1 minute, I saw a car rushing on the road. But, for my fate, I happened to miss that car. I had to wait for another few minutes.
Strange one
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After 5 minutes, there came an old bus. It was painted in a dark grey color. “What for the color,” I thought and entered that bus. There were around 20 passengers. I was astonished to see such a mass number of people during a late night.
I asked that conductor for a ticket to go to the city of Delhi. The conductor without replying anything, gave a ticket. I was so furious seeing the conductor’s attitude. “How dare that man could behave in such an indecent manner with me,” I thought to myself.
Then I was busy in my work arranging all my business files. After a while, having a shivering cool breeze from the side of the window, I fell asleep.
Then suddenly I woke up to see my watch. The time was 11.15 p.m. “Oh my God! This bus is taking me to my house or to the Hell!  How fast it is going, but still I didn’t reach my city,” I thought.
Shit my bricks
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At that time, a bus was crossing me on the opposite side. I saw it and a little boy was travelling in it. I saw the boy and the boy was too smiling at me. I shook my hand and said, “Good bye.” That boy too shook hands at me. But seeing something at my back, the little boy was bewildered and cried. I suddenly, saw what was there at my back. There were all the passengers sleeping and nothing was there horrific. So, I controlled my excitement.
After a few minutes, seeing that the bus was still moving and that it was 11.30 p.m. I called upon the conductor. I saw the conductor at the back in the dark. I asked, “Will this bus go to the city of Delhi?” Suddenly the conductor’s eyes changed into red ghostly. The conductor replied in a horrifying manner, “No! This bus will go only to the Hell!” and turned into a zombie-ghost suddenly.
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I was shocked to see this horror happen within seconds. I looked into the ticket which the conductor gave and I was panicked to see that the ticket had a date, ’12/06/2015’ which was a past five years date.
Another horror came beside this. All the passengers who were sleeping while the time had woken up and gradually came near to me. They all also changed like a ghost. This made me at once stumbled.  I was moving backwards. But all the ghosts came close to me and said, “You are going to die in the same cliff, we all died.”
When the time was exactly 12.00 midnight and when the bus was about to reach the cliff, I jumped out of the bus. However, I saved my life.
There was a passerby walking. I asked him about the situation. The man replied, “Yes sir! You are the one who have got saved from this incident. This happened on 12/06/2015 at this cliff. All those passengers and the conductor were died in an accident. This incident made a revival of its same horror every day at 12 midnight. Like this the bus has been killing at least one person each day. God has saved you from this.”
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Then I understood everything. The passerby had a good heart and invited me to his house. I went to the passerby’s house and slept there that night.
The next day, I went to my house through my repaired car from the garage. After I went to my house, I asked my wife, why didn’t she lift my call that I made. My wife replied that her phone was as usual and that it had no problem in making calls. And she added that she didn’t even get a call from me.  Then I understood everything about that strange village and the bus. I narrated everything to my wife. This experience was a mystery in my life and from then onwards I did not underestimate the power of supernatural forces.
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– C.A.S.CHANDRIKA, My site is all about the phantom experiences that I had in my life. Follow the site, if you like this one part of my life. The next blog will be on the haunted doll I had in my childhood. All my blogs will be released on every Monday.
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mariabrinksgf · 4 years
First Fanfic Ever!! Please don’t hate me😄😄🔞🔞
"Maria? Maria, where are you?" You yell as you look for Maria Brink. You joined her on tour after her boyfriend broke up with her. You helped her out a tough situation. Maria had free time from the bus rides, concerts and interviews. She was acting really strange lately around you. So you decide to bring her to an empty forest were you two can enjoy some peace and quite. Though, Maria strayed away from you.
The leafs crunched as you stepped over them. Some were still damp from the snow melting away but the sun brought them to a crisp. The birch trees were offly grey than usual. Almost like they were either overfed or starved. The rot settled. In the forest, and in your subconscious. You wondered what you were doing here. Not just in this forest but here with Maria. 'Why did she pick me?' you wondered. Being around such strong/popular singers made you look microscopic. You brushed it off and kept searching for Maria. "Maria! Where the hell are you!!" You ran down a steep hill seeing a somewhat clean church. It was very old, the glass stained windows were broken, the steps were loose. The steel fence covered in copper orange rust. Your feet didn't stop as you ran down the hill. Your speed increased and you felt yourself loosing control. You face plant into crushed leaves. A piece of a twig scratched your arm, it became red forming a cut. "Ouch! Shit!" You bit your lip standing up.
The church was locked, you used all your strength to pry the door open not even noticing the back door open. "Jesus are you kidding me." You are now out of breathe knowing you're not in the greatest shape. "Maria owes me one after this." You sighed walking into the old church. There you see before you is Maria standing on the podium. Her back is to you; her arms are above her head praying.
'In my name shall they cast out demons. They shall speak in new tongues.' Her voice echoed through the church. It sent shivers down your spine. It made you feel like you were miles away from her. As you walked closer to her, you felt a godly presence upon you. "Come stand with me my darling." Maria motioned you to be beside her. Her breathe was heavy, her eyes were closed, she was in ecstasy. I watched her entire face relax. Her lips were soft; she kept biting the side of her lip in pleasure. "Can't you feel that baby? It's pure magic here." She crossed her arms breathing in deeply. You feel very calm around Maria as she grabs a hold of your hand. She presses hard feeling your warmth. Your cut on your arm is noticeable, the dry blood ran down to your hand. "Oh my love, what happened?" She turned facing you. Your face heaten as you noticed Maria's kimono had a long V in the middle showing a great extent of cleavage. "I fell outside." Maria knelt infront of you going on her knees. She pressed her forehead on my hand.
'They shall take up serpents. And if they drink any deadly poison. It shall in no wise hurt them. They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.' Your eyes met with hers as she finished. Your body tingled all over feeling a brief numbness. You reached down seeing you arm was healing before your very eyes. The cut was closing itself. "Come here my darling, allow me to cleanse you." Maria guided me to a tub filled with holy water. Your knees trembled as you knelt down not seeing yourself in your reflection. It looked black, the water. Your stomach turned at the very pit. "Do not worry, you're safe with me love." Maria's hand wrapped around yours giving a tight grip. She used her other hand to bless herself by dipping her fingers in the water, placing her fingers on her forehead. "Mmmm." She moaned to herself. Finally, it was my turn. My arm seeped into the black water. It basically disappeared. The tingle feeling came back. It made yourself hot. You felt this overwhelming amount of pleasure over your body. You moaned out loud not thinking you were that loud but in truth you almost screamed.
"What is this stuff doing to me Maria?" You turned your head feeling drowsy. Seeing doubles. "Oh baby, it's the holy spirit. Let me give you the same pleasure this is giving you." Maria placed her hand on you face. She allowed her shoulder to drop letting her kimono sleeve to drop as well. Showing her perfect skin out in the open. Her bare chest glowed. She pulled me closer kissing me. Her soft lips felt amazing. You tried to place your hand on her shoulder but accidentally touching one of her breasts. They felt soft as well, you thought. You pull away feeling quite embarrassed. She stopped, "Why did you stop beautiful? I really loved it." She put her head against yours. "I-I um...accidentally...touched your-..." Your index finger pointed towards her chest. Maria laughed at you pulling her long platinum blonde hair behind her shoulders. The pieces of jewels on her dreads made a noise. "Oh sweetie," She licked the side of my cheek near my ear. "I want you to touch me." She whispered. "For what you didn't know but tonight is a very holy night." Maria stood up upon her feet.
You clear your throat trying to ease the redness in your cheeks. "What's so special about tonight Maria?" You questioned seeing Maria smile down on you. "Well, tonight is the Great Rite. It's purpose of drawing energy from the powerful connection between two scared souls. Sexually." She pulled her full kimono off. Revealing her naked goddess body. In the natural light it would sparkle with help of the stain glass windows. You reached over feeling her calf. It was very soft, and strong. 'Wait what!' You thought. 'Did she say sexually?!?'
"Umm..Maria? D-did you say s-sexually?" You tried to get up to stand with Maria but she placed her hand on your shoulder pushing you down. "Yes dear. I want to celebrate this holy night with you. Join me please." Maria got on top of you letting her hair go everywhere. You felt the cold slab on your back. Maria's hands went down to your hips caressing the bone. Her hands ran up inside your shirt. She was frozen. Her hands reached your boobs. A gentle squeeze lit your senses up. She ripped off your bra flinging it out of sight. Everything was come flying off. Your pants, your shirt. All that was remaining was your panties. The last thing that she teased you with. 'This will be the most holiest of nights.' She murmured to herself. The slightest touch made the hairs on your arms raise. Her cold fingers ran up and down your thighs feeling her touch the inside of your panties. Handling the fabric on the sides roughly; ripping it off. You were more embarrassed now. "Oh this is truly an honor. Now, baby." She faced you closely, placing her hand beside you head. "Put your feet above your head. Now!" You grabbed your ankles almost touching your face.
"You have such a beautiful little pussy my love." Maria whispered as you felt yourself becoming aroused. You can see her spitting on you. You can feel her drool on your clit running down. You tried not to go nuts as it was your first time but you didn't want to let Maria find out. You finally felt her tongue on your pussy. You held your breathe trying not to make it a big deal but in fact it was. It felt extraordinary. You sucked your teeth, allowing little moans escape. You could feel Maria's head behind your thighs. Her tongue moved around inside you feeling her suck your lips, biting your clit. 'Awe fuck.' You thought as you looked down seeing Maria enjoy every minute down on you.
"Mmm baby, you taste so good." Maria looked up again flicking her tongue inside you deeper. You moaned again realizing that one was really loud. "Keep it up baby, I fucking love that." Maria grabbed your thighs pushing herself deeper inside. You couldn't stop moaning. Your back arched. Every limb vibrated. You can feel her hot breathe. You twitched realizing you were about to climax.
Maria's fingers danced all over your stomach. As she glided along drawing a cross. You gritted your teeth as you rightfully knew you were orgasming. "I'm coming!" You sat up on your hands. The feeling was an sensation you never felt before. The outside world was once bright, now it is a dark red turning black. The stars sparkled, the new moon shined. Maria sat up covered in your love juices. Her hair was stuck onto her face, she glistened. "Oh beautiful, you were spectacular. Sensational." She smiled being horny herself. You sat up feeling your legs shaking.
'My turn.' You thought. You pushed your hand on Maria's chest. Laying her down feeling her hips. She was so curvy, she was plush. Her thick thigh felt like silk. 'If the Holy Ghost. Of the Holy Spirit, speak directly to the Disciple.' She hummed as you spread her legs. You bent down feeling the warmth radiating from her. Maria's thighs twitched against your face. You couldn't believe that this was happening in a church. Not to mention with Maria. You brush off this feeling and begin to eat her inside. Everything about Maria was soft. Her opening was soft, sticky and dripping all over yourself. Drinking up her goodness. She was right. This was an holy experience.
It felt odd doing all of these dirty things in a church with Jesus paintings everywhere. Feeling the Mother Mary's eyes upon us. Watching every movement. It felt risky, which made it more sexy. Maria didn't care. She pulled at your hair. Feeling like she was trying to pull out your hair. Her nails running across your neck. Clawing deep inside. "Awe fuck.." You moaned into her.
Maria sat up pushing your head deeper in her, squishing your face harder into her pussy. "Oh yes baby, make me cum." She smirked holding one of her boobs. "Mmhm." You muffled in as you licked. "Shhh baby! Go faster!" Her legs locked.
You have to finish her off now. You have to start with the finger combo. Just like she did to you. You started to push two fingers inside her pussy. Feeling all sorts of new sensations. "O-oh, babygirl," Maria continued to dig her nails into your neck. Burning. You had the control now.
Her moans were echoing throughout the entire church. "Oh sweetie, I'm gonna cum!" She bit her lip brushing your hair out of your face. "Mmm good." You licked faster, pounding your fingers harder too. Moans turned into sweet, sweet screams. You can feel her tightening around your fingers. You finish with you tongue going on her clit.
"Oh god!! I'm cumming!!!" She tried to push you away from her but your resisted and kept eating her pussy until the very end. You could feel her orgasming on your tongue.
A couple of brief moments pass, Maria and yourself are getting dressed. "Oh honey bunny, that was amazing. You were amazing." Maria walked behind you as you both shut the doors to the church. "Well of course it was amazing, it was with you." You smile walking up the hill where you cut your arm. "Well say goodbye to the church than." You laugh as you both make it to the top of the hill.
As you both turned around to face the church. It's not there. It vanished. "Wait? What the fuck? It was just there.." Maria pointed at the hollow spot were the church was. "Uh Maria? Lets get out of here before we disappear.." You say grabbing onto her hand. "Smart idea."
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Stupid Girl, part 2 (Miz Cracker x Brooke Lynn Hytes) - fandomfeministe
A/N: Part 2 of my fic challenge piece - a brief time jump after the end… what happens next? Time to find out! Thanks to Saiph again for her support, and for the people who said such sweet and helpful things about Part 1. I hope this one does them justice!
It’s a thief in the night to come and grab you - it can creep up inside you and consume you
Later that evening, layer after layer of what made the queens into their stage personas was gradually stripped away. First went the makeup, discarded into bins after faces were scrubbed hard with wipes. Then came the costumes, piece by piece, some of the girls hanging them neatly on hangers while others threw clothes haphazardly into cases, vowing to deal with them later after sleep. The last step was to remove their actual selves from the dressing rooms, gear already loaded beneath the bus, with the final action being to haul their tired bodies up the steps and towards their assigned bunks.
For Cracker and Brooke, the difference an hour had made was not purely physical. De-dragging had been a process of mentally gathering themselves, yes, while the other girls were around. However, the discomfort between them, the tension that had begun to build from the moment both of them were offstage, had not yet dissipated, the arousal both queens had been feeling still lingering, each the cause of a tight knot, twisting and pulling at the other’s insides.
An hour or so after the show’s end, queens stripped away and men standing there in the cold as they waited to get on the bus, the taste of the vodka he’d been drinking burned the back of Cracker’s throat. He wasn’t drunk, not yet, but the irony of needing some Dutch courage after being the one to instigate things, the cat and mouse-like dance in this chase for power between them, was not lost upon him. He felt almost naked in the London night air, swamped as he was in an over-sized hoodie, and only partially because of the way Brooke was now staring, head turned before stepping up and away, the two of them the last ones to board.
Queens exhaustedly wished each other goodnight. Some went straight to bed, carefully folding tired limbs into cramped bunks, others lingered in the small area in back with couches and the TV, waiting for the adrenaline from the show to wear off. Seated next to each other - which somehow felt dangerous in this public gathering, now - Cracker and Brooke watched one by one as the rest filtered off, each one closer to leaving them alone, each one departing as the two of them subconsciously shuffled closer together.
Cracker was unhelpfully reminded of the physical contact from earlier, where despite being pinned against the wall in a show of force, the dominance Brooke Lynn had used against him was weirdly supportive. Every second they’d been there, him being held up by the taller man’s thigh - and damn if that hadn’t done things to him - he’d felt as though he could relax, physically trusting the other queen to keep him safe and emotionally letting this thoughts wander to things that might come later.
Except, ‘later’ was now ‘now’, and as the minutes loudly ticked by on the communal area clock, Cracker felt Brooke’s façade gradually start to crumble. The ice queen, who’d placed a hand on his knee while Asia fell asleep with her head on an also dozing Kameron’s shoulder, was now rubbing the inside of his thigh with his thumb, working his way higher and higher. Cracker turned his head back towards Brooke, meeting his eyes properly for the first time, and was about to say something when Asia awoke, her eyes opening with a snort of breath. He felt the Canadian subtly and silently withdraw his hand, and tried to ignore the almost lonely feeling that gave him while he said goodnight to his Season 10 sisters, who slunk haltingly to their respective beds without a backwards glance.
And then they were alone.
All it took was for Cracker’s eyes to linger ever so slightly too long on Brooke’s lips. In the milisecond it took for him to contemplate just how damn good they’d looked in the purple he’d worn tonight, Brooke had rotated his hips and was ready to pounce. No longer mauve, the taller queen’s lips were on his own, and he found himself being straddled atop the thin cushions of the tour bus sofa with zero way out but the word no.  To his realisation, Cracker realised there was no way he ever would have said it. This - whatever this was that was happening now - was merely the near-conclusion of the battle for control that had been going on all evening.
It may have been Brooke Lynn who had made the first move tonight - not once, but twice, really - but it was Cracker who now deepened the embrace, wrapping both hands around the blond’s head, fingers sliding into his hair for a stronger grip. Oh god. He felt his knees wobble under Brooke’s weight and thanked heaven he was sitting down, trying his best to concentrate on every tiny sensation he was feeling, because who knew if he’d ever feel them again? The first realisation which came to him as Brooke Lynn’s own hands were running down his sides, was that the other queen’s mouth had the faint taste of cigarettes and tequila. Hadn’t he given both of those up? Was this slip into one old habit a sign he was willingly choosing another - more men? Or were they both a symptom of something else, a greater problem going through the younger man’s mind?
“You’re overthinking… stop.”
Brooke’s words - the breathiest of whispers ghosting against the skin of his ear - caused his breath to hitch and his heart to stop, or at least, that was what it felt like. A tiny, barely visible smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he wondered how the other queen knew. Apparently, the stone cold bitch really did have emotional awareness, and he would end up finding just how much sooner or later. The retort came just as quietly, and with it, a slight chuckle from both of them.
Brooke grinned back, lifting his hips so the pressure was no longer on Cracker’s legs, but he was certainly feeling tension elsewhere in his body. It seemed, though, that Brooke Lynn was smooth in this type of performance too, as he wordlessly climbed off the couch and began to kneel on the floor, palming the smaller man’s crotch. Cracker didn’t even have the slightest moment to miss the weight of his - lover? Partner? Neither of those things quite yet - before he was being bossed around again. Not that he was complaining about that, either.
“Stay quiet, yeah?” Brooke mouthed, before reaching to the waistband of his fellow queen’s jogging pants.
All Cracker could do in response was gulp.
And we never have a clue, we never see it coming - train wreck headed for us, but we never think of running
The tang of their sweat after performing was now combined with the sweat from another kind of exertion - coming from the effort of keeping quiet as well as from the more pleasurable aspects of their late night. Cracker, focused as he was on the fact that Brooke Lynn Hytes of all people was now on his knees for him, strong dancer’s arms keeping his legs apart while his mouth - and oh god, what a talented mouth that was - expertly built him up into a frenzy.
The only lights they had now were the occasional street light and neon signs as the bus headed onto the motorway, now thankfully on a straight road so that Brooke could concentrate on the task in hand, rather than pausing every few seconds to avoid choking himself or hurting Cracker when the bus turned or shook over a bumpy patch. The outside lights meant that they only got rare glimpses of each other as they sped by, the rest of their encounter in the dark, cloaked by shadows.
It was a real metaphor for what they were doing, actually, each act accompanied by a quiet sigh as the two men attempted to hide their desire from their tourmates. Soft moans. Gentle breaths. Only a meagre glance at the other’s face. Darting movements in the corner of an eye, swiftly realising it was only a fleeting reflection in glass.
Brooke trailed his fingertips over the bare skin of Cracker’s thighs as he continued, almost grinning to himself as he heard the couch shift and creak underneath him, the featherlight touches clearly getting the response he was hoping for. However, as much as he enjoyed knowing that he could reduce his lover to putty without even pulling out his best moves, there was still the risk of them being caught. Shooting Cracker a warning glance that he hoped he could see, he gave the older man a squeeze around his thighs, bringing him back into that submissive place that he was growing rather enamoured with.
It didn’t take much longer to get them both to breaking point, Cracker coming undone with a strangled moan hidden behind a cushion he’d somehow acquired mid blowjob, the only way he could actually keep quiet during Brooke’s ministrations. Brooke himself followed shortly afterwards, taking care of his own arousal after Cracker’s, slumping forward onto the latter’s legs with a contended groan.
Minutes later, with the pair of them cleaned up and now sitting back on the couch sofa, they found themselves sitting together in a position that suddenly felt far more intimate than either of them could have imagined that morning. Leaning back into the corner of the couch, with Cracker curled across his midsection to account for the difference in height, Brooke Lynn reached down and idly stroked the New Yorker’s cheek with the back of his hand. In response, Cracker tilted his face, kissing the back of the Canadian’s fingers before making his own reach, lacing them with his own. They lay there like that in companionable silence, still driving, nonchalantly gazing out of the window as Britain passed by in the night.
This thing - whatever it was, whatever they were - had been, at the very least, a satisfying diversion from their other shit they had going on. Somehow, though, it didn’t feel like an ending.
More like a beginning.
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johnandsarah · 5 years
Honeymoon Day Five: Long Lines, Late Lunches, and the Library
Listen, waking up at 5 AM the day after you hiked for hours is never going to be fun, and doing it in a strange apartment to get ready for an international flight is even worse. That said, this morning was a little stressful. Eleven—eleven!!!—international flights were departing Keflavík between 7:15 and 8:00 this morning, and our flight to Dublin was smack dab in the middle. The tiny airport that was basically empty when we arrived there on Monday morning had lines out to the main entrance. I don’t judge, but damn, it did not seem like this airport was prepared for that many people. I didn’t take any pictures of that because...just picture a lot of tired, cranky-looking people holding passports. We did make our flight, though, and even managed to gas up the rental car, drop off our Airbnb host at work (shrug emoji), and get our tax refund for shopping beforehand!
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Also had the deeply surreal experience of riding a shuttle bus literally 100 feet to the staircase leading up to our plane. Good times.
One fairly short flight and time-zone change later, we were in Ireland! Just as with Iceland, we were greeted in this infamously rainy country by a spectacularly crisp, sunny day. I was basically vibrating with excitement to go be outside in the sun, but we had a lot more waiting in lines to do before we could get out of the airport and into the city. Something they never show in those dreamy travel movies is the long line for the express bus to take you to the city center from your terminal. I’m a part of the problem, though, because I’m going to do what they do and skip to the scenery!
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We made a beeline for the best-reviewed brunch place near our Airbnb because, for all of Iceland’s majesty, that country does not serve very hearty breakfasts. John was really excited to try an Irish breakfast, and I would have sold my soul for some soda bread (turned out not to be necessary—the café accepted Euro), so you can imagine the mood at our table when this showed up.
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Mine had such a lovely pan of mushrooms as well as some very fresh, tart strawberry jam. This restaurant (Hatch & Sons) also had iced tea, something I have not seen since leaving America but that I drink about a gallon of per day back home. In Dungeons & Dragons terminology, our breakfast here cured one level of exhaustion.
After crying joyous tears into my jam-soaked bread, it was time for me to make my ancestors proud and get sunburned in the Irish sun. We took an unhurried path to our Airbnb through two parks, where seagulls act like pigeons and the locals, like us, seemed overjoyed to have some sunshine. We dropped off our bags and changed out of hiking boots for the first time all trip and wandered off to see the sights.
Imagine our delight when we discovered that today, September 20th, is Culture Night, an annual event where dozens of cultural institutions in Dublin open their doors for free in the evening to let people explore! We got to do a bunch of stuff for free that we were definitely planning to pay for anyway, which was an unexpected delight. This included entry to the Book of Kells exhibit, where we spent most of our time talking pigments and old-school dye techniques. Woad, you guys! WOAD!!!
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However, I was most excited to see the Old Library and Trinity College. My mom had a poster of the Long Room in our living room for my entire life. I used to stare at it and imagine that every shelf in every alcove was full of endless unread entries in whatever book series currently held my fancy. It didn’t occur to me that this library was a real place you could really visit until I was probably almost twenty. We were treated in line by the spectacle of a little grass-mowing robot. John narrated its actions like this was a low-octane episode of Battlebots. I really love that guy, y’all. I’m glad i married him.
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Finally getting into the Long Room was surreal. Like I said, I’ve loved this room my whole life, so going in there was pretty profound for me. There were hundreds of people, and it was loud, and moving around was difficult, and wow, would I do it all again just to smell the smell of all those books.
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This was a really meaningful experience for me, and I’m so glad I got to have it with John.
We went on another Culture Night tour, this time of St Patrick’s Cathedral, where our excellent tour guide Donagh told us all about this largest medieval building in Ireland. There was lots of great history about religious conflict, Viking occupation, World War I, and more.
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I was particularly delighted when he shared some of the most famous ghost stories as well as some of his own personal ones. I! Love! Ghost stories!!!! Yes, tell me all about the time you thought you saw a little boy peeking at you from the balcony! That’s that shit I do like!
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Finally, it was time to seek out a pub and get my husband some beer. We had some specifications in a pub: we were looking for a place that served Guinness (not difficult), made genuine Irish food (slightly more difficult), and that wasn’t terribly crowded (quite difficult). We managed it, though! Madigan’s had what we were looking for.
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He says it really does taste better here.
We had a great first day in Ireland. Tomorrow, we’ll be taking the train across the isle to Galway, which is meant to be a very lovely journey. The adventure continues!
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peanutdream · 7 years
Hey.............. Do all those ask things please I am Curious enjoy
1.      Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? 
Spotify. I don’t think I can even use Pandora since I’m from theNetherlands?? Last time I checked I couldn’t.
2.      is your room messy or clean?
A combination ofboth.
3.      what color are your eyes?
I think it’sgreenish??
4.      do you like your name? why?
 I used to really dislike it, but that was mainly because there was a Dutch song about my name (this one) that some boys from my class sang EVERY fucking school day, and sometimes even multiple times a day. It really ruined my name for me. Recently, though, my mom told me that?? The song came out somewhere around the time before my grandpa died when he was still hospitalized?? and?? he heard the song and liked it??? So i don’t really hate the song anymore, and I’ve kinda grown to like my name again. A lot of people still refer to me as ‘Rose’, though, since that’s just a lot shorter.
5.      what is your relationship status? 
Single and ready to eat an entire baguette.
6.      describe your personality in 3 words or less
funny jumpluff eat
7.      what color hair do you have?
Dark blone
8.      what kind of car do you drive? color?
I haven’t really driven in my mom’s car yet but it’s silver colored.
9.      where do you shop?
stores, usually. I mostly buy stuff at the mall that’s in my town, but sometimes I feel Fancy and I take the bus to a nearby city.
10.  how would you describe your style?
“i wish I was as cute as some of my clothes”
11.  favorite social media account
??????????????? of the ones I own?? someone else’s??? U gotta be more specific.
12.  what size bed do you have? 
a normal one. for a single person. because i’m single.
13.  any siblings?
14.  if you can live anywhere in the world wherewould it be? why?
Mmm, somewhere near a forest is Great.
15.  favorite snapchat filter? 
I Don’t Use SnapChat Enough For This But I Remember One With A Princess In A Car And I Think That One Is Pretty Rad
16.  favorite makeup brand(s)
I never......... buy make-up............. I wish i did, though. Sometimes I want to buy some, but then it’s like?? it’s expensive, and I don’t really know what I would need to buy anyway.
17.  how many times a week do you shower?
Depends on how many times I need to go out. I do shower atleast once every two days, though.
18.  favorite tv show?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Do series count? or just?? random shows?? Or can I just put in a random show that I’ve recently watched?? because then I’m just going to say Grace & Frankie because that one is Very Good.
19.  shoe size?
smol. 38 I think.
20.  how tall are you?
also very smol. 1.57 meters.
21.  sandals or sneakers? 
Sneakers when I have to walk A Lot, sandals when I’m at the beach or just?? at home I guess.
22.  do you go to the gym? 
lol no.
23.  describe your dream date
That’s a tough one. I’d have to say April 25th, because it’s not too hot, not too cold. All you need is a light jacket!
idk dude I think just?? hanging out with the person I really like would be very chill already?? Maybe some looking at the stars and?? laying outside in a grassfield?? that sounds pretty chill I think.
24.  how much money do you have in your wallet atthe moment?
About 7 euros I think
25.  what color socks are you wearing? 
Black + pink.
26.  how many pillows do you sleep with?
One normal head pillow + 2 neck pillow things.
27.  do you have a job? what do you do? 
haha no.
28.  how many friends do you have? 
6 close friends and?? a Whole Bunch of people that I consider friends but that I don’t talk as much with.
29.  whats the worst thing you have ever done? 
I’m not sure honestly, although I probably have done or said some bad things?? 
30.  whats your favorite candle scent? 
Roses and other flowers.
31.  3 favorite boy names
shrek, donkey, farquaad.
32.  3 favorite girl names
fiona, dragon, uhhhh fiona’s mom.
33.  favorite actor? 
Ryan Reynolds or Tom Hanks.
34.  favorite actress? 
Merryl Streep or Viola Davis
35.  who is your celebrity crush?
shit I don’t know dude. 
36.  favorite movie? 
shit there are so many movies that I love??? The Swan Princess, Matilda, Forrest Gump, A Lot Of Disney Movies, La Vita e Bella, Miss Congeniality and?? a lot more I think??
37.  do you read a lot? whats your favoritebook? 
Dead Withc Walking by Kim Harrison, although I really love the HP books too. I love reading and wish I did it more tbh.
38.  money or brains? 
money seems to be working pretty well for trump but honestly i think i prefer brains.
39.  do you have a nickname? what is it? 
Rose. There was this one week where my nickname was Cheese though.
40.  how many times have you been to the hospital?
I went to the hospital pretty often as a child because I was?? Not Very Tall?? and the docters were Concerned or something. they basically took some blood and checked how much I had grown since the last time I visited. 
When that was done I didn’t visit the hospital until I got hit by a car on my way to school and broke my clavicle. It hurt. A Lot.
The last time I went was like, 2 years ago?? To get my thyroid tested?? I was basically Really Fucking Anxious back then and constantly felt like?? Like shit I guess?? And as if I was going to die?? Sort of?? but not really?? Let’s just keep it at “I was really anxious about having a fast heartbeat” to keep it simple. I’m over it now, though. God, even just walking made me anxious back then. 
41.  top 10 favorite songs
NICE that’s more than ONE song. They’re not going to be in any particular order though. And also probably more than 10.
Day6: I Wait - Congratulations - I’m Serious.
Fall Out Boy: Sugar, We’re Going Down - Miss Missing You - Young Volcanoes - Rat a Tat
BTS: RUN - INTRO: What Am I To You - Crowtit - Ma City
Shortstraw: Thailand
Walk the Moon: Tightrope - Anna Sun - Shut Up and Dance 
Man Man: Loot My Body
Raleigh Ritchie: The Greatest - You’re A Man Now Boy
42.  do you take any medications daily? 
hell yeah. The Good Shit That Helps Me Against Hayfever.
43.  what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)
Dry hands, oily face
44.  what is your biggest fear? 
Losing my friends.
45.  how many kids do you want? 
Not sure. No kids?? One kid??? I think it eventually also depends on my partner I guess??
46.  whats your go to hair style?
“Listen I combed my hair but the moment I stepped outside the wind acted like an asshole.”
47.  what type of house do you live in? (big, small,etc) 
medium house.
48.  who is your role model? 
ONE, as in, the one who came up with One Punch Man. 
49.  what was the last compliment you received?
“I like your sweater.” 
50.  what was the last text you sent?
“I’m home around 2:30, want to drink some coffee together?” = me @ my mom.
51.  how old were you when you found out santawasn’t real?
I never believed in Santa. as in, the american one. I think I was like, 10 or something when my mom told me Sinterklaas doesn’t exist??
52.  what is your dream car? 
one i can drive in without crying.
53.  opinion on smoking?
please don’t blow your smoke in my face. I personally dislike it but?? it’s your choice if you want to smoke.
54.  do you go to college? 
hell yeah.
55.  what is your dream job? 
Something I genuinely enjoy, that happens to pay decently.
56.  would you rather live in rural areas or thesuburbs? 
Suburbs I think??
57.  do you take shampoo and conditioner bottlesfrom hotels? 
I don;t visit hotels often enough to steal enything from them.
58.  do you have freckles? 
Don’t think so.
59.  do you smile for pictures?
I do. That is, when I’m not avoiding the person who is taking the pictures. 
60.  how many pictures do you have on yourphone? 
61.  have you ever peed in the woods? 
Yes. It is necessary if you want to play in the woods without peeing your pants, really.
62.  do you still watch cartoons? 
hell yeah!!
63.  do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s orMcDonalds?
I didn’t visit a Wendy’s during their one year stay in the Netherlands, so I can’t really compare them. 
64.  Favorite dipping sauce? 
Sour Cream.
65.  what do you wear to bed? 
Pyjama’s. As long as it’s something that I can wear pj pants with, it’s fine for me. I really hate not wearing pants during summer. the sticky sweat feeling between my legs is the worst.
66.  have you ever won a spelling bee?
We don’t really have those in the Netherlands lol.
67.  what are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, gaming? ? I think?? can talking with friends count as a hobby?
68.  can you draw? 
Depends on what it is that I need to draw.
69.  do you play an instrument?
I can play the (acoustic) guitar and the glockenspiel!! Also a little bit of recorder!! 
70.  what was the last concert you saw? 
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I think it was a Fall Out Boy concert?? From their American Beauty/America Psycho tour??
71.  tea or coffee?
Coffee. Tea is alright but it’s?? ?? ? yeah.
72.  Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
it’s been, what, a month since a Dunkin Donuts first opened in the Netherlands??? Somewhere in Amsterdam even I think?? So uhhh. no. I don’t really have any reference material.
73.  do you want to get married?
I think so.
74.  what is your crush’s first and last initial?
l i sten  n o.
75.  are you going to change your last name when youget married? 
Maybe?? If it’s not something like Naaktgeboren?? because there was an episode on Zoop where someone’s name was Ben Naaktgeboren which may sound ok if you’re not Dutch but it’s not a name I’d like to have.
76.  what color looks best on you? 
77.  do you miss anyone right now? 
I sometimes wish I lived closer to my online friends so I could hang out with them more but?? I can still talk to them whenever. I do sometimes miss my grandparents though.
78.  do you sleep with your door open or closed?
It’s usually not entirely closed.
79.  do you believe in ghosts?
Not really.
80.  what is your biggest pet peeve? 
when an inanimate object still falls over even though i’ve called it “dude!” and “bro!” many, many times.
81.  last person you called`
My phone says it’s my mom.
82.  favorite ice cream flavor? Lemon
83.  regular oreos or golden oreos? 
what the hell are golden oreos????? Why would you eat gold????
84.  chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? 
85.  what shirt are you wearing? 
One with Dory on it with the text “I have 99 problems but can’t remember ONE
86.  what is your phone background?
(This picture)
87.  are you outgoing or shy?
I used to be Super Shy, but now it’s getting a little bit less I think?? I’m pretty outgoing when I’m with friends, though.
88.  do you like it when people play with your hair?
hell yeah.
89.  do you like your neighbors? 
I don’t really know them but I think they’re alright??? 
90.  do you wash your face? at night? in themorning?
Before + after sleeping.
91.  have you ever been high? 
92.  have you ever been drunk? 
93.  last thing you ate? 
un petitfour
94.  favorite lyrics right now
Basically just?? the lyrics of If I Could Tell Her from Dear Evan Hansen. god I love that song.
95.  summer or winter? 
96.  day or night? 
97.  dark, milk, or white chocolate? 
All of them. 
98.  favorite month? 
June bc it’s my birthday month B)
99.  what is your zodiac sign
100.   who was the last person you cried in frontof? 
My mom, probably?? 
Thanks for letting me answer all these questions!! 
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