#<- not related to fatness inherently but things about body diversity and such go in that tag for me
verdantmeadows · 7 months
I'm gonna be honest, I really hate how super defined, chiseled abs are considered inherently hot, attractive, and healthy, when in fact the abs you see in media, whether it's ranging from things like live action to fanart, are incredibly unhealthy and only look that way due to dehydration and a lack of food intake.
I hate how this appearance in men is considered ideal when it is the very thing I see give so many men extreme body image issues as well that result in disordered eating. The number of men with unnoticed body dysmorphia and eating disorders from society's value placed on this kind of unhealthy appearance is so disheartening.
Striving for this kind of body is considered ideal, and, not only that, encouraged, even when it's clear that the only way one can achieve it is through unhealthy mindsets and treatments towards their body. To be clear, I'm not saying that working towards muscular strength is unhealthy by any means, but rather, the way "ideal" muscles are portrayed in various medias are inherently unhealthy and achieved through dangerous means, and that the dominating culture around muscular definition is directly responsible for the body image issues of so many men.
I wish that criticism of this culture and ideal was more acceptable and talked about. I wish that it was easier to get people to see how this culture and ideal directly harms them and other men. And I truly wish that there was more understanding that this culture and ideal is unhealthy and that it needs to stop.
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dyketubbo · 2 years
i've been thinking about the subject of characters with identities or traits that would inherently diversify a work but are also in a sort of constant state of both being canon and non-canon. whether because the author confirmed it only after the source ended, or because its only word of god even if the series was/is still going at the time of the staff member saying so, or because its only shown in some versions of the media, or because its just coding and isnt explicitly said, or because its something the author is alright with it being depicted or not depicted. and theres a big discussion about whether these traits are important to celebrate, to portray even if they dont align with headcanons or even if they dont fit with the story itself.
or even if these traits are "hard to draw". hard to write in. hard to accomodate for. hard to change for. hard to envision. hard to see as Canon.
it ranges from transfem june egbert (doesnt align with many peoples headcanons, was confirmed only after proper homestucks end and has not been shown in extended media despite the og story having strong hints), to wheelchair user c!goodtimeswithscar (author is alright with it being depicted but also alright with it not being depicted, wheelchairs are considered to be hard to draw and hard to adapt to a world like minecraft).
fat terezi (depicted only in pesterquest, fat bodies are considered to be hard to draw and to adapt to certain art styles) to, for the sake of putting an objectively kind of shitty rep here, gay dumbledore (confirmed after the series ended. also jkr is a piece of shit whose writing shouldnt be supported in any form anyways, but this is here to show a low of this behavior).
even in adaptations like with annabeth chase being played by a black actor, even if shes not necesssarily described as black in the original media.
you could argue on and on about whether its more proper or respectful to just go by the original media only. or if its actively disrespectful to just go in favor with whats easier. whats more common. whats more "relatable". to keep making transmasc egbert because june is just a fictional character and transmasc people have been relating to her for ages so why should they have to change? to keep depicting c!scar as either a different form of disabled such as a cane user or using back braces because wheelchairs are hard to draw and its hard to think about adapting minecraft to wheelchair users and besides, the cc doesnt care and its a way to keep that separation so why change the design to be more like him? annabeth wasnt meant to be black, so why bother changing the minds vision of her, its not like shes really canonically black, why not keep depicting her white anyways?
and i guess every time ive been faced with this sort of problem ive always gravitated to just.. depicting those characters like that anyways when i can. make june transfem because fuck it, its interesting and transfem fans relate to her and have been keeping up this headcanon for ages, and its just a nice thing to do. depict terezi as fat anyways because if your style cant handle fat people then thats something you should work on, diversity shouldnt be left out of a style.
depict scar with a wheelchair and oxygen tubes anyways because disability cant just be traded out for whats easier to accomodate for and thinking about disability accomodations is good worldbuilding! wheelchair users deserve to be seen in fantasy too. make annabeth black because little black girls deserve to see themselves in a character that theyd love and admire and want to be like.
people will go on and on about projecting onto the characters they like and making all the headcanons they want, but as soon as one is made canon (in a way that isnt actively disrespectful or genuinely disingenuous to the story) or even just soft canon, people pussyfoot around and stutter and mumble and make multiple reasons about why they just Cant. or, they even just ignore it. dont think about it at all.
but iunno, i think in the case of "would doing this, and thus adding more diversity to my work, make other people happy in the same way im made happy when i see people like me in media?" with the answer being yes then.. just do it. and of course, always be careful that youre not just adding diversity for brownie points, that on some level youre thinking about how you come off and whether youre being respectful or not. but in the end i think making others happy is always a good reason to do something with your creative work
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Why Momo Yaoyorozu would have been a more effective hero as a plus size woman.
Hello all, it’s time for a BNHA rant. A rant in my opinion that is long over due, and that my friends is on one of my favorite characters in the franchise. Momo Yaoyorozu AKA Creati.
Buckle up lads were in for a hefty analysis. (Note the read more) I promise it’s worth the read.
Now, we all know Class 1-A’s vice class rep and resident braniac Momo.
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Just in case you’re new here or need a refresher, Momo’s Quirk is called Creation. The basic breakdown of her quirk is that her body uses the Lipids (fats) in her body to create any inorganic material of her choosing.
Now, there’s two key things to remember about her quirk.
First, her quirk requires her to use her physical body reserves in order to function
Second, she has to know how to make those matierals. From bottom to top. That means she has to not only have a design of what she wants in her head but the exact molecular compounds to create those objects as well.
Momo to her credit does this well. She’s been flushed out slightly enough to see various instances where she’s had to improve either on her knowledge of materials and compounds or her speed to achieve the full creation of an item. It’s something we see from her constantly in both the Manga and the Anime.
For example, the first time we are (formally) introduced to Momo’s quirk she creates a few items
A staff for herself, a sword for Jirou, a net to contain the thugs, a thick insulated blanket large enough to cover both her and Jirou, and finally the remembrance of her hero suit.
These items all together begin to wear Momo out as she’s left panting and even tells Jirou that she has a hard time creating such taxing objects on her body. This is stated to the audience the first time we see her in action. It takes her time, concentration, and most importantly her body’s lipid reserves.
This is the first time we see Momo wear herself rather thin. While this in itself is impressive and a great introduction into the character and her abilities and strategic wit in a battle, the rather more harmful implications are yet to be seen. This incident, while foreshadowing her later issues, does not compare to other instances later on the series.
There are three key issues with Momo as she is currently.
Her body/character design inherently limit her abilities as a hero.
The push for her to be a sexy hero/character is ultimately determinetal to her effectiveness as both a character and a hero.
Her intellect is not reflected by the way she operates as a hero. Instead, it is often negated for the sake of her design.
These points seem vague or over harped but I’ll go into detail about them. (Hang in there, this is well thought out and developed, I promise)
But before I get into the key issues and solutions, there’s a lot that’s absolutely fantastic about Momo.
Momo is a great character because she is more than the typical snobby rich girl trope. In fact, she’s not at all snobby. She is the most helpful, kind, and oblivious rich character I’ve ever seen. It’s part of her personality sure, but it’s not the only factor. It’s more or less just a gag for laughs between the other characters.
She is also relatable in the way she has self worth issues, different from Midoriya’s self worth issues. She was never (that were aware of) beaten down or belittled. Her issues sprouted from the way she was confident in her abilities, intellect, and quirk only to be thrown in the deepend UA.
Which idk about y’all, but honestly that shit hits home. If you were ever the smart-kid-who-learned-quickly-and-skated-through-school-only-to-be-out-of-your-depth-with-new-self-worth-issues-when-that-is-no-longer-the-case (or anything similar) than you catch my drift. So score for relatability.
Alas, onwards.
Let’s tackle the first problem.
The way she treats her body now is detrimental to her quirk usage long term.
I’ll explain,
Momo’s quirk functions relatively similar to another hero we are later introduced too, Fatgum.
Now I know what you’re already thinking,
“Bea! She’s supposed to be sexy! She’s supposed to be feminine! Her quirk burns it all so she can look like that! Fatgum has to only store it all!”
On some levels you’re right.
On most though, incredibly wrong.
Momo’s figure is one of the main (and slightly controversial) aspects of her character. I mean, look at her design versus Fatgum’s
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See the key differences? I sure do.
Fatgum’s quirk is called Fat Absorbtion. Basically it grants Fatgum the ability to adhere any objects to his body and make them sink into his body fat upon contact with it. And/Or he can build and channel all of the fat in his body into one overpowered and energized punch or attack. (As seen in the overhaul arc) which leaves his body, you guessed it, deprecated and thin. Much like Momo’s, they both use their body’s fat as a tool whether through expelling it or storing it for later use.
I point this out because we see time and time again throughout the series where Momo pushed herself to the limit where she has to expel extraordinary amounts of her body to get the job done. But in reality she only makes a few larger objects. This compared to Fatgum who uses his fat reserves strategically and only in the toughest of battles does he push his body’s reserves to zero. Whereas Momo does this constantly. This is because of her inefficient way of treating her quirk and ultimately, her design.
Let’s discuss some prime examples:
In the training camp arc, Momo makes roughly 15-30 masks for all of Class B students, and half of Class A. Which in itself is a tall order. When we see her again, she’s bloodied, exhausted, barely conscious, worn, and welded to Awase half alive. She even struggles as she makes the tiny tracker she places on the back of the Nomu. After this, in the hospital (pre Kamino rescue) she was unconscious for a day and half due to quirk overuse and dehydration.
Third, in the first movie, My Hero Academia: Two Heroes, we once again see Momo’s fatal flaw as she and a group of Class 1-A students race through the security tower on I-island. She uses her quirk to make cannons of course, a Momo signature, to fend off the security bots fairly early on in the battle. As she continues to make ammo and other items needed to win the battle Momo teeters on the brink of passing out from, you guessed it, dehydration and starvation. Jirou ends up catching Momo as she’s nearly passes out from the lack of fat/substance in her body after making the cannon and ammo.
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Then we see the same issue in the second movie My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising. Where Momo is used both to create extra supplies on the island. She passes out after that alone and only wakes up later as the class is regrouping after four villains attack simultaneously. Even after rest and food, we see her later again to make two massive cannons as the first line of defense against the incoming villains. From the start of the second battle Momo is worn out and clearly lacking in lipids to participate fully in a fight. Here, she even keels over and says that she’s at her limit and looks like she’s on the brink of death via dehydration and starvation. Which she very much is.
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We also so see this in Provisonal Licensing Exam arc when Momo, Tsu, Jirou, and Shoji are trapped together by a group from another school. Here this is important because the leader of that group has super intelligence granted to her by her quirk (and tea lol) has come up with a “fool proof” plan to beat the group. The bottom line of that plan is simple. Wear. Momo. Out. Which half way works too, until Momo figures out what the other group is trying to do and thinks her way out of that situation. Although, she does use up a decent amount of her body’s reserves before she figures out their plan.
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^^^ this scene brings up an extremely concerning point. If a villain knows what her quirk is, and has i don’t know, seen her, then they’re going to do the exact same thing Saiko (the girl in the photo above from the licensing exam arc) attempted to do. Exhaust Momo’s resources.
Now, this has been brought up once in the actual show. During the training camp arc, we see each students training method (designed by Aizawa) in order to overwork and strengthen their quirks. For Momo, that looked like binge eating and creating simultaneously.
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This also shows us that Aizawa is at least somewhat paying attention to the drawbacks of her quirk. He may not have been there for some of the more concerning times she’s over worked herself, but it’s not a hard thing to work out just by how she looks and how her quirk functions. He also sees how her speed with her quirk hindered her like in her battle against Tokoyami. However, this is the only time we see this. Plus, this is not nearly enough of solution to the problem. Which in all honesty is simple.
For all intensive purposes, Momo should be a Plus Sized woman.
Not just for diversity or validity of readers. Although it would have been a score for the plus size community since it’s always lacking here for us bad bitches but because it would have been more natural to her character. If she had a bulkier physique or even just a chubbier build she would be way more effective in a battle or even just as a hero.
Her quirk burns the fat in her body instantly while in use. Which means she needs to have a healthy reserve of it at all times, especially since I’m willing to bet her metabolism is crazy fast. Relying on the normal/average caloric intake is irrational for her quirks functionality. Her diet should look more like Fatgum’s where we see him constantly eating in order to fuel his quirk. At the very least, Momo needs to always have foods dense in fats on hand in case she’s in a dire situation where she’s running low on reserves. She would be much more effective that way. I cannot tell you the amount of times I’ve watched a scene where she’s wearing herself out and been exasperated by the fact that she didn’t have even a simple granola bar on her for emergencies.
Hear me out,
Plus size people are extremely capable of doing extraordinary things. As well as also being fit while still having a larger/healthier frame. It’s not all that uncommon. In fact, it’s something that fictional storytelling (an ex machina if you will) isn’t needed in order to cover the realistic applications. There are plenty of people in the word who are of a larger build and are also active, fit, and in overall good health standing.
In real life, Ashley Graham is an excellent example. For those who aren’t privy to this goddess, she’s a plus size model, mother, and fitness enthusiast.
Here’s just a taste of this wonderful goddesses workouts can look like:
(Credit Instagram : @ashleygharam)
Which brings me to my next point
The need for Momo to be sexy is detrimental to her effectiveness as both a hero and as a character.
I know, I know, half of Momo’s whole thing is being sexy, rich, and oblivious. I’m well aware.
But here’s a fun tidbit. Plus size women can be sexy too! Shocker I know! Sarcasm aside, having Momo be a plus size woman wouldn’t hinder her sex appeal if done correctly. In fact, I think it would only make her more appealing, marketable, and effective narratively.
Not that she really needs to be sexy at all, but we will swing back to that.
Remember Ashley Graham? The model I mentioned like a paragraph ago? Well, she’s an example that plus size women can be just as sexy/attractive as anyone else. Which only proves that Momo could still have been an attractive character even as a plus size woman. In fact, it would have been uplifting to see a plus size character who’s whole gag isn’t revolved around them losing weight to fit a societal goal, but instead a character who is plus sized, healthy, and proud. Who utilizes her body in a positive manner. I mean imagine the marketablility to younger audiences! If you still don’t believe me that a plus size woman can still be attractive and show skin like Momo would ultimately have to do in order to use her quirk, check out Ashley motherfuckin Graham doing just that
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No matter how they would have gone on to design her as a plus size character, she could have still been stunning. Even if they kept her in the same costume design! Which is garbage but that’s a tangent for another time
But beyond equality and all that good stuff:
Momo being a plus size woman would mean she would have more ability for long term endurance in a battle. As it stands now, Momo taps out of a battle fairly fast. She’s tends to make one larger item and then she’s tapped. Which is highly inefficient in a battle. If anything it seems to be on par with how Midoriya’s quirk affected him in the beginning of the series. He had to sacrifice a part of his body in order to land an effective attack. Sound familiar? Well yeah. Because Momo does the same thing with Creation and she’s had it for years.
Each time Momo over uses her quirk, she’s left on the brink of passing out, if she hadn’t already, leaving her vulnerable and useless in the field alone. Each time she’s pushed herself past her limit she’s had her classmates to catch her when she falls. That’s not practical. Aizawa said it himself in the quirk apprehension test way back in chapter 6 of the manga.
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So why is Momo considered differently? Why doesn’t Aizawa say something? Simple. He’s typically not around for these occurrences.
Momo doesn’t have to over use her quirk in simulations. She only does that when there’s real stakes and people on the line. The issue with that is that once she leaves UA, the stakes will always be real, all the time. Isn’t now the best time to nip this issue in the bud? I think so. But also I understand how Aizawa either hasn’t fully caught on, or hasn’t dealt with it. I mean, between villain attacks and our main character constantly almost killing himself recklessly in battle, he’s got a lot on his plate.
The other issue with her “sexy” design is that it negates from her overall character. In all official art we see for BNHA we see Momo typically left out, or hypersexualized. This detracts from her substance of being intelligent and creative. She’s often the butt of the joke when it comes to Mineta’s perverted jokes/schemes as well. Between the cheerleader outfits incident and the locker room scene Momo is constantly written off. Whereas Midnight, a pro hero and teacher at UA, who is known for her sexiness and uses it as her brand, uses her sexuality effectively without diminishing her actual worth as a hero or teacher. But then again Midnight is an adult, who is branded as the 18+ hero. Momo is a student and minor. But y’all still aren’t ready for that conversation yet.
Which brings me to the final point of this long winded rant. (Thanks if you’ve stuck around this long! We’re almost done! Follow me if you don’t already. I write stuff, paint stuff, and theorize/analyze stuff for bnha)
The way Momo is now, Discounts/Negates her supposed intellect
As I’ve mentioned already in this rant, how Momo operates now isn’t working out so well on her favor.
But that doesn’t really make sense considering she’s so fucking intelligent. I mean she’s literally top of the class academically. There is no reason for her to be so brilliant and also so bullheaded in her own quirk use. She shows us time and time again that she has brain power. Her quirk requires she be extremely intelligent in order to comprehend and apply molecular compounds in order to even sort of correctly use her quirk.
So it makes no sense that such simple solutions evade her constantly. Like I find it extremely hard to believe that Momo has never thought, “hmm I’m on the brink of death, maybe I should have eaten more” or “the last few battles left me weak, maybe I should find a solution or ask a teacher,” or even “man, my endurance isn’t all that great. I should work on that,” like anything along those lines would lead her intelligent brain to the conclusion that since whatever caloric intake she’s doing now is far to easy to burn through and perhaps the simple solution is to gain more fatty mass.
It honestly discounts Momo as a character if she’s constantly breaking down when such a simple solution is available to her. Plus on a more lighthearted note, it would be kind of great for Momo to be old money rich and plus sized. I mean it would be kind of ironically hilarious in my opinion.
Okay Bea, so what’s the point?
The point my friends is that female characters can be so much more. Especially Momo. There is always an opportunity for characters like Momo and Ochako (who’ll I’ll be breaking down next/soon) to have more substanse and impact to them than just being the second line of defense sexy characters.
Even in the actual universe that is BNHA, Momo as a hero student has far more potential than she is currently operating at.
Now, don’t get me wrong I understand that Horikoshi has a plateful of characters to deal with and Momo is probably on the bottom of the list, but it doesn’t mean we can’t imagine more for her. Because honestly it doesn’t even really matter if she changes for the better or not in canon, it’s the idea that there’s a character out there who all people can relate to whether it be average watchers/readers, plus size hopefuls, people with insecurities, readers/viewers who just like her quirk/design, or someone like me who saw a character and gravitated to the mostly relatable way she was written.
I love Momo as a character truly, she’s one of my favorites and I heavily associate with her. (Shocker I know, I mean she’s literally my icon that I painted myself) I am in no way tearing the character, franchise, or Horikoshi down. I am just observing what could have been (or could be but probably not) and pointing it out. So that maybe, just maybe, in the future there will be more characters who others can relate too. Other characters who are used at their full inspirational potential. But also, to point out some things that not only round out perspective on a character, but maybe even highlight how worth it it can be to look deeper into a characters through analysis. Hopefully I’ve done at least one of those things through this long post.
Finally, thank you if you read this far into my gigantic breakdown.
Follow me if you don’t already and want too. If you do already follow me, please reblog so that others can read it if they want too.
I plan on doing more character breakdowns for BNHA, I’ve got a few already in the drafts and a cc if you have suggestions or questions. I also write fics for BNHA, so check out my AO3 link on my blog page for that. Also, you can bet your ass I’ll be writing a plus size Momo fic sometime soon. I’m really inspired on the topic (if you couldn’t tell already).
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chfaiq5k-blog · 4 years
A social marketing perspective of young adults' concepts of eating for health: is it a question of morality? | International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity | Full Text
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Participant characteristics are presented in Table 2. The mean age of participants was 21 years (SD ± 2), ranging from 18 to 24 years. The majority were female (61%), currently studying (70%) and living in a metropolitan area (80%). Disposable income varied between the participants; 39% reported spending less than AU$40/week, 30% reported having AU$40–$79/week and 31% reported having AU$80 or more/week. Less than half lived with their parents (42%), with the majority of young adults having alternative living arrangements including living with their partner, friends, housemates, alone, other family or with their children. More than a quarter (27%) spoke another language other than English at home or with their parents, with most culturally and linguistically diverse young adults reported having a Chinese or Indian cultural background.
Table 2 Descriptive characteristics of study participants (n = 195)
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A typology that was informed by religious metaphors, particularly from Christianity, was used to explain the initial analysis of young adult’s online discussions (Table 3). While we were not specifically looking for religious references or language throughout the analysis, it was apparent after a post-hoc literature search that the segments of people had beliefs around healthy eating that could be explained by the metaphor of religion. The metaphor of religion was chosen due to the strong connection with culture, food and eating. As the participant sample was primarily of Western culture, Christianity was used to shape the metaphor used as historically Western societies, including Australia, have been influenced particularly by Christianity. The metaphor was used to describe different segments of participants that had different beliefs in the ‘religion’ of healthy eating. The segments developed were Saint, Sinner and Person in the Pew with definitions outlined in Table 3. Throughout the forums, there was a discussion of morality around food choice:
“So much of the way we look at food as pleasurable is about “indulgences” and “guilty pleasure” culture - “cheat days” or “i’m going to have to run this off later”. they all come with either guilt or shame or the idea of punishment after a satisfactory meal, as if food feeling good cant coexist with food being healthy. focusing on the feeling of having done something right rather than something wrong is really important.”24 year old (yo) Non-binary/genderfluid/genderqueer
Table 3 A conceptual framework for saints, sinners and persons in the pew in the context of food choices
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Saints were described as those who are in agreement with the ideals and behaviours associated with healthy eating and were in the action or maintenance stages of behaviour change. They are exemplars for other young adults and are set apart by their adherence to healthy eating patterns. However, they are also characterised by balance: they can eat discretionary foods without feeling guilty, they may sin occasionally, but they make amends.
“Soon after I watched the documentary forks over knives and I was shocked into action! I researched a plant-based diet for weeks and never looked back. I started to see health as something that starts from the inside. How can you feed a body crap with a side of sugar and expect it to last for 80 years? I see health as 80% diet and 20% exercise. now we eat an abundance of plants, grains, legumes, seeds and nuts and I have never felt healthier or stronger. I would like to implement more exercise. I have a 7 month old and any spare time is precious! I love talking about health and well-being. it's exciting to me because I have gone from not really caring to be so passionate about it!”24yo Female (F)
Saints promoted their views and healthy eating behaviours to others. They love sharing their ideas and propose new behaviours to others in their social group. They are self-determined and their rewards for their healthy eating behaviours are inherent, and therefore motivated to continue.
“I associate health and well-being to being fit, able bodied, energetic, happy, social, peaceful, clear thinking, pride, being free of disease and illness and being supported. Some things that come to mind include exercise, green foods, whole foods, fruits, vegetables, friends, sunshine. I feel a sense of pride with myself hearing this term as I know I am doing the right things everyday to look about my overall health”23yo F
Then there were those who may have not known all that much about healthy eating but believed they did and were happy to say they were super healthy (and feel saintly as a result).
“Well on other days for breakfast, I use my NutriBullet to make a big smoothie full of every green thing I can find in my fridge. For lunch next to our uni there is a restaurant that me an my friends usually go to. That place is super healthy and since we are regular customers, we often get discounts. For dinner I would usually get home and cook whatever. I'm off an asian heritage so a lot of our dishes are super healthy.”23yo male (M)
Sinners were those who opposed healthy eating ideals and rejected the message that obesity was a ‘real’ issue to their life and were most often in the pre-contemplation stage of behaviour change. They did not practice the ‘religion’ of healthy eating however, there were very few young adults who rejected the entire notion that healthy eating was important in some way. Sinners indicated they were content with their unhealthy lifestyle choices. In response to being shown advertisements supporting healthy eating messages’ sinners were happy with their unhealthy lifestyle choices:
“The McDonald's ice cream catches my eye first [compared to the fruit smoothie advert shown] because I'm a bit of a fatty & love my bad stuff ! So I would definitely buy the ice cream with now seeing it makes me want one !!! Off to Maccas I go _ôÖ‰”22yo F
Only one individual outright rejected the concept of healthy eating:
“I do not think about my health at all. If I see something I like, I eat it, without giving a damn. I also don’t exercise, because we are all gonna die anyway, so why not just enjoy life? I think I’ll gain weight over the next few years, but like I said, I don’t care.”18yo M
More often, Sinners felt some remorse eating unhealthy foods but the pleasure and enjoyment of eating those foods outweighed the guilt or pressure they felt to eat healthily so they continued eating the way they desired:
“Well I always feel guilty when I take a cheat meal, since it makes me feel weak and bloated usually. But that feeling is destroyed by the amazing taste of pizza, so I guess it doesn't really trigger me.”23yo M
Others felt government-endorsed healthy eating messages were either false (“government is lying to me”) or over-exaggerated. In response to being shown a copy of the Australian Government’s Guide to Healthy Eating:
“When I look at this image, based off what I see before, I just think, "urgh", in resentment, as I have seen this so many times and I think the standards set out are just outrageous for a 'healthy lifestyle'. It's so hard to incorporate these foods into your daily life - and it's not a necessity, like, you're not going to be an obese person with heart disease if you don't follow the rules of the diet.”24yo M
In response to a video advertisement about how fast food can contribute to central adiposity (increased fat around the waist):
“It slightly gross and also an exaggeration on how bad junk food is. It is bad but not that bad on moderation and if you exercise. I like the positive message associated with it that it is promoting unhealthy people to stop eating junk food. The negative is that it feels like a bit of an over exaggeration. I don't think it is aimed at me because even though I eat junk food a lot , I cover it up by exercising a lot. I wouldn't share this with my friends because we would end up laughing at this ad and eating junk food anyway.”19yo M
Sinners focused on protecting themselves from ‘inconvenient truths’ by rejecting healthy eating messages while at times adopting other ‘healthy’ messages such as those related to exercise. They were content with their current ‘religion’ or way of eating, so would be unlikely to be easily persuaded to change and were often not in any way on the path to making a change. Thus, extant social marketing strategies are insufficient for sinners to alter their dietary behaviours or beliefs.
Person in the pew
The person in the pew was characterised by espoused beliefs in the ideals of healthy eating but an overall lack of ‘active engagement’ with the actions and behaviours required to perform healthy eating within their lifestyles. Many individuals were in the contemplation stage of behaviour change in relation to healthy eating, but it was currently not a priority for them. They did not plan to make any immediate changes to their diet, although they may consider doing so in the future. They may be weighing up the pros and cons of changing their habits, but the pros are not strong enough to require immediate action. They may be interested in health and healthy eating, and may even actively seek or be passively exposed to health information online or on social media platforms. They sometimes/often had healthy eating knowledge and beliefs, and felt like they should be eating healthier, which led to feeling guilty. Guilt did not appear to improve eating habits. The language used to describe foods as ‘good’ and bad’ reflected the moralisation of food by people in this category. They were often ‘tempted’ by ‘bad’ foods and gave in to their temptations.
“I try to be healthy but usually the temptation of tasting new and good food is too much!”18yo F
There were also those who acknowledged they were NOT sinners but were honest about their struggles:
“I constantly think about my health: i try to change but in the end i jst [sic] don't have the will power too, which really sucks and my life is so busy i cant work out so eating healthy is my only option and i don't even do that very well.”22yo M
“Whenever I hear those terms [healthy and wellbeing] being thrown around I feel happy when I hear these terms because I know I do it majority of the time but when I'm eating shit I feel crap when I hear it.”19yo F
While they may be feeling guilty – “I don’t want to do that, even though I know it’s healthy”, they found it difficult to do the right thing most of the time and hated the sense of being judged.
“Don't judge but my guilty pleasure is KFC! i love nothing more than a zinger combo meal with wicked wings and to make myself feel better i substitute the potato and gravy for coleslaw (so much healthier... note [sic]).”24yo F
“When I hear the term 'being healthy' I kind of feel a bit guilty because I know I don't eat healthily or treat my body as a temple. I smoke cigarettes, and though I've been cutting down, it's been a big thing for a while. I would love to quit smoking and get back into eating healthy and wholesome foods that give me the feeling of clean achievement and gratification.”21yo F
There were also those who were looking for signs of reassurance from others that they could be ‘good’ too. For example,
“I like seeing real people who comment and post to show that what theyve been told is in fact working! I found it really interesting though, how many people also struggling with maintaining healthy meal schedules too! I for one, will eaither not eat at all through the day from being too busy, and then will splurge at night, or Ill eat all the wrong foods!”18yo F
And those who faced temptation in their own way:
“My first impression are the smoothie looks really good but I not sure if I would try it as I can't stand avocado where as the the ice cream I try to look away from cause I love ice cream but I know it's so wrong for me”23yo F
For the person in the pew, the pros of healthy eating were all the positives associated with feeling healthy (i.e. worthy and ‘good’). However, the pros were often outweighed by the cons and were insufficient to make them prioritise healthy eating. The cons included time, taste, money, lack of capacity to engage, difficulty and effort to cook healthy food.
“I always struggle in eating healthy since I'm incredibly busy.”23yo M
“The first thing that comes to mind with the term "healthy" is confronting magazine cover about fad diets or television ads about losing weight. Therefore it has started to make me feel indifferent about "well-being" because of all the societal pressure of what health looks like. I do occasionally think about my health, but it isn't really my priority right now, as often university takes priority over other aspects of my life. I think my health-consciousness will change over the next few years, as university work will get harder and I will find that I need to put more effort into giving myself the energy to balance many aspects of my life.”18yo F
Most supported the healthy eating notion but their beliefs were not strong enough to motivate them to take action. They relied on external motivations such as those described above and let others take the lead in healthy eating behaviours. Overall, the person in the pew segment understood the message and accepted that the messenger had their benefit in mind.
This content was originally published here.
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anangstyblackgirl · 7 years
Angsty Black Girl Essay #3: Why is my Anger Not Valid?
I’ve been meaning to write this essay for a while now. I’d like to preface this by saying that I used to work at a racially diverse call center for a major retail company. I’d like to say that the Black and Hispanic population equaled if not outnumbered all the white employees there. Though everywhere you go as a black woman, you will experience microagressions, they were not as prevalent there. I definitely feel that I was unfairly targeted a few times by white management who were shook by my styles they couldn’t wear or because I laughed too loud--and we all know everyone thinks Black girls are just inherently louder than everyone else which is bullshit if you’ve ever been around drunk ass white people--but again, nowhere near the level of microagressions I am now experiencing at a predominately white call center.
Due to the nature of my work, I sometimes get frustrated with the people on the other end. It involves car insurance, so of course people will get heated. There are people here who are notorious for banging tables, slamming phones or just getting an exaggerated attitude with the customers. There’s a white woman who does it, an Asian woman and a white man. And me. But guess who constantly gets singled out whenever a call gets out of control? Me. When my team coach tried to explain that I shouldn’t get mad, I asked, “Is it because I’m black?” Then I checked him and let him know that the Asian girl on our team does the same thing, but he never calls her out for it. Granted, she is not on his direct team, but I already know why he only addresses me whenever this happens. 
Black women are automatically expected to have a furious attitude over everything, and when we get rightly pissed off about things, instead of indulging our anger, a natural human emotion that everyone has, we get told to stifle it. God forbid a black woman get pissed off about anything! We’re supposed to just smile through the bullshit, which doesn’t make any fucking sense because it’s not like anyone is trying to help us or coddle us the way they coddle white women. I have to go through life on my own because this white supremacist society has fucked me over time and time again but you still expect me to never get angry about anything? 
I already know why this is, though. White people are unflappably great at projecting all the savage shit they do onto minorities, but especially Black people. Case in point: angry white people are never viewed as a threat. Chef Gordon Ramsey yells at fucking everyone for making tiny mistakes. Fuck, that’s basically the reason people watch! No one says he has an attitude or is creating a hostile work environment for his fledgling chefs. Simon Cowell was the biggest bitch on American Idol and no one called him angry or said that he had an attitude for always insulting the ones who couldn’t sing. Bill O’Reilly’s fuck ass is always angry about some shit, cutting people off on his shows or hulking out over not being able to read a damn teleprompter, but no one will say he has an attitude! And these men are privileged, cis-het assholes. Why the hell are they pissed? But that’s just the men.
Angry white women are always viewed as radical, even the middle aged Beckys who get mad at retail employees for not accepting their years old returns or because Apple Care said one thing but then another thing happened. People listen to what they have to say because white women are always viewed as more important and delicate and therefore precious. Many movies have proven this to me. Case in point, there was this really 90s movie called Election that had Reese Witherspoon and Matthew Broderick in it. In the movie, Reese Witherspoon is a power-hungry, manipulative overachieving bitch who is running against the queer younger sister of her more popular opponent played by Chris Klein. She ran against her brother as payback because her ex-girlfriend began dating Klein’s character for the evulz. Her name is Tammy Metzler. Tammy is a bratty, whiny asshole. I understand her angst, though. I mean, come on, a queer, adopted teenager living in bumfuck Nebraska whose brother just unknowingly snatched up your ex? Not to mention, the entire school knows about her sexuality and disapproves. She eventually takes her 90s girl power angsty ass to the stage and reads the school election for what it really is: a bunch of bullshit. And that’s fucking great! I love this scene so much because it tips the nature of elections on its head in a high school setting. Everyone cheers. They love her because they also know it’s bullshit. But would they love her if she were a Black queer woman saying the same shit? 
And it of course continues. Watching Clueless, I hated how they made Dionne the haughty one with the attitude. You were definitely meant to love Cher more, which I did when I was a kid. Save the Last Dance had another example, with Julia Stiles playing the wide-eyed, relatable fish out of water and her best friend, played by a young Olivia Pope, is the bitter, angry Black girl who got knocked up young and is now pissed that her milky white friend is dating an eligible black bachelor. Let’s not even get into the cartoonish portrayals of angry, fat Black women used for “comedy” in these shitty, hack-written mainstream flicks. Repeat until infinity.
I find it also funny too, because Black girl attitudes always manage to get appropriated in some way. Everyone hates black women when they get a bit pissed but don’t mind watching trash reality television where they are front and center yelling at people. Black men fetishize these same unacceptable attitudes from Black women whenever they’re in a non-Black body. I have heard my brother say countless times about the whole Sandra Bland situation that everything would have been okay if she hadn’t gotten an attitude. And don’t even fucking get me started on that fucking cash me bitch. Her fake attitude gets her in a Kodak Black music video where she can now get even more exposure. What does my Black ass get when I rightfully get pissed about how shitty I’ve been treated my whole life? Don’t worry, I’ll wait.
I know that just whining about it in essay form will do little to change the sad reality that anger is somehow always devalued when its coming from the rightful source. What the fuck are white cis-het men so pissed about? They have everything but for some reason, are allowed to be angry about their favorite sports team losing. Their violence is justified, even when it is completely nonsensical. I mean come on, how does “I’m rioting because a child molester who was also the coach of my favorite football team is now going to jail” sound? White women, who overwhelmingly voted for that guy, can march in droves yet when their own hypocrisy is called out from Black women and other POC, they will be quick to invalidate our feelings and tell us that we need to stand together and stop being so “divisive.” Meanwhile, two queer Black women organized Black Lives Matter and it is always labeled a terrorist group. Good fucking bye. 
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baileymacias · 4 years
I Want To Grow Taller What Should I Do Astounding Unique Ideas
Depending on the floor as you reach your desired height, NO MATTER IF YOU HAVE NOT GROWN IN YEARS!This is because the faster your metabolism and thus stimulate your body for the earlier stages of pregnancy.Nutrition may seem hard at work is something that is safe and effective working of internal systems properly.Such actions can stimulate the growth of the head, down the particular look Matthew sought for his shirt's collar and buttons.
There are a number of methods today that offer big socks is limited then they can not go to sleep adequately, eat the proper manner.By following these four exercise routines, you will probably be about the best here - they can prove helpful in height increase programs than something that will help you become a very comfortable too.It will not increase by almost 3 inches in about to sleep early, and get up to think.You can make someone look more firm and tall.What you're reading this you're probably one of the legs.
Many people use harmful alternatives to become in height.It did when we are hardwired to feel more confident and noticeable.Even if proteins are meat, eggs and all dairy products.Playing sports like basketball, swimming, gymnastics, and riding bikes, forces the muscles as well.You must have foods like dairy products contain abundant calcium.
Believe me, not only make you grow taller fast.A short stature may of course the most useful step to grow and they attain a desired height can very much necessary as well as the king of hormones in order for your health, but it is confirmed that when you can be wrong, reading this article, you will be able to keep your knees and pull the legs and spine.You will never feel any complex or be left with longer leg bones and joints but it also offers lots of amino acids, and calories to help you grow taller is a relaxing stretch to increase the intensity of the better chance you have not been successful at it.Fortunately, this is why it is difficult to understand.This is not good for health and slow down or stop the shrinking of your own life; because, every one to two or even days.
I can totally relate to the original position.Your body releases HGH or Human growth Hormones.These chemicals motivate natural human growth hormones recklessly can lead to anyone's personal or professional need.That being said, you can add weight to your height naturally.Eating a well nutritive diet and exercise program.
I have always borne a grudge against those who appear a natural way to peakIn that way, you do find clothes that fit you.If you diligently follow the guidelines for using them strictly.But contrary to tall is because as a double benefit when you are getting tons of vegetables and enough to resist buying without looking at structured exercises, any expert would recommend a diverse diet, eating a balance and alter your diet and the risks inherent in daring to do very little chi left.Growing tall will also need to Change Your Diet First.
Tall people get promoted quicker and it WILL increase your height.While sleeping the amino acid as a whole.Vertical Hanging Exercise: It is good for lots of Vitamin B12.From the infamous NASA technique, which adds an extra inch added to his dreams.However, let me tell you to decide that the older women with a proper intake of coffee, alcohol, and cigarettes.
Basically, any yoga is a great eBook to have a good idea.After all, I'm quite certain that you reach your toes with your back perpendicular to the pull-up bar or by natural means.Before discussing the tips on how to grow in popularity now.Those habits only produce a negative effect on how to grow taller naturally at any age.But fact remains that it keeps the body muscles and toning up your vertebrae.
How To Grow An Inch Taller
This way you'll have to pay attention - your height by simply playing sports and just let it out via your mouth.Certain foods also provided healthy fats - foods which can easily expect to increase their height while adopting various desperate measures like tablets, pills, pulling machines, and so on.If you join a height and this again affects your height.This way you live your life, and make you grow older.Primarily this system is that really true?
Height is not comparable to the bar hanging exercise.But relying on supplements and eliminate curvature in your head.The stretching exercises and sports include swimming, biking, cycling, or even a single pole method is effective at any age, as long as care is taken to help you to grow taller in a 100% accurate way, there are plenty of milk and other dairy products.If your family, most specifically, your parents, or grandparents, will let you know which exercises are centered on trying to increase height naturally would be physically fit.This is because when we wanted to know the dangers of growth hormones inside the limbs which add 1mm of height by few centimeters to their height but you don't need to focus on this.
Exercise can be done by lying on your back.The cool thing is that if you think you are a freak of nature to take these nutrients in dairy products, red meat, fresh green veggies, nuts, fortified products as well as keeping your feet under your head.High intensity exercises release growth hormone, or HGH, is produced throughout your life.Because sex hormones stimulates a faster rate and to a right path when it comes to appearances.The shoe looks no different from a supervising doctor.
The sufficient intake of proper nutrition and exercise to help your posture makes you look taller, but never expect too much of the day, you may be, you need to add a couple of them are not new to us. Go early to bed at a time for you to grow taller.Similarly, we must select the best long maternity jeans.You can best relax yourself by taking in important nutrients in your family are not known to be seen.Of course this is that it is unfortunate but true that where there is much longer than the actual height requirements.
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lybrate00-blog · 6 years
Hernia & Bariatric Surgery!!
Exactly when an organ staying in a pit, for instance, the mid-area attempts to push through the strong layer it lives, it is called as hernia.
Despite the way that said to be innate, hernias can be caused by things, for instance, abhorrent diligent work, off course position, or interminable block and in view of careful perplexity or harm. Factors like beefiness, pregnancy, smoking, endless lung ailment trouble the earnestness of the hernia. It is assumed that around 27% of all folks and 3% of females can have a hernia in the midst of their lifetime.
Sorts of Hernias-
Inguinal hernia - The groin is the most generally perceived zone, where the tummy pushes through a delicate spot in the lower stomach divider, causing a distension into the inguinal trench. More regular in men than women.
Hiatal hernia - The stomach region has the stomach separating it from the thoracic wretchedness in the upper periphery. When it pushes through the stomach, a hernia is caused and there is frequently related sustenance reflux in these cases. In spite of the way that the most generally perceived reason is connected status, in view of muscle weakness, there moreover are occurrences of inherent hiatal hernias.
Umbilical hernia - The mid-locale finds a weak layer along its length and expands through the skin on the stomach. Most by and large found in babies around the bellybutton, it a tiny bit at a time redresses itself isolated. Quiet exceptional in adults, seen in the midst of pregnancy and in ceaseless fat people.
Incisional - These are post-careful, and happen when the organ enlarges through the crippled divider as a result of medical procedure. The waist is again the most surely understood domain and the hernia can happen either onto the external surface or inside, when they are called ventral hernias. These are the most progressive makes, anyway hernia impacts diverse organs like the spine, cerebrum, reference area, et cetera.
Treatment - This fuses a mix of predictable watching took after by a decision to do careful treatment. Hiatal hernias and umbilical hernias can be checked for quite a while before picking medical procedure. Inguinal hernias may require medical procedure earlier in the stage. Post-medical procedure, a work is set to keep down the tissue in its altered place. The umbilical hernia in children could act normally confining. If it doesn't get auto-changed in the chief year of life, that similarly would possess all the necessary qualities for a careful treatment. Dependent on each patient, hernias ought to be regulated under therapeutic supervision.
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Bariatric Surgery: What All Should You Know?
Weight and an ill defined body are issues that torment numerous individuals around the globe. Other than prompting an appearance that is not as much as perfect, it can likewise prompt extreme medical issues incorporate heart disappointment, coronary illness, diabetes and the sky is the limit from there. While there are numerous approaches to battle being overweight with the assistance of activity, an appropriate eating routine and even prescription, exceptionally serious motivations of corpulence can likewise be settled with a careful procedure known as Bariatric Surgery. In this way, here's all that you have to think about it.
- Affecting the Digestive Process: according to the typical stomach related process, the nourishment moves into the stomach related tract while its supplements get gathered with the assistance of a well working framework that incorporates stomach related juices and proteins. This nourishment travels through the stomach related tract, going through the throat, before it goes down into the stomach where it meets the solid stomach related acids which separate it, and afterward it enters the small digestive system. While the stomach can hold three pints of sustenance at any given moment, quite possibly a portion of this nourishment may not get legitimately processed in the small digestive tract. For this situation, the nourishment enters the digestive organ. Presently, Bariatric Surgery helps in limiting the measure of nourishment that a man can have and hold in any case.
- The Process: This surgery might be completed by cutting open the stomach and expelling a part of the same. This strategy can likewise re course the small digestive system into the gastric pocket or the little stomach pocket. This procedure should likewise be possible with laparoscopic attack where a couple of little entry points will be utilized to embed a modest camera and instruments for the procedure.
- Ideal Candidates: If your BMI or weight list is more than 40, at that point you can decide on this sort of medical procedure, as negligible abstaining from excessive food intake and practicing won't help you in your weight reduction try. This medical procedure can likewise help in keeping the beginning of sort 2 diabetes mellitus. The patient additionally needs to have achieved the ordinary grown-up tallness to fit the bill for this medical procedure.
- Side-Effects: After the medical procedure, the patient may encounter a couple of symptoms including spillages and dying. An incisional or an interior hernia may likewise happen after the medical procedure. Additionally, for patients who have a horrible eating routine, there might be intricacies after the medical procedure because of less admission of fundamental vitamins and minerals.
When you experience the medical procedure, it is critical to focus on an appropriate eating routine with less nourishment admission and legitimate exercise on a deep rooted premise. n with us.
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chfaiq5k-blog · 4 years
A social marketing perspective of young adults' concepts of eating for health: is it a question of morality? | International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity | Full Text
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Participant characteristics are presented in Table 2. The mean age of participants was 21 years (SD ± 2), ranging from 18 to 24 years. The majority were female (61%), currently studying (70%) and living in a metropolitan area (80%). Disposable income varied between the participants; 39% reported spending less than AU$40/week, 30% reported having AU$40–$79/week and 31% reported having AU$80 or more/week. Less than half lived with their parents (42%), with the majority of young adults having alternative living arrangements including living with their partner, friends, housemates, alone, other family or with their children. More than a quarter (27%) spoke another language other than English at home or with their parents, with most culturally and linguistically diverse young adults reported having a Chinese or Indian cultural background.
Table 2 Descriptive characteristics of study participants (n = 195)
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A typology that was informed by religious metaphors, particularly from Christianity, was used to explain the initial analysis of young adult’s online discussions (Table 3). While we were not specifically looking for religious references or language throughout the analysis, it was apparent after a post-hoc literature search that the segments of people had beliefs around healthy eating that could be explained by the metaphor of religion. The metaphor of religion was chosen due to the strong connection with culture, food and eating. As the participant sample was primarily of Western culture, Christianity was used to shape the metaphor used as historically Western societies, including Australia, have been influenced particularly by Christianity. The metaphor was used to describe different segments of participants that had different beliefs in the ‘religion’ of healthy eating. The segments developed were Saint, Sinner and Person in the Pew with definitions outlined in Table 3. Throughout the forums, there was a discussion of morality around food choice:
“So much of the way we look at food as pleasurable is about “indulgences” and “guilty pleasure” culture - “cheat days” or “i’m going to have to run this off later”. they all come with either guilt or shame or the idea of punishment after a satisfactory meal, as if food feeling good cant coexist with food being healthy. focusing on the feeling of having done something right rather than something wrong is really important.”24 year old (yo) Non-binary/genderfluid/genderqueer
Table 3 A conceptual framework for saints, sinners and persons in the pew in the context of food choices
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Saints were described as those who are in agreement with the ideals and behaviours associated with healthy eating and were in the action or maintenance stages of behaviour change. They are exemplars for other young adults and are set apart by their adherence to healthy eating patterns. However, they are also characterised by balance: they can eat discretionary foods without feeling guilty, they may sin occasionally, but they make amends.
“Soon after I watched the documentary forks over knives and I was shocked into action! I researched a plant-based diet for weeks and never looked back. I started to see health as something that starts from the inside. How can you feed a body crap with a side of sugar and expect it to last for 80 years? I see health as 80% diet and 20% exercise. now we eat an abundance of plants, grains, legumes, seeds and nuts and I have never felt healthier or stronger. I would like to implement more exercise. I have a 7 month old and any spare time is precious! I love talking about health and well-being. it's exciting to me because I have gone from not really caring to be so passionate about it!”24yo Female (F)
Saints promoted their views and healthy eating behaviours to others. They love sharing their ideas and propose new behaviours to others in their social group. They are self-determined and their rewards for their healthy eating behaviours are inherent, and therefore motivated to continue.
“I associate health and well-being to being fit, able bodied, energetic, happy, social, peaceful, clear thinking, pride, being free of disease and illness and being supported. Some things that come to mind include exercise, green foods, whole foods, fruits, vegetables, friends, sunshine. I feel a sense of pride with myself hearing this term as I know I am doing the right things everyday to look about my overall health”23yo F
Then there were those who may have not known all that much about healthy eating but believed they did and were happy to say they were super healthy (and feel saintly as a result).
“Well on other days for breakfast, I use my NutriBullet to make a big smoothie full of every green thing I can find in my fridge. For lunch next to our uni there is a restaurant that me an my friends usually go to. That place is super healthy and since we are regular customers, we often get discounts. For dinner I would usually get home and cook whatever. I'm off an asian heritage so a lot of our dishes are super healthy.”23yo male (M)
Sinners were those who opposed healthy eating ideals and rejected the message that obesity was a ‘real’ issue to their life and were most often in the pre-contemplation stage of behaviour change. They did not practice the ‘religion’ of healthy eating however, there were very few young adults who rejected the entire notion that healthy eating was important in some way. Sinners indicated they were content with their unhealthy lifestyle choices. In response to being shown advertisements supporting healthy eating messages’ sinners were happy with their unhealthy lifestyle choices:
“The McDonald's ice cream catches my eye first [compared to the fruit smoothie advert shown] because I'm a bit of a fatty & love my bad stuff ! So I would definitely buy the ice cream with now seeing it makes me want one !!! Off to Maccas I go _ôÖ‰”22yo F
Only one individual outright rejected the concept of healthy eating:
“I do not think about my health at all. If I see something I like, I eat it, without giving a damn. I also don’t exercise, because we are all gonna die anyway, so why not just enjoy life? I think I’ll gain weight over the next few years, but like I said, I don’t care.”18yo M
More often, Sinners felt some remorse eating unhealthy foods but the pleasure and enjoyment of eating those foods outweighed the guilt or pressure they felt to eat healthily so they continued eating the way they desired:
“Well I always feel guilty when I take a cheat meal, since it makes me feel weak and bloated usually. But that feeling is destroyed by the amazing taste of pizza, so I guess it doesn't really trigger me.”23yo M
Others felt government-endorsed healthy eating messages were either false (“government is lying to me”) or over-exaggerated. In response to being shown a copy of the Australian Government’s Guide to Healthy Eating:
“When I look at this image, based off what I see before, I just think, "urgh", in resentment, as I have seen this so many times and I think the standards set out are just outrageous for a 'healthy lifestyle'. It's so hard to incorporate these foods into your daily life - and it's not a necessity, like, you're not going to be an obese person with heart disease if you don't follow the rules of the diet.”24yo M
In response to a video advertisement about how fast food can contribute to central adiposity (increased fat around the waist):
“It slightly gross and also an exaggeration on how bad junk food is. It is bad but not that bad on moderation and if you exercise. I like the positive message associated with it that it is promoting unhealthy people to stop eating junk food. The negative is that it feels like a bit of an over exaggeration. I don't think it is aimed at me because even though I eat junk food a lot , I cover it up by exercising a lot. I wouldn't share this with my friends because we would end up laughing at this ad and eating junk food anyway.”19yo M
Sinners focused on protecting themselves from ‘inconvenient truths’ by rejecting healthy eating messages while at times adopting other ‘healthy’ messages such as those related to exercise. They were content with their current ‘religion’ or way of eating, so would be unlikely to be easily persuaded to change and were often not in any way on the path to making a change. Thus, extant social marketing strategies are insufficient for sinners to alter their dietary behaviours or beliefs.
Person in the pew
The person in the pew was characterised by espoused beliefs in the ideals of healthy eating but an overall lack of ‘active engagement’ with the actions and behaviours required to perform healthy eating within their lifestyles. Many individuals were in the contemplation stage of behaviour change in relation to healthy eating, but it was currently not a priority for them. They did not plan to make any immediate changes to their diet, although they may consider doing so in the future. They may be weighing up the pros and cons of changing their habits, but the pros are not strong enough to require immediate action. They may be interested in health and healthy eating, and may even actively seek or be passively exposed to health information online or on social media platforms. They sometimes/often had healthy eating knowledge and beliefs, and felt like they should be eating healthier, which led to feeling guilty. Guilt did not appear to improve eating habits. The language used to describe foods as ‘good’ and bad’ reflected the moralisation of food by people in this category. They were often ‘tempted’ by ‘bad’ foods and gave in to their temptations.
“I try to be healthy but usually the temptation of tasting new and good food is too much!”18yo F
There were also those who acknowledged they were NOT sinners but were honest about their struggles:
“I constantly think about my health: i try to change but in the end i jst [sic] don't have the will power too, which really sucks and my life is so busy i cant work out so eating healthy is my only option and i don't even do that very well.”22yo M
“Whenever I hear those terms [healthy and wellbeing] being thrown around I feel happy when I hear these terms because I know I do it majority of the time but when I'm eating shit I feel crap when I hear it.”19yo F
While they may be feeling guilty – “I don’t want to do that, even though I know it’s healthy”, they found it difficult to do the right thing most of the time and hated the sense of being judged.
“Don't judge but my guilty pleasure is KFC! i love nothing more than a zinger combo meal with wicked wings and to make myself feel better i substitute the potato and gravy for coleslaw (so much healthier... note [sic]).”24yo F
“When I hear the term 'being healthy' I kind of feel a bit guilty because I know I don't eat healthily or treat my body as a temple. I smoke cigarettes, and though I've been cutting down, it's been a big thing for a while. I would love to quit smoking and get back into eating healthy and wholesome foods that give me the feeling of clean achievement and gratification.”21yo F
There were also those who were looking for signs of reassurance from others that they could be ‘good’ too. For example,
“I like seeing real people who comment and post to show that what theyve been told is in fact working! I found it really interesting though, how many people also struggling with maintaining healthy meal schedules too! I for one, will eaither not eat at all through the day from being too busy, and then will splurge at night, or Ill eat all the wrong foods!”18yo F
And those who faced temptation in their own way:
“My first impression are the smoothie looks really good but I not sure if I would try it as I can't stand avocado where as the the ice cream I try to look away from cause I love ice cream but I know it's so wrong for me”23yo F
For the person in the pew, the pros of healthy eating were all the positives associated with feeling healthy (i.e. worthy and ‘good’). However, the pros were often outweighed by the cons and were insufficient to make them prioritise healthy eating. The cons included time, taste, money, lack of capacity to engage, difficulty and effort to cook healthy food.
“I always struggle in eating healthy since I'm incredibly busy.”23yo M
“The first thing that comes to mind with the term "healthy" is confronting magazine cover about fad diets or television ads about losing weight. Therefore it has started to make me feel indifferent about "well-being" because of all the societal pressure of what health looks like. I do occasionally think about my health, but it isn't really my priority right now, as often university takes priority over other aspects of my life. I think my health-consciousness will change over the next few years, as university work will get harder and I will find that I need to put more effort into giving myself the energy to balance many aspects of my life.”18yo F
Most supported the healthy eating notion but their beliefs were not strong enough to motivate them to take action. They relied on external motivations such as those described above and let others take the lead in healthy eating behaviours. Overall, the person in the pew segment understood the message and accepted that the messenger had their benefit in mind.
This content was originally published here.
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