#[after recall i guess?]
thejasontoddarchives · 10 months
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Jason Todd, eepiest boy in the dcu
Why’d they add a wig/hair to the robin mannequin …..
Batman: The Adventures Continue (2020)
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sisterdivinium · 6 months
You know, for a show with so many female characters that so many of us love given how they all get time in the spotlight one way or another and they fill that time up rather wonderfully since they are deeper and more developed than what we're used to seeing in general media, it is peculiar (to say the least) to see so few "alternative" ships to the main one.
I'm not saying the canon ship doesn't deserve its attention -- I'm wondering instead why the canon ship and it alone seem to guide the WN fans who just so happen to enjoy writing/reading fic or fanart or whatever.
You'd think all these cool women would inspire more ships or combinations thereof, but those of us who aren't invested in avatrice just... Float along, around one another, ignored (and, yes, mostly undisturbed too; being unpopular does have its advantages and that includes a lot less weirdos leaving you strange or awkward messages -- it does not, however, shield us from people flooding our goddamn tags on AO3 with fic that has nothing to do with our little ships and I do wish such negligence of the pairing itself meant we didn't have to deal with this spam...)
I am also not saying that fandom activity should be based solely on shipping (and recently someone on Reddit was rather confused by the fact that a lot of it is, which is quite an interesting topic to discuss in itself -- after all, there is more to fan creativity than shippy fic... Or there used to be), merely that, here, it appears that a canon relationship can outshine interest in the other, non-canon ones. It's already there and it was doubtless well-done by the show, so it's natural that it should claim people's attention, sure. It's just that being canon was never the parameter for whether people were interested in these or those two (or more) characters maybe being involved and trying to explore what that could mean through fanwork.
There has always been a complaint haunting fandom spaces concerning the minuscule amounts of f/f fic, art, discussion, w/e based on how few (interesting or sympathetic or relatable) female characters there are in media at large. So what I'm curious about is why fan creations made around WN -- a show that finally gives us a whole cast of female characters that are what we have been craving for decades -- don't also reflect its diversity.
There are alternative ships (I'm here, all happy in my tiny Doctor Superion bubble, and I know there are Camila/Lilith, Ava/Lilith, Mary/Shannon, Mary/Lilith shippers out there, so a warm hello to you if you're reading this), but go on AO3 and compare the numbers of things tagged with these proper pairings to the grand total of WN stories. Better (or worse) still, do so with the "otp: true" trick or simply by excluding avatrice from the search to see how many are left.
It's... A considerable difference. And a mystery, at least to me.
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vivitalks · 1 month
i JUST realized that the reason deputy dewey comes back as a ghost isn't because aubrey's magic goes wrong. it's because he died in the company of aubrey, who is sylvain, and that's what happens when someone perishes in the presence of sylvain's light. it wasn't aubrey's magic going wrong, it was sylvain's magic going exactly right.
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bumblingbabooshka · 8 months
regarding voy weed episode, it could be pertinent to the plot by like, not the entire crew being affected by it (does that Bolian crewmember get high? Do the Bajorans? The Vulcans?) which could lead into whatever the bigger problem is, and who has the sobriety to solve it. It could also potentially lead into more exploration about the crew demographics.
Everyone's on the ground unable to move from how high they are and Chell's like "This is nothing to me." Episode where the non-human non-command crew of Voyager shine (except for the Vulcans they're also knocked on their asses). Also, someone in the tags of the original post said 'it actually protects them from some psychic damage some hostile aliens are beaming at them' and that made me laugh. It's IMPERIATIVE you smoke this blunt or we're all gonna die!! Truly the worst smoke sesh ever - smoking weed under dire circumstances would be unimaginably terrible HEHEHEHE~!!!
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oflgtfol · 4 months
finally read flatland for myself. read it in its entirety today during my free time on my 12 hour shift. really good book but maybe would have stuck more in my mind if i hadnt seen the janky 2007 animated adaptation several times before reading it. but then again my coworker saw me reading it and said they had tried to read it but it was too confusing trying to visualize everything, so i at least had a leg up there since all i could think of was the characters from the 2007 adaptation. anyway i think i’m going to rewatch it for the Nth time tonight <3
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xiaoxiongmaos · 2 years
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hyakunana · 2 years
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Okay I can't post it until next week at the earliest and NEED to get this off my chest between now and my next longer reply because of stuff we were talking about:
Confirmed in one of my livestream clips there's been actual consideration towards Mine having survived. It's just a matter of his voice actor's availability and wanting to do it right if they end up doing it. We really could see Mine back in the main series.
And I recorded that clip based on something I misheard and didn't register that part at all until now. How Are We Doing Tonight
(Speaking of, get well soon!! I was sick myself the past couple of weeks, it's awful)
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me waiting for the absolute millisecond yokoyama drops the 100% Mine Survived The Fall statement
#snap chats#ON THE REAL THOUGH HELLO ?#hang on i need to put my thinking cap on after i threw it across the room excited#OK so i recall yokoyama(? im p sure it was yokoyama lik 99% sure it was him) talked about the concept of mine being alive#i think i still have the tweet bookmarked and while he didnt blatantly confirm it he did kind of allude to it#EITHER WAY ive gotten hope from the idea of mine being alive before#BUT IF THIS IS CREDENCE TO FURTHER CONFIRMATION i might just explode. i MIGHT just be even MORE insufferable#this is such a funny case though like i love how the status of mine's mortality is treated like an actual missing person's case sometimes#Area Man That Went Missing In 2009 Has Finally Been Found Alive#im holding off on the Mine's Alive memes until theres a Confirmation confirmation#i dont even care if he comes back in the main games (yes i do im lying) just the idea that's he's out there would satisfy me for now#if mine was just a local cryptid in the rgg franchise that would be JUST as funny oh my god actual zhao in judgement type beat#BUT THANK YOU FOR THE INFORMATION I CAN SEE WHY YOU'D WANNA SAY SOMETHING NOW#IF YOU GET THE CLIP OF THAT READY LIKE OBVI ID LOVE TO SEE IT ?? MY STARS#gonna think of this all night.. mine should come back so i can be even more annoying#and thank you- i hope you're feeling better from your sickness now !#i think im starting to feel better- i just have to stay inside more i guess#when i was at school there was pretty much no foliage so my allergies werent as bad#but back home theres nothing But foliage im gonna throw up ☠️
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infizero · 10 months
came to the startling realization just now that there are people who actually think light was totally fine and all his evilness came from the death note. ermmm. loud incorrect buzzer
#i definitely agree that the death note's power probably made him worse. but he was bad before that guys....#i mean i guess i cant totally get mad at those people since the yotsuba arc does show us a light w/o memories of being kira who is like.#pretty ok and is like n-no i could never be kira!!1! :(( so i could see how someone who isnt reading too deep into it could think that#but like. as far as i can recall we dont get tooooo much of light's inner thoughts during that time#so honestly you could totally assume for a lot of moments that he's just doing his thing hes ALWAYS done of pretending to be nice/''normal'#its hard to say. but i really doubt that light was totally good beforehand is whats supposed to be intended LOL#esp since like. he came up w the new world thing IMMEDIATELY after getting the death note#we know he was thinking about stuff like that beforehand. we can argue about semantics of how much of light's corruption is from the note#itself but you are not gonna sit here and tell me that just touching it instantly makes you evil. cmon now thats just not true#he sucks with or without the death note. it just gave him a tool to enact his suckery. it enabled him#serena.txt#death note posting#also i saw someone claim that the author said somewhere that L didnt mean his statement about light being his one true friend#LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER. sorry buddy you never said that in the text itself and wrote shit that very much indicates otherwise so you're not#allowed to say that after the fact. death of the author + the final arc you wrote was bad + you're homophobic so why would i even listen to#you + L + ratio#L viewed light as his friend. sorry!
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l-e-g-i-o-n-losh · 2 months
Whats a good bread for egg salad sandwiches? Store is out of sourdough
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priceysalt · 5 months
started writing a fanfic in an effort to excise one specific image from my brain but now i’m 2000 words in and i still haven’t written that scene
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softness-shelter · 1 year
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Decided to write down names, as we tend to forget. One or two names I just made up on the spot...as a couple did not have them yet. 🌙
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shallowseeker · 9 months
Did Sam become a lot gentler and “tragically beaten down” as the series went on? I would make a poll but i’m not feeling clever enough to write cheeky answers.
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covertblizzard · 2 years
how would you rewrite gl rebirth
I haven't actually thought about how I would rewrite GL:Rebirth much because the whole storyline just makes me uncomfortable and grumpy. I have thought about how I would rewrite the last arc of Kyle's run after Black Circle: Urban Knights (Green Lantern 1990 #165-181), but I'll try my best to answer this. I typed out an ENTIRE essay but accidentally deleted it, so I'm crying right now but I'll try to recall all that I wrote sldfgjshdfg
It depends on what you mean by rewrite it as well, it could be changing some aspects of the story but keeping most of the plotlines (minor changes) or keeping to the idea of trying to resurrect Hal Jordan and start up the corps but with a completely different storyline (major changes). Unlike Geoff Johns, I don’t think Hal needs another redemption arc when he already has multiple others and it’s more about what he continue to do for me, so it would more be about the resurrection of Hal as opposed to the redemption of Hal. I'll split my answers into two parts under the cut (because spoilers) - Keeping the Main Plot and Revamping.
Keeping the Main Plot
Changes to the plot
This idea is something I talked about with @fantajoseph where instead of having Parallax be there from the beginning (some parts of the story even seem to imply that Parallax had been there since Hard Traveling Heroes maybe which is ????), Parallax was only unleashed and took over when he absorbs the power battery. This doesn't absolve him of everything (which is boring), keeping some of his actions including killing Kilowog, but doesn't have him literally going for world destruction. It also could fit with the changing of motives from initially being bring back Coast City to literally going back to the Big Bang and starting the universe over with him in-charge and deciding how things go. It also puts the release of Parallax squarely on his shoulder for attempting the power grab (even if he did it unknowingly), instead of having it be a "it was always going to happen" thing where he is portrayed as "sad boy poor victim uwu" or whatever which takes away so much of his agency.
I’ll straight up remove John trying to reintegrate Spectre!Hal back to regular human society. I don’t understand what was up with that and I really dislike it. I enjoy Spectre as a mystical spiritual entity that can’t quite interact on the same plane back with regular humans and all that. The vibe of the longing and tragedy of how he is there but not quite there. With all this time between, they should’ve come to terms with this situation and not do whatever is going on, because it doesn’t make sense. Hypothetically, if this rebirth stuff didn’t happen, he would just be doing his Spectre stuff, atone for what he feels like he’s done wrong, find peace, and then go to Heaven. Hal is dead then, the whole baseball scene just takes away from that.
I would change Parallax’s control of people to be much more like Alexander Nero with the uncontrolled, wild, unpredictable, messy elements due to fear as opposed to the very controlled attack the Justice League stuff that was going on. I think fear should be more messy and dangerous, not whatever was going on. I think there should be a difference between Sinestro controlling / using fear for power and being controlled by a literal fear entity (having fear dictate your moves because it overwhelmed you).
I wouldn’t have all three of Kilowog, John, and Guy be controlled by Parallax, and I definitely would not have Ganthet controlled by Parallax. In the original apparently, Batman gets controlled too and shoots Robin (????) and as much as that kind of cracks me up, I probably won’t do that either. I’d maybe have 1-2 of them be controlled by Parallax, but I’d definitely have Kilowog, because he was just plagued by fears very recently in the most recent GL run and it would be interesting to bring back and haunt him with the Xadai. Most importantly though, whoever gets possessed by Parallax should break free and overcome it themselves, I don’t like the Ganthet cop out.
I’d also include Tom. I mean just a bit before this, Ganthet even acknowledges that Oa has 2 saviors - Tom who recreates Oa and reignites the central battery, and Kyle who brings back the Guardians. It just isn’t a proper rebirth story without him, especially since it’s Hal’s rebirth. Additionally, in the Green Lantern Legacy: The Last Will and Testament of Hal Jordan, they even said that if Hal had spoken to Tom, he might not have been able to carry out all the Parallax stuff, so who better to be there to bring Hal back and maybe force Parallax to GTFO once and for all?
I’d straight up remove Sinestro from the storyline, he was unnecessary in my opinion, and ends up making Parallax bug much less scarier than it could have been. Eldritch fear entity coming back into the world? Scary. Eldritch fear entity that is kind of manipulated and utilised by some dude (tm)? Kind of lame. Parallax is like the equivalent of Ion, right? Plus he’s LITERALLY the embodiment of fear, he should be WAY scarier. Having his first appearance be in some way influenced by Sinestro undermines the bug a little imo. At most, I’d have Sinestro’s presence with the yellow ring maybe awaken Parallax from his slumber, but he should be unaware of it. (Sort of unrelated, but I think Sinestro can totally try to control or utilise Parallax in future, but I think it should be difficult and he should maybe have to try multiple times and there should be unforeseen devastating consequences and have it perhaps even backfire a little.)
Instead of the battle with Sinestro, I think they should bring back some of the other GLs and perhaps some of them who disagrees with the resurrection of Hal, resulting in a bit of a stand off. There would be the faction that think he should stay dead and the corps should have a fresh start, and the faction that think he should be forgiven. It would also tie in very well with The Last Will and Testament and Kyle’s very recent run surrounding Black Circle, and have Hal face the grief and issue he’s caused personally instead of Tom and Kyle dealing with the repercussions. Parallax can enter the scene and take control over some of GL’s by amplifying their fears from what Hal has done and what he could do again and all that, causing havoc in general. It doesn’t have to be resolved straight away, but I think the decision to resurrect Hal could be decided based on “Parallax is the bigger villain and what we’d have to deal with first and Hal is both an extremely powerful GL and also the one person to really know Parallax which could help with his defeat".
I would change it so Spectre didn’t know about Parallax. I just feel like the literal embodiment of fear from time immemorial should be a little more mysterious and scary and not so easily identifiable. Maybe Spectre didn’t even exist when Parallax had been imprisoned. (But maybe not, I don’t know enough about Spectre.)
Remove anything that mixes fear and evil. Obviously fear can lead to evil but fear is NOT evil. As cool as some phrases like “Evil finally escaped Jordan’s sight. It hid inside him.” are, it equated Parallax to EVIL instead of FEAR and I think there should be a distinction. Plus I just don’t really subscribe to the concept of pure evil and all that stuff soooo
Minor things I would add/remove/change:
Kyle not knowing he could translate with his ring. Please he has been doing it since his Titans days and just a while back he went on some alien diplomacy trip, you really think he’s out here learning alien languages from scratch?
If the baseball scene is kept, I’d change the confession stuff where everyone just start falling over their feet to confess their sins to Spectre because it just makes me very EEK. I would have it a bit more supernatural with their sins overwhelming him, maybe the visage of the person committing their sins taking over his senses to the point he could not see or hear the baseball match and maybe even can’t feel John and Guy beside him. Basically a little more horror and a little less confession booth to a priest vibe.
Have John included into statues at the Warrior Bar because there is even a Guardian but not John and that’s ://
Include Helen (unfortunately I haven’t read Spectre 2001 so I don’t know how yet)! Increase Alan, Jen, Roy, Wally’s presence in the storyline, maybe either during the GL fights part or in discussions with Justice League or just other parts.
Remove Hal always having an authority-defying habit
Keep the Guardians as mostly children except for Ganthet. Actually have an equal ratio or maybe even some gender non-conforming guardians and definitely not 2:7 ratio because I don’t know who needs to be told that in DC, but 2:7 is not 1:1. Also, if they were going to make them all old, give the female guardians wrinkles too because apparently this artist decided that even alien ancient beings older than we can imagine cannot have wrinkles if they’re girls :)
Remove the part where they gave them temporary disabilities (John was blind, Kyle was deaf) for like ONE panel and then they fought harder or whatever and it was gone like WHAT??
Things I would keep:
Guy and John’s talks, I enjoyed it
Hikers that found and took care of Kyle, it was cute
Ollie-Kyle scenes, I think they were sweet
Reciting the Oath as they defeated Parallax
Detailing the distinctions between how the GLs used their constructs, I liked that part! I would change / polish a bit of Hal and Kilowog’s (especially Kilowog’s) but I liked the idea.
There’s this thing I read on wiki’s and other people’s comments about how Kyle wasn’t taken over by Parallax because he knew fear and the others didn’t which always never made sense to me because SURELY they all have encountered, dealt with, and know fear. After all, it is something that they all grappled with in their own storyline?? But then when I read the story, it seemed a lot more like it was that Kyle was familiar with fear. That he felt it more regularly, could identify and understand it, and therefore was less likely to be controlled because when Parallax started to try to control him, he recognised it. The advice Hal gave was “Listen for fear. Remember fear.” I really liked that, because sometimes we need to be able to identify our demons and recognise it so that we can deal with it, it’s something that is applicable irl too, even though usually it’s not because a bug demon would take control of us.
There’s this THING that I don’t even know if I want to change or remove or what, but Hector Hammond in this storyline!! What is he doing there?? Why are there multiple panels of him locked up in his facility being oddly creepy, mostly towards Kyle? Like he’s all “Sing for me, Kyle” and then pops up again at the end being all ah I didn’t expect Kyle to be able to do it?? I don’t think he’s even met Kyle? How does he even know what is happening?? This doesn’t even seem to pay off in this storyline, nothing happens?? Do they go somewhere with this in another story?
Resurrection stories are sometimes a little EH with me, so I’m not sure how I'd like to go about it best per se, but I do have a few ideas floating around.
Either way, to resurrect Hal, something to think about is how he could have a body. GL:Rebirth went the “his body was somehow preserved and someone (Kyle) brings it back from the sun” route, but there are other options like someone reconstructing his body.
In Kyle’s first run as Ion, he explicitly offers to erase Parallax (no bug demon at this point, just Hal as Parallax). Spectre!Hal tells him that it’s not wise basically and Kyle (a creepy god boy at this point) is like oooh cool, you really can’t lie huh, guess I can do it. But then he doesn’t do anything with that information.
Kyle has ANOTHER Ion run less than 2 years after Rebirth, so one possibility is to just shift forward that Ion run and to have him bring Hal back. I wouldn’t have him retcon Parallax!Hal out of existence, but perhaps being the Spectre was somehow eating into Hal’s soul and his very soul was in danger and could possibly disintegrate for good and to save him, Kyle resurrects him. I don’t know enough about Spectre, but I know Hal tries and fail to turn it into a spirit of redemption as opposed to a spirit of vengence, and some angry evil spirits are loose (?) because of that, so maybe Hal’s potential loss of soul could have to do with that.
The other (and more fun imo) possibility is to have Lianna resurrect Hal. Towards the end of Kyle’s run, he fights and defeats Amon Sur and when he was probably about to murder that guy, Lianna pops up and stabs Kyle and murder Amon instead, citing the reason that “bad stuff will happen otherwise” basically. This confuses me for so many reasons because
The guardians generally have a non-interference policy and don’t personal get involved in stuff which this is VERY involved (although of course, Lianna has kind of been flouting this rule a lot but STILL, murdering 1 or 2 dudes?)
The guardians don’t allow the GLs to kill in general, and while they are for sure more lenient with themselves, Ganthet is in charge at the moment and I can’t see him being very pro-murder
If she was trying to kill Kyle, she most definitely did not succeed, and if she really wanted to kill Kyle, surely she could’ve done a better job as a guardian?
This is because of her “prophecies” but even within the story, quite a few of her prophecies didn’t come through??
Anyway, I propose that Lianna wasn’t trying to KILL Kyle, she was trying to prevent Kyle from killing Amon because she doesn’t want him to walk down a darker path that he had kind of been heading towards. She knew he’d be able to survive (or maybe even gave him a boost that helped him survive), but she chose to interfere to stop him.
With this logic, I think it could be written that instead of straight up disobedience and killing Amon herself, she could decide to bend the rules a little and try to involve Hal so he could stop Kyle and help to capture Amon instead of killing him. From her perspective, this would work well because Hal is a good example of why you shouldn’t do that maybe, and he is powerful enough to deal with Amon! However, I imagine Spectre!Hal would be like “I can’t interfere” and all that and so she frees his soul from the Spectre and resurrects him.
This brings up multiple things that I think would be fun!
This forced resurrection is KIND OF what he did to Ollie in GA 2001, which sets up a fun “should you do this?”
This might not actually be the best thing for Hal, and maybe Lianna even knows it, but she might have done it because Kyle sort of sometimes raised her and she clearly cares about and wants to help Kyle. Before this she’s done a lot from pause planet destruction when she recognised him even while kind of crazy, help him record a message for his friends, personally deliver that message to Earth, help encourage his friends to record a message back, run interference in Jen and Kyle’s relationship, try to stop him from going into a dangerous situation, and intervene with and kind of threatened someone who was hired to kill Kyle. It would fit into the thread of things she’s been doing much more than... stab him.
Powerful Green Lanterns being brought back to the guardians’ service (Kilowog and Hal), this one actually by a guardian, which could bring up the whole “are you going to be a guardians’ puppet again?” and like topics of whether this is the direction the new corps wants to be heading, especially with all the guardians basically being younger than the GLs technically.
Hal fighting Amon Sur would be so interesting because Hal is everything Amon wants to be! Got his father’s (Abin Sur) recognition, got his father’s ring and became GL, destroyed the corps, almost cause a world destruction. Amon would detest him so much and Hal would hate Amon for tarnishing Abin’s name as well and it would be fun to see them interact. I just realised three people relating to Abin Sur (Sinestro, Hal, Amon) have all gone the villain route oh wow
Kind of unrelated, but I also like the idea that Lianna's simply   actually far more powerful than Ganthet and that's why Ganthet's powers were unable to limit her powers even when she is a baby.
Rebirth also seem to want to bring Guy and John back into the corps. The easiest way is to have the Amon VS Hal & Kyle fight closer to earth, have the Watchtower notice it, and John is dispatched to check it out. Guy can get involved either because they suspect it has to do with Kyle and he insisted on coming or John dragged him along, or Ollie somehow knows or suspect it has to do with Hal and forced the ring Hal left him on Guy and pushed him to go, or something along those lines.
Alternatively though, John is already a GL again anyway so when the corps start, he would probably be automatically be part of the corps. I don’t know how the arc where he becomes leader of GL happens, but I’d definitely keep that for him.
For Guy, one possibility is to have him join the GL back to train rookies with Kilowog (also something I talked about with @fantajoseph). I’d imagine there could be a lot of recruitment (since they’re starting all over) and so they’d want to have more than one trainer, and perhaps Guy could be a little unwilling at first (his whole “GL is the past for me” thing), but something could make him feel the obligation to join again? (Also, I don’t know why but I haven’t seen much about his Vuldarian heritage thing and I don’t know if they just didn’t let him keep those powers or something or I just haven’t seen it, but I’d definitely keep those because who doesn’t want more superpower. I think it’s fun.)
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salsflore · 1 year
hehehehe i had a dream about childe and it was good. finally got a break from all the insanity i’ve been dreaming of lately www
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burningspy · 2 years
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My long hot day in three pictures.
I decided to take today and the rest of the week off of work.
This morning, I finally engaged in this project.
It took about 5 hours in a very hot garage to finish. Today was predicted to be the "coldest" day of the week, with a high temperature only reaching about 98! So, I figured this would be my best option to do it, instead of waiting for it to get back over 100 the rest of the week.
There are really only 2 things that I don't like about this install.
The small 4.3" screen above the stereo, which used to be the display for the factory unit, is now just blank and powerless. I also integrated an iDatalink system, which moves the functions that used to be on that screen, such as the back-up camera, to the display on the new stereo. I would love to be able to find some kind of adapter enabling me to split off that connector and have the signal from the factory sync system still display on that little screen as well as the new unit, but I have had no luck so far finding such a harness.
Even though this particular stereo does not included built-in navigation, it still requires a GPS antenna to be wired up and installed on the dash in order to set the clock! This unit has wireless Android Auto, so navigation is provided from Google maps through my phone. Basically, I was forced to cut and modify a dash panel in order to install an antenna; the sole purpose of which is make the screen display the correct time and date! It is entirely impossible to set that manually on this radio. I have gone down the internet rabbit hole already trying to find a way, with no success.
At least now, I finally have HD radio again. Which I enjoy, especially since the only real alternative rock station in Dallas moved to an HD2 frequency almost 10 years ago. Plus, I'm an "old" and tend to listen to AM news talk on my way to work in the mornings. Mostly, because of the detailed traffic updates every 10 minutes. Now, I can tune to that on an HD2 FM station as well while also looking at traffic delays on the screen!
It has been too long that I have been stuck with a factory stereo. I have always installed a custom unit in every car I've owned. I would have done this soon after I bought my car, but good stereos with all the features I want are typically expensive and it took me a little while to save up the money. Plus, the pandemic and resulting chip shortage, made the good stereos harder to find (and even more expensive).
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