goldenpinof · 6 months
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Dan and Phil reach Satisfaction - PowerWash Simulator!
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alirienn · 7 months
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jtl-fics · 7 months
of course there is nothing better than sharing a nice warm delicious treat than with a few friends, lets bring my girl janie SMALLS over here :))
WIP Wednesday - 11-1-23 (Closed) | Smalls AU
Wymack leaves and Betsy leaves her to unpack her things. It feels weird that it can all be condensed down into a few bags. Before she'd died she had bags and bags and bags and bags of things. A whole apartment full of little things that brought her joy.
She had the essentials now, plus a few other things that Wymack had insisted she get when she had stared at them for too long. She wishes again that she could just close her eyes and wake up back home. She'd even take waking up in a hospital room with her friends and family nearby.
It'd be a beautiful moment really. Something that would come at the end of a long journey. Maybe if she makes her way through all of the books she can get a happy ending.
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fipindustries · 1 year
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those numbers are not her ages, its a bit more complicated than that. everything is always “a bit more complicated than that” when it comes to Almost Nowhere.
(to simplify quite a lot, those are alternate timelines, they could also be considered some form of reincarnations, and they could also be considered clones, the point is that 11 is technically the oldest of the group, depending on which of the multiple temporal schema in this story you go by)
bottom line is, i love the concept of the annes, i love how each one grew into its own, unique, distinct character, with their own mythos around them, considering they are all technically the same person.
what is so special about this specific piece of fan art is that im mutuals with the author of the story and i got to ask them for details on the design of each character. i did this because usually i tend to take the text descriptions of a character as mere suggestions and tend to go a lot more with vibes for how they are supposed to look. even with rob’s input i still took some liberties since i cant let go enough of my own ego not to add my own flourishes to something
now ill go on to explain my thought process behind each design
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i figured 11 would have a bit of a feral child thing going on, considering she’s been living for years (?) with no company other than talking animals (oooooh the one who was into musicals including disney songs, now i get it) and that she started adoptiing their stilted reduced way of speaking, i dont see why she wouldnt adopt other things such as liying in big cuddle piles and disregarding clothes.
drawing the talking helmets they were was a lot of fun, specially trying to adpat it to each different animal.
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oh annabel Lee, the best fucking character in this story.one of the few characters who truly knew what the hell was going on, the creator of blackhat squadron training module, also known as “the stupid shit”. she is descrived as wearing “escherian necklaces and eldritch dresses” it was certainly a challenge to design something that comes across as an escherian dress but i think i did a good job of it, also pay attention to her helding the auxiliary knife and how the perspective on the knife is all wrong. her grin reminds me a bit of the ending of that one SSC story, the study of anglophysics. a lot of things about her remind me of that story.
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Moon, the most anime character in this story. ill admit, i had a bit of an egg to my face, i already attempted to make fanart of her in the past and yet again, because i never actually pay attention to descriptions of characters, i ended up drawing her as some generic anime girl. im glad i got to correct that mistake.im also grad that this story exists, allowing me to create some incredibly interesting, evocative and fun designs. i think the hat and neckerchief are my additions
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and finally anne, the reason why we are all here. i think rob explicitly said for this one that she is supposed to have older sister energy, i hope i captured that, i couldnt let go of my original design for her which to be fair wasnt that far off. most of these characters i try to catured them as we last saw them, with anne i decided to do something slightly different. she is supposed to be using both the blackhat and wold squadron uniforms but also it is established that she pretty much wears whatever she wants. i did include the hat because i thought it was funny to ada an askew little hat as if someone tried to put it on her and she never bothered to take it off.
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bebebisous33 · 8 months
Jinx: Breaking Fake News 📰 🎤
#Jinx #Jaekyung #JooJaekyung #KimDan #Manhwa #Mingwa #징크스 #Jinxmanhwa The essay "Breaking Fake News 📰🎤" is finished. I hope you'll like it. Retweet/like it as support. Thanks. Feel free to comment. Essay will be locked. Next essay is about #potn
Please support the authors by reading the manhwas on the official websites.  This is where you can read the manhwa: Jinx But be aware that the Manhwa is a mature Yaoi, which means, it is about homosexuality with explicit scenes. Here is the link of the table of contents about Jinx. Here is the link where you can find the table of contents of analyzed manhwas. Here are the links, if you are…
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Gonna be honest I do feel like such a poser/that annoying basic bitch when I go on about how much I love NYC but in my defense I did spend multiple Formative Periods in various parts of the city so like...
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coconut530 · 7 months
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Stephpotterdrawtober & 31 Days of Nevermore Day 31: Phantasm & Spectre
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mihotose · 3 months
sometimes i see a date and know its significant but can never remember if its like. historically significant or i have something planned or if its an anniversary or if its someones birthday (whose? someone i know personally or a celebrity or a character?) and it doesnt help when i add goroawase to it
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gideonisms · 2 years
sometimes I like to think that maybe there is an older version of me who has different problems and understands why I was the way I was and is able to have pity for this version and maybe would come back and sit next to me if she could. I'd like for there to be a sexy 40 year old version with silver streaks in her hair and glasses. I'll probably be obsessed with myself if I get that old. I've always wanted to look like the one random lady general from the first 30 minutes of any star wa rs movie
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walkswithmyfather · 2 years
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“Gratitude isn't only a celebration when good things happen: Gratitude's a declaration that GOD IS GOOD no matter what happens.”
“23 Verses About the Goodness of God” By Dr. David Jeremiah:
“God is good. But what does that mean—that God is good? The more I studied this word in the Bible, the more one central concept seemed to jump out: God’s goodness conveys His generosity. His goodness means far more than His generosity, but it certainly includes His infinitely generous attitude toward us. By nature, He longs to bring joy and blessing to all His creatures. The Bible repeatedly presents goodness as a core quality of our Lord, and I wanted to share just 23 of those occasions. These 23 verses point you to the goodness of our God and what it means for our lives.”
1. “The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth.” —Exodus 34:6
2. “Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.” —1 Chronicles 16:34
3. “And they sang responsively, praising and giving thanks to the Lord: “For He is good, for His mercy endures forever toward Israel.” —Ezra 3:11
4. “Good and upright is the Lord.” —Psalm 25:8
5. “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” —Psalm 23:6
6. “The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works.” —Psalm 145:9
7. “No one is good but One, that is, God.” —Mark 10:18
8. “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” —James 1:17
9. “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!” —Matthew 7:11
10. “I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” —Psalm 27:13
11. “I will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty, and on Your wondrous works. Men shall speak of the might of Your awesome acts, and I will declare Your greatness. They shall utter the memory of Your great goodness, and shall sing of Your righteousness.” —Psalm 145:5-7
12. “He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.” —Psalm 33:5
13. “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him!” —Psalm 34:8
14. “Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting.” —Psalm 100:4-5
15. “Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men! For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness.” —Psalm 107:8-9
16. “As a father pities his children, so the Lord pities those who fear Him. For He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust.” —Psalm 103:13-14
17. “Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; Your Spirit is good. Lead me in the land of uprightness.” —Psalm 143:10
18. “The Lord is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.” —Psalm 92:15
19. “You are good, and do good; teach me Your statutes.” —Psalm 119:68
20. “You also gave Your good Spirit to instruct them, and did not withhold Your manna from their mouth, and gave them water for their thirst.” —Nehemiah 9:20
21. “Hear me, O Lord, for Your lovingkindness is good; turn to me according to the multitude of Your tender mercies.” —Psalm 69:16
22. “The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him.” —Nahum 1:7
23. “Oh, how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have prepared for those who trust in You in the presence of the sons of men! You shall hide them in the secret place of Your presence from the plots of man; You shall keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues.” —Psalm 31:19-20
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psicomotricidad13 · 7 months
La Sensomotricidad y la psicomotricidad en la infancia son conceptos clave en el desarrollo de los niños a lo largo de la vida.
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Sensomotricidad:  se refiere a la interacción entre los sentidos y el movimiento. En la infancia, los niños desarrollan habilidades sensoriales (vista, oído, tacto) y habilidades motoras (movimiento y coordinación) que les permiten explorar su entorno y relacionarse con él. El desarrollo de la Sensomotricidad es esencial para adquirir habilidades cognitivas y sociales.
Las habilidades sensoriales: se refieren a la capacidad del cuerpo para percibir y procesar la información sensorial del entorno. Estas habilidades involucran los cinco sentidos principales: vista, oído, tacto, gusto y olfato. Estas habilidades desempeñan un papel crucial en la percepción y la interacción con el entorno, así como en la toma de decisiones y la comprensión del mundo que nos rodea. El desarrollo y el funcionamiento adecuado de estas habilidades son esenciales para la vida cotidiana y la comunicación.
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1. Vista: La habilidad de ver y procesar información visual, como la percepción de colores, formas, distancias y movimientos.
2. Oído: La capacidad de escuchar y procesar sonidos, distinguir tonos, direcciones y reconocer el habla.
3. Tacto: Incluye la capacidad de sentir y procesar texturas, temperaturas, presión y dolor a través de la piel y las terminaciones nerviosas.
4. Gusto: La habilidad de saborear y distinguir diferentes sabores, como dulce, salado, amargo, ácido y umami.
5. Olfato: Implica la percepción y el procesamiento de olores a través del sistema olfativo.
Las habilidades motoras: se refieren a la habilidad de una persona para realizar movimientos físicos de manera precisa y coordinada. Estas implican la interacción armoniosa de los sistemas musculares y nerviosos para llevar a cabo movimientos específicos. El desarrollo de estas es fundamental en el crecimiento y el aprendizaje de los niños. A medida que los niños practican y perfeccionan estas habilidades, adquieren un mayor control sobre su cuerpo y mejoran su capacidad para realizar actividades cotidianas y participar en diversas actividades físicas y deportivas.
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1. Coordinación motora fina: Esta habilidad implica movimientos pequeños y precisos, como escribir, dibujar, abrochar botones o recortar con tijeras. Requiere un control fino de los músculos y una coordinación precisa.
2. Coordinación motora gruesa: Se refiere a movimientos más grandes que involucran grupos musculares más grandes, como correr, saltar, nadar o andar en bicicleta. La coordinación motora gruesa es esencial para la movilidad y el equilibrio.
3. Coordinación ojo-mano: Esta capacidad implica la sincronización entre la vista y el movimiento de las manos. Es fundamental en actividades como atrapar una pelota, lanzar un dardo o ensartar cuentas en un hilo.
4. Coordinación bilateral: La habilidad de coordinar movimientos con ambos lados del cuerpo, como tocar un instrumento musical con ambas manos o caminar de manera equilibrada.
5. Coordinación temporal: Implica la capacidad de realizar movimientos en el momento adecuado, como bailar al ritmo de la música o ejecutar movimientos sincronizados en un deporte.
2.Psicomotricidad: es una disciplina que se enfoca en la relación entre el aspecto emocional, cognitivo y motor de un niño. Busca comprender cómo las emociones, la cognición y el movimiento se integran en el desarrollo infantil. La psicomotricidad se utiliza para evaluar y mejorar la coordinación, la percepción y la expresión emocional.
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 La evolución psicomotriz de niños y niñas se basa principalmente en la maduración neurológica, donde el desarrollo de los órganos sensoriales va de la mano con el motor. Comienza con movimientos básicos y progresa hacia conductas motrices principales, que a su vez facilitan movimientos más complejos en juegos y deportes. La percepción del entorno desde una edad temprana ayuda a construir esquemas mentales y contribuye al desarrollo cognitivo. El crecimiento, la maduración, el ambiente y el desarrollo son aspectos clave en este proceso.
Las capacidades motrices, también conocidas como psicomotrices o psicomotrices básicas, tienen diversas clasificaciones en la literatura especializada. Las diferencias principales radican en los términos utilizados y en su traducción al castellano.
Las capacidades motrices, principalmente influenciadas por la corriente psicomotriz, están estrechamente relacionadas con los procesos cognitivos, especialmente con la percepción. La percepción del medio que rodea al alumno, desde muy pequeño, le ayuda a construir esquemas mentales de su entorno más inmediato, su exploración será posible gracias al desarrollo del movimiento y conllevará la adquisición de capacidades que darán lugar al desarrollo cognitivo (Tamarit, 2016). (43)
Este parte de los movimientos básicos (postura, desplazamiento, manipulación de objetos, etc.) para llegar a las principales conductas motrices (marcha, carrera, saltos, recepción, lanzamiento, etc.), los cuales desencadenan y facilitan los movimientos más complejos propios de los juegos y deportes (Gil, 2003). (38)
Uno de sus componentes es el esquema corporal, que se refiere al conocimiento global e inmediato de nuestro propio cuerpo en relación con el espacio y los objetos que nos rodean, entre estas habilidades motrices básicas está caminar, correr, saltar, escalar, trepar.
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Su evolución se basa en leyes fundamentales del desarrollo psicomotor, como la ley cefalocaudal, la ley próximo-distal, la ley de flexores-extensores y la ley de lo general a lo específico. En su evolución se pueden distinguir tres grandes periodos, siendo el primero de 0 a 3 años donde el niño aún no discrimina entre el yo y el mundo.
a) Habilidades Perceptivo-Motrices. Son propias del comienzo de la etapa Infantil y han sido estudiadas, mayoritariamente, por la corriente psicomotriz.
1.- Esquema Corporal. Le Boulch (1986) lo define como “intuición global o conocimiento inmediato de nuestro propio cuerpo,
Su evolución se basa en las leyes “fundamentales” del desarrollo psicomotor. El desarrollo del cerebro consiste en una evolución progresiva del centro a la periferia o tele encefalización (Bueno, Del Valle y De la Vega, 2011)
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2.- Lateralidad. Es el predominio de un hemisferio cerebral sobre el otro y es un componente muy significativo del Esquema Corporal. Su proceso evolutivo se divide en cuatro fases, (Sassano, 2015).
• 1ª Fase: Localización (3 años).
 • 2ª Fase: Fijación (4-5 años).
• 3ª Fase: Desarrollo (6-8 años)
 • 4ª Fase: Maduración y Ambidextrismo (a partir de 8-10 años)
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3.- Estructuración Espacial. Es la capacidad de distinguir y ubicar personas y objetos en un espacio tridimensional (Pastor, 1994). Su evolución va paralela a la maduración corporal.
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4.- Estructuración Temporal. Durante la etapa primaria, niñas y niños irán pasando de la percepción temporal inmediata a la posibilidad de representar mentalmente estructuras rítmicas de complejidad creciente que constituyen el soporte de los aprendizajes motores con representación mental (Fernández García -coord-, 2002).
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5.- Ritmo. El ritmo viene dado por la organización temporal de las secuencias del movimiento.
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En resumen, tanto la Sensomotricidad como la psicomotricidad son fundamentales en el crecimiento de los niños, ya que influyen en su capacidad para explorar el mundo, aprender, comunicarse y desarrollarse de manera integral.
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oh-hools · 1 year
I GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE (in bed, in the dark, before i start rotting)
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victoriaabosede · 2 years
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pocketramblr · 2 years
If you want to prompt a specific character or au for a whumptober drabble, please do so
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bebebisous33 · 2 months
Jinx: 3️⃣ 7️⃣The Magic Of Numbers 🧚‍♂️🧝‍♂️8️⃣ - part 1
#Jinxmanhwa #Jinx #joojaekyung #징크스 #JINX #kimdan #jinxchapter51 @_MinGwa The essay „The Magic Of Numbers" - part 1 is finished. This was just released before publication of #jinxchapter52. Feel free to comment. Retweet/like it as support. Thanks. I hope you'll ❤ it
Please support the authors by reading the manhwas on the official websites. This is where you can read the manhwa: Jinx But be aware that the manhwa is a mature Yaoi, which means, it is about homosexuality with explicit scenes. Here is the link of the table of contents about Jinx. Here is the link where you can find the table of contents of analyzed manhwas Here are the links, if you are…
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glimmerofawesome · 2 years
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