vhscorp · 7 months
Rien n’est plus chouette qu’être sous la couette bien au chaud avec toi…
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so-sweet-nana · 7 months
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Photos from Nana's Instagram
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nicoscheer · 7 months
17 Oct '23
Dublin, Republic of Ireland
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Miles during the monkeys gig this pic is from 505 where Alex kept on looking over
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He was literally pointing up at the mirrorball at looking up at it for like a solid 10 seconds after come closer
Don’t forget who you are it was so magical (also that turtle plushie behind him 🫠🫠)
Alright crazy things that happened (the ones I can currently recall and in now specific order):
-Nathan dropping his pick and Miles laughing at him
- Liam’s drum kit wasn’t fixed up correctly so his hi hat (I think) like turner 90 degrees and a stage hand had to rush and try and fix it during a song and before the next one miles just jammed out a bit and improvised to give the guy more time to properly fix it
-Miles pointing and looking up at the mirrorball for like solid 10 seconds after come closer
- seeing those chairs and music stands in the back knowing we’re gonna get strings
-after singing the last line of fluorescent adolescent “remember when you used to be a rascal” and then fucking pointing and staring at Miles who was standing to the left side of the stage (which also explains why Alex was suddenly so fond of the left side (also during I wanna be yours I sometimes had to play find Alex cause he was just casually chilling at the very edge of the left stage side like mate at this point just walk down to him )instead of right as usual to jam with Jamie right where the stairs led up to the stage so he was the first one to greet the guys once they went off before the encore and after the show(to smother Alex in a big hug))and watched their set and asking “do you remember?” Before himself answering like 2 seconds latter with “I remember” but like in such a small sad voice that it nearly broke me
Like here’s the entire performance you can hear and see it at 3:13 (I’ve only got the little I remember snippet cause I was screaming my head off)
- when Alex said “let’s hear it for Miles Kane” (some say he said wonderful after we screamed our throat raw) somewhere three quarters through the set we all exploded before realizing he was just thanking him for opening and then played fluorescent adolescent where at the end (check point above) he asked miles if he remembered when he used to be a rascal (and like the fact that Miles was in the band the rascal and Alex wrote Fluorescent with his ex Johanna Bennett around the time when him and Miles started becoming close friends)
- during body paint not Alex singing “and if you’re thinking of me I’m probably thinking of you” while adamantly pointing towards Miles
- I didn’t think it possible to get I wanna be yours x star treatment cause they did it the night before In Belfast but when that little shit said “I don’t wanna be hers I wanna be yours” I certainly lost my shit
-experiencing 505 with the mirrorball and strings
I wanna be yours x star treatment
Body paint
There’d better be a mirrorball
Why’d you only call me when you’re high
Teddy picker ; Alex said teddy is back before the song 🫶🏽🫶🏽🥹
Coup de grace
Never taking me alive
Body paint
Blurry Miles in Dublin
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ghozteevee · 7 months
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What fear do yall think demons would fall under? Actually where would fear based on religion fall under???
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ashrakatt-23 · 7 months
كل اللي بيحصل من ١٠ أيام وكل الدول ورؤساء والمنظمات والمشاهير اللي فكرنا إن بعد كل اللي بيشوفوه هياخدوا أي خطوة علشان شكلهم حتى ما يبقاش وحش وماحدش فعلاً منهم وقف بشكل حقيقي وكله بيرمي كلام وما بياخدش خطوات حقيقية توقف المجازر اللي بتحصل ولو لكام ساعة
حسيت إن ربنا بيشيل من قدامنا كل "البشر" اللي فكرنا إن هم ممكن يبقوا سبب نصرنا، ربنا عايزينا نعرف حقيقة واحدة بس وهي إن مافيش حد هينصرنا غيره وماحدش هينجدنا غيره وماحدش هيخفف ألمنا ووجعنا غيره وغير القرب منه وغير الدعاء والتضرع له
كل وسيلة تانية حطينا فيها أمل أتكسرت مليون حته قدام عنينا، كل اللي قولنا هيقول هيتحرك هيعمل حاجة اتخرس زي الكلب
قولنا مجلس الأمن قولنا الأمم المتحدة قولنا الدول العربية قولنا في حقوق إنسان قولنا في مواثيق دولية قولنا في قانون دولي قولنا في وفي وفي
وف الآخر كل دا إترمى ف الزبالة، ماحدش هينصرنا غير ربنا وقوة إيماننا بيه وقربنا منه وإرادتنا ويقينا إننا كدا كدا منتصرين
علشان ف آخر المطاف ما ننسبش النصر غير لله ولقوة إيماننا به ومقاومتنا وأخذنا بالأسباب
فاللي بعد كدا هيجيب سيرة مواثيق دوليه ولا حقوق إنسان تف ف وشه وأنت قلبك مرتاح!
يا رب نسألك الثبات والتأييد وطول النفس ياااا رب..
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teenagedream2009 · 7 months
already 1am, jeez! i reeeaallly need to fix my sleep schedule by next week!
Sooooo, turns out that I won't start driving until next week! (I think...) so in the end I still got like 1 more hour of sleep xD
Today I had 2/3 finals and I did pretty good on both! I have my history final on Wednesday tho...kinda really nervous about it because if I do bad on it I might fail the class! Eeeek! @_@
In other news, I talked to my friend today, a lot actually! He said that he couldn't believe that we'd technically known each other for almost two months, and I said that it probably doesn't feel like it because we never really talk! LOL! We kind of just...sit there. Not that I mind being in silence, but sometimes I just wanna talk! Well good for me because that seemed to get the conversation going. I even mentioned that sometimes I feel that he looks so disinterested when talking to me, turns out his face just looks like that LOL. He told me that he does in fact really enjoy talking to me, and that if I wanna talk that I should just say so :] I feel like we got to know each other better today. Hell, I was even 40 minutes late to class because I was talking to him so much! If it wasn't for the quiz I had to take I probably would have stayed with him for longer, I guess I just really enjoy talking to him! hehehe
Oh right, then other guy who I talk to after class. I probably won't see him any time soon LOL might run into him but that's about it. Kinda bummed about that but I'll get over it. Though I also talked a lot with him today too!
Ooooo wait i just remembered LOL
So a couple days ago, my friend called me short (I'm AVERAGE high FYI!!) So today I told him to stand up to compare our heights. Then he agreed that I was in fact not short.....thing is....I was wearing platforms today. So now he thinks that I'm a little taller than I actually am xDDDD
Besides all that I don't think anything noteworthy happened today. I just thought today was a pretty good day! ^__^
Now I should go to sleep bcuz it's almost 1:30 am! EEEKK!!
-- D ☆
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royalarchivist · 1 year
[Takes place after Roier sent a message in chat calling for help claiming Cellbit was working for the Federation and had kidnapped them]
Etoiles: Hello! Is everything fine?
Cellbit: Yeah yeah yeah it's ok, it's ok. Just- it's Roier being stupid, it's fine.
Roier: [Pretends to be gagged]
Cellbit: Most of the times you can't believe Roier, yeah. YOU'RE NOT BEING MUFFLED stop pretending you're being muffled!
Bad: Hey, Roier, are you ok? Are you ok?
Jaiden: He's tied up!
Bad: Cellbit, why did you tie him up?!
Cellbit: I didn't do anything, he's just pretending!
Bad: Here, let me help you out. Alright, I'm- I untied you Roier, I untied you. Are you ok?
Roier: [Shakes his head 'no' still "muffled"]
Bad: Oh, oh yeah I forgot. No, actually, I sorta like you like this, keep the gag in, keep the gag in.
Jaiden: You- what, wait, what, what? What?
Roier: [Complains while muffled]
Bad: No, this is way better. This is way better.
Cellbit: Did you know Roier actually wants to build a sex dungeon in his- in his castle?
Etoiles: Hello! Is everything fine?
Cellbit: Yeah yeah yeah it's ok, it's ok.
Roier: Yes.
Cellbit: Just- it's Roier being stupid, it's fine.
Roier: [Pretends to be gagged]
Etoiles: Ok ok... Oh, ok? Ok ok ok alright, are you scared?
Bad: You are a bad person, Roier.
Cellbit: I'm sorry, yeah, yeah, I'm sorry.
Roier: [Still pretending to be gagged]
Cellbit: Most of the times you can't believe Roier, yeah. YOU'RE NOT BEING MUFFLED stop pretending you're being muffled!
Roier: [Keeps going just to spite him]
Etoiles: You're not- you're not- he is-
Bad: Hey, Roier, are you ok? Are you ok?
Jaiden: He's tied up!
Bad: Cellbit, why did you tie him up?!
Cellbit: I didn't do anything, he's just pretending!
Jaiden: Oh my gosh!
Bad: Here, let me help you out. Alright, I'm- I untied you Roier, I untied you. Are you ok?
Roier: [Shakes his head 'no' still "muffled"]
Bad: Oh, oh yeah I forgot. No, actually, I sorta like you like this, keep the gag in, keep the gag in.
Jaiden: You- what, wait, what, what, what?
Roier: [Complains while muffled]
Bad: No, this is way better. This is way better.
Cellbit: Did you know Roier actually wants to build a sex dungeon in his- in his castle?
Roier: [Muffled protest]
Bad: Alright, see you later.
Cellbit: He told me all about it, ok.
Roier: WTF CELLBIT! Wtf!
Cellbit: YOU TOLD ME THAT ONE, you're the one that told me!
Roier: Man, wtf!
Etoiles: No- no kinkshaming man! It's ok. It's ok.
Cellbit: You're the one who told me that.
Roier: No no no. Ok, for now it's not a sex dungeon, but maybe tomorrow or another day-
Cellbit: HEY wtf!
Roier: Oh, yeah now? Now- now what man?
Etoiles: Ok ok, but- but do you have XP if you farm in this sex dungeon?
Roier: Yes.
Etoiles: Ok ok.
Roier: You want- you want to go to my sex dungeon later?
Etoiles: Um, if- if we can have experience-
Cellbit: HEY! I'm right here! WTF!
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mikeywayarchive · 5 months
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mikeyway: We ain’t getting any younger, but it’s fun to pretend! Presale goes live at 10 am PT - head to the link in my bio for info @whenwewereyoungfest
[Nov 17, 2023]
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ladykissingfish · 6 months
*Madara and Hashirama, taking Izuna and Tobirama to a pumpkin patch*
Madara: Geez, will you two hurry it up already?!
Hashirama: Madara. Come on, we talked about this, didn’t we? This is their first time here, they’re excited, so let them take their time picking out a pumpkin.
*the two lean against a fence, watching as Tobirama and Izuna walk slowly up and down rows of pumpkins, stopping to inspect different ones*
Madara: You realize we could have just gotten them large pumpkins from the market, probably at half the cost of what they charge here?
Hashirama: That’s not the point, love. Picking out your own pumpkin on a farm like this just … it has a different flavor to it, that’s all. Let them enjoy themselves. And anyway what are you in such a hurry to leave for? It’s such a gorgeous day! Almost perfect.
Madara: It’s barely 50 degrees and cloudy. How is that perfect?
Hashirama: Perfect fall weather! And besides … I know you don’t like to talk about this but you know that Tobi and Izu really like each other. But Tobi is so shy around him … spending time at places like this is nice for them.
Madara: *sighs* I know, I know. But they’re too young to date; if I see your brother pull anything I’ll break his hand.
Hashirama: You sure are a romance-killer, aren’t you?
Madara: Izuna is my most precious treasure. You think I’m gonna let just anyone take him from me? 
Hashirama: Is he going to be saying the same thing, when I marry you and take you away, mm? *playfully kisses along Madara’s neck*
Madara, blushing: S-stop it, pervert. And I’m not so easily won. You’re going to have to go a long way to convince me that a Senju is worthy of the hand of the mighty Madara Uchiha.
Hashirama: *whispering in Madara’s ear* Funny because your hand isn’t the part of you I’m most interested in ~
*the two make out for a while, until Izuna comes running up to them lugging a huge pumpkin*
Izuna, to Madara: Big brother! I found the best one! It has no spots on it and it’s perfectly round on all sides!
Madara: You certainly picked a big one, didn’t you? Where’s Tobirama?
Izuna: His is so big he can barely lift it!
Madara: I’ll go help him. You wait here with Hashirama. *walks off*
Hashirama: Hey, how about after this you and your brother come back to our house? We can carve the pumpkins and make some snacks and —
Izuna, voice deepening, eyes glowing red: Listen Senju, I don’t care what you do in private but when we’re in public, you won’t be groping and kissing on my brother like that, you got it?! Have some respect for the Uchiha image, asshole. 
Hashirama: I — I —
Izuna: And another thing, slow the hell down. We’re breaking tradition because I’M going to marry Tobirama BEFORE you get married to my brother. Another ten years and he’s mine. Don’t you dare try and upstage our wedding or … *the two tomoe in his eyes swirl in a circle* You will pay. Got it?
Hashirama: G-got it …
*Madara and Tobirama walk up, Madara carrying Tobirama’s pumpkin*
Madara: I think these guys found the biggest pumpkins on this whole farm. Let’s go pay for these then head out of here. We — Hashirama, what’s wrong?? You look like you saw a ghost!
Hashirama, stuttering while glancing nervously at Izuna: I-it’s nothing. M-Madara. J-just a little c-cold is all.
Madara: *moves toward him* Here, let me help you warm up and —
Hashirama: NO! I mean, I’m okay. Er, here … *hands Madara his wallet* You go pay for their pumpkins … I’ve gotta visit the bathroom really quick … *runs off*
Tobirama: Nii-san is acting very strangely. Maybe I should go check on him …
Izuna: I know what will help … do your transformation jutsu and pretend you’re me. When he figures out you fooled him he’ll laugh and feel better!
Tobirama: Good idea … *henges into Izuna* Be right back.
*a few minutes later, blood-curling screams are heard from the bathroom area and Madara and Izuna look to see Hashirama running full-speed from the “fake” Izuna*
Madara: My goodness, Senju’s are certainly strange.
Izuna, grinning: Agreed.
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kadanungra · 6 months
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Inktober Day 16 & 17 - Angel & Demon The brick shithouse powercouple.
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pocketsizedq · 6 months
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Quinn has such a pretty smile
this was on the Canucks insta story last night before the tragedy of them losing
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mystery-star · 7 months
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Whumptober 2023 - Day 17 | Collar
3:10 to Yuma (2007)
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nicoscheer · 6 months
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ackergarden · 5 months
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he can lie about a lot of things... but he can't hide the warmth of his hand.
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Dublin Night 2 was fucking surreal. Both Miles and Arctic Monkeys were sublime (Barbie reference wink wink nudge nudge) and I’m SO glad I had the opportunity to see them BOTH in the same night!!!
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kits-ships · 1 year
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hi im kit/victoria/angel! im 24 and use they/she/ze pronouns! i don't want pros/hippers, maps, zoos, terfs, or anyone gross like that following me! i despise you and do not want you interacting with me! (sometimes i just block off of vibes alone btw!)
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my main f/os atm are the doctor (all incarnations), aziraphale + crowley, campbell bain, and alec hardy! (i love sharing- please talk to me if we share f/os and youre ok with that!!!) my carrd has my full f/o list w/ tags!
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important tags to know byf:- i try to tag every tw and cw i can think of! i use the format '#tw [trigger]' - if you need anything else tagged, feel free to lmk! - #ramblerambleramble is my general chatter tag, #kitscrushes is for crushes, ofc, #chooqueuetrain is my queue tag, and #my art is my art!! - i do not go out of my way to post outright nsft, but if something has suggestive text, i use the tags '#nsft' and '#minors dni'! if something is just a light joke, i use '#suggestive! - i tag posts using '#weed mention' and '#high posting' accordingly. please block both if that makes you uncomfortable! - all of my f/os and self inserts have tags! you can find my f/os tags on my carrd!
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