#1940's bride
misforgotten2 · 6 months
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She was left at the altar with nothing more than a rose, a Bible, and one magnificent piece of silverware. "At least I will always have this spoon to remember him by, the bastard."
House Beautiful November 1944
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theoldtimemoan · 2 years
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Found at Secret Treasures Antiques Evanston, Illinois July 2022
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darlingdawnvintage · 1 year
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laliz9 · 2 years
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she-wolf09231982 · 4 months
Chapter 5- Just You
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Summary:  An unexpected resistance to a German attack causes Liebgott an injury. The experience brings emotions to head between you and Liebgott.
A/N: Mature audience, Joe LiebgottxFem!Medic, post D-Day, She/Her Pronouns, Y/F/N, Y/L/N, Cursing/Swearing, Derogatory Slurs, Womanizing Comments, Confrontation, Military Terminology, 1940’s slang, Inappropriate Nicknames, Band of Brothers References, Mentions of Weaponry, Descriptive Wounds/Injuries, Blood/Gore, Smoking, Angst, Banter, Pining, Consensual Physical Contact/PDA, FOREVER FLUFF 💚
Chapter takes place 1x5 Crossroads 
*I have loved you for several hours now, and every second more. I thought an hour ago that I loved you more than any woman has ever loved a man, but a half hour after that I knew that what I felt before was nothing compared to what I felt then. There is no room in my body for anything but you. * -The Princess Bride, William Goldman
*These stories may not fall entirely in accordance with the TV series timeline. I do not know the real soldiers the actors portray in this series, so please understand I show no disrespect. Some or most of historical events and character interactions in my fanfics are fabricated purely for the sake of the enjoyment of fiction*
October 1944 
Easy Company set up in an abandoned barn as a headquarters and aid station in Schoonderlogt, Holland. Most of Easy Company had been inside awaiting the return of the reconnaissance patrol that left at sunset to see if any Germans were near the village. Liebgott leading the mission had been gone for several hours. 
Eugene insisted you get some sleep, but you only sat in the bunk, your mind too busy to even close your eyes. Talbert with his newfound companion, Trigger (a German Shepard ironically), was a nice distraction while Joe was gone. As you were petting the dog, the barn door burst open alarming everyone and bringing everyone to their feet. 
“Penetration!” one of the soldiers called out carrying another soldier injured. 
“It’s Alley!” Talbert yelled. 
“Alley’s hurt!” Liebgott shouted. 
“Boyle, get Doc.” Winters instructed then looked at Liebgott, “Where?” 
“Crossroads.” Liebgott replied. You notice he took a dressing and pressed it against his neck. 
“Liebgott-” you called to him, but another soldier interrupted you. 
“Well, if it wasn’t for your loud mouth-” he started to accuse Joe. 
You tried again but louder, “Lieb-” 
“-Hey, you know what? Back off!” Liebgott shot back as Roe pushed through the gaggle. 
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“Get the boots off, elevate...Lieb use the sulfur...” Doc directed. 
“JOE!” You barked over the commotion.  
“Goddam it, WHAT?” He snarled back at you with a heavy look of annoyance. 
“Get over here and let me look at your neck.” you directed sternly. 
“It’s just a scratch.” He dismissed. 
You huff audibly, losing your patience and giving him a side glance. 
“Joe, let her take a look. We got this over here.” Doc insisted. 
Liebgott sighed reluctantly rolling his eyes and made his way to you. 
He stood tall in front you, refusing to look you in the eyes as you gently directed his head by the chin to his left to expose the injured site where he still held the dressing. You know he was trying to hide how bad it really was, so you decided to kill him with kindness to get him to do what you needed to do to help him. 
Your voice sweet and subtle, “Joe...” 
He hummed in response. 
“Move your hand. Please?”  
He quickly looked down at you, no smile or any real sign of emotion, just searching your eyes for something unknown to you. You feel your eyes widen as this unexpected attention from Joe unnerved you. It’s not a look that you experienced from him before. He almost looked like a ravenous animal. 
You stood your ground, staring back at him expectantly waiting for him to remove his hand from his neck. 
His hand slowly dropped without breaking eye contact. 
You make your hands busy with the messy dressing on his neck and see an angry laceration, but not deep enough to make it life threating. You were less worried, but it still needed attention. 
“You’re lucky.” You stated. 
“Am I?” he replied curtly. 
You ignored his cold response. 
“It wasn’t deep enough to affect the artery, so you won’t bleed out, but I’m still going to dress it right so you don’t get an infection.” you explained. 
“Great.” his tone unenthusiastic and sarcastic. Again, you chose to remain silent. You weren’t going to give him the satisfaction by taking his bait to argue. 
“Ok, Joe, you’re good.” you tell him, running your thumb affectionately along his jawline. 
He felt goosebumps rise on his skin from your soft touch and shot you a look of confusion. His eyebrows furrowed and his mouth slightly open, you thought he was going to say something. He thought he was going to say something too, but he stood there gaping at you, breathing heavy again searching your face for something unknown to either of you. You meet his perplexed look with one of your own and squint your eyes at him wondering what it was you did wrong to earn such a response from him.  
His jaw tightened as he closed his mouth and softened his eyes. No smile, no sign of affection, he nods to you then turned on his heel to collect his gear when Winters announced they were heading to the crossroads to re-engage with the Germans there to gain control of that position. 
You were utterly dumbfounded by how Joe treated you. You know he can get moody and explosive when his adrenaline races like that. He had a deep-rooted hatred for the Germans and was probably pissed he got nicked by one of them in the field, and now he was out for revenge. His anger clouded his judgement, and you suffered the blunt end of his attitude even though you had nothing to do with it. 
And it had nothing to do with you. He felt terrible for not at least saying ‘thank you’ before he left. He turned his back on you after you cared for his wound so gently and attentively, and he hated himself for it after walking out of that barn. He had hurtling thoughts of doubt, regret...sentiment. He couldn’t turn back now, though. He was on his way to deal with the Krauts that had the audacity to attack him and his team that day.  
Easy Company took victory at the crossroads the following morning. The Germans fled leaving dozens of their comrades killed or seriously wounded. Eleven of them are captured. The Americans on their side count one dead and 22 wounded. 
Winters approaches an angry Liebgott taking potshots at the still-living Germans crawling over the bodies of their dead comrades, trying to escape the field.  
Liebgott continued to pick off Germans like a turkey shoot.    “-Joe, knock it off!” Winters ordered 
“Goddam it, what?” Liebgott barked back. 
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Winters noticed his neck bandages were saturated with his own blood. 
“You’re bleeding.” Winters identified. 
“Ah, it's nothin', Cap.” Liebgott replied bluntly. 
“Take these prisoners to CP and get cleaned up.” Winters instructed. 
Liebgott looked a little too eager, “Yes, sir. Come on, Kraut boys.” 
Believing that a furious Liebgott can't be trusted, Winters orders him to drop all his ammo and removes all but one round from Joe's rifle telling him that killing one prisoner will prompt the others to attack and possibly kill him and escape.  
“I want all prisoners alive.” Winters reminded. 
Joe paused before replying, “Yes sir,” resentfully. 
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Liebgott burst through the barn door, obviously still fuming he had to babysit German prisoners and not get any extra hits in. It was more than they deserved even if they did surrender. 
You were finishing up some wound care on another soldier when Joe had come in. Even in his intimidating state, you were exhilarated to see him alive. You rush over to him and notice his neck bandages saturated in red. Your joy quickly turned to panic as you went to touch his arm. 
He turned around viscously shrugging your hand off him and met your stare with horror after he realized he had almost hurt you. His chest heaving, and eyes wild, it took him a few seconds to regain his bearings. 
You were actually frightened at first but didn’t back away too much from him since he still needed medical attention. 
“Joe?” you ask cautiously. 
He swallowed hard then softened his stance, “I was told to get this fixed up.” He replied as he gestured to his neck. 
You nod, “Ok, Lieb, over here.”  
You lead him over to a more secluded space in another part of the barn that you used to triage patients. After his little ‘floor show’ you decided he needed a safe space to decompress. He slumped down on the cot in the room with a huff and stared at his boots. 
You went to the shelves with the supplies you needed, grabbing clean dressings, gauze, and peroxide. You sat yourself next to Joe and prepared everything to tend to his neck. He winced when you pulled the partially blood encrusted wrapping. 
“I’m sorry.” You whispered. He only side eyed you as a response. 
You soaked the gauze with the antiseptic, then pressed it to his wound. He hissed from the sting. 
“Sorry, Joe. I have to make sure it’s clean.” you explained. 
“Mmhm.” He hummed, “Just do it.” he added in a low voice. 
You continued working on him quietly. The air was heavy in the room. You hoped he would open up to you. It was clear he had been bottling something up. He won’t even offer a glance to acknowledge you. 
You unravel the new dressing placing the padded part to his wound, then lean in closer to loop the ends around his neck like a scarf to secure it in place. As you repeat this action, you were required to keep nearing his face with yours. Still refusing to look at you, he remained looking at his boots and you admired how long his lashes were as he looked down. You finish the wrap tucking the end in, and you couldn’t stop yourself, 
“Joe, look at me.” you requested. 
He sighs irritably, rolling his eyes and meets your concerned gaze. 
You study his face, bringing your hand to his forehead to gently sweep away his hair. He looked you up and down skeptically, unsure what was happening. A new concoction of emotions simmered inside him when he felt your fingers combing his hair back out of his face.  
Angst...elation...hunger...want...need...He had no idea what was happening with him. And it seemed to intensify while he was sitting there with you. Even in the midst of combat he doesn’t feel this level of fight or flight response. His breath hastened as his heart rate accelerated. He straightened up and faced you, bringing his hand to yours, softly grabs your wrist pulling it away from his hair not taking his eyes away from your face. 
Your breath hitched in your chest as your heart pounded so hard you were sure he could hear it as well. Your eyes widened seeing his eyes dark and blown out from something deep beneath the surface unknown. The small space between you is intense and unnerving.  
Joe’s POV 
*“Look at her... Even after how I’ve treated her, she’s still being so good to me. I don’t deserve this...I don’t deserve her. Every time she touches me it's like electrical currents shocking my entire body. How does she do it? What I wouldn’t do for her to just grab my face and just lay one on me and never pull away. Jesus Christ get it together, Liebgott, she probably hates you now. But if I leave now, anything could happen and neither of us would know...anything. I won’t leave her until I know.”* 
“Joe?” you wave your free hand he wasn’t holding in front of his face. He shook his head snapping out of his thoughts. 
“You’re all cleaned up now. You can go back to the guys or take a few minutes and stay to regroup.” you suggest. 
You stand to leave but Joe doesn’t release your hand. You furrow your brows confused. 
“You need something else?” you ask. 
Joe stood gripping your shoulders to face you square with him. His mouth curled into a slight grin. With intent behind his eyes and urgency in his touch, he finally speaks directly to you. 
“Just you.” he purrs. 
Your jaw slacked from shock. You look up at him through your lashes, your iris's doe-like and glistening. Words as well as breath failed to leave your mouth. You felt dizzy and faint, your entire sternum burning like you had just taken a swig of Vat 69. You feel Joe steady you as you slightly sway backward. He kneaded your arms affectionately making you a melting mess in his strong slender hands. 
“-me?” you choked as you placed your hand over where your heart was ready to explode from. 
He nodded deliberately and slowly, “-only you.”  
Your skin and insides tingled causing you to tremble. You take a deep breath trying to regain your composure. 
“Where is this coming from, Joe?” you finally ask. 
He shrugged, “It’s always been there. Buried deep down and just grew bigger every day. I just can’t keep it down anymore, you know?” he explained. 
You beam at him, partially lost in your own thoughts calculating the situation you found yourself in with him at that moment. You avert your eyes downward releasing a soft chuckle. You shake your head, 
“Joe, I-” 
“-Don’t tell me you don’t feel the same, Y/N.” he dared. 
You meet his eager stare, “Of course I do, Joe,” you respond in a desperate breathy voice, “I have spent this past year worrying myself sick about you, and at first, I couldn’t figure out why! I have been fighting it every single day and I am exhausted from it. I lose sleep when you’re on patrol without me, and the few hours I can get, I have night terrors that you return to me maimed and bloody, scaring me wide awake! I swear I have more gray hair from this.”  
You went off on this tangent, pacing back and forth in the small room not realizing how much you just confessed, but Joe once again remained silent just mesmerized by you absorbing every word you say. 
“So, you do feel the same.” he confirmed standing taller with a gratifying smirk. 
You turn to him, your eyes beginning to gloss over with tears, “Joe, *I have loved you for several hours now, and every second more. I thought an hour ago that I loved you more than any woman has ever loved a man, but a half hour after that I knew that what I felt before was nothing compared to what I felt then. It goes on and on, Joe. There is no room in my body for anything but you. *” 
Each of you standing opposite the other, you're practically panting from the overwhelming flow of emotions and lack of breath you forgot to take. You await the next venture to unfold. 
Without a word, Joe swiftly closed the gap between you, and before you could even gasp, he pulled you in by the back of your head locking his lips onto yours.  
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decadebattle · 2 months
Which Decade Had Better Films?
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Popular Films of the 80's Include: The Lost Boys, Full Metal Jacket, Stand By Me, They Live, ET, The Thing, The Princess Bride, The Breakfast Club and Scarface
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Popular Films of the 40's Include: The Big Sleep, It's A Wonderful Life, Pinocchio, Fantasia, The Postman Always Rings Twice, Gilda and Casablanca
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stahl-herz · 24 days
If you have handfuls of favorites, what are some of your favorite movies? Do you have a list of stahl-herz approved recs?
Lol, Stahl-Herz approved! Ok, so most movies I watch once and I'm ok with not watching another time. There are exceptions! In no particular order:
The Mark of Zorro from 1940 Starring Tyrone Powers. There is a three minute fight scene between Basil Rathbone and Tyrone and you're on the EDGE of your scene the entire time! They're knocking over things and dodging attacks! I had to pester my cousin for a week to watch it with me because he had the mindset that 'black and white movies are boring' and I was really happy when I saw that he was enjoying himself when he watched it!
1986 Transformers Movie - The visuals of the opening remind me of a painting. Also the soundtrack is 80's hair metal and synth - 90% of the reason why I love the movie, haha.
The Princess Bride. It's a classic for a reason. Need I say more?
The Dictator by and starring Charlie Chaplin. It's his only movie with sound! And the speech that he gives at the end of the movie is really good!
Sailor Moon The Movie The Promise of the Rose. Nostalgia mainly, this was my introduction to Sailor Moon! The scene where she uses the crystal to stop the meteor from crashing into earth will always stay in my head!
Castle in the Sky, as well as most Ghibli movies! Castle in the Sky was my first Ghibli movie. I was at a friend's house and they asked if I had ever watched it before. I said 'no' and she went to the computer and searched it up on Youtube. This was back when you could watch movies on there without it being an at least 20, 10 minute parts.
RRR. A movie that came out two years ago and it's three hours long! But it's so over the top that it goes back around to being hilarious! Also I love the historical fiction aspect of it as well as the songs!
The Son of Monte Cristo (1940) starring Joan Bennett and Louis Hayward. This one comes from that one camping trip that I was bored and the only movie that my aunt had to watch was a TCM dvd that had a version of Cerano de Bergerac as well as The Son of Monte Cristo. I watched it a handful of times and enjoyed it, even though I had to skip a scene or two because the dvd was scratched and it'd get stuck on some scenes.
White Christmas starring Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen. It's always a classic movie to watch around christmas time. The songs are really good as well.
Scooby Doo and KISS: Rock and Roll Mystery (and most of the other Scooby Doo movies). This one is so fun to watch! The scene were KISS reveals that their aliens that use the power of rock and roll to fight evil, AND the fact that their spaceship is shaped like a guitar will always be hilariously cool! Also can't forget the music! The 'I was Made for Loving You' scene will always be what I think of now whenever I hear that song, haha!
I did not expect this list to be this long! The question is referencing this ask . Thank you for the question!
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granatkoroleva · 1 year
This is the place where all of the mood boards that I create will be stored.
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Please be advised that some of the following content may contain explicit and mature themes, and is (NSFW). All creations are my own.
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❥ Mafia!Bucky x Kept Boy!Steve
❥ Doctor!Rogers x Patient!Bucky (1)
❥ Foodie Influencer!Bucky x Chef!Steve
❥ RetiredCap!Alpha!Steve Rogers x Baker!Omega!Bucky Barnes
❥ Dragon!Steve Rogers x Farmer!Bucky Barnes
❥ TFATWS!Bucky x Johnny Storm
❥ Rockstar!Bucky Barnes x Captain America!Steve Rogers
❥ Dark!Beta!Sheriff!Bucky Barnes x Outlaw!Alpha!Steve Rogers
❥ Alpha!Gymnast Coach!Steve Rogers x Omega!Gymnast!Bucky
❥ TattooArtist!Steve Rogers x Gentlemans Club Worker!Bucky Barnes
❥ Lloyd Hansen x Steve Kemp (1)
❥ War Time Stucky Header
❥ D/s | Post Serum!Steve x Winter Soldier!Bucky
❥ Pornstar!Hitman!Steve Rogers x Human Meat Seller!Bucky Barnes
❥ Bed & Breakfast Owner!Bucky
❥ Dom!Andy Barber x Sub!Max Burnett x Dom!Rockstar!Bucky Barnes
❥ Cafe Owner!Steve Rogers x Caffeine Enthusiast&Author!Bucky Barnes
❥ Daddy!Andy Barber/Baby Boy!TJ Hammond
❥ Himbo!Steve Rogers x Bartender!Bucky Barnes
❥ Model!Bucky Barnes x Photographer!Steve Rogers
❥ Erotic Performer!Bucky Barnes x Officer!Steve Rogers
❥ Past!Football Player!Steve Rogers x Past!Football Player!Bucky Barnes
❥ Silver Fox!Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x 1940s!James Barnes
❥ Demon!Bucky Barnes x Librarian!Steve Rogers
❥ Priest!James Bucky Barnes x Demon!Nomad!Steve Rogers
❥ Roman!Royalty!James Bucky Barnes x Gladiator!Steve Rogers
❥ Pastry Chef!Bucky Barnes x Wedding Planner!Steve Rogers
❥ Farmer!Nomad!Steve Rogers x Trailer Park Slut!Bucky Barnes
❥ Circus!Ringmaster!Bucky Barnes x Fire Performer!Steve Rogers
❥ Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers (Anon)
❥ Dark!Witch!Bucky Barnes x Incubus!Chase Collins
❥ Modern!Bucky Barnes x Boss!Ari Levinson
❥ Master!Steve Kemp x Pup!Slave!Winter Soldier
❥ Single Dad!Silver Fox!Bucky Barnes x Nomad!Doctor!Steve Rogers
❥ Vampire!King!Steve Rogers x Human!Bride!Bucky Barnes
❥ Firefighter!Bucky Barnes x Pre-Serum!Cam Boy!Steve Rogers
❥ Hitman!Steve Rogers x Recovering!Bucky Barnes
❥ Kelpie!Bucky Barnes x Merman!Prince!Steve Rogers
❥ Beefy!Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Cap!Alpha!Steve Rogers
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stachebracket · 1 year
Round One 'Stache Match-ups
Peppino Spaghetti (Pizza Tower) vs Professor Rowan (Pokémon) Geppetto (Pinocchio 1940) vs Tim Lockwood (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs)The Lorax (The Lorax) vs William Riker (Star Trek: Next Generation) The President (Pikmin) vs King Dice (Cuphead) Nigel Thornberry (The Wild Thornberrys) vs Kratos (God of War) Filbrick Pines (Gravity Falls) vs Mouse Kaboom (Happy Tree Friends) Tarzan's Dad (Tarzan 1999) vs Drayden (Pokémon) Morshu (Legend of Zelda) vs Magikarp (Pokémon) Luigi (Super Mario) vs Snidely Whiplash (Rocky and Bullwinkle) Dracula (Castlevania) vs Gaepora (Legend of Zelda) Hades (Hades) vs Geralt (The Witcher) Jules Winnfield (Pulp Fiction) vs Walrus Captain (A Hat in Time) Dr. Wily (Megaman) vs Charlie Swan (Twilight) King of All Cosmos (Katamari) vs Hizashi "Present Mic" Yamada (My Hero Academia) Drake (Pokémon) vs Craigor Smiff (Red Stitch Report) Blaine (Pokémon) vs Gimli (The Lord of the Rings)
Eggman (Sonic) vs Lando Calrissian (Star Wars) Archibald Dandy (The Adventures of Captain Wrongel) vs Walter White (Breaking Bad) Mung Daal (Chowder) vs Linebeck III (Legend of Zelda) Kingambit (Pokémon) vs Doc Louis (Punch-Out!!) Major Alex Louis Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs Doctor Neo Cortex (Crash Bandicoot) Soichiro Yagami (Death Note) vs Murro Morton (Identity V) Baron Zeppeli (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 1: Phantom Blood) vs J. Jonah Jameson (Marvel) Wulfric (Pokémon) vs Henry Henderson (Spy x Family) Gashu Satou (Your Turn to Die) vs Stanley Hudson (The Office) Alolan Golem (Pokémon) vs Landorus (Pokémon) King Harkinian (Legend of Zelda) vs Thundurus (Pokémon) Gustavo (Pizza Tower) vs Tornadus (Pokémon) Broque Monsieur (Mario & Luigi) vs Cadmus Ebcott (Red Stitch Report) Rhys Strongfork (Borderlands) vs Agustín Madrigal (Encanto) Bob Belcher (Bob's Burgers) vs Soseki Natsume (The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles) Oscar (Duolingo) vs Professor Turo (Pokémon)
Soda Popinski (Punch-Out!!) vs Mario (Super Mario) Cliff Clavin (Cheers) vs King River Butterfly (Star vs the Forces of Evil) Stoutland (Pokémon) vs Grandpa Harley (Homestuck) Von Kaiser (Punch-Out!!) vs The Captain (BBC Ghosts) Mustache Girl (A Hat in Time) vs Tobias Fünke (Arrested Development) Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Randy Marsh (South Park) Wario (Super Mario) vs Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings) Kevin Ayuso (Identity V) vs Mr Pickels (Happy Tree Friends) Inigo Montoya (The Princess Bride) vs Minimus Ambus (Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye) Kricketune (Pokémon) vs Eldstar (Paper Mario) Jane Crocker (clever disguise) (Homestuck) vs Advisor Mung (Hypnagogia 無限の夢 Boundless Dreams) Saguaro (Pokémon) vs Revolver Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid) GOING TO REMATCH Waluigi (Super Mario) vs Vincenzo Santorini (Atlantis: The Lost Empire) Mr. Rime (Pokémon) vs Raikou (Pokémon) Sportacus (Lazy Town) vs Ron Swanson (Parks and Recreation) Steven Magnet (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) vs Sir Humphrey Bone (BBC Ghosts) Sea Hawk (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) vs Duster (Mother 3) Varrick (The Legend of Korra) vs King Bradley (Fullmetal Alchemist) Omni-Man (Invincible) vs Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart (Doctor Who) William Murderface Murderface Murderface (Metalocalypse) vs Lolorito Nanarito (Final Fantasy XIV) Mumbo Jumbo (Hermitcraft) vs Probopass (Pokémon) The Toy Soldier (The Mechanisms) vs Chancellor Cole (Legend of Zelda) Alakazam (Pokémon) vs Entei (Pokémon) Thom Merrilin (The Wheel of Time) vs James Gordon (DC Comics) Gomez Addams (The Addams Family) vs Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid) GOING TO REMATCH Asgore Dreemurr (Undertale) vs Taryon Gary Darrington (Critical Role) Julius Pringle (Pringles) vs Netero (Hunter x Hunter) Dudley (Street Fighter) vs Barret Wallace (Final Fantasy VII) BJ Hunnicutt (M*A*S*H) vs Daruk (Legend of Zelda) Mabosstiff (Pokémon) vs Vito Corleone (The Godfather) Cervantes (Fire Emblem) vs Don Paolo (Professor Layton) Gordan Freeman (Half-Life) vs Zangief (Street Fighter)
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outofradios · 2 months
Munday About Me
Name: Chase
Age: 26
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: asexual, I'm either greyromantic or demiromantic
Single Or Taken: Single
Hobbies: writing, gaming, pretending I can write poetry, Cosplaying
Favorite Color: Midnight bule
Fandoms: Hazbin/Hellaverse, bungo stary dogs, there is more but those are the only two I can think of right now
Other Blogs: Just this one!!!
Favorite TV Show: Hazbin Hotel, The fall of the house of usher , Hannibal to name a few
Do You Cosplay: Yep I have tik tok for it
Favorite Media: I like horror movies? I also love photography I don't know what you mean by this
Favorite Book: Individual book is no longer human favourite book set is Percy Jackson
Favorite Band: I don't really do favourites of anything but I like to listen to few bands like sleep token, the ink spots to name a few I listen to lot of old music from the 1940's - 1980's haha.
Favorite Movie: the bone collector or the corpse bride
Do You Have Pets: Yes. I have a dog named Bobby and Three pet rats who are all girls called Hazel,Nico and Hades
Favorite Animal: Raccoons, foxes, cats, dogs, rats, deer
Do You Play Any Instruments: Vocals I'm classical trained but still bad at singing and Violin but I haven't played it since I was 11 years old.
Favorite Hellaverse Character(s): Alastor, Vox, Stolas, Rosie.
Tagged by: @sanguineradio
Tagging: Whoever wants to steal this from me I'm tagging you!!!
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misforgotten2 · 10 months
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Hiring a blind wedding photographer may have been taking "wokeness" a step too far.
McCall's October 1948
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fleckcmscott · 2 years
The Loss
Summary: Arthur and Y/N come face to face with an inevitable step in the cycle of life.
Words: 3,874
Warnings: Angst, Swearing
A/N: Penny's passing has been alluded to in Things Past and Stepping Stones. But I wanted to explore how these two would handle it in the context of the Watch What Happens series - and pay Penny the respect of being more than a specter in the background. While this story wasn't easy to write, I'm glad I did it. Thank you to @iartsometimes​ for beta-ing! 💜And thanks to @sweet-nothings04​ for brainstorming and help with the summary! 🤗
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The call was at once unexpected and as predictable as April showers.
Bowl of cheese curls in lap, Y/N and Arthur had settled on the sofa to catch My Favorite Wife, the seven o'clock feature on Gotham Movie Classics, the tale of a wife lost at sea and a husband moving on with a new bride. 1940's Love and Laughter treat of the year, if the movie host could be believed. With Arthur’s arm slung about her shoulders, Y/N drifted on the lazy bliss of brainless entertainment, and he tee-heed at the same old jokes. The same old jokes suited them both just fine.
Just as the missing wife crashed her husband's second honeymoon, the phone's metallic ringer interjected. Perfect timing. Sucking powdered cheddar from her fingers, Y/N whisked her way to the kitchen and grabbed the receiver.
"Yes," she confirmed. "This is Mrs. Fleck."
As soon as the nurse from Endsbury Place introduced herself, experience alerted Y/N to where this was headed.
Hazel spoke with the considerate candor of someone who imparted bad news on the regular. Penny had eaten dinner in the cafeteria with everyone else. While she'd needed encouragement to finish her lasagna soup, she'd accepted a piece of chocolate cake for dessert. She'd watched Wheel of Fortune in the community room until bedtime. The evening had been uneventful.
But when staff had checked on her an hour later, she'd soiled the bed. Her breath had gone shallow, rapid, interrupted by periods of no breathing at all. She'd murmured and mumbled. About Happy and Thomas. All the while in a fugue state.
Penny was ceasing. She'd be over by the end of the week. They'd better catch the next subway if they wanted to see her.
Y/N held the phone to her chest, where her heart stuttered, and wondered how she was going to tell Arthur. He hadn't seen his mother since finding the Arkham file years ago, brought it to Y/N in an act of desperation or faith.
When there were documents to review, he'd request they be mailed, then sign them without reading. He skipped quarterly progress calls, left Y/N to attend and offer one sentence reports he didn't react to. Greeting cards crafted during activity time went straight into the trash. Such coldness distressed her. And she was about to feel that ice again.
It took Arthur's hitched laughs for her to remember to hang up. She did the courtesy of waiting for a commercial break to pad into the living room. Hands folded together, she lowered herself to the arm of the couch. Prepared to ruin their weekly ritual.
"Who was it?" He seized the TV remote to lower the volume.
"The nursing home. Penny's not doing well." Arthur's face was a blank canvas, gaze cast downward. But every detail Y/N imparted hardened the lines at the corners of his eyes, the tendon of his jaw. Thinned already thin lips to a crooked frown of loathing. She rubbed his forearm, sought to soothe away the reaction she knew was coming. "They don't know how long we have to say goodbye."
"I don't need to say anything."
Sinews tightened under her touch. After a pause, she tried again. "You don't have to forgive her. That's not what I meant. I just don't want you to do something you'll regret. With my parents, I-"
"She wasn't like your parents, Y/N." Delivered in past tense, like he was fast-forwarding to the inevitable. A rasp that threatened to turn into a roar, the truth behind it a knife to her ribs. "I'm tired of having to think about her. I just want it to be done." On a sharp shake of the head, he fled to the fire escape.
She sat there, bereft for words and the certainty of what to do. Bereft of what he needed. For a man as warm as Arthur, the chill fit as well as a father's shoes on a teetering toddler, untied and five sizes too large. It reminded her too much of herself.
A voiceover tried to sell her on a Buttoneer clothing punch, buy one for $9.95 get one free, payable via money order or COD. If only figuring out how to handle a situation every single person would go through was as easy as a frivolous purchase.
She brought their glasses to the kitchen. After putting the lid on their Tupperware to keep the cheese curls from going stale, she put a blank VHS in the VCR and punched record, taping what they'd later learn was a city council meeting on Gotham's public access station instead of the rest of the movie. She studied him through one of the windows.
He was braced on the railing. He hadn't stopped to grab his cigarettes, so the butt he puffed must have been a ten-day old. His shoulders stiffened and loosened in uneven waves, as if on a puppeteer's strings. His lips moved in the orange light of the streetlamp, phrases she suspected she didn't want to hear.
Yet, she padded closer, as if the strings on his back tied them together, fibers that connected them through their bests and worsts. She opened the glass door halfway, enough to make her presence known but not intrude. He gave no indication he cared she was there. The cool breeze snuck up her sleeves, under her neckline. It wasn't what made her shiver.
She spoke with an ease she didn't necessarily feel. "I get it, Arthur. And I'm sorry."
His reply was to flick his cigarette to the street, move ever so slightly towards the metal steps. When he lit another quarter Stutton, she turned to leave him in peace.
The temperature was stifling hot, a good eighty degrees. Y/N unbuttoned her smoke taupe coat and left the nurse's station, headed down the hallway to the third room on the right.
She'd visited in-laws before, just not like this. Jeff's parents had been...fine. Their connection had followed the latest etiquette guides, been a model of polite kindness. No sense of disapproval had lurked - but they hadn't mourned each other after the divorce, either. Whereas Penny and she had had one brief interaction, in which the older woman had paid her a compliment and cut Arthur to the quick.
A deep breath steeled her at the threshold of 208. She allowed herself a moment of doubt as to whether she should be here at all, especially since the only break in Arthur's silence had been a spartan note on the counter: Be back later.
It wasn't a vague veneration of mothers and fathers that'd brought her here, but an inkling of The Right Thing. So she stepped in.
Antique bouquets and scrolling vines splotched faded wallpaper, the tan of age and humidifiers. A bulletin board hung halfway up the wall across from the bed. Alongside Penny's name was the latest Christmas card Y/N had sent and a color photocopy of the Niagara Falls honeymoon photo, the one Arthur had goaded her into. A television was on the bureau to the left, turned to black and white reruns and muted. Two frames stood beside it. One held a snapshot of Arthur sitting backstage at Pogo's, studying his journal. In the other, he blew on a wooden spoon just before tasting the tomato sauce he'd tried his hand at. (Another teaspoon of dried basil, he'd noted. And cut down on the salt.)
Her throat tightened. She'd maintained a fishline of connection in case Arthur ever changed his mind about see his mother. He hadn't. Had those photos and letters made any difference, brought a modicum of comfort? Or pricked whatever was left of Penny with reminders of what she'd lost?
Sunbeams spilled past canvas curtains, struck the visitor's chair abutting the footboard. Extra bedding covered the seat. A bed pan, a wash basin, yards of tubing that said no one had sat there since her admittance.
​Upper body angled at thirty degrees, Penny lay in bed. Eyes open, pointed at the TV, as unfocused as the thousand-yards-away. An overbed tray hovered above her lap, on which were a nurse call button​​​​, a box of Kleenex, and a paper cup.
When Y/N straightened the purse strap on her shoulder, Penny's stare drifted to her own. Y/N wasn't sure it was intentional until Penny's weak "Happy?"
The desperation, the quiet hope in that rasp propelled Y/N forward. "No. Arthur's home."
Flaking lips mouthed unreadable syllables. She sat on the bed at Penny's side and took the drink from the tray. A sponge swab floated in the room temperature water. Y/N tapped the lollipop stick on the rim, pressed the sponge to the corner of Penny's mouth. Using faint pressure, Y/N dragged it along her gums, first the top, then the bottom. A gesture she'd learned a lifetime ago.
Possibly understanding, probably wondering who the hell Y/N was, the older woman turned away. Lashes fluttered, gnarled fingers picked at the satin edge of her polyester blanket. Y/N grasped her hand, enclosed it between her own. Cold, frail, skin as thin as tissue paper. It was like holding an orb-weaver, made of glass and ready to crack.
Bruises webbed along her wrinkled wrist, a side effect of the blood thinners she'd taken since her stroke. They called to mind the newspaper articles in the Arkham file. The swollen black eye featured in Penny's mugshot, lip thick with dried blood. Had she been too scared to act? To protect her son? When Y/N had worked on family matter cases, money was often used as a thousand-pound cudgel. Penny and Arthur had lived hand to mouth. Had that poverty kept her shacked up with a monster masquerading as a man?
Y/N swung her leg back and forth. This wasn't much different from when they'd met at Gotham General, a girlfriend making pleasant conversation at a stranger. "Hazel gave me a good report," she started. "She said you're one of the nicest residents here and loves your smile. I'm sorry I've missed seeing it.
"You know, when Arthur and I started going out, he mentioned you'd taught him to dance. You told him any gentleman should be able to waltz. I'm so grateful for that, because I love dancing with him. All I have is two left feet, but he manages to make it right. You raised a wonderful man. My life is better for knowing him. I wish you could understand how lucky you were to have him, too."
Sharp as a sewing needle, that last bit made Y/N wince. An unwelcome frankness given the current situation. Kinder words might have come easier if she listened to the whispers of her heart rather than the stubbornness of her head. Yet, her heart had tuned into Arthur, not Penny.
Her old psychiatric evaluation stated she was mentally ill. A woman who claimed her child was the son of a business magnate while adoption papers hid in her file. A lobotomized drug user who wore a shoe as a hat, laces tied under her chin. A difficulty that high and low society had done its damnedest to discard. There were too many factors, too many possibilities, all of which boiled down to awful.
Y/N turned the dial to AM. "Ms. Fleck, you've had more than your fair share of hardships. They kept you from being who you wanted to be. From loving Arthur the way he deserved. I know it's hard not having him here. But you don't have to worry about him. He's doing well. He's safe with me. And…wherever you're going, you'll be safe there, too."
Penny's eyelids grew heavy, drooping. Respirations slowed to a subtle rise and fall of her breast. Y/N brushed silver hair from Penny's forehead, held the back of her fingers to her skin. It bordered on feverish. But the passive hold Penny had on her hand became active, the feeble squeeze of the fading fast.
"Rest now," Y/N said. And squeezed back.
She was dead. She was dead and he was still taking care of her.
An encyclopedia of paperwork stood between Arthur and a free afternoon. The funeral director explained each form, went over each procedure. Buckley Funeral Home would alert social security to Penny's passing. She had no estate, no life insurance, no pension, so filing in probate wasn't necessary. They'd get copies of the death certificate after the medical examiner determined what'd killed her, give it about a week.
It'd be Arthur's responsibility to contact a mason. There was one a couple blocks down that did good work. His mother had reserved a plot in Potter's Field cemetery, a strip of land squished between Otisburg and Burnley, his old life and new.
He had no idea what to write in the obituary. Y/N suggested the facts but softened. She'd been wrong a lot as of late.
Penny Fleck was born in Gotham to parents he didn't know and perished in the same city. She'd worked as a maid for the Wayne family and never let it go. She'd left behind the son she'd left behind twenty years ago and the daughter-in-law who'd meddled too much, whose loving parents had won the race to The End. Penny's later years were marked by the sacrifice of others and lies. A graveside service would be held Friday afternoon, which no one would attend.
Arthur rubbed his face halfway to his skull. As a boy and as a man, he'd idolized his mother. While her occasional digs stung, her admonishments when he'd reveal his sense of humor, she was the sole person he could feel comfortable around. Even if he'd put on a happy face. Even if she couldn't fathom the chasm of malaise in his chest, the flatness of most of his days. The conviction he could do anything he set his mind to married to the knowledge nothing would ever change.
She'd been the only one to appreciate him. His condition wasn't a curse but a divine gift to make others laugh. God had given it to him because he'd been chosen. No one liked him because they couldn't understand how special he was. Penny had needed him when the world wanted to throw him away. When he'd wanted to throw the world away.  
Sometimes he wished everything hadn't gone to shit around him, that it hadn't all crashed. Not that he'd be stuck caring for her - he liked his life now, liked leading his own and having a wife. But that the puzzle pieces fit together another way. A placid landscape instead of a skyline engulfed in flames. A ritual of Sunday night dinners at their place, holidays at hers. The mother he'd cherished and the woman he adored bonding over how important he was.
Dreams that'd crumbled under the weight of reality.
Two days ago, he'd made an emergency call to Dr. Ludlow, left a rambling, rapid message that'd filled the machine's tape. Courtesy of a patient who'd no showed, she'd called back within two hours. And thank god for that. Fury had taken up residence in every nerve ending the second Y/N had suggested a fond farewell. Signed a lease when she'd disrespected him by spending her energy on comforting a woman he didn't want to forgive. Energy she should have spent on him.
"Y/N knows what she did," he'd said, a fit of laughter aching his belly. Frustration dampened the armpits of his thermal shirt. "What- What kind of person does that?"
"Did you ask her not to go?"
"I shouldn't have had to!"
Dr. Ludlow had taken a long sip on the other end. "Emotions are high right now. That's normal. Take a deep breath." When he didn't, she repeated the instruction. Then she continued her infuriating reasonableness. "You've said that one of the things you love about Y/N is her ethics. That she does what she believes is moral. This is an extension of that, not about absolving your mother. You don't have to agree with Y/N. Being angry is all right. But she can feel how she feels. Look, do you think she has your best interest at heart?"
He'd gulped down enough irritation to answer. "Yeah..."
"Try to keep remember that. And Arthur: even though you hated Penny, it's natural to grieve. For most of your life, you loved her. Give yourself permission for both."
He browsed caskets in the display room. (Display room, arrangement room, reposing room. Every room had a sanitized name.) Back in 1945, Penny had done Arthur the courtesy of prepaying for her own funeral. In an imitation of taking this seriously, he stroked his chin, considered which casket would fit within the budget, when a refrigerator box would've sufficed. Hatred still won out.
Hand hooked in the crook of his elbow, Y/N followed at his side, a palm rubbing the center of his back. She spoke in hushed tones, with a reverence entirely unearned. Said they'd cover any extra if he preferred other options. Though she meant it as caring, it felt like fretting. He stepped out of her grip to a pine box known as Going Home.
A rack of dresses stood in the corner, inoffensive sea foam and daffodil, the pastels of Easter eggs. None of them reflected the woman he'd known, the one who wore rouge and red lipstick in spite of being a shut-in. As if she expected Thomas Wayne to suddenly waltz through the door. The funeral director opened a nearby closet and presented last summer's leftovers. The swish of a skirt recalled Arthur's requests for his mother to dance with him.
Silence ensued. He chewed a cuticle. He picked the dress with roses in Penny's favorite color.
The service was blessedly short. Patricia stood to his left, Y/N to his right, he was stuck in the middle in his rust-colored suit. Penny hadn't been part of a parish, so Buckley's had provided a priest, a job that struck Arthur as similar to his own. Rent a clown, rent a clergy. The Father scattered dirt, read a verse or two, something about troubled hearts and loving kindness, blah blah blah. Offered the opportunity to share stories of the dearly departed. None were.
"Fleck" looked lonely on the granite gravestone, as if waiting for a second name to be inscribed in the space under "Penny." The stone's size said its proper place was a family plot, but he wasn't planning on being buried anywhere near her. The ground was soggy from spring thaw. Y/N laid a spray of white lilies and blue statice on the fresh burial mound. Arthur counted the seconds until Patricia drove them home.
"Thanks for coming. It was nice of you," he told Patricia once she'd parked in front of his building. And he meant it.
She leaned across the bench seat for a loose hug, maternal pats on his back. "Losing a parent's hard. I'm sorry." He resisted the impulse to counter that he hadn't lost anything. That would come off as weird.
Safe and sound in 4A, he loosened his tie with one hand. Changed into pajama bottoms and put his suit in the dry-cleaning pile. Y/N sat on the side of the bed to rub the soles of her feet, hung her skirt and blazer back in the closet. He left her in bra and slip to make coffee, acting on Patricia's instruction to relax.
But as the java dripped, his mind returned to the cemetery. The coldness of the earth, that Penny would be beneath it forever. Ripples of thought that wouldn't calm. His gaze drifted to the cardboard box of her belongings, tucked against the rear side of the console stereo. Out of the way, nearly possible to ignore. Now it begged for attention, called to him, a broken record stuck on a discordant song.
He lugged the box to the dining table. Dragged the trash can to stand just under the table's edge.
Bottles of blood pressure medication and aspirin rattled under his clawing hands. There were reading glasses and makeup, the clothing he'd sent when she'd been admitted. He shoved it all away. The "Golden Years, My Ass!" mug must've been a bingo prize, because his mother wouldn't have picked it out. Ladies didn't swear. It clunked to the bottom of the garbage.
"Want any help?" Y/N asked from behind him, where coffee splashed into a mug. Her even delivery meant slow down, take it easy, don't let anger get the better of you. But anger was what drove him. And desperation to excise the dreaded feeling at the base of his throat, that the part of him that still referred to her as mom might miss her.
A decorated cigar box sat the bottom of the carton. Penne and rotini decorated the edges, shells comprised a poor attempt at a flower, painted gold with a satin finish. It recalled the costume jewelry she'd kept on the corner of her vanity, amongst spray perfume and talcum powder. He lifted the lid.
Y/N had asked if she could send photos and letters, but he'd had no awareness of how many she'd written. There must have been two dozen. He unfolded one with trembling fingers, his grip tightening on the edge of the box. The corner bit his palm.
Last month he did two sets at open mic night and got lots of laughs. He's a diligent student when it comes to comedy. (Was he just as good in social studies?) I love your son very much. He's happy performing and seeing him happy makes me happy.
He slid the crinkled paper back in the box and closed the lid, then pushed it to the side of the table furthest from the trash can. It would be the entirety of the keep pile. He could read how happy he made his wife all day.
But "he's happy..," "...your son..." Those twin phrases haunted, too close to Penny's secrets.
Throat narrow as a straw, he struggled to swallow. "Now I'll never know."
"Know what?"
"Who my father is. Who I am. My real name."
He glanced at Y/N long enough to read pity in her face but quick enough to miss the tender invitation. Coffee forgotten, he slunk to his desk. Dropped in the chair, snagged a pen. The scratching ballpoint echoed off the quiet of the apartment. Wetness burned the whites of his eyes. A defiant sniff as he wiped his nose.
She treaded behind him. Setting his mug on his desk with a deliberate slowness, she said she was going to read the paper and turned towards the couch.
His forceful grip on her wrist halted her. He crushed her to him in a fierce embrace, buried his face in her stomach, clenched his teeth. Cried for the truth he'd never know, grieved the mother he'd never have.
Fingertips threaded through his hair, gathered his curls at the nape of his neck. When Y/N spoke, the gossamer of her voice turned him right side out. "You're my husband and I love you," she said, and kissed the top of his head. "Doe, Wayne, or Fleck."
Tag list (Let me know if you want to be added!): @harmonioussolve​​ @ithinkimaperson​​ @sweet-nothings04​​ @stephieraptorr​​ @rommies​​ @fallenstarsabyss @gruffle1​​ @another-day-in-chuckletown​ @hhandley80​​ @jokerownsmysoul​​ @rafaelbottom @ralugraphics​​ @iartsometimes​​ @fleckficgirl​
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asoiaf-fancasts · 2 years
Jaime Lannister - Fancasts
Age: 32 - 34
07 [Tryion’s Birth]
15 - 17 [Serving Aerys]
Appearance: As chid you could not tell him apart from his twin. Once he was older he grew to be a tall, handsome man with curly golden hair the colour of beaten gold.He has green cat-like eyes and a cutting smile. He is also muscular.
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Character: Peter Pevensie
Actor: William Moseley
Movie [s]: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe [2005] & Prince Caspian [2008]
[He is 17 - 20 during these movies so good for his last year of serving Aerys to a few years into serving Robert. He is relatively tall and is handsome with blonde hair that is unfortunately not curly. He does not have green eyes. He wears fantasy and 1940’s clothes.]
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Character: King Arthur & Edward de Vere [Younger]
Actor: Jamie Campbell Bower
Show: Camelot [2011] & Anonymous [2011]
[ He was 22/23 during these movies so good for the early years of serving Robert. He is tall and handsome. He has golden hair in both but it is curly in Anonymous and unfortunately darker. He doesn’t have green eyes unfortunately. He wears medieval ish clothes in Camelot and 16th century ish clothes in Anonymous.]
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Character: Francis
Actor: Toby Regbo
Show: Reign [2013] [Season 1 - 3]
[He was 21 - 25 during this show so good for pre series when he’s serving Robert. He is relatively tall and is handsome. He has golden hair that is curly at the ends. He doesn’t have green eyes but they look green in certain lighting. He wears vaguely 16th century clothes.]
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Character: Westley
Actor: Cary Elwes
Movie: The Princess Bride [1987]
[He was 24/25 during this movie so good for pre series Jaime serving Robert. He is tall and handsome. His hair is golden but it’s not curly and he does not have green eyes. He gets points for being the authors cast for Jaime. He wears medieval ish fantasy clothes.]
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Character: Lestat de Lioncourt
Actor: Tom Cruise
Movie: Interview with the Vampire [1994]
[ He was 31/32 during this movie so good for Jaime in the first book. He’s relatively tall and is handsome. He had golden and curly hair. He has blue ish green eyes. Only draw back is his pointy teeth. He wears historical ish clothes.]
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Character [s]: Arthur Pendragon & Giuliano de’Medici
Actor: Bradley James
Show [s]: Merlin BBC [2008] & Medici: Masters of Florence [2016] [Season 2]
[He was 24 - 29 during Merlin so good for pre series serving Robert and he was around 34/35 during Meici is good for later and future books. He is tall and handsome. He has golden hair that is unfortunately straight in both. He does not have green eyes. He wears medieval ish fantasy clothes in Merlin and Renaissance clothing in Medici.]
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Actor/Model: Christopher Mason
[He’s presumably around the right age for Jaime in the books and further books. He is tall handsome with often wavy/curly golden hair. He is muscular and has green eyes. He wears modern clothes mainly and no useable clips only close ups of pictures.]
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saax2 · 7 months
La Sposa
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Bride, 1930's; model Luba, 2007 | ph., Aleksey Galushkov (Ukraine)
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Untitled, polaroid, 1962-73 | ph., Carlo Mollino (1905-1973, Italia)
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Marriage, 1893, | Gari Melchers (1860-1932, USA)
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Wedding procession of Neptune and Amphitrite, 1874 | Otto Seitz (1846-1912, Germany)
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The italian bride, 1873 | Ernst Henseler (1852-1940, Germany)
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Dior, 1947
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The bride at prayer, 1907 ca. | Édouard Rosset-Granger (1853-1934, France)
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from 'Initiation Amoureuse', 1950 | Suzanne Ballivet (1904-1985, France)
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classicfilmfan64 · 1 year
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Angelo Salvatore Rossitto (February 18, 1908 – September 21, 1991) was an American actor and voice artist. He had dwarfism and was 2'11" (89 cm) tall, and was often billed as Little Angie or Moe. Angelo first appeared in silent films opposite Lon Chaney and John Barrymore. On-screen, he portrayed everything from dwarfs, midgets, gnomes, and pygmies as well as monsters, villains, and aliens, with appearances in more than 70 films.
He was discovered by John Barrymore and made his screen debut opposite Barrymore in The Beloved Rogue (1927). That same year he appeared in Warner Brother's Old San Francisco. He appeared in the controversial 1932 film Freaks directed by Tod Browning, and another controversial film, 1938's Child Bride. During the 1940s, he appeared in several poverty-row movies starring Bela Lugosi. He appeared frequently in television series and mini-series, particularly best known for the police drama Baretta, and his later film roles included appearances in Alex in Wonderland (1970), Brain of Blood (1971), Dracula vs. Frankenstein (1971), Little Cigars (1973), and Fairy Tales (1978). His last major role was as "Master" opposite Mel Gibson in Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985).
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darkarfs · 11 months
tagged by @z-a-d-i-e, much appreciated! Top ten movies, no ranking, just what comes to mind.
The Apartment. My favorite love story, my favorite Jack Lemmon performance, Shirley MacLane at her most magnetic and beautiful. What starts as a man climbing the corporate ladder ends up being so much more.
The Iron Giant. A story about a boy and his robot during the Cold War. I love it. Everyone should.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit? For years, this was a date movie for me. Potential partners who haven't seen it I insist will, at some point. Robert Zemeckis walked into Touchstone Pictures and said "I want to make a gritty 1940's LA neo-noir starring Bob Hoskins and several hundred cartoon characters and I need twice the budget of Star Wars to do it" and they said yes.
Big Trouble In Little China. It's goofy, it's broad, it's the silliest thing John Carpenter ever put his name on (the Thing was almost on this list). Kim Cattral is AWFUL, Kurt Russell spends the whole movie acting like he can't believe what he's seeing. You can't be skeptical this far into the fucking movie, KURT. I love it.
Chocolate. Not how autism works! That said, has 2 of my favorite fight scenes of all time in it.
Five Deadly Venoms. I could have picked any number of the Shaw Brothers Shaolin movies. I could have even picked Once Upon a Time In China. Functionally identical to 500 other movies, but holds a special place in my heart.
Mad Max: Fury Road. Saw this in the theater four times. Hard to believe it's EIGHT years old already, but it's perfect.
The Princess Bride. Childhood favorite that still holds up. Best performance by a wrestler not named Roddy Piper.
Transformers: the Motion Picture. First movie I ever saw in a theater, also the first time I saw my dad cry. Outside of Blade Runner or a John Carpenter movie, has my favorite score of any movie.
Airplane! I know. It's the broadest, cheapest fucking comedy, but it still makes me laugh. It's fucking stupid. Anyone?
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