bikerlovertexas · 2 years
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every-tome · 1 year
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corvianbard · 3 months
I remember the first lullaby Of the boundless universe, And may it forever tie The dreadful idiocy to slumber.
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pesterloglog · 4 months
Meenah Peixes, Aranea Serket, Vriska Serket, John Egbert, Tavros Nitram, Aradia Megido, Sollux Captor
Act 6, page 5951-5980
MEENAH: ey its the blue buoy again!
MEENAH: sea him there just off the starboard shit
MEENAH: yo watch how far away i can fork him from
ARANEA: Meenah, put the trident down.
ARANEA: Don't make me conchfishscate it again.
MEENAH: conchfishscate
VRISKA: Hey, it's John!
JOHN: vriska, is that you?
VRISKA: Yeah! Get over here!!!!!!!!
JOHN: alright.
VRISKA: Nice to see you again, John. It's 8een too long.
JOHN: yeah...
JOHN: actually hasn't it been exactly a year?
JOHN: i think it was my birthday last time we met too, heh.
VRISKA: A year for you, may8e. Who even knows how long it's 8een out here, 8ut who cares.
VRISKA: The point is, as you can see the plan I descri8ed to you 8efore is in full swing.
JOHN: you mean the big treasure hunt, with all those black maps?
VRISKA: Yes. 8ut they aren't 8lack anymore! Not totally.
VRISKA: Everything's gone exactly as I intended. English has taken the 88, hook line and sinker.
VRISKA: He's 8een chasing our "extended party" around the ring, 8lowing shit up with his monster 8reath, thus revealing the path to the treasure in the process.
VRISKA: I must say, for an evil mastermind, the guy is kind of a dope.
VRISKA: Supposedly his every move is a carefully calcul8ted ploy to assure his existence in the first place, yet here he is wrecking the joint like an oaf, unwittingly helping the hero find the weapon that will finally take him down.
VRISKA: And we're almost there, too! Although 8y now it's 8ecome em8arrassingly o8vious that the treasure was hidden right around where we started all along.
VRISKA: These maps have just 8een leading us all in a 8ig stupid circle!
VRISKA: I should have seen it coming. I guess that's my 8ad. In terms of 8onehead moves, that's English: 1, Vriska: 1, so I guess we're even. 8ut may8e we don't have to mention that detail when we document my heroism in the annals of gr8tness.
JOHN: uh... mention what, exactly?
VRISKA: Exactly!
VRISKA: Haha, I almost forgot how deceptively quick you are on the uptake, John.
VRISKA: Tavros, if you're going to interrupt, don't mum8le. And even then, don't.
VRISKA: Anyway, I really don't mind the fact that these cryptic treasure maps have led us all on a wild honk8ird chase.
VRISKA: I've never once complained a8out a good long treasure hunt, and I'm not a8out to start now.
VRISKA: 8esides, with the way spacetime works out here, who can say for sure we would 8e a8le to find the treasure at all unless we traced this exact path?
VRISKA: No8ody can say that, is who. Least of all English, who as far as I know, can't actually speak so much as issue 8lood curdling roars that cleave the found8tions of reality itself.
VRISKA: You're of course welcome to join us on our adventure, for as long as you're asleep.
VRISKA: We could use another hand on deck. I'll even give you a rank and title!
VRISKA: Wrong.
VRISKA: Tavros, who's the captain here?
VRISKA: Last time I checked, it wasn't Swa88y Nitram, Poopmaster Extraordinaire.
JOHN: by the way, hi tavros.
JOHN: how have you been?
JOHN: cool pirate outfit you have there.
JOHN: i wasn't going to.
VRISKA: We all look amazing as pir8tes.
VRISKA: This is non-negotia8le.
JOHN: no argument here!
JOHN: what about the rest of your crew?
JOHN: i remember her, the punky one who always likes to stab me with her spear...
JOHN: but i really hope she doesn't do that this time.
MEENAH: (dream on blue nerd)
MEENAH: (you in my crosshairs sucka)
MEENAH: (gotch u right where i want)
MEENAH: (just biding my time)
MEENAH: (biding and biding)
MEENAH: (gonna hunt you til we both double dead)
MEENAH: (you are my obsession lil bluefish)
MEENAH: (my shrimpiest of whales)
MEENAH: (my mobiest of dicks)
MEENAH: (call me)
MEENAH: (fishmael)
JOHN: but i don't know the one who looks kind of like your sister.
JOHN: what is your name?
ARANEA: Aranea. ::::)
JOHN: hi.
JOHN: and what about those two over there?
VRISKA: These are my friends, Aradia and Sollux.
VRISKA: I have recruited them for this expedition as specialists.
VRISKA: They aren't really here to do any fighting. 8ut their a8ilities will 8ecome useful once we retrieve the treasure.
ARADIA: hello.
JOHN: hey.
JOHN: are you alive?
JOHN: your eyes do not look spooky and ghostly.
ARADIA: thanks!
ARADIA: yes im alive
VRISKA: Yeah, and apparently she intends to stay that way?
VRISKA: Hence her principled if somewhat lame commitment to pacifism.
VRISKA: 8ut considering our history together, I'm willing to let 8ygones 8e 8ygones. I'm happy to have her on my crew in whatever capacity she likes.
JOHN: your history? what happened?
JOHN: wait, that's a rude question. sorry.
VRISKA: Hey!!!!!!!!
VRISKA: What did I say a8out 8ygones 8eing 8ygones? That's like rule fucking ONE of this ship.
VRISKA: Anyway, she 8ecame a ro8ot and killed me 8ack, so o8viously we're cool now.
JOHN: jeez, why does everyone always die so much?
SOLLUX: (l0l, like this guy's 0ne t0 talk.)
ARADIA: (sollux dont make our guest uncomfortable)
SOLLUX: (he's already unc0mf0rtable, and he sh0uld be. we all sh0uld be.)
ARADIA: really i havent thought about any of that in a long time
ARADIA: ancient conflicts dont mean anything to me anymore but i was more than thrilled by the opportunity to go on another adventure like this
ARADIA: we used to enjoy such campaigns together all the time when we were younger
ARADIA: of course now the teams are a little different :)
VRISKA: Yeah! Man, those were the days.
JOHN: what about you... why do you have double eye patches?
SOLLUX: uh, because i'm blind, stupid?
JOHN: i can't tell if you're alive too or not, because i can't see if your eyes are spooky.
SOLLUX: they're sp00ky as shit, but yes, i'm alive.
SOLLUX: 0k, here's the sh0rt versi0n. i used t0 be able t0 see, but then i went blind.
SOLLUX: then i used my p0wers t00 hard, and died. but it turned 0ut i was 0nly half dead.
JOHN: half dead?
SOLLUX: let me finish. s0 the gh0st half 0f me c0uld see again, s0 i was 0nly half blind.
SOLLUX: but then s0meb0dy pr0t0typed my c0rpse, which i guess sucked the gh0st half 0f me 0ut 0f my b0dy, t0 make me fully alive again? als0 fully blind.
SOLLUX: and n0w the gh0st part 0f my s0ul is sharing a sprite b0dy with FUCKING ERIDAN 0f all pe0ple.
JOHN: who's eridan?
SOLLUX: just the d0uche wh0 blinded me in the first place, it d0esn't even matter.
JOHN: um, alright. but i don't think i quite followed all of that.
JOHN: what does being half dead mean?
SOLLUX: y0u kn0w, f0rget it.
SOLLUX: i'm s0 sick 0f telling this st0ry t0 pe0ple 0ver and 0ver, and n0b0dy understanding what the hell i'm talking ab0ut.
SOLLUX: it's all s0 simple. n0, actually, it isn't, it's a fucking stupid st0ry that makes n0 sense, maybe that's the pr0blem.
SOLLUX: my marginal existence is fraught with s0 much p0intless duality and c0mplicated n0nsense, s0 i'm d0ne even trying t0 explain it.
SOLLUX: fr0m n0w 0n i sh0uld just wear a shirt that says d0n't ask me ab0ut my disability 0r my m0rtality. then everything w0uld be fine.
VRISKA: It's really kind of a shame Gamzee prototyped Eridan's torso parts and swiped his ghost from the afterlife.
VRISKA: I 8et he would have had a gr8 time on this voyage. I used to own him during our nautical campaigns all the time!
SOLLUX: if he was 0n this ship, i'd walk the plank and plummet thr0ugh the fake ass water thr0ugh infinite n0where f0rever.
SOLLUX: besides y0u act like y0u haven't already recruited at least fifty fucking eridans fr0m d00med timelines in y0ur army.
SOLLUX: y0u really are shamefully prejudiced against 0ur alternate reality gh0st selves, they're just as real as we are and have the same em0ti0ns and everything.
VRISKA: Gimme a 8r8k, Sollux. As if you don't view them the exact same way.
VRISKA: You've got real Eridan, and then pretty much a whole 8unch of pretenders out there.
SOLLUX: they're all real!!! SHIT, i d0n't even LIKE eridan, but here i am sticking up f0r his c0pies.
VRISKA: See? You just called them copies. Even you can't avoid accidentally using a pro8lematic slur which reveals that no matter what you 8elieve a8out your morals, deep down you're always gonna favor the original, while viewing all the others as duplic8tes of lesser value.
SOLLUX: 0h whatever. just WHATEVER, rati0nalize the "c0llateral damage" t0 y0ur army all y0u want.
SOLLUX: and t0 think, bef0re i j0ined y0ur party i heard rum0rs that y0u might have changed, like learned t0 be a better pers0n 0r s0mething, HEHEH, YEAH RIGHT!
VRISKA: Oh pleeeeeeeease. I hardly think I'm a 8ad person for failing to give a shit a8out a 8illion meaningless dead Nepetas, do you?!
SOLLUX: n0, y0u're n0t a bad pers0n f0r THAT PARTICULAR reas0n, i guess.
VRISKA: What am I seriously supposed to do? Fly around and 8efriend each one individually?
VRISKA: Sorry, I have 8etter things to do with my time. Let's try to 8e at least somewhat practical here.
ARADIA: ive met most of those nepetas theyre all very nice
VRISKA: Oh shut up.
JOHN: and what about all those ships up ahead?
JOHN: are they part of the treasure hunt too?
VRISKA: Of course!
VRISKA: That's my army.
VRISKA: Ok, I mean OUR army.
VRISKA: 8ut like, on 8oats.
JOHN: isn't an army on boats usually called a navy?
VRISKA: John, help me out. I seem to 8e having trou8le remem8ering which one of us is the captain.
VRISKA: Was it the dork in 8lue pajamas, or was it the veteran sailor in the rad captain's coat?
VRISKA: That's right, the captain was me! And I say it's an army that happens to 8e on a 8unch of 8oats.
MEENAH: (no but for reel it pretty much is a navy)
MEENAH: (just sayin)
JOHN: who's in the army?
VRISKA: Thousands of ghosts. Primarily those of old friends and acquaintances.
VRISKA: We've amassed a coalition of eager volunteers ready to lay down their ghost lives for a worthy cause.
JOHN: you mean fighting lord english?
VRISKA: When we're ready for that, yes. 8ut we need the treasure first.
VRISKA: So for now they're sailing well ahead of us in large num8ers to attract his attention, so he can do more damage to the ring and fill out the rest of our maps.
VRISKA: We should 8e very gr8teful for their 8ravery. They are making a no8le sacrifice for us all.
VRISKA: We really don't need your play 8y play commentary on everything!
JOHN: wait, you're mind controlling all those ghosts?
VRISKA: Well, not all of them.
VRISKA: Once you group enough together, others tend to latch on to the mo8 out of curiosity. We trolls have a way of clustering together naturally.
VRISKA: You've got to understand, John. Most of these people are pretty self a8sor8ed. They just needed a little 8it of persuasion to join the cause.
MEENAH: word
JOHN: yeah, but...
JOHN: isn't that still kind of, um...
JOHN: dickish?
VRISKA: 8ut all these stu88orn jackasses are going to dou8le die anyway if we don't all work together and kill this guy!
VRISKA: This is WAR, John. In times of war, difficult decisions have to 8e made with the lives of many.
VRISKA: Just think of me as a general giving orders to my troops. It just happens that the orders are a little more direct in this case.
MEENAH: hey serket deuce
MEENAH: lets not lose track a whos actually in charge of this shit mkay
VRISKA: Yeah yeah.
VRISKA: All hail Her Imperious Teen Condescension, the fresh new face of tyranny, Supreme Admiral Peixes.
VRISKA: At this time I would like to motion for a fifteen minute 8owing 8r8k so that we may demonstr8te our reverence for this 8old, spunky leader.
MEENAH: yessssss
VRISKA: Tavros, stop 8owing. That was a joke.
MEENAH: no keep doin that
MEENAH: lower swabby
MEENAH: face on the fuckin deck
MEENAH: yes just like that perfect
JOHN: how do you mind control so many ghosts at once?
JOHN: isn't that kind of hard?
VRISKA: Well, I do have a little help.
VRISKA: John, did I mention?
VRISKA: My ancestor........
JOHN: she is?
ARANEA: I must admit, I was not in favor of the idea at first.
ARANEA: 8ut Vriska made a very strong case for using our com8ined powers in this way.
ARANEA: In a perfect reality, no one would have to get hurt. 8ut the stakes are too high to 8e shying away from such measures.
VRISKA: See what I mean??
VRISKA: The 8est.
JOHN: uh.
ARANEA: It has 8een wonderful spending so much time on this adventure with my descendant.
ARANEA: Not just 8ecause it's helped me get to know her 8etter, 8ut 8ecause it's opened my eyes to things a8out myself I was never really in touch with.
ARANEA: There are certain capa8ilities within me I have never quite 8een a8le to face, and she's helped me realize I've 8een hiding from them all my life, and well 8eyond.
ARANEA: It must 8e true what they used to say on my world. That if you really want to know who you are, look to the legacy left 8ehind 8y your ancestor.
ARANEA: I think that wisdom works in 8oth directions!
VRISKA: Well put, Marquise. I've always felt the exact same way!
MEENAH: oh my glub the serk twins bein adorbubble again
MEENAH: nitram get your mop ready for swabbin up all this vomit comin out ma mouth
MEENAH: can you two stick a fork in the sentimental carp
MEENAH: maybe pretend you aint hit it off so good
MEENAH: you ever stop and think how this makes me feel
ARANEA: There's no reason to 8e jealous, Meenah. You know nothing has changed a8out our friendship.
MEENAH: jealous
MEENAH: bitch no
MEENAH: just makes me think about my kid descendant
MEENAH: an how instead of having this cool friendsy relation with her i just got this uncontrollable urge to stab her to death so she dont threaten my supremacy
MEENAH: which is a shame cuz she so cute 38(
MEENAH: cod damn my royal blood and the cray junk it makes me have to do
MEENAH: aw well
MEENAH: maybe some day ill find an heiress who my genes dont instinctively make me wanna murder on sight
MEENAH: then i can teach her the badass ways of being a boss n shit!
JOHN: (god, trolls are so weird.)
JOHN: hey!
JOHN: you snitch.
MEENAH: yeah but
MEENAH: arent we
TAVROS: uH,,,,,
MEENAH: moral of the story is blue kid is a dumb nerd but is right when he says stuff
MEENAH: look at that its like me and him are becoming fast fronds thus lulling him into a sense of false confidence already
JOHN: what?
MEENAH: (soon my lil whale...)
MEENAH: (soon...)
ARANEA: It is true. To a human, the ways of trolls from 8oth Alternia and 8eforus will seem very strange.
ARANEA: In fact, prior to uniting in the afterlife, even the two groups of trolls were reasona8ly alien to one another.
ARANEA: I've had a gr8 deal of time to study the cultures of many species throughout paradox space. No matter which race you 8elong to, one can always find another whose ideals pose a challenge of comprehension to even the most open minded.
ARANEA: And though the ethical standards of those from Alternia may seem unpalata8le to you, rest assured there are 8eings elsewhere in the cosmos whose violent 8ehavior would 8e considered extreme even to most trolls.
ARANEA: Actually John, I'm very glad you 8rought this up.
ARANEA: 8ecause I was in the middle of a wonderful story a8out this very su8ject, which you interrupted when you 8oarded our ship.
JOHN: oh.
JOHN: sorry.
ARANEA: No, that's fine!
ARANEA: Really, I'm quite pleased that you did.
ARANEA: This way I get to start over from the 8eginning!
ARANEA: There were some rough patches in my original telling which I can go 8ack and fix.
ARANEA: This time it will 8e much 8etter!
JOHN: ok.
JOHN: what's the story about?
ARANEA: It is a tale a8out a very mysterious alien race called cheru8s.
ARANEA: Let us 8egin.
ARANEA: Once upon a time........
ARANEA: There was a very mysterious alien race called cheru8s!
MEENAH: aranea i thought you said youd fix the shitty parts of the story
MEENAH: you started with that crappy line the first time too
ARANEA: The opening line is fine!
MEENAH: its aight i guess
MEENAH: knot
ARANEA: Oh shut up and let me tell my story.
ARANEA: Now where was I?
JOHN: there was a very mysterious alien race called cherubs.
ARANEA: Right.
ARANEA: There was a very mysterious alien race called cheru8s.
ARANEA: 8ut there was one cheru8 in particular who, for at least the first half of our story, will 8e our heroine.
ARANEA: She spent eons roaming her galaxy, completely alone. 8ut the time had come for her to find a m8.
This is no small task for a cheru8. 8eing an asocial species, they spend virtually no time in each other's presence at all. Aside from when it is time to m8, they may go their entire lives without encountering another. And so they scatter their num8ers throughout space, each staking a territory spanning many lightyears.
8ut like a predator is a8le to track the scent of its prey, a cheru8 can sense the presence of another near8y. This sense is especially strong if that cheru8 shares the same qualities its other half once had long ago, 8efore it experienced the matur8tion process known as predomin8tion.
You see, when a young cheru8 hatches, it would appear that only one creature has 8egun its life. 8ut the appearance is not to 8e trusted. The young cheru8 actually consists of two completely distinct 8eings, a male and a female each sharing one 8ody. The two halves are endowed with polar opposite predispositions as well. One predisposed toward malevolence, another toward 8enevolence. Good or evil, if you prefer to deal in simplistic terms, or at least those which are convenient for the sake of this story! I prefer to view the dichotomy as a kind of moral alignment, like an attri8ute that dict8tes the choices a character makes in certain types of games I used to play. The male and female halves can 8e aligned either way, as long as they differ from each other. The resulting conflict 8etween the two personalities is central to life as a cheru8, 8oth 8efore and after predomin8tion.
Shortly after hatching, the two halves 8egin vacill8ting, taking turns controlling the 8ody. The only physical differenti8tion 8etween the two is the color8tion of their cheek swirls, which indic8tes alignment. There is otherwise no way to tell male and female apart 8efore a cheru8 predomin8tes. The vacill8tion process is demarc8ted 8y sleep. When the male goes to sleep, the female wakes up. And when the male wakes up, again the female sleeps. And so it goes, 8ack and forth like this, as the two identities vie for dominance over the other, and ultim8tely, permanent control over the 8ody. They grow to detest one another, and develop a view of social interaction centered entirely around animosity and confront8tion. For good cheru8s, this readies them for a long life of isol8tion, as they will prefer to avoid the sort of conflict that comes with social interaction as they have 8een conditioned to understand it. 8ut for evil ones, the contentious up8ringing only serves to fuel their inclin8tion to harm others.
And though this duality makes for a tormented childhood, the inner conflict it cre8tes is an extremely important part of a young cheru8's life. The defining part, actually. It is the struggle a cheru8 must overcome to mature, and this process culmin8tes in predomin8tion.
One half will prove to have a stronger will than the other. The less dominant half will then weaken over time, and it will eventually 8ecome clear to 8oth that one will not survive. The dominant personality will then completely consume the other, integr8ting it in such a way that only one is left. The cheeks will 8ecome solidly colored, and the cheru8 will grow to maturity as a single 8eing, endowed with the alignment of the dominant half, and with all his or her personal qualities at the forefront of the union.
In the case of our heroine, she was the good half, and the day of her predomin8tion was in a sense the day her 8rother died. And though it was to her 8enefit and personal growth, 8ecause of this loss she would always live with a sense that something was missing. Every sexually mature cheru8 lives with this feeling. It drives them to seek out another cheru8 similar to the half they lost, the part of their 8eing which they grew up in perpetual conflict with. The desire to travel the universe in hopes of reigniting that conflict is very important to their species. It's the force which compels them to procre8.
So she set out to track his scent, as it were. And soon, she found a physical trail as well. A path of carnage left 8ehind 8y a particularly destructive male cheru8. She followed the de8ris from civilized worlds and star systems he left 8ehind, as if to mock her, to make it clear he knew of her pursuit and was all 8ut paving her way with the dead. His 8rutality made her more furious, thus setting the mood, so to speak, for their imminent courtship.
A cheru8 of his alignment is seemingly motiv8ted 8y little other than to conquer and destroy. From a 8ioexistential perspective, they 8ehave somewhat like viruses attacking the system from within. 8ut as with all sym8iotic organisms living within a universe, there are 8alancing factors. While those inha8iting an evil cheru8's territory will regard it as an unpredicta8le tyrant, those in the territory of a good cheru8 will likely come to view it as a protector, waiting quietly for millenia in deep space, ready to attack any encroaching threat. In that sense, they are not unlike cells in a universal immune system.
This 8alance of forces allows sta8ility, such that life and new civiliz8tions can 8lossom and thrive within a universe, thus assuring the possi8ility of its own ela8orate procre8tion process. 8ut if that 8alance was ever distur8ed, it would lead to chaos in that 8iosystem. The universe could not survive for long. And if 8y some means a cheru8 with such destructive tendencies were to achieve unprecedented power, the resulting im8alance would 8e catastrophic for paradox space itself. And though the heroine of our story could have no way of knowing, this is exactly what would result from the pursuit of her kismesis.
Like humans, cheru8s perceive romance through only one quadrant. Unlike humans, their rel8tionships are exclusively 8lack. 8ut their m8ting ritual is much more violent than any practice trolls would, or even physically could engage in. And though it is critical to the perpetu8tion of their race, the confront8tions can sometimes 8e lethal to one or 8oth cheru8s. Regardless of the outcome, the stakes are always high. The winner of the duel will assume control of the other's territory, while the loser will slink away to 8ear the offspring. So as she toured the planetary wreckage, she knew her quest for a m8 was not just a8out the propag8tion of her species, 8ut the li8er8tion of 8illions from a monster.
She pursued him for many sweeps with mounting o8session, until one day the trail came to an end at a 8lack hole. Cheru8s typically seek out 8lack holes as the setting for their m8ting ritual. 8ut not any 8lack hole. Once long ago it was a star, and circling that star was a planet. That planet was home to one of the presently sparring cheru8s. The male in this case returned to the site of his hatching to m8, a loc8tion now conspicuously occupied 8y a truly massive 8lack hole.
This was where she found him. And this was where they would duel.
While an adult cheru8 is a fearsome creature, and would 8e a formida8le opponent to anyone in its unaltered st8, this is not the form in which they do 8attle with each other. The ritual is more extreme and physically demanding than any other kind of courtship or duel in the universe. The moment they meet, they will 8oth undergo a dramatic metamorphosis.
The m8tes will then duel as two vast frightening serpents, each an astronomical unit in length.
The tangled struggle 8etween the green aus is exceedingly 8rutal and can last for sweeps. While dueling in such a monstrous form, their energy is inexhausti8le. The transform8tion taps into the cheru8s' latent connection with the enigmatic forces presiding over all that is eternal, and perme8ting all those endowed with immortality. Normally this power is only accessi8le to them during m8ting. In this form, they are only a8le to 8e injured 8y one another, and are otherwise indestructi8le. Hence the ritual can never 8e stopped 8y an outside force until it is complete.
It should come as no surprise that in this story our heroine was victorious. Upon defeating her m8 she initi8ted the interlocking form8tion to complete the coupling, while assuming the dominant position, a stance undetecta8le to all 8ut the most astute o8servers of the zoologically du8ious. Consequently, the male was fertilized with the young.
He then slithered away in disgrace from the territory he'd just lost. A cheru8 looking to nest will search for a dead planet situ8ted near a massive dying star. The egg is deposited on the planet's surface, and the rising temperature from the expanding red giant will incu88 the egg until it is ready to hatch. Later in life, the cheru8 will grow wings, assuming it has matured properly. And if it has learned to fly well enough to reach a safe distance from the nest 8efore the star goes supernova, soon the hungry cheru8 will return and feast on the resulting stellar energy. Doing so allows it to gain enough strength to travel gr8 distances, and claim its own territory. The star will then collapse into a 8lack hole, serving as a distinct gravit8tional 8eacon to the cheru8 l8ter in life, so it may return there to m8.
As it happens, our heroine's m8 discovered Earth, long after it had journeyed to a new sun, and long since new civiliz8tions had risen and fallen. Now on the 8rink of destruction from its dying star, its 8arren accommod8tions were ideal for a young cheru8. There he deposited his single egg and flew away, never to return. No cheru8 ever spawns more than one offspring at a time, for it is every cheru8's destiny to grow up alone. Or alone on the outside, at least.
From that egg hatched one very special cheru8 with two names - one that few will ever know, and one that few should ever say. A fascin8ting thing a8out cheru8 reproduction is how the parent's alignment is passed on to the young. If the male lays the egg, the alignments of the child's two halves will 8e the same as the parents. If the female lays the egg, the alignments will 8e flipped, and the young male and female halves will 8e endowed with opposite alignments of the parents. As such, the male half took after his father. Perhaps the son even exceeded him in violent tendencies. It is hard to imagine there has ever 8een a cheru8 more willfully destructive or as stu88ornly dedic8ted to conquest than the monstrosity he would grow up to 8ecome.
Due to his indomita8le nature, I 8elieve victory over his sister was a foregone conclusion. 8arring a highly impro8a8le glitch in causality, it would 8e almost impossi8le for her to predomin8te over someone like him. And even so, he didn't have the patience to w8. Unfortun8tely for everyone to ever exist, he discovered a way to predomin8te early. Yet it was not this act alone that would prove ominous, so much as the means through which it was achieved. He was allowed to 8ecome the solo player of a game which his kind was never meant to play.
And so, it is with the predomin8tion of her son that our heroine's story ends, and the story of our villain 8egins.
ARANEA: Hey!!!!!!!!
ARANEA: Meenah, where are you going?
MEENAH: im takin a gaper break
ARANEA: 8ut the story isn't over yet!
MEENAH: girl your stories never end my bladder cant even deal
MEENAH: just keep talking while im gone
ARANEA: No, that's ok. We can w8!
MEENAH: i already heard the damn story though!
ARANEA: Not all of it!
MEENAH: glubber fuck cant you just keep yappin about snake sex while i hit the lil grubs room already
ARANEA: I'm afraid not. Everyone must listen to the full story.
MEENAH: omfg
MEENAH: you really are turnin evil arent ya
MEENAH: i would be proud except of how terrible and boring the actual consequences are for me personally
JOHN: wait...
JOHN: does that mean when you're a ghost you still have to pee?
MEENAH: none a your business blue kid
JOHN: that's so weird.
JOHN: am i the only one who thinks that's weird?
VRISKA: No, John. It's definitely pretty weird that ghosts have to pee.
VRISKA: You get used to life as a ghost pretty fast, though.
JOHN: but weren't you already pretty used to peeing when you were alive?
VRISKA: Yeah. That's why you get used to it pretty fast, dummy!
JOHN: this is kind of a stupid conversation.
JOHN: can we hear more about the snakes and whatnot? it was a pretty cool story.
ARANEA: Yes! ::::D
ARANEA: As soon as Meenah returns from her visit to the load gaper.
ARANEA: I think we could all stand to take a 8rief intermission from the story regardless, to let all these intriguing facts a8out cheru8s sink in.
MEENAH: you and your intermissions
MEENAH: what is with your intermissions they aint even intermissions most of the time
MEENAH: they just an excuse to tell another dumb story inside a longer dumb story
ARANEA: Yes, Meenah. You are correct, and your reserv8tions are noted.
ARANEA: However, would it change your mind if I were to propose not an intermission, 8ut........
ARANEA: An interfishin?
ARANEA: ;;;;)
MEENAH: fine
MEENAH: lets do the interfishin thing you said
MEENAH: cuz of fish
MEENAH: brb u scrubs
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brigadeirogourmet · 2 years
Resultado da Lotofácil de Hoje Concurso 2622 – sábado (24/09)
Resultado da Lotofácil de Hoje Concurso 2622 – sábado (24/09)
O Resultado da Lotofácil concurso 2622 que ocorre neste sábado, dia 24 de setembro (24/09) a partir das 20h no Espaço Loterias Caixa. Os números do sorteio você confere abaixo. Resultado da Lotofácil concurso 2622 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Premiação da Lotofácil 2622 O prêmio estimado para este concurso é de R$ 1.500.000,00. Como jogar na Lotofácil Em um volante da Lotofácil, você deve…
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bluenpinkcastle · 2 years
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20220704: I found two older sets in one of my bins and wanted to play with them again. 5958: Mummy’s Tomb and 5938: Oasis Ambush, which both had some really neat features, mostly with falling columns and hidden compartments.
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bookloversofbath · 2 years
Isle of Wight at War 1939-1945 :: Adrian Searle
Isle of Wight at War 1939-1945 :: Adrian Searle
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shaarlslec · 1 year
me and the devil
words: 5958
introduction/part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
warnings/notes: charles leclerc x reader, friends to enemies to lovers type of a thing, crashes, mentions of panic attacks and triggers;
inspired by: Soap&Skin - Me And The Devil, The Neighborhood - Afraid, The Academic - Why Can’t We Be Friends?, lovelytheband - i like the way, The Wombats - Turn , Wallows - Pleaser
You crawled through Charles’ skin leaving traces even underneath it, made your ways through his being and rested in the nerves of his spine until you flooded his mind. Charles was aware of that had no ending nowhere soon.
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You never knew pressure before this, not like this.
Taking the lead from Charles sickened you to the core in ways you never had expected, although that was what you wanted right from the start. You promised him this, you promised him to yourself. And yet, beating Charles at his own game was not that thrilling as you expected it to be – not when you were falling for him again, thinking now that perhaps that never paused to begin with.
Winning was supposed to taste sweet, and yet each article fueling your feud and pinning you against each other left your mouth sour and your mind clouded. 
Reporters delved deep into your past: pictures with you standing close to each other at any events you two attended for years, words from your mouths about each other that even you two forgot making headlines. You knew that reporters would attack you both the next time you were found in the same room, and you were nowhere near the disposition to be questioned about the man who days ago was confessing his cravings on your skin. 
Neither was Charles. 
That man fought with his entire being to leave you alone that night. Making irrational choices was out of the question for Charles. And yet, oh, you. Charles spent most of his nights thinking about the ways in which your little after midnight encounter could have gone. The taste of your skin, as little as his lips lingered on the shoulder, intoxicated him like some sorts of a hard liquor. Charles repetitively thought about it as the week passed: your lips trembling, your hand on him and everything that happened in between the heavy breaths. It worked like a wake-up call, having his mind filled with the thought of you instead on the idea of winning the race. You crawled through Charles’ skin leaving traces even underneath it, made your ways through his being and rested in the nerves of his spine until you flooded his mind. Charles was aware of that had no ending nowhere soon, mainly after meeting you again for a press conference right before the race weekend when the man’s heart pounded in an instant right when you walked in. 
You were gutted when eyes met too, your mind unconsciously searching for Charles’ attention as you stepped in after Arthur. Charles nodded a little “hello” and you waved shortly before taking your seat in between Lewis and Russell – as further away as the seats permitted from Leclerc. And yet, eyes examined his hands multiple times and the way they seemed to not find their place on Charles’ lap, rhythmically patting the armchairs’ surface on a song that was silently playing inside the boy’s mind, anything to distract himself for staring at you back in a room full of people. 
All you thought about was the softness of the man’s touch against your back, and all the things he could have touched that night if there were no excuses while Charles was silently wondering if your lips tasted even sweeter than your skin. You shook your head in an instant, dragging attention from Lewis at your right and Charles took a deep breath in as his brother’s touch startled him from behind.
“Are you alright, you look pale.” Lewis then spoke, titling his head into your direction. 
You nodded, “Yes, I think so.” You gulped as you directed your looks on him rather than on Charles, “I don’t know if I am ready for this.” You confessed, pointing to the pile of reporters and cameramen getting ready in front of all drivers. 
Lewis patted your hand with his for comfort, “Don’t worry child, just give them what they want without telling them what that exactly is.” Hamilton spoke with a warm smile, “You will do just fine.” He assured you, gently stroking the back of your palm. 
Charles heard that and saw Lewis touching you, most of him paying attention to your voice rather than Max’s question who was standing next to him or Arthur taking his seat at Charles’ right. Damn, was Charles going to be jealous on any single man who ever so slightly touches your skin in his mere distance? He glimpsed at his little brother for a brief second, wondering if you two came in together from the hotel. It sickened him, Charles had to do something to control such thoughts, such impulses, such nerves. 
“You look nervous, are you alright?” His friend nudged, searching for any glimpse of confidence in Charles’ gaze pointed at him now but only managing to find flames and untamed fires. 
Charles nodded, “Yes, I just want this to be over as soon as possible.” He spoke, trying to find a somehow relaxed position of his body in the chair as the cameras rolled – muscles tensing up back again right after your name was called. 
“Ok, Y/N. We will start with you.” One of the reporters said, and you faced him with the fakest sweet smile you could ever pull while Charles’ jaw locked in anticipation, watching the reporter’s mouth uttering their question, “How does it feel? Taking the lead in the championship for the first time since you’ve joined Formula One?”
You shortly huffed as you awkwardly switched the position in your chair, trying to look as laid-back and unbothered as possible but failing miserably when your glare instinctually went to Charles’ face, “Like a lot of pressure.” You nervously laughed, snatching away from Charles and right back at the report, “But we can manage it, me and the team I mean.” You continued, adjusting your voice with yet another sore cough.
You and Charles were both expecting for the follow-up question to be aimed at him, and yet the reporters moved on to each other driver regarding situations on the grid. You happily smiled sincerely for the very first time during the conference when they asked Arthur and Norris about their on-going competition within the McLaren team, seeing both lightly making fun of each other and cracking jokes for the reporters. 
Charles’ smirked too, being extremely proud of his little brother for standing up for himself. Your heart lightened watching them side by side, acknowledging that the punch was long-forgotten faster than Charles’ cut healed. They were brothers, brothers do fight and yet you wanted none of the fights to be about you anymore. Arthur apologized to you for his behavior first thing in the morning after that evening, assuring you that him and Charles are thick as thieves but also that it was your job from then on to push the wake-up call. You were not sure that you were fit of that responsibility, you were not sure if Charles was able to change just because of you and nor that you wanted him to do so. 
You quite relaxed for a while in your seat up until Charles’ name was called, and tensed up right after you heard the insanity of the reporter’s question, “Charles,” He began with an amused smiled, “We know how Y/N feels about being first, but how does it feel to have your place stolen by a twenty-something years old girl?” The reporter continued with an amused and mocking tone, and the present drivers pierced him with a sharp and inquiring look while your fists clenched together with your jaw.
You silently sighed in your seat then. Not again, you thought. It was certainly not for the very first time through your career that questions with a misogynistic phase were asked, and yet you thought that after all these years during which you proved yourself worth of a man’s seat they will stop – they haven’t, and you were clearly not in the right state of mind to deal with that too. 
Lewis leaned towards you, murmuring the words not even milliseconds after the question was thrown out in the room, “Do you want me to get him out of the room?” He inquired, and you knew for sure that if you were to say yes, Hamilton would have done it, “Just say the word.” The Mercedes driver added, and you could perceptibly see one vein bursting on the man’s forehead. 
You patted Lewis’ hand, “No, let him be. It’s Leclerc’s question, after all.” You spoke, exchanging your glare from Hamilton to Charles who was fazed by the question for two seconds, then dismayingly laughed meeting your glare. 
“This is the stupidest question I have ever heard in one of these press conferences, and we all know that we’ve heard plenty.” Charles spoke, keeping his eyes on you as he answered the inquiry being unable to look at the reporter’s face feeling the annoyance starting to take a tool on him in front of everybody (again), therefore Charles needed calm in the shape of your face and sound of your mocking chuckles, “A twenty-something years old girl?” Charles wheezed after taking one short breath, charging his mind with you again rather than the foolishness of the question, “Do you call yourself a reporter?” Charles continued, snatching his glare from you on him. 
And oh boy, was that a change into his expressions. Charles’ gleaming eyes darkened as he looked straight into the man’s eyes, dominating him with a sharp glare and the switch of his pose into the chair with both of his elbows resting on his knees and a fear-provoking tilt of his head, “You were not even able to learn Y/N age, and you expect either of us to listen yet alone answer your fucking idiotic question.” Charles huffed, repulsed by every second he spent talking into the reporter’s direction, “I will just say that it was not stolen, and that Y/N passing me was nothing but fair and a reflection of her skills. If you were not to be such an ignorant asshole, perchance you could have taken your time to look at her achievements.” Charles ended, putting and emphasis on each word, “I think this is over then, please thank your amazing colleague for cutting this short.” Charles lastly spoke, addressing a short bend of apologetic signature to the other reporters in the room with a slope of his chest.
Everyone in the room went quiet as Leclerc’s spoke, and you found yourself proudly smiling. You knew that most of the male drivers shared the same opinion as Charles, and yet you were not expecting him to be fuming this much. Few drivers laughed, and the rest who were not used to Charles cutting personality and harsh ways of putting words together when angered were still stunned.
The reporters went quiet behind the cameras, and you only hoped for the one that asked the question to feel everyone’s shrill looks on his face and back – to never return in one of those conference rooms, and to never mention your name. You were not expecting an apology, no one ever apologized to you for taking you for granted and as you looked at the disbelief of the man’s face watching Leclerc, you understood that your teammates’ words worked as a personal attack to him and not as a lesson. Some men will never learn, but you were glad that the ones that stood next to you were nothing like that. Your heart jumped quite a bit, Leclerc’ taking your side weeks after declaring war on you on public television was as confusing as it was exhilarating, perfectly describing the highs and lows or your relationship with him. 
You took Charles’ example in apologizing to the other reports from leaving after you muttered, “Wait, Charles–” glare fixed on Charles lifting from the seat to leave the room with heavy pressed steps on the floor, “I am coming too.” You added, thoughtlessly lifting from your chair to join your teammate side by side, the press conference wrapping up ahead of its time now, “We are sorry.” You muttered, following Charles. 
“No,” Your teammate paused, holding the door wide open for you to pass as he gave one last look to the room, aiming the specific one who Charles managed to frighten already with the hardness of his features, “We are not sorry.” Charles added, door smashing behind the both of you.
“Stop being apologetic when it is not your fault.” Your teammate uttered being visibly still annoyed, walking now side by side with you through the exit of the accommodation, “You have done nothing wrong, and besides –” Charles paused for a bit to fling into your direction one of his cheeky winks that somehow (after all the tries) was still not perfectioned, “Storming out of a press conference was something I wanted to do for a long time.” He added, and you could not help yourself but giggle at the sight of him winking and being sogratified of storming out of the press conference as if you two stormed out from high-school class. 
Small moments like these made you be reminiscent of the sweet, darling Charles that you knew and adored. He was there, somewhere, caged in the persona of your so-called arch-nemesis. “Thank you, Leclerc.” You spoke slowing your steps.
Charles looked down at you as he was pacing his steps with yours, “I see we are back at Leclerc.” Charles shortly breathed, changing the subject right after the man saw your eyes softened because Charles knew that made him week and the man has been vulnerable enough with you around, “No need to thank me, really.” Your teammate spoke after adjusting the tone of his voice into a rougher one rather than the one you knew and loved, “I will make sure he never gets to ask questions again and that he –” Charles ranted, but your hand stopped your teammate’s arm from wiggling around him as you caught his wrist in your grip and his mouth shut – his entire body struck by your swift move. 
There was no turning back, Charles thought. Your teammate looked down at your almost clasped hands and thought about all the times in which his entire body reacted to such a mere touch. Never from another person, always because of you. There was no turning back, Charles repeated somewhere in the back of his mind. He was hooked on you, and staying away from you was not an option – not anymore. 
“Please don’t, they will make up more stories about us if you take further action. Insulting him in front of all those people was enough.” You added, fingers running down the man’s hand to gently take it into yours just for your thumb to rub the back of it, “Charles,” You paused, look up on his face seeing him all flustered due to your touch, “I am very grateful for you standing up for me in there, but I cannot just get my hopes high every single time you take my side, and touch me, and say that you want me just for them to be destroyed by your threats the following day. Therefore, you must decide. Stay by my side or not, reach my high hopes or not.”
That was what you should’ve said to Charles, and yet you were afraid of doing do frightened by the idea of pushing him away, scared even by the thought of him not daring not touch you again for as little as that was. You were not ready to lose even that, you were not ready to lose what was not even yours to begin with, Charles choosing the second option was not an option. Instead, you looked at the man’s out of this world soft emerald eyes and faintingly spoke, “Good luck this weekend, mate.” patting Charles’ back of the hand with yours, “You will need your all, we are at my home race.” You cockily spoke, steps ahead of Charles now as you were walking backwards to sustain the man’s glare until the exit. 
Charles’ corners of the mouth lifted in a smile, “No worries, I will not go easy on you just because it is your home race.” 
You clicked your tongue, “I never want you to go easy on me.” You spoke, and for a split of a moment both of you were grinning alike, “On track, I mean.” You clarified, having Charles shake his head for a little to dust off the thoughts that were wildly going through the man’s head, the same that were on yours too. 
Charles kept his word, getting the pole-position right the next day while you were on P2 right in front of your home crowd. Frustrating? Just a little bit. Exciting? A lot. Charles deserved that pole without any doubt nor question, and you were going to give your all during race day to snatch P1 from him. That was what you told the interviewers too after qualifying, Charles staying behind just to hear your post-qualifying enthusiasm and to make sure that no one was going to bother you with more stupid questions. He stood meters away from you with both arms crossed at his chest, waiting for you to finish your short interview. You amusingly gave him quite a few looks, was he your own personal guard now?
“Is passing Charles on the list of your goals tomorrow?” The interviewer asked you, perceptibly confused as well by Charles’ proximity as their glare switched from you to him, “People are wondering if there is a change into the nature of your relationship.” They added with an inquiring look and very much curious tone, watching both you and Charles exchanging one exhausted glare. This again.  
Your eyebrows twitched at the same time, the question came in reference to the events of yesterday when you two stormed out together and left all of them hanging in there, “People should be minding their own business, and leave ours alone.” You replied with a smile, seeing Charles’ face lightening up with the corner of your eye, “Also, who does not want to win their home race? So yes, my goal is passing Charles tomorrow, passing anyone really who stands in the way of bringing home a race win.” You ironically answered, and nothing could have made Charles prouder of you that two ironic and sassy answers coming one right after each other instead of answering all sweet and tamed. You were a force, everyone around you should be able to feel that – not just him. 
“Were you waiting for me?” You asked Charles, two steps away from his own now. 
He nodded, “Yes, wanted to make sure that no more stupid questions are asked.” 
You snorted with an amused huff, “Excuses,” You spoke, walking together to the garage arms almost touching, “You know that I can take care of myself.” You commented, eyes on Charles now, who was paying attention to your steps rather than you, “Just say you wanted to walk together with me to the garage. Let’s give the people what they want, without telling them too much about it.” You slyly spoke, casually slipping your arm around Charles’ as bodies tightened to each other feeling their heat, sensing their warmth, tensioning their longings and your breaths suddenly heavy. 
Charles said nothing but just playfully chuckled as the man properly offered you his arm to grab for everyone else to witness. As you were walking side by side with him, arm in arm, your fingers gently cupping his bicep, Charles was thinking that perhaps him making excuses was the truth from the beginning. That the one thing Charles craved was your company, even if that meant only walking side by side. In that moment, your teammate thought about what you told him last week. You need to stop following me in such fashion – people might think that you are in love with me or something. Charles shook his head, thinking about the fact that maybe it was the right moment to acknowledge that too instead of playing it cool for the sake of protecting his own already messed-up brain and even messed-up heart. 
“What?” You asked Charles meters away from the garage, seeing him looking down at you with some sorts of a puppy eyes that you have not seen in a while instead of the harsh glares and untamed looks. 
Confess it, confess it. Charles’ mind was spinning. We have a race tomorrow, we need to focus on that, “Nothing.” Your teammate simply lied, letting go of your arm once you reached the entrance, “I was thinking how to stay ahead of you tomorrow, you seem very determined to win.” Charles lied with a nifty grin; your teammate has not given a thought about the race at all since the taste of your skin impregned on the top of his lips. 
“I am, and I will.” You spoke, one step taken in front of him as you lifted on the tips of your feet matching the man’s high, so your eyes could sustain each other from equal ground. 
“I would like to see you try.” Leclerc intoned in a low voice, his eyes walking slowly from your eyes to your lips, wondering how many times he must envisage the taste of it before indulging in it.  
Charles gulped, and so did you. He was the one to take a step back, but not because he wanted to do so, but because Fred’s palm patted his back at the same time as the other arm wrapped around your neck to drag the both of you inside, “Disciplinary meeting now.” Fred spoke, and both you and Charles rolled your eyes at the same time, “Don’t roll your eyes at me, you caused this – both.” Your team principal spoke, shuddering his head off at both of you and Leclerc as if you were caught sharing a cigarette in the school’s backyard. 
You went to sleep the night before the race thinking about the win. It was your home race; you were leading the championship and you had never won here before. Teasing was your plan, getting close enough to him just to increase the nervousness level of the man until he fails in keeping his concentration and makes a mistake was your drill. You knew how Leclerc drove, and he knew how to keep you in the back. You had very similar driving styles, you could easily anticipate each other’s next move. That is why everyone loved to see you battling on track, to see you so close wheel to wheel you can get and who is the one to give up first. The team warned you during the afternoon to not perform any risking racing, but you and Charles had become parts of the same coin. So no, you were not going to listen. 
You never knew that your heart could beat this fast watching the red lights going off one by one. You needed to calm down, you needed to be in control of all of this. Come on, Y/N, we can do this. Leclerc blocked you for the first two laps, there was no way he was going to let you pass and you knew that. That was what helped the most, him pushing you to strive for being the best.  
Charles had developed a system since the beginning of the season when it came to racing against you. He had always thought that the person inside the car behind or ahead him was not you, but rather somebody else he had no relationship with. Once he got in the car, Charles’ memories about you outside of the track were whipped for just the right amount of time it took for him to win. And yet, now – there was something going on. The focus was not there anymore, the reflexes’ speed was cut short. You were all over his mind, like you have been for days. You, and your lips, and your skin, and your scent – everything about you. That was exactly the reason why Charles wanted to stay away, because he knew that once you start crawling underneath his skin, there was no going back. 
Your teammate managed to keep his usual cool almost half of the race, few laps after the first pitstop change. You were kept on track, leading the race now and Leclerc was on his way to dethrone you of P1. No willing to give it up just yet, you went against the strategy this time thinking that you know better (rightfully so, they fucked-up in the past quite a few times). They called you to the pits few laps after Leclerc, and yet you decided to push harder on the softs and that proved to be the wrong choice you were able to make in the spur of the moment. You figured that out too late, feeling the car underneath you not listening to your turns and choice of speed, feeling like you were losing control. 
Leclerc was informed that you were still in P1, but that you were struggling with the pace as the softs were almost gone. Charles thought about his own stubbornness, and how that reflected into your own style of driving. Oh, no, no, please don’t. Charles’ begging came a little bit too late, as you pressed the break too soon in a tight corner that ended your race right then and there due to your stubbornness and foolish mistake.  
You went out of the track in under a millisecond and the front of your car violently smashed the face. It was a light accident; you were conscious the whole time. That might have been even worse: to be aware of the spin, the crash and the impact while having to deal with the immediate effect of your own stupidity. 
Red flag was implied right away (huge chunks of your car flying to the track), and marshals hurried to your car, but you were too shocked to get out of your car on your own. Thus, you stood there with your hands into your lap processing what just happened, what you just had done. Dangerous or not, you were not able to move an inch. 
Arms went around your armpits seconds later, pulling you out of the car with ease. Your heart was pounding, your head was spinning, and your lungs blocked. It was a panic attack, and what confused you even more was that you were not able to understand what triggered it: you had accidents before, you have been into larger crashes than this – why were you left out of your breathing now? 
“It’s fine, it’s fine.” A voice brought you back to reality, “It’s me.” They spoke, and that was for the very first time where you could grasp something out of the reality rather than was what going on into your chest and mind, “Take my hand, we need to get you away from the car now.” The voice spoke in a demanding tone, far different from the softness of the touch that you recognized right away as their hands guided yours out of the car and back with your feet on the ground.
“Oh my god,” You breathlessly spoke, “Charles—” You paused, your lungs opening for the first time in whole minutes, and for you to breath normally from the moment of pressing that bloody brake, “I thought you were a marshal.” You confusedly stated, having no other idea what to say as Charles was dragging you away from the car. 
“They are on their way; do you need an ambulance?” Charles assured you, tightening his grip around your forearm to sustain your body weight leaned on him.
You declined with a nod, deciding to walk on your own as you became even more aware of your surroundings. People shouting, clapping, and most of them silent as they were not able to comprehend your teammate’s action in real time. Charles himself was not able to comprehend his actions. He acted on his emotions rather than his judgment. Charles saw the crash from behind, and his mind drowned in the worst-case scenarios as you were not moving from your seat.
Drivers in between the two of you slowed down their cars, and yet Charles knew that he had to stop – that was exactly what he did. Leaving the car right on track and running to you in a heartbeat, being the first one to arrive close to the scene. Charles saw your chest lifting in quick and heavy breath while your limbs were not moving, understanding what was going on. He needed to play it safe, he needed not to startle you – and he needed to act fast.
Charles heart broke at the sight of you, and the sound of your cracked voice. He knew what was going through your mind, and he would have wished to take all your thoughts and bottle them for you. It was impossible to do so tough, and you had to deal with the consequences of your own mistakes. Those thoughts came later into your mind, eating you up alive, after Charles made sure that you were safe and bought for a quick check-up. You fucked up, greatly so. Charles was not allowed to join the restart of the race after the car was purposely left empty on the track, and now your home race has been left with no one from your team to win. 
You gulped as you went to the garage, Fred and Charles chatting, your teammate noticing you right away although they were engaged in a heated-up conversation about how wrong was FIA for not letting him race after the restart, “I see their point,” Charles stated with one hand going through his already messed-up hair, “I just do—” He stopped, eyes meeting yours. 
“I am fine.” You assured him right away, putting your palm up in the air to delimit the distance between you and a very hasty Charles coming towards you, “Thank you, but I am fine.” You nudged, neither you nor Charles believing the last words, “Let no one in my room until the end of the race.” You demanded; eyes still fixed on Charles, but words directed to your manager who was worryingly staring at you. 
“Y/N, we need to –” Fred spoke, but was interrupted by the back of Charles’ hand on his chest as the two men witnessed you leaving the garage in detriment of your empty room where no one could ask you questions about your mistakes. 
“Let her be for a moment, you can talk with her about this later – now it is not the moment.” Charles added, and immediately followed you out of the garage.
Yes, Charles knew that you wanted to be alone after such a missed home race, but he also knew that you needed a friend, and he was not going to ask somebody else to do it now. So, after you violently smashed your door and let all the pressure on your shoulder pressed down your body crashing on the little sofa in the corner of your mother-home where all you wanted was to bawl your eyes out, you heard Charles’ voice softly resounding at the other side of the door along with wary little knocks. 
“It’s me, Y/N.” 
It’s him, it’s him, of course it’s him. Your heart jumped, you still had to process the thought of Charles Leclerc deliberately messing up one of his races to help you, to make sure that you were safe, to get you out of the dark. And yet, that only added to your guilt and resentment – you were not ready to talk about that with him nor the team, you were not ready to admit that what you did was wrong, and that you were slowly yet surely getting eaten up alive by your own greediness. 
 “Please don’t, Charles.” You spoke, lifting from the sofa and going back closer to the door through which you exchanged words with him having to speak quite loudly for the other to hear the voice, “I am extremely grateful for what you did, but I am not in the mood for talking now – like I told Fred, I will be explaining my—” 
“You don’t have to explain it to me,” Charles paused with a heavy heart, “I just came to let you know that I am aware of how that feels, and that if you need to—” He paused again, but not because he was unable to find the perfect words, but because the door in front of him clicked and he found your teary eyes behind it as you cracked open a little. 
“Why did you get out of the car, Charles? And why are you here now?” You questioned him through the crack, peering his look with yours, “I want answers, not excuses.” You continued, fully opening the door now for him to step in. 
Charles heavy breathed underneath your glare; because I am in love with you. Your teammate continued to stare at you without an answer, “I was worried, you were not moving in or from the car and I thought that something really bad was about to happen to you and I couldn’t just stand by and I—” Charles finally replied in a mouthful, feeling his stomach-turning upside down for telling just half-truth, thinking that he might combust if he tells you the whole thing now. I was worried because I am in love with you, intensely and irremediably so. 
You heard the nervousness into the man’s tone, “I am incredibly sorry that they didn’t allow you to continue.” You added, body leaning against the doorframe close to Charles who halfway stepped into the room. 
Charles shook his head, one of his palms went on your cheeks to wipe the dried tears in the corners of your eyes that you were not even able to feel up until the feverishness of Charles’ skin collapsed into yours, “I told you before, stop being apologetic when it is not your fault.” He added, closing the door behind him as he pushed you into the room as well with his palm still covering half of your face while his lips leaned towards yours in the movement of your bodies, “I choose to leave the car – the responsibility is mine.” Charles nudged, leaning his body on the now closed door and departing his palm from your face, “Do you want to not talk about this anymore and get out of here?” Charles inquired, explaining the plan right after the very first sign of confusion sprung on your face, eyebrows shuddering up, “We are sneaking in while the race is still on, no one will notice us leaving if we play our cards right.” 
You wanted to decline the offer at first, and yet you felt heavily suffocated by the thin walls that caged you, “And do what?” You questioned, Charles pointing to the keys of your car that stood on the table behind you. 
“It’s your home race, after all. Let’s keep the festivities going.” He then smirked, picking them up as he leaned over your shoulder, “I am driving, tough.” Charles winked; words spoken close enough to your ear for your spine to shiver viciously. 
You followed Charles out of the garage, taking careful turns for people to not stop you from your little escapade plan, and that is when you figured out that you would follow that man everywhere with all your trust.
You were not even remotely being enemies, just two frightened high school acting like pricks too frightened to admit what was really going on: that you would risk your races, championships, and everything in between just to make sure that the other one is alright. 
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bast-sims · 6 months
Tractor with trailer
Трактор с прицепом
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Я сделала этот трактор для своего города TARIA (GOLD EDITION), и хотела поделиться им после выпуска города. Но забыла =)
I made this tractor for my city TARIA (GOLD EDITION), and wanted to share it after the city's release. But I forgot =)
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Трактор и прицеп идут отдельно. Это переделка из трактора "Дедушкина Роща". Как вы видите он упрощен и я уменьшила на сколько это возможно количество полигонов, чтобы не ухудшить модель. Это декор, который так же можно использовать в CAW и размещать в самом городе. Для установки прицепа к трактору в режиме строительства на участке используйте код Moveobjects on.
The tractor and trailer come separately. This is a conversion from the "Grandfather's Grove" tractor. As you can see, it is simplified and I reduced the number of polygons as much as possible so as not to degrade the model. This is decor that can also be used in CAW and placed in the city itself. To install a trailer to a tractor in construction mode on a site, use the code Moveobjects on.
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В городе TARIA (GOLD EDITION) он стоит рядом с фермой Браунов. In the city of TARIA (GOLD EDITION) it stands next to the Brown farm.
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Трактор / Tractor
Функционал: Трактор Находится: Украшения / Скульптуры Стоит: 356 § Сколько каналов перекраски: 3 Количество полигонов: hLOD 5959 (Вершин: 6179; Треугольников: 5959); mLOD 5958 (Вершин: 6176; Треугольников: 5958) Какой набор нужен: Достаточно основной игры. Формат: Package Количество: 01 Дополнительно: Декоративный трактор. Язык: Английский Перевод: Русский
Functionality: Tractor Located: Jewelry / Sculptures Cost: 356 § How many repainting channels: 3 Number of polygons: hLOD 5959 (Vertexes: 6179; Triangles: 5959); mLOD 5958 (Vertices: 6176; Triangles: 5958) What set is needed: The base game is enough. Format: Package Quantity: 01 Additionally: Decorative tractor. Language: English Translation: Russian
1. Sim File Share:
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2. bast-ts3.blogspot.com:
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3. Simblr.cc:
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Прицеп к трактору / Tractor trailer
Функционал: Прицеп к трактору Находится: Украшения / Скульптуры Стоит: 150 § Сколько каналов перекраски: 3 Количество полигонов: hLOD 2724 (Вершин: 3616; Треугольников: 2724); mLOD 2723 (Вершин: 3613; Треугольников: 2723) Какой набор нужен: Достаточно основной игры. Формат: Package Количество: 01 Дополнительно: Декоративный прицеп для трактора. Язык: Английский Перевод: Русский
Functionality: Tractor trailer Located: Jewelry / Sculptures Cost: 150 § How many repainting channels: 3 Number of polygons: hLOD 2724 (Vertexes: 3616; Triangles: 2724); mLOD 2723 (Vertices: 3613; Triangles: 2723) What set is needed: The base game is enough. Format: Package Quantity: 01 Additionally: Decorative trailer for tractor. Language: English Translation: Russian
1. Sim File Share:
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2. bast-ts3.blogspot.com:
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3. Simblr.cc:
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Добавить по пути: Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Mods/Packages.
Запускаем игру.
Unpack the archive.
Add along the path: Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Mods/Packages.
Start the game.
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95 notes · View notes
justauthoring · 3 months
the bond - chapter fifteen.
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*bond: a relationship between people or groups based on shared feelings, interests, or experiences.
word count: 5958
based off of: 3x11, 3x12, 3x13 & 3x14
tag list: @ernyaeger - @luvelyxp - @urfictional - @decaffeinatedtealover - @ange-lica-3 - @midzuumi - @leiriswhore - @urfictional - @frasheliza - @echothy​ - @usernamehere91​ - @happygirl5798​ - @dwarfnip​ - @hegdus - @cheoriemoawa - @snapdragon-atelier - @fckwritersblock let me know if you’d like to be added!
“U-Um, hello!”
You pause at the feeling of a tug against your skirt, eyes slowly flickering downwards only to see a wide pair of innocent eyes staring back at you. Instantly, a smile curls on your lips as you crouch so you’re more at the child’s height, tilting your head curiously.
“Yes?” You ask, voice soft as you peer down at him.
The boy fidgets for a moment, hands behind his back, body twisting before suddenly there’s something shoved in your face. You blink, head jerking back slightly at the sudden intrusion, before your eyes focus on what’s being offered to you – it’s a flower. A single flower that the boy had obviously plucked from the ground himself; it’s white and in full bloom and it isn’t very often that you see flowers anymore and you feel your heart warm when you realize that this boy had gone out of his way to pluck this and give it to you. 
Raising your hand, you slowly take the flower from in between his tiny little fingers, your smile brightening with warmth. “Thank you so much, Louis,” you whisper, reaching forward to ruffle his hair.
His cheeks warm in response and he giggles at the action, half-heartedly swatting your hands away as he grins ear to ear.
“I saw it and thought of you,” he explains when you pull your hand away and the comment makes your heart melt.
“That’s so sweet, Louis,” you grin, poking at his sides lightly while holding the flower in your other hand safely, not wanting to crush it.
His lips part to say something, but before he can, another voice cuts in;
“Hey, kid,” Jean calls, pulling your eyes on him in surprise, not having heard him walk up. Your eyes drift past him to where he’d been before with Armin and Eren, seeing the other two walking with Historia, carrying some supplies you all were gathering for the orphanage Historia had set up.
“Historia needs you for something.”
You know instantly it’s a lie but Louis, oblivious in his naivety, simply smiles up at Jean, nodding quickly and moving to run off, but not without sending you one last nervous, bashful smile. You wave at him as he runs off, slowly pushing yourself to a stand, dusting off the imaginary dirt on your skirt as you turn to grin up at Jean who’s made his way over to you, taking the now vacant spot in front of you.
“Were you jealous?” You grin up at him, eyes wide with mischief.
Cheeks warming, Jean looks to the side; “of course not. He’s just a kid.”
“Well, he’s quite sweet,” you comment, holding up the flower the boy had given you with a bright grin, watching Jean carefully. His eyes slowly flicker to the flower, a heavy pout present on his lips as he glowers down at the inanimate object. “Look at the beautiful flower he gave me. Said he picked it specifically for me.”
Jean stares at it for a moment before he lowers the crate in his hands, plucking the flower from your fingers in one-swell movement. For a moment, you panic, not wanting the flower to be crushed, but Jean is careful with it as he slowly uses his free hand to brush back a stray strand of hair, tucking it behind your ear and then proceeding to thread the stem of the flower behind your ear as well, so that’s tucked nicely and resting against your forehead. Your cheeks warm instantly, heat running through you as you stare blankly up at Jean and he simply grins down at you.
It takes you a moment, before your lips part, and slowly reach to touch the flower, meeting Jean’s eyes; “Jean!” You hiss lightly, shaking your head at him, but not removing the flower either.
He just chuckles, “it compliments your eyes,” he smiles.
You blink, before sputtering, eyes zipping around you; “someone could see!”
Jean snorts; “as if they don’t know already.”
Pouting, you glance at your feet, hugging the shawl around your shoulders tighter; “still…”
Stepping towards you, Jean shakes his head; “why do you still get so embarrassed?”
Cheeks burning, you glance up at him; “stop teasing me.”
“It’s a genuine question.”
You just huff, moving to step past him, leaning down to grab the crate you’d been about to bring inside before Louis had called for you. Before you can however, Jean quickly cuts in, taking it from your hands. You watch him with parted lips as he takes your crate, stacking it on top of his own, bending down to pick the both of them up.
“I’m capable of carrying a crate, you know,” you comment as you fall into step next to him.
He shrugs nonchalantly; “I know.”
Rolling your eyes, you can’t help the smile that curls onto your lips despite yourself, letting your eyes wander as the two of you fall into a comfortable silence. You watch the kids as they run around, not a care in the world, giggling and playing around with one another, unable to stop how happy it makes you feel.
“What’s got you so happy?”
Blinking, you turn to Jean, seeing his eyes already on you.
“This is so wonderful,” you say simply, “what Historia is doing for these kids. I mean, look how happy they are.”
Jean doesn’t respond right away, and after a moment of silence, you turn to face him. He’s still just staring back at you.
“What?” you ask, brows furrowing.
“Nothing,” he brushes off, “it’s just… you’re so good with them.”
“The kids?”
“Yeah,” he nods.
“I love them,” you explain, “I always have. I always wanted a little brother or sister when I was younger but it was just my mom and I so…” Letting your eyes wander around, you try to ignore the uncomfortable feeling that twists in your chest at the thought of your mom and how alone she’d been… you try not to think about Kenny.
But of course, despite how hard you try, he still comes to mind.
“Have you told anyone?” Jean asks softly, gesturing towards your friends ahead of you. You marvel at the way he’s able to just know, not having to ask or clarify. It warms your heart in a way you hadn’t thought possible, finding it sweet how well Jean seems to understand.
“I told Mikasa,” you nod, “mainly because she’s an Ackerman too… but she didn't really know anything either. Still, it was nice to tell someone.”
“And the rest?”
You frown, glancing at your feet.
“You know they won’t judge you, right?”
Swallowing thickly, you sigh; “but what if–”
“What if nothing,” Jean cuts in before you can finish, pulling your eyes on him with a blink. “They would never think any less of you if they knew Kenny was your father. They know who you are.”
Staring back at him, your lips part. 
Jean just nods at you; “I promise.”
“I-I… I’ll tell them soon,” you whisper, “maybe… maybe tonight?”
Jean smiles, “good idea.”
“We can win! We can beat ‘em! With the new weapons, the Titans will crumble like paper!”
Taking another spoonful of your soup, you raise a brow at Marlo who’s sat across from you.
“You’re so damn worked up,” Jean grumbles, sitting beside you, “only you would be happy about becoming a Scout.”
“That’s right,” Sasha nods, turning to Marlo, “didn’t Hitch try to stop you from joining?”
“Hitch?” Marlo raises a brow, “why would she?”
Almost instantly, you recognise the shit-eating grins on both Connie and Sasha’s faces.
Poor Marlo…
“Why?” Sasha laughs, “‘cus you two are… you know?”
They both laugh like two kids.
“I don’t follow, but…” Marlo, ever so oblivious, simply shrugs. “Hitch told me off, saying I wasn’t cut out for it and not to act cool. That if I stayed in the Military Police, I could coast along in life. I thought she was better than that… Told her I was wrong about her.”
“You shit,” Jean curses, shaking his head.
“Marlo,” Armin calls, “are you stupid?”
“He’s a bow cut imbecile,” Sasha glares.
“Marlo,” you call, pulling his eyes on you. “Hitch was, you know…” And you trail off, not sure how to tell him exactly. Was he really that oblivious? 
But then you remember the guy sat next to you, and you think he could be.
Seemed most boys were.
“You idiot,” you huff, pressing a hand against your forehead.
“Why?” Eren questions, turning to you in genuine confusion. “Marlo said nothing wrong.”
“Figures you’d say that…” You huff, shaking your head as your eyes briefly glance in Mikasa's direction before turning back to Eren. “You’re just as much of an idiot as he is when it comes to girls.”
Eren’s eyes widen, lips parting to argue, but Jean cuts in before he can, turning back to Marlo. “Anyways, the only ones as worked up as you are the recruits with zero battle experience.” you nod to Jean’s words – he’s right.
“Whoa, whoa…”
Pausing, you frown at the familiar voice.
“Think you’re some veteran hero now?”
Glancing over your shoulder, you glare at Floch.
“Compared to you,” Jean says simply, “I am.”
But as usual, Flock doesn’t let that go, moving to stand up with two others trailing behind him as he moves to stand at the edge of your table, directly beside you. “How rude,” Floch grins, setting his hand on his hip. “Weren’t we in the one-oh-fourth together? Besides, we’re not the only ones. Everyone in the walls is pumped up about the idea of retaking Wall Maria.”
Everyone at the table stares back at him blankly.
“Is that so?”
Floch blinks, “still… you all do seem different now. It’s your faces, I guess…”
You huff when his eyes fall on you.
“Even you, Y/N… you look at me differently,” he frowns, “what happened?”
You just glance back at him; “you wanna know?”
“N-No…” He stammers, losing his edge, “I think… I think I’ll ask later.”
He walks off then, and slowly, the mood lessens as him and his friends leave. You freeze when you feel a pair of eyes on you, noticing Jean look at you. Clearly, he wants you to speak up about your father now…
You quirk a brow at him, as if to ask; now?
And he just stares back. Now.
Swallowing thickly, you ignore the nerves that burst through you, moving to clasp your hands tightly beneath the table, feeling your palms grow slightly wet with sweat. Your eyes flicker across the table, before seeing Jean’s reassuring gaze, and you force yourself to speak; “I-I–”
“I’m outta here,” Connie calls before you can finish, your wide eyes falling on him. It seems he hadn’t heard you... “See you later.”
Sasha turns to him, “eh? So soon?”
He stands up, “Tomorrow's a prep day, so I’m heading to my village in the morning.” Then, grabbing his plate, he moves to walk off. “Might find out something new there. Goodnight.”
You don’t argue or try to pull him back – this was his mom and you didn’t want to bombard him with something new… especially if it revolved around your own parents. You knew how much his mom meant to him and how often he visited his village in hopes that he might discover something new… discover something that might bright his mom back.
He never did though.
And it felt like he never will.
Sasha waits until he’s fully gone before speaking up; “turning Connie’s mom back to normal… isn’t impossible, right?”
You swallow thickly.
“Yeah…” Armin mumbles, “if our understanding of Titans keeps improving, someday…”
Silence falls over the table.
“A nightmare, huh?”
Blinking, you turn to Eren confused.
“With all that’s happened,” Eren mumbles, voice soft as he moves to explain. “It’s been so vague… But who exactly are we fighting against?” Biting your lip, you frown at his words, thinking of Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie. “That is, are Titans just… people being tormented by some nightmare? For a time, I was… one of those Titans–”
“Eren!” Mikasa suddenly cuts in, voice sharp.
Eren gasps in response, blinking out of his thoughts as he looks at Mikasa across from him.
“You still have bread and soup left,” is all she says. “Save talking for after you’ve eaten.”
Face easing, Eren glances at his bowl; “right. Sorry, Mikasa.”
“For crying out loud, Eren,” Jean pipes up, sending the boy a mirthless glare. “I swear that’s all you do lately… mumbling shit to yourself.”
Frowning, you grab Jean’s arm, hissing his name.
He just shakes his head to you, softening his expression as he turns back to Eren; “when you should be trying to remember that one guy. You saw, right? In the cavern when those memories came back… That guy in the Scouts who you think met your dad.”
“Yeah,” Eren nods, “that day, I’m pretty sure he was with my dad.” Taking a drink, Eren slams his cup back down on the table. “He’s gotta know something. The thing is, though, I feel like I’ve met the guy somewhere.”
“You mean not Dr. Jaeger, but you, yourself?” Armin clarifies.
Pressing a hand to his forehead, Eren nods; “I think so…”
“I mean,” you mumble, meeting at Eren’s. “It’s possible.”
Sasha leans forward at that; “smack your head and see if you remember.”
“That’s right, twerp,” Jean is quick to agree. “You might remember if you stopped holding hands with Historia for once. Get a head-butt from the commandant.”
Narrowing his eyes, Eren turns to Jean; “if that helped me remember, I’d–”
But he cuts himself off before he finishes, lips parting as his eyes widen almost in recollection. You frown in response, leaning past Jean’s shoulder to glance at him as he stares off into space for a moment before suddenly standing, slamming his hands on the table so abruptly it causes a bit of your own soup to slosh out of the bowl.
Jerking your head back, you glance up at him.
“The Cadet Corps commandant… Keith Shadis!”
Turns out the man in Eren’s memories was Keith.
After you and the rest of Squad Levi rode out to talk to him, the mission to reclaim the Wall was officially announced. 
Thus, a celebration on the night before the mission had been announced. A celebration that was rewarded with actual meat to all the Scouts–of course, Sasha had instantly gone ballistic at the sight, salivating in the mouth and nearly tearing Jean’s hand apart when the meat had been taken from her. Eren and Connie had then elected to tie her up against a post so everyone could get their fair share; something you’d initially felt bad about, but when she tried to take a chomp out of your own hand, you decided it was maybe best.
So, now, you simply sat at the table with the rest of your friends, nursing your drink while you savoured the meat in small bites, simply listening to the chatter around you.
Truth was, you’re not really listening to anything around you. Your thoughts are filled with the thoughts of your home, and the fact that come tomorrow, you’d be returning. After all this waiting, all the patience and the loss and the trouble in between, you’d finally be returning home.
You couldn’t believe the words yourself. It still felt unreal. 
Jean had tried to talk to you, but he’d easily recognized that it was hard for you to gather your thoughts currently. So, he left you to yourself, a silent reassurance by your side while he left a hand on your thigh to let you know he was there for you even if he wasn’t saying anything and if you needed. You appreciate the sentiment, a smile on your face when he’d first done it, bumping your shoulder against his own every so often.
You think of your mom, of the day she died. You think of Ms. Schneider and the way she’d sacrificed her life for you. You think of the day you’d been forced to flee the only home you’ve ever known, a place that had once been the extent of your entire world; you hadn’t known anything outside of those walls and that small, poor village. But you’d loved every bit of it and you wouldn’t trade it for anything. 
Because when you felt scared or lonely, you thought of those walls, of your small home. You think of Ms. Schneider’s fresh baked bread, and your mothers warm hand against your cheek, and you think that despite it all, you’d been loved and cherished and protected and the two most important women in your life had given theirs for you.
And you were going to finally be able to return that sacrifice and reclaim their home so they could rest in peace.
But, somewhere along the way, ultimately, your thoughts turn to Kenny. Kenny who's your father, Kenny who you’d been searching for and never really found, at least not in the way you’d hope, and your eyes fall to your friends around you and you think, you didn’t want to go into what could be your death without them knowing the truth.
They were your family now. All of them. And you cherished them all so much. It wasn’t right of you to keep such a secret from them. Not after all of you had been through.
“I have something to say, if you all don’t mind,” you find yourself speaking, the chatter that had existed amongst them all quieting as Eren and Connie take their respective seats. All pairs of eyes fall on you, and even in the corner of your eye you see Sasha seizing her struggle to listen as well.
Your eyes meet Jean’s ultimately, and he’s smiling at you like he already knows, the grip on your thigh squeezing in reassurance before your eyes flicker across the rest, and you find yourself smiling brighter when you see Mikasa looking at you warmly. Maybe she’s been waiting for you to say something as well. Either way, the smile is reassuring in ways she’ll probably never know.
“What is it, Y/N?” Armin asks, head tilted in question as he glances at you.
“It’s just… we’ve all been through a lot together,” you explain, holding your drink close to yourself as you smile in thought, remembering when you’d all first met, fresh faces in the recruits. Never could any of you have known just how all of your lives would change. But, regardless, you are happy it changed with them. “I adore each and every one of you, including you Marlo, even though I’ve only known you for a short time,” you add, sending him a smile as he flushes lightly in response. “So I don’t want there to be anything hidden between me and you guys.”
Armin’s brows furrow, and Connie looks positively confused. Eren’s waiting for you to finish and Marlo is glancing around trying to gauge everyone else's reaction. You laugh lightly at it all, biting your lip. 
“I joined the Scouts because I was there the day the wall fell in Shiganshina. Because it was my home,” your eyes flicker to Eren, meeting his knowing gaze. “But, I also joined the Scouts to find my father. I wasn’t really sure if I ever would, but my mother’s dying words asked me to, so I knew I had to try… and…”
Everyone waits patiently, and a hand is reaching for yours, threading through your fingers as you turn to Jean, struggling to find the words. He just nods at you, silent but no words are needed for you to understand.
You nod in return, his assurance allowing you to say the words you’ve been struggling to say for a while. 
“I found him.”
There’s a chorus of gasps, shock flooding the faces of those who didn’t already know.
“Who is it?” Connie asks, the first to speak as he usually is as he glances at you with impatience.
You meet his gaze, swallowing thickly. “Kenny Ackerman.”
There’s a pause. You hesitate to glance at everyone’s reactions, fearing the worst despite all of Jean’s reassurances. What if they did hate you? What if they thought you were some sort of monster like him? This was the man who had captured both Eren and Historia only recently after all… had helped try to sacrifice Eren to Historia… 
Surely Eren must at least despise you because of it.
But as your eyes finally fall on Eren, gaining the courage, he’s just looking at you with wide eyes. 
“Like Kenny the Ripper?” He’s asking, leaning towards you past Armin in surprise. 
Turning to him, you hesitate; “y-yes…”
He doesn’t look mad or upset or disgusted or anything. Instead, he just looks absolutely surprised, a certain kid-like expression of wonder in his gaze as he shakes his head. “Woah.” 
You turn to him, baffled, before Armin is speaking up; “that makes you an Ackerman… like Mikasa.” Of course he’s the first to make the connection, glancing from you to Mikasa, before settling on you with wonder.
Meeting Mikasa’s gaze, she moves to answer for you; “to my knowledge, Y/N and I have no relation but yes, we’ve talked about it before.”
Connie whips to face you; “you told Mikasa before you told us?”
Sasha in the background calls out indignantly in response. As usual, the two are in sync with one another (even while one is tied up against a post).
“Hah,” Jean lets out a cackle, letting go of you as he crosses his arms over his chest. “I knew before any of you.”
You roll your eyes at his smugness, but Connie just glares at him, before looking at you in betrayal. There’s a hurt expression on your face, and you’re touched in the way he regards your friendship, Sasha too, and rush to explain.
You sigh, “I was just nervous… I mean, after all Kenny did, I didn't want you guys to think less of me...”
There’s a pause, and everyone is staring at you in disbelief.
Armin shakes his head, the first to speak when he sees the panicked look in your eyes; “we wouldn’t.” He assures, his voice sure with certainty as he smiles lightly at you.
You return his smile. 
“Yeah,” Eren pipes up from beside him, shrugging as he glances at you, taking a bite of his meat. “You’re too nice to ever be like him. Like… way too nice.”
“Oi,” Jean calls out sharply, glaring at Eren. “Quit it.”
Eren just blinks back at him; “what?”
Biting your lip, you smile to yourself.
“I feel like it isn’t my place to say,” Marlo speaks up hesitantly, “but I agree.”
You turn to him, but before you can say anything, Connie is reaching across the table to slap a hand on your shoulder. You huff slightly at the weight, but when you meet his eyes, he’s grinning brightly at you.
“As if,” he says, chuckling. It’s simple, but it says enough.
The worry that had been plaguing you for days washes away like a breeze, feeling as if you weighed ten times less than you had before, body easing as you nod at all of them, smiling brightly. 
As chatter falls amongst them all again, your eyes meet Jean’s once more, blushing at the grin he sends you. Rolling your eyes, you just shake your head, shoving him lightly as he laughs. But, as his arm wraps around you, you fall against him with ease, unable to fight the smile that won’t fade from your lips.
Even as a minute later, Eren and Jean start arguing again.
You inhale sharply, trying to steal the nerves running amok through your body.
You haven’t felt this nervous since your first mission outside of the walls but you try to ignore it and focus on prepping your gear, making sure everything is locked in place properly. Which is proving to be a bit more difficult given that your hands won’t stop shaking.
Pausing, a small gasp leaves your lips at the sound of Levi’s voice, head slowly turning upward to see him standing next to you from where you’re crouched. As usual, his face is hard to read as glances down at you.
He’s already in his gear, his green cape wrapped around his shoulders, and it looks like he’d been on his way to Commander Erwin before he’d stopped by you. A quick glance to your left tells you you need to hurry as Erwin is getting ready to make his speech to the crowd that has gathered below the wall, and letting out a shaky exhale, you turn back to Levi.
“Yes, Captain?”
His face softens then, just faintly. If you weren’t watching so carefully, you wouldn’t have noticed it. His face twists slightly, as if struggling to find the words, but before you can say more, he’s reaching forward, letting his hand fall on your head gently. “Stay sharp out there,” he says, voice quiet in a way so only you can hear him.
Your lips part in shock, meeting his eyes as he smiles just faintly down at you.
“Don’t get killed.”
The words are said plainly, but you can see the meaning behind them as he looks down at you.
Truthfully, you and Levi haven’t really talked about him being your family since right after Historia’s coronation. He’d been clear about you not telling anyone else, and besides Jean (who you’ve made swear he’ll never tell anyone), you’ve kept that promise. And you didn’t let yourself be fooled into thinking your relationship with Levi would change, although he’d been kind enough to acknowledge the fact that you were family, Levi was still your squad captain and you didn’t want to betray that trust in any way.
But he’d been different in subtle ways. Sometimes you’d catch his gaze on you, as if watching to make sure you were okay. He was harder on you in training, but in a way that told you it was more because he wanted to make sure you were prepared and strong enough for anything. And then, in the same way, he was less harsh with you if you did something wrong versus than he was with everyone else.
A fact that, despite his own words, had caught the attention of your friends. You can’t remember how many times Eren has complained to you about Levi being hard on him and asking why you seemed to not get the same treatment. Sasha and Connie teased you that you were a teacher’s pet, as well, of course. Even Jean, who knew, couldn’t help but pout at the way you seemed to get off a little easier than the rest.
But you didn’t really mind.
You wouldn’t really say it, but you liked the special treatment. Even if it got you teased.
Because Levi is the only family you have left, and even if he doesn’t show it or even though the two of you are still working out just what that means, you know he treasures that fact. And you do too.
So, his words are simple. Plain. Not all that special. But you get the meaning behind them.
Your family, now, and he doesn’t want to lose you.
He pulls his hand back, and you smile; “will do, Captain.”
He nods, moving to step away, before you call over your shoulder; “Captain?”
And Levi halts, glancing at you over his shoulder. 
“You too.”
He nods, slowly, turning back to face ahead of him. 
Then, just as he moves to walk away, he adds; “now, hurry up.”
And you just laugh, nodding, wrapping your cape around your shoulders and flipping the hood up like Erwin had ordered.
You wanted to stop and look.
Look at the home you’d left behind.
But Jean hadn’t let you. Reminding you that there was no time to stop, and that you needed to keep going if you wanted to get it back. 
That had been enough to keep you going, not faltering as you shot your gear forward, continuing to make your way to your post as you waited for the signal that Eren had shifted to his Titan.
The familiar light flashes a second after you reach your post, head turning over your shoulder in the direction, stepping toward the edge. As per practice, Eren instantly hardens in his Titan form, successfully covering the hole in the gate, as Mikasa moves to help bring him back up.
A few moments later, two green signals are shot up, signaling that Eren had indeed covered the hole completely.
Instantly, a smile curls onto your lips.
He did it.
You knew, in that moment, you’d owe Eren a huge thank you for allowing you the possibility to return home.
“WooH!” Sasha and Connie cheer from behind you, and you laugh as you glance back at them.
“Looks like we’re one step closer,” Jean says, stopping next to you as you smile up at him.
You nod, “yeah…” And the words leave you breathlessly, your fingers twitching beside you.
Distantly, you hear Hange call out the order to move towards the inner gate, and with one last warm glance Jean’s way, the four of you make your way as per ordered, making sure to keep your hood up and over your face.
You follow close behind Eren, whilst Jean, Connie and Sasha follow behind you, eyes peeled as you make your way towards the inner gate.
You were so close. You couldn’t fail.
Then, suddenly, to the right, a red flare is shot into the sky.
You halt.
“The signal to halt the mission!”
Turning to Jean, you frown. He returns your look with confusion.
What did that mean? What happened?
“All troops,” Hange orders, “scatter and stand by atop the wall!”
Everyone rushes to listen, moving to your respective spots on the top of the wall as you glance the direction of where Commander Erwin is. There’s Scout’s lined across the wall, and it’s like they're searching the walls for something. Tapping their swords against the side of the wall, moving slowly and carefully down.
“What’re they doing?” Connie asks from beside you, “should we really be waiting like this?”
“Yeah,” Jean mumbles, “so much for our surprise attack…”
Biting your lip, you glance at Eren, sighing.
A few minutes pass, and no one says anything as you all watch the Scouts search across the wall, the silence around you all thick with anticipation.
It isn’t until a flare is shot into the air and the call of a Scout finding a cavity in the wall, that you realize what they’d been searching for. 
It’s Reiner.
His sword stabs right through the Scouts chest, pulling back as his gear falls out of the wall and his body soars towards the ground. Your entire body tenses in response, taking a small step forward as you reach for your own weapon, eyes widening in disbelief.
But Levi is quicker.
He reaches Reiner in seconds flat, soaring down the side of the wall and lodging his sword right through Reiner’s throat. He doesn’t let up, using the momentum to take the both of them down the wall, shifting to stab his other sword through Reiner’s chest. And you think maybe, somehow, Levi’s done it, but then he’s pulling back in the next second, letting Reiner fall to the ground with a loud thud.
A minute later, that familiar flash of light appears and the Armoured Titan appears.
“Keep on the lookout!” Erwin bellows, swiping his arm out beside him. “Look for his allies–!”
Another flash appears, and your wide eyes fall behind Erwin, as the flashes multiply, lined up in a row, the smoke slowly dissipating to reveal the Beast Titan you’d heard about and numerous other Titans on either side of it. Too many Titans… all just appearing out of thin air like an army along the Beast Titan.
The fear is undeniable, coursing through your entire body.
But your eyes can’t look away, and you watch as the Beast Titan takes a boulder from beside it, lifting it with ease and chucks it right where Commander Erwin is.
“Boulder incoming! Get down!”
The ground shakes beneath you, eyes turning back to Reiner who has since pushed himself to a stand.
Effectively, this was it. You realized.
The final battle.
The survival of humanity…
That’s what Erwin had called it.
And in every possible way, he was right.
Reiner had fallen for the trap of using Eren as bait, just as the Commander had predicted. Once again, you’re left wondering just how strategic his mind must be if he’s able to come up with such foolproof plans even in the midst of chaos. You figured, though, that was why he was Commander, and even if sometimes his ideas seemed insane, you’d follow without hesitance regardless.
So, that’s exactly what you do, following closely behind Jean, the thunder spear prepped on your arm as you weave your way through the village you’d once spent your life walking through with ease. Hange and Mikasa had succeeded in their half of the mission without a hitch, blinding Reiner, which meant it was up to you and the rest of squad Levi and Hange to finish. 
If you failed, that was it.
There was no room for failure.
The second you turn the corner around a house and see Reiner, you’re lining up your shot just as you’d practiced with the thunder spears before, aiming and then shooting in time with everyone else. All of your thunder spears shoot forward, lodging themselves into Reiner’s nape, the momentum slowly just briefly as you all pull back, triggering the explosion.
The force of it sends you back, and you’re careful to angle yourself around, moving out of the way of the explosion, before glancing back.
The second the smoke fades, hope blooms in your chest.
“We-We got ‘em!” Jean bellows, “it worked! The armour on his nape is peeling off!”
You shift, twisting your body to land on a roof and let yourself glance in the direction of Reiner better.
“R-Really?” Connie gasps as he lands on the roof next to yours.
“The spears worked!” Sasha cries in disbelief.
They’re right. It did work.
“Do it again,” Hange shouts, “attack again with the thunder spears and finish him off!”
But no one moves.
Because suddenly, you remember who it is. You remember that it’s Reiner and despite everything, he’d once been a friend. He’d once thought you could trust. He’d been a comrade… and you found it hard to find the momentum to attack again.
Even if you know you should.
A single glance around, and you know your friends feel the same.
“Reiner…” Sasha breathes, and you shake your head.
“You guys!” Jean is suddenly crying, your eyes falling on him with a start as he glances back, meeting your gaze dead on. The meaning is clear. “I thought you were ready if it ever came to this!” 
He’s… he’s right.
You want to see home, don’t you?
You want to go home, don’t you?
You can’t hesitate.
“Let’s do it!”
“Yeah!” You cry, raising your arm in the air. “We’ve got this!”
The four of you leap forward, and the rest follow, shooting your thunder spear forward and at Reiner’s nape once more. It lands with ease, and as you pull back, there’s only a split second of hesitation, before you trigger the explosion.
You wanted to go home.And you will.
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sexylonestar · 3 months
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Sock # 5958
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storytowrite · 8 months
Love Untold (OT8 x F! Reader)
Chapter 9
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Paring: Han Jisung x reader
Genre: smut
Warnings: spanking, 18+, alcohol, alcohol games, nudity, licking the whipped cream off the body, masturbating with dry hand, alcoholic intoxication
Word Count: 5958
Masterlist | Love Untold Masterlist
Due to the work of your parents, you are forcet to constantly move. However, this time moving houses let to interesting and unusual events. You met 8 handsome boys at school and somehow you managed to move in with them. How will your fate go?
Still puzzled, Minho let you into the apartment, almost tripping over shoes standing in the doorway. You were shocked by the number of shoes, you were not able to understand how many pairs of shoes one person can have.
After taking off your shoes and the jacket Minho picked up from you, you made your way to the huge living room. Everything was modern and looked well-kept. The large window overlooked the skyline of the beautifully lit city. The furniture was mainly white, with black accessories. Your eyes immediately went to the very comfortable looking couch. You threw yourself on top of it and nearly sank into the comfy cushions. The sofa was huge, it could comfortably accommodate 10 people. Opposite was a TV, or should you say home theater. You couldn't get over how one guy could afford it all.
“Y/n what are you doing here?” The boy repeated the question, standing in front of you. Only now did you take a good look at him. He was wearing baggy black shorts and a black hooded sweatshirt. Strands of his purple hair poked out from under his hood, falling over his eyes. You didn't like him, but you had to admit he looked really good. The boy even at night knew how to dress to impress with his person.
“I have stated that I will move in with you and grant your wishes, just please do not share my photos.” You finally let it out. Of course it wasn't true. You weren't going to be some maid for Minho, but you weren't going to marry a guy who wanted to rape you either.
Still confused by the whole situation, the boy stood awkwardly, watching you carefully. Of course you didn't take off the dress you were in at the party, you were too annoyed to even think about it.
You cleared your throat, trying to snap him out of his trance. “May I have a blanket, please. I'm a little tired and would like to go to bed." You started when the boy came back to earth.
"Yes, I'm going to... I'll take you to your room in a moment." He replied not fully aware of what you said to him. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his shorts and motioned for you to follow him.
You walked through a corridor illuminated only by white LEDs that were on the floor. You passed a lot of locked rooms you wanted to explore, but sleep was more important now. There were three doors at the end of the corridor. One on the left, one on the right and the third in the middle. He opened the one in the middle and you entered the room.
Afraid to take the next step, you stopped as soon as you crossed the threshold until Minho pressed the button. You squint your eyes as bright light flooded the room. It took a while for you to get used to the light, but once you did, you saw the whole beautiful interior.
The room may not have been huge, nor had much furniture, but it looked wonderful. You'd say better than your original room. The walls were white and the accessories were dark gray. The bed was against the single wall, made of light wood, and there were two small nightstands right next to it. Opposite was a huge ceiling-high wardrobe with a built-in mirror next to it.
It's enough for you now, at most you can buy additional furniture later. Looking around, you sat on the bed. The soft mattress and delicate linens encouraged you to throw yourself on the bed like a child and cuddle up to the soft duvet.
Minho was still standing in the doorway, staring at you with slight contempt and embarrassment, though you could have sworn a shy smile crossed his lips for a moment, but it quickly disappeared.
“Here's your bed, duvet, pillow and go to sleep. I advise you to get some sleep, because tomorrow you will have a difficult day." He announced, clicking his tongue casually and closed the door.
You lay on your bed staring at the ceiling for a while, trying to control all your emotions and sort out all the thoughts in your head. You got up and started rummaging through your bag for your pajamas. However, you haven't found any. You sighed loudly and put on your first long t-shirt and panties.
You made yourself comfortable among the soft pillows lying on the bed. You covered yourself with a soft but quite heavy duvet and turned off the light. You didn't have the luxuries of having a light switch next to your bed in your home.
You closed your eyes and were slowly drifting off to sleep when you heard a loud bang. You looked at your phone, which showed almost 4, so you were surprised that Minho was leaving somewhere at this hour. But you were so comfortable in bed that you had no intention of getting out of it. You closed your eyes again and snuggled into the duvet, allowing yourself to be wrapped in warmth, falling asleep.
In the morning you were woken up by very loud music, despite the closed door, you could clearly hear every word of the text. Annoyed, you pulled the pillow over your head, trying to go back to sleep. But the music continued to play, in fact it got louder and louder.
You pushed the pillow off your head, kicked off the duvet and with visible anger on your face, you left the room. You quickly made your way to the living room where the music was coming from. You were about to resent Minho when you stopped halfway.
In front of your eyes were Minho, Changbin, Seungmin, IN, Chan and Felix. Your eyes got so big that you literally felt like they were about to pop out of your sockets. All the boys gathered around immediately looking at you. You felt hot and a blush crept onto your cheeks.
Chan carefully examined every inch of your body, biting his lip slightly. Changbin's eyes screamed lust. Felix and Seungmin, on the other hand, stopped mid-eating, holding a sandwich to their lips.
Only after a while did you realize that you were standing in front of them in only a T-shirt and lace panties. You desperately pulled your shirt down, trying to cover your panties. The tight fabric showed off your slightly upright nipples. The blush on your face turned beet red. Suddenly you heard the sound of the door opening and before you could turn around you heard a sound behind you.
“With such views, I can always wake up. Who was the girl with for the night?" The voice sounded familiar, very familiar even. You quickly turned your head and saw Han, next to whom Hyunjin stayed close. “Y/n?... What are you doing here?” Jisung asked with obvious surprise.
You tried to explain yourself, but he left you speechless. You didn't know what to say, no words came to your mind. The taller boy standing next to Han licked his lips slowly, winking at you. Suddenly it hit you like a sledgehammer that your whole ass was sticking out as you pulled your shirt down the front. Both Han and Hyunjin had the opportunity to see your half-naked buttocks. You quickly moved closer to the wall. As your skin met the cold surface of the wall, a soft moan escaped your lips.
Han lifted the corner of his mouth slightly in a swashbuckling smile. Confused, you quickly ran back to your room. You slammed the door and leaned against it. Your breathing was rapid and irregular. So many thoughts and so many emotions swirled in your head. You didn't know what to do.
Where did they all come from? I was supposed to live with Minho, what are they doing here? They know each other? They live together? Or did they just come? But why everyone? Everyone who influenced me in some way? You tried to control your thoughts. You didn't know if you should be happy that you met the boys you fell in love with again, or maybe sad and worried that everyone is in one place and it will be very hard to control yourself. After all, you don't want them to think you're some girl who just plays with guys.
Meanwhile, there was a great commotion among the boys in the living room. Everyone wondered what you were doing at their house.
“What is Y/n doing here? Not that I'm complaining that she showed up here, but what is she doing here?" Han started in surprise, approaching the rest of the boys.
Minho just smirked and took a bite of bread that was on Seungmin's plate.
“She will work for me, that's why she came to live with us.” Changbin, who was drinking his morning protein shake, choked.
"What?!" He spoke a little louder than intended.
The commotion among the boys grew stronger again, the conversations became louder and there was a huge racket.
You in the room, as soon as you manage to control your breathing a bit, you put on the first clothes you found from your bag. Only now did you realize how few clothes you had with you. You put on thin leather pants and a cream corset top. You put on a little make-up, aiming for a more natural look.
You grabbed the doorknob, but before opening the door, you took two deep breaths to calm yourself down and give yourself some reassurance. You pulled the handle down and stepped back to the 8 guys sitting in the living room.
Again, all eyes turned to you. Without saying anything, you sat down on the couch and tried hard not to look uncomfortable. Suddenly a plate with two sandwiches appeared on your lap and Minho sat down next to you.
You were surprised that Lee Minho made you breakfast. Since when he was supposedly nice to you? You lifted the plate closer to your face and were about to take a bite when you were stopped.
“What do you think you're doing? This is my breakfast. Feed me, I don't want to get tired." Minho said, opening his mouth wide and pointing at it with his finger, demanding food.
You got slightly annoyed, rolled your eyes, but decided to do what the boy asks, in the end you had no intention of going back to your home. You shoved the sandwich into his mouth, making him gag.
"Enjoy your meal." You sneered.
Anger flashed across Minho's face, but before he could do anything, he was stopped by Chan. Only then did you realize that the rest of the boys were laughing at the situation. After a while, a plate of sandwiches appeared on the table again.
“I hope you enjoy it.” It came from Jeongin's mouth, who was scratching his head awkwardly, waiting for your opinion.
You were grateful that he made you food, because you'd still feel a bit awkward if you had to go through all the cupboards. You quickly bit into a sandwich with white cheese and tomatoes.
Literally as soon as you finished eating and placed your plate on the table, you felt hands wrap around your waist from behind. You turned your head as much as you could and saw Jisung, who sat down behind you, hugging you tightly.
“Y/n, you don't even know how happy I am that you're going to live with us. It means I can cuddle up to you and talk to you every day.” He said, snuggling into the notch in your neck. His warm breath caressed your neck lightly. Your whole body tensed and you let out a soft, barely audible and very airy groan of pleasure. You quickly covered your mouth, but it wasn't enough. Han, Minho, Chan and IN, who were closest to you, smiled perfidiously.
From the complete humiliation of yourself and showing yourself from the worst possible side, you were saved by the ringing of the phone. You quickly took it, getting up from the couch like a slingshot.
"Miss, where is Miss? I searched the whole house and couldn't find Miss. Has something happened to Miss?" You heard Sebastian's worried voice on the other end of the phone. You didn't need to see him to know that he was probably very stressed right now.
“Everything is fine, I'm fine. I forgot to call you to let you know I was…” You paused, looking around the living room. All the boys were looking at you intently, waiting for what you would say. You don't want them to know about your situation with your parents, you went to lock yourself in your room. “From now on, I will live with my friends. I'm safe here, you have nothing to worry about. I'll send you the address right now so you know where I am. Just please don't tell my parents, I don't want to go back to them. You know how they treat me, right? I'm begging you, Sebastian, let me stay here." Tears of helplessness welled up in your eyes, but you didn't have the slightest intention of crying.
“Miss knows very well that Miss is the most important person to me. I won't tell Miss's parents. It's important that the Lady is safe and happy. If Miss needs anything, just one phone call and I'll be right there." His voice was much calmer than before. You too sighed with relief.
You hung up and walked back to the living room. Some of the boys have already gone to school. You took out your phone to check the directions to school from there, but you were interrupted by Chan, who suggested that you go with him, Minho and Changbin.
You agreed because what did you have to lose? You all went to the garage, which was much bigger than you expected. It would easily accommodate 2 cars and even have some space left.
A beautiful black Jeep appeared before your eyes. Changbin opened the front door for you and held out his hand to help you in. Minho put his hand up to keep you from banging your head on the car, but as soon as you sat down he immediately took his hand away. He thought you hadn't noticed and immediately made rude comments before heading to the driver's seat. Chan and Changbin sat in the back and you went to school together.
The day at school was going rather calmly, even too calmly. No messages from Minho with demands, no harassment from Victoria and her entourage. You felt like today was a good day and moving was good for you, even though it's only the first day.
Together with Daisy and Carmen, you were out for a walk in the nearby park when your conversations were interrupted by a notification. You looked at your phone and saw that you had been added to the group.
Hannie: Hello everyone. I thought it would be easier to communicate if we wanted something from everyone.
Channie: Very good idea. Y/n if you need anything, write to any of us.
Y/N: Thanks guys. I hope we get along. You wrote with a slight hesitation. You were still stressed about the whole situation, because you were attracted to all these guys, and very much so. As soon as you were around any of them you got hot, but you wanted to have a good relationship with them so that you could enjoy living together. You decided not to be a gray mouse, but to show them all you are, and not to pretend to be someone else.
Binnie: I'm sure we'll get along, don't worry about that.😏
Minnie: Hey, how about we throw a Y/n welcome party tonight? It will definitely bring us closer together and help y/n feel more comfortable with us.
Jinnie: I'll arrange some alcohol and see you tonight.
Know: Alcohol? I'm in.
Lix: Omg… What a great idea and we can play different games
Innie: I'll handle the food
Channie: Okay, a welcome party tonight then
You won't say you were slightly surprised by the idea, but you decided that maybe the guys are right and it's a good idea to get to know each other.
The rest of the day passed very quickly and before you knew it, classes were over. You wanted to call Sebastian to drive you, but you were caught by Lix, who was walking home with the boys, and you got another free ride.
Preparations for the usual event were in full swing, everyone was doing something. You also wanted to help, but you were stopped by Minho, who told you to do his homework. So instead of helping clean, cook, and organize the party, you stayed locked in your room, thinking about Minho's assignments.
You struggled to complete all the tasks, but finally you managed to finish. So you quickly went to the boys to help them prepare, but everything was already ready.
The amount of different kinds of snacks and alcohol surprised you. You literally could choose between different types of alcohol. Vodka, Soju, Wine, Beer, Rum, Whiskey, whatever you wanted. You had no idea where Hyunjin got so much alcohol, but you didn't complain.
The boys greeted you with a smile as soon as they noticed you. Hyunjin handed you a drink and winked at you. You took a sip and melted in the otherworldly taste of the drink.
Everyone grabbed their drink of choice and you all sat down in the living room. The conversations became more casual with each sip. Everyone was getting more and more relaxed, and there was no end to laughter.
You don't know if it's because of alcohol, but you felt very good among the boys, you immediately caught a common language.
The first game that Seungmin proposed was "truth or dare". Great game to get to know each other a bit at first.
You found out that Felix plays computer games in his spare time. Changbin can't sleep without his blanket, Lee Know has a scar on his stomach from the surgery he had as a child.
The information about Minho surprised you a bit, because your childhood best friend and your first "boyfriend" also had the same operation. But you said it was just a coincidence.
The party was in full swing and the alcohol never stopped flowing. Neither of you had any inhibitions anymore. You all were like open books.
From the easy tasks that arose during the game, Changbin doing squats, holding Felix in his hands like a princess, and Minho slapping Han's ass.
After the game you felt your bladder was full so you went to the bathroom. When you came back your seat was taken by Minho sprawled on the couch.
"A maid doesn't deserve a seat." He mumbled, stuffing a handful of cheese balls into his mouth.
You didn't want to argue and stood next to the couch. Suddenly you felt a fairly strong pull and before you knew it, you were sitting on Chan's lap, his hands wrapped around your waist. Gently brushing your fingers against your bare skin. You had no need to lie, it was very pleasant and you had to hold yourself back so as not to make a sound.
You were saved by Changbin, who suggested "beer pong". Everyone was delighted with the idea. You quickly set everything up and the game began.
Everyone was surprisingly good at hitting the plastic cups. And each subsequent task became more and more sexual.
You threw the ball and hit the penultimate cup.
The person with the fewest dice removes his shirt
Chan, Changbin, Hyunjin and Minho rolled the dice and it landed on Chan, who took off his shirt without hesitation.
Beautifully sculpted abs appeared before your eyes. You couldn't resist biting your lip again.
"Do you like what you see, baby girl?" He asked as he approached you. He grabbed your hand and ran it over his muscles.
You gasp for air as your fingers meet his warm skin. You felt heat hit in your lower abdomen and a knot formed there. Trying to loosen it somehow, you began to move your legs, rubbing your thighs against each other.
You were saved by the sound of a ball falling into a cup. Quickly removing your hand from Chan's stomach, you grabbed the piece of paper with the task. The card had the same task as before.
Your team rolled the dice and it's your turn. You rolled the dice and watched the rolling dice expectantly. Your heart missed one beat when the dice showed one point.
Everyone was staring at you, waiting for you to take your shirt off. The alcohol helped a bit, and after a while your top landed on the ground, revealing your bra and beautifully exposed breasts.
You didn't have to wait to hear the boys' loud reactions. Despite the distraction that was you, Felix threw the ball and it landed in the last cup.
Seungmin pulled out a piece of paper and read the assignment.
Have a team member lick the whipped cream off the person with the most skin exposed.
Everyone's eyes immediately turned to you. Seungmin grabbed the whipped cream that was on the table and walked over to you with a smile.
You closed your eyes and gave yourself completely to him. You felt cold cream on your hand. You shivered slightly as cold cream touches your skin. You felt the next line on your neck and the last on your breasts.
You widened your eyes as Seungmin finished applying the whipped cream.
"Are you scared y/n? That means we win this?" Bin started, teasing you feisty.
You just nodded your head and closed your eyes again. Hyunjin slowly walked over to you, grabbing you by the waist. Sensually but slowly, he licked the whipped cream from your hand. The touch of his lips was driving you crazy. You knew very well which of the boys was doing the job. You remembered that touch from yesterday.
Before he moved to your neck, he approached your ear, brushing it lightly with his lips. Your breathing quickened and the warmth in your lower abdomen returned again.
As he passionately dug his lips into your neck, his tongue licking the whipped cream, a loud sigh escaped your lips. You didn't see the boy, but you knew he was smiling victoriously.
It's finally time for your breasts. You opened your eyes as you felt Hyunjin pull away from you. You saw the request for permission in his eyes. You nodded, biting your lip.
The boy approached you. He placed one hand on your buttock and the other just below your breasts. He slowly and passionately ran his tongue over your breasts. Lightly sucking the whipped cream into your mouth.
You threw your head back. You didn't know that you would be so sensitive to his touch. You haven't had a boyfriend in a long time, so you wanted someone else's touch. The knot in your abdomen tightened.
Hyunjin began to place wet kisses on your breasts, moving up along your neck, ending at your lips. The kiss was passionate, almost greedy.
You were excited and the warmth against your core grew. You slowly began to lose control of yourself. You slid your fingers into his hair, gripping it tightly and pulling him closer, wanting to deepen the kiss.
"Okay... Enough for the first time." Han interrupted, pushing you away from him.
"It's not the first time." Hyunjin smiled victoriously, rubbing his thumb sensually across his bottom lip.
The surprise on the rest of the boys' faces made you laugh a little. They looked like such cute puppies.
"We met yesterday at a party. Y/n dances amazingly, and how she kisses." Hwang winked at you.
A raspberry blush appeared on your cheeks. But you couldn't get the fact out of your head that your pussy was throbbing with the desire to please yourself.
You sat back on the couch to find out more about last night's party. You already put on your top but the feeling of warmth in your core was bothering you.
You put your hands between your clenched thighs and rubbed them together, trying to relieve some of the pressure. You hoped none of the guys would notice how desperately you were trying to please yourself.
"Hey, I have a great idea, let's play 7 minutes in heaven. The two people who draw the shortest sticks go to the closet and are locked in there together for 7 minutes." Han suggested, taking a sip of beer from the bottle.
"Great idea, I'll get the sticks ready." Chan said getting up from the couch. After a while he came back with sticks in his hand.
Everyone drew their own stick, and each showed the stick to the rest. You looked at the rest of the people and knew that your stick was by far the smallest. The boys compared their sticks and the second person to go into the closet with you was Han.
You were happy because you had known him the longest and you were the least stressed around him. Being teased but also hyped by others, you went to the wardrobe located in the hall.
The wardrobe was not large and filled with many things. Clothes lay on shelves, hung on hangers, but also lay on the ground. As soon as the door closed, it was dark. You couldn't see anything, not even the boy who was literally standing in front of you.
Only when Han turned on the flashlight on the phone did you see his face, which was close to you. The flashlight's bright light revealed his full lips, and his silvery gray hair looked even more fluffy than usual.
You stood like that for a while, staring into each other's eyes. Neither of you dared break eye contact. His gray eyes drew you closer to him. As if by magic, you melted into his gaze.
“Finally alone… You don't even know how long I've been waiting for this.” He said in a flirtatious, seductive voice, breaking the silence that was pounding in your ears.
You stared at him in surprise as he connected your lips. Your eyes got big like from a cartoon. You were surprised by the boy's behavior, but it would be a lie if you said that you didn't want this for a long time.
You closed your eyes and gave in to the kiss. You felt his soft lips against yours slightly. You felt his hands slowly move to your waist, pulling you closer.
Your whole body started to warm up again, especially your private area. Han must have been turned on as well as you, because he deepened the kiss. This time it wasn't such an innocent kiss.
He immediately parted your lips slightly and slipped his tongue inside. This is where all the fun started. Jisung grabbed your buttocks, squeezing them tightly in his hands. Your tongues battled for dominance, but you quickly gave up, giving all the initiative to the boy.
The knot in your lower abdomen tightened again, and the throbbing feeling of warmth in your pussy returned. It was just a kiss, but it was enough to get you turned on and horny.
The boy's hand quickly found its way to your shoulder, slowly slipping down the strap of your top and bra at the same time. He then parted your lips, placing one timid kiss on your bare shoulder. He watched your reaction the whole time and noticed you biting your lip again, he continued kissing slowly going lower and lower.
Your neck was your sweet spot, and every kiss he placed on it drove you crazy. Which Han used cleverly, he knew well what your weaknesses are, after all, you talked about everything.
His teeth gripped the skin on your neck lightly, leaving a faint red mark. A long-hidden moan of pleasure escaped your lips. He placed his hands just below your breasts, his fingers hooking over them from time to time.
He ran his tongue all over your neck leaving a wet trail. He paid special attention to your collarbones, where he sucked a little harder, leaving hickeys. You felt yourself getting wetter and wetter, and if you don't release the pressure building up in your belly right now, you're going to go crazy.
You grabbed Han's hands and placed them on your breasts. You didn't have to ask him to start caressing them. First, gently, with slow movements, as if a little timidly, to rip off your top and bra after a while.
Your breasts popped out of your bra, bouncing slightly. The cold air that enveloped your breasts made you arch your body towards the boy. Your nipples were hard and your thighs clenched tight in a desperate attempt to satisfy your lust.
Jisung immediately grabbed one of the nipples in his mouth and the other between his fingers. A loud gasp escaped your mouth. You quickly covered your mouth with your hand, after all only a thin wardrobe door separated you from the rest of the boys. You didn't have to see it to know he had a sweet grin on his face.
As you fought with yourself not to make any loud noises, the boy sucked harder on your nipple until you felt dizzy.
The whole world was spinning and you felt like you were in paradise. No one has ever given you as much pleasure as Han does now.
Unruly, moving your legs in search of relaxation, you felt that your panties are slowly starting to get wet. You grabbed him by the hair and squeezed harder against your chest. All you wanted now was to feel fulfilled.
Suddenly, the boy stopped sucking your nipple, which was met with a quiet growl of discontent from you.
"I know you want me, I can feel it. You think I haven't noticed how desperately you tried to hide your excitement and lust after playing beer pong? Do you want to feel this unearthly feeling? Help you get rid of that awful feeling of dissatisfaction?" He whispered sensually right into your ear, slowly moving his hand lower and lower.
His slightly hoarse voice sent a pleasant current down your neck. Unable to utter a single word, you nodded. His touch dangerously close to your core was driving you to despair.
Glancing at you lustfully, Han pressed your cunt harder. You gasped as you felt the warmth of his hand seeping through your pants. You involuntarily rubbed against his hand, which was firmly holding your crotch.
"You're hornier than I thought, honey." He sneered, finally moving his hand.
A loud moan escaped your lips again, which pleasantly irritated the boy's ears. You felt like some horny teenager doing something with a boy for the first time, but Han had such an effect on you that you couldn't help yourself.
You pulled him to you, connecting your lips in a desperate kiss. This time you took the initiative and kissed him passionately until you ran out of air and had to catch your breath greedily. The boy seemed to enjoy it as much as you did.
Under Jisung's touch, your legs started to shake slightly. You put your arms around his neck to make sure you didn't fall. With each subsequent movement of his hand on your throbbing crotch, your breathing quickened.
Before you knew it, Han slid his hand down your pants and began slowly circling your throbbing clitoris.
“Agh Jisung, here.” It slipped out of your mouth as he pressed harder against your already sensitive clit.
“Do you like it sweetie? Here?" He also seduces you with his voice, gently stroking your sweet spot.
Your legs buckled slightly under you and you dug your nails deeper into his hands.
“So wet already?” He teased you by slipping one finger between your folds.
The material of the panties intensified the feeling of pleasure, additionally irritating your sensitive places. The knot in your lower abdomen began to squeeze tighter and you felt yourself close.
“Oh yes here. Do not stop. I'll cu… I'll cum soon." You weren't worried about anyone hearing you anymore. The impending feeling of accomplishment took over your mind.
The boy, hearing your pleading pleas, accelerated the movements of his hand and you didn't have to wait long for you to cum. With Jisung's name on your lips, you released yourself. Your whole body trembled with pleasure and your legs became like jelly. He had to hold you to keep you from falling as he continued rubbing your pussy as he guided you through an intense orgasm.
Only when you felt that the pleasant moment was over, your legs could not stand it and you fell to the ground. Your breathing was uneven and your body was still shaking from time to time, but you were content and very pleased.
He knelt beside you, placing a tender kiss on your forehead. There was no trace of lust in his eyes. Now tenderness has replaced them. The charming smile returned to his face.
“We need to repeat it, honey. Now let's go to the rest, because we were definitely here for more than 7 minutes.” He laughed sweetly and offered you his hand so you could lean on him after an intense orgasm.
The rest of the members were sitting in the living room sipping drinks and playing cards, but once you both entered the room, all attention turned to you.
“Well, someone was actually in heaven there.” Hyunjin started, pretending to come to annoy you a bit.
“After 7 minutes we wanted to pick you up but judging by the sounds you guys were having a good time so we didn't want to disturb you.” IN said innocently.
Your cheeks immediately turned red and you, trying to hide from your embarrassment, stood behind Jisung and snuggled into his back.
"You don't have to worry Y/n. What happened between us stays between us. That's one of the guiding principles we've established together." Chan tried to cheer you up somehow, pouring himself another drink.
After that, you felt a little better and sat down with the boys. You played board games until the morning. As the sun slowly crept into the sky, you felt a little tired. You thanked the guys for a great welcoming party and went to your room.
But before you left the room, you stopped.
“I have one little question. I forgot my pajamas from home, so could one of you lend me your shirt?" You asked timidly. Your question received a loud response.
Every one of the guys volunteered to lend you his shirt, even Minho, but he gave up after a while. Hyunjin almost fell off the couch trying to take off his shirt and Felix was so surprised by the question that he tried to take off Bin's shirt just to be first.
You ended up taking the T-shirt from Chan, who was extremely calm. You put on an oversized T-shirt and couldn't help but bury your nose in the soft material. The shirt smelled amazing, just like Chan, making you feel like he was enveloping you.
You made yourself comfortable on the bed, rolled onto your side, and pulled the t-shirt over your knees. Thinking about little fun with Jisung today, you fell asleep. You knew that living with the boys would be very interesting.
<;- PART 8 | PART 10 ->
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whywishesarehorses · 2 months
BLM Mustangs for Sale - Bruneau Facility Mares
These horses are part of the March 2024 auction.
NOTE: the height dates on most of these horses are from 2019. They are FIVE YEARS OLD - meaning that many were measured as yearlings and have clearly grown.
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6 YEAR OLD SORREL FEMALE HORSE (4532) 13.2hh (for example, this girl is actually quite tall)
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6 YEAR OLD GRAY FEMALE HORSE (5563) 14hh (taller than this girl)
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6 YEAR OLD BAY FEMALE HORSE (5816) 14.2hh (Chill AF)
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7 YEAR OLD BAY FEMALE HORSE (5958) 14hh (crescent moon star)
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5 YEAR OLD BAY FEMALE HORSE (6009) 13.2hh (height taken as a yearling, for example)
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niqqitiow · 7 months
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trabajaddor de como repartidores de folletos reciben sillas asi trabajan mejor , by ArgentinaINC . GRACIAS a peticion de una señora "x" nombre c: y sr , dicen que recompensaron bien a l@s repartidores con un sandwich de miga tomate y jamon y queso y lechuga y una gaseosa pomelo paso de los toros tambien c: ademas de que un numero "x" y whats +54 9 11 5958-1080 estaria pagando 50,000$+ por c/ lunes a viernes y sabados $10,000 por doble turnos
a las acc : mp
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fashionbooksmilano · 4 months
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Lori Sammartino Italia
a cura di Angela Madesani con un testo di Ennio Flaiano
Nomos, Busto Arsizio 2023, 208 pagine,18,5x21cm, Cartonato in tela con sovracoperta, Italiano/Inglese, ISBN 979-12-5958-149-5
euro 35,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
La prima grande monografia dedicata a Lori Sammartino raccoglie i suoi scatti “italiani”. 130 fotografie in bianco e nero raccontano l’Italia dal 1955 al 1970.
Lori Sammartino inizia a scattare negli anni Cinquanta, durante un viaggio negli Stati Uniti e in Messico, realizzando fotografie di notevole qualità. Rientrata a Roma, inizia a lavorare come fotoreporter in particolare per la rivista “Il Mondo”; nel 1963 viene chiamata dall’ACI a documentare la zona del Gargano e con le sue immagini viene pubblicato un volume; nel 1969 realizza un reportage nell’ospedale psichiatrico di Guidonia. Nonostante la prematura scomparsa, questo volume custodisce numerosi scatti della fotografa romana, i suoi molteplici ritratti dell’Italia e dei suoi paesaggi, i suoi volti, le sue spiagge e i suoi vicoli.
Realizzato in collaborazione con Alberto Damian Gallery e l’archivio dell’artista, accompagna la retrospettiva inedita presentata a Paris Photo 2023. Con un testo di Ennio Flaiano, tratto da La domenica degli italiani (1961).
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brigadeirogourmet · 2 years
Resultado da Quina de Hoje Concurso 5958 – sábado (24/09)
Resultado da Quina de Hoje Concurso 5958 – sábado (24/09)
O Resultado da Quina concurso 5958 que ocorre neste sábado, dia 24 de setembro (24/09) a partir das 20 horas no Espaço Loterias Caixa. Os números do sorteio você pode conferir abaixo. Resultado da Quina concurso 5958 — — — — — Premiação da Quina 5958 O prêmio estimado para este concurso é de R$ 10.000.000,00. Como jogar na Quina Em um bilhete da Quina, você deve escolher cinco números de 1 a…
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