#A Furious Storm
lesbianaelwen · 19 days
ohh my god i genuinely popped a rib laughing so hard at brennan carrying the carts out
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westwindy1 · 3 months
Light Fury prototype? More like Storm Fury
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hoofpeet · 2 years
Going off the Ingo and Emmet had a big fight before Ingo gets ebbie debbied.
I can only imagine how Spice would feel about this. Like they try to psychologically torment Ingo who only as fragments of memories, at best, of who he was and the people in his life. Spice fails, ends up being the warden's partner, and worst of all ends up having an emotional attachment with this man. Spice won't admit it, but he's come to like the strange human.
Fast forward and Ingo get undebbied from the past. Spice and the other pokemon follow cause they care deeply for Ingo and don't want him to be on his own like he was in Hisui. A wacky adventure begins and everything really looks hopeful from here on out.
And then they find Emmet and then it all goes south. Spice (in his Zoroark form) and the rest wait out as the brothers talk, until they can hear yelling. They hear the slamming of a door open and see Ingo yelling at Emmet to just listen to him, but before he can finish Emmet pushes Ingo to the ground.
All hell breaks loose. The other pokemon react but Spice is faster. He gets in-between Emmet and Ingo putting some space between the two, and while facing Emmet, he transforms. Emmet now faces himself but this him is not smiling and his eyes are full of scorn.
Emmet's Psychological Torture 2: Electric Boogaloo. This time with intent to kill
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Ougggh... good food
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bruciemilf · 1 year
honestly the kryptonian daddy au is so cute wholesome and spicy at the same time aahhhhhhh~♡
does Clark (or Kal in this case) in this au growl??? not in the cringey fanfic way but like in this low but steadily increasing in volume, rumbling thing that just spikes DANGER ABORT MISSION FUCKING RUN! down the spine (and does Bruce find it sooooo fucking hot like Mark him down scared AND horny-) does he purr like a fucking loud motor engine with his kids????
also the whole polar bear imagery reminds me of those polar bears fucking drenched in blood so damn red and looking gory after their kills.
so imagine if Bruce finds him like that the first time he sees him. Like all those military bastards trying to kill Kal and (nobody is listening to Kal he needs to find his baby-) Kal is ends up causing.... severe bodily harm. There's blood splashed all over his hair, face and suit and Bruce finds him LIKE THAT and he goes
Oh fuck~!
At the same time. It's literal torture.
Look, give me the sunshine krytonians; give me powerful rays of sunshine who stubbornly refuse to forfeit their warmth. Give me kryptonians who refuse to be cold just because the world is.
But also. Give me Kryptonians who are truly unstoppable storms of nature when their babies get taken from them. Not only would Clark growl, he'll snarl and hiss and spit. Baring his fangs because they bit first.
Clark who catches a faint smell of sweet sunshine and tender, burnt metal, and unmissable scent of family on this masked soldier.
Clark who flies like a bullet, a knife in soft meat, through tanks and guns and fire, until he jumps on this man, careful not to obiscerate him.
On his back, Bruce admires, -- observes, -- him, and remembers sunshine doesn't glow. It burns. Those red ruby eyes steam with anger, with rage, with a fatherly desperation Bruce tastes all the time.
He roars at Bruce, so close to his face. There's a purring where fear should be.
He catches on too quickly. Jon tried roaring at him, too, althought he barely managed a faint squeak. "... I have him. And i have you, too. But you need to calm down."
He has no idea if Clark even understands what he's saying. But something in Bruce must convince him, because he's raised effortlessly on his feet. "Baby. Now."
Good lord. That voice.
How's he gonna explain this one to Alfred?
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little-pondhead · 1 year
Day 3: Blizzard
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Okay, I had so much fun drawing this one. Credits to my sister for the funny idea cause it was going to be depressing otherwise.
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jimmyspades · 1 month
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dombrianoteretto · 7 months
I love the idea of Brian, Jesse, and Leon having a private group chat where they just communicate through memes and yet prefectly understand each other like:
What Jesse texts the chat five minutes after waking up:
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What Brian replies:
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What Leon texts back:
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@whitewiccan @axelwolf8109 @7yoongles7
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jorvikcity · 1 year
Honestly I'm really angry about the cancellation of the comics and books, I'm going to be writing an email to SSE and am encouraging others to do the same. Maybe if enough people express their support we will at least get some type of response from them. The way Elli and Helena have been treated is completely unacceptable, and the fact that they had to announce this news themselves 6 months after the fact is deplorable. I think it would mean a lot to them if we showed our solidarity during this.
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vxmpire-vxlle · 2 months
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Need for Speed Underground 2 (2004).
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torpublishinggroup · 2 years
Queer Books Coming from Tor Books in 2022 🏳️‍🌈
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We’re very gay! We publish a lot of books! 
The (also gay) mad scientists behind this account have combined the above truths into one post. Feel the mitest bit queer? Got a gay hankering for LGBTQIA+ books? 
Check it out 😎
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journey-to-the-attic · 8 months
thot..... its unlikely ik gets out of seven sin things in a row totally fine right? hear me out. what if being in all their inner worlds like that 'stained' her with their sins somehow. so ik gets like an overload of the entire thing?
idk im just rlly over mc constantly and thanklessly doing the most for the brothers in nb so i want ik to get some of that good hurt/comfort too 😭
i really can't tell if you're calling me a thot or if that's your way of writing 'thought'... but, anyway-
yess [rubbing hands together evilly] this is good fodder for angst!! i think it could mix with the idea that being in the past is also taking a toll on her in a more direct and tangible way - like mc and solomon beginning to lose their magic (though... they seem to have forgotten about that in recent lessons??)
i feel like what happened with lucifer during his own Sin Thing probably was a triggering factor... i've said before that ik just kinda goes through nb with a very "fuck it we ball" attitude, because the only way she can cope with the stress of the whole situation is to be super happy-go-lucky about it - and it's been alright so far, because the brothers have taken well to her, but it's not like there aren't moments (especially early on) where she's treated kinda poorly
it'll be better by the time the sin stuff all happens, but all the same ik's kind of on her last nerve, so lucifer snapping on her is just the last straw. of course, at the time, she managed to pull herself together long enough to resolve the situation - and lucifer did immediately go "shit" and start trying to salvage things - but then things kinda got lost with lucifer being 'cured', so i don't think ik really recovered
the 'sin staining' thing is a super cool idea! it makes sense too, since i see the brothers 'inner worlds' as a sort of snapshot of their soul at that point - their deepest thoughts made physical - so it makes sense that ik would be affected by entering them during the Sin Stuff, since i figure there'd be high concentrations of that dark energy or something
i'm not yet completely sure on how her symptoms would manifest, though... i imagine all seven sins combining would make for an absolute mess of emotions, so when she crashes, she crashes hard. might be an opportunity for her to just go genuinely unhinged - constant swinging between moods, between painful clarity, where she's begging for help, and incoherent delirium, where she's so lost in her own head that she doesn't know the difference between hurting herself and taking care of herself
she gets a concentrated dose of each other the brothers' own emotions that led to their own Sin Thing (which i shall henceforth call their singularity, aren't i clever), which would mix with her own anguish about being trapped in the wrong time - plus she'd probably be beating herself up for being 'ungrateful, or else about the sort of things the seven deadly sins would make you think
solomon would probably have to just put her to sleep for her own safety.... i don't think the brothers could just pull the same inner world trick ik used to help them, either, because it's not just an ik thing, it's also all of THEIR things interfering and corrupting her mind. barbatos could do some weird time magic maybe????
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crowleyholmes · 5 months
Not me wondering if in the GO universe the whole Medusa story is actually Crowley… now I’m sad
Honestly, just aesthetically, Crowley with snakes as his hair is something I think about on a regular basis... 👀
Anyway, if it wasn't him personally, then I'm sure he would sympathize.
Oh of course now my traitorous brain is coming up with more background to this idea.... ohno.... what have you DONE.
Furiously opens good-omens-drawing-ideas doc AGAIN and jots something down
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livingproofoftbd · 5 months
my sibling just told me they dont like larray because "he's annoying" im beyond outraged Do they not know how good he is for not only the georgenotfound economy but also the dreamnotfound economy
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
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Furious, by Carl Kirovsky
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ciphernull · 1 year
i made an inquisitor the other day and i... i think i ship him with khem...
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warlordfelwinter · 6 months
listening to juri's speaker playlist and reminiscing fondly about the red war and i was so zoned out that i managed to convince myself i could replay it and then i Remembered and it was like lucy pulling the football away from charlie brown except my brain was somehow both charlie brown and lucy
#at this point bungie#bungie listen to me because i'll only say this once#at this point. i would buy it again. just to be able to replay it#i would be furious at having to pay for things you stole from me but i would. i would. just to play red war again.#every other mmo manages to be massive without vaulting anything#just put more effort into the story than the graphics and most of the players won't care#i would take lower res to be able to play the stuff i BOUGHT#personal#fel's destiny#sigh. every time i get into destiny i can't help but get salty about this#i just miss the red war so much#it was the best of d2 for me#coming into it after being a d1 player for a while was an incomparable experience like i'm so so so happy i got to experience it like that#i will never again feel the emotions i felt coming to the tower in that storm#seeing the traveler caged#losing my light#all those cutscenes with the speaker#getting called 'saladin's young wolf' by shaxx at the beginning <3#i will die on the hill that if bungie hadn't started the seasonal model they'd still be making a stellar game#put all the work into the expansions like every other mmo and deliver a big punch of incredible story#people find shit to do in wow and ffxiv and warframe and etc etc in between expacs#they'd find shit to do in destiny as well#but they just gotta capitalize on that fomo#and cater to the people who play it 24/7#knife emoji etc etc#i bitch but i'm still fucking playing i guess#i just wish my beloved would return from the (red) war that's all#and that the seasonal model would die and bungie would realize it's OK not to make money constantly between expansions#that's called making an mmo babes#charge a sub like ffxiv does if you're that desperate
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