#ALSO this is now my longest shs fic to date
silver-lily-louise · 4 years
A Whole New World - a Shadowhunters fanfic
Chapter Five - Let Your Heart Decide
Summary: Alec doesn’t want to hold Magnus back. Magnus doesn’t want to throw Alec’s normal life up in the air. Alec makes his final wish. 
A/N: The final chapter!!! We made it, guys. Thank you so much to everyone who’s been leaving lovely comments/tags along the way, it’s been a joy! I hope you enjoy the wrap-up. <3 (As usual, the titles are from Aladdin.) 
Read it from the beginning on AO3 Chapter Five on AO3, or alternatively, keep reading!
Alec folds his arms over his chest, holding still; tossing and turning wasn’t helping him drift off any faster, so maybe this will work instead. But the gentle pressure just reminds him of earlier – of Magnus’ hands, arms, chest holding him upright but by no means steady. Of being so close, and wanting nothing more than to close the rest of the distance and kiss him. He shuts his eyes, but there’s barely any difference. There’s no pesky ray of moonlight peeping in, no noise besides the familiar hum of the city he can no longer sleep without. It’s his own thoughts, his own foolish wants, keeping him awake.
Tomorrow, he’s going to make his final wish. He’s going to let Magnus move on, and try to return to his own normal life. And hey, he’s got his work, he’s got his family nearby – there are plenty of things to distract and ground him, to help him pretend that these last few weeks have just been a strange dream; exhilarating, but fleeting, and not to be mourned for that.
He groans, giving up and turning onto his side again, feeling his face smoosh up against the thin pillow. The problem is, this time with Magnus hasn’t felt like a dream. It’s felt more real than anything Alec’s ever known. It’s never been perilous enough to be exhilarating, and he doesn’t want it to be fleeting – instead, it’s been comfortable, quietly and steadily joyous, and he thinks he might want it forever. 
That word snaps him out of his reverie, and he opens his eyes to the darkness in a kind of shock, before frowning at himself. Forever. For God’s sake, he’s known Magnus less than a month – it’s ridiculous to feel so attached already. Not to mention that Magnus is a genie, a fucking magical entity who’s lived for centuries, and so to him, forever means something entirely different. Alec’s never thought of himself as self-deprecating – though he knows Izzy disagrees with him on that – but he’s aware of his limits, and nothing makes him feel quite as limited as comparing himself to the kind of life that Magnus is used to. The kind that such a generous, brilliant man deserves.
So tomorrow, he’s going to make his third wish, and then say goodbye. Now, all he has to do is think of something else he wants, besides what he knows it would be too selfish of him to ask for.
It’s a while before he manages to fall asleep, and if he could muster the will to care about anything his head has to say, drowned out as it is by the petulant demands of his heart, he’d bemoan how tired he’s going to be at work tomorrow. He dreams of a magic carpet ride, of warm smiles and golden eyes and arms wrapped snugly around his waist, holding him safe. When he wakes up to a gently scathing alarm a few hours later, he’ll almost manage to convince himself that it doesn’t mean anything, simply because it can’t.
Magnus throws his head back against the chaise longue, staring up unseeingly at the highest shelves, barely noticing when the book tumbles from his fingers. He’s finished Les Mis, finally, but he’s barely seventy pages into Doctor Zhivago and he doesn’t know what he was thinking choosing it as his next literary conquest. Trying to keep track of such an infamously confusing story would be difficult at the best of times – let alone when he’s moping around like a lovesick teenager, lounging in his lamp’s library because it was too frustrating to lie in his opulent four-poster bed and gain no comfort, no rest from the perfectly temperate silk embrace.
He sighs, and if he wasn’t feeling so low he’d laugh at the dramatics of it all. He wants to go back and use only his magic to catch Alexander, to spare himself from the feeling of what he wanted being right there and yet so far out of reach. Better yet, he wants to go back thirty years, to when he misplaced the lid of his lamp for the seventeenth time that month, decided enough was enough, and sealed it in place; because if he could just change that decision, he wouldn’t have gotten stuck, wouldn’t have ended up offering a handsome, kind mortal three wishes and accidentally throwing in a piece of his heart as part of the deal.
He shuts his eyes, a little overwhelmed by the current toll on his willpower – because as much as he tells himself that he wishes he could change the past and avoid this situation, he knows it isn’t true. What he actually wants is to leave the lamp right this second, march over to Alexander’s bedroom, and declare that he’s never met anyone like him. That he’s never felt such connection to someone else, something that feels so immense even in its beginning – because he wants this to be a beginning, he wants to confess his feelings and trade silk sheets for soft-worn cotton, four posts for a pair of strong arms and gentle archer’s hands. He wants to conjure roses and day lilies and give them to Alexander as tokens of his affection, because Magnus has always been a hopeless romantic at his core and because Alexander is so beautiful when he’s flustered.
But although he’s a fool, Magnus is not an idiot, and calm resignation is stronger than his unattainable hopes. If his eight centuries have taught him anything, it’s that no matter how much of the world his powers can grant him, there will always be some things that he just can’t have.
Alec has decided on his final wish, and rationally, he knows it’s a good one. If Magnus can help sway his landlord’s opinion into something a little more pet-friendly, Alec can finally get the puppy he’s been dreaming of adopting ever since he was a kid. It’s something for him, like Magnus suggested, and it’s something he’d never be able to get without Magnus’ help, so it’s not like he’s wasting this once- (or, more accurately, thrice-) in-a-lifetime opportunity. It’s a good wish. It’s also the complete opposite of what he wants, because making it means that Magnus will leave again.
He opens the door, false smile plastered on as he turns to the living room, where he usually finds Magnus at this time of the day. It’s empty.
The smile falls, and Alec curses the lump in his throat because this is ridiculous. He’s lived alone for a good few years now, and Magnus has only been here a matter of weeks. Coming home to an empty apartment is the norm, for God’s sake, and it’s one he’d better get used to again because he’s here to make his wish, and Magnus is going to leave.
Unless you ask him to stay, whispers a traitorous voice in his head, and he shuts his eyes because he can’t, he can’t make a request so selfish – Except… he can. Wasn’t this exactly what Magnus suggested for his final wish? To make it something Alec truly wanted for himself, as much as he wanted happiness for Izzy and his mom in the previous two wishes? Alec’s heart starts thundering in his chest, because suddenly, he knows – not only can he do this, he has to. He knows he can’t bear to let this – this something, whatever it is, just pass him by. If he doesn’t at least ask, he’ll never forgive himself.
He goes to his bedroom, making a plan in his head as he tries to find something nice to wear, something that says I made an effort for you because you mean something to me. Go big or go home, right? Granted, that’s usually Jace’s motto, not Alec’s – but considering that Jace is happily married and Alec’s currently pining after someone he may never see again, maybe he could use a little of that spirit tonight.
He ventures back out into the living room, running over what he’s going to say in his head. He can’t just ask outright, can’t just make this his third wish and be done with it – he has to know that Magnus wants to stay as much as Alec wants him to. So instead, he’s going to give him a choice, and pray that Magnus feels the same way. He clears his throat, faces the lamp, and speaks before he has a chance to chicken out. ‘Magnus, do you have a minute? I’m ready to make my last wish.’
Alexander's voice echoes in the high ceilings of his otherwise cozy study, and Magnus looks up from the list he was compiling. He needs options for where to go next, once he leaves New York; so far, he’s settled on Rome, Tokyo, and Lapland. All bright distraction, tourist traps and beautiful culture and ways to lose time. All thoroughly unappealing, now that they're suddenly imminent. He stands with a sigh, mustering a smile as he closes his eyes and allows himself to drift out of the lamp's spout.
When he rematerializes, he blinks in surprise. Alexander usually favours sweaters, polo shirts and jeans, both for relaxing at home and for working in his fairly casual office. This sharp, smart combination of a crisp button-down shirt and a blazer is new, and he looks - Magnus cuts himself off before he can follow that train of thought into dangerous territory. 'Some sort of special occasion today?' he asks, gesturing at the outfit. 'Did the Mayor stop by the office, perhaps?' Alexander's cheeks turn just the tiniest bit pink, and Magnus is really going to miss talking to someone who's so easily affected by simple conversation. 'Not quite,' he says. 'I just... had a meeting I wanted to make an effort for.'
'Ah, of course.' Magnus' good humour dissipates a little, though he tries to hide it, because there's nothing left to do but ask. 'So - your final wish. You've decided?' Alexander nods. He looks a little nervous, and Magnus braces himself for what may be a more difficult request than the previous two wishes.
What he isn't expecting is for Alexander to set his shoulders in determination, and say, 'For my third wish, you have a choice.'
Magnus stares at him for a moment. ‘I have a choice?' A small chuckle escapes him, and he hopes it doesn't sound too bittersweet. 'You continue to surprise me, Alexander. All right, then.' He puts on a mock-serious expression, letting pomp and circumstance infuse his tone. 'Tell me – what devious conundrum lies ahead of me, good sir?' Alexander gives a brief (and, if Magnus is honest with himself, not wholly deserved) smile at the moment of levity. 'Okay. For my last wish, I’d like one of the following, and it's completely up to you which one you grant. Option one is a jasmine plant that will never wither.' He hesitates a moment, before continuing resolutely. 'Or, option two… let me buy you dinner. Tonight.'
It's a few seconds before Magnus realises that his mouth is hanging open, and a good few more before he remembers how to use it. 'You mean...' Oh. He's an even bigger fool than he thought. Because suddenly, it all makes sense – the blushing, and the nice jacket, and the tension yesterday when they were standing so damn close -
Alexander's nervousness is starting to give way to a gentle panic, and Magnus realises that he hasn't actually given an answer yet. He raises a hand to forestall any babbling, because Alexander looks like he's on the verge of one of his (usually unnecessary, but also unfairly adorable) I'm sorry, it's stupid, forget it tirades. One particular thought from last night sparks in Magnus’ mind again, and he smiles slyly as his eyes catch on Alexander's top buttonhole. He gently twirls his wrist, and a short, delicate stem sprouts into existence, budding at the top and unfurling slightly into a small red rose. He steps forward, tucking it into the buttonhole, and his smile widens as he meets Alexander's gaze. 'Option two. Definitely option two.'
Alexander's eyes flick down to the rose briefly – or perhaps to where Magnus' hand is lightly but unabashedly lingering on his lapel – and he barks out a short, surprised laugh. 'Seriously?' he says, in response to Magnus' questioning look. 'I ask you for a date or a plant, and you say yes to the date by conjuring a plant?' He laughs again, shaking his head in apparent disbelief. 'I thought you were going to say no!' Magnus winces a little in amused embarrassment, but you don't live as long as he has without learning how to recover quickly from social slips. 'I'm sorry,' he says smoothly, one finger trailing over the silky rose petals. 'I'm not normally so distracted. It usually only happens right after I've been asked out by someone singularly attractive.' His eyes dart back up to meet Alexander's, and when he sees the flustered mirth reflected there, every reason he previously thought of to leave New York seems to evaporate into nothingness.
Alexander proffers his arm. 'Well,' he says, his voice low and soft. 'Shall we get going, then?' Magnus loops his own arm through Alexander’s, and flashes his most dazzling grin in sheer joy. 'Your wish is my command.'
Six months later, Alec finds himself at the Oddities display once more, while Pat’s bustling around with the clothing. ‘Hey, Underhill,’ he calls, ‘do we want the imitation Fabergés out yet, or do we wait another week?’ ‘I’d say go for it. The chocolate bunnies have been out in the grocery stores for nearly a month already.’
It’s fairly slow, especially for a Saturday afternoon just before closing time, and the three of them are taking the opportunity to reshuffle the stock. Alec’s been volunteering at the thrift shop since New Year’s – it’s a total change of pace from his nine-to-five, and it’s fast becoming a highlight of each week.
At the brief, informal interview – conducted by the cashier who sold him the lamp, who introduced himself as Andrew, but everyone just calls me Underhill – he’d been asked why he wanted to volunteer, and he’d smiled. ‘You remember that old lamp I bought? Well, it wasn’t exactly like Aladdin, but it definitely brought me some good fortune. I wanted to pay it back a little, like you said.’
And speaking of that good fortune – the bell on the door chimes merrily as Magnus waltzes into the shop, his disguised eyes meeting Alec’s with a surreptitious flash of gold. Alec smiles, walking over to plant a brief kiss on Magnus’ cheek. ‘Hey.’ ‘Hey. I know I’m a little early, but I thought I’d see how you were doing.’ He glances around the shop, raising an eyebrow. ‘Though if I’d known you were so swamped, I might have decided against it.’ Alec rolls his eyes fondly. ‘We’re nearly done for the day, then I’m all yours.’ Magnus smirks, and opens his mouth – likely to comment on the I’m all yours part of that sentence – but Underhill interrupts. ‘You guys can get out of here, if you want. Pat and I can finish up on our own.’ ‘Are you sure?’ Underhill gestures to the empty aisles. ‘He has a point. It’s totally dead, and I doubt we’ll be overrun in the last ten minutes of business.’ He nods towards the door, smiling. ‘Go enjoy your anniversary. See you next week.’
Alec barely has time to thank him before he’s being practically pulled out of the door, laughing. ‘Someone’s eager,’ he says, and Magnus turns to shoot him a grin. His silver tortoise pin – a Christmas present from Alec – glints against his burgundy cravat, the bright blue gemstones catching the late golden sunlight. ‘Where are we going?’ Alec asks, pulling his hand from Magnus’ to wrap his arm around his boyfriend’s shoulders instead.
Magnus meets his gaze, a hint of mischief in his expression. ‘Well, in honour of our first date, I thought I’d give you a choice.’ Alec chuckles. ‘Oh? And what would that choice be?’ ‘Well, option one is Tokyo. I thought we could revisit that sushi place…’
Alec listens contentedly as Magnus rambles on, extolling the many virtues (and some of the vices) that Tokyo and Rome each have to offer. There’s an early spring chill in the air, but Magnus is warm against his side as they walk in comfortable rhythm, and the low flurry of his excitement feels like sunlight on Alec’s skin.
He listens, but a part of his mind drifts back to six months ago – and he thanks his lucky stars that he took this chance, that he didn’t just let this go. Because now he gets to be in love with this amazing, kind, golden-eyed magician, and by some miracle, Magnus loves him back.
It’s even better than he could have wished for.
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lunaekalenda · 3 years
i really enjoy your writing and i saw that your requests are open!
can i request a fic or a drabble about levi having a massive crush on y/n but later finds out she has a long term s/o (she doesnt really talk about her relationship) and levi tries to get over her but hes stubborn and he can’t ): BUT y/n gets cheated on by her s/o and levi is there for y/n as she heals and it becomes a REALLY slow burn kinda love (-: could be modern au or canon verse whichever you’re comfortable with
thank u sm in advance! i hope you have a great day <3
hiiii!!! thank you so much, i'm really happy knowing that you enjoy it! 🥺 and thats really cool omg!! i hope you like it and it was what you’ve asked for!!! (also I wrote a lot ajajja sorry i got inspired)
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❁ levi x female reader!
❁ maybe levi cursing a bit but nothing we haven’t seen before on him lol
❁ and some kicks but again nothing levi hasn’t done before lmao
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"That was a good one!" Connie congratulates you when you're again on the floor. The Titan wood figure is now divided in two parts.
"Next time, be a bit more careful." Jean says, looking to the boys that are trying to fix the figure. "I think they will have a hard time fixing it." You blushed when you looked at the boys, both with their hands in their heads. You bowed at them, saying sorry, when they looked at you.
"But that was a-ma-zing." Sasha says. They all agree and Connie looks to the sky.
"I think it's time to eat. You coming?" you moved your head from one side to other.
"No. Jurian is waiting for me to eat." Connie moved his eyebrows and Jean looked with interest.
You usually don't like to talk about your relationship, but this three were your best friends, and you basically threatened them, telling them that if they opened their mouth you would crack them.
"Oooh, then have fun." Jean says. He and Connie smile to each other.
"And try to eat something more than the other’s mouth." Connie laughed right after saying that, and your ears blushed while you walked to the other exit. They waved their hands at you and you waved yours back. You could see Jurian's hair from where you were. But a hand on your shoulder stopped you.
"Oi, wait."
You recognized that voice. When you turned back, Captain Levi was there, looking at you.
"Yes, Captain?"
You were clueless, but Levi's brain was trying his best to form a coherent phrase.
"You're good at it. But next time, try not to break our training models, got it?" You blushed again, remembering the accident. He looked at you, and you thought he was disappointed, but he was totally hypnotized by the way your ears started to get a red color, along with your cheeks. He cleared his throat and looked away. "Try to be more careful next time, but just in the training."
"Yes, Captain Levi." He turned around and went back to the control point, were Hange was waiting for him.
"Wow Levi, that was by far the longest interaction between you two in years."
"Shut up, four eyes"
"I have never seen you so focused on someone."
Levi clicked his tongue, but Hange was right. He had a damn crush on you since you entered the Survey Corps. But, what really caught his attention, was your innocent appearance, that later did not agree with your fierceness in battle. He fell by the grace of your body as it moved through the trees, and your sweet smile every time you come across him. Your voice is driving him crazy and just thinking of all the times you cared for him makes his heart shake. He looks behind him before leaving the control station, making sure you’re gone.
Jurian was playing with a flower when you arrive. He kisses you cheek before holding your hand.
"Did you wait too much?" he moved his head, saying no.
"It's fine, don't worry."
You two walked in silence towards the cantine, but you never ate there. Jur knows a little field apart from the training camp where you can't be seen. He brought a bag with some food, so you sit on the field and start eating.
"How was the practice?" he asks. You swallow the tea and answer.
"It was fine. Levi came to notify me for breaking a figure." he laughs quietly.
You met Jurian on your second year on the Survey Corps. You were being examinated, they were about to decide in which squad they were going to assign you. Your amazing skills on titan elimination and the control of ODMG assured you a place in the best squads: Levi's, Hange's and Erwin's. If you could have chosen, you would choose Levi's, the Special Operations Squad, but the three captains decided to put you on Hange's squad. You're happy to be there, they are really good as captain and you feel comfortable, but you're not into capture titans and experiment with them.
Jurian was also a soldier trying to enter on one of the highest squads, but he didn't pass the test. He was assigned to a little squad on charge of the food and the carts. You started talking later that day, when he told you that you were lucky to join a squad, and somehow both of you started to see each other everyday, which ended in a relationship of four years and a half. You kept this in secret, because
a) the Survey Corps members are really gossip
b) you're not a fan of showing your private life to everybody.
But, that was your error.
Once you two finished eating, Jur said he had to do some training with his squad.
"Now?" he nods "I thought all the trainings were finished for today"
"It's a special one. You know, carts and that things." You nod. He kisses you fast before leaving. You start to walk towards your room. Not surprisingly, Connie is yelling at Sasha, and she's eating something that looks like an onigiri.
You shared a room with Sasha and Historia, but now that Historia left the Corps, Sasha and you sleep alone. Connie and Jean are always on your room, paassing time, and the four of you became a group.
"Sasha just open your mouth, I want to eat too!" she shakes her head. You sigh before unpacking the bag Jurian gave you, telling that he couldn't bring it with him to the training. At the end of the bag, you saw his belt, where the ODMG has to be fastened. You think that probably the training hasn't started yet. You make your way out of your room, almost colliding with Jean, who was about to enter.
"You're going somewhere?"
"I'll be right back, wait a bit!" You started to run towards the training camp. The captains advise not to go out at night, but without that belt, Jurian was unable to train.
"Where are you going?" Levi's voice scared you. You looked around, but you couldn't see him. "Up here." Your gaze runs to a tree. He's is perched on a large branch of the tree, leaning against the trunk. his Maneuvering gear still on. He goes down fast.
"I... I have to give this to somebody, Captain."
"Interesting... May I accompany you?"
If Levi goes with you, he will discover your relationship with Jurian, but if you say no, he probably distrust and lose all esteem he has for you. So you start telling him when you two start walking.
"It's for my boyfriend." his face freezes.
Right now, on Levi Ackerman's head, the remote possibility of you dating someone has gained weight.
"Boyfriend, huh?" he says. He's about to turn back, run and hit something, but he pressures himself to stay calmly. He knows he has now zero opportunities with you, but he keeps in mind the fact that maybe you two have just started and maybe that relationship is going nowhere.
“Yes. We’ve been together for four years.” Levi almost chokes on his saliva, but he hid it well. 
“Tch, I’m just accompanying you, you don’t have to explain to me.” He said. The truth is that hear you talking about your boyfriend hurts him, hurts a lot. But he has to know who is he. You two keep walking. “Wait, where is he? The boy dorms are on the other side.”
“He said he had a training now.” Levi frowned.
“In which squad is he?” He asked. You explained him the position of Jurian, and his eyes where serious. “There aren’t trainings now, and less of that squad. What the hell is he doing?” You looked at him, confused. Jurian is a good and honest guy, it’s impossible that he is lying. “Are you armed?” you shake your head. “Stay behind me and be quiet, got it?”. You nod and Levi starts walking in silence, followed by you. You could see the doors of the training zone from behind him, and two low voices could be heard. You frowned, trying to recognize any of them. One was laughing. It sounded like a woman.
Levi entered the training zone with silent steps, making sure you two aren’t exposed. He pulls a blade out of its sheath, silently, and makes his way to the control station, where a lamp is on. He walks until he’s in front of the door, the voices now can be heard.
“Is it okay, Rian? I mean, your girlfriend...”
“I told you a hundred times she’s so obsessed with being a good soldier and enter Levi’s squad that she’s useless for me. At least she’s pretty and it’s on a good squad.” That voice... That was Jurian. Your boyfriend. The boy you have been dating for the past four years and a half.
And the boy that is cheating on you.
You started crying. You didn’t care about Levi being in front of you our the people inside the cabin. Levi looked over his shoulder to make sure you’re okay. His gaze went a little bit more sweet when he saw you were crying.
He opened the door with one kick, making the two of them yell. Jurian hugged the girl, and you recognized her. She was also in the cart squad.
“What the heck?”
“Tch, I see now.” Levi takes the belt from your hands, and he trows it in front of Jurian. “For this type of training, you don’t need a belt, you bastard.” Levi put his blade again on its sheath. “Do you have something to say?”
“We... wait, why is she here?” He looks at you. Your anger starts to rise at lightning speed.
“You’re a disgrace, Jurian”
“Oh, wait, she’s your girlfriend? I thought it was the girl you were kissing a year ago.” The girl says. You look at her.
“What?” A year ago? So this is not new? You feel your tears running. Levi clicks his tongue once again.
“Look, bastard. You’ll  be cleaning horse shit from now on, and I’ll put in your position someone who takes his job seriously and does not dedicate himself to being unfaithful and flirting with all the women of the regiment”
Jurian opened his mouth before starting to yell.
“You’re no one to give me orders! and I will not tolerate disrespect towards my person withou...”
“I’m tired of hearing you.” Levi kicked Jurian’s knee with strength, making him fall. He growled. “Now, do what I said, because I’ll remind you in case you have forgotten: I’m your Captain. I can give you orders and beat your ass up if you’re being disrespectful towards a comrade.” he says. Jurian tries to get up, failing a couple times, and the girl he was with runs before being scolded by Levi. “Now go.”
“But I’m taking my girlfriend with me.” he says.
“I’m not your girlfriend.”
“We haven’t broke up yet.”
“Huh?” Levi asks. “Do you think she wants to see your face again? Let's go." He says to you. You nod.
"You're really going with him without hearing an explanation?" Jurian says from the floor. You stop, looking at him, but Levi reaches your hand.
It's well-known that Captain Levi avoids all type of contact, so his hand holding yours surprised you. You followed him, letting Jurian behind. Once you have walked a while, Levi stops.
"Are you okay?" he asks. You have your eyes wet, almost crying again. Levi remembers his hand on yours and lets it go. "Well, I'm sorry you saw that."
"Better for me watching it. At least now i know he wasn't a good guy."
"He's a bastard and he doesn't deserve a girl that cares that much." he says. You look at him but he starts to walk again. You follow him. "Go straight to your room, talk with your friends and rest a bit." he says. "I'll go notice Erwin about the use of the training camp on free hours." You nod and Levi scans your face. "You're okay?" he asks again. You nod and show him a little smile. He turns back.
That smile was about to kill him. You returned to you room, the three voices yelling could be heard from outside.
"We should go and search her!" Sasha says.
"But she's with her boyfriend, let her have fun" This time is Connie
"But don't you think she has been outside for a while?" Jean agrees with Sasha. You open the door and the three of them sigh. "How was it?" Jean asks. Your eyes are still wet and your breath isn't rhythmic.
"He was cheating on me. For years." They all looked at you. Connie and Sasha shared a gaze before hugging you. "Did you said something to he?"
"Fortunately, Captains Levi was with me... I'll have to thank him tomorrow." Jean moved his enormous body to yours, and covered you with a hug after Sasha and Connie ended. Your friends, well, you four had a special friendship, and you couldn't be more thankful for having them by your side.
The next day, when you knocked on the official's room searching for Levi, Hange smiled at you.
"He went today on a little expedition with Erwin. He's going to return on a couple hours. Do you want to help me cleaning the titan's place while you wait?"
You didn't want, but Hange looked so happy you couldn't say no. After a couple hours, nobody told you two that the expedition came back. An hour later, there was no sign of return. Another hour later, you two were about to lose your nerves when a cadet entered running.
"Only fifteen from the twenty that went are back, and all of them are injuried, we need help!"
Hange and you ran from the titan's experiment zone to the improvised hospital. There, a lot of soldiers where laying on beds, with several injuries. Levi was leaning against the wall. You walked towards him and he looked at you.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"Are you okay?" you asked at the same time. You had that natural impulse to worry about everybody, but now that Levi helped you, you felt a debt to him.
"I'm okay." he says, but he has a long cut in the abdomen, it even tore his shirt from the deep.
"Would you let me help, Captain? I have a little knowledge of injuries, and the one on your abdomen looks bad." He looked at it and clicked his tonge.
"If it is okay for you..." He walks to a empty room and sits on the bed. You look at him, examinating the cut. "Do you need me to undress?" he asks. You nod silently and he starts to unbotton his shirt. His head was a mess. He's not working with normality since he's about to have your hands on his nude body. "Just the shirt, no?" you look at the cut now that it is discovered. A little bit of it is hidden under his pants, but nothing to die for. You nod again while threading the needle. "Have you stitched a wound before?"
"Yes, I helped Connie and Jean a couple times." Levi looks at you, but when you turn around and your eyes meet, he looks through the window. You clean his wound with a little bit of water before start stitching it. You work on silence and Levi is really quiet, not like the other two boys. You let your eyes look his skin. It isn't smooth or soft, full of scars and poorly healed wounds. You kept working on the cut, Levi's face showing pain. His skin was hot against your fingers. Captain Levi has been always a role model for you.
His abilities on battle and the way he speaks to you make you think of him as a true captain. Connie is lowkey scared of him and Sasha says that he's superior to all the army together. Levi could be distant sometimes, but you never experienced that before. The way he always assists your kills and helps you when you're in danger says a lot about him. His grey eyes were fixed on your face, concentrated on making a good work on his skin.
"Does it hurt?" you ask, your voice lowered because of the concentration.
"No." he simply answers. You where about to end stitching. Once you're finished, you cut the restant thread and clean it a bit with water. "Thanks."
"Thanks to you, Levi." his heart shaked. You didn't use Captain before his name. You where treating him like a person, not like a superior. "For helping me yesterday."
"It was nothing." he says, simply. He pulls a shirt out of a nearby ark and dresses carefully. "So you wanted to enter my squad?" he asks, trying to lighten the mood. You look at him, surprised. It's the first time Levi tries to hold a conversation and he remembers what Jurian said yesterday night.
"Yes, that's why I worked so hard." you explain. Jean, Connie and Sasha are part of it, and with Levi as the Captain, they were recognized everywhere. "I really admire the way you fight and help the soldiers. I really wanted to be part of the Special Operation Squad." His face is serious, but he's regretting telling Hange inside. They were who told Erwin, and Erwin decided to put you on a squad where Levi has no business, to avoid him from get distracted or give his life for yours. Damn.
"Actually, I need someone with your strength on battle." he says. He's lying, with him and Mikasa in the same squad... "Move to our squad with your friends." he sounds indifferent, but he's so nervous his soul is about to leave his body. You looked directly at him, happy.
"For real?" That expresion, oh man. You have destroyed the Captain with it. You are so beautiful, looking at him with your eyes sparkling from happiness. "She's so close" he thinks, but then he retracts himself. "No, Levi, no." He just wanted to hug you and tell you he was going to reach you no matter what, and be there for you every time you needed him. He (surprisingly) wanted to kiss you softly to feel you melt against his body and look at your eyes sparkling for the rest of his life.
But he nods. He just nods. You smile at him and bow in signal of respect. "Thanks, Captain!"
"I'll talk to Hange, don't worry about it. Oh, and you can call me Levi. Formalisms are only for threathening." You let out a quite laugh. He kind of smiles, and you tell him how he should take care of the stitches ("I had my wounds stitched before, y/n") before leaving to tell your friends you four are going to train together starting next week.
Hange was sad because you left their team, but they were also happy because a boy who really likes titans entered on your place. In any way, you promised Hange to keep in touch with them.
The trainings with Levi's Squad were hard, but they where worth it. The first day, Levi told you to watch their training, and you were amazed by the way they train. Connie and Sasha making double surprise attacks; Jean and his superior ODMG control and leadership; Eren learning to use his titan form with Mikasa having his back, and Armin making strategic plans on a second. And Levi. The grace of his body, the speed and the strenght, the precision of his cuts. The first day you trained, Levi destined you to Jean's sub-captaincy, but, when he was observing you, he thought maybe you where the one with whom he could make the most effective double maneuvers. So you two started to train together, as a team of two. At first it was difficult for you, Levi is just a born soldier, and your abilities have been born of effort. But, you learned from him, and you quickly joined his movements. He was surprised by the way you understood his next movements without telling you. Months later, you two are on complete sync. He's comfortable with you, but the fact that now he talks with you every day, spend every single minute with you and also works with you is making him go insane. All this months of couple training and couple missions made you understood that Levi really cares for all of you, from Eren to Sasha, and he's having your back on every kill, on every assistance, on everything. All the times you ran out of gas or your blades weren't working well. When a titan tryied to kill you or the times you cried because of the death of your comrades. All those times, he was there for you, holding your hand, letting you cry on his neck or smiling to you after a good mission. The fact that, for the first time, you had someone who understands you and who really cares for you by your side, make your heart flutter.
"You're not going to ask her out?" Hange asked Levi. He clicked his tongue but stayed on silence. On the other hand, Jean was following you to your room.
"You like Levi." he said. You blushed and looked at your friend.
"N-No! Jean, the fuck?!" He laughed but raised an eyebrow in your direction.
"Oh, come on! I'm your best friend, you're obviously falling for the Captain. And I bet he's attracted to you." Your blush increased. But, maybe you liked Levi? You thought. It wasn't impossible. He always treated you so good, and his attractive face and his perfect body... Maybe you were falling slowly for the Captain... For the way you feel protected, important and adored when he fights with you, or the intimacy when you heal each other after a mission. The way he talks to you, and he listens all your ideas. You feel somehow important when he's areound you. Jean smiled slowly. "Go and tell him." You looked at your best friend with surprise. "You like him, for godness sake, you should tell him!" All this months, a little love flame has been increasing on your heart, little by little, but Jean's words made you realice you're about to burn.
You like Levi. You like your Captain.
"And if he rejects me?" Jean laughed before hugging you.
"Then he's a dork. But then keep things profesional. But I'm 100% sure he feels the same. Now go!" You follow Jean's advice and search Levi on the trees, were he was standing guard four months ago. You found him on the same tree, in the exact same position. He laughs when he sees you.
"You're going to return a belt?" he asks. You laugh while he goes down the tree. You shake your head.
"Actually I was searching you." Your hands were sweating and you couldn't make eye contact. He noticed that.
"It's everything okay?" He asked. You nod.
"It's just... What do you think of Captain-Subordinated relationships?"
"They have to be respectful to each other, I guess... Wait, did I made something wrong" You shake your head. Damn, this was hard. Killing a titan was a hundred times easier. "Then?" he was running out of patience.
"Maybe I started liking you, Captain Levi."
He had to blink twice. All the little Levi's working on his head were about to start a fire on his brain. "What?" he asked. His hands were about to tremble, but he hid it while asking you again. "What did you said?" You looked at him, but his face was unreadable, as usual.
"That I like you. Romantically talking. I just wanted to tell you, but now we can keep things profesional and this never happened, but I wanted to be honest with you and with myself." You stretch your hand towards him, and he keeps looking at you, but then he starts laughing. You don't understand anything. Like why the hell is he laughing? Does he think a love declaration is funny? But he looks at you.
"For years, I liked you for five fucking years. I still like you. Hange told me to forget you but I was unable. So I guess all my effort has been rewarded with a caring and pretty girl?" You laugh nervous, is he pranking you? But he's serious. His hand takes yours, but he pulls you towards him. "I cared for you and tried to call your attention, and then discovered you where with that boy. But you didn't deserve what he dis to you. I wanted to kick his soul out so bad. Why he, that had you, was looking for others and make you feel bad? Tch, he was lucky you were there." His hands searched yours. "I'm not a huge fan of physical contact, but every time you healed me I just could think of your hands in all my body. And sorry, but I really like you."
You both stayed in silence for a bit. So it was corresponding? And now? You're dating? You're going to keep things distant?
"So you think we should keep things like we have been doing?" He frowned.
"The hell, y/n? No. If we both like each other, isn't that how relationships start?" he was right. "Unless you don't want to."
"I was the one telling you first, of course I want."
"Cool. Should we discuss this drinking a cup of tea?" He asks. You nod before taking his hand, and looking for his reaction, you tangled your fingers with his. He smiled and took you hand to his lips.
"Let's go, Levi."
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yakultberry · 3 years
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✪ summary: it's no surprise that doyoung spoils you on your birthday, but somehow, he still takes your breath away. ✪ pairing: law student!doyoung x reader ✪ genre(s): fluff, college au ✪ word count: 1.5k words
✪ a/n: another birthday fic i wrote, this time for my queen @secndlife !! love you, karol 💖 or should i say horanghae ADJFLAJSDLJF anyway, this is just a little snippet of a college au that we sometimes indulge ourselves with hehehe enjoy!
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“You have something on your lips, baby.”
You look across the small cafe table at your boyfriend, a small smile spreading on your icing-covered lips. “Well, maybe you should help me clean it up. It’s my birthday after all.”
Doyoung, used to your antics, just rolls his eyes as he grabs a napkin and reaches over to wipe at your mouth. “Ah, so you’re doing this on purpose,” he says with a raised eyebrow, his tone stern. But you don’t miss the subtle way his lips curl up at the corners or the way his eyes instantly soften when they meet yours.
“Maybe,” you hum playfully. Not quite satisfied with his reaction, you press on. “I thought you might have kissed it off, though. It’s more romantic, you know.”
He lets out a huff, scrunching his nose at you. “Oh, so now you’re teasing me!” Even after dating for over a year, Doyoung still can’t help feeling flustered whenever you bat your lashes at him (though he definitely exaggerates his reactions just to see you giggle like you are now). Again, he fails to hide the small smile on his own face. “Just eat the rest of your cake, we have to go soon!”
“Fine, I guess the kisses can wait until later,” you say through your laughter, only to double down when Doyoung lets out another exasperated sound. To everyone else, Doyoung is a put-together, intelligent pre-law student, expertly juggling his studies, vice president duties at the fraternity, and his personal life (that’s you). Those who know Doyoung less, might call him uptight, maybe even overbearing-- it is a common misconception of pre-law majors after all.
To you though, you know that underneath his cool, type A exterior, there is a soft, nurturing side to your boyfriend. As hard as he tried to keep up his facade, the boy never really stood a chance against you; and now, all his love simply flows out through each of his actions, constantly enveloping you in a warmth you’ve never felt before. Still, you can’t help but poke fun at him at times, loving the blush that would creep on his cheeks whenever he tried too hard to hide his affection for you.
“Should I let them know that we’re on our way back now?” you ask as Doyoung finishes up paying the bill.
“Wait no, don’t!”
Just as you pick up your phone, Doyoung places a hand over yours, his eyes wide. Your own narrow at him slowly. “...Why not?” When your dear boyfriend tries to only respond with a smile that more resembles a grimace, it is suddenly your turn to be stern. “Baby.”
“Well, I might have told Johnny and Lily that this was going to be a surprise party. Yuta and Daisy, too.”
You blink. “Doyoung, you do know that to throw a surprise party, the person has to be, you know, surprised. Also, you know I hate surprises!”
“Well yes, that’s why I told you that we’re having a party,” Doyoung explains. He takes your hand in his as you exit the cafe, simply walking up the street to get to your apartment. “I just thought it would be funny to tell Johnny and Lily that they had to go to the apartment early to decorate it before you arrive or something.”
“Oh my god.” The both of you meet eyes with mutual shit-eating grins. For the past summer, the two of you had been persistently trying to set up your two friends to confess their (very obvious) feelings for each other. As the months go on, one of your forms of entertainment has been creating situations where they could be alone. “How long have they been there for?”
“Maybe two hours?”
“Nooo, that’s probably the longest yet!” you cackle heartily, squeezing his hand in yours out of habit. “Oh god, this is why I love you.”
“I know, I know, I’m a genius,” Doyoung sing-songs, chuckling beside you.
“Wait, but if we walk in and find them making out on the couch, I will lowkey fight you,” you deadpan, only half joking. As much as you wanted the two to finally get together, you did not want to see them sucking face in your home. Where you live.
“You promise?”
“Shut up!” Your laughter echoes against the tall buildings lining the street.
The late afternoon sun streams between the gaps of the skyscrapers and washes the apples of your smiling cheeks in a warm summer glow. Although the fall semester has yet to begin, there are many young people bustling about, and your shoulder brushes against Doyoung’s as you leisurely stroll up the sidewalk. It’s moments like these that make him stop and remember how lucky he is to have someone as radiant as you.
He lifts your clasped hands to press a soft kiss to your knuckles. “I love you too, by the way.”
“Hmm, you better.”
It doesn’t take much longer for you to reach your apartment, the both of you excitedly talking about your plans for the evening up until you get on the elevator.
“I texted them we’re on the way up, but Yuta said they’re not ready,” Doyoung laughs.
“It’s fine, I already know anyway!” you say, impatient to start the night’s festivities already. According to Doyoung, he had even bought a table at one of the swankiest clubs in the city, and you did not plan on walking in even slightly sober.
“No but,” Doyoung whispers as you approach the door of your apartment. “You still have to act surprised when we go in, okay? They’ll kill me if they find out.”
“Ugh, fine!”
You can faintly hear frantic whispers and a small commotion behind your apartment door when you reach it, even making out a ‘Johnny, you can’t fit there!’ before everything seems to go still. Doyoung opens the door for you after a moment, and there is a short moment of silence before the lights flash on and streamers are popped.
“SURPRISE!” your friends cheer in unison. You place a hand over your chest in your best attempt to look shocked, though a genuine smile does spread on your face when you see them all there to celebrate with you
“Haha, say hi to the camera!” Johnny, a tall guy with a knack for photography, yells, capturing the exact moment you walk in.
Before you can say anything, your best friends, Lily and Daisy, pull you further into the apartment, which is elaborately decorated with balloons and streamers. There is even a shiny inflated ‘26’ hung on the wall. You can’t help but look at your friends with a pout. “You guys did all of this?”
“Of course we did, bestie!” Lily beams at you, clinging onto your arm. “But thank god you’re here, I was alone with Johnny for so long because Yuta and Daisy got here late.” You laugh at the dirty look she shoots over at Daisy, who simply shrugs.
“We were picking up the drinks and got a little distracted when we were on the way over!”
“Oh right, distracted--”
“Anyway, we brought tequila!” Daisy chirps, flashing the unopened bottle to you. You grin back. Your friends really know you. “Let’s get this party started!”
The pre-game starts off strong with everyone taking shots at your insistence. About three shots later, everyone is in a good mood to start getting ready to leave for the club (except Lily, who seems to already be there from the way she is dancing). Johnny attempts to copy her moves, causing Yuta and Daisy to fall over each other as they laugh loudly. You’re about to join the impromptu dance floor when you feel a hand slip into yours.
You barely have time to smile at Doyoung before he twirls you around, leaving you giggling and breathless. Then, without a word, he guides you out onto the balcony, where he pulls you into his arms. There is something sobering about the soft night air, which isn’t quite the vibe you’re going for. Your laugh cuts through the stillness of the atmosphere. “Doyoung, what are you--”
The way he is looking at you with so much affection makes your heart do a somersault in your chest. “Happy birthday, baby,” he whispers in that delicate, melodic voice of his. Suddenly, he pulls away so that you see that he is holding a large, flat case. He hands it to you, eyes sparkling excitedly. Your eyes, on the other hand, suddenly prick with several tears.
“Wh-what is this?”
“A surprise. Open it!”
With shaky hands, you open the case to reveal a beautiful, gold necklace with a simple diamond-encrusted pendant. You gasp. “Doyoung, you--” your voice gets caught in your throat. “You got this for me? It’s gorgeous, but you really sh-shouldn’t have. I--”
“Yes, I should have,” he laughs, seeing how emotional you’ve gotten. Doyoung pulls you into his embrace and presses a soft kiss to your temple before looking down to meet your eyes. “Do you like it?”
“I love it,” you whisper hoarsely, leaning up to peck him on the lips. You let out a sniffle. “You spoil me.”
“Of course I do, you’re my baby,” he says matter-of-factly. You giggle through your tears and hug him tighter.
And as beautiful as the necklace is, you can’t help but feel that being loved by Kim Doyoung is the best surprise present that life has given you.
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thunder-at-dawn · 3 years
Rose Colored Cheeks
word count: 3,657
summary: days before the l’manburg vs. dream team war, wilbur and eret decide to have a toast to how far they’ve come. in the process, eret points out how easy it is to make wilbur blush, and the commander decides to have some fun of his own.
woooo! this fic is done, and it’s the longest fic i’ve ever written for this account so far! enjoy one of my favorite duos :D
warning: this is a sfw tickle fic! don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable :]
cw: alcohol
“Eret, I have a question.”
“Wilbur, I likely have an answer.”
“When was the last time you drank alcohol?”
Eret huffed, leaning against the outside of the camarvan as she thought of an answer for her leader. She pondered in her head, not quite being able to come up with a clear answer.
“...I can’t come up with an exact date. It was more than quite a few months ago, but...it was definitely within the past year.” She nodded. “I don’t exactly remember what happened or where I was, my memory is a little hazy. Although... I believe I was likely drinking because of a celebration of some sort, perhaps?”
“A celebration?” Wilbur repeated.
“Yeah. I usually only drink when it comes to special occasions.” She shrugged, glancing at the sunset that was slowly spreading over the sky. “What about you? When was the last time you drank?”
“Not fairly long ago.” Wilbur shook his head. “Probably only a month or two ago.”
“Why do you ask?” Eret questioned curiously, before she suddenly felt Wilbur take her hand in his own.
“Come inside with me, Eret.” He said with a smile. She smiled as well, letting Wilbur guide her inside of the camarvan. Once they were inside of the van, Wilbur let go of her hand to walk into the back room. The eyeless entity leaned against the wall, being able to hear her friend rummaging through various things to find what he was looking for.
“Ah, there we go.” She could hear Wilbur mutter quietly. The young man returned from the back of the room, holding two empty champagne glasses, one in each hand, and setting them down in front of him.
“Are those for what I think they’re for?” Eret asked with an eyebrow raised.
“They might be.” Wilbur chuckled, heading back into the back room momentarily. She could hear more rustling, and he reentered, holding a bottle of champagne in his hands.
“In a few days time, we go off to war with the Dream Team. I wanted to have a proper gathering of some sort, where we celebrate our triumphs one last time before the war, before we have even more to celebrate.” Wilbur exclaimed, placing the bottle on the table. “However, not only are we the only ones awake right now, we’re also the only ones on our side who can legally drink. So... I think that we should have a toast.”
“A toast?” Eret repeated curiously, stepping forward towards her comrade.
“A toast, to how far we’ve come. You’ve been a good person to me, Eret. You’ve been a friend, a comrade, a brother. While I didn’t want to have to come to the terms of war with the other side, I know this battle will bring us closer than ever before.” Wilbur continued to speak as he attempted to twist the cork off of the bottle. “So, because of that, I believe... that we should... should have a toast- ugh. A toast to our-“
“Do you need any help with that, Wilbur?” She interrupted, watching her leader struggle to get the cork off.
“Nonono, I’ve got it.” Wilbur insisted, still struggling to twist off the cork on the bottle, shaking it to see if that would get it loose.
“Are you sure?” Asked Eret, entertained by her commander’s struggle.
“I promise you Eret, I’m fine, I-“
“Oh no!” Eret laughed as she felt a stream of cold champagne spray onto her jacket. She rushed over to help control the spray as Wilbur panicked, quickly dipping the bottle down and spraying the insides of the glasses with the cold, sparkly liquid. Afterwards, he grabbed an empty potion bottle nearby, attempting to spray the rest of the champagne into it. It filled up quickly, and Eret laughed more when Wilbur started to repeatedly curse out loud when it started to overflow. Eventually, the champagne stopped spraying out of the bottle.
“Wilbur, are you drunk already? The champagne is supposed to go in the bottle.” Eret joked.
The commander’s face suddenly turned a bright pink. “Sh-Shut up.” He stammered with a chuckle, shoving Eret’s arm before rushing off to find something to clean up the mess with. She giggled, following him to the back room.
“Has anyone ever pointed out how easy you are to fluster?” She asked with a shit-eating grin.
“Eret, stop talking.” Wilbur demanded as he rummaged through the chest.
“Your face is like, bright pink. Like a peony. That’s how much you’re blushing.”
“I’m not blushing!” He insisted. Eret simply laughed at him, doubling over and clutching her stomach as Wilbur rolled his eyes.
“Relax, I’m just teasing you.” She giggled, placing a hand on his shoulder. “How about we clean this up later, and just go ahead and celebrate, like you said?”
Wilbur couldn’t help but smile when he saw Eret taking enjoyment in the situation, chuckling quietly. “Alright… I suppose this mess can wait.” He said, handing her one of the glasses. He picked up his own, holding it up.
“A toast to the future.” Eret said with a smile, holding her glass up as well.
“And to how far we’ve come, my friend.”
“Hehey. Hey. Wilbur. Wilburwilburwilbur.”
“Oh my god, what?”
“This was a great idea.”
“Hmm… judging by how you’re acting, I’m not quite sure.”
“I’m not acting! I’m saving my acting skills for the stage and the spotlight.”
Wilbur rolled his eyes, but couldn’t fight back a grin. They had a few…refills, he wouldn’t lie.
And while he was still in a somewhat of a decently regular headspace, Eret was another story.
She’s on a whole different astral plane, he thought. His friend beside him had been cracking jokes and snarky remarks, her speech was slurred, and hiccupy giggles were seemingly always pouring out of her mouth. They had moved out of the camarvan, and were now sitting next to each other outside in the grass, under the stars.
“Wilbur… y’know, I think the last time I was like this, I was at a party, and…” Eret paused, staring at Wilbur as she giggled, the continued. “And- and there was this guy there, and he told me about this thing called updog. It was really cool, and I think someone like you might wanna hear about it~!” Dragging out the last word, she rested her arm on her friend’s shoulder. Wilbur watched the other explain her story with amusement, even giggling a bit himself before he rolled his eyes.
“Hmm, really Eret? Well, now that you’ve told me, I must know…what…” He sighed, wondering if it was really a good idea to go along with this. “…What’s updog?”
While it wouldn’t be able to be seen from behind her sunglasses, Eret’s blank eyes widened in amusement, and she snorted before cracking up with laughter. “Y-Yohou- Yohou fehehell fohor ihihit!” She hiccuped, laughing as she leaned back into the grass.
“Oh my gohod.” Wilbur snickered, laying down next to Eret in the grass. Her reaction was only making him beam more. “Eret, if you keep laughing this loud, you’re going to wake up Tommy, Fundy, and everyone else here in L’Manburg.” He chuckled.
“Sihince whehen dihid yohou cahare *hic* abohout Tohommy’s sleheheep schehedule?” Eret asked through hiccupy, hysterical giggling.
“Oh, shut it.” Wilbur grumbled as he could feel his cheeks heating up.
“Yohou’re bluhushing! Agahain!” She observed, pointing at Wilbur’s pink face. She sat up and gently held his face, eyes widening in surprise. “Wohow, you’re a bit warm, actually!”
“Am not.” He scoffed, leaning into the touch of Eret’s hand.
“Are too.” She snapped back.
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“Am noHOHOT-!” Wilbur jumped in place when he felt a hand squeeze at his side. The pink blush on his face only grew deeper. “Eret!”
“I win!” Eret threw her hands in the air, once again going back to a giggly state afterwards. Wilbur crossed his arms, grumbling under his breath as his friend laughed with victory.
She lowered her hands and her giggles slowed down as she looked back at Wilbur. “You really are easy to fluster. What is that, the third time I’ve made you blush tonight?” She asked, grinning softly at her commander.
“Oh, shut it.” Wilbur groaned, before coming up with a question to ask. “Actually, Eret, how easily would you say you blush?”
“Hmm… not that much. I take pride in not being a big flustered person like you.” Eret responded, her speech slurred as she giggled once more and poked Wilbur’s cheek. He hated that he could feel his cheeks heating up, and could see Eret’s smile grown more in amusement.
However, he did come up with an idea.
“I bet I can make you blush.” Wilbur challenged.
Eret’s eyebrows raised up, curious about this idea of Wilbur’s. “Oh, really?” She asked, leaning towards Wilbur. “And how do you plan to do that?”
“I have my ways.” Wilbur shrugged, a smirk creeping onto his face.
“And your ways are not going to work. However, I would be very, very entertained to see you try!”
“Alright…” Wilbur shrugged, glaring at his friend. “You better prepare yourself though. I’m not going to be nice.”
“…Huh? What do you mean by thAT-?!”
Before Eret could continue, she was knocked into the grass, landing with a thud. Opening her eyes, she saw Wilbur’s grinning face, and took notice of the fact that he was straddling her legs, and she couldn’t move them.
“Now, Eret, I’ll have you know, I like to pride myself in being an observant person. And just about a week ago, I observed something very interesting.”
“And what would that be?” Eret asked before a hiccup stopped her from saying anything else.
“…Do you remember that one day, where Tommy was just… I dunno, being more of a pest than usual? He was being super loud, and he kept poking me. And at one point, I decided to give him a taste of his own medicine…and it escalated to one big, childish tickle fight between everyone in the camarvan that day.”
Oh no.
Any but of confidence Eret had before this had dropped. Wilbur could easily tell.
“You remember that, right? Surely, you do, because, out of the corner of my eye, I caught you getting tag-team wrecked by Fundy and Tubbo.” Wilbur smirked, chuckling as he saw Eret’s confident smile suddenly drop.
“I-Is that your plan? Tickling me until I blush?” Eret asked, trying to regain her confidence back. “That’s not going to work.”
“Stuttering already, are we? Are you a bit embarrassed, Eret?” Wilbur asked.
“Of course not.” She responded a bit too quickly, shaking her head.
Wilbur simply laughed at her predicament, already planning things in his head. “Anyway, no. I’m not going to tickle you…yet. Seeing as you’re already a bit nervous…I think that I should make you a bit more anticipated for what’s to come.”
Oh no. Oh fuck.
“You see, I had to do a bit of…convincing, to get Fundy to tell me about your spots. As your commander, I think that there are certain, important things that a leader should know about his comrades.” Wilbur’s smirk grew, and he adjusted his hands so that the were resting in the crevice to Eret’s armpits.
“You know the keep your arms up game? Classic game to play? Yeah, Fundy told me that you were playing this game, and you were horrible at it. Like, you moved your arms down instantly, he said.”
Eret scoffed. “Okay, says you. I literally helped wreck you the other day, and your arms instantly went down when we played that game.” Wilbur recalled the memory, and knew that his face was going red from the way Eret was now laughing at him.
“Yohou’re bluhuhshihing agahain.” She pointed out with a grin.
“D-Don’t get confident with me.” He stammered. He was stuttering! He was the one supposed to be doing the flustering right now! This wasn’t fair!
Whatever. He shook off the feeling of flusteredness, sliding his hands down Eret’s body, his confidence coming back when he heard her inhale sharply as his fingers glided across her hips.
“Oooh, your hips are a good spot, I’ve heard.” Wilbur said in a low tone of voice. He knew Eret always purposely lowered the tone of her voice when wrecking to make people flustered, both from first hand experience and from observation, so maybe it would work on her as well. “Eret, how would it feel if I just…ever so lightly traced my fingers around your hips?” He proceeded to do as he said, watching Eret grin and cross her arms over her chest.
“This is nothing, Wilbur! I’ve *hic* had worse than this.” She smiled at him, her confidence restoring.
“Oh? So there are spots that are worse?” Wilbur raised an eyebrow, then found himself laughing at how quickly Eret’s smile dropped. However, he still didn’t get that sweet, rosy hue across her cheeks that he was looking for. She snickered as well, giggling along with him.
“Yohou’re so sihilly, Wihilbur.” She said lazily, her slurred speech continuing to shine through.
“Silly?” Wilbur questioned, suddenly stopping the light tracing on her hips. “You know what I think is silly, Eret? How ticklish your stomach is.” He smirked, moving his hands and resting them on top of the named area, watching as Eret’s giggles started to die down.
“Your stomach…oh, man. Fundy said that you were such an adorable little mess here. He said that he scribbled all over your stomach and your sides, you just would not stop laughing and giggling! And your sides…they’re just as bad. If not, worse!” Wilbur tapped his fingers on top of Eret’s stomach, watching the other’s nervous grin grow.
“Scribbling, squeezing, poking, clawing. Anything will work here, that’s what Fundy told me. And the button! The giggle button, I like to call it. You’re just so fucking giggly whenever someone presses the button! However, I guess that’s it’s job, isn’t it?” The commander lightly tapped one hand on Eret’s side, the other having a finger trace circular motions around her belly button. “How are you feeling, Eret? Feel like blushing yet?”
“You’ll nehever break me, Wilbur. I’ll never blush! Never!” Eret spoke with firmness and assurance.
“Oh, trust me. I will break you, Eret. And I know exactly how I’ll do it.” Wilbur grinned, slowly moving his hands upwards on her body, and tapping along one final spot: her ribs.
“Now, tell me, Eret. Fundy said that this is your worst spot. You instantly lose control whenever someone scribbles and pokes and prods at your ribcage. Digging in between each rib makes you squeal, and a raspberry? Ohoho, a raspberry, just one singular raspberry, makes you scream. So, is it true? Is this your worst spot?” Wilbur asked, his voice laced with mischief.
Eret simply grinned, shaking her head. Fuck. Wilbur hated to admit it, but he would’ve been a flustered, giggling mess at this point. How had she not broken yet?! It was kind of impressive, in all honesty. There was one final chance, one last idea that Wilbur had.
“…I can tell that you’ve been giggling this whole time, and have been holding back your emotions. You really want to laugh, don’t you, Eret? Well…I’d just love to help with that.” Wilbur smirked, quickly pushing up her shirt, lowering his head down, taking a deep breath of air, and blowing the biggest raspberry he could on Eret’s stomach. She shrieked, clasping both hands over her mouth, muffled giggles spilling out.
“Oh, don’t be like that!” Wilbur lifted up his head, taking advantage of what Fundy had said about the keep your arms up game, quickly shooting his hands into her underarms and scribbling at the hallows. Eret instantly drew her arms down, bubbly laughter flowing out of the young soldier’s mouth.
“AHAHAHAHA!! NOHO, WIHIHILBUHUR, QUHUIHIT IT!!!!” Eret yelled, attempting to grab his wrists and push his hands away.
“Quit? But I just started!” Wilbur said, a wide grin on his face as he moved to Eret’s hips, squeezing and pinching at the flesh. He then quickly moved to her thighs, scribbling and scratching at them, delighted when he felt Eret’s legs attempt to kick out from underneath him.
“YoHOuou- *hic!* yohohou baHAstAHARD!” Eret threw her head back, hugging herself across the chest.
“Oho, namecalling now, are we?” A cheeky grin was on Wilbur’s face as he continued to rapidly move spots, now squeezing up and down her sides. After a few moments, he dug a finger into her belly button with one hand, and spidered the fingers on his other. Eret did her best to squirm away from the touches, but anywhere that Eret leaned, Wilbur would simply skitter his fingers there to push her back into the position he wanted.
“WIHIHILBUR! ThAHaht- AHAHAHA! SHIHIHIT!” Eret tried pushing away her commander’s nimble fingers, but had no success. She then let out a noise that neither of them had expected. Wilbur paused his hands in surprise, giving Eret the time to grip onto his wrists.
“…Was that a snort?” He asked with a shit-eating grin on his face. Eret shook her head, denying the truth. “…Do it again.” Wilbur smirked, blowing another raspberry on her stomach. Eret was quick to break, her laughter the only thing that could be heard throughout the empty fields.
“CuhuHUHUT ihit ohohout!” She said before another snort escaped from her.
“I’m going to get you to blush, Eret!” Wilbur insisted, wiggling fingers across her torso.
“Thahat’s nohohot gohonna hahaHAPPEHEN- NONONONO! WAHAHAIT!!” Eret screamed with laughter, suddenly feeling Wilbur’s fingers dig in between the bones of her ribcage. She thrashed back and forth, trying to escape Wilbur’s wiggling fingers.
“Awww, is Eret a little bit ticklish on her ribs? Can she not handle it? I don’t think she can!” Wilbur smirked.
“Please continue? Your wish is my command!”
With that, he ducked down his head once again, a raspberry planted right onto her ribs this time. Eret screamed, throwing her head back as her laughter momentarily became silent, then came back in hysterics. She hugged her stomach, too tired to fight back, laughing with the goofiest grin that Wilbur had ever seen from her.
“Having fun?” Wilbur smirked.
“Thahahat wahahas ahawfuhul!” She refuted, now able to look at her commander directly in the eyes.
“Awful? You never told me to stop, not even once!” He commented, his eyes widening as a realization set in. “You enjoyed every second of that, didn’t you?”
And with that, Wilbur finally got what he oh-so desperately wanted. A rosy pink blush, quickly spreading across Eret’s cheeks. Both of them knew it was there, and no words needed to be exchanged. Eret groaned, placing both hands over her face to hide the new color.
“Yes! I told you I could do it!” Wilbur grinned triumphantly, finally getting off of Eret and laying next to her in the grass. He listened to her catching her breath, and saw the rosy blush still there when she removed her hands.
“And that’s what happens when you make fun of Commander Wilbur Soot! You get punished for iHIT- AAAHAHAHAH!” The commander was suddenly greeted with scribbling fingers in his armpits, shrieking loudly and trying to squirm away. “EHEHEREHET! WHAHAHAT THE FUHUHUCK?!”
“Don’t think I don’t know where your worst spots are, Wilbur!” Eret smirked, taking her revenge. “While you had to use your ways to get Fundy to tell you my spots, Tommy just told me yours, no questions asked!”
“Very serious!” Eret grinned, moving her hands down to his sides and planting a raspberry on his neck. She lifted her head back up, stopping her fingers when she saw a bright red blush across his grinning face.
“Ohoho my gohod, I lasted so much longer than you!” Eret laughed. “What was that, thirty seconds?!”
“Shut the fuck up.” Wilbur groaned through the leftover giggles that spilled out of his mouth.
Eret laid down next to her commander, the two of them looking at each other before laughing. Neither of them were exactly sure while laughing. Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe it was because they both got wrecked. Maybe it was the sheer stupid silliness of the situation. But what they both knew was that this would be a night to remember. That is, if the champagne would let them remember it at all.
“You look like shit.”
“What?! It’s true!”
Eret sighed, rolling her eyes at the young boy’s behavior as she entered the camarvan, closing the door behind her. The liquid mess from last night had been cleaned up, and she was feeling groggy from the events of the previous night.
“Good morning, Eret.” Wilbur greeted with a nod. “How are you feeling this morning?”
“Not the best.” Eret chuckled, taking her place at the table in the middle of the van.
“You and me both, big man.” Tubbo groaned.
“Everything okay, Tubbo?” She asked, her eyebrow lifting up curiously.
“Yeah, I’m mostly fine. I just woke up with-“ Before he could finish, Tubbo paused, covering his mouth and coughing. “I just woke up with, like, a really bad cough. Out of nowhere.”
“Are you feeling okay?” Wilbur asked Tubbo, then turned directly to Eret as he spoke, a smirk creeping onto his lips. “Would you say you have a tickle in your throat?”
“Yeah, exactly!” Tubbo agreed. Wilbur didn’t focus on him, only smiling as he noticed that rosy hue on Eret’s cheeks from the night before return.
“Are you sure you’re feeling okay, Eret? Your face is quite red~” He dragged out the last word of the sentence in a teasing tone.
“I’m fine, Wilbur.” Eret groaned, glaring at Wilbur from across the table.
He was never going to let her live this down, wasn’t he?
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pokemon-ventures · 4 years
Can I request Nessa x reader? Where the reader is a sorta Team Yell admin and is close friends with Piers and Marnie, who teases her about her huge crush on Nessa. And then Marnie dares her to confess to Nessa. Sorry if that's bad this is my first time requesting any fic.
No need to apologize! I haven’t played Sw/Sh yet so forgive me if personalities are off!
“Nervous?” you nudge Marnie as the three of you, Piers included, march up the steps to Wyndon Stadium.
It’s her first unofficial meeting with some other gym leaders as an official gym leader. Piers is coming along as support to ensure his sister understands everything they’re going to discuss and you’ve come along as her one-woman cheer squad. Having known the siblings for the longest time, you were the first on their list to ask to come along, being the Team Yell admin also didn’t hurt.
“I should be asking you that,” she grumbles back, a slight dust on her cheeks. “Nessa is going to be here.”
You swear under your breath. Nessa, the water type specialist from Hulberry, aka the biggest crush of your life. She’s beautiful, passionate and a powerful trainer. You’ve dreamed of being in one of her photoshoots... and her bed.
“Listen, I knew she was, but I didn’t think she was going to be,” you glare at the young girl.
“Come on, (Y/N), it’ll be fine,” Piers sighs, he’s seen how you act around Nessa hundreds of times and knows it’s going to be anything but. “Just act natural.”
“Easy for you to say.”
“I think yo should just tell her,” Marnie grins.
“What!? No!” you shout.
“Come on,” Marnie teases. “Look, you’ve spoken with her a handful of times. I’ll start a conversation and then wander away. I’m gym leader now, Team Yell is doing fine. Get out there already.”
You consider her words for a second, it’s true. She’s been doing so well and Team Yell has been working hard to execute her plans to rebuild Spikemuth into a respectable town. Everything has been going well since the recent Championship Cup.
You glance between the two and their barely reactive expressions. After a moment, you finally sigh and nod. “Fine!“
The two high five before heading into the building. The meeting goes by well with you struggling to pay attention as Nessa seems to radiate across the table. There are times your eyes meet and you glance away quickly, your cheeks getting rosy and heated. You cheer for Marnie as she speaks to everyone and gets some good ideas going for Spikemuth.
By the end, you have relaxed a bit more until Marnie drags you over to Nessa and that’s when your nerves kick in. The two converse amiably as you look on with a polite smile. Nessa’s blue aura clouds your pink one as you doubt her interest.
Team Yell’s outfit must look silly to the model, maybe she’d be embarrassed? Your tights have holes and your skirt might look weird to her....
“(Y/N)!” Marnie interrupts your thoughts.
“I’m sorry, what?” you shake your head, coming back to the present to glance between the two.
Nessa chuckles. “I said I like your outfit. Pink is really your color. It’s a cute theme to match Marnie.”
“O-Oh, thank you,” you flush under her blue eyed gaze. Marnie nudges you to continue. “Ow... Um, I’m a h-huge fan of your fashion line. So that me-means a lot.”
Marnie scurries off as Nessa’s eyes brighten and she talks fashion with you. Your brain freezes as she steps a bit closer to engage more with you, her eyes meeting yours every so often to ensure you’re not bored. Suddenly, it doesn’t feel daunting to be with her. You realize you have a lot in common with her and it gives you courage.
“Say, Nessa?” you stop her from stepping away at the end of your conversation.
“Yes?” she turns back with a gentle smile.
“Ah, um. Would you, maybe, want to go on a date sometime?” you stammer, trying to keep cool.
She beams, stepping up to take your hand as she pulls a pen from her hair. “Girl, I was hoping you would ask. Here’s my number, text me a time and place.”
With a wink, Nessa spins on her heel and saunters away to catch up with Kabu and Milo. Red in the face and feeling hotter than ever, you stare at your hand where she wrote her number and drew a heart. Marnie and Piers flank your sides, laughing as they try and direct you out of the meeting room.
You recount the conversation to Marnie as you hit up a taxi home. Detailing everything leading up to the moment she took your hand and after. Heart pounding you thank the young gym leader profusely for getting you to this point. Reminding her that’s why you will always be her number one fan.
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flawedamythyst · 4 years
Fic Author Tag Game
Tagged by @1000-directions, thank you!!
AO3 name: Flawedamythyst
Fandoms: Just Marvel right now, with a heavy emphasis on Clint/Bucky, but previous major fandoms have been Sherlock Holmes (both BBC and ACD) and Supernatural. Most significant minor fandom is Cabin Pressure.
Number of fics: 360 on AO3, going back to 2006 because I uploaded everything from LJ. Well, almost everything.
1. Fic you spent the most time on: No idea. I typically don’t start posting something until it’s finished, and I definitely don’t remember how long before that I started something. Regency was a month or two short of a year, no idea if anything I’ve written before took longer than that.
2. Fic you spent the least time on: I mean, see above. I have a few drabbles and 221Bs that were probably pretty quick to do, but I did mention in the Author Notes that The Declaration (SH BBC) only took me half an hour, so let’s go with that.
3. Longest fic: Posted as one work, The Holiday Cycle (BBC SH) at 115,450 words but Regency is longer when all added up: From This Day Forward (Marvel) 117,371 words.
4. Shortest fic: I used to take part in 60 for 60, which was 60 word fics for all the ACD stories so them, but ignoring those it’s Old Friends (Marvel), clocking in at a whole 210 words.
5. Most hits: The Heart on Your Sleeve (BBC SH) For Marvel it’s Complications, which makes sense because it’s the first Marvel fic I posted, so had the most time to accrue hits.
6. Most kudos: Also The Heart on Your Sleeve (BBC SH) That fic is so far ahead of any others in terms of popularity, it’s going to be topping these lists forever. And it’s Complications again for Marvel.
7. Most comment threads: Military Discount (Marvel) because apparently people have a lot of things to say about hooker!Clint.
8. Fave fic you wrote: Oh god no, I can’t pick a favourite, way too hard. I love them all. Well, 90% of them. Plus, you know, there’s 360 of them, am I really expected to be able to pick through all of them?
9. Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: Uh... I feel like I tend to expand as much as I wanted to on fics? Hence the out-of-control word counts. And once it’s written it’s written, I’m not faffing about rewriting.
Oh! Wait, I intended to turn the dog!Bucky ficlet into a full thing and never did, so Oscar.
10. Share a bit of your WIP or share a story idea that you’re planning: I’m writing two fics at the moment, the werewolves fic I’ve mentioned a few times on here, and a short fake-dating fic based around ‘oh shit we both fell asleep after our Grindr hook up and when my mom bought me coffee in the morning she assumed we must be dating’.
After those are finished, I’ll be starting my @winterhawkbigbang but I have no idea what that will be yet. Maybe a Buffy fusion AU? I had an idea for one ages ago and never got around to writing it.
If there are any plot!bunnies or fic ideas you’ve seen me mention that you’d like to see written, let me know and maybe I’ll write it.
I have a feeling they’ve already been tagged, but @kangofu-cb and @villainny.
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adaine · 4 years
ooh okay top five fics you've written? OR top five wips/ideas of yours?
ahhhh these are so good im gonna do both
fics written
glory and gore was my It (2017) dnd au and it’s nearly 30k but only every got 30 kudos but man i put so much into that fic and was so pleased with it
summer’s on as you may know is still a wip but it’s just so fun to write and it’s definitely going to be my longest fic so!!! fabriz stoked au rights
mutually assured destruction is a six of crows nina/matthias hockey au and i just love hockey aus and flashbacks and the breaking and mending relationships i wrote this for a socnet event in like 3 days even tho it’s 15k
shred is definitely NOT my best-written piece of work but it’s so important to me bc while i was still repressed when i wrote it writing about trans isak is something that can actually be so personal
center of attention is a veth character study that i wrote for fandom trumps hate and i just think that it’s one of my better pieces of work!!!
wips/old ideas
okay the nature of this question is the thing i’m working on now will always be number 1 but im working on a pre-canon jatp fic about alex and luke dating and it’s just been something im really excited for and i’ve done a lot of research for recently and i haven’t been able to go full force into it but man
at some point i started a mighty nein college au that i haven’t touched in a while but it’s a beaujes fic with many shenanigans and there was (is, if i ever get back to it lmao) gonna be a shadowgast sequel
god i never got far with this but i still touch it every now and again even though i came up with the concept like?? 4-5 years ago but it’s a billyteddy au where billy works in a comic shop and he used to make these dumb comics as a kid with cassie and nate until he confessed his feelings to nate, who had fallen in with a bad crowd, and they fell out and then at some point teddy picks up the comics and really likes them and there’s an element of him getting them published but also rebuilding his friendship with nate idk a lot was going on. there was also drama with tommy and his foster home
not to talk about sh/meless in 2020 but when i was 15 or 16 i started this fic that was a retelling of a farewell to arms in modern detroit and the writing is not sexy but the concept was really good
very few of you probably know what bruno & boots/macdonald hall is but i started this star wars au that took place during the civil war on coruscant and bro that was gonna pop off
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fanatic564 · 6 years
So, most of the stuff I’m about to type here is stuff I haven’t even told my closest friends, but I feel comfortable enough in this loving community to share some things. First thing’s first, call me Fanatic. as I don’t like my birth name and I haven’t found another that fits me. I’ve been watching Thomas’s videos since 12 days of Christmas came out, and that was my first video. I’m not very active, original content wise, in the fandom, but I have a good amount of fics started that I plan on posting. I’m questioning most of my identities, although I have a basic clue for them. 
The first thing I learned about my identity was that I was on the asexual spectrum. As a kid, I always though that sex was gross, and should never define a relationship. I even knew that I would never have kids, instead I would adopt. And I was fine with the conclusion that I was completely asexual for a long time. As time went on, however, I ended up learning that, while still on the ace spectrum, I’m not completely ace. Right now, demisexual is the most fitting, however this is not set in stone.
As for my romantic orientation, I’m even more stumped. For a while, I identified as panromantic, as I don’t really care about gender, or demiromantic, as the only crush I’ve had was on my best friend. However, when I actually dated someone, it was nothing like I expected it to be, and it confused me even more. 
Over the past years, my gender has been something that has stumped me the most. I had a basic clue for the other two, but this one was a full on guessing game. I don’t feel feminine, and I don’t feel masculine. For a while, I tried gender neutral, but even that didn’t feel right. However, there was always a small voice in my head saying, “I honestly don’t care. If someone calls me one, I’m fine. If they call me another, cool.” I thought this was a hopeless thought, I never thought there was something like this. However, about an hour ago I was looking through the fanderpridemeetup tag and I saw @the-incedible-sulk‘s post, and I saw cassgender. I did some research, as I had never heard of it before, and had a moment like, “Holy sh*t, that’s me”. So thank you, Avery, for unintentionally helping me discover myself (also I hope you don’t mind me tagging you).
So, all in all, discovering myself is an ongoing quest. I’m questioning my sexuality and romantic orientation, and I’ve only just now discovered a gender label that fits me. And this is fine. I’m only 18, I have a while to go in life, and it’s fine for me to take a while to truly find labels that fit me. 
Thank you for reading all the way, if you did. And thank you to the fandom as a whole for being the type of community I feel excepted in, and being the best fandom I’ve ever been in (and one of the longest as well)
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