reggies-eyeliner · 2 years
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beaulesbian · 10 months
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🍂🍃 glad the tree puns are back
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raayllum · 8 months
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Few things, to begin (and we're rounding back to the "I turned some chains into snakes, don't worry)
The line that put the "Callum did dark magic to save the dragon and Rayla" to dust at long last (seriously - was Callum drawing the dragon in his sketchbook before resolving to leave? No) thank you very much.
And ofc it's setting up the turn later on in this episode, paralleling Soren, Terry, and Viren's (and even Rayla's in a way) word choices justifying the actions they likewise felt tormented over ("I have to do this. I don't want to, but I have to" in 1x02; "I had to" in 3x09; "I had to, I couldn't let him hurt you" in 4x03; "I had to so something, I had to save him!" in 5x03) etc.
Speaking of Viren in S5, this scene mirrors Kpp'Ar and Viren's encounter, with Kpp'Ar rebutting Viren's more noble motivations: "I have always done what protects my family." "No choice? Hah! You made the choice you always have: the one that gives you power." Here, Finnegrin takes a word that Rayla has used to describe Callum (3x01) and twists it accordingly. Yes, Callum wanted to save his friends, but he only did the dark magic for a good reason, but he's still the kind of person who will read dark magic books in the first place and seek out magic as a solution at all. He's still a mage, per Zubeia and Rayal's assessment: "Aaravos chose as his instruments people who had strong hearts and strong minds, but who had an insatiable thirst and fascination with magic." "Mages." "Yes, mages were his prey."
Unlike Lujanne, who is a master Moon mage, Callum doesn't consider dark magic to be an abomination - just another kind of magic, one that's worthy of study to him like all the rest. Curiosity is what paves the walkway, and Love is what makes him walk
Finnegrin here is also a stand in for Rayla in a way, vaguely reminiscent of their first meeting in 1x02. "I'm looking for someone [...] There are only two targets tonight" -> "I just want one thing... Well then maybe you found what I'm looking for." They're both even interrogating him and 'want' someone dead (legitimate in Finnegrin's case, maybe more diluted in Rayla's)! While I know most of us were like Callum why the fuck are you telling him anything, Callum trying to find some sort of common ground actually makes a lot of sense when the last time he talked a ne'er do well elf out of violence, it actually worked out
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"Can't you just make peace with them?" "It's not that simple." (1x02 with Harrow) "But it's not that simple. It won't work." (Ezran in 4x03) "But it's not that simple." (Janai in 4x08)
Last but not least, you have the fact that both Claudia and Viren's steps are dogging Callum's path (in addition to the continuing fallout of what, is ultimately, always his decision), dealing with the consequences of all their actions. Claudia told Callum not to do dark magic in 2x07, bu he went through with it anyway, insisting that she'd already shown him how - just as she created chains to attack her friends, he unbound chains to save them. And of course, Finnegrin is only seeking this spell because he knows it can be done, even if he has no idea of the personal history Callum has to both the spell (done to avenge his mother by his father) and to the actual orchestrator of it (his predecessor and primary foil).
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And last but not least, you have Finnegrin and Callum's primary parallel (Ocean spell notwithstanding) in which they both seek to kill someone ultimately to be free: for Callum, he was researching how to kill a powerful Startouch elf, and Finnegrin, well...
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raylasrightbraid · 11 months
TDP S5 PREDICTIONS / hcs kinda
made by me lolz
- we’ll see possessed callum again in some way
- rayla 2 year journey flashback?? or at least a mention of something she did or saw
- some sort of conflict in katolis while ezran being away
- opeli getting screen time pls
- sorvus?? 👀👀
- callum vs pirates (my bets on callum)
- this is rlly specific but soren talking to rayla about the coins and how sorry he is for viren imprisoning them in the first place (this should be a fanfic fr)
- zubia and domina big archdragon argument
- zym saying his first words?? literally like mama or something
- nyx constantly annoying and embarrassing rayllum (and in some way will probably help them yk? in her own way ofc)
- captain villads comeback?? we see his same boat from s5 posters
- nyx stopped stealing for good because she was inspired by rayla after she saved her in s3 (but rayla isnt so convinced)
- claudia and viren will argue
- claudia teaches terry some spells
- sir sparkle puff will hug viren or claudia or terry (he needs some love :))
- epic showdown claudia vs callum 🗣️🗣️
- again super specific but one of the pirates will insult rayla (call her a bloody-thirsty monster for ex since yk callum knows she hates that) and callum will just snap and boom fight sequence (i just want a callum fight tbh)
- blood banther will injure either amaya or rayla
- callum discovers how to get raylas parents + runaan back but knows neither he or rayla will like it (aka dark magic)
- ezran and rayla will not see eye to eye for some time due to the whole mess about runaan and king harrow now that rayla has the coins
- soren will fill in on nyx about the whole rayllum situation
- queen aanya comeback?? i RLLY wanna see her timeskip design
- idk if i count this as a prediction but more as a need that i just wanna see ellis and her silly little wolf ava again ☹️
- and lastly aaravos will be freed by the end of the season (i mean why else would s6 be called “star” its his season fr)
thats all i have for rn but PLEASE lmk what predictions you might have as we sail the hype boat!!
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tropicalfelines · 11 months
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Tumblr: Meet Poppy ! Poppy, meet tumblr !🍃
Bare with me while I update this place a bit (since with definitive downfall of twitter) I wanted to take a bit of a time to introduce you guys to my Terry x Claudia fankid OC: Poppy.
Shes ahem VERY DEAR TO ME. And probably I will post more about her as the time goes. It’s sort of an AU passing a solid 10+ years after season 7. Aaravos gets killed by the dragang, Ezran banishes Claudia, Terry and Viren far into Xadia. They start living in a small cottage protected with an hidden spell, and after a few years poppy is born. She’s an Hybrid of course, so she has some distinctive traits such as little nub horns that never actually grew so much, 5 fingers instead of 4. Her skin takes a bit darker than Claudia and Virens , and appearance wise she actually takes more after Terry. However personality wise, she takes 100% on Claudia.
Poppy is adventurous, funny Ah and most important: Passionate about magic. Although, she’s does actually is tied to the earth arcanum. She actually is a dark mage. :) but without having to deal with the cost of well… doing dark magic. Due the special circumstances of her birth, poppy was born connected to dark magic as of it was an arcanum.
Well I’m gonna try to not really extend myself cause I don’t really like making people hear me talk about my OCs out of the blue, but I’m more than happy to give more details if anyone’s interested.
Ps: it’s all an AU so nothing here is canon (ofc) just me having fun!
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bycaprinae · 4 months
TDP mageFam and maingang as Animal crossing villagers (existing, not fanart!!)
This all started bc I'm decided to create an island and seek which characters would fit my ocs, then I stumbled on Julian and was like WAIT THAT'S AARAVOS, and then I was like hmmmm who could Viren be then? And well, long story short I choose Lobo to represent him!! And then I was just wondering which other villagers would fit the other character in MY opinion
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Honestly i'd putty tangy as terry and molly as ezran but they're girls (😭😭😭😭 WHY THERE ARE GENDERS IN ANIMAL CROSSING NOOOOO) but those are closest match I could find!
I plan on making a fanart later of actual TDP characters as villagers and I'd choose other animals for them tho!
Terry would still be a deer (duh), Claudia a cat or a octopus (or an octopus cat!), Viren is a wolf ofc and Aaravos a unicorn duh, Leola would also be a unicorn !, Rayla would be a Bunny (moon bunny!!) and I think Callum fits well as a dog :D But I can also picture him as a frog or a cat!, Ezran would be a duck or a frog, Corvus a bird or a tiger and Soren would be a bear !
Have you guys ever thought about that?
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toughpaperround · 10 months
911 Cast Bios
Here's a list of them in one place, in order of appearance in 9-1-1 (fox, later abc). I choose them based on characters I enjoy, or where there are interesting connections / factoids to be found in their bios.
Gavin Stenhouse (The Priest)
Mariette Hartley (Patricia Clark, Abby's mother)
Claudia Christian (LAFD Capt. Maynard)
Debra Christofferson (Sue, Dispatcher)
Grasie Mercedes (Beth, in prenatal yoga class, 1x07)
Rebecca Wisocky (Marjorie, in lift crash, 1x09)
Connor Trinneer (bomb squad, 2x01)
Romi Dias (Chief Miranda Williams)
Ana Mercedes (Abuela Isabel)
Terri Hoyos (Aunt Pepa)
Christine Estabrook (Gloria, Dispatcher)
Devin Kelley (Shannon Diaz)
Wes Brown (Mounted Police Officer)
Rick Chambers (Dwight, newsreader)
Tara Karsian (Ruth)
Lawrence Pressman and Francis X. McCarthy (Mitchell & Thomas)
Romy Rosemont & Daniel Roebuck (Lola & Norman Peterson)
Brian Thompson (Capt. Gerrard)
Lou Ferrigno Jr (firefighter Tommy)
Brian Hallisay (Doug Kendall)
Julie Oullette (Blair, Elf Helper)
Marsha Warfield (Toni Wilson)
Danny Nucci (LAPD detective)
Sasha Roiz (LAPD Det. Ransone)
Paula Marshall (Helena Diaz)
George DelHoyo (Ramon Diaz)
Pepi Sonuga (Athena Carter, flashback in 3x07)
Eddie McGee (Frank the therapist)
Jack McGee (Red the retired firefighter, 3x16)
Deborah May (Cindy, 3x16)
Dee Wallace (Mrs Margaret Buckley)
Gregory Harrison (Mr Phillip Buckley)
Aaron Staton (Daniel Buckley)
Laith Wallschleger (133 medic, 6x15)
Mark Lawson (pilot, 7x01)
Kathryn Boswell & Chris Gartin (hot-tub couple, 7x01)
Rick Cosnett (cruise crew, 7x01-3)
Eddie Jemison (cruise ship doc, 7x02-3)
Jesse Palmer & Joey Graziadei (7x04)
Exie Booker (Carl, 7x06)
Malcolm-Jamal Warner (Amir, s7)
Veronica Falcón (Cllr Ortiz, s7)
John Brotherton (Tim Nash, 7x08)
Tony Amendola (Herman, 7x08)
In draft ofc. Do check the updated OG post if you're looking at a reblog:
Bryan Safi (Josh Russo, dispatcher)
Brooke Shields (counsellor)
Rumer Willis
Anthony Carvello (cruise crew)
Kelvin Han Yee
Main resource is IMDb, with extra material from Wikipedia, podcasts or youtube on occasion. Where I use 911 images they are screengrabs I edited. Other images generally from imdb.
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tylerdashart · 2 years
(spoilers for TDP season 4)
OKAY. so i dont really do these kinda posts but id like to say a few things about season 4 cus ive seen some things and the fandom making theories, i just like to write about my own thoughts. ive watched s4 only one time due to not having netflix so i dont really remember many scenes.
"season 5 when?" are you good?? the season 4 just dropped 3 days ago! Im serious when i say ive seen multiple people already posting this question mostly on YT comments or Insta. also the fact that they're not artists OR a fic author makes sense honestly. they have no idea how animation works.
"rayla's acting weird" this is what frustrats me the most. NO she's not... ok maybe a little. but like. come the fuck on, she was gone for 2 years. ofc she's not the same person we saw in season 3. people change. plus, personally, i dont see any difference on her except this one time when callum asked her to...kill him. yes rayla acted a lot calm in that scene- not just that scene really. she was so calm most of the time, but i can see why? she's trying to get callum warm up to her, she's giving him space, she's being gentle as much as she can cus she knows how much she hurt him. she's grown up, she's not the same hot-headed, irritated elf anymore. and we all know how she hides her feelings. Im pretty sure she's gotten used to it, or managed to cope her feelings well so that she can stay calm. lastly about rayla, all i have to say is people change, so does rayla. and no she's not fake at all.
firstly, if rayla's acting weird, what about Viren being supportive with Terry? isnt that weirder? he didnt even treat his own son better, but he's supporting a trans fella? sus.... secondly, what about opeli being so chill about Ez going with Zubia. in that case most of the characters in s4 were out of character. and that's okay cus it's been 2 fucking years!
personally i think the "Zubia in Katolis" scene was a bit rushed. they couldve done it better but Im not saying it was bad at all tho! i loved the scene with the whole callum doing magic thing and the dragon sized jelly tart? xD
"why is rayla back?" why not really. she realized it was useless to find viren and came back home? she realized she wanted to see her mage? "we had something so special. but I became so obsessed with revenge, i.. risked losing the best thing ive ever had... you" she CLEARLY missed him yall. ofc she came back.
"where's the rayllum kiss" Im glad we didnt get a rayllum kiss. I know this is a cartoon show but at least the animators made it similar to how an in-real-life relationship works. people dont just go "you were gone for two years but its okay, i forgive you, lets kiss". Callum needs time to get used to being around rayla again. he's happy but also angry, he needs to see how hard rayla's trying to win callum's trust back. it was so clear that callum got a bit comfortable with rayla again in the last few episodes, especially the last one. That hug was enough sign for us to know they're gonna be okay and that they're still deeply in love.
Stella isNT EVIL YALL. leave my poor baby girl alone >:c
the fart joke was......nuhuh. idk if it's just me but it was gross. i dont wanna remember how much i cringed.
claudia was a bit- no fuck it- she was too much this season. especially in that scene where she tricked rayla with pebbles. god that hurt so much.
Lastly, Season 4 was amazing!! i loved season 4, and all the new things we saw. the arc is building up, it's so interesting, im so excited for season 5.
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intwestingtheowy · 9 months
Comment if ur ideal ‘We hate Viren’ team.
(before Season 5 ofc bc now we all have mixed emotions about him.)
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thrandilf · 2 years
been thinking about the full implications of dark magic and how eventually in a quest for power it can lead to killing the likes of elves for their arcanum energy (as well as the dragons ofc as seen with the entire plot of season 3) but that giving humans the power to rise up against elves and then very possibly against dragons could be what aaravos wants to see if he’s got issues with dragons.
dark magic did bring down Thunder/Avizandum and though it was an ancient and very specific spell that needed someone’s last breath, it worked. if a dark mage grew powerful enough, using people as fuel may be their next step (and I do see people worrying about Terry a bit, which may be a choice Claudia has to make down the road)
Aaravos seems to have had beef with the dragons even before his imprisonment, so liberating the humans/being their ally and giving them dark magic could just be a roundabout way of bringing down the dragons while he, Aaravos, would seem to not be involved at all which was his old style of doing things. We don’t know much about his previous motivations except that he was linked to disasters and other negative events from the sidelines
So, I think the dark magic issue is more than just the morals of killing a few bugs or even a deer and how that compares to letting humanity struggle, but how it could escalate to elves and has escalated to dragons and that makes Xadia afraid, which is what Aaravos likes to see
Scared people are easier to control. Fear gives him power
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findroleplay · 1 year
Literacy: semi-lit and up
Fandom: (* indicates high desire) hunger games, percy jackson series (through Burning Maze), avatar the last airbender (and associated universe), *the dragon prince*, also open to nonfandom
Pair: for fandoms i pretty much only do cc x cc, for nonfandom I have female and non-binary ocs with the full range of attraction for pairings
Character(s): I am also happy to play other characters on the side
Hunger Games: Katniss, Peeta, Finnick, Annie
Percy Jackson: Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Nico (note: I headcanon him as ftm trans), Bianca, Reyna
A:TLA+: Katara, Zuko, Azula, Toph, Yue, Sokka, Ty Lee, Suki, Korra, Asami, Kyoshi, Rangi, Mai Emi (my singular oc)
Dragon Prince: Callum, Rayla, Claudia, Terry
Hunger Games: katniss x peeta, finnick x annie
Percy Jackson: percy x annabeth, jason x piper, nico x will, jason x reyna, nico x reyna (queerplatonic)
ATLA+: Just about any combination of characters that isn't creepy
Dragon Prince: Callum x Rayla, Claudia x Terry
Triggers: pretty much my only rule is no smut
Genres: romance, drama, slice of life, light fantasy
Plot ideas: in general with fandoms I like picking up where the series left off and continuing the story, I don't like rping over things the creators produced with a few exceptions. I am also a sucker for domestic fluff. I do have some nonfandom oc plots, and am open to ideas, so dm for details
Specific Plots (or at least jumping off points)
Dragon Prince---Rayla gets hurt when the mountain collapses at the end of s4, hurt/comfort ensues and also resolving the whole aaravos part (dw I have a plan)
Hunger Games---finnick survives. that's it that's the plot
A:TLA+---au where Mai is mtf trans, and after the Search comic Zuko seeks her out to offer to take her to the Mother of Faces to see if she would be willing to help Mai transition
A:TLA+---five years after her death, Yue reappears at the South Pole with no memories. Sokka has to reevealuate his entire life choices. Obv a Sokka x Yue plot but ofc Suki will also be a part of it
A:TLA+---Aang and Katara break up about the same time Mai and Zuko break up, and Zuko and Katara bond over it and eventually end up together
A:TLA+---Sokka and Suki struggle with long distance, and eventually decide to split. When Zuko is struggling with assassination attempts, he asks the Kyoshi Warriors to be his bodyguards. He and Sokka have a budding romance, as do Suki and Ty Lee, but one thing leads to another and Sokka and Suki spend one last night together. They put it out of their minds until Suki finds out she's pregnant.
Where: I prefer to use discord, but I'd rather not give it out until we've agreed on an rp, so dm me here first.
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dipyronegirl · 10 months
terry is sooo weird, ofc claudia fell for him, they’re the strangest couple alive it’s so sweet
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raayllum · 1 year
which season of tdp is your favourite?
Ooh that's hard because every season is so distinct and fun for its own reasons, but
Season Three: 11/10
Probably my fave season just because I always tend to love conclusions the most and given that this is the conclusion of the first arc, that completely tracks. Has my favourite Ezran arc (specifically 3x02), Soren arc, and arc for Rayla, as well as my fave flashback episode (3x06) that I also think is included a very natural place in the story. I love the Final Battle and big epic fantasy battles in general. The boys reuniting an episode before Claudia and Soren are split apart is a perfect display of beautiful symmetry. I love my trash son Prince Kasef. Lux Aurea is probs my fave location in the series, going back and finally seeing more of Rayla's village / of her family. 3x08 is also the first time her self sacrificial tendencies are portrayed as remotely negative which I'd been waiting for since S2, as well as the "Callum chasing after Rayla" pattern from S1, so it was extremely satisfying watching both of those come to fruition. Rayllum is a big highlight of the season ofc in all their dorky sweet awkwardness and emotional support.
Season Two: 10/10
I love the precarious uncertainty of everyone trying to figure out what side they're on, the secrets coming to light, who to trust, the sheer gut-punch the last three episodes are in particular. Has my fave Soren&Claudia dynamic, I adore the Rayllum, and I have a special spot in my heart for 2x02-2x03. A little lower than S3 for reasons stated above / the Viren&Aaravos plot line isn't as interesting to me on rewatches and although the flashback episodes make me cry, they do kinda slow down the pace of the season right in the middle. 2x01 was for a time my least fave (but still good of course) ep of the show (it still might be or swapped in for another S1 ep) but I've grown to really love it too, even if it's much slower. The scenery in it is just so beautiful. Also more Corvus my beloved
Season Four: 8.75/10
Strongest season thematically, I will die on that hill. Also my favourite arcs for Viren, favourite season for Ezran, and Ezran's bond with Zym. I also think next to season three this might have the best blend of (if not the most) hardcore worldbuilding amid plot. Might also have my favourite Callum arc in a way, although that's probably a close tie to S2; I do love how much this one is oriented around emotions and isolation though, as opposed to the slightly more straight forward grief - magic duality in S2. Season four also probably has the best intentional comedy for me since S1 which is very nice. Janai's best season and she's always been my fave side character next to Ellis. Also the angst and how lowkey emotionally exhausting this season is, love Rayllum with my whole heart, Claudia and Soren's whole conversation? Slaps. Also Terry my beloved, I adore him as an addition to the cast and I cannot wait to see even more of him going forward.
Season One: 8/10
Funniest season imo (Claudia and Soren's 'walnut' joke notwithstanding) and the season I 100% have the most nostalgia over for both story and in real life reasons, which is why it's truly impressive that S4 is over it because I adore S1 like an unreasonable amount. Has my favourite premiere episode so far (with 4x01 as my second) and early trio / Rayllum interactions (1x02-1x06) are absolutely peak and I always love discussing and thinking about them. Also my second fave season for Rayla and possibly first for Ezran&Callum's brother dynamic as well although I'd have to think about it more. I miss King Harrow every damn day. The scene where Zym takes Rayla's binding off makes me cry every time
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17mujipens · 2 years
the dragon prince episode 2 live thoughts:
Claudia has become much stronger than Viren’s frame of reference, because something that’s casual for her is quite impressive for him
post death and resurrection ptsd is a concept i EAT UP in media
crow guy is such a loser (affectionate)
Corvus uncle figure <3
the comedy of a kid dragon not wanting to eat his food so his babysitter (one of the most powerful mages in history) has to lie to his dragon mom about it. she says well i bet the neighbour’s kid (a king) eats his veggies without complaining! (he survives almost exclusively on jelly tarts)
Claudia and Terry are a couple i didn’t know i needed
i’m amazed every time at the fact that they just decided to give the sun elves french accents. love love love
Viren: this can’t be happening. i can’t believe this. climbing thousands of stairs is more difficult when you’ve been dead than when you’re high on magical coke.
that talk Virean and Claudia had was so so good. like i’d write a long something about it if i had the time but the gist of it, i guess, is the fact that Claudia saw Viren’s idea for peace a giving up, not a desire of a man who’s days on land are counted but as a moment of weakness to motivate him out of
on one hand, i understand Karim. having a human consort in the time of crisis, or even getting a human consort and then resolving the problems could send a weird message to both the sun elves and humans. on the other hand, they love each other so much
RAYLA!!!!! from what i can see i love the clothing, it’s very much reminiscent of the outfits older moonshadow elf assassins wore. her face matured and she seems taller now. i’m so excited to know what brought her back!
thanks to a very helpful person on here i became aware of and read the graphic novel that takes place between s3 and s4 so i know the circumstances of her leave. i’m looking forward to seeing how her and other characters will interact after a pause that was longer than the time they spent together. mainly Callum ofc, because yeah, they love each other but also there’s always been so much going on and now they’ve changed a lot.
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riseofrai · 2 years
I'm doing a reading challenge in december bc my goodreads is severely lacking (10/20😭) so I'm reading a book a day for the first 25 days of december (am i gonna cheat? [reading ahead, starting early, etc] ofc, lmao)
books are picked at random but heres the list I'm picking from <33
(title - author - genre)
1. Spirit River - Erin M Leaf - Romance, lgbt (ebook)
2. August March - Aaron Jackson - Fiction
3. The Girl From Widow Hills - Megan Miranda - Psychological Thriller, Mystery
4. All Our Hidden Gifts - Caroline O’Donoghue - YA, Fantasy
5. The Sullivan Sisters - Kathryn Ormsbee - YA, Mystery
6. Truth or Die - James Patterson - Crime, Mystery
7. Invisible Ghosts - Robyn Schneider - YA, Romance
8. Most Likely - Sarah Watson - YA, Contemporary
9. Refugee - Alan Gratz - Historial Fiction
10. The Giver - Lois Lowry - YA, Dystopian, SciFi
11. Scary! 2 - Peter Haining - Horror
12. I Am Princess X - Cherie Priest - YA, Mystery
13. Boyfriend Material - Alexis Hall - RomCom, lgbt
14. The First To Die At The End - Adam Silvera - YA
15. World War Z - Max Brooks - Horror, Post-Apocalyptic
16. Spoiled - Heather Cocks, Jessica Morgan - YA, Comedy, Romance
17. Heartbreaker - Claudia Dey - SciFi, Cult, Mystery
18. Good Omens - Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchet - Comedy, Fantasy, SciFi
19. Haunted - Chuck Palahniuk - Horror
20. Lock The Doors - Vincent Ralph - Thriller
21. Carry On - Rainbow Rowell - YA, Fantasy, lgbt
22. Be More Chill - Ned Vizzini - YA, SciFi
23. The Prophet of Yonwood - Jeanne Duprau - YA, SciFi
24. The Revenge of the Shadow King - Derek Benz - Fantasy, Adventure
25. The Rhythm Section - Mark Burnell - Mystery, Thriller
at the end of the challenge, im buying myself a shitton of books as a present (okay im actually buying them b4, so i can open them on christmas but whatev)
(i also posted this on my booklr. if you saw it there, no, you didn't)
econ! we don't have any work today and i finished my history late work so im procrastinating :)
pic bc i can
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aaravhoes · 5 years
the adult characters of tdp as b99 characters
Amaya : rosa diaz
Runaan : Holt
Gren : Charles Boyle
Opeli : Amy Santiago
Tinker : holt’s husband (ofc i forgot his name )
Harrow : terry
Lujanne : Gina Linetti
The younger characters as b99
Callum: jake peralta
Rayla : Amy Santiago
Ezran : Charles Boyle
Claudia : rosa Diaz (soft bi babies)
Soren : male version of gina linetti
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