#AND have extra time to hit my orgo lab in the evening and get in a couple hours of research
stuckinapril · 3 months
embracing my morning gym girlie routine i think. gonna study for like 3 more hours then hit the gym in the cutest workout fit. and then im rewarding myself w my favorite veggie wrap after <3
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inkofamethyst · 1 year
March 24, 2023
I have to admit that I feel a little bit bad holding on to three PhD offers knowing that there might be people on the waitlist vying for a position at one of these places.  Truth be told, I wanted to know where I was going before Spring Break hit, but my Choice E didn’t invite me up until late March.  Technically, I suppose I could (and, probably, should) let go of Choice F or Choice G if I really thought about which one would suit me best should my Choice E visit go poorly, but I am privileged enough that I can willfully choose not to think about that possibility at all right now.  It feels a little selfish and a little immature.  I suppose it brings me some comfort to know that I will (ideally) make a decision over a week before the April 15 deadline and that hopefully someone can make it off the waitlist in that time.
I spoke with an alum of my Choice E lab today and gah it’s really feeling like the place for me.
Recently, I’ve been into watching bento (and husbento lol) box videos??  They’re super aesthetically pleasing, and it’s really fun to watch people make healthy, delicious lunches with lots of variety!  It might not be the most efficient, nor the most cost effective habit to maintain, but it’s calming and I enjoy the ideas!
On a similar note, I have to really start using up the food in my apartment pantry and minimize my grocery purchases.  I only have half a semester left in my apartment, and I’m going to be travelling for (essentially) two of those weeks, so I’m going to need to make a concerted effort to clear out my frozen foods and canned/dry goods.  I’ve got quite a bit of protein stocked up, noodles (so many kinds of noodles), rice... aside from fresh produce/dairy, I shouldn’t need to buy very much at all, really.  I could probably start making more elaborate bento-like lunches myself.  After break, I’ll go in, take inventory, and set out a rough meal prep schedule so I won’t have to take home too many food products, if I can help it.  I really gotta get back into trying new recipes anyway.  Since I’ve been home (and have mostly recovered from The Ailment) I’ve tried two new recipes in two days and am about to go for a third tomorrow, I think!  Having a full spice cabinet certainly makes a difference.  [edit, a day later: uh so the “Gigi Hadid Pasta” that’s been all over pinterest is actually pretty flavorless and I had to add so much extra spice... at least the color was pretty.  I’d make it again but change some of the proportions and also add spinach.]
Half a semester left.
I got my first grad school related reject, so that’s fun.  It was for an outside fellowship I applied for, and I’m luckily not in a position where I needed it for admission anywhere, but it still would’ve been nice to have an extra boost or to defer funding in case I needed it.  The reviewer’s comments were useful, but I think it’s funny that my 3.9+ GPA in related disciplines could be considered average or even below average (upon critical thought, I believe they might have been considering my course history and were wondering how exactly orgo and biochem were going to help me pin down functional morphology, and that critique makes sense).  I suppose I agree that I should have sought more awards, but ughhhhh UGH.  I don’t wanna beg to be recognized and then maybe not even get it (though that’s exactly what I’ve done here with that fellowship so)??  This certainly won’t be my last outside grant/fellowship attempt because I do want to be recognized.
Of all the Lost-esque shows I’ve watched, my absolute least favorite has got to be La Brea.  That show might even be one of my least favorite shows I’ve ever watched ever.  The writing, plot, and logic are just so terribly bad and I might have to drop it after this season because I am simply not impressed at all.  I love sci-fi and as a result am pretty good at suspending my disbelief, but this show is based around time travel and they’re not explaining any of the intricacies or limitations of the technology, so every solution works Just Because and any potential problem that is irrelevant to the central plot is not discussed does not exist and I hate it.  There’s so much hand-waving that it does not feel immersive to me.  I genuinely do not think very much while watching television, so the fact that I’m constantly frustrated by the holes I’m poking into the plot/solutions/logic irks me.  And then any problem that does arise to occupy any characters not involved in the main plotline that episode feels gimmicky and fillery and dumb.  Some of the main characters are barely compelling and others are simply not, and in this economy my attention is too valuable to be wasted on things I don’t enjoy.
Today I’m thankful for that conversation I had with the alum... I’ve heard nothing but good things about “my” lab in particular aieeee I’m so excited for next week’s trip.. literally a Spring Break Part 2 (except it’s not really a break and I’ll kind of be pretending to be an extrovert for four days straight (which I guess is okay because I’ve been a total recluse for the past week)).  Since it’s probably where I’m going to attend (and because they wanna be touristy), both of my parents will be “joining me” (aka existing in the same vicinity but entirely leaving me to my own devices unless I need them) this time, and I’ve assigned them homework to check out some of the neighborhoods and apartment complexes to get an idea of the best places to live.  Very thankful for supportive parents, very thankful for a financial situation that allows them to support me in this way.  Also thankful for my two profs who record lectures... they’re really the unsung heroes of my semester tbh.
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spiders-n · 5 years
Tease Shirt
A headcannon struck when Z so graciously gifted us this image so I followed it straight to hell. 
Now on AO3
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Peter has been studying for his last final for what feels like years when his phone buzzes against the hard surface of the university library table.
MJ: Hey dork. I need a small favor.
Peter’s brow furrows.
Peter: Shoot.
MJ: I have been sexiled yet again
MJ: and while I would normally just kill time around campus for the next couple of hours I just finished my last final and I feel like if I don’t take a shower in the next 10 minutes I might not ever smell clean again. Would you mind if I came over and used your shower?
Peter couldn’t help the frown that slips onto his face. This is the 6th time MJ's been unable to get into her dorm since January because her roommate is having sex. She normally doesn't complain because she loves her roommate and is generally a huge supporter of any woman who actively claims their sexuality but she had let it slip to him once that she was beginning to feel like she spent more time avoiding her dorm than actually living in it. He doesn’t even need to think about it when he types out his response.
Peter: Of course, Em. You don’t have to ask, I made the extra key fob for a reason. I’m still studying for my Orgo Lab final but it’s all yours for as long as you need it. 🤓
Even though he was technically not allowed to, he’d taken his key fob apart in Mr. Stark’s shop and made duplicates for Ned and MJ to get into his building when it had become clear to them that his living arrangement in a newer dorm that gave each resident a private room and bathroom was, by far, the most agreeable place for the three of them to hang out.
MJ had used her’s a hundred times over the course of the last 9 months, Peter is sure, but there is something oddly intimate about letting her be there while he isn’t. When he'd typed his message, the only thing in his mind had been his memory of MJ during last semester's final season, exhausted and worn, and even Peter had to admit, looking a little worse for the wear. Now that he's paused long enough to push past that mental image and the immediate urge to fix it anyway he can, he thinks that perhaps saying "you don't have to ask" may have been a bit too much. He panics for a long moment, trying to remember what state he’d left his room in but eventually resigns his worries to the back burner when he remembers that MJ once saw him blow his nose with a sock and then proceed to leave the snot crusted sock on his bedside table for a week and has since managed to voluntarily and enthusiastically kiss him 59 times since (yes he’s counted). Either she was just as gone for him as he was for her or she had a serious lack of regard for the hygiene of others. 
He can't help the surge of excitement he always got when he and MJ crossed into any new territory in their relationship. He'd given her the key to his dorm as a friend and now she'd using it as his girlfriend and that felt very significant to him in a way he knew would make her fondly roll her eyes at him if he shared with her.  
MJ: omg I’m definitely taking a nap in ur bed and you can’t stop me!
MJ: also thank you
Peter squirms as he reads the first message and tries desperately not to think about MJ freshly out of the shower and in his bed.
He’s seen her just out of the shower twice in his life, and would be lying if he said they were anything less than moments that defined his teenage sexuality. The first time was when she accidentally got snowed in at May’s apartment one weekend in their junior year of high school. She'd stopped by the bring him his homework and decathlon flash cards after he'd missed school due spider-manning a little too hard the night before, and didn't get the chance to go home until Monday evening. That was the weekend she'd found out about him and also the weekend that he'd first realized that he was probably in love with her, a realization that came about largely because of how incredible she looked after her shower. He remembers the very confusing combination of feelings he’d felt when he’d seen May’s green stripped pajamas sticking to MJ’s still wet skin as she stumbled into Peter’s room from the steam-filled bathroom and shook out her hair from it’s bun. He’s still convinced that the whole scene happened in slow motion.
The second time was during their summer abroad after graduation. They were staying in a bunk bed laden Airbnb in south France with Ned and Betty and a couple other Midtown Tech graduates. Peter had been talking himself in and out of just finally asking her out all summer. They were practically already dating in that they spent most of their time together, wholeheartedly supported each other's hopes and dreams, and very routinely accompanied each other to various events that society required people to bring dates to. His only hang up was the unyielding fear that making things romantic would ruin the best friendship he'd ever had outside of Ned. That hang up was mostly stomped out when he saw her next that night. She’d stepped into the room in blue silk shorts and a matching tank top wearing, and Peter remembers this very clearly, absolutely no bra. She had water droplets sitting on her shoulders and arms as she wrestled her hair into a towel and she finally moved her body upright he could see the faintest sliver of exposed stomach resting just above the band of her shorts. It was, in Peter’s opinion, one of the most under appreciated Michelle Jones looks of all time. And Peter had very thoroughly appreciated it at least 4 times.
He glances back down at his Organic Chemistry text book from the screen of his phone, the page half hidden by the notes he’d been going over, and groans at the reality that he’s at least an hour away from an A on his final and more realistically two if he wants to walk in feeling really confident.
Peter takes a second to gather his will and silently reminds himself that even if he was with MJ in his room at that moment the most that was likely to happen would be some making out and co-napping since they hadn’t actually done anything more than that yet. His monkey brain then counters back at him that literally nothing in the world actually sounds as good to him in that moment than making out with MJ and then taking a nap and he’s back to grumpily looking down at his textbook.
It only takes a couple minutes of begrudging reading for him to actually gets caught up in the material and loose track of time for while. It's an hour after their original conversation that his phone buzzes and snaps him back into the real world.
MJ: How much longer do you think you’ll be studying? You should come nap with me.
And then the temptation to say fuck it and just chance getting a slightly less awesome grade in Orgo was back in full force. He takes a deep breath and pries himself away from the alluring thought of a warm bed and an even warmer MJ. 
Peter: The thought did cross my mind. I am probably another 45 minutes away from feeling very confident for this exam, though. Will you wait for me?
Peter hits send and forces his attention back to the material. Whatever the answer, the sooner he finishes studying the sooner he’ll be able to see her.
Five minutes later his phone buzzes and he flips it over to see that he has a Snapchat from MJ.
When he opens it his barely suppressed moan is caught in his throat. MJ is laying on his bed, hair twisted up into a towel, glasses on instead of her normal contacts, lips covered in his f a v o r i t e shimmery chapstick that tastes like mint, all of which would make Peter want to jump her bones even more than he normally does, but on top of all that she is very clearly wearing one of his shirts. One of his Stark Industries shirts.
He’s so overcome by the image that it disappears and he has to replay it again to read the text she’d left in small print over her shoulder.
“I’ll be here all night….” It read. At that Peter actually does moan at that. Out loud, and it turns a couple heads from near by tables. He doesn’t care though because this picture of a very cuddly and soft MJ in his fucking shirt literally waiting for him to get home is too suggestive for his over crowded brain to take. He closes his textbook with more force than is sticky necessary and shoves it into his backpack, scrambling to do the same to the highlighters and notebooks he’d spread around the table as well.
When he’s packed up he grabs his phone and texts MJ.
Peter: I’m coming home now
MJ’s response is almost instantaneous.
MJ: what happened to feeling really confidant for your Orgo exam?
Peter rolls his eyes and then grins. If she wants to play coy he can too.
Peter: it got really hard
He sends and then waits for her to open the message before typing again
Peter: to focus, I mean
MJ’s response lives in the gray dot dot dot at the bottom of Peter’s screen for what feels like ten years before she finally send it.
MJ: Maybe I can help you work it out…
And it’s the ellipsis at the end that forces him into action. Suddenly, before he can bully his brain into keeping up with his body, he’s out of the library and making his way steadily across campus to his dorm with the kind of speed that he normally only employs when he’s patrolling but he’s loathe to find a time that more desperately calls for such measures.
In the end, he learns two very important lessons.
The first is that there is nothing hotter than coming home to find your girlfriend spraying canned whipped cream directly into her mouth clad not only in your T-shirt but also in your boxers. And as he later finds out, absolutely nothing else.
The second is that you tend to test better when you take an exam after a post orgasm induced sleep. Who knew?
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queenchemistry · 7 years
I'll be at UMich this fall ('21) as a STEM student in the LSA, and I wondered if you had any advice, especially within the specific context of U of M. Thanks ✨
Hi there!! :) I feel like I have a lot of advice for incoming freshmen and I’ve been busy with work, so it’s taken me a while to compose this reply but here we go:
Advice for incoming freshmen in STEM at UMich!
Figuring out what classes to take & when:
See what your AP/IB scores count for at LSA here. Not having to retake introductory classes can make a huge difference in your 4-year planning (or may mean graduating early)! But it might help to retake certain intro classes if you don’t feel confident about your abilities to succeed in the higher level classes.
If you’re worried about a class because you heard it was a GPA-wrecker, consider taking it at a community college over the summer. Your grade will show up on your transcript, but it will not affect your GPA.
If you have an idea of what majors you are interested in, you can look up “UMich [major] worksheet” or go to departmental websites at umich.edu for a list of required classes for each major. An example from the Chemistry department is here. The pre-health advisory courses can be found here.
If you have no idea what majors you’re interested in, that’s okay! Use your freshman and sophomore years to explore the sciences. Most science majors at LSA will require some calculus and physics, but also look into courses like organic chemistry and introductory biology. If you’re pre-health, you’ll have to take a wide variety of introductory classes anyway. You can find a list of LSA majors and minors here.
Try to get calculus out of the way as soon as possible! It could be required for physics and upper-level chemistry courses. Or if you find out you love math, you’ll be glad you’re on track for the math major.
Keep a manageable course-load for freshman year. Your first semester will require effort to adjust to university life. Advisors say first-semester freshmen should take 14-16 credits (about 4 classes). In my opinion, you should focus on a balance between easy and hard classes. For instance, in my first semester, I took organic chemistry 1, calculus 3, a writing class, and UROP (research + seminars for credit). So basically my schedule was: a difficult class I’m interested in, a difficult pre-requisite, an easy class required for LSA, and an easy “class” that I was interested in.
How to succeed in science/math classes at UMich:
General advice: give 110% effort into your first midterms- do all the homework, textbook readings, practice exams; attend every lecture, go to office hours, form a study group… the possibilities are endless! After the first exam, you’ll figure out which resources you need to put the most time into to succeed in a class. 
Some specific resources you can go to for help include the Math Lab, the Physics Help Room, and the Science Learning Center (SLC) for introductory physics, chemistry, and biology classes. The SLC has study groups that you can register for at the beginning of the semester, as well as drop-in tutoring.
Make friends with the people sitting next to you in class! You don’t have to become BFFs, but it helps to at least exchange numbers so you can text about meeting up to study.
Try to get on your professor’s good side. It will help you tremendously in the future if you can have a professor write you a strong letter of recommendation, and it can help in the short-term to have your professors like you. Best ways to do this? Introduce yourself after the first lecture, attend office hours whenever possible, sit in the front of the class, and ask/answer questions during class. If you’re feeling extra spicy, you can even ask your professor out to lunch or coffee. There will be emails sent out mid-semester about professor lunch date coupons. I forget the technical name for this though haha.
Math: “Michigan Math” is supposedly infamous for its teaching style. As my residential advisor put it, “the class teaches you how to build a table, but the exam will ask you to build a chair.” That is to say, the math classes here are fairly conceptual rather than computational. To prepare for exams, review the assigned homework problems, in-class examples, and past exams (which can be found online) and be able to solve similar problems. Figuring out how to approach a problem can be the hardest part, and that’s where talking to professors, tutors, or friends in your class will help.
Physics: There are several physics sequences at UMich (algebra-based physics for the life sciences, and regular and honors calculus-based physics). I took the life sciences physics because the math was less intensive and I like health-related subjects. However, I’ve studied with friends in other physics sequences and it seems like the same general advice applies: understand how to do all the problems you’re given. I found physics here to be more computational than conceptual, compared to math. I believe all the introductory physics classes allow some kind of notes to be brought in; it helps to write down how to do specific problems from past exams, the lectures, and the homework.
Chemistry: I keep hearing that organic chemistry 1 and 2 are the hardest classes at UMich. Based on the grade distribution for the classes (mostly A’s and B’s), I don’t believe this is true. You don’t need to remember much from gen chem to do well in orgo, though it helps to have a background in drawing molecular structures and in acid-base chemistry. My best advice for organic chemistry is to complete the coursepack (a workbook full of old exams) and compare your answers with friends, tutors, and professors. Talking about the chemistry requires an understanding of it, so keep discussing the course material with anyone you can! It might help to know orgo 1 is more conceptual and orgo 2 is more memorization-based. As for gen chem, I’ve heard it is a bit harder than AP Chemistry since it’s packed into one semester, but the online homework is helpful in preparing for exams.
Biology: I don’t know too much about the intro bio classes here, but my general advice still applies here. A friend told me that the bio classes are saturated with a lot of information that you need to memorize, so you have to start studying early and stay on top of the material. Look at lectures beforehand and take good notes. Know that it’s okay to feel overwhelmed; there’s a lot of material you’ll need to know, but it’s definitely possible to know it.
Extracurricular shenanigans:
There seem to be two common opinions among STEM students regarding participation in extracurriculars: either narrow it down to a few activities that are most meaningful to you, or smush in as many résumé-builders as possible. Personally, I think a few meaningful extracurricular experiences are more important than half a dozen clubs that will eat up your free time.
Research is huge at Michigan! There are research opportunities everywhere on campus and in every field, so it’d be a shame if you graduated without taking advantage of that. If you have a good idea of what you want to major in, then look for related research labs by perusing the departmental sites on umich.edu. If you don’t know what you want to study, brainstorm your research interests and look for labs in different departments that meet your interests. Once you’ve found several (~5-10) labs you’re interested in, write the professors in whose labs you’re interested an email briefly stating your interest in their research, attach your résumé, and ask for an interview (also tell them your schedule). It’s not terribly common for freshmen to participate in research their first year, so it’s more than okay to wait until sophomore or junior year to start research.
STEM clubs can be a great way to network with other STEM students at UMich! I can’t think of all of them off the top of my head, but the ones I know about include Out in STEM (oSTEM) for LGBT students, Society of Women in Engineering (SWE), Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) (which has both a residential program and a non-residential program), the chemistry/science fraternity Alpha Chi Sigma, and the American Chemical Society local chapter. If you’re looking for a good club, you can hit up FestiFall in the beginning of September and attend the mass meetings of clubs you think you’d like. For the rest of the year, you can search Maize Pages for clubs you’re interested in.
There are also several pre-health extracurriculars that you can find by attending the pre-health orientation, which occurs after move-in. I think all LSA students should receive an email about it early September or late August. If you can’t make the orientation, it’s not a biggie. You can find the pre-health extracurriculars in the same way you find any other extracurricular.
That’s all I could come up with for now! If you’ve got any more specific questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. :) And if anyone else has related advice, go ahead and let us know!
Best of luck and go blue!
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saintkimora · 7 years
well here is how my past 2 days went! they were both pretty bad lol
so yesterday my first class was orgo lab. it was better than last week but it still fucking sucked oh my godddddd the actual lab only took everyone maybe 90 minutes but we had to get an nmr for our products and we had to do it one by one and it took 12 minutes per person so even though i tried to take my time doing things really slow to keep myself occupied i still ended up w like 50 minutes of doing nothing! it was so boring 
and then there was the girl who set me up. so we did the nmr in this separate room in the basement and the chairperson for the chem dept was operating the machine. the girl who works at the lab station next to me is named julia and i thought we were friendly acquaintances since we ask each other for help sometimes. so i got down to the room to run my product through the nmr machine and there were a bunch of students there already waiting for their results and stuff and the chairperson was talking to one of them and didnt acknowledge me at all so i was about to go wait for him to finish talking then ask him what to do but julia who had literally just finished putting her thing in the machine came over to me
she was like “oh i can help you set your product up and show you how to put it in!” so i was like “wow thanks!” so she showed me and as i was trying to put it in the machine it wouldnt go in so i was like ????? and then i realized julia literally showed me the completely wrong way to do it!!!!!!!!!! the chairperson came over and he was like “whoa whoa whoa that is not how youre supposed to do it” and then he showed me how to do it correctly. now julia had literally just finished setting hers up so i find it highly unlikely that she made honest mistakes when showing me what to do! i think she did it on purpose to make me look bad. she embarrassed me in front of not only the chairperson but my peers as well and if it was my messy classmates i wouldnt mind but it was all the ones who are actually good at this stuff!! rip idk what she gained from that since the chairperson has no influence over my grade but still an iconic cutthroat move i guess! i just wish she did it to someone that wasnt me
also i overheard 2 of my classmates talking about her a little earlier and they were talking about how she tried to steal both of their spatulas! so this julia girl is just cracked overall which is better than her just having a personal vendetta against me i guess
also 2 good things happened in that lab at least! first of all in the pre lab lecture noor came and sat next to me instead of whoever she sat with last time! so that was nice bc i wasnt sitting by myself. and then during the lab i was pipetting something and federico (the REALLY cute guy) was up to that too so he came over and he was like “can i borrow your pipet when youre done” and i was like yeah so it was nice that he talked to me
then i had like 45 min before gsa so i texted danielle and we hung out until the meeting and then the actual meeting was so much fun! we played jeopardy w lgbtq related questions and we were making the teams danielle and i were on one team while the president was on the other and we beat his team BOTH times! it was literally iconic bc we were losing the first game at first but then i started getting all these questions right and danielle started getting them right too and then in the second game this other girl on our team started answering everything too so the 3 of us were an unstoppable trio and the president was so bitter
also that reminds me i recently found out at last weeks eboard meeting and then i got even more info from danielle that day. so apparently literally all the other minority-based clubs on campus hate us and wont work with us bc our president wore that make america great again hat so like...rip that sucks for us lol 
so yeah gsa was super fun then in orgo lecture i got there early to make sure those freaks didnt steal my seat again but other than that it was uneventful
then there was what happened today. sociology was boring psych was relatively fun but also uneventful. anatomy lecture was fun except for one thing. the prof needed someone to help demonstrate something and he chose this random guy from the second row instead of me! and like it had to be a guy bc what he did would be kinda weird if he did it to a girl and i was the only guy in the front row so it wouldve been common sense to choose me but instead he chose that random!!! it was s/t about kidney stones so he made the guy come up to the front of the class and he had him like lean forward on the front table w his back/ass to the prof and rest of the class and he was like showing where the kidneys are and where to hit them if youre testing for kidney stones so he put his hand flat on this guys back and then hit his hand (that way he wasnt literally slapping the student) and its like...if he chose me that wouldnt been so iconic bc he wouldve had me bent over that table and he wouldve been touching my back but instead he chose that other guy so that was where things started going downhill
then anatomy lab was where it got even worse. so it was just a review lab before next weeks practical so he lets all any of his lecture students who arent in his lab sit in just to get extra review. so the lab was so full w all these randoms which made me irritated and one of the people there was the seat stealing guy! he was w this other girl and they were there kinda early and i was watching and they were gonna sit but theres only enough seats for everyone in the class so if extra people come theres gonna be a shortage of chairs. so they were sitting down and the girl was like “actually maybe we should stand bc it wouldnt be fair to the people who are actually in his lab if we stole their seats” and the guy was like “who cares!” and sat in a seat i was just like hmmmm.... so i guess hes just like this all this time 
so then i was still waiting for lab (several of us including the prof were there extra early bc lecture ended early) and this one random girl was talking to the prof just about random things for like 10 minutes!! i was jealous like who tf is she? freak
so then the actual lab was boring it was just review but it was kinda nice at first bc the prof was waiting for the TA to make copies of something so he was literally just telling us jokes it was like a rupauls drag race stand up comedy challenge but it was ruined for me bc the seat stealing guy was literally kissing this profs ass the ENTIRE time and he does this in all the classes ive had w him but he was doing it like even more than usual and it was just annoying i wanted to tell him to shut up but all of my peers like him so if i do that im not gonna be able to make any friends in my classes bc ill be the villain
so then after he finished the review we were left to review some more on our own then just leave whenever we felt like it but he also put out a sign in sheet for attendance. so everyone went up to it at once and i dont like waiting in crowds like that so i was just sitting then when the crowd dissipated i went up to sign it and it was gone and i was like “wheres the sign in sheet?” and the prof called out to the ta to take it out so i could sign it (it was literally right there but it was under the TA’s stuff so i couldnt just take it out on my own lol) and the prof seemed kinda exasperated at me asking and it upset me bc like its not like i waited until the last minute of lab to sign in?? like idk why they put it away so fast 
then most of the people left so i was at my table alone and there was one other table w like 4 people including the girl the prof was talking to earlier. and the prof literally went over and sat at the table with them just to talk about regular things! which he literally never does bc he always stays by his desk so first him not talking to me at all except for being pissy to me and then him being so nice and friendly to those other students really put me in a bad mood. but the TA came over to me and asked if i needed help w anything which was v nice of him. i didnt need help bc i was just reviewing the online models on the ipads but still. but then the TA went and sat down w the prof and those other students so whatever
so then i left and walked my dejected ass all the way to my car and drove home pissed off the entire time and yeah thats it! tm i only have orgo so since i have a lot of free time im gonna try to finally go to the student counseling center and set up an appointment
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