#Albedo Anthropomorphics
oldschoolfrp · 10 months
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Albedo is the roleplaying game of furries in a crunchy '80s military sci-fi future setting, based on Steve Gallacci's story "Erma Felna: EDF" from his comic Albedo Anthropomorphics (Thoughts & Images, 1988). Gallacci was a technical illustrator for the US Air Force, so you get both "funny animal" comic art and detailed equipment diagrams:
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bestfurrywife · 3 months
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Erma Felna:
"Quite possibly the first ever furry waifu"
Cordelia Hendricks:
"She's one of a very few FVN MILFs. She also supports unions"
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blogspotts · 1 year
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various covers from Albedo Anthropomorphics
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ultimateanthropoll · 9 months
ROUND 1 SIDE D: I only read high literature
Erma Felna (cat; Albedo Anthropomorphics) vs. Nyanta (cat; Log Horizon)
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Erma Felna:
"My argument for her being nominated is that she's one of the earliest examples of furry media, and that I think makes her a good choice."
"Erma Felna is an OG. Many comics and properties were inspired by her long running comic, and she created a lot of the sci fi furry genre. I also know it may look like a generic military comic but I promise it's a deconstruction, and the author is very anti-war"
"He's a chef!! He's middle aged!! He just wants company as a widower!!"
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dogwithglasses · 5 months
A person in a fb group I’m in is doing a raffle for a signed & sketched in Albedo #3 and if I am somehow chosen as the winner I am gonna flip out
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holy-shit-comics · 1 year
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first appearence of usagi yojimbo
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krafty1 · 1 year
"The Goblin of Adachigahara"
Issue: Albedo Anthropomorphics #2 Publisher: Thoughts and Images Publication Date: November 1984 Writer: Stan Sakai Artist: Stan Sakai Inker: Stan Sakai Cover: Stan Sakai Editor: Stan Sakai/Steven Gallacci Source: From the long box Synopsis: Usagi recounts how he became a ronin (masterless samurai) and fights a goblin with a secret. Sakai’s story is loosely based on a Japanese fairy…
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miki3aqors · 2 years
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Another thing that semi-popped off on twitter...
Remember during the anniversary stream there was that one animation where all the charas besides Aether and the Archons turned into animals and we got Snepbedo?
I couldn't get this image out of my head cause of it...
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mydisenchantedeulogy · 5 months
On Air [Chapter Two] Radio Lover [Alastor]
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A/n: a change I made already was stating that Aelia becomes a Succubus. She does not, however, her promiscuous nature attributed to her demon form, giving her a Succubus-like appearance and nature. When I created her, I made her loosely based on Albedo from Overlord, appearance-wise. I'm new to the fandom, so I am bound to make mistakes.
Regardless, I hope you all enjoy the story.
Warning(s): mentions of death and execution, pain, Hazbin Hotel lore, public sexual themes, gun usage, language, mention of cannibals, magic, demons/sinners, original female character, the OC is a serial killer, blood consumption (in a potion), dark content.
Tag list: @dndmaniac
No Minors Allowed!!
The pain of death was intense, so much so, that Aelia could not move. All of the air around her had faded away and no matter how hard she tried, she could not fill her lungs. Slowly she suffocated, sinking in what felt like a sea of molasses until her vision faded to black. 
Then, as though it had all been a dream, Aelia suddenly came to and gasped for air, greedily taking in as much as she could. Her lungs burned and her head felt congested, as though it might burst at any given moment. She had no idea what was going on, but one thing was certain, she was not in Tennessee anymore. 
As she lay on the cold, concrete ground between two tall buildings, she stared weakly up at the dark red sky. She had never seen such a color. It was ominous. For a moment, Aelia considered closing her eyes and letting her mind fade back into darkness, but the sound of moaning caught her attention. Someone was near.
Despite the pain, Aelia sat up. Her body felt heavy but she dismissed it as fatigue and stood on her trembling feet. A groan of pain left her. Why did her veins feel like they were on fire? 
I was executed, wasn't I? 
The last thing she remembered before she woke up was staring up at the ceiling in the execution chamber before she was knocked unconscious. It figures. Aelia felt every bit of what the injections did to her. So, how did she wind up in an alleyway?
Tottering toward the muffled voice, Aelia felt as though she was dragging something behind her, but upon witnessing the source of the former noise, her eyes grew wide in shock. A man with a cyclopean eye was being blown by in public as onlookers at the entrance to the alley watched on in awe and pleasure.
What the fuck? 
And stranger than that, the onlookers were beings straight out of a fantasy world. Anthropomorphic animals, humans with multi-hued skin, and gelatinous creatures; the list went on. Aelia must be dreaming. Or having a nightmare. 
She considered waiting until the alley was clear to leave, but she wanted more than ever just to escape the awkward situation before it got worse. As she wandered closer, the one-eyed man took note of her and grinned.
“Ya want a taste, darling? Make this a threesome.”
Aelia narrowed her eyes in disgust. 
“Not a chance in hell.” 
Besides, her heart belonged to someone else. The thought of his name alone made her heart race. 
“Where do ya think you are?” The man remarked. 
What the hell did that mean? Aelia shook her head and stormed past him.
“Ain't neva seen a succubus turn down cock. It's your loss, bitch.”
Again, she was left in wonder, but as she passed through the crowd of onlookers, evading the wandering hands of a pig-like man, she came to realize that she was soon to dismiss the man’s remark. 
The area she woke up in was in utter disarray. People were running around out of control; she saw one person shoot another right across the street. 
Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore. 
Or Earth for that matter.
A sudden sharp pain shot up Aelia’s side, and upon turning her head, she realized that someone had bumped into her. Yet, she did not feel them brush her. To her horror, a light gray wing with light blue tipped feathers rose into view. Aelia gasped. 
Hurrying over to a store window, she looked at her reflection, unfamiliar with the person she saw. Was this her? It couldn't be. Her hair was long, wavy, and light gray. The hazel-green eyes that she got from her mother were now light blue and the sclera surrounding them was black. Then to matters worse, she had two pairs of wings on her lower back and a set of white horns that enveloped her head like a circlet.
This has got to be a nightmare. 
Running her hand along one of the wings, it flinched to Aelia’s touch. It felt as though it were an extension of her body, though she reckoned it was. What was she? The one-eyed man’s slur drifted back to her; a succubus. Strange…she did not look or feel like one. 
Aelia took an uneasy breath and raised her hand to brush back the fringe covering her right eye, but as she did, she noticed a tattoo of red symbols circling her wrist. They looked almost like vèvès, but why were they around her wrist?
“Where am I?”
“Pardon me,” a feminine voice cooed. “But did I hear correctly? You do not know where you are.”
Aelia diverted her eyes from the shop window to a woman with a wide shark-like smile and pitch-black eyes. Her elegant yet ghostly features startled the winged woman, but regardless, she shook her head in agreement. 
“Why dear, take a look around, you are in Hell,” she chuckled while placing her hand against your chest. 
Aelia paled at the thought, but honestly, it made sense. With her sins, she did not expect to go to Heaven. 
I thought I would be with him though. 
Her heart raced but at the same time, it ached.
“Close your eyes, my dear, and do not sulk. You will see me soon enough.”
Alastor’s last words Aelia took to heart. Was Hell where he had intended her to go? Perhaps he had lied to her. She felt faint.
The pale woman, Rosie, raised a thin brow in curiosity. Leaning her long neck forward, she eagerly took in her scent. It had been a long time since she had smelled the living world on a person; of petrichor and slightly sweet earth. She smelled delicious. 
Mixed in, however, was the familiar scent of blood and magic.  
“I see now,” Rosie stated. She had made a deal. And with Alastor to her shock. Shame. 
A realization suddenly dawned on the Overlord. 
“Oh my, where are my manners? My name is Rosie.”
She extended her hand which Aelia hesitantly took, giving her a good look at the vèvès around her wrist; the Radio Demon’s magic.
“Do a lady a favor and escort her home, would you? I'll make it worth your while,” Rosie offered. 
Aelia was not certain she could trust the wide-smiling woman, but there was an air of kindliness about her that put her a little at ease. Besides, she was more than capable of protecting herself if she needed to.
“Of course.”
Rosie chuckled and continued down the street. Cannibal Colony was not far. As the two walked in silence, Aelia took a moment to steal herself. There was a lot to take in, and honestly, all of it felt like a bad dream. Who knew Hell was so colorful? It was a bit frightening, to be honest. 
“Don't lose your pluck, my dear. I still need you.”
Did she fail him? Surely this is not where he wanted her to end up. Though, thinking about it, Alastor being a denizen of Hell made sense. Aelia knew he was not a product of the abuse; he was real. An angel or a demon, the former is what she believed, however. But hell, angels did not condone murder. Did they?
“Stay close to me, Miss Aelia,” Rosie ordered. “As quaint as it is here, you do not want to wander off on your own, especially dressed like that.” 
Aelia raised a brow. What was wrong with the way she was dressed? She still had on her prison attire, so she reckoned Rosie had a point. 
An old-timey town came into view, plucked straight from the early 1900s. It was quaint, as Rosie had stated, but what concerned Aelia the most was the town sign, which declared that she was in ‘Cannibal Colony’. Fuck. Where did she let Rosie take her? 
The few people who passed her by, dressed in elegant attire, gave Rosie and her a wide berth, but that did not stop them from eyeing the winged woman like a piece of raw meat.
“Morning, Miss Rosie,” a wide-smiling gentleman greeted her as he approached. “I see you brought back a succulent-looking guest.”
Rosie chuckled, resting her hand against her chest. 
“And a guest she is. Treat her as such.”
The man’s smile faltered a bit, but he took his hat off to Aelia and then hastened down the street. The latter found this weird but she did not comment on it. Whoever Rosie was, the denizens of ‘Cannibal Colony’ did not look down on her. She was not sure if this was a good thing or not. 
“And here we are,” the said woman declared, raising a pale hand toward a charming little store with a striped awning. 
The sign above the door read: Franklin and Rosie, Emporium.
“You live here?” Aelia asked. 
“Mixed-use property is beneficial,” Rosie remarked. “And I like to look after my assets.”
Aelia could understand that. But what sort of investments did the elegant woman own? Emporiums often cover a wide range of products. 
As they approached, Rosie snapped her fingers and the double doors opened. Aelia was in awe, even more so when she saw the interior of the establishment. It was gorgeous with a wide variety of different goods; everything from clothing to vintage radios. 
A familiar style caught her eye, and Aelia narrowed her eyes in fondness. Much to her dismay, the Atwood Kent brand she owned was confiscated by the authorities when she was arrested. But during her final hours, instead of a last meal, she requested it back, getting to speak to Alastor one last time. 
Unbeknownst to her, Rosie was watching in interest, taking note of the neon pink heart that replaced the pupil in her right eye. 
How curious.
Her wings even raised in elation. It was sort of cute. 
“You know, at first I thought you were a succubus or a fallen angel, but you don't look much like either up close,” Rosie mentioned. 
Her wings were placed at her center of gravity and feathered. No, she was not a Hellborn Succubus, but she looked like one. Her body even reacted to arousal as though she was one. There was only one more explanation Rosie could think of. 
“What I have come to learn here is that a sinner such as you takes on the appearance and abilities of whatever aspects they had during their former life. You must have been a promiscuous one.”
Aelia hummed.
“I suppose. But after a while, someone stole my heart. 
Rosie chuckled. What did the Radio Demon say to her? He wormed himself deep into her head, it seemed. The overseer of Cannibal Colony raised a brow in interest. While she was curious as to what Alastor had been up to - his seven-year absence was a thing of mystery - she did not pry. The incurable romantic he made a deal with probably did not know either. 
The clack of heels on the floor diverted Aelia’s attention to a woman similar in appearance to Rosie with brown hair. Her smile widened as she saw the newcomer. 
“You brought home a treat, I see.”
“A guest, Franklin,” Rosie corrected. She sauntered behind the counter. “What were you up to?”
Franklin eyed the winged sinner a moment then turned to her business partner.
“Counting the stock before extermination day. Lucifer only knows how chaotic the colony gets before then, buying up everything on the shelves.” 
Aelia raised a brow. What was extermination day? 
“It's business,” Rosie chuckled. “If you are not currently busy, I need you to retrieve something for me; that red vile on my desk.”
Franklin left without a word to retrieve it. After all, the two could finally be rid of it. 
A month ago, one of Alastor’s minions wandered into the shop and gave Rosie a potion in a red vial. The minion stated that a lost soul would soon come to Pentagram City, one that could be recognized by the Radio Demon’s mark. It was not certain whether Rosie would meet them before Alastor’s return, but if she happened to, then as a favor to him, he asked that she give them the vial. 
It was after all just a simple means to transport Aelia to wherever he currently was. Rosie could easily transport her, but she did not know where Alastor was staying. 
Once Franklin returned, she handed the Overlord the vial and hurried off to finish her current job not knowing that soon her number would be up.
Rosie turned the glass vial and sat it upright on its pointed base, chuckling as Aelia stared in awe. 
“This is a gift.”
Reminded to never look a gift horse in the face, Aelia picked the vial up and widened her eyes as the vèvès around her wrist began to glow.
“What is in this?” She asked. 
“A little magic mixed with blood and some water to help it go down easier,” Rosie answered honestly.
Aelia nearly groaned in disgust.
“Thank you. I guess.” 
Rosie chuckled. 
“You are most welcome. It was not me who wanted you to have this vial though.”
Aelia thought so. 
“Who? Was it the one who put the vèvès on me?”
It made the most logical sense, considering the symbols reacted to the potion. 
“There is only one way to find out. You need to drink it,” Rosie remarked. She reached over the counter and brushed the sinner’s hair behind her ear. “But first, let's make you more presentable.”
Snapping her fingers, the clothes that Aelia wore manifested into a navy blue evening gown with white lace. She was not much of a dress person, but she appreciated being out of her prison clothes. Her wings even fit through holes in the back.
“Thank you, Miss Rosie.”
The said woman motioned with her hand for Aelia to continue. With hesitation, she did so, removing the stopper from the top and putting the vial to her lips. As she drank, Rosie tilted it back making sure she consumed it all. The taste made her want to gag.
“Now what?” Aelia asked with a grimace.
She did not feel any different, though her tattoo was glowing. 
“Goodbye, dear. I do hope we meet again,” Rosie remarked with a wide grin. 
Before Aelia could attempt a response, the world around her vanished. Then in the blink of an eye, she materialized in the living room of a lodge. 
That was…quick.
But where was she?
Aeila sauntered over to the closest window and looked outside. The sky still appeared red, so she assumed she was still within the city limits, though she could not see a single house in either direction; all she could see were leafless dead trees. She had not noticed it before, but the sky had a large pentagram in it.
As she took in the scenery, a sudden dark and ominous shadow loomed over her. Then all at once, the buzzing sound of radio static filled the air. 
“Salutations,” a voice greeted. “I admit, I was not expecting you so soon.”
Aelia felt faint. Her wings raised in elation and she turned quickly in the hope that her mind was not playing tricks on her. 
In the doorway to the kitchen, a slim well-dressed man with a shark-like smile stood. He tilted his head to the side, observing her. Based on her appearance and the fact she was standing before him, he reckoned Rosie had found her. 
“Didn't I tell you not to fret?” 
Aelia widened her eyes, unaware of the hearts in her pupils. It was him; he was standing before her.
“You're not just a voice on the radio?”
“Indeed I'm not. But let's not sweat the details,” Alastor remarked. “Tell me, how do you feel about Jambalaya?”
Aelia licked her lips. A strange yet pleasing heat consumed her. 
“I'm starving.” 
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innerunderrain · 2 years
Started 08/05/2022
Last Updated 08/12/2022
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ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: ᴀʟʟ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛᴀɢꜱ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴇxᴘʟɪᴄɪᴛʟʏ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇᴅ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʙʟᴏɢꜱ, ᴇɴꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ꜱɪɴᴄᴇ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴍᴀʏ ᴏʀ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀ��ɴ ɴꜱꜰᴡ ᴛᴏᴘɪᴄꜱ ꜱᴜᴄʜ ᴀꜱ ɴᴏɴ-ᴄᴏɴꜱᴇɴꜱᴜᴀʟ ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜɪɴɢꜱ ᴏʀ ᴠɪᴏʟᴇɴᴄᴇ. ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ!
Edit: Feel free to let me know if some of the links do not match up to the title or do not work!
Genshin Impact
[General Headcanons]
Headcanons on Ayato, Childe, Diluc and Zhongli
[Yandere Oneshots]
Knave [Yan! Arlecchino x Gender-neutral! Reader]
Anthropomorphize [Yan. Albedo x Reader]
Cathartic [Yan.Childe x OlderFem.Reader]
Paladin [Yan! Knight.Childe x Princess! Fem.Reader]
➤Part 2! To Paladin [Yan! Knight.Childe x Princess! Fem.Reader
➤ Pregnancy and Children scenario
➤ Soft Headcanons!
[Modern! Yan.Childe x Babysitter! Fem.Reader]
➤ Monitors
➤NSFW content 1!
The Boy nextdoor [Yan!Childe x Neighbor! Fem.Reader]
Immoral Arrest [Yan!Cop.Childe x Fem!Reader]
The Sloth [Yan! Columbina x Saintess! Reader x Yan! Capitano]
Evanescent [Yan. Diluc x Fem.Reader]
Il Capitano
Harbinger of Misery [Yan! Capitano x Saintess! Reader]
The Comfort of Home [Yan!Capitano x Saintess! Reader]
Il Dottore
Exculpate [Yan.Dottore x Ghost! Fem.Reader] [Part 1]
➤ Hiraeth [Yan.Dottore x Ghost! Fem.Reader] [Part 2]
Clean [Yan!Kazuha x Slightly spoiled!Fem.Reader]
Euphonious [Yan.Kazuha x Fem.Reader]
A man of Pride [Yan! Scaramouche x Saintess! Reader]
Munificence [Yan!Pantalone x Childhood!Fem.Reader]
Ineffable [Yan! Zhongli x Fem! Reader]
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vforvalensa · 9 months
Ive got some ttrpg stuff in the oven but it'd be a couple weeks before I would have anything material to show even if I didnt have a ton of other shit going on. so im gonna start just posting quick and dirty descriptions of stuff i got in super early draft form, please talk to me about them.
Dueling/jousting game with a mechanic where you stack dice like reverse jenga
Mausritter module about a BIIIIIIIIG well
Furry space adventure game in the style of Star Fox or Albedo Anthropomorphics
A far future weird scifi survival action game in a universe of dead gos and dying suns, where you play as a post human on a desert moon of saturn. Thinking about hacking Backpack and Dream for this one.
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songofsilentechoes · 10 months
Out of character for a moment...
// A friend is trying to sell a thing on their etsy, but doesn’t have a good way to get the word out.
Here’s a link to what they’re selling.
Signal boosts are appreciated, but don’t contact me about the product or with questions, as I’m not the seller.
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ultimateanthropoll · 1 year
Guaranteed Round One Slots:
In alphabetical order by series because that's how I have them organized:
Juan Carlos Bodoque - 31 Minutos (He always had a guaranteed spot)
Nico the Catboy - Adventure Time oc (Massacre Round Survivor)
Garfield the Deals Warlock - The Adventure Zone (Massacre Round Survivor)
The Empress - A Hat in Time (Massacre Round Survivor)
Haida - Aggretsuko (3 submissions)
Max Goof - A Goofy Movie (Massacre Round Survivor)
Louis - Beastars (5 submissions)
Boris the Wolf - Bendy and the Ink Machine/Dark Revival (Massacre Round Survivor)
Bandit - Bluey (Massacre Round Survivor)
Scias - Breath of Fire IV (Massacre Round Survivor)
Kabbu - Bug Fables (Massacre Round Survivor)
Chicory - Chicory a Colorful Tale (Massacre Round Survivor)
Crash Bandicoot - Crash Bandicoot (Massacre Round Survivor)
Ralsei -Deltarune (4 submissions)
Renamon - Digimon (2 submissions)
Duck - Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (Massacre Round Survivor)
Webber - Don't Starve Together (Massacre Round Survivor)
Mason - Duncan and Edddie (Massacre Round Survivor)
Erma Felna - Erma Felna: EDF (or Albedo Anthropomorphics but iirc they changed the series name) (2 submissions)
Meowscles - Fortnite (2 submissions)
Mother Glory - Friends at the Table (Massacre Round Survivor)
Geronimo Stilton - Geronimo Stilton (Massacre Round Survivor)
Basil of Baker Street - The Great Mouse Detective (Massacre Round Survivor)
Krteček - Krteček the mole (2 submissions)
Loona - Helluva Boss (3 submissions)
Bec Noir - Homestuck (Massacre Round Survivor)
Tarot - Housepets (2 submissions)
Master Tigress - Kung Fu Panda (5 submissions)
Mordecai Heller - Lackadaisy (6 submissions)
Xenia - Linux mascot (Massacre Round Survivor)
Nyanta - Log Horizon (Massacre Round Survivor)
Bugs Bunny - Looney Tunes (4 submissions)
Gia - Madagascar 3 (2 submissions)
Piglin - Minecraft (2 submissions)
Kermit the Frog - The Muppets (Massacre Round Survivor)
Nick Nocturne - Night Mind (Massacre Round Survivor)
Kajortoq - No Evil (2 submissions)
Mae Borowski - Night in the Woods (2 submissions)
Giovanni - Night on the Galactic Railroad (2 submissions)
Hajime Tanaka - Odd Taxi (Massacre Round Survivor)
Flioflop - Paranatural (Massacre Round Survivor)
Lord Arum - The Penumbra Podcast (Massacre Round Survivor)
Perry the Platypus - Phineas and Ferb (Massacre Round Survivor)
Lucario - Pokémon movie Lucario and the Mystery of Mew (Massacre Round Survivor)
Death - Puss in Boots: the Last Wish (2 submissions)
Ratboy Genius - Ratboy Genius (Massacre Round Survivor)
Woodcutter Bear - Rhythm Heaven (Massacre Round Survivor)
Roger Rabbit - Who Framed Roger Rabbit (Massacre Round Survivor)
Sly Cooper - Sly Cooper (2 submissions)
Red Savarin - Solatorbo Red the Hunter (Massacre Round Survivor)
Shadow the Hedgehog - Sonic the Hedgehog (2 submissions)
Gwen - Spiritfarer (Massacre Round Survivor)
Squidward Tentacles - Spongebob Squarepants (3 submissions)
Fox McCloud - Star Fox (2 submissions)
Wolfrun - PreCure (2 submissions)
Melody Amaranth - Super Lesbian Animal RPG (3 submissions)
Diane Foxington - The Bad Guys (5 submissions)
Baron Humbert von Gikkingen - The Cat Returns (2 submissions)
Prince Sidon - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2 submissions)
Jerry - Tom and Jerry (Massacre Round Survivor)
Captain Amelia - Treasure Planet (4 submissions)
Arte Fact - Webkinz (2 submissions)
Swampy - Where's My Water (Massacre Round Survivor)
Nick Wilde - Zootopia (He always had a guaranteed spot)
Bracket will be out shortly! Send your propaganda in now because it WILL influence the tournament.
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dogwithglasses · 1 year
I found one of the Erma Felna compilation magazines in the basement of my comic store and was super jazzed about it, so jazzed in fact that I didn’t notice for five full days that it has an ad for Usagi Yojimbo on the back featuring 80s Usagi art I’ve never seen before!!!!
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open-hearth-rpg · 9 months
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#licensedRPGs2015 Blacksad: Juego de Rol
Based on a long-running noir comics series. While the authors are Spanish, they’re released the comics in French first, followed by Spanish. The series itself is in multiple volumes has received numerous translations and three Eisner nominations & two Eisner wins. 
The comic is set in an anthropomorphic world (like Albedo) set in late 1950s United States. It looks pretty intense, but its honestly a comic I’d only heard of in passing before this– and literally only the name and a cover. 
This Spanish-language version was released by Nosolorol Ediciones. It looks like only a core book and a GM screen was released for this. It’s a d6 based system. Dice are split into three categories (ala Mutant): action dice which offer a success on a 4-6, complimentary dice which add a success on a 6 and take away a success on a 1, and tension dice for when a character is working against their interests and leaning towards the dark side. Here a 4,5 cost as a success, a 6 counts as two, and a 1 takes away a success. It looks like an interesting and simple system. 
Part of the game hinges on morality and personal conscience. This is always a challenge to play out at the table. Games have done this with mixed levels of success. There’s always a danger of the players perceiving things differently as with good vs. bad, conflicting vs. compatible. 
A Kickstarter for an English language version happened in early 2020, with a delivery estimate of August 2020. However apparently there were issues with the project, with the game actually delivering in mid-2022. 
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