#Ari Finch
courfeyracs-swordcane · 9 months
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Looped Wrecking Ball by Mother Mother for three hours and now there’s guys
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cafe--tables · 2 years
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Oh dear I wonder what happened to this young fellow
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Monochrome I guess
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talons-mcyt-rqs · 5 months
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✧ — mod talon : 🌷 … heyo!! im talon, i use she/they and im a transfem c!tommy introject
✧ — mod ari : 🪷 … hi ! im ari , an ariana griande fictive ! i use vie/it/purr pronouns, but she/her is okay !
✧ — mod finch : 🌾 … hello hello!!! im finch or gri, local grian fictive ^_^ i use she/sun/boom but i dont really care
✧ — mod ares : 🪓 … hey, im ares, i use he/it/they. errr fuck what else do i put here.
✧ — mod bloom : 🍁 … HI!!! im mod BLOOM! im an osmp!tubbo fictive and i use HE/IT/EY!!!
✧ — mod melody : 🎧 … hi! im melody and im the only non-mcyt (fictive) mod of this blog! i use zie/it/ve, but she/her or they/them is cool too. im a hatsune miku fictive >.<
✧ — mod ellie : ☀️ … haiii!!! im ellie , a lizzie fictive ^w^ i use a lot of prns but i mainly use vae/sie/fluff/divine (feel free to ask how to use them!!!) i also have another blog, @cookie-teeth >w<
we are all apart of one system , which means sometimes we are inactive.
@goldstar-sys is our system blog if you’re interested … !
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kerra-and-company · 1 year
Ooooh for your charr, most to least loyal to the Legions!
Ooooh :D Okay okay!! This order varies a lot over the years, but as of right now (post-EoD), most to least loyal:
Weylon: in an upset I find incredibly ironic, Weylon actually gets the top spot--he works with Efram and Flame's back to being considered part of the Legions. He's more directly loyal to Efram and to Flame than he is to the concept of the Legions as a whole, though.
Lifa: her loyalty to the Legions is...weird? She technically also was fully fighting against them at one point, since she worked with Bangar and the Frost Legion. But she still holds loyalty toward the Legions in some sense, even though she would not necessarily be received fondly if she went back to the Citadel.
Pol: he is almost what I'd call true neutral here. He respects some things about the Legions, but dislikes others enough that he doesn't go back to them when he finally gets the chance to. Maybe "I respect them, but it's not for me anymore." Something like that. He's got a lot going on in his mind when he makes that decision too, though.
Ari: she shoved a lot of her negative feelings about Everything into the self-loathing corner for a long time and is still kinda processing them. Definitely not a fan of the Legions and is at a point where she can admit that she feels betrayed that no one would help her get her 'bandmates back.
Finch: it's the only one on this list who up and left on its own without some sort of (outside) event. It's not going back, ever. it also has no more ties to anyone within the Legions--its relationship with its bandmates was never as close as some, and those bridges have fully been burned. It'll actively tell people as much if they ask.
Brook: they're loyal to the Olmakhan, if anything. The Legions never treated them or their loved ones well in the first place, much less lifted a finger to rescue them. Their personal opinion is that the Legions can get fucked.
Casca: the one on this list most likely to try to burn shit down if they gave her enough of a reason, which is why she gets the "least loyal" spot. Flame being accepted back into the Legions definitely hasn't helped.
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alternatefandom · 1 year
Update: I have dropped half of my useless habits because my baby finch bird kept me so busy and enthusiastic towards my daily life that I've lost the impulse to even open Ao3. This baby finch bird has singlehandedly wrestled me away from fandom and I'm not even mad.
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
Hi Petri <3, so this request is a bit longer than the other's so bear with me (and my broken English lol). I was thinking about a Minho x fem!reader where she's from maze B and is close friends with Aris, so she's with him in the whole cafeteria scene where he gets introduced (while the boys are excited about the food, beds, girls and etc. and Thomas is having a bad feeling about that place). She's more positive about being there than Aris cause they been through a lot and she just want a little rest, but when she sees what that place really is she's terrified and is willing to do everything to get out, so Minho sees this fire in her and kinda likes it. (I don't know if it made any sense 😬, but I trust you to make a good fic out of it)
Oo, I do like more plot-driven requests like this, they give me more to work with :))
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SUMMARY: See above. Movie based fic.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, violence, teenage boys still not knowing how to act in the presence of a girl, WICKED spelt WCKD because movies, Rat Man aka Janson, probably innacurate Group B slang thanks to Wikipedia.
Just 'cause you wouldn't know the characters' names doesn't mean I don't, so the Gladers' names are used before you meet them. Because there is no way this would work if I couldn't use their names.
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You'd escaped the Maze.
Finally, after all this time, you'd escaped, and now you were safe. The years of torture and stress are now behind you and you can finally start to heal.
Your friends are safe. You're safe. And so are an entire group of teenagers who apparently went through the same things you did. WCKD definitely had big plans, but that doesn't matter anymore.
It's over.
At least that's what you think.
You playfully nudge Aris. The measly boy sits next to you, hoodie hiding his face as he stares at the table in front of you. You guys escaped the Maze first, meaning that you were the first to arrive. They keep taking people away; Aris' best friend Rachel was one of the first.
And he's been distant ever since.
You've been keeping an eye on him. Though, it is hard trying to spend time with the boy when he barely speaks nowadays.
You nudge him again. "C'mon, Aris, you've been avoiding us for-finching-ever." He scoffs, shaking his head. "What's goin' on?"
"You won't listen to me, so what does it matter?" You sigh, shuffling slightly and swinging your leg over one side of the bench to look him at him straight.
"Of course I'll listen to you. What's going on?"
From a few feet away, the Gladers have started talking to boys from other groups, and have taken note of Aris.
And therefore, you too.
"Who's the girl he's with?" Minho ask the unknown boy, eyes fixation on you.
The boys shrugs. "Just some chick he was in the Maze with."
"Lucky shank," Frypan chuckles.
Thomas, however, takes note of Aris. He's not like the other people that are sitting around and chatting. He's reserved, sunk low into the table and not even looking at you as his hood hides him.
"Aris," his eyes flicker to you, "I'm always gonna listen to you- talk to me."
He hesitates but takes a deep breath. "There's something wrong here," he mumbles, his voice barely a whisper.
"What do you mean?"
"Something is going on- the Guard's are armed, our friends keep getting taken away, and..."
"And?" You push him to continue and he shuffles closer.
"Don't tell anyone, please."
You start to feel anxious. This is getting weird. "Okay."
"At night, I've been sneaking through the vent tunnels-"
"What?" You hiss. "That's so dangerous."
"I know, I know- but they go all over the building, a-and they take people into this... room that I can't get into. There's something weird going on. I know it sounds weird and you won't believe me, but-"
"I believe you," you trust Aris, and he's smart, so if he thinks something isn't quite right, then chances are something isn't quite right. "But what do we do?"
"Teresa!" Both of you perk up as you watch Thomas, who you're yet to know, stand up from his table, marching over to the doors to try and follow a girl behind some windows.
He's quickly stopped by some guards, but he's clearly agitated.
"Maybe he could help?" You blink at Aris. "We need all the help we can get. I'll show him what I mean- you too."
○ ○ ○
If you knew when you'd escaped the Maze that you'd end up stuck in another round of twisting and confusing corridors in the form of the vent system, you might've actually killed someone.
Aris, on the other hand, seems happily at home as he crawls around the tight spaces.
You're awkwardly crouching around the corner whilst Aris goes to get this Thomas kid.
After a few seconds, your friend reemerges, with the boy hot on his heels. He blinks at you and you give an awkward peace sign before Aris hurries him along.
"Come on."
You both follow him through the vent system, Thomas in front of you.
"Hey, wait a second." Thomas grumbles, clearly questioning how he gets himself on these situations. "What the hell are we doing?"
"Come on, we're gonna miss it," Aris says.
"Sorry," you answer instead, "he thinks you might be able to help- he reckons something weird's goin' on here. I don't really know."
You crawl into a more open area- even you don't really know what's going on.
"What are we doing?" Thomas asks again and it's kind of funny that he even came in the first place.
"Shh. Come here," Aris waves you both over. You both hover over an open-ish vent that looks down over a corridor.
One of the doctors appears, following by a strange trolley that seems to have a person in a body bag with a screen over the face. The screen shows vitals and other medical information, making you and Thomas exchange concerned glances.
"What the hell was that?" Thomas asks for the both of you.
"They bring in new ones every night like clockwork." Aris answers.
"What do they do with them?" You ask, even though you probably already know the answer.
"I don't know. This is as far as I've ever gotten. The vents don't even go into that section. But once they go through that door, they don't come back out." Aris pauses, visibly shaken. "I don't think anyone ever really leaves this place."
"C'mon," you say, "we gotta go before someone notices we're gone."
"Why'd you show me this?" Thomas asks, stopping you both.
"Because maybe the others will listen to you. There's something weird going on here- I know you think so too."
"Hey, wait," you stop again, "what's your names?"
"Aris," your friend answers, "and this is (Y/N)."
And with that, your friend crawls ahead.
"You're Thomas, right?" He blinks at you. "I heard some of your friends say it in the cafeteria."
He nods, and you offer him a reassuring smile. "It's nice to meet you, Thomas."
○ ○ ○
Janson reads out more names of people as you sit in the dining area. Apparently, Aris and Thomas spoke briefly earlier- they have some kind of plan regarding a key card.
You're, quite frankly, scared to watch.
Thomas has told the members from Group A what he saw, they seem skeptical at best. But, they seem to be a strong group and with most of Group B gone, you have little choice but to hope Thomas can convince them.
Thomas suddenly stands up, storming towards the doors and trying to blend in with the people's whose names were called.
He's stopped fairly quickly.
You can't quite make out what's going on, but when a guard sharply points into Thomas' chest, you're already on your feet.
"(Y/N)-" Aris hisses, but the plan isn't going to work if Thomas gets himself in trouble. You can't let this go south.
Thomas pretends to walk away, before turning and diving into the guard. All of the Gladers are on their feet in seconds, jumping to Thomas' defence.
"What the hell's your problem, man?" Thomas shouts as he gets shoved again and you dive in.
Pushing the guy back, you stand protectively in front of the boy. "Back the fuck off, man- you think shoving a kid around makes you tough?"
The boys exchange glances.
Who is this girl? Where did she come from? How come she's helping Thomas? Why does Thomas get all the girls? What is happening?"
"Control your friend!" The guard yells just as Janson bursts through them.
"What's happening here?" Janson seems lost for a second as he looks at the boy. "Thomas? I thought we could trust each other." He touches the boys shoulder and you go to step forward again, only for Thomas to slightly put his arm out, stopping you from intervening.
"You know we're all on the same team here."
"Are we?" Thomas asks.
Janson seems irritated by this and you ball your fists. You could punch this guy and give the Gladers an easy distraction- it would give them and Aris time.
You think about it until a hand grabs your wrist. You look up and meet the eyes of an Asian boy. He's tall, tanned skin and dark, swept up hair. He's handsome, but something in his dark eyes is telling you to stop.
And for some reason, you do. Relaxing your muscles, but returning your attention to Janson- Minho doesn't let go.
"Get them to their bunks."
In a matter of seconds, you're all separated. You just about manage to get to Aris before going to your separate rooms- agreeing to meet at Thomas' vent.
You can hear bickering as you approach, just catching Aris before he knocks down the vent.
"Hey, Thomas," he says casually.
"What the...?" You catch from one of the boys.
"You got it, didn't you?"
"Yeah, yeah, let's go. Where's your friend?"
"Right here!" Your voice echos on the metal from behind Aris. "Getting real finchin' sick of crawlin' around, though."
"Alright, maybe you guys are right," Thomas says to his friends, "maybe I'm just paranoid. But I gotta find out for sure. Just cover for me, I'll be back as soon as I can."
Making the same trip as last time, Aris and Thomas jump down out of the vent, with you staying up there to help them get back up again and keep watch.
You anxiously crouch, watching as you wait for the boys to return.
"C'mon, guys," you mumble to yourself, fiddling with the hem of your shirt.
What feels like hours passes, but it couldn't have been more than five minutes, when Thomas and Aris burst out of the room. Both of them are clearly worked up.
You open the vent. "C'mon!" Offering a hand, they struggle back up, but eventually they join you again. "What happened?"
"We gotta go," is all Thomas says, "we gotta go!"
The boys are rapid at getting through the vents, Thomas bursting into his friends room. He, quite literally, throws the vent cover across the room.
"Thomas!" Someone shouts as he frantically scrambles into the room.
"We gotta go! We gotta go right now!" Thomas says as you and Aris both struggle out of the vent, still yet to have an explanation from either of them.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Minho, whose name you're yet to learn, asks.
"What do you mean 'we gotta go'?" Newt adds on, all of the boys in a frenzy.
"They're coming! Come on! We gotta go!"
"Thomas! What's going on?" You try to grab him but he brushes past you, grabbing things and starting to try and block the door.
You look at Aris, who is completely shook to the core so there's no getting anything out of him.
"What happened?" Frypan yells. "Aris, what happened?" He shouts at the timid boy, getting too close.
"Don't shout at him!" You pull him away. "He's terrified! He ain't gonna tell you klank!"
"Thomas! Can you just calm down and talk to us!" Newt begs, the whole room in a frenzy.
"She's still alive!" Thomas says.
That's ominous.
"Who's she? Teresa?" Frypan asks.
"Who the finch is Teresa?" You ask.
"Ava." Thomas is blunt now.
"Ava?" Newt repeats, watching his friend desperately try and tie the door shut. "Will you just turn around and talk to us?"
"It's WCKD!" Thomas snaps, turning around to face you all. The group freezes. "It's still WCKD. It's always been WCKD."
"Shit," scrambling to help, Thomas seems almost relieved that someone else is doing something as you help him move a mattress to block the door.
"Thomas," Newt stops him. "What did you see?"
Thomas gives a very vague explantion- a video call with Ava Paige and bodies strung up and being tested on.
That's all you guys need to start your escape.
"Come on, let's go!" You usher all the boys towards the vent, letting them go before you.
The Asian boy from before is last, hesitating for a second.
"Ladies first?" He says.
"Minho!" Someone from inside the vent shouts. "Not the shuckin' time, man!"
"Go," you tell him and he obeys. At least you know his name now.
Thomas somehow ends up leading the way as you all try to fight through the crawl space.
He breaks out into a corridor you don't recognise, the rest of you hot on his heels.
"Come on! Come on!" He ushers you towards him. "Okay, okay, let's go!"
"You guys go ahead, there's something I gotta do," Aris states and you look at him.
"What are you talking about?" Thomas steps towards him.
"Trust me, it's important. You guys wanna get outta here, right? Just go."
"I'll go with him," one boy offers.
"Okay, Winston, go! Go!" Thomas takes charge, and you learn another boy's name. "Come on!"
You hesitate, watching Aris start to take off, you go to follow him but Thomas grabs you. "You're with us, okay? Stay close."
You're reluctant, but you nod.
"You sure we can trust this kid?" Minho asks.
"You don't wanna know where we'd be without him," you're glad to hear that Thomas has faith in your friend.
You turn a corner, immediately bumping into the same doctor you saw earlier. You all freeze.
"What are you kids doing out?" She asks.
Then the sirens start blaring.
Which is enough of a hint, I suppose.
"Move," you demand, stepping forward and grabbing the doctor. She struggles, but you grab her wrist, twisting it behind her back and pushing her in front of you. "You're gonna show us how to get outta here."
The boys exchange looks once again. But, Minho smirks- he almost impressed at this point.
"Let's move."
The group starts the make their way down the halls.
"We gotta get Teresa." Thomas states.
"Who?" You question him. "Who is that?"
"A friend."
"A friend? Seriously? We- oh, finch it, I don't know who any of you guys are either."
"I'm Newt, if that helps." The blond says.
You look at him. "You're called Frypan?"
"Yes, I know who you are, Minho."
Rounding another corner, you're almost immediately met by gunshot. You're quick to retreat, letting go of Dr Crawford as she also ducks for cover.
"They're shooting at us!"
"No shit!"
You back away, running in the other direction when Minho suddenly stops.
"Minho!" Thomas yells. "What the hell are you doing?"
"Minho!" You yell as the boy starts charging in the direction of the shooter.
Just as he rounds the corner, Minho jumps, kneeing the guy in the chest and causing him to crash into the wall, knocking him out cold.
All of you, including Crawford, run over, staring at the guy on the floor in some kind of awe.
"Shit, Minho," Newt says and you snort.
"Not bad, stick," you grin at him, watching as he smiles himself, "not bad at all."
Thomas grabs the Launcher, using it to direct the doctor as you make your way to this girl you don't know.
"Dr. Crawford," a scientist says as you force her to pretend to open the door, only for Thomas to follow her and everyone go into a panic.
"Where is she? Where is she!" Thomas is pointing the gun at anyone and everyone as they put their hands on their heads.
He passes the gun to Minho as he rips away a curtain, revealing a girl.
"Get down!" Minho yells. "Get down, now!"
The scientists and doctors all get on the ground as Newt starts tying their hands together to deem them less of a threat.
"You're never gonna get away with this!" Doctor Crawford threatens.
"Yeah?" You scoff. "Watch us."
"Guys!" Frypan, who's watching the door shouts. "They're coming! Where do we go?!"
"Frypan! Move!" Newt pushes over a medical table, shoving it in front of the door just as it's nearly forced open.
"Get back!" Minho grabs your wrist, pulling you behind him along with his friends. "Get back!" He points the gun at the door, keeping you all protected. "Okay! We gotta get outta here! Where do we go?"
"Everybody stand back!" Thomas yells, picking up a chair and slamming it against the glass window, only for it to bounce off. "Newt! Help! Help!"
The boy grabs another chair. "Ready?"
At the same time, they smash the glass, sending shards scattering everywhere as you use your hand to shield your face.
"Go! Go! Go!"
It's a blur of action and yelling as you all try to climb out of the window.
"Hurry! Go!" Minho yells, lingering back before tossing the Launcher to Thomas and jumping over himself.
"Stay behind me," Thomas instructs you all as he opens the door, revealing another Guard.
Which he immediately shoots.
In a burst of sparks and electricity, the man hits the floor, his body seizing and twitching uncontrollably.
You're stunned for a second, but you recollect fairly quickly. Running past the guy, all of you break into a sprint, eager to escape as you near the exit.
"There it is!" Reaching the door, Thomas tries the key card, which denies access.
"Shit! Come on!" Thomas begs. "No, no, no!"
"Thomas!" You spin to see Janson making his way down the corridor. Handing you the key card, he raises his weapon, walking towards them.
"Open the door, Janson!" He yells.
"You really don't want me to."
"Open the damn door!"
"Listen to me!" The Rat Man snaps. "I'm trying to save your life. The Maze is one thing, but you kids won't last a day out in the Scorch. If the elements don't kill you, the Cranks will. Thomas, you have to believe me. I only want what's best for you."
"Yeah, let me guess, WCKD is good?"
Whilst this exchange is going down, you're desperately trying to open the door. Both Newt and Minho stand by your sides, pushing and grabbing at the door to see if that does anything.
"You're not getting through that door, Thomas."
As if the Gods themselves were listening, the key pan suddenly lights up green. Whirring as it rises, it reveals Aris and Winston standing there.
"Hey, guys," Aris says and relief washes over you.
"You crazy bastard," you laugh. "Come on!"
"Thomas! Come on! Let's go!" Newt yells.
Thomas starts shooting, the amo quickly running out, so he launches the weapon towards them.
Janson barks orders down his radio and the door starts to quick close.
You all start to yell words of encouragement, pushing Thomas as he starts to bolt towards the door. He hits the floor, sliding aross the mouth surface as he slips under it.
"Move! Move!" Aris slams a pipe into the pad, breaking it as the rest of you grab as many supplies from nearby as possible.
You're in some kind of warehouse area, all of you sprinting towards another set of giant doors; WCKD personnel flooding from all areas.
You reach them first, pulling on a handle and having to cover your face from flying sand as they open.
Running out into the desert, all you can do is tell each other to keep moving, and that you'll lose them in the storm. It's dark and windy and hard to run.
Following the girl, she finds a building buried in the sand, and you're the first to following as you slip into the shelter.
Eventually, you all have a moment to catch your breaths, using a flashlight to illuminate your new surroundings.
You're too busy examining to listen to Thomas' full explanation and the Gladers' arguing.
Eventually, they come up with some plan to find the Right Arm and you find footsteps.
You start moving, deciding to stay close to Minho because he has the best light source.
"You were pretty good back there," you attempt to make some light-hearted conversation since you just risked your life with this kid.
"Yeah? You weren't so bad yourself." You chuckle, accepting his compliment. "I, uh, I never caught your name."
"What? Tommy-boy didn't tell you?" You raise an eyebrow and Minho shakes his head.
Even in the dark, it's easy to see how attractive the boy is. He's well built and effortlessly charming. And impressive from the stunts he pulled before.
You might just develop a crush on this kid.
He hums in response. "I like it; (Y/N), really rolls off the tongue."
You roll your eyes, but hearing him say your name does make you feel a typa way.
The feeling is mutual, too. Bold and quick-thinking, but also caring and easy to talk to. Not to mention you're easily the most attractive girl Minho has seen (which isn't many but that's not the point.)
"Minho! Quit flirting with the new girl and give us a hand!" Newt shouts, making you try to repress a smirk.
"I wasn't flirting!" Even in the dim light, you can see Minho's reddened expression.
"Sure, you weren't!"
Confident and smooth, but easily flustered.
Good to know.
He turns to you. "I wasn't flirting."
You grin. "Uh-huh."
He opens his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out and he ends up looking like a fish out of water.
You snort. "Yanno, you can flirt with me, if ya want to. I don't mind." You playfully wink at him, unsure if he can even see it before you jog off, catching up to your friend.
He watches as you throw an arm over Aris' shoulder before he puts an arm around your back.
Minho stands there, grinning like the Cheshire Cat before dropping his head and shaking it to himself.
"Okay, lover boy, c'mon," Thomas says, having watched the whole exchange, "you're with me."
"Shut up, shank," Minho playfully pushes his friend, "don't you wanna be with your girlfriend, anyway?"
"I should be asking you that." Minho rolls his eyes.
But he smirks.
Yeah, okay, maybe he likes you. After all, you can't really nearly die with a hot girl without catching feelings, can you?
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Okay, so, not quite as good as some of my other pieces and there's barely any romance, but that tends to happen with my pieces that I have to pull the movie up for lol.
Maybe a part 2 is in order again? Well, you guys will have to let me know about that.
I hope you enjoyed :))
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Newsies UK Fancast!
Ok! Let's do this!
Why UK you ask? Well, i wanted the girlsies + i have my newsies uk program right here
-first come first serve
-Put in reblogs or comments which role
-be civil. this is just for fun]
Jack Kelly: Hexmari (@hexmari)
Katherine Plumber Pulitzer: Reese/Ari (@drinkin-cherryschnapps)
Davey Jacobs: Ryan/Ghost (@the-genderfluid-kony)
Les Jacobs: Pansy (@greatsouthernpansy)
Crutchie: Eponine (@eponine-thenadier)
Racetrack Higgins: Theo (@forest-city)
Spot Conlon: Noel (@noels--lament)
Albert Dasilva: Anthony (@seltzerforalbert)
Finch: Bee (@ethereal-bumble-bee)
Romeo: Robin (@bibeantransbean)
Elmer: Finley (@finleyforevermore)
Specs: Hitch (@saveugoodmadam)
Tommy Boy:
Mush: Mimi (@to-know-how-it-ends)
Mack: Macj (@bigmack2go)
Splint: Annie (@undescribed1mage)
Morris Delancey: Al (@getyourpaybackwithsomepayback)
Oscar Delancey: Illya (@lithuanianking)
Pulitzer: Grapes (@itsgrapes-exe)
Have Fun!
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honeyjars-sims · 4 months
The 2023 Simblr Gratitude Awards by STK
Part 1
In this first round of awards, I wanted to individually highlight some of my favorite simblrs that I've engaged with this year. Not only do I enjoy your content, but I have appreciated our interactions as well. (presented in alphabetical order)
🥧 The Sweet as Pie Award 🏆 goes to @aries-sims for being an engaging mutual and because your Just Desserts Legacy gameplay is simply delicious!
💞 The Legendary Legacy Award 🏆 Over the past several years @cinamun has been sharing the life of Indya Drake here on tumblr. We've cheered for the Drake family's triumphs 🎉, cried through their heartbreaks 😢, laughed at the memes 🤣, taken in lots of advice 📝, and maybe opened a private browser or two 🔞 Your creativity and interactions are much appreciated!
🍀 The Lucky Us Award 🏆 The recipient of this award is @hannahssimblr for sharing her beautiful writing and compelling characters with us. It was us who were the Lucky Girls (gender neutral) all along 🤭
🎆 The Creating Chaos Award 🏆 shall be given to @havenroyals for coming up with characters who really know how to bring the drama. I love being a fly on the wall of your chaotic world!
🎭 The All the Feels Award 🏆 is awarded to @lynzishell. Just like the peaks and valleys of Mt. Komorebi, my heart has experienced highs and lows thanks to your dynamic storytelling! And your insightful comments on my story always give me the warm fuzzies!
🤝 The Gracious Host Award 🏆 This one goes @nexility-sims, who was kind enough to create the best writing group ever. Thank you for giving us a place to have wonderful conversations and for making everyone feel welcome and included! I'm also looking forward to becoming more familiar with your story!
💎 The Forever a Fave Award 🏆 has gone to @rebouks because you are ever present in the community. Not only have you shared the emotional journey of Oscar Finch (and a seemingly unending cast of characters) with us for what feels like forever, but I and many other storytellers would be lost without your poses!
📖 The Riveting Raconteur Award 🏆 is awarded to @stargazer-sims for your ability to not only create so many multifaceted characters but to write about them so beautifully!
🥂 The Rooting for You Award 🏆 goes to @theosconfessions for writing a character who cheats on his partners and has questionable parenting skills, but I'm still somehow rooting for him. Now that's powerful characterization!
👐 The Helping Hand Award 🏆 I'm giving this one to @tipsy-clouds because you have helped me out a lot over the years and I really appreciate your support, kindness, and your content!
I have more posts coming soon!
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maskedemerald · 5 months
WIP List (Tag Game!)
I was tagged ages ago by @the-down-upside-finch thank you so much! Sadly I was in deadline and life drama time so catching up on the tagged stuff now.
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Warning: This is going to get long, like seriously I have too many even if I discount the Fan Fic ideas... which I am doing because some of them might get used for future challenges that need them not to be talked about.
Feel free to send me an ask about any of these!
Book Writing Stuff
A Curiosity Piqued Series
Medallion Heist
Message in a Bottle
The Vanished Researcher
The Shadow Master
The Transfigured Corpse
The Traveler
The Queen of Stone
Lapis Feather (Previously Frost Amber)
Vigdis' Revenge
The Shadow Master Returns
The Bleeding Tree
A Brother's Return
Null Beast
Ruins of Crystal Spires
Ari vs Arnvaldr
A Focus of Time
Haunting Memories
Lost Brother
The Queen of Stone's Revenge
Uneasy Aliance
And that's just the A Curiosity Piqued WIPs!
Magic Act
Vampire Saga
Queen's Conmen
Apprenticeships in Sorcery
A Kind of Freedom
Biological Component
Blood Book
Caged Phoenix
Captain's Shoes
Curse of the Sands
Dragon Egg
Dreaming Weapon
Sands in the Hourglass
Frozen Dragon
In the Ashes of the Bookshop
Kayla Rising
Last Breath
Last Man on Earth
Prince Pendant
Prince's Secret
Should Have Been Born a Fish
Stolen Breath
Taking up the Chase
White Raven
Wish You were Here
Astral Projection thing
Book Boy
Wynn equivalent
Lethal Lyra
Spark the Fires
Space Druid
Talisman Warlock
Forget me not
Game Writing Stuff
Light of the Oubliette
New Khronos
Aether Shards
Comics Writing Stuff
Better Luck
Searching Prince
Dragon Cursed
Bottle Pirates
Phantom Circus
Not Under the Mountain
Now for the Tags:
It would be crazy for me to try and tag 1 person for everything listed here, seriously that would be 67 just counting the book writing things! So I'm just going to tag all my current writers tag list and throw it open to anyone else. (Shout at me if you want to be added to the writers list for tag games, whatever you write be it original stuff or fan fiction!)
No pressure tagging @scribe-of-stories, @allie-and-the-words, @card-queen, @sm-writes-chaos, @the-real-lyra-vale, @squarebracket-trick, @jasperygrace, @pb-dot, @wmlittlemore-is-writing, @akiwitch, @aalinaaaaaa, @cat-esper, @chayscribbles, @thetwentiethdisaster, @i-rove-rock-n-roll, @ashwithapen, @vaultofqueenorion, @sparrow-orion-writes, @thetruearchmagos, @taveren-writing, @alnaperera, @amaiguri, @guessillcallitart, @stesierra, @sam-glade, @thebearthatreads, @dogmomwrites, @callahanscorner
I apologize if some of you were already tagged for this game while I was gone with IRL chaos throw a link at me and I'll take a look if you did!
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thatravenpuffgirl · 6 months
Justin Finch Fletchley
Born between the 1st of September 1979 and the 31st of August 1980
Was sorted into Hufflepuff, and was in the same year as the Golden Trio
Good friends with housemates & year mates Ernie Macmillian and Hannah Abbott
A member of the Dueling Club & Dumbledore's Army
Was petrified by the basilisk during CoS
Was supposed to attend the public-school Eton before he received his letter to Hogwarts, implying his family is upper-class.
British or Irish
My Headcanons:
He was born on the 14th of April, making him an Aries Sun & Moon.
Was born in Oxford but raised in Reading.
His father, Christopher Finch Fletchley, was a lawyer, and an alumnus of Eton College.
His mother, Eleanor Finch Fletchley (nee Scott) worked as a secretary, but only part-time.
He has a younger brother, Timothy, and a younger sister, Belinda.
His family & he are Catholics.
He's a big fan of cricket and joined an Under 9s cricket club in Hurst before going to an Under 11s cricket club in Reading.
Although once he started attending Hogwarts, he wasn't able to play cricket, he still tried to practice during his time there and in the holidays.
Doesn't really understand soccer or football, or whatever you call it
Dean almost thumped him when he said this, Seamus had to hold him back.
Is always asking questions about his father's work and developed a love of having lively debates because of it.
Definitely was intrigued about the inner workings of the wizarding world and would constantly ask Susan questions about the Ministry of Magic and the Wizengamot when she said that her aunt worked there.
His wand is 11 3/4 inches long, made of Red Oak, with a dragon heartstring core.
His best subjects were Charms and DADA.
Became good friends with Colin Creevey after they were both petrified.
He taught Colin how to play cricket.
Could sometimes be a bit quick off the mark in judging people but is very loyal to his friends.
Good friends with Neville, amongst his other Hufflepuff friends, and always encouraged him to keep trying his best.
Augusta got in contact with his parents and offered them assistance in navigating the wizarding world.
Justin was a Beater on the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team for a year in 1996
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iridescentmarzz · 1 year
Assorted tkam headcanons
Libra; born September 30th 1885
Full name is Atticus James Finch
Autistic (i could make an entire post about this)
gives great hugs
Writes calligraphy! all of the kids birthday cards and other cards are handwritten from him
Has attempted to cook, but almost burnt the house down so Cal doesn't allow him in the kitchen anymore. for being as smart as he is, he is awful in the kitchen
Is very in control of his emotions, but when he does get emotional, his emotions are very big
he copes with negative emotions by reading or listening to the radio
He usually only listens to the news on the radio, but sometimes he enjoys listening to music
really likes swing music
Cracks his knuckles a lot
Not very religious, goes to church every sunday but as he got older began to question religion more. When he was younger he was very religious because his family was religious
Always had plans to get a dog with his wife, but because of having two kids and then Miss Grahams death, it never happened. He still thinks about getting a dog after both of the kids are out of the house
Wakes up at 5 am everyday without fail, then spends the first few hours of his morning reading before he gets ready for the day
Aries; born April 12th 1927
If she knew what being trans was, would identify as transmasc
but considering she lives in Alabama in the 1930s, she likely has never and will never hear the term transgender or know its meaning
Accident prone- often comes to Cal with little cuts and scrapes. Cal always tells her to be more careful but takes care of her injuries no matter what
Keeps a journal, though she didn't take it very seriously until she was a teen and then would make sure she journals daily
Hates Halloween after the incident. the year after the incident she stays inside for the entire evening of Halloween and snuggles with Atticus
Very artsy. Loves writing and drawing and fills her journal with little doodles relating to her day
Taurus; born May 14th, 1923
Almost always angry about something
Just an angry little guy
Needs glasses but doesn't get them until he's around 18
Absolutely adores Scout, more than he will ever admit, but he'd do anything for her (usually. they still bicker a lot)
After Halloween, the first thing he said when he woke up in the morning was "is Scout okay?"
Jem used to love Halloween, but is cautious of it after the incident. it takes him a few years to enjoy the holiday again
Takes after Atticus in his love for reading. as he gets older, Atticus lets him barrow books with increasingly mature themes and they'd bond by discussing them
Ends up playing football in highschool but gets injured. he plays all throughout highschool despite his injury, but once he's in college he stops playing and decides he prefers watching the sport instead
Keeps the things him and Scout found in the knothole for his entire life
Gemini; June 19th, 1891
No one knows except for Atticus and her late husband
Her husband was a gay man and they married mainly for protection
despite not loving each other romantically, they were incredibly close friends and Maudie mourned the loss of him for a long time
She sees Scout and Jem and even Dill as children
She was friends with Nathan Radley when they were younger, but once Nathan moved to Pensacola they lost contact, and even when he returned they just never reconnected
Virgo; September 12th, 1897
Always stimming in some way, most common stim in scrunching up his face or full body twitches
Scrapbooks and uses his scrapbook as a journal of sorts
Not very close with Nathan and often avoids him as well as he can, considering they're both in the house pretty often
Funny enough, Boo was a nickname arthur was given as a teen by his friends
He was never really a bad kid. He was just an autistic kid who struggled to make connections and when he met his friend group, they'd goad him into stupid things and he'd do them because he'd never had friends like that before
The incident where he stabbed his father did happen, but he did it not out of nowhere, but because Mr Radley was drunk and acting aggressive and it scared and frustrated Arthur so he stabbed him
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courfeyracs-swordcane · 6 months
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@nosongunsung11’s Ambrose Finch-Fletcher diagnosed with Sells Bad Weed and Causes Problems as one of the top four guys who Absolutely Cannot Cope with mortality in this city
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clanslist · 2 years
Warrior Cats Name Generator in 2022
A - Aspen
B - Blue
C - Coast
D - Drizzle
E - Eel
F - Finch
G - Gorse
H - Hawk
I - Ivory
J - Jagged
K - Kestrel
L - Lime
M - Mite
N - Nectar
O - Oat
P - Poppy
Q - Quick
R - Rosette
S - Sorrel
T - Thyme
U - Urial
V - Vole
W - Whistle
X - Xenops
Y - Yew
Z - Zip
Aries - pelt
Taurus - rush
Gemini - split
Cancer - blossom
Leo - mane
Virgo - face
Libra - swoop
Scorpio - teeth
Sagittarius - fire
Capricorn - scratch
Aquarius - fur
Pisces - drop
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vulune · 2 months
alias / name : saffron / finch. birthday : august 6th. zodiac sign : leo sun, aries moon, taurus rising. height : 5'1'' / 154 cm. hobbies : writing, reading, sewing, crochet, harassing my hedgehog. i used to cosplay but now i feel too old and decrepit. favorite color : pink! yellow! red! purple! favorite book : sarah j maas' throne of glass series. last song : moon halo from hi3, covered by amalee. pls listen to it it's so good. last film / show : extraordinary attorney woo & tale of the nine tailed ( with friends! ) recent reads : house of flame and shadow by sarah j maas. inspiration : i'm not sure my writing consciously samples any inspiration from anything anymore - but i do my best to incorporate darker elements with spooky thematics at the backing. mist shrouded forests at the midnight hour, blood sacrifices, and lazy and seductive affairs with hot vampires tend to drive the inspo. story behind url : a beloved friend of mine called me 'deer pretty' recently. additionally in the book i just finished - there was deer shifter called 'the hind' who i love immensely. and i like the word blight and wanted an occult theme so here we are. fun fact about me : i have crohn's disease! it's not at all a fun fact but identify immensely with chronically ill and/or dying characters and like to put them in my pocket and call them my blorbos.
tagged by: @gemkun (idk why you already know everything about me weirdo), and @todestochter (<3) tagging: @mythkiss, @windqueller, @conmunis, @everlastiingiimmortals, @caelune, @cloudskiff, @cloudhymn, @iedolon i'm not sorry if you've already been tagged or done it by the way
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moonnotfound13 · 1 year
Hello Beautiful Peoples!!
I've just started writing fan fics/headcannons, I've always loved writing so I decided to give it a try.
Here is a list of all the people/fandoms I'll be writing for:
Teen Wolf:
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Derek Hale
Allison Argent
Lydia Martin
Malia Tate
Liam Dunbar
Kira Yukimura
Peter Hale
Theo Raeken
Isaac Lahey
Cora Hale
Jordan Parrish
Erica Reyes
Brett Talbot
The Maze Runner:
Jacob Black
Bella Swan
Edward Cullen
Rosalie Hale
Emmett Cullen
Esme Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Alice Cullen
Jasper Hale
Leah Clearwater
Seth Clearwater
Sam Uley
Embry Call
Quill Aterea
The Last of Us:
Ellie Williams
Abby Anderson
Joel Miller
Once Upon A Time:
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
Snow White
Prince James "Charming"
Peter Pan
Drizella Tremaine (I freaking love Adelaide Kane)
Liv Moore
Major Lilywhite
Peyton Charles
Blaine DeBeers
Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti
Chase Graves
Lowell Tracey
Levon Patch
Elena Gilbert
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Matt Donovan
Tyler Lockwood
Alaric Saltzman
Jeremy Gilbert
Kai Parker
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Cami O'Connell
Davina Claire
Marcel Gerard
Jackson Kenner
Kaleb Westphall
Hope Mikaelson
Josie Saltzman
Lizzie Saltzman
Landon Kirby
MG (Milton Greasley)
Jed Tien
Rafael Waithe
Ethan Machado
Cleo Sowande
Finch Tarrayo
Stranger Things:
Eleven (no smut!)
Mike Wheeler (no smut!)
Will Byers (no smut!)
Lucas Sinclair (no smut!)
Max Mayfield (no smut!)
Dustin Henderson (no smut!)
Steve Harrington
Jim Hopper
Nancy Wheeler
Joyce Byers
Jonathon Byers
Robin Buckley
Billy Hargrove
Eddie Munson
Dmitri (Enzo)
Kali Prasad (8)
Henry Creel/Peter Ballard
Sam and Colby:
Sam Golbach
Colby Brock
Seth Borden
Jake Webber
Corey Scherer
Katrina Stuart
Kris Collins (KallMeKriss)
Stas Siver
Amanda Raye
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair
Tyler Galpin
Xavier Thorpe
Ajax Petropolus
Bianca Barclay
That is all for today my people! I do take requests, so please tell me what you would like and I'll try to get to it!
Have a good morning/day/night❤️🫶
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pennyserenade · 1 year
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aries birthday bash 2023 : gregory peck & pedro pascal
pedro pascal has proved himself to be quite the exceptional human. though his career has started to take off later than many people’s in hollywood, it is no less impressive because of it. in fact, i’m certain that it is more impressive because of it. pascal has done so much with his short time in the spotlight, it is hard to figure out just where to start. starring as javier peña in netflix’s narcos, pascal helped open the door to bilingual projects on a mass scale. not only that, but pascal himself has spoken openly and proudly of his ethnicity and nationality, aligning himself with his beloved chile in a way that has made it all too easy to want to root for him. he has proved himself, like gregory peck before him, to be exceptionally compassionate and kind individual, taking to using his platform to spread resources and speak out against injustices that have polluted our planet. apart from being an exceptional human, pedro is also a magnificently talented actor who has went above & beyond in every role they’ve allowed him to fill. from the memorable oberyn martell to the world-weary joel miller, pedro has time & time again proven himself to be an actor to watch. i’m incredibly proud to see his career blossom before my eyes, but even prouder as latina to witness him do it so proudly as a latino. to him i say, “feliz cumpleaños, pedrito. te amo mucho.”
i am under the impression that it is an exceptional thing to be remembered for your warmth and your compassion. for gregory peck to have been immortalized in the form of a gentle man named atticus finch is so fitting a destiny for someone of his nature. he was such a incredibly talented individual who spearheaded projects he believed wholeheartedly in, even if the public as a whole wasn’t ready to digest the message. in a time when keeping up with one’s squeaky clean, white public image was paramount in hollywood, gregory peck took on roles that dared to challenge society’s view as a whole - sometimes to the chagrin of many individuals. he starred in films such as gentleman’s agreement, to kill a mockingbird, and on the beach, films with messages that he felt needed to be said, and he supported them completely, not just as an actor, but a member of a society he wanted to see bettered. he always took on the role of the compassionate human, even when it wasn’t easy. he protested the vietnam war, earning him a spot on president nixon’s enemy list; he spoke openly about his belief that women should have access to birth control and abortion, despite his own catholicism and their stance on it; and he often took time to speak out against the injustices he saw happening, from reagan’s trying to elect corrupt supreme justices, to congress’s failure to ban teenagers from obtaining firearms, to merely advocating for a younger and more diverse hollywood eons before we started to see it. peck time and time again proved not only to be an exceptional actor in his decades long career, but an exceptional human too. i am so happy to be wishing him a happy heavenly birthday this week.
both of these men have filled my life and many others lives with lots of warmth, and i am forever grateful to be able to witness what they have done. in celebration of them both i have compiled a list of foundations & organizations that they both support/have supported. i think there is no better way to honor and celebrate two men such as these ones than giving and helping those around us. under the cut you will find the links & some information about them.
gregory peck:
la jolla playhouse is one of gregory peck’s creations. peck grew up in la jolla and the la jolla playhouse was a product of his wanting to bring theater to his community. you can read more about la jolla playhouse’s beginnings in this article called, “the curtain rises” by virginia butterfield. here is the link to donate to the theater itself, which is still operating today. 
the american cancer association is an organization that peck found himself to be the national chairman of in 1966. you can support them by donating here.
gregory peck was on the national committee for handgun control incorporated, which was later renamed the brady center to prevent gun violence, and then just brandy. gregory peck was very vocal about his desire to see gun control take place, especially after the columbine shooting of 1999. brandy’s goal is to find a solution to the gun violence epidemic that consumes america and that has for many decades now. you can read about brandy, brandy’s plans, and make a donation to the organization here. 
peck created a noted reading series at the central library in los angeles, where celebrities would get together and read their chosen material for library donors. peck himself was the honorary chair of the los angeles library foundation and greatly enjoyed taking hold of this project in his older years. you can learn more about peck’s reading series here, you can learn more about the library in general here, and you can donate here. 
pedro pascal:
todo por mi familia is a foundation that pascal has supported in the past. this foundation supports families that have been separated at the us border. you can donate here.
pedro pascal did the community table read in 2020 in order to help raise money for the world central kitchen. you can donate to that foundation here. 
pedro pascal has long been a supporter of women’s rights and a wonderful place to donate in order to honor him on this day is planned parenthood. you can donate here.
pedro pascal posted an instagram post about the robin hood relief fund in 2020. the fund helps new yorkers affected by COVID-19. you can donate to it here
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