mar-the-magician · 2 years
It is officially the twenty first night of September now.
That is all.
Thank you for your time.
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chiefcheesecakemaker · 6 months
Mc singing: la la la la la sho be du ba di ba ba duuu
The bros: the flip-
Mc singing: I'm a show girl sho be be du da dii I like to dance and sway but most of all I really like to sing! Shu be do be du da
Lucifer: what are they singing
Asmo: I think they're making it up as the go
Mc singing and dancing a bit: fill my drink Sha ha be do da kiss my lips Sha ha le lu la love me more...love me moreeeeeeee
Belphie has started recording: this is too good
Mammon: we could sell it!
Belphie: no you moron
Mc: I was a show girl bum bum I would sing and dance da be di da du be diii hey! If you see my skin you better have grin for mc the lovely show GIRLLLLLL! Ah! La ba de daa mc the lovely show girlll!
Satan chuckling to himself: it isn't bad
Asmo has gotten up to sing with her: she was a show girl Cha Cha she would sing and dance she would laugh with her friends after hourssss!!!
Mc looking at him smiling: her friends wass asmo the tiny dancer he had spunk and he was fun and he's not that smart la la la laaa
Asmo: ba be ba duu they would dance every night at hotel le NOIRRR mc the lovely show girl hey I said mc the lovely show girlll!
Mc: leans towards mammon: but she was lonely oh so lonely ba be di ba du ba de ba ba bi ba buuuuuu
Mammon giving up and standing up: so she would sing at dance, leave the boys in a trance at hotel le NOIRRR
Mammon asmo and mc in sync: join her at hotel le noir where she sings and dances all night long!
Satan: mc the lovely show girl!
Beel: mc the lonely show girl!
Mc: I was the lovely show girl....BAM
all the bros who didn't sing clapped: what was that?
Mc: a song I used to sing how did you guys know it
Asmo: I don't know I just came with it as it went
Mammon: don't look at me! I just did it caus you did..
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yagubov · 5 months
Dəli şeytan deyir ki, get yaz ona və de ki:
Aə qağaş az osturağa bas daa.. iyünnən buralarda durmaq olmur ee. Arada fasilə ver güya ki, inanaq da. Okeymi qağaşşş..
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gumballrightfoots · 11 months
bum ba ba bum bum bum badada daaaa da daa
bum bum beda bum bum de da da
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sk8dowd · 2 years
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chimpanzeedotcom · 2 years
Me talking to customer: is that all? :)
Right brain: kill your boss kill your boss kill your boss
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444namesplus · 2 days
Aal Aam Aan Aar Aas Ala Ale Ali Alo Alu Ama Ame Ami Amo Amu Ana Ane Ani Ano Anu Ara Are Ari Aro Aru Asa Ase Asi Aso Asu Baa Bal Bam Ban Bar Bas Bee Bel Bem Ben Ber Bes Bii Bil Bim Bin Bir Bis Bol Bom Bon Boo Bor Bos Bul Bum Bun Bur Bus Buu Chaa Chal Cham Chan Char Chas Chee Chel Chem Chen Cher Ches Chii Chil Chim Chin Chir Chis Chol Chom Chon Choo Chor Chos Chul Chum Chun Chur Chus Chuu Daa Dal Dam Dan Dar Das Dee Del Dem Den Der Des Dii Dil Dim Din Dir Dis Dol Dom Don Doo Dor Dos Dul Dum Dun Dur Dus Duu Eel Eem Een Eer Ees Ela Ele Eli Elo Elu Ema Eme Emi Emo Emu Ena Ene Eni Eno Enu Era Ere Eri Ero Eru Esa Ese Esi Eso Esu Faa Fal Fam Fan Far Fas Fee Fel Fem Fen Fer Fes Fii Fil Fim Fin Fir Fis Fol Fom Fon Foo For Fos Ful Fum Fun Fur Fus Fuu Gaa Gal Gam Gan Gar Gas Gee Gel Gem Gen Ger Ges Gii Gil Gim Gin Gir Gis Gol Gom Gon Goo Gor Gos Gul Gum Gun Gur Gus Guu Iil Iim Iin Iir Iis Ila Ile Ili Ilo Ilu Ima Ime Imi Imo Imu Ina Ine Ini Ino Inu Ira Ire Iri Iro Iru Isa Ise Isi Iso Isu Kaa Kal Kam Kan Kar Kas Kee Kel Kem Ken Ker Kes Kii Kil Kim Kin Kir Kis Kol Kom Kon Koo Kor Kos Kul Kum Kun Kur Kus Kuu Ola Ole Oli Olo Olu Oma Ome Omi Omo Omu Ona One Oni Ono Onu Ool Oom Oon Oor Oos Ora Ore Ori Oro Oru Osa Ose Osi Oso Osu Paa Pal Pam Pan Par Pas Pee Pel Pem Pen Per Pes Pii Pil Pim Pin Pir Pis Pol Pom Pon Poo Por Pos Pul Pum Pun Pur Pus Puu Saa Sal Sam San Sar Sas See Sel Sem Sen Ser Ses Shaa Shal Sham Shan Shar Shas Shee Shel Shem Shen Sher Shes Shii Shil Shim Shin Shir Shis Shol Shom Shon Shoo Shor Shos Shul Shum Shun Shur Shus Shuu Sii Sil Sim Sin Sir Sis Sol Som Son Soo Sor Sos Sul Sum Sun Sur Sus Suu Taa Tal Tam Tan Tar Tas Tee Tel Tem Ten Ter Tes Thaa Thal Tham Than Thar Thas Thee Thel Them Then Ther Thes Thii Thil Thim Thin Thir This Thol Thom Thon Thoo Thor Thos Thul Thum Thun Thur Thus Thuu Tii Til Tim Tin Tir Tis Tol Tom Ton Too Tor Tos Tul Tum Tun Tur Tus Tuu Ula Ule Uli Ulo Ulu Uma Ume Umi Umo Umu Una Une Uni Uno Unu Ura Ure Uri Uro Uru Usa Use Usi Uso Usu Uul Uum Uun Uur Uus Vaa Val Vam Van Var Vas Vee Vel Vem Ven Ver Ves Vii Vil Vim Vin Vir Vis Vol Vom Von Voo Vor Vos Vul Vum Vun Vur Vus Vuu
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Whenever life gets you down
Keeps you wearing a frown
And the gravy train has left you behind
And when you're all out of hope
Down at the end of your rope
And nobody's there to throw you a line
If you ever get so low that you don't know which way to go
Come on and take a walk in my shoes
Never worry 'bout a thing, got the world on a string
'Cause I've got the cure for all of my blues (all of his blues)
I take a look at my enormous penis
And my troubles start a-meltin' away (ba-doo-bop-bop)
I take a look at my enormous penis
And the happy times are coming to stay
I gotta sing, and I dance when I glance in my pants
And the feeling's like a sunshiney day
I take a look at my enormous pe-e-e-nis
And everything is goin' my way (ba-doo-bop-bop)
I take a look at my enormous penis
And my troubles start a-meltin' away (ba-doo-bop-bop)
I take a look at my enormous penis
And the happy times are coming to stay
Yeah, I got great big amounts in the place where it counts
And the feeling's like a sunshiney day
I take a look at my enormous pe-e-e-nis
And everything is goin' my way (my trouser monster)
Everything is goin' my way (my meat is murder)
Everything is goin' my way (size doesn't matter)
Everything is goin' my way
Good afternoon Oos
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sexyugly11 · 4 years
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"Diavoli blu mordono anime blu"
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harpuiaa · 4 years
larxenes hairstyle makes me think of cockroach antenna. You fight her and the boss music is just replaced with the rotating roach music
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tres-fidelis · 5 years
@whistleccncert replied to your post: Someone’s quickly shoving...
“I see you, bitch.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m just minding my own business.”
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froglegsz · 3 years
la dee soo da de dap dap zebop pop weeboo ba da ha za zop tip tap top de daa do da
yeah... yeah...
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hipertexto · 3 years
Dos poemas de Natalia Toledo:
Ba’ tobi
Nexhu’ daapu’ biruba xiñá’,
guidila’du’ nusiasi balaana laa.
Nacu’ ti guie’ biele gasi ne ti bicuini ná’,
ti xho’ cubi cayuu ndaaya’ ra birá gueela’.
Lexu cayé’ niidxi sti’ beeu naya’ni’ dxindxi.
Guirá’ niza cuyaa ne bi xti’ yoo li’dxu’.
Zedanda saa ne zuyaacabe ne xhelu’,
rendu ti larigueela’ ne ca i’cu’ pora guiluxe saa:
guirá’ ni nari’ni’ naguenda rirá.
Napu’ ndaani’ ladxido’lo’ ti guendaracaladxi’ caluxe
ma’ qui zagui’tu’ buñega ne ca biza’nu’
ne ma qui zaba’quilu’ lari ndase bichonga ne
dé quichi’
dxi gaca’ nanda’lu’.
Tumba primera
Duermes cubierta en tulipanes rojos,
al cuerpo lo anestesia el honor.
Eres una flor recién abierta con un meñique,
un aroma nuevo se bautiza terminando la noche,
el conejo bebe la leche de una luna transparente,
la milpa baila con el viento de tu casa.
Llegará la música y bailarán con tu esposo,
desde tu envoltura quieres que dé fin la fiesta:
toda virginidad es efímera.
En medio del corazón tienes un deseo que expira,
jamás volverás a jugar con muñecas
y jamás caminarás las calles en calzones almidonados
cuando tengas calor.
Nacanu ti bandá’ naduubi’ sti’ bi,
ruaa bi richeza lu xnisanu
rutiidi’ xquibaxubi ladinu,
huaxa cadi nacanu ti daa reza.
Dxi nisadó’ gue’ ca nisa biina’
gúle ti dani zidi galahui’ guie lua’.
Napa’ ti dxumi guidxi guie’ xtiá gan’da’
ne biruba’ xiñá’ quiize’ dxi lanixpidua’ya’.
Zareenia’ ti xigagueta zuchaya’ ndaani’
guendaruxidxi naxhi ne xindxaa candá’ nisadxu’ni alcanfor.
Naa nanna’ xinga guenda bizabi,
xisi napa’ ti lari ro’ raca yoo
ra rusieeche’ cani nadxibalú ruxhague’ doo xpisuude’.
Somos un dibujo terso del viento,
su boca estría nuestras aguas,
la espátula pasa,
pero no somos una superficie rota.
Cuando el mar evaporó mis lágrimas,
una salina nació en el centro de mis ojos.
Tengo una canasta llena de albahaca fresca
y tulipanes para regalar el día de mi cumpleaños,
saldré con mi charola colmada de sonrisas melosas y
dádivas alcanforadas.
Yo sé de orfandades,
pero tengo una carpa en donde hago feliz
a quien se atreve a descorrer la cinta de mi enagua.
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simcorgi · 5 years
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Yo listen up, here's the story about a little guy that lives in a blue world and all day and all night and everything he sees is just blue like him, inside and outside. Blue his house with a blue little window and a blue Corvette and everything is blue for him and himself and everybody around 'cause he ain't got nobody to liSTeN-
I'm BLuE dAa Ba dEe DA bA dAA
My name is Megan and I promise I’m like this all the time. 
I’m 23 and ✨ ace ✨ yet I constantly desire to put my simself and my girlfriend in awkward situations. I have been playing sims since the year 2000, so if u do the math sorry gross, I know, yes I was four. I left the community for a bit to get a little mental health healing and voila I have returned with a desire to start fresh! ish
Here’s what I post for the curious minds:
gameplay + stories
the occasional edit
maxis mix
I definitely need to see some fresh faces so please give this a reblog, comment or like and I’ll check you out!! ♥
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selcuksofta · 5 years
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Her gün daha da grileşen şehrin çehresini değiştirmek hem çok zevkli hem de sandığınızdan daha kolay.
Evde çok kısa sürede yapacağınız tohum toplarını sevdiklerinize hediye ederek onları da bahçecilik hareketinize dahil edebilirsiniz.
Eski bir gazete
Kolay yeşerecek tohumlar
Kuru kil
Toprak ya da kompost
Yere gazete kağıdını serin ve üzerindeki kap içerisine eşit miktarda kil ile toprak ya da kompost koyun. Tohumları da karışıma ilave ederek hamur kıvamına gelene dek yoğurun. Hamurunuzu ceviz büyüklüğünde toplar haline getirerek kurumaya bırakın.
Tavsiyemiz tohum toplarını yaparken kolay filizlenen papatya, çimen, mevsimlik bahar çiçekleri ile tükettiğiniz yerel meyve ve sebzelerin tohumlarını kullanmanız. Sonbaharda bakla, ıspanak, kara turp, roka, sarımsak, soğan arpacığı, tere ve bezelye tohumlarını gönül rahatlığıyla karışımınıza ekleyebilirsiniz.
İşlenmemiş, kaynatılmamış, kurtlanmamış, Sağlam ve olgun; Kayısı, Şeftali, Kiraz, Vişne, Erik, Elma, Armut İğde, Hünnap, Muşmula, Kızılcık, Alıç, Ayva, Nar, Dut v.b.
Ceviz, Badem, Fındık, Zeytin, Kestane, Keçiboynuzu(Keçiboynuzu tohumlarını dikmeden önce bir iki gün suda bekletmemiz gerekiyor) v.b. türlerin meyve çekirdeklerini çöpe atmayalım.Dağda bayırda Ekim, Kasım, Aralık aylarında tohum toplarından hazırlayıp atabiliriz.
Etrafımızı saran betonarme binalar ve apartmanlardan
dolayı ,alamayacağımız oksijeni karşılamak için bile bu çekirdeklerden çıkacak ağaçlara ihtiyacımız olacak. Doğaya yardım edelim..
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kuroshitsuji-sama · 5 years
E ovo mi je prvi put da vidim sebaciel fana sa Balkana, inace sam iz Bosne, bas sam iznenadjena da ima i kod nas ovakvi fanova, jer znas situaciju na Balkanu pogotovo kad su u pitanju gej osobe i sl. Jojjjjjjjj SEBACIEL forever. 💗
De si sestrooo hahahah♥♥♥ Znam bre, katastrofa je to kod nas, ovi Amerikanci ovde nas ne razumeju, mi ne mozemo da budemo slobodni kao oni. Na Balkanu ce da te lincuju cak iako podrzavas samo gej odnose, a kamoli da si jedan od njihXD Meni za ovo niko iz realnog zivota ne zna , tako da…sama sam u ovom raju🤣😉
Daa bre, pusti kretene, sebaciel je predivan ship😍😍😍Oni su ti mu odmah posle narusasu. Ako ikad budes zelela da pricas o tome i vristis kao ja lujka ahha slobodno se javii💗
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