#Bailey Harvest
bandcampsnoop · 1 year
A couple of years ago Numero Group released a compilation of lesser known/unknown bands called "You're Not From Around Here". One of the bands on that compilation was Bailey's Nervous Kats (they were also on the soundtrack to the Netflix show "Wild Wild Country".
Now, Numero Group is giving Bailey's Nervous Kats a full release/reissue. "The Nervous Kats" was a compilation originally released in 1965. Bailey's Nervous Kats formed in the late 1950s and were part of the nascent surf sound made famous primarily by The Ventures.
But, what really wowed me about Bailey's Nervous Kats is the fact that they plied this sound in Redding, California. Redding is nestled off I-5 in Northern California and is generally not known for any music scene. There was a burst of music there and in nearby Chico, California in the 1980s (bands like 28th Day, The Vertels, Harvester, Buick, Case For Radio, and Sidearm all had ties to mostly Redding, but also Chico).
Any fans of surf music, Elvis Presley, and Charlie Megira take not of Bailey's Nervous Kats.
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mywinepal · 5 months
BC Winemaker’s Harvest 2023 Interview
BC Winemaker’s #Harvest2023 #Interview @bcwine @GoldHillWine @BlueGrouseWines @BlastedChurch @ fortberens #bcwine #bcvqa #okanagan #Lillooet #VancouverIsland
For the 2023 harvest, many winegrowers reported their earliest start on record due to a hot, sunny summer. What did Wines of British Columbia have to say? From Wines of British Columbia, “Going into the summer season BC wineries knew they were facing the challenge of a reduced wine grape crop. “A devastating extreme cold event in December 2022 impacted vineyards throughout the Okanagan Valley and…
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xtruss · 8 months
Sharecropping: Slavery Rerouted
Though slavery was abolished in 1865, sharecropping would keep most Black Southerners impoverished and immobile for decades to come.
— Published: August 16, 2023 | By Jared Tetreau | The Harvest: Integrating Mississippi's Schools | Article | Sunday August 20, 2023
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Sharecropper's children. Montgomery County, Alabama, 1937, photographer Arthur Rothstein, Library of Congress
“The White Folks had all the Courts, all the Guns, all the Hounds, all the Railroads, all the Telegraph Wires, all the Newspapers, all the Money and nearly all the Land – and we had only our Ignorance, our Poverty and our Empty Hands.” — an anonymous Sharecropper, Elbert County, Georgia, ca. 1900
On January 1, 1867 in Marshall County, Mississippi, Cooper Hughes and Charles Roberts entered into an agreement. In their contract with landowner I.G. Bailey, Hughes and Roberts, both formerly enslaved men, agreed to work 40 acres of corn and 20 acres of cotton on Bailey’s land, along with “all other work…necessary to be done to keep [the farm] in good order,” for the duration of 1867. In exchange for their labor, Hughes, Roberts and their families would be “furnished” with stipends of meat, a mule for plowing, a plot of land to grow a garden, separate cabins and one-third and one-half of the corn and cotton crops respectively.
On that first day of 1867, Hughes and Roberts joined a growing number of newly freed African Americans turning toward a new agricultural arrangement in the South. It would come to be called “sharecropping.” In the decades that followed, sharecropping would grow into what scholar Wesley Allen Riddle called the “predominant capital-labor arrangement” in the region, defining how hundreds of thousands of Black Southerners made a living and supported their families. But once up and running, sharecropping itself would deny the formerly enslaved their rights and liberties as free American citizens for nearly one hundred years.
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Sharecropper "Mother Lane" Pulaski County, Arkansas,1937, United States Resettlement Administration, photographer Ben by Shahn, Library of Congress
What is Sharecropping?
Sharecropping is a system by which a tenant farmer agrees to work an owner’s land in exchange for living accommodations and a share of the profits from the sale of the crop at the end of the harvest.
The system emerged after the Civil War, when the southern economy lay in ruins. With the Confederate monetary system wiped out, farm land decimated, and slavery abolished under the 13th Amendment, access to labor and capital was extremely limited among Southern landowners. For former slaves, federal proposals to redistribute land fell apart in the 1860s, leaving millions without the promises of full citizenship guaranteed to them by the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments.
Pitched as a solution for both groups, sharecropping was presented to the formerly enslaved as land ownership by proxy. It put an end to work in “gangs” under an overseer, while keeping Black workers within the agricultural sector, preferably on the same land where they had been held captive, and incentivizing high crop yields, benefitting landowners. But even though the old plantation system had changed and some day-to-day activities were delegated to sharecroppers, sharecropping proved a fundamentally unequal arrangement, organized to keep Black farmers from ever achieving economic or social mobility.
As writer Doug Blackmon notes, many white southerners after Emancipation were determined not to pay for something they had once had for free—Black labor.
Many landowners at the end of the Civil War were furious at the idea of paying Black workers whom they’d owned only months before. As a result, landowners developed systems adjacent to slavery. On the plantations, this took the form of sharecropping, though the transformation did not happen overnight.
Black Americans in the South were eager to exercise their newfound freedoms after the war. As historian Wesley Allen Riddle writes, “the most basic and symbolic” of these freedoms was “mobility” itself. The formerly enslaved left their plantations in droves, some looking for work in the South’s devastated cities, while others looked for—and were given by the Union Army—vacant land on which to raise a farm. But work in cities was hard to come by. Only about 4 percent of Freedmen were able to find work in southern cities after the war, and many who came there were relegated to shantytowns of the formerly enslaved. As for those that were given vacant lands by the army, they were forced out when President Andrew Johnson canceled Field Order No. 15 in the fall of 1865, returning these properties to their white owners.
While many formerly enslaved did leave the plantations after the war, many others could not. Those trying to leave faced horrific violence and intimidation from their former owners. As Union General Carl Schurz reported in his testimony to Congress in 1865, “In many instances, negroes who walked away from plantations, or were found upon the road, were shot or otherwise severely punished.”
With land ownership all but closed to them, and urban service work extremely limited, many Freedmen had little choice but to return to the plantations by the end of the 1860s. Their motives for this were mixed. Though economic pressures were strong, many wanted to reunite with loved ones who had been sold during slavery, and saw some appeal in working in an agricultural sector that they were familiar with.
Twenty to 50 acre plots, a cabin to live in and farming supplies were promised to them, all in exchange for about 50 percent of their harvest. Freedmen envisioned a self-sustained life working a plot of land, raising a garden, and providing for their families as they wanted. But these hopes were dashed as the pitfalls of sharecropping quickly became clear.
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Sharecroppers, Pulaski County, Arkansas. 1937, photographer Ben by Shahn, United States Resettlement Administration, Library of Congress
Life as a Sharecropper
By design, sharecropping deprived Black farmers of economic agency or mobility. Although they were no longer legally enslaved, sharecroppers were kept in place by debt. As their income was dependent on both the profits from the sale of the crop and the whims of the landowners, sharecroppers had to find means to sustain themselves during the rest of the year. They were forced to purchase food, seed, clothing and other goods on credit, typically from a plantation “commissary” owned by the landlord.
At the end of the harvest, when revenue from the crop was “settled up,” the sharecroppers’ portion of the profits was calculated against their debts. As a result, sharecroppers often ended the year owing their landlords money. What could not be paid off was carried into the next year, creating a cycle of indebtedness that was often impossible to break.
Sharecroppers in debt to their landlord were subject to laws that tied them to the land. If they attempted to move, any new tenancy contracts they signed with other landlords could be voided by their existing ones. If they ran away, they could be brought back to their landlord in chains, and made to work as a prisoner for no pay at all.
Even if sharecroppers did not try to leave, they still faced massive obstacles in achieving any kind of solvency. For instance, many Southern states limited how and to whom sharecroppers could sell their part of the crop. In Alabama, cotton had to be sold and transported during the day, and could only be purchased by a state-defined “legitimate” merchant. As sharecroppers couldn’t afford to lose a day’s work to take their crop to market, these laws curtailed their ability to sell their product at the best possible price.
In addition, individual freedoms were crushed by tenancy contracts, many of which included arbitrary clauses forbidding alcohol consumption, speaking to other sharecroppers in the fields or allowing visitors on rented land.
Black sharecroppers could not seek redress through the political system either. Despite the ratification of the 14th and 15th Amendments, the southern “Redemption” that followed the withdrawal of Union troops from the South in 1876-7 ensured that the federal government would not enforce Black voting rights. Black elected officials disappeared from Congress and state legislatures, and attempts at organizing Black voters were brutally suppressed, as in New Orleans in July of 1866, where a convention of Black voters was attacked by a white mob under police protection that killed an estimated 200 people.
Educational opportunities were also sparse. In 1872, white Southerners pressured Congress to abolish the Freedmen's Bureau, a federal agency designed to provide food, shelter, clothing, medical services and land to newly freed African Americans. With the dissolution of the Bureau, few resources remained for the approximately 80 percent of Black people who were illiterate.
Sharecropping, with its prohibitive restrictions on physical and economic mobility, its use of violence and intimidation and its emphasis on maximum production, denied Black Southerners the ability to gain wealth, to exercise the freedom granted them by Emancipation and to gain the education they were deprived of during enslavement. The system existed, in conjunction with other institutions, to exploit Black labor at a minimum “relative loss” to white landowners while keeping the Black population underfoot.
As Black sharecropper Ed Brown said of his experience, “hard work didn’t get me nowhere.”
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Sharecropper's cabin, Southeast Missouri Farms. 1938, photographer Russell Lee, Library of Congress
Sharecropping’s Decline and Legacy
After dominating the southern agricultural economy for decades, sharecropping was, like most other farming practices, upended by the rise of new technologies. While these changes were delayed by the Great Depression, sharecropping had become obsolete in many areas of the South by the mid-twentieth century. With increased mechanization, white planters’ demand for Black labor dried up.
Also during this time, Jim Crow obstructions to Black enfranchisement, as well as state-sanctioned violence against Black people, were directly challenged by the Civil Rights Movement and the landmark legislation it helped enact. The Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 deconstructed de jure segregation across the South in housing and public accommodation, while empowering the federal government to secure the right to vote for Black Southerners.
As scholars Paru Shah and Robert S. Smith note, enfranchisement, desegregation and the decline of sharecropping weakened “the broader agenda of White Supremacy to crush African American socioeconomic mobility,” but did not destroy it. The effects of centuries of Black economic and social oppression, represented in part by sharecropping, are still felt today. Limited access to capital, to mobility, and to representation during Jim Crow and before it denied Black Americans the ability to save, invest or accumulate wealth, concentrating inherited fortunes in the hands of white families and shaping the present class makeup.
For nearly a century, sharecropping defined Southern agriculture and hindered Black economic advancement. The system reflected a multidude of attempts by the white power structure to keep Black workers stagnant, achieving this through intimidation, physical violence and exploitation. Ultimately, aided by organized action, shifting technological and economic conditions and the determination of sharecroppers themselves, the oppressive reality of sharecropping ended. But in the endemic inequities of American political and economic life, its legacy persists.
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wonderlesch · 2 years
Best October Themed Cocktails
Best October Themed Cocktails shares Halloween and Harvest themed drink ideas. Click to discover Ghost in a Glass, Boo Berry Cocktails and so much more. They are the Treat in Trick or Treat! Cheers!
Hello and Welcome to Best October Themed Cocktails. Where has the year gone? I love October! Autumn is my favorite time of year. Here are a couple of my favorite October themed Cocktails. Discover: Ghost in a Glass, Boo Berry Cocktail and more. Cheers to the season of Autumn and the Best October Themed Cocktails. Ghost in a Glass The Ghost in a Glass cocktail reminds me of Ghostbusters’ Slimer.…
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blackwoolncrown · 1 year
Reading list for Afro-Herbalism:
A Healing Grove: African Tree Remedies and Rituals for the Body and Spirit by Stephanie Rose Bird
Affrilachia: Poems by Frank X Walker
African American Medicine in Washington, D.C.: Healing the Capital During the Civil War Era by Heather Butts
African American Midwifery in the South: Dialogues of Birth, Race, and Memory by Gertrude Jacinta Fraser
African American Slave Medicine: Herbal and Non-Herbal Treatments by Herbert Covey
African Ethnobotany in the Americas edited by Robert Voeks and John Rashford
Africanisms in the Gullah Dialect by Lorenzo Dow Turner
Africans and Native Americans: The Language of Race and the Evolution of Red-Black Peoples by Jack Forbes
African Medicine: A Complete Guide to Yoruba Healing Science and African Herbal Remedies by Dr. Tariq M. Sawandi, PhD
Afro-Vegan: Farm-Fresh, African, Caribbean, and Southern Flavors Remixed by Bryant Terry
Barracoon: The Story of the Last “Black Cargo” by Zora Neale Hurston
Big Mama’s Back in the Kitchen by Charlene Johnson
Big Mama’s Old Black Pot by Ethel Dixon
Black Belief: Folk Beliefs of Blacks in America and West Africa by Henry H. Mitchell
Black Diamonds, Vol. 1 No. 1 and Vol. 1 Nos. 2–3 edited by Edward J. Cabbell
Black Faces, White Spaces: Reimagining the Relationship of African Americans to the Great Outdoors by Carolyn Finney
Black Food Geographies: Race, Self-Reliance, and Food Access in Washington, D.C. by Ashanté M. Reese
Black Indian Slave Narratives edited by Patrick Minges
Black Magic: Religion and the African American Conjuring Tradition by Yvonne P. Chireau
Black Nature: Four Centuries of African American Nature Poetry edited by Camille T. Dungy
Blacks in Appalachia edited by William Turner and Edward J. Cabbell
Caribbean Vegan: Meat-Free, Egg-Free, Dairy-Free Authentic Island Cuisine for Every Occasion by Taymer Mason
Dreams of Africa in Alabama: The Slave Ship Clotilda and the Story of the Last Africans Brought to America by Sylviane Diouf
Faith, Health, and Healing in African American Life by Emilie Townes and Stephanie Y. Mitchem
Farming While Black: Soul Fire Farm’s Practical Guide to Liberation on the Land by Leah Penniman
Folk Wisdom and Mother Wit: John Lee – An African American Herbal Healer by John Lee and Arvilla Payne-Jackson
Four Seasons of Mojo: An Herbal Guide to Natural Living by Stephanie Rose Bird
Freedom Farmers: Agricultural Resistance and the Black Freedom Movement by Monica White
Fruits of the Harvest: Recipes to Celebrate Kwanzaa and Other Holidays by Eric Copage
George Washington Carver by Tonya Bolden
George Washington Carver: In His Own Words edited by Gary Kremer
God, Dr. Buzzard, and the Bolito Man: A Saltwater Geechee Talks About Life on Sapelo Island, Georgia by Cornelia Bailey
Gone Home: Race and Roots through Appalachia by Karida Brown
Ethno-Botany of the Black Americans by William Ed Grime
Gullah Cuisine: By Land and by Sea by Charlotte Jenkins and William Baldwin
Gullah Culture in America by Emory Shaw Campbell and Wilbur Cross
Gullah/Geechee: Africa’s Seeds in the Winds of the Diaspora-St. Helena’s Serenity by Queen Quet Marquetta Goodwine
High on the Hog: A Culinary Journey from Africa to America by Jessica Harris and Maya Angelou
Homecoming: The Story of African-American Farmers by Charlene Gilbert
Hoodoo Medicine: Gullah Herbal Remedies by Faith Mitchell
Jambalaya: The Natural Woman’s Book of Personal Charms and Practical Rituals by Luisah Teish
Just Medicine: A Cure for Racial Inequality in American Health Care by Dayna Bowen Matthew
Leaves of Green: A Handbook of Herbal Remedies by Maude E. Scott
Like a Weaving: References and Resources on Black Appalachians by Edward J. Cabbell
Listen to Me Good: The Story of an Alabama Midwife by Margaret Charles Smith and Linda Janet Holmes
Making Gullah: A History of Sapelo Islanders, Race, and the American Imagination by Melissa Cooper
Mandy’s Favorite Louisiana Recipes by Natalie V. Scott
Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present by Harriet Washington
Mojo Workin’: The Old African American Hoodoo System by Katrina Hazzard-Donald
Motherwit: An Alabama Midwife’s Story by Onnie Lee Logan as told to Katherine Clark
My Bag Was Always Packed: The Life and Times of a Virginia Midwife by Claudine Curry Smith and Mildred Hopkins Baker Roberson
My Face Is Black Is True: Callie House and the Struggle for Ex-Slave Reparations by Mary Frances Berry
My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies by Resmaa Menakem
On Her Own Ground: The Life and Times of Madam C.J. Walker by A'Lelia Bundles
Papa Jim’s Herbal Magic Workbook by Papa Jim
Places for the Spirit: Traditional African American Gardens by Vaughn Sills (Photographer), Hilton Als (Foreword), Lowry Pei (Introduction)
Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome by Dr. Joy DeGruy
Rooted in the Earth: Reclaiming the African American Environmental Heritage by Diane Glave
Rufus Estes’ Good Things to Eat: The First Cookbook by an African-American Chef by Rufus Estes
Secret Doctors: Ethnomedicine of African Americans by Wonda Fontenot
Sex, Sickness, and Slavery: Illness in the Antebellum South by Marli Weiner with Mayzie Hough
Slavery’s Exiles: The Story of the American Maroons by Sylviane Diouf
Soul Food: The Surprising Story of an American Cuisine, One Plate at a Time by Adrian Miller
Spirituality and the Black Helping Tradition in Social Work by Elmer P. Martin Jr. and Joanne Mitchell Martin
Sticks, Stones, Roots & Bones: Hoodoo, Mojo & Conjuring with Herbs by Stephanie Rose Bird
The African-American Heritage Cookbook: Traditional Recipes and Fond Remembrances from Alabama’s Renowned Tuskegee Institute by Carolyn Quick Tillery
The Black Family Reunion Cookbook (Recipes and Food Memories from the National Council of Negro Women) edited by Libby Clark
The Conjure Woman and Other Conjure Tales by Charles Chesnutt
The Home Place: Memoirs of a Colored Man’s Love Affair with Nature by J. Drew Lanham
The Jemima Code: Two Centuries of African American Cookbooks by Toni Tipton-Martin
The President’s Kitchen Cabinet: The Story of the African Americans Who Have Fed Our First Families, from the Washingtons to the Obamas by Adrian Miller
The Taste of Country Cooking: The 30th Anniversary Edition of a Great Classic Southern Cookbook by Edna Lewis
The Tuskegee Syphilis Study: An Insiders’ Account of the Shocking Medical Experiment Conducted by Government Doctors Against African American Men by Fred D. Gray
Trace: Memory, History, Race, and the American Landscape by Lauret E. Savoy
Vegan Soul Kitchen: Fresh, Healthy, and Creative African-American Cuisine by Bryant Terry
Vibration Cooking: Or, The Travel Notes of a Geechee Girl by Vertamae Smart-Grosvenor
Voodoo and Hoodoo: The Craft as Revealed by Traditional Practitioners by Jim Haskins
When Roots Die: Endangered Traditions on the Sea Islands by Patricia Jones-Jackson
Working Conjure: A Guide to Hoodoo Folk Magic by Hoodoo Sen Moise
Working the Roots: Over 400 Years of Traditional African American Healing by Michelle Lee
Wurkn Dem Rootz: Ancestral Hoodoo by Medicine Man
Zora Neale Hurston: Folklore, Memoirs, and Other Writings: Mules and Men, Tell My Horse, Dust Tracks on a Road, Selected Articles by Zora Neale Hurston
The Ways of Herbalism in the African World with Olatokunboh Obasi MSc, RH (webinar via The American Herbalists Guild)
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burr-ell · 20 days
On the Matter of Trinket
So I had a lot of good things to say about Vox Machina: Kith & Kin, and I stand by them, but I do have one sticking point—the story of how Vex got Trinket. Since this extends beyond Kith & Kin and to canon as a whole, I thought it should be its own post.
So here's what happened, per stream canon in 1x65:
VAX: What's the dagger [that Saundor was referring to]? VEX: Oh, that. Yeah, I killed a couple people and I saved Trinket, that's all. VAX: When? You'll have to be more specific than that. VEX: Do you remember when I brought Trinket back to camp? VAX: Originally? VEX: Yeah! All those years ago? VAX: Yes! I thought it was a terrible idea. I was dead wrong. VEX: Well…turns out, I found him in a camp where I'd been taken. VAX: What? VEX: Yes, and there was some really dark people there, and they had harvested Trinket's mother. [...] I did what I had to do, and I killed them. VAX: The people that took you. VEX: Yes. I did. VAX: The people that took you from me? VEX: Yes. And I saved Trinket that night, and that's what Saundor saw. More than anything I just… I don't know how he saw it. VAX: Are you just creeped out because he knew or because of what happened? Why are you upset? VEX: I'm not. VAX: Well, listen. I wasn't there. I don't know what happened, but… you came back to me, so whatever happened can't be wrong.
This incident is recounted in full by Laura Bailey in a short story she wrote from Vex's first-person perspective explaining to Matt why she was so protective of Trinket, which can be found here. Even if you lack that context, though, it's clear from this conversation that Vax very explicitly did not know what happened. This is not easily missable, either; there isn't leeway to insert him into that backstory without directly contradicting what's happening in this scene.
In Kith & Kin, however, Vex tells the story of when she got Trinket to a little girl she meets, and says that Vax was actually there and helped fight off the poachers who kidnapped her—not really anything of note that she didn't do herself in the original, but he was there. This could be taken as simply her softening or embellishing the story to make it more exciting for a child, but the narration otherwise notes where Vex has left details out and does not imply that Vax's presence is an alteration. Additionally, later on in the denouement, Vex thinks about everything that's happened and reflects on "two young half-elven twins fighting monsters in a horrible poachers' camp", again suggesting that Vax was indeed there. This is further supported by The Legend of Vox Machina's change to the story, which also added Vax and had him be the one to break Vex out (originally she did it herself), and those two combined together suggests that this is going to be considered the canon narrative going forward.
Now, I'm not inclined to think any of this was done in bad faith, so don't misread me here, but I am disappointed by the change.
The conversation between Vex and Vax in episode 65 is very important for what it says about Vex and their relationship. (It furthermore serves as a parallel to a scene in episode 42, where Vax tells Vex about the circumstances of his joining the Clasp, the secrecy of which is maintained in Kith & Kin). Vex was so traumatized by this incident that it was brought up to emotionally torment and manipulate her years after it happened, and the fact that she never told Vax about it until he asked speaks to how important it was to her to avoid talking about it. Vex is a character who struggles with letting down her walls and taking off her masks, and not only could she not bring herself to explain it even to Vax at any point in the intervening years, but when she finally does, his words of support and reassurance don't even work—she still ruminates on Saundor's words at night following this conversation. That matters for the full context of where she is, and where the twins are, at this time in the narrative.
Now you can make the argument that this change only highlights a different facet of their respective stories: Vex is hurt by this incident in a way Vax is not. The problem with this is that we already have an element of their story that serves this narrative function—Syngorn, where Vex took the elves' racism and their father's abuse much more personally than Vax did. As an adult, she tries to wear a mask of untouchability and contempt for the place, but she did everything she could to measure up and meet their standards in the hopes of one day pleasing them and finding acceptance, while Vax pushed back against it at every turn and openly rebelled and caused trouble. Vax's disdain for Syngorn is straightforward; Vex's is much more complicated, and it feels redundant for the Trinket incident to repeat this pattern. It also robs the characters of the much more interesting story from the stream, where Vex keeps this to herself and doesn't seem to feel better even after Vax tries to comfort her.
As I've said, I do really enjoy Kith & Kin and TLOVM, and there are changes made in the animated adaptation that I really enjoy or even think are better than stream canon, but necessary changes to adapt a story to a different medium are different from an important character moment being undercut in canon supplementary material. Not only does Vax's insertion into this incident fail to substantively add anything to it, but it actively detracts from both his and Vex's stories as a whole. And as someone with a lot of love for Campaign 1, the willingness to do that kind of retcon unsettles me.
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sexhaver · 10 days
oh yeah me n bailey have been playing Elder Scrolls Online for the last week or two and hit the level cap (without champion levels) yesterday. probably the funniest part is that we're playing on screens literally right next to each other but she uses a controller while i use KBM, and even though i installed the same UI mods for her as for me, the Easy Reader console version of the UI you get by booting up with a controller connected seems to overwrite those mods. so i'll be working with a list of every possible enchantment combination (without needing to translate runes) and able to make my alchemy writs automatically at the press of a button and i look over and bailey is fighting with the Fisher-Price UI to let her make a single potion. at least she still has the minimap and harvesting node tracker and numbers/percentages on health bars; there are people out there just completely rawdogging this shit!
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emma and mr knightley - a playlist
Features: Queen Bee - Johnny Flynn // For Emma - Bon Iver // If You Wanna Love Somebody - Tom Odell // Like A Star - Corinne Bailey Rae // Gold Rush - Taylor Swift // Green Light - Lorde // Kathy's Song - Simon & Garfunkel // True Blue - boygenius // Harvest Moon - Neil Young // Like Real People Do - Hozier // + more
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bronx-bomber87 · 5 months
Happy Wednesday amazing fandom :) Another good one where Tim is naturally the supportive husband. We get to delve into Lucy’s past a bit more. Find out more about why we dislike her mother LOL My rage for her is reignited. Lets get going though.
4x14 Long Shot
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We join Lucy in the kitchen pouring over forms and getting frustrated. Tamara sits down next to her asking what’s she’s doing? Lucy explains it’s the forms for her egg extraction. Except it’s a little more intense than she expected. They are wanting to know tons of family history dating back to her great-great grandfather. Tamara says it’s probably just to harvest the best eggs. Lucy tells her it’s hard to answer these when she doesn’t know her real dad.
Tamara is surprised she doesn’t know this about her. Lucy is being surprisingly calm about the whole thing. Saying her dad was her dad. Since he was the man that raised her. Her mom only told her that her real dad wasn’t ready to be a dad. (Only part of it lying liar…)Tamara starts going off on what she could pass on to her kids. Lucy giving her a serious mom look. Haha I love them.
She tells her she’s taking reproductive bio at school. Lucy starts to look a little overwhelmed than she was before. Just replying with an ‘Mmhmm…’ Tamaras comments about her dad starting to sink in more. Wondering if she should be more bothered she doesn't know her real dad? That maybe she should pursue that but isn't sure.
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We start our lovely ship out on a call. Lucy asking Tim if he thinks it’s weird she hasn’t tried to find her bio dad? First off I love him already knowing this already. Tim is clearly already clued into this fact. It’s not something she’s bringing up for the first time. Completely normal 'partner' stuff for him to know automatically. Second just having personal convos every day now I love it. Tim is soft at first telling her she doesn’t owe the guy anything. I mean she really doesn't from a logical standpoint.
Then Tim is a little more blunt in his second comment LOL Lucy is exasperated with him and I’m laughing. He’s trying to make a joke to lighten the mood. Doesn’t go over well but 'A 'for effort Tim haha It's his way of being supportive but trying to keep her head in the game. Since they are approaching a crime scene and all that.
They have a mini married moment as they walk up. Lucy makes a comment about she doesn’t know why she bothers talking to him about personal stuff. In response to his millimeter reply. Tim smiles and replies ‘Mission accomplished,’ Lucy looking at him with fond exasperation. Because that’s the level we’re at now. Exasperated with each other per usual but also still very fond.
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This next part is so funny. They ask Bailey if they have a suspect? She says no... but she has a good idea whoever torched guys car is a woman. Ha. It’s easy to see why someone would after talking to this guy for two seconds. The arrogance is insane.
When he asks for Lucy’s number LMFAO I’m dying. Tim’s face and his ‘I’m out’ demeanor is too damn funny. He knows Lucy can handle herself and will put this man in his place if needed. So he walks away lets her handle it. Eric kills me with the facial expressions. Lucy’s face is also is super funny. She’s so annoyed but pulls out her pad anyway. Bracing herself to deal with this turd. Her face screaming 'Thanks Tim....'
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They respond to a second call. A lady saying a crazy woman came in and released rats. She had an animal carrier and let them out during her breakfast rush. Tim asks her to describe the suspect. She lists the same thing the arson victim did. They put two and two together pretty quickly. They’re the same person. Apparently she used to work for this woman. They get a name in the process. Jordan Conner. Lucy is so cute getting distracted by the rat noise. I love her so much. After Lucy resets herself asks her if she has her address at all?
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They make it to her apt and see a man rinsing his eyes out. Tim asking if he’s ok? Man is surly af with Tim. Saying does it look like he’s ok? Easy fella lol Tells them his tenant Jordan Conner pepper sprayed him. Letting them know she was three months behind on rent. Complaining she had special circumstances for being behind.
Tim gives him his card and tells him to call if she returns. I love when they’re walking away how close they are. Zero space between them as they exit. Tim brushing against Lucy as they talk about their next move with this woman. I see you guys. Don't think I don’t haha Tim says they’ll have to get a warrant for her phone. So they can stop her before her crime spree escalates any further.
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The warrant leads them straight to her. They find Jordan sitting on her car in the hills. She seems resigned as hell. Like she was waiting for them to come find her. They approach her slowly and tell her all the people they’ve met with today. Her ex, her former boss and her landlord. Tim calling it a pretty epic revenge tour. She calls it her hit list. Lucy asks if she wants to talk about it? She sighs and says people suck. That they do…Tim agreeing saying ‘Yeah. Amen to that.' HA Also once again lets note the lack of space above. Mix this in with a tall/smol shot my heart is happy.
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Lucy probes a little deeper. Saying she must’ve had a reason? Jordan opens up and tells them she has the breast cancer gene. It came from her mom and she had been waiting for it. So when she found a lump she wasn’t even surprised. Been waiting her whole life for it. She thought she was going to die. Then last week she went into remission. Tim tells her congrats. She doesn’t thank him. Just replies she was done apologizing for existing. Thus her hit list. Saying she wanted to make her own karma. That everything she did was worth it to her.
I can't say I blame her for being so angry. It does seem like the shitty people of the world get away with murder. If you're good, do your job, do right by people you still get screwed by life. I can't say I don't relate to her. Her BF bailed on her when she was sick. Saying he didn’t do bald chicks. That dude needs to have his penis revoked IMO. What an asshole. Her boss fired her for being late from chemo and her landlord raised her rent when she was too sick to work. That’s a lot. Lucy and Tim empathize but sadly have to still arrest her.
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As Tim puts Jordan in the car we can see Lucy deep in her own thoughts. Tim mentioning how most people when they get second chance wanna be better. Saying 'Got to respect her for going the other way. 'Jordan's comment about making our own karma has struck a chord with Lucy. Voicing how she just waited around to get sick like her mom. You can she is conflicted. Asking Tim is it better to know or not? Does it do us any good to know? Truly needing his guidance on this one by asking these questions.
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Lucy looks so shaken by the whole situation. I adore him knowing exactly where she’s at in this moment. No need to explain it. Knows what she is talking about without context. I love him tilting his head when he asks above if its about her bio dad? It's so cute. Being the supportive husband she needs. Giving her that last push to confront her mom. Especially if it’s going to eat at her like this. Lucy mentions she’ll go to her aunt Amy instead. Her mother would never tell her ha.
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We get to meet Aunt Amy shortly after. Lucy tells her how she was given the egg appt. Explaining to her aunt how pissed she was about it at first. Amy relaying she tried to stop her from doing it. But she clearly didn’t listen to her. Lucy continues on that she decided to explore it. The forms are what’s slowing her down. She doesn’t know anything about her father’s side. We can see her aunt struggle with her telling her the truth.
Not wanting to betray her sister’s trust. I can empathize with that. We find out her mom. Her perfect strict pain in the ass mother slept with a patient. Not only that but that patient is her biological father. She hid it to protect her career and to push away the shame. Suddenly everything is coming into focus. Not surprising her lineage is tied to her mother’s selfishness. Poor Lucy is floored by this info. I know I was when I first watched it. Unreal.
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Once they’re back in the shop Tim’s Lucy radar is going off. He looks over at her and see’s how distraught she is. Once again just like in 4x11 asking if she’s ok? This man is so soft for her at this point. Can’t stand her hurting. So he opens up the floor for her to talk. Knowing she is not doing ok. It’s his way of saying if you need to talk let’s talk I’m here to listen. Never be over how he has grown in this way. Seeing her hurting and wanting to help.
Having her hash it out with him. Because he knows it’ll make her feel better. This man ❤️ Sure loves his girl. Melissa crushes this scene. The emotions behind her voice kill me. She is on the verge of crying and Tim knows it. Look at her above she is so emotional she's not even sure where to start. She has a million and one emotions surging through her and it shows. With how she starts to try and talk then stops. Struggling to find the words to convey how she is feeling.
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I can relate to this so much. Being so deeply emotional about your parents. Not even knowing where to begin. Only that you are so deeply hurt. Lucy takes another beat before beginning. Expressing how her mother has made her feel her whole life. It’s the worst when nothing you do is good enough. You strive to impress and always come up short. It’s hard not to get a complex about it. I mean I still struggle with my parents thinking I’m their f*ck up child. They’ve never said it but their actions scream it.
Lucy continues on about how her grades, BF’s, career never been good enough for her. Then she finds out her mom made the biggest transgression she could as a therapist. That ever since then she’s been trying to make up for that sin. By riding Lucy into the ground to make up for her mistake she made early in life. In her twisted mind if Lucy came out the way she wanted her to it would erase that shame.
So messed up on very many levels. We watch Tim nod along and let her know he's listening. To give her the opportunity get everything off her chest. You can see the worry in his eyes in the second gif. The way he looks over at her with such empathy in his eyes. Hating how much she is hurting in this moment.
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Tim tries to do devil’s advocate. Giving her some logic but it doesn’t land. It never does with her mother. At least not at first. Lucy then voices the thing I’m sure she’s thought her whole life. That’s her mother resents her because she represents the one time she made a mistake. Tim tries to deter this but she cuts him off. (I will never be over how he uses her first name in this season. Something so damn intimate about it.)
Makes me wonder what he was going to say? There was some serious emotion behind his ‘ Lucy it’s..’ We’ll never know cause her aunt texted her what her father’s name is. This is where Tim tries to make her laugh. He’s doing such a solid job being the supportive husband. This tops it off IMO. He can always make her laugh and smile when she is stressed.
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Knowing if he makes her laugh it’ll relieve that tension in her body a bit. Making a silly joke about her dad’s name. Saying least it’s not stupid like Dilbert LOL Distracting Lucy from her hurt for a moment with his silly joke. You know he’s proud of himself for getting her to smile in this moment. All he ever wants now in these kind of moments is to make her feel better. Mission accomplished Tim.
You made your girl feel better. Knowing she was on the verge of tears and taking a beat to make her smile. That’s love. 4x12 was about Tim being a control freak. How he doesn’t like to go outside his comfort zone ever. Then we see him do stuff like this. Things he wouldn’t have done pre-Lucy. Making jokes, reaching out to make sure she’s ok, if she’s not he is making it his mission to make her feel better. Gah I love this man so much and his journey. My damn heart.
Tim Bradford can go outside his comfort zone. The question is are you worth it to him to do so? Lucy has earned this out of him ten fold. This season is the fruit of all they’ve built the previous 3 seasons. It’s so glorious to watch the result of it. Said this before but moments like this are what make their slow burn so worth it. Look at how comfortable they are with one another. Lucy spiraling he lets her get it out then reels her back in with a joke. These two I cannot with how much I love them.
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We end the episode how we started it with Tamara and Lucy. They’re stalking her potential father on social media. Tamara is so cute having a list of candidates ready for her. Lucy gets a phone call that interrupts their search. She gets the news that he’s dead. It’s so sad to watch her take this news in. Tamara trying to console her best she can about it. Saying yeah she didn’t know him but if not for him she wouldn’t be here. That it's ok to be sad about it.
Breaks my heart how she thought someday they’d meet. Somehow. That she had this idea of him that lingered in her mind. Tamara says she hates to ask. But was it genetic how he died? Lucy answers it was a car crash. He died alone. No kids, wife, nothing. You see the guilt crash over about this fact. I love Tamara doing what Tim would. Not letting her drown and pulling her back to shore emotionally. Refusing to let her beat herself up over it. Her makeshift family taking care of her this ep I love it.
Side notes -non Chenford
Angela getting irritated by Wesley being home all day is too funny LOL pawning him off on a tv show to be a consultant.
Could care less about Nolan’s SL per usual haha
Thank you forever and always to those who like, comment and reblog these reviews. Means the absolute world to me :) see you all in 4x15
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typewriter-worries · 2 months
anyways, here's a list of songs i wish i wrote:
cannock chase by labi siffre
by the time i get to phoenix by glen campbell
harvest moon by neil young (lord huron's cover is my favorite)
fourth of july by sufjan stevens
love letter from the sea to the shore by delaney bailey
bless the telephone by labi siffre
house song by searows
love is our cross to bear by john gorka
you are your mother's child by conor oberst
devil on my back by chrissy
anthems for a seventeen-year old girl by broken social scene
waverly by samia
the louvre by lorde
andrew in drag by the magnetic fields
paper bag by fiona apple
every other freckle by alt j
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angelofviscera · 5 months
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freezer bride, your sweet divine
1 & 5 i am not trying to hide my hungers from the world anymore kendra decolo / 2 & 4 yellowjackets s1 e10 / 6 & 8 yellowjackets s2 e01 /everyone who left us steven cramer / 7 & 9 in a mexican restaurant i recall how much you upset me ada limón / 10, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27 & 29 yellowjackets s2e02 / 12 & 27 hunger florence + the machine / 12 & 22 from “gut: poems” j. bailey hutchinson / a valentine that can't be sent rosemarie waldrop / harvest song jean toomer / perhaps the world ends here joy harjo / from “disorient: children of the revolution” suji kwock kim / julius caesar, Act III, scene I shakespeare / last judgement steven cramer / choi jeong min franny choi
caption - the song strangers by ethel cain
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mywinepal · 1 year
BC Wine Makers Harvest 2022 Interview
BC Wine Makers #Harvest 2022 #Interview #bcwine #bcvqa @bluegrousewines @goldhillwinery @winebcdotcom @forberens
The 2022 harvest is the first after COVID restrictions have been lifted.  I am sure that lifting COVID restrictions was appreciated by BC wineries.  We had a cool start to the growing season, followed by mere mm of rain between July and mid-October so I’d guess the weather has had an impact on harvest and fermentation, but we shall see with my interview questions below.  Overall, how did the BC…
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undead-merman · 1 year
Man-eating monster Eden with GN-Reader NSFW
The hunters always warned their children of the forest. Not because of the wolves, strange plants, or other things, but because there was a dark and disturbed creature who lived deep within. 
It sometimes felt like they were exaggerating with how morbid they made their tales. Yet when they heard those noises in the tree line. An uncanny mix of human and animalistic. Everyone ran when they heard the calls of the man-eater. 
Yet grim tales couldn’t stop you. At least, they could have, but you simply didn’t have a choice. Collection day was coming and you were short. You weren’t going to suffer another punishment like that again. The memories still give you nightmares even to this day. Not again, never again. 
So you grab your basket and head inside. You’ve been in here often enough, you know some of the trails and know where the wolves have their hunting grounds. 
It was peaceful for a time. The trails were open and a pleasure to walk through. Lady luck even blessed you to see some of her more innocent creatures like many songbirds, a mother doe shielding her child from the rain, and even in the deeper parts plant folk were weaving flower crowns and gifting them to each other. 
Yet none of the normal plants were ready to be harvested. Picked clean before you could get your hands on them. 
So you dared to venture deeper. Slow and steady so as to not attract too much attention to yourself as the forest became wild, tangled, and even darker. Everything inside you was telling you to turn back but what Bailey might have had planned scared you more. 
You spotted some strange claw marks in the bark of some trees, bullet casings, and even deep stains around mushroom circles. Yet the yield from your gathering was satisfactory enough for you to turn back. 
And just as you turned you saw a beast. Back hunched while looking down at you while its arms hung far too low on his body, multiple near-black eyes focused right on you, and as it came closer a pair of mandibles split from his face, causing his humanoid face to have two sets of jaws and show nothing but his horrible teeth. 
And even with its monstrous features it still stood like a man, dressed like one, and even carried a gun, as if it needed it. 
Trying to run doesn't help as he slams his hand against you and knocks you to the floor. Slowly moving his body to tower over yours. You could only gasp for the breath that was knocked out of you as this mock humanoid, this wolf in sheep's clothing just looked at you. His hunter's coat swayed slightly as the wind changed. 
Struggling got you nowhere and biting didn't bother it at all, it's flesh thick like rubber. 
The monster didn't have to speak as it dropped its hunting rifle. You knew it was the end for you. 
Last Ditch Effort
But with reason out the window and your primal instincts telling you to do anything, anything to survive. 
So you spread your legs. 
The monster froze and stared down at your legs and nervously gave a wiggle trying to entice it, even while your whole body was trembling and on fire. 
His free hand shifted and took off his pants to reveal a human cock starting to chub. 
He moved and pressed his cock against your spread legs and started humping. It was slow and gentle, testing the waters perhaps. His cock grows harder and harder each time and warm precum starts to soak into your clothes. The cloth is warm and sticks to you unpleasantly. 
It wasn’t long before this man-eater pulled it off you like it was made of tissue paper. It exposed your genitals to the semi-cool air of the deep forest and fading sun. He took a minute to admire them. Even if you didn’t dress as gender norms would like to dictate, he took it in stride. 
Saliva dripped from his sharp teeth as he marveled over it and placed his split face between them, ignoring your fearful flinching as he clasped down and took you into his mouth running his tongue over the most sensitive parts of your body. His jaws refuse to let you squirm away from the twisted pleasure. 
The teeth pressing into your skin are gentle, not too forceful and you can only think it was because you presented yourself to him. You don’t even want to imagine what could have been while those teeth were still on you. His tongue then slithers into your hole and wriggles around driving every single nerve you had into overdrive, your head fuzzy with adrenaline. 
You shamefully cum, cum the hardest you have in your entire life as your hips uncontrollably lift into that mouth, the teeth piercing into your skin with sudden force, and he pulled away, so much saliva stringing from you and his mouth. 
But his cock pressed against your hole, your sloppy and twitch hole was opened just enough for him, and with a single brutal thrust he was inside. You could feel his heartbeat from his cock and its size was stretching you so much, yet it wasn’t painful somehow. You felt like bursting yet there was no burn or sting. He didn’t let you linger on that for too long. 
His fat balls slapped against your skin as he buried himself into your gut, almost chuffing with delight at your face and whiny moans and only getting rougher with each snap of his hips. 
You came again still not coming down from the first orgasm. But now he was focused on his own. Pounding into you hard enough you swear your stomach was bulging. You could feel just how hot his semen was as he spilled so much inside. That feeling of fullness was nothing compared to this. You could feel his cock bulge and twitch with how much shot inside and when he pulled out, it shot out of you. So much, so much. 
His mandibles folded back against his face and the skin smoothed so he looked almost perfectly human. Almost. And he began to tie you up tightly. A meal that turned into a spouse. 
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laufeysonsx · 3 months
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"Bailey?" Someone tugged at my shoulder. "Hmm?" "Come on sweetheart, we have chores to do." Mom woke me up. "I'm coming, just five more minutes." I turned around. I was getting tired of doing the same chores over and over again, every single day. But they had to be done, or we could be kicked out of this camp. I woke up and walked out of our tent, searching for mom. Now you may think:' Bailey, you're 30 years old and still live with your mom?' And the answer is yes. Yes indeed. But we need each other. After the outbreak happened, I went straight to her home and picked her up. Her body isn't young anymore and someone needs to remind her that. We've been living inside these walls for half a year now, I think. We all got our own tents; mom and I share one.
Our morning begins with looking at the crops, watering them and harvesting them when needed. After that we start our daily routine of washing clothes, including everyone else's. After that we get a little break, so we can take a breather. 'Is that all Bailey?' No, unfortunately. We also have to make diner for the whole camp. Every. Single. Day. But I do all this with love. Because I need my mom to be save. I need her with me, she's my everything. She raised me alone, and now I take care of her. Easy as that.
"What do we have for dinner?" John, one of the group members asked. "We're making a vegetable soup." Mom smiled kindly. "I hate soup, make something else." He demanded. "But this is all we have right now" mom said, her voice small. "I don't care!" John raised his voice. Fuck this. "Hey, back off alright?" I glared at him, holding my head high. "What was that missy?" "I said, shut the fuck up!" I began to stand between mom and him. He looked me up and down. "I don't know if you know, but we make diner here. If you don't like it then that's your problem. Don't eat then. Now fuck off." I could see a vain popping on his head. "You cunt." He said and walked away. I looked behind me, mom was clutching her chest. "Dear, don't smart mouth them. We need this place." She looked down. I gave her a hug. "I know mom, but I won't let them walk over you, you know that." She nodded. I pressed a kiss to her cheek, and we went on with the day.
It's funny how some men thing they are better then woman? Like I mean, hello? Haven't seen the biters walking around? There's an apocalypse going on? Men are equal. Dicks. Daddy issues much? Yes. My dad was never around. Like I said, mom raised me alone. We lived in an apartment, till I moved out. She always made me food, cleaned my room, did my laundry. She was just the best mom you could have. She was, and still is, my shoulder to cry on, my personal therapist and so much more. I love her.
"She had a big mouth." I look over my shoulder and see John coming towards us with the group leader, Matthew. "Care to explain?" He asked. "He was giving my mother a hard time and I just told him to please be calm, and if he didn't like the soup we made, that it wasn't our problem." I shrugged. Matthew could see right trough me. "We don't tell each other to 'fuck off' here, Bailey, you know that." Ah shit. "It won't happen again, Matthew, she's sorry." My dear mom spoke for me. "This was the last strike, Jenny, I'm sorry. But you both have to leave." I couldn't believe it. "He was harassing my mom for god's sake!" John smirked, "you heard him, out." Oh no, no no no. I stormed up to him and gave him a square one in the jaw. "You ruined us. You know that?! All because you thought you were better than us? Well guess what? You'll be dead if I ever find you again. You hear me?!"
The next morning we were thrown out. The big metal doors closed behind us. "Mom, I'm so sorry. I was just standing up for you." "It's alright love, we will find a better group, with kinder people." I love how she held her head high. If there's one person that stayed positive during this whole apocalypse then it's mom. Whatever happens, she never blamed me. She always knew how to keep me going.
We began our journey. We heard that there's this place in Virginia that had walls, houses, warm water even. It would take us weeks to get there, but it was the best for my mom. I don't even know if that place is overrun. It's a big gamble and it's a fifty fifty change that the place is ok. ''Mom, you do want to go see if that place in Virginia is still running?'' ''oh yes dear, it sounded wonderful.'' She smiled up to me. ''But it will take us weeks to get there.'' My voice trailed off. I don't know if she can handle that. ''Bay, we'll see how far we come. I can see the worry in your eyes, but I can be strong. We just have to be smart. We have weapons, well you have weapons, you can protect us. Maybe we even find a car?'' She chuckled, ''we don't know what's coming for us. And we'll never know if we never try, right?'' I nodded and sighed loudly. ''Okey, yes, Okey let's go then.'' I said and hugged her tight. And so we began walking.
The air was thick and the stench of dead and decay was getting worse and worse. The sun was getting warmer and around us the flesh was rotting. We have been walking for a week or so, finding small sheds to hide in overnight. The last shed we went in to was not the best one. We woke up with 4 pairs of hands sticking through the holes in the walls. Mom stayed inside while I tactically took them out. ''You can come out!'' I yelled as I wiped my brow. ''Where did they came from?'' she asked and I just shrugged my shoulders. They can come from everywhere nowadays. We began our daily walk to Virginia. ''Here, mom , have some water.'' It wasn't a question. She need me to remind her to drink water, especially in this heat. She grabbed the bottle from me and took a sip. ''Don't you want anything dear?'' ''Nah mom, I'm good.'' As the day went by, and we walked some miles, we stumbled upon an abandoned school bus. ''Look mom, maybe we can hide in there for tonight.'' I smiled. I was happy to see a vehicle, even though it didn't look like it turned on. All the doors were still in tact so we could close them over night. Mom was already at the side of the school bus, ''Careful there, there might be walkers around or under it, hell maybe even in the bus.'' I said and carefully walked over, looking around. I bend my knees to look under the bus and there was no one. I did a lap around the bus, and even that was clear. A scream pierced my ears as I ran to the back. ''Mom!'' I yelled. She had mindlessly opened the door and there were two walkers on top of her. I quickly put a knife to their head and pulled them off of her. I kneeled down beside her. ''Mom, please tell me you weren't-'' she held up her arm. A bite mark. ''Honey, I-'' she began to panic. ''No, mom, it's ok. Look, we can but this rag over it and you wont see it anymore.'' I said and wrapped up her arm.
We both know the ending. I don't want to think about it now. It could take a couple of days before the fever starts to set in, she'll slowly lose consciousness and eventually turn. Mom began to sniffle and I turned to her, ''Mom, hey, look at me. You're going to be okey.'' I reassured her. We both know she wouldn't be okey. But we have to keep our head up high, like she always did. I quickly checked in the bus and it was save. I helped mom up so she could sit on one of the benches. At least this is comfortable for her. ''We can have diner here, and maybe even sleep on one of the benches.'' I told her and she just nodded. I can already see that she's fading mentally. She preparing herself for what's to come. I need to do the same, because I'll be lost without her.
We tried to make the most of the night, knowing we had a heard time coming. Her body was old, old for her age. That might sound crazy, but sometimes, due to lack of selfcare, your body grows older quicker than your mind. It didn't take days for her.
            ''I had all and then most of you...                                      ... some and now none of you''
A day later and I was already preparing myself for what I'll have to do. She was very sick, couching up a storm and blood. Her body was weak. ''Hey mom,'' I sat down beside her, ''You know I love you right?'' I said, my eyes brimming with tears. She nodded weakly. ''I... love you... too... dear''.
        ''When the night was full of terrors...                            ...and your eyes were filled with tears''
''Mom, you don't want to turn, do you...'' I asked, breathing heavy. She looked scared. ''.. no..'' her voice small. I know I had to do it, I just didn't know how. I held her in my arms as we both cried. I'm not ready to say goodbye yet. ''I'll miss you, mom.'' I whispered. ''I'll.. always be.. with you..'' she cried. She slowly put her hand on my cheek. She wiped away the tears. ''You... have to.. make it.. to Virginia.... For me..'' she breathed. I nodded, ''I will mom, I will.'' I hugged her.
I felt her slipping away, her body limp in my hands. Soon she would turn. I wiped my tears. I know what I have to do. ''Why us?'' I asked looking up at the sky. ''Why did you have to do this!'' My head hung low. I slowly unsheathed my knife, my hands trembling. I had killed enough walkers to know how to do this. Never a human, and never in a million years would I thought that I had to put my own mother down. I held her tight against me, her head laying in my lap. I lay over her, hugging her tightly before sending her to heaven. ''I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, sorry sorry sorry.'' I cried out and fell backwards, hugging my knees...
                   ''I don't know what I'm supposed to do...                                   ... haunted by the ghost of you''
It's been a week since mom died. I left the bus two days later. I buried her there, it's the least she deserved. I have been feeling numb ever since. I'm alone now. It's still weeks' worth of walking till I reach that place, but its what she wanted. So I kept going. I eventually found car that could bring me closer, but not close enough. I killed some walkers here and there. Never saw any people.
And so I continued our journey,                             which has now become my own...
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apotheoseity · 23 hours
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(art credit: @angelsamidraws )
Scarlet Fever is (yet another) character in Superverse! She was previously "employed" at Scelestic, but has since left. Born Cyrus Trottwood to two loving parents, at the age of 6 she was kidnapped by Scelestic while playing a little too far from home with a friend.
While at Scelestic, she was forcibly trained into being the groups personal lackey, someone expendable to do dangerous dirty work and fights, stripped of her name and her agency. Unfortunately, this sort of "training" was.. heavily traumatic, to say the least, especially from such a young age. Thankfully, she was under the care of Betty Miller, also known as Kitten Smiles, a kind-hearted woman working for Scelestic out of circumstance. She took a liking to the young Scarlet, and really only stayed with the villain group in order to keep her safe.
Raised into being the personal weapon of Snake Eyes, Scarlet was often the one made to kidnap people for the group. With her powers, the ability to show people their fears (great or small), it was easy for her to incapacitate unprepared supers and restrain them for "harvesting."
At one point, in late 2020, she was made to do so for one of the most famous heroes in the country, the Golden Guardian ( @pbjpuppy's character, also known as Bailey Goodfellow), and managed to succeed after a scuffle. Bailey, however, wasn't kidnapped to be harvested, but rather for information due to her connections to other famous superheroes, like President Man, the president. Being kept with and under watch of Scarlet, the two managed to bond over being young people in a bad situation (though, at the time, Scarlet hardly considered herself a person), and Scarlet and Betty eventually allowed and aided Bailey in her escape.
Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on who you ask), Bailey wasn't able to stop thinking about Scarlet after her escape, and subsequent faking of her suicide, and went back for her. Scarlet was hesitant, to leave somewhere that (to her knowledge) was the only place she'd ever known, and especially to do that with someone who she was told was the enemy. Urged by Betty, though, Scarlet decided to go with her, and the two moved out into a remote cabin in the woods together.
Eventually, despite their differences, they managed to get closer, falling in love. Bailey, as well, helped Scarlet adjust to being a "normal" person, with hobbies and interests, rather than just a weapon. A few years out, they're trying to reintegrate back into society together, with fake identities.
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astxroiid · 1 month
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being married to jaskier // headcanon -- from this request
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❥ first things first: the proposal.
it was more beautiful and well thought out than you thought possible. -- he’d rather excitedly led you out to the forest and into a field. -- light from the candles he’d placed on stumps danced across the grass, though the light from the full moon would’ve sufficed. -- Jaskier had flowers placed in a circle around a large blanket on the ground and a basket full of foods set atop the blanket and beside and ornate bottle of wine. -- you both ate and drank first, though you had no idea what was coming. -- he spoke of old times and adventures you’d went on together, you admired his charm. -- when he took a knee, you were shocked enough that you dropped your bread on the blanket.
❥ his speech was heartfelt and absolutely beautiful. -- naturally after you said yes you kissed him which turned to something heated as you made love on the forest floor.
❥ he’s a sucker for clichés, so he definitely carries you through the door much to your dismay.
“Jask! Put me down! M’not a child!” -- “But, my love, it’s tradition.”
❥ he’s an absolute gentleman.
massaging you after hard days and bringing you a drink while he does. -- some mornings he brings you breakfast in bed and some days you do the same for him.
❥ it’s a cohesive and fair relationship and the best one you’ve ever been in.
❥ he’s an absolute sweetheart when you’re sick
“are you sure you’re okay, darling? I can get you more soup or a warm towel or—” -- “—Jask. Honey, I’m okay. I promise, I won’t die.”
❥ begging you for a child.
"But imagine a mini us? They'd be adora-" -- "that sounds like a nightmare, jask. Not right now." -- secretly your pregnant.
❥ your house is amazing.
you have infinite time to decorate and design. -- candles everywhere, cozy furniture strategically placed. -- the fireplace almost always burning because jaskier had to choose a cold place to live. -- it's fine though, you enjoy the cold (most of the time).
❥ having geralt over all the time.
you've trained him to take his muddy shoes off before coming inside, but figuring out what to do with his blood soaked clothes is another thing. -- he always compliments your home. -- geralt is the sweetest to you. -- "jaskier, your wife looks especially lovely this evening, wouldn't you say?" -- "i would say she looks especially wonderful every day." -- there's a designated room in the back for geralt to crash in, and a designated box for all the clothes he brings in covered in gods-know what liquid. -- it's Jaskier's job to wash them. -- "why must i?" -- "because. He's your best friend, and you get to clean up behind him." You smile.
❥ having a small farm with plenty of sources for food.
you gave each of the hens nature-themed names. -- the two cows got named daisy and dandy. -- your favorite group to harvest will always be the strawberries, stealing some to eat in the moment being a habit by now.
❥ jaskier got a dog to heard the sheep.
he named him Bailey and taught him how to sit, lay, and shake within the first 2 weeks. -- he cuddles up to the two of you at night, keeping you both warm. -- his best friend is a brown sheep named Jack. "Jaskier, your dog just farted." You say, half asleep in the dark of the bedroom. -- "no, love, that was me." He says apologetically.
❥ going on vacations and making geralt take care of the house and animals for you.
"And where is the dog's bed?" geralt asks, begrudgingly. -- "oh he sleeps in the bed with us usually." Jaskier quips. -- "great." -- and even though geralt seems displeased with Bailey, everytime you leave and come back home you find the two cuddled up together in bed. Fast asleep.
❥ vacations to the beach every summer.
there's a little hut jaskier build a couple years back that you share, usually opting to sleep under the stars anyway. -- swimming together every single day your out there. -- catching and cooking seafood. -- always bringing home extras for Bailey and geralt. -- you collect a sea shell each year you go, making a memorial wall for all the trips.
❥ the love songs jaskier writes during married life are some of the best in his career.
every new song gets massive cheers and applause from any crowd in a tavern that hears it. -- of course every song is about you. How you'll they not be? -- Jaskier hasn't wrote a sad song since the day he said his vows.
❥ he's a total bed hog.
jaskier and Bailey both, though mainly Jaskier takes up almost the entirety of the bed, tangling himself in the blankets. -- and yet, he feels bad every morning he wakes up and sees you on the edge of the bed, curled in a ball. -- you never mind, staying asleep for all of it.
❥ and somehow, the most obnoxious man you ever met became the best man you'll ever know.
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omfg I'm so sorry that took me so long to write for you, love! that writers block came from nowhere jfc.
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