#David and Michael in dresses
shoemakerobstetrician · 5 months
It’s normal to ship these two, right?
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Well apparently it is! By the amazing @liinchaan
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steamclouds · 7 months
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white, yellow and red Camelia
based on two illustrations by Alfons Mucha
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it’s so funny how shocked and appalled crowley sounds whenever he says “do i look like i run a book shop” while dressed in a turtleneck and a blazer, yes king you do
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liinchaan · 8 months
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I am very normal about David Tennant and Michael Sheen in dresses...
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ingravinoveritas · 5 months
Okay but is it a good thing for people to look at your family Christmas photo and say that it looks photoshopped and edited? Just wondering since so many people have that same thought over on twitter who believe that Georgia and Anna were edited in
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It's been so overwhelming to see the response to these new pics. I am sure probably everyone has seen them by now, but I will put up the visual just in case:
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I think I would agree with you that, in the most general sense, saying that someone's family Christmas photo looks Photoshopped/edited is probably not a positive thing. In the interest of fairness, looking at the pictures of the other people who were photographed at the event, it does seem like it was a problem with the lighting or editing overall that is affecting every photo, not just these pictures.
One thing I want to be clear on is that I think it's absolutely precious that Michael and David did this outing together, and are spending so much time together overall while Michael is in London. We had an inkling of that up until this point, but we literally went from a blurry photo to Michael and David gazing at each other across a crowded room on press night for Macbeth, to...this...in the span of less than a month. And I am glad that their kids are getting to spend time together and enjoy all of these holiday festivities as well. It's all very sweet and lovely, and in no way is it my intention to diminish that.
Thinking about the matching sweaters (jumpers), this is where I start to feel slightly less enthusiastic. It seems that the jumpers were Georgia's idea, which makes sense, as she previously had everyone wearing matching sweaters for a viewing party for "The Star Beast" (the first DW 60th anniversary episode). But having sweaters for Michael, AL, Lyra, and Mabli isn't an accident, or something that happens on the fly--it has to be planned. So for me, that makes it seem less like "spontaneous family outing" and more like "planned photo op meant to garner publicity."
What particularly gets me is that the both the matching sweaters for DW and the matching sweaters here feels like a gimmick...but Michael and David have never needed a "gimmick." Because Michael and David just being themselves has always been enough to be memorable. I'm not sure if Georgia thought she needed a gimmick to make herself and Anna stand out or what, but to me it almost feels like the sweaters are a diversion. As if Georgia perhaps knew the four them in a photo together would look awkward, so what better way to deflect than to give everyone something else to talk about. (Perhaps the same could also be said for Michael's hat, which...why, Michael? Haha.)
But it seems that Georgia's idea worked, because right after these pictures came out, an article was published about them in the Daily Mail. So all of this put together does give that feeling of being planned, especially because the four of them were so much the focal point of the DM article, more than any of the other celebrities at the event.
This brings me back to the aforementioned photos. Again, what seemed notable to me wasn't just what we did see, but what we didn't: No photo of Michael and Anna together, nor of David and Georgia, and not one of Georgia and AL, either. Instead, we have this group photo (where no one is actually touching and Georgia and AL's arms are awkwardly hanging side by side), and a photo of Michael and David where they are, with their arms around each other and Michael leaning into David, in contrast to his much stiffer posture in the group photo.
Looking at the Getty Images page, all of the other twosome photos are of couples, and none of them have the same unusual energy as Michael/David/Georgia/AL's group photo. So I do wonder if the fans pointing out the "Photoshopped" nature of the picture (and specifically that Georgia and AL appear to be edited in) have ever considered that maybe that is just how Georgia and AL look together. Because we're not talking about Staged, or social media posts. This is them, face to face, in real life, and the difference between Georgia and AL vs. Michael and David just seems pretty striking.
(I am also aware that there was another family photo that Georgia posted in an Insta story, and it is an incredibly cute picture, but I will say that what struck me is how Georgia and AL are pressed close together, but there is a very noticeable amount of space between Anna and David, and he seems to be giving off a lot of 'closed' body language (one hand in his lap, one folded behind him). Make of that what you will...)
So yes, those are my thoughts on the new pictures. I would love to hear any observations that anyone else has, of course, so feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. Thanks for writing in! x
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Day 20: "Rip it." - Good Omens (everything here is related to Good Omens, will you find all the clues?)
It's still the Ineffable Smut War!! There is more spices upcoming!
This sketch is a - weird - foreshadowing about Aziraphale, about Crowley, and about an upcoming SPICY SMUTTY ILLUSTRATED fanfiction @demonsandpieohmy will publish this Saturday 10th of February (about 4-5 PM GMT).
While we wait, why don't you try to figure out what this strange sketch is about?
If you're curious but don't have time, you'll find some useful (or not) tips in the tags.
If you really don't have time, all the answers are under the cut. :-p
About today's sketch: j needed to train myself in drawing metal objects (for a next big artwork). And I wanted to draw/publish something about the upcoming one-shot. Aaaand I wanted to finally fulfill a proper Daily Challenge (2 hours allowed, no more).
Well, one stone, three birds?
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Don't forget to 💕/ reblog ;-)
↓All the clues are explained here ↓
The two metallic parts in the center of the image (the winged-lyre and the "scroll") are parts of one of Aziraphale's cuff-links in the TV-show.
The ripped-off button belongs to Crowley's dress which has inspired the upcoming one-shot (yessss, i know :-p you couldn't find this one, the one-shot will be published tomorrow 10th of February)
The sewing thread - assembling everything. It's imitating Crowley's tattoo. Yesssss.
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I said "clues". I didn't say they were good ones. XD
Have nice day/evening, dear Good Omens fam!
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sentientsky · 5 months
aw sorry, i can’t hang out today! yeah, i gotta go draw david tennant in a low-cut dress. for,,,reasons
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rainbowpopeworld · 7 months
This 240 word fic is a must read.
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super-into-on-it · 8 months
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Nyaueth Riam
for Cultured Magazine | Sep 2023
x Standing Ground
shot by David Archer
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drksnctury · 9 months
sharing my vision on here bc i shared it on twt and yall deserve to see it as well
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crowley in this
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and aziraphale in this
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virtualdespairr · 9 months
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pride & prejudice & omens
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queer-reader-07 · 2 months
waking up to my dash being nothing but david tennant's bafta looks is the best thing to happen to me all week
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bugbugboy · 11 months
Song of Solomon 6:3
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They like confusing people of their gender and they look good doing it
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dolorum-magne · 8 months
7 and 16
Ooo! I have been meaning to reblog this post, thanks so much for the tag!
7. Show us a wip
My current wip is still the same one as the last one I posted because I've been really busy lately, but I have made progress on it!
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Still working on those drawings of David and Michael from The Lost Boys dressed for different decades and stuff that a friend of mine asked me fore a while back. Currently have 1940s and 1800s. Very much enjoying David in a top hat lol
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I want to do 2 more as it would fill the canvas nicely, but I'm struggling a bit to choose what else to do. Any suggestions?
16. Favourite media to work with when drawing traditionally
While I do like alcohol markers, and I'm trying to get better with water colour, my favourite is honestly just mechanical pencil + paper, I'm very basic and like to stick to what I usually have on hand lol
Thanks again for the ask!
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larobeblanche · 7 months
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David Michael Bowers (American, b. 1956) • Paulina's Dream • 2008 • Oil on masonite • Private collection
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cineclub84 · 2 days
Pulsions, 1980
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Kate Miller souffre de fantasmes érotiques si vivaces qu’elle a du mal à faire la part du rêve et de la réalité. Un matin, elle se rend chez son psychiatre, Robert Elliot, pour lui parler de ses déceptions sexuelles avec son mari. En se rendant au musée, Kate séduit un homme qui l’emmène dans son appartement pour y passer la nuit. Le lendemain matin, en prenant l’ascenseur pour quitter l’immeuble, Kate est atrocement assassinée à coups de rasoir par une femme blonde portant de grosses lunettes noires.
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Liz Blake, une call-girl de haute volée, est témoin du crime : elle a aperçu la tueuse au rasoir. Le jour suivant, au commissariat de police se retrouvent le docteur Elliot, Peter Miller, le fils de Kate, et Liz Blake. Tous les soupçons retombent sur Liz. Dans les jours qui suivent, la call-girl est traquée par la tueuse blonde, mais Peter réussit à la sauver in extremis. Le fils de Kate, spécialiste en électronique, met au point une caméra qui lui permet de découvrir que la tueuse est une patiente du docteur Elliot. Afin de découvrir le nom de la malade, Liz essaie de charmer le psychiatre afin de dérober son carnet de rendez-vous…
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Sous forme d'hommage à Hitchcock, Brian de Palma nous livre avec "Pulsions" un thriller angoissant et à mon sens l'un de ses tous meilleurs long-métrage. De Palma reprend la trame narrative du chef d'oeuvre d'Hitchcock "Psychose", mais ne tombe pas dans le copié collé en livrant une oeuvre incontestablement très personnelle. Le réalisateur américain a un faible pour les marginaux qu'il exploite une nouvelle fois dans "Pulsions". De Palma a l'art de mettre en scènes des personnages atypiques et habituellement stigmatisés, dont il fait ressortir le meilleur, en attachant beaucoup d'importance à ne pas porter de jugement sur eux. On pense naturellement tout de suite à Nancy Allen qui interprète une prostitué mais aussi au personnage de Kate Miller, une mère de famille en apparence bien sous tout rapport qui refoule ses pulsions pour justement ne pas être marginalisé à son tour. "Pulsions" est un film qui met en scène des personnages, dont les actes sont jugés moralement condamnables par la société, mais que De Palma présente paradoxalement comme les être les plus humains dans une société décharnée et hypocrite. Le film est donc en ce sens porteur d'un message intéressant et propose en plus de véritables séquences de tension très réussies (la scène du musée est exceptionnelle à ce niveau là). On est pris au jeu du début à la fin, régalé par un film aussi juste dans sa mise en scène que dans son écriture. De Palma s'amuse en rendant cet hommage au maitre du suspense et livre un film pleinement abouti à ne pas manquer.
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Dressed to Kill (1980) ORIGINAL TRAILER
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