#Fan Chengcheng scenario
yanjuniverse · 6 years
The Way We Fell - Fan Chengcheng
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[a/n: i’ll get around to writing all of this for nine percent one day] / masterlist
[cxk, cln, fcc, hmh, lyj, zzt, wzy, wlk, yzj]
God, what had you done in your past life to deserve him?
Fan Chengcheng, the music that name brought to your ears.
He was another kind of human. The two of you always bickered right down each other’s throats until Zhengting and Wenjun would try to separate you two. But, it never lasted long as you squirmed from their grips and back into each others’ arms, a heap on the floor laughing, pinching, giggling and happy.
You’re not sure how the two of you had met or when. You just knew that there were too many mutual friends that you shared with him.
And maybe it’s just his personality but you always thought that Fan Chengcheng was a definite grade A asshole. Even more so, the earliest memory you have with him ended with you throwing a drink in his face and stalking out of whatever bar Zeren had dragged you out to. And yet, despite being blinded by a shot of vodka to the eyes, he still stumbled out of the bar and gripped your wrist, dragging your screaming body to come back in so Zeren could take you home. “If you ended up dead or something, it would be my fault. Now stop being a bitch and wait for your babysitter.”
To this day, he refuses to get drunk around you. The two of you have had too many arguments and fights that he’s afraid you might actually stab him or something.
That’s why the one time he does get drunk around you, he’s flushed red with blood to find out the two of you had kissed rather than killed each other.
“At least the sexual tension is resolved,” Justin shrugs, whining when Chengcheng smacks his back. “Hey! That’s not nice!” he pouts. Chengcheng rolls his eyes and stalks out of the room to see you still asleep on his bed.
He flips the sheets and watches you tumble to the floor. He curses at you, yells a bit, gently shoves your arm then pins you to the floor and kisses you into oblivion.
Xinchun says he saw it coming as he collects a fat wad of money from the kitchen counter. He smiles and splits it with Quanzhe, inhaling the scent of the fresh dollar bills obnoxiously. Chengcheng curses them all as giggles fall from his gege’s mouths, his younger brothers biting back their smiles.
Yet, despite the fact that you make Chengcheng want to rip his hair out, he finds himself missing you a little too much when you’re away. It doesn’t take long before a dresser becomes half of his closet. He doesn’t mind. It means more time to spend teasing you.
You two still tease each other often. Sometimes, the lengths you two go to leaves the younger ones with wavering eyes. But in the end, Fan Chengcheng was an asshole but at least he was your asshole and to him, you were just as much.
He liked it. After growing up the way he did, he was happy to find someone to be real with him. He liked how you told him his shirt was ugly or that the way he did his hair looked like he just rolled out of bed (and not even the good kind). He liked when you told him he was getting too cocky. He liked when you pointed out all of his bad qualities.
Zhengting and Wenjun quietly watch him change over the next year. They watch him become a better version of himself because of you. He’s more grounded now. It makes everyone smile when they find the two of you swaying quietly in the kitchen to some song he was playing from his phone. They like how brightly his eyes shine now. They like you. You have his back in a way none of them could ever. He listens to you. He opens up to you. He loves you.
It takes him a while to admit it. You guys have dated for more than a year already. After a late night conversation with Zeren, he gets the younger one to admit his feelings. Chengcheng finds himself breaking out into a grin as he tests the new like out on his tongue. “I love you, YN,” he repeats to himself as Zeren chuckles.
He thinks that maybe he should tell you in some extravagant way. Maybe he’ll set up a whole dinner complete with lights and candles and your favorite dish that he’ll make himself. Maybe he’ll set out balloons and streamers and write you a song.
But when you come home today and bring home his favorite food without asking if he’s hungry, he just stares at you. He watches you move around him. He watches you catch up on his favorite show while the two of you eat. He lets you pull him into the shower and smiles as you kiss him in all of his favorite places. He sees that you’ve changed your shampoo too into his favorite scent and you belt out the words to his favorite song.
The two of you are laying int he darkness, your back pressed flush to him as his hand sneaks it’s way under your shirt. The two of you fall into a fit of giggles and grunts.
When you finish, he carefully cleans you up before settling back next to you again, a dazed look on your face.
“I love you,” he whispers, cupping your cheek. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
And he doesn’t think he’s ever heard words sweeter than this.
You guys share another trip around the sun. It’s hard for Chengcheng sometimes. He doesn’t like bickering as much as he used to and it annoys him when you smack him with a pillow during every argument. But he wants to be with you. He pieces you back together after every fight and pins you against the floor until your lips are bruised and swollen.
He knows you find it hard sometimes too. With him being away for tours and all, having to keep this relationship a secret, not being able to go out on proper dates. But you survive it because at the end of the day, Chengcheng is yours and you are his.
You guys are pushing into two and a half years when he tells you that the company wants him to start fake dating one of the other girls. He watches your face break and hears the pieces of your heart crumble to the floor. You want to yell at his company. You want to ask why he couldn’t go public with you but he could go public with her. And he explains it as bluntly as you would.
“She’s famous. You’re not.”
You frown and let him hold you as you cry. He promises that she’ll be nothing more than a coworker and that this is for the benefit of the band. It’s show business and this happens more times than you may think.
When your hot tears finally run dry, he pins you down once more and fills you up, promising that it will always be you.
The fake dating starts a month later. The two of them have to pretend that they’re sneaking around for a while which means more nights than not, Chengcheng will slip into bed at an ungodly hour.
The news articles slowly start to pop up and before you know it, the company comfirms the relationship. NEX7 becomes the trending topic on all social media platforms for the next week.
Chengcheng realizes that since he has to spend a lot more time with her, he might as well get to know her.
She’s nothing like you, he notes. The exact opposite actually. She never tried to pick fights with him. She was nice and pretty funny too. He always had a good time when the two of them hung out.
You find yourself crying at all the pictures they post together on social media. They look like an actual couple. Justin finds you a mess on the kitchen floor and tries his best to comfort you the best he can but it doesn’t work because in the end, Justin is Justin. He’s not Chengcheng. Chengcheng is out at some fancy dinner with her and you’re trapped in this house with nothing to stare at except the pictures on the wall.
But the little one still tries his best as he pulls some ice cream from the freezer. He goes on a whole rant about how the girl seems a little sketchy and that he and Quanzhe have mutually agreed that you’re the better one of the two. When you ask about what the others think, he explains that they’ve already brought it up to their managers that they don’t want her around here. Chengcheng can go to her place but she can’t come here. They all love you too much for that to happen.
Justin makes you laugh and shares some stories with you before he takes your hand and brings you to the living room. He calls Zeren and Xinchun down and the four of you watch movie after movie until you finally drift to sleep.
You only wake up to someone laying on top of you an try to hold back your tears when you realize he doesn’t smell like himself. He smells like her.
Chengcheng spends less time with you and more time with her now a days. Sometimes, when you cut the corner of the halls too fast, you can hear Zhengting scolding someone on the phone. You want to ask who he’s speaking with but he tells you that it’s no one every time.
You’re growing tired of this. You rant over the phone to Ziyi, someone you had grown close to when Chengcheng still hung around his former Nine Percent members. He tells you that if you want to get away, he’ll come get you and you can stay with him and Xukun for a while. You tell him there’s no need just as a tipsy Chengcheng walks through the door. You hang up, get Chengcheng cleaned up and then try your best to ignore the red bruise that taunts you as you lay on his chest to rest.
It starts to head south after you bring it up to Chengcheng. He says it was from you but it most definitely wasn’t from you. You two scream at each other, arguing and throwing things around the room until Wenjun and Zhengting come and pull you apart. You two don’t look for each other after that.
You endure this sort of thing for another month until one day, Ziyi unexpectedly calls you. It’s almost three in the morning and he tells you that Xukun had a dream about you and wants him to check up on you. You end up falling to the floor sobbing. Ziyi and Xukun arrive the next day unannounced and pack your things for you. Chengcheng watches blankly from the door and you’re not sure what breaks you more: the fact that he doesn’t try to stop you from leaving or the fact that it’s his members begging not to go.
“She’s good for you,” you tell him as he stands in front of the house. “You and I...we had a good run.”
“But I still love you,” his voice cracks.
You shake your head. “It’s impossible to love two people at once.���
Quanzhe and Justin are on their knees sobbing, begging you not to go. “Who will take care of us? Who will take care of Chengcheng?” they ask you.
You tell them that they will find a way. That traces of you will slowly become a faint memory. Wenjun, Zeren, Zhengting and Xinchun quietly wipe their tears. They won’t stop you. They know you’ve been suffering for far too long.
As Xukun opens the door for you, Justin screams at Chengcheng. “How could you?!” he yells, punching him pathetically in the chest. “The one person who rode it out for you through thick and thin! And you’re just going to let them go like this?!”
Chengcheng stares at the little one as Zhengting ushers him away. He’s still screaming at the top of his lungs for you to stay. And you almost do. But Xukun reminds you that you shouldn’t. It’s not good for you to live here so miserably. You’ve lost weight, you’re pale. Being with Chengcheng had literally made you sick. He and Ziyi want whats best for you.
Right before Xukun can shut the door, Chengcheng catches it. They exhange a look before Xukun mutters that they have a flight to catch and slides into the front seat.
“I’m sorry,” he says.
“That’s just life, isn’t it?” you smile sadly. He nods, resting his forehead against yours and sighing.
“What an honor it was to fall in love with you,” he says. “To have been able to become the person I am today because of you.”
“Don’t break her heart the way you did mine,” you tell him. He nods, opening his eyes to look at you. “Take care of yourself, Fan Chengcheng.”
He leans forward, lips centimeters away from yours. You wait for the impact to come but it never does. He pulls away, wiping a tear from the side of his eyes and nods again. He shuts the door and leaves back into the house without one spare look. The others quietly wave, watching you from the steps.
You go two months without contact to any of them.
You like staying with Xukun and Ziyi. Since retiring from the limelight because they wanted to be together, you realized that maybe, if Chengcheng really loved you the way he said he did, he’d choose the same path as them.
They feed you well and get you a job at a local animal shelter down the street from their house. The three of you adopt a small dog and Ziyi says they should name it Zhangjing when the boy comes to visit.
Life keeps on moving. The sun still rises. The moon still falls. And you realize that maybe, you had put too much effort into your relationship with Chengcheng. Or maybe you noticed that he didn’t put enough in. You slowly forget about the days at the NEX7 house though members do take the time to check up on you. Hell, Justin even came to stay with you for two weeks when he finally had a break.
He tells you quietly that Chengcheng is engaged now. He asks if you want to come to the wedding but tells you that you don’t have to for obvious reasons. You tell him that your job won’t allow you to take such time off. He tells you two days isn’t a lot and says it’s okay to say that it still hurts to look at Chengcheng. You smile at how smart he is, at how much he’s grown. You two fall asleep on the couch to a movie marathon after gobbling down a whole tub of ice cream together.
The day of the wedding comes and goes and life still goes on. The moon is still falling. The sun is still rising.
You eventually move out of Ziyi and Xukun’s home. Your apartment is about a ten minute walk from them and it’s nice and cozy. You hang pictures of Ziyi, Xukun, even Justin has a small frame that sits on your bedside table.
After a month of living there, you check your mail and flip through it. There’s the usual junk and bills but one thing catches your eyes. You leave it sitting on your counter for a month.
Since moving into your apartment, you have met with someone new. His name is Yanchen and he’s sweeter than candy. He kisses you gently and never raises his voice. He takes you around town and shows you the bookstore he works in.
You find yourself wanting to tell him you love him the night you remember the envelope that sits on your counter. After chugging half a bottle of wine, you open it up. The words blur together but you know it’s from him.
He says he’s lived a life full of regrets and that you, you will never be one of them. He tells you he’s getting married soon and doesn’t expect you to be there. He tells you that he probably won’t even send this out in time but he hopes that one day, it’ll get to you. He still thinks about you, if you’re well or healthy. He hopes that you still don’t carry around the same hate for him. He says he understands why you left him. He was very undeserving of you. You probably saw the way Ziyi and Xukun left fame and wondered why he couldn’t too. He wants you to find someone who will always put you first the way you did for him. He rambles on and on for two pages before signing off “yours, and forever yours, Xixi.”
The way you had fallen for Chengcheng may had been too fast. You learned that much from him. With Yanchen, you’ll put your feelings before his and express your likes and dislikes in a calmer manner. You hope that the way you fall for Yanchen will be different from the way you fell with Chengcheng.
And it was.
So, on your wedding night, you write back to Chengcheng.
You explain why you never reached an invitation out to him and how Justin said that you have a kid running around now. You hope he’s happy and that he’s putting himself first. You hope he remembers to breathe and that the world will still turn so he shouldn’t get upset over little things anymore. You ramble for only a paragraph before writing one last thing.
“I hope that you can give all of yourself to her. Loving two people is impossible, Fan Chengcheng. Give her your all the way you never did for me. Fall in love with her the way I’ve fallen for Yanchen. Only then, will you be able to write me back without tear stained sheets. Until then, farewell. -Yanchen’s and forever Yanchen’s, YN”
He doesn’t write you back.
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vicccwrites · 6 years
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BF! Chengcheng Texts
(A/N: I didn’t meant to basically write an engagement scene? It was supposed to be a promise ring but then it sorta turned into an engagement ring?? Idk either works I guess ;-; Anyway, this is for the lovely anon who requested it, I hope you enjoyyyy bby~ it was a blast to write!!)
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ace-of-novas · 6 years
Stealing Glances // Fan Chengcheng
Summary: You recently got a job as an audio assistant and one of the members of the group your filming won’t stop staring at you. 
Reason: Because Fan Chengcheng looked so soft during the Innisfree interviews and virtual reality
Pairing: Fan Chengcheng x Reader
Word count: 2,065
Warning: Un-betaed, super attempted fluff
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{{original gif}}
“Hello, we are Nine Percent.” The large group of boys bowed.
Their voices startled you into almost dropping the battery packs you’d been sorting through.
You’d gotten an internship with a filming company a couple months ago as an assistant to the audio tech. You enjoy the work but you still weren’t quite used to just how loud a lot of the groups you had to film were. Most were young boys you had to film for the appeal of the teenage girls but this group, Nine Percent, was the largest group yet. Nine members seemed a little too much to you. They’d introduced themselves individually but you hadn’t been able to keep up. The group was doing a photoshoot and virtual reality for Innisfree so they were all wearing relatively the same outfits, making your life that much harder. Your younger sister was really into them and you’d been told Fan Bingbing’s brother was in the group, but other than that, you knew hardly anything about the tall group of boys. However, if Bingbing’s brother was as pretty as her….
Because they were really only doing a photoshoot, your job was simple. Just wire the boys with mics so that their voices could be picked up on the camera one of your co-workers had strapped to her head, seeing as the Gopro’s original microphone was terrible.
You picked up the microphones you’d been sorting through and made your way to the group. As usual, the idol group consisted of undeniably attractive men, one after the other, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little flustered to be in their orbits. Luckily, none of them paid you any mind as you instructed them how to wrap the mic pack around their waist and attach the actual microphone so it was hidden. The boys talked excitedly to one another as you tweaked the battery packs around their slim waits.
The first couple weeks on the job you’d been a blushing mess as your fingers had involuntarily skimmed well defined abs. Now that you were used to it you could at least keep a straight face. Even when you saw a small tattoo on one of their hips that dipped below his waistband, your face remained blank (you just hopped no one noticed that you were staring a little longer than usual at the black lettering).
You gave a soft greeting to each member until you came to the last boy. His brown hair was slightly curled in soft ringlets and donned a mint button down over a white shirt, both tucked into his slim white pants. You pouted a little. You hopped the stylists wouldn’t yell at you for untucking his shirt.
“Could you lift your shirt,” you asked.
The boy sputtered and you looked up. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights.
You giggled softly into your hand. “So I can put on your microphone pack,” you said, holding up said items.
“Oh!” he exclaimed. A couple of the other boys turned and snickered at the dark blush that was spreading from his ears down to his cheeks. The boy slowly untucked and raised his shirt to reveal soft abs.
You resisted the urge to coo at how cute the boy was. Instead you wrapped the battery pack around his waist. “What’s your name?” you asked once the pack was secure.
“F-Fan Chengcheng,” he stuttered.
“My name is L/N F/N.” You turned the microphone on. In one swift movement, you curled both arms around the idol in a lingering hug. You could feel his heated red skin against your cheek. You innocently tucked the microphone into Chengcheng’s back pocket and pulled away. “Good luck.” You smiled. You didn’t wait for the stunned boy’s reply and walked off, quite proud of yourself. You could hear some of Chengcheng’s group members laughing at him.
One of your co-workers gave you a smirk as you gave back a smug shrug. If you didn’t take the opportunity now to flirt with cute celebrities then when would you have the chance again.
As the crew began to set up, you could feel Chengcheng glancing over to where you stood at the sound mixer, checking audio levels. The gaze would quickly leave whenever you turned your head to look. It seemed a soft smile wouldn’t leave your face and your co-worker kept rolling her eyes.
“How are you whipped already?” she whispered.
You shushed her. It was endearing to say the least. To feel someone’s interest in you was something you’d never felt before and screw everyone if you weren’t going to revel in it a little.
“Places everyone,” the director yelled and the room went quiet.
The shoot went well though you and your co-worker were cringing through half of the ridiculously cheesy lines the writers had given the idol group. Even as the camera rolled Chengcheng kept looking at you and your eyes were naturally drawn to him. You smiled at him, giving a small wave. His cheeks rose in a gentle smile before he snapped back to look at the girl with the camera like he’d just been caught in an illicit act.
At one point, Chengcheng raced up to the girl with the camera and leaned closer so she could put some of the cream on his face. As she did, he stared right at you, a silent challenge to gage your reaction. You gave a playful pout and turned away. When you turned back you had to look away again because you didn’t want anyone to see how disappointed you were that Chengcheng’s ears were just as red putting the cream on the girl’s face as they had been with you.
Nearing the end of the shoot, Justin (your co-worker had enthusiastically made you memorize all of their names) came up to you as you were wrapping up cables.
“Hi, how can I help you?” you asked politely.
Justin’s lips curled in a charming smile as he leaned on the wall next to you.
“I like collecting pretty things so I was wondering if I could have your number,” he said.
You crossed your arms and gave Justin a ‘really?’ look. Honestly, pick up lines weren’t your thing. They kind of made you uncomfortable and feel out of your comfort zone but that one was just ridiculous. You glanced around Justin to where Chengcheng was watching you from behind a camera, not being very secretive about his hiding place. He ducked behind the camera as soon as he saw you looking and you huffed out a laugh.
“I’m addicted to the word yes and deathly allergic to the word no, so what’s it gonna be?” Justin wiggled his eyebrows.
This time you couldn’t help but laugh. “What would you even need my number for?”
“Oh, you know,” Justin shrugged. “Arranging times to go on dates, making sure to treat you right, keeping Chengcheng from really mess—” Justin cut himself off and his eyes went wide at his own slip-up.
Now it was your turn to raise a brow. “Are you going to give my number to someone else?”
Justin stutted. You smiled and pat his cheek. “Tell your friend to ask me himself if he really wants it.” And with that you turned and left the idol cursing.
You regretted not giving Justin your phone number later as you were packing up the equipment. After that interaction, you hadn’t see Chengcheng at all and it was a small studio. It had sounded cool in your head, a real badass move, but now you were without contact with the cute boy. Nine Percent had left a little while ago as your co-worker so kindly informed you making your heart feel heavy.
“Aw, are you pouting because your boyfriend left without you?” Your co-worker teased. You swung at her arm half-heartedly. “Alright, alright, I’m sorry for your loss. How about you take these boxes out to the car and see if you can catch one last glimpse of him leaving.” She shoved two boxes into your arms making you whine in complaint. Your co-worker smacked you on the back as you left.
As you were leaving the studio, you jumped when you heard your name being called. Fan Chengcheng was running towards you at full speed.
You panicked. Do you drop the precious sound equipment? Do you jump out of his way? Do you let him hit you like some dramatic k-drama?
Well you didn’t have to decide on anything as your instincts kicked in last minute causing you to step out of the bull’s way. But Chengcheng was going too fast for him to slow down enough causing him to crash into the box of wires. Both of you, along with the box, went tumbling to the ground.
The box was thankfully closed so nothing spilled out but both of you lay groaning on the ground for a minute. You were winded, the air hadn’t been knocked out of you but you might bruise a little tomorrow.
“I am so sorry!” Chengcheng all but screamed as he scrambled to help you up. You thanked him softly. You took one look at his concerned face and doubled over in sudden laughter, startling the idol in front of you. You weren’t sure why you were laughing other than the fact you were relieved the boy in front of you hadn’t left. Chengcheng’s lips twitched until he too was a laughing mess. Hair frazzled from the fall he looked nothing short of a teddy bear that you just wanted to hug forever.
“You didn’t leave yet,” you said, voicing your thoughts as the last of your giggling subsided.
The broad smile that split Chengcheng’s face was the first one you’d seen and you took a mental picture in your brain incase you never got to see the sun smiling like that again.
“We were about to, but I forgot something,” Chengcheng said.
You carefully picked up the box. “Oh, what’d you forget?”
“Your number.”
You blinked at him in shock. The shy Chengcheng from before had taken a back seat as the idol looked at you with a sparkle of determination in his eyes. It made you quiver with happiness and you nodded your head quickly.
Not even caring about the box anymore you threw it to the floor and whipped out your phone to give to Chengcheng before he could disappear again. You felt like you were dreaming as you watched his slender fingers type your number into his phone. You were practically vibrating from excitement.
He handed you back your phone and you clutched it to your chest with glee.
“Oh, and, um,” Chengcheng said, the shy boy from before returning. “Y-You should, come to our concert.” His cheeks were bright red even in the dying light of the setting sun. When he ducked his head smiling you once again resisted the urge to coo and push his chin up.
“Of course,” you laughed. “Just send me the details.” You waved your phone at him and his whole face lit up.
“Great!” he exclaimed and you echoed the statement. The pair of you stared at each other in silent awe before a car horn interrupted you.
Falling back into the real world, you blinked away the sun lit fantasy you’d managed to conjure up while standing under the glow of Chengcheng’s smile.
“Chengcheng, let’s go!!” Justin yelled from the window of the car. “We’re going to leave you if you don’t hurry up.”
Chengcheng tensed. “Th-they actually will leave me,” he said hurriedly. He flashed you an apologetic smile before he took off after the slowly rolling car. You watched him until the car was out of sight.
“Hey, where’d you go?” Your co-worker asked as she came upon your star struck figure a few moments later.
You shook yourself out of your daze and apologized to the woman before picking up the fallen box and moving it to the van.
That night when you got home you flung open your sister’s door and sat down on her bed. “Tell me everything about Nine Percent,” you demanded.
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fanfancheng · 6 years
You text Chengcheng to bring you McDonald's
But he says it's too unhealthy and says he's going to play ball at the gym with Justin
Later, Justin posts a picture of their McDonald's on Instagram
You send angry messages to Chengcheng for betraying you like that
He shows up at your house with a box of 20 nuggets and an Oreo mcflurry
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chocafe · 6 years
like a fool — fan chengcheng
summary: once a fool, always a fool. chengcheng was a fool for falling in love with you, a human being, as he is sadly, the grim reaper. genre: angst and romance pairing: grimreaper!chengcheng x reader a/n: i suddenly thought of this plot and decided to write it down instead of having it linger in my thoughts. i kind of based this off of the how the grim reaper system worked in goblin, but at the same time i never finished watching goblin (which i should do this weekend omg) i didn’t proofread this, so sorry for any mistakes you come across~
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Being the grim reaper was both an easy, yet difficult job. Since people were dying at every second, there were many grim reapers placed around the world, and Chengcheng just so happens to be the grim reaper in charge of your area. Entering the same coffee shop you work in, he was greeted by your voice from behind the counter. “Chengcheng, you’re back!” You said with such a positive enthusiasm as you wanted to take this opportunity to jump over the counter and hug him. “It’s been such a long time since you’ve visited, what happened?” Chengcheng found you adorable, maybe too adorable. It wasn’t fair how he was never able to meet such a person like you in his past life. If he was able to meet someone with the same personality as you in his past life, there would be a major possibility that he wouldn’t have became the grim reaper. In this world, Chengcheng was disguised as a university student. “It was exams season, so it was literally the death of me. I had to study every second and I didn’t even have any time to sleep or eat.” “I’m dumb. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that!” You jokingly hit your head as you both chuckled afterwards. “The casual once again?” “You always know me the best.” He smiled brightly as you, finishing his transaction. “I should be on my break soon, so how about I finish up your drink and we could perhaps have a small chat during my break?” “T-That would be awesome!” Chengcheng exclaimed, even stuttering a tad bit. You proceeded to work on Chengcheng’s drink as he walked towards the back of the cafe, sitting down in a empty seat while pulling out his laptop. “I’m such a fool.” Chengcheng thought to himself. He found himself to be a fool because he was slowly falling in love with a human being, something that was against all rules of being a grim reaper, a dead person living in the daylight. In the past, Chengcheng would always work at his house. It was pure quiet with not a single person disturbing his inner thoughts, but it all changed once he came across this particular cafe, the very one you work in. At first, all he wanted was a simple caramel macchiato, but it all changed once he laid eyes upon you. “How can a person be so perfect?” He asked himself when he first saw a glimpse of you. “I swear, God has been working super hard lately.” With you being implanted in Chengcheng’s mind, he couldn’t help but to come in again, again, and once again. Your cafe became his usual spot for him to work on his death documents and it became a hundred times better once a friendship blossomed between you two. He has always wondered if your heart pounded the same way his did for you, but he knew it would be too good to be true. Being the grim reaper isn’t as easy as everyone seems to think. Chengcheng is constantly working, checking up on who’s the sad being dying next and he’s attending daily conference meetings. They’re not exactly conference meetings. Chengcheng likes to call it that, but in all honesty, they’re when he meets the person dying for the first time and guides them to office as he declares where they should spend their after life in. It’s hard work and Chengcheng could swear he’s wrinkling up from it, even though he can’t physically age. As usual, he opens up his laptop to see who’s the next victim he’s scheduled to meet. “Another one tomorrow?” He sighed to himself. There was one for tomorrow at eight pm. As he looked to see who this particular person was, he couldn’t help, but to open his mouth due to shock. There your name was, planted across his screen. You were scheduled to die tomorrow and no one knew why. “One machiatto for the one and only Chengcheng!” You cheerfully said as you place his drink on the table, taking the seat across from him. Once Chengcheng noticed you were right there in front of him, he quickly slams his laptop shut, leaving you confused due to his sudden actions. “Is everything alright?” You asked him as your eye furrows into a concerned look. “Yeah, everything's just fine!” He looked up at you and embarrassingly laughed while scratching the back of his neck. “I just can’t stand to look at my clients work, that’s about it.” “Are you also employed? I thought you were a full time student?” You were slightly confused because in the past, while you two were trying to get to know one another, Chengcheng stated that he was unemployed and was going to school full time. Your memory was actually the best, but you didn’t want to doubt the boy. “Uh.” Chengcheng tried to speedily come up with a lie. “Well, yeah, I’m a full time student, you got that correct. Since summer is coming up, I thought about getting a part time job to help me pay for my future classes in the next semester.” Good job Cheng, he thought to himself. “Oh, I see. That’s actually quite amazing of you! It must be a lot of work.” Chengcheng nervously grabbed his macchiato and sipped on it to clench his thirst and dry throat. After that small altercation, he couldn’t afford to mess up next time. If there will be a next time. “Chengcheng?” You said very softly. “Yes?” He settled his macchiato down and waited for your response. “Do you mind if I take a small nap? I’m sorry, I really want to chat with you, but I’m honestly just too exhausted. Today was such a busy day and this is actually my first break of the day.” “T-That’s fine! Please, take a nap! I care about your health and it should always come first before anything else.” A small smile crept onto your lips. “You’re always the best person.” You simply said before resting your arms and head upon the table and swiftly falling asleep in no time. To be honest, you looked lovely while sleeping. You looked so innocent and Chengcheng had the sudden urge to protect you from anything that would corrupt you in this cruel world of ours. He found you so beautiful, and he just wanted to reach out and hold your hand as you sleep. Without realizing, Chengcheng extended his hand and attempted to reach out for yours, but he instantly pulled it back. It’s been thousands of years since he became a grim reaper, so he should know better than to not fall in love. To stop his urge, he knew it was time for him to leave. Once your fifteen minutes were over, you stretched out your arms and yawned very lightly. You had noticed that Chengcheng was no longer seated in front of you, but there was a letter residing on the table. You picked it up as it read “Sorry, I had to leave a little early! Make sure to take care of your health for now on, okay? Try to stay careful ^^” You smiled to yourself as you read the letter. Not much people cared about you, so it warmed your heart to know that someone like Chengcheng was there for you. < : > The day has come and Chengcheng can’t stop panicking. Throughout the whole day, he’s been waiting for your name to disappear from his laptop, but it doesn’t budge just one bit. Not only that, but he’s been asking everyone around him about it, even the local angels. “Do you think God would allow someone, who’s meant to die, to live instead?” Chengcheng asked through the phone. “Are you crazy? What has gotten to you, Chengcheng? You know we’re in no position to mess with God’s powers and if we do then we’re sent directly to hell.” Zhengting, a fellow angel who has always been friends with Chengcheng, would nag at him through the line. Chengcheng pulled his phone away from his ear, saving his eardrums so he couldn't hear Zhengting yell at him. “Alright, I get it! I’ll call you later, man.” Time was up. There was approximately only one hour left until you would be pronounced dead. Chengcheng looked over at his document to see where he would have to meet you at, and sadly, you were destined to die at the coffee shop you work in and the one you both met in. Chengcheng watched your coffee shop burn down in flames. For the first time, Chengcheng is terrified and doesn’t want to see the outcome of this. For a man who guides the dead, he didn’t want to guide you down the path because he believed that you deserved to see the daylight and live peacefully. He felt his heart shatter as he watched you collapse onto the floor and gasp for air as the building was filled with deadly smoke. “You fool.” Chengcheng thought and insulted himself like always. “If you truly loved y/n, you would save them!” You were too young and you had a bright future ahead of you. Anyone could see this, not only Chengcheng. He knew that saving you was against the rules because every person is designated to die, but why did saving you sound like the right thing to do? Without a hesitation, Chengcheng dashes inside the building and grabs a hold of your helpless body. You’re too weak and ill to notice anything that’s happening around you. Chengcheng uses his god-like powers and saves you from your death, increasing your lifespan. This was something that was against the rules and Chengcheng knew for sure that he would be punished. Although, he felt like it was worth it. He lived his life seeing people die everyday, so just this one time, he changed it up and finally saved someone’s life. After the whole incident, Chengcheng was sentenced to eternity in hell for using his powers against God. He could care less because he knew it was the right thing to do. The only thing he needed to know was if you were alright, and that’s exactly what he did. He loved you too much to watch you die. You found yourself in the hospital and for the past week, you weren’t able to get a hold of Chengcheng. Usually, he would respond back in an instance, but for some odd reason, he wasn’t responding back to your messages nor was he anywhere in sight. After trying to meet Chengcheng and failing multiple times, you said to yourself, “Maybe we were just not destined to be with each other.”
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ilynong · 6 years
incredulous | fan chengcheng
Meeting your boyfriend’s (famous) older sister for the first time is extremely nerve wracking, but the two of you end up hitting it off.
for @woojinhow:  “ can you please do like chengcheng introducing you to to bingbing or smth sldkfj i think he would be super excited to intro but then get a little jealous when you get along well with bingbing or smth idk”
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omg so you’ve been dating chengcheng for a while !!
the two of you rlly get along
but then he decides to introduce you to bingbing
and you’re scared/nervous/HOLY SHIT for a few reasons
first, there’s the obvious
bingbing is a queen
and you’re
second, bingbing is older than you are, and seems really intimidating
so the two of you meet bingbing at this small little cafe that has quite a lot of privacy
you take the seat next to chengcheng nervously
at first bingbing is almost kinda cold towards you??
like she asks you a bunch of questions and stuff
and she has a totally blank face
then out of nowhere, she pulls out her phone
“so, have you seen the baby pictures of chengcheng yet?”
“ah, jiejie!”
and that’s how your friendship with bingbing forms
the two of you tease chengcheng for the rest of your time at the coffee shop lmao
bingbing and you exchange phone numbers
“free trade of memes is beneficial to all parties”
then a few days later, you and chengcheng are checking out this new restaurant in town
and he notices that you’re texting someone on your phone????
“who’re you texting?” he asked casually, pushing his pasta around his plate
you looked up from your phone with a smile, quickly setting it down on your plate next to you
“ah, sorry!” you apologized, watching as chengcheng smiled back, “i was just texting bingbing jiejie.”
“bingbing jiejie?” chengcheng asked incredulously, gaping over at you, “you’re talking to my sister?”
“yeah!” you laughed at his reaction, “we’ve been talking since we met, actually-- she’s super cool!”
“she’s not cool, she’s,” chengcheng spluttered, trying to find the right wording, “she’s my sister.”
“fan chengcheng,” you leaned across the table slightly, a smirk on your lips, “are you jealous of bingbing?”
“what?” chengcheng continued spluttering, his cheeks now a bright red, “no! why would i be jealous of my own sister, i’m the one who’s dating you, anyways.”
“exactly,” you nodded, nudging chengcheng’s knee with your own under the table, “you’re my boyfriend, and bingbing is my new friend. simple.”
chengcheng squawked as you laughed at his reaction, taking a smug bite of your own pasta
sorry i haven’t posted anything in a while! for some reason, lately i’ve been really exhausted even though nothing has changed, like i’m getting same diet, same sleep, same amount of water. 
but yeah hopefully this weekend i’m able to get even closer to clearing all the current requests so i can open them again!
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xukunstellation · 6 years
Assassin (Part 1) || Fan Chengcheng
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Title: Assassin Pairing: Female!Reader x Chengcheng Genre: Agent!AU + Mafia!AU + Action Word Count: 1061 words Summary: Your mission is to eliminate the son of the most notorious gang in all of China: Fan Chengcheng. However, you come to realize that Chengcheng is no easy target. Warning: mentions of violence and guns, though no one actually dies or gets seriously hurt in this. i tried not to make this too explicit bc Chengcheng is still a minor. please do not read this if you are sensitive to any of this mentioned!
A/N: The amount of enjoyment and fun I’ve had writing this is unreal. I normally stick to writing fluff and angst, so it was a breath of fresh air to try something new and write an action genre scenario. As you can see, I had a little too much fun considering I had to split this up into two parts since it was getting way too long.
I ended up writing the reader as female simply because I was inspired by the Agent J performance and the dynamic between Jieqiong and Chengcheng in that stage. Feel free to message me if you wish for me to make the reader non-female.
Bless the anon who requested this. I hope this lives up to your expectations! 
Part 2
i’m so excited to write this
fan chengcheng in a suit? in a mafia au??
sign me the fuck up
annnnnnd start
so you’re a secret spy working under one of the most prestigious agencies in the espionage world
your agency primarily focused on bringing justice to high profile criminals and putting them behind bars via finding information about them; another sector of your agency were specially trained assassins sent to take out the really dangerous criminals 
you have a reputation for being at the top of your sector
due to your advanced tracking and communication skills, you were usually sent on missions that require you to go undercover and gain information from the enemy or opposite side
per protocol, you were pretty well versed in hand-to-hand combat as well
to your surprise, you were assigned a completely different mission than what you usually did
your boss explained to you about a gang called yuehua who were notorious for performing a multitude of illegal activities, usually grand-scale theft in order to sell for higher prices on the black market. they would go as far as killing others or making them go missing to hide their traces
there have been several reports that yuehua were planning on infiltrating your agency in order to gain information for their future endeavors
and who was the one who knew what and where information was held in the agency?
yep that’s right
luckily you were good at keeping an extremely low profile on your missions so no one outside of your agency knew of your spy background
the mission was simple: eliminate the yuehua members one by one and without a trace before they can get to the agency
just to be safe and throw off your identity as a tracker, your boss decided to place you on the assassin sector of the mission, meaning you as well as the rest of your team were in charge of taking out the yuehua members
it probably would have made more sense to make you go into hiding, but your tracking skills were desperately needed by the agency
look at you taking one for the team
you found out that several members of yuehua were to attend a special masquerade banquet held by some elite family
being the agent with the most experience, you were in charge and assigned each member of your team a yuehua boy that went as followed:
yanjun → zhu zhengting, chaoze → ding zeren, dinghao  →  huang xinchun, zhangjing → li quanzhe, honglin → huang justin, maotong → bi wenjun
the yuehua member you were assigned?
none other than the son of the head of yuehua himself
fan chengcheng
handsome, clever, charming, and extremely dangerous
he was known to seduce females only to make them go bankrupt as his gang members stole all of their assets behind the scenes
you figured you would give him a taste of his own medicine
your disguise had you all dolled up from head to toe in an elegant hairstyle and a sexy black dress that accentuated your looks beautifully. the outfit was paired with a silver laced mask that covered nearly half your face, keeping your identity somewhat safely hidden. for extra caution, you wore black silk gloves so you wouldn’t leave any traces of fingerprints behind
you were sure to get some looks because damn you lookin like a whole snack
but all you cared about was catching the attention of fan chengcheng
while yanjun distracted security, you managed to slip your way into the party without being seen. walking around, you did your best to blend in with the crowd as you scanned the area 
target sighted
from across the room, you saw chengcheng looking dashing in a classic black and white tuxedo matched with a gold jeweled mask, helping himself to a generous amount of finger foods at the catering table. you knew it was him by the yuehua tattoo on his wrist that appeared whenever he raised his hand high enough
you almost lost your composure when you nearly laughed at how stuffed his cheeks were. if it weren’t for who he is and what your mission was, you would have thought he was cute
you waited until he was done eating before waltzing over to him and tapping his shoulder, catching his attention as he looked at you with vague interest
“hello. would you care to dance?” you smiled charmingly
“who am i to deny a beautiful lady’s request?” he replied, returning your smile with a slight smirk
taking your hand, he led you to the center of the dance floor. the music picked up and changed from the typical waltz to something reminiscent of a tango. chengcheng grinned at you before strongly pulling you closer so that you both were chest to chest just as a traditional tango dance would have. 
not wanting to back down, you merely grinned back before wrapping your right leg around his left leg and twisting your body back sharply, causing him to dip you down lowly with your faces a mere few inches apart as you stared intensely at each other
everyone literally cleared the entire floor for y’all 
they were shookth bc things were getting spicy between you two hot damn
you quickly spun your way out of his arms, him catching your hand at the last second and pulling you back into his embrace, the two of you gliding on the marble floor with ease. during one particular part of the song, the music slowed and lowered to a suspenseful melody. falling into step, you and chengcheng slowly walked around in a circle, neither of you breaking eye contact with each other
you felt something lingering in the air between you both, a feeling you couldn’t quite put into words. it encased you both entirely, making it feel as if you two were the only ones in the room.
when the music finally sped up and reached its climax, all of a sudden there was a loud pop as white smoke began to fill the air. soon, the sounds of yelling and fighting erupted in the room followed by screaming
knowing that the mission was going according to plan (zhangjing set off harmless smoke bombs as a diversion), you feigned fear and began pulling chengcheng away and out of the room
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spider-man-199999 · 6 years
Fan Chengcheng as a Bad boii
First of all, Fan Chengcheng, who the hell allowed you????
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The type of bad boy that looks scary
But actually is not scary
People don’t know he’s practically a huge meme because they don’t really know him
Because he’s always missing? Where even is he?
Wears mostly black because it makes him look skinnier and classy
Looks older then he actually is, that’s how he gets in clubs while still being underage
Acts older than he is
Go to school boy wtf
Gets in trouble always
If there’s trouble, Chengcheng caused it 
calls Bingbing crying because their mom doesn't pick up 
most of his "friends" in school are his friends because of Bingbing 
hot but doesn't know it 
all these girls whispering when he walks past them 
confused all the time 
eats a whole lot of food 
all the time 
he either eats or sleeps 
people admire his fashion 
they stop him in the hallways or in the middle of the street just to ask him where he got his shirt or shoes from 
doesn't like people talking about his sister in front of him 
loves his sister more than anything though 
at a bar every single Friday night 
flirts with everyone 
so many girls gave him their number 
all the guys hate him 
throwing daggers at him when he walks in the bar 
people are all over him 
and he’s drowning in the attention 
doesn't mind being given attention
can live without it though 
never texts the people he's met at the bar 
acts like he's never seen them if he runs into them accidently afterwards 
"You? Sorry, I don't remember"
has these really cool sunglasses that he always wears 
even during winter 
his friends tease him because he's never dated anyone 
"I don't need a significant other"
studies hard 
overworks himself 
but acts like he hasn't put any effort into whatever 
"100 points on the test? Funny, I didn't even study"
wants to make his parents and sister proud 
really loves his family even though they drag him to these stupid official events where he just has to dress fancy and pretend that he's interested in finance 
those things were the worst experience in his life 
he had to put up with annoying people at school every day but dealing with rich annoying people was worse 
at one event he rolled his eyes so much he got a headache 
and people never seem to take a hint that he was not interested 
you met him at one such event
you were a waitress and you accidentally ran into him
luckily enough you were not carrying a tray with food or drinks at that time 
so you just crashed into him and fell on you butt 
you immediately started apologizing while you were still on the ground 
"I am so sorry, sir. I was in a hurry and I didn't see you! I am so sorry, please forgive me-"
"Are you ok?"
you looked up and locked eyes with Chengcheng his concerned expression 
"It's hard not to see a person my size and yet you did" he joked while helping you up 
you continued apologizing to him over and over again 
"You don't need to apologize, I'm a strong man"
you giggled at his remark and thanked him for being so sweet to you, walking away into the kitchen where you were originally headed
you were really impressed by his kindness, for a bratty rich kid 
later that time you saw him draining two glasses of champagne in a row from the hands of a colleague of yours 
so you walked over to where they were with the intention to help the other staff member with collecting the empty classes and trays with aperitifs
you were right besideChengcheng still walking when he suddenly decided to turn around and hit your head with his elbow 
at first you just felt some pain at the top of your head and then someone hugged your head stopping you in your tracks 
"what? Oh, it's ok, consider this payback"
"Yes, I'm fine, sir. Would you please kindly let me go now?"
"Ah, yes, sorry. Are you sure you are fine? I didn't hit your head too hard, right?"
"Thank you, you are very kind"
"Don't speak formally to me, we go to the same school"
"Excuse me?"
"Yes, I'm in class 3A"
"Oh, really? I don't think I know anyone from that class... I have to run now, I'm still working, bye"
you walked off quickly waving at him 
after you finished you walked home and went to bed the minute you walked in 
the next day you were having lunch alone in your classroom when someone opened the door with a loud thud and you saw Chengcheng walking in 
some boys from your class attacked him immediately 
"Hey, a senior? What do you want?" "Hey, get out, no one invited you here!"
Chengcheng ignored them and sat on the desk in front of yours, turning the chair around so that he can put his hands on the back of it
"I didn´t catch your name yesterday"
you choked on the rice cake you were eating 
"Your name. I want to know your name."
"I'm Chengcheng, see you around"
and he walked away looking down at his feet, hands in his pockets, blush creeping on his cheeks 
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taetortotss · 6 years
annoyance → fan chengcheng angst
annoyance → fan chengcheng angst (part one) inspired by the prompt: “you… you never had a problem with it before.”
should i make a new blog just for ip/nine percent?
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It was one of those days, where Chengcheng felt like the entire world was against him. He appeared to be stuck in a rut, feeling like his purpose was suddenly clouded and unknown. He felt lost, pathetic, and felt that he was a hindrance to his group.
Basically, it just wasn’t Chengcheng’s day.
He screwed up his vocals, his dance, his lines for the day’s practice, and got reprimanded quite badly. Despite being reassured by his fellow teammates that everything was going to be alright, he seemed to take his mistakes and the criticisms to heart and left the studio in a huff.
It was getting quite late, and Chengcheng has yet to return home. You’ve texted him repeatedly, asking him whether he’s eaten or if he’s on the way home, or if he is even coming home. Chengcheng got the notifications, but was too annoyed to bother replying, or even read the messages you’ve sent.
The time came when the dinner you prepared - consisting of Chengcheng’s favourite dishes -, got too cold, and you reluctantly stored the dishes in the fridge and washed up.
You took a warm shower, which was supposed to freshen you up, yet when you stepped out of the bathroom and changed into Chengcheng’s oversized shirt and boxer shorts, you felt anything but warm. The atmosphere of your home was cold.
It was cold without your boyfriend’s warmth. It was cold without Chengcheng.
When your boyfriend finally came home (he found himself trudging back into the practice room and forced himself to practice some more despite his exhaustion), you were already on the verge of falling asleep. The sound of the door creaking and the keys jangling awoke your senses and you were on your feet, about to greet Chengcheng and bombard him with your 1001 questions.
“Hey, 宝*, have you eaten? You must be so tired. Where have you been?”
Usually, the sight of you would warm Chengcheng’s heart. You make Chengcheng soft. But today, your persistent questions only fueled his annoyance.
The weight of the responsibility and the world was getting to Chengcheng and he could feel his annoyance slowly build up. Chengcheng was like a volcano, ready to explode.
“Y/N,” his tone was firm, strict, and it shocked you. You stopped mid sentence and looked up at him.
“Can you just shut up for one second? I’ve had a really, really tiring day today, and I really don’t want to deal with your bullshit now, okay?”
Chengcheng watched your eyes droop and your shoulders slump, and it tugged at his heartstrings seeing you hurt from his words, but he was too far up his ass to be sensible and sensitive.
“I was just worried for your well-being. You can’t even respond to your texts! You can’t not expect me to be worried!” you sighed, crossing your arms.
“I was busy with rehearsals and practices, and trying to be successful, unlike you who’s doing nothing for yourself. All you do is worry, worry, worry; you don’t have to be. I never did. You’re not my mother,” Chengcheng’s voice was laced with poison, his tone lethal.
His comment about you not doing anything really bothered you, for you were juggling your studies and supporting Chengcheng and yourself at the same time. He doesn’t see all the hard work you put in (mainly because he’s never home).
You opened your mouth to contradict whatever Chengcheng threw at you, but you couldn’t find the words. All you could do was keep your head bowed, afraid that his gaze would eat you whole. Also, you didn’t want him to see the tears that are now welling up in your eyes.
“Can’t say anything? You’re pathetic. And annoying,” he spat, not thinking twice about the lethal poison he’s pouring from his mouth, “Don’t you have your own clothes? You have a whole closet full of your clothes. Jesus, you’re so clingy when you do that.”
He glared as he eyed you up and down. Both of you knew that he was speaking out of his own frustrations, but what he said really hit you.
You let out a gasp from what he said, looking up to see him eye to eye. Chengcheng always said that he loves it when you wear his clothes, and always dotes on you for doing so. When you looked up, Chengcheng saw the complete torment in your eyes and immediately felt his anger resolve and regret started to consume him.
“You… you never had a problem with it before. You really should’ve said something if it a..annoyed you so much. I’m sorry,” your voice cracked as you choked back a sob before running past him to your room.  
The silence was overwhelming.
Remorse immediately filled Chengcheng and he felt a shot to his heart, remembering how your eyes were glossy and were screaming in hurt. He made his way to the kitchen, and the sinking feeling in his heart only multiplied when he saw the sticky note plastered on the dining table.
Dinner’s in the fridge, babe! Eat up, stay healthy! xoxo, Y/N
The silence was overwhelming. The annoyance that has been itching at Chengcheng was now gone, replaced by guilt and regret. The house that was usually filled with life and warmth, was now cold and tense.
Chengcheng knew he screwed up, and he has a lot to do to make it up to you.
*宝 (bao): half of bao bei; which means baby 
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besweetbebiased · 6 years
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Fan Chengcheng/ Primary Colors (requested by anon)
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peanutpinet · 3 years
Nine Percent Masterlist
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Escape Room with 9%
Scenarios based on their pics #1
Scenarios based on their pics #2
If they saw someone being harassed
Scenarios for @nine._.percent
3rd year anniversary scenario
Nine Percent part of the mafia
Per Members
Cai Xukun
Cai Xukun as a yandere in my dream
Justin Huang
My Dork (fluff)
Lin Yanjun
Lin Yanjun as a secret agent part 1
Lin Yanjun as a secret agent part 2
Lin Yanjun as a mentor
Zhu Zhengting
Crossing the ocean (angst + fluff)
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yanjuniverse · 6 years
Hello Soulmate | Fan Chengcheng
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[still on hiatus] / [a/n: hello. i just listened to soulmate by zico ft iu. i suck at soulmate scenarios but i hope you all bare with me for this.]
“You waited for a long time / Hello, my soulmate.”
Chengcheng threw his head back and smiled at the lyrics that played from his phone. He couldn’t wait to see you. He couldn’t wait for midnight. He couldn’t wait until you could see what he saw - that red string that connected your pinkies together.
He’s happy that of all the people in the world, it was you. Most people have to go through hell and back, untangling their strings and hoping they won’t break. The strings weren’t visible until one turned the ripe age of eighteen. That’s when most people start their journies to find who they’re meant to be with.
Chengcheng still remembers the moment he found out.
It was 11:59PM, one minute before he had turned 18. All of his friends were gathered around his table, ready to celebrate the moment he found out. The cake was already set and candles lit. His friends started to cheer a countdown as you sat across from him asking him to make a wish.
And sure, maybe his soulmate was the last thing on his mind. Hell, after hearing Zhangjing had to travel all the way to the middle of Germany to find Yanjun casually sitting outside of a coffee shop, he thought that maybe a soulmate was the last thing he should wish for. So as the numbers got closer to one, he shut his eyes and began to wish for his usual: to outgrow Wenjun one of these days, good health, for one of his presents to be the watch he’s been wanting since he was sixteen and that you stayed in his life for a long time.
As soon as the clock struck midnight, Chengcheng felt a slight tug on his hand. He opened his eyes and saw you clapping across from him, shouting to blow the candles out. He found himself stuck in time.
There. On your right pinky. A shiny, red, strong string. His eyes followed the trail back to his own right hand. He gasped.
“Make a wish!” you told him.
Would it have been selfish of him to wish that this year would pass by a little faster?
Chengcheng counted down the days until you turned 18. He wanted so badly to tell you that you were his soulmate but he knew the rules. If you revealed your soulmate to the person before the other turns 18, your thread will break and you two would never end up together. Of course, this wasn’t a problem for most people. Most people would have to wait years to meet their soulmates.
So, for a year, Chengcheng toughed it out. He tried to keep his excitement to a minimum. He tried to conceal his feelings. Even when you went and dated Li Xikan, tangling your string with his in the process. Even when Li Xikan broke your heart. Even when you asked him if soul mates were even real. Chengcheng stayed your best friend and promised that you would find your soulmate soon. When you would fall asleep next to him, he’d play with the thread and smiled at how strong it felt between his finger tips.
“When most people meet their soulmates, their strings are usually frail,” he remembers his friend Xukun telling him. When he had met Ziyi, their line was just hanging by a string. Years of forcing love on other people, being wreckless and nights spent untangling their threads until their fingers bled almost lead to their demise. Luckily, they had found each other before it was too late.
Chengcheng is definitely a lucky boy. He knows that every time he looks at you. He also has the advantage of being older than you and therefore, could take care of the line that held you both together.
When he was younger, Chengcheng developed feelings for you. He was about thirteen when he first told his older sister that he thought you were pretty. His big sister simply smiled and agreed but warned him to keep his feelings at bay. She didn’t want him to lose a best friend in the process of something that wasn’t fated to be. But Chengcheng knew, somewhere deep down inside of him, that you were the one for him.
It’s getting closer to midnight now. Your parents had promised to take you out for breakfast in the morning and were fast asleep. You were well on your ways to bed too when you heard a tap at your window. You got up and peaked out to see Chengcheng throwing pebbles towards the glass.
“What are you doing?” you laugh.
“Come out!” he tells you.
You roll your eyes at him. He’s such a silly boy, you think. You pad down to the front door and smile as you see Chengcheng sitting on the porch with a cupcake. He waves you over as he places the candle on top and carefully lights it.
“What are you doing?” you ask again, taking a seat across from him.
“I wanted to be the first one to wish you a happy birthday,” he explains. “Are you excited?”
“For what?” you cross your arms, leaning closer to look at the cupcake.
“To find out who your soulmate is!” he grins.
You roll your eyes. “Chengcheng, a soulmate is the last thing on my mind. I have to start getting ready for college,” you explain. “I’ve waited eighteen years to find out who my soulmate is. I’m sure I could wait a bit longer.”
“You never know,” he smiles as he holds up the cupcake. He slowly starts to sing to you, his voice quiet and gentle.
You’ve liked Chengcheng since you were twelve. The boy had made some comment about how pretty you were and since then, everything has gone down hill. You think about him a lot. You think about his pretty smile, his full lips and how sweet he is towards you. You guys were best friends though so despite how you felt, you decided to keep your feelings at bay. You didn’t want to lose your best friend over something that wasn’t fated to be.
Chengcheng finishes up the song and smiles, telling you to close your eyes and make a wish.
You sigh and shut your eyes.
You were going to be 18 in seconds. That meant that you would find out who your soulmate was. Maybe you wouldn’t find out for a while but the thought still scared you. To end up with someone who wasn’t Chengcheng scared you. Yeah, you dated around a bit in hopes it would take your mind off of Chengcheng but to no avail. You were so deeply in love with him that you would constantly ask him if soulmates were true in hopes that he would turn and say no. You hoped he would tell you that soulmates didn’t exist, that you wouldn’t find yours in hopes that maybe you could bend the rules and end up together.
Chengcheng counts down from ten. His breath fanning over your face with every word.
I wish that no matter what happens, Chengcheng stays in my life forever, you wish.
And as the clock strikes twelve, you don’t even get the chance to open your eyes. Chengcheng has suddenly planted his lips on yours. You’re shocked. His kiss is filled with desperation and need. One hand finds it’s way to your hip while the other intertwines his fingers with yours. You cup his cheek, a blush prominent on your face.
He kisses you for what seems like forever that when he pulls away, out of breath and bashful, you’re surprised that the sun hasn’t come up yet.
He kisses you a couple of more times, grinning and nipping at your lips.
“Cheng,” you breathe.
“I’ve waited so long for this,” he whispers between kisses. “Do you know how mad you drive me? How hard it’s been not to just pull your stupid face to mine and kiss you all the time? Do you even realize how hard this last year has been?” he scolds you, pressing more kisses to your neck.
You gasp, “Chengcheng.”
He kisses you once more before pulling away and grinning, holding your intertwined hands up.
That’s when you see it. A red string that shines so bright that it radiates onto Chengcheng’s cheeks. It shines and sparkles and explains so much why, no matter how much you’ve tried, you’ve never been able to shake the feelings you felt for Chengcheng.
“You’ve waited for a long time,” he whispers. “Hello, my soulmate.”
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mingi-bubu · 4 years
Just a little, not a lot. Okay, maybe a lot.
Fan Chengcheng x YN inspired by this super cute prompt
Non-idol au, Zhengting and Zeren as YN's best friends, kissing scene at the end no higher than a PG-13 rating but we do be smooching tho 👀
Read the text messages here <3
You've known Chengcheng for a fair bit of time, you would argue. You were with him when he choked watching Zhengting try to eat pizza without taking off his facemask on New Year's and you were with him when he declared that red was not just a color that he looked good in as clothing but also as hair colors. And like any good friend would when he asked you if he looked good, you responded that "It looks like someone took a red sharpie and ran it all over your head" and ignored how your heart decided to skip a beat or several instead.
That's when you realized that maybe you like Chengcheng just a little bit more than as a friend.
As time went on, you found yourself wanting to be in his presence more, to stay in the hug he greets you with just a little longer, to have the flirty back and forth teasing that's been a hallmark of your friendship to mean something. You kept hoping your feelings would fade; you didn't want to ever do anything to risk your friendship with him. But as the months passed and your feelings did the opposite of fade, you resigned yourself to your fate.
You were lucky to have Zeren and Zhengting to talk to. To confide in. Sometimes you wish you would've fallen for one of them instead. It would be less complicated...
You let out a sigh, the straw of your bubble tea pressing slightly into your lower lip. Watching the busy street in front of you, you notice how your eyes keep straying to hands clasped and arms interwoven. Your hand tightens into a fist for a brief moment, yearning for what they have. Taking another sip you indulge in fantasy while you watch a couple around your age, imagining you and Chengcheng instead. Would he do that? Grab my hand, lock our fingers, and put our hands in his hoodie pocket? Would I respond in turn? Leaning into him, slightly hiding my head in his shoulder?
It was similar enough to you, the couple's actions. Chengcheng would often grab your hand and play with your fingers when you sat next to him if he wasn't gaming. Everytime he does that, you know your eyes gave away how you felt. Well, maybe not to Chengcheng, but you know that Zhengting and Zeren knew from the looks they would give you. Speak of the devil... You thought as Z² sat down next to you, breaking you from your daydreams.
"Hello boys," you greet with a teasing salute, spinning in your stool to face them properly. Despite the weather and your thoughts being cloudy, somehow Zhengting and Zeren manage to bring sunshine with them wherever they go.
"Hi YN," Zhengting chirps, slipping out of his jacket, folding it carefully and setting it on the bar top counter on front of him. He figits with his hair for a few moments, his newly curled hair floofing with the help of his hands.
"Hey YN," Zeren greets pushing his ballcap up so that his eyes were more visible. "What's going on?"
You wave him off, "Go and get your drinks first! I'm not in any rush."
The boys trade glances but with a shrug, Zhengting stands up, pausing to press a friendly kiss to the side of your hair. When you turn to confront Zhengting about this new act of affection, Zeren pulls your drink towards him and takes a sip.
He makes a face and hands it back to you. "Not sweet enough."
You just stare at him in shock. "I cannot believe you just did that."
He just smiles back, mischief in his eyes but otherwise looking unfazed. "Hmm? I don't know what you're talking about."
"I invite you to our favorite bubble tea shop, I check the weather for you so you both remember jackets, I save you seats, and this is how I'm repaid?"
"UGH, fine I'll get you another one. God," Zeren complains. He ruffles your hair though as he passes you, letting you know there are no hard feelings.
You turn the other way, calling to their backs, "Thank you Zer Bear! You're the best!"
Zeren sinks into his hoodie, embarrassment radiating from him, as Zhengting laughs. You watch them affectionately, happy to have the sibling-like relationship you do with them. It was often Chaotic and full of energy, but you knew you could count on them to listen to you seriously about the important things. Which is why you had asked them to meet you. You have Important Things.
You idly sipped on the rest of your bubble tea, not really caring that Zeren had drunk out of it. You were getting a new one soon anyways. Besides, the exasperated look he gives you when he and Zhengting come back with the drinks makes it worth it.
"If you were going to finish it anyways, why make me get another one," he grumbles, setting the drink down in front of you regardless.
Zhengting's voice cut in to prevent any more argument. "Why did you ask us to meet you here, YN?"
Zeren nods from behind him, mid-sip, making him look like a squirrel. You take a sip of your tea, chewing on the boba carefully as you try to plan what you want to say. You were confident when you originally sent the invitation to a bubble tea meet up but now that you're actually faced with saying things...
Swallowing, you decide that the best way to tell them is just being upfront about it. "I'm going to tell Chengcheng how I feel about him."
Zeren choked on a few boba bubbles and Zhengting looked cautiously excited.
"Are you sure? This isn't the first time we've been down this road," Zhengting says, patting Zeren on the back as he regains his breath.
"Look at them," Zeren says hoarsely, "there's something different about them this time."
And he's right. You felt more assured about the whole thing. Yes, you were still very much worried about how everything would turn out and if you're going to completely fuck over your relationship with Chengcheng, but as you thought back to the couple you saw earlier, you feel like you won't. You feel like it'll work out.
Zhengting looked at you, taking in your aura of confidence. After a few moments of silence, he breaks into a smile. "I'm proud of you, YN. It's nice to see you like this."
"Ugh you're so sappy," you deflect, putting your hand up to block him from view. "I pretend I do not see it."
You giggle as Zhengting complains to Zeren about your behavior but as you settle into the rest of your guys' afternoon, you silently thank them for their support. They've been cheering for you since, well not day one because they had thought something was already going on with you and Chengcheng, but definitely like since day seven or eight.
After you bid Z² goodbye, you begin to walk towards the metro station that would take you to Chengcheng's apartment. Tonight was the night.
Tonight was not the night, you thought as you walked down the hallway to Chengcheng's apartment. You had felt so confident only thirty minutes before. Now here you were, nerves rushing through you as you knocked on his door. You had texted him to check that it was alright to come over and as always he replied that you were always welcome. You waited and heard a faint "One second!" from inside his apartment.
The door swung open and you were pulled into a hug. Not unusual, but a second later you realized that he was not wearing a shirt and that his skin was a bit damp. Letting out a squeak of surprise before you could stop it, you pull back, forcibly keeping your eyes looking at his face. His hair, back to its natural black thank God, was not quite soaking wet but there were stray drops forming here and there.
Chengcheng swipes a hand through the wet locks, pushing them away from his face, and wipes the water on his sweats. "YN! It's been a while, huh?"
He turns to the side, gesturing for you to go in as you reply, "If a week counts as 'a while', then yes, Chengs, it has been a while." He sticks his tongue out at you, shutting the door and waiting while you trade your shoes for slippers.
He grabs your hand and leads you to the living room. "I'll be right back, let me grab a shirt or something."
"Yeah, you do that," you reply faintly, blatently checking out his broad shoulders and back while he can't see you. You bite your lip as he disappears around the corner and shake your head, bringing yourself back to the present. Going to your normal spot on his couch, you sit cross-legged, pulling your phone out to see messages from Zhengting and Zeren.
Z² & The Favorite 🥰
💞🐻 Zer Bear 🐻💞: good luck or whatever
Bzzzzt Like a Bee 🐝🌸💮: 🙄🙄🙄
Bzzzzt Like a Bee 🐝🌸💮: It's going to be fine, YN. You're gonna do great! 加油!!!
You smile, liking Zhengting's message. You quickly type out a response to them, letting them know you'll keep them updated. You shut your phone off just as Chengcheng all but falls into the seat next to you. He had chosen a black zipup hoodie with white detailing. It was half zipped and you follow the zipper up with your eyes, looking away when you catch a glimpse of his smirk.
You play with your hands as you try to pull together the courage you had when you left the bubble tea shop. Chengcheng's hand covers yours, the other lifting your chin so you look him in the eye.
"Is everything okay?" He asks, the cocky smirk from moments ago gone. His worried expression makes your heart melt.
It's fine, this is Chengcheng. He wouldn't stop being friends with you over something like this. You take a deep breath and say, "I have something to tell you."
"Oh?" His tone is light, "Are you about to profess your undying love for me?" He smiles as he says this, a clear attempt at breaking the tense atmosphere that's settled around the two of you.
"Uh, yes, actually. I am. How did you know?" You couldn't tell who was more confused in that moment. You, who was shocked at him correctly guessing what you wanted to say, or Chengcheng, who just heard a serious answer to his not so serious question.
"... What?" He asks. "Come again?"
You smile at his choked voice, endeared to him even more at this. "I came over tonight to tell you I like you. Just a little bit, though, not a lot." You hold up you hand in a 'stop' motion. "I wouldn't want your ego to get too big."
"You like me?"
"As more than a friend?"
"Also yes."
"And you're serious about this?"
"Yes I am, Chengcheng."
"So I can kiss you now?"
"Yes, wait wh-" You were cut off by his lips covering yours.
His hands come up to cup your face, pulling you closer to him. He pulls away for a second, forehead pressing against yours, and says, "It's okay that I'm doing this right? I don't want to ever make you feel like you have to do something you don't want to."
You stare at his lips as he speaks, already turning a wonderful shade of red-pink that you want to feel against your lips again. "Yes, yes, you're fine just," you put your hands on his shoulders for support as you get onto your knees. "Can I...?" You trail off, making a vague shoulder-head combination move to get your thoughts across. Not that you had many thoughts right now.
Chengcheng's eyes widened as he caught what you were implying. "Oh god, baby," he said breathlessly, pulling you into his lap with ease. Your eyes match his as your heart skips several beats at the pet name.
You threaded your fingers into his now-damp hair and looked down at him. "Before this goes any farther, I just wanted to check. You, you like me too right?"
His expression softens, one hand leaving your waist to twine with the hand in his hair. He pulls your hand away, repositioning your hands so that your palms touch. You feel a shiver of electricity run down your spine at the intimately familiar gesture, finally meaning something this time. He presses a kiss to the back of your hand before he says, "Yes, YN, I like you a lot." A smile curves on his lips as he says next, in a teasing manner, "Though, I don't know if I can be with someone who only likes me just a little, not a lot."
You roll your eyes, freeing both of your hands and squishing his cheeks together. Amusement is painted across his face and you know yours was the same. "Fine," you huff, "okay, maybe a lot. Maybe I like you a lot."
You release him from being squished, putting your hands back on his shoulder, and he says, "Good. That's what I wanted to hear." And with that, he pulls you in for another kiss, this one more passionate than before. You let out a gasp when he pulls on your hips, making it so that your sitting on his lap and not hovering over him. As your tongues meet in the oldest dance in existence, you let your hands wander down his chest, opening the zipup even more.
You both let out groans as your hands press on his abs, lightly raking your nails across his stomach. His mouth travels along your jaw, leaving kisses and a trail of fire in his wake. He pulls you closer to him, kissing down your neck to where you were most sensitive and he bites down lightly, loving the panting noises coming from you. You bring your hands up from his chest to his hair, tugging slightly. You shudder as he lets out a growl, feeling the vibrations against your neck. You pull again, this time cupping one side of his face so that you can bring him back to your lips.
"Chengcheng," you breathe as he captures your lips again. And again. And again.
"Yes, baby," he says, nipping at your bottom lip and pulling back slightly, just enough to admire his handiwork.
"Stop for a second, yeah?" You say, rubbing your thumbs across his cheekbones. He obliges, pulling back further, leaning into the couch more. He brings his hands away from your waist and holds on loosely to your wrists.
You two are quiet for a minute as you catch your breaths. "Is everything alright?" He asks, brushing some of your hair away from your face. You grab his hand, and in the same fashion as he had earlier, you press a kiss to the back of it.
"Yes, I'm alright. I just," you pause, thinking about what you want to say. "I just wanted to catch my breath. It's kind of hard to believe this, you know?"
"Yeah," Chengcheng easily agrees, rubbing the back of your wrist with his thumb. "You want to watch something instead?"
You nod, grateful that he isn't pushing the issue like some exes had in the past. Your friends had similar stories of having to deal with assholes like that so you deeply appreciate how chill he is being. You clamber off of him as he gets up to grab the remote.
Tossing it to you he asks, "Do you want anything to drink?"
"Mm, water please!" He nods and you run your hands through your hair, trying to tame whatever mess he, well, the both of you made. Satisfied with it, you flip on the TV and put on some random dance show. You laugh lightly when you realize Yixing and Jackson are on a show together again, wondering if it'll be as chatoic as it was for Idol Producer.
Chengcheng comes back in holding two glasses of water. Setting them both on the small side table at the end of the couch, he flops into the corner and, after situating himself, opens his arms, gesturing for you to lay with him. He pulls one side of his hoodie up and wiggles his eyebrows comically. Laughing, you go over to him, laying down next to him as he smiles. Pulling you close, he wraps the one side of his hoodie over you as far as it'll go and tangles your legs together.
A quiet peace falls over the two of you, the dance show playing softly in the background. Chengcheng presses a kiss to the back of your head, squeezing you as he does. "I'm glad you like me a lot, YN," he murmurs into your hair.
You sigh happily, settling more into his embrace. "'m glad too, Chengs."
You two fall asleep like that, waking up briefly to turn off the TV and crawl into his bed. You swear, up and down, that you haven't slept as well as you did when you were in his arms. Yeah, okay, maybe you do like him a lot.
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vermemesol · 4 years
Fan Cheng Cheng & Actress!Reader
Pairing : Fan Cheng Cheng x Actress!Reader
Genre : Fluff
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so you’re an actress and you’re also very good friends with Fan Bing Bing
you’ve worked together a lot so automatically you become good friends
one of the days, after work, she invites you to go visit her brother
who is also working on a drama :D
you’ve heard a lot about her brother 
not just from her because you’ve also watched idol producer
you’re also a fan of both Nine Percent and NEXT
Bing Bing knew that you were a fan, that’s why she decided to ask if you were interested in going with her
when both of you arrive at the set, Cheng Cheng sees you two and immediately runs towards you two
“Cheng, this is Y/N, my co-actress.” she introduces you to her brother
oh shit, the moment he saw you it was as if he saw an angel sent from above
you shake hands
kind of awkward first meeting situation
then he’s called back to set to continue where they left off
you two stand around to watch for a bit before going to Cheng Chengs dressing room to wait for him instead
the initial plan was to wait for Cheng Cheng together until he finished filming
BUT Bing Bing was called back to set because something happened
and she told you to continue waiting here because she didn’t want Cheng Cheng to come back and see that no one is waiting for him
you tried??? to insist on going back with her??? but she insisted??? you stay???
so you do wait 
it’s really awkward tho??? you’re in the dressing room of someone that you don’t know well??? someone you’re a fan of???
it’s like a fan sneaking into their favourite idols dressing room
that does not seem like a very good first impression
soon enough you hear the door click open and you look up to see, of course, Cheng Cheng
“Uh... Where’s my sister?” 
you explain to him what happened
and he’s like “Oh... Okay...” 
G r e a t
the awkwardness increases
“Sooo, do you want to go get coffee or something?” you ask 
he looks at you like ‘Are you asking me out or ???’
“I mean, I don’t think your sister is gonna come back anytime soon and just staying here is... boring.” you add
‘Oh, so not a date.’ he thinks to himself 
a n y w a y s
you two head to a cafe nearby
grab a cup of coffee
a slice of cake maybe
and once again the awkwardness begins because you’re both just sipping on coffee and looking at your phones
geez, how can people who work in the same entertainment path be so socially awkward???
he looks around and sees that on your phone was a Nine Percent pop grip
he chuckles very slightly but you heard it and looked at him 
and he looks away as if nothing happened
okay then, you continue to look at your phone
and he continues to stare at you
you can literally feel him staring at you??? like boy, stop it, it’s kind of weird
“You like Nine Percent?” he finally decides to ask you
you look up at him 
“How’d you know?” you ask and he points to the back of your phone and you check to see what it was
“Oh... well that’s embarrassing.” you laugh awkwardly
he was actually really happy that you knew him not just because of his sister
he also wanted to know if he was your bias :D
“Who’s your favourite tho?” he asks out of curiousity
“I’m not allowed to like anyone other than Kun Kun apparently.” you say
in his head, he’s like ‘Wait what???’ I’m sure you (reader) are confused too because I forgot to mention YOUR BROTHER IS KUN KUN HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
that’s how you got into Idol Producer and Nine Percent BTW :D
“Oh, uh, I’m his sister.” you explain 
“Oh. OH.” he finally realizes that all the times that your brother has talked about his stupid sister, it was you 
“He did say that I’m allowed to meet Nong Nong tho.” you add
“Did you ever meet him tho?”
“Maybe?” you reply
“Wait, so you’ve been to our concerts and stuff?” he asks again
“Of course I have. But I meet up with my brother in private because he doesn’t want me to meet you guys.” it was at this moment you knew, you had to do something
“Wait, can I take a selife with you?” you ask
“I want to show it to my brother.” and so you did
oh boy, did Kun want to come and smack Cheng Cheng when he saw the selfie you sent 
“What did he say???” Cheng asked 
“He said he’s gonna kick your butt.” you showed him the text
this is also when Cheng Cheng realizes that he can take this chance to ask for your number or something
“Can you send that to me? The selfie. I’m not gonna post it or anything, just for keeps.” he smiled
you know what this boy is up to, so you comply, giving him your number :D
from then on, you guys became really close and all
lots of cafe dates 
okay maybe you two ended up being more than just friends 
and Kun is still going to kick his butt for dating you
you two make such a cute couple tho
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- END -
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artistaes · 4 years
works in progress
no clue when i’ll finish but here are some pieces i’m currently working on! titles might be renamed but we’ll see how i feel by the time i finish writing these LOL my mind is really scattered so feel free to dm me suggestions about which ones you want to read first
last updated: december 1, 2020
even after all this time
↳ college!au + ex-lovers!au | mark lee x reader | romance + angst | @1.1k
slow dancing in a burning room
↳ college!au | lee taeyong x player!reader | romance + slowburn + angst | @1.2k
something borrowed
↳ ex-lovers!au | min yoongi x weddingplanner!reader | romance + angst | @0.7k
portrait of an artist
↳ idol!verse + ex-lovers!au | wang linkai x artist!reader (ft. wang ziyi) | romance + angst | @0.6k
heartbreak couture
↳ idol!verse | fan chengcheng x designer!reader | romance + slowburn + angst | @0.3k
a run in with the devil
↳ college!au + enemies-to-lovers!au | lin yanjun x tutor!reader | romance + slowburn + angst | @0.3k
so this is love
↳ college!au | chen linong x delinquent!reader | romance + slowburn + angst | @0.7k
the calling of lost souls
↳ idol!verse | cai xukun x director!reader | romance + hurt/comfort | @0.3k
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nextsevxn · 4 years
Justin: I’ll be bad cop, you’ll be good cop.
Chengcheng: Got it.
Justin: Tell us who did it, or else.
Chengcheng: Yeah! Spill the tea sis!
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