#Fed to monitor our behavior
indianahal · 7 months
The U.S. Federal Reserve is seriously exploring the adoption of a central bank digital dollar known as a CBDC.  Many are concerned if they could centralize American's financial information and holdings in a digital database controlled by the U.S. government.  Then they would have complete discretion over how and whether people can use their own money.  CBDCs could be modeled after the Chinese digital currency which also uses a social credit score for behavior enforcement.  My new video entitled the "Fed Moving Quickly For New Digital Dollar CBDCs."
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louistonehill · 3 months
"Since their arrival, generative AI models and their trainers have demonstrated their ability to download any online content for model training. For content owners and creators, few tools can prevent their content from being fed into a generative AI model against their will. Opt-out lists have been disregarded by model trainers in the past, and can be easily ignored with zero consequences. They are unverifiable and unenforceable, and those who violate opt-out lists and do-not-scrape directives can not be identified with high confidence.
In an effort to address this power asymmetry, we have designed and implemented Nightshade, a tool that turns any image into a data sample that is unsuitable for model training. More precisely, Nightshade transforms images into "poison" samples, so that models training on them without consent will see their models learn unpredictable behaviors that deviate from expected norms, e.g. a prompt that asks for an image of a cow flying in space might instead get an image of a handbag floating in space.
Used responsibly, Nightshade can help deter model trainers who disregard copyrights, opt-out lists, and do-not-scrape/robots.txt directives. It does not rely on the kindness of model trainers, but instead associates a small incremental price on each piece of data scraped and trained without authorization. Nightshade's goal is not to break models, but to increase the cost of training on unlicensed data, such that licensing images from their creators becomes a viable alternative.
Nightshade works similarly as Glaze, but instead of a defense against style mimicry, it is designed as an offense tool to distort feature representations inside generative AI image models. Like Glaze, Nightshade is computed as a multi-objective optimization that minimizes visible changes to the original image. While human eyes see a shaded image that is largely unchanged from the original, the AI model sees a dramatically different composition in the image. For example, human eyes might see a shaded image of a cow in a green field largely unchanged, but an AI model might see a large leather purse lying in the grass. Trained on a sufficient number of shaded images that include a cow, a model will become increasingly convinced cows have nice brown leathery handles and smooth side pockets with a zipper, and perhaps a lovely brand logo.
As with Glaze, Nightshade effects are robust to normal changes one might apply to an image. You can crop it, resample it, compress it, smooth out pixels, or add noise, and the effects of the poison will remain. You can take screenshots, or even photos of an image displayed on a monitor, and the shade effects remain. Again, this is because it is not a watermark or hidden message (steganography), and it is not brittle."
(From Ben Zhao's website)
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Here is finally a weapon for all of us to use against the plagiarising tech industry!
Please use this!
This isn't just for artists, it's for everyone!!
Use it on your selfies, your photos, anything and everything you save on cloud or upload to the internet - where it might be harvested.
This is our chance to take back our copyright, but it works the best when everyone join in!
Let's do this!!
Link: https://nightshade.cs.uchicago.edu/whatis.html
Download: nightshade.cs.uchicago.edu/downloads.html
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thewisecheerio · 2 years
The Sandman and Queerness
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It's hard to express how transformative The Sandman can feel for queer people. It's not that it's the only queer literature around; queer literature abounds. It's not that it was the first of its kind; queer literature has been around forever. It's that The Sandman gets a lot of things right that many attempts at queer stories don't.
First, The Sandman's queer characters are simply allowed to exist without the entire story revolving around their queerness. Their story doesn't have to center on a coming out journey or parental rejection, which seems to be all that Hollywood is capable of writing. While this kind of work can be important, it still paints us as "other" and "abnormal". We are anything but an accepted facet of reality.
Meanwhile, the world of The Sandman is a world where queer people are an accepted and normal part of it. As such, their stories can be more complex than the tropes we are normally fed.
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Second, by virtue of queer normalization, the world of The Sandman lacks the constant vigilance that queer people have to deal with in reality. In our world, you always have to wonder if someone is going to accept or reject you once they find out, and be careful about who you talk to or what you talk about. Depending on where you live, you might have to worry about getting hatecrimed, attacked, or even killed for your queerness. This creates a constant vigilance of monitoring your surroundings, and policing your own language and behavior to keep yourself safe.
However, in a world where queerness is normalized, all of that labor disappears. You can simply exist without the added strain (at least in regards to queerness). Reading or watching The Sandman is freeing in a way that existing in reality is not.
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Third, certain problematic stereotypes in media dissolve. In most media, queerness is deeply linked with villainy. Antagonists are purposefully queer-coded (read: made to look or act queer on purpose), while heroes are usually anything but. This creates a link between "evil" and "queerness" in the consumer's mind.
Besides being problematic on its own, this presents a problem for writers who want to write non-problematic stories about queer people. It means that you can't actually have a villain in your story that is queer without an audience assuming that their queerness and villainy are tied, i.e. that the villain is evil because they are queer. Sandman subverts this.
Consider the Corinthian: he's evil and he's queer. But because he exists in a world where queerness is everywhere and normalized, we know that he's not evil because he's queer; he's evil and happens to also be queer. Not having him be the only queer character in the story unlinks his villainy and queerness.
Further, even if we narrow our view to only the Corinthian, we have examples of his queerness existing without his villainy: he sleeps with Carl without killing him. This single act immediately unlinks his murderousness and his queer identity, allowing us to see them as separate facets. And in so doing, The Sandman manages to fully subvert the queer-coded villain trope that otherwise ends up being harmful and everywhere in media.
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Fourth, queer characters finally get to be sexy. Did you laugh at that sentence? It's okay. But this is a real thing that happens in media: queer characters are often so stereotyped or infantilized that seeing normal, queer folk that are attractive is a freeing experience in and of itself.
Nonbinary folk in particular are usually infantilized. Yet The Sandman gives us Desire, a nonbinary person and the literal embodiment of hotness who creates thirst outside of the bounds of gendered constructs (or, perhaps, within all of them). Desire is anything but infantilized. And in giving them to us, The Sandman manages to turn this trope on its head in a single, swift (and sensuous ;)…) movement.
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The final point has less to do with the story and more to do with the context of publication. When queer folk write queer stories, those stories tend to circulate largely only within the queer community. This does very little to allow engagement from the people we need engagement from most, i.e. non-queer folk who could benefit from unlearning stereotypes.
But when a story gets published by a major label, it allows that story to be seen by a much wider audience. The Sandman opens up queer media to a wider audience by virtue of being written for a major comic label and then later transformed into a popular TV series. It does much more to undo the harm caused by stereotyped pieces of media when a transformative work reaches a wider audience. Yes, it's unfair that people outside of the queer community often won't engage directly with queer media. But that's the reality we live in, so works like The Sandman become hugely important.
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So when you see the queer community delighting at The Sandman, it's not an exaggeration. It's an expression of unmitigated joy.
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year
“What is our primary fear when we entertain the idea of leaving our husband the state? That he will kill us and destroy everything. Though the truth is . . . that he will kill us and destroy everything if we stay; like the battered women we are, we believe deeply that our presence, our pleading and begging, is what is keeping him from his ultimate destructiveness. Our conviction that if we stop fearing and monitoring him, he will go berserk, is such nonsense that it is clearly a deliberate part of our terror-based programming. He has gone berserk anyway. With our eyes pinned to his lapels day and night for thousands of years he has grown increasingly lunatic. With our eyes riveted upon him he has been killing us and the world around us since the day god became male. The evidence is that our behavior and our emotional and economic support has facilitated our monster husband the patriarchal state in all his manifestations throughout history.
I mention economic support because one of women's most frequent objections to my suggestion that we stop resisting Fred the Fed and divorce him at once is that we must stay in order to stop him from building more, and more lethal, bombs. At this point, I remind my terrified sisters of the United Nations' statistic that confirms our slavery: women do two-thirds of the world's work, make one-tenth of the world's money, and own less than one-hundredth of the world's property. If we are doing most of the work and men are making nine-tenths of the money, it means that women are men's resources, that we are men's wealth—as the slaves' bodies and energy and labor and creativity and loyalty and emotional richness and culture are always the source of the master's wealth. Therefore our presence in patriarchy is absolutely necessary in order for men to have the wherewithal to do their war work, day by day. Our presence in this marriage makes possible men's bombs and tanks and guns and bullets and planes and ships. Our leaving this marriage, taking ourselves and all our abundance away from Fed Fred, is the fastest and surest way to stop his production of death machines.”
-Sonia Johnson, Wildfire Igniting the She/volution
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aitechbusiness · 1 month
Pet Technology: Innovations Revolutionizing Pet Care in the Digital Age
The pet business is flourishing. The American Pet Products Association reports that in 2023, pet owners in the US alone spent an astounding $103.6 billion on their feathered, scaled, or furry friends. The increased desire of pet owners to give their cherished animals the finest care possible is reflected in this spending boom.
Pet technology is a rapidly developing field that is altering the way we care for our pets, and it is driving this trend. Pet tech is changing pet care into a more convenient, proactive, and data-driven enterprise. Examples of this include automated feeders that guarantee proper portion management and wearable health monitors that measure activity levels and sleep habits.
We'll dive into the fascinating world of pet technology in this blog article, looking at how it's influencing many facets of pet care and what the future holds for this cutting-edge industry.
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Elevate Your Pet's Care with Innovative Technology! 
Smart Solutions for Everyday Needs: How Pet Tech is Transforming Pet Care
Gone are the days of worrying about running out of kibble before you get home from work or wondering what your furry friend is up to while you're away. Pet tech offers a variety of smart solutions that cater to our everyday pet care needs, making life easier for both pet owners and their companions.
Automated Feeding and Portion Control
Automatic feeders are a game-changer for busy pet owners. These handy devices dispense pre-programmed portions of food at specific times throughout the day, eliminating the need for manual feeding and ensuring your pet receives consistent meals. This is particularly beneficial for pets who require strict portion control to maintain a healthy weight or manage medical conditions like diabetes.
Here's a closer look at the benefits of automatic feeders:
Convenience: Set it and forget it! Automatic feeders take the guesswork out of mealtimes, ensuring your pet is fed on time even when you're not around.
Portion Control: Prevent overfeeding, a common cause of obesity in pets, by dispensing precise amounts of food. This can be especially helpful for pets prone to weight gain.
Scheduled Feeding: Maintain a consistent feeding routine, which can be beneficial for a pet's digestive health and overall well-being.
Multiple Meal Dispensing: Some feeders allow for dispensing multiple meals throughout the day, which can be ideal for pets who require smaller, more frequent feedings.
Case Study: The Happy Pup with a Weight Problem
Max, a Labrador Retriever, was struggling with his weight. His owner, Sarah, noticed Max was constantly begging for food and seemed lethargic. The vet recommended portion control as a key part of Max's weight management plan. However, Sarah's busy work schedule made it difficult to stick to a consistent feeding routine.
The solution? An automatic feeder! Sarah programmed the feeder to dispense two smaller meals a day and noticed a significant improvement in Max's weight and energy levels.
Keeping an Eye on Your Furry Friend: Remote Monitoring and Pet Cameras.
Feeling anxious about leaving your pet home alone? Pet cameras offer peace of mind and a way to stay connected with your furry friend even when you're away. These Wi-Fi enabled cameras allow you to:
Monitor your pet remotely: Check in on your pet throughout the day using your smartphone, tablet, or computer.
Two-way audio: Talk to your pet and hear them respond, offering comfort and reducing separation anxiety.
Night vision: Keep an eye on your pet even in low light conditions.
Motion detection: Receive alerts if your pet triggers the motion sensor, allowing you to check for any unusual activity.
Pet cameras are not just for monitoring behavior; they can also be used for training purposes. For example, you can use the two-way audio feature to correct unwanted behaviors like barking or chewing remotely.
Elevate Your Pet's Care with Innovative Technology! 
Fitness Trackers for Fido (and Fluffy): Wearable Tech for Pets
Just like their human counterparts, pets can benefit from wearing wearable health trackers. These tiny devices, often attached to collars or harnesses, collect data on a pet's activity levels, sleep patterns, and even vital signs like heart rate and respiratory rate.
Here's how wearable tech can revolutionize pet care:
Track Activity Levels: Monitor your pet's daily activity levels and identify any changes that might signal a health issue, such as lethargy or decreased mobility.
Monitor Sleep Patterns: Track your pet's sleep quality and identify any disruptions that could indicate underlying health problems or stress.
Early Detection of Health Issues: Changes in activity levels, sleep patterns, and vital signs can be early indicators of health problems. Wearable trackers can help you identify these changes early on, allowing for prompt veterinary intervention.
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Table: Examples of Features on Pet Wearable Trackers By providing valuable data and insights into your pet's health and well-being, wearable tech empowers you to make informed decisions about their care and ensure they live a long, healthy life.
Beyond Convenience: Pet Tech for Advanced Care and Well-being
Pet technology isn't just about convenience; it's also revolutionizing the way we approach pet healthcare. Innovative solutions are emerging that offer advanced care options and promote a pet's overall well-being.
Telemedicine for Pets: Remote Vet Consultations
Imagine having access to veterinary care for your pet without ever leaving your home. Telemedicine for pets is making this a reality. Through video chat consultations, pet owners can connect with licensed veterinarians for a variety of non-emergency situations, such as:
Discussing minor behavioral issues
Refills on medications
Follow-up consultations after a vet visit
Addressing minor skin or coat concerns
Benefits of Telemedicine for Pets:
Convenience: Schedule appointments at your convenience, eliminating the stress of travel for both you and your pet.
Cost-effective: Telemedicine consultations can be more affordable than traditional in-clinic visits.
Accessibility: Provides access to veterinary care for pet owners in remote locations or those with mobility limitations.
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Elevate Your Pet's Care with Innovative Technology! 
AI-Powered Pet Care: Personalized Insights and Early Intervention
Artificial intelligence (AI) is making its way into the world of pet tech, offering exciting possibilities for personalized pet care. AI algorithms can analyze data collected from wearable trackers and pet cameras, providing valuable insights into a pet's health and behavior.
Here's how AI can revolutionize pet care:
Personalized Health Monitoring: AI can analyze data from wearables to identify patterns and trends specific to your pet, allowing for a more personalized approach to healthcare.
Early Detection of Health Issues: AI can detect subtle changes in vital signs or activity levels that might be missed by the human eye, enabling early intervention for potential health problems.
Predictive Analytics: Advanced AI applications might even be able to predict future health issues based on a pet's data, allowing for preventative measures.
Smart Homes for Happy Pets: Integrating Pet Tech into Your Smart Home System
The concept of a smart home isn't just for humans anymore. Pet tech can be seamlessly integrated into your smart home system, creating a more comfortable and convenient environment for your furry friend.
Imagine these possibilities:
Automatic pet doors: Grant your pet access to designated areas of your home or the outdoors when you're not around.
Temperature-controlled pet beds: Ensure your pet's comfort with a bed that automatically adjusts the temperature.
Self-cleaning litter boxes: Eliminate the chore of scooping the litter box with a self-cleaning model that operates on a timer or through sensor activation.
By integrating pet tech into your smart home system, you can create a more enriching and stress-free environment for your pet, contributing to their overall well-being.
The Future of Pet Technology: What's on the Horizon?
The future of pet technology is brimming with exciting possibilities that promise to further revolutionize the way we care for our animal companions. Here's a glimpse into what the future might hold:
Virtual Reality for Pet Entertainment: Imagine a world where your pet can explore virtual landscapes, chase virtual butterflies, or engage in interactive games – all from the comfort of your living room. VR experiences designed specifically for pets are on the horizon, offering mental stimulation and entertainment to combat boredom and destructive behaviors.
Robotic Pet Companions: For pet owners who struggle with loneliness or live in environments where traditional pets aren't allowed, robotic companions could offer a solution. These advanced robots could provide companionship, entertainment, and even basic care for pets.
Advanced Health Monitoring Systems: Expect even more sophisticated wearable health trackers and implantable technologies that monitor a wider range of vital signs and body functions in real-time. This data could provide invaluable insights into a pet's health and well-being, allowing for preventative measures and personalized treatment plans.
Pet-to-Human Communication Devices: While mind-reading technology might still be in the realm of science fiction, advancements in AI and biofeedback could lead to the development of devices that translate a pet's emotions and needs into understandable signals for their human companions.
These are just a few examples of the exciting possibilities that pet technology holds for the future. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more innovative solutions that will not only enhance our pets' lives but also deepen the bond between humans and animals.
Pet technology is here to stay and has an indisputable influence on pet care; it is no longer a futuristic concept. Pet technology is revolutionizing the way we look after our furry (or feathery, or scaled) family members. It does this by handling anything from making sure our dogs are fed and amused while we are away to giving useful data for proactive treatment. We may anticipate much more fascinating technological advancements in the future that will improve our beloved dogs' happiness and well-being. 
Elevate Your Pet's Care with Innovative Technology!
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
Experiment 12:
Notes: This experiment utilized live butterflies, due to the previous failings of Experiments 9, 10, and 11, all of which utilized small rodents and mammalian creatures.
Subject Count: 5 Butterflies- 2 female, 3 male.
Butterflies were fed two to three portions of altered nectar mixture in simulated biome environment.
Their behavior was closely monitored afterwards- flight patterns, mating patterns and overall activity and health were substantially bolstered due to the diet of the mixture being administered to them. When the lights were turned off, it is observed that the wings began to possess a bioluminescent glow once a UV light was shined on them.
After seven days, all butterflies were killed, and the remnant extraction process began.
Results: Surprisingly successful. In large masses, the crushed remains of the butterflies’s wings, as well as their remnant and hemolymph, will be harvested in large quantities and then mixed with the remainder of Evan’s blood combined with a liquified preservation gel mixture to compose the new blood for his body, decidedly dubbed ‘Hemolymph’. Side effects of such procedural measures are that it may appear blue instead of red in nature, but it is highly unlikely that this minor issue shall be accounted for- the liquid shall still have the same texture and plasmatic composition of regular human blood, so it is not a problem. This bio-engineered blood substitute will be a fine addition alongside the vessel’s circuitry to quickly process electrical signals and boost computing power substantially, so that the soul contained within may operate on the level of a human.
The attempted ingredients are as follows, ratios not listed:
Human blood
Crushed butterfly wings, nectar infused
Butterfly hemolymph
Serum solute
Preserved and infused blood plasma
Hydrangea petals, crushed
Jasmine petals, crushed
Macerated Obsidian Powder
Tiger’s eye- coating as protection for the veins needed to circulate the new blood
Lubricant for dilution
After implementation: The vessel, despite the exoskeleton still not being fully constructed, does have a functional set of components and artificial organs to substitute. The tesseract core placed inside the artificial heart compartment is beginning to give off a simulated heartbeat, similar to that of a healthy, average human being’s heartbeat and pulse. Looking forward, it does not appear that the growth of intelligence and development will be stunted in any way whatsoever, nor will the regaining of memories be affected similarly.
However, the total remnant index extracted from the three trials of butterflies that have been used is still far from enough. The set deadline is approaching- I must speed up the process. I’ve looked just a few hours before into the creation of the Funtime Animatronics and the Scooper in the hopes that I may acquire a burst of inspiration, as well as the leftover astronomical tools and charts I have stored in my office. Humans are known to measure quite high in remnant index due to our inherent nature as living organisms, as each individual does possess a unique and prominent arcanum according to ancient knowledge discovered by our ancestors… yes, that could work. Circus Baby- FT-100, and the rest of Charlotte’s versions, the prototypes- they can serve as inspiration for their successor.
I look forward to the day when my son, my creation, can walk this earth once more.
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hospitalstore · 5 days
Demystifying the Mind: A Look at Psychographs and Their Potential in Behavioral Healthcare
The human mind is a complex and fascinating labyrinth. Understanding its intricacies is crucial for diagnosing and treating mental health conditions. Psychographs, an emerging technology, hold promise as a tool to illuminate the inner workings of the mind, offering valuable insights for behavioral healthcare professionals. This blog will explore the concept of psychographs, their potential applications, and the considerations surrounding their use in mental health settings.
Beyond Self-Reported Data: Unveiling the Potential of Psychographs
Psychographs are not mind-reading devices, but rather sophisticated computational tools that analyze large datasets of behavioral information to generate psychological profiles. Here's a glimpse into how they might work:
Data Collection: Psychographs may gather data from various sources, including smartphone use patterns, social media activity, wearable sensor readings (physiological data), and even voice recordings (with proper privacy safeguards in place).
Advanced Analytics: This data is fed into complex algorithms that identify patterns and correlations, potentially revealing associations between digital behavior and psychological traits or mental health states.
Psychograph Generation: The processed data is translated into a visual representation like a psychograph, potentially highlighting dominant personality traits, emotional states, or behavioral indicators relevant to mental health.
Potential Applications of Psychographs in Behavioral Healthcare
While still under development and research, psychographs have intriguing potential applications:
Early Intervention: Identifying individuals at risk of developing mental health conditions based on digital behavior patterns could facilitate early intervention and preventive measures.
Personalized Treatment Planning: Psychographs might provide valuable insights for tailoring therapy approaches to individual needs and behavioral patterns.
Monitoring Treatment Progress: Tracking changes in psychograph readings over time could help mental health professionals monitor the effectiveness of treatment interventions.
Important Considerations for Using Psychographs in Mental Health
The use of psychographs in mental healthcare raises important considerations:
Privacy and Security: Data collection and analysis must adhere to strict privacy regulations to protect individual information.
Algorithmic Bias: The algorithms underlying psychographs need careful evaluation to mitigate potential bias that could lead to misinterpretations or inaccurate profiles.
Clinician Expertise: Psychographs should be used as supplementary tools to complement the clinical expertise and judgment of mental health professionals.
The Future of Psychographs in Behavioral Healthcare
Psychographs represent an evolving technology with the potential to revolutionize our understanding of mental health. As research advances and ethical considerations are addressed, psychographs could become valuable tools for supporting mental health professionals in providing more informed and effective care.**
While the future of psychographs unfolds, behavioral healthcare professionals continue to rely on established assessment methods and evidence-based treatment approaches. Hospitals and clinics partnering with reputable medical equipment suppliers like HospitalStore can ensure they have access to the necessary diagnostic tools and resources to deliver optimal patient care.
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heapnxx · 3 months
The Role of AI in Wildlife Conservation
As we know, technology can have an amazing impact on our lives and on the world. But it’s important to focus on whether the technology is making a positive difference for humanity. This is why we created Tech for Good, a platform which showcases companies and individuals pushing technology to its limits and using it as a force for good.
The field of animal conservation is no exception. In fact, it is one of the areas that has been benefitted by the development of AI. The use of AI can make it easier for humans to keep track of wildlife, detect threats, and even protect the animals.
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Animal conservation is a crucial part of our planet’s natural habitats. Whether it’s protecting endangered species or helping the animals adapt to environmental changes, animal conservation is an essential part of keeping our earth healthy and thriving.
But this is no easy task. There are many different factors that can affect the health and well-being of our animals, including poachers, illegal hunting, and climate change. These issues are putting our precious wild animals at risk of being destroyed, and they need all the help that they can get in order to survive.
The use of AI Understanding Cryptocurrency Wallets in 2024 in the field of animal conservation has been very effective in combating these issues. By tracking and detecting animals, this can help reduce the rate of their decline or extinction.
Using AI in animal conservation also helps with preventing illegal activities, such as poaching. By utilizing AI security cameras, wildlife rangers can quickly identify if any of the animals they are monitoring have been attacked or killed by poachers.
Additionally, wildlife AI can help with recognizing different animal species in their native habitats. This can be especially helpful for organizations that need to track the population of certain animals and understand their habits. For example, a team of wildlife biologists from Washington State University used camera traps to monitor and measure the population of Canada lynx in their area. This data was then fed into an AI algorithm, which recognized the lynx and was able to count them.
AI is becoming increasingly technology website important in the field of animal ecology and wildlife conservation. The use of ML (machine learning) and DL (deep learning) in these fields is revolutionizing the ways that we collect and analyze data to find patterns in our animals’ behaviors. By enabling a more thorough understanding of the animal world, these tools can better predict and combat the effects of climate change, fight poaching, and ensure that our wildlife stays safe.
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pace02termansen · 4 months
small seo tools for Dummies
There are various tools that assist you examine what technological innovation stacks a web site runs on, but Wappalyzer can be an SEO beloved. What I like about ATP is it boils search term analysis all the way down to its serious essence: consumer research behavior. Normal keyword exploration tools usually really feel in some way divorced from the real buyers who push the metrics, with the same old search phrase problem (KD) and value-per-click (CPC) making look for conditions experience more like Site assets than person signals. Site Explorer: See which keyword phrases a internet site ranks for and think about the dollar price of its natural and organic traffic. https://cuteseotools.com/webtools/margin-calculator marketing audit tools are like therapists: they might aid you determine what is actually Erroneous, but it really's typically your choice to repair it. SEOptimer makes a speciality of diagnosing SEO-relevant functionality issues with an internet site or particular person webpage that comes with a couple of primary tools for supporting tackle them. Like Semrush, Ahrefs isn't likely to certainly be a 1-prevent shop for all of your SEO and material needs. But it's a robust ranking Software with some actually powerful competitor Evaluation attributes. What is actually fantastic about this selection is that Together with additional regular toolsets like backlink and search phrase exploration, you will find an abundance of tricky-to-discover and very precise tools for instance proxy tools, pdf tools, and in many cases JSON tools. Some people have privateness fears with GA — although Google swears they do not use this info for research rankings. Seobility provides you with an in depth report of on web page Website positioning challenges for every and every web site. The opposite tools which I've made use of only Offer you an overview for the home web page. But There are plenty of fixes that you must make on other internet pages also. The best thing about Seobility is the fact that it offers live facts regarding your development and by far the most exact search phrase monitoring. This allows me to decide which specific keyword phrases I really need to listen in order to rank more very easily and also a bit speedier.
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The Ultimate Guide to Wet Cat Food: What Every Cat Owner Should Know
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As a responsible cat owner, ensuring the well-being and happiness of your feline friend is a top priority. One crucial aspect of cat care revolves around their diet, and wet cat food is gaining popularity for good reasons. In this ultimate guide, we will explore the benefits of wet cat food, how to choose the right one, feeding guidelines, and common misconceptions.
Why Wet Cat Food?
1. Hydration Matters:
Cats are notorious for not drinking enough water, and a dry cat food diet may not provide sufficient moisture. Wet cat food, with its high water content, helps keep your cat hydrated. Adequate hydration is vital for kidney function and overall health.
2. Palatability:
Cats are often finicky eaters, and wet cat food is known for its rich aroma and flavor. The texture is closer to the natural prey they would catch in the wild, making it more appealing to even the pickiest cats.
3. Nutritional Value:
Wet cat food is a complete and balanced diet, providing essential nutrients like proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. It's a particularly excellent choice for kittens, senior cats, or those with dental issues, as the soft texture is easier to chew.
4. Weight Management:
Portion control is more straightforward with wet cat food, helping to manage your cat's weight more effectively. It tends to be lower in carbohydrates and higher in protein, aiding in maintaining a healthy weight.
Click here to know more : -
Choosing the Right Wet Cat Food:
1. Read the Ingredients:
A glance at the ingredient list can tell you a lot about the quality of the wet cat food. Look for a named protein source as the first ingredient, such as chicken or fish. Avoid products with excessive fillers and artificial additives.
2. Consider Your Cat's Age and Health:
Different life stages and health conditions require specific nutritional needs. There are wet cat food options designed for kittens, adults, and seniors, as well as formulas for cats with allergies, sensitivities, or specific health issues. Consult your veterinarian to determine the best fit for your cat.
3. Texture Matters:
Wet cat food comes in various textures, such as pate, chunks in gravy, or slices in sauce. Some cats have preferences, so experimenting with different textures can help you find what your cat enjoys the most.
4. Check for AAFCO Approval:
Ensure that the wet cat food you choose is approved by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO). This indicates that the food meets the minimum nutritional requirements for cats.
Feeding Guidelines:
1. Portion Control:
While wet cat food is a fantastic option, it's crucial to feed the appropriate portion size. Overfeeding can lead to weight issues. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the right amount of wet cat food for your cat's age, weight, and activity level.
2. Establish a Feeding Schedule:
Create a consistent feeding schedule for your cat. Most cats benefit from being fed multiple small meals throughout the day. This mimics their natural hunting behavior and prevents overeating.
3. Monitor Your Cat's Weight:
Regularly check your cat's weight and adjust their food intake accordingly. Sudden weight gain or loss can be indicative of health issues, and adjusting the diet promptly can help manage these issues.
4. Transition Gradually:
If you decide to switch your cat's diet to wet food, do so gradually. Mix a small amount of wet food with their dry food, increasing the ratio over a week. This helps prevent digestive upset.
Common Misconceptions:
1. Wet Food Causes Dental Issues:
Contrary to popular belief, wet cat food does not necessarily lead to dental problems. Regular dental check-ups and appropriate dental care are essential, regardless of the food type.
2. Wet Food is More Expensive:
While the upfront cost of wet cat food may seem higher, the nutritional density often means that cats require smaller portions. When comparing the cost per serving, wet food can be competitive with dry food.
3. Wet Food Doesn't Provide Balanced Nutrition:
Reputable wet cat food brands formulate their products to meet the nutritional needs of cats. By choosing a well-balanced formula and following feeding guidelines, your cat can thrive on a wet food diet.
In conclusion
Incorporating wet cat food into your feline companion's diet can offer numerous benefits, from improved hydration to better palatability. By choosing the right product, managing portions, and staying attentive to your cat's health, you can provide them with a delicious and nutritious diet that supports their overall well-being. Always consult with your veterinarian to tailor your cat's diet to their specific needs and preferences.
Read more : - The Art of Spoiling: Cat Treats that Will Make Your Kitty Purr
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aliaparker3 · 6 months
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Automatic Dog Food Dispenser
If you're a pet owner, you understand the importance of providing your furry friend with consistent and timely meals. However, our busy lives can sometimes make it challenging to ensure our pets are fed on schedule. This is where automatic dog food dispensers come to the rescue. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about these convenient devices.
Understanding the Basics
What is an Automatic Dog Food Dispenser?
An automatic dog food dispenser is a modern solution for pet owners who need a reliable way to ensure their dogs are well-fed even when they're not at home. These devices are designed to dispense a specific amount of food at predetermined intervals, helping you maintain a consistent feeding schedule for your beloved pet.
Benefits of Using an Automatic Dog Food Dispenser
Consistency: With an automatic dog food dispenser, you can establish a regular feeding routine for your pet, promoting their health and well-being.
Convenience: You no longer need to rush home to feed your dog, as the dispenser takes care of it for you.
Portion Control: These devices allow you to control the exact amount of food your dog receives, preventing overeating.
Peace of Mind: Even if you're away for a day or two, your pet will not go hungry.
Choosing the Right Automatic Dog Food Dispenser
When selecting an automatic dog food dispenser, it's crucial to consider various factors to ensure you're making the best choice for your pet's needs.
The dispenser's capacity should align with the size and dietary requirements of your dog. Smaller breeds may require a dispenser with a smaller capacity, while larger dogs need larger containers to hold enough food.
Feeding Schedule
Look for a dispenser that allows you to customize the feeding schedule. This flexibility is vital as it ensures that your pet gets the right number of meals at the right times.
Power Source
Automatic dog food dispensers can be battery-operated or plugged into an electrical outlet. Consider your lifestyle and choose the one that suits your needs best.
Material and Durability
Invest in a dispenser made of high-quality, durable materials that are easy to clean. This ensures longevity and hygiene.
Portion Control
Some dispensers offer precise portion control settings, enabling you to manage your dog's calorie intake effectively.
Additional Features
Many automatic dog food dispensers come with extra features like voice recording, cameras, and app connectivity. These can be valuable for pet owners who want to interact with their dogs remotely.
Transitioning to an Automatic Dog Food Dispenser
If your dog is accustomed to traditional feeding methods, transitioning to an automatic dog food dispenser may require some patience. Here's how to do it effectively:
Gradual Introduction: Start by placing the dispenser near your dog's regular feeding area without any food in it. Let your pet get used to its presence.
Adjust the Schedule: Begin with a feeding schedule that mimics your dog's current routine, gradually making adjustments as needed.
Positive Reinforcement: Use treats and positive reinforcement to reward your dog for using the dispenser correctly.
Monitor Your Pet: Keep an eye on your dog's weight and behavior during the transition period to ensure they adapt well.
Automatic dog food dispensers are a fantastic solution for pet owners looking to ensure their dogs receive consistent, well-portioned meals. By choosing the right dispenser and making a smooth transition, you can enjoy the convenience and peace of mind that these devices offer while keeping your furry companion happy and healthy. Say goodbye to worrying about mealtime, and say hello to the future of pet feeding!
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philipperblog · 6 months
Can Cats Consume Flies? The Intriguing Feline Predicament
Flies, those tiny, buzzing insects that frequently put our patience to the test on a hot summer day. They're infamous for their obnoxious presence and ability to elicit swats and shooing motions. Flies, aside from being an annoyance, are fascinating creatures full of nutrients and sustenance. This brings us to a question that many cat owners have: "Can cats eat flies?"
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Can Cats Consume Flies? Flies contain a variety of ingredients, such as proteins, fats, and nutrients, which contribute to their appeal to humans and animals alike. Cats are known for their curiosity and willingness to chase these airborne morsels, whereas humans generally avoid eating flies. Is it, however, safe for our feline companions to engage in this natural hunting behavior?
Can Cats Consume Flies?
Cats can eat flies in a scientific context, and many felines find them irresistible. Cats' natural prey item is flies, which satisfy their hunting instincts. However, there are some things to keep in mind. Flies can carry parasites or diseases, posing a health risk to both cats and humans.
Can Cats Consume Flies? One or two ingredients in flies that may be of concern are potential pathogens that, if consumed, could cause infections. As a result, it's critical to think about the source of the flies your cat encounters and to keep an eye on their behavior and health.
Is it safe for cats to eat flies?
Flies attract cats for a variety of reasons. Can Cats Consume Flies? Flies' quick, erratic movements arouse a cat's predatory instincts, making them appealing prey. Cats may be drawn to the taste or smell of flies. While this is a natural and instinctive behavior, it is important to remember that not all flies are safe to eat.
Flies can transmit diseases or parasites, so it's generally not a good idea for cats to eat them. Can Cats Consume Flies? However, consuming a fly in small amounts is unlikely to pose significant health risks to a cat. In fact, fly ingestion can provide indoor cats with mental and physical stimulation by mimicking their natural hunting behaviors.
Are Flies Toxic To Cats?
Can Cats Consume Flies? Cats are not poisoned by flies in and of themselves. They can, however, carry pathogens such as bacteria or parasites that can harm cats if consumed. These possible pathogens can cause gastrointestinal problems or infections in cats.
If a cat eats too many flies or if the flies they eat contain harmful microorganisms, it can cause health problems. Diarrhea, vomiting, or lethargy may indicate that a cat has consumed something harmful.
The Advantages of Flies for Cats
Can Cats Consume Flies? While flies are not commonly consumed by cats, they do contain nutrients that are beneficial to their health. They provide protein and essential amino acids, which aid in the physical development and overall well-being of cats.
Flies may provide mental and physical stimulation to cats, which is one of their potential benefits. Flies can stimulate a cat's natural hunting instincts, providing both exercise and entertainment.
How Many Flies Can Cats Consume?
Moderation is the key to feeding flies to cats. While the odd fly can provide some mental and physical stimulation, feeding too many flies can have negative consequences. Cats should not eat flies as a primary source of nutrition, but rather as a treat on occasion.
Can Cats Consume Flies? Too many flies can cause gastrointestinal upset or expose your cat to potentially harmful microorganisms. As a result, it is critical to limit their exposure to flies and closely monitor their health.
How Can Cats Be Fed Flies?
It is possible to introduce flies to your cat by simply opening a window or allowing your cat to explore a screened-in porch where flies may be present. When introducing any new element into your cat's environment, exercise caution and ensure that the flies are free of pesticides or contaminants.
Don't force the issue if your cat doesn't seem interested in flies. Can Cats Consume Flies? Cats have preferences, and not all of them are avid fly hunters. Other interactive toys or activities can be used to stimulate their hunting instincts.
Supplements and Alternatives
Can Cats Consume Flies? When it comes to cat food brands, consult your veterinarian for recommendations based on your cat's unique needs and preferences.
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bzypetfood · 6 months
Aquaculture feed is a specialized animal feed that is designed for aquatic animals like fish, crustaceans, and mollusks. The aqua feed products can bring nutritionally balanced diet that contains all the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients required for the growth and well-being of these animals. Aqua feed products comes in different forms, including pellets, flakes, and powders, and may contain different types of proteins like fish meal, soybean meal, and wheat gluten. As a professional aquaculture feed company, BZY designs our aquaculture fish feed products to be highly digestible and available in different sizes to suit different species of aquatic animals. Proper nutrition through aquaculture feed is essential for the health and growth of these animals, making high-quality aquaculture feed a critical component of successful aquaculture production.
Aquaculture Fish Food Bulk List
Brine Shrimp
It is a convenient food source for fish and other aquatic animals in aquariums or hatcheries. They can be stored for a long time and offer nutritional benefits.
Flake Feed
This wholesale aquaculture fish feed series is a convenient and long-lasting food source for fish and other aquatic animals in aquariums or hatcheries. It provides essential nutrients and is easy to use.
Extruded Feed
This aquaculture feed is a type of fish food that has been processed into a compact form. It provides essential nutrients and is convenient and easy to use in aquariums or hatcheries.
Biological Feed
It is a type of food source for fish and other aquatic animals that contains live organisms, such as copepods or rotifers. It offers nutritional benefits and encourages natural feeding behaviors.
Why Get Wholesale Aquaculture Fish Feed From BZY Pet?
BZY aqua feed products can be stored for a long time.
Our aquaculture fish feed provides essential nutrients to fish and other aquatic animals, such as vitamins, minerals, and protein.
Encourages natural feeding behaviors:
Aquaculture feed can encourage natural feeding behaviors in fish and other aquatic animals.
Reduces risk of disease:
It reduces the risk of introducing diseases to the aquarium or hatchery as it is free from contaminants and pathogens.
Suitable for a variety of species:
Our aquaculture fish food is also suitable for most species of fish and other aquatic animals, making it a versatile food option.
How to Feed Freeze Dried Aquaculture Feed?
1. Determine the amount and frequency of feeding based on the type of animal you have and how many you have
2. Follow the instructions on the packaging for portion size
3. Feed the food to the animals by scattering it over the surface of the water, or by using a feeding dish.
4. Remove any uneaten food after 5-10 minutes to avoid excess nutrients and potential water quality issues.
5. If feeding hatchling or juvenile fish, make sure to break the food into small pieces and feed more often to support their growth.
6. Monitor your animal's appetite and adjust the feeding schedule and amount accordingly.
BZY Dried Aquaculture Fish Food FAQS
How long can aqua feed products be stored?
Aquaculture feed can be stored for a long time, usually up to 2 years.
Is freeze-dried aquaculture feed better than live food?
Freeze-dried aquaculture feed can be a convenient and nutritious food source for aquatic animals, but live food offers natural feeding behaviors and can be more beneficial in some cases.
How do I know my fish is getting enough food?
The easiest way to judge is to look at the stomach of the fish. The belly of a thin fish is concave, and the belly of a full fish is slightly round.
How often should fish be fed with aquaculture fish feed?
Feed in moderation 2-3 times a day, and finish eating within 2-3 minutes each time. Follow the principle of eating less and eating more, and feed according to the water temperature, water quality and fish status to avoid overfeeding.
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nuadox · 7 months
Artificial intelligence improves shipping forecasts in port areas
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- By Agência FAPESP * -
Predicting the behavior of the ocean is a fundamental part of port operation optimization. Knowing which ships may dock and undock in accordance with tide, visibility, wind and other conditions is indispensable to efficiency for any harbormaster.
In light of this importance, researchers at the Center for Artificial Intelligence (C4AI) have developed algorithms to predict weather and ocean conditions with 20% higher accuracy than conventional methods.
C4AI is an Engineering Research Center (ERC) established by FAPESP and IBM at the University of São Paulo’s Innovation Center (INOVA-USP).
“Our forecasts are produced in the following manner. We teach the AI what happened in past weather phenomena, so that the machine learns the consequences of certain occurrences, such as heavy rain, high temperatures etc. It can then predict the unfolding of each condition as decision support, making the forecasting process faster and more accurate,” said Marlon Sproesser Mathias, a researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IEA-USP) and a member of C4AI.
The algorithms are fed with raw data from weather stations and sensors installed in various parts of the ocean, from shipping lanes to the high seas.
“Shipping forecasts and meteorological predictions generally, regarding winds, currents, waves, visibility, tides, and so on, are getting more and more accurate, but there’s still room for an increase in levels of agility and reliability. More accurate forecasting means safer ports, lower shipping tariffs, shorter waiting times and more efficient logistics,” said Eduardo Aoun Tannuri, a professor at the School of Engineering (POLI-USP) and also a member of C4AI. 
Furthermore, reliable weather forecasting is key to more sustainable port activities, such as dredging to maintain or increase navigable depths. Optimization of these activities mitigates their environmental impact. Efficient use of big data and better knowledge of what can be done with the system’s analytical skills enable port authorities to handle larger volumes with less harm to the environment. “Our algorithms enable terminals to render large-draft ships more manageable with less dredging, thus less environmental impact,” Tannuri said.
A merger of physics and AI
With so much data from sensors and other sources, producing forecasts and estimates by conventional methods using only physical models would be difficult and time-consuming, so the researchers decided to merge two knowledge areas – physics and AI – in a combination of machine learning with coastal engineering and oceanography. 
“If it rains heavily in a shipping lane, for example, we know this may cause an increase in the current. It’s a matter of physical relationships. But AI takes time to learn this scenario, which has to happen many times for the correlation to become clear. If an event hasn’t happened yet, or in the case of extreme events, the machine won’t have learned about it. That’s particularly significant in a world of increasingly intense climate change,” Mathias said. “As we add physical knowledge to the AI’s model, its ability to adapt to different scenarios improves because it has the information needed to know what’s physically possible. It goes beyond modeling with data and physical simulation. We try to merge the best of both approaches.”
Automatic environmental monitoring systems exist internationally, but merging analysis of physical phenomena with machine learning for shipping and weather forecasting in port areas is entirely novel and differs from the type of analysis previously performed with the model in other locations, such as reservoirs or lakes.
C4AI’s method is being tested at the Port of Santos in São Paulo state and the Port of Paranaguá in Paraná state. Forecasting there has improved considerably thanks to integration with historical data. It has become faster and more accurate, suggesting that trials on a larger scale can be performed there and elsewhere in the near future, as the model can be applied in any port.
* With information from Henrique Fontes, a member of the Center for Artificial Intelligence (C4AI).
This text was originally published by FAPESP Agency according to Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC-ND. Read the original here.
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jplupine · 9 months
⛓Feral Possession: Chapter 30⛓
What's This Feeling?
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Pairing: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x Wynter Hughes [Nonbinary OC] Word Count: ~7.2k WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, Exophilia, Demon!Grimmjow, Feral Behavior, Blood and Gore, Near Death Experience, Size Difference, Cock Ring, Praise Kink, Masturbation, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Face Sitting, Hair Pulling, Vaginal Sex, Biting, Creampie, Sub!Switch!Grimmjow Note: Terms such as pussy/cock/dick/etc. get used. If that makes you uncomfortable, you may want to skip this fic.
Summary: After finally getting back home, Wynter gives Grimmjow an unconventional crown.
You can also read it on AO3!
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Masterlist | Chapter 30:
  "Wynter!" Sajin barked, and my head shot in his direction. I'd been busy grinding plants for healing spells only to stop when he gestured for me to go over to where he stood.
  Getting up from the table, the other exorcists were watching me. Grimmjow remained where he sat with his arms crossed and his face in that resting grumpy expression of his. I could feel his eyes following me as I walked toward the higher-ranked exorcist.
  "Yes, sir?"
  "Follow me." Sajin turned to walk away, and I trailed after him. "You're aware the Soul Society isn't happy with your.... 'situation' with that Espada."
  "I heard they were kinda split."
  "We are." He replied while walking toward the treeline. "I was personally one of those that voted against waiting to see what would happen." My eyes widened a fraction while looking at Sajin. I knew he was high on the exorcist food chain, but I hadn't thought he'd be that high up.
  "And why are you telling me this?"
  "Because I still don't agree with it. However, allowing things to continue this far has had unforeseen outcomes. You're a good exorcist, Wynter. I can see that." Sajin continued as he walked deeper into the woods. "You have great potential."
  "And your issue with that is?" I quirked up a brow.
  "I know there's more going on between you and Pantera." Sajin's tone was firm, and I didn't outwardly react.
  "And why bring me out here to say such a thing to me?" I questioned, and the larger man finally stopped and turned to face me.
  "Because I want to know what you did to him." His eyes narrowed, as he crossed his arms over his broad chest. "Pantera is known for his ruthlessness and his core of destruction. He's murdered swaths of civilians and exorcists alike, burned villages to the ground, and even fed upon other Arrancar that got in his way. And yet, somehow, he has been genuinely mentoring you. Watching over you in a way not befitting a demon after a powerful soul. Even just moments ago, I saw him monitoring your work to make sure you were doing it properly. So what is it? A curse? Something from Jordan?"
  I was tempted to laugh, and I was so glad I had held out to hear what Sajin thought was going on. I'd been worried he figured out I was having sex with Grimmjow, but he thankfully hadn't.
  "It's no curse nor anything my uncle left behind." I replied with a calm tone while sliding my hands into my pockets. "All Arrancar used to be humans at some point. The more powerful ones being legions of human souls, as you know. Pantera is no different. However, because of our special circumstances, I was capable of working with him to find common ground. He's still that demon capable of devastation, but now other parts of his personality are able to show."
  "You truly believe that?"
  "Yes, I do. You can even read all of the reports made on my discoveries concerning Arrancars, and Pantera specifically. They were sent to your research department. Those aren't bogus claims."
  "You must understand how difficult it is to believe Pantera of all demons came to mentor someone like you who had no magickal abilities whatsoever. Teaching you as he has wouldn't even remotely be in his best interest."
  "That's where you're wrong. Pantera is incredibly selfish. He doesn't want any other demon to get my soul, which is why he started training me. If I can kill any other demon that comes after me, he has no competition. And with him being the Sexta Espada, he himself is incredibly powerful with little to worry about." I shrugged.
  "That I can believe. But his concern for you? His seemingly human behavior? It's a sham."
  "If that's what you believe."
  "It's what I know." Sajin took a step toward me while lowering his hands to his sides. "He's a demon, Wynter. I just don't know how you managed to even get him to fake it."
  "I already explained it. The Espada do have humanity deep within them still. That's all you're seeing here."
  "I need something more tangible to convince me. You are a promising exorcist....and I'm so sorry." Sajin's tone changed before he suddenly grabbed me and threw me.
  As I was going through the air, I felt a tingling sensation wash through me. I hit the ground and rolled a few feet before I managed to stop and sit up. Looking back at Sajin, I saw he was no longer there.
  No- I knew he was just a few yards away since I hadn't seen nor sensed him leaving. However, he was nowhere to be seen. Quickly looking around, I felt my heart pick up pace as I got to my feet.
  Sajin had thrown me outside of the barrier that kept the camp hidden from demons. Having all of these exorcists with powerful souls in one place meant it had to be protected from attacks, except I was now exposed and without a weapon since I'd left it back with Grimmjow.
  I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand on end when I heard rustling in the bushes. Diving to the side, I barely missed being tackled by a demon with skin like bark and branching antlers.
  It was lithe and tall with stretched-out limbs. It turned to face me with an opened mouth full of human-like teeth as a ghastly groan came from the beast. The demon was about to attack again, and that only left me with two options.
  Protect myself while exposing my position to other demons possibly nearby, or run and hope I could get back inside the barrier before the demon caught me.
  The demon pounced with more speed than before, and I rolled out of the way. Claws caught on my sleeve and tore the fabric with ease. I kicked the demon's face when it tried to bite me, but that only gave me a second to get back on my feet.
  I ran toward the barrier, but the demon was faster and cut me off. Drool dripped from its chin as it roared and flexed its claws.
  I had no choice but to fight.
  It came flying at me, and I built up spiritual energy in my hands. With bared teeth, I swung my fist and caught the demon on the jaw. As soon as I felt my knuckles make contact with its bark-like skin, I used even more spiritual energy in my fist, causing the demon's head to explode.
  Panting as I looked down at the body, I waited to make sure it wouldn't get back up again. I was able to confirm it was dead after a few seconds. However, I sensed another demon already rushing my way.
  I barely had time to react to this one that was bigger and faster. Claws dug into my arm, and I fell while crying out in pain. More demons were stalking out from the shadows of the trees after sensing my spiritual energy. They were closing in as the one closest that looked like a bear with a grassy back and exposed ribs licked the blood from its claws.
  These demons were of the feral variety, absolutely mindless and lost to their hunger like starving animals. There was no hope of distracting them to get away.
  The bear-like demon stood on its hind legs and gave a rattling roar as its ribs snapped open like teeth. Its organs were twisting and coiling around rows of fangs, and I was terrified. It came at me, and I closed my eyes while screaming.
  A blast of raw spiritual energy radiated out from me and burned the bear demon to ash. However, the other demons had been far enough to not get hit, and now they were even hungrier after sensing my power. Holding my bleeding arm, I could feel the tears burning down my cheeks.
  I didn't want to die, but I didn't know how long I could last against all of these demons. Was Sajin watching from the safety of the barrier and waiting for me to die? Or had he already left to go kill Pantera with the help of all the other exorcists?
  Without a weapon, there was no way I could fight back against so many demons.
  I was going to die.
  I could see it in the eyes of the hungry demons as they were salivating and stalking closer. I was going to be ripped apart and devoured.
  The bravest two pounced, and a massive arm swung out to slash them into pieces. A large body stood over me now before a roar so loud it shook the air nearly deafened me. The other demons hesitated as Grimmjow lowered his head, and his chest vibrated with a loud, dangerous growl.
  He was pissed and in his Resurrección form.
  Another demon tried to sneak closer, and Grimmjow bit them in half as they screamed in pain. Blood splattered the ground and soaked into the earth from all of the carnage. Grimmjow was merciless as he tore into the other demons.
  His fist caved in one of their skulls before he threw the body at another demon and ripped out one's heart through their back with his other hand. The heart exploded in his grip, and he swung his fist into the jaws of another demon. It bit down on his arm as if it had the upper hand until Grimmjow was yanking back with a hand full of guts.
  The organs were tossed to the side so that he could grab the demon's jaws and rip open its face. He kept going until the demon was entirely in half. Grimmjow was covered in blood and roared again at those that were left standing.
  They ran off back into the woods, and I sniffled. Fuck, he'd saved me again. I was grateful, but it made me feel weak.
  Grimmjow turned to look at me, and I dropped my gaze.
  "Thanks." I sniffled again and swallowed while carefully moving my hand to look at the gashes on my arm. That demon's claws had gone deep, and the wound was still bleeding so much.
  Grimmjow shifted forms as he got closer.
  "Why the fuck would you leave the barrier without your sword?" His tone was surprisingly gentle as he knelt in front of me. "Come on, let me see it." He held out his clawed hand, and I hesitantly raised my arm.
  "I-I-" Swallowing, I then took a deep breath to try and calm down. "I didn't leave the barrier on purpose." Grimmjow tore my sleeve to expose the wound.
  "So how the fuck did you end up out here?" He asked before licking the gashes, and my hands balled into fists as I bit my bottom lip. I didn't answer, and those blue eyes of his looked at me. "Answer me, Little Rabbit." I couldn't.
  I knew all too well what Grimmjow would do if I told him Sajin had thrown me out here. The demon would, without a doubt, try to kill the exorcist.
  "You're healed, stop crying. Now, how'd you end up out here?" He asked one more time while leaning in closer. Grimmjow licked the tears from my cheek, and I pushed his face away to wipe my other cheek.
  "Stop being so gross."
  "Then answer me."
  "Why the fuck not?" He grabbed my hand to move it away, but it seemed to dawn on him as he looked at me. I saw his eyes widen and his mouth turn into a frown. The rage in his expression when he turned to look back toward the barrier was terrifying.
  I blinked, and Grimmjow was gone.
  It sounded like something broke, and I looked over to see a hole in the barrier from Grimmjow forcing his way back inside. I heard a shout and the distinct sound of Grimmjow's claws against a sword.
  Scrambling to my feet, I ran to try and stop Grimmjow. I saw him fighting Sajin in his Resurrección form as his tail flicked in anger.
  "Stop!" I shouted.
  "Stay back, Wynter!" Sajin ordered just before blocking Grimmjow's claws that narrowly missed his face.
  "Pantera!" He was either too angry to hear me or was simply ignoring me as he went after the exorcist with such ferocity. Quickly looking around, I saw there wasn't anyone in sight that could help. If I shouted Grimmjow's name here and now to try and compel him to stop, the Soul Society would have his name.
  I'd taken enough deadly risks today, and I sure as shit didn't want to take more.
  Taking in a deep breath, I broke into a run and jumped onto the demon's back. Grabbing his horns, I yanked his head back while throwing off his next attack aimed at Sajin. Grimmjow yowled and grabbed me before moving to throw me.
  "Wynter!" Sajin looked terrified, except the demon didn't throw me.
  As soon as he pulled me enough over his head to see me, he stopped. Grimmjow's pupils were thin slits as he looked at me, and I was panting while still holding his horns.
  "Please, stop." From how he looked at me, I knew he was asking 'why'. "I'm okay, Pantera. But we won't be if you hurt Sajin. Please, calm down." It was strange looking at him while upside-down, but I didn't dare try to move since his attention was currently on me instead of the exorcist.
  His breathing was quicker from his anger, and I saw his nostrils flare as his brows deeply furrowed. Sajin was silent and watching us with his sword still at the ready.
  I also knew for certain now that Sajin threw me outside the barrier as a test. He wanted to see for himself how Grimmjow would react. But had Sajin been watching us the entire time? Had he seen how Grimmjow tended to my wounds and tried to comfort me?
  "I'm okay now. Please, just drop it." I said with a quieter tone, and the demon growled. I felt his grip on my shirt tighten, and I worried he might still lunge at Sajin once getting me out of the way. Thankfully, he instead began to shrink as his monstrous features mostly disappeared.
  "Just drop it? You could've gotten fucking killed." Grimmjow flashed his fangs with how he snarled, and I swallowed.
  "And because of you, I didn't. It was a test."
  "A test? What kind of fucking test gets you mauled?!" He rose his voice, and I looked up at Sajin.
  "I wasn't the one being tested." I stated. Sajin sighed through his nose before sheathing his sword.
  "I think I've seen enough." He said rather calmly and looked at Grimmjow and I.
  "The fuck are you talking about?"
  "You, Pantera." Sajin's expression was unreadable. I tried to guess what he might be thinking, but I couldn't. Was he satisfied and believed me now? Or did he still doubt my words? "You're not what you used to be." His eyes slightly narrowed as his brows furrowed. "And I think that makes you even more dangerous."
  We watched as he walked away, and I slid down to stand on the ground. It was quiet as the barrier behind us was slowly repairing.
  "We should wait until it fully closes. I don't want any demons getting in because of your recklessness."
  "My recklessness?" Grimmjow turned on me with a snarl. "I saved your life! Again!"
  "And I thank you for that. But you also broke the barrier to attack Mr. Sajin."
  "He's the one that nearly got you killed!" Grimmjow waved his arm in the direction the exorcist had walked in.
  "Teach me how to dematerialize my sword."
  "You heard me." Looking at the demon with a serious expression, I could see the conflict in his eyes. "I'm strong enough to hurt you now. I should be able to handle it."
  "I'm serious. I can't go through that again. How many times now have I been hurt because I couldn't do something so basic? I know I would've done better out there had I been able to summon my sword. Tell me you don't think I'll be able to do it now."
  Grimmjow didn't look away as his eyes locked with mine. He took in a slow breath before speaking.
  "It's not about whether or not you can dematerialize your sword. It's about whether or not you can handle the Espada essence within it. And we won't know that until you do it. I'm a high-level Arrancar, Wynter. You know the risks."
  "And I'm willing to take them. I can't always rely on you saving me. I can't always hope you'll get there in time, and you know it. I'm tired of being scared." My statement was followed by silence as Grimmjow continued to just look at me.
  He crossed his arms as his eyes narrowed. His tail swayed before he spoke.
  "Fine. I'll teach you how to do it. But not here." Grimmjow walked closer, and his left ear twitched. "They won't let you here."
  "Then when we get back home." I nodded. Looking back at the barrier, it was nearly fully repaired now. "Also....put some pants on. I don't want you flashing all the exorcists in camp." I heard the demon click his claws together, and when I looked at him, he was fully clothed again. "....Could you always do that?"
  "I can do a lot of things with magick, Little Rabbit."
  "So you mean you could have been fixing my clothes this entire time?"
  "Yes." He then smirked while tilting his head. "But I didn't want to."
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  Heavily sighing as I walked through the front door, I dropped my keys and went to take my shoes off. Grimmjow came in behind me and shut the door. It felt so good to be back home.
  "Yui will be by later to drop off Dagur. Be nice." I said while going toward the stairs with my suitcase. Fingers suddenly grabbed the waistband of my jeans before yanking me back. "Hey!" I shot Grimmjow a look only for him to suddenly grab my jaw and kiss me.
  While holding my jaw, he used his other hand to take my suitcase and toss it to the side. I heard it slide across the floor, and his tongue slid into my mouth. I grabbed his wrist as I reciprocated the kiss.
  Grimmjow was purring deep within his chest and nipped my bottom lip when he finally gave me space to breathe. His nose brushed against mine, and I could see his devilish smirk as he looked down at me.
  "What do you say to letting me eat your pussy before you worry about putting shit away?"
  "Is that seriously the first thing you wanna do after getting home?"
  "I'm used to getting to fuck you on a regular basis, Little Rabbit. That damn training camp took that away from me." Grimmjow's voice was low as he tilted his head to the side. "You and that pretty pussy have been on my mind the whole fucking time."
  "Don't you ever give it a rest?" I questioned while feeling my cheeks getting warmer. Grimmjow licked my cheek before whispering near my ear.
  "Be glad I didn't pin you down on that training field and show everyone the dirty rabbit you really are. Everyone would know such a strong fighter was so weak to my cock." He nipped my ear, and my heart was pounding as I clenched my jaw.
  "Grimmjow, sit." I muttered, and he fell on his ass with a snarl. Looking down at him, I curled my fingers under his chin and tilted his face up. "You poor thing. I didn't know going that long without my touch would make you so needy." Brushing my thumb over his bottom lip, I saw the evil-looking grin he gave me.
  "I can smell how badly you want it, too, so don't give me that shit."
  "Yeah, but the difference between you and I is that I....have patience." I pecked his lips before smiling. "And that means I know exactly what to do with you, kitten." Letting his chin go, I stood up straight and went toward the stairs. "Grimmjow, follow me."
  Going upstairs with Grimmjow compelled to follow, I took the bands out of my hair. When I reached my room, I set them down on the nightstand.
  "Grimmjow, stay." I ordered, and he didn't take another step forward. Sliding my hands up his torso as I looked up at him, I saw how his pupils widened. I slowly pushed his jacket off his shoulders and down his arms. His shirt was next and was dropped on the floor before I turned my attention to his pants.
  The demon was softly purring as he watched me undo the button. Pulling down the zipper, I then slid his pants down his thighs. I wasn't all that surprised to see he wasn't even wearing any underwear.
  "We've got a good few hours before Yui comes by. We might as well relax." I said after pulling my shirt off. Dropping the garment, I then took off my pants and socks. My underwear was the last to go before I went to the edge of the bed. "Grimmjow, kneel."
  His eyes looked so dark as he was forced to obey. He was on his knees, and I bent over to get the box underneath the bed.
  "What are you planning, Little Rabbit?"
  "Don't worry, you'll still get to eat my pussy. But I want to have a little fun first." I smirked while raising my hand to show the silicone ring now sitting around my finger. Placing the box of toys to the side, I looked over my shoulder to see how hard he already was.
  "You want me to wait longer?"
  "Oh, kitten. I think you can handle it." I went down to one knee in front of him to slide the ring around his cock to the base. "You know how much I like you being a good boy for me, don't you?" My voice was nearly a purr when I went to kiss his cheek.
  I pushed a button on the cock ring, and a small blue light lit up. Standing back up, I then went to sit on the bed. Picking up a small remote, I hummed while debating what setting to use.
  "Grimmjow, stay." I ordered when I saw the demon about to pounce. He was forced to remain where he was, and I smiled. "Let's start with 3." I turned on the vibrator in the cock ring before turning it up to the third speed. Grimmjow's hips bucked from the sudden sensation, and I grinned. "Look at me, pretty boy."
  His jaw clenched as he looked at me again. It was a bit harder to tell what he was feeling without his feline ears and tail, but I could still read his human face as his ears were turning red.
  "I'll give you what you want if you behave. Understood?" I asked while spreading my legs. His gaze immediately dropped, and he licked his lips like a hungry animal. "I didn't hear a response, kitten."
  "Yes, Wynter."
  "Good boy." I smiled while watching the demon closely. I knew I was playing with fire here, but how he looked like a barely caged animal was driving me wild. There wasn't any denying that I relished in being desired in such a way.
  How he looked at me with such hunger while itching to get his hands on me was delicious.
  With Grimmjow watching, I began to touch myself. I first trailed my fingers up my inner thigh as his eyes followed every move. My fingers reached the apex of my legs and slid over my labia.
  It felt good to have such control over a powerful demon like Grimmjow. He wasn't moving from his spot, and his eyes were transfixed on me. His breathing faltered as the cock ring was still vibrating, and I spread my fingers.
  I could feel how wet I was and knew he could see it. Bringing up my leg to have my foot resting on the edge of the bed, I wet my fingers with my own slick before touching my clit. I went at a calm pace specifically to agonize Grimmjow.
  "You're doing this on fucking purpose." His voice was husky as he placed his hands on his knees. I saw his muscles twitch as if he was fighting himself from pouncing on me.
  "Of course I am. How could I not enjoy having the Sexta Espada on his knees for little ol' me? Especially when he's so desperate to fuck me." My eyes drifted down to his cock that was still hard and periodically twitching from the vibrator.
  "I'm not desperate."
  "Really? That's not what you said just a few minutes ago." I received a growl in response since he didn't want to admit to doing it. "You're too cute." I smirked before adding more pressure to my clit. My breath shook from the pleasure shooting through my nerves.
  Low rumbling came from Grimmjow's chest as he watched me. I then slid my fingers down and circled my entrance. Arousal was smearing over my skin and dripping onto the blanket. It was taking so much willpower to not let Grimmjow go ahead and touch me.
  Pushing two fingers inside, I closed my eyes for a moment to enjoy the feeling. My head fell back as I curled my fingers and tightened my grip on the remote. I could feel Grimmjow's intense stare and didn't even need to look at him to know he was getting even antsier.
  "C'mon, stop being a fucking tease." Grimmjow growled, and I chuckled.
  "I don't think that's how you ask me, kitten." Looking at him again, I saw how his fingers were digging into his thighs from him holding himself back. It was a good thing he was in his human form or his claws would be making him bleed.
  "Fuck you." He bared his teeth at me in defiance.
  "Don't be a brat. Unless you want to sit there all night, that is." I said before softly moaning from the spot my fingers hit.
  "Who are you calling a brat, you little shit?"
  "Mm, I guess you really do want to just keep watching." I ground my palm against my clit for more stimulation and grunted.
  "You can't keep me here."
  "Watch me." I raised the remote before turning the vibrator all the way up. Grimmjow doubled over with a moan from the intense vibrations going through his cock. His cheeks were turning pink, and I knew he hadn't wanted to react in such a way as he clenched his jaw and tried to look relaxed while utterly failing.
  He was falling apart, and I loved it.
  Turning the vibrator back down, I saw his muscles relax as he took a shaky breath. When he looked at me again, I knew he was going to be merciless when he got his hands on me.
  "Now, do you wanna try that again?" I purred, and Grimmjow gave me a devilish grin.
  "You think that's enough to make me crack?"
  "You're already shivering, kitten." I pulled my fingers free of my pussy before opening my mouth and sticking out my tongue. Placing my wet fingers against my tongue, I turned the vibrator all the way up again. His gaze was locked on my mouth as he moaned.
  Sucking my fingers clean, I then reached into the box of toys to pull out a dildo. Grimmjow's brows furrowed even deeper as I held up the toy.
  "So, what'll it be, kitten? You wanna sit there and watch me fuck myself or are you gonna behave?"
  "I-" He was cut off by a moan as his cock twitched.
  "Hmm? I didn't hear you. Did you say you were gonna be a good boy for me?"
  "Yes." His response was breathy, and it turned me on even more.
  "Then say it louder."
  "I'll....I'll be a good boy."
  "That's what I like to hear."
  "Fuck~!" Grimmjow reared back while covering his face with his hands. He was moaning and unconsciously rocking his hips as his cock swayed from the movement. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"
  The demon looked so alluring, I was now having to fight myself from going over and riding him. How his thighs flexed and his abs rolled with his rocking hips had me under a spell. He was too fucking gorgeous.
  Turning the vibrator down, I dropped the dildo to the side.
  "Come here, kitten." Grimmjow was on me in a split second. Without questioning or second-thinking, he buried his face between my thighs with my legs over his shoulders. He licked over my pussy with a groan, and I slid my fingers into his soft hair.
  Grimmjow had a firm grip on my thighs when he went to suck on my clit. I moaned while looking down at him, and the demon began to purr. His tongue dragged over my pussy before sliding inside.
  The vibrations from his purring mixed with his hunger had my head spinning as I bit my bottom lip. Dropping the remote, I slid my other hand into his hair. He was making a mess, but it felt so damn good.
  "That's my good boy." I cooed before moaning again. Grimmjow's grip was near bruising as he pulled me closer to the edge of the bed. "Oh, fuck!" I hissed as my grip on his hair tightened.
  He was sucking on my clit again and looked up at me in a way that made me shiver. Grimmjow gave a long, slow lick while maintaining eye contact.
  "You're doing so good."
  "Then ride my face."
  "For a king, you seem to like making your face a throne."
  "What can I say? You're fucking delicious." He nipped my thigh. Patting the bed, I waited for him to get comfortable on the mattress before straddling his head.
  Just like before, he was ravenous and purring and moaning into my pussy. I was praising him between moans as I lightly tugged on his hair, and he seemed to take pride in my every word. Even if I was the one giving orders and praise, Grimmjow was the one having his pride and ego stroked. He took such pleasure in making me buck and shudder as I called him a 'good boy' and trapped his face between my thighs.
  However, just before I could cum, the demon finally snapped. With the cock ring still on and vibrating, Grimmjow was pounding into me while I was facedown in the pillow.
  I cried out and was muffled by the pillow while feeling his breath on the back of my head. He was snarling and growling with a hand firmly placed between my shoulder blades. Grimmjow pistoned his cock at a steady, rapid pace that had me careening over the edge and the headboard hitting the wall.
  "Mine." The demon growled as his lips brushed over my nape. "You're all fuckin' mine." He nipped, and I moaned. "Yes, praise me more!" Grimmjow's hand on my back moved to grab my jaw to lift my face and pry my mouth open. My moans were no longer muffled and kept coming with every thrust of his hips. "Your voice holds such worship." His tone was low and close to a purr.
  He was taking each moan as a compliment, the cocky bastard.
  "Oh, fuck! This fucking- Ngh~!- ring. I need to hear it. Wynter, please, I need it!" Despite his growling, he sounded so desperate. He was just shy of whining as he continued to wordlessly beg.
  Even though Grimmjow was so powerful and mighty, he was still in the palm of my hand. I knew exactly what he wanted as he held me to his chest and kept thrusting his cock deep into me. I decided to give what he begged for since he'd been so well-behaved.
  "Grimmjow! Fuck, yes, Grimmjow!" I moaned his name, and he went feral. Nails dug into my skin as his teeth sank into my shoulder. It was overwhelming as all I could do was cling to the pillow while pleasure drowned my senses.
  His cock was like a battering ram as his balls smacked against me. I cried out as my vision lost focus and my muscles clenched from the intensity of the orgasm crashing through my body. Grimmjow was twitching and pumping me full of cum as he continued to fuck me. He didn't stop until the last drop spilled from his cock and was leaking from my pussy.
  My entire body went slack as I panted. With my cheek on the pillow, I took a moment to enjoy the heat and weight of Grimmjow still on me. He grabbed the remote to turn off the vibrator before the stimulation became too much for either of us.
  "You need it, huh?" I said with a breathy voice and an amused smile.
  "It's so good." Grimmjow responded before licking my cheek.
  "You like me moaning your name that much?"
  "Yes." He purred and slowly rolled his hips to make me take in a sharp breath. "And I'm not done with you yet."
  "Oh? Just letting me catch my breath, are you?"
  "We have missed time to make up for." He licked the bite on my shoulder before pulling away. "Roll over." I did as told, and Grimmjow grabbed a pillow to tuck it under my hips. He then laid on me while resting his elbows on either side of me. "Your face is so red." He chuckled.
  "I bet." I scoffed before gently holding his face in my hands and rubbing my thumbs over his cheeks. "Can I tell you something without you laughing at me?" Grimmjow was already melting into my touch but managed to look at me with a serious expression.
  "What is it, Little Rabbit?" He didn't say he wouldn't laugh, but he was giving me the opportunity to speak. However, did I really want to take this chance to say what was really on my mind? It would be a moment of vulnerability if I did so.
  No, I was going to do it. Grimmjow was dense, and I would need to take a few risks if I wanted more progress.
  "I missed getting to touch you like this." My voice was soft as my gaze went to my hands on his cheeks. Grimmjow froze as he looked at me as if waiting for me to say 'sike'. When he realized I was being sincere, his expression gave away so much, and I didn't think he even realized how he was looking at me now.
  "Why would you tell me something like that?"
  "Honestly? Because I wanted you to know, and, hopefully, you'd be honest with me in return." My words seemed to roll around in his head for a second.
  "....Fine. I didn't like going so long without being able to be this close to you. I didn't like not being able to sleep in your arms."
  "Oh. Oh, wow, I wasn't expecting you to go that far."
  "You don't seem upset that I did."
  "I mean, this is a good thing, Grimmjow. I'm just surprised you're able to voice those feelings."
  "You think I'm some coward?"
  "Well, no. It's just-"
  "It's weakness, yeah. But, after what happened, I'm beginning to realize what you meant about showing weakness being a sign of strength."
  "What do you mean after what happened?"
  "In the woods. You were crying, but you still burnt that demon to a crisp. You're so weak and don't hide it, yet you're also capable of such destruction. I...." Grimmjow trailed off as his brows slightly furrowed. "In a strange way....I think I admire it."
  I was floored by his confession. I had underestimated his progress with emotional awareness.
  Pulling his face closer, I kissed him. When we parted, I was smiling.
  "The Great Pantera admires me, huh?"
  "Yeah, you should be honored." The corners of his mouth curled up into a smile.
  "Oh, very." I chuckled and pulled him into another kiss. When I brushed his hair out of the way to kiss his forehead, he began to purr. I ran my fingers through his soft hair as the low rumbling in his chest continued. "Perhaps I spoil you too much."
  "I'm a king." Grimmjow scoffed. "I do not get spoiled."
  "Then you must have a different definition of a king 'cause they definitely get spoiled."
  "Just shut up and keep giving me affection."
  "Hm. No." I pulled my hands away and laced my fingers behind my head. "How about you give me affection?" I felt the urge to laugh at the face Grimmjow was making as he looked down at me.
  The demon huffed before gently cupping my cheek in his hand. His palm was warm and comforting as he watched his thumb brush over my cheek. Such a simple touch made me feel weak.
  His fingers slowly trailed along my jaw before his thumb brushed over my lips. Grimmjow's touch was delicate, and he leaned down to kiss me. It was a sweet, slow kiss as he held my face.
  I placed my hand on his nape and deepened the kiss. His arm slid under me to hold me closer as we were chest-to-chest. He trailed his fingers down my throat and along my side with a feather-light touch that made goosebumps rise on my skin.
  Grimmjow was taking his time before squeezing my thigh. He added tongue to the kiss as he purred.
  Why did this feel like worship even though he was a demon?
  I could only take so much of the gentle caresses before I was craving more.
  "I'm good to go again." I muttered, and he licked his lips like a hungry animal. Grimmjow lined up his cock and slowly pushed inside. He then buried his face into my neck and shoulder as his other arm wrapped around me as well.
  He hugged me to his chest as he slowly rocked his hips. Draping my arms around his shoulders, I heard my breathing hitch from him going balls deep and grinding against me. Grimmjow was still purring as he nipped the side of my neck and licked.
  This had to be the gentlest he'd ever been with me, and I couldn't say that I disliked it. He was also clearly enjoying it, but how long could his patience last?
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  I shot up in bed when I heard knocking. I didn't remember falling asleep, but I obviously had at some point. Grimmjow was already up and pulling on a pair of my basketball shorts. They were tight on his hips but worked well enough to go answer the door.
  I laid back down with a sigh as he left and ran a hand down my tired face. I debated going back to sleep before rolling over and pulling the blanket up higher. In the quiet, I was nearly back asleep before I heard claws scrabbling across the wood floor.
  Dagur jumped onto the bed and was excitedly hopping around until he plopped down against me and shoved his nose into my face. His tail was going wild, and I chuckled while patting his head. He was so happy to see me and wouldn't stop wiggling.
  When Grimmjow came back, Dagur bounced up to get at him. Grimmjow growled a warning because of how excited the dog was.
  "Not the mouth!" He tried to get on the bed, but Dagur blocked him by rolling over behind me. I couldn't help but snort since I knew Dagur was wallering around with his paws in the air. "That's my spot, you damn mutt."
  "Be nice. He's just happy to see us."
  "He's still in my spot." Grimmjow had to push Dagur out of the way before he could climb under the blanket. Wrapping an arm around me, the demon settled down against my back while Dagur was coming around to lay down in front of me. Grimmjow sighed through his nose as he nuzzled into my hair.
  "Did Yui have anything to say?"
  "Just wanted to tell you hi and that Dagur was well-behaved."
  "That's good."
  "Anything else?" I asked while finding his hand on my stomach and lacing my fingers with his.
  "Nah, that was pretty much it."
  "Then I'm going my ass back to sleep." I heard Grimmjow chuckle, and he pulled me closer. Closing my eyes, I could feel the smile on my lips as the demon began to softly purr.
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  Sitting at my desk, I was getting some work done while Grimmjow was making dinner. Dagur was curled up at my feet, and the atmosphere was so calm. The smell of dinner slowly began to fill my office as I tapped away on my laptop.
  My body still ached from the training camp and getting fucked for hours by the resident demon, so learning how to dematerialize my sword would have to wait until another day. However, I was looking forward to Grimmjow's cooking.
  Double-checking my notes, I saved my work before moving on to the next chapter. Reading the text on the screen, I became so engrossed in it that I lost track of time. However, I was still managing to get the work done.
  By the time Grimmjow came waltzing in with dinner, my stomach was growling. He had a devilish grin while holding up the plates as his tail swayed.
  "Guess I don't need to ask who's hungry."
  "Gimme a sec." I went to save my progress, and Grimmjow hopped onto my desk with such grace before using his paw to scoot my laptop out of the way.
  "It's time to eat, Little Rabbit. I cooked." He crouched and set down one of the plates in front of me.
  "You just want me to compliment your work."
  "It is your duty after all."
  "My duty?" I quirked up a brow, and Grimmjow swung his legs over the side of the desk.
  "I am your king and master. Ingratiate yourself, pet."
  "Mm-hm. Didn't seem like I was a pet when I had you on your knees or when you were begging." I saw his ears flick back before he shot me a look. "I'm also pretty sure your crown isn't supposed to have a vibrator in it."
  "Maybe so, but what a worthy crown it is." Grimmjow smirked. "Perhaps I should wear it more often." His purring tone and the memory of his bucking hips as he covered his face while moaning had my cheeks and ears getting warmer. "Pervert."
  "Look who's talking!" I snapped at him before shoving a bite of food into my mouth. He burst into maniacal laughter while pointing at me since I was obviously embarrassed.
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centenarybank · 1 year
Assets International Fraud Awareness Week
Even in case you are not, you can simply do online analysis to educate yourself and share what you've discovered. Who is aware of, your info might stop someone from being a sufferer of fraud. Outline what you wish fraud awareness to speak about and embrace informative pictures. Then share this information by posting on Twitter or other social media platforms. Another vector of e-commerce evolution is the elevated integration of fee processing features into online stores and smartphone functions.
Scams have included false claims that Federal Reserve routing numbers can be utilized to pay payments or that fictitious client accounts are held at Federal Reserve Banks. These fictitious accounts have been mostly styled as secret accounts and/or Social Security trust accounts. Federal Reserve routing numbers are used for sorting and processing payments between banks. Unauthorized transactions in which customers try to use the Fed’s routing numbers and their Social Security numbers to pay bills could lead to late charges or different penalty costs when the payments fraud awareness fail. Understand the assorted requirements for Fed-chartered monetary establishments and discover the range of companies out there to them—from cash companies and reserve balance information to the discount window. We produce indicators and datasets to tell the common public, policymakers, and researchers about economic conditions, including inflation, employment, and risks to the financial system.
Every day, points associated to those concerning matters affect individuals throughout the country, usually costing them cash, time, and well-being. Medicare-related errors contribute to this annual loss despite the fact that errors could fraud awareness be honest well being care billing mistakes. However, a pattern of errors committed by a physician or provider could probably be thought of a pink flag of potential fraud or abuse if not corrected.
Article Detect and prevent banking software fraud Credit fraud often begins with a falsified utility. That’s why it’s necessary to make use of analytics beginning on the entrance level. Learn how analytics and machine learning can detect fraud at the point of utility by recognizing the most important problem – artificial identities. Rather, it’s an ongoing cycle involving monitoring, detection, choices, case administration and learning to feed improvements in detection back into the system. Organizations should strive to continually be taught from incidents of fraud and incorporate the results into future monitoring and detection processes. Iress will examine all situations of precise, attempted and suspected fraud dedicated by these people and can, where acceptable, work with the native regulation enforcement agency to research acts of fraud.
Implement and comply with particular fraud reporting mechanisms, providing ways for workers, contractors, and stakeholders to report suspicious actions. Join our community of anti-fraud professionals who struggle to uncover and stop fraud and corruption internationally. SAS analytics solutions rework information into intelligence, inspiring clients all over the world to make daring new discoveries that drive progress. Businesses and governments alike have embraced technologies like knowledge visualization and artificial intelligence to significantly cut back and even stop the economical and reputational repercussions of fraud. Analysts and investigators work collectively to break down siloes, rating and prioritize alerts primarily based on severity, then route high-priority alerts for more in-depth evaluation. Continually monitor transactions, social networks, high-risk anomalies, etc., and apply behavioral analytics to allow real-time decision making.
As in lots of circumstances, your safety awareness campaigns generate social platforms which facilitate and encourage communal talks about efficient fraud prevention and detection. Frame this year’s Fraud Prevention Month within your general ISA initiative to supply social context to cybersecurity, thus inspiring employees to turn into safety champions. The first a part of strengthening inside controls involves changing the angle some employees have in the path of auditors. Fraud detection and prevention is decided by numerous factors — none extra important than ideas from employees. However, that is efficient only when employees know what to search for. Therefore, to optimize your organization’s worker fraud tip reporting, it is essential to have a robust awareness coaching program in place.
See how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the level of fraud and the way organizations are tackling it. Testimonials of two convicted fraudsters the ACFE has interviewed over the years, sharing their sides of the crime and providing perception into the loopholes they consider made fraud easier to commit. Transforming predictive data analytics to mitigate fraud and abuse. Attending the coaching occasion earns you four Continuing Professional Education credit. It prices $25 for both members and non-members and might be held in-person in Baltimore in addition to nearly. Hailey Windham, Financial Crimes Investigations Officer at SAFE Federal Credit Union, is hoping Fraud Week and fraud preventing, generally, turns into a a lot bigger movement throughout the state of South Carolina.
Fraud prevention is a complex idea to implement because fraudulent actions may be committed by anyone and are often committed by your most trusted workers that occupy excessive positions within accounting, upper management, and sales. On average, it takes greater than a year to detect fraud, costing corporations $8,300 per month per prevalence. LCH – Clearing Multi-asset class clearing companies and post-trade solutions, to strengthen your risk administration and drive efficiencies. London Stock Exchange – Capital Markets The world’s most worldwide change, connecting the owners and users of capital by way of world-class venues and infrastructure. Refinitiv – Data & Analytics One of the world's leading providers of monetary information and analytics, with unmatched breadth and depth.
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