#GV Fest
icbmil · 9 months
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Matty & Ross July 21st 2023
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leah-jeffries · 1 year
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incamminoblog · 1 month
Don Paolo Zamengo"È Pasqua: Gesù è risorto"  Gv 20, 1-9
DOMENICA DI PASQUA «RISURREZIONE DEL SIGNORE» Alla Messa del giorno Dal Vangelo secondo Giovanni 20, 1-9 La festa che oggi celebriamo dà origine a tutte le feste, dàorigine alla possibilità stessa di fare festa. La Pasqua non èsoltanto una tra le tante altre feste, una un poco piùsolenne. Senza la Pasqua viene meno il senso del fare festaperché senza la Pasqua tutto viene aggredito nel…
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Hey come read up on some Steam Next Fest games I tried out
I do genuinely like Next fest, it's nice to see a bunch of indie stuff put front and center for awhile and try out all the fun demos. Naturally, I gave some a spin, here are some thoughts.
Virtua Unlimited Project is very much a love letter to the Mega Man Zero series. The translation leaves much to be desired, which is a shame because I feel like it's going to turn a lot of people away from what is otherwise one of the best-feeling Zero-likes to date. You got your dash, your wall hope, a buster and a sword, but added into the mix are a neat drop kick you can use to bound off enemies. Also gaining a boss's EX weapon regardless of your rank, something the Zero series really could've benefited from. The overall moveset, as a result, leads itself into a ton of neat, fun, and tight interactions in the moment-to-moment. No really, I can't say it enough. Even Gunvolt's physics didn't feel this much like playing Mega Man Zero again. It's clear the devs really loved that game and did their utmost to recapture the essential feeling of it all.
Pepper Grinder - It's what I've come to expect from Devolver-backed games at this point. A nice, single-minded experience that tries to get the most out of an idea. I'm a big fan of the Wario Land games, so I really love moving about and ransacking the stage to get all of Pepper's treasure back. That's great, top-tier motivation for a little drill gremlin girl. The earth-swimming with your drill really toes the line between chaotic and controlled. A sweet spot that asks you for mastery, I think. It's a lot of fun, I love when a game is super intent on getting the most out of one mechanic.
Umbra Claw - Hey remember when I mentioned Gunvolt up there? Inti Creates dragged me into their works with GV and Blaster Master Zero, but lately I feel all their frenetic action has become... Slow and clunky. Look, I broker no joy in being harsh on a creative work but our friend Kuon, the cat, feels so very off to control. I mean even with all of their powers in place, there's no real flow state like the other games where you're constantly moving and reading your foe. I don't feel feline fast at all and it's just kind of disheartening.
Toree Saturn - The bird is BACK(pack). They took Toree's run and gave him a butt slam that sends him careening forward. And for good measure added a homing attack. All of this comes together to make a barely-controllable bird that rockets through stages, gobbling up stars and flying high over pits. Really glad to see Toree return, I'm really a huge fan of these bite-sized 3D collectathons. Toree, Kiwi 64, Lunistice in particular is something of a comfort game. It's relaxing to be able to complete an entire little experience with nice movement in a few hours at the end of the day.
Death of a Wish - Play Lucah: Born of a Dream. Play Lucah: Born of a Dream. Play Lucah: Born of a Dream. Play Lucah: Born of a Dream. Play Lucah: Born of a Dream. Play Lucah: Born of a Dream. Play Lucah: Born of a Dream. Play Lucah: Born of a Dream. Play Lucah: Born of a Dream. Play Lucah: Born of a Dream.
(I am so FUCKING normal about Born of a Dream and Death of a Wish. Born of a Dream obsessed me until I got every single achievement, and Death of a Wish, the sequel, plays just like Lucah but with enough tweaks to give combat a whole new feel. I love the new character portraits for everyone and the scratchy, sketchy style that permeates everything. I love the consistent battle against guilt to find your own expression. I fucking love fighting off the Nightmares that seek to drag you down, becoming better than this burdensome fate bestowed to you.)
Geometry Survivor - Looks like they made Geometry Wars into a VS clone. Neat. I guess I can argue all day whether VS clones are hitting saturation but the answer is I don't really mind. I like a good 20-30 minute bullet heaven experience, it's really relaxing. And more just means there's an aesthetic out there for me. This was... not that, but I don't think it's the game's fault. I ran into a graphical glitch that spun a neon-magenta polygon across the entire screen at incredible speeds and immediately vomited. I am... Very highly photosensitive. Like severely, so that hard-stopped me. But I implore anyone who likes VS to give it a go.
Shield Knight - I just... Kinda wasn't feeling this one I think. It seems to involve a lot of waiting to get the one type of attack you can parry to spawn. Also the colors are a little too desaturated for me to personally keep track of easily. Light sources tend to blend things so I tend to need contrast. I love the core idea, a knight who can only parry, but it needs just a touch more oomph in what can be turned back at your foes. There's probably a powerup somewhere to do just that, and I might go back to see.
The Land Beneath Us - Radical. It's a roguelike in a truer sense of the word, with turn-based movement on a grid. This one is much more in line with space-dancing, though. You can see the enemies' attacks at all times, and you're expected to be out of the way before they land true. If you're like me you probably find standing still, repeated tapping into an enemy to be a huge grind, but here it's more a matter of managing your position. Each turn is a little puzzle, and that's without getting into its main element. You may assign one weapon to each cardinal direction. You must do so, even, and then it's just.. there. You have to come up with a build and think sincerely about how to arrange it and approach enemies. It's great, anything that can keep me thinking and on my toes is a win in my book, ever since Necrodancer.
Alright that's it, go play some video game demos.
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philoblog · 5 months
Zentrale Konzepte in Rousseaus Gesellschaftsvertrag
In seinem Buch stellt sich Rousseau die Frage nach der Natürlichkeit einerseits und der Rechtmäßigkeit andererseits von Macht. Klar scheint dabei das massive Freiheitsverständnis, das Rousseaus Abhandlung durchdringt: "Auf seine Freiheit verzichten heißt auf eine Eigenschaft als Mensch, auf seine Menschenrechte, sogar auf seine Pflichten verzichten." GV, 11. Fest steht dabei auch, dass Kriege nicht zwischen Menschen, sondern nur zwischen Staaten passieren können, sodass auch nur diese zu Feinden werden können. Rousseau betont hier die Funktion des Menschen als Soldaten und ihre Abstraktion von der eigentlichen Menschlichkeit in diesem Zusammenhang. Worin liegt aber der eigentliche Punkt, auf den Rousseau im Gesellschaftsvertrag hinaus will? Es ist die Gemeinsamkeit aller, die unter dem Leitbegriff des Gemeinwillens unter einen Hut gebracht werden. Unter dieser Art von Staat versammeln sich alle, und alle gehen in diesem Staat auf. Und zugleich ist es ein demokratischer Staat, in dem wie in der Polis so viele Stimmen wie Mitglieder existieren, jede Stimme gleich zählt. So trifft es auch das Fazit des Ersten Buches auf den Punkt: Demnach wird das Ziel der Gleichheit dadurch erreicht, dass die natürliche Gleichheit ersetzt wird durch Sitte und Recht, dass die physische Ungleichheit durch Vertrag und Recht aufgehoben wird. Unterschiede in Stärke und Begabung, so Rousseau weiter, sollen durch den Vertrag also beseitigt werden.
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jessmenace · 11 months
Just Like Heaven @ Brookside at the Rose Bowl 05/13/23
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I had been super curious/intrigued by this fest when I'd first heard about it for a couple reasons -- 1. it was slated to take place at a venue a mile from my place (here's hoping they use this venue for more and more shows!!) and 2. the lineup was filled with indie artists I hadn't explored in at least the last 5 years.
Empire of the Sun - I was definitely most excited to see EOTS, since they put on one of my top 5 favorite Coachella sets in recent memory. honestly, I do think I liked the Coachella set more since it was in the old Sahara tent and during the night time. there was something so cozy and ethereal about that set that I couldn't really get out in the open and during the afternoon here. BUT - they DID smartly drop Walking on a Dream RIGHT as the sun set... which WAS a dream.
MGMT - the PEAKEST of peak indie sleaze. hearing Time to Pretend and Kids (the ringtone on my pre-iphone touchscreen in 2009 btw) live was like walking out of a time machine in red flannel and american apparel metallic shorts. however will have to say that after I left halfway to catch M83, my friends said the set went downhill.
M83 - this. was. transcendental. I really didn't want to like it after the whole fiasco where the lead singer said he hated EDM fans, BUT I'll separate the art from the artist (or whatever they say!) ... only for you, Midnight City!
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - will admit I'm a basic b when it comes to indie and the only YYYs I was familiar with was Heads Will Roll (thank you Atrak and every trap set ever LOL) - but I still had such a fun time. there's something about hearing Karen O scream things that scratches an itch in my brain.
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all in all, a great fest! easy to wander around and get from place to place, and fairly well organized. nothing less expected from a GV festival (curse their greed but bless their experience...). a bit pricey so would have to reconsider for next year. overall - a fun time!! would give the night an 8/10 ♡
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amicidomenicani · 1 year
Quesito Buonasera padre Angelo, le vorrei chiedere due cose: - che cosa significa che nostro Signore è il Dio vivente? - che cosa è il sigillo del Dio vivente? Cordiali saluti E di nuovo tanti auguri di buone feste  Risposta del sacerdote Carissimo, 1. nella Sacra Scrittura talvolta Dio viene presentato con l'aggettivo di vivente. Come nel caso della risposta che San Pietro ha dato a Gesù quando gli ha detto: “Tu sei il Cristo, il Figlio del Dio vivente” (Mt 16,16). 2. Qui San Pietro riconosce Gesù come il Messia (Cristo infatti significa Messia). Un Messia che non è semplicemente un grande uomo ma è il Figlio di Dio. Da notare l'articolo "il" Figlio di Dio. Con questo si vuole dire che non si tratta di un figlio adottivo qualunque, ma del Figlio unico di Dio, della medesima natura divina, la seconda persona della Santissima Trinità. Lo riconosce pertanto come Figlio di Dio nel medesimo modo in cui l'avevano inteso gli ebrei che, proprio per questo, lo accusavano dicendo: “Non ti lapidiamo per un'opera buona, ma per una bestemmia, perché tu, che sei uomo, ti fai Dio" (Gv 10,33). 3. San Pietro proclama Gesù "Figlio del Dio vivente”. San Tommaso commenta: “Dice vivente per escludere l'errore dei pagani che dicevano dèi certi uomini morti, come Giove...  come si legge in Sap 13,2: “Così pure alcuni dicevano dèi gli elementi e le altre cose morte, come la terra, il fuoco ecc….. Ma bisogna sapere che quando si dice Dio vivente, e uomo vivente, dell'uomo lo si dice per la partecipazione della vita, di Dio invece perché è la sorgente della vita, come si legge nel salmo 35,10: “È in te la sorgente della vita" e anche in Giovanni 14,6: “Io sono la via la verità e la vita"” (Commento a Matteo 16,16). 4. Si parla del sigillo del Dio vivente nell’Apocalisse: “E vidi salire dall'oriente un altro angelo, con il sigillo del Dio vivente” (Ap 7,2). Il biblista Alfred Wikenhauser commenta: “Dobbiamo rappresentarci questo sigillo che l'angelo tiene in mano come un anello sul tipo di quelli che portavano i signori orientali.  Impresso su un oggetto o solo un uomo, fosse egli uno schiavo o un adoratore di una divinità, il sigillo equivaleva a una prestazione di appartenenza. L'impressione del sigillo, dunque, vuole indicare che gli eletti sono proprietà di Dio, posti sotto la sua efficace protezione. A questo sigillo di Dio si contrappone la cicatrice che gli adoratori della bestia portano sulla fronte e sulla mano destra (Ap 13,16). L'impressione del sigillo ha un precedente in Ezechiele 9,1 dove si legge che gli angeli sterminatori devono per ordine di Dio risparmiare gli uomini pii, sulla fronte dei quali è stato scritto da un angelo il segno della lettera t (tau).  Il sigillo divino non vuole però proteggere i fedeli dai mali fisici, perché in tal caso sarebbe stato impresso già prima che avesse inizio all'apertura del libro; esso non intende nemmeno essere una difesa dalle persecuzioni e del martirio: infatti le tribolazioni che si annunciano faranno altri martiri…  L'impressione del sigillo non può nemmeno avere lo scopo di preservare i cristiani dalla caduta. Ad essi, dunque, non sarà risparmiata la prova della fede; solo, ricevono la promessa che Cristo chiamerà il vittorioso a prendere parte alla sua gloria celeste. Il sigillo così apposto dunque significa solo che, quando le forze umane verranno meno, Dio darà ai suoi servi fedeli un'energia soprannaturale perché perseverino sino alla morte; esso varrà in pari tempo a preservarli dal giudizio punitivo che colpirà i malvagi” (L'Apocalisse di Giovanni, pp. 97-98).   Con l'augurio che anche tu possa ricevere il sigillo del Dio vivente e che possa fruire di quell’energia soprannaturale che ti dà forza per riuscire vittorioso in ogni tribolazione, ti benedico e ti ricordo nella preghiera.  Padre Angelo
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loverofpiggies · 5 years
Slight chance I might run out of GV updates in a few weeks!
Okay so here is the deal goin on right now! I am about to run into one of my busiest months of the year. I am going to be doing Phoenix Comic Con (Or Phoenix Fan Fest now?), Denver Comic Con, and Indypop con, back to back. Phoenix and Denver are two of my biggest shows of the entire year, and I’ve been stocking like crazy to get prepped for it. On top of that, I’m working out some things with the kickstarter still. I’ve had to edit and re-edit the pages I sent to my publisher, and that took a lot of time. On top of that, the Kickstarter did well enough that I’m going to be throwing the extra earnings into also printing Volume 3 (The more books I can get in bulk, the better, AND I could finally start knocking down the prices from like 40 bucks, to hopefully 25 or 20) so I’m working on editing Volume 1 AND Volume 3 for mass printing. Plus, as a little add-on, I am working on Volume 4′s cover, and until I get enough money to print-in-bulk that too, I’ll be printing Volume 4 through my local printer. Phoenix comic con is a 4 day show, and immediately after I have to fly back on a Monday, and scramble to get stock re-done in two days before I head over to Denver- and then once Denver is over, I have 3 days before my flight to Indiana. It is GENUINE chaos. I’m really good about getting updates planned up to a month in advance. @zephyrinx and @fuzzykeldeo are awesome about getting pages to me on time, but I still edit all the backgrounds, text, and throw everything into all the queues, and I’ve barely had time for that.
This Monday I was planning to go to a cafe and knock out like 4 more pages to try and have myself prepared all through these shows, and although I have my AWESOME NEW SURFACE PRO FOR WORK I’m scared to bring it through TSA in case it gets stolen. It happened to a friend, unfortunately. And I haven’t been approved for my TSA-pre yet, so I wouldn’t be required to take stuff out of my backpack in the airport. I dunno, a lot is about to happen for 3 weeks straight, and GV just. Blah. I wish I could just work on comics sometimes, but I do love selling at cons and they fund my passion, so! Anyway. I SHOULD be able to scramble last minute and get all the pages done that need to be? But. Just in case, I want to warn you in advance.
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icbmil · 9 months
Matty’s speech + Ross kiss July 21st 2023 (x)
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impala-dreamer · 4 years
GV is amazing and angsty and one of the best series ever...with the exception of the angst fest of Rebekah and Michael that is The Chosen.
😊 thank you so much 💖
I...may...be tinkering with some Chosen ideas...so stay tuned for that....
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incamminoblog · 1 year
Paolo De Martino "Dio è un incontro"
Paolo De Martino “Dio è un incontro”
II Domenica del Tempo Ordinario (Anno A)  (15/01/2023) Vangelo: Gv 1,29-34 🏠 Nel giro di poche settimane, per la quarta volta, la liturgia ci mette davanti agli occhi Giovanni il battezzatore. Questa sua nuova apparizione – narrata da una delle prime pagine del quarto Vangelo – ci viene presentata all’inizio del “tempo ordinario”.Finite le grandi feste del Natale, il nuovo tempo che la Chiesa…
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Comfort Teltudlejning - Er din komplette partner når du skal holde fest, fødselsdage eller bryllup. Vi står for serviceudlejning. Leje af flotte hvide festtelte, service, borde/stole, fadøl, sluschice, softice, jukeboks og meget mere. Comfort Teltudlejning Hejreskovvej 15A, 3490 Kvistgård XGX2+GV Kvistgård, Helsingør +45 49 20 18 00 https://comfortteltudlejning.dk Facebook Google Maps Youtube Twitter
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kdjonesmtb · 5 years
What do u do when there’s nothing left... Click the highlight link “SONIC TWIN” to hear full song #synth wave #darkwave #livestream #followers #video #indie #indie music #electric #electronic @expansive_sound_experiments @rolandaira @roland_us @Moog synthesizers @arturia_official @bandcamp @soundcloud @fanburst @kickstarter #electronica #electropunk #punk #punkrock #riotgrrrl #spokenword #hiphop #rap #rave #livemusic #livemusic #concert #trap #trance #alternative #grunge #indie #indieartist @roland_us #grunge #hiphop #fest #scfirst @cloutacademy @teenageengineering #G$E 0 https://www.instagram.com/p/B0-sgVTn-Gv/?igshid=cxbj4c6qbq8p
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cdlistening · 2 years
Peter Rehberg, 'Works For GV: 2004-2008' CD (Editions Mego)
Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 11:21am (full listen)
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Half-distractedly listened to this while answering a bunch of emails, and having little experience with the late PR aside from him being one third of Fenn O'Berg, and the man behind the great Editions Mego label. I am not familiar with his solo guise, Pita, and I don't even know what it purports to sound like, and (from what I recall) Fenn O'Berg was a wet & wild sample-fest that hardly makes individual contributions easy to distinguish or even relevant, so I have no idea where this fits into PR's world, I just know that these were pieces made in collaboration with someone else, maybe a filmmaker or artist or something. But, the music, mostly electronic - sometimes somewhat harsh - was not particularly noteworthy (at least with the intent given and in my particular frame of mind this morning), and it contained at times snippets of text being read, all of which made me think it would be better appreciated in its fuller collaborative, multimedia context; but, I do dig that discs like this exist.
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izatrini · 3 years
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GV @ The Savannah Fest, Trinidad, Gloria Estefan, Global Horns & New Releases - KMUW http://dlvr.it/S6bzH5
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