#Gabriel Angelos
darkvolt · 1 month
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Took longer than I anticipated, but I finally got him finished. Captain Gabriel Angelos, of the Blood Ravens and the Dawn of War Videogames.
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Started with a Tartarus Terminator, with thewelds on the left leg, extended the torso a slight bit, and bulked out the shoulders. with the sargent bits to have the greenstuff grab on the ornaments. found a fitting head in my bits, and cut in the scar. the hands are from the grey Knight Terminators. And I think the Thunderhammer head is from the Deathcompany Blood Angels? I dont quite remember. but in the end it was clad in a 0,5mm cheed of plastic card to bulk out the shape before adding the greenstuff. In the end, Painting was just one day out of the month's sculpting, and letting the epoxy set to not squish the details.
Glad it's done. simply because I cant find anything else to do on this one.
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wh40kartwork · 1 year
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Gabriel Angelos
by Boris Tsui
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titanomancy · 1 year
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It should come as no surprise that with the release of X Edition and updates to the Terminators and Sternguard Veterans imminent, that those kits are being discontinued - and the classic plastic Dreadnought, while venerable in its own right, has been duplicative of the Venerable Dreadnought kit for a decade already.
But it’s notable that so many Forge World kits, especially those unlikely to be converted to plastic, are going away. Hector Rex and Solomon Lok are noteworthy departures, although I feel like they’ve been discontinued before and seem to keep turning up. The Imperial Inquisition’s chief weapon is surprise.
Ditto, the Minotaurs chapter command - although if you feel very strongly about Spartan-themed Space Marines, perfectly serviceable .STLs aren’t hard to find. Asterion Moloc is unlikely to canonically cross the Rubicon Primaris, but there’s a Gravis Captain version up on Cults right now if you can manage to figure out the legally distinct keywords it’s tagged with.
I don’t think it’s entirely outside the realm of possibility that the Vendetta conversion kit will just be incorporated into an upgrade sprue the next time the Valkyrie is repackaged, though. Likewise, the Chaos flyers are better candidates than most for incorporation into either the mainline 40k or Horus Heresy range in exactly the same way that the Valkyrie, itself, was.
But like the Nurgle Plague Hulk in its day, I don’t think we’ll see many of these again... so act now, for fear of missing out!
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garfunclegaming · 2 years
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"He who stands with me shall be my brother."
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eliavraay · 2 years
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My best try to make Captain Gabriel Angelos of the Blood Ravens. I descided to make his pre-hammer version from the beginning of Dawn of War 1.
First: Because that’s how i first loved Gabriell as he introduced me to Warhammer.
Second: I just don’t have the money to buy a whole Grey Knight set and scrap the rest just for the hammer. T.T This is basically a Primaris Captain modell, with a head borrowed from another set. I still like how it turned out, i hope you will too!
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corvusalbus93 · 1 year
Incorrect Dawn Of War Quotes
Sindri: I’m gonna need a human skull and I can't have you ask any questions why.
Bale: Only if you also don't ask why.
Bale(Pulls out 7 pristine human skulls): Take your pick.
Sindri: This one is fine
Angelos: Am I going too far?
Toth: No, no, no. You went too far about seven hours ago. Now you're going to prison.
Sindri: Sorry I’m late... I was... doing things.
*Sounds of running footsteps progressively getting louder*
Toth: Don't worry, I got a plan.
Angelos: Alright.
Toth: TraitorSayWhat?
Isador: Excuse me?
Toth: What?
Toth: No wait-
Bale: *Gets down on one knee*
Sindri: Oh my god, it’s finally happening.
Bale: *Falls over*
Sindri: The poison is kicking in.
Macha: How's the sexiest person here~?
Angelos: I don't know, how are you~?
Macha (flustered): I-
Isador (from across the room): I'm doing great, thanks!
Bale: Okay, help me please!
Sindri: Got two words for you.
Bale: I bet they won't be helpful.
Sindri: Your problem.
Bale: I was right
Angelos: Isador, stop! This isn't you, you've gone mad with power!
Isador: Well of course I have.
Isador: Have you ever tried going mad without power?
Isador: It's boring.
Sindri: Cases of actual demonic possession are rare, despite what the False God and his propaganda machine would have you believe.
Eliphas (standing with his back turned): I’ve been expecting you, Captain Thule.
Thule: How did you do that without turning around?
Eliphas: ... To be perfectly honest, the first couple of people I did that to were not you.
Cyrus: I want it on record that I think this is a terrible plan.
Boreal: Duly noted and disregarded.
Boreal: Since certain people around here may not see how brilliant my plan is, they’re going to need to be…
Cyrus: Convinced?
Boreal: I’m sorry, did you say “incapacitated”?
Boreal: Okay. I get it. You've had a really hard time lately, you're stressed out, five companies died-
Cyrus: Three, actually.
Boreal: Not the point. Look, they're dead now and really whose fault is that?
Cyrus: Yours!
Boreal: That's right: no one's.
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shellderbeast · 2 years
TLRH Extract - Blood Ravens
Something that readers of Crimson Brids and Golden Felines wouldn’t see/realise is that my main Mittens + OC fic has a HUGE amount of extra content on the other happenings of the galaxy while the dynamic duo are on their road trip.
As such, I’ve decided to post a couple of extracts for people to read (and hopefully enjoy, because I like writing about things that aren’t Mittens too <3)
Extract from Chapter 30: The End of the Road
 Somewhere in the Warp, Blood Raven's Battle-Barge, Litany of Fury
“You knock.”
“You do it if you’re so sure.”
“Rack off. I’m not the one that found the bloody collection.”
“It was your suggestion that we ask him about it!”
“I was kidding! I didn’t think you’d actually go through with it.”
Before either of the marines could say anything else, the door they had been arguing in front of opened abruptly, revealing their dangerously annoyed looking Chapter Master, Gabriel Angelos.
His gaze was piercing as they straightened up nervously before him, trying not to wince at the dark tone he addressed them with.
“You have five seconds to tell me what is so important that you would stand outside my quarters squabbling like children.”
Techmarine Martellus allowed himself the briefest of glances at his brother, Apothecary Gordian, before swallowing hard and holding out the inconspicuously bland beige folder to his Chapter Master.
“F-Forgive us, Chapter Master. We err…were made aware that these rather…vivid sketches were caught up in one of the books in the library. Annnddd we thought it would be best to hand them into you. So you could decide what to do with them, I mean…”
Admirably, Lord Gabriel’s face didn’t even twitch as he opened the folder and glanced at the stash of images that were neatly stored there. “I see.”
The tension of the moment got too much for Gordian, who blurted out in his pitched voice, “While knowledge is power sir, we want you to know we came straight here too. I mean, not power for us, that would be blackmail. But we wouldn’t do that, of course.”
“What he meant to say was that no one else saw these, sir,” Martellus added hurriedly, glaring at his brother for his lapse. “And we saw nothing either.”
“Yes! That’s what I meant. We aren’t even here are we, Marty?”
“Nope, can’t even remember seeing the Chapter Master today.”
They fell into an awkward silence as their iron haired leader closed the folder and remarked drily, “If you’re both done convincing me that you most certainly saw nothing, then you are excused.”
Knowing that that statement was as close as they would get to a polite thanks and a confirmation of their suspicions, both Ravens saluted the Chapter Master before hurrying off.
Returning to his room and shutting the door firmly, Gabriel mentally recited a list of all the major cities from his destroyed homeworld of Cyrene to calm himself. Once he had quelled the urge to punch a wall repeatedly, he shifted over to the wall vault near his desk and retrieved a small, inconspicuous black jewellery box that was only slightly dwarfed in his armoured hands.
He settled down at his desk, shuffling papers to the side and freeing one gloved hand with a soft hiss of hydraulics. His hand looked paler against the dark alien grains as he flipped open the box, revealing a stunning opalescent stone and an elegant inscription on the inside of the lid, marked in both High Gothic…and Eldar script.
Running his fingers lightly over the shimmering stone, he murmured the necessary words to activate the delicate device and sat back to wait.
Not even five minutes later, a moderately sized screen of holographic light appeared above the stone and a decidedly dishevelled woman’s face floated before him. Her long brunette hair was hastily pulled back behind a simple head piece and her pale grey eyes looked a little more tired than usual, but mostly, they were full of concern.
Farseer Macha of the Craftworld Ulthwé spoke the Imperial language with a lyrical tone as she asked quickly, “Gabriel? What’s happened? Did your marines find the…?”
“Not as yet, but I’ve got a rather tenacious individual running that particular operation now. With any luck, he’ll find a way to get in there.”
“That news is encouraging…but what is the purpose for the call?” she enquired, her voice taking on a faint note of velvety teasing as she raised one slender eyebrow. “Or…is it a social one? Because you’ll have to be rather impressive to alleviate the fact you awoke me in the middle of the night…”
Gabriel found it astounding that he could keep a straight face in front of his men, but the minute this female started speaking, suddenly his face would begin twitching ever so slightly.
Taking a breath, he pulled one of the sketches free from the folder and held it up for her to see. The speed at which her expression went from sultry to shock would have been amusing under different circumstances, but alas, these were not such a time.
“W-What are those?!” Macha spluttered, her eyes widening in horror and a faint redness appearing on her cheeks. “Did you draw that?”
A strangled choking noise escaped him as he exclaimed awkwardly, “Of course not! These are…much cruder than what I’ve ever drawn…”
“Then who did…” Now her expression was shifting to one that had the ability to inspire either intense concern (certainly never actual fear…) or a more arousing type of encouragement depending on the situation.
“By Khaine’s burning liver, I am going to KILL Taldeer and Ronahn this time! Those evil wretched twins! Ergh!”
“I did wonder whether it was them again, after the last prank a few weeks ago,” he commented, watching as her form zoomed out from the screen and revealing the very flimsy over robes she was wearing as she paced back and forth furiously. The deep green silks complimented her rich hair nicely, although he doubted telling her so would calm her from the enraged state she was now in.
“She still won’t let go of what happened on Kronus! Even though I’ve told her time and time again that if she had just listened to myself and Eldrad, perhaps she wouldn’t be dead and living as a Wraithknight now!”
“To be fair, my men and I were ultimately responsible for her death, despite our attempts not to do so.”
“That’s beside the point! She wouldn’t be dead in the first place if she had listened! She completely ignored her own dreams of foresight and acted like some, some arrogant pig-headed mon-keigh blundering carelessly through crystal garden!” she ranted, only to stop abruptly at her last words and she added hastily, “No offense to you, of course.”
“None taken, although I would point out that many species can display those traits,” he pointed out with a faint crooked smile.
“True, and Taldeer was more arrogant than most, even before she got big headed with leadership…”
Allowing himself a sigh, he slipped the crude but very clearly drawn image of himself and a female Eldar engaging in a rather salacious act back into the folder, intending to burn it right after this call. “I suppose she wouldn’t accept an apology either to cease her malicious activities? I’d rather not deal with anymore dead Astropaths or a rumour mill amongst my men.”
“Ha, you would be lucky to make it past the first word before she took a shot at incinerating you,” Macha replied bitterly, turning back to the screen. Gabriel had to keep his gaze firmly on her eyes and not wandering anywhere else as she asked in sudden curiosity, “Hang on, where did she send them? Is there more than one?”
He held up the folder briefly. “There’s about five sketches. And…well…they ah, weren’t teleported into my quarters, because that would have been too easy…”
“Oh no…where did they appear?”
“In our library, where I suspect more than just the two marines that brought them to me viewed the scandalous and heretical drawings…”
“Isha’s tits,” she groaned, returning to her desk and rubbing her face. “I can only imagine how that conversation went.”
“Rather well if I’m honest. But if we keep having these little…incidents, it’s going to be difficult convincing them wholesale…” Gabriel replied, holding back the strange thought that occurred to him about whether or not he should just…accept it.
But it was an atrocious and silly fantasy, thinking he could publicly…court a xenos, especially an Aeldari, so he forcibly dismissed it as Macha met his gaze again.
“I’ll deal with her as soon as I can,” she promised, looking a little calmer at least. “And I promise I’ll make it up to you the next time we see each other.”
“I appreciate that,” he said, his lips quirking into a more natural smile. Settling back in his chair and deciding to take the time to catch up with her seeing as they were here now, he added slyly, “Perhaps we should take some inspiration from these drawings…and tell Taldeer how much fun they were instead?”
A different kind of warmth bloomed in his chest as she let out a burst of surprised laughter. “Gabriel dear, that is entirely ungentlemanly of you…and I think I will consider that idea as well…”
“Then in that case, we should start looking for ways to reconnect, shouldn’t we?”
Her eyes brightened delightfully as she tilted her head with a fresh sultry smile. “Actually, it’s funny you should say that…”
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toomanyfandoms11 · 8 months
Supernatural Headcanons that I have;
1. Sam Winchester and Matt Murdock def slept together in law school. I do not know the circumstances that led to them meeting and hooking up, I just know in my heart of hearts that it happened
2. Macaque (LMK) Loki (Mcu) Klarion(Dc) and Gabriel (Supernatural) all have immense beef with each other, like none of them can be in the same room without it turning into a death match
3. Dean Winchester and John Constantine are exes
4. The reason that John Constantine has not helped Team Free Will with any of the various apocalypse’s is because ,for the first few he was to busy getting blackout drunk at Lucifer’s ( Lucifer tv) nightclub, and for the rest he just didn’t give a shit
5. Charlie Bradbury (who is not dead) has a uncle and a cousin who live in New Jersey. The uncle is a police commissioner ( ;) ) and the cousin is also a redhead who uses a wheelchair and works at a library ( ;) ) and she taught Charlie everything she knows about computers
6. Gotham is a total no-go-zone for all hunters
7. Dean and Sam once tried to follow a wear wolf case into Gotham, but were spooked out by what they thought was a poltergeist, but was actually robin and batgirl (any of them) playing pranks on them
8. The reason that Sam wanted to be a lawyer was because he watched legally blonde
9. Dean def knows that Red Hood is the second robin back from the dead, but, like, no clue how he died or came back
10. Selina and Bela Talbot are petty rivals
11. Jack Kline once fought Nico di Anglo for a muffin in a dumpster (Jack lost)
12. Kate Argent has a kill-on-sight order for the entire hunting community. Even the more conservative ones fully agree that burning down a house with children inside is a line that you DO NOT cross under any circumstances
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shannara810 · 1 month
Random Lukercy thought I had:
Luke and Percy on vacation without the kids
Luke: I want you sexy and tan on a beach drinking mimosas with me. Child free for three full days.
Percy blushing: That sounds nice. And not very realistic. Honestly who can you trust to watch our devil children for three days without it decending into chaos?
I think Nico and Will were scarred for life after Nemo tried to take over Nico's Coco Pops 😅. And Gabriel is banned from babysitting ever again.
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beautifulsavagegarden · 10 months
So, I saw a post talking about the importance of certain character’s deaths to the narrative and while I do in essence agree, I would argue that there is something important that is also conveyed within these AU’s and I am specifically going to talk about Nicolas surviving, but this could equally be applied to Claudia surviving. 
Nicolas’ turning, his descent into further madness and then his death are hugely influential on Lestat and yes, I agree with the post when they say that it changes Lestat’s worldview and has an impact not just on how he moves in the world but the concern that he had for Louis during his melancholy. The post argued that removing that means the ghost of Nicolas and what happened can’t haunt Lestat and influence his actions. 
If we work on the basis of Nicolas surviving but only with a few people being aware of that until centuries later, Lestat has experienced all of that pain and then he had the fresh pain of discovering that he had been lied to for years and that Nicolas still hates him so much that he cannot bear the thought of Lestat knowing that he is even living and moving around in the world. For my AU where Nicolas survives, the only ones who know are Gabrielle and Armand and just imagine the betrayal of that for Lestat. Not only did Nicolas survive but his parent, the first person he gave the Dark Gift to, knew and didn’t say anything. Not just that though, they also travelled with them for a time and still said nothing. 
In brief conclusion, the event is particularly important yes but that doesn’t mean that we can’t have our cake and eat it, that we can’t have Nicolas survive in an AU that could actually work and still have Lestat be influenced by the same events and emotions. 
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giallofever2 · 2 years
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somethingwithmoles · 1 year
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Corrado Giaquinto, Angelo annunziante, mid-18th century, oil on canvas, 89 x 65 cm, Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
Source: Wikimedia Commons / Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
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briefcasejuice · 2 years
thinking about how nico would react to jason's death
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thebutcher-5 · 23 days
Upgrade (film)
Benvenuti o bentornati sul nostro blog. Nello scorso articolo siamo tornati nel mondo del cinema e più precisamente nell’animazione, parlando dopo tantissimo tempo della Disney e i suoi classici, prendendo in esame una pellicola a cui sono molto affezionato, il loro 42° classico, Lilo & Stitch. Il dottor Jumba viene messo in prigione per aver fatto sperimentazioni genetiche illegali e aver creato…
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dejahisashmom · 5 months
The Archangel Michael
This post is about the archangel Michael. This isn't a comprehensive insight into this particular archangel.
We are going to be discussing the archangel Michael. This is by no means a comprehensive delve into Michael. We may end up editing this one to include more information as it becomes available to us. Thank you very much for your continued support & reading! Enjoy. There are very few actual biblical references to the archangel Micheal. He was found in Jude chapter 9, Daniel 10:13, and verse 21,…
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jem-jam · 5 months
will no longer be reblogging stuff for 'two vamps walk into a' here as i have a blog for it now - if you like the vtm/vampiric aesthetic stuff then i'd head to @twovampswalkintoa.
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