marymary-diva17 · 7 days
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii sweetie!!!
Can I request a mother's day special for mo'at? I know neytiri is like the #1 go to for stuff like this but mo'at needs love to!!
Like, what if the sully family (you can add eytukan if ya like) giving mo'at a day to herself and treated like a queen that she is.
Thank you luv! Have fun writing this! ,💙🩵💙🩵💙🩵💙
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There comes a day when the women in your lives get a day off to relax, and some love for all the work and support they give to their families and people. So that day had finally come after many months of hard work, now it was time to show the women in your lives it time for a day off. The perfect gift to have a day off from their lives, and for them not to be worrying about everything else around them.
y/n, mo'at. and neytiri " ......." the three women are sitting on the couch of the sully family home as they look, at their families after they explain their mother day gift.
Jake " this is the mother day gift well the start of it"
y/n " it very wonderful Jake"
mo'at " very much wanted and enjoyed but please explain more"
Jake " oh yes well you three will have a nice times at the spa , with no calls from work or anything else related to work for this trip time"
neytiri " but what if something comes up that need to be dealt with"
neteyam " we will handle it we already set up some message for text and email, telling everyone you are on some vacations time and will not be able to some time"
kiri " that whatever they need help on or done can be put on hold of offered to someone else to deal with, at the moment"
tuk " we will make sure you three have a good time off"
lo'ak " we been planing this for a while so are going to make, sure you all enjoy this mother day after all you had done for us"
y/n " okay but are you all sure you will be good on your own"
Jake " we will be good honey there no need to worry"
neytiri " okay well mom and sweetie I think we should enjoy our day"
mo'at "yes"
y/n " I will love some time at the spa I ..." you had been cut off when your phone started ringing getting everyone attention. You had picked up the phone.
y/n " oh maybe I should .. " lo'ak had taken the phone out of your hand and soon held it to your ears.
lo'ak " hello I'm sorry to say but y/n l/n- sully is not available at the moment she on vacation, but if there anything you need from her I can take a message ... oh hello uncle norm yes I will tell mama bye"
lo'ak " he wanted to say him and uncle max will take over your lab make sure you projects are attend to while you are gone, he said it was nice I was taking your calls" the families laugh at lo'ak reaction soon the three room had left their rooms, and headed toward the spa area.
Spa time
mo'at " this is a very good time having some time at the spa"
neytiri " yes it this mother these last few months have been, very long and hard"
mo'at " I'm proud of you both for making lives for yourselves and having a family as well"
y/n " thank you mo'at after all you have been doing you also deserve this vacation"
mo'at " thank you I have been thinking about taking retirement" you and mo'at had become quite as you both looked at mo'at as she said towards words.
neytiri " are you serious mother"
mo'at " yes I been working for all these years maybe it time for me enjoy retirement, and use all the money to have some fun and spend it on my grandkids as well"
y/n " that sounds like a good idea"
mo'at " I have been doing so much work maybe it my time to pass down, the touch to you my daughter and the others to take over and have success as well"
neytiri " are you sure mother"
mo'at " yes I'm sure I will spend couple more years or less but I will be there to help you"
neytiri " what will dad have to say about this if was still with us"
mo'at " we had plans to retire together or after each other and travel the world, spending time with our family and friends enjoy time together ... after all we had gone but that day never came he soon left us before they came true"
neytiri " mother you should still do it after all you have done you deserve a official break"
y/n " yes that true mo'at you have us and your grandchildren as well to keep you company and busy"
mo'at " thank you girls" soon neytiri and mo'at looked at you it seems like the spotlight was now on you.
neytiri " have you spoken to them today"
y/n " I made a call sent some cards along with texts but like always they will go unanswered, and the cards will be retuned as well ... it happens every holiday"
mo'at " I thought after all these years they will soon come around, but it seems like they haven't"
y/n " I can't make them see my and life I have now maybe in time they will or maybe not but I have the perfect family here after all"
neytiri " yes the perfect family"
mo'at " perfect as can be the great mother has blessed us"
hostess " ladies we have some snack and drinks for you all to enjoy, for you time here at the spa"
mo'at " we really should treat ourselves I can't let my son in law work and grandkids work go to waste"
y/n " that is true"
neytiri " so true" The three women had enjoyed their day together and getting a treatments fit for queens, Jake and the kids did get a good package deal for them. Once they were gone they head back to where they were staying to spend time with the family, and just to have a good time with them and enjoy the vacation with no worrie about everything else away from where they are staying at the moment.
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i-am-beckyu · 1 year
The Perfect Hill
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII @crimpie I WAS YOUR SECRET SANTA!!! I loved both your prompts so much but this is the one I went with! I really hope you like it ❤️❤️❤️ This was created for the 2022  MCYT G/T Secret Santa under the theme ‘winter wonderland’.  @mcyt-gt-events
cw: fear, death mention (but no actual death), I think that’s it? Its pretty fluffy :3
word count:  3089
Disclaimer! This story is based on the characters of the Dream SMP and not the real life content creators. Anything that occurs in this story is purely fiction and should be treated as such. Thank you.
“Come on George! You’ve got to see this Hill!!” Sapnap said as the hunter trudged through the snow behind him. “It’s perfect for luging down with the sleds!!” 
“Yes Sapnap, I know. You’ve said so like 20 times already.” George said as he tugged his jacket on closer. It wasn’t really fair that his friend, the literal fire born demon hybrid, didn't need to stay rugged up to stay warm. It’s not that he wasn’t accustomed to the cold though as a Hunter. Harsh terrain and cold nights out on long hunts were part of the job, but still. He didn’t like exposing himself to the cold weather when he didn’t have to. But no one else wanted to join Sapnap on his escapade when he returned to the village one day, claiming he found the greatest Hill with the most perfect slope to sled down or ‘luge’ down, as he claimed was the proper term. But it was just too cold for most people and while George had reluctantly agreed, the more Sapnap described the location, the more something felt off about this supposed ‘Hill’. He knew the land better than anyone and well, the Hill Sapnap described, didn’t exist. Not to George’s knowledge anyways.  
“But that’s because it is George!!” Sapnap stated as he adjusted his grip on the sled. “And you’re taking forever to get there!!!”
“Hey you’re literally melting snow as you walk making it easier to get through. Not all of us are walking furnaces!” George remarked as he tried to catch up to his friend. Winter was in full swing now with every night leaving a fresh layer of white powdered snow in its wake. The world a glowing; but cold, Winter wonderland. 
“Oh come on George! Lighten up! It’s not that cold.” Sapnap exclaimed, shoving a jab at the hunters arm.
“Uh huh. Sure it isn’t.” 
After several more minutes of walking, George began to get impatient. They’d been walking for ages and he swears he’d seen that same tree for the 3rd time this trip. “Snapmap, you’re supposed to know where this great Hill is, BEFORE you make someone walk all the way there..” George muttered as he saw the same bush for the 4th time. “If you call me Snapmap again, we're gonna have issues George.” A glaring Sapnap responded as they continued on. “Just saying Sapnap, I swear if we walk past the same ruined portal again for the 5th time I’m going to-”
“THERE IT IS!” George watched as his friend ran to the ‘very real’ Hill that was presented before him. The angle just right to slide down at a controlled speed. No trees in the way, or bulges of snow that could hide potential hidden boulders. Completely flat and smooth from the fresh layer of powdered snow. Just as Sapnap described: The perfect Hill. But something was off about it. George was positive he’d never seen a Hill like this before in all the time he’s been in the area. Not even in the warmer months of Summer could he recall a hill being so bare that snowed over it would look as good as this. But none of George’s inner concerns seemed to phase Sapnap, as his friend began to climb the Hill. 
“Come on George! Hurry up!” Sapnap called as he continued the climb up. George raced to catch up. Panting a little as the icy winds filled his lungs. By the time Geroge finally did catch up to Sapnap, they had reached the top of the Hill. It had quite the view and was just high enough that they could see parts of their home further off in the distance where some of the lower trees stood.
“It’s perfect, isn’t it?” Sapnap turned to George expectedly, a gleam in his eyes.
“Sapnap, don’t you think it’s a little too perfect? I know these woods better than anyone and I swear I’ve never seen this hill before.” Sapnap simply shrugged. 
“You’ve probably just never come through this part of the forest before George.” he replied as he placed the sled down and began to get situated atop of it. “Now come on, get on already. I’ve waited long enough for someone to join me.” 
George wanted to believe Sapnap he really did, but he couldn’t shake the feeling something was wrong. It just didn’t make sense that such a hill like this could just magically exist. He’d seen map after map and couldn’t pin ever seeing this Hill around ever! Or maybe he was just tired and the cold was getting to him? Sometimes he got a little weird when he was tired enough. At least he had the dagger attached to his belt if something was wrong. 
Reluctantly, the Hunter eventually sat down on the sled and the two began their descent. They did a few runs down the slope taking turns on who sat in front. At first, George was able to let his mind relax. It was a good day and Sapnap was right, the Hill was perfect for sledding down. Every run down the hill had been smooth and allowed for them to gain some great speed, but after the fourth run, the little nagging voice in George’s mind started to whisper.
‘Why have there been no bumps on the slope? Why have there been no rocks to avoid coming down? Mother Nature is a wonder, but surely there should be something, anything to cause a rough run of the slope?
It was George’s turn to steer the sled as he and Sapnap boarded the sled once more. But George just couldn’t shake the feelings. Something wasn’t right.
“Sapnap,” George began as he turned to face his friend. “Don’t you think it’s a bit odd that we haven’t had a single ditch or rock to avoid for any of the runs?”
“No, not really.” Sapnap replied. “I mean, I did say this Hill was perfect but now that you mention it, we haven’t had a single bad run yet have we?”
“And you don’t find that strange?” George inquired as he turned to face his friend. “I know these woods Sapnap. I’ve never come across this hill ever and even if I had, no hill is this perfect!”
Sapnap suddenly stood and got off the board moving to position himself in front of George. He then proceeded to crouch down into the snow. “Well if you’re so sure that there’s something wrong about my ‘perfect Hill,” Sapnap said he leaned forward planting a hand in the snow. “Then let’s take a look at it without the snow in the way.” Without a second thought, Sapnap began to melt the icy soft blanket of snow, revealing a very bright green patch of ground. At first glance you’d think it was grass. But George knew better. They were in the middle of December. The season of Winter. Grass was never that green. Curiously, George reached forward to touch the baffling green ground. Although damp from the snow, George recognised the texture. Fabric. And by the feel of it, Jersey knit. 
“It’s a blanket?” George said flatly to Sapnap, confusion evidently painted across his face. 
“Why on earth would someone leave a blanket here?” Sapnap replied. George then tried to pull the blanket up from the ground. However, it did not budge. In fact, it barely lifted from the ground at all. Perhaps too much of the blanket was buried? Clearly also complexed by the odd blanket before them, Sapnap began to melt away more of the snow, revealing more of the green fabric. Why on earth was this thing so big? 
“Maybe if I melt enough of this snow away, we’ll be able to lift it up?” Sapnap said as he melted away another patch of snow. It just didn’t make sense. None of this dumb Hill made sense!!! That feeling of dread George had before began to seep back into consciousness. Why would someone leave a blanket out here? And such a huge one at that! Fabric like this cost a lot of emeralds when trading from villagers and why on this Hill that shouldn’t exist in all its perfectness? Before George’s thoughts could spiral once more, the ground suddenly shifted. And then again. And again. Earthquakes weren’t completely uncommon in the area but this didn’t feel right. 
“Sheesh this blanket is huge!” Sapnap said as he melted another patch of snow away, oblivious to the building tremors. “I could make like 6 giant hoodies with this stuff!”
And then it all clicked. Why he’d never seen this Hill before. How it was so smooth and perfect. Why this green fabric was here and so huge! 
“Sapnap, get on the sled now.” George said as he slid himself slightly towards him. “Oh come on George,” irritation clear in the hybrid's voice as he continued to melt some more snow. Not wanting to waste anymore time, George reached over and grabbed Sapnap, yanking him into the board. “WHAT THE HECK GEORGE??? I JUST WANTED TO GE-“ 
“Sapnap you don’t understand this isn’t a hill!!!” George cut Sapnap off as he got situated on the board. “It’s a flippen AHH!” The sled suddenly lurched forward into motion, nearly throwing the two riders off. The Hill was moving. 
“What the Heck???” Sapnap said as he tried to regain his balance. The Hill suddenly moved again, launching them both back into motion. George gripped the controls of the sled harder trying to steer the sled down the hill on the moving terrain. He turned to the right aiming straight for the tree line at the bottom. If they could just make it into the trees then they could get away. “GEORGE! SLOW DOWN!!!” Sapnap yelled as he latched onto the Hunter in an effort to not be thrown off from the speed and unevenness of moving terrain. But he couldn’t stop! Not when the ground was shaking and they were sledding on top of a sleeping-
“WATCH OUT!!” Sapnap screeched as a wall suddenly appeared before them. Unfortunately, the warning came too late and the two slammed into the upright surface. In fact they slammed so hard that the upright wall was now horizontally flat. 
“Ugh ouch that hurt.” Sapnap dazedly said, rubbing at his head. George pushed himself up on the surprisingly squishy surface. But George didn’t have very long to process because all at once, the ground they were on was moving. George latched onto the closest thing his arms could wrap around and tightly shut his eyes. He felt gravity shift as he was lifted up higher and higher from the ground to his impending doom. He’d heard the urban myths and legends of what was supposedly a terrifying creature living in the woods. A tale to keep young children within the safety of the village walls. But never before had George ever considered the stories true. And he was certainly  not equipped for what would be a losing battle. Warm air suddenly washed over his body. Shakily, he lifted his head and opened his eyes to reveal his worst nightmare. A giant.
Oh and if it couldn’t get any worse, it was looking straight at him. Or we’ll at least it was trying to? Said giant only looked to be half awake. Its green eyes were trying to focus on him but seemed to be covered in a sleepy haze. Wait. Sleepy? Oh. They’d been sledding on a sleeping giant. And they just went and woke it up…
Said giant yawned and rubbed at its eyes. He was still tired and the world felt cold. Too cold. Spring isn’t normally cold? Giants normally slept all through Winter so he wasn’t used to being awake when it was chilly.. At least he had thought to catch whatever it was on him before moving to sit up, but now he was annoyed because he was awake waaaaay too early and cold!  He was acutely aware of the two humans sitting in his hand and had been semi aware they had been crawling all over him in his sleep which normally, wouldn’t be an issue. But he’d started to get really itchy on this one spot on his arm and it was extremely irritating. Irritating enough that he was awake. Great. 
“Ughhhhhhhhh why’d I have to be woken up so early.” The giant exclaimed as it drew out a yawn. 
George froze at the sight of the massive teeth the giant displayed as it yawned. They were too close and this giant sounded annoyed. Not good. 
“And all because of an itch. Like seriously, I’ve slept through blizzard upon blizzard and a dumb itch wakes me up.” The giant said, as it sat up. George watched as the giant then used its free hand to scratch at a spot on its lower arm. The spot on the fabric of what George now recognised as a massive hoodie, was slightly different in colouration. It appeared slightly dryer. That was the spot Sapnap had melted snow on wasn’t it? And the giant was complaining about it. They were dead. Oh so totally dead. George turned to Sapnap, who had the same look of realization on his face. George grabbed Sapnap's wrist and pulled him closer to him, and the edge of the giant's palm. He eyed Sapnap off from him, to the ground, silently communicating what he had planned. They were going to have to jump. There was no way they could fight off a giant. But as the two were about to jump, the giants' other hand appeared and cupped around the other, effectively trapping them both within its grasp.
“Careful.” The giant said, its tone laced with concern. “We wouldn’t want you falling now.” 
Well there goes that idea. What could they possibly do now? 
“Please,” Sapnap said suddenly. “Please don’t hurt us! We didn’t mean to wake you up!” George turned to face his friend. “It's my fault you woke up. I just wanted to luge!” George’s heart panged at the response of his friend. Sapnap had just wanted to go sledding and no doubt felt it was his fault they were in this mess, if the fear and guilt weren’t evidence enough on his face. 
“No. It’s not his fault. It’s mine.” George said, conviction in his voice. He had urged Sapnap to melt the ground. He was the reason he had melted the snow, skeptical of what lay beneath. He’d been right of course, that it wasn’t a hill, but it was still unfair to Sapnap to take the blame. “Sapnap didn’t mean to melt the snow and wake you up! I just didn’t believe you were a real hill we were sledding on, and told him to melt the ice.” George then moved to be in front of Sapnap as he continued. “Please, let him go. You can do whatever you want to me, just don’t hurt Sapnap.”
The giant just stared at the two humans in his hands, its expression changing from one of sleepy concern to confusion. 
“Hurt him?” The giant furrowed its brow. “Oh Prime no I’m not going to hurt either of you!” the giant said. “I knew you were crawling all over me and that’s normal when I go into hibernation for the winter, and sure you woke me up from the itchiness of the heat,” the giant raised George and Sapnap higher to its face to be eye level with it as it spoke. “But that’s no reason to hurt you. I could have been woken by anything. You were just curious, that's all.” Well George collapsed to his knees right there and then, adrenaline leaving him exhausted. He was still wary of what this giant could do, but the assurance that he and Sapnap weren’t going to die was good. 
“You alright there little guy?” The giant said as it lifted a thumb towards George for support. “Yeah yeah, I’m alright.” George said as grasped the giant appendage to help get his bearings. “Oh the name is Dream by the way.” The giant, Dream said. “George and he’s Sapnap.” George replied. “We’re sorry for using you as a sled slope.” Sapnap said to the giant. “It’s just well, snowed over, you really were the perfect Hill.” Sapnap said awkwardly as he fiddled with his shirt. The giant simply threw his head back and laughed before doubling over wheezing.  
“Oh so that’s what you were doing.” Dream said as he tried to compose himself. “Honestly I was so confused about what you were doing by how you moved around, but was too sleepy to worry about it.” George and Sapnap looked at each other before also bursting out laughing. 
“Yeah that must have felt so weird with the sled suddenly racing down your backside, or uh arm. Wherever we were sliding.” George replied as he tried to compose himself. 
“Yeah it’s a shame though. You really were the most perfect bill for luging down.” Sapnap said a tad sheepishly. 
“Well,” Dream began as he searched the ground for something. “I don’t mind if you use me to luge down.” Dream then shifted George and Sapnap into one hand as he used the other to pluck something from the ground. Opening his hand, the giant presented the two with the sled. “You’re welcome to slide down me as often as you like.” Sapnap's face lit up at the notion. 
“For real? You wouldn’t mind?” 
“Not at all! Just, don’t go around melting things on me in my sleep.” Dream said as he winked. 
“Done deal.” George piped up. “And I’ll make sure of it that even in the future, no one lights fires on you while you rest.” 
“I appreciate that George.” Dream replied. “While I don’t mind being used as slope, I’d rather not be woken mid sleep.” Dream laughed. George looked to Sapnap and then to the giant. 
“We will make sure no one knows you’re even here.” He said as he smiled .
And so it went, after that fateful day a tradition of sorts was formed. Every snowy winter season, when the earth was painted white, and the air a chilly ice, Sapnap, George and anyone who wished would journey to the mysterious perfect Hill and have a fun day filled with sledding. And while no one knew what happened to the Hill during the warmer months, George and Sapnap were off exploring the world with their very special friend. A perfect Hill.
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mako-neexu · 1 year
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii im that anon (just call me raynon) that sent the arknighhts/fgo thing and funny how you like Honkai Star Rail bc i do as well :]
anyways stelle "fated to have some kind of glorious fate" meeting ritsuka "was never meant to have this fate". Can you tell i love main characters who are doomed by their narrative.
Hello raynon!!!!! I liked writing the fgo x arknights mini fic xD but i really wished i could have written dr. roman and Doctor conversation!! but im not too confident yet ahaha
But i loved your idea again and decided to give HSR x FGO a go xD so i tried a conversation between Stelle and Gudako!
I'm so sorry for taking so long asdfhjkl i wasnt too sure about stelle's personality since it swings from goofy raccoon, to greedy trailblazer, and to cool girlboss XD
- No matter where she went with Dan Heng and March, for her, the sky, the stars, and her friends had always been a constant relief in her life.
Stelle didn’t really remember much from back then… but Kafka was the only one she truly remembered. A figure close to a mother, now a criminal she and the Express are doing their best to capture.
“So you love the stars too, huh?”
From beside her, Ritsuka leans back, hold folded behind her head. Stelle turns her gaze back at the sky, smiling softly, “I do, but it could get boring and sad real fast though.”
“Mmm, you’re right about that.”
When she looked at Ritsuka, there was something in her eyes that told her of a journey unlike her own Trailblazing one. 
If hers was a journey with the stars, finding out what her purpose and true Path was, then Ritsuka’s own was a descent from the sky, struggling to hold on to that star she had attained long ago.
“Come to think of it,” Ritsuka hums, then turns to her with a mischievous grin, “In terms of when our journey started, I’m your Senpai in ‘this’.”
Stelle groaned, blushing as she was reminded once more of those days when she was just a child, seeing Ritsuka’s face in the television broadcasting other worlds’ conundrums. She did admire her like a fan would to an idol or celebrity, but up close, she realizes how human Ritsuka is. Or perhaps, was.
“So you want me to call you that then?”
The Master bit the inside of her cheek and smiled, “Not really. Just call me Ritsuka.”
Sensing that the title felt kind of personal, she stuck to the request. “Ritsuka, then.”
Silence reigns the atmosphere, though it was comfortable as their surroundings were nothing but the countless stars before them, to Stelle, she felt a little nervous. Especially when she caught Ritsuka’s glance, nothing more than patience in her eyes to encourage the Trailblazer.
“Do you regret it?” She stopped at that.
“I think… if I were in your position I would’ve gone crazy.”
Ritsuka blinks, once, twice, before her words registered, “Ohh, so it's that then. Well, I don’t regret it one bit.”
“You’ve died more than a hundred times though. What seemed to be the end also becomes another ‘beginning’ in your journey.”
“Pfft, I’m still alive and kicking, dude. Weren’t you the one who got stabbed in the heart earlier? That just means I get to see my friends for a little while longer.”
Urk, she’s right… But- “While my… journey seems to be onward to something ‘beautiful’, yours is-”
“-is what?” Ritsuka snapped, taking Stelle aback, “Something doomed? Something awful? Of course I’m doomed from the start. I knew that. But is it awful? It’s not pretty, but there are far too many beautiful things in my life too.”
Ritsuka looked away, pulling her knees under her chin and crossing her arms around her legs, she whispered, “A… friend said that as well. That I’m going down the path of destruction, a path which I was never meant to be put in yet thrusted into.”
And here Stelle was, down the opposite one, a “fated” path that seems so glorious that the light of it might blind her.
“...I’m sorry.”
Ritsuka sadly smiled, something Stelle never would never be able to if she had been in her position, “It’s okay. I’m sorry for snapping back at you as well. You were just concerned.”
The Master reached out, covering her gloved hand with her own, “Just… Even though I have to wade through the blood, I know I’ll be able to find happiness along the way.” Turning to Stelle, she suddenly pulled on her cheek and puffed her own, “As for you! Just because you think it's beautiful doesn’t mean you won’t be encountering challenges near impossible to overcome.”
Stelle pouted from the slight pain of having her cheeks pulled but nevertheless replied, “Thank you… but I really am worried about you.” After all, she’s seen how she has come so far after being in literal years to continue her journey.
Now that the Master had finished not only finished “part one” but “part two” as well, there would surely be more to come… as fate doesn’t want to let her rest just yet.
Ritsuka stilled, and smiled, a happier one compared to the others from earlier, “I’ll be okay. Plus, I’m used to it.”
Despite the darkness of space with its stars, their surroundings seem to be getting lighter… Just as she saw Ritsuka notice it as well, Stelle hummed, “We’re waking up I guess? Or going back to our worlds.”
…Either way, this would be another goodbye. One that she herself wasn’t sure if it would be the last despite the first with the very person she admired from afar.
“Oh, already? That was fast.”
Stelle grimaced, “It was. Do you think I’ll be able to see you again?”
“Here I thought you'd be excited to see the trash cans again.” Ritsuka’s laugh had her blushing and sputtering on the spot. Gah! What the heck? Of course, she’d also know that! 
“Urgh, Ritsuka!”
“I know, I know! I’m sorry!” As her laughter died down, the smile that never quite reached her eyes was back in place, “Still, it was nice meeting you.”
She blushed, averting her eyes from the red-haired’s own, “Same here. But before we go back, just in case we meet again, let’s tell more about our stories to each other.”
That way neither of them wouldn’t forget the other. Whether the Stellaron would swallow her body first or one of Ritsuka’s peril would finally “set her free”, that was up to their fates inscribed in the stars.
Ritsuka faltered, sensing her intentions, before giving her a genuine smile.
“I’d like that, Stelle.”
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pandorxxx · 1 year
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!! HOW WAS YOUR WEEK? Anything exciting happen? Make any new friends?
Heyyy girlyyy, my week was cool! Nothing much really, just work, school, and this😈🔞. New friends? Kinda, I started a new class Wednesday, so I met some new people. You???
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jbarneswilson · 5 months
Forced orgasm pleeeeeease 🙏
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii grace! thank you so much for this ask, my friend!
this one is for a bingo, and as soon as i saw that particular prompt, i knew exactly which universe it should happen in: the kinky mafia au. it’s perfect for those two!
a little background on their universe: james barnes is a wealthy russian… “businessman”, we’ll say, who rules his empire with an iron fist and has a lot of blood on his hands. sarah wilson is a nurse who gets enlisted to help patch him up after an incident. sparks fly at the first meeting and james uses every weapon in his arsenal to make sarah his.
James pulls out his phone, making some excuse about needing to check an email. Sarah gives him a stern look as she cuts off a piece of her cedar plank salmon. He merely stares at her impassively as the buzzing inside her starts pulsing fiercely, overwhelming her for a moment.
Her hand shakes as she brings her fork to her mouth.
pick a wip | send an ask
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derrydeer · 1 year
I’m currently working my way through the og IT book, & i’ve seen the movies (but not the miniseries lol) & i was wondering:
Why’d you hate Ben Hanscom?/gen
I’m not far into the book yet, but i’ve had some stuff spoiled for me (including the orgy scene & Bev & Eddie within that scene, which… No.). So i was curious to hear what you think!
Also wondering ab the complicated relationship w/reddie—more based on their characters or fandom/fanon surrounding them? and if its based on their characters, which iterations/aspects?
I like hearing ppl talk ab their thoughts ab characters lol, but no pressure ask either way. Hope you’re having an okay day, and if not, that your day gets a bit better!
hello! i think my answers are p simple so here we go!
i don’t like Ben because he’s really gross to women in his chapter (he’s 10 and wants to fuck his teacher and librarian?) something about him gives me Freudian vibes. he also just feels like a huge incel. if he didn’t get hot i think he’d be like “it’s women’s fault i’m unhappy and a virgin at 40!” also.. he kept bev’s signature for 27 years in his wallet when he didn’t know who she was lol. he’s just a very uncomfy guy.
my thing with reddie is just like they don’t have a ton of chemistry to me in the movies and the book. they don’t even seem like great friends to each other. a lot of reddie feels forced by the fandom to me (same with my fav ships, don’t get me wrong) but i don’t think Richie and Eddie treat each other as well as they treat others. but that’s just me! and i’ve had some bad experiences with the reddie fandom so maybe i have shit-tinted glasses for them!
and finally, the bev and eddie thing…. it’s just so icky. he tells her no and she forces him, it’s textbook rape even if they’re both kids and she’s a girl. their relationship shouldn’t be made romantic ever imo, even if that’s just in the book. i also see people make her a mother character to him and baby him which is also so weird given eddies relationship with his mother.
hope you liked hearing my thoughts!
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augustsjanes · 1 year
BELOVED BEST FRIEND LOVE OF MY LIFE HELLO <3 you being on tumblr is the greatest thing to ever happen to me. personally <3
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII my favourite person <3 how are you beloved
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the-kings-of-games · 1 year
Hi! Just wanted to say helloooo and that I only recently started shipping Kizuna (I hadn't met Crow yet and I am still on season 1 *sobs*) BUT THEY ARE SO CUTE RAHHHHH I love seeing your stuff pop up on my dash, makes me smile! So yeah- *awkwardly runs away* Ok ok, and I gotta ask a question. Was Kizuna your first-ever ship involving one of the bois or did someone/something change your mind about them??????
ASDAFHLAGDSAFDSAFDSASADRYWASDA I'm so elated to have you in my inbox and to answer reply, @bibookdemon.
Firstly, hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. :D I'm so glad that you ship Kizuna too, omgssssssssss. I've been here so long, and a new Kizunashipper around is just great. (New friend maybe???) I'm always excited to interact with a familiar reader and a Kizuna fan. QwQ Just knowing you exist makes the past three years in rarepair hell worth it. So thank you so much for reading my fics, whether it's a dozen or just one!!! And I'm glad to see you in my notifs tooooooooooo, omgs. \(^3^)/
Second, to answer your question: Kizuna was not my first 5D's ship because as you pointed out, Crow doesn't show up yet until halfway through S1, so my first choice was Kingcrab because I love childhood friends to lovers trope very much. Also, I love their dragons and how much they contrast each other; the details in the character design makes me melt. I love Jack and Yūsei; however, when Crow finally showed, I just went THAT ONE, lmao. My favorite type of characters include tough redheaded characters with happy-go-lucky attitudes who wear headbands (shout out to Lavi Bookman and Kyan Reki!!! And also Kagami Taiga because I love him too!!!)
The thing was though, even when I first saw him and got into him (immensely), I was actually on the fence about adding him with Kingcrab. I think it was because I only had a little experience with polyshipping prior, but the love was growing quickly. My first few Kizuna fics were actually gen. Whatever their relationship is like they are definitely cute and they love each other!
Then I had this epiphany and created the headcanon that Crow is a genderfluid he/him dfab, and then I wrote a Kizuna smut piece and then I wrote ~100 Kizuna fics and now we're here. I dropped through that pipeline fast and hard. That headcanon is my most favorite YGO headcanon, and it really opened a lot of door for exploring Kizuna and their relationship. My Kizuna fics have some of my best writing currently, lmaolololol, because I just wrote so much for them. (When you write a bunch, something is bound to be actually good, you know?) And the thing about that Crow headcanon? People actually like it. :) That makes me super happy.
Though I only have a handful of regular readers, I very much appreciate them all and recognize most of them. ^^ What more, I had two people reach out to me because of my writing, and we became good friends. 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I'm think I'm doing pretty good with Kizuna.
Third, thanks for asking, and for reading my fics!!!! I hope to keep reaching out to people to spread the Kizuna love! I hope to keep seeing you around!! Feel free to come talk to me if you like. I'm also shy, it's okay.
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tellywoodtrash · 2 years
TT!!!!!!!!! How are you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???? I miss you sm omg!!! Got nothing to say just thought I'd remind you of my existence😂😂
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii friend!
No need to miss me, I'm right here! 🤗🤗🤗
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How you been? What have you been upto? Watching anything good lately? 😚😚😚
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pissfizz · 6 months
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hihihihihiiiiiii hello hey hola etc. hihi :3
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papiliotao · 11 months
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII my lovely love <3 hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself!!
i've been a bit busy over the past few days, but i've generally been pretty well! for some reason, i've been extremely sleepy lately, so yeah that's where i've been <//3
other than that, i'm pretty happy because i'll be meeting up with some irl friends this week (hopefully), and even if we don't manage to see each other over the next few days, we'll be going to an anime convention together in july!! i'll be sure to buy some scara prints to hang up all over our wedding venue!!!
anyway, i hope you take care as well <3 love you!!!
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beetlebitties · 2 years
bitties, your beej is a fashion icon, how do u come up with the outfits
i have a PASSION FOR FASSHION!!!!!!!!!! also pinterest
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milgrammoved · 4 years
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retvenkos · 2 years
Hi I am v annoying and we haven't like chatted in a while so I wanted to pop in and ramble honestly idk this is not gonna be structured and say HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII <3 miss you bestie,, sowwy I missed your cym thing (honestly though cym as lines of your writing I would DIE). I have NOT started bridgerton s2 yet… hopefully soon though love like honestly the show is trash but it's MY trash aksjsjsjsj. When you have time you should watch Alice in Borderland cause it's a FANTASTIC J-drama and we're getting s2 this year!!!1!! Do you have a bias of bts yet?? I can't listen to Bastille now without thinking of you if you made me a playlist of songs that remind you of me I would literally kiss you on the mouth hahaha anyways! Miss you lots bestie!! I got a new book the other day and I'm so excited to read it <3 <3 I would love to go to a bookstore with you and buy books and come back and read in each other's laps… eating oranges and almonds like we're in the freaking 19th century akdjsjdj
lindsay my bestie!!!!!! my k-drama enthusiast!!!!! my bookworm extraordinaire!!!!! my wife (no, i will not let you forget - even though i looked it up and i can't gain citizenship in canada based off of marriage status alone, smh)!!!!!!
honestly, this ask ran me over like a lawnmower it's so unhinged, but i love you for it, asdghjhgfdsdfgh.
i hope you get to watch bridgerton s2 soon! i just started episode 3, and i hope to watch more later tonight and this weekend. we'll have to see how it goes, but from what i can tell you spoiler free - i simply missed the shenanigans. so many great characters,,,,, so many perfect dynamics,,,,, so many hilarious lines and occasionally heartfelt moments..... there are definitely times where it is not..... the best show ever, but this season is already sO much fun. i was a little taken aback by the use of a classical version of material girl by madonna,,,,,,,,, it felt like a cover that stuck out more than the others, although, perhaps it's just because of my familiarity, but hey! that's just bridgerton for you <3.
and alice in borderland!!!!!! yes!!!!! i've been meaning to ask you about that - it seems really interesting, and kinda something i want to get into, but i've been told to watch squid games instead by a few friends. i only trust your opinion, though, (esp. since i don't think they've seen alice in borderland?) and which one i should prioritize - alice in borderland or squid games? i'm leaning toward alice in borderland, ngl, but i just know squid games is a Thing™ for a reason,,,,,,,
and as for a bts bias, i'm going to be 100% real with you and tell you i'm still trying to figure out who it's going to be (honestly, i feel like i need to watch interviews with them or something because outside of the context of their music, they're still such an abstract in my mind), but, i have to say i'm leaning toward namjoon. i just think he's neat.
and you associate bastille with me???? that is such a compliment, lindsay, and i have given you lindsaycore bastille songs before (poet? you mean lindsay???) but!!!!!! i must also say you align with pompeii quite nicely. idk what it is exactly, but those vibes just remind me of the vibrancy of you.
and omg,,,,,, watch me make a playlist with songs that remind me of you <3. i have thoughts already,,,,, wait until i put them down in your inbox.
and lindsay!!!!!! what i would give to go to a bookstore with you! we'd have to go to one that's in a shopping center so we can go shop to shop, stopping in the clothing store to try on jackets and dresses we aren't going to buy, browsing through lipglosses at a makeup store and buying overly-priced scented hand lotion, getting specialty ice cream and giggling in bookstores,,,,,,,,, i am yearning.
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anarchistbitch · 2 years
hi hi
never tear us apart is so nice, i like the little build ups it has, i havent watched euphoria but a friend has recomended it to me so maybe i will
my own song rec You & I by Colony House
ugh, about your teacher, why do they think students failing their class means something good about them???? it means theyre SHIT at their job, ive encountered a couple in uni too and theyre literally so fucking annoying, the worst part is that theyre typically regarded as the best teachers by the faculty and its like bitch where??????
anyway, good luck with your finals! im sure youll do great and your teacher can go to hell
i really hope your wishes about her presidency come true, the universe knows this country needs some improvement asap
im a bit of a pessimist by nature lmao but i'll try, not everything can be bad and maybe were all tired bc its 2020 3.0 and its disappointing that were still stuck in this situation bc of people's greed and stupidity, or maybe is seasonal depression or just general late stage capitalism sdsdkljf
how happy i am talking to you is the reason why i set it as an after hw thing, its like come on, come on you know you wanna talk to them
lets go out for dinner to celebrated our engagement 😌😌😌✨✨✨
re: erha, smart!! 2ha is seriously heavy kdsfhsdk but anyways, lighter topics! have you read heesu is class 2??
have a nice day and eat plenty!
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (<- apology for replying late)
You & I is such a nice song!! its one of those songs were its like "oh. this is friendship. this is being in the presence of someone."
my song rec for ya: Violin Tsunami by Kishi Bashi
the teacher was truly,, smth when she said that. shes ususally nice and stuff and ig she was at some breaking point with having classes that didnt show her the actual progress of her students.
ive read somewhere that hope is one of the first steps towards accomplishment (a self help book, pls dont ask😔)
honestly its hard to not be pessimistic in 2020 3.0 but im trying to be optimistic!!!
im making dinner hehe whatchu want :3
i have not read heesu is class 2 but i did see some reels for it so its added to my tbr!!
you have a nice day as well!! stay safe and be healthy!!
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sunflowervol69 · 4 years
WMYB, Summer Love, and Happily 💛💛💛 love you!!!
omg hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii love u right back 😩😩😩
What Makes You Beautiful: Name three things you love about yourself. oh my uhh...try my best at most things...i stay hydrated...i am generous in some ways
Summer Love: Talk about a summer memory. OMG!!!!!!! in my th**tr* geek past me and my friends were u kno drinkin and being silly after a rehearsal and carried a picnic table up a hill so we could use it to get to the roof of my friend’s apartment building and i’m pretty sure that picnic table is still there. and we were NOT able to get to the roof for the record but someone nearly broke their wrist trying to do so. and we didn’t even almost get arrested that time, which we did for most of our other antics <3  
Happily: Name three things that make you happy. 🥺 (you totally would choose these questions btw) and definitely SUNNI BUN i love her so much. my friends and coworkers 😌 and the last one i’m keeping to myself ❤️
won dee asks
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