#High Pressure Fittings
bulokpipe · 6 months
Benefits and Industrial Applications of High Pressure Forged Fittings
Forged fittings have revolutionized various industries, offering unmatched durability and resilience, particularly in high-pressure environments. High pressure fittings are instrumental in providing a seamless connection within complex piping systems, ensuring structural integrity and operational efficiency.
In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the myriad benefits and versatile applications of high-pressure fittings. Moreover, we'll explore the significance of choosing a reputable Forged Fittings Manufacturer to ensure reliability and optimal performance.
High-pressure environments demand components that can withstand extreme conditions without compromising on performance. The efficacy of high-pressure fittings in such settings makes them a cornerstone in industries where safety, durability, and functionality are non-negotiable attributes.
Benefits of High-Pressure Fittings:
Durability: High-pressure fittings are renowned for their robustness and resilience. Crafted from superior materials like stainless steel, high nickel steel, and alloy steel, these fittings exhibit exceptional strength and corrosion resistance.
Dimensional Accuracy: Manufacturers emphasize precise engineering during the forging process, ensuring the fittings meet stringent dimensional specifications. This accuracy is crucial in high-pressure systems to prevent leaks and structural vulnerabilities.
Versatility: These fittings are adaptable to various applications across industries, including oil and gas, petrochemicals, chemical processing, and more. Their versatility makes them indispensable in a multitude of high-pressure scenarios.
Reliability: Their ability to withstand extreme pressure conditions without succumbing to deformation or failure ensures a reliable performance, contributing to the overall safety of the system.
High-End Finishing: High-quality forged fittings boast superior finishing, which not only enhances their appearance but also signifies precision in manufacturing.
Industrial Applications:
The significance of high-pressure fittings spans across an array of industries due to their robust nature and adaptability. Some prominent industrial applications include:
Oil and Gas Industry: Within this sector, high-pressure fittings find extensive use in pipelines, drilling operations, refineries, and distribution systems due to their resilience in handling high-pressure fluids and gases.
Chemical Processing Plants: These fittings play a pivotal role in chemical manufacturing facilities, offering resistance to corrosive substances and sustaining high-pressure conditions.
Petrochemical Industry: High-pressure fittings are crucial components in petrochemical plants, ensuring the safe and efficient transport of petrochemical products through pipelines.
Power Generation: From nuclear plants to conventional power stations, high-pressure fittings facilitate the transmission of high-temperature and high-pressure fluids used in the generation of electricity.
Shipbuilding and Maritime Industry: High-pressure fittings are essential in shipbuilding, ensuring efficient fluid transfer systems for fuel, hydraulics, and other critical applications aboard ships. Their durability and resistance to corrosion make them ideal for maritime environments.
Aerospace and Defense: Aerospace applications demand components capable of withstanding extreme conditions. High-pressure fittings find use in aircraft and defense equipment, supporting hydraulic systems, fuel lines, and other critical connections.
Food and Beverage Industry: In food processing plants, where sanitation and cleanliness are paramount, high-pressure fittings made of stainless steel or other food-grade materials ensure the safe and hygienic transfer of liquids and gases.
Automotive Sector: High-pressure fittings are integral to automotive manufacturing, particularly in hydraulic systems for braking, power steering, and transmission lines, where they provide leak-proof connections and withstand high pressure.
Pharmaceuticals: Precision and reliability are crucial in pharmaceutical manufacturing. High-pressure fittings are employed in cleanroom environments for conveying sterile fluids and gases with stringent adherence to hygiene and safety standards.
Water Treatment and Desalination: Forged fittings are utilized in high-pressure water treatment systems and desalination plants, enabling the efficient transfer of water and other fluids in pressurized environments, ensuring clean and safe drinking water.
Construction and Infrastructure: In large-scale construction projects, high-pressure forged fittings are used in hydraulic systems, pipelines, and structural applications where durability and pressure resistance are vital.
HVAC and Refrigeration Systems: These fittings play a role in HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) and refrigeration systems, managing high-pressure refrigerants and ensuring efficient thermal control in various environments.
In conclusion, the versatility and reliability of high-pressure fittings make them indispensable across a spectrum of industries. Choosing a reputable Forged Fittings Manufacturer is paramount to ensure the procurement of top-notch products that guarantee durability, accuracy, and safety in high-pressure environments. For premium-quality forged fittings and other industrial solutions, consider contacting Bu-LOK, a leading manufacturer committed to delivering excellence in products and services.
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graceprecision · 2 years
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Buy Top Quality High Pressure Fittings - Grace Precision Products
Need Top Quality High Pressure Fittings? Then choose from our wide range of products at Grace Precision Products. Check out this infographic to know more about our services and visit our website to buy this!
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chrisrin · 1 year
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he's been banned from most social media platforms.
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dayurno · 4 months
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ratcandy · 4 months
hi. too shy to send this as who i am, but. i do know you enjoy sozo. a song that i feel might somehow fit him is haunting kind of high by aviators.
hope you have a nice day/night :> just wanted to give the song suggestion
OOUGH This fucks hard I was bopping my head the whole time AnD LYRIC-WISE..... YEAH. YeaH I can see it . I am shoving this into my mouth and scurrying away with it for the winter
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caimitos · 3 months
thinking abt quitting my job 🤗
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manjitkaur · 5 months
How do I treat extremely High Blood pressure?
 If you have a high blood pressure problem and you are taking medicines to control it, you should also change your lifestyle. Because lifestyle plays a vital role in controlling your high blood pressure, with the help of a healthy lifestyle,  you can control your hypertension without the help of medication.  
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Here, i suggest some lifestyle changes which can control your high blood pressure;
1 Lose extra body fat : blood pressure usually increases as weight increases. Weight loss is one of the most effective lifestyle changes for controlling high blood pressure. If you lose a little weight, it controls your blood pressure too much.
2.Exercise regularly : Daily exercise also controls your hypertension. With the help of physical workouts, your body loses extra fat. So it is very important to add daily exercise to your lifestyle. I suggest some aerobic exercises, like walking, jogging, cycling, or running.
3.Include a healthy diet in your food:Add foods that are rich in nutrients and calcium to your diet. A healthy diet also plays a very important role in controlling high blood pressure problems.
4.Reduce salt in your diet:If you really want your blood pressure to be controlled,then consume foods that are low in salt and also check packed food before eating because packed food contains more sodium chloride.
5.Limit alcohol: If you are used to alcohol, then decrease the consumption of alcohol. Because too much drinking of alcohol can raise your blood pressure at several points. It can reduce the effectiveness of blood pressure medications.
6.Quit smoking: Smoking leads to the problem of high blood pressure, but stopping smoking helps lower blood pressure. Furthermore, it can also reduce the problems of heart disease.
For further queries you can consult our experts for any kind of health guidance. Take control of your health today with Dr. Sharda Ayurveda. 
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diplastplasticsltd · 9 months
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Diplast is one of the best company for UPVC Pressure Pipes.
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speckeltail · 1 year
idk meta about my interps of riddler and aaron and what it means for them and how they treat each other
spinning off in my own little world has yielded what I am absolutely sure to be an only slightly insane interpretation of tb!riddler; this is someone who's been dismissed, belittled, scapegoated, used countless times, whose inflated sense of ego is... yes, an inflated sense of ego, but also a cover for an insanely damaged self-esteem and general inability to connect with other people. he's defensive of his interests because they've always been mocked until they're useful, he's defensive and selfish with his skills because when he works for someone else and does as he's told he's accustomed to taking the fall. he doesn't trust when people are nice to him because he's been primed to see it as an attempt at manipulation... and he worked as an operator for a carnival game in what I see as his late teens + early twenties while he was getting his degree, so he knows full well what it's like to be manipulative. being an operator for a fun little carnival game where the fun of playing is the real prize is different from leading someone on and stealing their work, though. the biggest similarity is that the games are rigged from the start and only an idiot wouldn't see that (he didn't see that, what does that make him).
so it leaves him intensely distrusting, competitive, accustomed to relying on only himself (except for his little nerd armada, god I love the riddlemen they're perfect in every way) and letting himself be the only person to call the shots. at the same time... he is desperately reaching out for connection. he's lonely! he wants to be validated and treated like he has value for being just a person, not for his immense smarts, though he'd appreciate that too.
aaron coming into the picture doesn't necessarily change things so much as it puts a new coat of paint over it, because eddie finds himself in the same position his own father was in (and failed) but also... not at all. not in the slightest. he saw, in aaron, a kindred spirit who was used, who was abandoned, someone who wanted to get back at a system that was rigged from the start. and, I mean, it's not like Batgirl and Robin aren't on the scene. (and prank and scorn, which is its own thing.) the way I see it, eddie didn't intend for aaron to be more comfortable as sphinx. it just... happened. eddie sinks deeply into riddler as a protective layer against the world (prickly intellect and a mean streak that quite frankly dissolves the very second it's not of use?), aaron takes the thing he loved that became a horrible burden and a source of pain and turns it into the weapon he uses to get back at the world as sphinx.
to some degree, eddie is trying to protect and nurture the child in him that loved puzzles and was shot down at every turn. aaron is the opposite; he grew up fast, too fast, was on a global stage at fourteen and acting like an adult (without the adult privilege of making decisions for himself) and being treated like an adult with his area of expertise. eddie trips facefirst into love with someone who is only using him, and pays the price; aaron carefully portrays himself as someone unattainable and undesirable in his relationship with the other villain sidekicks, prank and scorn. (the context for that is sphinx went to them each separately, after their respective disasters, and went; hey. nobody's going to look out for us. people are going to try and use us. people won't take us seriously. we have to look out for each other. and they have a groupchat where aaron talks scorn down from doing dumb violent shit and donnie goes through cycles where he relapses into prank with joker. all very interesting. I should talk about it later. he's very much a mother hen because like eddie, he needs a sense of control and he cares deeply for people).
so... aaron acts like an adult, mainly. eddie helps him make a fake identity and aaron takes over from there. he's trying to be as convenient as possible, and it never comes out but he's afraid that he'll be discarded as soon as he's more trouble than he's worth-- which would distress eddie if he found out. sphinx is useful, and smart, and eager to please, and takes care of himself. sphinx is altogether more comfortable to be than aaron, who is anxious and doesn't know how to ask for help or care and feels ashamed that he wants it. eddie is his superior, not a father figure. neither of them know how to navigate this.
when aaron graduates high school, he goes to college-- this is when he stops being sphinx and starts being tyto, triggered by him investigating the disappearance of a classmate and friend and discovering a seedy underbelly to newark. it's where his and eddie's similarities come to an uncomfortable forefront. aaron, when given the opportunity, is obsessive. he's willing to wait, but only for so long. a few years ago I was pretty adamant about aaron not killing, but over the years I've honestly changed my mind... I think that he doesn't intentionally kill, but it's happened. and with the people he's targeting, he's not especially guilty about it.
anyway, eddie doesn't figure out about tyto for a while, he thinks that aaron's just retired aside from visiting gotham and doing sphinx stuff for him as a favor on long weekends and holidays, and when he does he's surprised at how much he does not like it. he did invite sphinx into the whole business with the promise of getting back at people who hurt them (and the world, in general, and the way things are rigged, and it's fine for them to break the rules because nothing is fair) but that was stealing money. blackmailing people, at most! silly bullshit like jello bombs. people in speeding cars they control so they're not really in any danger. distractions. you know. supervillainy? tyto is not a supervillain. tyto is not even necessarily a vigilante, though that's what he's treated as. tyto is indeed getting back at people with precise and violent intent, much as an unsupervised nineteen year old with extensive training and too much compassion for his own good might.
it's not going to end well! it's a hopeless crusade that leaves power vacuums and is endless work, and what's going to happen when aaron graduates? How the hell can Eddie respond to that? he can't tell aaron to stop because he's not in charge of him anymore. he doesn't disagree with what aaron is doing but it might get him killed, and in fact there is a high chance that it might get him killed.
anyway I think that's what makes eddie realize that he cares for aaron a lot more deeply than he ever expected he does, or should. and once again things are spiraling out of his control and the only thing he can do is watch and hope there's enough pieces left to pick up.
#aaron griffin#tb!riddler#the riddler#me post#DRAGGING MY HANDS DOWN MY FACE#sidekick squad is immensely important to me#andy kills william when he gets out of prison => graduates to vigilante (stalker)#RH kills joker and prank eventually goes solo as a tiktok influencer => jester#aaron has a lot of trauma about a lot of things and sees a chance to make a difference by putting his hands around someone's throat => tyto#jester is a batgirl rogue and it's fantastic. they are friends. donnie gets enough tiktok money to move out of his dad's apartment#and buy clothes that FIT#donnie is absolutely being neglected lmao his clothes don't fit his hair is messy he latches immediately without question onto the#first adult to treat him with respect and pay positive attention to him#which contributes to the cycle of... joker approaching him again and again with small; generally harmless pranks#getting him to escalate. keeping him essentially huffing low dosages of joker gas in their little planning warehouse.#pushing him to do more and more dangerous things until donnie pushes back like hey I don't want to actually hurt people#and then joker goes too far and donnie runs away and comes down off of a week-long gas high#and two or three months pass... cycle repeat#for andy william is like 10 years older than him so old enough to step in as a 'parental' figure but with none of the skills#pressure pressure pressure on andy who has trouble adjusting to seeing him as an authority figure#putting on a show of being good brothers and a good team to everybody else while being wildly dysfunctional#living in their parent's apartment while their parents are in prison#william taking his teen brother on jobs to be a thug. more pressure. hatred for people who have better but unable to parse it#as sadness and jealousy#both of them getting gassed; william going to jail; andy is a minor so he's released on probation and goes to live alone#detoxing off of a concentrated dose of joker gas#he's the foil for dick so while dick loses his parents and gains a new support and purpose in being robin#andy is wrapped up in scorn and likely goes right back to being a thug for people when he needs money because#what else can he do?#aaron is both of their lifelines as the closest thing to a functional adult they can trust (while he is actually younger than andy
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ruthie slowly realizing I have the front camera turned on 😂 this dog hates being photographed!
we were up for a bit at 5 but it was too early and I was sleeepy so ended up dozing for another hour or two. rainy morning here. I’m trying to really savor the cozy snuggly days as life is about to get so hectic for me:
I’m in pittsburgh friday morning through monday night (YAYYY) attending two weekend games and hanging out with bec!!!
I have tuesday to run errands and do laundry before my mom arrives wednesday
we leave early thursday morning for 14 days in japan and korea, during which we are hitting tokyo, osaka, kyoto, nara, mt koya, hiroshima, miyajima island, fukuoka, busan, daegu, and /seoul… I’m soooo psyched but also 🫠 it’s gonna be a whirlwind and I still have to do quite a bit of prep to be ready
we get home on a wed, I have thurs to recover from jetlag slash finalize my job talk, and then friday is the all-day campus visit
THEN I leave sat morning for houston and get back late monday night
it’s gonna be a lot!!! so very okay to be slothful this weekend and for as much of next week as I can manage I think. I am building up my reserves of rest and solitude lol.
mmkay. tonight I am having dinner + watching tár with mary later (and maybe seeing my sister at some point in the afternoon tbd) but the morning is my own! no pressure to get anything done in particular but here are some options:
could do more campus visit research for fun! my first gen programming book is arriving sometime today so I could read that and take notes, or I could spend some more time working through these articles I pulled up on designing programming for transfer students. I was also thinking it might be fun to create some one-page idea/vision/notes docs by hand on various topics—I feel like writing by hand will reinforce my memory of key details, and then making decisions about how I want to visually organize/arrange content will be a good exercise in synthesizing what I’ve learned. lol even as I’m typing this out I’m like ‘OOOOH that sounds like fun!!!!’ so I guess I’ll probably do that.
my former student is calling me at some point today to talk about transfer students’ experiences. he’s around my age (went back to undergrad after serving in the military for a long time) and is fun to talk to because he’s super smart and just like… more of a fully formed person and professional than the college-age kids. so that will be fun and should give me some useful threads to follow in my research. 
pick up my CVS prescription
hmm maybe I’ll put my laundry in right now? I also want to change linens/towels. I cleaned most of the house yesterday so don’t have much else to do in the way of chores… and I have a bunch of leftovers to finish before I’m allowed to make anything else so no cooking to do today either.
if it clears up I’ll go for a shorter long walk (the hourlong loop?) unless it’s really nice and I feel like doing the 90+ min trek again. not gonna let myself run today though—I can tell I pushed it a bit yesterday with the long fast walk + running two days in a row at a quicker clip than usual. just a little bit of achiness!
I finished a novel yesterday and want to start the next one today so I don’t break stride, but that can wait till before bed unless I’m moved to read earlier.
mmkay I think that’s it! take it easy and do fun relaxing stuff today.
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rulesforthedance · 1 year
Honestly? Life is sweet with my girl in it. Any time I’m having a bad time, I’m like “yeah, but N is your girlfriend” and I feel at least 50% better
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dykedivorce · 2 years
it took me 1 season and 7 episodes to fall in love with Superstore but Amy and Jonah are hitting all my favorite tropes in S2 and i have no choice but to be Fully Invested
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orcelito · 2 years
The greatest tragedy is realizing that we probably can't hire dbz shirt guy unless someone else says no bc I have to judge by objective decision
BUT ALSO the lady I have to choose between is leaving in half a year and does have a job already soooo
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vuals · 10 days
The short answer is yes, turmeric may help lower blood pressure, especially in people with elevated levels. A meta-analysis found that turmeric and its active compound curcumin were associated with significant reductions in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Another study found that taking 500mg of curcumin daily for 8 weeks lowered blood pressure in people with metabolic syndrome. Researchers believe curcumin's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties may be responsible for its blood pressure-lowering effects.
Read full article.
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satorena · 7 months
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featuring. g. satoru, f. toji, n. kento, g. suguru, k. choso
warnings. explicit content, foul language, lots of unrealistic expectations (note. title itself), overstimulation (m+f), dickdrunk!reader, dumbification, usage of toys, squirting, spanking, very light spit play, anal, 69 position, breeding kink, unprotected sex, toji’s kinda mean and choso can’t tell the difference between pussy and an asshole. if i forgot anything else my bad !
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“fuh—fuck, oh shit, hah fuck— ‘ts so fuckin’ good!”
you bounced up and down his cock, surface of your palms pressed at the planes of his chest. you enveloped his length entirely, every single inch, in your pulsating pussy, driving the both of you to madness.
it’d been hours, and for whatever was in the air tonight, you both fucked like wild animals. your thighs burned from over-exhaustion, but you were relentless. you were desperate for another orgasm, the slide up and down his inches effortless due to your juices soaking his thighs and his cum from having nutted inside you multiple times prior.
gojo’s firm hands grabbed at your ass, fingers gripping tightly into your soft flesh, grounding you in position so you wouldn’t run. as if you would anyway, tongue lolled out and drool leaking from your rosy tongue and dribbling down his bottom lip.
“that’s it,” he encourages you, a faint smirk at his lips as he guides you down his length. the fucked out look on your face, your dazed eyes crossing to the centre of your face serves a huge ego boost. “my pretty girl—fuckin’ ride this dick baby, ‘s all yours—mmh,”
the sinful sound of your pussy squelching, folds latching at the tip of his dick before ramming yourself down, the lustful melody of your skin slapping against him in addition to the firm spanks of encouragement on your ass, with your high pitched mewls and squealing sounded like divine music to gojo’s ears.
you rocked your hips back and forth, grinding down, went back to bouncing up and down, made circles and figure eight shapes on his length, mindlessly dragging your hips wherever felt fit. you were so far past a point of euphoria you weren’t even sure if liquids could come out of you for the rest of the night.
“eyes here princess,” gojo brings a hand to cup your jaw, forcing your head back down to face him. “pretty pussy’s griping me so tight—fuck,”
your sweaty foreheads press together, and you clock that he knew you were on the brink of yet again another orgasm. cerulean orbs peered deeply into yours, his hips jerking up and meeting your bounces, aiming to bring you to that high as quickly as he can.
“sa—satoru!” you find is the only thing that comes up in your mushed out brain, the new angle of the position having his dick puncture your cervix. you felt so fucking full of him, so drunk on the pleasure that you failed to notice the coiling in your stomach snapping.
he squeezes at your ass cheeks as hard as he can, the painful pleasure obliging you to sit and take his ramming. he fucks into you with intensity, each drag of his cock at your walls sending you into a temporary state of immobility. your muscles tense as you feel yourself wash with yet again another white-blinding orgasm.
your jaw drops and your eyes roll back, throat exhausted while nothing yet everything is said. satoru pumps his creamy cum back into your womb, praising you for taking him in so well, for having a perfect pussy that’ll surely carry his children, all snug and warm for him.
“perfect fuckin’ pussy—mine, all mine, gonna fuck her full of my nut and have you carrying my babies, yeah? ‘s what you want, isn’t it? atta. fuckin’. girl.”
“whew, would’ya look at that?” toji whistles, barking out a chuckle as he slows his pace, watching your uncontrollably clenching pussy squirt out your juices like a leaking faucet.
the pressure of your squirting is fucking intense, it has your entire body shaking, thighs quaked and the arch that was once on your back rounded. toji can’t help but laugh as tears stream down your damp cheeks, absolutely in love with how greedy your pussy clamped down on his cock.
“daddyyy—fuck!” your nails claw at the damp sheets on the bed, letting your nth orgasm rake throughout your body.
you feel a firm blow at your ass cheeks, the sound echoing in the room and you whine loudly at the stinging pleasure. you feel two big hands grab at your hips, stabilizing your limp body before a hand rises up and pushes your back into that curve.
“nah uh doll,” toji tuts, hips angling at a new position, one that draws a broken mewl from your sore throat. he picks his pace back up, never fully bottoming out, though you wouldn’t even notice with how many inches he packed.
“what’d i tell you?” he reminds you, and you’re too fucked out to answer him as you mumble his name over and over, helplessly taking the stretch of his dick at your gaping cunt.
he slaps your ass harshly again and you cry, fingernails scratching and clawing at the silk material beneath you. your scalp soon stings as he grabs a handful and effortlessly brings you upper body up to meet him.
“answer me when i ask you somethin’ baby,” toji frowns, hot breath fanning the shell of your ear, sending chills of nerves down your spine. “basic fuckin’ manners.”
“suh—sorry, ‘m sorry toji!” you apologize feverishly, and moan in satisfaction when his tongue laps up your drool and tears streaking your ruined yet pretty face.
“tsk, should have you do the work yourself,” toji teases you, releasing the deathly grip on your hair, causing your limp body to flop back to the mattress. as if proof to avoid calling his bluff, he releases his hold on you, opting to cross his arms above his head instead.
“n-no! toji, no, please, said i was sorry—‘m so fucking sorry!” you whine and ramble when you feel the lack of contact on your body, and your gaping cunt suddenly emptying.
you slither your hand between your thighs, grabbing at his girthy cock, pumping it a few times before slipping it with ease back into your welcoming warmth. you moan wantonly, clawing at your sheets as you fuck yourself on his dick, pushing yourself back and forth.
“greedy fuckin’ pussy,” he comments with a chuckle, spitting a glob of saliva down to your cunt, watching it dissipate into the creamy pearly veil of your essence around the base of his shaft.
he collects your slick with his thumb, before slipping his fingertip into your puckering hole, your body jolting at the sudden intrusion.
“trappin’ me inside—shit, want me to fuck you full of my cum, yeah? leave you swollen and leakin’, dontcha, pretty baby?”
“‘s too much ken—no more, hah, no more kento!”
you whined and begged, fists clenching as your muscles tensed, back arching off the mattress and toes curling while digging your heel at his shoulder blades. the sound of buzzing filled your hearing, the toy vibrating against your swollen clit ruthlessly while nanami fucked your cunt open with two thick fingers.
“mmh, safe word princess, or else i can’t hear you.” he reminds you, the words ghosting off his lips and sinking into your supple flesh, his lips trailing soft and gentle kisses at your inner thighs.
here he was, giving you an out, and despite claiming enough was enough, you didn’t want it to end just there. with your senses heightened, both your sight and touch restrained, the pleasure emitting from in between your thighs buzzed blissfully and tenfolds through your nervous system.
you released the clench of your hands and opted to scratch at the wood of the headboard you were tied to, projecting your want to touch your boyfriend through the clawing.
“i can keep—hnng—going!” you tell him, legs closing in on the sides of his head. you hear him tut disapprovingly, and you immediately fault your mistake, forcing your legs back open.
“there’s my good girl,” his honeyed voice rings through your ear drums, and it admittedly has you dripping even more on his fingers that curled at your insides. “just need one more from you—can you do that for me?”
you nod your head, bottom lip tucked between your teeth, “mmh, yes—yes i can kento!” you can feel your blood circulation cutting off at the areas were you’re bind, the shortage of blood messing with your already weak body.
the toy playing at your bundle of nerves is painful, having overstepped the boundary of comfortableness and stepping into a new territory of foreign, and you had failed to notice when nanami added in a third finger. you were sure with how much you came just on his hands alone, his watch was drenched in your juices.
those big fingers fuck you open, knuckles pressing into your spongy walls and triggering all sorts of pleasurable feelings throughout you, your stomach tightening into a familiar hot feeling, and you know you’re close again.
“kento, baby i—‘m gonna—fuckkk!” you want to card your fingers through his soft hair, tug and pull and release your pleasure onto his scalp.
“let go for me sweetheart, wanna taste your sweet essence,” nanami swaps the toy for his tongue and flicks at your clit. you feel the dam in your gut release at the sudden warmth exhibiting, and you spray him in pathetic squirts of your juices.
your body trembles as it contracts and gives nanami everything you have left to offer. you squeeze his head in your thighs, moaning wildly as his pace with his fingers never falters, urging you to stay in the state of euphoria a bit longer.
he swaps his tongue out for the toy again, and you wail out a broken cry, body at its limit, still stuck between coming down from your orgasm and greedily wanting another one.
he strokes your slit, collecting all your essence as he licks his lips eagerly.
“good job princess. taste so heavenly, i’ve never had anything like it before. i’ve gotta have another sip, will you let me have another taste, my love?”
“c’mon, focus sweetheart. do that f’me, yeah?”
you nod your head, mouth too full of dick as you opt to bob up and down. your jaw aches, feeling as though it’s being ripped apart. you force your aching wrist to work up and down geto’s cock, stimulating what you fail to get down your throat.
it would’ve been a simple task for you to focus on, had suguru not been feasting on your pussy like a starved man. he spreads your folds open, tonguing at your insides as if he dug for gold, grabbing both your cheeks in his big hands and spreading you open. he never half assed anything, much less pussy eating.
his skin was soaked in your squirt, orgasms came rolling in and out of you as did the occasional pumps of two fingers into your cunt while he ate you out. you would moan in pleasurable pain, the sounds vibrating on his shaft, which would induce him to moan into you, causing you to moan back on him, the cycle this repeating.
you were greedy—you could complain about how it was too much all you wanted, at the end of the day, you would pause on his cock to grind your hips back and forth on his face, the slip from your slick on his cheeks and nose making the grinding easier.
his nose would bump into your clit and you’d shiver from head to toe, the oversensitivity catching up to you. the free hand at your ass cheek would graze at your puckering hole but never dared to slip inside. all these mixes of stimulations had your eyes crossing, mouth gaping wide which made fucking your throat much easier for geto.
“sweetest cunt i’ve ever had,” he groans in between your thighs, bringing his hand to spank at your wet folds, and your arch your back at the stinging pleasure, your toes curling as your body shook.
the slap at your pussy made flicks of your juices land on his face, and so he landed a few more blows while simultaneously jerking his hips up into your mouth, forcing you down on his cock.
it was all too much— it hurt so good, the strikes at your cunt, his tongue lapping your liquids as he scissored your insides for additional pleasure. how was he expecting you to get him to finish for a second time when he was driving you to the brink of yet again another countless orgasm?
“wanna soak in your juices mama,” he speaks, mouth full of cunt, but you still grasp the message. you subconsciously push your hips back into his face, wanting to abide to his request.
“‘m so fuckin thirsty—don’t you dare be selfish with me. cum in my mouth. be the good girl i know you are and share yourself with me—need it, pretty girl.”
“y’feel so good, fuck—sucking me in, oh shit baby, never wanna stop fucking you! please, need your pussy always!”
he’d finally gotten a feel of sex for the first time, and he was already hooked. his locks matted to his forehead from sweat trickling down his nose and plopping down onto you.
“wait—slow d-down cho’—hngg!” you moan, nails clawing at his back, scraping and marking the pale skin. you felt your body recoil entirely with each sharp thrust he pounded into your worn out pussy, dragging each and every inch of his length in and out.
your knees were bent at your ears, feet dangling by his head as his hips slammed into the back of your thighs, marking the skin red from the brash contact. the springs from your bed resonated loudly in the room, as did the creaking of your headboard, but nothing topped choso’s loud whimpers.
he’s too lost in his own pleasure, he starts to mistaken to stinging and achy feeling in his gut and loins for a sign to keep going, “never wanna stop—shittt, need to fuck this pretty pussy every. fucking. day.”
you’ve given up on convincing him otherwise, focusing instead on the rise and fall of his hips digging into yours, stretching your pussy open to fit him inside. you creamed around his dick, your essence resting at the hairs on his pubic area, giving him easy access to slide in and out of you.
his arms wrapped around you tightly, refusing to let you out of his grip, one arm beneath your back and holding you from there and the other wrapping around your shoulders. you were stuck in his embrace, bodies moulding into one as you were split open by a fucked out first timer.
in his excitement, he slips out and wastes no time to grab his base and shove it back into a warm tightness, failing to acknowledge your sudden gasp. his mind is clouded with sex, and if he didn’t know better, you were suddenly much fucking tighter, and shit that drove him on edge.
your arms tighten behind his back as you adapt to the sudden intrusion from an area you hadn’t yet explored. “cho—baby wait—mmhm, fuck, that’s my—!”
“‘m gonna cum—fuck y/n, tell me you’re close too. shit, need to fill you up with my cum, please!” the man seals his lips onto yours, panting and begging for this next orgasm, shifting all of his body weight into the hole that keeps greedily latching onto him.
your eyes water as they stream tears down your cheeks. it’s a new and painful sensation, but simultaneously a pleasurable one, and your body granted you the opportunity of yet again another orgasm from the different stimulation. “hah—gonna cum!—make me cum, choso!”
you spray yourself all over, your pussy clenching around absolutely nothing as your ass gets rammed into and fucked like a pro. choso groans and whines against your lips, brows furrowed at the centre of his forehead as he empties himself into your warmth.
“fuck yes—take it all baby, ‘s all yours—need you to milk me and take it all in—your pussy’s the best, i swear to everythin’, shit!”
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i am SO tired.
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