ruby-static · 11 months
Yet another update:
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kiwi-smug-silvalina · 10 months
I made this yesterday to pass time cause Tapa was ominous and said maybe cass update and then at 2am cass said "actually no" so now i have this literally, so unedited lil thing
But its ok, at least three people and me already cried abt it
Panels are L.O.V.E by @tapakah0
Song is Remember Me from the movie Coco
Masterpost with edits
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br1ghtestlight · 10 months
my sister goes to a record store and she keeps seeing this Unsold bobs burgers cassette and considers buying it for me but its both expensive and also i dont own a cassette player 😭😭 i dont even like most of the songs on this tape BUT it would be cool to own
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cinema-wasps · 11 months
Oliver calls T "boy juice"
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ghost-of-you · 2 years
old 5sos and current 5sos literally feel like two different bands tbh
Anon, my love, apparently I've been waiting for this ask my whole life cuz it sent me into a frenzy. It does but it doesn't. Depends on what you're comparing. Looking at them as people, yes, definitely, they grew a lot in the past decade, obviously, considering the fact that they were literal teenager when they started. Sonically, depends on the jumps you're making. Put she looks so perfect next to wildflower youll be asking what happened (hi dad ✌️) but put slsp next the 2011, it works. I joked in the gc when blender came out that blender sound like english love affair, if english love affair was in yb and they work side by side, play take my hand and never be, that makes absolute sense. I don't know if this is gonna make sense to anyone else, but me myself & i makes me think of vapor. I know you said current and old and yb is not exactly new anymore, but I'm feeling the need to tell you to put Babylon right next to tomorrow never dies, those two go so well together and the fact that they'll never give me a sick live transition between them makes me want to scream. Honestly, I think that over the years they played a lot with their sound so there's a lot to go around and they evolved as musicians A LOT so there are songs that make you question if they are the same band, but you can group old 5sos and new 5sos together if you try. I personally think that's awesome. There's a 5sos for every mood.
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jennypigalle · 2 years
when you know a show only by posts on your dash and you get midly attached to a ship with two characters you've only seen limited interaction of in form of gif sets on your dash - and then you check ao3 and there's literally only 3 fics for them
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boozenboze · 1 year
If it's alright- how about the 141 boys reaction to the reader having a pretty large scar on the side of their face? (it could really be from whatever you'd like/feel comfortable writing ^^)
Scar Faced
Task Force 141 x Male reader
Summary:M/n had gotten a scar while on a mission with some new soilders.Now that he’s back at the base and not looking anyone in the eye he started making the others worried
Females She/Her and She/They DNI
M/n and his team and had came back and they needed immediate medical attention.M/n was unconscious when they arrived and he had attained a large scar on his eyes.It was a pretty big,going down from his eye all the way to his lip.When he had woke up in the infirmary he immediately jumped out of his bed,pulling out all the cords and tubes connected to him.He looked outside of a window and once he approached it he was able to see his own reflection he saw a large wrapping of bandages around his right eye.He started to make his way towards the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror.He began to untie the knot that kept the bandages up on his eye,and now that he had a clear view of his eye he almost passed out.His eye looked cloudy and he could just barely see out of it.
The scar he had now was stitched all over and it almost made him want to gag.He could’ve been cool but at the moment he thought it was quite disgusting.
A few days had gone by and M/n successfully found a way to cover the scars.He had gotten his hands on some shades and a face mask that covered his face quite nicely.The rest of 141 had just seen him yesterday since he was able to leave the infirmary.They were all quite curious as to why he’d wear it.
“Maybe he’s tryna be like Ghost.”Gaz spoke out while Soap shook his head in disagreement.
“Nah,M/n couldn’t be like him the guys to friendly.”Soap said as M/n read his book that he had aquired after leaving the infirmary.
“Imma go ask em’ about it aight?”Gaz spoke out while going in the direction M/n was going in.M/n had taken a seat on the couch in the main room currently trying to take his mind off of the scar he now had on his face.Gaz came into the room,wrapping his arms around the h/c haired males shoulders.M/n looked up at the male who looked back down at him with a smile before planting a kiss on his forehead.
“Do you need something Gaz?”M/n asked sweetly as Gaz threw himself over the sofa before laying his head on the h/c haired males lap.M/n chuckled,placing his book to the side before pulling the Brit’s hat off and scratching his scalp.Gaz hummed in response before asking.
“What’s up with all the accessories?”Gaz spoke out making M/n sigh response.
“Explosion fucked my eye up pretty badly.”M/n responded as the others walked into the room.
“Can we see it?”Gaz spoke out gathering Soaps attention.
“See what?”He asked out in the same curiosity Gaz had.
“I was asking M/n if he could show us the scar on his face.”Gaz spoke out as M/n chucked, a bit insecure about the scar he had.
“Well go ahead and show it,no judging here.”Ghost spoke out gruffly as M/n sighed in response as he took off his shades and mask to reveal the now diamond shaped scar that was adhered to his face.The sight pulled shock out of everybody and Gaz rose his hand up and started tracing it with his finger.
“Ye keek magic!”Soap spoke out now getting up close to further examine the scar.
“That must’ve been one hell of a hit to gain a scar like that muppet.”Price spike out as M/n nodded in response.
“Ya look badass M/n,fuckin sexy bastard.”Gaz spoke again while M/n blushed in embarrassment.
“I’d have to agree M/n you look stunning.”Price said as Ghost walked behind him and ran a hand threw his hair,massaging his scalp.
“I...appreciate it guys thank you....”M/n spoke out,happy that they didn’t judge him.
This only confirms they love you no matter what
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lucabyte · 18 days
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thinking about the very specific reading of isat i had during act 3 for the most part
anyway yeah ill ramble here about this. since it actually explains my headcanons for what the disappearing island wish was
disclaimer: taken as a whole this is way too allegorical for what i'd consider a holistic reading of isat, but it was part of my running theories at the time.
anyway my guess for the real-world equivalent of the island ended up being French Polynesia by the end of the game. I had initially thrown a dart at siffrin being greek wrt europe, sisyphus allusion, enjoyment of plays and seafairing-- but the moment that little guy started getting real weird about stars and specified they were from an island i switched my guess to him being polynesian. And then that reading only really strengthened from there (and i was pretty close, tbf!)
but yeah during act 3, especially the king plotline, i started thinking about the themes of cultural erasure + lack of identity that the game has and how that plays wrt vaugarde's extremely welcoming and diverse nature.
reading far too much into it but it made me wonder if they are the results of a fallen empire of some kind. somewhere that gathered people from across the globe (as empires are known to do) before dissolving into what seems to be a localised theocracy of some kind?
like. vaugarde is basically the Good End for an empire. Fully demilitarised (they barely have use for police to the point where the defenders are surprised by burglaries, and almost CERTAINLY have zero army), extremely diverse, not caring where one comes from.
(either that or they've been a socialist utopia like, forever? and thus just aquired migrants perpetually... but ka bue is characterised as harsher by odile in a lot of respects so one can assume its not that the whole planet is Niceys All The Time.)
this lines up pretty well with the um. Whole France Thing. Boy do they own a lot of islands still that they maybe shouldn't. Also lines up with bonnie's word-of-god french creole dialect. So Vaugarde as the welcoming, ideal form of former-colonialiser-nation is like. one i vibe with if we're gonna read too hard into the worldbuilding as presented.
Anyway all this to say I did for a time wonder if the Northern Island wish was 'For The Island To Be Safe'. Assuming this world to have any level of inter-country conflict-- Wish craft is powerful stuff, and a singular island might not be able to defend itself against those seeking to take it by force. Hiding the island from the world would protect it.
... though that felt like an unusually cruel read. The implication that cloistering away like that is a 'valid' strategy for a culture to be safe (albeit with the splash damage of hurting any diaspora).
Plus, wish craft is superbly powerful, with evidently its use on the island only becoming more widespread after it was discovered how to make it work Consistently.
(i work here under the assumption that Siffrin's growing cloak is imbued with wish craft, assumedly the same as the king's armour? Since there's no way that was created at that scale...)
So it almost makes more sense, to me, for the wish to be to 'Protect The World (universe) From Us' or to 'Keep The Universe Safe'.
Wish craft being so second nature to the Islanders (See: Siffrin, favour tree), that a wish that breaks the universe is almost inevitable were the knowledge to become widespread and ingrained.
This too is an oddly cruel read, that a culture's rituals can be dangerous to that degree, but ... ? Dunno. Like I said, reading it as hard allegory makes it fall apart somewhat. Symbols can mean many different things at once until you flatten them for direct analysis like this. I don't think it's quite so 1-to-1, and it's honestly slightly too 'no story only lore' for my tastes, so I did push a lot of this stuff out of my analytical mind once I started getting to the back and of act 3 and into act 4.
Anyway. Not the most coherent explanation in the world, but still some thoughts I had mid-game that i figure i should put somewhere at least, even if I don't think they are really what the game is going for.
As a bonus, the discussions on what the island wish were in this context also lead my friend @samhainian to speculation on the colour wish that i really enjoy. Which is....
The wish that removed colour from humans perception of the world being something along the lines of:
"I wish the world was simpler"
ergo, removing colour as an invocation of Nuiance VS Black and White Morality. The world is simpler, easier to understand.
I think it's a fun headcanon! I like it.
Well anyway. A work is more than the sum of its parts and dissecting something so sloppily as this often does it a disservice. So don't take my theorising as anything more than a general rundown of where my head was at mid-game before i had all the pieces. The emotional core of the story is far more where it's at for ISAT sooooo. [Shrugs and scampers away]
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sad-ghost-of-garbage · 3 months
Buying the Lost Boys Flowers
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Lost boys x G/N reader no gender of reader is mentioned
Headcannons on how each of the boys would react to their mate gifting them flowers. Short sweet stuff I dug out of my drafts.
Paul- Paul would be the most giddy to receive flowers from his mate. He would definitely show them off to the others bragging, “how you are the best partner and that he has the best mate ever”. Gets really sad when they start wilting and will pout if you don’t get him anymore.
Marko- Marko would be shocked and just a lil confused, was this your way of asking for more flowers? But once you explain that you saw them and thought of him he’d blush and set them on a shelf in his room so he could paint them later.
Dwayne- Big man is flattered that you would buy him flowers, he goes and "aquires" a vase since he didn’t want to ruin the vision of your gift by putting them in an empty beer bottle. He preserves a few of the flowers by pressing them in the pages of his books, that way he will always have a small piece of the gift you gave him. He may actually turn them into a bookmark on a rare occasion if he’s feeling crafty.
David- David is the most shocked to receive flowers, he sees himself as the provider (he is also the one who initiates first in a potential relationship) so it definitely sorta blindsides him that affectionate gestures go both ways. I feel that David is such a romantic soul that he gets tunnel vision when it comes to love, he gets so focused on showering his mate with romance that he neglects getting love for himself. So if you give him flowers, prepare to receive an extra amount of gentle kisses and be prepared to have a big scary vampire glued to you all night.
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Taglist: @ria-coolgirl, @henhouse-horrors and my boo Brit already saw this lol my bad, I forgot my taglist the first time sorry guys!
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sophiasrant · 4 months
do you have any good damijon fic recs?
1. Navigating life by nxghtwxng
College AU that will break your heart and mend it over and over again. My favorite damijon fic EVER. I’m insane over it. If you do one thing tonight, start this series.
2. got your finger on the trigger (but your trigger finger’s mine) by eyes_to_the_sky
EVIL JON AU MY BELOVED. A small one shot that had me in a chokehold for WEEKS.
3. Bloodstains on Fresh Oranges by artobsessed_writes
VAMPIRE DAMIAN AU SHHDJEHFJE. This fic had me gnawing at my walls. This fic is SO good about their dynamic and I WHDHDJJDJE. It is the first part of a series!! Can never recommend it enough.
4. Mirror Mirror by First_Mate
In another universe, Damian is murdered. Jon can’t handle it, so decides to travel to another universe to be with their Damian. Only, that universe’s Jon might just take issue with that. I can’t do it justice by summarizing it. IT’S SO GOOD.
5. It Wouldn’t Be Make Believe (If You Believed In Me) by poisonivory
College AU!!! The boys have to go undercover together to party. What could possibly go wrong (or right)?
6. I can’t make you love me by badwriterrr
Unrequited love all around but it all ends up ok. If you don’t like unrequited love angst, I probably wouldn’t read this one but I LOVE it.
7. Those Who Wait by InsaneTrollLogic
I have never been a reverse robins girlie. It has never been my thing. This however is the exception. This fic makes me want to sob. I’m so normal about it.
8. Propinquity theory by butterflyapocalypse
Another college AU. Can you tell I like them yet?
9. Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow by poisonivory
They’re totally platonic friends with benefits! Absolutely nothing more! No one caught feelings! (You’ll never guess what happened)
10. Trust Fall by Ididloveyou_once
This one is a timkon fic with background damijon but it’s so good and changed my brain chemistry so im tacking it on anyway. You can’t stop me.
If you ever need any more fics, you know where to find me. OR if you wanna rec ME fics, I am to fics like a crow is to shiny objects.
(Edit: they are still superheroes in all of the college AUs if I remember correctly)
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hoooooooooot · 2 months
Worm AU but instead of shards it's a magical girl/miraculous AU. Every power has a fucked up plushie or creature that embodies it. Instead having to make a costume the shards give you a magical girl transformation. Also the thing changed with you and your transformation with it. Let's try and come up with different new looks for the characters and have some fun with it.
Okay so I'll start with the guys who actually matter, the underseiders. I'll go easy/interesting to hard/boring.
Let's start with my boy Brian. Favorite wallflower. Now, you might be thinking "Brian would never wear frills, he can't be a magical girl" and you'd be correct. Plus, the whole point of his power is to hide him and his so he won't be too sparkly. Instead, he gets and elegant black suit with medieval armour haphazardly added on top. He looks like if a modern day bouncer in final fantasy. Also, his darkness is constantly leaking out of gaps in the armours and where it would have a feather.
As for what fucked up plushie I want to give Brian... At first I wanted to give him a pair of eyes that can only exist in the dark but then I realized that was basically just a grue. Then I realized a grue would be perfect! Yes, I'm not very creative but it is fun.
Next we have Taylor. Good old Taylor Hebert... What to do with you. See, I kind of want to give her a tapeworm that grows alongside her. Something literally eating her up inside, growing to consume more of her. To the point that she eventually puppets herself to be slightly faster than humans should be using it. The only problem is that it feels too on the nose. Eh, workshop later.
Now, what dress do we give good old Taylor... Taylor would hate wearing anything that calls attention to her, so she would probably get something lame. Boring even. A long dress with plenty of bulk and frills to hide her actual figure, some victorian era type thing. Expect as she grown into skitter the dress aquires layer for her to keep bugs in. The fold of the dress begin to resemble the layers of a hive. Or something idk.
Jean-Paul! See, this guy is interesting because I don't quite get his deal. I do think his final costume will be more or less what he wears in canon but the change form Hijack to Regent sounds fascinating. I can imagine his first transformation being more so based around his father, and either dramatically changing into canon or slowly adapting into canon until he escapes.
As for what his little animal will be... Instead of an animal I kind of want to give him an object. Be it his scepter, a crown, a series of puppets strings that wrap around him, or maybe even the ceramic mask. He's just an object kinda guy, yannow?
1/? I'll think more about this later
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Tis I, 💜
I think my request got eaten maybe? But I just wanted to request the 2012 turtles with an adoptive human!older sister reader, who is very good at being a sister to each of the brothers unique needs. Example :
Skateboarding /being silly with Mikey (but not so much the others, baby brother privilege lmao)
Sparring /rough housing with Raph
Serious training / meditation with Leo
And actually helping Donnie or listening to him when he goes on his rants? Instead of making fun of him she gives him encouragement ?
And of coarse a cute lil bit with splinter wouldn’t upset me :) but whatever you can do with this! I don’t wanna ask too much. Hope you are doing well, love ya 💜
OMG hi Purple! Haven't heard from you in forever friend! Love the prompt, this is gonna be great!
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When Splinter took you in, he was still a new father, the boys were still just tots and you were only around 4.
He'd found you lost and alone in the sewers, how you had even gotten there, he had no clue, but after discovering a note in your coat pocket asking for someone to care for you, he decided he would.
He raised alongside the boys, and there was never an issue.
You got along well with each of them and all four looked up to you as much as they did to him.
Splinter trained you in ninja arts, and you were patroling by fifteen.
By around that time, the boys had started their training, and Splinter often had you help him teach the boys.
You were Ane-chan to the boys, (Older sister, if it's wrong feel free to tell me.), And you always made sure to spend time with all of them growing up.
You'd make sure Donnie slept, and sit with him while he worked, and he appreciated how much you cared.
You'd let Raph vent to you, and you would rough house around alot, obviously he's a bit stronger than you naturally, so even if you won, it was usually sporting a few new bruises. He would always feel bad about it, but don't worry Red, Ane-chan can handle a few bruises.
You meditated often with Leo, and always listened when he info dumped about Space Heros. He always went to you if he struggled in training since he knew you'd do your best to actually help him.
You reserved all that pent up silly for Mikey, prank wars, staying up late with video games and moutain dew.
Honestly, I thinked you would have a moment like Po, where you find out you're adopted, and your just like,
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Then you're talking to April and Casey about it like, "So, I just found my dad isn't really my dad."
Casey: "Your dad... the rat?"
Casey: "Are you-"
April: "That must have been quite difficult."
Moving back abit, when the Foot and Kraang start borderline harrassing the boys,
You're just about go kick Shredder's ass yourself,
Ain't nobody gonna mess with your Kyoudai. (Little brothers).
Obviously Splinter tells you to cool it,
But after that you go with the boys everywhere you can.
You never take away Leo's role as the leader but rather offer yourself up as the voice of reason and peace among the team.
You do your best to make sure arguments are settled in a healthy way,
While also trying to keep those idiots from getting themselves killed.
The first time you faced Shredder he was like, "Wtf how the hell did Yoshi aquire you? And why?"
You almost succeded in kicking his ass,
Emphasis on almost,
You got your fucking leg fractured.
You had to stay in a hospital up top for a while.
Obviously it would have been hard for Splinter to send you to school,
So growing up he just homeschooled you to the best of his ability, and you actually homeschooled the boys.
So when April and Casey show up, April let's you know it's possible to get a highschool diploma online.
You're all like, "Hell yeah, let's do this."
But then, ya know,
Splinter taught you how to cook, and you were the designated chef of the household, (Even if it was just algea)
Eventually, you taugh Mikey, so now you guys share the kitchen.
Now about that wholesome moment with Splinter,
I have a little drabble thought.
So, imagine you're around 13, and your job is to watch the boys and make sure they don't hurt themselves or anything.
For some more context the boys are around 9.
So, anyway,
Splinter is out, and you're babysitting.
The boys are wrestling, which isn't too unusual, they do that alot ya know?
But, someone's foot lands were it shouldn't, and now Donnie's wrist is swelling and all four of them are crying.
You panic, you pick up Donnie and bring him to the kitchen and put some ice in his wrist.
After that, you move back to the living room, and do your best to calm evryone down.
Now, Splinter knew he could hear anything happening for quite a distance, so when he hears crying and your panicked voice, he instantly made his way home.
He ran in, expecting the worst, and was relieved to find no one was mortaly injured.
After you told him what happened, he calmed you and the boys, and after checking Donnie's wrist, he put the boys to bed.
The entire time, you sat on the couch, waiting for Splinter to come and scold you. You felt guilty and ashamed.
After all, Donnie got hurt on your watch.
It was your fault.
Splinter sat next to you, and you curled into yourself with tears running down your face, "Is Donnie gonna be ok?" you sniffled.
Splinter put a gentle hand on your shoulder, "He'll be fine, my dear."
You wiped your eyes with your sleeve, "I'm sorry, Father. I- I messed up, and then Donnie got hurt and I didn't know what do to-"
"Hey, hey. It was not your fault. Accidents happen. What is important is to learn how to prevent the same accident from happening again."
"Ah, ah. No buts. It was not your fault. Now go tell your brothers goodnight. And then we can read stories." You nodded, smiling softly as Splinter pulled you in for a hug.
You wiped your eyes and entered the boys' shared room.
Mikey shot up from his bed, "(Name)!"
You shushed him, tucking him back in, and giving him a kiss on the forhead, "Quiet down, Angelo. It's bedtime."
He huffed, and you moved around the room, making sure each of your brother was tuckes in nice and warm.
As you moved to leave, there was a soft chorus of, "Goodnight, Ane-Chan."
You turned and smiled, "Goodnight little brothers."
Whoops, got a little carried away with this one lol!
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quillkiller · 1 month
pleasepleaseplease elaborate on bartylus as orpheus and eurydice variants please if you want
mil!!!!! you sent this to me 2 minutes before my shift started….. i was losing my mind…. they’ve been in my head ever since…. i just got home thank god !!!!!!
anyway. so i have this au/wip which is loosly (very loose!!) based on the eurydice and orpheus myth but also set in canon. i have a tag for it ’fic: don’t look back’ <3
here’s a little snippet:
It comes out as a breath, as an exhale— but it almost shatters him. If he wasn’t on his knees already he knows they would buckle. Knows he would fall down at Regulus’ feet. He almost looks.
so regulus still goes to the cave, and he still dies. he doesn’t go out of the kindness of his heart, but because he’s tired and he did it all wrong and he can’t win and he just wants it to be over. he goes because he misses his brother and he wants his brother to live. he doesn’t care about the rest of it, the war, the two sides, voldy or dumbledore or the prophecy. he wants out and he’ll never get his brother back so he’ll do this one thing to (hopefully) save his brother even if sirius will never know <3 after that he’s done. he goes to the cave knowing he’s going to die and he wants to. he yearns for the dark and the quiet !!!! he’s 17 and he thinks he’s lived way too long and he just wants out now
he leaves barty a letter. it’s vague but barty figures it out. they spend one last night together because regulus is selfish and greedy and want him just one more night. they used to fumble around back at hogwarts. they were each others firsts and they trusted each other but they were never together. not actually. just stumbling into each others beds, shakey hand jobs, clumsy blowjobs, sloppy kisses. they didnt really talk about it either but not in an awkward way, they just didnt really need to. it was about comfort and love and boyhood and fear and safety and they’re just. so special to me. not dating, not best friends, but a secret third thing. just so completely intertwined but so different from each other.
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- virginia woolf. this is the bartylus dynamic to me. like. everything was awful, their homes, their circumstances, their surroundings, their expecations. but they were also just boys. everythings awful but sometimes they’d sit in the slytherin common room and they’d make each other laugh. sirius left but barty is waiting for him at kings cross with a grin :,)
anyway. it all sort of stopped after they both took the dark mark. they still had each others backs and they’re always best friends and intertwined!! but i guess there’s just too much else to think about now ahdhdjajfjkd. but reg comes to barty the night before he leaves for the cave and they properly spend the night together. its messy and miserable and lovely and it feels like a goodbye. reg leaves before barty wakes up the next morning.
barty!!!!!!!! goes mad. mad with regret and anger and desperation and love and hatred and every other emotion under the sun. he wants him back and he will get him back. barty is smart, was top of his class, is a quick learner in all things magic. i don’t know how long it takes, if its months or years, but barty is on a rampage and he’s seeing red and he’s not sleeping and he’s not at all himself. he sees reg as a ghost, talks to him, he’s haunted. he aquires several forbidden books from shady sources about magic that has long since been banned. he will bring regulus back if it’s the last thing he does. eventually he finds either a spell or some magic ritual (haven’t figured it out yet) that existed back in the 1700s but has been banned almost immediately due to people just. coming back wrong. miserable and wailing. barty’s not seeing that though. he’s just seeing that he can bring him back. so he learns everything there is to know about the spell/ritual and then sets out to go to the cave. months or years later, i still haven’t decided. i think it would be a little sexy if it was a couple years after reg died.
that’s where the eurydice & orpheus myth comes in. basically barty isn’t allowed to look at regulus until they both get out of the place where he died. but it also differs because regulus so desperately wants him to look. regulus is miserable when he’s brought back. miserable and young and confused and angry.
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by paul tran is and always will be rab when he enters the cave!!
so reg is trying to seduce barty to please look at him. please look at me. and barty wants to more than anything. the first time he finally takes a breath since regs death is when he finally brings him back. the relief overwhelming. and it lasts for 0.01 seconds because regulus doesn’t want to live. he’s so angry and he’s sobbing and wants to go back. but barty doesn’t want him to. and he’s telling regulus it’s going to be okay and they’ll be okay and he’ll protect him and take care of him. but regulus doesn’t care. and barty is desperate:/
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sadly barty is greedy. and weak. and it’s been years and it’s desperate and he can’t remember the shade of blueish gray regs eyes were. and regs pleading hurts. and barty just wants him. he just wants him and wants to keep him and he was never ready to lose him and he isn’t ready now. but it all boils down to the fact that barty is equally impulsive as he is strategic. he spent years (?) trying to figure out a way to being regulus back and more of his friends died during that time. he’s done what he set out to do. so he looks. because reg is asking him to and because barty isn’t strong enough not to look at what he wants
and yeah.
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py-dreamer · 3 months
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Hey! 1500th post woo!
Yea so I know Azure canonically kinda grooms Wukong (and the monkie kids to-) but STILL
Like, MAN do I love me some big papa lion.
And you know what in fanfic, we can have that! Here, he didn't groom anyone! He has hiss-hiss noodle baby and his big bird to kis-
And in 'Of Blood and Bones' we get that! Yay!
(and a bunch of angst on the sides!...less yay!)
So, Azure is the jade emperor here and is doing (I hope) a rather good job at it, but he's very busy and stuff and in the fic, Mei is always trying to get her baba to rest (I think...it's been a while since I read the early chapters) and oh yeah! Turns out the dragon heiress got adopted by the Jade emperor and his consort themselves!
Hooray! (Way to climb the social ladder ig)
I have a headcanon that Mei would hang around Azure's neck like one of them taxidermied fox scarves the scary rich ladies have in movies... but...alive (obviously) or for my hinduism mythology nerds, the snake Shiva wears around his neck like a necklace
...or to my papa's pizzeria nerds, the live mink around Krystal's neck
Anyways, Azure's fluffy mane make a great resting place and Mei loves to stay close to her Baba! So win win! It also acts as a way for her to unhinge her scary snake jaw if someone tries to drag him away for even more work.
Since Azure's so busy, at times when his arms are full I think like sometimes he lets his instincts get the better of him and nom the child up (Lions do pick up their cubs by the scruff) but at times his aim isn't the best and just grabs her abdomen and just settles for it
He looks so frazzled and Peng has to step in to roast their himbo husband and help fix things up
Inkyfeathers I imagine would be just like Ratchet and Optimus from TFP: I will follow you into every battle with only mild complaining
(Hell, I wonder if the aquirement of Mei was just like:
Peng: Azure, what the hell are you doing now
Azure: I assure you love, I have absolutely nothing to hide. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting to attend to-
Peng: Hold on, your majesty. Last I checked, your shirt didn't look that lumpy
Azure: it just got ruffled up, that's all. No need to make a fuss about it-
Peng: And shirts don't move either.
Azure: wait, we can talk about it-
Mei: ('u')/
Peng: Azure, mind telling me why there is a dragon in your shirt)
And Boy, as much as I want to open up a dang KFC on Peng's corpse, Inkyfeathers just does SOMETHING to me that I can't resist
There's not much to say about their designs, I wanted to give Azure a more royal purple is all!
(click photo for less sh!tty quality)
^^ Link to the great fic!
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boytumms · 8 months
Okay don't mind me, I've just been reading too much about various sorts of mythology stuff and... old myths genuinely have a lot more weird pregnancy things than you'd expect (I still find the fact that Odin's eight-legged horse in Norse mytholohy is the son of Loki - whom Loki was pregnant wirh anf gave birth to, mind - way too funny, although that's completely beside the point), so... this isn't inspired directly by a specific myth, but reading random mythology stuff is kinda what put this into my mind
Anyway, I've been thinking of a boy who somehow manages to royally piss off a fertility god. Perhaps he defiles their shrine, or steal some sacred item or mess with their priest - or maybe him just refuses to do something the god wants him to do. And because gods are so well-known for never being spiteful and always giving proportionate and reasonable punishments (extreme sarcasm), the god curses the boy to become pregnant, but unable to give birth unless some extremely specific conditions are met. Maybe he can only give birth at one specific location, or has to eat some specific hard-to-aquire thing to induce labor, or it's one of those seemingly impossible and contradictory "neither at sea nor on land, neither at day nor at night, neither alone nor with other people" kind of conditions (i pulled that specific one out of my ass but you can find similar kind of contradictory and stupidly specific shit in mythology sometimes, you get my point), or some combination of the above, or some other stupidly specific and unintuitive condition, idk.
And the boy doesn't know the condition, of course. The first nine months he simply waits for the pregnancy to run its course, but as the months stretch on past the ninth, past the tenth, with no sign of the pregnancy coming to an end, he realizes he's not getting off the hook that easily. By then, of course, he's so heavily pregnant that everything is difficult - he can't walk very far at once at all, he needs ridiculous amounts of fabric to have clothes that fit, the baby - or babies, rather; he can't tell but he thinks he must have two or three in there - are restless and kick and writhe so he hardly has a moment's peace from them...
So he becomes searching for some solution, some way to birth the babies. First whatever conventional ways there are to induce labor. None of them do anything. He prays and makes sacrifices to the god, groveling and apologizing and begging for relief. No response. Then, he begins to seek out wise people, priests and oracles and shamans, first close by, then traveling further and further away to find someone who could tell him what to do.
It takes years, years of incredibly difficult travel, of weird looks from others and humiliation and yet often having to rely on the aid of other people to get to wherever he's going this time, because really he's in no state to travel except he doesn't have a choice. After the initial nine months, the babies do seem to grow slower than before that, but they do still grow little by little, making the burden quite literally heavier to bear, and they are restless in his womb, as though they too would know it is well past their time to be born already.
But finally, after years of searching, years of torment, the boy finds out the condition, and figures out a way to fulfill it. Once that is done, though, there's still the incredibly long and painful process of labor and giving birth to the babies, now much larger than his body ever was designed to give birth to...
I loooove perpetual pregnancies like this!!! It could even be similar to the Greek story abt Leto, so he’s in labor as he tries to figure out how to break his curse. Imagine him having to suffer through contractions, feeling his baby’s head sooo painfully low in his hips as he tries to push but the curse prevents it from coming out all while he’s in search of a way to give birth.
After years and years of searching, his babies become massive. Even with the slowed growth, they’d be the size of 2-3 year olds by the time he finally manages to fill the conditions to progress his labor. Maybe as he’s finally giving birth to his first baby, the god that cursed him decides to come down, just to torment him one last time before his punishment is over. There’s nothing the boy can do to get way from the god, belly pinning him to the ground with the weight of his writhing babies, unable to escape the wrathful god. Each time his baby comes to a crown, the god pushes it back in, making his scream is sob in agony, begging to be let go as it makes his tummy twist and writhe. He tries to kick and push the god away, but he’s too weak after carrying such a burden with him for so many years, completely helpless in the hands of his tormentor.
It goes on for days, weeks even, the god switching between pushing his babies back into his belly, then and painfully squeezing the swell to watch him thrash. Once they’re sure he’s learned his lesson, they let the last baby slip out between his trembling legs, leaving him exhausted, alone, surrounded by half a dozen massive babies as he’s finally allowed to pass out
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lazyalani · 1 year
Blue Lock Boys As Songs
| Blue Lock Masterlist
| Main Masterlist
Ft. Itoshi Sae, Itoshi Rin, Mikage Reo,
•Part 2 (Michael Kaiser, Chigiri Hyoma, Bachira Meguru)
Written mostly from the characters' thoughts.
Written from my opinion and thoughts of them.
Fluff- Reo
Angst- Sae, Rin
The lyrics written are the ones connected to the "storyline"
Gender Neutral Reader, no pronouns mentioned or used except for the lyrics on Sae's part.
•Itoshi Sae
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"I Broke Her Heart 'Cause She Was Nice."
"She Was Sunshine, I Was Midnight Rain."
"She Wanted It Comfortable, I Wanted That Pain."
"Chasing That Fame."
"All Of Me Changed Like Midnight."
Itoshi Sae has always been someone to set a goal, or more like a desire, and consider everything that would affect it. Itoshi Sae does not desire something that he cannot aquire, he does not set a goal that passes the boundaries of reality.
Itoshi Sae does not need, he wants.
He does not need distractions, he does not want obligations.
He has always centered himself in reality, philosophies and beliefs going around his interests, and things surrounding it. He was always a focused person, once he wants something, the entirety of his mind centers around achieving and gaining that want. In his mind, there will always be such thing as
"Sacrifices have to be made in order to obtain what you want." He allured himself into that thinking and told himself to erase distractions that might negatively impact his desires. He isn't one to take risks, he does everything that could increase his chances of victory.
And so he does.
Itoshi Sae is selfish, he takes and takes, and then he tosses.
•Itoshi Rin
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"What's Wrong?"
"I Said, "I Can't Stay, Do I Have To Give A Reason?""
"It's Just Me, Me, Me, It's What I Want."
"So How Did We Get Here?"
"Better If We Do This On Our Own."
"Before I'm Someone You Leave Behind,
I'll Break Your Heart So You Don't Break Mine."
"I'm Asking Myself, Why I'm So Caught Up."
"Even If I'm Not Here To Stay,
I Still Want Your Heart."
Itoshi Rin's first heartbreak was caused by his own brother, on that snowy night, on a supposed heartwarming reunion, turned heartbreaking conversation. The Last Play. Ever since then, he was so obssessed with his dream of crushing his older brother that nothing else mattered to him. Except you.
Or atleast you thought so.
Itoshi Rin became tired of chasing his brother's lost affection that he started craving someone else's. You just happened to be that person. You thought yourself lucky of being the person Rin had decided to dedicated his affection to, of being the person he opens to, being the person who gives him the love he deserves.
Rin was a selfish man, much like his brother. Despite telling himself not to turn into a cold-hearted man like Sae, he was unconciously drowning himself in so much bitterness and turning exactly into his brother. When Rin had realized his feelings for you, he fell deeper knowing that you were the light that would prevent him from sinking further into the depths of hatred. He knew you'd always pull him back when he's about to fall, he got ised into thinking you'd always be there, and you were, until your light had started to fade.
Itoshi Rin fell deeper and deeper into the bitterness in his heart without you to pull him back. He wasn't blind, he started to notice that the light that was once in your eyes, was not there anymore. He wasn't an idiot to not know the reason, either. He felt guilt, but not as much as he expected. And he realized, ah, he was too selfish, too caught up on his own desire to crush his brother to even care further. The love you had given him was not enough to fill for the heartbreak his brother had caused. It wasn't enough for him to be completely pulled out of the dark side of his desires. He realized that the guilt he was feeling was buried in his own selfishness and bitterness. A part of him tells him to bring back the light into your eyes, to save your diminishing realtionship, but a huge part of him tells him that he doesn't have time for that, that he doesn't deserve another chance from you, that he was too caught up in himself to even care further.
Rin had always known he didn't love you to the fullest, but he always thought that the love he felt for you was enough for both of you to stay until he can fully give himself to you, until he finally crushed his brother.
Or was it that he always known it had to end, just not this way?
Not when he still loves you, but is too caught up on his personal problems to make you stay. Not when his selfishness has extended to still want your love even when he knows he cannot stay. He does not know why he is so hung up on his bitterness, was it because he was so used to his and Sae's closeness? Or was is because he was just like his brother, cold, selfish, lets their personal emotions ruin them?
Rin does not know when your relationship started to crumble before him, but he does know that he cannot stay, and he knows that you definitely cannot either.
But even then, he still wants your heart to the very end.
•Mikage Reo
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"You Got That James Dean, Daydream Look In Your Eyes."
"And I Got That Red Lip, Classic, Thing That You Like."
"When We Go Crashing Down, We Come Back Everytime."
"We Never Go Out Of Style."
"He Can't Keep His Wild Eyes On The Road."
"Takes Me Home."
Mikage Reo is a man that is hard to please, mainly because he almost has everything, he can almost get anything. Second is because he doesn't care about the things that don't interest him, that doesn't benefit him.
When Reo met you, it was Autumn. The leaves falling down from the beautiful tree infront of you serving as your background, your hair shining in the sun, the wind blowing it as you make eye contact with him. The view that was infront of him was mesmerizing, his purpose for going out during class hours was to find the missing Nagi, probably sleeping or playing games somewhere.
Your first reaction was not quite was he expected.
"What are you doing here? It's class hours!" You frowned upon being disturbed.
Reo was pulled out of his stare, clearing his throat. "I could say the same thing for you."
"It's none of your business."
"Then mine isn't yours either."
"I asked first, so it is my business."
"What kind of logic is that?"
"My logic. Now please go away, Mikage Reo-san, I was trying to have a moment."
He grinned. At that moment, he decided you were interesting. Why? He doesn't know, and he doesn't care. Afterall, Mikage Reo always takes what he wants without having to care.
Being in a relationship with Reo was weird, happy, frustrating, saddening, and free. In short, it triggers mixed feelings, but who cares as long as he takes care of you and you love being with each other. In didn't matter to Reo what happens around him as long as he gets to take care of you and you give him the love he deserves, the feeling of freedom with you. He spoils you, whether it'd be material things, or with his affection. He loves to gift you with things, to give you everything you want and need, to take care of everything do wouldn't have a problem with anything. It does make you frustrated at times because you feel like he thinks you can't do anything or that he treats you like you're too fragile, but as they say, communication is the key. When you tell Reo your thoughts, it does sadden him a bit, but it also makes him feel guilty because he doesn't mean to make you feel that way, but respects your thoughts and lessens his actions.
But it doesn't make him less affectionate. Reo loves to kiss your hand, like a true gentleman, especially when he's driving, taking you hand into his and kissing your knuckles, looking at you, and you need to remind him to keep his eyes on the road or hospital bills will go brrrr, or driving with one hand while the other rests at your thigh. Reo didn't know how to drive, but he learned how to just so he could take you home while also having personal moments with you, and also because he thinks it's romantic and always wanted to try the hand on your thigh thingy.
Reo loves matching your outfits, especially when you go outside for a date or something. He also gets you matching pajamas and video calls with you at nightime until one of you falls asleep.
Communication is the most essential part of your relationship. Reo does not understand the meaning behind everything well, so you have to explain to him bit by bit.
Mikage Reo loves you more than the amount of money he has on the cards on his wallet combined.
This was a lot more angsty on my head, I swear. My personal favorite is Reo's, honestly.
About Sae's part, it was intented that it would be short because I think I don't need to explain further about Sae's personality. Everything about him shows on the manga. He's someone who isn't afraid to speak and act on what he thinks. He does everything he thinks is the best for him. I also think he easily gets swayed by his emotions.
It's not like he doesn't care about anything besides his goal, it's just that he thinks everything else can wait until he finishes what he wants to do. And he thinks that Reader can wait and will wait for him. Itoshi Sae in my opinion is a selfish man. He knows he is, but is ignorant.
Should I do a part 2? For other characters?
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