#I have atypical anorexia
sweetface-the-dollbaby · 11 months
I’m just gonna not eat starting right now.
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dorianbrightmusic · 8 months
Somewhat Quick Guidelines for How Not to be Triggering to ED-Havers
i'll do a more elaborate version of this some other time, but i have just consumed way too much youtube and i need to get some very mixed feelings out of my system
(tw for some discussion of EDs and the areas these render most sensitive)
Don't equate 'eating disorder' with 'anorexia nervosa'
The most common eating disorders are Binge-Eating Disorder and OSFED – according to Santomauro et al. (2021) and Yasmina and Keski-Rahkonen (2022), OSFED is more common than BED, so yeah. OSFED includes many, many categories in and of itself, including: subthreshold bulimia, subthreshold BED, atypical anorexia, purging disorder, and night eating syndrome. Orthorexia isn't recognised in the DSM-5-TR, but should be. I could not tell you what the most common form of OSFED is – I'd always thought it was atypical anorexia, but some studies I can find on a general population point more to purging disorder, subthreshold BN, subthreshold BED, (see Stice, Marti, & Rohde (2013), while this more recent study in a less reputable journal by Hay et al. (2023) places atypical AN as the most common OSFED. Either way, full-threshold AN is comparatively very, very rare.
Most eating disorders are not becoming emaciated + growing lanugo. If you did become emaciated and grow lanugo, then I'm proud of you for surviving your ED every day, because they are the absolute worst illnesses. However, you are also in a substantial minority. That doesn't make you any less valid—all it means is that EDs aren't necessarily traditional anorexia.
I'll get onto the main difference between atypical and non-atypical AN in a minute, but for now, let's say that even if atypical AN is horrifyingly common, most EDs aren't anorexia of any kind. Most EDs are one of the other kinds. And while good AN rep is great and rare, using 'eating disorder' to mean 'anorexia' is incredibly dismissive of the immense and debilitating of eating disordered behaviour out there. It's limited in the same way as using 'neurodivergent' to just mean 'autism + ADHD' – just as neurodivergence is much, much broader than Au/DHD (and this isn't to detract from the validity of Au/DHD folks), EDs are much, much broader than anorexia, and using 'eating disorder' as a synonym for 'thin and restrictive' is an extremely limited definition.
Moreover, many ED-havers go to immense, immense efforts to downplay their symptoms. The common refrain you'll hear in ED recovery is 'but I'm not sick enough to need help' – and the more narrow the operational definition of ED, the more people are made to feel they aren't sufficiently ill to have a real problem. EDs thrive in secrecy. They are often silent, and they are lethal. By using 'eating disorder' as a euphemism for 'anorexia', we give power to each of these illnesses by letting them remain silent, too macabre and mysterious to acknowledge.
Be specific. Do not talk about someone having 'an eating disorder'. Do not use it as a smokescreen behind which to hide nervousness. Say the exact disorder, or, if unsure, use an adjective: a restrictive eating disorder, an ED with purging, an ED with bingeing, etc.
2. 'Eating disordered' does not mean thin
This goes for all EDs, and especially for anorexia. Argh.
Bulimia is often overweight, and can be any weight. BED can be any weight. ARFID can be any weight. Pica, rumination disorder, night-eating syndrome, and orthorexia can be any weight. Moreover, a thin person with an ED may not have AN—they might have ARFID, BED, BN, or so many more.
And most importantly, most anorexics are not underweight. There exists a diagnostic distinction between AN and so-called atypical AN, wherein the sole difference is that atypical anorexics are not underweight. That's it. That's the one difference.
It's also a completely BS distinction, since ED psychopathology is as bad/worse in atypical AN, and atypical AN recovery rates are marginally worse. The two are the same illness. How thin you are does not necessarily correlate with how restrictive you are, and every use of 'anorexic' as a synonym for 'thin' is indicative of a total misunderstanding of the complexity of this disorder.
Have courage. Give me obese characters with BN and AN, normal-weight characters with BED, characters of all weights with ARFID. Please: I'm outright begging at this point.
3. Sensationalising weight makes us feel, unsurprisingly, fairly awful
Writing eating-disordered characters by focussing on their weight is an excellent way to sensationalise the illness and implant a horrible feeling in audience mouths. If I google search images for anorexia, I will see ribs and spines everywhere. If I google search images for bulimia, I will see extremely thin young women eating pizza or crouched beside toilets. If I google search images for binge-eating disorder, there's no end to the pizza.
There is no definitive size eating-disordered folks are. But the more we see EDs represented in extremes of thinness and fatness—think To the Bone or The Whale—the more we, as a society, convey the message that by not fitting a size mould, people aren't sick enough to have a problem. And that perpetuates the cycle of hiding disordered behaviours and getting thinner.
Making a show of how thin or fat certain characters are is a great way to make people with EDs feel embarrassed either by their similarity to the thin/fat people depicted ('wow, I am disgusting') or by their lack of similarity ('I was never anywhere near that thin. God, I couldn't even succeed at being a failure'). So, please don't emphasise specific emaciated or larger body parts as explicitly indicative of an eating disorder.
4. Please keep the numbers out of this
I don't have the perspective to speak from the POV of those with other disorders, but I can say this much: Anorexia is a very analytical illness—will I be small enough to fit in this space, hold this, do this? —and seeing someone else's minimum weight is an excellent way to make someone feel as if they are a failure for being less thin. This is especially problematic given that 'xxkg lady' is a headline that sells like wildfire in a world where most anorexics aren't thin. I love Hank Green and his work, but the CrashCourse video on eating disorders is an excellent example of how not to handle talking about weight: explicit height/weight numbers are mentioned for the hypothetical sick woman, emphasising the role of emaciation in the illness. It's a bit sensationalist and very triggering.
This is also one of the things Heartstopper (the comic – I haven't watched the show) does right. Though it's not perfect, Charlie's weight is never given a number, and while he's shown to be unhealthily thin, we never get an explicit close-up of any bones or the like. It's other physical symptoms, like fainting and constant coldness, that make it clear that he's seriously, seriously ill. And that took immense, immense tact. Also the fact that later on, after diagnosis, he's explicitly said to have anorexia, rather than the smokescreen of 'an ED', and that he still struggles after he starts recovery... those are all very respectful ways of writing ED-having characters. Alice Oseman, I tip my hat to you.
I'd recommend against mentioning numbers of calories in anything (guess who once scrolled through an ED blog, found out the number of calories in a normal breakfast food, and then was promptly very scared of eating such), or about mentioning explicit amounts of food. Moreover, if you're going to depict a character eating, please do it carefully.
If you want to mention any numbers when writing eating-disordered characters: mention blood pressure, temperature or rate of weight loss/gain (I don't think it's awful to say 'lost/gained this much in this much time), but keep the discourse around rate of any weight change as neutral as possible. If I say I weighed xyz kilograms at my sickest, that doesn't do justice to the illness. If I say my temperature was about 35 degrees and my blood pressure was 59/40, it does, but it's not exactly something that can be made competitive as easily.
5. Don't sensationalise amounts
See above. We don't need to know the explicit number of slices of pizza/bags of xyz/bars of abc that a character consumed during a binge, nor how little a character with a restrictive ED had for breakfast. There is an immense amount of horror that can be engendered through implication. One exception—showing that a character can remember the exact number of whatever food they consumed (so long as this isn't being done in kcal/kj) is an excellent way to show disordered eating behaviour! e.g. I generally count how many water crackers I eat in a snack and have strict (low) limits on how many I'm allowed per day. This is proof AN doesn't go away too quickly.
6. Don't sensationalise weight, generally
This goes out to every time i've seen neuroleptics bashed for having the side-effect of weight gain, but without it being then explained that there are a host of many, many other side effects, most of which are much worse than weight gain.
This goes out to every time I walked out of the ED clinic and saw the Jenny Craig ads across the road.
This goes out to every time I see losing weight promoted as a panacea for every single health condition, including those that cause weight gain.
Showing weight gain in an overly negative light or isolating it when it's one of many, many other things in a category is just tasteless. Please, don't do this.
7. Don't sensationalise kinds of food
Some binge-eaters will never touch pizza or chocolate in a binge. Some anorexics friggin' love chocolate. Don't assume a diagnosis necessarily means one will have or lack a sweet tooth.
8. Setting up ground for comparisons is... worrisome
We probably don't want to know the specifics of someone's diet, clothing size, or any of the like. When handling EDs, please don't focus on the specifics of what someone consumes or how large/small they are.
9. Don't assume EDs are character traits
BN and AN are correlated with perfectionism and harm avoidance, amongst other things, but EDs aren't personality traits. Bingeing is not sloppiness. Restriction is not vanity. Please don't assume these behaviours are indicative of what's in the soul.
10. Please don't focus on white, young, otherwise-neurotypical women
People of all ethnicities, ages, genders, and neurotypes can have eating disorders, natch. There is no single way to look or be eating-disordered.
11. Please don't assume we get better immediately
When you live with an ED, you live with a voice in the back of your head that is constantly vying to hit the self-destruct button. And it isolates you and mimics your own voice, and after a time, it becomes extremely difficult to tell it from your own thoughts. It's being taken over and possessed, semi-conscious, from the inside. It's living in a trance and being made a puppet. It is learned helplessness. It is sewn into the fabric of your thought, your speech, your values. Even before you are acutely sick, you live with it inside you. Learning to survive an ED is learning to live with it beside you—becoming less helpless to the behaviour, but no less aware of the thought for a very long time. Recovery is possible, but it's most certainly not linear, and most certainly a long, long process.
Recovery is not merely the cessation of the behaviour, or weight restoration. It's a disservice to ED-havers to say you can easily get to a point of never having ED thoughts ever again. So know that we are living with our illnesses every day, but that even so, we can move on. Grant us the grace to let us admit we won't always be well, and guide us nevertheless to believing in our own ability to recover.
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willows-woes · 5 months
had a weird dream about this book that centered around a... bulimic girl in a castle and this dark blue dragon. apparently she'd recover and gain a close connection to the dragon at some point.
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temencmoth · 1 year
My mom tried to manipulate me last night about food and it made me realize how long she’s been threatening me by saying I’ll get fat lmao
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not-poignant · 13 days
Birthday Spotlight - Ohlo Ohlo Temsen
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[17th April - Aries]
Ohlo Ohlo Temsen, or just 'Temsen', is an incredibly overpowered vench in the Fae Tales alternate universe story The Nascent Diplomat. There, he is introduced first as a stern but compassionate healer, and later as a spokesperson, diplomat, member of royalty and someone so adept at magic that he would happily take on the Raven Prince and likely win.
Taking on the job of Gwyn's healer, becoming Augus' friend, Temsen guides both through the growth of their relationship and the mending of Gwyn's magic in the underground caves of Aethelwaters, deepening their understanding of intimacy, and needing a great deal of it himself to survive.
Temsen is often quite opaque, especially as we've gotten to know him more as a peak alpha in the Underline the Rainbow universe. He's cheerful and steady but also unafraid to be strict and commanding. He can be unexpectedly flexible, or very rigid. What's clear is his dedication to helping those less fortunate (and less powerful) than him, and his dedication to becoming a healer in every story we've seen him in.
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'You have been so alone, and I do not think you are like the to-ahl, as some of the others say. You were not meant to be alone.'
The Nascent Diplomat
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The Nascent Diplomat: Temsen first appears as a healer from the Ohlo Ohlo clan who comes to take care of Gwyn after he kills the to'ahl, gets poisoned, and wounds Kithkalkith Kimerrin. It becomes clear quickly that Temsen holds a significant amount of power and negotiating weight among his people, however, his weakness is that he cannot be away from his clan or from touch for long at all, forcing Gwyn and Augus to have frequent physical contact with him for his own health.
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The Nascent Diplomat: Temsen really helps the rest of the story to continue coming alive. He heals Gwyn's magic, but more importantly serves as a healing compass to both Augus and Gwyn. He is accommodating but firm enough to make sure that Gwyn never strays from the path of growth, and it's clear that he has affection in his heart for these fae from the above, even if he has zero respect for other aspects of their lives, including the School of the Staff.
Also he point blank said he would fight the Raven Prince and even go to war with him due to his abuse and neglect of Gwyn, so you know...
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Underline the Black: Appearing as the head doctor at Hillview Rehabilitation Facility, Temsen is a peak alpha who lives his best life as someone who doesn't need a relationship because he's responsible for the health of about twenty five omegas at any one time. He comes in clutch to assist Efnisien repeatedly during some rough gender issues, and also acts as a firm father figure, reminding him that young alphas do not disrespect or abuse other people just because they can.
Underline the Blue: We see Temsen at his most fallible here, as both Janusz' supervisor at Hillview, and Nate's doctor, we see the gaps in Hillview's ability to match alphas and omegas, and also in how they handle early heats and difficult situations. Temsen misses that Nate is an atypical omega, and ends up with an alpha who develops PTSD due to the methods he used to try and get Nate to bond with him.
Underline the Gold: Temsen becomes extremely involve with Flitmouse's care in Underline the Gold when he realises the extent of his Anorexia Nervosa, and later when Flitmouse undergoes corrupted heats. Flitmouse and Temsen don't always see eye-to-eye, especially on certain invasive exams. Temsen isn't afraid to manipulate Flitmouse to get what he wants, but in the face of a firm withdrawal of consent, he shows that he has the ability to concede and let the omega guide the way.
Underline the Red: While only mentioned so far, Temsen eventually becomes Faber's interim boss, changing their connection forever.
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Among the vench, Temsen is a member of the Ohlo Ohlo clan and they all look the same (and indeed all vench look quite similar). But in the Underline universe where he spends more of his time these days, Temsen is African-Australian, his mother is a Kenyan immigrant and a doctor, and his father is Australian, and a doctor. He's multilingual, and can speak Kiswahili, Elgeyo, English, Indonesian, and Mandarin. He's semi-lingual in Vietnamese.
Temsen deliberately wears clothing that makes him seem less threatening, in the same way that he deliberately makes himself seem less threatening in the Nascent Diplomat as well.
Temsen can have a slightly formal intonation. In TND it sounds like he's still discovering how to translate his language into Gwyn's and Augus' language, and in Underline he's more likely to say things like 'goodness!' and be very direct and not prevaricate.
Temsen is always kind of overpowered in whatever he's doing, as a healer, as an alpha, as a doctor, he's just always at the top of his game.
Temsen is someone who can be physically intimate with a lot of people, but isn't inclined to have a very special 'someone' in his life.
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Temsen taking on the Raven Prince and threatening to go to war over his treatment of Gwyn, and the Raven Prince essentially bowing to that and admitting he was right, was a pretty stellar moment actually.
In Underline the Black Temsen sailed in as the white knight to save Efnisien from his fear of being forced into the shape of an omega, and in a single conversation in front of a projector, managed to solve a lot of problems for Gary and Efnisien in one fell swoop. For that reason, I couldn't have him in the story for quite a few chapters lol. He's too powerful!
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Always extremely competent and well-educated, but also willing to admit to his faults and apologise.
Relatively open to other's experiences, but you always get the sense that he holds back some of his counsel and that you're never quite seeing all of him, despite his direct way of speaking.
Despite having the power and status to act refined, arrogant and pompous, Temsen prefers to come across as humble and receptive, but sometimes it's clear that he's doing this in a calculating manner.
Temsen is always a healer!
Temsen is always a leader
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Temsen started as a throwaway character. Even with all of my worldbuilding and character creation, I found myself suddenly needing a healer and I very quickly cobbled together a bunch of traits and made Temsen. We were only supposed to see him a few times, and he was never supposed to be as powerful as he became. He was a breakaway hit, and ends up becoming more prominent in the story as a result!
I think Temsen has outrageous chemistry with everyone, honestly.
I initially shipped Temsen and Gwyn together in Underline and I also ship them together in TND, but in a very low key way. If I think about very porny AU oneshots, Temsen/Gwyn has come up for me a few times. I don't think I'll write it, because I think they'll be intense/depressing.
Temsen's anger is one of my favourite things to write, so I may be looking for more opportunities to make that happen!
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'In vench society, we measure our worth by how we treat those we care for. Not by our magical achievement, not by our individual jobs, not by the different aspects of our personalities. All of those things only matter in connection to how we treat those we care for. It is how we value other societies, though we find many in the above sorely lacking by our standards. We know our standards are unique, and we do not seek to press them upon anyone else. But Gwyn is my ward, his healing is under my domain and therefore the domain of all the vench, and it disturbs me as a healer to release him to someone who would do this to him. There is nothing to stop you from doing untold damage to him in the future. I can heal what we did to him. I should not have to heal what you did to him.'
The Nascent Diplomat
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ttouch-starvedd · 1 month
atypical anorexia is SO invalidating. like no one actually sees that you’re sick. i was diagnosed in october by my psychologist, but my physician continues to commend my weight loss. it just pushes you to get sicker and sicker until everyone can see it.
if you’re like me, know that you are VALID and you DESERVE TO BE HERE. i love you and i am here for you. we aren’t represented a lot in this community but, believe it or not, atypical anorexics are actually the majority. (props to my amazing therapist for teaching me about my condition)
no matter your diagnosis, or even if you don’t have one at all, you are welcome and valued here. be sure to do something for yourself today. love you guys <3
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beegoould · 3 months
Recently my therapist dropped something on me that is hard for me to wrap my head around. We’ve started talking through my issues with food and eating, and after a couple sessions she said “I think you may have a form of anorexia” And I’m like “You may not have noticed this but I weigh 250 pounds” and she was like “nah dog, you don’t have to be underweight to have it” and this made NO SENSE to me. And I said “I don’t have the willpower or the strength to be anorexic” which made me stop and think, and made her raise an eyebrow.
I realized in that moment that there had been times in my life when I was jealous of people with this devastating, potentially deadly illness. I felt like they had an ability I knew I would never have. And that’s a super fucked up way to think about it.
We talked through it and she told me that my periods of obsessive calorie counting, punishing myself for eating foods I felt were off limits, measuring things to the ounce, and thinking about food pretty much all the time was the issue. The first time she brought this up was when I told her I used to berate myself for eating something I shouldn’t have when I actually hadn’t eaten it, I’d just thought about eating it. Also when I was drinking too much I would plan my day around it, making sure I had an empty stomach and weighing what I drank on a kitchen scale. And I did research to find out what alcohol had the least calories with the highest abv.
So she tells me she thinks I have atypical anorexia. I still have the obsessive thoughts, but I don’t follow any self imposed restrictions. I still think about them, I just got too tired to keep following them. I still punish myself for eating “bad” foods.
We’re going to continue talking through this and navigate it, hopefully find ways to change some of my thoughts and behaviors. I’m still surprised at myself for my initial knee jerk response of thinking that it’s just like me to have this disorder but still be overweight. That’s not me anymore. I felt that way when I was a kid up to my 30’s, that being overweight made me useless and less than. I don’t feel that way now, but I guess it’s hardwired into my brain at a subconscious level.
To be clear, I have never had negative thoughts about people I knew or met who were overweight. They were different. I was the problem, no one else.
I wanted to share this because I’d never heard of it before, and while it’s not life changing to know this is a thing, it is helping me understand myself and some of my behaviors in a way that I haven’t before. It is also helping me be kinder to myself, at least a little.
I hope this post wasn’t upsetting or painful for anyone. This is just me sharing my experience and thoughts, I don’t know much about this topic and I’m probably shitty in a lot of ways as I’m writing about this since I don’t know what I’m talking about. I’m sorry about that. I’m going to tag the fuck out of this.
Anyway. My wish for all of you is that you can be kind to yourself however you can in whatever way you need to be. ☀️☀️☀️
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I did a scary thing today.
I’m a medical student. My school is a little more progressive. We had a lecture today on anti-fat bias, but it never got to the lecture point. Instead, it became a conversation where a lot of people were confused about how we can create inclusivity while still providing best care. Some people were genuinely interested. Other people seemed to miss the point entirely and held onto this belief that fat = bad (always) and that it’s their duty to tell their patients that fat = bad.
I had atypical anorexia from the time I was 13 until I was 25. I recovered into a fat body (this is my preferred term). Listening to students argue and miss the big picture was triggering and infuriating. I held my hand up and put it down many times until finally the lecturer called on me even tho my hand was down. So I decided to speak up.
I told the entire class- including people I don’t feel very safe with at all- about my history. About how horrifically sick I was despite my “healthy” weight. How I wasn’t believed. How I could access treatment. And how the big take away is that weight isn’t something directly in our control- and it’s not helpful to focus on it. Sure, our behaviors may influence our weight, but so much of weight maintenance is not within our complete control. We can’t check off the box each day “weigh ___ lbs.” I tried when I was thin. I’ve tried post-recovery and have relapsed into behaviors more times I care to admit. Focusing on weight kept me sick. It kept me engaging in some of the worst behaviors (I won’t mention them here because they may be triggering to read about). Why put the focus on weight when you can shift the focus to health related behavior, like encouraging sustainable, accessible movement can reduce health risks dramatically? Encouraging eating more vegetables and fruits and fiber (rather than “fewer calories”)?
I completely dissociated while talking. I am open about my past eating disorder in the sense that I don’t hide it. I wrote about it in my application essays. I will answer any questions people have and share my experience in hopes it helps somebody at some point down the line. But I have never stood in front of so many people, some who hold biases about what an eating disorder looks like or what my health and value must be because of my body, and actually spoken the words “I had a 12 year history of atypical anorexia.”
I feel more vulnerable than I want to feel, but I’m glad I did it. Some people will roll their eyes and ignore that life altering restrictive eating disorder can and do happen in people with larger bodies, and that primarily weight focused medical care harms more patients than it’ll help. But if it helps just one person start to think- maybe this is something to consider, maybe I should be mindful of eating disorders and disordered eating in ALL body shapes and sizes… then the dissociation and tears and possible bias and stigma from a few confused people is worth it to me.
Thank you for letting me share 💜
Thank you for sharing :) that is a scary thing, and you were so brave for being so open and persistent. I hope you know how valuable it is to introduce the basic challenging of others' worldview in that learning environment, and you are so right that if you changed the views of even one person, then it was worth it to share, because that one person may go on to do a world of good in their own practice where there might have been harm.
It is so hard to stand up for yourself when the whole world disagrees with you. I am in immense admiration of your courage and hope you took good care of yourself after that class, anon.
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fatphobiabusters · 1 year
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[Image ID: Text that reads “’Thin privilege’ is constantly being accused of having an ED because you’re naturally thin even though you are well within a healthy BMI and eat healthy.”]
This fatphobe has apparently blocked this blog, so I can’t reblog their post. So instead, I will write my response to their post here:
Thin privilege is having an eating disorder be cared about and not encouraged by your family, friends, doctors, and society as a whole. Thin privilege is actually being able to be considered anorexic and not labeled with “atypical anorexia” just because you’re not thin.
Thin privilege is living in a world that caters everything to your body, from clothing to exercise equipment to chairs all designed to fit you and no one bigger. Thin privilege is not having to pay extra for the same goods and services. Thin privilege is actually being seen as beautiful by general society and not being told your body is only capable of being loved as a fetish.
Thin privilege is not being constantly subjected to medical neglect. Thin privilege is a doctor actually doing tests on you to find a tumor instead of telling you to lose weight for years until someone finally listens and finds the tumor when you only have two days left to live.
Thin privilege is being represented in every single piece of media. Thin privilege is not having your body relegated to only villains, ugly characters, and characters who symbolize evil things.
Thin privilege is being able to go to the grocery store and put a melon in your cart without someone else taking it out with a “You don’t need all that sugar, I’m doing you a favor.” Thin privilege is being able to eat in public without scrutiny.
Thin privilege is not having your children taken away from you and put into the foster care system purely for their weight. Thin privilege is not being kept from adopting children because the adoption agency thinks your weight is a sign of bad parenting.
Thin privilege is automatically being viewed as healthy and thus not facing the social repercussions of the opposite. Thin privilege is having your problems taken seriously. Thin privilege is being able to go to your elementary school’s swimming lessons in 4th grade as an 8 year old instead of willingly choosing to do the written assignment to keep others from seeing your ostracized body. Thin privilege is being 5 years old and not comparing your body to your smaller friend who has the same name as you and you pretend to be twins with but know that you will never be the same as her.
Thin privilege is not being recommended to starve by every person on this planet. Thin privilege is being able to find clothes in any store and not cry in a dressing room. Thin privilege is being allowed to go trick or treating. Thin privilege is even being able to find a costume in your size to go in the first place. Thin privilege is being allowed to eat as much as you want on Thanksgiving.
Thin privilege is not being put on diets as early as 8 years old. Thin privilege is not being categorized as a disease. Thin privilege is not having the government wage a war on your body. Thin privilege is not having the first lady consider your body an epidemic and make ridding the country of you her goal during her husband’s presidency.
Thin privilege is not having everyone refer to your body with a literal slur. Thin privilege is not having the most basic word for your body type treated as a taboo insult to the point that being called that word is most people’s greatest fear.
Thin privilege is being chosen over fat people for everything. Thin privilege is not facing a wage gap for your body type. Thin privilege is not facing workplace harassment and job discrimination. Thin privilege is not being harassed in a Discord server for suggesting the developers of a supposedly diverse video game make more than one character out of thirty have your body type.
Thin privilege is everyone learning how to draw your body from the get-go and not forcing themselves to learn how to draw you years later after they’ve already learned how to draw everything else. Thin privilege is being represented in more than one of the three hundred works on someone’s art blog.
Thin privilege is being allowed to participate in society and culture. Thin privilege is not having to learn how to sew in order to have any clothes to wear. Thin privilege is not having people smaller than you take clothing in your size from a thrift store and make it into a full outfit, severely depleting the miniscule amount of clothing that poor people with your body type have available to them.
Thin privilege is being able to be successful without everyone and their mother constantly commenting on how unhealthy they think you are. Thin privilege is not having your mother put a sign that reads “Nothing tastes better than how skinny feels” on the refrigerator that you’re forced to see whenever you want to nourish your body.
Thin privilege is not having your rape dismissed by not just society but even the actual judge of your case because “You should be grateful someone wanted to have sex with a body like yours for once.” Thin privilege is getting to be the prom queen. Thin privilege is not being controversial when Disney makes a two minute animation of someone with your body type in a neutral way.
Thin privilege is actually being able to see people who look like you while you grow up who are not ridiculed or cast to the side. Thin privilege is having every aesthetic blog on Tumblr feature only your body type. Thin privilege is not having to scavenge for representation and rely on a handful of blogs to find pictures of people with your body. Thin privilege is not having to use a euphemism for your body type when searching for pictures of people like you online because not doing so will only give you bigoted and fetishistic search results.
Thin privilege is being able to have a blog that isn’t constantly followed by thinspo people so they can use you as inspiration to throw up and starve, so they can find other people like you to abuse, so they can send you hate, so they can steal your selfies to post and laugh at with their friends. Thin privilege is not being screenshot and put on the Reddit thread r/fatlogic. Thin privilege is not having documentaries made about children who look like you and how them existing is a problem. Thin privilege is people not then using those documentaries as starvation porn when they want something to watch instead of eat dinner.
Thin privilege is being able to fly on a plane. Thin privilege is being able to go on any amusement park ride and know that it was made to fit you. Thin privilege is not having to use an app to figure out if a place is accessible to you. Thin privilege is not enduring barrages of hate on YouTube for simply posting a video of you trying on clothes. Thin privilege is people making videos about your struggles and not having enormous amounts of downvotes on those videos because they “promote ob*sity.”
Thin privilege is being able to post a picture of yourself without being hassled for it by strangers, friends, and even family. Thin privilege is being able to see your parents who have your same body type not hate themselves and constantly try to make themselves smaller throughout your childhood and the rest of your life. Thin privilege is not having invasive, deadly surgeries pressured on you and oftentimes even forced on you to be able to receive actual life-saving healthcare.
Thin privilege is not having the worth of your life debated in a pandemic. Thin privilege is not having the worth of giving you an organ transplant debated. Thin privilege is not having to change your weight in order to transition because things like top surgery are not gatekept from you and your body type is seen as inherently performative of whatever gender you transition to.
Thin privilege is not being forced to top and be dominant. Thin privilege is not having your asexuality, aromanticism, and any other queer identity dismissed because “You’re only that identity because men/no one want to be with you.” Thin privilege is not being misgendered and degendered because people with your body type are seen as “real women” and are not forced into masculinity. Thin privilege is not being gatekept from even androgyny and thus not leaving you with a body that is more of a thing than a person.
Thin privilege is not fearing PE in school. Thin privilege is not being turned away from a gymnastics club because they don’t believe people with your body type are capable of doing sports. Thin privilege is having your disabilities taken seriously and being able to use a mobility aid without being ridiculed even more than other disabled people are.
And thin privilege is so much more.
-Mod Worthy
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I just wanna throw out here that this whole anorexic people vs fat people is a false dichotomy anyway. Plenty of fat people have "atypical anorexia", aka normal anorexia but without the BMI requirement. Fuck, atypical anorexia is literally more common than typical anorexia, and while not every person with atypical anorexia is fat, a lot of them are, and they often go significantly longer without treatment because we have this cultural idea of anorexia = skinny.
Besides which... Given how often the pressure to be thin fuels the development of anorexia, a lot of thin anorexic people would benefit from ending fatphobia too? If your value as a person isn't tied to your size, then you're going to feel a lot less pressure to be a certain size.
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duckymcdoorknob · 9 months
Ducky hi I hope this isn’t a bother but I have an oddly specific emergency request??
I’ve been struggling with atypical anorexia for years. I keep gaslighting myself that it’s not that bad because I’m not skinny enough to look sick. I feel like it’s no big deal because it wouldn’t hurt for a fat girl like me to stop eating right? Hah sorry. Bad joke…
anyways, I saw that you write for Genshin and I was wondering if I can have Cyno and/or Tighnari comfort me? It can be separate or together but maybe can you make it that we’re classmates and he/they notice us?
thank you for even taking the time to read this and I hope you have a really good day 🥲
Oh my god anon hi
It’s like my brain was fucking cloned and copied into yours.
Fear not my liege, I’ll do both of them bc I’m infatuated with them both.
This is EXACTLY what I face on the daily.
I hope this isn’t too triggering because I really projected into these. I kinda just emptied my mind into the doc
(Oh no, Cyno’s got long)
I want you to know that you are deserving of food. No matter your size, food is fuel and you NEED to eat.
CW BELOW THE CUT: Reader has An0r3xia, Symptoms of An0r3xia, Self-hatred and Self-depreciation Ducky is essentially venting in this post
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The course of your life changed long ago, and you can’t exactly remember what “inspired” you to take the path that you did. However, you’d been plagued with negative thoughts for years, and decided to take action.
What you didn’t take into account was the people that you would hurt in the process…
Tighnari wasn’t expecting you to enter his life. You were a Haravatat student, and he was an Amurta student. Your paths were not technically supposed to cross. But, somehow you both ended up in the same required arithmetic class.
The first day went as always, your professor would explain the outline of the course, you’d introduce yourself to your seat-mate, and that would be it.
Little did you know, your seat-mate would be the one to save you from yourself…
The fennec leaned over to you, and in a whispered voice said, “If he doesn’t stop talking about his cat, I might just walk out.”
You giggled a little, to his delight, replying, “Walking? Man, you’re calm. I’m ready to drop out entirely.”
You earned a snort in reply. You watched the student next to you try not to erupt into laughter. “Tighnari.” He managed through his scattered breaths.
“(Y/N).” You replied with a smile. “Need any water? You’re looking a little…”
“Mm mmnh, fine, fine. I’m fine…” He blew an exhale through his lips as he gently fanned himself with his hand. “No laughing here.”
From that moment on, the two of you became friends. Your torturous arithmetic class became your favorite part of the day, and you looked forward to seeing Tighnari every time you went.
Eventually, all good things must come to an end. Your disorder had caught up with you, and you started to behave differently.
You started to slowly deteriorate. You became more reserved, nauseous and irritable. Your daily caloric intake sunk drastically, and you did not feel good whatsoever. Every time you stood, gravity was begging for you to go back down.
Ideally, this was not what a human should face, but this is what you greatly desired deep down. The pain in your stomach, head, knees, chest, it all meant that you were doing what you thought you needed to do.
One day during arithmetic, you were completely spaced out. You couldn’t focus on anything aside from your pounding head and starving stomach. A loud growl emitted from your abdomen, but you could scarcely hear it over the ringing in your ears.
Tighnari looked upon you worriedly, noticing you gag while your professor talked about the breakfast he had. When class was dismissed, you practically jumped to your feet to leave, promptly causing you to stumble and brace yourself on him for support.
“I’m… I’m fine.” And with that, you quickly left the room and rushed to the top floor of the library, in a spot that only you and your best friend knew about. After climbing the stairs, you fell onto the beanbag chair, panting heavily and holding your throbbing head. What was wrong?
You didn’t have much time to focus on why you were feeling so feeble, due to hearing frantic footsteps climbing the stairs behind you.
“Please, go away,” you whimpered as you tried to calm yourself. “I don’t want anyone to see me. Please just leave me alone.”
“I’d be a fool to leave you like this.” The person sat down next to you, looking at you with sympathetic eyes.
You looked to your left to meet aquamarine colored irises, blaring holes through you. “Tighnari…” With a wobbling lip, your tears started to bubble up again.
“I’m here… I’m here… it’s okay,” he soothed, moving to kneel in front of you. “What’s going on?”
“I… I-“ you wanted nothing more to explain, but would he believe you? You didn’t look sick enough, so who were you to claim you had an eating disorder. “I’m j-just not fee-feeling well.” You lied
“(N/N), please don’t lie to me…” he begged. “I may be reaching way too far out of proportion, but-“ his face screwed into one of sympathy as he looked at your terrified eyes, securing his fears. “With everything I’ve been noticing-“ he sighed. “If… If you’re having problems eating, you can tell me.”
You froze, breath stopping completely. “I-I don’t have-“ you scoff in disbelief at him. How did he figure that out from just your symptoms? “Look at me, Tighnari. I’m too fat to have an eating disorder.”
“Anyone of any size can have an eating disorder.”
“Not someone like me.” You shook your head as pitiful laughter bubbled out of you. “Someone like me doesn’t have an eating disorder. It doesn’t matter how hard I try, I never make any progress. That’s kinda how it works, and I can’t manage to make it work.”
“I’m obsessed with what I eat and how much I eat, and no one fucking believes me. Archons, it wouldn’t matter to the public if I just completely stopped eating. It would honestly be better knowing that I wasn’t stuffing my face all of the time. Maybe I’d actually drop a few pounds if I-“
“(Y/N).” The archer’s heart sank to the ground as he heard what you thought of yourself.
“Can I please give you a hug?”
You paused, taking in his face. Tighnari looked absolutely distressed, almost as if he was about to cry. “Y-Yes please.” You whimpered.
Without further need for conversation, you slumped your head against his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around your waist, and another around your shoulders as his hand cradled the side of your head. His padded thumb gently stroked your cheek.
“You, (N/N),” he began. “Are absolutely beautiful.”
The words made your breath catch in your lungs.
“I think you’re stunning atop of being your size. You don’t need to be a certain weight to be beautiful, you just need to be yourself. There will never not be someone trying to get under your skin, but it’s important that you stay positive. It’s like my mother always said: not everyone will want to be your friend, and that’s okay.”
The fennec sniffled, using his thumb to wipe his eyes. “What I’m saying is: you don’t have to change yourself for someone else to think you’re worthy. You brighten my life just by being alive, please don’t try to change who you are.”
“It absolutely breaks my heart to hear what you think about yourself.” Guilt washed over you as you heard his voice start to break with sniffles and tears. “A-And I don’t know h-how I’d manage if I-I lost you… (Y/N), I can’t b-bear to have to think of burying my b-best friend.”
You closed your eyes as your lip wobbled. It wasn’t long before a sob ripped from your throat and you broke down in loud lamentations.
He held you tighter, eyes closed, hot tears running down his cheeks, as he allowed you to finally release all of the woes and feelings that you had been holding in for so long.
“I’ve got you…” he whispered. “Don’t worry about a thing…”
It took a while for you to calm down, but ultimately, you did. You laid still in Tighnari’s embrace, playing with a few locks of his hair that hung loosely in front of you. “I’m sorry to cause you so much trouble…”
“Don’t be.” He replied with a patient grin, eyes focused on the people outside. “I’m just glad that you told me. To be honest, I was missing your usual quips in arithmetic.”
You snorted in amusement. “You’re only saying that to make me feel better.”
He cocked a brow and pursed his lips. “(N/N), my only other source of “comedy” is Cy-“
“Nevermind.” You interrupted.
The fennec snorted and burst out into boisterous laughter. You couldn’t help but mirror his action, giggling over the lack of hesitation in your answer.
As seconds passed, and the two of you laughed, the tears that were in your eyes were replaced by ones of mirth. When the laughter subsided, you laid lax against his torso, sighing in contentment.
Maybe Tighnari would be right after all…
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Cyno has always been a very detail oriented person. He’s keen at catching tiny things that others may overlook.
It was the end of the academic year and final examinations were coming around. The Kshahrewar students decided to host a huge party, and your dearest friend was begging you to go with him.
You wanted nothing more than to deny, for you knew your ED would ruin the night. You had been caught in a pretty bad relapse lately, and you dared not to tell Cyno.
Regardless, you swallowed your fears and agreed with a patient smile.
“Great.” His lips upturned into a gentle grin. “I can’t wait.”
That evening, you spent hours looking for something to wear. Every outfit had some sort of issue, and you never found yourself satisfied with what you had on.
Eventually, you decided on the outfit that you hated the least, texted Cyno to alert him of your departure, and left your dorm feeling uneasy.
When you arrived at the party, you found your best friend analyzing the refreshment table, plate in hand. You made your way over to him, taking in his simple, yet fashionable, clothing choice.
“Hey.” He smiled as he looked at you. He caught glimpse of your outfit and whistled, “You look hot, (N/N).”
You couldn’t help but giggle a bit at his flattery. “You’ve been waiting a while to pull that card, havent’cha?”
A simple shrug of amusement answered your question. “Im going to go say hello to Al-Haitham and Tighnari, wanna grab a plate and meet me outside?”
Your stomach dropped, but you never lost your smile. “Sure. I’ll see you out there.”
As Cyno retreated to say hello to his friends, you eyeballed the table. It was a beautiful array of food, but looking at it made you nauseous.
Your pupils flickered between sweet treats and savory snacks, the music drowning under the growing static in your ear. Your hands shook in protest as you went to grab a plate.
Having finished a, rather curt, exchange with Al Haitham, Cyno was deep in conversation with Tighnari. After a while, his eyes traveled back to the table, brows knit in confusion as he took in your demeanor. His face fell upon noticing…
You looked dazed. Your eyes absentmindedly pooled with tears as your quivering hand hovered back and forth between foods and back at your side. Eventually, you sighed in defeat and put the plate down with a loud groan, grabbing a bottle of water and retreating outside.
Words caught in his throat as he pointed to the door and attempted to stutter out an excuse to leave. Unbeknownst to him, Tighnari had seen the same thing and ushered the white-haired male after you.
When he went outside, Cyno couldn’t find you. You were nowhere to be seen in the backyard. It wasn’t until he heard gentle sniffling from above that it had dawned on him.
You were hiding out in a tiny treehouse that had been built by the Kshahrewar students as a final project. Those damn architects and their spare time…
He pushed aside his worries of cleanliness and began to scale the large tree. He carefully climbed up the ladder and silently entered the small, wooden house.
When your best friend’s eyes fell on you, his face dropped instantly. You had thrown on an oversized hoodie over your outfit, and were hugging your knees to your chest.
Cyno sat down next to you wordlessly, settling onto the dusty floor. He looked through the wooden window, eyes fixated on the twinkling stars.
“I’m sorry.” You murmured, not daring to look at him. “I ruined your fun.”
The white-haired male scoffed with amusement. “The only “fun” to be had was listening to Tighnari talk about a beetle that he found today. I love the guy, but sometimes I can only smile and nod and pretend to know what’s coming out of his mouth.”
His comment got a chuckle out of you, then an uncomfortable silence followed. “You feelin’ okay?” He asked gently.
“Not really, I’m not big into parties and I’m feeling sick.” You rest your head between your knees.
“Oh dear…” he mumbled. “Do you have water with you? Anything to snack on to get your levels regulated?”
You held up the bottle you had brought with you, not daring to speak.
“Good on the water part, but you need to eat something.”
“I’m not hungry.” Your stomach suddenly cried out for food, betraying you as you managed to curl in on yourself more.
The white-haired male sighed as he turned his head to look at you. “Do you wanna tell me what’s going on? Or do I have to force you?”
“Threatening me is not the way to get me to talk to you, Cyno.” You grumbled in reply, sneering a bit as you don’t move your head from its previous position.
“If that’s what it takes for you to tell me what’s wrong, I don’t care how it happens.” He said sternly. “Please, just tell me what’s going on.”
“It’s fine, I’m okay. Go have fun at the party.”
“I said I’m fine!”
Your head shoots up to reveal hot tears running down your cheeks, you lock eyes with Cyno and instantly feel guilty for yelling.
The white-haired male takes hold of both of your shoulders, gazing into your eyes. “You. Are. Not. Fine.” His fiery gaze is baring holes into you. “After what I saw a few minutes ago, I can’t believe you when you say that you’re fine. I just can’t-”
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I know the signs, (Y/N). Please, tell me I’m wrong in what I’m thinking is going on, please... I care about you way too much for you to hurt yourself like this.”
His thumb comes up to wipe your tears, but it’s all in vain as you hang your head low and start to sob. Cyno is taken aback at the sudden outburst, but doesn’t fail to turn to comfort. “Oh honey… c’mere, it’s alright… it’s alright...�� He soothed as he shifted to a kneeling position, wrapping his arms around you.
Through your sobs, you explained how you had been feeling lately. You explained your relapse, your self-hatred, the things you believed were true (when in reality they were not). Your best friend listened intently to every word, giving you his undivided attention.
When you were finished, Cyno did not reply, he only hugged you for a moment longer. When you broke free to wipe your eyes, that is when he finally spoke…
“I want to preface by apologizing. I didn’t even notice, and you’re one of my dearest friends… I’m so sorry.”
“S’okay.” You replied, resting your head on his shoulder.
He rested his head atop of yours, bringing a hand up to gently trace shapes on the small of your back. “I can’t entirely understand what you’re going through, but I do know what you’re feeling all too well…” he murmured. “I’m so sorry that you felt that you had to resort to this. You’re an incredible person, and I’m so lucky to call you my best friend… I couldn’t care less what you look like, or what you eat. I just wish that you felt that way too.”
“I just wanna be me again,” you whimpered. “I hate all of this. I’m tired all of the time, in pain, dizzy, everything just hurts and I’m starving but I can’t bring myself to eat anything. It’s- It’s crippling.”
“I know…” he soothed. “I wish that people understood how awful it is to have a calculator running in your head constantly. They see someone who looks like me and they think “he’s sick”. They see someone who might be on the heavier side and think “they’re an inspiration.” It’s unfair, and it’s repulsive. Anyone of any size can go through this.” He rambled,
Your eyes widened when you realized what his words meant. “Someone like you…? Wait, you? You’re-“
“For years, yes. I finally managed to get it under control when I entered the Akademiya. However, sometimes I still have moments like you’re in right now.”
“How did you recover?” You asked with hope in your voice.
Cyno gently held out his hand for you to take, which, to his delight, you did. “I met Tighnari,” he answered truthfully. “He helped me learn to love who I am… every inch of me. And I want to see if he can help you too. Do you think you’d be okay with that?”
You closed your eyes with a smile as you nodded tearfully. “Yes, please do so.”
A solemn silence was left in the treehouse until Tighnari had climbed his way up. He promptly said what everyone had been thinking: “Aw man, now my pants are all dirty.”
As you and Cyno laughed at his similar fate, you thought, for the first time in a while, that things might just be okay.
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cherrydi3tcoke · 27 days
my poem about anorexia:
my caved in chest
and chicken arms
my pencil thin legs
and all my scars
my hollowed out cheeks
the rituals begin
the bags under my sockets
the definition of my chin
the fatigue every morning
the dizzy every night
the hunger pain
and the shivers
triggering myself
ana is the boss
find a way to cope
weight loss
decreased testosterone
or the absence of your period
workout routines
food diaries
sudden death
making others worried
shortness of breath
constipation or diarrhea
cut out food groups
weigh in every day
my hair falling out
lanugo on my skin
bruises on my legs
my collarbones thin
my spine visible
my sternum is too
my bicep non-existent
daydreaming about my meals
every calorie counting
working out for hours on end
stomach flat
unable to keep a friend
a kilo or a pound
obsessed with the numbers
check each ingredient
water instead of oil
unsweetened almond milk
or a rice cake
scared to attempt to bake
blueish fingers
yellow-tinted skin
distorted self-image
feeding all my friends
counting while I eat
portioning myself
starving is my treat
and teens
memorize the macros
"i am not a dog, food is not my treat"
cry yourself to sleep
"but I've seen you eat"
short small
haunted by her curse
hours in mirrors
isolate from others
heart palpations
and restless nights
incurable thirst
intermittent fasting
binges or purges
all effects are lasting
normal on the outside
dying on the inside
questions from passersby
"just one more hour"
"just one more meal"
"i already ate"
"it's not that big of a deal"
suicidal thoughts
being underweight
scared of being healthy
scared to get too sick
feeding tubes
thinking about food
racing thoughts
using laxatives
going to the gym
going for a run
never having fun
cracked, dry skin
thin, brittle nails
weakened teeth
ruining my life
ruining my relationships
ruining my future
unable to eat a bag of chips
eating disorder speaks in my place
"just eat"
excuses for each meal
obsessed with my intake
obsessed with the math
obsessed with my weight
following this path
hoping that they notice
never tell a soul
hide it all from others
staring at my empty bowl
atypical or not
never feeling valid
covering my body
starving till I'm on my deathbed
recovery is useless
"i want to stay this way"
I'll have to fight my whole life
to keep her voice at bay
searches on the Internet
vitamin deficient
"no cal is better than low cal"
refeeding syndrome
"I'm not good enough"
"once on the lips forever on the hips"
quick ways to lose weight
calculate my BMI
freak out about what I just ate
oh how she will lie
she doesn't want you to just be a number
she wants you to die.
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dorianbrightmusic · 10 months
-OCD is not a synonym for neat or preoccupied with tidiness. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is all about distressing intrusive thoughts and rituals (compulsions) used to combat those thoughts.
-Intrusive thoughts are not synonymous with silly things I want to do. They're deeply upsetting, often taboo mental apparitions. Letting them win is the last thing anyone wants, and nobody is immoral for having them. (See 'impulsive thoughts' if you need a term.)
-Anorexic is not a synonym for thin or emaciated. The majority of anorexic people have OSFED atypical anorexia – that is, their BMI is above 18.5. You cannot judge the severity of someone's illness by their appearance. (If you're worried about someone, look out more for rapid weight loss than thinness, even when it's occurring in someone in a larger body. 10kg in 10 weeks is never a good thing.)
-Eating disorders are not synonymous with just anorexia and bulimia. Anorexia is an ED, but it's nowhere near the most common. Bulimia is an ED, but again, not the most common. Together, they do not constitute the most common. The most common ED is binge-eating disorder, and the second most common is atypical anorexia, which is one of many, many OSFED categories. Those living with ARFID, pica, night-eating syndrome, rumination disorder, subthreshold BN, subthreshold BED, and orthorexia all deserve dignity, compassion, and acknowledgement. Remember: EDs are not necessarily thin, and never glamorous.
-Schizophrenic is not a synonym of all over the place, abnormal, unpredictable, dangerous, or crazy. Nor is schizoid or schizotypal. Folks with schizophrenia spectrum disorders live with hallucinations, delusions, disorganised thoughts/behaviour, and/or catatonia. They are far more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators, and go to huge lengths to act okay even when distressed by symptoms.
-Schizophrenic is also not a synonym of multiple personalities/volatile. For the disorder involving having different facets of personality that are generally unaware of each other, see Dissociative Identity Disorder, and even then, don't assume it's a) dramatic as it is in the movies; b) evil; or c) trivial. DID is a trauma disorder.
-Delusional is not a synonym of wrong. Nor is it the same as this politician/friend is saying something I do not like/that is potentially dangerous. Delusions are false, fixed beliefs held despite evidence. And generally, folks with delusions don't tend to proselytise them. I know that certain politicians have beliefs that seem to persist in the face of evidence, but nevertheless, we don't need to stigmatise mental illness further to call out poor political/social behaviour. If you need a word for the pundit spewing potentially dangerous content, use 'dangerous' or 'wrong', but don't call them delusional.
-Bipolar is not a synonym of all over the place or fluctuating results. Bipolar disorder involves mood states that, even in the rapid cycling form, tend to last at least 3-4 days (mania) and weeks (depression). If you need a word for the weather, use 'British' instead.
-Psychotic is not a synonym of evil. Psychosis is losing touch with reality, whether it be through hallucinations or delusions. It doesn't make a person bad or violent. It's just a neurological phenomenon that may be distressing. It's also relatively common: 6-15% of people will hallucinate in their lifetime.
-ADHD is not a synonym of just quirky/scattered/forgetful/unfocussed/lazy/careless. ADHD is fundamentally a disorder of being able to choose where to direct attention, rather than of just I can't focus. If someone can't tune out the noise of the crowd, but can't prevent themself focussing on something trivial because their brain is wired that way, it's not laziness or just being quirky/scattered.
-Autistic meltdown is not a synonym of temper tantrum.
-Borderline is not a synonym of harridan.
-Narcissist is not a synonym of abuser.
-Mentally ill is not a synonym of volatile or bad person. This doesn't mean we have to make something artificially positive out of mental disorders. If there is good to be found in certain disorders, great; if there is nothing positive about living with certain others, that doesn't make you any less real or resilient than anyone else. It's okay to have complex feelings about your own disorders. It's okay to feel exhausted or frustrated by a disorder. But never should anyone have to face stigma.
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princelyed · 28 days
I need an ana coach all I ask for is meanspo and just bully me I'm fat I have exercise bulimia, bed, and atypical anorexia. Dm me to be my coach I guess also please be available to talk to me whenever I need motivation
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pineappleciders · 1 year
HEY DUDE ‼️‼️ can i pls request. Uhh sunny, hero and basil witha reader in recovery for atypical anorexia? Ik thats kinda vague but like, just them being supportive and trying to help is fine. ik u got a request like this before but hopefully they arent too similar? ANYWAYS yeah thank you 😁😁
SUNNY, HERO, and BASIL with a reader who is in atypical anorexia recovery
A/N: hii! don't worry about it, i've never gotten to write about recovery so this is cool for me!!! also i'm really sorry if anything in this is triggering or insensitive!!
TRIGGER WARNING: eating disorders, anorexia
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sunny isn't the definition of a healthy lifestyle,,, to say the least. so he probably isn't amazing at being a good role model and stuff like that
but he's great at being there for you emotionally. he may not understand everything about your ED but he listens very closely and he's very open to talking about private or personal matters!
if he notices you're having a hard time at the dinner table or while eating, he might look at you and just. blink. like he doesn't say anything but he's non-verbally checking on you
and he might come up to you after eating and stare at you to see if there's anything you wanna talk about,,, he gives your hand a squeeze under the table to encourage you
whenever you just need a break or are feeling faint, he's all for just lounging on the couch and playing games or sleeping. he is never one to judge if you're feeling tired or lazy
again, he isn't amazing at helping you physically with your recovery, but he's glad to stick with you!!!! he wishes he could help a little more though, but honestly his company is more than enough : )
hero is great at reminding you to do things to take care of yourself. like he'll always text you like 'Hey, did you eat yet?' and if you don't respond he comes to your house and immediately starts making pancakes
and he's all like "oh hey Y/N yeah i let myself in i figured you'd like me to make you some breakfast!!! :D"
he also reminds you to drink water and brush your teeth!!!! it can get a little annoying sometimes but he really wants to be sure that you're taking care
100% makes you meals if you can't or aren't feeling like it. he'll make you sandwiches, lasagna, literally anything. you're kinda disappointed that he gave up being a chef because he's REALLY good at it
he understands if you don't finish everything he makes,,, he knows it's hard so he doesn't force it and puts it in the fridge for later, always asking if you want him to heat it up or want the rest
he'll sit down and be very serious and listen intently if you need to talk about something. and he just genuinely tries to give you honest advice and lets you know he cares and wants to see you as the best person you can be
he tries to research a lot about recovery and EDs to try to help you, like he always searches up how to help someone in recovery and tries to memorize it
basil is always very nice. like he never points anything out that may be rude, so you never have to worry about like. getting insecure or anxious that he may be judging you. he genuinely doesn't care what other people do and supports you in everything
he feels really bad that you have to go through everything on your own, so he generally tries to help you with things, especially if it puts strain on your body or you're feeling weak. he's very happy to help!!
amazing at listening, and appreciates it deeply when you open up to him about stuff. he knows it can be hard more than anyone
tries to get you into hobbies to take your mind off of bad thoughts, like gardening and drawing. anytime you come over he takes you to the garden to water and weed the plants while chatting about your day
gives you drawings and notes, even in class!! they read little encouraging quotes or just compliments in hopes of making your day a little better :)
he knows he can't help you in every way, but he's very open with you and tries his best to be there and be the best friend he can be!!!
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ttouch-starvedd · 7 months
• about me! •
• i’m liv!! (nice to meet u)
• i’m 18
• i use she/her pronouns (they/them works fine too!)
• OSFED (atypical anorexia)
my stats:
BMI: 24.1
height: 5’5 (about 165cm)
HW: 208lbs
LW: 145.7lbs
SW: 177lbs
CW: 145.7
GW: 175 lbs | 155lbs | 135lbs
UGW: 125lbs
UUGW: 110lbs
pro recovery!! (just not for me :p)
i love reading, writing, studying polisci, and taylor swift!!!
DMs/asks are always open
- if you do not have an ED/are currently in recovery
- if you are under 16
- if you are pro ED or don’t support recovery
- if you are f4tph0b!c/share f4tsp0
- if you post gore, violence, or graphic images of SH (scars are fine!)
- if you are racist/homophobic/transphobic/an asshole
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