#I honesty owe whomever it was that was talking about this
bonny-kookoo · 7 months
Ok, here we go.
For Lacrymaria Olor, I'm curious about JK's relationship with Hana, was he officially courting her before she left him? In which way is MC different from her apart from honesty?
Thanks 💜
A/N: Warnings for infidelity and emotional outburst. Flashback.
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Every time she's done with him, he feels awfully.. empty.
She's his partner, obviously- he's chosen her after all, and she's chosen him. And yet, somehow, be can't bring himself to feel any fulfillment from her, no matter how hard he tries. She might be a good leader, a strong person, a very well fitted queen to be-
But she's greedy, weak in mind, and fails to see true value in things that matter. She has no patience, and no sense of appropriate self-worth.
She wants everything, and believes she's owed everything too.
He's long lost his emotional interest in her already, long before he even knew she was seeking another man to satiate her hunger whenever jungkook wasn't available. Her affection had soured at some point even before he knew that she was giving herself out to whomever wanted a taste of her. He's not sure why she does- but he knows that this has to stop.
"I want you gone." He tells her, as she runs her hand up his back from behind, intentions clear from the second she entered his bedroom. She's got the audacity to laugh and stay close, all while smelling like the cologne of someone else.
"Yeah, so you say every time." She purrs. "And yet you let me in, every time. I'm your queen-to-be, Jungkook." She chuckles, hugging him, leaning her chin on his shoulder. "You chose me."
"I chose wrong, in that case." He responds, body tense against hers. "The courting arrangements have already been called off."
"You're not serious." She scoffs, before she seems to sense that he is, as he spares her no gaze. "I've been nothing but lo-"
"You do not get to talk about loyalty, while standing in my chambers still wet between your legs.!" He growls, turning around to face her with an angry red gaze, eyes full of rage. "You have lost any sense of shame when you genuinely believed that I'm gonna do so much as touch you while you still reek of someone else!" He accuses, and she instinctively walks back, hands covering herself.
"It was-.." she stammers, visibly shaken by the confrontation. "You have to understand, you're always gone-"
"I used to tend to your needs daily, my love." He sneers, walking closer in a menacing manner, steps relaxed and confident, his presence clearly taking back control. "You simply got tired of just me."
She's silent, and he takes it as confirmation.
"You're greedy." He hums now, as her back hits the door. "You're a parasite. And I hope whoever's mind you've infested wakes up as well. Because I'm no longer a host you can feed on." He snarls, before the door opens. "Out." He simply commands.
And only after she's gone does he let go of his emotions, tearing the sheets to shreds until his hands bleed.
The room never to be opened or occupied again.
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artwraith · 3 years
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Dr. Harrington and his Monster! :))))
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pairing: carter baizen x reader
warnings: angst, cheating (sorta?)
part 1 / part 2
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and it kills me 'cause i know we've run out of things we can say. what am i now? what am i now? what if i'm someone i don't want around? i'm falling again, i'm falling again, i'm falling. what if i'm down? what if i’m out? what if i'm someone you won't talk about? i'm falling again, i'm falling again, i'm falling and i get the feeling that you'll never need me again ...
Stay away from me. I don’t want to see your face.
Those words were burned and scarred onto his mind and no matter how much he drank, how much he smoked, how much he slept, he could still hear her voice echoing those same words which hit him like daggers. She’d meant those words, he knew her well enough to know when she meant something and she had meant every single letter of every single word she had muttered. He couldn’t escape them and the worse thing was, he couldn’t escape her face. He hadn’t seen her in the last three months but he couldn’t forget the look on her face, the look of disappointment and hurt. He was used to disappointing his family, that’s all he could do but he’d never disappointed her before. She’d been upset at him, he’d been upset at her but they’d never been disappointed at each other. They’d always been there for each other but now she was just gone and he daren’t even try approaching her. He knew her threats weren’t empty and he knew way too well not to mess with Y/N. She was sweet but at the end of the day she was a Vanderbilt heiress and if you got on her bad side, you could easily see it. Yet, that didn’t mean he didn’t miss her.
How could he not when she had been around since the very moment they were introduced for each other? He couldn’t really explain what they were and he didn’t want to dwell on it, he’d rather think to himself that she was gone rather than admit he was the one responsible for it. After all, wasn’t that what he always did? Run away from his problems and avoiding them, instead creating even more issues. It was easier after all. However, what he did not expect was to find her doing the exact same and he couldn’t help but admit how angry he was to see her with someone else. At Cotillion, with Chuck, it was easy to know it was nothing; after all, everyone with a pair of eyes knew all Chuck Bass was interested in was Blair and once Nate was off the picture, the two immediately became a thing. But now? Now he couldn’t convince himself of it, he couldn’t tell himself that she was trying to make him jealous as she stepped into a MET exhibition accompanied by someone whom he didn’t know. A Kennedy, he had heard, and how could Carter compete with a Kennedy? He could not but seeing his Y/N with someone else made his blood boil and his grip tight around the champagne glass. Clearly he had forgotten he was here with someone else as well, yet, that didn’t mattered. What mattered was that his Y/N was with someone else. 
He hadn’t even want to come to this exhibition in the first place, he’d even tried to argue it out with Serena yet it was no use, he was here now and he could see it; he could see them. He could see the man pointing to his Y/N introducing her to everyone in the room as if she didn’t already know them. And that smile, that smile that always got him to do anything she wanted. A smile that was for him no longer yet looked his way and faltered. He downed the cold champagne in his glass, staring back at her before she moved her gaze away, hand wrapped around her date’s arm. Carter shoved the champagne glass on one of the floating silver trays before making his way through the crowd like a wolf hunting its sheep until she reached her. Whomever she was with had left her alone, probably to get some drinks but he didn’t care.
      - We need to talk. 
      - No, we do not. - she grabbed a canape from a passing tray, a habit she had whenever she was uncomfortable at parties. 
      - Can you at least give me that? You ruined my family’s appearances at social events, you made your point. You owe me a talk.
      - That’s rich. - she looked over her shoulder, hoping her date would come and interrupt their interaction. 
      - Please. - his eyes scanned hers for any softness which still laid for him, yet he couldn’t read her eyes. They were hooded and hidden by thick black shadow and dark eyeliner which took away from how watery and bright they usually were, from how happy he remembered them. It’d been a long, long three months and part of him hopped all the care she had once held from him hadn’t died. He still held her in high regard and while he didn’t expect her for even care for him anymore, part of him still hoped she wouldn’t let him bleed out if she found him wounded. However, Y/N was much too smart to let her own emotions take over her in public situations and so she walked away.
Her gown dragged away all her insecurities and all the faltering which still seemed to dance around her whenever he was around, yards and yards of fabric dragged all that was bubbling all the way to her throat and she found herself walking faster and faster to the bathroom. Her hands flew to the porcelain sink, holding herself up as if the weight of all she had ignored for the past three months was pushing her down into the centre of the Earth. Her head snapped up, watching her reflection in the golden mirror; she thought maybe if she could see how pathetic she looked, she would snap out of it. 
     - Y/N. - her grip on the porcelain tightened up as she turned her head to see him against the closed door.
     - I hate you. - she almost barked those words at him, voice filled with poison as if she had wanted to say them a long time ago. His eyes softened, corners looking down, a far cry from how unreadable he always was. - With every fibre of my being, I hate you. 
     - Fine. - he made his way towards her, standing by her side. - I just wanted to say that I’m sorry I hurt you. I never meant to hurt you.
     - You humiliated me in front of everyone. - her eyes looked into his for the first time that night, old wounds still not completely wounded. - You kissed me in Santorini when you were with Serena. You are a bad person, Carter. 
     - I know but I wasn’t with her like I was with you.
     - Details of your relationship do not interest me, Carter. If you wanna talk about your relationship, I’d suggest couples therapy. 
     - We weren’t a couple in Santorini, Y/N. Did you seriously think I would’ve done that to you?
     - I don’t know you. - she spewed those words, letting go of the sink and walking backwards, away from him. - I don’t even trust you, Carter.
     - I hope you know I’m not asking for forgiveness from you. I’m just apologising. 
     - I don’t need your apology, I need you away from me. I want you away from me.   
     - You’re spoiled, you know that? - he pointed his finger at her. - Just because the whole world revolves around your family does not mean I’ll stop going places just because you don’t want to see me. You don’t get to decide what I do!
    - For someone who hates this lifestyle, you seem so bothered. - she stood there, not completely happy with the adjective he’d just placed upon her. Y/N Archibald was many things, but spoiled was not one of them. No matter how many riches she had, she did not expect the world to bend to her will.  - Why are you here if you’re just going to criticise me anyway? 
The two of them remained in that match, almost to see which one of them could hurt the one the most, as if hurting each other would somehow make the fact they weren’t together hurt any less. The truth was, both of them were stubborn individuals and while Y/N had been the most forgiving of the two, seeing the man she had always hoped would someday be hers with someone else had almost erased all of that. Maybe she was spoiled for expecting him to someday magically want her by his side but he was spoiled too. They were two flawed human beings staring each other, waiting to see which one would break apart first until he realised one thing; he did not want to see her break apart. He was bitter, angry at her even but deep down he knew there was no one to be angry at but himself. He had caused this and he was lashing out at her, hoping that by hurting her, he’d feel better about her hating him so much. However, he did not want to hurt her. At least no more than he’d already done, either willingly or unwillingly. 
    - You win. - he lowered down his hands in defeat. Y/N, however remained still yet if one were to touch her arm, they could feel she was trembling. - I can’t fight with you any longer.
He almost left her there standing, not sure of what to say. He really was going to leave, he was going to disappear for a while yet his decision faltered as his eyes almost too quickly scanned her, noticing the thin gold bracelet around her wrist. He had given her that bracelet, something he’d got from one of his first travels to Europe. It was nothing too special, in all honesty, compared to what she was wearing, it was probably the cheapest thing she had on her person but he remembered that bracelet way too well. He remembered giving her the small little bag, her little argument about how he shouldn’t have gotten something for her, how she promised she’d never take it off. She still had it, she still wore it. 
     - You’re wearing the bracelet I gave you. - he pointed towards her wrist and she immediately covered it, looking at it for a bit before looking up at him.
     - Fine. - her voice almost broke as she tried to undo the clasp.
     - Don’t. - his voice however broke down as she found the clasp. - You promised. 
Her aura softened, shoulders lowering to a neutral position as her hand unwrapped from her wrist, her eyes gazing the shiny gold metal before she looked up and at him. Whatever fire her anger had ignited within her went down, washed away like the waves onto the sand and for the first time she moved forward until she was close enough to feel his breathe on her face. Her eyes heightened up to his, lips half parted as her hands cupped his face, the same face she had seen grow older over these years yet remain the same blue eyes which were so typically his. Her finger grazed his cheekbone, the mere action making him nuzzle his face against her warm. She always had warm hands and the both of them no longer wanted to fight. She was tired and Carter was deadly afraid of not ever talking to her again, he could not lose her. He did not want to lose her. 
There was no sound, not even the soft music outside seemed to break the silence, all that was around was their breathing, soft and slow. Her eyes moved from his to his lips, pink tinted, tainted with the taste of champagne which she could smell from his breathe. Soft emotion filled eyes looked his for a second before she moved closer, closing the distance between them. Her hands moved from his chest to rest against his chest as she tasted the champagne on his lips. His hands held her waist flush to him, before he two broke off the kiss, foreheads leaned against each other.
    - Don’t leave.
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fanfictionandmore · 4 years
808 Broadway | Laszlo Kreizler [Chapter One]
Chapter One | Interview
Aurora's POV:
Nervousness filled my insides as my cab started slowing down. That meant that I had reached my destination; I wasn't completely prepared for what I was about to step into in all honesty. "283 East Seventeen Street, Miss." My cab driver said as soon as the carriage had reached a stand still. "Thanks." I replied as I got out and handed the man what I owed him for the ride. He took off down the street, leaving me on the sidewalk. The bright August sun was blaring down on me from the clear blue sky as I took in my surroundings.
It was far from the neighborhood I'm currently living in, that's fore sure. Three days ago I sent a letter inquiring about the housekeeper position at this very house. Luckily the job was still up for grabs, especially since I was looking for work and the pay was generous. I took a deep breath and let it out before walking up the steps of 283, hoping that this interview would go well. Once I reached the door I rang the doorbell, which I was able to hear on the doorstep.
A few moments passed before I heard any movement within. When the door opened I was greeted by a very tall man with dark skin. "Good morning, Miss. How may I help you?" He asked with a slightly puzzled look in his eyes. His voice sounded deep, yet it wasn't intimidating of frightening. It was a bit soothing in an odd sort of way. "Good morning, Sr. I'm Aurora Perish, I believe I was requested to come in regards to an interview pertaining to the housekeeper position." I replied with a small smile.
"Oh, yes... of course. Right this way, Miss. The doctor will be waiting on you in the sitting room." He said as he opened the door wider for me to enter the home. The place looked beautiful compared to the apartment I currently live in. The place had dark wooden floors and lovely wallpaper. It was clear that some well off people live here; I honestly felt rather out of place. I followed the man through the foyer and down a hall before we reached a doorway.
"Miss Perish has arrived for the interview, doctor." The tall man said in his deep timber. "Please, show her in." A male voice replied. It wasn't as deep as the dark skinned fellow, but deep still compared most voices. "The doctor will see you now." He said as he stepped out of the way so I could enter the sitting room. Again, it was beautifully furnished and decorated. But it was obvious that there wasn't any females present in the home from the style of the place, but I didn't mind.
It looked rather... cozy. "Thank you, Cyrus." The male voice I heard before now had a face. He had dark hair and dark eyes. A beard and mustache accentuated his handsome features also. He was standing in the middle of the study with his hands in his trouser pockets. The clothes he was wearing were black, all apart from the white buttoned down shirt underneath his waistcoat. "Hello, I'm doctor Kreizler. It's a pleasure to meet you Miss. Perish. Your resume is quite sparse, however... I believe you might be exactly what we're looking for." He said with a small smile that was quite charming. 'Doctor Kreizler... I've heard that name before.' I thought inside of my head as he offered me a seat so we could proceed with the interview.
I sat there on on the chair he offered me to sit on and answered his many questions the best I could. Most of them were about my cooking abilities and or experience, but his questioning soon took a turn that I wasn't expecting. I felt like I was being examined in a way I was only familiar with at home. A particular type of questions that let know where I'd heard of doctor Kreizler and what his profession is. "You're an Alienist?" I said in a slight questioning tone just in case my train of thought was mistaken. "Yes, I didn't assume you knew who I was when I introduced myself." He said with slightly furrowed brows.
His dark eyes had an intrigued gleam to them, as if there was a low burning fire behind those orbs of darkness. "Your name sounded familiar, but I wasn't sure who you were until you started questioning me as an Alienist would. You see... my brother is going to university to become one himself." I replied. "And you've been asked questions of the like by him, I presume." He said as another small smile spread across his face. "Yes." I replied with a little smile of my own. A few moments of silence passed between the two of us, but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. "Well, Miss. Perish... how soon can you start work?" He asked, and I was a little surprised. I wasn't even aware that the interview had ended. "As soon as you'd like me too, doctor Kreizler." I replied. "Tomorrow morning will suffice." He replied with another one of his smiles. I couldn't help. It notice that his smiles didn't last very long, but that didn't dampen the impact of them.
They made me feel comfortable, and perhaps that was his intention. I thanked him for his time as well as taking me on as an employee. He called on Cyrus to show me out afterwards and don't think I could have been any happier than I was at that moment. "Have a good day, Miss. Perish." Cyrus said as I stepped out of the front doors of 283 East Seventeenth Street. "You too, sir. I expect we'll be seeing a lot of each other in the coming days." I replied, and he just nodded once before he closed the doors behind me. After walking down the steps and onto the sidewalk, I whistled for a cab. A few seconds later one rolled up in front of me. I told the cab driver to take me to 380 Lafayette Street. The ride home seemed to take longer even though it was the exact same distance I traveled this morning.
When I got home I walked through the bakery my parents use to own before going up to the apartment above. Sadness filled my heart as I looked at the empty shop, so I quickly made my way upstairs. When I entered the little kitchen I found my brother Henry studying at the table with a cup of coffee next to him. "How did the interview go?" He asked without even looking up from his book. "It went well," I replied as I poured myself a cup if coffee and sat down across from him. "You'll never guess who I'm going to be housekeeping and cooking for." I said before sipping the strong black liquid that was in my mug.
"Who? The Vanderbilts?" He replied with an amused laugh. "No, doctor Laszlo Kreizler." I said, and he snapped his head up too look at me with wide eyes. "You aren't serious?" He asked. "I am. If you don't believe me then come to work with me tomorrow morning and see for yourself." I said with an amused smile on my face. He brought his hand up to his face and rubbed his upper lip with his forefinger. I knew he was considering the idea I had spoken of, but he soon made a decision on the matter. 
He decided not to go along with me to see if I was in fact, telling the truth. "I believe you, Aurora. But... if it's possible I'd very much like to meet him." He finally said as he moved his hand from his face and reached for his coffee mug. "I'll do my best. Now, if you'll excuse me... I'm going to get out of this silly dress." I said as I stood up and walked out of the kitchen. I figured Henry needed some time alone to focus on his studies, and talking about doctorKreizler wasn't going to help him. I changed into a pair of brown trousers and a white buttoned down shirt. Dresses have always been something I absolutely hate, but my mother always made me wear one when I was little. Sometimes I wonder when it will ever be socially acceptable for a woman to dress in men's clothing. Perhaps I'm ahead of my time, like father often told me whenever I did something that was against the social standards.
At that thought a smile spread across my face. Once I was dressed I grabbed the current book I was reading and walked into the small sitting room. Eventually Henry left for university, which left me all alone. I didn't mind being alone most of the time; however, there has been an alarming increase in crime as of recently. But I expect it to only get worse instead of better as time goes on. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind and focused on the words on the pages of the book I was holding. As the day went on, I hadn't realized I skipped lunch until my brother came through the door. I was just happy I had stopped reading in time to cook us something for dinner. "It smells amazing in here. What am I gonna do when you're at work?" He said with a small smile as he took his hat and coat off. "You'll just have to fend for yourself." I replied with a small smile of my own. The two of us ate as he told me about his day at university. Apparently he had several big tests coming up in the next couple of weeks, and I wished him luck.
I really hoped that he was able to make a successful career being an Alienist. I just wish that our parents were still around to see how far he has come. After dinner I washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen while he went to his room to study. Deep down I wished our lives had turned out a bit different, but we're still better off than most people in the world. At least we aren't living in tenements where sickness and poverty love to dwell... where violence and abuse fester. Not that those things can't happen in a middle class or wealthy family. The point is that I'm grateful for the had Henry and had been dealt even though it wasn't perfect. When I was finished I walked into the sitting room where I found my brother drinking a glass of whiskey as he read one of his psychology textbooks. 'I guess he got a little bored of being in his room.' I thought inside of my head as I joined him on the sofa. "Freud or Breuer?"
I asked him curiously. "Breuer." He replied without looking up from his textbook. I silently sat there and cleared my mind for a few minutes. My stomach was fluttering with anxiety as I thought about my first day of being a housekeeper. I really wanted to impress doctor Kreizler and whomever he might have living or visiting his home. It wasn't just the money that mad he me what to be the best I could be. Perhaps it was pride or wanting to allow my brother the opportunity to meet the doctor. Either way, I was nervous as a bull in a fine China shop. To ease my worry filled mine I cracked open my book once again and lost myself in the world of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. When the clock chimed I looked up to see what time it was. "Ten o'clock. We better retire for the night or we won't be of much use in the morning." I said, and Henry agreed. After making sure all of the lights were off, we went to out separate bedrooms. I changed into my nightgown and climbed into bed. Thankfully there was a nice cool breeze blowing in from the window. The heat of August seemed as if it would turn into the cool comforts of September soon. I think the whole city was ready for a break from the blistering heat. I ended up staring up the ceiling for a few minutes before drifting off into a deep sleep.
A/N: Thanks for reading! I really hope you guys like the story so far!
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vitavitale · 5 years
              details re: DmC AU
Much of my V’s original canon remains the same in DmC: partial demonic ancestry, loses his mother to a demon he summoned improperly, hard youth, bonds with his familiars at the same ages, low income situation, his cane and grimoire work exactly the same, etc. He just happens to be able to lease a neglected, old little space that’s really too hard to find which he turned into a “sorcery shop” to support himself---and it’s where he lives, in the back room. Somehow he’s accommodated himself. Unlike in my classic universe canon, however, V never meets Mundus or forms any sort of link with him as he does with Urizen. So, he’s in no danger of dying from that.
The familiars were summoned directly from Hell, not needing to go through Limbo to arrive at the location of their individual rites. But being demons, they can and will enter Limbo if it’s necessary. For the most part, they stick to V. His body, mainly, but at times they must emerge and V is naturally careful to ensure they aren’t sighted by anyone. Kat will prove different, as with the nephilim. Nightmare must remain confined to V’s body almost permanently; there are too few chances in which it can be summoned to action, and V would prefer not to take any unnecessary risks by wanting to give Nightmare a little attention, which is unfortunate. However, post-game events will afford Nightmare much more freedom.
V is capable of astral projection and tends to use this to wander Limbo, much in the way Kat does. The difference being that V can will himself to do it, but he must first enter a deep meditative state in order to project. When he does succeed, he enters Limbo without his familiars as his form is metaphysical and they are attached to his body. If they are to go with him, they must physically enter Limbo separately from him. While he cannot touch, he likewise cannot be touched. He is visible there, can communicate with whomever else he may encounter, but there is little else he can do in terms of interaction. He would do well to avoid being attacked, however, as anything attempting to harm him psychically or spiritually would endanger his real physical form left widely vulnerable in the human realm. Hence it’s best if he  never travels alone as he is very much without protection if he traverses through Limbo without the company of any of his familiars. Also, the slightest disturbance he may cause may very well alert forces he’d much rather have ignore him (Mundus’ lackeys, in other words). Trips to Limbo are hazardous and V risks a lot whenever he decides to poke around. It’s also a rather exhausting experience once he’s finished; as one would imagine, the amount of focus and psychic power needed would be large and continuous.
Through his trips to Limbo, V at times gathers intelligence pertaining to Mundus and his/his lackeys' activities. It's really through word of mouth, what he hears in his surroundings than any actual research or prying. He's learned many an interesting thing, both through astral projection and his clairvoyance which affords him visions and premonitions (though less frequently and with less clarity). Truth be told, V wants to keep as far from anything to do with Mundus as possible. Unfortunately, his indirect involvement with The Order may or may not pull him into that very thing he wishes to avoid. Gently extorted/coerced by Vergil to do some of his bidding, who happens to compensate V for his services (namely those to Kat) and for whatever cooperation he may provide. No doubt Vergil finds V's astral projection extremely useful.
V knows a thing or two about nephilim through Griffon and his own studies, and what he knows of the twins he’s learned through his clairvoyant visions exclusively. So he has a little insight on them that would most likely be unwelcome by them if they’d ever discover it, but V isn’t one to divulge all. He may learn of things that they've yet to do down the road, but... that all depends.
V’s somewhat in the know in regard to the demons’ doings, their efforts to subdue and rule mankind. He wholly disagrees with it but is unable to do much of anything about it. He would not even know where to begin; and while he knows of The Order and has a sense as to the good they’re trying to do, he doesn’t want involvement with them. Their methods may not be to his liking, and... really, they are far too shady for his comfort. He is wary of Vergil upon first meeting and keeps him at arm’s length at all times. If not for Kat, whom he shares a good friendship with, he’d reject Vergil outright. As it happens, the more he and Vergil engage in one another’s company and work cooperatively, the less unfavorable V’s opinion---but not by leaps and bounds, and not quite to a life-changing level. Perhaps due to a vision of some kind, or some intuitive feeling, V simply sees something peculiar in Vergil that cannot fully allow him to relax his opinion of the nephilim. 
It’s easier with Dante whom V sees as more sincere and, therefore, easier to form a friendship with. It should be noted that Dante’s (and Kat’s, needless to say) involvement in The Order’s operations does help to soothe V’s concerns and afford him a little more comfort in regard to the group as a whole. But he would never let his guard down and, no matter who his friends are, insist that he wants no part in their crusade.
In fact, it’s when things start to look pretty hairy that V decides to leave Limbo City. He fears what may come and has no intention of getting caught in it. Mundus’ temper tantrum that leads to the beginning of the end (thanks to Vergil) is what prompts V to leave, or he may skip town prior to that happening so as to avoid unnecessary collateral harm. If he returns, it’s post-game; fresh after the fall of the demon king. 
Another course of action may take place, however (as I am not yet fully decided and this could honestly change in a thread): V does not leave the city but is instead absorbed into The Order, what’s left of it being Vergil and Dante, basically, talked into helping them out more directly. Of course, he would also feel he owes it to Kat: if he learns of her capture and her subsequent rescue, he decides he must be there for his sorcerer’s apprentice; and, second, he should like to see the city secured in some fashion, the threat eliminated so that she, along with the rest of mankind, may live freely. Thus, he is recruited by Vergil after all, aiding the twins in their duty to see the world saved.
When it comes to choosing sides, V will remain wholly neutral. Neither Vergil nor Dante would be in the right in his eyes and he’d frustrate both brothers by insisting so. However, if he were to speak with complete honesty, he’d see a little more of a flaw in Vergil’s reasoning than in Dante’s. Unfortunately. But he wouldn’t express that to either of them. Let them settle their differences on their own; he has no stake in their spat (if he’s there to witness any of it in the first place; that would also be plot dependent as, alternatively, he’d have been gone during the final battle). If V does what he must, helps Kat and mankind, then he will be satisfied and go about picking up his own pieces; try to make a life for himself again, somehow, within a ravaged city plagued by demons. Well, he’d become a demon killer in his own right, backed by his familiars as always. If he runs into Dante or Vergil along the way... he can only hope that nothing’s happened to sour mutual respect. As for Kat, he’d want to stay in touch. It’s likely he’ll look her up to maintain their friendship.
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amazongoddcss · 5 years
iron-clad honesty
ᴘʟᴏᴛᴛᴇᴅ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀ — @what-the-stark
Time was dragging and she’d only been at this fundraiser for about a half hour. After being stopped a couple of times to make small talk with some of Gotham’s elite Diana had finally made her way to the bar. Trays filled with flutes of champagne were being passed around, but she was in the mood for something a tad stronger. It wouldn’t impair her, she’d just come to enjoy the taste of a good cocktail from time to time. Before she was even able to order her drink a man had sidled up to the bar beside her. He reeked of alcohol. This gentleman had to have been drinking since long before he’d arrived to the party. 
He was close. Too close. 
The smell seeping out of his pores was overwhelming. Any moment Diana expected his partner or a friend to come and fetch him, but unfortunately she wasn’t that lucky. Instead she was met with an offer to buy her a drink, which she politely declined. The ‘gentleman’ didn’t stop there. No, instead he decided to use some of the worst pick-up lines she’d ever heard. Diana turned those down as well and during what she hoped was his third and final attempt she’d decided to ignore him. He had other ideas.
Diana felt a hot, sweaty palm come to rest on her back between her shoulder blades. Slowly it drifted down her bare back to pause at the hem of her backless evening gown on the small of her back, just above the curve of her behind. Anger flashed hot and quick through her veins. In the blink of an eye she grasped his wrist firmly enough to hurt, but not do anymore damage than a bruise. Quickly she twisted his arm behind his back and shifted her body so that no one could see what she was up to. “Go and sober up before I break your arm and you embarrass whomever you’re here with,” she hissed. Her predator fled as soon as she released him and he couldn’t get away quickly enough, stumbling as he went.
“Disgusting... pig,” she huffed under her breath, turning back to the bar. She was intent on finding the bartender. Now.
❝Well, that was brutally honest.❞
Her head snapped to her opposite side, the side had that been devoid of creeps Another spike of adrenaline coursed through her, but quickly began to subside when her gaze fell upon a familiar face. “Mr. Stark,” she greeted, “sometimes I find that honesty is the best policy.” She raised a hand to signal the bartender that she was finally ready and got a nod in return that he’d be right over. “Diana Prince,” she said, offering him her hand. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” Diana turned to face him, resting her arm on the bar. His reputation preceded him, but she knew a thing or two about reputations and she was interested in finding out more about Tony Stark all on her own.
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k-realm-scenarios · 7 years
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In which Junhui is a bartender and certain circumstances bring you together. [TW: Alcohol mention/consumption, rehab mention]
Seventeen Wen Junhui - Bartender!AU
2304 Words
Jun first started out as a bartender to pay for school, now he just likes it. Plus, it pays really well, especially with all the tips he gets. He’s so good at his job, that he is basically supporting both himself and Minghao while they really get on their feet.
Flirting comes so easily to Wen Junhui that most patrons can’t help but fall in love with him within minutes of meeting him. He doesn’t discriminate between men or women, dazzling everyone equally with a sidelong glance, a crooked smile, or by simply running his hand through his hair. No one understands how someone could look so beautiful and sexy at the same time while also making killer cocktails and sometimes even threatening the bouncers’ jobs.
During one particularly busy night, a couple of guys had gotten too rowdy. As the one calling the shots, Jun cut them off any more liquor. This made them reach over for him, violence in their eyes. Jun had subdued them easily, frowning deeply as he complained that he really didn’t have time for this. Once the bouncers kicked them out, Jun straightened his clothes, tucking in his tank top and dusting off his jeans. He’d gone back to work as if nothing had happened.
People love Jun. They love his drinks, love flirting with him. Bars are the places people go to when they want to cut loose or find a different part of themselves, Jun’s drinks and his willingness to play along allowed them to find out things about themselves they never even considered possible.
Good girls become bad for the ten minutes in which he would make out with them in the back alley. Curious or frightened, some guys finally discover what it’s like to kiss another man. Some like it, some don’t. Some are relieved, some are disappointed.
Jun will make out with them if they want, out in the back alley, embraced by the darkness, so that they may find out what kind of person they really are—but he will only do that. No one can get more than a kiss from Jun. Not his phone number, not his age, not his relationship status. Nothing.
See, Junhui is the kind of guy that doesn’t say much. Yes, he will flirt and talk with patrons, but no one knows anything about him. He starts his shift at 10:00PM and leaves the establishment around 4:00AM, only to do it all over again five nights a week. No one knows what he does during the day. No one, that is, except you.
The funny thing about this is that you don’t know Junhui personally. You know him as one of your nephew’s dance instructors, the one who works at the dance studio across the street from the struggling law firm you’re a secretary in.
Three days during the week and once during the weekend, you end up seeing Jun, Minghao, Hoshi, and Dino at the dance studio when you pick up your nephew for the day. The four have always been polite to the parents of the children they teach, but Hoshi and Dino took a special liking to you when you showed up with a broken shoe in hand.
The studio’s fees are not cheap; seeing you in worn clothes and with shoes old enough to fall apart had them wondering what your story is. It isn’t anything spectacular really, you work at the shabby looking law firm across the street, the one with the lawyer that loses almost every case he ever gets. He might be the boss, but everyone knows that the paralegal you work under is the one that really manages the business.
Law really isn’t your thing. You hate having to hear clients come in complaining about who did what to them and how they will push forward with their lawsuit until the other party paid up. You didn’t understand why anyone would spend so much money on a good-for-nothing lawyer just to get a quarter of what they want after the firm charges them for their mediocre services. Sometimes, clients end up owing the firm instead.
It is messy and loud and stressful. You don’t like it, but you aren’t quite sure how it is that you ended up working there, living paycheck to paycheck.
Your older sister, on the other hand, is a successful doctor and the owner of the bank account that funds her son’s dance lessons. She loves her little boy, but she loves her job as well. So every time he has to stay late for practice, you pick him up and take him over to your cramped one-room apartment where he spends the night in your company instead of that lonely, empty condo his mother calls home.
Hoshi and Dino did some snooping (meaning they asked your nephew and bribed him with pizza) to find out just what your situation is. That’s how they ended up trying to ask you to join them for drinks or dinner every once in a while. They became friends of yours, of sorts, people you would bump into on the street and have an okay conversation with.
Minghao would sometimes be with them, but he proved to be less willing to try and convince you to join them for whatever activity they had planned. He wasn’t mean, though, just quiet around you. He would smile though, always warmly.
Of Junhui, well, you know absolutely nothing. Your nephew likes him best and he always has some story to share about him that made him “super cool” or “mega funny.” But you don’t know anything about him as an individual.
In fact, you have hardly ever even heard him speak, so when you receive a call from your boss’ cell in the middle of the night during the weekend, you don’t recognize the voice on the other end as Junhui’s.
It is half past two in the morning when you pull up to the bar. There is a bouncer leaning against the front door, his massive build intimidating you even before you get out of the car. Gathering your shaky courage, you make your way up to him, swallowing a squeak when his voice booms out at you, “Are you here for the drunk?”
“Yes,” you say, all while desperately rejecting, denying the idea inside.
The bouncer nods, stepping aside to let you in, nodding to whatever lay beyond the door. “Bartender is in there. Holler if you need any help.”
The careful step you took inside is enough to prompt the bouncer to let the door swing shut behind you. You have never been to a bar before—never had the time to—but you have seen enough movies and TV shows to know that this bar looks nothing like those on the screen.
The silence and stillness within is so great you can hear it. It takes you a moment to realize that the place was brightly lit, the light reflecting off the wet floors. The strong scent of lemon makes you want to sneeze; clearly whomever did the cleaning likes to splurge on the strong stuff.
A door shut somewhere, making you jump. A tall man in black appears, a long apron wrapped around his waist and rubber gloves on his hands. He sets the bucket and mop he’s been holding next to the bar, raising his head so that he may look at you from underneath his cap.
“Are you here for the drunk?”
You swallow. “I-I guess so.”
He nods once, motioning for you to follow him. You take one last look around before trotting after him.
In all honesty, you really shouldn’t even be here. Your boss is not your responsibility. If he wants to drink himself stupid or die of alcohol poisoning, he can. Why should you be the one coming to get him?
“He passed out in the bathroom. Said he wouldn’t leave unless his secretary came to pay his tab.”
“His what?!”
You are so shocked that you lose your balance with your next step, slipping on the wet floor. The bartender is only just fast enough to break your fall. He is holding you up by arm, his grip almost painful, his body leaning into yours. You blink up at him, realizing that you know him.
“M-Mr. Wen?”
Junhui is so surprised to see you, to recognize you, that he drops you. The sound of your body hitting the cold, wet floor is loud enough to bring the bouncer in. He stares at Junhui hovering over you for a while, his eyes shifting from confusion to suspicion and back again.
Eventually, Jun offers you his hand, helping you up.
“Slipped,” he says to the bouncer, as if that explains everything.
The bouncer regards him for a moment before shaking his head. “Be careful where you step,” he tells you, “this guy loves to soak everything. One would think he was trying to wash the scum off the earth. He’d clean with bleach if the owner let him.”
“I-I’ll be careful,” you promise, gulping hard as the bouncer goes out mumbling under his breath about lemony fresh now being more like lemony old.
You and Jun stand in silence for a couple of seconds. You can feel his eyes on you, those eyes that betray nothing and everything.
“Do I…” you pause, biting your lip, stressing over the thought of having to pay the old lawyer’s tab. “Do I really have to pay his tab?”
There is, in fact, a tab that needs to be paid, but Jun shakes his head telling you to get the money from your boss later. He begins to realize that calling you wasn’t such a good idea. You make him nervous; your presence is like two worlds colliding. Jun is not hiding the fact that he is a bartender, but he isn’t shouting it out to the four winds either.
He leads you to where your boss is, slumped over and snoring. Sighing, you open the sink’s faucet and pour a considerable amount of water on his face. The old lawyer stands up, sputtering. You take him by the arm, apologize to Junhui, and leave.
Just like that.
You leave him standing in the middle of the bar with wide eyes and a confused look on his face. He can’t believe you simply walked away without asking him anything. Wouldn’t most people ask questions? Try to find out what had him staying up late mixing drinks and kissing patrons?
You have never been more than the guardian of one of his students, yet somehow, suddenly, you intrigue him enough to leave him on edge. He does not know enough about you to be certain if you will cause him trouble or not.
He spends the rest of the weekend wondering if you will tell your sister about him. Parents do not like their children around bad influences, and as far as Junhui is concerned, he is a bad influence.
On Tuesday, when he finally sees your nephew again for class, there is nothing out of the ordinary. He’s cheerful and bright and eager to learn. When he sees your sister walk through the front doors, Jun is sure that you have blown his cover and that he is about to lose one of his favorite students. But all she does is smile and thank him, telling him that she will be picking him up for the next couple of weeks.
“Where is Y/N?”
“Oh, busy with work. Apparently the old geezer finally decided to check into a rehab center. The paralegal is going crazy trying to find a lawyer to replace him. Y/N is in charge of gathering up the applications and setting up interviews.” She strokes her son’s head, smiling at him. “Let’s hope everything works out.”
The information leaves him reeling. That night, as he and Minghao are closing up the studio, he notices the light coming from within the firm. Minghao looks at him briefly before shoving him on the shoulder.
“Go talk to Y/N. I know you’ve been crushing on them.”
“I have not. I don’t even know them.”
Minghao rolls his eyes, pushing him across the street. Junhui does his best to resist him, but with halfhearted efforts no one succeeds very well.
Minghao doesn’t stick around to see what happens. He’s hungry and Hoshi promised him food; Junhui is left standing alone at the door, wondering just what on earth is happening.
He is still in the process of gathering his thoughts when you come to the door. He is so startled that he says the first thing that pops into his head.
“Did you tell anyone?”
You blink at him, confused for a moment before you realize what he means.
“Is it a secret?”
Junhui pauses. “Well, no.”
“I didn’t tell anyone.”
You shrug. “We all have our circumstances. Being a bartender is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact,” you sigh, “I could use a drink right about now.”
Junhui takes the pen that you are still holding, reaching for your hand and scribbling his number on your palm.
“When you feel like you need a drink, call me.”
You stand there, your hand in his, the black numbers already engraving themselves into your memory. Neither of you say that he could have simply asked you to stop by the bar. This was a different kind of invitation, the kind that Junhui wanted only you to have.
He looks at you, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. “You’ll call, right?”
“I will.”
He nods once, clearing his throat as he excuses himself. You wait until he’s down the street before calling him.
“So, um, I need a drink.”
His laughter is enough to inebriate you.
-Admin Lockette
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