#I know people just do this because they don't actually want to write isekai but isekai is popular
lovelybrooke · 1 year
I don't suppose you wanna do an isekai reader for jjk too? I /loved/ the one you did for one piece and would love to see your take on it with jjk characters too!
I swear, some of you read my mind. I wanted to write for Isekai reader but didn't know if anyone would want to read it, since people mostly seem to want to read The Last of Us stuff (I'm not complaining, I love your support). Though, I couldn't resist writing my thoughts below. I would love to write more of this, so feel free to request.
The reader being transported to the world of Jujutsu Kaisen would be fundamentally different than let's say, One Piece or Genshin Impact since the world of Jujutsu Kaisen is mostly the same to modern day Japan, minus the curses. So, when the reader gets transported there, they're not really going to know the difference until they see one of the characters.
The smartest decision in this case would to be to avoid them at all costs, since it's likely that if you mingle with their affairs, you could end up in big trouble. This would work for a while, since I don't imagine you would have high curse energy due to the fact that you're from another world.
However, your presence alone raises suspicion, as some sorcerers are able to tell that you just don't belong. Like I said however, you're able to mask it easily, playing off your aloof and strange behavior as due to the fact that you're a foreigner.
Gojo is definitely the first one you officially meet, him befriending you because he finds you interesting. It isn't until a few weeks of knowing you that he starts to pick up on how weird your presence is.
He starts to think you're some weirdo kid, because when he investigates you, he can't seem to find anything about you. No parents, no friends, no education. It like you just appeared out of nowhere. He knows you can't be a curse, so who are you. He struggles for a while before just asking you.
Gojo doesn't believe you when you explain your situation. Though, it wouldn't be the weirdest thing in the world. He's surprised that a world without curses exists, but kind of disappointed that it's fundamentally the same to his world. Gojo wants to believe you're crazy but can't really come up with a better explanation for why you irk him so much. You choose not to tell Gojo about the fact that you knew him already, or the fact that you knew him at all, since that would only complicate things.
Gojo agrees to help you find a way back home, his explanation being that he's bored and you're interesting, which doesn't make you feel better about your chances returning home. Gojo's idea of "help" is acclimating you to curses and his job as a sorcerer, since you'd have to get used to it eventually if you plan on being here for a while. He's not all bad, he lets you stay at him home while you find a place to live and work. He's not always around, his teaching position taking up most of his time.
When he is with you, he goofs around a lot, gossiping about his students with you. Your time with him allows you both to build a nice friendship, Gojo happy that there's someone who actually likes him, even if it's because you've never seen someone as strong as him. He likes how carefree of a kid you are, gleefully unaware of the dangers of this world.
Eventually Gojo does introduce you to his students, who absolutely love you. Gojo doesn't lie to them about your situation, telling they straight out that you're from another world. Most of them don't believe him, however some, namely Yuji, want to believe it's real. Yuji is fascinated with the idea of you being some insanely strong Jujutsu sorcerer from another world, even when you tell him that's not the case. Eventually, the others warm up to you and the idea that you come from another world.
The students absolutely love you and encourage you to move into the dorms with them. Gojo is against it, since you technically aren't and a student. It's definitely not because he doesn't want you to move out with him. You also decline, saying you need to find your own place since you're on your own. Gojo knows that isn't happening. You're just a kid, you don't need to live on your own.
You spend a lot of time with the students, mostly the first years, however they all like being with you. Yuji and Nobara love asking you questions about your world, only stopping when Megumi forces them to leave you alone so he can hang out with you in peace. Speaking of Megumi, he doesn't really ever believe that you're from another world, but he can't deny the feeling of pride he gets when you see how strong he is during training.
The second years also love you and are sad they didn't get to meet you sooner. The only one who really believes you is Toge, Panda and Maki both thinking it’s bull. However, they find you interesting, so they don't mind it. The all hate that they can't spend as much time with you, since your closer to the first years, and there definitely a little rivalry between them.
The whole time you're there you haven't really had to deal with any curses, Gojo being there to protect you at all times. However, that doesn't mean they aren't aware of you. Sukuna, sadly, is one of the first curses you meet since Yuji's his vessel. You don't really worry about him, since Yuji has him under control, but you never know how he's feeling, which makes you kind of nervous. You try to avoid talking about your world around Yuji, since you're afraid of how Sukuna might react.
Sukuna himself goes through an emotional roller-coaster when it comes to you. At first, he sees you as nothing as a crazy human who is vessel is obsessed with. However, as Yuji spends more time with you, he starts to warm up to you. You intrigue him, and he eventually starts to view you as his crazy human. If you ever get caught up in battle and Gojo isn't there to protect you, Sukuna is demanding Yuji get you to safety. He denies that he cares about you, but his behavior says it all.
You meet Getou and his followers later, Getou being surprised that Gojo is so obsessed with some week human. I image that he knows about you, stalking you when he's in Tokyo. Like Sukuna, he doesn't really care about you at first, however as he continues to learn about you, he starts to understand why Gojo is so obsessed with you. He sees you as someone who needs protection, and he's the only one who can provide that. You don't see him often, but when you do, he's trying to convince you to leave the sorcerers and gone him, so he can protect you.
When Getou can't watch over you, he's getting one of his lackies to watch you for him. Usually, Mahito watches over you, much to Getou's hatred. Getou knows how spontaneous Mahito is, and so he really dislikes whenever he messes with you. However, Mahito finds you absolutely adorable. You're just some small, defenseless, human who he could destroy in one blow. Not that he would do so! He just finds you so interesting. So many strong sorcerers and curses are obsessed with you, even though you're nothing special. Maybe it's your soul? He doesn't know. He'll have to wait until Getou's ready to take you to find out.
You're never going home. That's for curtain. With the strongest curses and sorcerers obsessed with you, you're never going to get the opportunity. Gojo constantly tries to get you to forget about leaving, claiming that his students would be devastated if you left, which is true. Gojo works with his students to make sure that you never have the opportunity to leave, since one of them are constantly with you. It gets overwhelming; however, they always claim that it's for your protection. Honestly, their possessiveness might just push you towards the curses, though it's not likely since Gojo won't allow it.
A/n: I'm going to scream, Jujutsu Kaisen 0 isn't free on Crunchyroll.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Something that frustrates me about the Harry Potter conversation is a lot of people missing the point behind the motivation to boycott it. They seem weirdly focused on the content of HP when it's actually... not that bad? It's not perfect, in fact a lot of aspects are pretty fucking problematic and worthy of discussion, but not uniquely so by the standards of the fantasy genre. Yes, I know the goblins are clearly drawing on anti-semitic tropes. Yes, the house elf situation is fucked. Yes, lots of not-like-other-girls-style misogyny. Yes, Cho Chang was a fucking disaster of racism. I KNOW THIS ALREADY! I'm not an idiot and Harry Potter fans were talking about this for far longer than JKR has been a TERF. But I'm also a fan of the Elder Scrolls and Dragon Age and the Witcher and a shitton of isekai anime and tons of other fantasy medias which are so much worse. Harry Potter is only moderately problematic by the standards of most popular fantasy media, especially for the mainstream standards of the time period it was written. Worthy of criticism, but not dropping it entirely. And actually reading HP and looking back at JKR's behaviour at the time, much of it seems largely unintentional, just that JKR drew on a lot of fantasy tropes that she didn't properly examine as well as her own unexamined biases and she had some flawed understandings of progressivism that were fair for its day but don't fly now, but doesn't seem malicious. The actual authorial intent at least seems to be pretty progressive at least, even if the execution wasn't the best. And sure, it's not a masterwork but there's a reason it connected to so many people, even if a lot of it was luck and timing. We don't have to ignore that and doing so feels dishonest.
I'm just so annoyed when people try to shit on the contents because they're missing the point and confuse the actual problem in a way that weakens their argument. I don't give Harry Potter money anymore because JKR crossed some lines for me in real life, totally separate from Harry Potter as a piece of media, and I don't want to fund her bullshit because she is so influential it is hurting people. The content of her books is utterly irrelevant to this decision. She could have penned a goddamn magnum opus and it wouldn't have mattered. So I'm sick of people bringing up books that are "better" or ragging on the contents of Harry Potter because none of that is the point and never was the point and it comes across as just taking advantage of a shitty situations to dunk on a popular thing or those who enjoyed it. Yeah, it was a mediocre fantasy series. But it hit the right emotional escapist buttons in a lot of kids even if it had the moral nuance and depth of a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles anti-drug PSA. Having to drop it sucked for a lot of people because it can't be replaced and yelling about how bad the writing was doesn't change that because it never was about quality. JKR's TERF transformation was in many ways a betrayal of JKR's intended audience considering how the text preached acceptance and love and starred an abused, unwanted child getting to go to magic school where he's special. Pretending Harry Potter should be dropped because its content has issues obscures the actual problem of a raging transphobic having money and influence and that not everything created by bad people is poor quality so boycotts might require giving up access to things you actually like or are valuable and that's not always an easy decision to make.
JKR was a probably decent person with fairly liberal politics when she wrote Harry Potter. The books, while imperfect, are not more horrible or full of problems a dozen other popular fantasy properties. JKR become a TERF later in life and while she may have had ingrained transphobia prior to this when she wrote Harry Potter, that is not the same as the virulent hate-movement she's part of now and we should recognize how easy it is for people to get drawn into hate-movements. Any argument to boycott should be about how she's using her money and influence to affect real life laws and attitudes unless you want to try and get people to also drop half the fantasy genre.
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Remember that post that said u wanted to write that one, the reader goes into puppets/welcome home dimension?
I got u!
Can I request a Welcome home crew x reader, the reader from our world just looking at the website and suddenly blacks out. Then they open their eyes to see the puppets looking down at them! :D
Welcome Home x Reader - A Whole New World (and a Whole New Back Pain)
Not proofread! Thank you for the request! I'm definitely in my isekai sort of phase right now right x readers. For this one I'm just going to assume the reader hasn't discovered the hidden secrets of the website yet. Clown said we're only 5% in, so when we're closer to the end I'll do a remake with the reader knowing all the spooks and secrets (plus, it's really fun to just stick to the happy-go-lucky tune for now)!
I don't know what blacking out is like so I kind of just wrote random feelings instead. Hope that's okay!
P.S., This focuses more on Y/N than the characters but I'll make a sequel that focuses on them more!
Words: 1353
Type: Headcanons, platonic
Tw: food, mentioned kidnapping, mentioned death, injury
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You were sitting at your desk when it happened. It was nearing sunset; a bowl of two-minute noodles sat cooling beside your laptop to serve as tonight's meal. Scrolling through social media, a sudden notification popped up on the screen. It was from a friend of yours.
Opening the message up, it read, "hey! Check out this website I found!" Attached to the message was a link to a cheerful looking website. Your friend described it as the link to an old and near-forgotten puppet show your parents had taped on VHS. You used to watch it together when you were really young, apparently.
Opening it up, you were sent to a title screen of sorts. It featured a little red house with a blue roof and yellow chimney. The website invited you to click on it. Doing so, you were revealed the real meat of what was inside.
The next half-hour or so was spent perusing the website. Some of the characters vaguely rang a bell; you remembered something about a guy called Frank, but you also thought there was a child, so perhaps you were making it all up. Maybe that was Wally.
Eventually, though, you were hit with a sudden drowsiness and a sick, twisting feeling in your stomach. Assuming hunger pains, you reach for you food on the desk. It would have gone completely cold, but you would have to deal with it. Fork in hand, you lifted it up to your mouth only to-
Only to wake up in bed. Strange; you never remembered going to sleep. The last thing you remembered doing was getting bad hunger pains and eating your noodles. Though you assumed you had just passed out in bed and not remembered anything.
You rolled around in bed. You were too tired to get up just now. You were about to drift off to sleep when you heard something - or someone.
"They're waking up!"
What in the hell?!
You instantly bolted upright only to be hit with a horrible pain in your spine that sent you back down again. Groaning in pain, you rolled over onto your side and opened your eyes to see... People? No. Monsters? Maybe. No, they were definitely puppets.
Looking up, you saw you were surrounded by them. They were all different shapes, colours, and sizes, but shared the same look: concern. Concern for your wellbeing or concerned because their meal just woke up you didn't know, but you didn't plan on staying for long enough to find out.
Again, you tried to sit up, ignoring the excruciating pain in your lower back. It was then that you realised this was also not your bed you were in. No, this was much larger than you could afford and had a red wood frame with feathers carved into the head.
Your first thought is that you've been kidnapped. Your second thought is you've been kidnapped by puppets. Instantly, you try to heave your way off the bed, only to be caught by a pair of arms. Well, two pairs of arms, actually.
"Hey, hey! Calm down!" Looking up, you saw a tall, green puppet looking down at you. He slowly placed you back down on the bed. Taking a closer look at his facial expression, he almost looked scared.
"Wh- what are you?" you whispered. You didn't care if it sounded rude, you'd rather be rude than clueless.
"I could ask you the same question." You turned to look at the source of the noise to see a different puppet. He was of medium height (for the puppets, of course) and had grey skin. Or felt, for that matter.
"What?" you replied.
"Well," the puppet began, "for someone who fell out of the sky, you sure seem fine."
Fell out of the sky? What was this guy on about?
"Wait, I what?" you asked. The puppets shared a look.
"You don't remember?" another puppet asked. He was about the same height as the grey puppet, but had yellow skin and red hair. "There was a lot of yelling."
"There was?"
Safe to say, you were confused. How could you have fallen out of the sky and not remember? Unless you suffered some kind of head trauma, which would explain why your back was in such pain. But if you truly fell from the sky, wouldn't you be dead?
Eventually the puppets managed to calm you down enough for you to not try to run every chance you got. They told you their names, and you told them yours in return.
There was Howdy, the one who had stopped you from running away and hurting yourself; Frank, the grey one who had told you what happened; Julie, the one who had come to help you first; Poppy, whose bed you woke up in and who cared for you while you were out; Eddie, who was the first to actually notice something falling from the sky; Barnaby, who had carried you to Poppy; Sally, who had kept the morale up for the other puppets while you were out; and Wally, who had assisted in taking care of you.
You found them all to be very interesting in both their appearances and personalities. Sally, who you had been informed was once the brightest star in the entire sky, was a rambunctious, creative soul always ready for an adventure and new ideas. She often proposed imaginative but impractical solutions to your back problem.
There was Julie, a kind and fun puppet with long blonde hair. She was always playing some sort of game, or editing one to allow you to join, even when you didn't quite trust her. Her favourite to play with you was Patty Cake, because it was simple and could be repeated as many times as she wanted. Sally liked to join in on that one for the singing. You were surprised she knew what it was.
But no matter how intriguing you found the puppets; they were always more fascinated by you. They constantly asked you questions about who you were, where you lived, what life was like. Howdy was very interested in the 'Click and Collect' system you had at your local supermarket. The ability to know someone's order beforehand without even a telephone was incredible to him.
Frank was by far the most interested. He was always asking you questions while you rested in Poppy's bed. At one point he left for about fifteen minutes before coming back with a whole bookshelf's worth of books. How he managed to carry it without breaking apart you had no idea, but he looked strained.
Frank had sat the books on the floor and started going through each one, repeating his questions only to throw the book away when it didn't match what you said. He ended up with every book thrown in the messy pile by the end of it and was quite angry.
Everyone was surprised with how similar but how different your worlds were. Things like recipes, games, and speech were all the same and yet you had all this technology they didn't, and they had whole species you didn't. Howdy was shocked to know he could never exist in your world, and Sally was upset to learn that she would only ever be a ball of gas (though she felt a bit better when you mentioned how huge they were).
But more than anything they were surprised with you. The first time they saw you eat was fascinating. Sure, (for the sake of the television show) they can eat, but not like that. What you were doing was just plain weird by their standards, with your odd moving of these 'muscles'. Wally had asked you what you were doing with your mouth and was shocked (and a little disgusted) to see your teeth.
The day seemed to go on forever in this little town you were informed was called Home. Poppy was too big for her couch, but refused to move you, so you ended up sleeping next to her. It was comfy, if not a little suffocating.
I'll be making a part 2 for this!
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Hobie x Isekai!Reader
[Reading Between the Lines]
Hobie x Reader Isekai fic where the reader (me) is a Spider-man meta-analysis writer and they fall into the ATSV universe.
They meet Hobie and are completely starstruck, unable to speak. Flabbergasted. Uhh okay imma just do the intro "Hi, My name's Hobie, Hobie Brown. I was bitten by a-"
"...WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO KNOW YOU GET WHAT I MEAN!! And for the last three years I've been the one and only- *proceeds to do his whole intro for him*."
"What the fuck. Those are my lines. Bruv cut that shit out wth."
Everyone thinks they're weird as fuck, but Gwenpoole (and other Nexus beings) are taught about at The Society at least, so it's not a mystery why they are the way they are.
But they're just SO META
They're basically bouncing and they tell Hobie 'OMG, your like my favorite superhero. I write about you ALL THE TIME- Ignore the OC folder'
Hobies like 'I'm not a hero-'
'I knew you'd say that!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!'
All of a sudden there's this huge Hobie groupie fan in the group that knows everything about them and their trauma 😭😭
The reader sees Gwen and is like '.......I know this isn't my place but I've read through the scene between you and your dad and I have some comments I'd like to make. I can leave out the ones where I wish him death.'
There's even a scene like this one between Miles and Gwen
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Where Hobie is like 'oi this your analysis book lemme see-' only to open to dozens of pages of x-reader fics and Hobie x OC drawings
And reader is like
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'Uh.... I ain't write that. I don't know how that got in there. That's not even my handwriting. I found that notebook actually 😭😭'
Meanwhile Hobies like 'Christ - how much time do you have on your hands 🤨🤔'
'....Is it that bad?'
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'Oh I ain't say it was bad. Could use a some work though. Actually- *takes out Noir's reading glasses (which he stole) from his pocket because he's not gonna stand here and judge a book by its cover*'
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Of course Hobie still reads the x-reader cause he's a cocky bastard.
And then he returns said fics covered in red pen and notes of 'I wouldn't do that-' or 'actually you should add this. This would be better.' or even 'Lemme do it. That other shite you wrote don't make no sense'
BASICALLY HELPING CONSTRUCT FICS ABOUT HIMSELF. Simply because he finds the concept hilarious.
He gets to the smut and he's like "How easy do you lot think I am? Think you can have a pass at me, you must be taking the fucking piss-" just ranting and raving as he STILL READS IT
Sitting there with a cup of tea reading smut of himself and covering it in red pen like it's the mornings crossword 😭😭
The crew eventually realize that the readers power of trope analysis crosses over and it's SO USEFUL
All they need to do is get reader in front of Miguel and reader gives him a heartfelt reading and connection of his trauma that equals the culmination of ten years of therapy
They're like 'i know this is all an act Miguel. I know this is all an act to cover up the crushing feeling of chaos and helplessness that comes from canon. And really, all of this is just a mirror - you wanting to control how things 'should be' because there were so many things you went through that you think shouldn't have. But those moments are apart of you-'
They start bringing up Gabriel and Xina and shit from the comics.
Everyone's like 'Who the hell is Gabriel-" meanwhile Miguel is on the floor sobbing going 'mi hermano. mi hermano pequeno 😭😭😭'
And it ends with them all hugging Miguel after this person just read him for filth using the power of Isekai Canon Knowledge
In the end Reader and Hobie become best friends because they both stand out so much in other universes and both take nothing entirely serious.
Plus they're both really perceptive and nosey and good at reading people so sometimes they see some subtle shit go down and they look at each other like
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"We minding our business~ 😩🎶🗣️ we ain't gon say shit~ We gon mind our goddamn business 🎤🎸🔈'
Ok ok I'm done I'm done 😭😭😭
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wizard-finix · 2 months
Ao3 tag game!
*cracks knuckles* lets do this
How many works do you have on AO3?
24 works! I would have never expected to have that many 5 years ago, hahaha
What's your total AO3 word count?
186,291! oh wow, almost 200k!! (unsurprisingly PT minato takes up over a third of that LMAO)
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
10 fandoms! I'm counting Persona 3, 4, and 5 and separate, but I'm grouping all the Zelda fandoms together since it's all Linked Universe fic.
Here's the breakdown!
The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms (6)
Persona 5 (5)
Persona 3 (5)
SPY x FAMILY (Anime) (3)
Wizard101 (Video Game) (3)
SPY x FAMILY (Manga) (3)
Runescape (Video Games) (3)
Pirate101 (Video Game) (3)
Persona 4 (2)
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom (2)
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga (1)
Star Wars - All Media Types (1)
The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Warriors (1)
Top five fics by kudos:
The Ghost of Mementos/Stygian Ringlet (Persona3/5) - to the surprise of absolutely no one, since this is currently my longest fic. I'm very happy with Stygian Ringlet being the top because I love my boys :)
True Crime Special on the Midnight Channel (Persona 4/5) - my Ren has a TV Dungeon fic! also very proud of the dungeon concept for this one, I really need to finish the last two chapters
Dark Clouds on the Horizon (Linked Universe/TOTK) - I feel like this one got a lot of momentum partially because it was directly in the wake of TOTK's release, but I'm happy with how it turned out :)
Strangers Are Just Friends You Haven't Met (Persona 3/SPY x FAMILY) - this was a collab series with mewrose and a few others in the marigolds discord! we were throwing ideas at the wall to see what stuck and I really had a lot of fun with Shinjiro-related prompts, because I LOVE him and hitting him with the isekai baseball bat into a universe with Anya brings me great joy
Salt Tears and Raindrops (Linked Universe/TOTK) - directly related to Dark Clouds, and I'm glad people enjoyed good ol' fashioned angst >:) (I do need to post more of my wips, I do have a couple more roleswap AU wips that I want to post)
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I almost always do because I really appreciate them and its my way of saying thanks for the comment! If I don't comment it's because I lost track of it or because I can't think of a response.
What's the fic with the angstiest ending you've ever written?
Probably Salt Tears and Raindrops. I was in a Mood and decided to go for the tried-and-true method of putting fictional characters I like through the emotional wringer. That's how I got the rough draft for this fic :)
Do you write crossovers?
*looks at my persona fics and recent LU fics*
...I think it's safe to say most of my fics these days fall under crossovers lmao
Have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
I wouldn't say I have? One or two comments that came off as rude, but no actual hate, thankfully. If I did, I forgot about it. I've been blessed by wonderfully nice readers <3
Do you write smut?
Nope. I don't read it, so I wouldn't know how to write it anyway.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of? I sure hope not.
I have seen a couple short fics slightly imitate Ghost of Mementos though, which I thought was really sweet that they liked it enough to inspire their own writing.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but I'd definitely be open to it!
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
RYOMINA. Hands down. I love them so much, I am so mentally unwell about these two
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
My two Runescape fics, Whispers in the Temple and Welcome to the Jungle. I absolutely loved going hogwild with rewriting old quests in Runescape, but I psyched myself out of Welcome to the Jungle because I got overly anxious about accidentally doing bad representation.
(in hindsight, it probably wouldn't have been as big a deal as I thought; it's hard to make it worse considering how bad Legend's Quest was with the british-african stereotypes. that quest DID NOT age well.)
I also want to finish Snake in the Grass; that was my first attempt at a genuine mystery plot and I really liked playing with Warriors in that fic in the context of the gang trying to figure out who the heck is trying to murder him.
What are your writing strengths?
I feel like I'm pretty good at dialogue! I try to make sure it matches the character's speech patterns and personality. Really well-written dialogue can tell you who's speaking without actually telling who it is. (For example, the way I write them: Minato speaks as few words as possible and has very little filter with his observations when he does share them, and Shinjiro is pretty rough around the edges, with shortened words and the occasional swear. Warriors is good with words and wit, but he has a certain military-esque directness and doesn't dance around the topic.)
I do try hard to keep the plot clear and understandable over everything else, so probably that as well.
Also, now that I think about it, maybe fight sequences? I don't do them much, but I do enjoy the challenge of making a clear sequence of what happens in a fight and trying to make it understandable. Fight sequences are easy to skip or gloss over, but I think of them like their own miniature plot. What happens? What surprises are there? What are their movesets? How do they get the upper hand? (and of course, what looks cool as fuck)
What are your writing weaknesses?
Time management. I tend to over-proofread since I beta my own work, and often I'll go back to tweak stuff if I had additional thoughts to add to it, or extra insight. Lately, it takes longer to write chapters than I'd like.
Also, dialogue-heavy scenes often get very chaotic in my WIPs because of the way I rough out fics. I'll throw together a bunch of dialogue bits I think would be cool to include, and sometimes they'll clash or get really messy, especially if there's lots of characters (looking at the latest two chapters of Stygian Ringlet)
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
I think it's cool! It adds flavor to fics. If it's more than one short phrase though, or if it's story important, then I do prefer that there is a translation in the author's notes. I haven't done any non-English dialogue in fics, save for one memorable adventure into trying to figure out how Latin grammar structure works for a character that didn't speak English.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Wizard101 and Pirate101. I was obsessed with those two for YEARS. I really, really liked pirate stories in high school, and having a cast of crewmates that accompany you throughout the game really inspired me to write my first fic featuring my OC. (I was also into One Piece at the time, but I never wrote for it.)
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written so far?
Stygian Ringlet. It's really dear to my heart. I have poured so much love and effort into that fic, and the reception on it has completely blown me away.
THANKS FOR THE TAG!! Uhhhmmm for tags I'm going to go with @skyward-floored, @catreginae and @breannasfluff (but only if you want to!! no obligation of course)
and of course any other writers that want to do it as well!! go forth
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trigunsbbygirl · 1 year
I loved your writing! And I just loved the Vash isekai reverse, could you make a do knives too? How would he react to staying on earth and also some headcanons
lol I said I was gonna draw, you know, like a liar. I saw this and my brain said I must write- but!! thank you!! I'm glad you liked the Vash one!!
I mention trimax but there's no spoilers since I've never read it, just thoughts and analysis from twt. and so! this is stampede Knives I'm talking about!
also talk about the last episode of tristamp so spoilers for that!
•Knives is really confused when he first arrives on earth. and when you first met him he kinda??? just goes along with your flow because he really has no idea about what's going on.
•you're worried about this man, he looks dazed and confused and you don't know if he's been drugged or had a stroke or something cause he's also asking where he is. you ask if he needs to go to the hospital or has anyone you can call, but then he asks what planet this is when you really take a look at him.
•and it hits you that oh, this man looks a lot like Million Knives. you had been so caught up in worry that you just glossed over his appearance.
•Knives is waiting for you to answer and he notices that you've all of the sudden gone timid in body language, voice nervous when you answer 'Earth,' then ask for his name.
•your, what you hoped was just a delusional theory, is confirmed when he answers that his name is indeed Millions Knives.
•he's kinda amused seeing your eyes widen in fear, but he's also curious, is there a version of him here? or did life somehow prevail on earth and his name is known? why do you act like you know of him?
•you stumble over answering that, how's he gonna react that people read/watch a story that involves him for entertainment?
•and so you just vaguely say, "well, there's this story and you're in it, but like, you don't actually exist in the real world.."
•Knives just raises an eyebrow at that. that just gave him more questions. and so, he demands that you show him what you mean, and sure enough, that's himself he's looking at on your phone.
•ngl I'm a little torn on how Knives ends up living with you? I suppose it would be him being like, "human, show me how this world works" or something like that, and you're like "uh? okay? but where are you gonna stay?" and he just responds, "you'll be housing me."
a bit of a crack way to put it, but yeah, he just forces himself into your house because there's no way he's living out on the streets, and well, he has no fucking idea where to go so.. congratulations! you've got a roomie!🎉 (also, if you live in the city, the noises are lowkey overstimulating him)
•angry little man doesn't know what to do at first. there's no plants like him, there's no Vash, so, he can't exactly chase after that utopia for plants..
•but he is pretty upset seeing the state of the world and how a lot of people aren't really doing much or just don't care.
•kinda still wants to do that whole, killing humans thing, but there's almost 8 billion people here, and a bunch of militia and weaponry, and he doesn't really wanna deal that. plus if they bring out the nukes on him, Knives thinks that would just cause way more harm so, he decides to just try and enjoy the world Rem talked so much about.
•although, if he sees someone litter, he has to hold back on his murder rage. Knives has learned that his actions have consequences here, and again, he doesn't wanna deal with that. but! he does throw the litter back at them and chews their ass out.
•going into learning, Knives forces you to take him to a library, and later on, teach him how to use your laptop. but after that, he kinda refuses to ask for help with learning about Earth. Knives does catch on and thread how everything works and entertwines pretty quick though.
•he finds natural disasters very fascinating, however it makes him wonder why humans continue to live in places with reoccurring disasters. well, he doesn't actually care, neither the answer, it just makes him think of how humans continued to live on Gunsmoke despite the harsh environment. no matter what planet humans are annoyingly stubborn he supposes.
•it takes Knives a long time to actually warm up to you, and even longer to start exploring hobbies.
•you had gotten Knives a keyboard piano once. it's not that big and it doesn't sound as good as he wishes it could, but considering your small house and that money is an important thing, he'll make do with it. Knives never did say thanks or show you any appreciation, but he does play it often.
•Knives might even start getting into composing music with more instruments later on too. he found the composing side of YouTube after watching a lot of orchestra videos and he kinda got interested in composing with more than just a piano.
•he again, demands you take him to the library and he reads a lot about music theory and how to write his own music before trying it himself. Knives actually gets really good it and you joke saying he should upload his stuff to YouTube and Spotify. he just brushes it off(he won't admit he's happy that you like his work.)
•Knives is really fucking good at mobile and arcade rythym games. he saw you playing on your phone once and he kept watching until you asked if he wanted to try. it took a while, but he got the hang of it pretty quickly. (you're a bit jealous of just how quickly he got it lol)
•he doesn't play them often, especially early on, even though he starts to enjoy playing. some of the songs like faster paced ones kinda overwhelm him or bothers his ears.
•I didn't put this on the 'things that confuse him post' but, Knives doesn't understand objects like figurines, plushies, charms, stuff like that. what purpose do they serve? when you answer that you just like the character and wanted to show support for the show/game, Knives still doesn't understand. he thinks it's a waste of money</3
•he especially won't understand spending money on gacha games. Knives will make you budget yourself if you aren't already. he thinks it's a bigger waste of money, especially if it's a gacha where you just pull for cards, you can just save them onto your phone no?
congratulations! you're free of gacha addiction!/j (do not show him how people have spent thousands on gachas or how some have sent death threats over pulls)
•Knives keeps your house spotless. he refuses to live in a dirty house. but he won't do the dishes, your laundry or clean the toilet. those are your responsibilities and Knives makes you do them daily and weekly respectfully.
•I feel like, overtime once you two are together, Knives gets into cooking. now he doesn't really eat much, but he does enjoy the process (and he wants to make sure you're eating good)
•he forces you to hike with him or go to the park every week. he loves being out in nature and observing everything. sometimes when Knives comes across certain plants or animals, he'll make a little comment or bring up a fact he read about.
•loves when it rains, he finds it really soothing
•Knives tried to read trimax once, he got curious one day, but he couldn't finish it. it sent him into a panic attack. likewise, I don't think he could watch the last episode of tristamp, watching himself burn like that would freak him out a bit, whether he went through that or not yet.
•he gets into painting! it kinda started as him just sketching plants he finds in the wild to drawing landscapes. you gifted him paints one day he's been enjoying using them
•I think he'd like using gouache paint. he usually only draws close ups of plants and landscapes. Knives got a small kit and artbook, and he takes it with him when you two go out for your weekly walk.
•he has secretly drawn you once, but you didn't hear that from me-
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jamsofdeath0 · 5 months
I think the biggest issue with shield hero is the author accidentally wrote motoyasu into being in the right. this wouldn't have been an issue if they decided to address it instead of tripling down on him "being an idiot" instead of a morally upright dude who believed a woman when she claimed to be raped.
Naofumi for all intensive purposes looks like the most reprehensible motherfucker on the planet from the outside. I wouldn't take his goddamn side. but the story NEEDS you to be with him. so they thoroughly make him sympathetic before he buys the child slave. now don't get me wrong I love this plot point. I think "protagonist buys a child slave" could have been a fucking awesome story. but the author didnt actually want to go into how fucked up that is. they just wanted to write isekai wish fulfillment about a guy at the bottom revenge plotting his way to the top. this is fine to. this can be a perfectly serviceable or even good plot. the problem is the second sheild hero stops being a dark fantasy (episode 5) it gets obscenely boring. like so fucking dull.
this is because they didn't know how to get you onto naofumis (the man who owns a child slave) side without making the antagonist needlessly over the toply cruel (myne) or the most annoying performtive idiot on the planet (motoyasu)
lets examine motoyasu. hes a womanizer. not very bright. believes myne when she claims to be raped. duels naofumi to free a slave.
none of these things are bad. his attempt at free raphtalia (the slave) is maybe a tad performative, naofumi calls this out himself when he brings up slavery being legal, but its not evil. it GOOD. even if its a little to do with his personal beef with naofumi that to could just be interesting writing.
hes FLAWED (being gullible) yes but thats just being a well written character. (he isnt)
so the shows written a well meaning but flawed antagonist. hes against the protagonist bc he rightfully believes him an irredeemable monster who raped women and own slaves.
what will be done with this charater? nothing interesting i assure you. the episode after the duel instead of having him question why the slave girl actually liked naofumi at all (the man they at this point belive to BE A RAPIST (he isnt but they dont know that)) he shows up at a village to become a figure head lord. mynes calling all the shots. and she says the first decree will be that anyone who enters the village will have to pay a toll of FIFTY SILVER. FIFTY! Naofumi then says a night a board AND food is only 2. Thats above cartoonishly evil. thats just stupid. youre not going to make any money that way no one's going to be able to afford the fee. your just killing a village to kill it.
What does motoyasu do when this VERY CLEAR EVIL is happening right in front of him by HIS SIDE? look stupid and double down bc he doesnt like naofumi. he shows hes willing to fuck over a TON of people just to get a go at one guy.
this is the second their whole dynamic becomes so boring. it becomes "naofumi right"; "motoyasu stupid". when motoyasu loses his assumed moral high ground. when hes no longer fighting for what he believes is right.
whereas before their clashes had been moral and even nuanced to a degree now its just a postering idiot and a guy who can inly be bothered bc hes LITERALLY GENUINELY being forced to.
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arrowheadedbitch · 3 months
So, I have an idea for a Time-Travel Tim Drake-centric fic (that was based on a dream i had), but I don't know how to write it *sobs* So if you or anyone else wants to use it, please do!!! Because I don't know how to cook my own food and I'm asking for scraps *sobs*
Tim is 35-ish years old, is divorced twice (Bernard and Kon respectively), is in his third marriage (with Bernard and Kon together), has a fat orange cat, has a small roomba he fondly says good morning to, and believes he successfully retired from the hero life while denying that he is actually still very deep into it.
He has Saturdays with the Superhero wives (Lois and Selina), gossiping about whatever, and is living his best life while a bunch of Gothamites are screaming for dear life in the background.
Well, the screaming is important because it's not just Gothamites screaming but the whole world from some end of the world bullshit superheroes are facing.
Tim takes a sip of his tea, then Lois' coffee, and accepts the asteroid about to kill him with open arms.
When he wakes up, he just knows that the asteroid he accepted with open arms was actually a time travelling asteroid. And no, he's usually right about these things no matter how outlandish. He's not smart, he just has great intuition, and he's just a really hard worker in proving that he's right.
So, he gets up, finds that he's in the past, takes a week soaking up all the attention his parents are giving him, and then gets to work.
(He's 11 here, btw. He hates it)
He was a hero in his past life, but he's so damn tired. He doesn't want to work, but he's read enough isekais and timetravel animes, mangas, and webnovels to know that the protagonist who's going through the same thing he does ends up doing a whole lot of work anyways.
So, yeah, he's not gonna get that break, even if he does have an end goal in mind. It's a fool's errand.
He's decided that things will just be easier if he's a supervillain.
He goes to Lex Luthor, hacks everything in his company, merges Luthor's company with Drake Industries, makes Drake Industries a bigger company than it needs to be but necessary, ignores Luthor's anguished cries, and steals Mercy for himself.
Drake Industries is now a supergiant company, bigger than Wayne Enterprises. But first, Tim donates all the Kryptonite Luthor had to the Justice League.
He makes everything goes right, makes sure some things are avoided. He destroys some properties here and there. He destroys an island or two. He hires other (retired) villains into his company. He takes over thr Court of Owls and uses then to fight against Ra's the moment the immortal pissed him off by flirting with his mom.
He reveals to the world Iron Man style that he is the supervillain that's trying to dominate the world.
He's 12.
No one believes him.
They all think it's a PR comedy thing to invite more people into D.I.
It works, but no one believes him and... it's great? Lex Luthor laughs mockingly in the dungeon he's chained in.
sound fun as hell, dude
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mdhwrites · 1 year
I have to said it because is been bothering me for a while, but TOH obsession with "subverting" tropes ("there's no choosen one"/"the Found Family stays together at the end"/"No leaving the new world"), while fine in and on itself, with the way the series presents this subversion it comes across as 'holier than thou' in regards to others stories and it kinds of bothers me.
So what's interesting to me is that as far as subversion goes... It's really dumb, especially the examples you gave. If just straight up not subversive. This is actually an aspect that I'm kind of surprised I haven't discussed yet. Because... TOH isn't subversive mostly. It just acts like it is. Like a big, bold statement like "THERE ARE NO CHOSEN ONES!" has me sitting here, staring at the person before asking, "And?" I mean, especially by the definition that TOH tries to put out there instead of the more general version of chosen ones, how many pieces of media nowadays ACTUALLY have Chosen Ones? I guess one could argue in a way it's a riff on the general isekai genre but Luz is a Chosen One in the same way that most of those protagonists are. They just happened to be the person warped to this world with the ability to save it, or be the person able to gain the ability to save it. Most of them are just a lot more fun with this fact because they don't have a massive stick up their ass about it.
As an example I can think of off the top of my head: Mar. Fucker gains the most powerful item in the realm, has super human capabilities by coming here when he used to be a nerd and, spoilers, his FUCKING FATHER IS THE VILLAIN. And that show still dedicates multiple episodes to him training, him getting his allies, his allies' weaknesses and strengths, the personality he puts into the different forms of the weapon and even the limitations of what he can do with those forms and the fact that he needs to get stronger if he wants a prayer to use it all properly. I mean, how different is stumbling into a cave while running for your life and finding a super weapon in there than being, literally, GIFTED BY GOD your magical powers? Because to me it sounds like the only difference is that one actually has an action and adventure hook to it while the other is basic and comes out of nowhere and is hardly earned. How about the other two? How subversive is the ending to TOH? Not. Just straight up not. The ending of TOH was effectively done by FUCKING INUYASHA. Kagome still has the well between the worlds. Inuyasha is still with her. The others are happy and happy to see her. She can go between as she desires. How different is that from the portal door being permanently accessible for Luz to go between the two realms? Besides going even harder on the wish fulfillment by making Luz's life be in the other world than in the real world? Hell, I don't watch much modern isekai but how many them don't even bring up going home, in part because the character DIED to get there? The only reason people might think of it as a subversion is because of Amphibia and... I don't think it counts as a subversion when the media you're contrasting had a VERY deliberate point with the decision. At that point it's not just a trope, it's the storytelling device that fits with your story. Tropes don't become tropes when they're used for a good purpose. Most people start pointing them as tropes through endless reuse and lazy reuse where the trope is being used but to no real effect other than "This is what a story like this does." And this sort of interrogation is actually required for a lot of TOH's subversions and why I agree that it REEKS of ego. It's also why, even if the creators actually do really like fantasy, it feels like they really don't like fantasy in how they write it. A contrast between my own work and TOH: In the chapter where the human character who knows very little of the world meets Pythia, an angel, she makes a comment about that meaning there being God or Heaven and everyone just kind of stops to look at her until she realizes how stupid that must sound to the demon, dryad and ice demon that are surrounding her, none of whom came from a tree or Hell. But it's grounded in the character's ignorance, the fact that magic is just a fact of the world and they MOVE ON. It's playing into the fantasy of the world for the comedy, not specifically you needing to know the reference. Compare that to the stupidity of the Quidditch reference. Specifically the Golden Snitch. Not only does Boscha say ALL fantasy sports require this sort of BS which is just frankly not true, the fact that Grudgy is already just Quidditch without broomsticks is real bad for making their lack of creativity here more pointed. And Luz doesn't let it go. She loses it for at least thirty seconds, if not even longer, about how stupid that is. That it is trying to lampshade what it just did by over explaining the joke because AREN'T WE CLEVER FOR POINTING OUT HOW STUPID THIS IS!? When it's really just a Harry Potter thing as far as my memory of fantasy works go. Especially within the past twenty years.
And then there's the final version I hate the most: The one that damages its own story. I've talked about this before with how Bill of the Titan Hunters just MURDERS any and all tension in that episode. You cannot take anything happening seriously after that because you can't question if King is going to stay here, because they're obviously fakes or their leader would be taken seriously and you can't be worried about everyone's safety because their leader is a fucking joke about convoluted fantasy names. Which frankly, once you hear like Norwegian names or the like where Magnus is just a regular ass first name, it kind of comes as mean and very American in the worst ways. But it's not the only time. They use this joke a LOT. It sometimes works like the monster hunter who's dreamed of throwing kids off of cliffs but it's EVERY villain besides Belos effectively. Hell, one could claim it's almost any authority figure besides Belos and MAYBE Bump if you're really kind to the writing of Bump. They're all jokes and they're all the same joke of laughing at the audience for expecting them to be serious. Looking Glass Ruins frankly makes no sense once you meet the librarian. Amity and the animation and the like really sell him as this mysterious figure who may hoard knowledge or be too worried about it being misused to even talk to Luz about letting her borrow the journal. It's classic fantasy storytelling and there's nothing wrong with that. Frankly the biggest issue before the reveal is how boring the forbidden section is because... I mean all Amity and Luz do in that episode is either stand and talk or lay and talk and then a cheek kiss. They aren't bad conversations but it de-emphasizes the magic and outside of fueling fanfiction these aren't the most engaging conversations, especially since Amity isn't questioning that the portal could mean anything but good for the two of them and some sort of portal angst between them might have been nice. *sigh* But again, it all works... Until you find out the librarian is a stoner dude. A well voice acted one that actually got a snort out of me when he was first revealed but has always left a lingering question: Why couldn't they have asked him about the journal? He seems entirely reasonable. He didn't take the journal from them despite them trespassing and while Luz had to perform trials to get Amity her badge back, getting the badge back was still an option. It gives the impression that if they had just been actual human beings and talked to him, because it's not like they have a reason to not trust him or authority in general besides the EC, the whole episode would have been avoided. And yes, nitpick theoretically but they make it a big reveal about the fact that he isn't scary.
And as I've talked before, the more emphasis you put on something as clever, the more it needs to hold up to scrutiny. And when the threat of the librarian is the only thing causing tension in that half of that episode, it murders the ability to rewatch it because you can't enjoy that dread again. Not because you know the outcome but because you can never forget that this is all pointless because the animation is effectively lying to you. There's no explanation for why he looks a Ring Wraith of some sort so... Why? Quick admission though: This trick did get a smile out of me with the Titan. I suspect I'd like it even more if it didn't feel like the dozenth time TOH has presented someone who should be taken seriously as a joke but at least with him, it's also characterization. He's a dad. King was actually indicative of who he wanted to be and never got to be so he's more laid back than you'd expect and acting like a dad. It's EXTREMELY charming for the like... thirty seconds I've seen of him. No idea if I'd felt the same way if I were actually watching the episode especially since The Collector right before then drives me up a fucking wall with his "I'm going to pretend I'm five instead five thousand," routine.
It's almost frankly bizarre how much of TOH's issues all revolve this same concept though: A lack of care with what the statement being said is actually doing to their narrative and an overwhelming amount of ego that is hard to shake. And in a genre like subversive comedy, where you are going to sound like an ass regardless to someone (there's a reason it's to hard to write parodies, many of which have literally made every joke TOH has), you have to be ON POINT for it not to bite you in the ass. And man, there's a hole in TOH's trousers. =======
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead, If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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ummmlife · 8 months
Hi! Thank you for existing and writing. It's almost as if someone (you) took a scan of my brain and wrote about the people (nanami) I like with the stuff that would make me absolutely feral. I'm seriously grateful because I get through each day with your fics! I don't know whether you take requests or not but I wanted to share prompts about Nanami. 1) Where he actually survives the Shibuya Arc 😶 and I've seen a ton of fan arts with him wearing an eye patch or something and as we all know half of his body was burned... He gets insecure about how he looks and asks the reader whether he's good enough for them and then the reader reassures him and then one thing leads to another and we've got smut 😏. 2) Anything with Villain! Nanami because originally Kento was supposed to be on Geto's side and he also would've killed his entire company... If it's too much or if you don't take requests, it's understandable! Thanks again for doing what you do and I'm looking forward to hunter Nanami and the isekai prince ! 💗
my dear fellow nanami stan 🌹, it is an honor to me to take your requests because the ideas are 👌 wonderful
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it may take a while but it will be out just when nanamin dies (hopefully sooner lol)
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(and yeah, i take requests :3c)
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
I don't know if someone has recommended this but, there's a new manhwa called The second male lead is actually a girl and the main interest there is some kind of clingy yandere, he wants the protagonist to look at him, brush his hair and they already had some “inappropriate” encounters since they all believe that she's a man.
It has just started but it looks interesting, if you want to try it, give it a chance! It has potential I think
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The Second Male Lead is Actually A Girl is pretty fun actually, but maybe it's because of my love of crossdressing stories and softer yanderes. Enok, is currently more of a soft/light yandere at the moment, but he does seem to be building towards more important moments later in the series. As of writing this, there is currently 33 chapters out right now.
The story starts with the main character isekaing into a story that she read, as Rosa Veronica. She finds out quickly after being picked up by her father that she is actually Rozenta from the story. Her father's only heir left is Rosa and thus forces her to crossdress as a man to become his successor. She's given magical items like necklaces and earrings to complete the illusion as well as taught necromancy magic and is essentially raised as a male. She befriends the prince and Vivian, the villainess of the story. Though initially a bit rough in the beginning, the three become very good friends even after the time skip. She also befriends Enok, a magician's apprentice whom Rozenta eventually finds out is one of the love interest in the story with great magical power. Rozenta prepares for the coming of the Saintess that will fall from the sky, eventually meeting up with Enok again to ask him to be her bodyguard. Eventually, the Saintess does come from the sky, another isekaied girl, however, unlike the story, it seems that everyone starts to grow to despise her. The Saintess has very two faced personality, and along with the curse that forces people to act differently like a puppet, while putting a strain on the person who is cursed. As a result, very quickly, Enok, Vivian and the Prince come to hate the Saintess as a result, while Rozenta seems a bit concerned that the story is not going as it should be. Rozenta also ends up hiring Enok as her butler, using his magic to help with concealing her true identity (since Enok's magic allows him to see past the disguise and charge up her items) as well as helping Rozenta master more of her necromancy powers. Eventually, Rozenta also tries to look for a spell that allows her to break the curse the Saintess has, but requires going to find the necessary ingredients.
Rozenta as a character is pretty cool and the concept of one of the male leads actually being a girl is a neat idea, though so far it doesn't do much in terms of suspense since there doesn't seem like anything bad were to happen if people did find out she was a girl. The idea of using artifacts to hide and change your appearance is actually a very neat idea (honestly I would love to have some, it must be fun to shapeshift, even if just making yourself look like the opposite sex) and seems to come into play quite often when she has to recharge them. I do wish that she would use her powers of necromancy a bit more though since it does seem like a fairly useful power that could be used for a lot of scenarios. Her personality, while genuinely kind, is usually done in a way where it's more chivalrous and because she knows about what will happen in the future, tries to tread carefully when she can. She has a good friendship with Vivian and the Crown Prince so it's nice that she has some support to lean back against that isn't just Enok.
One of the things I did genuinely like about this series is the friendship between Rozenta, Vivian and the Crown Prince. Generally in these stories, it feels like these kinds of friendships just appear, but for this series, we do actually see the dynamic between the three played out as if they were friends, with Vivian being the cute younger sibling and Rozenta and the Crown Prince being the older siblings. They way they are able to stay in touch and hang out to each other feels very nice, and I wish that more isekai style stories did this since I feel it gives more weight to what they experience together. Obviously the Crown Prince is or already has developed a crush on Rozenta (much to Enok's dismay and annoyance) but it for the most part doesn't affect too many decisions made, at least not until Enok comes into the picture.
Enok as a yandere is both fairly sly and rather tame at the same time. He holds the name that Rozenta gives him very strongly and is one of the few characters who knows that she's a girl thanks to his incredibly strong magic. He pretty much takes whatever opportunity he can to be with Rozenta, from being her bodyguard to signing up and becoming her butler and is completely fine with taking orders from her (you can't see this but I have a pleased look on my face lol). When Rozenta puts a spell on him that will cause his heart to explode if he breaks it, he seems extremely happy asking if she's bounded him to her. He's also really happy when she pins him down or when she simply calls his name and usually asks for more affectionate gestures as rewards, such as asking her to comb his hair, headpat him or simply praise him. Despite having the strongest magic powers in the story, he seems content mostly for using them for Rozenta's purposes rather than for his own. We can also see that he gets rather jealous of other characters that get to close to Rozenta, currently the Crown Prince, but also extremely disgusted by Saintess (though to be fair, pretty much everyone but Rozenta seems to be thanks to the curse that was bestowed on her) to the point of almost wanting to kill her had it not been because of Rozenta. When jealous, he seems to mostly be petty, throwing towels at people and performing his butler duties with strong passive aggressive vibes. It's pretty funny seeing his reactions to things.
On a side note, Rozenta's aunt character that helps get her plants for the curse has extreme girlboss energy with her five husbands like, man, that's just really cool. That was just a sidenote though haha.
Overall, the story is pretty cool. While it has a lot of the standard tropes of an isekai story, its pretty fun seeing them used, and like I said I think it's really helpful that Rozenta has such a strong friendship with Vivian and the crown prince. I'm curious to see what Enok will do in the future as he vies for Rozenta's attention.
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caparrucia · 3 months
12, 13, and 17 for the fic writer asks, please?
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
I still don't read it widely, because most of it hits my "but what's the point then?" pickiness for AUs, but a friend recently explained her time travel fix-it AU as a version of an isekai and that sort of made the appeal of it click in my head in a way it'd never had before. I still think the trope itself is not something I'd go as my first choice, because my vibe is more either miscommunication or mystery, and having a POV character that knows everything - and very often has no reason to not share/use that knowledge - makes it very conflict-free for me. The thing that clicked for me is the same way that my favorite isekai stories are ones that either the OP protagonist doesn't know they're OP or their OPness is gated behind world knowledge that they have to acquire first before making use of said OPness. So I think I like time travel fic in theory now, I just haven't read one that hits the spot because it's not a trope I seek out often. But I kinda get it now! I think!
13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore?
Modern renditions of enemies-to-lovers are so fucking exhausting in how hard people are trying to sand down any bit of objectionable, problematic aspect of that kind of relationship. I love me a good, brutal actual!enemies to actual!lovers story that wrestles with the history and baggage of that kind of thing. But post!Reylo fandom is more worried about "not romanticizing abuse" than telling a good, compelling story. E2L are supposed to be messy, problematic, dark romance stories full of questionable tropes. That's what makes it fun! But the way any whiff of conflict is constantly smothered away because "We Do Not Condone That Here" messaging is more important than a coherent, IC story is just. Blah. One day, my favorite toxic love trope will come home from the war. One day.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
Witcher 3 fusion AUs are my personal catnip. I specify Witcher 3 because I understand the Netflix trainwreck was the entry point for a lot of the fandom and that's great, but the writing of the Netflix show is infinitely subpar to the actual books and even the Witcher 3 version of the characters. The Witcher 3 softens a lot of the harsher edges of characters in the books (hi Emhyr, my forever problematique baby girl, how are you today, your imperial colonialist dipshit incestuous majesty?) but it still maintains the tone in a way that makes it so the harsher, more shocking aspects of it don't read like "for shock value" and have actual consequences. It's a rough world with rough edges and it's a setting rife for stories of all sorts, to scratch that nice medieval pseudo-realistic fantasy setting itch, while still allowing space for some hilarious comedy and nuanced politics.
However, somehow, people who played the game somehow come out with the urge to write unironic, mindless colonialism apologia - we all know why - or quirky funny romance because Netflix!Jaskier is so memeable.
Look, I have almost 3K hours in the Witcher 3, I understand I am not the target audience for Witcher fandom which is why I don't really wade into it often, but I want people to write more Witcher 3 fusion stories because it's a fantastic setting to grab your favorite characters and plop them into and see what they do. It's great.
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whysimp · 2 years
night raven x reader G/T
Since I'm now able to play 'the truth of the city' update, I wanted to write an actual fanfic, and not just HCs.
Notes: self aware, isekai reader, G/T, gn reader, reverse cookie run G/T, tiny reader, slight yandere Behavior
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It had started off small, wind archer had felt your presence, no one else had your presence, that or no one had told him, so he kept you to himself. He had asked himself "why? Why do I feel them?", perhaps it was because he was maxed, perhaps it was because his candy was maxed, perhaps it was because he was stared, or maybe it was because he was your favorite.
Ar first he had tried to ignore you, he had thought of you as an nuisance, trying to keep him away from his duty of protecting the millennial tree, but he had to admit, he enjoyed your constant favoritism of him. You had called your self A simp(?) On multiple occasions, and though he didn't know what it meant, it felt right.
But then IT happened. Pomegranate had used a spell to show him the truth, and in the process YOU had filled his mind. YOU had helped him, YOU had maxed him out, HE was your favorite. He wanted to see you, meet you, care for you.
You had just gotten home, the bus was packed at this time, and the area was going through A heatwave. You where burnt out, the only good thing about the bus is the fact that you would have ample time to play ovenbreak, but today was the day of A new update, and in thus maintenance was going on. Thankfully, it should be over soon, so you decided to wait by getting in to more comfortable clothes, taking your shoes off, and distressing.
You lay on your bed, watching as your phone install's the update, and at soon as it's done you open the game. The game closes, it happens every once in awhile, so you just open it back up and it works (as always). You don't notice anything at first, but soon you open the character tab and- night raven? Did I put that costume on? Maybe, I am a huge simp (for all the wind archers, but still). I just don't remember doing that, maybe I was sleep deprived when I did. You tap on wind archer's character tab, and tap him rapidly (to show love).
You tap him one more time to see what he says "they had lied to me, you wouldn't lie to me" what? That's new. He's talking about millennial tree cookie, but who is he talking to? There are some (alot of) self aware lines in the game. You tap him again "I see the truth" that one sounds normal. You try to click out of the page, but then the game closes. Now that time, that's weird. You open the game again, you feel like you fell through the floor- weird. You feel wind "SUPPER WEIRD!" you yell, as you fall from the sky.
You see A forest beneath you. Shit your gonna get stuck in a tree, ain't you. No you don't, you fall face first in the the dirt. You don't fell like your bones are broken, but you feel like you can't move. You slowly turn your head to the side and see you make a large indent to the ground around you, you slowly look up- "God dam the trees look so big" you say out of energy. You try to get back on you feet, and after some time finally manage. The trees still look big, maybe it's just your eyes, the fall did do a number. You slowly walk over to a tree. This bark feels really big, the tree feels really big, the tree looks really big, the tree IS really big, every IS very big- YOUR TINY. "WHAT THE FUCK" you scream at the top of you lungs.
Stomping, someone's coming this way and in a hurry, hopefully you didn't attach them. You hide in the tall grass, and see a group of people running away, and one every once in awhile defending from whatever was after them. churro cookie and the cookiemals- what no, just no, ha as if, I'm just delirious still. Then you see A hint of what there running from, and to your dismay find out your not delirious. A black and purple arrow hits the ground not far from you hiding spot. Night raven. If you weren't almost pissing yourself, you'd probably run the direction it came from.
Night raven runs in to frame, he looks like he's looking for something. You stay as still as you can, he turns around, still looking for something. One of the feathers on the tips of his wings hit you, in this moment, you nearly fall out of your hiding spot and make a surprised sound. In this instance night raven stops completely, and slowly turns his head towards the fern where you're hiding. His eyes look down at your hiding spot almost disapprovingly, it doesn't matter what he was looking for, now he's looking for you. You don't want to move, in fear that you'd make more noise.
He slowly walks towards you and your hiding spot, and pulls the string of his bow creating a new arrow. He parts some of the tall grass revealing you to him. You can't tell what's going on in his head,you still had a arrow pointing (and touching you) at you, but his eyes seem to had softed slightly (knowingly), he had found what he was looking for, YOU. "uh" you threw out, unsure what to do now. immediately after, the arrow is gone as night raven drops to the ground, his hands on ether side of you, he looks down at you. "You" he sounds both menacing and soft. His face comes closer to yours, as he stare down at you. "Found you" he's says, as his hands cup around and under you.
You try to hold on to anything around you, but night raven's hands trap you within them. He stands, he does not move though his eyes are looking to see if any other cookie was nearby. There are non. He's staring at you again, all you can do is stare back. He pokes your side with one of his hands, making you silently yelp. "Talk, I know how talkative you are" he says, in a ordering fashion "uh" you say again, not wanting to anger him. Your brought closer to his face again, so he can examine you. "so tiny" he says to himself. "I'm your favorite" "yeah" you say, he wasn't wrong, he was your favorite, but if you had said no, you might have been implied with a arrow.
He turn the opposite direction, and his wings flush up. He was going to take off wasn't he? Yep. You both sprung into the sky, you hold on to his hands as best as you could, he notices and holds you back. Soon he lands, and opens his hands for you. Your both under a tree, he sits down and looks down at you again. He pokes your face, and soon gets in to a laying down position, and kisses the side of your head. He crosses his arms, and uses them as a pillow with you stuck there too. Hey, your feeling self-indulgent might as well. You kiss him on the cheek as well as you can, he pushes his head slightly into it, and soon you both dose off.
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nanjokei · 7 months
i know ive said it before a few months ago but even though i dont go there i feel like people are pretty meanspirited towards genshin fans. obviously one of the biggest games around is gonna attract people who are new to geek ish shit like video games and anime. which means its likely their opinions are likely to be unseasoned. i think theres an entire world that exists for teenagers and normies with smartphones that we arent seeing, maybe its a generational gap idk
like the people who are super into webtoons and genshin and god knows what else, younger people and normies, lack the etiquette that was basically beaten into our brains through years of frequenting forums and microblogging social sites (livejournal, tumblr) (this is a lie because most people lack etiquette to begin with) so they act unbecoming, get into fights, make claims about skinny twinks being daddy or whatever. mostly cuz they know nothing else. is it annoying? yeah, but it feels meanspirited to write all of them off, and all of genshin off. i dont play it, i tried it close to launch and found myself completely disinterested so after not even completing the tutorial i ended up dropping it, but i have a lot of friends who are normal and find themselves enjoying it unironically and theyre surprised that they do due to the overly exaggerated reputation it has. im just speaking in general, of course they have the same issues a lot of people have with genshin, in fact i think most people who Actually Play Games would...
in general i dont get the catastrophization of genshin. i feel like so many people attribute things to it that dont make sense, like how suddenly all anime character design, especially fantasy, has gotten worse. my own feelings on the designs is pretty neutral. but at the same time its like, a fucking anime game, idk, i dont have feelings on it to begin with because it just looks like most other anime games but hoyoverse flare is hoyoverse flare.
to begin with i don't think hoyoverse is to blame for fantasy designs sucking. i think that is completely dishonest to suggest. as a fantasy fan, i think that its an issue of decay and lack of interest in the genre. i wrote about my feelings in isekai before (hint: mostly positive) but its a fact that most people have no interest in fantasy anymore. its seeing a slight genuine revival recently, but i feel like most of people's exposure is from isekai that take a very minimalist and "modern" sensibility to the designs so as not to be cringe and over the top. here is a google search i did in november 2022 with the search term "anime elf"
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i mostly use this cap to show that 1) this is an issue ive been concerned about consistently and 2) if you search "anime" anything these days you get a lot of ai art and that is just noise to me in this context. by the way, in nov 2022 if you searched "90s anime elf", the results are entirely deedlit lol. she's very pretty, and every anime aesthetic page on social media is eager to reshare her and erroneously go "80s anime is the best 😍😍😍" you know, the ova series and tv anime that came out in 1990 and 1998 respectively. its just a complete and utter lack of disinterest in the fantasy genre all around that leads to fantasy anime being swallowed up into nothingness and not being present in any zeitgeist. even tales of, a series that seemed inseperable from the conventions of the genre, has forsaken it. the super tropey anime fantasy jrpg doesn't exist anymore. even fire emblem keeps hiring artists that have no business designing characters in a medieval setting (kozaki, kurahana, pikazo). granblue FANTASY has entirely shed its final fantasy tactics inspo aesthetic and is increasingly releasing more characters distant from those sensibilities.
anyway, my point is that for over a decade now fantasy as us nerdy 20 somethings grew up with has been considered owakon and blasé. nu anime fantasy is either informed by wanting to smooth out the fantasy element as much as possible (see: rezero's character design sense. i have no comment on the story itself) or inspiration from anime MMOs that usually had more simple armor and clothing designs for most players who didn't pay up. its a whole issue from top to bottom, and frankly genshin has nothing to do with it. there are modern series clearly made by people who love the fantasy we grew up with. even those that have a different world view, like tensura, lampshades the protagonist's view of fantasy to the world he actually ended up in.
if anything genshin at least feels like its calling to SOMETHING. im not sure what, to be honest i dont really get the design thoroughline of it, and a lot of the designs are overdesigned, but i think some designs do feel reminiscent of a more familiar fantasy aesthetic (venti comes to mind).
of course its true that a lot of young artists take inspiration from genshin, you know, its one of the most popular games in the world, its like mind boggling hearing how big its install base is, but also i keep hearing that it had some kind of ripple effect on all character design in every game and anime ever. can anyone actually show me like even 3 examples of this? like, be honest with me. is that not peak catastrophizing? game has barely been out for 3 years, its not really enough for its ripple effect to suddenly change the world.
what you are complaining about is an issue that has been an issue since the 2010s. maybe you are only noticing it now that you have a new mediore hatesink to invest in. anyway yes this mediocre and halfhearted defense of genshin's fans was an excuse for me to rant about fantasy as a genre being on its death throes and how people are misattributing the tragedy to rant about some mediocre anime gacha game. i hope the recent popularity of series like dungeon meshi and frieren (i mention them bc theyre currently airing right now) makes people remember that fantasy can be good and pure soul. i hope we get a real tales of game soon also.
if you read this far please let me know what you think even on anon. its a topic that greatly interests me (anime fantasy, not genshin, i have nothing to say about genshin)
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imperator-titus · 20 days
I'm gonna make a huge mistake and post something because I haven't written in forever and I finally did yesterday. I'm not gonna make it all pretty and perfect for tumblr engagement because I don't have the energy or care to.
Just a note, I did try writing the story from the beginning, but got really hung up on it. Since I'm not really interested in doing a real fic, I figured why not do snippets? If I post anything else, it's probably going to be out of order.
Anyway, some relevant tags to determine if you want to read or not. Technically one of them was supposed to be a surprise but I don't want someone to waste their time if they don't like that sort of thing.
Tags: Astarion x Tav (Rowan, not reader, human, agender AFAB but lets the team refer to them as female), Canon x OC, Isekai, Angst, All the Vampirism Warnings (Blood, Biting, etc.), Sexually Suggestive Situations, Allusion to/Mention of Suicide, Memory loss, Gender Dysphoria
Rowan was in her tent that the others were kind enough to find for her. She was on the edge of sleep after silently sobbing for the past hour when there was the quietest crunch of pebbles outside the flap’s edge. She stopped breathing, suddenly alert and taut, straining to hear what came next. After a while, she assumed that it was a mental trick brought on by exhaustion and how near to sleep she’d been, so she closed her eyes.
She'd been almost asleep again when the flap softly opened. Spinning around, she laid eyes on Astarion.
“Shit,” he said softly, looking actually a little ashamed. Rowan almost didn't hear him with the pounding of her heart in her ears. “Now hold on, it's not what it looks like.”
“So you don’t eat people?”
“Don't be disgusting, I don’t eat people,” he answered indignantly, although his head bobbed from side to side as he relented. “I do drink, well, their blood.”
“So vampires are a thing here?”
“Here?” He asked in confusion. Rowan shook her head as if to dismiss the point. “It would be more accurate to say I'm a vampire spawn-” Rowan made a disgusted face and Astarion stopped in the middle of his rehearsed confession “What?”
“Just, that word--”
“It's fucking vile, please stop saying it.”
Astarion scoffed. “Oh, I'm sorry, is my very being disgusting to you?”
“No, it's just the word. It's gross, especially the way you say it.”
“Spawn,” Astarion enunciated with vitriolic precision. She made another face. “You know, I came to you because I thought you'd be more understanding, but-”
“No,” she interrupted, raising a hand between them, “you came to me because I'm the weakest and least capable of defending myself if I woke up.”
Astarion chuckled, a little bit less upset. “Fine, you've seen through me.”
“I would've understood,” Rowan started as she sat up, tugging her thin blanket up over her exposed legs and hips, “if you'd asked me during normal business hours when I was wearing pants.”
“You're right, I simply--” Astarion sighed, lowering himself to his knees inside her small tent. “Things have been difficult and if I could just have a little bit of real blood, I could be stronger. I didn't want to risk you saying no.”
Rowan took a deep breath and let it out slowly between tight lips. After a moment, she asked, “it's gonna hurt, isn't it?”
Astarion opened his mouth in surprise before emitting a low chuckle in the back of his throat. “I imagine so. I've never bitten a thinking creature before. Well, except for a few kobolds.”
“So you don't know when to stop?” For the first time, uncertainty entered her voice.
“I didn't intend on sucking you dry, but you're right. This is an area in which I can admit to being inexperienced.” His voice became soft as he added, “I would do my best to be gentle, if you’d indulge me.”
They sat in silence as Rowan considered it. Eventually, she touched the right side of her neck. “Can you do it from this side?”
Astarion’s eyes would've lit up if there was any light in the small tent. Playfully, he leaned towards her, hands bracing on either side of her body on the bedroll, and asked, “Already have a preference, darling?”
“The other side is… for someone else,” she answered sadly. The humor drained out of the vampire.
“Well, I humbly thank you for what you can spare.” He guided her to lie the rest of the way down and did his best not touch her except for the necessary parts. He opened his mouth and his fangs tentatively scraped the soft skin of her neck. He thought she flinched away from him, but realized it was a shiver.
Skin broke as he finally got the courage to defy an old edict and taste real blood. Astarion heard her strangled cry of pain and felt the fabric of his shirt distort and tug at him as she instinctively grabbed at him. He almost pulled away, but the taste of her blood touched his tongue and he was awash in mind-altering ecstasy. Nothing could compare to the rush it brought through his body.
It warmed him from the inside, spreading down his throat and into his chest. The feeling of gaining something lost. Maybe he leaned down on her for a better angle, maybe she pulled him towards her.
At some point, he registered her crying. It made him want to stop, but just a little more, he told himself.
“Don’t… stop…” Rowan pleaded quietly through her tears, close enough to his ears that her breath moved the curls of his hair.
It wasn't the type of request he’d heard before from too many lovers to count. The warmth turned to ice and Astarion immediately disregarded her plea. He removed his fangs from her neck and gave the two wounds a practical lick to stop the flow of blood. He pulled away and her hands weakly let go of him. He felt briefly ashamed, and a little horrified, but it was Rowan who was unable to maintain eye contact.
“Why would you say that?” He asked a little too coldly. Something in him hurt but he didn't know what quite yet.
Rowan’s chest and stomach heaved as she tried to hold in a loud sob. She had to put a hand over her mouth to muffle the sound. Uncharacteristically, perhaps out of shock, Astarion pulled her blanket up to her shoulders before slipping out of her tent.
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seariii · 4 months
Villainess level 99 ep 1-3
I already have seen the first 2 and just watched it again with my mom and my brother (well, mom fell asleep)
I have to say, the first episode was SO CRINGY TO ME I WANTED TO TEAR MY SKIN AWAY. IT WAS HORRIBLE I WAS DYING when the pov was from the otome protagonist.
I thought that was a normal reaction, but now as I was complaining about it my brother went "it's not as bad as you said it was" and I was like oh. Our conclusion was that it made me cringe because I (used to) play otome games, and I probably didn't like the way they went with it. Which fair!
Thank god the actual anime protagonist is someone else, I don't think I could've survived that
Also I did play a magic school otome, probably one of my all time favorites, loved the characters and the stories... *Shakes head* But that's not the point of this.
I love isekaied villains!! I love op girls that save the guys!!! Also the mc totally gives aro vibes, love it.
Idk how they'll do with the guy who 100% will develop a crush on the mc after she saves him, but my brother and I kept joking about it, the guy being like "I love a man who can save me" talking about the female protagonist, and "he so badly wants to be manhandled by her" (that one was him and it killed me).
Anyways I loved the king and the queen like "pls marry my son" and the mc like SAY SIKE RIGHT NOW. JSJSJSJS the prince is an asshole we will have to punch him on the face
.... Sorry lmao. I usually like the otome protagonist, even the silly ones, but yeah sometimes the way they write them on this villain isekai stories makes me hate them. Especially like this one, who is presented as a goody two shoes who loves everyone and wants to bring peace and love into the world, but turns around and does this, accusing our mc of something big and serious in front of everyone when the hate she was receiving had JUST started to calm down. Idk. Even if they explain it on the next episode, I'm not liking her right now.
"but seari if you think about it form her perspective it makes sense"
I've played my fair share of otomes, and you know what? particularly the magic school one I talked about also has a goody two shoes silly protagonist. And Liz would've never done something like this. She DOES stand up to the villains in a dumb way, but not like this.
Hmph!!! *Crosses arms while pouting*
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