#my god this is long if you read this I salute and respect you
wizard-finix · 2 months
Ao3 tag game!
*cracks knuckles* lets do this
How many works do you have on AO3?
24 works! I would have never expected to have that many 5 years ago, hahaha
What's your total AO3 word count?
186,291! oh wow, almost 200k!! (unsurprisingly PT minato takes up over a third of that LMAO)
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
10 fandoms! I'm counting Persona 3, 4, and 5 and separate, but I'm grouping all the Zelda fandoms together since it's all Linked Universe fic.
Here's the breakdown!
The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms (6)
Persona 5 (5)
Persona 3 (5)
SPY x FAMILY (Anime) (3)
Wizard101 (Video Game) (3)
SPY x FAMILY (Manga) (3)
Runescape (Video Games) (3)
Pirate101 (Video Game) (3)
Persona 4 (2)
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom (2)
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga (1)
Star Wars - All Media Types (1)
The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Warriors (1)
Top five fics by kudos:
The Ghost of Mementos/Stygian Ringlet (Persona3/5) - to the surprise of absolutely no one, since this is currently my longest fic. I'm very happy with Stygian Ringlet being the top because I love my boys :)
True Crime Special on the Midnight Channel (Persona 4/5) - my Ren has a TV Dungeon fic! also very proud of the dungeon concept for this one, I really need to finish the last two chapters
Dark Clouds on the Horizon (Linked Universe/TOTK) - I feel like this one got a lot of momentum partially because it was directly in the wake of TOTK's release, but I'm happy with how it turned out :)
Strangers Are Just Friends You Haven't Met (Persona 3/SPY x FAMILY) - this was a collab series with mewrose and a few others in the marigolds discord! we were throwing ideas at the wall to see what stuck and I really had a lot of fun with Shinjiro-related prompts, because I LOVE him and hitting him with the isekai baseball bat into a universe with Anya brings me great joy
Salt Tears and Raindrops (Linked Universe/TOTK) - directly related to Dark Clouds, and I'm glad people enjoyed good ol' fashioned angst >:) (I do need to post more of my wips, I do have a couple more roleswap AU wips that I want to post)
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I almost always do because I really appreciate them and its my way of saying thanks for the comment! If I don't comment it's because I lost track of it or because I can't think of a response.
What's the fic with the angstiest ending you've ever written?
Probably Salt Tears and Raindrops. I was in a Mood and decided to go for the tried-and-true method of putting fictional characters I like through the emotional wringer. That's how I got the rough draft for this fic :)
Do you write crossovers?
*looks at my persona fics and recent LU fics*
...I think it's safe to say most of my fics these days fall under crossovers lmao
Have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
I wouldn't say I have? One or two comments that came off as rude, but no actual hate, thankfully. If I did, I forgot about it. I've been blessed by wonderfully nice readers <3
Do you write smut?
Nope. I don't read it, so I wouldn't know how to write it anyway.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of? I sure hope not.
I have seen a couple short fics slightly imitate Ghost of Mementos though, which I thought was really sweet that they liked it enough to inspire their own writing.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but I'd definitely be open to it!
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
RYOMINA. Hands down. I love them so much, I am so mentally unwell about these two
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
My two Runescape fics, Whispers in the Temple and Welcome to the Jungle. I absolutely loved going hogwild with rewriting old quests in Runescape, but I psyched myself out of Welcome to the Jungle because I got overly anxious about accidentally doing bad representation.
(in hindsight, it probably wouldn't have been as big a deal as I thought; it's hard to make it worse considering how bad Legend's Quest was with the british-african stereotypes. that quest DID NOT age well.)
I also want to finish Snake in the Grass; that was my first attempt at a genuine mystery plot and I really liked playing with Warriors in that fic in the context of the gang trying to figure out who the heck is trying to murder him.
What are your writing strengths?
I feel like I'm pretty good at dialogue! I try to make sure it matches the character's speech patterns and personality. Really well-written dialogue can tell you who's speaking without actually telling who it is. (For example, the way I write them: Minato speaks as few words as possible and has very little filter with his observations when he does share them, and Shinjiro is pretty rough around the edges, with shortened words and the occasional swear. Warriors is good with words and wit, but he has a certain military-esque directness and doesn't dance around the topic.)
I do try hard to keep the plot clear and understandable over everything else, so probably that as well.
Also, now that I think about it, maybe fight sequences? I don't do them much, but I do enjoy the challenge of making a clear sequence of what happens in a fight and trying to make it understandable. Fight sequences are easy to skip or gloss over, but I think of them like their own miniature plot. What happens? What surprises are there? What are their movesets? How do they get the upper hand? (and of course, what looks cool as fuck)
What are your writing weaknesses?
Time management. I tend to over-proofread since I beta my own work, and often I'll go back to tweak stuff if I had additional thoughts to add to it, or extra insight. Lately, it takes longer to write chapters than I'd like.
Also, dialogue-heavy scenes often get very chaotic in my WIPs because of the way I rough out fics. I'll throw together a bunch of dialogue bits I think would be cool to include, and sometimes they'll clash or get really messy, especially if there's lots of characters (looking at the latest two chapters of Stygian Ringlet)
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
I think it's cool! It adds flavor to fics. If it's more than one short phrase though, or if it's story important, then I do prefer that there is a translation in the author's notes. I haven't done any non-English dialogue in fics, save for one memorable adventure into trying to figure out how Latin grammar structure works for a character that didn't speak English.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Wizard101 and Pirate101. I was obsessed with those two for YEARS. I really, really liked pirate stories in high school, and having a cast of crewmates that accompany you throughout the game really inspired me to write my first fic featuring my OC. (I was also into One Piece at the time, but I never wrote for it.)
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written so far?
Stygian Ringlet. It's really dear to my heart. I have poured so much love and effort into that fic, and the reception on it has completely blown me away.
THANKS FOR THE TAG!! Uhhhmmm for tags I'm going to go with @skyward-floored, @catreginae and @breannasfluff (but only if you want to!! no obligation of course)
and of course any other writers that want to do it as well!! go forth
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spanishskulduggery · 9 months
Just discovered while talking to someone in Spanish that "Adiós" is more of a permanent goodbye, something you might say to someone you expect to never meet again, like a stranger. Instead, he said I should use "nos vemos" when speaking with people I know, which makes sense. I was wondering what other goodbyes I could use that aren't permanent? Obviously there's "hasta luego" and "hasta mañana."
I wouldn't go that far necessarily, but yes adiós can be used for people you don't expect to see for a long time (possibly never again like sayonara means in Japanese)
Literally, adiós is "go with God" which would have been a lot more impactful in the time of needing to journey days/weeks/months to meet some relatives, and possibly having to deal with war, disease, wild animals etc
A lot of Western langauges have something similar, even "goodbye" is "God be with you/ye"
Some people do use it for a permanent goodbye. Others use it for an indefinite but probably long period of goodbye
And some people just say adiós as a standard goodbye with no deeper meaning other than "bye"
Note: You can also say adiosito which I wouldn't necessarily recommend outside of friendly conversation since it can sound sarcastic; it's like "toodle-oo" but it's literally a little goodbye
Note 2: If you vehemently hate someone and you hope to never see them again, you can say hasta nunca which is like "see you never" and I think that's beautiful
Today people do use adiós just as "goodbye" though it can read as "we won't see each other for a while"
The more short-term is nos vemos "we will see each other"
Another variation is a direct object version rather than reflexive. You can say te veo pronto "I'll see you soon" for example, instead of nos vemos pronto "we will see each other soon", that sort of thing
There's also hasta pronto "see you soon", hasta la próxima "see you next time"
And a lot of people have adapted certain words into Spanish like bye/bai or chau/chao for goodbyes
chau/chao in particular comes from ciao and is super common especially in South America
Another common one I say is cuídate "take care of yourself" / cuídese for polite, cuídense for plural
Depending on context you can also say ¡Suerte! "Good luck!" (or ¡Buena suerte! or ¡Que tengas mucha suerte! "Hope you have lots of luck" or te deseo mucha suerte etc)....
Another common one I say is ¡Ánimo! which means something like "Chin up!" but literally it's "energy" or "cheer"; if you're saying ánimo with someone you're essentially saying ¡Aguanta! or ¡Resiste! which is like "Hang in there!" or trying to pep someone up, where animar is "to cheer someone on" so it's all related there
Also I know you said spoken but just in case, if you're signing off on a letter/email there are some basic phrases you can use:
saludos = (a generic kind of goodbye) [lit. "salutations" or "regards"] un cordial saludo = (something like "kind regards")
atentamente = "yours truly" / "sincerely" [lit. "attentively"]
estamos en contacto / estaremos en contacto = "we'll be in touch"
And if you're writing a friendly letter you can say abrazos or besos for "hugs" and "kisses" respectively; it's very common to say something like te mando un abrazo "I'm sending you a hug" or something like that
Also, if you're at a party or something, you can say something like ya me voy or me largo or something like "I'm heading out"
I tend to say something like hora de irme "time for me to go" because in my English-speaking brain saying me largo feels awkward like I'm storming out but I know that's not what that always means
Additionally you can say debo irme "I should go", something along those lines is pretty standard
If you're being funny, I think me piro vampiro is somewhat used in Spain (but maybe not so much now)... it's just there for the rhyme. Literally "I'm out, vampire" or "I'm leaving, vampire" [pirarse is an idiomatic way of saying "to leave"]
For Latin America, more common would be chao/chau pescao which is literally "goodbye seafood/fish" since pescao is an informal spelling of pescado where the D can kind of be aspirated
You may also see/hear chao/chau bacalao "goodbye cod"
Again, all for the rhyme. The equivalent of "see you later alligator" in English. Everyone loves a rhyme
But obviously only do this among friends because it's informal and a bit childish
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awkward-tension-art · 1 month
Little Parasite Chp. 3
Your father, Leon's boss and the president of the united states, had called the agent to the White House for a meeting.
Extra warnings: pregnancy mentions, Reader isn't in this chapter but she's mentioned, I try my best at subtle threats, Leon being Leon, brief VERY BRIEF mention of Leon killing himself if he harmed you, petty shots at Leon’s past by the president
Leon’s steps through the hallway were steady and focused. He kept his eyes ahead, trying not to pay attention to the White House staff around him.
He had been called to the Oval Office personally. The president, your father, wanted to speak with him.
He heard the whispers. He’d be deaf not to.
Sleeping with the president's daughter.
Knocked her up.
How long have they been together?
So agent Kennedy is going to be the dad to the big man's grandkid?
Leon nodded to the secret service guarding the door. He waited for one of them to knock and announce his arrival.
“Wait a few minutes.” was his command.
It was a power play. Most likely your fathers way of saying ‘my time is more important.’ The agent knew that the president wasn't doing anything behind those double doors. Probably on his phone. Or reading a useless email.
It was his way of establishing power. Let Leon know that despite his connection to you, he was always on top.
So the agent had to wait. Bide his time. Presidencies only last 4 years. And hopefully, your relationship will last much longer.
Leon wouldn't entertain the possibility of a reelection. He was, in fact, working on being more optimistic.
After a few minutes of staring straight ahead, he was allowed inside the Oval Office.
The sun was hidden by thick curtains. The patterned cream walls were decorated with historic paintings. Several marble busts of leaders past stared straight, lifeless eyes piercing the air. At the very end of the office was the massive wooden desk.
And sitting behind it was your father. The president of the USA. His cold, stern eyes were on him.
His fucking boss.
“Mr.President, sir.” Leon saluted. He had to be an agent. This was the man he worked for. Not his future father-in-law.
“Agent Kennedy.” The president stood, “It’s been a while. After your report, you’ve been on medical leave haven't you?”
Another power play. He’s pretending not to know. Lure Leon into a false sense of security, and make the agent think he wasn’t in the leader's crosshairs. That maybe he had some fucking privacy in this job.
“Yes sir.” He nodded, keeping his answers short. The agent had to give only the required information. Nothing more. Nothing less.
“And how is that?” Your father leaned against the front of the desk, looking to his left. His eyes were down, roaming over some papers, “Going back to the field soon?”
This was another way for him to let Leon know that he didn't care about the man he called to the office.
“Recovery is fine.” Leon answered calmly, “The BSAA medical personnel have informed me I can return to field missions in about 2 weeks.”
He probably knew this already.
“Hm, good.” His future father-in-law nodded, “And my daughter?”
There it is.
“I’m sorry sir, what do you mean?” Leon asked, hoping to grab even a little bit of control. He could perhaps get his boss to say his intentions with this meeting.
“Well, you got her pregnant.” His boss responded rather coldly, “She hasn’t called me to talk about it. She’s spoken to her mother though.”
The agent’s guard was raised. Got you pregnant. The president made it seem like you were an unwilling participant. That Leon forced the baby on you.
He’d rather kill himself than do such a thing.
Leon swallowed, he took a shot, one that could frankly get him in trouble, “My fiancé is fine. So is the baby we both wanted.” His tone was less than respectful. At this point, he didn’t care that this was the president. The man signing his paychecks could be a fucking god, and he wouldn’t care.
It was a subtle ‘fuck you’. It told your father that yes, his favorite attack dog was having sex with his sweet, innocent daughter.
Oh if only he knew how ‘innocent’ you really were.
The president narrowed his stern eyes ever so lightly. He was irritated, but didn’t want Leon to know, “Good. That's good. This will be my first grandchild, you know.” His hand roamed over the file, “It's exciting, though, it's rather unfortunate that the child will have only one set of grandparents.”
Oh fuck you!
Leon swallowed. What was this? Shoving his dead parents in his face? Was this a joke?
Am I being punked? He thought, The president of the United states resorting to middle school insults?
Leon’s life was a fucking joke.
“I’m sure you and your wife will be wonderful grandparents.” The agent had to keep his tone calm and collected. He couldn’t break under his boss’ critical gaze.
The country’s leader nodded slowly, closing the file, “Agent Kennedy, I’m going to be frank and honest with you.”
What? Leon’s eyes widened, honesty? Here? In the White House?
Oh the world must be ending now.
“Sir?” The agent knew he sounded confused. Probably like an idiot. But he wasn’t expecting any form of honesty from the country’s leader.
“You are going to change the second you hold your child,” His future father-in-law said, putting a hand on Leons shoulder, “If you have a son, you would die for him. But if you have a daughter…” He tightened his grip, squeezing the agent's shoulder, “You’ll kill for her.”
Harm my daughter and I will destroy you.
Leon swallowed and nodded, “I understand.”
“You never will. Not until you do.” The president let go and stepped back, returning to his desk, “Now, your health reports have come back all clear, however, my daughter will need to continue with weekly visits to the lab until the baby is born.”
“Yes sir.” The agent nodded again, “is there anything else?”
“No, you’re dismissed.” The president waved him away without even looking up. Still Leon knew he was forced to salute before leaving.
One final show of power. Making him leave without even so much as a ‘bye.’
Once in the hallway, he took a deep breath.
God…despite the man in the Oval Office being your father, your fiance fucking hated him. He despised politics. He despised the government. He wasn’t a patriot by any means, and he wasn’t going to raise his child to fucking worship the USA.
Leon took another breath and began to walk through the halls of the White House again.
He couldn’t get to the exit and into your arms fast enough.
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trashyswitch · 9 months
Don't Touch Mario's Love Letters
Mario has been writing love letters to Peach in secret, and Luigi quickly finds out about it. Though Mario doesn't always take kindly to teases from his younger brother.
This fanfic was for @elitadream. Here's the link for the fanart this was inspired by.
Though I know you're not part of the community...Come on! They're brothers! So you KNOW they get up to these kinds of things! But despite that, I have huge respect for you, and I salute your drawing abilities. So, I hope you enjoy!
Luigi was cleaning up the boys’ desk and throwing out the garbage bin under the desk. When he had gotten back in the room with the garbage can, he placed it under the desk and sat down at the desk. The last person that had used the desk was Mario. And Mario often loved to cover the desk in papers before writing in his notebook. Why he liked doing this, who knows…he’s always been like that. 
Either way, if Luigi wanted to ever use the desk for anything at all, he always had to clean up Mario’s stuff. Because the man just loves making a mess and not cleaning it up after. He’s been that way since childhood. And Luigi was long used to it. Luigi closed the top of his red notebook and read the front: [Name: Mario] 
[Subject: Writing] 
Luigi smiled and picked it up, before putting it into the desk drawer. But when he picked up the stacks of paper from the desk, a couple papers had fallen out of the stack and onto the desk, before sliding off the desk and flowing back and forth down to the floor. He was about to pick them up and put them back into the stack, but…He paused when he noticed Peach’s cursive writing on the letter from where he was: 
{Dear Mario; 
How has your week been? I hope it wasn’t too busy. You work so hard…you deserve the rest. Are the citizens of Brooklyn treating you and Luigi well? How is your family? Are they also well?} 
Luigi raised his eyebrow. He picked it up and flipped it to the back to read it a little more. 
{Duties resume like clockwork at the castle. The toads made me some simmered fruit for lunch, which really hit the spot. I also got to pick some flowers and replaced the flowers on the table. The first bouquet was dying, which was making me feel down. Wilting flowers make me sad.}
Luigi chuckled and put the letter back in the stack. Then, he picked up the second paper: [Dear Peach; My week’s been a little busy, but not bad so far. The people of Brooklyn are always great to us, but I am very thankful for the rest. And my family’s doing well too. Mama’s just as sweet as ever. So, I was thinking…Maybe we can spend some time together this weekend! Do you have any recommendations for pretty places to go? And do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities the best?]
Oh…My…god…Is Mario seriously considering taking her out on a date?! THIS I have to see. Luigi put the rest of the stack back into the drawer before leaving the room with the letter in his hand. He walked himself up to Mario, holding out the letter. “Hey Mario…” Luigi called, dangling it like the teasy brother he is. 
Mario turned around to look at him. “Hm?” He hummed. 
“What’s this ya got here?” Luigi asked. 
Mario walked a bit closer to see the writing on it. But when he saw the red pen, Mario screeched and attempted to snatch it from his brother. “Where did you-” Mario saw his hand was empty, and the paper was still in his hand. “Give it-” Mario reached up, only for the paper to go another inch higher. “Give it back!” Mario ordered, reaching up. “Recommendations for pretty spots, huh?” Luigi teased. 
Mario grunted and reached up for the letter again, showing a bit more anger on his face as he failed to reach it. “Luigi-” Mario muttered.  “You wouldn’t happen to be setting up a little date with the princess, would you?” Luigi asked, being a nosey little pest. 
“Give it back! Right now!” Mario ordered. 
“What kind of date ideas were you gonna propose to her?” Luigi asked, purposefully flipping the letter back and forth in front of him to entice his brother. 
“None…” He looked at Luigi. “-of your business.” Mario spat back, poking his chest.
“Come oooon, Mario.” Luigi pulled it back up as Mario jumped up to grab it, but to no avail. “Tell me! I wanna know!” Luigi said. 
Mario finally stopped reaching up for the letter, and crossed his arms, clearly pissed. “This is my last warning.” Mario muttered. 
Luigi chuckled. “Or what? What are you gonna do, shorty?” Luigi teased, acting like he had the upper hand. But Luigi wasn’t gonna have the upper hand for much longer. Because Mario reached his hand up one more time, causing Luigi to lift it up higher. But the moment Luigi did that, Mario tickled his brother’s armpit. “Oh nothing…Just this.” Mario replied, poking his armpit a little harder. 
Luigi squeaked and pushed Mario away with his hand, trying his best to keep his other hand up despite being tickled into bringing it down. “WaHAIT! Mahario!” Luigi backed himself up. “Thahat’s cheating!” Luigi told him, his voice going super high-pitched.
“And you’ve made this an unfair game! Meaning tickles are now allowed.” Mario told him. 
Luigi hopped onto the bed to get away from him. “AHA!” He declared, pointing at him. “Try and get me now, Mario!” Luigi taunted him. 
Mario clicked his tongue, shaking his head with a smile. “You just made things so much worse for yourself.” Mario added as he walked up to the right side of the bed. 
“No I didn’t. What are you talking about?” Luigi asked with genuine confusion as he kept an eye on his brother. Mario brought his finger up to the back of the knee. Luigi raised an eyebrow. “What are you-”
He poked it only once. 
“gaaAAH!” Luigi shouted, snapping his head forward. Oh no… Mario started scratching the knee pit with a big smirk on his face. “Did you forget about this ticklish spot, Lu?” Mario asked. 
Luigi quickly felt the smile fill his face as he hung his head. “MAHARIO DOHOHON’T!” Luigi shouted, bringing up his right knee to cover it up. Now, Luigi knew how to laugh and not lower his arm while being tickled in the armpit. He’d gained enough practice doing that during tickle fights with Mario. But the knee pit was a newer tickle spot entirely, that had been found out completely by accident! And…He didn’t have nearly enough experience covering up his kneepits very well without falling. “COHOHOME OHOHON- IHIHI’M GOHONNA FAHAHAHALL!” He reacted. 
“Oh, I know. That’s what I want.” Mario told him. 
“YOHOHOU SUHUHUHUHUCK!”  Luigi shouted at him. 
“Oh? I suck now?” Mario asked. “Says the one that stole my letter and refuses to give it back.” Mario told him. 
“IHIHI WAHAHAS JUHUHUST-” Luigi felt his knees buckle as he fell onto his back against the bed. “NAhahahaha- Nohohohoho!” Luigi whined, pulling himself into the fetal position as the phantom tickles on his knees continued to plague him. 
Mario jumped up onto the bed and onto Luigi, before pulling on the letter. “Let go, Luigi!” Mario ordered. 
“Neheheveher! Ihihi wahant ahahanswehehers!” Luigi complained, gripping the letter a bit tighter.
“And you won’t get any answers unless you let go!” Mario added, letting go of the letter before tickling his belly and sides. “So let go!” 
Luigi squeaked and threw his head back, laughing and tightening his grip on the letter while extending his legs. “IHIHI DOHOHON’T TRUHUST YOHOHOU!” Luigi argued. 
“Then keep acting like that. See if I care.” Mario said, smirking as he moved his finger to his belly button. “Besides, I’m rather enjoying tickling you.” Mario added. 
Despite laughing and wiggling around, Luigi wouldn’t let go of the letter. In fact, the tickling seemed to only tighten his grip on the letter. 
And Mario quickly noticed this. “Damn…you can’t go down without a fight, can you?” Mario asked. 
Luigi was cackling and shaking his head. “DOHOHOHO YOHOHOUR WOHOHOHORST!” Luigi shouted. 
Mario shrugged his shoulders. “Okay.” Mario took in a big breath and blew a raspberry on his brother’s belly. 
Luigi screamed and laughed rather hysterically, unable to control how outlandish his laugh was by this point. 
Mario smiled. While Mario did enjoy making Luigi laugh like this, he kinda had a mission right now. So, he tried to focus by tickling Luigi’s lower ribs. “Are you really that stubborn to find out the truth behind that letter?” Mario asked with a smirk. 
“YEHEHEHESS!” Luigi replied.
“But why?! You already guessed everything right!” Mario replied, stopping his tickles for a moment. 
Luigi let out a few breaths of relief and looked at Mario. “But…” He looked up at Mario, almost with a look of desperation. “But I had questions!” He reacted. “What kind of date were you gonna come up with?” Luigi asked. 
Mario shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. That’s why I was going to ask her for ideas for-” “Pretty spots to go?” Luigi teased.
“Pretty pla-...Oh…Well, Ye…Yeah.” Mario muttered, blushing. Luigi actually read the intro?! God, this was more embarrassing than he thought… “Truth was…I was gonna try and fix that intro to make it more subtle.” Mario admitted. 
Luigi chuckled. “Yeah…It’s a little ‘on the nose’.” Luigi added. 
Mario rolled his eyes. “Don’t criticize my letter-writing skills.” Mario told him. 
Luigi chuckled as he got up onto his feet. “Alright.” He offered Mario the letter. “I’m guessing you wanna finish it now?” He asked. 
“Yes, I would like to.” Mario reached up to grab the letter, but widened his eyes when he saw Luigi pull it back. “Wha-” 
“Now before I give this to you…” Luigi started. 
Mario sighed and crossed his arms, tapping his foot. “Yes?” 
Luigi smiled innocently. “I must ask: How long have you had a crush on Peach?” Luigi asked him. 
Mario groaned. “I don’t need to tell you that.” Mario complained. 
“Excuse me-” Luigi placed his hand on his chest, showing mock offense. “We are twins! We ALWAYS tell each other our secrets!” Luigi reacted. 
“And you already know what you need to know! Now give me the letter!” Mario ordered. 
Luigi chuckled. “Fine, fine.” He offered Mario the letter again. But right when Mario reached out for it again, Luigi pulled it back. “Oh! I forgot-” Mario wrapped his right arm around Luigi in a chokehold, pulling him down and making Luigi double over so Mario could reach. “Drop it! Or else.” Mario said with an evil smirk on his face. 
“Ow! Okay, okay here!” Luigi let it go, dropping it to the ground. “Mamma mia, you’re strong.” Luigi muttered as he felt Mario’s arm loosen off his neck. 
“Thank you.” Mario picked it up and walked back to the bedroom. 
“...So that’s it?!” Luigi asked. 
“Were you expecting more?” Mario asked, turning around. “Well…I was hoping for a thank you for cleaning up the desk.” Luigi admitted. 
“Wha-” Mario looked in the room, and groaned. “Why did you clean up my stuff?!” Mario looked at him. “I was gonna go back to it!” Mario yelled. 
“Because I wanted to use it! And you never clean up after yourself!” Luigi replied. 
Mario chuckled. “Fine…I’ll make sure the desk is clear when you wanna use it. But in return…” Mario’s head popped out from behind the bedroom door. “You need to promise to not be a nosy-pants and leave my stuff alone.” Mario told him. 
Luigi nodded. “Alright.” Luigi smirked a bit. “So if you don’t want me touching your stuff, does that mean you’ll start cleaning the entire desk yourself?” Luigi asked. 
Mario rolled his eyes. “If it’ll help resist your urge to read my stuff, then maybe.” Mario replied. 
“Oh! Speaking of reading your stuff…” Luigi started. “Peach has some nice cursive, I gotta say.” Luigi added. Mario widened his eyes and blushed slightly. “Yeah…She does. She’s a princess.” Mario added. 
Luigi laughed. “I guess that’s true.” He replied. “But I find it funny that you both prefer to use colored pens to write your letters.” Luigi teased. “Whatever happened to you just using purple or black pens?!” Luigi teased. 
Mario growled. “Shut up.” Mario muttered. 
Luigi thought for a moment. Mario had always used black pens…this had been the first time Luigi had written with a red pen. Wait…Was he writing in red pen for just his letters?! 
Luigi quickly smirked as he connected the dots. Once he did, he walked up to the door. He knocked on it and patiently waited for the door to open. When it opened, Mario was standing at the door, looking completely done with Luigi. “Yes?” 
“Do you write all your letters with a red pen?” Luigi asked. “Yeah, why?” Mario asked. 
Luigi’s smile widened. “Then are you writing your letters with a red pen on purpose so she’ll think you’re cute?” Luigi asked with an innocent smile. 
Mario widened his eyes and stuttered for only a moment…before rolling his eyes and slamming the door on Luigi. But this only made the taller one double over and cackle at him. “YOHOHOU’RE SUCH A DORK!” Luigi laughed, turning away so his back was facing the door and walking away.  
The door opened again. “VAFFANCULO!” Mario shouted before slamming the door again, making Luigi’s laughter go up another octave. 
Luigi eventually turned around and walked to the kitchen as he started to calm down. All the teasing, tickles and establishing Mario’s dorky nature…had made him very hungry. So, he heated up some leftovers while he let Mario be. 
The funny part was, he’s lucky that he can tease Mario all he wants…because he’s one of the only people who can tease him and get away with it without even a punch in the face. If he was literally anyone else, you would get destroyed by the small, but mighty man. But…Luigi is his twin brother, which earned him the opportunity to tease him without even a finger laid on him. 
Luigi swallowed and blushed a bit. Well…that’s not entirely true…The man did tickle him to get him to the ground and then chokehold him to get the letter back…But that’s just brotherly revenge for you. 
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ivy-kissobryos · 10 months
Salut. A long time ago you recommended Seven Spheres by Rufus Opus in a reading list, but only very recently I was able to actually read it.
I send this ask hoping that maybe you'd be comfortable sharing your experience with the rituals of the book. The author presents the planetary initiation in such a dramatic reality-altering process that I find it a bit hard to put my faith in it at times, so again, if it's okay by you, I'd love to hear your experiences with it.
If I were to be frank, I didn’t follow the instructions exactly as per Rufus Opus’ writing. Although to be fair,I honestly can’t seem to recall instances where I’ve ever performed any ritual exactly as written (aside from certain rites from the Greek Magical Papyri), so this isn’t Opus’ fault or anything. As someone who works extensively with the planets and stars in my practice, I can say that Opus’ rituals are theoretically sound and should provide good results. There are just some things I prefer to change about the rituals. So, what I’ve done is take the concept behind Opus’ workings and devised rituals of my own.
In other words, I think Opus’ rituals can be life changing if you adapt it to suit whatever paradigm you’re working from rather than doing things by the book. For example, some things I changed is that I used hymns from the Picatrix rather than the just the Orphic Hymns. As a witch with a Patron who rules over the night and the stars, I also found it much easier to include Him in the ritual rather than following the original script which calls upon just Christ who I respect but hold no allegiance to.
It should also be noted too that the AOTH ABRAOTH BASYM ISAK SABAOTH IAO section of Opus’ script is directly lifted from the Headless Rite of the Greek Magical Papyri. I don’t know why Opus didn’t explain how he adapted that from the PGM and his reasonings, but I can assure you too that the Headless Rite is incredibly effective in many uses.
But to directly answer your question: even though I can’t claim to have done Opus’ rituals as written, I can confirm via my knowledge and experience with planetary magic that Opus’ ritual are theoretically sound and should provide results. I have taken the backbones of Opus’ method and adapted them for my own needs. It is my take that any intentional and direct engagement with the planets when done properly can be life changing.
This is because planets are gods, if one is approaching planetary work from a perspective of astrolatry rather than pure, planetary magic without any faith involve. Surely you must’ve heard tales of how working with, let’s say, Hekate have changed people’s lives. It’s the same with planets, especially if you approach them asking them to “initiate” you. In this case, the planets will often cause you to lose things in their sphere which does not serve you (Venus breaking off certain friendships or relationships in your life, Jupiter causing you to change jobs etc).
And it is this point that I wish to promote my pamphlet detailing my workings with Venus and an angel of Venus here: https://www.hadeanpress.com/shop/venus-as-mother
Planets can and do cause upheavals in your life.
Thus, I would recommend that — if you don’t already have an established practice in sorcery or planetary magic — you try one of Opus’ rituals as written and see how it goes. The rituals are exceedingly simple, requiring not much materia nor time. There really isn’t much to lose (unless you somehow manage to offend a planet but that’s beside the point). Then, play around with the ritual structure and personalize it to you.
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your-subby-creature · 10 months
*skitters into your inbox* hey!! if u have anything u wanna infodump about rn or whenever u want, i am sitting down and very ready to listen :D
Hello!!! Since I've been feeling kinda sad/anxious/insecure today (forgot my meds oops), I think for our infodump I'm gonna tell a nice story out of trans history that's always been a niche favorite of mine. Mind you, this is my interpretation, and truly only based off one article from long ago, so take all my tales as slightly taller than they appear. Now settle down, and let your pal Creature spin you a yarn.
In the late 1890s, an old farmer, one Mr. Otto Schaffer, was living out his years on a small plot of land in Kansas. He'd served in the Civil War, a Union man through and through, and was content to settle down and make his living in the calm country of the once-bloody state.
Unfortunately for Otto, this land held more than the idyllic calm he'd imagined, and one day a terrible storm rolled through. They say it was as he was sending up a prayer to his God that a bolt of lightning struck poor Mr. Schaffer dead, but the man lived alone, so there's no way to tell what really happened that stormy night. Either way, that storm was his last, and when the townspeople came to collect Otto's body, the lightning strike wasn't their only surprise.
Now, they didn't quite use the same terms and divisions we have now, so when the press ran the headline "The Old Soldier a Woman," it was really about as close as they could get to explaining the deceased Mr. Schaffer's transness. They seemed to sense it too, seeing the man in front of them as more than his assigned sex at birth, never once misgendering him in the article, never questioning that he'd get the soldier's burial he deserved.
It was an honor reserved for men, in those days, and not a single one of his brothers in arms so much as thought of refusing to raise their guns for the final salute as Otto Schaffer's body was lowered into the ground. It must have been a shock, then, as the guns went off and the whole town said their goodbyes, when a single dove fell from the sky, shot dead by the salute, coming to rest near Otto's grave.
The papers honestly seemed more intrigued by this second death than any of the events prior we may see as more salacious today, calling it "peculiar and romantic," spending more time on what the dove could have meant than anything truly surrounding Otto or his body.
The article was published around the state but no further, just another oddity to read in the paper, nothing special about the old soldier Otto Schaffer except for the dove who lost its life to his final gun salute.
Other than this single article, we know nothing of Otto's life, nothing of the man he was or the person he would have been today, and yet I find myself smiling when I think of his story. He's the earliest evidence I've found for an American trans funeral, and yet he was respected and honored by his local community, by the military, by the press (who cared more about the bird than anything, so it seems.)
I feel a kinship with him, a tie that binds across the centuries, and while I know his existence is more complex and ambiguous and altogether unknown, his story never fails to remind me that we've always been here, and we've always been loved by someone.
(Remember that this is heavily narrativized by some guy on the internet, fully my creative nonfiction take on a primary source. The original is available in the Digital Transgender Archive, either Otto Schaffer's name or the headline "The Old Soldier A Woman" should get you to it. It's important to write and teach our histories through storytelling, but I don't want to create any impressions that this is all objectively 100% hard fact that's had no personal spin at all. I embellished for narrative effect, and I gladly and openly admit it. Lastly, this whole story exists in a broader context of colonialism and white supremacy and the gut-wrenching history of the United States, and I do want to make sure we remember and acknowledge that. )
-your Creature
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kagedbird · 11 months
Continued from this
Aela: Kodlak, I brought her.
Allora: *walks in and goes to curtsey before seeing at Kodlak's weary form and his struggling strength* Kodlak?! Are you all right? *she rushes over, kneeling by his side*
Kodlak: *smiles tiredly, placing his hand over her's as she reaches up him* I will be fine, girl. You've arrived after all.
Allora: *furrows her eyebrows, glancing at Aela* What's going on? Why does he look ill? Lucien said you guys couldn't contract diseases...
Aela: He's been fighting his other self for a long time, to where it can no longer protect him in that way. I still don't approve of this, old man. But it's your choice and I'll respect it. *salutes and bows her head before leaving the room*
Allora: *catches a glance of Taliesin glancing back at her and gives him a frown before turning back to Kodlak* How can I help?
-With Taliesin & Aela-
*Taliesin peers in worriedly at Allora after she fried out for Kodlak, but is essentially body blocked from view not after long by Aela, who closes the door swiftly*
Aela: She'll be fine. No one will enter that room while its doors are closed. Come on, I don't want you trying to listen in.
Taliesin: I believe I never agreed to anything other than waiting outside the door. I won't be moving from this spot.
Aela: It's not a suggestion, now get moving.
Taliesin: You may be considered her friend, but I certainly do not have to listen to you. I have obligations here.
Aela: *snarls a bit, getting up close to him* Watch it, elf. You're in our home. Allora's been with us longer than you.
Taliesin: *wrinkles his nose and leans back* Clearly, which is why she's so blatantly terrified of you. Have you never read body language before? She never wanted to be here but came out here to appease you all and to fulfill a sense of obligation for you taking care of her uncle.
Aela: Allora likes us.
Taliesin: Oh goodie, you're deluded as well. She may like you as people, because at this point I'm starting to wonder if she has a hateful bone in her body outside of certain foods, but she does not trust you. And that, my good lady, is very different.
Aela: And you're saying she trusts you? I've seen how she acts around those other three. You're not even remotely in the same category.
Taliesin: I never even began to presume such things, unlike yourself. I know where I stand with her. Do you?
Aela: Why you-!
*Terrified, painful screams errupt from Kodlak's room, and the two burst in to see Kodlak wearily watching in fear as Allora struggles along the ground; her body contorting in various ways painfully*
Taliesin: Allora! *he rushes down to touch her and barely dodges a swipe from her, paling at claws that were distended from her hands* What is happening?!
Kodlak: She pulled my disease from me... completely. It has latched onto her now.
Aela: We've got to get her out of Jorrvaskr!
Taliesin: Preferably to the temple here?!
Aela: No. It needs to run its course. We need to get her out of Whiterun.
Taliesin: Run it's cour-?! Are you mad!?
Allora: *pained screaming becomes garbled as fur overtakes her body and her bones snap and elongated; mouth becoming snout; golden eye colour shattering in her iris; tail growing from her backside*
Taliesin: By the gods-!
Aela: *shoves Taliesin out of the way as Allora's arm snaps out again painfully, guarding him* She won't be able to tell friend from foe like this. I'll need to lead her out.
Kodlak: Do what you must...
Taliesin: *watches in horror as Aela also begins to turn, far faster than Allora's transformation and stumbles back* Oh gods... I'm going to be sick...
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myimaginedcorner · 11 months
PREVIOUS RESULT: Laefen. Something about his attitude calls for your attention.
“Heya,” seeing you approach, the man upon the table greeted you with a big smile, his second welcome no less casual than his introduction. Astute in gaze, his inner demons threw more crisping sparks onto his eye’s expanse, as his gaze landed on your staff. “You’re a mage! Making my job easy, I like that.”
“I’m no fighter,” you made sure to instantly correct him. You were assigned a role by the Team Leader, and roles are made to be fulfilled, not breached. “I’m here as a member of the research group.”
“And I’m their assistant,” purred Ashna near your shoulder. Their honeyed tone brought satisfied goosebumps to your skin.
“Yeah, yeah, sure, I know,” rolling eyes again, Laefen sighed. “What I meant is that you’ll be able to save your own butt, if issues happen.”
“You’re there to solve those issues,” you arched up a brow.
“I know! I’m great at solving issues,” his chuckle made you both believe and doubt. “But experience tells me not all issues can be easily solved, sometimes. Just a nice thing to know, some magic tricks. I’d wish I could just bring a rock to fall on someone’s head.”
“Or to close off a passage you just entered,” pointed out your elven friend, too keen to further fuel this odd conversation. Why would you, of all people, talk of safety with the party’s fighter? Such responsibility fell on the Team Leader and all other fighters, if any were to be hired.
But Ashna liked it. And so, you, too, paid unnecessary attention.
“I’d say closing a passage is always a last resort. You never know when gods decide to make it a dead end, and now, you’re trapped and sieged by angry fellows,” the knife in Laefen’s hand turned once again. Its blade shined under the dull light – on it, you saw a small, elegant inscription you had no time to read. You didn’t try to, either: another thing brought you to frown, staring at the elf in front.
“You believe in gods?”
It almost felt the time for everything to go uncomfortably quiet, so quiet you could hear your own heartbeat. It was the case in many other situations, when elven hearing caught upon words meant to one pair of ears in guilty confidentiality. Thankfully, it didn’t; the tavern kept its lively volume up, your question slid under the table without trouble.
“Yeah, why not,” shrugging shoulders, Laefen looked at you, a pensive grimace coming to his otherwise nonchalant face. You thought he didn’t know of such expression – that his skill was refined on instincts, not in mind. “Better to be safe than sorry, no? You never know how many of them are still left around there.”
“The dragons fought for freedom from their rules…”
You gave Ashna a glance. Gravity dyed their beautiful eyes, and from their cold, you felt how your own doubt grew even stronger.
“Ah, guys, let’s not become all philosophical now!” a quick shake of head brought Laefen’s lips to a reconciling smile, a giggle being his childish way of brushing off all serious matters. “When you’re out, you sometimes just need hope, you know? It can be tough out there, don’t take it too seriously. It’s like good old Hibiscus and her Nature thing.”
“Nature is Mother to all, including gods,” Hibiscus, who sat not far from us, just shook her head, defeatedly giving Laefen another solemn glance.
“You see? You’ll get used to it. The lad over there is not even telling us where they’re from,” his thumb travelled to M’s direction. “Maybe you’ll get some head bugs of your own.”
“No one’s getting any head bugs, it clearly states in your contract to maintain a proper hygiene,” Amani’s voice appeared before you saw her, her presence getting Laefen to exhale, relieved. Saluting, he jumped off the table, Hibiscus and M standing up from their respective seats. “I see you’re all ready. Let’s set off: we have a long way ahead.”
Your departure was marked by grey clouds. Celest still loomed on your horizon as you heard the first thunder, and a bright flash showed you the outline of a city aiming for the sky. Rain came right after; pouring water got you soaked, no cloaks salvaging clothes at the swift speed of your hard-working mounts.
“Nature is crying…” mumbled Hibiscus somewhere behind.
“Isn’t rain good for earth?!” Laefen screamed in front, his voice partially eaten up by thunder.
“Not in this case,” the woman’s answer bore ominous tones. “We must seek refuge.”
“That’s going to be hard,” Amani hissed, her hands grabbing the bridles stronger in frustration.
Not far from Celest, a wall was raised, a wall as tall as mountains and as sturdy as a dragon’s scale. That wall served as a barrier to keep the city safe, a border where many elven fighters perished, defending it at Dragonfall. It was a limit between the mortal and the divine, keeping the elves within the bastion alive despite earth raising as sharp spikes to pierce the heavens, and ocean flooding in to drown the continent within its merciless expanse. Behind that wall, ruins of the elven civilisation stood, far greater than what Celest suffered. Towns erased to the ground, forests made of wooden corpses, and mountains, some completely fallen, some still standing up, but with life extinguished from their surface.
Your first destination was that wall, a vestige of the past no longer holding any soldiers. Past that, you had a range of mountains to the north, a lake located slightly further, and a forest, trapped between the two. However, even if someone could rightfully assume those were all good ideas for a camp, they would be highly optimistic. The wilderness disliked sentient intruders; now, earth and air were set to cleanse and heal, no host to strangers.
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LONDON — The coffin of Queen Elizabeth II left Buckingham Palace for the last time Wednesday, borne on a horse-drawn carriage and saluted by cannons and the tolling of Big Ben, in a solemn procession through the flag-draped, crowd-lined streets of London to Westminster Hall.
There, Britain's longest-serving monarch will lie in state for the world to mourn.
Her son, King Charles III, and his siblings and sons marched behind the coffin, which was topped by a wreath of white roses and her crown resting on a purple velvet pillow.
The queen will lie in state for four days until her funeral Monday, with hundreds of thousands of people expected to file past.
Eight pall bearers carried the oak and lead-lined coffin into Westminster Hall, placing it on a raised platform known as a catafalque.
The military procession from Buckingham Palace was designed to underscore the queen's seven decades as head of state as the national mourning process shifted to the grand boulevards and historic landmarks of the U.K. capital.
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Thousands who had waited for hours along The Mall outside the palace and other locations along the route held up phones and cameras, and some wiped away tears, as the procession passed. Applause broke out as the coffin passed through Horse Guards Parade.
The coffin was draped in the Royal Standard and topped with the Imperial State Crown — encrusted with almost 3,000 diamonds — and a bouquet of flowers and plants, including pine from the Balmoral Estate, where Elizabeth died on September 8 at the age of 96.
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Two officers and 32 troops from the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards in red uniforms and bearskin hats walked on either side of the gun carriage.
The 38-minute procession ended at Westminster Hall, where Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby led a service attended by Charles and other royals.
"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you," Welby read from the Book of John.
Thousands had queued up along the banks of the River Thames, waiting their turn to enter the hall and pay their respects.
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The crowds are the latest manifestation of the nationwide outpouring of grief and respect for the only monarch most Britons have ever known after her 70 years on the throne.
Joan Bucklehurst, a 50-year-old retail worker from Cheshire in northwestern England, said the queen "meant so much for everybody."
"She was amazing, yeah," she added, choking up with emotion. "So, we had to be here. We've been here a few times when there have been special occasions, but this one, I couldn't miss this."
Maj. Gen. Christopher Ghika of the Household division, who organized the ceremonial aspects of the queen's funeral, said it was "our last opportunity to do our duty for the queen, and it's our first opportunity to do it for the king, and that makes us all very proud."
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Troops involved in the procession have been preparing since the queen died. So have the horses of the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery.
Sgt. Tom Jenks, from the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery, said the horses were specially trained, including how to handle weeping mourners, as well as flowers and flags being tossed in front of the procession.
Heathrow Airport temporarily halted flights, saying it would "ensure silence over central London as the ceremonial procession moves from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall."
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Crowds have lined the route of the queen's coffin whenever it has been moved in its long journey from Scotland to London.
On Tuesday night, thousands braved a typical London drizzle as the hearse, with interior lights illuminating the casket, drove slowly from an air base to Buckingham Palace.
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Earlier, in Edinburgh, some 33,000 people filed in silent respect past her coffin as it lay for 24 hours at St. Giles' Cathedral.
Hundreds of thousands are expected to visit the 900-year-old Westminster Hall, the oldest building in Parliament, for four days before her state funeral on Monday.
The hall is where Guy Fawkes and Charles I were tried, where kings and queens hosted magnificent medieval banquets, and where ceremonial addresses were presented to Queen Elizabeth II during her silver, golden and diamond jubilees.
Chris Bond, from Truro in southwest England, was among those lining up along the banks of the River Thames. He also attended the lying in state of the queen's mother in 2002.
"Obviously, it's quite difficult queuing all day long, but when you walk through those doors into Westminster Hall, that marvelous, historic building, there was a great sense of hush and one was told you take as much time as you like, and it's just amazing," he said.
"We know the queen was a good age and she served the country a long time, but we hoped this day would never come," he added.
Chris Imafidon secured the sixth place in the queue.
"I have 1,001 emotions when I see her," he said. "I want to say, God, she was an angel, because she touched many good people and did so many good things."
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journalbynics · 2 years
Long post ahead. This is political and turned out to be personal as well regarding the recent Election in the Philippines.
In 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic/ lockdown era, I was very vocal about making noises on Twitter criticizing our government because Filipinos had enough of the resiliency bullshit they are normalizing as a good trait. The downside of that trait is we settled for less over the years. Which we shouldn't be since we deserve better because we pay taxes while most politicians stay corrupt and unfair.
I suddenly stopped tweeting about political matters because there's a red-tagging threat for those who exercise our freedom of speech. I was scared because I'm just a student. If the threats are true, my future will be doomed. Also because I don't want to lose my account on Twitter which I mostly use as a platform to connect with my favorite artists and personalities in general.
Starting in 2020 until now, 2022. I've been incredibly focused and productive on growing as a person. I kept pursuing my passion. My relationship with God has been deeper than ever since I also started reading The Bible consistently during this period. With this habit, I've been at peace. I stopped engaging in political matters and just chose to focus on my personal life since I can't do much like others are dictating. "walang ambag kamo" bullshit
It's really easy to put rose-colored glasses in real life and overthink fictional characters' dilemmas instead but actually, those dilemmas are currently happening in our society as well that we choose to overlook and kinda treat as a media we just consume.
I may have been a very silent supporter of the candidate I rooted for but I stood up this election and exercised my right to vote for the right one. I figured this is the right time for me to speak up since we're getting closer to results.
To those who kept making noises and educating people in the most patient and respectful way they can be, I SALUTE Y'ALL.
Just trying to speak up is difficult enough but talking with people who have different beliefs from you is incredibly tougher.
I felt it when I only had a short conversation with my older sister who supports candidates with questionable backgrounds and I was offended by the way she mocked mine when her candidates are even worse.
I hate how she's blinded by fake news and disregards countless victims with proofs during the oppressive era of the Marcos Administration.
It hurts because I used to look up to her and I can't fathom how she's one of those people who invalidate the injustices suffered by others. Majority of the citizens here in my country rooted for a son's dictator as the president, an actor, and a bunch of corrupts as senators.
Anyway, it's also difficult being a Christian right now because I've realized that even after reading the bible, applying it, and keeping the faith, is a different feeling when you're in the situation. I thought my faith was already strong but then these things happened and I have shaken again. I begin to wonder questions like why? Do these bad things really need to happen? The injustices? Do we really need to experience things before we learned? It's just a shame for the people who put their life online back then who fought against the oppressors. Holding a grudge has been an idea that's been crossing my mind to all the people I knew who supported an unqualified candidate. I can't help but question their choice and how they lack empathy for all the victims of that family in the past.
When partial election results started to spread fast last night, it's maddening seeing how many people supported a candidate who doesn't even attend debates, denies history, is a thief, a liar, and a son of a dictator. It's clownery and also a sad reality.
I remembered Jesus who was crucified while a murderer like Barabbas was chosen by the people to be released. That's just ill-fated that the worse ones always win first.
It would be acceptable if the results are real but still, it seemed questionable when there were faulty and delayed voting machines during the election hour itself and it all suddenly became faster when partial results are coming in. All we want is transparency now and still hoping for a miracle that we'd win. 🙏
I salute and still support the Robredo family for all the goodness they radiated and shared with the Filipinos.
God Bless my country, the Philippines. 🇵🇭
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When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
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empty-dream · 2 years
86 ep 23 rambling
I need weeks to finally put my thoughts to words because I just-
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This is gonna be very long...
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They arrive safely! The scene feels similar to the first time they came there. Similar, but not the same.
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Even their cards are customized according to their personal names.
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GOOD FOR YOU ERNST T_____T I will never get over the :people who never have home finally find one and for the first time say ‘I’m home’” kind of scene.
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Love this exchange lol. For all intent and purpose, Ernst really acts like their dad.
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I love that they finally can move forward, and learn that it’s okay to fit in and rest properly while still continue to fight their war. Both can coexist. The main 5 don't look like war veterans at all. In fact, I not even sure if Anju's friends or Raiden's coworkers know they are infamous soldiers in the military.
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Raiden explains in the novel that Shin is the kind of cook that doesn't care if egg shells are mixed in. That's why he is banned from kitchen duties. The anime omits mentioning this, but it's nice to see in this scene that now there is Frederica to tell Shin not to do that and Shin actually putting an effort.
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Anju being so shocked she brings the toast all the way to Raiden lmaoo. Does the conversation go like Anju: "You won't believe what Shin just made! A FOOD WITHOUT EGGSHELLS!" Raiden: "You really come here just to say that?"
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There is something very cute about Kurena being interested in fashion. And this time, she lets herself enjoy trying out new clothes and even picking items herself. I mean, that is a normal thing for a 15-16 years old to do.
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Theo can finally draw something else, something that is not from an old memory and that he would like to see.
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Another character development from Ernst. This time, it’s what he himself proposes.
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Another relationship development. That’s Lena on the screen and everyone accepts her now.
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I've always felt that Shin visiting Eugene's grave is something cathartic. Shin never gets to visit a grave before, 86 not being given one. And after Eugene's death, he's busy and there is also the matter with survivor guilt, suicidal tendencies and the letters of blame. So the fact that in the end Shin can visit Eugene's grave, and promises to come back again, it's so exhilarating in a way.
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HOLY SH- THEY ADD MARCEL TOO IN THIS SCENE. MY HEART STOPPED WHEN I SAW THE FOOT. I CRIED. THEY REALLY PUT CLOSURE TO THIS WHOLE THING. I remember noting that in ep16/17, it somewhat looks like Nina writes it herself instead of Marcel being the one making her write it (even though anyone with slightest bit deeper reading comprehension would come to the latter conclusion). That's why I'm glad the final episode clears this up as well as the entire conflict with them. Remember when Marcel constantly antagonizes Shin in front of Eugene? Now Marcel makes up with Shin, in front of Eugene's grave.
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AS BEAUTIFUL AS I IMAGINED IT'D BE. I’m so glad Nina learns that Shin would never have killed Eugene and that he still treasures her dead brother even today.
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I KNEW HE'D PUT REI'S PIECE THERE IN THE END. HE CAN FINALLY LET HIM GO T______T He finally stops clinging on life just to find a way to die following his brother....
Oh and Alice’s name is also there..... I know she was Shin’s first captain.
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I love this so much. He can finally say he's the Reaper with his head held high. It's no longer simply a bad omen or lifelong burden for him. It's now his pride.And he will live for the people that are with him.
Also Avid playing in this entire scene. God, best ED.
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So at least by the time Lena left her house to fight, there was only three people left in Queen’s Knights...
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Love how Lena’s POV also has her visiting her father’s grave at the beginning, just like how Shin visits Eugene’s. I mean, the 2nd half of the ep is mirroring the 1st half.
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The fact that many 86 salute to her speak a lot of her standing in the current state of San Magnolia. She's become respected by the soldiers there.
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The sceneries in San Magnolia sends chill. The one that starts with superficial prosperity for one single race has been destroyed and now is in a very real ruin
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The Alba trio there are the ones from the Gran Mur lobby, the ones that are drinking and belittling Lena. Good grief they don’t change even after all of these. The Giadian officers look at them like they are trash, thanks.
I remember I mentioned my favorite novel-only scene where there was a speech by an Alba high school valedictorian who called out the Republic’s bullshit on killing their non-alba friends. And actually, I also have another fav scene too, one that happens when the Federacy comes to rescue San Magnolia. Upon encountering the truth of 86, the Giadian commander tells the president and the remaining higher ups of the Republic: "If you hated colors so much, you may as well have dyed your flag white" And considering how much the republic loves to wave the "Glory to the five-colored flag" slogan, DAMN THAT BURNS SO HOT. I wasn't surprised it didn't make it to the anime, but deep inside I'm a bit disappointed lmao it's such a delicious roast.
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Yass the Queen's Knights's pretty lady (the center one, I mean) makes it out alive! (I'm guessing her name is Shana Aya, personal name Melusine?)
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Rito Oriya.... I know that name, but I didn't know it will actually appear this early.
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Not a single living being in the room likes this guy. This is his 2nd screen time and he manages to get even more despicable twofold. He wants to impress the Giadian officers so much, he puts a photo of him (clearly uninvited) with two Eighty Six and even worse, replace his family photo with a new one where his wife and son's hair are dyed. The colors look pretty artificial, like everything else in the former Republic. I mean, who the fuck are you trying to fool? Their eyelashes are WHITE. Why do you think Aldrecht wears sunglasses all the time?
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Nice to see Lena and Annette going back to be simple cheerful teenagers for once. It's kinda funny that around a year ago, on the same house, they had a big fight and Lena stone-coldly calling her with her rank. I really thought they'd drift away after that lmao.
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And I love how Lena inspires people to fight however they can. With juggernauts, with guns, with sciences, with words. The girl in the front is the soldier working under her. I'm not really sure if my interpretation is correct, but I think it means the republic is going to change with people from all race coming there and become "true."
According to an interview, the doodles are made by the anime staff and voices actors as well.
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“Until my ideals are shattered.” Damn that's a good line.
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I KNEW IT SHE'D TOUCH KAIE'S NAME LIKE IN THE OPENING. God what a beautiful detail. Kaie was the friendliest one to her and her death triggered her wake-up call after all.
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SHE TOUCHES ALL THE LAST FIVES NAMES AND ENDS WITH HARUTO'S. I FEEL LIKE THAT'S MY OWN HAND. *ugly weeping* I know Haruto was one of the friendlier ones with her, but I really to see them interact more T_T
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Idk who these are but I think the furthest one looks like Blackbird (The Sledgehammer squadron captain) Amazarashi playing in this scene is just HNGHGNGNGJGJKLIOJ KYOUKAISEN O MUKOU GA WA DE I know competition is tight but I'm gonna be so mad if Kyoukaisen doesn't win a single award for best opening.
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Love how there are now 6 birds instead of 5.
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AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH A MONTAGE AGAIN!!! It’s exactly like EP10 except far, far happier. The five people of the remaining Spearhead Squadron are looking forward to meet Lena. For me, Lilas isn't as quickly ear-catching as Avid, Hands Up to the Sky or even Alchemilla. And Lilas is quite gentle and calmer than the other three ED songs. But it is precisely because of it that I find it fitting for the scene. It amps up the sweetness and heartwarming scene and I can really focus on what's happening.
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Lmao he plays with that one bang. I also want to touch it lol, he looks like a guy checking himself out before going out. I wonder if by that time, he means he was watching Shin and Lena's meeting from afar, or when Lena synced vision with him back in ep9.
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She loves the kitty so much...
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DAIYAAA HARUTOOO KAIEEEEE!!!! Thank you for letting me see them one last time in the final episode T_T They are also the cast that has their own slot in the 1st opening before they die... Oh Is this the day Daiya found the cat?
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Wow this is what I call character development lmaoo. It's a big step up from how he first thought of Lena. And the big proud cheeky smile, contrasting the somber days....
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It's so cute to see her excited at the prospect of graduating from little sister figure. Soo, who is gonna tell her that a) It's actually that way with Shin and Lena, and b) That's not how the little sister figure system works....?
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REEIIIII ONII-SAMA THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHINGGGG! I'm glad I can see you again one last time. And also Papa and Mama Nouzen! They look like adult Shin and (female) Rei, respectively. This part really feels like they (and Fido) are sending Shin off. But seriously, was Fido their actual dog? Or a robot dog?
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OF COURSE ERNST ACTUALLY ARRANGES IT LIKE THIS. He sketched the entire concept. Best dad ever.
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I'm with Grethe and Richard. What is he doinngg is talking robot the power of Onyx people lmao
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I'm glad Fido actually avoids her hair. It'd hurt a lot.
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GOD. OH MY GOD. OHH MY GODD. THEY ARE SO HAPPY TO MEET EACH OTHER. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. Like, this scene doesn't brush their relationships aside just because Shin and Lena's is the main one. They all know each other, they share a story with each other, and ultimately conclude with seeing each other. And it makes the whole story so much more humane and relatable.
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This is a very cheeky yet sweet way to end the season. Bravo.
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There is an omake in the official Twitter where everyone on the vicinity takes a photo as well lol. TL;DR Oh my god what a journey. I've been screaming about this series for idk, a year? I hold this anime series so dearly in my heart. I start out an anime watcher until I buy the novels. And imo, the anime is beyond a simple light novel adaptation. It's not just copying the LN content and animating it as it is. So much creative interpretation, thorough exploration, and technical skills go into the anime. I hope that the team won't rush to create Season 2 because I want at least the exact same quality of adaptation (and better scheduling for the crews).
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A new prompt for you! (Finally :3)
I'm picturing multiple couples or a family group (4+ adults) who share a cottage together in the middle of nowhere, living off the land. Winter is coming, bringing with it its chill winds and early dustings of snow. The people are hard at work every day, chopping wood and putting aside the last of the food for winter.
It's the worst possible time to get sick, yet someone does, coming down with a miserable, streaming cold and high fever. What do they do about it? How do the others respond?
Could have definite cottage core elements, or fantasy (since you're so good at writing that!) or contagion if you choose. Can't wait to see the results :)
It’s been so long since I’ve written a real, honest to god fic, so this will be my debut back into snzfucker favor!
Okay, okay, who to include in this house of contagion?
We need a soft healer boi that takes care of everyone before themselves, of course. A very strong, stoic, hardworking warrior with muscles of steel - but the same can’t be said for his immune system. A hyper comic relief (like if Scout from TF2 was in a fantasy setting) that insists he isn’t sick, but can’t keep back his sneezes long enough to prove his point. And, of course, a tall, thin scholar whose cold heart is only melted by his fever.
Adventurers packing it in for the winter and preparing for journeying in the spring, now only at most a few yards from each other and having shot immune systems from the exhausting work. Illness doesn’t have to travel far to infect…
Oh, this is gonna be good.
“Look look look! Otto, you’re not gonna believe this!”
Barlow skidded to a halt, almost tripping over his own two feet before regaining his balance. Otto chuckled.
“Alright, alright, que pasa? What is so exciting?”
Barlow fumbled with his cloak before pulling a shiny coin out of one of the pockets.
“I got this off a path when I was pickin’ berries! Must’ve been a merchant or something…”
Barlow’s eyes suddenly lit up.
“Or maybe a warrior! Ooh, or a knight! Definitely somebody with a cape.”
He flung the back of his cloak behind him and stood tall, crossing his arms with a self-satisfied grin. However, Barlow couldn’t keep the pose long - the frigid air made him close the thin burlap around himself again, shivering. Otto knitted their brow.
“You’re wearing your summer cloak,” they said, looking Barlow up and down. “You must be freezing, chiquito!”
Barlow waved his hand, as if batting away Otto’s concern.
“Don’t worry about it, doc. It’s gonna take more than a little wind to get me down.”
As if to prove a point, he spread out his arms and spun around, laughing at the many leaves he kicked up.
Otto would usually be charmed by the sprite’s antics, but their concern soon outweighed their amusement.
“Just make sure to change into your winter clothes soon, okay? I would hate for you to get sick.”
Barlow stopped spinning, coughing a bit as he caught his breath with chilly autumn air. His hot breath clouded around his face like smoke.
“Okay, okay,” he panted, “I’ll grab it when I go by the cottage. Forgot my basket anyway. See you around, doc.”
With a quick salute, Barlow ran off, cloak billowing behind him, still clenching the coin in a tight fist. Otto shook their head and sighed. They knew that Barlow just didn’t want them to worry - but that only made them worry more. The healer in them couldn’t help but notice red-tipped fingers, congested voices, and pallid complexions. Besides, with a harsh winter underway, a cold could very quickly rear its ugly head, turning into bronchitis, pneumonia, and even infect a person’s magic…
Otto took a deep breath. Their thoughts had run away with them - and now, more than ever, it was important to stay focused.
The doctor gathered up their scrolls, pulled their coat close, and started back to the cottage.
Perhaps a little tea would calm their nerves.
“it’CHEW! CHEW!”
“Ugh…thanks, doc. Snf!”
Otto looked up from his knitting to see Barlow rubbing his long, pointy ears with a pained look on his face.
“Do your ears hurt?”
Barlow put his hands in his lap. “No! Just, uh, a little itchy.”
Severin, who had been reading on the sofa across from Otto, hid a smirk behind the yellowed pages.
“Someone must be talking about you,” he drawled smugly. “Considering the way you conduct yourself, I’m not surprised.”
Instead of snapping back, Barlow still scratched at his ears. Severin slit his eyes and continued to read. He almost seemed disappointed.
“Could be thragweed,” Godric rumbled from a large wooden stool, rubbing his beard in thought, “but they usually shrivel up by the first frost. Didja see any three-leaved plants while you were out foragin’?”
Barlow shrugged, wincing as he rubbed harder. “Um…maybe?”
Otto frowned. “Be careful. You’ll hurt yourself if you keep scratching like that.”
“S-sorry, I…huh-hold on…”
Barlow buried himself in his cloak, with only his mop of red hair showing.
“hit’SHEW! Huh…it’TCHEW!”
The sprite continued to let out sneeze after sneeze, his wrinkled, pink nose only showing when he needed to come up for air. Otto got up from their chair, and they were soon holding him by the shoulders to keep him from knocking himself over.
Barlow finally finished, snuffling into his sleeve. He looked up at Otto with bleary eyes.
“Sorry, doc, I don’d dow whad’s gotten into be…”
Otto hushed him with a gentle pat, using their free hand to feel Barlow’s forehead. They clucked their tongue.
“Oh, mijo, you have a fever...”
Barlow’s breath caught, and he coughed into his shoulder. “Nah, I…I’b okay, Otto, really. I’ll be…snrk…fide in the morning. Just gotta sleep it off…”
Otto smiled gently. “Well, you’re right about one thing. A good night’s sleep is exactly what you need. And maybe a little salve for your poor ears…”
Their hand still on Barlow’s shoulder, Otto guided the sprite to his bedroom, mumbled protests and miserable sneezes trailing behind them.
Barlow’s fever never grew very high - his burning ears and nose, however, kept him up for most of the night. By the time morning came, he was too exhausted to even feign health. Otto had to put him back to bed, which was only met with pitiful murmurings.
“‘M fide, doc, I…hetch’CHIIIEW!”
“Pobrecito! You sound even worse than yesterday…”
“C’mon, Otto, I…”
“I don’t want to see you out of bed today, okay, cariño? You need to rest.”
Otto and Severin split the foraging work, since their respective jobs were mostly planning and budgeting the winter ahead of them. Godric promised to keep a good eye on the patient, but that didn’t lessen the doctor’s worry any.
“I wonder how Barlow’s doing,” Otto murmured, probably for the umpteenth time since they’d begun their work.
Severin scrutinized his severely pricked thumb. “Children always carry around such nasty things. It’s a wonder he hasn’t caught the plague instead of a simple cold.”
Otto froze mid-pick, and Severin hurried to correct himself.
“Peace, my friend. It is just a cold, after all.
He grimaced.
“One I dearly hope he keeps to himself.”
They both continued to fill their baskets with berries, wiping the frost off their shiny, black skins. However, Otto’s mind continued to race.
I shouldn’t have left him. Godric only knows so much. What happens if his fever spikes? I’m a healer, I’m not supposed to leave the sick behind. Should I go back? I should go back. No, I promised Barlow I’d get his foraging done. But I can��t keep a promise if he’s dead. What if he’s already dead? What if Godric’s on his way right now to tell me? What if I’m already too late? How will we bury him, the ground is too hard. Otto, your friend has died and all you can think about is how to bury him. You must be the most selfish -
Otto snapped back to reality to see Severin giving him a fierce side-eye.
“It’s only a cold.”
Otto took a deep breath. “Right. Gracias. I…I lost myself, didn’t I?”
The afternoon went by in a quiet fervor, both of them trying to fill their baskets before the sun went down. With Otto’s quick fingers and Severin’s thin ones, it was an easy job, and the managed to get back before it got too dark.
Otto wasn’t two steps through the door before they were at Godric’s heels, wringing their hands and stammering through the worries that had built up through the day.
“Are you sure…how…did he…should I…?”
The warrior just chuckled and put a gigantic, calloused hand on the their head.
“He’s on tha’ mend, doc, on the mend. Sneezin’ his head off, sure, but gettin’ better.”
As if on cue, two loud sneezes interrupted them from one of the bedrooms, followed by a mumbled curse and a few wet sniffles. Godric shook his head.
“Been like that all day, poor tyke. When he wasn’ dozin’ off, tha’ is.”
Severin took a few scrolls out of his dragon-scale satchel.
“I understand you have a more…pressing engagement. Why don’t I take the calculations tonight?”
But Otto was already on their way to Barlow’s bedside, medicine bag in tow. Severin only lifted his eyebrows and turned on his heel, setting up the many notes he had taken and a few quills on the oaken table.
“Besides,” he murmured to himself, “I don’t want to get near whatever affliction that sprite’s come down with.”
Barlow was scratching at his drooping ears, which were now covered in a red, peeling rash. Otto gently pushed his hands back under the quilt.
“I know it itches, but you need to try not to scratch.”
The healer took a small glass container out of their bag, dipping two fingers into the greenish-gray ointment inside. They began to apply the salve to Barlow’s ears, taking care not to put on too much.
“Tell me when you need a break,” Otto said.
Barlow nodded, eyes squeezed shut. After a few minutes, his nostrils started to twitch, and he held up a hand.
He jerked forward into his knees.
“hit’CHEW! hhhit’SHEW! Uh…hut’SHIEW!”
Barlow snuffled into the quilt, and Otto handed him a tissue.
“Ugh…sorry, doc…”
Otto put the cork back into the glass bottle and set it on the bedside table.
“It’s alright - most sprites have the same reflex.”
“No, I beant…for…”
Barlow bit his lip, his ears drooping even lower.
“For geddin’ sick.”
Otto put a hand on the sprite’s back.
“Oh, mijo…”
“I-I didn’d mean to,” Barlow whimpered. “I…I should’ve god by coat like you told be to…and dow w-we’re - hic - gudda starve…”
Otto hushed him, pulling Barlow into an embrace and rocking him slowly back and forth.
“We will be fine, mijo,” they whispered, their voice soothing Barlow into a sniffle. “We will forage until you are better, and not a day before. That is what friends do. They protect each other, they take care of each other, and they love each other like family. And that is how I love you. Like my family.”
Barlow hiccuped, trying to speak through his tears.
“Shhh, mijo…it’s okay…”
Otto wrapped the quilt tighter around Barlow and laid him down, pushing hair damp with both tears and sweat out of his face. The sobs quieted, then dissolved into shaky breaths. Before Otto even made it through the doorway, they could hear small, congested snores coming from the pile of blankets.
Scritch scritch scritch…scriiiitch…
Harried quill scratching filled the air as Otto entered the living room, putting on their tweed coat and wool gloves. They stretched out their arms.
“Buenos días!”
Godric lifted his coffee mug as a greeting, his famous half-smile dancing over his lips.
“Well, aren’tcha bright as tha’ north star this mornin’!”
Otto beamed. Barlow had slept soundly through the night, and he was still fast asleep when they had checked on him. Not a sniffle or a sneeze came from that room.
“Severin, I was thinking we could pick up acorns today,” Otto thought aloud, buttoning their coat. “There is a beautiful place in the forest…”
Silence. The quill scratching only grew more manic. Otto glanced up.
Severin was hunched over the table, writing madly on several open scrolls, only pausing to move a few beads on his abacus. Otto went back to getting ready. Sometimes it took a while for Severin to answer if he was engrossed in his calculations. He would respond when he got to a stopping point.
After about fifteen minutes of fidgeting with their scarf, though, Otto tried again.
“From what I’ve seen, we should be ready for winter in a week, maybe less. All that’s left is the dried vegetables and a few more logs for firewood.”
Again, there was no answer. But now that Otto was a little closer, they could see why.
Severin’s eyes were inflamed and painful, as were his gaunt cheeks. His long, usually well-preened hair was matted against his forehead, with stray hairs sticking up this way and that. Thin shoulder blades came together with each labored breath. Long fingers shivered around a red quill, leaving stray marks on the parchment.
“Mi sombro,” Otto breathed.
The shadowling blinked, raising his head stiffly. Pools of sweat, shaken loose by the movement, streaked down their face.
“I…couldn’t sleep,” Severin croaked. “Have I…have I been awake…?”
Godric looked up from his mug, finally noticing the sorcerer’s state. “Stars above, lad! Ya look like hell frozen over!”
The shadowling stared straight ahead, his breath coming in ragged strains.
“Could someone…please put out the fireplace…?”
Otto clucked their tongue, putting their hands on either side of Severin’s neck. His dark eyes fluttered shut, as if with great relief.
“Ay, tu cabeza,” Otto cooed, putting their hand on Severin’s forehead. “You’re burning up.”
Severin finally looked down at the doctor. His tense gaze was now dazed, vulnerable - even afraid.
“I couldn’t sleep,” he said again, hoarsely.
Otto rubbed their thumb on Severin’s feverish cheek. “I know, cariño. I know.”
It took a lot more doing to get Severin to bed than it did Barlow. Not only did he insist he was perfectly well, only warm from the unlit fireplace, but that he had seen terrifying visions outside the window.
“Their eyes, doctor…they stared into my very essence…a…a beast of some kind…we’ll be killed…”
“Shhh, my love. It’s only a nightmare from your fever. You will feel better soon.”
In the end, the only way Otto could leave the cottage was by taking a small talisman Severin had in his cloak. They weren’t superstitious, but Otto wanted to do anything they could to put the sick sorcerer at ease.
Now with one less healthy person in the group, Otto rushed to get the last of the supplies for the cold winter ahead. The first snowflakes were beginning to fall, which made finding acorns that much more difficult. Before the sun reached its peak, the ground was completely covered in a thin layer of snow. But, for once, Otto’s anxiety was an advantage.
They plowed through every task as if their life depended on it. Another of their friends falling ill had kicked their healer instinct into high gear; whenever they were fatigued or sore, all it took was a few words of the healing oath to get them going again.
“From the monsters of the cave, of the sea, of the heart,” they whispered while peeling wild wolf onions, “I shall protect and provide for those who cannot.”
As morning turned to afternoon, the light flurry of the morning became a bitter gale that howled through the trees like a hungry animal. The world was silent except for the frigid wind - all the creatures of the forest knew well enough that the winter ahead would not be kind to them.
But Otto knew nothing of this.
And so they marched forward.
It was quite past dark when Otto returned to the cottage. Much to their delight, a fire was flickering in the fireplace, and a wonderful, familiar smell lingered in the air - a mixture of tender meat and spices.
As Otto had hoped, there was a pot of stew left over the flames. The broth still bubbled with warmth, and the chicken and vegetables gave off a heavenly steam. Their stomach suddenly felt very hollow.
They hadn’t eaten all day, had they?
With raw fingers, the doctor tried their best to use the ladle, which was as big as their entire arm and weighed twice as much. Gripping the handle with both hands, they brought the brew to their lips, taking care not to burn their tongue.
A beautiful, soothing flavor poured down Otto’s throat. They leaned their head back and closed their eyes, making sure to drink up every last tasty morsel. It was a long time before the ladle was empty again.
Once they were finished, the healer felt a heaviness collect around their eyes. Finally, at long last, they could rest. The cottage was fast asleep - and now it was time for Otto to follow suit.
Sleep came upon Otto too quickly for them to retire to their own bed. Like a hound after a successful hunt, they crawled onto the sofa and curled into a ball, dead to the world before their head hit the soft cushions.
Otto wasn’t sure how long they slept. They remembered bits and pieces of dreams, of words, or memories - but mostly a comforting darkness that lulled them into a deep drowse.
When they finally awoke, the first thing they saw was the flitting of the fire. The flame had all but burned itself out during the night. Otto rolled over, stretching and sighing with satisfaction. That was the best they had slept in several days.
They indulged themselves in a large yawn and shifted off the sofa, cringing from cold stone against their bare feet.
The cottage was still silent with sleep - not a thing stirred but the creaks and groans of the wooden beams. A frigid wind had picked up outside, and bits of snow swirled in the air.
How cold Godric must be this morning, Otto thought as they padded towards the hallway. The warrior was always up and working by first light - quite before anyone else was awake - but came back inside to drink some hot coffee and see how the preparations were going. Godric made a strong cup of coffee. One could smell it and be ready for a new day; that’s usually all most could stand without sputtering.
Today, however, there was no earthy aroma of it brewing. All Otto could smell was a hint of the stew they had eaten the night before - the husk of a beautiful, delicious dream.
The doctor peeked his head into Barlow’s room. The sprite was laying on his stomach, eyes closed and breath soft. Though they had been feeling better for the past day or so, Barlow’s nose frequently ran away with him, and was still very pink and sensitive. His upright ear twitched ever so slightly, but there was no sign of him stirring any time soon.
Severin, on the other hand, had fared much worse. Despite the many wet rags coating almost every inch of his febrile body, his breathing was still heavy and labored, and his eyes darted under closed eyelids. Bite marks covered cracking lips. Otto made sure they made little noise as they tiptoed from the doorway. Severin needed all the rest he could get.
Otto turned from his patients, a familiar heaviness weighing upon their heart. Such misery in what was supposed to be a warm season of reaping and feasting.
Perhaps it came back with them from market, or from the many travelers that take the nearby road into town. With how hard everyone had been working, and how many nights were left unslept…
Otto massaged the bridge of their nose, dashing from one possibility to the next, feeling more and more ashamed by how little they prepared, how stupid they must have been, how utterly selfish! They had been so busy with preparations that they had barely noticed that their journeymates were wasting away!
They could have done something. This was all their fault, wasn’t it? How could they be a healer if they couldn’t even keep the ones they loved safe?
Otto was roused from their guilt by the sound of harsh coughing. They peeked their head into the past two rooms, fearing that one of them had been awakened by their footsteps. However, both of them were still out cold. Or out warm, in Severin’s case.
No, the coughing wasn’t coming from their rooms, Otto realized. It was coming from the third bedroom - the one that they and Godric shared.
The door creaked open as Otto shuffled inside, already knowing the worst was yet to come.
“Doc? Is tha’ you?”
Godric was sitting up in bed, quilt wrapped around him, his chest heaving with another hacking fit. His cheeks were flushed with effort and fever. Otto went to his bedside, their heart dropping into their stomach.
“Real nice ‘a this cold to leave the healer last, eh?” the warrior joked before laying back down with a quiet groan.
Otto pushed the hair off Godric’s neck and felt his lymph nodes, which were not only hot, but terribly swollen.
“I can chop those few pieces ‘a wood, an’ then I’ll-”
“You are not getting out of this bed,” Otto said sternly. Then, with a kinder tone, “I know you want to finish your work, but you are very sick. You shouldn’t be out in the snow.”
“But how-”
“I will take care of it, cariño. Just rest.”
Godric opened his mouth to say something else, but just coughed and covered himself up with his quilt.
“Take care of yerself, doc,” he said before Otto went to check on the others. “There isn’t anythin’ I can’t do after I’m back on m’feet.”
Between taking care of three sick creatures and the final preparations, Otto ran themselves ragged over the next few days. None of their friends were particularly hard to take care of - especially after Severin’s fever broke - but the heaviness of their heart continued to weigh upon them.
With no other options, they threw themselves into work.
If they chopped enough wood for an extra week, they chopped enough wood for two extra weeks. The larder was more than full. Their fingers and hands and back and everything else was sore, but they couldn’t stop for long without feeling their guilt gnaw away at them.
One frigid morning, Otto had taken to the axe, splitting wood and putting them in the shed to keep them dry. They had run out of pre-cut trunks a long time ago, so they started cutting sticks in half for kindling. Out of the corner of their eye, mid-swing, they saw a figure marching through the snow - lifting their foot high before stomping it down again with a crunch.
After a few minutes, Otto could finally see a pair of long ears fluttering in the cold wind.
The sprite grinned as he approached Otto, holding up a steaming container of something in his mittened hands.
“I got soup!” he called out, trying to move faster in the deep snow. “Godric felt a lot better today, so he wanted to try somethin’ new. It’s real good! Even Severin ate a whole bowl of it, so you know it’s gotta be great.”
Barlow sat next to the chopping block, and patted a mound of snow next to him. Otto sat down, wincing as their sore muscles twinged.
“Godric says we’re all packed up for winter,” Barlow continued as he handed Otto the food. “And we’ll even have stuff to eat in the spring, too.”
Otto didn’t answer, but tucked into the soup, not even blowing it off before putting the spoon in their mouth. Barlow thought for a little bit, then spoke again.
“Doc, Godric told me that we got more than enough food and wood to last through the winter. If you wanna come inside, we’ve got a checker game goin’…”
Otto didn’t respond, but they had started to shiver from the cold. Barlow took of his coat and draped it around Otto’s shoulders.
“C’mon, let’s get back. Everybody’s waitin’ for us.”
Barlow took Otto by the hand and pulled them up, then led them back towards the cottage. Otto trailed behind like a quivering lamb, both exhausted and numb. They couldn’t think of much else than putting one foot in front of the other.
When the pair finally got back to the cottage, a warm, cozy scene awaited them. Severin was on the couch, doing needlepoint with half-open eyes and content look on his face. Godric was above the stove, stirring a pot and putting one seasoning or another into it. The fire was blazing in a lovely orange hue that painted the scene with a beautiful glow.
While Barlow went right inside and was greeted by the others, Otto stood in the doorway, weary eyes closed, soaking up the light and warmth as much as they could.
Severin was up now, his quiet wisdom regained. Before Otto could answer, the sorcerer started to remove their soaked outer layers with quick fingers.
“If Barlow didn’t bring you here,” Severin said, “you would have worked yourself to a frozen skeleton.”
Otto suddenly jerked his head to the side.
“het’TCH! TCH! TCH’UH!”
“Many blessings, doctor.”
Severin smiled and tilted his head.
“Many, many blessings.”
Otto sniffled, rubbing their nose with stiff fingers.
“Nngh…gracias. Just a little…heh…htch’CHU!”
“Aye, I don’ like tha’ sound of that,” Godric rumbled from the kitchen, turning his head to see the sickly healer.
Otto waved their hand. “Just a li-hih-ttle sdiffle…”
“One that is long overdue, I think,” Severin said, putting the last of their wet things away.
Otto was ushered in front of the fire, still at the mercy of his nose. With each sneeze came a chorus of blessings and, if need be, another handkerchief.
“That’s a real nasty cold, huh?” Barlow commented after a particularly forceful fit. “Even I didn’t sneeze that much.”
As the day came to a close, the group all gathered on the couch, listening to the wind howling outside and treating themselves to Godric’s famous roast and sweet apple tea. Otto didn’t eat very much, but the hot tea soothed their sore throat.
“Tank you for taking such good care of be,” Otto snuffled.
Godric chuckled. “Ya care so much about us, doc. It only makes sense that we’s care an awful lot about you, ‘specially when ya aren’t feelin’ well.”
“And after you tended so well to us, may I add,” Severin said, leaning his head back.
“Yeah!” Barlow agreed, not exactly as good with words as the others, but still just as thankful.
Otto, overcome, buried their face in Godric’s side and began to cry, letting out everything that they had felt in the past few days. They wanted to stop, they wanted to explain, but it was lost in desperate sobs and hiccuping. Godric held them closer to him while the others offered quiet support until the doctor quieted.
“There ya go,” Godric said, putting a large hand on Otto’s head. “It’s gonna be alright.”
Filled with comfort and warm food, Otto quickly dozed off, and the others weren’t far behind. The only sounds were the falling of fresh snow, the crackling of the fireplace, and the snores of deep, contented sleep.
And, as winter finally settled into Harbinger Woods, they all settled down for their long winter’s rest.
Not only do I want to dedicate this to @perfectpaperbluebirds , who gave me the prompt, but also @sneezytomatosquish , who has been feeling emotionally and physically under the weather lately. That may have changed by the time this fic is finished, but I shall gift it to you anyway. You are one of my favorite creators, but I want to create something for you for a change. You deserve it.
Get well soon!
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wrenhyperfixates · 3 years
The Raven Haired Rebel
Chapter 1
Pairing: Loki x reader Series Summary: After invading New York, it was decided that, as a punishment, Loki would work for SHIELD. Yeah, right. After escaping from their custody and stranded on Midgard, the God of Mischief decides to prove he’s the one thing no one ever thought he was: the good guy. Now a vigilante, Loki attempts to make amends for his past wrongdoings while also evading the Avengers, including their newest member. You. Brought in specially for the case, you notice more and more details about the prince’s story don’t add up. When you get the chance to turn him in, will you listen to your employers or your heart that believes Loki’s done nothing wrong? Chapter Summary: In which you plead Loki’s case. Chapter Warnings: none A/N: Besides this being a miniseries, all the chapters are pretty short too! Hope you enjoy all the same :)
Permanent Tag List: @lucywrites02 @frostedgiant @lunarmoon8 @twhiddlestonsstuff @lokistan @lowkeyorlokificrecs @gaitwae @whatafuckingdumbass @castiels-majestic-wings @kozkaboi @cozy-the-overlord @birdgirl90 @myraiswack @mythicalgarlicknot @what-a-flammable-heart @marvelouslovely @laurenandloki @fallinallinmendes @sophlubbwriting @mooncat163
RHR Tag List: @happygalaxymilkshake @electroma89 @stardust-walker @i-would-kneel-for-loki​
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine
Swiping into Avengers Tower made you feel important, more so than swiping into a SHIELD base. You weren’t exactly sure why, though. Perhaps it was because SHIELD was a secret, and no one knew. Here, the passerby on the street looked on in awe. Or maybe it was because the Tower was so elite. Because so select few got to enter. But really, it probably wasn’t that you got to enter so much as why you got to enter.
True, since your first day on the job, word got around that you were the best in your field. Fast as lightning, you’d risen through the ranks to be Fury’s top tracker, a position all but secured when he brought you on for this case. A case, you knew, that intrigued you far more than it should have.
Just like everyone else had on that day a little over three months ago, you watched the TV with rapt attention as gods and superheroes made themselves known to the world. And, you supposed, supervillains too. Not that you’d told anyone, but something didn’t quite sit right with you in the weeks after when news anchors and colleagues alike were referring to the raven haired god as such.
For the next three days, you’d pored over books of Norse Mythology and a number of studies. Most of the latter coming from one Dr. Jane Foster, who you soon came to link with Thor. But even there you found a disconnect between the god of legends and the bloodied man on your screen. He never really did have malicious intent before. He was a trickster, yes, but he’d not even come close to doing something this drastic before! Ok, yes, there was his involvement in Ragnarök in the myths, but even for that you’d found multiple sources that could debunk it. Besides, it certainly didn’t seem like Asgard had even faced the end times yet.
Alas, you figured Thor knew his brother, and you had your own case to work on, so you let be the mystery that was Loki.
And then you were called into Fury’s office a week ago and asked to begin tracking the god. A bit too eagerly, you’d agreed to take the case. You’d dealt with villains before, truly evil people, and your search only further proved what deep down you already knew; Loki was not one. Everywhere you followed his trail, a mysterious savior was stopping bank robberies and saving people from burning buildings and runaway trains. Not to mention there were multiple descriptions of said savior using green magic. It seemed a wonder that the tracker in the case before you hadn’t noticed. Then again, people tend to only see what they want to.
Regardless, you made your way to the elevators, heading toward the conference room on one of the upper floors. You tapped your foot as it ascended, impatient to share your findings. As the lift stopped and you got out, you tugged on your leather jacket. It was ever so slightly too big, but it was on sale. Plus, you felt like it looked pretty cool, considering your job and all. Subconsciously, you puffed up your chest a bit too. Regardless of actual size, you felt like a petite little thing, stepping into a room of now renowned heroes. Strange, you thought, how so much could change in just three months.
“You know, I got to get me one of those,” said the man suddenly keeping pace next to you. You quickly identified him as Tony Stark.
“I... Pardon?” you replied, slightly startled.
“Your jacket,” he said, pointing at it. “I feel like the leather will match the whole rugged good-guy, vibe. Besides, I think Capsicle’s got one.”
You chuckled at that. “Maybe we should just make it the team uniform then.”
“Team, huh? So you must be that new tracker kid we’re working with.”
“I’d hardly call myself a kid,” you scoffed.
“When you get to be as rich as I am, you get to call everyone a kid,” Tony shrugged.
“I’m not exactly sure that’s how it works, but whatever you say, I guess,” you chuckled again.
“See, now if everyone would just adopt that mindset, we’d get stuff done a lot faster around here.” He quickly signed something that was brought up to him on a clipboard, never stopping. You wondered how long he could keep up like this before collapsing. “Besides, take it as a compliment. That last tracker was some fuddy-duddy old guy.”
“Fuddy-duddy?” you guffawed. “Maybe you’re the old one, after all.”
Tony feigned like he’d been struck in the heart. But before you could keep up the banter, you reached the conference room, and Steve was waving you inside.
“Stark,” he said with a nod. “Are you ready to begin or are you going to keep distracting our new teammate?”
“Aye aye, Captain,” he said with a little salute. “Reporting for duty.”
You mouthed a sorry as you followed Stark into the room. Even if the rest of them turned out to be hard-asses, at least Tony was fun. And having one ally was better than none, you figured. As you took your seat across from your new friend, you flipped through the file that had been left for you. It wasn’t really anything new, so you glanced at your teammates again. Nat and Clint both nodded at you, recognizing you from a couple other missions you’d interacted during. There wasn’t really any time to talk, however, before Captain Rogers was walking to the head of the long table.
“Alright, team. Before we get started, I think it’s worth mentioning we have a new member on the team,” Steve said, before welcoming you by name. “I think we’re all caught up on the situation here, so let’s dive right in. A new trend has shown up in the Tower’s data mining.”
“Data analysis,” Tony butt in. “It sounds more ethical that way.”
“Whatever you want to call it, the program showed that wherever Loki goes, there’s a spike in activity of an organization calling themselves AIM. At first glance they seem innocent, but after some digging, we’ve found they’re anything but. We’ve determined Loki is working with them, perhaps even masterminding some of their more underground projects. Agent? Can we assume you found the same things?”
“Uh, yeah, no. Actually, my data shows the opposite,” you cleared your throat. Standing, you slid the information from your tablet onto the room’s TV screen. “See, it seems that he’s actually doing good deeds. There are multiple accounts of a man fitting Loki’s description performing heroic works.”
“Ok, I’ll bite,” Tony said, leaning forward. “What about AIM then? You think it’s a coincidence.”
You bit your lip. “I’ll admit, I haven’t found anything about them yet. But... maybe, just maybe, Loki’s showing up where they are because he’s trying to stop them.”
“I am so sorry to interrupt, but that does not sound like the Loki I know at all,” Thor laughed. “A wonderful joke, though.”
Now you were getting mad. You shouldn’t be, but you saw something worth defending in Loki. A lot, actually. There was something about that look in his eye that you couldn’t quite read, but it was telling you something was wrong all the same.
“That’s not fair! Maybe you don’t know him as well as you thought. Look at this,” you said, swiping to show a side by side of Loki during and after the fight. “You can see it by the look on his face; something was seriously wrong during the battle. Plus, I’ve seen videos of him when he first came; he was not alright. Afflicted with severe anxiety and what looks like burn marks, I’d say. He needed help.”
“With all due respect,” Clint chimed in, “aren’t your a tracker, not a psychologist?”
“Yes, but as such I’ve been trained to look at all the details. Not just what’s convenient.”
“Listen,” Steve sighed before things got any more heated. “It’s a great theory and all, but you read Thor’s account of everything that happened before this. So, until we get some solid evidence proving otherwise, we’re going to have to stick with what we already know. We’ll put a pin in the AIM thing until you can take a look, though. Ok?”
“Ok,” you agreed, defeatedly taking your seat again.
You looked around the table. Natasha and Bruce, the only two who hadn’t said anything, both looked kind of pensive. Alright, maybe bewildered was the better word for Bruce. He was smart, no doubt about it, but you got the impression he wasn’t very good in social settings. Then there was Clint and Thor, both who seemed a little skeptical of you. At least Thor seemed to be considering his brother’s innocence at least a little. Steve was a bit more unreadable as he continued to prattle on about what you already “knew” for the case. And then there was Tony, who seemed more impressed than anything else. He, at least, had seemed to genuinely consider what you said. Perhaps he still was.
“The best way to solve this,” Steve closed his spiel, “is to bring him in. Agent, have you located him yet?”
You sighed. Deeply. It shouldn’t be this much of a struggle to present your findings. You’d had no trouble speaking on his behalf. Yet a part of you—an alarmingly large part, you realized—didn’t want to turn him in. But who were you to ignore direct orders?
“Yup,” you conceded, pulling up a map with a blinking red dot, marking Loki’s location.
“Well then, team,” Steve said to the group. “Let’s roll out.”
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cherripeach · 3 years
Chapter 15
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Little Match Maker
Summary: Your life motto is “I have the power of god and anime on my side, don’t mess with me,” and you stand by that with your life. No human, magician, or random creature could ever stop your firm belief in it.
However, getting transported to this world that seemed to turn your already bad luck worse was not what you wanted to be in your life story, but you made the most of it. Making friends, enemies, and disasters, you were in your prime in this world, and so you decided to help as many people as you could flourish, at least what you believed to be.
Chapter 1:113 Two Shots of Vodka
Finishing up the tarts with a little twist.
Warnings: Language, violence, insecurities
Words: 1.7k
Relationships: developing but future twstxreader
You don’t think you ever saw Deuce’s fists leave the two kids before their faces turned purple and their legs gave out on them.
Deuce landed one final hit before the white haired boy pulled as far away from him as possible and screamed while whipping the blood now on his face from his bleeding lip, “Fuck, this guy’s a total madman! That was more than 6 hits, you liar!”
The red haired student was not faring any better with a black eye and clutching his stomach, “Oh, crap! Let’s run! I’m so sorry, Mr. Chicken!!”
Deuce had no speck on him, standing firm with his hands on his hips, “Apologize to the eggs a hundred times before you stuff your faces next time, dumbass!!”
“Okay uhhhhhh,” You could not lock eyes on anything that was in front of you; be it the two students close to the ground clutching parts of their bodies and apologizing or the kid who you thought wouldn't hurt a fly standing proud forcing apologizes from people.
Grim agreed with you with a shriek and a skirt behind you.
The two boys after bowing their heads for several seconds gathered their last dignity and ran out clutching their stomachs and arms from the beat down.
Deuce, finally, lost his other persona and squatted down and cried out, “Ah!!”
Grim popped out from behind you after he realized that Deuce was back to normal, “What happened to you!?”
Deuce stood up with his hands over his eyes, “I did it again…” He began lightly rubbing his eyes. “I promised myself that I’d be a model student for sure this time, and yet…!” His shoulders finally relaxed while he let out a breath.
Grim stood still confused, “Eh?”
“It’s okay, Deuce. One mistake will not kill your reputation,” You knew this kid was freaking out about nothing, “Also, in my opinion, I think honors students would fight those who prey on the weak.” You winked at the sullen looking boy, walking closer to him.
Deuce huffed, “I wanted to be different from who I was back in middle school… “ He flinched slightly when you placed your hand on his shoulder, “I always skipped classes, and I got into fights every day. I didn’t show respect to teachers and I hung out with a bad ilk of seniors. Even my hairstyle was pretty wild back then, too. I fought with anyone who I could fight with… I used magic even on guys who couldn’t use magic. I was an over-all bad person then.” He rolled his shoulders back to escape from your grip, but he never seemed to lose it.
Grim paid no attention to the air, “It totally doesn’t look too obvious now, though.”
“You can continue talking if you want Deuce. No one is here to stop you,” You smiled light, “I would love to hear more about you.”
Deuce nodded, “Thanks.” He finished up his story now comfortable with your hand on his shoulder, “But one night while I was hiding myself from view… I saw my mother cry and talk to my grandmother about it. She was asking her where she went wrong with raising me, and about whether she was a bad parent for how I turned out. But that’s not it at all. She’s not to blame!” Deuce’s red eyes with some tears in them locked onto yours , “Everything’s my fault! That’s why, when the black carriage from the prestigious Night Raven College came to pick me up, I made sure that I will never take that smile away from my mother again. I made up my mind to become a model student that my mother can be proud of. And yet… Damn it…!” He stomped his foot onto the ground and curled his fists but still none of that anger was even remotely portrayed at you or anyone but himself.
“Deuce, sweetie. I need you to listen to me to understand this. You were a bad person in the past. Past. Not now. You realized your mistakes and now you want to fix them. Is that right?” Your smile never faltered even when Deuce tensed up more or he stepped away from you.
“Well, yeah,” Deuce spilled out.
“Then, I think you are being the best honors student you can.” You reached out your hand to offer some of the bags to him, “No one is born with any traits that an honors student would have. The fact that you now know that you want to change and that you strive for being an honors student proves that you are one.”
Deuce stares at you with widened eyes, “What?”
You grabbed his right hand and opened it in order to place some of the bags into it, “No one is perfect either. Even honors students make mistakes, but fighting for the weak and protecting me who would get hurt if I even tried to fight them even though I wouldn’t be scared, shows you care. Deuce, you are a great person. You just can’t realize it yet.”
Tears spilled out of Deuce’s eyes while he whined, “You make it sound easy.”
You raised your hand to wipe Deuce’s eyes, “It’s not. Believe me. But starting is the hardest, and once you get there, I know you can do anything.” After wiping his tears, you stepped back and grabbed Grim by his belly, “You just have to keep going forward.”
Deuce wipes his eyes one last time before smacking himself on the check, “You're right. Me becoming an honors student won’t happen overnight. I’m not gonna stop because of some stupid assholes.”
“Exactly,” You threw a thumbs up.
Grim smirked, “If it were me, I’d have punched those delinquents ten more times, yanno? But you took care of it before I could.”
“That’s definitely not what we are trying to get at,” You rolled your eyes.
Deuce snorted at the two of you, “You guys…”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” You placed Grim back onto the ground and your groceries on a bench before going over to the bag of broken eggs, “Let’s stop the mushy gushy and get back to business.”
“Got it…” Deuce threw his hand up in salute before chuckling, “Hehe, the chicks will probably feel at ease now, too, huh?”
“Chicks?” You turned to face Deuce fully, “There are no chicks in these eggs. Chicks can’t be in an egg that’s not fertilized.”
“Wh-what?!?!?!” Deuce ran and grasped your shoulders, “You’ve gotta be kidding me!!!!!!”
“Why would I joke about this?” You raised your shoulders in a confused gesture.
Deuce, silent, fell to the ground with his knees crashing to the floor.
Grim ignored the crisis, “Let’s just get back to everyone soon.”
You nodded picking up the remaining trash before taking a trip back to the store while Grim and Deuce just waited in the same position you left them in.
The trip back was complete silence with Deuce walking several steps behind.
Ace was the first to react when the three of you stepped through the door, “Oh, they’re finally back. What took you guys so long?”
“That’s a long story,” You sighed.
“Let’s get this over with” Trey clapped his hands, “shall we?”
Everyone besides Deuce who was still in a trance joined in, “Let’s make some marron tarts!”
You laughed, “Damn what simulation are we in?”
“Shut it for once,” Ace scowled before turning around to let out a snort disguised as a sigh.
Trey read over the recipe once more before voicing the next step, “All that’s left is to mix the marron cream into the tart.”
Grim jumped after hearing that, “Will we be able to eat after this!? I’m getting excited already!”
Ace seemed to be the same, “Alright, let’s finish this in one fell swoop!”
Neither of them, however, were hanging onto the words that were coming out of Trey’s mouth, leading to the two of them taking a bit too long in their part of the job.
Trey was still trying to get their motivation going, “Don’t lose focus now, got it?”
Ace’s motivation was there, “You got it!” He dropped the spoon into the batter. His mind was not there.
Grim mimicked Ace, “Yeah!” while almost falling off of the counter top.
“I don’t think you two have full focus,” You continued to add the batter to the crusts.
Grim hissed and did his best to contribute, “Nyaha! What ‘bout that!”
Trey encouraged all of them more, “You guys are good. Keep up that pace.”
Grim boasted, “Hehe, anything’s easy-peasy for the future great magician, Grim!”
Ace countered him, “You get carried away too easily!”
“Quite the hypocrite, Ace.” You joined in the little argument.
Deuce was mumbling to himself through his internal crisis, “Eggs don’t… turn into chicks…?”
Ace wondered about Deuce, “What have you been saying, man!?”
“It might be better to ignore him,” You mentioned to Ace.
The rest of the process happened with relative quiet with some chatter.
Your group finally finished backing the tarts.
Ace had the brightest expression on his face with tall shoulders and a high head, “Alright, perfect!”
Grim eyes the tarts, “It looks so good!”
Trey finished his clean up before thanking everyone, “Thanks for the great work, guys. All that’s left is to put some marron glacé on top.”
“Me, me, pick me! I’ll do it!!” Grim waved his little paw high in the air almost hitting your face.
Ace jeered, “Don’t mess it up, okay?”
Grim took the glacé and began to spread it out on the tarts, “Leave it to me! There we go! As expected from me! This is gonna be the best tart ever!”
You just hoped that this tart was not ruined with how much effort some of your friends put in.
Trey grabbed the glacé from Grim and gave him some powdered sugar, “Alright, the last step is to sprinkle some powdered sugar on top and then…”
Maybe the tarts would be good.
Little shorter than normal, but it okay. Midterms be killers.
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ashleyswrittenwords · 3 years
Common Thieves
Short WIP of rewritten scenes from a certain Disney movie and adding Zelda because I’m an adult so, no, you can’t stop me. 
I sat on this one for too long... time to let it out into the pasture.
Common Thieves
A trio of carriages rolled passed a sign reading: “East Necluda”. Underneath the letters were etched markings that indicated three miles before the region border.  The entourage of soldiers accompanying them lit up the night around them.
The trail hadn’t been maintained in several years, a testament to the rural inhabitants and the reputation the road had built in the recent months. Still, the party pushed onward steadily – even as the sun slowly abandoned them. Lines of guards walked along with the first carriage with a several mules hauling oversized trunks.
Days of traveling brought a silence over the men and ripped any urge to paint their boredom with banter. Other the occasional curt direction to the work animals, the only noises either came from their marching or the muffled conversation in the vehicles they surrounded.
“Does it look like I am a mere peasant?” a vibrant hiss came through the first caravan – it was decorated with Gerudo drapes of rich color, shimmering even in the darkness.
Inside, the weary looking fellow with his helmet resting on his hip flinched as the hisser sneered.
“Of course not, Your Highness,” he spoke fast, “I only mean to inform His Highness that we passed the last town two hours ago and in order for His Highness to rest it would entail putting up camp.”
“Putting up camp?!” the larger of the men reared back. His gold-laced fingers gripped the chair. “Absolutely not. I will not be treated like some poor panhandler on the side of the road. We will ride through the night.”
The guard paused for a short moment, shrinking at the gaze he received before bowing his head. “At your word, My Lord.”
Another man, skinnier than the lot, appeared beside the superior and stared with the wide eyes of admonishment. His words were spoken quick and high-pitched, “Do you have any idea who you are addressing?”
“I-” the guard looked between the two with uncertainty.
“Why, the Royal Advisor Ganondorf Dragmire. ‘Lordship’ doesn’t shine a match to the nature of his reputation!” he gasped and held his book of notes closely while making grandiose gestures. Loose papers fluttered to the caravan floor. “He has proved himself to be above such title! Illustrious is he, respectable is he, most honorable – absolutely, and not to forget how handsome is he--”
The royal advisor patted his acquaintance on the shoulder with more force than necessary and smiled chivalrously. “Never mind that, sergeant. We will ride through the night.”
The sergeant cleared his throat, “Yes, Your… Highness.”
As he exited the moving carriage, the flaps closed behind him and through them had commenced a series of muffled arguments that had become the norm during marches.
Another armor-clad man reared his horse beside the sergeant with another horse in tow.
“Well? What does he want to do?”
The sergeant scratched his red beard and let out the sigh that was building in his chest, then took his horse’s reigns with short words of thanks. 
His partner raised his brow, “That bad, huh?”
“Gods, I don’t want to hear it Kriss. Inform the lads that we we’re riding straight to Hateno.”
When he spoke, he tried to copy the intimidating scowl of the royal advisor but his compatriot still grumbled with annoyance as he twisted his horse in the opposite direction.
Their travels matched the demeanor of wartimes, and though they technically were, this party wasn’t avoiding frequent rests for the sake of catching the enemy and nor was their pacing any faster with the amount of luggage they hauled. It was well known through the garrison that this was the equivalence to a royal tour and it should be treated as such – yet no one spoke it above a whisper.
It was a younger man, barely out of boyhood. He was scraggly, even his stance was uneven when he drew his heels together for a salute. The boy faltered in the process as his ill-fitting armor rattled from the movements. The sergeant withheld an eye-roll, lazing over his saddle to give the kid a forlorn look.
“What is it, Short-Stack?”
“There’s a traveler coming towards us,” he swallowed nervously, gesturing vaguely ahead. “What should we do?”
Momentarily, he looked up at the partially starry sky and sighed once more. “Well, does he look like he’s armed? Dangerous at any degree? Use common sense, son. The last time it was another fur trader.”
Short-Stack fiddled with his gloves and spoke with varying degrees of confidence. “Um, no sir. Sir, it appears to be a woman and-and we haven’t encountered one and I was wondering what the procedures were and--”
“A woman?” the sergeant blinked, promptly ignoring anything more the boy had to say.
His eyes flickered to the dulling sky and motioned his horse to approach the head of the party. As he did, the snickering of those walking ahead abruptly ended. About one-hundred yards away was a cloaked woman, so unmistakably feminine that the sergeant had to do a double take.
Her approach only emphasized what they say from far away. Though she was dressed modestly, it was obvious to any man that she was well-endowed. In her hands was a glowing, recently lit lantern that swayed playfully with her hips.
“Hello, boys!” she called out, giggling afterward and pulled her cloak closer to herself.
The men around the sergeant whispered excitedly and he gave a hard stare to them before straightening in his saddle and trotting in front of the group because, after all, he was the sergeant. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that this woman-traveler couldn’t be in some state of concern.
She paused as he approached and blinked owlishly up at him.
“Madam,” he said, dipping his head slightly, “It’s getting rather late, can I ask what you’re doing out at such a time?”
The woman made a noise of surprise and looked over her shoulder as if the sun had snuck passed her. “Oh dear…” she pouted, “I knew I should have left earlier. Why, I was hoping to reach the next inn by sundown!”
“The next inn is two hours minimum on foot,” he recounted with astonishment. Then, pretended to think. “It just happens, my lady, that I am the leader of this particular garrison.”
She gaped, “Is that so? That’s most impressive, sir! Whose company are you escorting this fine evening?”
A smile crept up his face and he nodded smugly. “The Royal Advisor and a few members of His Majesty’s court.”
“Is that right?” she nodded, coming to terms with his words. “I suppose I must be on my way, then. I wouldn’t dare impose on His Lordship.”
A shout of outrage sounded behind the sergeant and he stiffened at the realization of his mistake.
The royal advisor had a distinct voice that shouted without needing to raise his voice. His assistant clambering out of the stopped carriage with much difficulty. Before the opening closed, Dragmire voiced his complaints without abandon.
“Sergeant! Ghirahim, I want his head or it will be yours, by the gods--” The rest of his sentence was muffled as the thin man left him.
The one named Ghirahim hurried to slick back his white hair and scrambled to the front of the carriage. He first gave the horses a wary look before turning his attention to what was impeding them. With a fit of outrage bubbling, he stopped himself mid-word to address the woman.
“And just who are you?” Ghirahim seethed. She went to explain only to be interrupted by his flailing hands. “Actually, you are irrelevant. No matter of concern to the given issue at foot. Sergeant-!”
Then, the woman gasped.
“Is that not the royal advisor to His Majesty?” she covered her mouth daintily, looking past Ghirahim.
The sergeant nearly jumped out of his saddle at the sudden presence of the man, who seemed set on a fit of rage and decidedly settling to a curious indifference at his impediment. The woman pushed by Ghirahim and gave a small curtsy.
The royal advisor didn’t look at the sergeant when he addressed him. “Who is this?”
“A woman, Your Highness.”
He scowled heavily in his direction, “I know that. I meant who she is!”
“Franny, My Lord!” she spoke with excitement, ignoring the assistant’s gawking expression. Franny dipped into a curtsy. “It is quite the honor to be in your esteemed presence Lord Ganondorf. You’re held in such high favor around these parts, as I’m sure you know.”
Ghirahim attempted to cut through while maintaining a concentrated glare. “How dare you grace His Highness with your impertinence!”
The advisor smiled, not taking his eyes off the woman. “Am I now? It is unsurprising, however I do enjoy hearing it from your lips.”
“Sir,” Franny giggled, “If I’m not being too impertinent. Between you and I, I am in the business of telling one’s future. You see, I know now that this must be of the goddess’s divine will to have us meet!”
The assistant blanched. “Absolutely not! Your Highness, I beseech you to ignore this wickedness.”
“You will beseech me to do none of the sort,” Ganondorf dropped his grin momentarily to wave away the smaller man. “Do forgive this man’s ignorance. I must admit, you have me captivated.”
Again, she laughed and took his awaiting arm. Before the advisor led her away, she pushed her lantern into the assistance chest without another thought of his boiling anger. Ghirahim huffed and moved to follow them with his tail between his legs.
“Sergeant,” he bidded coldly.
The trio disappeared into the caravan and immediately the officer frowned.
Something was off, surely.
“Sergeant?” a dainty voice called out. His attention was immediate. An unmistakable face stared back at him with a quizzical brow. “Why have we stopped?”
“A short reprieve, Lady Zelda,” he smiled, nodding her way. The lady was halfway down her caravan’s steps when she called to him. Her kindness was appreciated and the sergeant wasn’t about to anger her by blubbering that they were held up because of His Lordship.
She hesitated outside her caravan, opting to watch the stars instead of retiring once more. The sergeant took a moment to watch her idle; she was a beautiful, youthful, and owning every bit of the curiosity that came with those traits. Her father was right to keep an eye on her, he thought to himself.
Some minutes went by and the men began snickering when noises began coming from the royal advisor’s carriage. Disgusted, the sergeant ordered them away while suddenly realizing the promiscuity that may have been outlining that woman’s proposition.
But the noises grew louder that even he couldn’t keep his eyes off the vehicle’s abhorrent jostling and reprimanded the few that stayed behind it. After all, he wasn’t entirely foolish – who knows what the advisor would do if rumors were milled around.
A few more minutes and – wait wasn’t the assistant in there as well?
“Guards!” a shrill voice screamed.
From behind the caravan ran a rather large form. It spooked the sergeant’s horse and from there all hell broke loose. The officer could hardly gather his bearings. The men around him stared with wide eyes at the carriages and then back to the sergeant with dumb idle.
“Gods, damn it all – GUARDS!”
Blearily, the officer began shouting orders and like ants the men were clambering into the wagon. The driver hurried to calm the horses amongst the scurry, especially when several men in armor ran into the forest. The sergeant dismounted quickly to find the royal advisor and his assistant bound by their feet and hands, left only in their underclothes.
“Don’t look!” Ganondorf screamed as Ghirahim blubbered incoherently on his side. “Do not look at me!”
The sergeant stood aghast. The cabin was scraped clean – from the gold trim of the windows to the velvet pillows – all had been taken. Most egregiously, the trunks of Akkala long coats had been taken as well and were being mourned over in low sniffling.
“We’ve been,” Ghirahim sobbed through short breathes before continuing, “We’ve been robbed! Robbed! Your Highness!”
“Shut up and stop crying, you imbecile!”
The rest of the evening hours were the longest the sergeant had ever lived through. The woman, who had evidently turned out to be a man, was far gone by the time patrols began. It was also said he was accompanied by a Goron with the strength of eight men, but he hadn’t believed it until the wanted posters were found when they arrived in Hateno.
The illustrations were pinned throughout town on every surface the royal guard could find at the insistence of the royal advisor. Those blue eyes were unmistakable from that night, though the green cap had been absent, and the scowling Goron bandit beside him matched up with his men’s description perfectly.
That had been the royal advisor’s first encounter with the renowned outlaw Link Woods.
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johnsamericano · 3 years
“Corruption. Epilogue.” w.y.h
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A/n: I APOLOGIZE FOR THE DELAY. I hope you'll still enjoy it, thank you for reading.
warnings: unprotected sex, dirty talking, corruption kink per usual, lingerie, that’s it.
corruption m.list.
“Mommy, where’s Mr. bear?” You closed the zipper of your suitcase, placing it on the floor and extending your hand towards your baby boy.
“Daddy already put it in the car, let’s go, he must be waiting for us.”
Your husband was leaning against the car, a pair of sunglasses hanging from the neck of his sweater. You gave it to him a few days ago, it matched with the one you and your son were wearing.
“Youngho, guess who’s coming with us?”
“Mr. bear?” He tilted his head to the side.
“Better.” He opened the door of the car, revealing your best friend, a big smile on his face.
“Uncle lele!” His little legs ran towards the vehicle, Chenle taking him into a bear hug as soon as he was close enough.
“Let me help you with this.” Your husband approached you, taking the suitcase from your hands to load it into the trunk. “I’m kinda nervous, I feel like your parents still don’t like me.”
“My mom likes you.” You giggled, hugging his waist tightly. “My dad still thinks you’re the teacher who seduced his little girl. And I mean, you kinda did.”
“But we’ve been married for more than two years, he should’ve warmed up to me at this point.” He whined desperately.
“Well, I mean, he appreciates you more ever since Youngho came around.”
“Are you suggesting that we need another baby for your father to like me? Cause I’m in.”
“Am I going to have a little sister?” Youngho’s small head peeked through the door as well as Chenle’s.
“Congrats you guys.”
“No! We’re not having another kid, I haven’t recovered from the last one.”
“But I want a daughter.” Lucas complained. “Imagine how cute Youngho would look as a big brother.”
“I’ll get you a female dog and that’s my final offer.”
“Declined. I’m sure I’ll convince you, my baby girl will be here in no time.” He said as you walked to your seats, closing the doors and putting your seatbelts on.
“There’s no guarantee that the baby will be a girl.” He started the engine, taking a look at the backseats to make sure Youngho was on his car seat.
“Even if it’s a boy, I’ll love him with all my heart. Just like I love that little monster in the back.”
“Aw, thanks dude.” Chenle answered.
“I wasn’t talking to you.”
The trip continued between constant bickering from your husband and Chenle along giggles from your son.
“Alright, we’re here.” Lucas parked the car, turning to look at you with a nervous smile.
“Don’t worry, as I said, at least my mom likes you.” After unbuckling your seatbelts, you both exited the vehicle, opening the backseat doors to wake up the passengers.
Lucas gently picked up Youngho from his seat while you flicked Chenle in the forehead to wake him up.
“What is wrong with you?” He whined.
“Hurry up or I’ll lock you inside.”
Lucas waited in front of the door for you and Chenle to arrive, he was too scared to knock on the door himself.
Your mother received you all with a warm hug, specially Chenle, whom she had known from the moment he was born.
“You’re so big, Chenle. Come in, I baked your favorite cookies.” You scoffed at your mother’s behavior as she dragged him to the kitchen.
“Let’s go, my arms are feeling numb.”
You entered first at Lucas’ request, the smell of your favorite dishes making you smile. Your father was chopping some vegetables while your mother stuffed Chenle’s mouth with food.
“My baby girl is home.” Your father smiled widely before running to you and taking you into a bone crushing hug. “You should move here, we miss you.” He kissed your temple.
“Hello sir.” Your husband saluted politely, bowing slightly while he held your son tightly.
“Hello Yukhei.”
“Why are you two so tense?” Your mother, as laid-back as ever, continued. “Give each other a hug, come on, give me the kid.” She took her grandson from Lucas’ arms. “Go on.”
They awkwardly wrapped their arms around each other, the sudden sound of a camera taking a picture causing them to separate.
“Sorry, I couldn’t resist.” You giggled, looking at the picture in your phone. “This is going straight to our family album.”
“Y/n.” They both whined at the same time.
“Wait, am I in that family album?” Chenle asked, mouth full of cookies.
“Show me.”
“Make me.”
“Oh, you two, stop it. You seriously are like brother and sister.” Your mother spoke a bit too loud, causing your son to wake up. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his small hands.
“Daddy?” Lucas noticed and immediately took him back into his arms.
“I’m here, kiddo.”
“Can we get Mr. Bear?”
“Sure, let’s go.”
You all stayed silent as he walked out, your mother finally speaking as you heard the sound of the door closing.
“He’s a great father, y/n.” You smiled to yourself, heart full of pride. “And You should stop intimidating him.” She pointed at your father.
“I am not intimidating him. I’m just making sure my little girl is with the best man.”
“That’s sweet dad, but we’ve been together for a long time. Hell, we even have a kid.” You dad huffed.
“Fine, I’ll try to be nice.”
Meanwhile, Lucas was searching for the teddy bear in the trunk while Youngho sat on the edge of it, his short legs dangling.
“You Wanna know what I asked Santa for this year?”
“I know. An iron man suit, a pet dinosaur and a little sister.” Of course, you were only able to get one out of three, despite Lucas insisting you could get him a sister too.
“I secretly asked him for one more thing.” He signaled Lucas to come closer. “I asked him for mommy and you to be together forever.” Lucas couldn’t help but smile at his son, taking him into his arms once he found the stuffed animal.
“That’s a very sweet petition, I bet Santa will make it come true.” He left small pecks all over his face.
“Stop!” He demanded between giggles.
“Why? You don’t like my kisses?” He teased, leaving a big smooch on his cheek. “Too bad, I’ll give you as much kisses and hugs as I can before you become an unbearable teenager.”
“I don’t ever want you to stop hugging me.”
“Why are you guys leaving me out? I want hugs and kisses too.” You came out of your house, jogging towards the two loves of your life. Your son grabbed your cheeks with his tiny hands to peck your nose.
“Give her one too, daddy.” Lucas leaned down to press his lips against your forehead. “On the lips, daddy!” Your son’s sudden demand had you blushing like crazy.
Lucas smiled while grabbing your chin to connect your lips.
“Alright, let’s go back in before your grandma starts yelling at us for not helping with dinner.”
“Oh my god, Chenle is that you? You look like a cocky rich kid.” Lucas laughed hysterically as he looked at a picture of you two as kids.
Everyone was dressed in the Christmas onesies your mom bought, you and her had a thing for matching outfits. Lucas looked adorable in it, the rain deer patterns making him look even more child-like than usual. Chenle, on the other side, looked like an elf.
“I look amazing, shut up.” He replied when you made a comment on his looks.
“Hey Chenle, why didn’t you spend Christmas Eve with your parents?” Your father asked.
“They went to China to visit my grandparents, but I had too much work here to go with them.” He looked a little down, but his frown was quickly replaced with a bright smile as your son sat on his lap to hug him tightly.
“Don’t worry, uncle lele. We can be your family too.”
Your mom entered the living room with her hands full of sweet treats.
“What are we gonna watch?” It was a family tradition to watch a holiday themed movie on Christmas Eve.
“Elf?” Your father proposed and everyone agreed.
You sat on the large couch, Youngho sitting between you and Lucas as you cuddled him. Chenle sat on the floor while your parents on a small couch.
Right after the movie ended, everyone went to their respective rooms. Chenle and Youngho decided they wanted to have a slumber party, so you and Lucas had the room for yourselves.
“You look cute.” You smiled, lacing your fingers behind his neck as you tiptoed to kiss those addicting plump lips. He placed his hands below your thighs to lift you up, smiling against your lips.
“Have you seen yourself in the mirror? You are literally the definition of cute.”
“Am I now?”
“Yes you are.” He kept smiling, suddenly starting to dance with you between his arms. “I love you so much that the mere thought of being apart from you again makes me want to jump off a building.”
“That’s not gonna happen.” You finally asked the question you’d been keeping for yourself for a few days. “Are you okay, Xuxi? I mean, ever since you came back you haven’t seen your family and maybe you’re feeling bad, so please know that you can talk to me about anything.”
“But I am with my family.” He didn’t miss the family that rejected him after choosing to give up the company. “You, Youngho, Chenle and your parents are my family, even though your father still doesn’t completely approve of me.”
“Are you sure?” You placed your hands on his cheeks, still uneasy.
He kept holding you in his arms for a while more, simply staring into your dreamy eyes.
“Well, it’s past midnight so technically it’s Christmas already.” You got down on your feet. “Do you want your present now?”
“What do you mean? Isn’t it under the tree?” He tilted his head, oblivious to the true meaning of your words.
Your hands hesitantly reached for the front zipper of your onesie, slowly opening it to reveal a white lacy lingerie set.
“I know it’s not my style but I thought you’d like it.” You rubbed your arm awkwardly, standing there while he eyed you. “What do you think?”
“That we are gonna have to be extremely quiet to not raise suspicions.” He helped you out of the comfortable outfit, slightly raising your arms to take a better look at you. “My lord, we’ve done this so many times and you still blush?” You looked away.
“Don’t mock me!”
“I love that about you.” He placed his hands on your waist, pulling you closer to his body. “You’re just as innocent as the first time I made you mine.”
“I am not.”
“Really?” He rubbed a finger over your clothed heat, causing you to gasp. “Your cheeks look like the red lights in the Christmas tree.”
“X-xuxi.” You held onto his arms as he continued to pleasure you. “I was supposed to make you feel good, not the other way around.”
“But I like to make you feel good.” He slipped a hand into your underwear. “Shaved? Wow this must be a really special occasion.” He enjoyed the soft texture of your lips, tracing random patterns over the warm skin. “Let’s lay you down, hm?” You nodded, letting him carry you to the king size mattress.
He started to strip in front of you. Once the only piece of clothing left on his body was his underwear, he crawled up the bed.
“I love you so much.” His fingers started caressing you inner thigh, slowly creeping up until one of them hooked around your underwear, pulling it down.
He placed his hands behind your back, raising your torso to un clasp your bra. He pulled away the slightest to admire your naked figure, his eyes stopping at the scar crossing your belly. A product of Youngho’s birth.
“Is it ugly?” You asked, suddenly feeling self conscious.
“Of course not, baby.” He kissed your cheek tenderly. “Every single part of you is beautiful.”
Before you even had the chance to be embarrassed, one of his fingers was already moving in and out of you. You shut your eyes tightly.
“I need to prepare you first, angel.” You were as sensitive as ever, his long finger reaching for all the right spots. “Look at me when I’m touching you.” His harsh tone only added to your arousal. “That’s a good girl.” He cooed as soon as your big doe eyes met his.
He retrieved his finger as soon as he felt your walls convulsing around it, earning a small whine from you. He chuckled while taking his underwear off, proceeding to sit against the headboard with you over his lap.
“Don’t look so scared, this isn’t the first time we’ve done it.” Lucas smiled at your expression, eyes glued to his inflamed erection.
“Yes, but it still hurts when...you know.” Even after all those years you had a hard time dirty talking, and Lucas found it adorable.
“I’ll make sure you’re well prepared so it doesn’t hurt.” He placed you right above his length, gripping your hips to move your body back and forward. “You make the prettiest noises I’ve ever heard.”
“Xuxi, I can’t hold it back for longer.” You whimpered, hiding your face in the crook of his neck.
“Of course you can, sweetheart. Because you’re a good girl, right?”
“Yes.” Your nails started digging crescent moons into his back, trying your best to contain your orgasm.
“Lift your hips for me, princess.” With wobbly legs, you did your best to keep your body up while he aligned himself with your entrance. “Hold onto my shoulders.”
You did as he said, slowly letting him sink into you.
“It hurts.” His heart ached with your words.
“I know baby, just hang in there.” He hugged you, feeling like the first time you had sex. “Tell me when you’re ready.”
It took a while for you to get used to the stretch since it had been a while since the last time you had sex, but the pleasant feeling of being full soon replaced the uncomfortable burning.
“I’m ready, Xuxi.” He helped you bounce up and down his length, soft groans escaping his plump lips.
They looked so tempting, you couldn’t help but kiss them. He grinned into the kiss.
“You’re so pretty.” You murmured, cheeks completely red.
“You’re pretty too.” He kissed your temple, thrusting up. “My pretty little girl.” You couldn’t keep moving up and down, so you allowed yourself to take a rest. “Such a good girl.”
“Xuxi.” You tried your best to hold back the moans forming at the back of your throat. “Can I...?”
“Let go, sweetheart. I’m here.” Your body shook uncontrollably as pleasure took over every inch of it. You bit Lucas’ shoulder to avoid screaming from the intensity of your high.
Lucas came with your walls deliciously clenching around him. Thick ribbons of white cum painting your core as you both tried to regulate your breathing.
“You did so well.” He pecked your sweaty forehead. “Now let’s clean our little mess.”
The next morning, your son bursted into your room, waking you both up while screaming ‘it’s Christmas.’
“Come on, I want to open my presents.” He jumped into the bed and tried to lift your body.
“Come here, Youngho. Let mommy rest for a little longer.” Lucas took him between his arms, tucking him inside the comforter. His hair was a mess, the strands pointing to opposite directions as he tried to open his swollen eyes.
“But the presents.” He whined.
You hugged the little boy from behind, pecking his silky hair.
“Come on, I’m not tired. Let’s go open your gifts.” He squeaked exitedly while getting on his feet.
The three of you walked to the living room holding hands. Your parents and Chenle patiently waited for you to arrive.
“This little monster woke me up at like 5:00 a.m.” Chenle scoffed, causing Youngho to giggle.
“Sorry, uncle lele.” He let go of your hands, running to the tree to find his gifts. “There’s one for mommy.” He handed you a big box with your name written on it. “And one for daddy.” He kept putting aside his own gifts and handing everyone else theirs.
Everyone ended up with at least three gifts, even Lucas, who didn’t expect to get anything from your parents.
“You go first, honey.” Your son started ripping the Christmas paper to uncover his gifts.
“An Ironman suit!” He gratefully received all of his gifts, even the hideous sweater his grandma knitted for him. “Thank you, nana!”
Your heart filled with pride for having raised such a beautiful child. After Youngho was done, you all opened your presents at the same time. You asked Lucas to save yours for the last.
“Oh my god, Xuxi.” You covered your mouth at your recently opened present.
“It’s okay if you don’t like it, I can get you something else later.”
“I love it!” You couldn’t help but cry.
“Won’t you show it to us?” Chenle asked, trying to take a look at the contents of your box.
You pulled out a cement board with both your husband’s and your son’s hand printed on it. There was also an album below it.
“There’s more?”
“Just open it.” Everyone gathered around you, even Youngho sat on your lap, curious to see what the album had inside.
It took you a while to figure out what was on the first pages of it.
“Are these my college exams?” He nodded. “How did you...?”
“I found them in a box with all my teacher stuff, now keep going.” You passed the pages with nostalgia, meeting with memories from your past.
The album was filled with photos and significant documents of your life together, from the ticket of the takeout You had on your first date to a picture of you holding Youngho for the first time.
“Wait, that’s me!” Youngho pointed at the small baby between your arms.
“Yes, that’s you, sweetie.” You kissed his cheek while he kept turning the pages of your album. “Thank you, Xuxi. I love it.” He smiled widely. “Now you open mine.” You turned to face him with your son still on your lap.
He pulled out a smaller box, containing a pair of wireless earbuds he’d been ranting about for the past few months.
“Oh my god!” He smiled widely, his big hand covering his mouth. “I love them, thank you.” He gave you a big hug.
“There’s more.” You winked at your mom while he looked for his other gift. “Don’t judge, my mom taught me how to do it through facetime.”
“A pair of socks?” He stared at them, his gaze going back and forth from Youngho to the yellow, knitted baby socks. “They’re adorable, sweetie, but I don’t think they’ll fit him.”
“We’ll, thank goodness they’re not for him.” It took a while for his brain to process the whole situation, but when he finally figured it out, he let out the loudest scream you’d ever heard.
“We’re having a baby!” Everyone in the room covered their ears, except for your little boy, who joined his screaming.
“Am I having the baby sister I asked for?”
“Yes you are!” He lifted Youngho, smiling ear to ear with him.
“It’s the best Christmas ever!”
It was, indeed, the best Christmas ever.
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