#I meant to answer a while ago
bethanydelleman · 10 months
In P&P do we know many specifics about Mr Gardiner's income? For Mr Bennet to believe that he has ten thousand pounds readily available to bribe Wickham, wouldn't Mr Gardiner's income be considerable? And even larger than Mr Bennet's if Elizabeth cannot fathom how the Bennets could repay even half such a sum?
The most we know is what you've said.
She had a sister married to a Mr. Philips, who had been a clerk to their father and succeeded him in the business, and a brother settled in London in a respectable line of trade.
Most people agree this means it wasn't the slave trade. But it doesn't say if the line is particularly profitable or not. What we do know is that they dress and act well enough to be mistaken for people of higher rank:
Mr. Gardiner was a sensible, gentlemanlike man, greatly superior to his sister, as well by nature as education... “What will be his surprise,” thought she, “when he knows who they are! He takes them now for people of fashion.”
And of course, we know that Mr. Bennet believed that his brother could easily bad or borrow £10,000 pounds. What that indicates about his income is unclear because he may have assets that would serve as good leverage against a loan of that size, I doubt he had that amount in money. Similar to how a store has thousands of dollars of inventory at one time, but their income is not that high.
I have always thought the Gardiners are doing very well for themselves. There were certainly tradesmen making it rich in this era, as we see in with the Bingleys and trade heiresses in Austen's works.
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thatbuddie · 11 hours
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tswwwit · 11 months
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went through tumblr and this reminded me of Bill and Dipper lol
Accurate! Dipper in his natural state would Not Prioritize his appearance in favor of a lot of other stuff. Being in a relationship with Bill ensures he doesn't get too scruffy - though he still wears his tshirts and boxers until they have holes in them. (Bill is very >:( about this 'fashion' choice)
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
i was tagged by all my buddies @schumigrace @sweatyflytrap @fernandoalonzoo @sepangcircuit <33 :)))
Rules: color stuff that applies to you and then tag your friends
i'm over 5'5" / i wear glasses/contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // I have had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear make-up // i don't often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards.
Hobbies and talents:
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language(kinda) // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand.
am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online.
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sun rise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colours // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season.
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs.
I feel like everyone I know has done this one already 🥺🥺 but if you have not, please do it and tag me :DDD
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maschotch · 2 years
I find this SO interesting, because there are several Reid fans who accuse the writers, other fans, and other characters of being ableist towards Reid. As always, you are a voice of reason in this fandom
ajsdgjkashl ty ty… just because he has trauma doesn’t mean he’s right about everything lol 
there’s a good line he says in another episode about “just because someone can’t dress themselves or organize their thoughts doesn’t make them dangerous” or something like that, which is something important to say—especially in a show where they do tend to demonize mental illnesses—but that’s not the end-all-be-all when it comes to actually accepting it. (i just want to give him a little credit before ripping him to pieces) 
that being said, reid has an extremely unhealthy view of mental illness that’s harmful to himself and others—particularly his mother. he grew up thinking he would find a cure for schizophrenia. he’s ashamed of others finding out that his mom’s institutionalized. i understand his fear, especially since we see him during the age schizophrenia usually develops. but i think his fear is conflated with disgust and that's so fucked up in so many ways. 
he’s absolutely adamant that there’s nothing wrong with him mentally, even though it’s not something to be ashamed about. first of all, the doctor was seemed to be referring to a temporary/situational issue that could be helped with lifestyle changes and therapy, but reid took it to the extreme, and then took it as an insult. as if it was a weakness. as if it made him less human. and i get that he’s scared, but he’s so terrified that he won’t even look at what it is he’s actually scared of. 
he’s so caught up in the idea of “fixing” his mom—with her schizophrenia and her alzheimers. but instead of helping her in ways she needs or wants, he digs into all these experimental medications that have no real chance of working just to make himself feel better. instead of spending time with her after her diagnosis—time where she would be more lucid than not—he does the same thing he’s done his whole life: he runs away.
now i’m not saying he’s unjustified in his fear. his mom has a severe case of schizophrenia, which he had to grow up with, and alzheimers is a type of dementia with a death sentence. it’s scary. but he never, not once in fifteen seasons, makes any attempt to accept this reality. it’s either something he wants to fix or something he wants to hide. like. no offense but he needs to grow the fuck up and actually BE there for his mom. diana, as far as we see, has no one else in her life. i know reid loves his mom—sending her letters every day is proof of that—but he needs to get his head out of his ass and accept that this is who she is instead of pitying her. diana just wants to be with her son and he cant even give her that
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adam got a girl down so bad she ditched her parents and stayed w him in a terrorist organization, he ain’t no incel he’s got more rizz than all of us combined
bitches r breaking up w yall because yall can’t hold a conversation or tuck ur shirts in your tightly whities. blake legit broke up w him because he continued slaughtering people. if your significant other stays with you after the first murder long enough for the killing to become a pattern then you must have game cuz there is literally no other fucking explanation.
man had enough charisma to overthrow Sienna without anyone saying a fuckin word. Truly unparalleled rizz
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inz-lokisdottir · 8 months
Who are your top 10 favorite muns to write with and why? If a mun is a multimuse also tell which are your favorite characters to write with and why?
(The order in which you list the people doesn't matter unless you want to assign them specific places.)
Question Master
Oops I don’t think I even write with ten muns, specially not recently 💀 but thank you for the ask and I’ll just list whoever I do write with because I do enjoy writing with all of them.
And there’s also some over on discord who I would tag if I could but cannot, but also them.
I like writing with all of them for the same yet different reasons, they’re all fun to write with and the muns are also all super nice to talk to, and I think it’s fun to write Inz with all of them because of I actually don’t know what I’m saying and I’m just trying to type for the sake of talking and making it look like I said something. But anyways it’s fun to write Inz in different situations and relationships with each of them whenever I do and yea.
Excuse whatever waffling I did 😪 I just came out of English, I’m tired of writing for today okay
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kirayamidemon · 1 year
Can you imagine if one of the twins overblot? Floyd would definitely be the most unhinged
Mmmmm not necessarily I think ?? ??
Floyd would be unhinged n feral, but I can also see Jade’s being just as unhinged, has the potenetial to be even more crazy n out of control
Depends on the reason/cause of their overblots
Casue Jade is just as feral n unhinged as Floyd, he just hides it n is not as open about it as his twin
He hides everything, he restricts himself, limits himself, restrains everything n holds himself back. N then if he were to ob, imagine the freedom he’d have n feel. To be free of his limits, his restrictions, his shackles, his restraints, to not have to hide behind a facade anymore, to be able to be free n let everything out, unleash everything, not be held down by anything, be at his full potential, breaking free of all the chains holding him down-
Whereas Floyd you can maybe know wat to expect n guess wat he’d be like maybe cause he’s gen like that normally n you can kinda use that as a basis to be cautious/wary, Jade is more unpredictable bc you dont exactly know his true capabilities n wat’d he do
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I do genuinely wonder why they had him show up looking all sickly and being deluded out of his mind only to never really go any further with it? Unless they purposely left it up for interpretation. I don't know.
sometimes I think they were deliberately leaving it up to interpretation. sometimes I think it was made so obvious that Whedon et al. just sort of assumed audiences would get it, and somehow nobody realized that the majority of audiences weren't getting it, not helped by the fact that pretty much everything released involving the movie didn't really seem to get it either. sometimes I think Whedon made it extremely obvious if you were looking for it because he had plans for Loki later down the line that would have expanded on Loki's part of the story and made things much more explicit, but those plans changed because Whedon left the MCU, and frankly I hate thinking about that because then I start genuinely wishing that Joss fucking Whedon had made more Avengers movies, and like...gross.
sometimes I just think Kevin Feige is bad at his job and he needs a bunch of fandom consultants to set him straight on all the shit he allows while getting the big bucks to pretend he's making sure it all makes sense.
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chxckandmxte · 1 year
@plagasinfected || Thread continued from here: X
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🗡️ - Krauser
What a funny set of circumstances to see his old comrade again. His enemy and..his friend. Well. What he would have called him if he hadn't seen his arm go up in smoke with his career. His eyes narrowed.
"Revenge? No.." he sighed. His head down. He looked scared. He WAS scared. Scared of himself and what he became. A monster plagued by the plagas. And thus he was left wandering. A merc for hire. Always hired by those very bastards he sold his soul to. But they always changed their name..their claims to 'make the world a better place'. But leon.
He respected leon deeply. Respected him to where he was so clouded by the plagas he wanted to kill him. But it wasnt what he wanted. Not one bit. He..deep within him that day. Wanted Leon to live. Go survive. And stop Saddler. But now with him being the last dominant plagas holder. He was twitching.
"Just call it..wrong place at the wrong time..comrade.."
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Leon listened to the words of his former teammate from many years ago now. Time had passed and things were very different now. Life for Leon, wasn't going too well to say the very least. He lived every day despising the fact that he was still alive, over the years, Leon's strong will became more dull with each passing new year, even the most mentally strong had a breaking point, and after decades of horrific experiences, losing people close to him, some even being shot dead by the agent himself -- something that secretly took its toll on him, gradually deteriorating his mentality as time went on.
His resolve to fight remained ignited for about one more decade until that botched mission in Washington with that traitor giving away the location of his team right as they were preparing to move in, and everything went to hell right after that, with Leon having to watch his entire squad get annihilated right before his very eyes, once second they were there, the next second, they were on the ground, dead in a pool of their own blood, Leon had seen lots of awful things, but at this point, he'd seen so much, that this incident was the final straw, he was just tired, so very tired of everything.
So with his life already in the midst of a downward spiral, running into a ghost from his past understandably did not help the situation. Standing there, he listened to what his old comrade had to say about him being here, all the while still making sure to maintain his guard just in case.
Although surprisingly, Krauser, seemed different, he wasn't acting out aggressively, Leon half-expected his old army buddy to pull a knife on him right after he spoke. Except for whatever reason, he didn't, further proving to Leon that Jack Krauser, really was acting differently, it was almost like he was a completely changed man compared to their last encounter several years ago now back when he was on the mission to save Ashley Graham.
There was no air of ill-intent this time, it was like he had did a complete one-eighty and had some sort of revelation, he had to admit, it was a little odd seeing Krauser like this, but at the same time, part of him was glad to see his old teammate again, especially if he was a different person now.
Curious, Leon would lower his guard a little bit as Krauser genuinely seemed to come in peace this time around, it was the last thing Leon would expect to see from someone who had tried to kill him on two separate occasions, so for now, he would just question him and get some answers to fully decide if he'd be a threat or not, and so far, he didn't feel like he was in danger, but just in case, he didn't lower his guard completely, though he did relax a little.
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[{ ☣ }] - "You seem... different now. What exactly happened back in Spain after the island?"
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frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
(burning the memories of when you were mine- denethor to faramir) i'm so sorry ~meg
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milfsco · 2 years
nooooooo today has been so wild i need to go put myself to sleep before it gets worse lmfao
#the chief of staff for my company likes to send out pizzas to every location once in a while and she was gonna send one to me tomorrow right#so she placed the order on door dash for it to be delivered tomorrow around 1#and like 10 mins ago i get a call from an unknown number while i’m BUSY d*cking mySELF d*wn like a WH*RE#SO NATURALLY i silence the call but then i started getting texts#about a delivery in the lobby#so i had to STOP . my god this is embarrassing smfwhy am i speaking#it’s so funny oh my god. anyway yeah. texts about delivery in the lobby so i trxted my gf#and she’s not expecting anything and neither am i so i was like???? u got the wrong number boo#and they call me again so i answer and the person is asking me if i want the delivery sent up to MC which is code for the floor i work on..#and i was like TF WHAT delivery and he said PIZZA and i was like nooooooo that was meant for tomorrow i’m not THERE#he goes you’re not up there????? and i said i’m at home????????? it’s way after hours???????????#so he was like do u want me to send it back or what. and i told him to keep it and share w the boys#and i’m over here half n*ked LAUGHING my ass off at how stupid this all is#and i had to message the woman that ordered it and b like Uh it was just delivered 🥺bls send another .#bc i was soooo excited for it i’ve been craving pizza all weeeeek#and she orders from a GOOD place like it’s not ur regular nyc slice it’s goooooood#anyway. all of this and ig i don’t get to *** ***#can’t wait for my gf to read this in the airport and roll her eyes at meeeee bc i literally. did not even wait for her to be out of the city#okay good bye i hate this i hate m%self goodnight i need to go#also helo this is why my blog is e*ght**n + pls unfollow if u are not that. i’m sorry
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fingertipsmp3 · 6 months
Does anyone else have a friend who will panic and call you if they don’t receive a response to their message within 15 minutes, but will regularly leave you on read or delivered or go fully MIA for days
#that’s my best friend and also my granddad#she calls me i’m like ‘fuck that i’ll call back; i’m not talking to her while i’m in a towel it feels weird’ (just got out of the shower)#2 mins later she calls again. i have a shirt on & a towel over my bottom half. i answer like ‘what? what’s the emergency?’#why does this woman say ‘you weren’t responding to my messages :(‘ i check and i’m like ‘you mean the message you sent 12 minutes ago?#i was in the shower’ ‘oh’ ‘so what’s up’ ‘do you want to go to the shop with me?’ ‘ma’am it’s 8:15pm on a sunday in december and i am mostly#wearing my pyjamas. what do you think’#i love her but she tests me every day#my granddad is so much worse actually. he’ll text me or my mom (he gets us mixed up in his messenger app. sometimes he even messages#my stepdad something that’s meant for one of us. or presumably his bowling friends as well. i think sometimes he can’t be bothered to put#his glasses on and just clicks into the most recent conversation and hopes his message will find its way to the relevant person)#then if they don’t read it & respond within… about 1-5 minutes. he calls my mom; then her landline; then me; then my stepdad#and repeats ad nauseam until someone answers their phone. he does this faster and with more dedication and urgency if it’s NOT an emergency#the most fun part of this is when i see a call come in from him; don’t manage to answer it in time; call him back and he literally doesn’t#answer because he’s either already calling someone else OR he’s abandoned his phone and walked off#and he never puts his hearing aids in and also leaves his phone on vibrate so it doesn’t ring anywhere near as loud as he needs it to#he’s also constantly leaving his phone at home. i’m like JOHN. it’s a mobile.#if i need my grandparents i literally just call their landline because if no one answers that tells me everything i need to know#which is that they are out which means my granddad either doesn’t have his phone; or has it but won’t answer it#my grandma’s hearing is fine but she has a visceral hatred of phones (she doesn’t own one) so she won’t answer it or tell him it’s ringing#so yeah. my granddad expects everyone else on the planet to be available 24/7 but refuses to make himself available an equal amount#like if you want time away from your phone just say that. i love time away from my phone#but in that same vein you also cannot get mad when i don’t answer my phone if YOU don’t answer your phone. lol#personal
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mamamittens · 11 months
Platonic yandere Paulie and little sister
I'm not actually sure who this is but based on vibes alone he seems really chill. Also a tad odd. Idk how to explain it, he looks like someone that uses a walkman still.
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I do hope that jacket isn't denim though cause as neat as that is, those jackets get insufferably hot.
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landojpg04 · 3 months
MDNI slight suggestive and language
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Ghost definitely has a motorcycle and a truck. He'll drive the truck when he knows it'll be a long day doing intel and paperwork. But especially on a Friday when the workload is light, he’ll come in on his bike knowing he’ll be able to enjoy the ride.
He started riding the bike more when you gave the comment-
Guys who ride motorcycles are ten times more attractive with their bike
You didn’t say it to him per se but rather to a friend of yours on base, and he overheard. He likes to think that the bike is his good luck charm, as you agreed to a first date when he drove it. But despite you loving the bike as much as you loved him, he never let you on it. Always exclaiming it would be too dangerous.
He's in the garage, music playing lightly from the speaker as he cleans and messes with some of the gears. You watch in awe at the door. Never in a million years did you think you would be here. In Lt’s old t-shirt, sipping tea and watching him indulge in normalcy on a Sunday afternoon. When you transferred to the base, you always heard rumors about the man behind the mask and the name Ghost. But behind that was this man full of love.
“Enjoying the show, darling?” He said, looking up from the bike to see you.
“Just admiring.” You said.
“The bike or the rider?” He said smirking.
You admired and mirrored that smirk. Something you thought you would never see in your lifetime. But after trials of trust, the mask and guards came down, bearing all the luggage, and past to your welcoming arms. 
“Both,” you said, walking over to him. He was seated on a chair and leaned back to welcome you in between his legs. 
He peered up, his eyes glimmering in the sunlight that peaked through the window.
“Let me ride.” You said, peering down.
“You can ride me anytime.” He said, being cheeky.
You groaned at his antics and pouted towards him.
“Do you not trust me on your precious baby, Si?”
He looked between you and the bike. It wasn’t that he didn't trust you. He knows how dangerous riding is. He doesn’t want to let you on just in case something happens. He’s come to terms with something happening to him a long time ago. But you. He just got you and would put you in a bubble if it meant keeping you safe. 
“I trust you. I just don't trust others.” He says, moving a piece of hair from your face. He moves his hand to cup your jaw. He guided you to his lips for a quick peck.
You leave your forehead on him while he moves his hands down to your hips.
He can tell you were annoyed with your answers. You guys bonded over this bike and he truly believes that being able to ride it one day was the only thing keeping you around.
That was far from the truth. You just wanted to straddle something other than Simons's dick.
He stood up and moved you to the side.
He pushed the brake down and moved to the back of the bike.
"We can start with basics. Posture and positions." He said looking at you.
Stunned by his answer and quick change in answers, you didn't move till he said, "Ok, I guess you don't want to." You feet quickly moved to stand by him.
He went through the basics, teaching you how to mount and where to keep your feet. After, it was your turn to demonstrate your understanding. You go to the side and lift a leg to straddle the seat.
Simon from the back saw how you were a natural at this. Your ass is plump on the seat you lean to hold the handles with a slight arch in your back. Simon thought to himself why he hadn't let you do this earlier. He was so caught up in how good you look he didn't even hear you ask him if what you were doing was good.
You looked over to see him in a daze. He quickly grabbed his phone and took a photo of you on his bike, clad in his boxers and old t-shirt; every inch of you screamed that you were his. And he never loved anything more than this moment right now.
He walked to the front of the bike.
"Is this alright Si?" You asked him when you finally are met with his face.
He just smiled and leaned in to kiss you.
"My gorgeous girl on my bike," He said in between kisses.
You giggled and removed your hands from the handles to his neck and shoulder.
"Get off the bike and get inside right now." He said, pulling away. Laughing, you got off and felt a slight smack hit your ass. This was definitely not your last time on his bike.
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kiwicopia · 6 months
🔞 MDNI | Kinktober: Gloryhole/Stuck 🔞
🎃 Dilf!Gojo x Babysitter!Fem!Reader 🎃
TW: Mentions of cheating (not reader), creampie, squirting, orgasm denial, cunnilingus, Gojo eating out from the back, a bit of roughness, Gojo taking advantage of reader, age difference (early-thirties Gojo, mid-twenties reader), mentions of breeding, Megumi is adopted.
tags: @shes-so-insane @stygianoir @uzxotic
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For as long as you could remember, Gojo was always a respectable man and employer. He paid you more than what you thought was the regular amount for babysitting little Megumi, yet he always dismissed your words whenever you told him how you thought it was too much. The man was well off—very well off—and he didn’t mind being more than a little generous to the woman that took care of his child while he was at work. Honestly, if his wife hadn’t been caught sleeping with another man, you wouldn’t have this job in the first place. You felt bad about what happened, even if it was two months ago, yet you were grateful for the job opportunity that came out of it—but then came changes.
Longing glances turned into small, fleeting touches when being handed things or giving him stuff. It wasn’t noticeable at first, but it didn’t take long for you to eventually piece things together. Honestly, it felt like something to be expected after having divorced his wife, but you couldn’t do that to your employer. Could you? No, it felt wrong, especially since he was already more than generous with your pay. Still, you could never forget the looks or gentle touches he gave you. 
A small huff fell from your lips as you cleaned up the playroom. Megumi had already been put to bed after feeding and bathing him, so now all that was left to do was to tidy up the house before his father came home. Most of the toys had been picked up off the floor and put away, yet there were still a few that remained inside the little cubbyhole the child liked to hide in. You huffed again, lowering yourself to your knees before crawling inside to retrieve the last of the toys. It was a tight fit, considering it was meant for a toddler, so you panicked when trying to crawl back out, only to realize that you were stuck. 
No matter how much you pushed your body backwards, your position in the cubbyhole didn’t change, and you frowned. For what seemed like hours, yet was just mere moments, you struggled to get out of your little predicament. It was embarrassing, and that feeling intensified when the lock on the front door jingled before the door opened. Gojo’s footsteps were faint as he traipsed through the kitchen, and your heart pounded in your chest when his footfalls came closer and closer to the playroom. The door slid open, and your body froze as he spoke. “What are you doing?” He asked. 
You bit down on your bottom lip, almost reluctant to answer, considering how embarrassed you were. “I’m stuck,” you answered. He chuckled and you felt your face heat up. “I was cleaning up the playroom, and Megumi left some toys in his cubbyhole.” The explanation of your predicament only made him chuckle even more, and you felt a shiver run up your spine after he approached and trailed a finger down the middle of your back. 
“Mm,” he hummed. You couldn’t see the way he stared down at you with tired, yet hungry, azure eyes. His poor, little babysitter got herself stuck. The man felt like it was his lucky night. His hands then placed themselves against the curve of your ass before he gently squeezed, pulling out a small yelp from your lips. “I bet you want me to help you.” His hands squeezed again, his fingers digging lightly into you. “Do you want some help?” He asked. 
“Yes,” you answered softly. Honestly, you shouldn’t have expected him to outright pull you out of the cubbyhole, because he didn’t. In one swift move, his fingers hooked themselves underneath the hem of your pants and panties, yanking them down without hesitation. “S-Sir?” 
“Shh,” he cooed. His hands slid down to your pussy, and he chuckled as his thumbs pulled apart your folds, revealing a hint of wetness. “Naughty girl. Must have been waiting for this, yeah?” Your lips parted, yet rather than words that came out, a sharp gasp took their place as his tongue licked a thick stripe up your cunt. His tongue repeated the action again, only this time the tip of the muscle pressed down against your clit as he licked. It brought forth a soft moan, and your ass wiggled as you squirmed against him. Gojo chuckled again before his tongue plunged inside of you, tasting you fully now. You couldn’t help it when another, albeit louder, moan slipped out, which prompted him to pull away from your sopping hole. “Quiet,” he told you. “We don’t want to wake Megumi, now do we?” 
Your front lowered as your chest settled against the floor of the cubbyhole while your hands clamped over your mouth. This caused your ass to rise a little higher, and the man smirked lightly at that before he resumed eating you out. It had been too long since he last tasted another woman and having to juggle work and his child left little to no time for him to hook up with anyone. Then you came along. The memories of your sweet smile and soft giggles when he caught you playing with his son, or even tucking him in. Fuck, just thinking about how much you mothered his child got his cock hard. You were so good to little Megumi—better than the whore that cheated on him—and a sudden thought caused him to groan against your cunt as he now lapped at your folds. 
You moaned into your hands as his tongue licked you relentlessly, and the thought of how wrong this was turned you on even more. Your stomach knotted as a rush of heat swarmed your body, lighting every single nerve on fire as pleasure steadily filled it. Why his wife ever cheated on him, you would never understand. He knew exactly what he was doing; applying pressure to your clit every so often while his tongue constantly dove in and out between your folds. Gojo’s pleasing felt better than any of your exes ever did, and it wasn’t long before your body felt like bursting right then and there, and he knew it. 
A small whine slipped from your lips when he pulled away. You were close, so close, and he just stopped. It felt unfair. “Not yet,” he told you. His body shifted and you heard the zipper of his pants before feeling the head of his cock at your entrance. He rubbed it against your folds, coating it with your slick before sliding in effortlessly. The way your warm walls enveloped his cock had him groaning, and his hands squeezed your ass the further he pushed himself into you, stopping only when he bottomed out. The entire ordeal felt so unreal, and you moaned into your hands when he pulled back halfway, only to slam back into you with enough force to rock you forward. You then removed one hand from your mouth and gripped the small, plastic chair within the cubbyhole as he fucked into you. Gojo groaned again at the way your cunt kept pulling him back into you. “So tight and needy,” he breathed out. 
Your other hand fell from your lips, your nails scraping against the flooring of the cubbyhole as the mixed sounds of your moans, his groans, and his balls slapping against your ass filled the playroom. “Gojo,” you mewl, eyes half-lidded and back arched slightly the more his dick bullied your hole. 
“Satoru,” he said, correcting you. His jaw clenched the more your pussy swallowed him, and he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the way your ass jiggled the more he pounded into you. “You better call me Satoru from now on.” From then on, all that left your lips was a series of wanton moans and his name. Over and over, up until the end. “Fuck,” he groaned, slamming into you one last time. Your cunt squeezed him hard, milking him for every drop of cum he had, and you cried in pleasure as you came with him, coating his cock in your juices. The two of you stayed like that for a little longer before he slowly pulled out, and he gently tugged your body backwards, pulling you free from the cubbyhole. The man zipped himself up as your worn-out body slumped back against him, and he chuckled before scooping you up into his arms. “Let’s get you cleaned up.” 
You hummed softly and stared up at him with tired eyes. Gods, you looked so cute all fucked out, and the thought of keeping you entirely filled his head. He could knock you up. That would let him keep you, and you were already great with Megumi. Yeah, he could do that. 
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