#I really liked school as a kid on the whole
i-yap · 3 days
Batboys x quiet! reader(who is not quiet in private)
( some of the reasons for the quietness is a bit traumatic so uhh warning)
Dick grayson -
opposites attract is possibly my favorite trope ever. And that is exactly what you guys are . Not exactly golden retriever x black cat though people who didn't know you guys well assumed such .
Dick would get exhausted spending forever being charming and charismatic for even the most extroverted of people get tired when they had to manage multiple superhero teams, a detective squad and the whole batfamily.
You were silence, peace serenity almost..until you weren't. Grayson was worried about this relationship in the start, after all you guys were really different. He was afraid you were going to be annoyed by his sunshine self, and that when he isn't feeling like talking, the conversations would go silent.
But you really are so different when comfortable with someone, and its tough not to trust and drop your shield with grayson.
It took him by surprise slowly seeing you open up and show your weird side. It somehow made him cherish it more and even want to show sides of him that only you got to see.
When he asked you why you weren't like this with everyone you said " My parents had a habit of talking over me, sometimes outrightly not hearing me speak at all. No matter how loud I spoke..i wondered if they couldn't hear me...if anyone even wanted to you" "why me then?" asked dick , "you're nothing like my parents, I know you care" and he does..he really does. He won't ever let you feel like that every again. He will make sure everything you want said is heard, and if not he will burn it into the skyline
Jason todd
he appreciated it, a quiet person in public. He hated being in public, he hated the buzz the noise the push the touch of humans around him. He felt strange
till he feels you hold his knowing you felt just as strange as him. Leave the gala and walk around the library , one earphone in each ear listening to whatever you wished to play.
Pulling you close in crowded areas- was it for you or for him? Glaring at anyone who dared tease you about your quietness. A single glare usually does the job but don't worry ...other ways exist too.
He loves that when you two are alone, you are a completely different person. It makes him feel special, like he is the only one who understands you. Because you're the only one who understands him.
When he asks " well I guess I never felt like people liked what came out of my mouth.. my humour too dark, my words too dumb and I didn't make sense. So I stopped trying" don't worry about being cringe..he understands you completely
Tim drake
he is intruiged. How do you pull such a perfect facade. How does one look so poised and collected with those rich assholes and so wild and untamed with him?
He could never really perfect the act the way you did. He's seen you grow up, but somehow its like you were born with two people living in your brain.
If you're this mysterious to your childhood lover, how does anyone in the world even think that they could know you, both versions of you.
Dont get me wrong, he loved it, A mystery he never could solve, not even with your help.
" Teach me your ways master" "I remember you wanting me to call you that last night..oh no wait it was si-" "shut upp" "fine ill tell you timmy boy, I just believe those rich stick up their ass puppets don't deserve to see all ..this.." "what about school kids, friends , teemates-" "I don't need anyone to get me as long as you do"
He will never get it, even if someone engraved it into his skin he wont understand everything about you , you'll always be the case he couldn't solve.
AND WE ARE BACK BICHES , send in requests and stuff, inbox open again blah blah I'm feeling much better now but I might push angst stuff more
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formulamoons · 8 hours
Rich boy Lando is practically canon in my mind! Haha, I know this might not fit perfectly into an F3-school timeline, but bear with me here. If you have any thoughts on this concept or want to share anything else, please feel free to do so!
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Rich boy Lando would learn your entire class schedule and follow you around the school like a lost puppy. Even after you roll your eyes and let out an exasperated sigh every time you see him waiting outside your classroom, his smile only grows wider at the sight of your annoyance.
He would always get ahead of you in the few classes you shared, swooping in to take your books and notes from your desk the moment class ended. flashing you a flirtatious smile as he stepped out of the classroom.
"Norris, stop it! Give me my books back," you say, trying to catch up.
"Easy, gorgeous," he replies, effortlessly stopping your hand as you attempt to snatch the books away.
"I'm serious, I'm going to be late for class." You don't notice his grin until you realize he's led you into your math classroom.
“So, listen, one of my f3 friends is throwing a party next Friday” he says while sitting at your usual desk right in front of the classroom “come with me yeah?”
Lando Norris is relentless. Everyone knows that for the past six months; he's been persistently asking begging you to go out with him. All he wants is a chance to prove he’s not just another spoiled rich kid. He desperately wishes for you to laugh at his jokes the way you do with his other friends, to hold your beautiful face between his hands, and kiss you until the world fades away.
He's never chased anyone before, never really participated in the whole courtship thing. Usually, he's just fooling around with a different girl every week, uninterested in attachments. But with you, it's different. He'd follow you around forever if you asked him to. Ever since the old, grumpy English professor paired you two up for a project, he's craved more.
Even though you've rejected him every single time he asks, he still tries, his hopeful eyes fixed on yours. Sometimes, you feel like giving in, but you stop yourself, remembering that he's likely just interested in getting into your pants, relishing the excitement of the chase. Why else would Lando Norris, who couldn’t even remember your name six months ago, suddenly become so eager to go out with you?
“I can’t sorry I already have plans” you start to say not even trying to put together a good excuse. Lando pouts at your answer standing up from your desk and putting his hands into his pocket.
"Oh, okay, no problem," his voice loses some of its cheery tone, so he clears his throat, trying to conceal it. However, you notice the change. He stands in front of you for a moment before the rest of your classmates start to fill the room. "See you later, sweetheart," he whispers loud enough for you to hear him before stepping out of the classroom.
You swear that the last encounter has nothing to do with how you let Max drag you to Lando’s next race, you even smile when he waves at you from the podium.
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Formulamoons, please do not plagiarize, repost, translate to other sites, or recommend my content outside of Tumblr.
notes.- inspired by a jjk au i read a while ago
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WIBTA if i talked to the school councelor because i suspect one of my friends is autistic? 👁️
(note: asshole is probably a strong word - what i’m mostly asking is if it would be a good idea)
I (17) have a friend (17) we’ll call Alex. I’ve been friends with Alex since we were in first grade, because our parents knew eachother. We kind of grew up together. Our entire lives, they’ve always been “weird,” they’ve never picked up on social cues well, they’re obsessed with chickens and know an absurd amount about them, they describe themself as a “creature of habit,” they struggle to understand when people are joking vs serious, and they are really bad at spelling, just to name off the top of my head. Now, any of these thing in a vacuum wouldn’t warrant anything necessarily, but all together i’m pretty certain they have undiagnosed autism.
Some added context, im not autistic myself, but i do have ADHD and i have an interest in psychology and how the brain works. In doing my own research to see if i was autistic, i noticed a lot of similarities between what i was reading and how i’ve known Alex as a friend my whole life. I’ve had the idea of them maybe being autistic rolling in the back of my head for like, two years now? But haven’t ever said anything about it, because i was afraid I was wrong or overthinking.
Now, here’s why i’m worried about bringing it up to anyone. Their parents are very… “nuclear family” ish. they’re very catholic, and have six kids with a seventh on the way (we live in the suburbs) and a part of me feels they don’t believe in mental health/illnesses/disorders or anything like that. They’re also transphobic, but you didn’t hear that from me. I just fear that telling a counselor would spread the info to parents who either wouldn’t understand, wouldn’t care, or would try and “cure” it. Alex already isn’t doing well mentally (they’ve talked about feeling textbook dysphoria and are in denial about it - i think they’re a transmasc egg) and i really don’t want to bring it up if it will cause problems.
BUT. I talked to my mom about all of this (we’re very close and i knew she wouldn’t make a big deal out of it) and she recommended talking to the school counselor, and im just wondering if it’s a good idea. In the best case scenario, the counselor would work to get them a diagnosis and HOPEFULLY a therapist (oh my god do they need a therapist), but in the worst case? in the awful world for autistic people we live in? i just don’t know if it’s wise. So here i am turning to tumblr, the most neurodivergent site around. WIBTA if i talked to the counselor about my friend who i heavily suspect is autistic?
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diminuel · 2 days
It sounded like you needed a distraction and based in your comments section, for chaotic mini Garp.
How much trouble do you think a Luffy raised by Dragon and Crocodile would be?
Not significantly less trouble than a Luffy that grew up how we does in the manga I think!
Would he be even more trouble? Maybe? He could have connections in the Grand Line, but I don't really see him making use of that, since he just wants to adventure and see the world. He'll make these connections based on his own merit, never stopping to say "hey, by the way. The guy you say is trying to take over your country? That's my dad." X'D
In the Stinky Child AU he does still end up spending a lot of time with Ace and Sabo since both of his parents have "jobs" that take them away from home for long stretches of time. I imagine that Dragon and Crocodile are trying their best to coordinate so that Luffy's never without either of them, but it gets trickier when Crocodile relocates to Alabasta. So that means his brothers, Garp, Dadan and Makino - and later Shanks - are his points of reference.
He just has more parental supervision and parents who adore him and want the best for him (and also try to communicate that, somewhat successfully) but how normal can his childhood really be? Let's be honest, how much do Dragon and Crocodile know about a normal childhood?
Dragon might say Garp's unreasonable training is fine and Crocodile (if we also go for Kuja Crocodile) grew up on an island with no shortness of dangers (and a culture based in fighting and strength). Garp can take him to the mountain, after Luffy has done his homework though.
(I'm exaggerating, I don't think they'd want for him to be in danger, be scared or hurt. Garp has to go over his training methods.)
The values that they might instill in Luffy would generally still be the same he ends up having now. Luffy's a silly guy, but can be insightful and smart, even though he's just a teenager.
His parents probably tried to make him (and Ace and Sabo) go to school, maybe both with different hopes for the kid's future, but if your dads are clearly spending a lot of time on sea having adventures (he doesn't know what they do) AND then you meet Shanks, who's having a lot of fun and could take you to the Grand Line where your parents are... Well... The island isn't going to keep him forever.
The whole reason Dragon and Crocodile raised him the way they did was to give him the freedom to forge his own path in life. And he will do that, unerringly. They just hoped that he might be a bit smarter going about it... X3
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deusvervewrites · 1 day
Dread Lord AU:
Tokoyami sees midoriya and instantly decides that they will be friends. or "fellow beings of darkness," or however he would describe it. I think Dark Shadow already loves izuku in canon, so its even more love and excitement from the local little shadow demon.
Yanagi of class b probably also decides the same. kuroiro, too. really any goth/emo/kinda spooky kid in the school thinks hes just the coolest guy.
Id imagine that monoma would be a lot more chill with him, both with getting a few of his classmate's approval and the whole "acting unheroic to do heroic things" thing he talked about in the jta. granted its more of just looking and sounding like a villain in midoriya's case, but close enough. also, i wouldn't be surprised if some of the bullying monoma dealt with involved getting blamed for things he didn't do (easy to blame quirk-specific things on the one weird kid who can copy quirks) so id imagine hed at least be a little empathetic about the "instantly getting classed as a villain" thing. not sure if hed try to reach out to midoriya, but its still something.
shinsos probably Extremely Conflicted and most definitely very jealous about midoriya getting into the hero course. like, "oh, the villain kid cant get in, but the fucking DREAD LORD can??!?! what is this bullshit,"
All of the goth nerds love the Dread Lord aesthetic. He's basically the stock JRPG demon king. He's living the dream.
Monoma would definitely be understanding towards Midoriya under his circumstances, even when Midoriya ends up in 1-A.
Shinsou probably won't be too happy about this, no.
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volklana · 1 day
Wish I Didn't But I Do, Remember Every Moment On The Nights With You.
Cowboy!Sihtric x Reader
Part I
Title Comes From This Song:
You leave your small hometown behind, along with the man you loved. What happens when you are forced to reunite?
Warnings: Mentions of physical abuse and heavy drinking.
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Dust and hardship, that’s all this place had ever meant to you, and as you turned up the dirt road, the old familiar smell of dust and heat filled your nostrils.
It had been years since you had been back here, and truth be told you never intended on stepping foot on this scorched earth ever again.
“Hallowed land,” your Grandpa had called it, but he was a mean old bastard who was too fond of using his belt as a means of punishment when you stepped out of line, and so this barren piece of dirt suited him.
“Can’t we do this over the phone?” you had begged Osferth when the mention of your Grandfather’s will came up and he sighed long and sad down the phone.
“Y/n, you really need to come down here in person, so there can be no dispute.”
And so here you were pulling down that old familiar dirt track, with distaste in your mouth and bitterness in your heart.
Osferth was waiting on the porch of your Grandpa’s cabin, he removed his hat as you approached and then of course there was Sihtric, because of course he would be there.
“Your Grandfather’s shadow,” you used to spit at him, the son he never had.
You had known Sihtric almost your whole life. 
Ever since your mama decided she couldn’t handle raising a kid on her own anymore and shipped you off here to live with your Grandpa.
Sihtric was a skinny little runt in school. His clothes were always too big and hung on him like rags and he always had lice in his hair.
His dad was a mean old drunk, who treated him like his own personal punch bag. Rumours always hung over their house that he had murdered Sihtric’s mama in a drunken rage one night. Official cause of death ruled she had fallen down the stairs, but if that was so, Sihtric had ‘fallen down the stairs’ one too many times too. 
The other kids shunned him and beat on him more, until at sixteen he eventually had enough and quit school to come work on your ranch.
Your Grandfather had given him the beaten old homestead on the outer edges of the ranch to live in and Sihtric did all the repairs himself and fixed it up proper, your Grandpa talked about it for weeks, going down many times just to marvel at the work Sihtric had done.
You hated him.
He barely spoke a word, always lingering around the edges, working long, hard hours and in many ways you thought he was more at peace with the horses than he ever was with another human being.
You’d caught his eyes on you more than once, and he always looked away as if he had been burned when your eyes would bore back at him. He knew you despised him and he didn’t know what to do to change that. 
Until the summer down by the creek when Uhtred had invited him around the campfire, and you drank whiskey that Finan had stolen from his father, and under the stars and music blaring from Uhtred’s truck your friends had adopted him as one of their own.
And you drank so much you could barely see straight, you had kissed him underneath the stars, feeling his heart flutter in his chest, it was his first kiss, and from the moment his lips touched yours, he could never get enough. 
From that night on Sihtric became one of your friends, he worked long hard hours on the ranch but the evenings were spent getting up to mischief and adventures with Uhtred, Finan and Osferth and slowly but surely, apathy towards him turned into young love. A passionate and wild young love centered around whiskey and bonfire smoke, and a million promises whispered under a million stars.
“I wish I had been nicer to you in school,” you whispered one night as you lay on his chest in the back of his open pickup truck.
“You were plenty nice,” he mused in his slow drawl and you twisted to examine his mismatched eyes.
“But I didn’t talk to you.”
He hmmd and twirled a piece of your hair between his fingers “But you never belittled me, or mocked me, or laughed when I couldn’t spell something right.”
Your eyes glistened with tears under the stars because sometimes you were reminded just how badly Sihtric had been treated, that simply not humiliating him was considered an act of kindness to him. That night you made love for the first time and when you held Sihtric against your breast he buried his face in embarrassment at the tears that slid down his cheeks onto your skin. He had never known what it felt like to be held and loved before and it made his heart so full that you would allow him to feel it with you.
Sihtric was there for you when your mom passed, holding you for hours while you sobbed so hard your ribs hurt.
When your grandfather had a heart attack and almost died it was Sihtric who kept the ranch in running order while you nursed your Grandpa back to health and when Sihtric’s own father was killed in a bar fight you were with him the night he punched a hole through the wall, knuckles bloodied and split when he found out his brother had gotten everything, he wasn’t even listed in his father’s will, and only because Uhtred and Finan threatened to send him to meet his father, Sven, relented and allowed them to return with Sihtric’s mother’s ring, and a photo album of her pictures. The only things he ever had of his mother. And after it all Sihtric had gone to your grandfather and asked him for his blessing to ask you to marry him.
Your Grandfather refused saying you were both too young, but Sihtric didn’t let it deter him, he always knew he would make you his wife someday. 
But you had always wanted more. More than small town gossip. More than marrying and popping out children and sitting at the same pew every Sunday. More than dirt and cattle and pickup trucks and your Grandfather’s heavy handed punishments but somehow Sihtric lessened all of that ever so slightly, until the day your Grandfather found you and Sihtric in his cabin and he beat you so bloody you spit on the dirt and swore you would leave if it was the last thing you did.
When your college acceptance letter arrived you had formed your getaway plan.
You and Sihtric were going to take a greyhound bus to the big city, you would go to college and leave this small town behind and begin your lives together. 
“Where are your bags?” you cried, smile slipping off your face when Sihtric stepped up to the bus stop.
His eyes glistened and you swallowed the lump in your throat “You’re not coming are you?”
He slowly shook his head and his gaze settled on the ground.
“Sihtric..I have to. I have to leave,” you cried and his eyes softened.
“I know,” he sighed “But I can’t come with you. My place is here.”
“Sihtric,” you begged, grasping for his hand  “Sihtric, please. Come with me. Your place is with me, our place is together.”
“You’ve never wanted this life y/n, and it’s not what you were made for. Gods you are so smart and you have a real chance of making something of yourself but that life is not for me, my place is here amongst the horses and land, and I refuse to hold you back.”
You were openly crying, grasping onto his hand for dear life when the bus pulled in.
“But I love you,” you cried and he cried too, pulling you into a bone crushing hug.
“I love you more than life, but you know that I am right in this. I will be a weight around your neck and you will grow to resent me, and it will tear us apart. This way there will always be a chance you find your way back to me. You’ll know where to find me.”
You grasped him tight, savouring his all too familiar scent.
“I have to get on this bus,” you eventually broke the silence and Sihtric stepped back to allow you to gather your things.
He carried your suitcase up to the undercarriage and then both of you clasped each other again.
“I’ll call you when I get there, we can talk about this.”
“I’ve made my mind up,” Sihtric sniffed resolutely and then the driver honked the horn at you and Sihtric urged you forward with a nod of his head “Go,” he commanded and you clambered up the stairs in a daze. 
You watched him rooted in place as the bus pulled away, tears drying on his face and he lifted one hand up in a wave goodbye. This image would be burned into your mind for years to come.
Neither of you took the breakup well.
Sihtric threw himself into work and whiskey and you threw yourself into studying, even more determined to make something of yourself now, or else it would have all been for nothing.
Your Grandfather cut you off completely. He had expected you to marry and give him Grandbabies that would some day inherit his sacred dirt, “You are just like your mama,” he had spit the last time you spoke on the phone “This place is better off without you and I don’t wanna see you no more. You’ve broken that boy’s heart and he is more family to me now than you will ever be.”
You had tried to rebuild some sort of friendship with Sihtric but it became more and more awkward each call until eventually he stopped accepting your calls and then a few months later a letter arrived, it was in Sihtric’s childlike scrawl but you could tell he had enlisted Osferth’s help with spellings, but there in plain black and white he asked you not to contact him anymore.
To make it worse, Finan and Uhtred who had been your friends first to begin with seemed to have sided with Sihtric and you mourned the loss of their friendship too, Osferth who in time would become a lawyer and manage the financials of your Grandfather’s ranch was the only one who stayed in touch.
So you forged a new life for yourself, but you lost a huge chunk of yourself in the process.
Now you appeared cold and distant, and at times overly critical and ferocious in your attempts to succeed. You gutted that small town girl out from within, along with any tenderness you had ever felt for your small town past, including Sihtric. 
It was easier now to focus on his flaws and his cowardice and betrayal, and you let those emotions chip away at your heart until all that was left for him was bitterness and resentment, and eventually hatred.
A bitter taste in your mouth whenever you thought of him which only worsened when a few years later Osferth called you to break the news that Sihtric was getting married. 
You never received an invitation but you wouldn’t have gone anyway, it took place on the ranch and your grandfather had initiated it. You had creeped on Finan’s social media until you found the pictures of the day and you had to swallow down bile and disgust, alongside the whiskey you were downing.
When the news came through that your Grandfather was dying, you called him to talk and he once again confirmed that you were a disappointment to him, and he spat that you shouldn’t bother coming to see him, so you didn’t come. And then days later Osferth called to confirm his passing, you didn’t attend his service. You wouldn’t have come today either, only Osferth insisted it was the only way his will would be recognised.
“Let’s get this over with,” you sighed climbing the steps up onto the porch of the house you had grown up in.
Sihtric greeted you with a bow of his head, his hat in hand and you responded with a curt nod but kept your gaze forward as you all made your way inside to the kitchen table.
Nothing about the house had changed but you refused to let it choke you up, hardening your face and remaining stoic.
Sihtric’s cabin and all livestock on the property went to Sihtric. You had expected this so it didn’t come as a surprise.
The ranch and house itself went to you but you watched Sihtric fidget anxiously in his seat, you knew what he was thinking, you were going to sell this place out from under him, and you seriously considered it.
“There is however a stipulation,” Osferth added and you and Sihtric straightened up.
“Your Grandfather added a clause that states the beneficiary, which in this case is you y/n, must reside continuously in the property for a minimum of one year before any sale of the property may be allowed.”
Your heart sank a mile a second down to your toes “That surely cannot be legal,” you barked and Sihtric slunk back in his chair in shock.
“Unfortunately it is binding y/n, if you do ever wish to sell the ranch that is the clause.”
“That old bastard!” you spat, “Did you know about this?” you shot at Sihtric “Of course you did, his little shadow, how could you not!”
“On my word, I swear to you I did not know,” Sihtric pleaded.
“On your word,” you scoffed dryly “As if your word means shit to me.” 
Sihtric kept his eyes trained on the ground but his cheeks were tinged pink.
“I’m trapped here,” you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose, “He found a way to trap me here finally.”
Osferth reached across the table and squeezed your hand “I tried to talk him out of it but he was set.”
You squeezed his hand back because ultimately you knew there was nothing anyone could do to sway your Grandpa’s mind once it was set on something.
When you called your business partner to break the news, the silence was deafening before he finally managed to weakly ask what you were going to do.
Your head was thumping and all you wanted was to get into your car and drive away and leave this place behind, leave it all to Sihtric and be done. 
“I don’t know,” you cried “It’s such a fucking mess.”
“Look, take a few days, I’ll hold down the fort here, I can email if I need anything.”
“Thank you Aldhelm, don’t know what I’d do without you,” you sighed and collapsed down on the sofa, trying to block the blinding light that was killing you.
You rummaged through cupboards until you found what you were looking for, whiskey and any amount of it too, and you began to drink yourself into oblivion.
You made your way out to the swing on the porch and watched the sun set down behind the mountains.
From the corner of your eye you could see Sihtric down on the outer edges rounding up cattle on his horse. His silhouette was like a ghost of your past and finally the tears that had been threatening to fall all day came in a flood and you clung to the bottle of whiskey like it was a lifeline.
“Y/n?” a voice called, pulling you from the depths of your despair and your head flung in the direction of your best friend in school’s voice.
“Gisela?” you gasped rising up to throw your arms around her, stopping in surprise at her swollen belly, which she rubbed shyly.
“He’s due any day now,” she beamed before taking in your appearance “Uhtred told me about the will, and I thought you could use a friend right about now.”
It was shameful and out of character but you were a sobbing mess in her arms when she pulled you close. 
She took a seat on the porch swing beside you and for a while you sat in silence watching Sihtric work.
“Have you decided what you’re going to do? She tested after a while and you shook your head sadly.
“I can’t stay here for a year. I’ve got a business to run, I have a life in the city but- but the alternative is I leave here and just let Sihtric handle business but I’m still tied to this place legally and financially and mentally I don’t feel strong enough to be bound to this place.”
“Were you really so unhappy here?” she tried gently, and your teary eyes sought out Sihtric’s silhouette again “Some of my happiest moments were here. But that life is gone now.” 
Gisela followed your line of sight and smiled sadly and what your words implied.
“Look, all I ask is that you don’t sell this place out from under him. It’s all he’s got. At least give us all a chance to pull together to get him some money to buy this place, he’ll never afford it on his own.” 
“All he’s got?” you scoffed and Gisela bumped you sadly.
“You should talk to him, see if you can work this out together.”
You considered her quietly, you couldn’t say what you really wanted to say, mindful of the fact that she was Sihtric’s friend too.
“I’m happy for you and Uhtred,” you smiled and she beamed “You guys were always perfect for each other.” 
“I did send you an invitation,” she smiled sadly and you squeezed her hand.
“I’m sorry I just couldn’t face it,” she shook her head in silent understanding, the ‘it’ that you couldn’t face was currently riding closer and closer your way and passed by with a gentle tip of his hat.
After Gisela left, you finished the bottle of whiskey and made your way out towards the stables.
Sihtric was brushing down the horses, unaware that you were watching him while he spoke gently to the animals and you wanted to soften to him but it just made you angrier.
“Are you happy?” you scoffed and he stopped his ministrations, turning to face you in shock.
“Y/n,” he tried but you cut him off.
“This was what you always wanted right? The animals, the land, the wife. Perfect little life. What did you think if you stuck by him enough he would give it all to you?”
“Y/n-” he tried again, taking a step towards you, face etched with hurt.
“I hoped he would too. I hoped he would leave it all to you, but here we are. You’ve got what you always wanted and I am trapped here again, miserable.” 
“I didn’t choose any of this,” he begged but you could not be placated.
“You might have stuck to him like a shadow, but he was my grandfather!” you spat and Sihtric rounded on you.
“Has it ever crossed your crazy little mind that the reason I stuck to him like a ‘shadow’ was because I never had a fucking father of my own? Not one that didn’t kick seven shades of shit out of me every single day. I’m sorry that he was so tough on you and that you hated it here, but he was the only adult who ever truly gave a shit about me and I loved him.” 
You had never once heard Sihtric raise his voice and it stunned you for a moment. 
“You blaze back in here thinking you know everything but you don’t know anything, because you weren’t here. You chose to leave, you had the choice, I didn’t..-So don’t come back here thinking you have it all figured out because you weren’t here.” 
“You say it like I abandoned you,” you quipped and Sihtric scrunched his face, and you could see him trying to swallow down his anger.
“You did,” he eventually sighed, so low you barely heard it.
“Sihtric, you left me! I wanted you to come with me, but you chose to stay. You left me.”
Sihtric took a step towards you, eyes locked on yours while you were both trying to silently communicate the hurt you had caused each other, and before you could fully comprehend, you were almost chest to chest and Sihtric was reaching for you.
“But it doesn’t matter now,” you whispered “We’ve both moved on, and after a couple of days I’ll be gone again.”
Sihtric stopped all movement toward you, his hand dropping down to his side and taking a huge step back. 
“I have to get back to work,” was all he offered and you returned to the big house alone and drunk with a head swimming in pictures of mismatched eyes.
A few days later Gisela called to invite you around to hers and Uhtred’s house so you made some homemade pie and made your way over and were formally introduced to Finan’s wife Eadith, “So this is the famous y/n,” she mused smiling kindly before pulling you into a hug “I’ve heard so much about you!” she mused with a knowing smile and you instantly loved her.
“There she is!” Finan almost roared, picking you up and spinning you around and you clung to him.
Uhtred was a little shier in his approach before finally deciding to just go for it and pull you into a hug. Uhtred’s silence had hurt almost as much as Sihtric’s, he was your oldest friend and at the time it had felt like he had chosen Sihtric over you.
“I’m sorry,” he hung his head in shame “After so much time had passed I didn’t know how to reach out.”
“It’s alright,” you smiled, brushing your finger under his chin so he would actually look at you, “It’s alright. It’s water under the bridge,” and he smiled his huge smile before ducking in for another hug where he nearly squeezed the life out of you.
The peace was disrupted when the porch door swung open and Sihtric arrived, a huge blue bear under his arm.
“Sihtric,” Uhtred laughed “The boy is not even here yet and you have already spoiled him rotten.” 
Sihtric grinned bashfully before dipping forward to place a kiss on Gisela’s cheek, he did the same with Eadith but paused when he got to you, leaning gently to press but the ghost of a kiss on your cheek, before he clasped hands with Uhtred, Finan and Osferth. 
Eadith and Finan left to collect the takeout and beers and an easy silence fell among the group as you stepped out onto the porch, sipping absentmindedly on a bottle. 
To your surprise Sihtric was already out there smoking, but you were calm and not drunk today so you went and stood beside him. 
“I’m going to be the baby’s godfather,” he announced proudly, breaking the silence and your heart swole. Sihtric had always been open about wanting kids and you had seen first hand how good he was with them.
“You have any of your own yet?” you asked and he took a long drag of his cigarette before shaking his head.
“I thought your wife would be here tonight,” you muttered looking down at the wooden slots of the porch and he turned slightly to face you, eyeing you before he simply replied “Nope.”
“What about you? I don’t see a ring on your finger.”
“I guess the whole love thing never really worked out for me,” you smiled sadly.
Sihtric’s eyes were boring into yours again and he looked like there was something he wanted to say but Finan’s truck pulled into the driveway and the words died on his tongue.
Uhtred lit a bonfire out the back and it felt like being a teenager again with music blaring and the drinks flowing. You and Eadith were like kindred spirits, dancing and laughing and you genuinely could not remember the last time you had felt so carefree, despite how much was on your mind, you felt young and reckless again. One thing was for sure though Sihtric never took his eyes off you the whole night, as he sipped on his own beer. And the longer the night went on, the more you kept hoping to meet his eyes and when you finally did it was like all time stood still. 
When Uhtred finally helped an exhausted Gisela to bed you took a seat beside Sihtric at the fire and he bumped your shoulder.
“Good to see you let loose,” he smiled and you hmmed.
“I haven’t felt this happy in years,” you admitted before you realised how sad that sounded out loud.
“You only smile like this when you’ve been drinking,” he noted and you couldn’t help but silently agree.
“Sihtric, where is your wife?” you finally tested and he smiled sadly.
“Woke up one morning, all my life savings, my car and her were  gone, divorce papers left on the table.”
“Sihtric,” you cried, turning to face him.
“I know,” he laughed “It’s like a bad country song, right?”
You couldn’t help but laugh, hands flying up to cover your mouth in shock as he laughed along too. 
“Ah, it’s not so bad I had already lost the love of my life long before then.” 
“Sihtric,” you sighed “Why didn’t you come with me?” 
“It doesn’t matter now,” he said softly “Like you said the other night, you’ve moved on.”
You sighed picking at a thread of the throw Uhtred had wrapped around your shoulders, “What if I hadn’t?”
“Don’t,” he begged, face crumpling in what looked like agony.
“Don’t you ever think about what it would’ve been like if you’d come with me?” you pleaded.
“Or if you’d stayed,” he shot back.
“I’ve spent all these years hating you, wishing you would just turn up at my door and tell me that you made a mistake, to tell me that I was enough.”
“Y/n, you were everything. Everything to me. You were always destined for more, for bright and beautiful things. I’m a small town idiot who can barely read. What on earth would I do in the big city except hold you back, get in your way and drag you down. I loved you enough then to let you go. I just hoped you loved me enough to return to me one day.”
You were crying softly and Sihtric took your hand in his, “I’m not going to ask you to stay forever, but could you find it in you to stay the year, and if you still feel the same I will buy the ranch.”
“But?” you asked, big glassy, pleading eyes examining his mismatched ones.
“But, if your feelings change towards this place, I won’t let you go without a fight this time,” he whispered, closing the distance and pressing his lips to yours, you melted into the familiarity of his lips and whimpered as his hands came up to your face. 
Tagging: @canyonmoon-2 @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @whitedarkmoonflower @thenameswinter99 @foxyanon
@acdassenza @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @gemini-mama
troyottonick @alexagirlie
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writingwithfolklore · 15 hours
Answering your Questions/Concerns about Free Editing
Thanks for sending in your questions about my free editing service! Here are some of the ones I've gotten so far:
I feel like I’d be taking advantage of you because it’s free:
              I don’t like the assumption that I’m a pushover. Okay just kidding, I appreciate this instinct, but you’re not really taking advantage of me given I’m offering the work! I also ask you to trust me that I can set my own boundaries and let you know if the scope of the project is too much for me to take on.
              Of course, if you’d really like to give back to me in some way I always accept tips, Instagram follows, or reblogs of my editing post/recommendations to your writing friends, but none are necessary!
Okay but what do you get out of it?
              Experience—I can put ‘freelance editor’ on my resume and back it up with examples. I can also log my hours as volunteer hours which will help me get scholarships to pay for my schooling. Lastly, I hope to build strong community bonds with you all and genuinely just want to help out—I’ve been very lucky to have formal training and mentors throughout my writing career, and I hope to provide that to those of you who haven’t had the same opportunities!
Will you look at fanfiction/non-original work?
              Of course! As long as it was written by you (and not AI-generated).
How do I know you and I will click style-wise?
              I work with writers of all different styles in my regular job, so editing styles that aren’t my own is something I have a lot of experience in. If you’re really worried about it, I will let you know right off the bat if I think I would be a good editor for you or if you should try someone else.
What if you hate my work?
              I won’t tell you, and I can still do my job as an editor to improve it without tearing it apart. I believe good editors can take any piece of writing and see its values and what it’s doing well in addition to its flaws. My job is to bring out what’s already working in your piece. Essentially, I promise I won’t be mean to you or your work no matter what I think about it.
Can you help me get published?
              I can certainly help guide you through starting the process, but I’m not an agent and can’t reach out to anyone for you. However, if you’d like to send me proposals or queries to look at, I’m happy to edit those as well!
Can you help promote my work/blog?
              I’m happy to reblog or share any of your projects or writing that I’ve helped you out with, for sure!
What if my work isn’t good enough?
              No judgement here! I’m happy to look at your first draft, your final draft, and every draft in between. The whole point of editing and getting another set of eyes on your work is to improve it, so send me anything, no matter what state it’s in!
Check out the guidelines here:
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cool-person-yey · 1 day
If you were to psychoanalyze the characters from tmagp, what would you say about them as well as how that affects them and their outlook on life?
now THAT is a loaded question
Sam -> oh that boy is not well. getting rejected from the institute fucked him up a lot, and all the expectations his parents ( and himself) had for him didn't help. all of that resulted in him being a massive overachiever & people-pleaser, n also his obsession with the institute. Sam feels that need to prove himself, prove that he's good enough, and if for some reason he isn't, he needs to know why. he's trying to cross-reference cases, looking for the answers— and yet, he's being deprived of them. again. I've noticed that he's slightly manipulative, not like, playing people to do what he wants, but just small little actions and stuff he says that seem harmless at first but do have second intentions in mind. I'd say it's related to the whole Gifted Kid Burnout™ thing, usually ex-gifted kids are great at lying and schooling their expressions to not show what they truly feel and think.
Alice-> oh she is not fine. not fine at all. We don't know how her experience at the institute impacted her (or if he remembers it at all. I think she does, just trying to ignore it) so I'll leave that aside for now. Her parents' deaths resulted in her having to fill that role for Luke, and she probably did not have time to grieve properly for them (yes, Sam helped her, but there's only so much a friend can do. and in a way, grieving never really stops). Her 'jokester doesn't care about the horrors' demeanor is meant to hide the simple fact that she is scared she probably has been for a while, but never had the chance to show it, and know she doesn't know exactly how to. if she can't make it funny then she'll ignore it, it's better that way.
Gwen-> yeah she's not good either. honestly no one in this fucking office is alright. The first thing we know about Gwen is that she comes from a rich family, and that obviously impacts heavily how she views the world, the scene that portrays this the best is when she welcomes Lady Mowbray into the OIAR because " she's an actual lady'' ( like the most dangerous thing isn't an old British lady) Gwen is very much an elitist. she needs to be at the top at all costs, she needs to be "In it". While her experience with Bonzo definitely shook her up quite a bit, she does not seem to want to go back though. We don't know much about her personal life (outside her family being rich obv) so I won't comment on that.
Lena -> I think she might be the most unwell on this list. she doesn't interact much with the others, but she does care a lot, we have basically 0 information on her background (outside of headcanons, and while I have many I'll only talk canon stuff here) so I won't comment much on it, but Lena seems like someone who was taught to always obey and not to ask many questions. she wants to complete the tasks management send her, not only because she needs to obey, but also because they're supposedly helping the world with that work. Lena cares, she just doesn't show it, I'd say either because she was taught not to, or because she learned it the hard way that caring may be your downfall.
Celia -> this one's a bit complicated. everyone and their mother have talked about how celia is the same one from tma etc etc. and yeah, I believe in it BUT since it wasn't properly confirmed yet, I'll talk about tmagp-only Celia first and then tma-travelled-to-tmagp Celia bc that's a whole other angst ( well not that they don't have stuff in common, but they're for different reasons)
So we know very little about Celia actually. she has a son, she likes little doughnuts, she wakes up in the middle of the night at a train station sometimes. She seems very reserved to talk much about her own life, even to old friendships such as Georgie. Celia is a very secretive person, she does believe the cases are true and does not hide that fact, even bringing it up at her date with Sam. Jack adds an interesting layer to her character, we haven't seem much of him yet, but I think that eventually her Mother Instincts and protectiveness will come into play. So overall, Celia is a pretty reserved person that does believe in the horrors, but doesn't want her loved ones to be involved in the horrors ( unless they show an interest in it? lots of people have theorized that maybe she is not in love with Sam or something, while i do not share that theory it is something to consider still. ) She definitively had a past experience with the horrors though.
now our beloved tma-celia-went-to-protocolverse-celia. Like i mentioned before, she has basically the same personality as— well, herself. but now I can pick out these traits and explain the reason behind them ( or speculate because this is a theory, even if like, everyone has agreed on it. we could just have been fools the whole goddamn time. do not forget that) first of, her being extremely secretive is kind of obvious, trying not to attract unwanted attention and not have many people involved in it, as not to harm them. Celia has first-hand experience with the horrors, she lost herself in it, she doesn't want that to happen to anyone else. I choose to assume Jack was born before she took tmagp's Celia's place, and she did not have the courage to just get rid of an innocent baby (tmagp celia was too but hey, telling lies to justify our actions is easier when looking through a mirror). She cares, she even became georgie's friend again, she cares a lot and she knows she'll have to work hard to keep the people she loves safe.
We don't know that much about collin and teddy yet, although if anyone want to psychoanalize them go for it!
thanks for sending this question anon! and i apologize for taking a while to asnwer it, and if any of the asnwer seems weird or not like what a human person would say, it is because they were written all in different times and places and stages of sleep deprivation.
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hxnbi · 6 hours
⸻ ꗃ a whole new side
₊˚Ꮺ synopsis: you, for the first time, see a whole new side of him he never wanted to you see… ₊˚Ꮺ pairings: haruka sakura, hajime umemiya, hayato suo x gn. reader (separate)
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HARUKA SAKURA | 桜 遥 ─ ♬. ⁺ ♡
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SAKURA had been through a lot in his life. Anyone with eyes could tell from the moment when one truly got to know him. But for better or for worse, he kept his ugly truth under wraps. All Sakura knew was to use the same, bruised, calloused, bloody, ugly fists he was born with. Any problem that he came across would be met with brute force. So to have someone like you in his life who was so far removed from that was a bewildering contrast. 
He did what he could. Sakura kept what he did—what he was—far, far away from you, to the point where you had no inkling of what his true nature was. The thought of losing you, of having you torn away by the cruel hands of fate that he had no control over, was something he couldn't bear. And that terrified him. Thus, he kept his lips sealed and told you nothing.
Sakura would do anything to keep you safe, even if it meant never showing you the truth of who he really was. He was willing to risk everything, even if that cost him his happiness. But all that would eventually play out, just as he feared.
Perhaps it was fate playing games on him to reveal his true nature at the worst possible moment when you least expected it. But until then, Sakura would remain ignorant. 
And that ignorance would come back to haunt him.
That day, you were in the café with Kotoha, waiting for Sakura to arrive so that you two could go on a date together. But the minutes would tick by, and you checked your phone for the time to see how much time had passed. It certainly did feel longer in your head. Sakura was never late to a meeting like this. It was uncharacteristic of him. 
Kotoha, who was cleaning a glass, glanced at you and then at the clock. "He's late. Should you call him?"
You shook your head. "No, it's fine. I'll go find him. I’m sure he’s probably on his way here anyway."
Kotoha's face would turn into a grimace as you left. You really still had no idea, didn't you…
Leaving the warmth of the cafe, you walked all the way down the street, letting the evening air cool against your skin and the back of your neck. But as you approached the corner, a shortcut that you and Sakura would typically take, you heard raised voices, one of them unmistakably being Sakura's.
"That's him," you muttered, following the sound and quickening your pace.
Turning into the alleyway, the scene before you made your heart stop.
Right in the thick of it was Sakura, in the middle of a fight, fists flying while being surrounded by a group of unfamiliar men you had never seen. They were all wearing a particular type of uniform, perhaps a gang or some sort. And nearby, a kid with orange hair and the same school uniform as Sakura watched in horror.
'What even was this? Did Sakura do this? Your sweet boyfriend?'
"W-What… I- Haru?" Your voice quivered as you stepped closer when your instincts told you to step back. But you didn’t listen, and nor did Sakura.
He didn't seem to hear you at all, lost in his rage.
"Stop it, Haru!" you yelled, running towards them.
Again, came no answer. All the heterochromic male saw was red, and not just from the blood staining his hands. Sakura landed another punch, and then another, sending one of the gang members sprawling to the ground, groaning in pain. Just as you reached him, one of the beaten-up guys coughed, a harsh, grating sound that cut through the air in an instant. You froze.
"You didn't tell them, did you?" the man scoffed, wiping blood from his mouth. "Didn't tell them you're affiliated with a gang. And Furin, of all gangs. Hah..."
Sakura froze, his fist still clenched and poised to strike.
Your eyes went wide. Was it true? Was that half-beaten piece of garbage right? 
Tense and wary, Sakura turned slowly, his eyes meeting yours. Everything that Sakura had persisted in upholding, even if that meant hiding it away from the one person he truly loved, was heavy, physically pressing down on you.
You stared at him, shock and betrayal written across your face. "Is it true, Haru?" Your voice trembled. "Are you really part of a gang?"
Some of the men, taking advantage of this chance, scattered, groaning and clutching their wounds as they stumbled away. Sakura stood there, panting, his knuckles bloodied. He instantaneously dropped his hand, stepping back as if your words had physically wounded him. "I... I wanted to tell you," he stammered, eyes pleading for you to look into them and understand. "But I didn't know how. I was trying to protect you."
You held your tongue, unable to find even words to properly rebuke him, or even comfort yourself, for that matter. But before you could even say a word, the one Sakura had just been punching, on the ground, laughed bitterly, spitting blood. "Protect? From what? The truth?"
Sakura's eyes flickered with anger, but he didn't respond, nor did he appear to deny what the beat-up guy was saying. Though you all but understood the implications of what he meant. 
With his heart on his sleeve and his face covered in scratches, bruises, and cuts, Sakura took a step toward you, his hands reaching out, but you immediately backed away, the gap between you widening with each step.
"...How could you keep this from me?" you whispered, tears welling in your eyes. "How could you lie?"
"I'm sorry," he muttered from under his heavy breath, his voice cracking, clenching his teeth, having to relive those memories. "I never wanted to hurt you. I thought if you didn't know, you'd be safe." 
"Safe from what?" you demand, wiping away the tears angrily. "From you?"
He flinched as if struck, his face contorting with pain. You knew you shouldn't have said that, but your mind was so muddled, even beyond that. You were so desperate for the answers that you didn't even know yourself if you wanted to hear. It hurt…
"No, never from me. From them. From this life."
The beaten man laughed again, a cruel sound. "Looks like you did a great job there."
You glare at the man before turning back to Sakura. Your shoulders fell, tears stinging your eyes. "Sakura… you don't have to fight on my behalf. Not… not like this."
He finally looked at you, the fight leaving his body. Sakura's expression softened as he heard your words. You were right. You hated blood. And it was all his fault.
"But that's why I didn't—"
"Want to tell me?" you finished for him, your voice breaking, swallowing the lump in your throat. "There has to be another way… a way that doesn't involve more pain and violence."
Sakura's eyes softened, rage melting away into guilt. For once, he didn't even know what to say. Not even the lump in his throat could be swallowed. His face softened, and for a moment, you saw the boy you fell in love with, not the fighter standing before you. But still… you knew from then on that things had changed.
The tense silence was cut short as another pair of footsteps echoed. Kotoha stepped out, her eyes widening as she took in the scene. "Oh, Sakura…" she murmured, disappointment and concern etched into her features.
This was precisely what she was afraid of happening.
She sighed heavily before turning to you. "Come on," she said gently, taking your hand. Her grip was firm but kind, guiding you away. "Let's get out of here."
You followed her in a daze, your mind still reeling back. The weight of just about everything made each step feel heavier than the last.
"Nirei," Kotoha called over her shoulder, "can you look after Sakura?"
The said boy nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation without needing further explanation.
And just like that, you both part ways. Regret stung in your heart. A thought had whispered to you and Sakura that day. That love alone might not be enough to save you two.
HAJIME UMEMIYA | 梅宮 一 ─ ♬. ⁺ ♡
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UMEMIYA was a natural-born leader. That was absolute. He treated everyone like family, and you were no exception. In fact, it was the complete opposite. You were the only person for whom he would ever break those morals. But even as he would mutter the sweet promises of affection and commitment to you, he never once mentioned to you that he, your sweet, nonthreatening boyfriend, was the leader of Furin. A gang.
He wanted to keep you far from that. A selfish request on his part. He tried to protect you from his dangerous world. But that didn't mean he could always shield you from it. What tormented him the most was the thought of his family ever getting hurt under his watch, and when it came to you—his sweet, gentle, innocent, significant other—he was horrified by that fear ever coming to fruition.
Time and time again, Umemiya would all but monopolize your time to go on dates with you when he had free time away from the fistfights he and Furin would find themselves in. It was sweet, really. The way Umemiya would treat you like his most prized possession—his most cherished person in the world. But at times, you would see your boyfriend mingling around seemingly unsavoury individuals, but you merely brushed it off your shoulder and went along the rest of your day. After all, you knew Umemiya and trusted him to make his own decisions. What would a relationship be like if there wasn't trust? 
"Huh, Ume? I thought you had a shopping bag with you earlier?"
The white-haired man, who was once standing by your side, froze in his steps. He blinked before breaking into a cartoonish expression of disbelief. "Oh right! I'll get that real quick! Wait for me right here, alright?! Don't move until I get back!"
You smiled. "Alright. I'll be waiting right here."
As he dashed off to quickly grab something, you were left to browse the colourful stalls, looking forward to a quiet evening all with your boyfriend. Lately, you've noticed Umemiya appeared to be more distant than usual, so today was supposed to “reconnect” you two by having some time together. But as you passed through an alley, a group of men loitering nearby caught your eye. One of them, a tall guy with a smug grin, stepped forward. Your face stilled. He didn't exactly look friendly, his eyes gleaming with a predatory intent.
"Hey there," he called out, his voice dripping with mock sweetness. "Why don't you come over here and keep us company?"
You tried to ignore him and kept walking, but he shifted to block your path, his eyes raking over you in a way that made your skin crawl.
"Don't be like that," he said, his grin widening. "I can show you a good time."
"Please just let me through," you said firmly, trying to keep your voice steady.
"Oh, feisty. I like that," he sneered, all of a sudden reaching out to grab your arm.
Just then, you heard footsteps approaching rapidly from behind, and standing before you was Umemiya, putting some distance between you and the guy. Umemiya’s presence radiated a sense of authority, but not in the ways that would bring out the best in people, nor was it even similar to past looks that would never make you comfortable. It was much different from how he usually acted in front of you. 
The gang leader scoffed, looking Umemiya up and down with contempt in his eyes. Something told you that this was not going to end well. 
"And who the hell are you?"
"Someone you don't want to mess with," Umemiya replied coldly. "Not after what you just did." 
"Oh yeah?" he scoffed. "Well then, do you think you can take this—!?"
Umemiya caught the man's fists, and while holding it with the strength of a vice, he glanced back at you, his eyes softening for a moment. "Close your eyes," he commanded with a calm yet firm tone. 
Confused but obedient, you complied, and closed both your eyes tightly. You kept both your lips and eyes sealed for what felt like minutes. Though curiosity got the better of you, and you peeked through your lashes. What you saw stole your breath away, and not for the better. It made you utterly sick. 
Your boyfriend stood amidst a scene of utter chaos, surrounded by unconscious, bloodied bodies whom you had previously just seen with cocky grins. But not like this… 
The ground was slick with crimson and broken glass, and the air was thick with the metallic scent of blood that made you want to throw up. Bodies and limbs lay at unnatural angles, and faces were bruised and swollen beyond recognition. It was grotesque, and it made your stomach churn. 
The groceries slipped from your hands, falling to the ground with a dull thud, splitting open and their contents spilling across the bloodstained ground. That noise notified Umemiya, who immediately turned to face your bewildered self.
You took an involuntary step back to the wall, your mind and your shaking body struggling to process the brutality of what exactly you just saw. You felt sick. And Umemiya, your boyfriend, stood in the middle of it all, his fists still clenched and smeared with blood. His chest heaved up and down, his eyes wild with a fire you had never seen from him before. It was as if he were a different person, a stranger inhabiting the body of the man you loved.
Your mind was all but overwhelmed that you hardly even noticed the other figures standing comfortably next to Umemiya over the beaten-up guys who were previously harassing you. Since when did others come? Were they also involved with Umeymia in some way? Was this some sort of gang…? 
Everything must've attracted some attention, you wanted to think. It was a small town, after all. 
On the other side, Hiragi appeared at Umemiya's side, whispering something urgently into his ear. The white-haired man's eyes widened in response, and he quickly barked orders at Kaji and two others, who immediately began to clean up the horrific mess like a well-oiled machine.
Then, Umemiya turned towards you, finding you still rooted to the spot, his expression shifting from rage to concern. He took a step forward, but you instinctively recoiled, unable to reconcile the image of the caring boyfriend you knew with the blood-soaked fighter before you.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice gentle but strained.
You nodded slowly, still in shock. How could you be so stupid… how could you have not caught on… The thoughts raced through your mind, guilt and confusion warring within you. 
You knew he did this, all of this, to protect you, but a selfish, biting thought crept in. You had no idea he was this strong, this capable of such violence. It left you feeling a mix of awe but also just as much betrayal that made your stomach turn, your world shifting on its axis.
His gaze softened, regret flickering in his eyes. "I did this to protect you. You know that I would do anything to keep you safe."
You swallowed hard, the acrid taste of fear and betrayal mingling on your tongue. You almost wanted to laugh. Of course, you knew that… in there, as far as it was, was still the man you fell in love with. No, the man you were still in love with.
"I know," you whispered, your voice trembling. "But seeing you like this... it's like I don't even know you."
His entire being collapsed, his teeth clenching into one of pure distaste. But it wasn't directed at you, but himself. You didn't mean that, right…?
Umemiya wanted to try again. Though he knew that the distance between you two wasn't going to disappear with a simple touch. But even so, he reached out, gently cupping your face. Your expression, however, twitched into one he had never seen before.
Hah… that was it. He knew. You were scared of him.
"...Can I, have some space?"
He froze, but his eyes remained soft. "O-Of course." He wasn't about to risk it for a second time… breaking your remaining trust for him—as little as it was.
He took a step back, something he dreaded to do. One step away from you would mean another step back in your relationship, and you leave him, and he was horrified by that.
"I may not have told you everything… but I still love you. So much," he choked.
"I know, Haji."
Umemiya had to watch you go, his heart clenching and drowning in regret. All he had hoped for was to protect you, but in doing so, he had inadvertently pushed you away. As you disappeared from view, Umemiya stood there, alone amidst the unconscious bodies, surrounded by the silent yet shocked expressions of Hiragi and the others from Furin who had witnessed the entire scene.
This wasn’t just a simple misunderstanding, but a devastating revelation.
What remedy could ever mend this fractured relationship?
HAYATO SUO | 蘇枋 隼飛 ─ ♬. ⁺ ♡
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SUO hid a lot of things. That, you know. And not just from you, but practically everybody he knew. There would be times when Suo would change the subject you were just talking about, purposely evade your questions, and shift his gaze away, leaving you with more questions than answers. Suo was a mischievous guy who liked to get on people's nerves, but not without a reason. What reason is still a mystery to you. But what you do know is that Suo was and is a wonderful boyfriend, always attentive, caring, and vehemently protective.
Yet, time and time again, Suo would make excuses, disappear without explanation, or offer vague answers that left you unsatisfied. You first ignored it. After all, everyone deserves privacy. But soon, the inconsistencies in his stories and the shadows that sometimes clouded a single visible eye were hard to ignore. You may have been naive, but you certainly weren't stupid. 
But all that would go to hell that late evening on a date with Suo. Everything that Suo kept away from you would all be revealed in a timeless, gut-wrenching event.
Even down to the evenings when you and Suo would be walking through the park, enjoying the twilight's calm, there would be times when his entire demeanour would shift, and a sense of unease settled between you. But this time, it wouldn't be just between you two.
"You and your dumbass eyepatch, thinking that you're looking down on me…"
Your eyes widened as you began to grasp, at least on a basic level, basic understanding of this tense situation.
A man with a black undercut tied in a ponytail, flanked by a few goons behind him, had suddenly fixated on you and Suo during your date. It was clear that they all seemed to harbour a grudge against your boyfriend.
"Oh?" Suo retorted with his typical demeanour. His lips stretched into a sardonic grin, but his eyes remained cold, devoid of the genuine warmth or mirth you would see from him. It was a smile that didn't reach his eye—a facade of amusement masking a deeper disdain. "I didn't know the cutie still thought of me to this day!"
Presumably the leader, stepped forward, his eyes blazing with hatred. "You little… this time, I'm going to end you."
"S-Suo, do you know them?" You turned to face his eyes, but silently, he gave you that trademark smirk of his. It made you even more anxious.
But before you knew it, Suo's grip on your hand tightened, just as he whispered in your ear, "We gotta run."
"H-Huh?" you stammered, confusion flooding your mind. Without another word, Suo took your hand and bolted, dragging you along. You ran together through the labyrinth of trees and paths, hearts pounding, breaths ragged. Finally, you collapsed against a bench, entirely out of breath, your chest heaving with exhaustion.
But even as you frantically tried to catch your breath, your mind raced with questions. "Suo, what was that? Who were those guys? What do they want with you?" you demanded in a frantic panic, looking at Suo for answers, desperate for some kind of clarity here.
Until you saw the expression on his face. 
Ah, right…
Those were answers you knew you were never going to get. Not when you saw that look in his eye. Suo's expression, usually so warm and kind, was now dark and distant. It was a look you had seen before, one that made you shrink back in fear.  
You swiped your hand away from his, the distance between you growing. But Suo didn't seem to notice. Or rather, he didn't seem to care.
"I'll be back," he said quietly. "Please stay here. There are people around. You'll be safe."
Again. It was always the same. Always avoiding the truth that you needed to hear.
"Suo, w-wait—!" you pleaded, but he was already turning away, his shoulders squared. He wasn't going to listen.
He took a step back, his eyes softening for a moment as he looked at you. "I promise," he said, a hint of the Suo you knew returning to his voice. "I'll explain everything later. Just stay here."
You nodded reluctantly, watching him disappear into the shadows. As you sat there on the curb with your hands huddled around your legs, surrounded by strangers, the weight of everything that had happened finally settled on your shoulders.
Minutes felt like hours, and when Suo finally returned, questions swirled in your mind—who were those people, and what did they want from Suo? These unanswered questions left but an empty, gnawing void within you.
You were so tired—tired of the secrets, tired of feeling useless, tired of feeling like Suo couldn't trust you with what was really behind that faint smile of his. 
Suo approached, concern etched on his face. "What's wrong?" he asked gently, reaching out to touch and lock your hand with his own like he always did.
That was the first time you caught that look in Suo's eyes—a flicker of genuine fear, a vulnerability he rarely revealed—something he never thought he had, and definitely a fear he couldn't conceal behind his usual facade of confidence.
It was a gaze that betrayed an unmistakable dread of losing you.
…Perhaps it was the first time for a lot of things that day.
Out of reflex, you lightly swatted his hand away and took a step back, the frustration of just wanting answers boiling over. 
"I'm sorry, Suo… can I just have some space?"
He stood there, his hand still outstretched, his eyes with a mixture of hurt and confusion. But he didn't pursuit it any further, in fear of making things worse. "Ahem… right. I'll see you then."
You knew it was wrong to leave it at that, but you needed a moment to gather your thoughts more than ever. But, like the man you always knew him to be, Suo respected your wishes. He agreed, and no longer did follow you, leaving you alone in your peace and tears.
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©hxnbi. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of my works.
this took so much longer than i thought, but i think it was all worth it in the end :) funny enough, it was actually the first thing I wanted to write for wind breaker until i realized how long i ended up writing this to be, and that's only for three characters out of MANY i wanted to do. i do have ideas for a fluffy pt2, and im more than happy to write it if it gets asked enough :)
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the-golden-comet · 2 days
✨OC Interview Tag✨
Thank you for the tag, @just-emis-blog ! 💖✨
Okay, lovelies: you want to see an ACTUAL cinnamon roll? Someone so sickeningly sweet it’ll rot your whole mouth out? Time to bring out the most wholesome goody goody I know: Tenshi, from Tenshito.
I found my concept sketches of him YEARS ago…oh boy he is DUE for a redesign 😰
@wyked-ao3 , heard you liked angels. You might like him too, @sunglasses-in-the-bentley . This dude is INCREDIBLY Pit-coded ✨
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Okay, enough of that. Now that you’ve seen fluff incarnate, on with the interview~
Were you named after anyone?
Yes~! My name actually translates to “angel.” I have to thank my mom, Amaterasu, for that one!
When was the last time you cried?
I-I stepped on a bug yesterday, and it took thirty minutes for Ita to calm me down.
Do you have any kids?
Mmmmnope. I’m still young for a celestial. In human I’d be…20.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
H-Huh? I don’t think I even know how to….
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
OH! Usually if they make me feel all warm and fuzzy to be around. Ita does that all the time! He’s so warm and nice….oh! And he beat up these two criminals the first night I crashed down in Hokkaido, so I know I’m safe with him 💖
What is your eye color?
A shocking blue!! I was given the gift of lightning like Raiden, but I’m…haha….s-still not quite sure how to use it. It makes Ita very nervous…
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings!! Aaaaa, there was one time Ita turned on a scary movie and I couldn’t look up from his chest. I-I felt really embarrassed, but he was so kind about it. He let me snuggle up to him the rest of the night so I wouldn’t get nightmares. Funny, his whole face was so red….like a tomato! Haha….oh, I wonder if he wants me saying this….?
Any special talents?
Oh! I have my scepter! It can shoot a really cool lightning arc. I….may have caused a blackout in parts of Japan because of it….? D-Don’t tell my brothers….Mike will get FURIOUS….! I can also fly when I have my wings unfurled, but…for obvious reasons I can’t do that a lot, haha….~
Where were you born?
That part is still a mystery to me. I’m trying to find my mom for more answers, but it’s kind of hard to get in touch with a sun god…figures, huh?
Do you have any pets?
Umo!!! He’s my pet dove familiar. He’s actually how my brothers were able to send me letters, but he’s a good boy who didn’t tell them my location, nor did he let them put a tracker on him. I have seed for him whenever he visits, and if I can pull it off, we do a flight together 🕊️
What sort of sports do you play?
Uh….I don’t know, actually? Does flying count as a sport?
How tall are you?
164 centimeters~! ✨
What was your favorite subject in school?
Awww, I really didn’t like school, mainly because Mike was my teacher, and he’s STRICT. He made me learn all sorts of boring angel stuff like “don’t go to these dimensions” this or “don’t cross the rainbow bridge” that. However, I REALLY liked my Earth Studies. That’s…kind of the reason why I came here…heh.
What is your dream job?
OH!! Ita got me a part-time job working in a small library in Gaijin, and I LOVE it! It’s really quiet, but we get a little traffic since we’re next to a diner. When I’m not helping customers find books or sweeping the floor, my boss lets me read. There’s SO many cool things about Earth!! Did you know that you have separate cook books for jasmine rice and brown rice recipes? THAT’S AMAZING!!! ✨✨✨
Check your teeth for cavities. Tagging (no pressure): @autism-purgatory , @fortunatetragedy , @thatuselesshuman , @zackprincebooks , @pippinoftheshire , @finickyfelix , @justabigoldnerd , @lychhiker-writes , +open tag for whoever wants to join! ✨
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jq37 · 13 hours
Little bittersweet that this might be Fig's swan song. There's like this "six seasons and a movie" mentality that makes me feel like Senior Year is the finish line, so just stick it out for one more. But, if creatively Emily doesn't feel like she can get any more out of the character, then that's that. It's best to move on rather than force it. Or not. It's the end of her time at Aguefort, doesn't mean it's the end of her time with the Bad Kids. The school part of these characters being high schoolers only really came into play this season, so let's wait and see. Emily considered retiring Fig at the start of this season and changed her mind. It could happen again.
On to the fun stuff:
-Gorgug didn't get a last hit on Porter, but he did get a clutch assist in with a narratively satisfying move that uses his Artificer class instead of his Barbarian class, helping drive the last nail in on Porters coffin. *chefs kiss* Going out of Rage while doing it was a perfect way to twist the knife.
-Riz's kill line on KP was stone cold.
-Everyone else's contributions were valuable but none more so than the newest Bad Kid, The Lava. Taking out five major threats during the battle. What a trooper and a strong candidate for Honor Roll.
-I came around on Mary Anne too. I get why some of the Intrepid Heroes were so obsessed with flipping her allegiances.
There's a lot this season that gives a strong finale vibe, but besides that hook at the end there's another thing that keeps going unresolved. Sol and his church keep fucking around and it's about damn time they find out. I don't think Senior Year will be a full-on religious crusade, but it doesn't feel like that plot point should be off the table. And what the fuck is Kalinas deal? So she was never loyal to Cass?
I hope we don't have to wait another 4 years for the next chapter of Fantasy High to get an answer to those questions.
Fig honestly would prob go to school more if she wasn't required to so it's absolutely an Emily decision more than it is a story decision. It's hard to picture FH without her but I'm sure she'll come up with something fun if she's still feeling like retiring Fig whenever they get around to Senior Year.
I think it's arguably MORE fitting that Gorgug didn't get the last hit in and instead got him with a gadget that didn't even do damage. It's like, he got Porter and not even in a way that Porter would respect because it wasn't rageful and violent. That's gotta suck more than if Gorgug had just punched him hard and KO'd him.
The lava was just so so good. It's like when you're a warlock and technically you could do other stuff but spamming Eldritch Blast just gets you the most bang for your buck so you keep doing it. Once they figured out the lava strat, they basically had to keep using it. Lava MVP for sure.
Mary Ann being so checked out for the whole evil plot even while participating in it is so funny. Honestly, queen shit.
I really think that if Kalina is actually bad then that's a retcon from Brennan because that's never been how familiars work and Kalina did try to help them consistently throughout the season with the Spy's Tongue Curse clue. She only attacked them when she got hit with a rage crystal and that was godly interference.
I agree that there are a lot of loose ends re: The Church of Sol (Buddy, Bobby and Sandra Lynn, Helio's lack of a chosen one, Bucky's whole deal, the Helioic pantheon shakeup--how crazy is it that Cass never talks to any of her celestial sibs?). I hope that if we explore that we get to see more about the actual people of the church rather than just the gods because there was a huge god focus in back to back seasons and, as I've mentioned before, if Spyre rules mean that gods are a reflection of their followers, their followers are honestly more interesting. I can't really be mad at Sol for being what he is when his chill level is determined by Bobby Dawn and co, you know? He has limited agency as an entity. Cut out the middle man and let's chase down Bobby directly.
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buckysgrace · 1 day
Steve Harrington Headcanons
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These are just what I picture, nothing written in stone <3
Was a surprise baby. I think his parents were both near or at their thirties when he was born? His mom really struggled with getting pregnant so he was her one and only <3
Looks just like his dad but has his mama's big brown eyes. She would pinch his little cheeks and call him her little Booboo.
Very colicky and whiny baby. Only ever wanted to be held. I also think he was born a little early, just a smidge delayed when it came to meeting his milestones
Definitely was a mama's boy when he was little. They sort of drifted apart when she put more attention towards his dad to sort out their marriage issues.
His dad has a bad tendency of sleeping around. I could definitely see Steve having some secret siblings that he doesn't ever know about.
He was an ornery kid, full of energy and was unable to stay still. He also played a lot of sports, so his parents weren't bothered by him
His dad absolutely locked their bedroom door and kept Steve's far apart so he couldn't crawl into bed with them.
Was spanked a lot as a little kid because he couldn't sit still. The wooden spoon was his dad's weapon of choice.
Officially got a nanny/babysitter when his father forgot to pick him up hours after baseball practice ended. Finally ended up walking home but got in trouble for that as well
Really struggled with reading, well mainly all through his school career. His letters just tend to get mixed up.
Struggles with organization. If he's writing a paper, he needs to jot down his thoughts before he forgets them. Thus why some parts don't fit into the right spot.
I think teachers were sort of assholes to him?? He was definitely a goofy/class clown type so I think when he was actually struggling in school they thought he was just trying to be funny
Okay listen... he was absolutely a shit in school. He was rich, in good health and handsome. He was playing up to the hierarchy shit. For sure had a coming to Jesus moment later but yeah he was an ass
Although I do think he was usually all talk, no bite. Probably did his fair share of shoving or tripping to be funny. The few altercations that turned physical were usually solved by his former muscle, Tommy.
Oh Tommy. Best friends since they were in preschool. Both of them were always assigned into the same learning groups. Tommy also struggled a lot with his reading so they meshed really well together.
Sticks his tongue out if he's concentrating hard on his school work. Tommy has yanked on it more than once.
He counts with his fingers!!! Ask him what 8 + 2 is and he has to count on his fingers just to be sure.
Teachers dreaded getting them in class lol. Purposely worked out their schedules so they were nearly identical.
You could move Steve but he was still going to find whomever was near him to speak to/be loud with.
I feel like Tommy had specific genre of movies that he enjoyed, which was 100% monster movies. They watched a ton of old Godzilla movies (although Steve will never, ever admit to it)
Rip if you were on the opposite team and they were playing dodgeball. They showed no mercy during dodgeball.
His dad probably doesn't think Steve will amount to much. I think his dad is really smart as is his mom so Steve doesn't quite fit in with his struggles??
Will ramble for hours about something he is interested in (also speaks with his hands a lot). Be prepared tho he jumps from point A to D back to B and it's just all over the place
Really good at bowling and will brag about it
Very judgmental but he's trying to work on it
I think he can sober up fairly quickly?? Gets all flushed when he drinks tho. Will suggest karaoke.
When he smokes weed he's so giggly. Squinting eyes and a dopey smile the whole time. Thinks everything is hilarious. Do not leave food around him, he will hog it and eat it all
Questions everything during movies. Will barely get through 5 minutes in a movie before he has to ask about something.
You need your back cracked? Steve is your guy. He will twist you into a pretzel to get that spot that's bothering you tho
Terrible at gambling. Does not have a poker face. Also a pretty shitty liar.
Likes raisins. Also loves prunes. And eggs. Grape juice is his favorite. Well, grape flavored anything is his favorite.
If it's 3 am and he's hungry he is chowing down on a slice of bread and a block of cheese.
Prefers goat milk over cow milk
Has terrible allergies. Speaking of, if he's sick? the biggest baby. He cannot take of himself. Probably because he had to do it for so long as a child.
Fuck ankle socks. Fuck them. He will burn them on fire.
Master s'more maker
Took cooking classes on the down low. Fairly good now that he's done so
Anything that his partner likes he will definitely begin to like
Falls asleep on his tummy a lot. He also drools but gets embarrassed if you point that out
Stopped shaving once he was no longer on the swimming team. Won't admit it but does enjoy it if you run your fingers through his chest hair.
He always has long conversations with you before he falls asleep. His eyes are usually closed and he's on the brink of passing out, but he likes listening to you speak.
Hated reading for the longest time. Finally gets into it for real later in life when he realizes he's only punishing himself by thinking of the past.
A love letter boy. He does have a dictionary on standby to triple check that he has spelt everything correctly. Loves to talk on the phone too. If you're calling him you best be setting aside at least two hours because he will be updating you on every little thing.
Terrible at drawing. He could not draw a stick figure to save his life.
Was forced into music lessons as a kid. He is really good playing the piano. Also knows how to play the violin. Does sing in the shower (and is good at it)
Wants a big family because he doesn't want his kids to feel lonely like he was. He is much better in handling kids when they're a little more grown, rather than itty bitty.
More of a dog person but that's because he swears up and down there was a stray cat with one eye that would sit outside his window and stare at him at night.
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xo-zozo · 2 days
Hi! can I request averyjameson as parents. like what kind of parent they would be and what rules and stuff they would have for their kid(s)
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yes ofccc!!
| tags: @urbanflorals @nqds @annamatix @x-liv25-jamieswife @sophiesonlinediary @lyrakanefanatic @thatrandomlemononyourcounter1 @fortunatelyjollybeliever @123letsgobestie @off-to-the-r4ces @zoyaaaabear @clarissaweasley-10
in general, i don't think that they would be very strict parents
especially with their first kid because they would have no idea what they were doing at the time
also especially when their kid is younger they try and make sure that their kid(s) aren't seen by paparazzi
when their kid is like a baby they wouldn't show their face until they were like seven
but when they get older, avery and jameson would let them do what they want to when it comes to that kind of thing
when their daughter is older, her and avery are definitely best friends and they're always seen in public together
jameson and avery agree not to let their kids date until they're in late highschool
i just know that these kids are making BANK with their weekly allowance
they always have to make sure that their kids are in some kind of sport or something (mainly because jameson wants them to)
avery makes her kids fold their own clothes and occasionally clean their own rooms even if they have people to do it because she wants them to grow up modest and stuff
they take a family trip every year and one of the kids gets to pick it occasionally
i had kind of mixed feelings on whether or not they would let their kids have social media and when they would
but i came to the conclusion that they would let them have some once they hit like 12 but then after 16 they could get whatever as long as avery and jameson knew what was happening
sorta unrelated but they would make their kids wear a "get along" t shirt whenever they were mad at each other because that's what nash made jameson and xander do when they were kids
they would let their kids start working on what they wanted to do as early or as late as they wanted
dating is the only thing that makes jameson hawthorne a helicopter parent
probably because of emily and the fact that he doesn't want his kid to be heartbroken like that
he would have to meet them and have them over for dinner and interview them, the whole shabang
they wouldn't be very strict on what movies and tv they could watch once they hit thirteen
same with books... they never check what their kids are reading
as well as the jameson sports things, avery would make them doing something like playing an instrument or some kind of art
because of all of these rules (and the fact that they're really rich) they're known as the cool parents at their kids school whenever they show up for parents night
they don't punish their kids really harshly but they always tell them off when they do something wrong so that they won't do it again
and if they do do it again, they have to be more firm with them without yelling because they don't like fighting, especially not with literal children
all of their kids have to go to college (it doesn't matter to them which one it is as long as they go)
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yourboopyboop · 2 days
Bake me a Bun
Soap/Retired!Soap x f!reader Fluff with a slight suggestive line, daydreaming, get this man a baby. Mild stalking(?) I do not know if I should be continuing this ^^ (There will be eventual smut if I keep writing this, also might end up adding some TW because we all know what happens when you tell stories about wounded soldiers) Divider credits go to @vibeswithrenai , lovely work, I recommend checking them out ^^
Johnny is at his roots, a family man. Scottish mead flows through his veins, so does the sweet pie his grandma used to bake.
Before retiring, Soap liked to spend some of his 'vacations' with the whole MacTavish family. Lunch here, brunch there, and kids that flap their pa's kilt just before dinner. He would play chase with the wee lads, loved by his nephews and known as 'Big Uncle'. Often carrying two rascals at a time, or letting losing against them on a hand to hand battle, he was a truly warm and homecoming man.
"John, when ya givin' me sum' wee bairns?" His nan would often ask.
To what his answer would be, between gritted teeth "No bon, no bun, nan. Army giv' no time f'tha"
And so then, he was shot.
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Retirement didn't treat him that badly, just gave him a rather permanent headache and a scar on his temple.
Doctors told him to stay put, to enjoy his free time on the hospital' open gardens, the oxygen would do him good they said. But Soap was not a man that would be sitting there, staying still after years of battlefield, movement and stress.
Yet, after trying to get away a couple of times and finally sat down by Price, he took the orders and stayed put like a good kid.
He owed Simon one. The man had managed to push him a fraction away from the bullet trajectory, earning himself a sprained ankle. He would often visit Johnny when free, although for a brief time, dropping telltales of what the squad had been up to. Gaz was the one to stick around most, nagging him about finally being out of the hellhole that being a SAS operator was. They would watch their football together, until nurses told him that they needed to do a check-up.
On a rare sunny day, the whole squad visited him. Price had brought a letter from Alejandro, wishing him the best recovery, and to visit whenever he felt like. The wind almost blew the paper away, sitting in a bench under a tree.
"Bet ya miss us son" John muttered, a tired smile on his face. Soap groaned, rolling his eyes, "honestly, I think I prefer t'share some sweat with yall, rather than this hell of a cell" Even Simon laughed at that.
" 's no sunshine 'round. Bloody white walls fucking strain my eyes every single damn day" He would keep complaining. "I don't miss ya nagging tho" Ghost quipped teasingly.
And so they laughed, walking around looking like a group of old childhood friends that threw shit at each other, being Gaz the one with the most pointy comments "I can't fathom sleep without ya snoring Soap"
Something bumped against Price, earning their stop and a tiny, quiet "sorry" from a tiny, young voice. It was a young lad, no more than six summers at his back. He looked rather scared; faced by an old man, a wounded soldier, a guy with only his eyes visible and a piercing gaze under a cap.
Price squatted "No need to be, lad. Where's ya mum?" The kid shook his head and pointed to a woman, not far away from their position, that was surrounded by kids. She seemed stressed, looking around with wide eyes until she spotted the young boy.
"Oh Matt! Don't go running away like that you little rascal!" She rushed to the kid, and made eye contact with the Captain. "I'm so sorry sir, can't really keep all the kids still sometimes"
"Visit trip?" Price tilted his head slightly, to what she nodded. "We like to show the young ones to respect the injured" Her smile was almost as warm as the sun that day. "They gotta learn more than numbers and letters in school after all"
She took the kid away after apologizing once again, urging the little one to go back with the whole group, that she graciously guided around the hospital garden.
A second pair of blues followed her around as she went by, earning a chuckle from Kyle "Looks like he has a reason to stay here now"
"Hells Bells" The only thing he could say.
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For what he could see from his room's window, it was a whole week of field trips for different classes.
To his eyes, she paraded around with the kids, with a sweet smile and warm eyes, showing the little humans things around, be it the entrances, the pond, or making small talk with some old lady that was condemned to stay her last days in that white prison. Like he felt, incarcerated for his health, until the doctors decided his wound and other past poorly healed injuries would not hinder him from having a "normal" life from now on.
For you, you were trying to show the kids some hospitality, to be respectful and appreciate the healthcare and what it could do for the people. For them to listen to the old tales of those veterans in life, or to enjoy the breeze and the grass after walking around for a long time.
Johnny was mesmerized. Completely lost in those warm expressions you always had dancing on your face, or in how you guided the children with caressing palms. Maybe it was the ring of your voice, that now rose above the constant tingle of his newly acquired wound, or the manners that you carried around. He felt strangely isolated in the room, a constant need to go outside and enjoy the grass, of course he wasn't trying to get a chance to talk with you.
So there he was, again in a bench. And that day he decided to hang his dog tags around his neck. "What a show-off" Simon groaned before saying goodbye couple of hours ago. "Don't come sulking if you scare her away you mutt", and a pat on the back.
It was the same boy as the other day, the one that approached him mesmerized by the shining plates on his neck. Matt sat on the floor, inquiring about what did Johnny do for a living. 'What is that? What do you do? Oh that's so cool!' he would chirp here and there.
Johnny couldn't really say no to the wee thing in front of him, puffing his chest and sharing some of his less-bloodied trips. The puff was taken down by a sudden nervousness when he saw you approaching again.
"Matt how many times do I have to tell you not to go astray from the group" She came already scolding the boy. "Oh, you are from the other day, right sir?"
Ah, she remembered him.
"Just doin' me time in here for a bit" Johnny answered with a boyish smile. "Can't blame the wean, he was all giddy 'n' interested"
"And what might that interest be?" You squatted a bit, poking Matt's cheek. "Miss. L/n this is Soap!" Oh, he got your last name now, maybe Laswell was willing to do some digging as a reward for his honorary actions right? Did he just call you Miss? That in his mind was a Jackpot. "And what does...Mr. Soap do?" She looked at him from bellow, her eyes flickering to his dog tags for a second. "I just tell old tales of sweaty men trying to save the world"
You weren't able to peel Matt from his spot, resigned, decided to indulge in some old stories, bringing the whole group so they could all listen to a veteran's yapping.
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"So my mate, you see, big scary man with a mask" He would say, "took'em all down real fast i'm telling ya"
His eyes would often flick from kid to kid, landing on your face. To his delight, you were also caught in his stories, attentive eyes and full focused on how his mouth moved.
"And I was all alone! Havin' to scramble what I could! Bad men trynna catch me but I'm telling yall, nobody cannae stop the Soap" The boasting was impressive. How proud Johnny was of his doings, how he managed to tell his story in Las Almas without mentioning the cartel, or the corruption. "Even took a bloody bullet!" He pointed to his fresh scar, still healing. And that's when he saw your eyes turn somber, rather cold. "Alright kids, Mr. Soap here has lot's of stories, but surely that means he's very tired right? Let's go visit more places around!" After insisting a bit, you peeled the children away from his circle and quickly whispered to him with a disappointed gaze "I do have no doubt on what you did to protect people, but please, showing wounds and violence to children is not appropriate"
When you turned away, he sulked. He had fucked up. Ghost was right, he showed off too much and fucked up big time. He wanted to chase after you, to grab your wrist and apologize. To promise not to use those marks again if it meant seeing your bonnie face.
Yet knowing it would only make it worse, he silently went away, locking himself in the white room and not letting the nurses come in.
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"Fucked up" He told Price. "Bonnie thing didn't like when I told the bairns about the bullet"
He earned a sigh, and a folder on his lap. "Didn't Simon tell you to slow down? I'm glad you still got some energy in you, son." Soap cursed under his breath, taking the folder and giving it a quick read. "You know me Sir"
Your whole legal name was there. Education, birthplace, family. Everything. Just a normal civilian, with a normal job. A teacher, the daughter of a warm family.
The folder didn't explain your charming eyes, or the small smiles you would make when a child showed you something. The information didn't do you any beauty, and he was pissed.
He had to hear it from you. Your own name, then his. Then again his name between some whispers or whimpers even. Not long after, Price took him for a walk, trying to pull him away from the constant frown that adorned his forehead.
It was Friday, he could tell you were a bit more energetic than the past day. Guessed it was the last visit you had to bring to the hospital, the last time he would probably see you if he was the one to respect boundaries. But what boundaries if he already had your address and identification number.
"You thinkin' about her still?" Price inquired, sipping on some cheap tea from the cafeteria. "Can't shake it cap. I just cannae. I gotta go tell her I'm sorry or sumthin'" He crossed his arms on his chest, right leg nervously bouncing under the table. "You seen how she look' with the bairns?" That earned a chuckle from the older man.
And bless the heavens he thought, when you entered the room with the group of children, dividing them in groups around multiple tables and asking the barista to make around thirteen milkshakes. You stayed on the counter, counting each quid to later report it to the school.
Price stood up, gave Johnny a pat on the shoulder. "Second try won't hurt you more than the first" He walked away, leaving Soap to shed his personal coat, turning into the homeboy Johnny once more.
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You sighed, looking at him. "Sorry 'bout the other day. Got carried away" he mumbled "thought wee things would like something more...thrilling"
"Still not the best thing to say"
"I ken"
"They kept repeating your stories after that." His eyes flickered "Even started calling the other patients by 'sir' or 'ma'am'" Finally you met his eyes, hiding a shudder under your skin feeling like he was seeing right past your soul with those blue gems. This of course didn't pass by him.
"Ya enjoyed 'em?"
He leaned in a bit, not yet getting into your space, but enough to give you a tiny whiff of his soft scent. Was it citrusy? Warmth was on it, a little bit fruity but not overwhelming. You could swear there was a tinge of all-in-one shampoo too.
"Okay, yes. I liked your stories." Finally surrendering to his observing gaze, you relaxed on the counter a bit, the barista slowly pulling out the milkshakes. "Still, too bloody for some group of children"
"Hm. You know, even me ol' boss scolded me" The most heavenly chuckle swarmed his ears. "The man with the hat?" Johnny flashed a smirk, eyebrows gathering in the middle giving you an apologizing look and offering you his hand "Johnny's the name"
Johnny helped you bring the milkshakes to the tables, and again started telling his stories. This time with your consenting look, avoiding violence or blood on them.
There was a tiny difference now. His eyes weren't the only ones fluttering between the children and you. Lost in him, in his pearls, sometimes having to scramble your brains to understand his accent and phrasing. Unable to keep eye contact for long, covering your flush by turning your attention to the kids.
You couldn't really lie, he was charming. A warm smile and soft, piercing eyes. A voice that was like silk, but sometimes rugged, unable to ignore how his hands, rather calloused, accompanied the movements of his voice. The dog tags that he still wore, now tucked under his shirt, chain making waves over his collarbone, adorned by a thick and strong neck.
He seemed less proud, and more invested into the stories now. It wasn't about boasting anymore, but a constant fight to keep the kids hooked, and subsequently you too. He bathed proudly on how your cheeks would rose up a bit, or how you fidgeted with the soft fabric sometimes tracing the figures of the funny and childish patterns you wore. He wanted to up the tone, to impress you more like a bird trying to court his counterpart.
But he was a trained man that rarely made mistakes, a quick learner on top of that, not hitting the same rock twice.
Time passed, milkshakes were empty and some kids couldn't keep their eyes fully open. With a rather tired voice, a little raspy from the constant storytelling he chuckled at the wobbly tiny heads in front of him.
"Tired them all" You softly smiled, exhaustion also apparent on your face.
"Do I pass the test, Miss. L/n? Stories good enough?" He leaned slightly against you, a friendly shoulder bump earning another holy chuckle from your lips. "I give you an 8, missed some staging".
"Oh lass, I cannae be doin' backflips and shi- stuff" He corrected himself and tapped to his temple, the scar now healing better "Quite rude to be askin' tha' from a poor wounded soldier"
With a smile, you dismissed him and woke up some of the kids, telling them it was already time to go back home. Some of them whined, wanting to listen to more stories, trying to make you promise for it, something that Johnny eagerly supported, teasing you a bit. Others were completely fried, yawning and rubbing their eyes.
Before leaving the cafeteria, you turned around and thanked him. "Johnny, right? Mine is Y/n" Oh but that he already knew, although it didn't bother him hearing it from your mouth.
What he didn't know was that you would visit him next Monday, taking with you some homemade buns you had made, showing gratitude for his help the past week.
Maybe he didn't fuck up that much, and maybe he could win you over by winning over the kids.
And he was good with children.
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justmwahstruly · 2 days
hi uh.
I just. Graduated!!
It feels very unreal, like I just got into this year. Like i just came into this school as a little kid.
And now I’m home, with my diploma and silly ‘Picasso’ award since I was so well known for how much I drew all year.
Honestly, I had a whole speech. And it was really scary. There were so many people! I’m glad for all of them though, and my classmates. I gave so much love and thanks to everyone.
But I’d like to thank a lot of you guys too!!
I remember first coming here, stupid and young and pretty much inexperienced. And now, I’ve got so many friends, and people I love.
I seriously can’t thank you all enough. I’m nothing but grateful and happy so many of you have joined and stuck with me through all the dumb, sad, and WAY TOO HYPER moments! I think I’m being honest when I say all of you have been my lifeline this year. I’ve met so many amazing people I look up to now, and I feel I’ve improved so much overall as a person. Not just in art.
I’ve learned so much about myself, too. I came here, a cishet girl. And now I’m leaving my 8th grade year behind, an omni-ace trans/genderfluid guy! Shocking what time does.
I’ve been at that school for around 5 years, and I’m really sad to be leaving so many memories and people behind. I’ll miss all of my classmates.
But hey, when one story ends, another begins!
I hope you’ll all bear with me through my highschool years, and the future to come.
I love you all!!
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justallihere · 2 days
I wanted to reply this to your stop comparing Dain and Tamlin post BUT we got a little long there.
This! People also forget that he was very well taught that Xaden and the rest were bad. Even Vi didn't trust him at first. He was being tortured on the reg, he also has a signet, that lets be real if he was anyone elses kid, would no doubt have been a straight death setence. But lets be real the second he turned his back on his fam/beliefs, he'd be killed for it. We also only get two povs. Vi's and Xadens. Dain knows what this school is like. He has seen it kill people, and given we learn signets are based on what people needs and vi is all about learning/knowing/knowledge, its safe to say he was worried about what she'd manifest signet wise.
Then we get to the other bit people are always stuck on, saying he wouldn't have helped her during threshing. He's just accussed his wing leader of breaking the rules, someone as far as he knows can't be trusted, of course he isn't then going to turn around and admit to someone who can kill him, that oh yea i'd totes do it for her. As for Amber, she was perhaps his closest friend in that whole entire war college, he was hurt that she could have hurt vi, didnt believe she could do something like that, and yea he was a dick when he tried to see for himself, but come on the guy is grieving, let him make mistakes.
And i love Liam and i hate that he's dead, reading it gutted me, hearing the graphic audio, was worse, don't do it. But Dain did what he thought was right. He's been raised on so much hate around the reblion kids that he accidentally sees shit and tells his dad because who wouldn't its not like he told his dad, oh btw go do this and kill them lol.
Dain betrayed his country for Vi. He refused to read her mind the first time, in IF, and who knows what they did to him for that, and helped when he activily realized A. he's been lied to his whole life, and B. his actions directly caused the death of a pretty cool dude. He activily worked to change. What the heck did Tamlin do? Oh right, locked her away, refused to listen to her, treat her as an equal, train her, and then belitted her in front of high lords. Dain would never.
All very good points! Dain is basically still a child. He’s been indoctrinated his whole life to act, think, and behave a certain way. It doesn’t in any way make him right, or excuse his behavior, or absolve him of responsibility for the mistakes he made and the consequences of his actions, but he admitted he was wrong and made a concerted effort to make things right. Tamlin was just an abuser, even if you ignore the fact that he’s way too old and should have known and been better.
Also I really like your point that Dain may have been worried about what type of signet Violet would manifest! Given he toes the line of having a power that would probably get someone else killed, of course he would be terrified that his best friend might end up with something similar or worse.
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