#I will give you all the stars and werewolf hugs I have!
ronkeyroo · 2 years
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⭐ a little gift for my dear friend @bostoniangirl21​ for drawing this wonderful, starry Raven for me! Raven & Anneberry , under the tenderness of warm hugs and starry nights  💖
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juniefruit · 6 days
☆ bf werewolf chan ☆
☆ modern, non-idol au, established relationship. gn! reader except fem! in the nsfw part (specified with a warning)
☆ Warnings: regular werewolf shenanigans, idk pretty tame. lmk if I need to add something! not proofread, posting from the cafe where I just finished the smut portion :)
☆ Word count: ~1.5k
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Super shy when he first tells you about the whole werewolf situation. He stumbles over his words and his face is red from embarrassment. But you give him your undivided attention, eyes full of patience and love. He confesses everything, his hand gripping your forearm and kneading the flesh for reassurance. 
Finally, everything falls into place. All of his little quirks and mannerisms make sense now. The way he clings to you, how he insists you wear his jackets/hoodies, and so on. Oh, and the fact that he’s practically a human furnace. Cold hands and feet? Not with Chan glued to your side. 
Knows that you're fully capable of holding your own, but sometimes he just can't help his jealousy or overprotectiveness. Can you blame him!! he just wants you to be safe and keep you all to himself. He never denies you of the things that bring you joy. He also buys you little keepsakes or trinkets that remind him of you. Holds your hand, waist shoulder, etc. in public. He has enough self awareness to know that extreme PDA is cringe, so he keeps it to a minimum unless something truly pisses him off and has to let them know you're taken.
Now that you think about it, his ‘stargazing’ trips always happened during a full moon. It annoys you that you didn’t catch on to it earlier. But what he does is far from stargazing. Him and the other pack members patrol the forest on the outskirts of the city for anything alarming or new. You had shown interest in these trips, but Chan promised he’d take you another day, one where it could be just you two, instead of having to deal with Chan’s  buddies too. And he delivered. It was one of your favorite date activities now. It’s like the world slows down as the stars twinkle above the grassy meadow you’re laying on. Crickets chirp in the distance, and Chan’s arm is wrapped around your shoulders, providing you with a comfy headrest. There’s a blanket under you, too. Once in a while, he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, eyes closed, smiling with content. He takes in your scent, nearly groaning at the delectable smell. His senses are still heightened more than the usual amount since the full moon had just passed a few days ago. You lay in the grass together until your eyelids grow heavy and tired, ready to whisk you away into a peaceful slumber. Chan pulls you up, helping you walk to the car and tucking you into the passenger seat. The rest is a blur, until you wake up covered by crisp linen sheets and soft huffs coming from the wolf boy next to you.
Big fan of the sense of smell. His heightened senses alert him immediately when you switch up your shampoo, lotion, or perfume. He gets so whiny if you use something different than usual. His fake annoyance doesn’t last long though, because in T-minus 5 minutes he’s bear-hugging you from behind, nose buried in the nape of your neck, inhaling your sweet scent that’s all his to enjoy. 
His favorite candle has notes of pine needles, dried wood & maybe hints of vanilla or citrus musk. The pine reminds him of the forest & calms his senses. If he closed his eyes and imagined hard enough, he could visualize himself in the forest, moss and dirt beneath his wolf paws, and his tail swishing behind him.
One day, you brought it home and lit it in the living room. He loved it so much, it was never more than three feet away from him. He thanked you so many times, hugged you and peppered kisses all over your face until you were giggling. You insisted it was no big deal, it was just a candle after all. But to him, it was more. It was the fact that you had seen it at the store, and bought it because it reminded you of him. He was elated that you cared so deeply about him. 
The scent of the candle hits him like a wave when he walks out of his studio room and finds you curled up on the couch, the latest trending novel in hand. He thinks you look beautiful; especially because you’re wrapped in a huge black hoodie of his. 
As an alpha, his protective instincts run deep. He’s very selfless in this way; his lover and pack members always come first. 
Super clingy!! He thrives on skin contact. Not only is it a way to leave his scent on you, it’s a form of intimacy. Sift through his hair or scratch his head or behind his ears and he’s turning into jelly in your lap, limbs sprawled out across your figure, humming and grunting with content. 
Your honor, he's just a big puppy with responsibilites!! 
As his mate partner, he trusts you enough to let his guard down and listen to his concerns. He’s definitely the type to talk at 2 A.M about anything and everything that comes to mind. He doesn’t even care if you’re half asleep, he just has to let it out. Of course, being the good girlfriend you are, you’re laid on your side, head propped up by your elbow and giving him the attention he’s craving (But he’ll never say it). He’s also the most vulnerable at this time. Channie Second-guesses his leadership like his life depends on it. Do the members secretly hate him? What if he’s not working hard enough? Nonsense, you tell him. Your reassurance makes him feel better, like all hope is not lost. He mumbles thank you’s and praise into the nape of your neck as he wraps himself around your backside and falls asleep to the steady beating of your heart. 
Always takes your opinion into consideration. Not comfortable somewhere? Chan’s already leading you by the hand and heading home. He’s so good at reading body language because of his senses.
Needs people to know you’re his. Yes, he knows it's a bit silly since regular humans can’t smell pheromones. But! On the off-chance you come across a werewolf, he needs you to be protected. Definitely makes sure you’re wearing something of his, it doesn’t necessarily have to be clothing. It can be a bracelet, necklace, earrings or keychain.
NSFW section! MDNI. 
Firstly, his ruts. Kind of like a boy period, he has phases. First he’s super clingy and lovey, and then he ruins the mood with his own horniness. He has to convince himself that it’s okay!! It’s natural and you are more than willing to help. His ruts always bring out the more possessive and animalistic side of him. However, he’s always so gentle with aftercare, cleaning you up and feeding you until he’s ready to go again. 
Soooo obsessed with the curves of your body. Big or small, doesn’t matter. He’s running his hands along your hips and up your waist until you’re squirming.
Marking!! Hickeys, bite marks, scratch marks. Both giving & receiving. He’s folding so quickly if you scratch his back, especially the hard-to-reach spots. Channie swears he’s never felt something better than the feeling of your legs wrapped around him and your hands gripping and scratching at his muscled back as you’re lost in pleasure. The next morning, he’s stood in front of the bathroom mirror admiring the pretty pink scratch marks cascading down the rippling muscles of his shoulders and back muscles. He tries his best to cook something edible and, to his surprise, it’s not half bad (again with the self doubt). He’s got an apron on but no shirt underneath, and boxers. He’s bringing you the plate as you’re in bed
Your pleasure is his pleasure. That being said, he can get off on your sounds alone. He can also spot fake moans, so don’t even try!! Also hates when you try to cover them up, like why are you denying him access to your sweet sounds?? Channie doesn’t care if you think they’re weird or embarrassing, what matters is that you feel good, and he’s providing that for you.
Chan needs foreplay. He needs to get in the mood, make sure he’s on his A game. God forbid he makes a mistake or hurts you!! He’d never live it down. Big fan of wet, messy kisses and sucking your tongue out of your mouth and into his. He’s leaving love bites along your lips and trailing them down your cheek and jaw, making a stop and your earlobe, and lapping at your neck. Doesn’t leave a trace of skin uncovered. Red and blue marks are littered over your body. 
He slowly makes his way down to your core, until he’s languidly caressing the soft insides of your thighs with his hands. Doesn’t matter how hard he is, he’s eating you out and making love to your cunt with his face. 
He loves controlling the pace of his thrusts until you’re a babbling mess and cock drunk. It fills him with pride to know you trust him enough to lose yourself completely, until the only reality you know is him and his cock. 
“Mine”, “my love”, “babygirl” “my good girl” ... ohhh….
Good lord he goin crazy on that thang!!!!
read more here! -> my masterlist
Warning: Everything I post is 100% my original writing & thoughts. This also includes the moodboards at the beginning, that I create. Please do not plagiarize or copy. Tag for inspiration or add-ons. Reblogs are appreciated! <3
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faithshouseofchaos · 7 months
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Cat!stappen x reader x werewolf!Daniel Ricciardo part 3️⃣
Tagged— @moss-on-tmblr @toasttt11 @omgsuperstarg @reidsworld @hollie911 @harmonity-vibes @astraeaworld @otako5811 @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @yours-sophia-1988 @charlesf1leclerc @dark-night-sky-99 @darleneslane @inkfablesandstories @giffywiffy3408 @personal-fic-archives @laura-naruto-fan1998 @lollypop90907 @tooprinceangel
It’s been a couple months now since you’ve had your cat who disappeared a week ago. This was a normal occurrence; he'd disappear and reappear again, always right before a race and right after he’d show up.
Daniel, your boyfriend had invited you to come with him to distract you from your missing cat. Daniel was excited to introduce you to Max, his best friend, so when you had arrived in the Red Bull garage you were tackled by your boyfriend who was happy to have you in his arms.
Max had walked out of his driver's room and stopped dead in his tracks. There You stood in front of him decked out in Red Bull merch Daniel’s Red Bull merch. Max was confused why Daniel was hugging and staring at you like you had hung the stars.
Max knew you had been seeing someone so why was he all over you?
“Oh Max there you are I want you to meet Y/n my girlfriend”
Max walked over to you holding out his hand “hi I’m max”
Looking up at Max you felt like you knew him from somewhere. His blue eyes reminded you of your cat.
“Hi Max, it’s nice to meet you” you say, shaking his hand. You couldn’t help the sense of familiarity that made your heart beat something that both Max and Daniel picked up on.
“I didn’t know Daniel had a girlfriend”
“Max mate I’ve been talking about her for weeks now”
“Oh I’m sorry I must have not been paying attention I’m sorry Daniel”
“Don’t sweat it mate I’m just so happy my girlfriend and Best mate get to meet each other” Daniel said, reaching out to give Max a hug if there was one thing that Daniel loved, it was hugging people.
“Hey Max I’d hate to ask but I have a couple things to do. Can you keep y/n company please?”
“Sure Daniel I don’t mind”
You enjoy your time with Max. He showed you around the paddock and introduced you to his and Daniel’s friends. You both were headed back to Red Bulls hospitality when someone bumped into you. Max pulled you behind him while tearing into the poor soul who bumped into you.
“Max im okay i promise” you said resting a hand on his shoulder max relaxed at your touch. Before pulling you along to your destination.
While eating your lunch you and Max talked about everything you possibly could.
“So y/n Daniel tells me you have a cat” Max smiled at the way you visibly lit up.
“Oh my god my cat is the cutest thing ever” you said getting excited.
Pulling out your phone you showed Max a few pictures of himself but you didn’t need to know yet.
You showed Max a few pictures of your cat. His favorite one was the one you took the first time Night showed up at your house when you just finished giving him a bath. You had him wrapped up in a towel and he had stretched out yawning when you took that picture.
“What’s his name?” Max asked
“Ok so his actual name is Baloo like the bear from jungle book but I call him Baba,Bubba, and sweet boy”
Maxs felt his heart hammering against his chest at the way you talked about him. Part of him wanted to say it’s me I’m your sweet boy but he couldn’t do that to Daniel or yourself.
He was just gonna have to wait…
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pinkydevil16 · 2 years
Dark! Xavier Thorpe x reader: part 2
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Y/n sat with Xavier in every lesson, she did find it odd how he always had a seat available next to him but she was glad to have a friend than have to sit at the back and be lonely, lunch rolling round as she laughed at Xavier's jokes his hand moving to push her hair out her face as he looked at her smiling. He wanted to sketch her as she smiled at him, he hadn't sketched her without her purple eyes but they looked so beautiful with the bright sun reflecting in them. 
"Y/n! Xavier!" Enid shouted across the Quad as Y/n turned her attention taken away from him as she moved to the table where their friends sat, Enid and Ajax both too shy to talk to each other more than a few words Y/n sitting next to the bubbly werewolf as they asked her how her first day was going. Y/n telling them everything including Xavier as Ajax gave him a smirk when Y/n said they sat together and chatted for most of the lessons, the art he'd shown her and how she was actually enjoying the school. Enid telling Y/n all the gossip as Xavier tried not to get upset at no longer having all of Y/n's attention, he liked that she only spoke to him, sat with him and had all her attention on him. She liked his art and enjoyed when he made it come to life, she didn't care if Bianca glared at her because she was too busy playing with her floating pen. Enid started complaining about the plans for the year, her roommate hadn't been assigned yet so it seemed she would be on her own for the year Y/n smiling as she used her powers to make a rainbow appear, Enid's eyes sparkling as she glowed with happiness.
"You'll get a roomie eventually, if not you can always sleep with me if you get lonely." Y/n said shrugging as Xavier thought of about her, his mind going back to his dream but it was fuzzy now as he looked at Y/n, Enid squealing as she squeezed Y/n close thanking her and asking to have a sleepover that night. Y/n nodded whilst rolling her eyes and grinning at the boys as Enid ran off to tell Yoko, Y/n turning towards them as she leaned forward stealing some food from Xavier with a cheeky smile. 
"Is she always so happy?" Y/n said as she looked over at Enid, Yoko showing her teeth to the colourful girl as Enid went to hug her stopping when Yoko raised an eyebrow at her instead Enid laughing nodding and running back to the group landing next to Y/n and leaning into her.
"Yoko is going out for a late night bite with the other vampires so she was going to stay with them tonight anyway. This is going to be so much fun! We can paint our nails and do face masks, do you have snapchat?" Xavier stopped listening as Enid listed off all the fun things they could do, Ajax's face going into one of pure content as he leant on his hand watching Enid a small smile on his lips, Xavier looking the same at Y/n as she encouraged Enid. 
"You're gonna be up all night." Xavier said with a grin as Y/n winked at him before the bell went Enid rushing to get up her and Ajax walking off to class as Xavier stood waiting for Y/n as she collected her stuff and walked next to him.
"What class is next?" Y/n said trying to find her schedule as her eyes turned purple things flying about as she huffed realising she must have lost it as she put everything back, Xavier reaching into his pocket and handing her the schedule. Y/n's eyebrow raised as he scratched his neck.
"It fell out earlier and i forgot to give it to you, also it's english." Y/n looked at him for a minute before laughing as they walked, Xavier looking at her oddly as she pushed him gently.
"So we've had a class about carnivorous plants, studying the moon and stars, potion making and now we get english? You'd think it was a normal school." Y/n rolled her eyes as they arrived, Xavier glaring at someone until they moved letting him and Y/n sit together as Y/n gave him and odd look.
"Did you just get that poor guy to move?" Xavier went red as he began to stutter trying to hide that he had been doing it all day, Y/n getting out her notebook as she poked him with her pen.
"Don't stress so much, it's cute you want to sit with me." Xavier went to say something but the teacher interrupted, Y/n's eyes moving back to the front of the room as she nodded along taking notes. Xavier started his notes but soon started sketching Y/n at the bottom of his page, Y/n looking over as she nudged him his hand dropping to cover it as he smiled at her.
"Whatcha drawing?" Y/n said in a hushed voice as she kept flitting her eyes back to the teacher as they wrote down quotes, Xavier covering his drawing with his arm as he quickly sketched a sunflower moving his arm so she could see the flower making it bloom as Y/n grinned at him.
"How did you know sunflowers were my favourite?" Y/n whispered, Xavier looked at his drawing he had drawn it so fast he hadn't thought about it but to him it made sense, he knew her better than she thought he did and he felt proud of himself. 
"Lucky guess?" Xavier said, it wasn't even a lie although he hadn't guessed just instantly drawn it without thinking, he felt connected to her as she watched the flower bloom over and over with a wide smile on her face.
"Mr Thorpe, Miss L/N, are we interrupting you?" Y/n's eyes shot up as she realised how close they were, her head almost on his shoulder as Xavier looked down at her both turning to the teacher as they turned red Y/n shifting back to sit normally as she mumbled an apology. The teacher staring at them a moment longer before moving on as Xavier ripped his page passing Y/n the drawing of the sunflower as she smiled at it putting it in her notebook. Her hand smoothing over it as she wrote her notes Xavier watching her as he leaned on his elbow trying to not make it obvious as he enjoyed how she kept looking at the drawing, he wanted to paint her a thousand sunflowers just to see her smile at his work. 
Xavier fenced with Ajax as they waited for the class to start, Bianca trying to talk to him but his attention turned to Y/n as she walked in tying her hair up as she walked towards the three of them a friendly smile on her face as she looked at Bianca.
"Hiya, i'm Y/n." Y/n extended her hand towards her Bianca looking her up and down before turning to Xavier.
"Really?" Bianca looking back at Y/n before walking past her bumping her shoulder as Y/n looked at her confused then facing the boys as Xavier fidgeted looking down as Ajax snorted hitting Xavier in the arm.
"Come on loser." Ajax said pulling his helmet down as he got into place, Xavier giving Y/n a lopsided smile.
"Sorry about Bianca, she's...Bianca." Xavier moved away putting his helmet on with a smile as he got into position, Y/n watching him as he and Ajax started fighting, his confidence growing as he got the first point hoping to impress Y/n before she turned feeling someone poke her. Bianca on the end of the sword as she challenged her with a smirk, Y/n raising an eyebrow shrugging as she put on her helmet, Ajax stopping as he waved at Xavier both pulling up their helmets as they watched. Bianca stood on one side as Y/n leisurely moved cracking her neck.
"What rules?" Y/n said her tone playful as she flipped her sword catching it as she rolled it between her fingers like a baton as she grinned at her behind the mask, the teacher explaining normal rules as the two started to spar, Y/n letting Bianca get a hit on her. Bianca taunting her as Y/n pretended to be annoyed letting Bianca get another hit before throwing her helmet off in annoyance.
"Alright, one last round, no rules, no helmets, first blood?" Bianca smiled as she chucked off her helmet, Y/n turning around with a wink to Xavier as she got back into position letting Bianca think she was winning until the last moment, her sword clashing harshly against hers as she spun knocking her to the ground with a small trip up placing the blade against Bianca's neck as she nicked her cheek. Xavier's jaw dropping as Bianca glared at Y/n's wicked smile, a fake pout coming on her face.
"Really Bianca?" Mocking her as she moved the tip away reaching out her hand to help her, Bianca slapping her hand as Y/n held them up in mock surrender watching Bianca as she walked off her group glaring at Y/n before following her. Xavier coming up behind Y/n as he placed a hand on her shoulder with a smile, Y/n's face turning back into a smile as she poked Xavier's side making him poke her back as she moved to grab her helmet Xavier quickly looking up as she bent over trying not to be a perv but his eyes dropped back to her. Ajax poking him with the sword making Xavier jump and look away from Y/n as Ajax rolled his eyes, Y/n now moving to stand next to them as she placed the rubber tip back on her blade.
"So who wants to go next?" Y/n said with a grin as she looked between the boys, Ajax bowing out quickly leaving her with Xavier before the teacher came over.
"Y/n Principle Weems would like to see you." Y/n nodded waving bye to Xavier and Ajax as she went into the changing rooms. 
"Hello Miss L/N, i hope you are enjoying Nevermore so far." Y/n sat down placing her bag on the ground as she adjusted the long skirt looking at Principle Weems with a small smile.
"It's a good school, i'm enjoying it compared to my last one." Principle Weems grinned at Y/n as she leaned forward dropping her eyes to look over Y/n's file which was larger than most with multiple tabs.
"I was reading through your file and wanted to introduce myself personally, you are a gifted student but this is your 5th school in 3 years due to behavioural issues." Y/n sighed as she crossed her legs leaning back in the chair her eyes turning purple as she flipped the folder open to the last report sent in by her previous school.
"I don't have behavioural issues normie schools just so happen to enjoy bullying Outcasts which i don't enjoy. I promise i won't be a problem to you or the normies in the nearby town. I know this is a last resort for my mum since i gained my powers and you and i both know she was more than happy to ship me off so the chances of her taking me back are slim. I'm already making friends and fitting in, i plan to join the poecup club with Enid as one of her ladies graduated last year." Principle Weems lip curled as she looked at the report.
"Miss L/N dangled a boy in the air after he teased a younger boy from a different class, when asked to put him down she dropped him down spinning him at the last moment to land him safely but she showed no remorse." Principle Weems sat back in her chair waiting for Y/n to elaborate as she shrugged her shoulders twirling her finger with purple mist surrounding it.
"He pushed an outcast kid to the ground and called him an abomination, i asked him to apologise and he threatened me. I did everything they asked me to, apologised to him and no police report was done. Principle Weeks, i am not a bad student this is my last year and i'll be 18 in a few months. I hope we can look past my file." Principle Weeks stood up towering over Y/n as she stood up aswell, her red lips stretched into an annoyed smile as her eye twitched slightly, Y/n grinning at her as she picked up her bag.
"Have a good day Miss L/N, i hope i won't see you in my office often." Y/n nodded leaving with a small wave of the hand the door opening and closing behind her as Principle Weems sat back in her seat looking over the file before storing it with the other troublesome cases. Y/n walked through the halls the classes finished a few moments ago as she made her way to the dorms opening her door as she placed her bag down Enid already sat on her bed legs crossed texting away. Y/n raising her eyebrows as she looked at Enid who stood quickly with a wide smile pointing to her sleeping bag.
"Hey Y/n, hope you don't mind Yoko let me in." Y/n smiled sitting down on her bed and throwing her shoes off as she pulled her hair free and dropped backwards. Enid perching next to her as she bounced waiting for Y/n to talk to her, Y/n looking at her before huffing.
"I don't mind do whatever you want in here, what's the plan?" Enid squealed moving to her bag as she pulled out blankets and pillows aswell as her laptop placing them on the bed as Y/n moved to let her place them down.
"Ajax and Xavier invited us to Crackstone's crypt to hangout for a few hours then i thought we could come back and do all the fun stuff!" Y/n rolled over nodding as she groaned sitting up, Enid rushing around as she pulled out multiple outfits asking Y/n's opinions. 
Xavier sat in his room his pencils all spread out on the bed as he twirled one in his hand tapping it against the paper as he looked at the sunflower, the colours blended but he wanted it to he absolutely perfect as he looked at all the different scrunched drawings of sunflowers he'd started and decided they weren't good enough. His mind reeling as he looked through his book landing on the image of her pointing her sword at Bianca, her stance beautiful and captivated as he started drawing the person under her, his hand drawing without thinking as he drew himself under her sword. Running his hand over it as the drawing moved showing her pushing him to the ground and grinning at him, his mind running wild as it kept moving until she straddled him her lips grazing his as she mocked him, his hands running along her legs as he pulled her closer her lips about to drop onto his when his dorm room door opened Rowan walking in with a small wave to Xavier. The sketchbook slamming shut as he panicked waving back hiding the book under his pillow as he adjusted his position trying to hide how the drawing had made him feel as he pushed his hair back sighing deeply. He wanted to keep drawing her, watch how the scenes played out in his head, he wondered how far he could go in his drawings.
Y/n sat next to Enid on the balcony waiting for Ajax and Xavier, Y/n dressed in a dark blue wrap top and jeans with a denim jacket, Enid in a rainbow coloured jumper and skirt her hair nicely curled and nails repainted. Y/n had done some small make up on her with her magic, Y/n doing black eyeliner and blue eyeshadow making her eyes pop as the moon beamed down on them. A stone coming over the side as the two girls moved to look over seeing Ajax and Xavier smiling up at them as Y/n used her powers to float them down, their boots landing softly as Y/n smiled at everyone. 
"You guys ready?" Ajax asked as he looked at Enid, she looked so pretty he couldn't keep his eyes off her as Xavier walked beside Y/n the two others in front as they kept trying to talk only able to have small conversations before looking away awkwardly and interrupting the other. 
"Hey i drew this for you." Xavier handed Y/n a folded piece of paper, Y/n unfolding it to find a beautiful sunflower which looked vivid even under the shady moonlight as they walked, grinning at Xavier as she used her powers to move into the picture and pull it out holding it against her chest as Xavier grinned at her.
"Thank you, it's beautiful." Y/n smelt it, touching the petals before placing it back inside the picture his drawing returning to normal as she ran her hand over the colours feeling the pencil marks and how much effort he'd put into it.
"You're so talented, have you ever sold any?" Xavier felt his blood run cold as she kept touching the drawing loving how she could tell he had done it over and over, the subtle lines where he'd drawn different versions and the changing of colours as he wanted to capture the best lighting. 
"Sometimes, my dad wanted me to do him one for his shows so it would move when people came near but he kept saying it never looked right so now i only draw for my personal collection." Y/n folded the drawing placing it in her back pocket as she looped her arm with his leaning her head on his arm as they kept walking.
"Well your dad is wrong, your art is awesome and i would love to see your personal collection sometime." Xavier blushed happy for the dark lighting as they kept walking all four of them chatting as they arrived at the crypt. 
Wednesday Taglist:@celibacy-or-death @sarcastic-sourwolf @snips-501 @lilithskywalker @parkersmyth @hey-im-bored504 @1horrormoviewhore1 @peachycupotea @moonmaiden1996 @bebopsworld @betray-jaes@o-the-o-grim-o-reaper-o @ilovedeadguys @kaz-2y567 @darling-twh @90sgothik@thematicallythalia @cheezybread @arivh @kaz-2y567 @akinatrix @just-sana @manuosorioh@alohastitch0626 @snips-501 @lovesanimals0000 @trashmouthsahra @whatinthefreshhellisthis@elle4404 @pasta88love @sourbiscuit @sl-t4ym1r @whatinthefreshhellisthis @it-was-never-meant-to-be-boys @bringontheweirdworld @laneyspaulding19 @torirosalie @nushy @
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iridescentxstars · 2 years
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werewolf!bangchan x werewolf!fem!reader || marking + breeding — anon || wc: 500~
all kinktober drabbles are smut and mature rated; if you are a minor DNI
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Chan's lips softly kiss along your shoulders, his bare chest pressed against your back while deft fingers remove your dress. He's taking his time, savouring you, because tonight is the night that he's finally going to claim you.
Your head tilts to the side as he grazes his teeth over the spot where his teeth will soon break through. His mark will be on you forever and you'll be bonded to the Alpha that you've loved since you both were young. "Chan," you sigh his name, shivering as his fingers tease up and down your body, igniting your skin with his touch. "Please, hurry."
"My sweet girl," he whispers as he kisses the back of your neck, dress now pooled at your feet and his hands cup your breasts. "Why rush? We have all the time in the world."
Oh, he's such a tease but he loves it. He loves the way it makes you crumble so quickly, so eager to be filled that you'll beg for it. "I want you." You say, turning your head to see him.
"I know," he nudges your cheek with his nose so you are looking away again.
His scent changes, his body growing hotter as his arousal builds with your moans and your scent filling the air. It's hard for him to resist you, he does a good job of it but he's always one to indulge in how sweet you taste. However, he doesn't want to taste you tonight, he doesn't want to waste that time as he lays you down and hovers over you, eyes filled with lust and adoration.
"All mine," he says, lining up and sliding in, groaning as you take all of him. "My sweet little wolf."
That's the last time he's gentle with you. He gives you a moment to revel in the way he feels before Chan fucks you, rough and hard. He fucks you like a beast in rut, wanting to take what is his and you scream out in pleasure as he hits the deepest parts of you. Your wolf responds in kind, both of you losing yourselves in the heat of the moment.
Your eyes roll into the back of your head as your orgasm approaches, feeling Chan's thrusts gets shorter, faster while he nuzzles at your neck, sniffing you. You cry out in pain, his teeth breaking the skin and marking you, but that pain quickly turns to pleasure as your dam breaks and you see stars forming behind your squeezed-shut eyes. Chan stills, the feeling of your clenching cunt becoming too much for him and he cums.
As you both lay there, Chan licking the wound while you hug him close, you feel him cumming still, filling you up until you feel like you'll burst. "Full of my pups~" He chuckles, not pulling out even when he's done. "Just like you wanted."
You do want it. You wanted it all, a life with Chan has been what you have always dreamed of and now, you finally have it.
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thegnomelord · 5 months
- 🦈
(Alright Brainrot time! Lets shake some stuff up a tad.I spun a wheel and it landed on gaz, (thats i lie he needs more love) This is a bit long so get ready! A song i listen too was breakfast by half alive. It was so good.
Gaz always loved the night sky, despite how much his mother caws at him that it's dangerous to be out flying in the dark. What if you hit a skyscraper, you cant tell where the coulds are, what if you fly into a jet engine or out to sea?!
Gaz would try and calm his mother from lossing her feathers. "Its fine ma! Everything has lights now!" He would coo, giving her a good hug before taking off. As true as it is, he dosent tell the whole truth of where he flyes off too.
The forest pitch dark and void of any light, perfect for the stars to shine without any pollution made by humans. Night after night he'd always love the feeling of flying on his back and just gazing at the stars.
He knows that there's a possiblity that theyre dead, but isnt it just the more beautiful. You're witnising the efforts, the energy of a giant ball of pure flaming gas long after its been gone. It gives him the hope there's always something after the life he lives. That there's always more then just the void.
And the void adores him for it. He dosent know the stars stare back at him. Twinkling, blinking and cooing, burning as much as their mass as they can, to alluminate the tricks the happy harpy would make in the night.
The void always reaches out to him, wishing to just pluck him from the earths atmosphere and craddle him in the cold vaccume of their arms.
The closest they could ever get to them were their dreams. Lucid and fragile, if Gaz were to ever focus and try to remember their face, they'd poof and wake up drenched in sweat that he'd have to clean from his feathers.
He'd beg. Whenever he'd be just a bit concious. To tell them anything, anyway they'd could meet up. To see each other and actually be there to hug him, to love him.
The void tries, with all they have, to tell him. Their rituals, their cults, their practices, anything. But after being forgotten into the times of the past, it was hard to hold a conversation that gaz could actually remember.
So the only word, that he void knew gaz could recall was their name, one that mortals could utter.
It nearly drove Gaz mad when he couldn't find anything. Not a word of their exsitence. Seriously! He studied latin for this?!
One thing that keeps him going, keeps him sane, is his dreams.
He'd meet people he felt were real, people who were just as smitten with the void as him.
A werewolf that would have the funkiest mowhawk even when he'd bring along his wolf soul. They'd tustle and play in the fields of tall grass their void would create for them just to playi in.
A dragon-born with the prettiest wings. Snarky and daredevil attitude, challenging gaz to th stupidest ideas. Where they'd challenge each other to races, practice arial performances and get tossed around by the void.
A human, with a horrendous home life. That the void was his only safe space away from all the horrors. Gaz would tell him stories and recipies his family would cook, in attempts to share the love. Their void would craddle them in better warmth then when his mother would wrap him in a hug before he grew in his plumage.
He knew these people were real, they held coversations he could remember, their face grew with the passage of time they knew of each other, their faces and their names, their likes and personalities. They were all consistent.
He just hoped that one day, they could meet.)
IDK why but this reminds me of that one post on here where the earth is wrapped around the wings of a giant raven and the moon is it's eye. And the raven is absolutely in love with the world and the little people on it, but most of all it loves the beings that stare up at it's star speckled wings with adoration.
oh oh, what if it's not the first time Gaz has met them? What if they all fell for the void beyond their world countless millennia ago, meeting up when they all inevitably died to be cradled by the thing they loved most.
But eternal life is boring for those who weren't made to be eternal, so after hearing their wishes you let them return to earth, casting their souls to be reborn and live and die and reborn again just like the moon waxes and wanes. Sometimes they meet to fall in love all over again, sometimes they live in times of peace, sometimes they're born on opposing sides of the same conflict, never sure why the face of their enemy feels so intimately familiar until death reminds them of everything.
And you're there, watching, waiting, seeing that same love in their eyes be born over and over and over again.
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pixelatedquarter · 7 months
Day 44 of Tourdust: I'm sending this from the other side of the apocalypse that just unfolded, trying to get it across while the veil is still thin, but I can't promise it will ever reach.
One thing they don't tell you about the so called Halloween 'veil' is that apparently doesn't only divide the realm of the living and the dead, but also the integrity of the timeline. Somehow, earlier than we expected to have news of our trick or treaters at the scene, we were informed they were witnessing a show from the pre-hiatus, or rather, what would have been the pre-hiatus until The Pumpkin King From The Chicago Hardcore Scene returned, in all his sunglasses-wearing milfy glory, to once again scream lyrics onstage.
Once this event unfolded it didn't take long for ghost sightings to be reported at the Pvris retirement home. At first we thought we knew what awaited, with one of them wearing a baseball cap, the ones of us most versed in tinfoil hatmaking considering perhaps at worst they were covering their costumes with sheets.
But we soon realized he was too tall to be our dear melodramatic femme fatale's dead soulmate (again); and then there were more of them. It was soon clear that ghost tricks had been summoned to obfuscate what the pumpkin king had in store for the trick or treaters, and for all of us, attending from our dear Andy's phone.
On the palm of his hand we were standing when we saw just how high the levels of sillyness were: we were safe from those ghosts for they had been busted by a sexy sexy guitar, a crack of lightning beat in time with the drums, and undoubtedly the big bad grandmilf wolf from shrek had been responsible, in his soulmate exalting poetry, of chanting the name of a star thrice. After all this tour trying to keep a semblance of matching, it's more than earned that tonight of all nights they'd each embody a wildly different member of a wildly different group.
Usually we receive critical hits of damage around the time Patrick gets his little moment to shine. We didn't even make it to the riff this time.
Faster than Beetlejuice became just a regular eyeliner wearing spirit, our werewolf turned into this ethereal human (perhaps evocative of being lost into dreamland in his nightgown, perhaps that's owed to the fantasy land he constructed around them), more an apparition of a lost soul handing out candy to the kids rather than the implied threat of a furry posing as a grandmother trying to trick us. And as the latter started singing the ever haunting tunes of Heaven, Iowa, cameras soon panned to the spot where Pete usually sits alone, as the now wigless, armourless, but just as toned god of thunder enveloped him in a hug, capturing both of them laughing, perhaps comforting each other, certainly having fun, before Thor bolted just in time to avoid missing his cue.
We know better than to make deals with devils, i promise, we do. No matter how good they look in eye makeup. But, sometimes it IS worth making a deal with Beetlejuice to get him to play I'm Like A Lawyer for our streamer. Besides, it's not like the pumpkin king, who would use the distraction of the new and devastating "when i woke up next to you" to turn into his skeletal form, would let any marriages come of it. Well, unless it's for the bit, or you mishear him state his intentions to be engaged himself to this devil. Wouldn't be the wildest thing he's said on riff. Truly, a second riff with Patrick was the greatest treat of the night and he damn well knows it, he's always been good at knowing his subjects.
And The Magic 8 Ball has always been good at knowing when to throw us for a loop. We thought 'surely. if it's reset, that means new rules will not keep showing up.' and oh how wrong we were. 'You will cover Halloween for Halloween' it told them, not giving them more than a day to practice a song that wasn't even theirs. 'And by the way, fuck the legal system' it added, for good measure, despite the lights not being as sexy as they were last time.
By the non-encore encore the only sensible member of this ragtag group, who managed to keep his full attire was the ghostbuster, the sounds from his guitar as effective as any proton pack, as powerful as the thunderous beat Thor kept on the drums.
And so it was time to end the night of trick or treating. The skeleton's bones rattled as his hips swayed, roses clung like vines intertwined with his rib cage, and a bony elbow pressed against this demon who could have been the devil himself 12 years ago, but certainly looked happier now. In spite of it all, it was Saturday again.
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imcutebutimdepressed · 2 months
Nancy’s Twin (Stranger Things Fanfic)
VOL 1 Chapter 1: The Start of It All
It took me 30 minutes to figure out a title for this chapter. This is gonna give me a headache to having to make sure everything is not an error or out of place.
ENJOY. Let me know if there's errors or punctuation errors.
November 6, 1983, Hawkins, Indiana.
Years past since the Jaws movie for Mickey, and not once has she past the opportunity to watch more horror movies. During those years, she would give her Dad a chance to watch horror movies as long as she takes her the times he goes during when he's done from work. Of course he said no that she's too young to watch them, but a little deal was made with a 8 year old girl and her 37 year old Dad.
"Daddy if you let me watch the horror movies that you go to with me having all the snacks I want, I won't tell mom you went to see Jaws." Mickey keeping the professional stance with her notebook hugged to her chest.
"How do I know she'll believe you honey?" Ted was just ready to leave the house.
"I can recite the entire movie to her step by step."
"Ok I can take you, but no snacks."
"Did I mention that I know you're the one that took Mom's 20$ that she was gonna use for our candy bags on Christmas to buy yourself a 10 pack of beer?"
That's how the deal started. Every certain days, Ted would use his breaks during his work to pick up Mickey from school and go see movies.
Movies like Deep Red, Race with the Devil, Rocky horror picture show, legend of the werewolf, terror of Frankenstein, Jaws 2, don't hang up, and assault! Jack the Ripper.
Her favorites started listing like crazy.
Carrie, King Kong, The clown Murders, Halloween (she's really into Micheal Myers), Alien, Tourist Trap (It did scare her a little), Dracula, Friday the 13th, The shining, Evil Dead, Poltergeist, and Creep-show.
Of course she still watched other movies like Rocky, Freak Friday, Star Wars, The rescuers, Pete's Dragon, Cinderella, Grease , Lord of the rings, Battle star Galactica, Star Trek, Muppet Movie, Lupin III, Indiana Jones, Annie, The dark crystal and Pop eye.
You can say she found ways to watch movies almost every day. She would save up her money from the amount of toy cars she sells to kids in her school including secretly selling money worth of candies from Halloween to buy herself movie tapes to rewatch.
Until the years gone by and she just stopped the deal with her Dad. Ted didn't know why, but she just acted quiet for almost a whole year. He didn't make it a big deal and decided to just let it be.
Mickey stopped having physical touches with her family after she was 10. No hugs, no shoulder pats, no surprises, no grabbing her face to kiss it. No touching.
On her 11th birthday, Ted gave her a cassette tape player that she can hear music in. Of course Nancy just wanted new dolls and dresses, but all Mickey wanted was the opposite. She would never want to wear a dress again.
Now 8 years of complete hell was coming and going for Mickey. In her room listening to The Poppy Family as she reads a spider man comic while laying on her bed wearing a graffiti t shirt.
"I can't help crying"
Honestly, Mickey can relate to that one sentence.
"You are my whole , babe"
"My heart and soul, babe"
Distracted from the song, she just tosses the comic to the floor and keeps listening to the song instead. Even at the age of 16, she's curious to how people find such a perfect partner. After watching The Goodbye Girl, Mickey never really sees herself falling in love with a man. Of course she got a huge crush on certain guys from movies, but in an actual relationship, hell no.
After everything that's happened in those 8 years, Mickey would never in her life settle with the boys in Hawkins.
A slight open of her door snaps her back to reality. She removes her headphones and lifts her self up to see it's Dustin, one of her brother's friends.
"You need something Dustin?"
"Actually I wanted to ask if you wanted this last slice of pizza? It's sausage and pepperoni." He says with his adorable childlike smile.
Mickey gets off her head and walks to him. Looking down at the pizza, it's pretty good to eat, so she takes it and thanks him.
"For this free pizza, I shall honor you one of the great trades of them all good sir."
Dustin is already excited.
"What would that trade shall be, oh Lady of the Village Halla?"
Mickey goes to a box under her bed, takes something out of it, and gives it to him.
"8 dollars in cash." She said with a smile.
"Holy shit!! You serious?!"
"It's also a thank you for buying me some big league gum and skittles. Spend wisely my freind."
He smiles and starts to leave, while she goes to eat the pizza, which is pretty good for a free slice.
"There's something wrong with your sister."
Mike looks at Dustin with confusion. When it comes to having two sisters, it's a little hard to know which one any person is talking about depending how you describe them. Mickey and Nancy always have something wrong with them, but simple things.
Like when Dustin asked what's wrong with Mickey of why she allows her brother and his friends hug her but not anyone else, or the time when he asked what's wrong with Nancy with why her and Mickey don't get along. 
"What are you taking about?" Mike asked.
"Nancy has a stick up her butt."
Now he knows which sister he's talking about.
Lucas adds, " Yeah. It's because she's been dating that douchebag, Steve Harrington." While preparing to ride his bike back home.
"She's turning into a real jerk Mike." Dustin getting on his bike.
"She's always been a real jerk." Mike clarifies.
Dustin disagrees. "She used to be cool. Remember when she dressed up as an elf for our Elder Tree campaign."
"That was four years ago!!"
"Just sayin!!" Before he could leave, he turns to Mike.
"If there was a chance I can date your sister, can I date her?"
Mike raises his brow with a "wtf" look.
"Which one?"
"Obviously the badass one. Mickey."
"Oh my god no Dustin, I mean she is a badass but I'm not allowing you to date her."
"She likes me!!"
"As a brother, and you're too young for her plus it's a Hell no!!"
"4 years Mike!! 4 years!!"
"You can't blame him Mike." Lucas says with a side smile.
"Nancy don't even lie about stealing my damn lip balm, either give it back or I'm taking one of your pants as my own."
Nancy holds Barbara on the phone again and looks at her with an impatient look on her face.
"Why do even have one? You hate makeup."
Mickey raises her brow.
"For your information, the lip balm keeps my hot blood lips from drying like a mummy while makeup is just an enhancement for certain girls to wear to impress their target."
"Their target?"
"Yeah. Boys, boys with bikes, boys with cool cars, boys with CuTe hair, boys that are nice, and boys who you just feel In LoVe."
Mickey mocking the words "cute" and "love".
"Is this about me dating Steve? He's nice and is really cute, and his hair is cute too. Sounds like someone is just jealous that I have a boyfriend."
Mickey just laughs.
"HAH!! First of all I was just telling you to give me back my lip balm, and second of all, I don't see any reason to be jealous over a guy that probably doesn't even use actual hairspray for his hair."
She looks around for the lip balm until she sees it on a table close to the door. As she grabs it, she looks back to Nancy.
"Does Mom and Dad even know you have a boyfriend?"
Nancy eyes widen a bit, which means to Mickey that it's a no. Why is she not surprised? Nancy tries to counter a comeback.
"Do they even know you have a monster truck without their knowledge?" She smiles.
"I'm making money out of that badass truck, thank you so much for reminding me." As she leaves, she hears Nancy mutter "druggie" before she continues on the phone with her freind. As Mickey closes the door, she mutters "Princess" before she opens her door and closes it to lay back down on her bed.
It is getting late so she'll have to sleep. That means she'll have to wish graduation comes quick. She changes into a simple oversize Christine movie shirt and heads to bed.
"Please just for once let tomorrow be okay." She whispers before closing her eyes. The entire room only lighten by a nightlight of a candle that makes the whole room smell like roses.
Let tomorrow be okay? If only Mickey Wheeler knew.
I gotta practice on Computer for putting Wattpad works of mine to Tumblr. The plan is to use Ao3 and Tumblr when I finish anything for Wattpad. Wish me luck!!!
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Steve falling asleep on a long car ride, Eddie taking a picture when they're stopped ( he's not a Phscyo ) smiling at how cute Steve is when he's all curled up, like a little puppy in the passenger seat, he is however Eddie's little puppy, others may not see it but Eddie does, so does Robin, Steve follows Eddie around like a loyal puppy without even noticing he is, he also obeys Eddie whenever Eddie says to grab something, he does this without question or even seeing it, he knows he's dense an blind from cues or interactions, hell it took him a week to figure out that Eddie was flirting with him, Eddie's even bought him a pink collar that has a bone tag that says puppy, he got it just for a laugh and for Steve to hang on the wall or keep close, however he didn't expect one day, when they went grocery shopping, Steve infact was wearing it, Eddie looked at him " your wearing it? I just got it for you to look at or something, I didn't expect you to wear it Princess " he looks at him, starring at the collar, he's not going to lie but Steve kinda looks awfully cute in it, especially since it says belongs to Eddie Munson on the back as a joke, what he didn't expect either was, they're was another collar, except it was a chain an that one said Eddie's Princess, he looked up " where'd you get the other one? " he questioned as he stared, Steve blushes as he blinks " oh I thought I was meant to wear it, since I'm y'know a werewolf and that I get a bit lost sometimes, an you always call me puppy, same with the Princess one Daddy " he blinks at Eddie as he explains, like it's normal, he g e Ts a few weird glances but doesn't care, he steps closer to Eddie " an well I love you and I enjoy being those things to you, an plus I'm happy about the new me, I'm much nicer an you make me happy " he says truthfully as he smiles widely, Eddie swears he could just die from that, he knew Steve loved him but not this much, he smiles " Princess you are the greatest thing that's ever happened to me, I'm so glad your mine an I'm yours " he sniffles as he hugs Steve tightly, Steve blushes and hugs back, he gives Eddie a passionate kiss, he then pays for they're stuff, he grabs Eddie's hand and takes him to a small park with flowers, them being the only ones there, they watch the sunset, sharing kisses, an then head home for more sweet things, happy to have each other, regardless of what others think.
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straydogkins · 4 months
Would love to hear some of your favorite kin memories!! spreading the past life/spiritual kin love, don't let sanism control your belief system ✨✨
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*hugs you* Thank you anon! We're getting much better at not Giving a Shit about what people think, which has been doing amazing things for our mental health! Sanism sucks with kin stuff, especially when you're psychotic and a system, so people treat you like you're 'betraying' others with the same conditions that don't like kin stuff, it's so rampant and I just grrr *tiger mode* /silly
ANYWAY happy stuff! (I just chose three of our top kins rn) AND THANK YOU SM I LOVE TALKING ABOUT HAPPY MEMORIES AND MY CANONS AND :D
Happiest memories: Magical girl Fyodor timeline!
Trying makeup for the first time with Nikolai and Chuu, they were both so proud of me for embracing who I am and what I wanted to do, even though it looked awful they were so supporting.
Watching Sigma break out of their shell and do some singing on the small stage at the maid cafe! I'm pretty sure Edgar did some performances with them which sounds ridiculous, but tbh he wasn't half bad at singing.
Watching Chuu smash a tray over Dazai's head in the middle of the cafe. Dazai wasn't a bad guy in the end, but I didn't like him at first because he was not used to having things not go his way, however seeing his reaction to being hit over the head by a maid and the bosses did NOTHING... That was golden.
Happiest memories: Supernatural creatures Kirumi timeline!
Running in the forest as a wolf! I was trying to understand how Rantaro felt as a werewolf, and while I couldn't become an actual werewolf, being a wolf was fun and it became a regular occurrence that we'd go out together.
I think I looked after the 'lil ultimates' sometimes. I can't remember what creatures they were (I suspect Kotoko was a fairy and Daimon was also a werewolf) but they were always getting up to mischief so I was on call a lot because I could look after them
Tbh just the mundane things from then made me really happy, like making potions for class, doing homework. I remember helping Kaito a lot with academic stuff- He was a fun guy.
Happiest memories: Keke (regular timeline)
Pretty much all of them involve Kanon, he was my partner and I loved her so much.
In my canon Tiny Stars had more Mandarin in it, so I remember teaching Kanon the pronunciation of some of the harder words. She studied very hard to get them right for the day of the performance.
Preforming at Love Live! was a big thing! It was all I had dreamed of before going to Japan and to do it and win in the end with our group felt amazing, I cried so hard.
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theresthesnitch · 2 years
Would you tell us your favorite wolfstar fic?
Wolfstar Fic Recs
I've sat on this all day, but I wanted a chance to answer it properly. Also, there's no way I can pick just one, so here's a few. (I've tagged the creators where I know they have a tumblr, but feel free to tag people I haven't found!)
I'm making this a separate category because I have a thing for texting fics, especially wolfstar texting fics. Love them, every last minute.
Of Leaves and Stars by irrationalmoony and LadyAmina
Wrong number text magic AU. In this, Remus didn't go to Hogwarts (because werewolf) and Sirius has just gotten a phone for the first time... ever. Background established Jily. This is one of my go-to comfort fics, and I've read it so many times that I can pick it up anywhere and enjoy it. The magic reveal is perfect, the werewolf reveal is so fun, and the first time the Marauders go out with Remus for a full moon is just... it's everything. It's my not favorite characterization of them (as in it's not the way I would write them), but I love the way the characterization is built up and supported, and I particularly adore the way that they handle issues that come up and care for each other so much.
Staying Strangers by @3amandcounting
Another wrong number text, but muggle AU. Delicious slowburn, and by the time they actually get to that first date and first kiss, it’s so, so freaking good. This fic manages to tackle a lot of really big topics so well, and I love they way it addresses them. Also, background developing Jily! Again, another comfort fic, and I love going back to it again and again. 
The PB to my J by @aqua-myosotis
Ah, Cece, my love! This fic is absolutely everything, and all the yummy side pieces and follow up in this world. Cece does such a fantastic job of establishing this university-Wolfstar with long-term pining and oh my god Sirius why, and everything about it is just so good. You want to give the both a hug before they get it together and figure it out. Read it, read the sequels, read all the side fics, and then follow Cece for everything she ever writes. 
Did You Miss Me? by @krethes and @fantismal 
If you’re knew around here, you might have missed me screaming about this fic, so let me do it again. OH MY GOD. The world-building, the background relationships, the character development. THE PINING! I literally cannot rave about this fic enough. I laughed, I cried. I wanted to smack both of them over the head before they finally got it together and figured out. AND THEN THE FIC ISN’T OVER! Background Jily, background Frank/Alice, background Mary/Flo, Snep getting what’s coming to him, somehow both loving and hating Bellatrix, Poor Reg needs a hug.... I could go on. I might go on if someone doesn’t stop me. 
Listen... this list was supposed to have a part 2 with non-texting fics BUT looks like I’m going to have to make a second list for that, because this got really long. I do have more, I promise, but I adore texting fics.
Someone send me a second ask for it. 🤣
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ace-avian · 2 years
It’s time.
To rate the versions of Garroth. Please note these are my opinions, you do not have to agree. I will be going from least favourite to most favourite. All the seasons are going to be counted as separate Garroths. No I am not counting mini series’ but upside down stories gets a participation trophy.
Here we go.
At the bottom of the list: Mermaid Tales Garroth. I love pirates so much I have a bias but this man- THIS MAN- you can bet he wouldn’t pay child support and would probably call me a slur
Next- PDH S1 Garroth. I don’t have to give my reasoning- mans kissed a girl without her consent. That’s reason enough. In the words of Chris from TDI- not cool dude.
Next- FCU Garroth. Hoo. This man infuriates me to no end. Garroth, buddy, if a girl you know and are very close to is CLEARLY not doing well and you NOTICE THAT, if she asks you what you like about her when you ask her out, do not say something physically. Dumbass.
Fourth from the bottom; PDH S2. He’s got a bit of development, he apologised for kissing Aphmau with consent. Though it was after SHE mentioned it so points deducted for not knowing it was a shit thing to do and apologising beforehand.
Next- Mystreet S1 Garroth. This man somehow did not learn- moving to a town/street where the girl who has stated she doesn’t like you like that is moving- that is CREEPY. Stop it. Stop that. And do I have to mention the play? I don’t think I do.
After them- MCD S3. As shitty as that season is, I love MCD so much, but I just- I cannot excuse the casual racism. Garroth you don’t trust Lio cos he’s from Tu’la? Okay you went evil for a bit but we’re not gonna talk about that? Sure he apologised (the Lio thing him betraying was never addressed again) but it still happened.
Next on the ladder is both Mystreet S2 and S3. They go together cos…they’re just there. I just kinda feel indifferent, they’re just kinda vibing. I’d say S3 is a bit higher than S2 but that’s cos S3 is like the only season I really like.
Next- MCD S2. Again- he’s kinda there. He’s lower than S1 cos he does kiss Aph without consent AGAIN- but he does get points for apologising for his anger during the going to rescue Zianna arc (though that anger was PERFECTLY justified the pregnant storyline was ridiculous with a capital what the fuck). Nice himbo man.
Next! Mystreet S5. Again. Just. Kinda. There. I love werewolf Garroth to be entirely honest though the Garroth and KC kiss scene throws me for a loop and gets him points redacted- I can’t remember how or why that happened. Prolly Jessica being a terrible writer.
We’re getting to the top; next is MCD S1. Brilliant himbo lad, even more in the rewrite. I adore him and his little awkwardness, though again- went evil cos- friend kissed the girl he liked- okay then- though not many points deducted cos I imagine Lillian did a fair bit with that.
Next is Mystreet S4 Garroth. I like him, his panic over Zane, and their brother dynamic ACTUALLY HAVING DEVELOPMENT- my beloveds. I have a vivid memory of crying when they hugged. Emerald Secret Garroth gets in the top three. Good job buddy. Gold star.
Second place! Mystreet S6. I have a supernatural creature bias as well including to werewolves (though unlike Jessica admitting it’s a werewolf fetish I just think they’re cool especially when the lore is fleshed out or changed), it enhances his himbo and AGAIN- ZANE AND HIS RELATIONSHIP IS WHAT SAVES HIM. The development of the forever potions helps tremendously. The moment of zane trying to reach out to his brother? Ow. O w.
And first place!! A Royal Tale Garroth! This man is peak I will not accept criticism. Him and Jenny are kinda cute in this scene I’m not gonna lie. Also trauma over killing his dad, gives him some spice a lot of Garroths lack (but that’s the writing :) ). Good job my boy. Gold star.
And as said, honourable mention to swap/upside down stories Garroth. Or as my friend says, Girlboss Garroth. He gets participation trophy and a head pat.
Hope y’all enjoyed. I’ll have to do this again.
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plutobutartsy · 8 months
❣️🌙🎁 :)
you didn't specify which ocs so i only went with briar, nate and evie because i don't have much on marah and elisheva yet, hope that's okay!! <3
i already answered 🎁 over here
❣️- What are their love languages?
for giving he preferes gift giving because he struggles verbalizing his feelings. his family is also very well off so he can afford to buy what he deems the perfect present without worrying too much about money. mostly it's a lot of small stuff that reminds him of the person. but god help you if you go shopping with him, he will buy everything you show a slight interest in. if you don't let him, he thinks he did something wrong. will take great care to be nonchalant about it but it's actually a very big deal to him.
when it comes to receiving his #1 is definitely words of affirmation. PLEASE tell him he's doing a good job or he might die. he also values quality time! his arrogant persona and seemingly short temper make him very unapproachable so if somebody actually CHOOSES to spend time with him he is over the moon. once again will act like it's no big deal. "i guess we can study together but don't distract me" (he will be fighting a smile all day long).
his giving love language is 100% touch above all else. it's a big part of werewolf culture to just be casually touchy with each other so he's used to it. it's also an easy way to display affection without having to awkwardly stumble over compliments. he's very mindful of not crossing people's boundaries though!! he knows not everybody is comfortable with that
for receiving it's an even split between touch and acts of service. touch because, again, werewolf culture. it's an easy reminder that the person he's talking to doesn't hate him because if they did, why would they want to be close to him?
acts of service because he really values the time and effort somebody put into doing something for him, it makes him feel important. wdym you took the time to sew on his button while he was napping??? do you think he's the most specialest boy in the world? be honest.
for giving i'd say touch and acts of service! she likes touch the most because it's also her main receiving love language. she likes that a reassuring touch can be understood universally and the casual intimacy of it acts of service is more something she forces herself to do because she worries about being a burden for her loved ones so she tries to remedy that by being useful :(
for receiving, as i've said, touch as the main star!!! a hand on her arm, a quick hug, casually reaching out to her, it all means a lot to her. just quick reminders that somebody loves her. she understands that other people might not be comfortable with physical contact and she respects it but despite knowing it's usually not about her, it still hurts her feelings. oh you don't wabt to hug her? oh okay so you hate her. you want her dead. she won't say that but she definitely thinks it.
she also likes words of affirmation but she always initially feels awkward even if she's happy about it
🌙- What's their sleep schedule like?
oh his sleep schedule is ASS. he does not sleep nearly enough. he stays up late into the night, either overthinking or studying or practicing some niche skill that he's convinced himself he needs to master to be respectable. only gets like 2 or 3 hours of sleep every night and takes quick naps throughout the day whenever he can to, you know, not DIE. sir you are a growing boy PLEASE go to bed. will nag his friends and family however if they don't get enough sleep. will go on and on about health risks and burnout and ruined productivity. all of these things obviously don't apply to him, what are you talking about. does he look exhausted and unhealthy to you?? (he's a walking corpse.) no of course not.
he's like an old man he WILL go to bed at 9 pm. needs to sleep 12 hours a day or he gets mean. always so so sleepy. can and will sleep anywhere. he frequently goes on runs in his wolf form and then just lies down, "only for a second to catch his breath". uh oh! he spent all night in the forest sleeping again! this happens once a week and he never learns. every once in a while he will get so lost in his work that he stays up all night on accident, wether that is crocheting, writing, pottery, carving, doesn't matter. do NOT talk to him all day long, he will ignore you because if he speaks he'll be a HUGE dick.
poor girl is stuck in an endless cycle of waking up early to "fix her sleep schedule", only to fall asleep around noon and end up being unable to go to bed before 3 am. this started when she was like 14 and she has not gotten out since. sometimes she will stay awake for a few days in a row and go quietly insane as she tries everything to tire herself out. other times she temporarily manages to "fix" her sleep schedule and go to bed early. does she wake up well rested? no! because she wakes up every hour of the night and won't be able to fall asleep for at least 20 minutes. every! hour!
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Hi! How have you been? 😄 I would like to hear your opinion on something If you're ok to share of course. (Sorry this is a long ask lol) 😅 I've been having this idea in my head where Chris and his fem s/o get shipwrecked and stranded on a desert island and how this whole situation would led them to finally confess their feelings. Friends to lovers or Enemies to lovers, both of these sound good to me. I was wondering which of the characters would be the most exciting to see trying to survive and slowly unfolding their emotions towards their loved ones. Werewolf!Chan, Mechanic!Chan or RoyalKnight!Chan? I think all of them would try their best to protect their girl but they would show affection in different ways I mean for example Chris as a wolf would be very cuddly and grab any chance given to hug her. 🥰 Mechanic Chris would be super fun trying to find ways to spend their days and not get bored until help arrives. 🥰 Knight Chan would be the most distant maybe? Giving her some space when she takes a bath and do most of the physical work by himself. 🥰 I'm not sure which one I prefer to imagine BUT I know what would bring them together. A big fight. Him being mentally tired or the girl being in danger and any Chan would explode saying all these things he's feeling and doing all these things he's been craving for. And by that I mean sex under the stars. Or inside their shelter at midday. Basically anywhere anytime cause love cannot wait. And it would be so passionate and desperate and full of kisses and moans and sharp breaths and words full of worship and love (cause you know IT'S CHAN) and for the first time after being castaways it would feel ok to be so far away of everyone. Because they have each other. So my question is... which Chan suits better in this situation and what would he do with his crush? Thank you for reading my thoughts. I hope you're having a great day! 😇 -☘️
i think RoyalKnight!Chan would fit this concept best!
like, imagine in a Runaway Princess kind of situation, instead of travelling through the mountains and woodlands they had to take a ship and cross the ocean...
i feel like there'd be a lot of bickering because the princess just doesn't know how to ration their few available resources and in general their social status would cause problems at the beginning.
but i'm sure they'd both eventually grow closer, understand each other better, and learn how to be better, you know?
of cooourse they'd start sleeping closer together to keep warm, and of coooourse the lines would start to blur and eventually they'd just... be together.
i love your thoughts on this too 🥰
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pink-chevalier · 9 months
Hey, anon! Thank you for sending me all these emojis, and I hope you are okay with that. I will answer this for each family member as best as I can.
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with? Simon has difficulty expressing his feelings because he doesn't know how to express them well.
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to? Ophelia has the bad habit of making everything she says sound sarcastic and when she tries to be genuine with other people it still comes across like she's being a bitch.
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast? Percy loves a big ass bowl of captains crunch.
🍟 FRIES - do they order food often? or they prefer to cook their own food? Pandora enjoys cooking because she knows it's healthier but she would love to just order out more.
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink? Zaxton likes hot drinks more. He enjoys drinking tea and his favorite one is Oolong tea.
🍁 MAPLE LEAF - what is their favourite season? why? Simon's favorite season is winter. He loves when it snows and he can build a snowman.
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people? Zaxton doesn't like his werewolf side to show too much. His kids and wife have seen it but anyone else he won't reveal it to.
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them? For Ophelia, I decided that I wanted her to have vitiligo like her father and these really nice eyes that have a touch of yellow in them. Zaxton was because I wanted to explore a werewolf storyline, but that whole shit got shut down because my save got deleted. I wanted Simon to have heterochromia because it's been a while since my sims have that.
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why? Percy hopes one day to create a comic book and he wants to be known as like the greatest comic book artist that's ever lived.
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people? It's extremely easy for Pandora. She can handle people talking all the shit they want about her, but never talk about her family even her foster children.
❄️ SNOWFLAKE - do people consider them cold? if so, what made them this way? People might consider Simon to be cold. He’s a very sweet and caring person but being stuck in a system that feels like it’s made to bring him down made him that way.
🌟 GLOWING STAR - what do they think about when they look at the night sky? is there someone they want to star gaze with? As deep of a topic as this might be Pandora sometimes wonders about life after death or if there is more out there. Ophelia and Pandora both used to stare gaze together, but it stopped as Ophelia started getting her own friends and life. She hopes to do that again with her daughter.
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right? That Ophelia's pretty damn mean. She assumes it's because of her resting bitch face.
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)? Zaxton is physical touch. He loves holding hands, giving hugs, kisses for his wife, and pecks on the cheek for his children. Pandora is quality time she loves to spend as much time as possible with the people she cares about the most. Ophelia loves doing gifts usually these are done with a thought in mind but sometimes it’s simple I think they’ll like this. Percy is sort of like his dad and a bit of compliment and reassurance.
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imcutebutimdepressed · 5 months
Nancy’s Twin (Stranger things Fanfic)
Description: Mickey Wheeler. The youngest twin of Nancy for 20 minutes. Just because they're twins, doesn't mean anything to Mickey. Nancy is pretty and popular. Mickey is decent and the "Do not **** with me" gal plus a total geek like her baby brother Mike who cannot beat her in arcades. Of course she loves her little brother Mike, which is why she's involve in this situation.
Warning: cursing and violence. If anything else let me know.
ENJOY. Let me know if there's errors or punctuation errors.
Author: Here’s Chapter 1 :3
Chapter one: The Start of it All
November 6, 1983, Hawkins, Indiana.
Years past since the Jaws movie for Mickey, and not once has she past the opportunity to watch more horror movies. During those years, she would give her Dad a chance to watch horror movies as long as she takes her the times he goes during when he's done from work. Of course he said no that she's too young to watch them, but a little deal was made with a 8 year old girl and her 37 year old Dad.
"Daddy if you let me watch the horror movies you go to with addition of snacks, I won't tell mom you went to see Jaws." Mickey keeping the professional stance with her notebook hugged to her chest.
"How do I know she'll believe you honey?" Ted was just ready to leave the house.
"I can recite the entire movie to her step by step."
"Ok I can take you, but no snacks."
"Did I mention that I know you're the one that took Mom's 20$ that she was gonna use for our candy bags on Christmas to buy yourself a 10 pack of beer?"
That's how the deal started. Every certain days, Ted would use his breaks during his work to pick up Mickey from school and go see movies.
Movies like Deep Red, Race with the Devil, Rocky horror picture show, legend of the werewolf, terror of Frankenstein, Jaws 2, don't hang up, and assault! Jack the Ripper.
Her favorites started listing like crazy.
Carrie, King Kong, The clown Murders, Halloween (she's really into Micheal Myers), Alien, Tourist Trap (It did scare her a little), Dracula, Friday the 13th, The shining, Evil Dead, Poltergeist, and Creep-show.
Of course she still watched other movies like Rocky, Freak Friday, Star Wars, The rescuers, Pete's Dragon, Cinderella, Grease , Lord of the rings, Battle star Galactica, Star Trek, Muppet Movie, Lupin III, Indiana Jones, Annie, The dark crystal and Pop eye.
You can say she found ways to watch movies almost every day. She would save up her money from the amount of toy cars she sells to kids in her school including secretly selling money worth of candies from Halloween to buy herself movie tapes to rewatch.
Until the years gone by and she just stopped the deal with her Dad. Ted didn't know why, but she just acted quiet for almost a whole year. He didn't make it a big deal and decided to just let it be.
Mickey stopped having physical touches with her family after she was 10. No hugs, no shoulder pats, no surprises, no grabbing her face to kiss it. No touching.
On her 11th birthday, Ted gave her a cassette tape player that she can hear music in. Of course Nancy just wanted new dolls and dresses, but all Mickey wanted was the opposite. She would never want to wear a dress again.
Now 8 years of complete hell was coming and going for Mickey. In her room listening to The Poppy Family as she reads a spider man comic while laying on her bed wearing a graffiti t shirt.
"I can't help crying"
Honestly, Mickey can relate to that one sentence.
"You are my whole , babe"
"My heart and soul, babe"
Distracted from the song, she just tosses the comic to the floor and keeps listening to the song instead. Even at the age of 16, she's curious to how people find such a perfect partner. After watching The Goodbye Girl, Mickey never really sees herself falling in love with a man. Of course she got a huge crush on certain guys from movies, but in an actual relationship, hell no.
After everything that's happened in those 8 years, Mickey would never in her life settle with the boys in Hawkins.
A slight open of her door snaps her back to reality. She removes her headphones and lifts her self up to see it's Dustin, one of her brother's friends.
"You need something Dustin?"
"Actually I wanted to ask if you wanted this last slice of pizza? It's sausage and pepperoni." He says with his adorable childlike smile.
Mickey gets off her head and walks to him. Looking down at the pizza, it's pretty good to eat, so she takes it and thanks him.
"For this free pizza, I shall honor you one of the great trades of them all good sir."
Dustin is already excited.
"What would that trade shall be, oh Lady of the Village Halla?"
Mickey goes to a box under her bed, takes something out of it, and gives it to him.
"8 dollars in cash." She said with a smile.
"Holy shit!! You serious?!"
"It's also a thank you for buying me some big league gum and skittles. Spend wisely my freind."
He smiles and starts to leave, while she goes to eat the pizza, which is pretty good for a free slice.
"There's something wrong with your sister."
Mike looks at Dustin with confusion. When it comes to having two sisters, it's a little hard to know which one any person is talking about depending how you describe them. Mickey and Nancy always have something wrong with them, but simple things.
Like when Dustin asked what's wrong with Mickey of why she allows her brother and his friends hug her but not anyone else, or the time when he asked what's wrong with Nancy with why her and Mickey don't get along. 
"What are you taking about?" Mike asked.
"Nancy has a stick up her butt."
Now he knows which sister he's talking about.
Lucas adds, " Yeah. It's because she's been dating that douchebag, Steve Harrington." While preparing to ride his bike back home.
"She's turning into a real jerk Mike." Dustin getting on his bike.
"She's always been a real jerk." Mike clarifies.
Dustin disagrees. "She used to be cool. Remember when she dressed up as an elf for our Elder Tree campaign."
"That was four years ago!!"
"Just sayin!!" Before he could leave, he turns to Mike.
"If there was a chance I can date your sister, can I date her?"
Mike raises his brow with a "wtf" look.
"Which one?"
"Obviously the badass one. Mickey."
"Oh my god no Dustin, I mean she is a badass but I'm not allowing you to date her."
"She likes me!!"
"As a brother, and you're too young for her plus it's a Hell no!!"
"4 years Mike!! 4 years!!"
"You can't blame him Mike." Lucas says with a side smile.
"Nancy don't even lie about stealing my damn lip balm, either give it back or I'm taking one of your pants as my own."
Nancy holds Barbara on the phone again and looks at her with an impatient look on her face.
"Why do even have one? You hate makeup."
Mickey raises her brow.
"For your information, the lip balm keeps my hot blood lips from drying like a mummy while makeup is just an enhancement for certain girls to wear to impress their target."
"Their target?"
"Yeah. Boys, boys with bikes, boys with cool cars, boys with CuTe hair, boys that are nice, and boys who you just feel In LoVe."
Mickey mocking the words "cute" and "love".
"Is this about me dating Steve? He's nice and is really cute, and his hair is cute too. Sounds like someone is just jealous that I have a boyfriend."
Mickey just laughs.
"HAH!! First of all I was just telling you to give me back my lip balm, and second of all, I don't see any reason to be jealous over a guy that probably doesn't even use actual hairspray for his hair."
She looks around for the lip balm until she sees it on a table close to the door. As she grabs it, she looks back to Nancy.
"Does Mom and Dad even know you have a boyfriend?"
Nancy eyes widen a bit, which means to Mickey that it's a no. Why is she not surprised? Nancy tries to counter a comeback.
"Do they even know you have a monster truck without their knowledge?" She smiles.
"I'm making money out of that badass truck, thank you so much for reminding me." As she leaves, she hears Nancy mutter "druggie" before she continues on the phone with her freind. As Mickey closes the door, she mutters "Princess" before she opens her door and closes it to lay back down on her bed.
It is getting late so she'll have to sleep. That means she'll have to wish graduation comes quick. She changes into a simple oversize Christine movie shirt and heads to bed.
"Please just for once let tomorrow be okay." She whispers before closing her eyes. The entire room only lighten by a nightlight of a candle that makes the whole room smell like roses.
Let tomorrow be okay? If only Mickey Wheeler knew.
Hope y’all love it!!! I’m copying and pasting these chapters to tumblr since they’re from my WattPad story originally. How do you guys like Mickey? Is she likeable? Just asking!! I'll be sure to post Chapter 2
Also the song used is called Which way you going Billy by The Poppy Family
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