#I’m just perplexed tbh
kiwisandpearls · 6 months
sorry for the bad picture quality but I gotta say…
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hella1975 · 1 year
I weep for your sleep schedule
ive given up at this point
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dr-felitas · 2 months
pairing: aventurine x reader | fluff with vv light angst (tbh its only kinda implied) | wc: 347
a/n: i had the urge, i felt the need, i wanted to use his real name. i love it. it makes him him.
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“kakavasha!” you chant his name like a prayer, full of hope. you let out a loud sigh of relief upon seeing your boyfriend opening his eyes.  “finally you're awake, i was worried sick!”
your hands rested on his shoulders, pursing your lips as your eyes scan his face for any signs of discomfort.
huh. why did you look so perplexed? it hit him when he felt a cool droplet glide down his warm cheek. was he seriously tearing up right now? and why'd it feel like he was burning up, cold sweat was glistening on his skin and his head felt dizzy.
just what in the world was happening?
“thank god you're awake! i tried to shake you awake for the past five minutes now. because you kept whispering something about a grand death and kept moving uncomfortably.” your right hand reaches out to the lobe of his ear to play  with his turquoise peacock feather-like earring, tangling it around your fingers.
oh, so that's what it's all about.
“are you alright?” your eyes darted over his handsome face, skin almost as pale as porcelain and eyes alluring as ever.
“if something or someone is bothering you, let's talk about it. or resort to violence, i’ll kick their ass, whichever you prefer!” you lightly chuckle. 
“don't try to take the burden all upon yourself, okay?” , shooting him a look that says “i’m always here for you, don’t forget that - don’t forget me.”
upon hearing that he can only smile fondly. after all, he loves you and his family more than anything and anyone - even more than himself.
but perhaps, perhaps this wasn't the right time to tell you. at least not yet. the right time will eventually come - no it will come. he has everything planned out.
“don't worry. i’m fine, everything is and will continue to stay fine. trust me.” he reassures you before suddenly pulling you into a tight embrace, being pulled onto his lap as your head is buried into the crook of his neck.
“let’s stay like this for a bit longer. please.”
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© DR-FELITAS 2024. stealing, copying, translating, reposting my works on other platforms or feeding them to ai is not permitted.
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angelbarelywrites · 2 months
♡ slashers scenarios | first meeting (part 2)
♡ fandoms; Friday the 13th, House of Wax, Black Christmas, Scream (kinda)/ Dead by Daylight, slashers (general)
♡ characters; Jason Vorhees, Bo Sinclair, Danny Johnson, Billy Lenz, Bubba Sawyer
♡ reader; gender neutral
♡ cw; Billy Lenz, mentions of violence and general slasher activity, kidnapping, stalking
♡ notes; i didn’t include Bubba last time, so i slipped him in with the pt 2 team :v
also for ghostface i went with Danny over Billy + Stu, just because i’m more comfortable writing older characters tbh. and he’s very attractive to me. maybe i can do a college au fic of them in the future?
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
Jason Vorhees
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> you were lost
> utterly, hopelessly lost without a map, compass, or even your backpack
> you were out camping with a couple of new friends when you wandered off to pick flowers
> well, acquaintances more like- they weren’t particularly nice to you, but you knew one from your home town
> before you knew the sun was starting to set and you had no clue which way to go
> you’re kicking yourself for being so dumb but try to make the best of it, continuing to collect flowers and pretty rocks
> soon enough you find yourself on the edge of a lake
> that couldn’t have been good- there weren’t any lakes near the campsite at all
> maybe this was that old summer camp they’d mentioned?
> either way you turn around and try your best to retrace your steps
> but even with a full moon it’s just too dark and too dense and you’re exhausted
> holding in tears, you find a small meadow and finally sit to rest
> you’re still sniffling and rubbing your eyes when someone walks up to you
> you were so oblivious that Jason was able to get a few feet in front of you before you noticed
> he seems…perplexed to find you there
> he thought he’d gotten all of the campers
> and you didn’t really look like you belonged with those fornicators
> (or at least that’s what he told himself to justify leaving you alive)
> he’s holding his machete and soaked with your companions’ blood, but you don’t seem to notice
> “…can you take me back to my friends?”
> well he most certainly cannot do that, not if he wants you to like him- though he’s not sure why that matters
> he’s still staring so you, exhausted, do the only thing you can think to
> “…do you want a flower? I picked a lot”
> he’s delighted and takes it before finally gesturing for you to follow him
> you can’t keep up, so eventually he picks you up
> and like that you’re nearly dozing off
> you don’t even notice he’s taking you back the way you came from
> and he’s glad- he wasn’t going to give you much of an option anyway
Bo Sinclair
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> single travelers are so much easier to deal with
> so when Lester gives him the call that some college kid was stuck on the road, he’s eager for an easy catch
> you take your sweet ass time getting to the station- even though Lester drove you most of the way you let him drop you off just outside of town
> the smell of the truck was really getting to you, and you’re happy to let the dog lead you
> when he strides out you’re cooing over Jonesy and giving her a belly rub for her troubles
> he’s seen his fair share of attractive victims
> men, women, and folks that didn’t fit either category
> and he’s slept with most of them
> but you… there’s something extra special about you
> he decides right there he’s not taking care of you without at least getting a taste
> you’re not too impressed by his flirting- or at least you try and act like it
> but he catches your pink cheeks and quiet giggles as he takes you on a walk
> because of course he’s got the part down the road at his place
> by the time you get there he’s decided he’s marrying you - or maybe keeping you tied up, beggars can’t be choosers
> he’s impulsive but he’s never wanted to keep anyone before
> “hey sugar-“ god your face heats up just hearing him call you that “turns out I don’t have that part you need. It should be in by tomorrow, if you can stay the night?”
> you say yes before you can think critically- he’s good at getting folks wrapped around his finger like that
> “Good. Cause I’m just dying to show you some real southern hospitality…”
Danny Johnson
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> he knows you long before you know him
> he’s a natural nosy guy- he’s a journalist after all
> and a serial killer, of course stalking is on his to do list
> originally you were going to be a victim
> you’d make a good story, a young person taken tragically early
> but you were too cute to die just yet- he had to at least meet you, just once
> if you were a dick no one would say anything nice for your article, right?
> so he just happens to bump into you outside your work one day
> literally bump
> when you spill coffee all over yourself he smoothly apologizes and offers to help clean you up
> “What a mess- I’m so sorry sweets. Let me take care of all this”
> and you fall for it, hook line and sinker
> he’s a handsome guy, he’s used to that but he’s smug anyways
> he gives you a spare shirt of his, though you still skip work
> he buys you another coffee and you sit in his car chatting
> you’re innocent enough to trust him like that- to get in a vehicle with a strange man?
> a strange man that’d been stalking you, no less
> it’s adorable- if he wasn’t so attached he could kill you right there
> but you’re just so damn sweet, and genuine
> and you’re so fascinated by these Ghost Face killings…
> maybe you’re worth keeping around for a bit
> just a bit
> that’s what he says to himself anyways
> when you meet him as Ghost Face, it’s after you’ve already got him all figured out
> and he’s lucky that you like a bad boy
Billy Lenz
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> it’s a given that you first meet him over the phone
> you’re renting out a spare room from Mrs Mac, not in the sorority but a good enough tenant that she keeps you around
> you get along well with the girls and cook them meals, run study sessions and help clean
> it’s almost parental at times, even if you’re not far off in age
> Billy hates you at first, for taking such good care of ‘filthy piggy whores’
> he tells you just as much over the phone, but you’re not bothered
> you never seem to be bothered by his calls
> and that pisses him off more
> but you’re so so cute… it quickly becomes an obsession
> he’s in your walls constantly, watching you
> and the calls from the moaner start coming more and more frequently at times you’re home alone
> one day you just start giggling at him, tipsy “you know, you scare the girls,”
> “good i—“
> “but your voice is sooo nice. that’s why i pick up so much”
> you didn’t mean to confess that , and you hope he takes it as an awkward joke
> when he hangs up you think that maybe he did take it that way
> its not until late that night that you realize that he knew he was sincere
> before you can register that there’s anything wrong he’s covering your mouth and pinning you to your bed
> “hi there, baby doll,”
> his grin gets huge when your still horrified face goes bright red
> he always knew you were perfect
Bubba Sawyer
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> you pick up Nubbins hitchhiking one day, and he’s just dumbfounded by you
> you’re nonplussed by his rambling and you don’t squirm at his yucky pictures. you don’t even kick him out, just drop him off at the gas station.
> you’re not really his type, but you’re fascinating
> he’s gotta get you home to meet his brothers
> so he pops your tires when you go inside- all four
> when you come back out Drayton is cursing him out and smacking him upside the head
> he makes him take you back to the house to rest up while he gets you tires
> of course he intends for Bubba to kill you
> but Nubbins doesn’t pass the message along, because he’s Nubbins
> “Here Bubba! I made us a new friend!”
> you shyly greet him, but he’s an oddly calming presence
> let’s be honest you’ve gotta be okay with a lot fast to like the Sawyers
> so maybe you’re just in denial about the material
> but you tell him you like his mask- and you do
> he obviously worked really hard on getting the makeup just right- and it compliments his suit
> he stares at you a long while before taking your hand and giving you a grand tour
> well, more a tour of his favorite spots
> the chicken coup, a patch of wildflowers out back, and his room full of trinkets collected from victims
> you’re strangely enamored by this big, quiet man
> and you don’t get the sense you’re allowed to leave
> especially when Drayton comes home and goes on and on about witnesses
> but you didn’t really even have an end goal in mind on your road trip anyways
> and now you’ve got Bubba to protect you
> maybe it’s not so bad, stuck with those weirdos
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writeforfandoms · 9 months
Born for Greatness bonus 4
Find the series masterlist
FINALLY putting out the last bonus chapter for this series! This can be canon or can be discarded as you like, as it doesn't effect the main storyline at all.
Warnings: Pregnancy, unplanned pregnancy, probably rose-colored tbh, established relationship, established pack, shifter behavior, swearing, Logan has to learn a whole new interrogation method.
Word count: 1.8k
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Soap and Gaz both murmured sleepily when you tried to nudge them off, nestling closer in retaliation. You looked to John for help, but he just shrugged. 
“Fucking burrs, I warned you,” he murmured, leaning over where you were trapped on the LoveSac to kiss your forehead. He nosed gently at your temple, breathing in the scent of you. “They’ll need to get up soon anyway.”
You sighed but gave in, a little reluctantly. “Five minutes, then I’m kicking them off.”
“Good luck.” John smirked at you, pressing one more kiss to your forehead before he left to go do his own preparations. Which is really what you should be pushing these two to do, but they clearly didn’t want to.
John hadn’t been sure how long they’d be gone this time. More than a week, he’d said with an apologetic little grimace, but he didn’t know more than that. 
Which was fine. You’d fly out to Logan, take care of some stuff there, maybe pick up a few etiquette classes or do some community work. It wasn’t like you were some wilting wife staring mournfully out to sea waiting on her husband. 
You snorted softly at the mental image. Yeah, no thanks. Not for you. 
You left shortly after they did, humming to yourself as you went through security and then waited for the plane. The trip was long, but worth it. 
And this time, you were giving Logan a taste of his own medicine and showing up unannounced. So you got a cab out to his property. 
Which was, of course, cold. Because the weirdo liked Canada. 
You fished out your house key and opened the door. “Logan?” 
There was a thump and a swear from further in the house. You grinned and headed that way. 
“You know, when I said your stuff wouldn’t be any trouble, I might have misjudged.” Logan glowered at you from where he stood in the middle of a storage room, which was currently stuffed with your stuff from your apartment. 
“I did tell you I didn’t need the furniture,” you pointed out, leaning in the doorframe. 
“The bookcases are nice, don’t wanna get rid of those.” Logan narrowed his eyes at you, head tipping as he approached. You paused, watching him, because this was not normal. He sniffed you, leaning in closer, until he made a face and took a step back. “Really, kid?”
“What?” You resisted the urge to sniff your own arm, because you knew it wouldn’t work. 
He blinked. Twice. “Oh fuck.” He rubbed one hand down his face, gaze flitting around the room, before he deflated a little and sighed. “Okay. Kitchen. Go.” 
Confused, you went, because this? You needed to know what this was about. 
Logan made coffee (he didn’t do tea) and growled at you every time you so much as tried to get up from your chair. So you just sat, utterly perplexed, and watched. 
Finally, he set a coffee in front of you, took a deep breath, and blurted out, “You’re pregnant, kid.” 
You blinked, suddenly quite aware of why he’d had you sit down. You grabbed the table to make sure you weren’t swaying. “I’m… what?” 
“I can tell.” He tapped his nose meaningfully. “I’ll drive into town and get some things for you.” 
“I’ll go, might as well,” you said, more out of habit than actual desire. 
And three tests later (you still had another pack to take in a few days), you were once again sitting at the kitchen table, more or less in shock. 
“I take it this wasn’t planned.” Logan nudged your foot with his, frowning a little. 
“Nope. Hadn’t even talked about it.” You breathed in slowly, trying not to freak out. 
“It’ll be fine.” Logan reached over to take one of your hands. “And if it’s not you’ll come here.”
You huffed. “You have a way of making things seem much more simple than they actually are,” you mumbled, though you couldn’t help but smile. 
“All depends how you look at it.” Logan shrugged. “You’ll be fine, one way or the other. You’ve got time and space here to think about what you wanna do. If you wanna keep the cub or not.” 
You put your head down on the table and whimpered. 
True to his word, though, Logan gave you all the time and space you wanted, letting you figure shit out. He offered opinions (sometimes wanted, sometimes not). And when you got too caught up in your own head, he bullied you onto the couch, turned on a movie, and shifted and laid across your lap. 
It was oddly effective. 
You had an entire month to sort yourself out. 
And then John texted, saying they were on their way back to base. 
Logan didn’t quite sit on you but he threatened to, glowering at you until you cooperated and then booking tickets for the two of you back to England. 
(“You can’t travel alone.”
“I’m pregnant, not dying!”
“Don’t care, you’re not traveling alone.”
“I hate you.”
“I know.”) 
Logan stayed with you the entire time, calm as always. His calm seemed to directly increase in relation to your anxiety. Which was… something to think about later. 
For now you were just grateful he wasn’t biting your head off. 
John had volunteered to pick you up, so of course he was waiting for you, car idling, leaning back against the hood as he patiently scanned the crowds for you. 
You didn’t actually track the steps you took to get to John. You were in front of Logan one minute, and in John’s arms the next. He rumbled a soft laugh as he squeezed you gently. 
“Missed me, hm?” he teased, kissing the top of your head.
“I’m pregnant.” You didn’t think. Just blurted the words out. 
“...come again?” 
You pulled back, looking up at him. “I’m pregnant.” 
John was very, very still for the longest half-dozen heartbeats of your life. He blinked. His mouth opened. Then closed. You swallowed hard, sudden nerves clenching around your heart. 
And then he was hugging you even tighter, face hidden against the top of your head, murmuring too quietly for you to understand. 
When he pulled back, his eyes were damp, and he was grinning wider than you’d ever seen. “That must be why…” He trailed off, pressing his forehead to yours and breathing deep again. 
“Alright, you two,” Logan said loudly, blatantly interrupting you. “Figure it out later.” 
You huffed and shot him a nasty look before giving John a quick kiss. “We should head back,” you agreed, a little reluctantly. 
Of course then John took your luggage and fussed over your seatbelt and wouldn’t stop glancing at you the entire drive back. Logan, the absolute bastard, was laughing to himself in the back seat. 
“You go say hi to the boys,” you told Logan sternly once John had parked. “You and I need to actually discuss this, I guess.” You looked at John. 
“Alright.” He didn’t even sound freaked out, much more under control again. 
But he didn’t take you back to his office. He took you to his room. 
There was very little talking involved in the next couple hours. 
You did insist on a shower before going to see the rest of the pack. 
You did not tell the rest of the pack about the baby just yet. You wanted to do something a little more nice for them than just blurting it out. (You’d feel bad about telling John that way but he was too smug already.) 
So you enlisted Logan’s help, getting him to go take your entire pack on a run. You took the time to decorate the pack room with some balloons you’d run off base for, a cake, and a little banner you hung off the table. You had enough time to question all your life choices before they came back. 
Logan looked in first, grinned, and moved to a prime spot to get pictures. John was next, huffing softly but his gaze soft as he looked at you.
The other three started to come in, and stopped. Well, to be more accurate, Gaz stopped short, Ghost stopped just shy of hitting him, and Soap walked right into Ghost’s back and swore before peeking between the two. 
Silence. Complete silence. It lasted just long enough for you to wonder if you’d made a mistake, if they weren’t okay with this, if this was a bad thing after all–
Gaz whooped and grabbed you, picking you up off your feet in a spinning hug. You squeaked, more surprised than anything. 
He didn’t even set you down. Just handed you straight to Soap, who also spun you around while holding you tight. Then he deposited you in front of Ghost. 
Ghost blinked down at you before slowly, carefully initiating a hug. You melted. He never initiated.
“So, I take it you guys are fine with this?” you asked, only a little choked up, still leaning into Ghost. 
“To put it mildly,” Gaz agreed, grin clear in his voice. He plastered himself to your back, joining in the hug shamelessly and ignoring Ghost's little annoyed growl. And then Soap jumped in too and you were laughing as the pile of you tipped precariously. 
"Alright, you muppets," John grumbled, fond amusement clear in his voice. "That's enough." It didn't take long before he was gently tugging you away from the boys. 
It wasn’t all sunshine and daisies, and you were no saint. But the pack made it work. 
Until the day you were finally cradling a little girl against you. So far Logan was keeping the rest of the pack at bay, so you and John had half a chance to meet your baby in peace. You’d never thought you’d see John cry, but he’d surprised you. 
Now, though, you three had a little peace. Your little girl slept against your chest, John hovering over the both of you. 
“She’s perfect, love,” John murmured, tipping his head to rest his cheek against your temple. 
“She is.” You smiled, exhausted, leaning further back into the bed. “Think she’ll be a bear like you?” 
“Probably.” John huffed softly. “Too soon to tell. We’ll find out soon enough.” He touched the back of one tiny hand with one finger, impossibly gentle. 
“Ready for all the extra mischief?” You couldn’t help but smile, already thinking of all the trouble she’d get into with Gaz and Soap. 
“Be good practice for them,” John rumbled, amused. “It’ll be fine, love.”
“I know.” You yawned, struggling to keep your eyes open now. “Trust you.” 
“Go to sleep, love. I’ll keep watch.” 
You managed to open one eye to shoot him an amused look. “The pack is literally outside ready to take on anything,” you pointed out. “You don’t need to keep watch.”
“Won’t stop me from doing it anyway.” John rumbled soothingly, pressing closer to you both. 
“Ridiculous man.” But you smiled as you closed your eyes again, heart full to overflowing. The security of having the pack outside and your mate next to you made it easy to drift to sleep.
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agaypanic · 6 months
hii!! so imagine Ericas childhood friend who moved away, recently moves back to whitechapel and Erica introduces her to her little friend group who all take her in with open arms, but Rory develops a huge crush on reader and because he has no game he becomes a blabber mouth around her and accidentally reveals everyone’s abilities (happy ending pls) . Sorry if I worded this strangely 😭
Speaking Before Thinking (Rory Keaner X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Trying to talk to Erica’s pretty best friend, Rory just says anything that comes to mind.
A/N: tbh, i thought this was gonna be an erica request until i read the last part lmao
When you told Erica that after years of being away, you were finally moving back to Whitechapel, she was ecstatic. It might’ve been the happiest her friends had ever seen her. You had been best friends since you were little, and kept in touch when you and your family had to move away in middle school.
Wanting to meet you, the gang insisted on coming with Erica to the little restaurant you wanted to meet at. She asked you if it was okay if they tagged along, and you said the more, the merrier.
“Nobody be weird,” Erica said when they reached the restaurant. “This is my best friend; you guys aren’t allowed to be embarrassing in front of her.”
“And all this time, I thought we were best friends.” Sarah joked, opening the door for everyone.
“I’m definitely your best friend.” Erica joked back as she passed by, immediately spotting you.
It was a bit of a weird sight for the gang. Erica suddenly turned giggly and hyper as she hugged you, talking about how she missed you and was so glad that you were finally back. When you let go of each other, Erica saw her friends’ confused looks and cleared her throat, calming down.
“Anyways…” She said, and you laughed at the quick change in demeanor. “Everyone, this is Y/n. Y/n, this is… everyone.” 
“Hi.” You wave excitedly.
Soon after introductions, the hostess came to bring you to your table. Everyone followed except for Rory, who pulled at Erica’s arm so they were at the back of the group.
“Erica, you didn’t tell me your best friend was a total babe!”
“Why would I tell you that?” Erica asked with a slight scowl, shaking Rory’s grip off of her.
While sitting down, you made sure to keep the chair next to you free for Erica. Although you were happy to have lunch with all her friends, you were obviously looking forward to talking to her the most. Just out of your line of sight, Ethan was about to sit in the seat on the other side of you when Rory grabbed him and whispered something in his ear. Slightly perplexed, Ethan let Rory have the chair.
“So, Y/n,” Rory said, resting his head on his hand as he looked at you. “Is Whitechapel just like how you remembered?”
“Surprisingly, yes!” You answered. “It kinda feels like nothing’s changed.”
“Oh, you’d be surprised,” Rory responded in a tone that suggested that he knew something you didn’t. Everyone gave him a pointed, slightly panicked look, and you realized they all seemed to know something you didn’t. But before you could ask about it, a waitress came over to take your drink orders.
You all quickly and easily fell into conversation, talking about the latest gossip and things to look forward to. Rory seemed to be the most invested in whatever you were saying, always adding his own little comments and leaning in close to show his interest. If Erica wasn’t so focused on wanting you and her other friends to get along, she’d probably tell him to stop being so weird.
“God, Erica, it’s like you’ve changed so much.” You said, looking at your best friend. She knew what you meant but hoped she wouldn’t have to explain why she seemed so different. “Puberty really hit you like a truck, huh?” You asked, drawing a laugh out of her and yourself. Rory snorted.
“That wasn’t puberty; that was vampire venom.” He said before taking a sip of his soda. The table froze, staring at the oblivious blonde boy. You stared in confusion, while everyone else had a startled or angry expression.
“He’s kidding,” Erica said immediately, the table agreeing with her.
“Nuh-uh,” Rory said.
“He’s such a jokester,” Sarah said with a nervous smile. Ethan and Benny nodded, muttering similar things.
You would’ve believed them and moved on from the awkward moment, but Rory couldn’t seem to take a hint.
“Why are we acting like she doesn’t know we’re vampires?” Rory asked, immediately wincing when Benny kicked his leg under the table. He looked around and realized that they were acting that way because you, in fact, were not aware of the supernaturalness surrounding Whitechapel or your new group of friends. “Oh…”
“Erica, is he serious?” You asked. You would’ve laughed at the absurdity of it all if they didn’t seem so sincere on the matter.
“Yeah…” To support the hesitant statement, she quickly flashed her fangs at you. You looked around the table, watching Rory and Sarah do the same. 
“How…?” You had planned to ask a complete sentence but could only say one word as you tried wrapping your head around the baffling and somewhat ridiculous situation. But Erica seemed to understand what you were trying to ask.
“Crazy house party.” She replied nervously. 
You were silent for a moment, trying to understand the situation. The group was preparing for you to freak out or roll your eyes and tell them to stop messing with you. That you wouldn’t believe something so insane.
Instead, you laughed and held onto Erica’s shoulder. The contact relieved her a little, but your reaction threw her off guard.
“Well, you always wanted to be a vampire.” You said with a giggle. “I remember your Dusk phase.” 
“Oh my gosh.” She sank in her chair, slightly embarrassed as she remembered probably the geekiest era of her life. Trying to deflect, she pointed at you. “You know, from what I remember, you were a way bigger Dusk fan than I was.”
“Oh really?” Rory asked, flirtatiously raising a brow. Erica scowled at that, but you just laughed.
“Easy.” You said, patting Rory’s shoulder.
The group was relieved that you had taken the news well. Erica the most, not wanting to lose her best friend to something she could probably never change. But Rory was second most relieved, because now he didn’t have to worry about keeping such a big secret anymore, even though he had failed at keeping said secret about twenty minutes into your first interaction.
Plus, now that you knew of his immortal status, Rory could probably use his vampire abilities to woo you without pretending they were something else.
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presdestigatto · 2 months
i need seb to come smack charles on the head or smth.....
cmon charles wheres the multi21 repeat. you have to STOP being selfless for that fucking team
anon are you prophetic i just posted my thoughts on this LOL
tbh i don’t see today as a case of selflessness because from charles’ dead post-race eyes, i’m inferring that he would have gone for the win if he could, and he’s disappointed that he couldn’t 😌 also look at the mood in that team the garages are so obviously at odds, and fred was on charles’ radio to congratulate (and possibly placate) him
i think in the future if the opportunity arises… it’ll come. like no way would charles have settled for second if george crashed a few laps earlier
but i admit it is very funny to imagine seb somewhere in switzerland, packing for spain and watching the race just absolutely perplexed at the sort of teammate charles is for carlos. like what happened to “if i’m the driver i am today, it’s thanks to seb” 🤨🤨
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horsetailcurlers2 · 3 months
YET ANOTHER long and obnoxious stream of my thoughts while watching grey’s anatomy for the first time (season FIFTEEN, bc i’m actually not sick of these yet)
-i don’t like this whole “she’s not really your sister” thing. like, it’s played for comedic effect and teddy is clearly just hormonal and panicking so whatever but i don’t like that.
-i don’t want to rehash owen x amelia. yawn. nor do i want to rehash owen x teddy. yawner.
-i like that we’re getting a *little* deeper into helms crush on meredith and that it’s not just comic relief
-why are there no doctors above the age of 45 in this entire hospital besides richard? they’re all so pretty, but at what cost?
-something is going to happen to this pregnant nurse… there’s a lot of focus on her out of the blue
-i love that almost this entire intern class is at least mildly gay
-bailey is pissing me off
-ted mosby!!! he looks a little slovenly for a date tbh. not to sound judgmental but like, she’s all dressed up and he isn’t.
-this guy is way chiller than ted mosby. i like this for her. i hope it doesn’t turn out really bad but i know it probably will
-is it worth it to watch station 19?? i kind of don’t want to tbh
-i forgot teddy was in new york until her friend passed in 9/11. i’m imagining an au in which teddy and addison knew each other in NYC in the 90s bc i think they should’ve interacted more
-the undiagnosable stomach issue is so clearly this patient’s suspicious heirloom lunch pail. like, duh.
-okay well i was wrong about that and now i’m embarrassed that i predicted that with such smug sureness and authority.
-playing “chasing cars” in spanish for the día de los muertos episode is an interesting choice. i think i like it??
-nurse debbie!!!! it’s been a while
-okay nvm that is NOT nurse debbie. they just have the same bangs
-everyone gets to have a tumor on this show. YOU get a tumor! YOU get a tumor!! and YOU get a tumor!!!
-richard no :(
-as much as i hate the owen/amelia dynamic, i really LOVE this whole amelia and betty thing
-i DO NOT like meredith/deluca
-the only relationship that doesn’t completely bore or frustrate me right now is alex/jo but even then, they’re just kind of there, yk?
-i love that meredith has one format of outfit that she likes and that works for her and she sticks to it. relatable AF.
-why didn’t miranda just have a conversation with ben before she sprung the separation on him? he would have been more than understanding i think
-i really like teddy and koracick actually
-i’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop with betty :(
-did they change out writers and/or show runners?? the writing feels… cheesier almost? or maybe just like the emotional beats are less earned? i mean it’s always been delightfully soapy but it’s just different these past couple of seasons and i can’t put my finger on it
-betty/britney’s mom is baby from dirty dancing?????!!!!!
-alex just straight up not being able to understand the scottish accents is so fucking funny.
-i love it when bokhee has lines
-“it’s a real fire!!” alex, gleefully and wrapped in a homemade knit scarf while indoors
-richards reaction to they/them pronouns is very interesting and i think it’s definitely an accurate portrayal of how even the generally accepting and well meaning older people can sometimes struggle with that kind of stuff. like, he’s not trying to be ignorant or rude he’s just genuinely perplexed. “the world moves fast and i’m just trying to keep up”
-i SWEAR TO GOD if teddy gets back with owen instead of staying with tom i will start hitting things
-“you suffered for years bc of my brother so you should totally get together and move in with him”- megan hunt in a wig that’s almost as terrible as her advice
-the shepherd family dynamic is so interesting to me because we’ve heard about it from two different perspectives over the years (derek’s and things amelia has said mostly in PP) and what we’ve seen of them is mostly from derek and meredith’s perspective in which they seem nice if a bit overbearing.
-okay jeez kathleen is a piece of work. i’ve always liked nancy even though she is “mcbitchy”. i also can’t help but to think about how addison fit into all of this when she and derek were married lol.
-has amelia ever told her family about christopher?
-stop trying to push owen and teddy on me!!!! i hate it!!
-that is insurance fraud babe. is there not a way for them to do it pro bono or something??
-okay i can sense that teddy and owen is going to happen so i will not make any more notes about it bc all i have to say about it is some variation of “no! i hate it!”
-okay i lied because the way teddy is going about it makes me deeply upset. poor tom. also “he makes me laugh and feel safe but i don’t feel rage or passion or ecstasy” ????? i should hope you don’t feel rage??? owen hunt makes me enraged too but that doesn’t mean i want to kiss him on the mouth!!! jesus christ. just fuck tom i guess, right?
-WOAH. i was not vibing with merluca but he’s willing to go to prison for her??!!!
-there’s no way they’re really fired . meredith owns a good chunk of the hospital still, right??? not to mention there’s maybe three characters on this show that *haven’t* committed crimes/major ethical violations.
-i’ve been beefing with jackson for a few seasons now tbh
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hankmoonbeam · 3 months
I’m so just amazed and perplexed by everything.
Fans love Showtime of course, and critics hate it - which is not surprising since Catfish has never been a critically acclaimed band.
But the critics are hitting on exactly the lackluster part of it that two members left and the sound is hollow, and of course have noticed that it’s just Van and Sardy. All of which seems so predictable to me.
Van’s not dumb - wouldn’t he have known that if he just went it alone like this, critics would say it’s shit because two members left “for more creativity” (literally a quote from a review) and he didn’t bother to (or can’t?) get any other musicians to work with him?
I guess the answer is he just doesn’t give a fuck. He never has I guess. Fuck it if they talk, because he gets to headline Reading and sell albums. And Sardy must not give a fuck either.
Critics have said their music is predictable and mindless in the past, but these reviews feel different…it’s like there was more pressure since he’s been away so long to grow musically, but he hasn’t. And fans don’t mind I suppose, because it’s got a lot of the same elements.
Maybe all this is just me being confused about my own feelings because tbh I’ve had so much anger at Van I wasn’t sure if I wanted the song to be good or not.
Now I realize I did want it to be good but I don’t think it is…and of course that is subjective, like anyone is allowed to love it and I’m happy for them loving it, and I want people to go off and love it.
But I’m sad for them all and what they had…maybe this personal catharsis will be the closure I’ve been searching for.
Don’t mind the muttering of a sad confused weirdo who just has too much invested in this stupid band 🙃🙂😆
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snakeautistic · 4 months
I have an uncanny talent for embarrassing myself horribly in public even when I’m working overtime to not fuck up.
Case in point I recently(ish) biked over to the korean market store my parents go to sometimes because I was suddenly hit buy the urge to buy an ungodly amount of daifuku (which I didn’t even end up eating most of either…)
I’m on high alert in grocery stores because I always find them particularly awkward, but I managed to fill my basket without incident. Now all I had to do was check out. I walked up to what I assumed was a self checkout- there was no employee there, and it looked about right. I noted this was a little weird because I didn’t remember there being a self checkout the last time I was here, but I reasoned it had been a whole, and I knew a lot of stores had installed self checkouts during the pandemic.
I start trying to scan my items- but I find myself a little perplexed. There are wayyy more buttons on the screen of this checkout, and the layout is weird. Knowing that this is a smaller, family owned store, I think maybe they got some weird brand instead of the standard. I continue to try and check out my items, to… little success.
Suddenly, I see someone RUSHING at me- an employee. She’s staring at me with this look of abject horror, and I am staring back DESPERATELY trying to figure out what’s going on. She says something but she doesn’t speak any English, so here I am stuck trying to figure out a confusing social situation through only facial cues and Body language,,, not ideal for little old autistic me.
I know something is horribly wrong, but I haven’t quite figured out what. I try to explain that I’m just checking out my items, picking up another item and scanning it, and she looks even more horrified. There’s a few other people in the store, and they’re just standing there, watching. It takes me a few minutes to put two in two together. Fuck. This is NOT a self checkout machine. She’s looking at me like that because I just commandeered her retail job,,
I instantly back away, apologizing profusely- though I’m not at all sure she can understand me. I tell her how sorry I am, and that I was super confused and how silly I feel now. She just kind of looks at me, still absolutely confounded, but no longer in terror, so that’s an improvement. She gets behind the counter, and, well, I do have shit to buy, so she scans the items and bags them for me. I pay, and then leave, a little stunned. I hop on my bike, and vow to never return to that store…
(I actually have gone back since- though not on my own, and luckily I haven’t seen that worker since. I have this fear she quit after that experience because tbh I would have if that was my job)
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jurygarroth · 5 months
I gotta know what others agecanon the characters after the timeskip, because yk 15 yrs n stuff! At least for your version would you have kept the timeskip, shorten, or take it out completely? ( I’m keeping it personally) I JUST WANNA know what you would age some of the new characters introduced and old! :3
hrm the 15 year timeskip. I think it's a bit too much to remove it because it really does a lot (but also absolutely nothing at the same time ? mcd perplexes me) I think they picked that length to get to see the kids as teenagers/young adults, and tbh there is just something about Levin and Malachi being pretty independent by the time Aphmau gets back (personal headcanon is 16 for Levin, 19 for Malachi) so I like to base all my timeskip thoughts relative to Levin’s age
soooo if Levin is born at the start of season 1, I don’t want it to just be one year of Aphmau knowing all these people before the dimension skip happens. i want it to be at least 2 (and thus 14 year timeskip?)
regardless. there is a silly thing I do about mcd where I don't really have a "rewrite" so I have a "reimagination" instead. where I just have canon mcd but put all my headcanons and reinterpretations into it. if I were to rewrite it I would probably end up shortening the timeskip but since I'm just reimagining it... I don't want to :3
anyways agecanons with the 15 year skip
Dante, Nicole, KC are going from 19-20-> 34-35
already mentioned Levin and Malachi. the other kids I forget them but Alexis and Kyle are 3 -> 18, and Yip is like 5 -> 20
Donna and Logan are 33 -> 48. still making babies.
Molly and Dale are 41 and 44 -> 56 and 59. not making babies.
shadow knight logic time.. Vylad is not immortal and everyone in the nether ages according to the overworld. he went 19 -> 34
however Zenix is immortal, and has technically not aged since 19, but shadow knight aging to me is like. how they age physically is based on how they want to be and they age mentally but also kind of not because it’s not real life anyways whatever. he looks late 20s and mentally is like 200+ and Vylad is also 200+ oh sweet heavens don’t think about it too much
Lucinda has lived for 26 years by the end of season 1. she’s physically still around that age after the timeskip
Travis has lived for 30 years and he’s mid 20s in the same way
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kimakento · 7 months
the memory of him
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synopsis : the memory of him had been lost to you. this follows your journey of remembrance while also trying to forget the one man that you loved. ⌙ 3.3k
pairing(s) : bf!kinjosukai x fem!reader
genre(s) : pure angst
warnings : suicide, depression, dysfunctional family, low self-esteem and more of that nature.
a/n : please do not read this if you cannot handle sensitive topics. this might be the saddest thing i’ve written tbh, worser bc i relate to some of it lmao. also, disclaimer: this is all pure fiction.
byf : in italics are the contents of the letter and the blue-italics are the lyrics of the song ‘voice (kimi no koe)’ by jo1 themselves! i really recommend you listen to it if you haven’t before :D
hope you all enjoy currently what is the longest fic i’ve ever written
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tranquility courses throughout the room as you are comfortably sitting on your working desk, completing some work you had been set today. it was all quiet until..
“stop playing with me sukai! i have to finish this.” you exclaim while said man continues to break your concentration by repeatedly tapping your shoulder.
you finally let in and turn your head to face him.
“i love you so much but i just wish you’d wake up.” his eyes glisten for a fraction of a second as the plead rings throughout your mind. “i’m not asleep, silly. and i love you too!” you let out a quick chuckle before turning back to your laptop, clacking the keys furiously.
sukai continues to stand behind you and places a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“when will you finally realise?” your face shows visible signs of perplexity but you ignore the murmur and instead notice something quite odd.
the room feels cold, too cold.
cold was the widespread window which allowed the harsh wind to echo throughout the room. colder was the dim light restricting itself only to illuminate part of your drab workspace. coldest was sukai’s hand as he laced it between yours, halting you from typing any more.
you let out a slight hiss at the sudden temperature change but then an disconcerting silence engulfs the atmosphere as he still keeps his hand in yours.
“what’re you doing?” your voice is hoarse as you question his intent.
“this isn’t good for you, my love.” sukai only stares at your back as you face away from him. this was strange, you were, to say the least, confused about what he was implying. “i don’t understand, what do you mean?” your question was met with a response of silence, he starts humming a quaint melody under his breath.
“i have something to show you.”
you feel him retract his freezing hand from yours and walk away as you quickly follow him. without a word, sukai leads you down the seemingly endless corridor and you pay attention to the picture frames that were hung. one being a picture of both of you on a picnic, wearing matching outfits and posing with peace signs. as soon as you hear him clear his throat, you’re brought back into reality.
a pit starts to form in your stomach, yet you don’t even know the reason. is it the unspoken anxiety? is it the overshadowing wave of palpable tension?
before you can even begin to understand, sukai interrupts your thoughts. “here.” he extends his arm, pointing to a room where you both kept all your unnecessary belongings. hesitantly, you step into the room. that melody, you hear it again; something in you tells you not to go in.
you see him crouch down, picking something off of the wooden floor—an envelope. he keeps his back towards you for a few minutes, you inch closer to him, hand trembling as it reaches out to place itself on his shoulder.
“read this, you’ll understand then,” just as you’re about to interject he continues, “please, listen to me.”
placing a hand on your cheek, he grabs your hand and does the same on his cheek whilst lovingly looking into your eyes. the look in his eyes is indeterminable as he breaks the silence by clearing his throat.
as he hands you the envelope, your fingers tighten around it, a slight crease forming on the edges.
and you rip open the envelope, the loose paper is thin and frail in your hands as you undo the fold. the contents of the letter are long, you giggle at that fact. what could possibly be important about this very peculiar piece of paper? a faint feeling of anxiety arose in you; somehow your heart tells you not to read further.
with a wave of his hand, sukai urges you to read the letter. “read it, i wrote it for you.” he gives you a grin and a look as if almost to tell you ‘don’t worry about anything, i’m here’. curiosity gets the better of you and you read aloud.
‘you are my serendipity, i wasn’t looking for you, i wasn’t expecting you. but i’m very happy i met you.’
you recognise the neat, crisp handwriting and you can’t help hold back a smile. an adoring coo escapes your mouth, you can’t believe he’s wrote a love letter for you. extending your hand, you intertwine your hand with sukai’s. that cold feeling in his hand is still there, he feels unusually distant and you can’t help but wrack your brain. it’s all peculiar to you yet sukai snatches his hand from your grasp and shoots you a stern look. at that, you comply and read on:
‘if you even find this, i really wish you all the best.’
the sudden mood change results in your expression dropping. was he breaking up with you? this ambiguity has sent you in a mini state of frenzy. sukai sends you another look.
‘please don’t beat yourself over this you’ll get through it; i know you will. i wanted to tell you and about how the first time i realised i loved you wasn’t when i first told you about my situation but rather it was when we were in high school.’
and you remember it clearly. the skies were grey and gloomy as your teacher went ahead to introduce the new student. a boy who looked a little older than you, tall and had a prominent neutral expression on his face.
“i’m kinjo sukai, hope you all take care of me.” the odd boy bowed to the class and you noticed a slight waver in his form as he does so. “here, there’s a free seat there!” the teacher exclaimed, pointing to the empty seat next to you.
sukai trudged his feet towards you and raked the chair out resultantly making a grating noise. clearing his throat, he had begun to speak “hi i’m-“
“kinjo sukai, yes you introduced yourself literally two seconds ago.” you cut him off and see him tilt his head in amusement, before he let out a half-stifled laugh. “what’s funny?” you asked, a faux pout spread on your face as you poked fun at him.
“you seem nice?”
‘i was new and had no friends and remember you found me wallowing in misery about everything.’
“sukai? what’s wrong? tell me, please.” you had walked into the cramped, low ceiling janitor’s closet to find a bunched up sukai on the aged ground, letting out quiet sobs. quickly you kneeled down and brushed your finger against his arm. he picked his head up and the tears streaming down his face were evident as his eyes were red and puffy.
“why’re you here? i don’t want you to see me like this.” voice hoarse, sukai stared at the ground as he refused to meet your awaiting gaze. no words exchanged, you wrapped your arms around him, a stutter evident as you begun to embrace him. “i won’t tell anyone.” he stared at the ceiling, attempting to suppress the urge to cry as melted into you.
“i’ll never be good enough, no matter the grades, no matter what. i just want my parents to finally see, i want this to end.” tightening your grasp on him, you could feel the metal in your brain whirring.
“you are, never tell yourself you’re not. the idea of perfection is flawed in itself. you can’t force yourself to be something that isn’t even achievable. sukai, look at me,”
your index finger found its way to his chin “even if you don’t believe me. i will tell you everyday, you’re beyond perfect.” you tilted your head before smiling.
‘you made me feel comfortable in your presence; i felt appreciated by someone for once’
and you remember all the times—every single time you were there for him and he was there for you. you helped him, or so you thought, realise that he had always been more than good enough. “sukai, is this way of saying thank you? it’s odd but i love the gesture,” you say to him as you tilt your head up to see a saddened sukai with an expression of worry spread on his face.
you feel your stomach churning, something feels horribly wrong, the awkwardness of the room rendered both of you silence as you hum that melody that sukai had been humming before. it felt slightly familiar but you couldn’t quite put a finger on it.
you force yourself to speak, “wait i’ll first finish reading then.” no response.
‘and im so fucking sorry, i tried my best to be strong for you but i just couldn’t, i’m sorry you had to see me go like that.’
this time your mind played a memory you didn’t quite remember.
you entered your shared home and kicked off your shoes, impatient to tell your boyfriend about the latest promotion you had received at your new job. the hallway was dishevelled and your home seemed empty, which was a complete opposition to the usual bustling atmosphere. you let out a grunt as you pulled off your jacket and confusedly called out.
“sukai? are you home?”
looking down, you noticed his slightly worn-out trainers were on the rack as well as a half-full coffee mug that was oddly placed on the kitchen counter as you continued into your dark home. the pitter-patter sound of your footsteps became the only source of noise as you walked down your hallway and towards the living room.
messy papers were scattered all over the floor, but a neatly tucked away envelope was sticking out of the pile but you decided to ignore it and continue looking for sukai. first, you checked in the storage room, entering by holding the brittle handle, no trace of life could be deciphered in that room. next, you decided to check the guest bedroom; there was no sign of him there.
it was unsettling, was all you could say as you climbed up your stairs, cursing his odd ability to make everything a game. “where are you, this isn’t the time for hide and seek?”
an itching feeling arose as you neared your bedroom. but you forced a smile on your face. hands trembling, your grip on the sleek door handle tightened as you slowly opened the creaking door. what lay ahead of you was the subject of your worst nightmare. eyes narrowed, your knees gave out and harshly hit the floor.
a hand covered your mouth as you processed the sight. sukai on the floor, leaning against the wall, head tilted up, his face looked as peaceful as ever but his eyes told something else, they were half-lidded and as your gaze raked down his arm. red painted his left wrist, dripping down onto the floor. you could make out his slow, forceful breaths. paralysed, you felt yourself unable to move a single muscle.
he mumbled something, with shaking legs you crawled forward towards him. “stay awake, please. i can’t stay here without you.” your lips pressed together as you blinked your tears away. “i’m…,” sukai placed a cold hand on your cheek. “….sorry.”
using your hands to scoop him, you cradled him in your arms. you hummed a quaint melody as you rocked him back and forth. “don’t be, just stay here with me. that’s better than an apology. remember our promise, you said you’d be strong.” usually you’d never cry; this wasn’t just any situation though?
tears brimmed your eyes once again but you let them fall freely while you closed your eyes. his lips parted for a second and a ragged breath sounded out until everything came to a silence. hesitantly opening your eyes, you looked down, only to see no sign of life apparent.
“sukai?” you slowly shook his lifeless body, “no this isn’t funny, wake up.” no answer.
the sobs came out of your throat, half-choked. cries ripped your vocal cords as you couldn’t hold it in anymore. it was too much for you, you didn’t know how you would ever move on.
‘everything became so much for me and i was so drained, i didn’t want to burden you.’
a tear drops down onto the crumpled up paper, smudging a word or two. as you look up from the paper that you currently have a grip on, you’re met with the cool breeze flowing through the miserable room.
“he’s really gone. i should’ve done better, its all my fault.” you bring your hand to your face, you’re killing your mind, you know you are.
but anything is better than having to deal with these mountains of unbearable pain that are weighing onto your heart. anything. you just need to see him again, you want to listen to him talk about his day, you want to be a target of his cozy bear hugs again. you just want him.
these visions that would visit you when you were lonely and missing him were enough, all to the point that it made you forget all about what happened. even if they are too perfect to be real, you’re always going to welcome them. anything that took away your sense of urgency was enough for you.
‘i’ll miss you just as much as you’ll miss me and i’ll be waiting to reunite with you.’
oh do you hate kinjo sukai? you despise him. the burning pain that’s settling in feels like a knife to the heart.
your tired gaze moves across the room to see your lover standing infront of the window, arms wide; almost welcoming you with a warm embrace. his figure blocks the only source of sunlight that filters through the glass. with tears pricking your eyes and a groggy smile spread across your face, you speak.
“i’ll meet with you soon, don’t worry.”
neatly folding the paper, you let your feet drag along across the floor and make your way to your kitchen through the long hallway. once again, you come across that picture of both you and sukai and your fingers gently brush against the beautiful frame, yet you face it down.
“it’s all my fault. if only i was better, you’d be alive.” your voice is hoarse as you mutter your thoughts of selfishness. the kitchen countertop is cool as you reach over for the knife. as you grip its prominent handle, a worry knots in your stomach. your mind falters and your hand trembles. you can’t do it.
“fuck, it’s so useless. i’m so useless, i can’t even do anything.” in defeat, you distastefully take your grip off the utensil and hear it drop back with a loud clank. “why’d you leave me, you know i can’t do this without you.” occupying the silence with your persistent pleas, you bring your hand to your warm cheeks to wipe the tears. your half-lidded eyes return to the delicate, tear-stained paper in your grasp.
‘take care of yourself, it’ll be hard but just move on - live your life as you wanted to, i’ll always be rooting for you even though we planned to leave together, i just took the first step.’
“no, not really,” you take a deep breath before finishing “its easier said than done.” even though you were talking to yourself it feels like sukai is listening to you somehow. it hurts, it hurts so fucking much, you are trying to get through it but you can’t, he was almost like your lifeline. you need sukai, he needed you too, right?
why would he leave you so suddenly if he did? you want to do nothing but cry; you feel empty, so empty. to say the truth, you’ve never been so fragile. there is this overwhelming bitter taste in your mouth you can’t get rid of. in your eyes, he didn’t take just one step, he took five.
but then again as much as you want to loathe him, you understand him. his life had always been hard, it is your fault; it always has been.
the anxiety claws at your throat, it feels like you’re about to explode from all the pain. if only you were stronger, he wouldn’t have left you. the only viable option for him leaving is due to you.
it always has been you at fault. fuck, you feel the tears again; you bite your tongue. have you always been so weak? the first sign of trouble and this is always your first reaction.
and you hate that, you hate yourself. he’s so damn wicked for leaving you here, all alone. yet again, you’ve always been alone; everyone in your life always leaves you. you just hate yourself for always getting so attached, but this is sukai you’re talking about. your thoughts overwhelm you as you force your attention returns to the letter.
‘i’ll miss playing my songs for you, while you listened with attentiveness. but you try for me, try your utmost best, okay?’
how he loved showing off to you, singing his favourite songs. one songs lyrics’ stood out to you:
‘please stay, by my side. now, hold my hand.’
‘you have been calling for me. i should run, towards you. but right now, why do i, still not know what to do?’
you remember him excitedly trying to hold in his smile as he sang this to you, strumming his guitar softly. you’re really your worse enemy, every memory feels like a bullet to the heart. you miss him so much. and really you want to try to listen to him and move on but how can you? he left you in the most devastating way, you can barely even function anymore.
‘lean on others for support; i won’t be here but you’ll never leave my mind and i’ll still be the same sukai you’ve always known.
- your love, sukai’
“come back to me, please,” before you can finish, a sob escapes your mouth. “who am i to lean on if it’s not you?”
the atmosphere sings a melancholic tune as you grip on your cool countertop for support. even something as small as the little doodle of a tabby cat on the bottom right corner of the fragile paper makes you fall apart. the memory of him is so lost in all the misery and darkness. letting go of your countertop, you collapse with a thud and a hand over your mouth as you quietly weep to yourself.
twisted is the ambiguous way that leads you to him. twisted is the way you’re so lost in all of these nonsensical words. straight is the path that’ll lead to your breakdown.
your story never fails to make you feel empty. in only a blink of an eye, your happiness and joy was snatched away from you. the memory of him is being distorted by the way things go. but you guess that’s just the way things go, right?
you lay your head on the ground in defeat, murmuring to yourself. “you should be here with me.” and you shut your eyes.
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taglist : @turtledove824
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hi :D!!! was wondering if you were still doing matchups? if so, i would like to request a bg3 match up with any of the ladies :3 also i wasn’t sure if i was supposed to describe me or my tav, but its pretty much a self insert so i hope this is ok hehe THANKS AGAIN OK LOVE YOU BYE <3
gender: trans man
pronouns: he/they
sexuality: i honestly have no idea lol, i prefer woman by a longshot though!!!
appearance: i’m 5’8” ish (~173 cm) and about 200 pounds (~91 kilos), olive skin with a bit of facial hair/stubble. i have kinda built arms and legs and a nice loveable tummy. pre top surgery though so i am always in a binder and baggy shirt. i’m growing out my mullet atm so my hair is kind of a mess but! it’s dark brown and curly :) i have lots of tattoos and piercings! my clothing style is usually some giant graphic tee and work pants with some converse or something. if i’m actually trying though, i kind of dress like a grandpa hehe
mtbi: infp, enneagram is either 2 or 4, it changes every time i take it lol
personality: gemini sun virgo moon gemini rising (don’t really care for astrology tbh), initially i am very reserved and quiet, but not like cold or aloof or anything! im just extremely nervous and shy!! i have been described as intimidating but i dont see it at ALL so take that with a grain of salt i suppose. once i’ve opened up though, i really enjoy making others laugh so i will take every opportunity to do so, even if it makes me look like an idiot lol. i tend to miss a LOT of social cues, so i usually come across as very awkward and weird, but i’ve gotten pretty good at playing it off
likes: i LOVE everything about music!! i play over 5 instruments, i listen to every genre (yes even country), and i’ve been playing in either ensembles, orchestras, or bands since i was 11. i was even a music major once upon a time! outside of music, i like cats (my cats are my favorite lol but i don’t discriminate!), video games, and occasionally reading
dislikes: i have pretty bad sensory issues so i fucking HATE places like malls, grocery stores, large department stores, etc. i also don’t like a majority of social situations with people i don’t already know, i always feel so awkward and get anxious. this one really gets people, but i don’t like a lot of foods that are widely considered to be good. for example, i dislike mac and cheese, potatoes, ketchup, and most fruits. every time i tell someone this, they literally act like i just confessed to murder
extra fun fact: i am a giant nerd. like i cannot state it enough I AM A NERD! my friends use me like human google all the time, and most of the time i have the answer 😭 not trying to imply that i’m a genius or something, i just hear a fun fact or random piece of information and then never ever forget it (did you know that for a majority of the year, the closest planet to earth is not venus or mars. it’s mercury!!)
BG3 extra:
race: half wood elf
class: wild magic sorcerer
alignment: neutral good
Don't Worry—I still have yours!! I was perplexed when I saw your PFP twice, lol. Sorry for the long wait, but here is your Match!! Also, as a Midwestern/Southerner, I enjoy the genre of Country, lol. ( I, too, am a nerd; I am my family's personal Calculator, though, lol)
~~~~~ MATCHUPS ~~~~~
Baldur's Gate 3
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~~~~~ HEADCANONS ~~~~~
Shadowheart is one to keep to herself as well. She likes the mysterious quiet. However, she did not oppose the notion of you being the group's leader.
She sees your anxiety around new people as a hindrance and a diversion. While you are awkwardly talking to others, she can use this time to gather hidden information or send Astarion on a pickpocketing hunt.
Your tics and antics may have frustrated her initially, but as you all grew to know one another, she found them sweet and endearing.
Soon, whenever a passerby points out your flaw, she is the first and last to defend you. (Miss Ma'am always has to get the last word in)
Shadowheart worked hard to earn your trust, and you worked hard to earn hers. Soon, you two were inseparable, for good or bad.
Shadowheart took your courting very seriously and ensured everyone at camp knew you were hers. She is a princess, after all, and gets what she wants.
If you are having a tough day around people, Shadowheart will be there to help. She has no problem leading things whenever you need her to.
When you two fight enemies, it is like watching the ocean move. You two are constantly in sync, and your health never drops below 50.
When you two officially start dating and make it public to everyone, she enjoys holding hands and soft pecks on the cheek. She is still a private person, but no harm in making sure the world knows she loves you.
When you two part ways from the others after the final battle, Shadowheart and you take on a tavern of your own in Baldurs Gate. She runs the finances and shipments while you run the entertainment and bar.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
The grove had been successfully saved. However, not every person at your party was ecstatic that you had made this choice; however, you knew you had made the right choice. With your camp full of new and old faces, you smiled, knowing that this was what you were made for right then. Though saving everyone was great and all, the loud, drunken party happening was the last thing you cared to participate in. You make your rounds to your companions to tell them when you will pack up and head out; you spot Shadowheart pouring herself a glass of wine. As you finish speaking to Karlach, you stand before the princess of the night.
Shadowheart smiles at you, gently extending a glass to you before speaking, "I knew you weren't quite the party type. I am surprised you even allowed this to happen at our camp." You laugh gently, nodding along, taking a swig of the wine. Looking out on your camp, you may not be one for large gatherings, but this was wholesome for the journey ahead. You turned back to Shadowheart as she spoke again, "We could escape from here for a while, allow you time to have a real reprieve from an intense battle versus throwing yourself into more uncomfortable situations." She always knew when you grew discontent with situations and quickly altered your group's direction. Though you may be the leader, your love and compassion for Shadowheart soon made her your second in command, much to Lazel's displeasure.
You nodded briefly to Shadowheart as she gently grabbed your hand and led you to a rock face far from camp. Privacy was excellent, and it allowed your mind to run freely for once since you were tasked with killing the Goblins. As you lounged back, sipping on the wine, Shadowheart looked at you. A simple conversation between you two led to something more intent and kind through the night. That night, you two decided to flourish in your relationship and walk through life together. Once dawn approached you, Shadowheart sat in your lap, staring out into the horizon. You gently moved some hair from her face. You smiled gently, whispering, "Because of you, my world may now be complete; fight with me, Shadowheart, and let our hearts beat as one once we are free again."
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(You and Shadowheart had broken off from the group for the evening, taking a short stroll through Baldurs Gate. Thinking about what the future will have in store for you two as you approach the final battle)
Y/N: Princess, what if a life without Shar is genuinely not what you want. I do not want you to feel forced into a life of tavern-keeping with me.
Shadowheart: My goddess has already abandoned me since the trials. I am content now as long as I have you by my side, my love.
Y/N: When did you become so romantic? Weren't you always the brooding, icy-hearted mystery girl?
Shadowheart: That may have been me in the past, but as I have helped you through your trials, you have helped me, and I am grateful for that.
Y/N: (Smiles softly at the woman and leans in to kiss her)
Shadoheart: (places a hand on Y/N's lips, a large smirk evident on her face) However, since you seem to want to pick on me this evening, I could always return to being a brat.
Y/N: Oh, is that so? I am very sure I can handle it, my sweet. (Sweet kisses intensify)
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dreadfutures · 1 year
Blue’s DA: Absolution Post
Just finished my first viewing. Impressions, spoilers, and some rambling. Let’s go! Stream of consciousness, baby.
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When I first saw my little sisters playing DAI, it struck me as “THE GAY GAME” and BOY is this THE GAY FRANCHISE. And it’s so normal. No one makes a big deal about it at all. It’s just fuckin normal and everyone is so flirty from square one. There ain’t no one gonna watch this and then go into DA4 not being aware this is a queer friendly world.
The big things I’m taking away, besides that:
- Where do people go when they die? Death seems to be a central question of Absolution. Immortality is a central question in Thedas tbh, and I have so many questions that I am betting will absolutely be answered in DA4.
- The architecture: Nevarra has domes, and its mage tower is very very square. Ziggurat-y. Tevinter reminded me a lot of parts of Spain with its architecture, the mosaics in particular, but other things to. Morocco. A lot of Morocco actually. I love that. The canals, the verdantness, the tiered city on a mesa, I really loved.
- Parkour. And gameplay. Or at least the vibe of what I imagine DA4 is trying to go for.
- The politics of Tevinter.
SO here’s my first thing. If this is what one powerful Magister can do with blood magic and an ancient artifact--and ONE high dragon’s blood.... What the FUCK will Solas’s ritual do? (obviously, tear down the Veil.)
Also there wasn’t a lot of Veil being explained, but I feel like the most important thing for new people is the Spirits, Demons, Magic, Blood Magic, and Slavery.
Wisdom/Memory’s 8 eyes (as a Spirit) became 6 eyes when they were corrupted to Enmity/Pride.
Speaking of Memory--Amelia Pavus? Hello.
I 100% expect to hear something about Rezaren’s aspirations to become the Black Divine, in DA4. I 100% expect we’re going to see Dorian’s efforts to reform Tevinter, and the position of Black Divine will be incredibly relevant.
Honestly the internal politics in Tevinter are so fascinating. Tassia’s honest, earnest desire to make Tevinter better than its worst rumors. Trying to hold the people around her to higher standards--even when they are someone she loves. In the end, when her people need her to help the wounded, that’s what she does. That’s when she steps out of Rez’s games, and she goes to help people.
How does that play into Dorian and Maevaris’s efforts and the Lucerni?
We also, I don’t think, get a great view of how Tessia treats and thinks of elves and slaves. Is that something she also wants to fix in Tevinter? No idea.
I don’t think it’s a cheap throwaway that the Templar who tried to stop the gang in the wine cellar got the voiced line: “you’re the reason all my friends are dead.” They did a really good job I think emphasizing, with the camaraderie of the Tevinter Templars WHO DONT USE LYRIUM TO NEGATE MAGIC. THE POOR FOOLS. They’re just people.
I'm a little perplexed that Tassia didn't seem to know Neb was dead/an elf. She seems so in tune with the Templars under command, and while I get that he seems to be Rez's personal guard, he also somehow seems to be rank and file with the guards she works with? I don't know. But the way she talks to him makes it seem like she thinks he's living and conscious.
Someone said that Hira knows Meredith (The Crimson Knight) is going to wage war on all mages. I don’t think that’s true. I think it’s more likely that Hira has no idea the Crimson Knight is Meredith? And Meredith’s war is against the world, or Tevinter. It seems like Meredith may have been taken over by something or left a Demon of something or is channeling something at the heart of the red lyrium consciousness that just wants war, vengeance, bloodshed.
I honestly thought Hira would have been loyal to the Qun. This feels like it came out of nowhere, but at the same time, so did Meredith’s appearance here:
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Someone suggested that we see Meredith in the Black Emporium in this show, but I really don’t think so? It doesn’t look like the BE. I know she was shown in DAI. I know.
I know most of the stories told in Dread Wolf Take You in Tevinter Nights were lies, or partially so, but I still feel like we should have heard about this. So I don’t know. Either way, Meredith shouldn’t have the idol, though.
We knew that the Venatori were still around post-Inquisition. Now we know there are still Red Templars about.
I think fewer people knew that the Venatori have (supposedly) been around longer than the Inquisition and Corypheus...? It took me a little bit and I’m still not 100% sure, but Hira being a child when the Venatori killed her family wouldn’t make sense with an Inquisition timeline.
Tinfoil hat: There are actually two factions within the Evanuris. Both evil and terrible, both going to destroy the world, and Solas stands between them. One is Red Lyrium aligned and one is Blight aligned, hence why we have Meredith vs. Corypheus (red lyrum vs. darkspawn) in the mural above. I know, I know, they’re intertwined. But I feel an itch. And I’m mighty suspicious.
I’m so suspicious about which Evanuris are in Trespasser’s Elven Mountain Ruins and which aren’t. It feels like factions. It feels like the Forgotten Ones/Evanuris split isn’t the only split, or it’s more significant than we realize.
Okay so what happens to dead people? Was it really Justinia we saw in Here Lies the Abyss in DAI? Was this really Neb? You could say “it was really a Spirit who took Neb’s form, embodied Neb’s love for his sister, and stood against blood magic and so decided to destroy Neb’s body.” But I think it was really Neb. I really do. So what happens to people when they die? Is it only elves? Is it humans?
The Spirit says at the beginning: “By name and by nature, mortals are doomed to die.” Which by the way is a very Cole way of saying things I think, and I love it.
I don’t think it was a coincidence that the dragon doesn’t attack Qwydion the Qunari and likes her.
Speaking of Qwydion, she’s introduced as a rebel mage. Which to me implies that she’s from a faction that rebelled against the Circle. Not that she’s someone who left the Qun.
It’s so interesting that we can see Rez’s mother remove a demon from her son and put it in someone else. So we could deal with abominations and with Harrowings all along, huh. lol.
I’ve been making a list of silly Andrastian sayings and Thedas-isms lol. There were some good ones in this show.
The magic in this show was badass. Super awesome. Beyond just the scale of it. The dome that gets put around the circulum looks like the one Corypheus put around Calpernia's old master. Rez’s magic feels way more powerful than other peoples, and it looks awesome. His multi-threaded missile attack when he’s defending against the sloth demons that attacked with Pride look awesome.
If you think about it this whole show revolves around what is acceptable collateral damage. The whole temple is going to kill everyone inside. That’s lit.
I wish I knew what those bird things were that were setting off the traps throughout the temple.
In general this temple makes me scratch my head. Andraste (who loses her nose in the finale lmfao) is holding magic in her hands. Andraste seems to be more of a saint than the pinnacle of the religion in Tevinter, so it’s weird that she’s all over. Cool I guess, I don’t have anything else to say, really. Except that in Rez’s dream of being Black Divine, his outfit was terrible. LOL
I actually really loved the dream sequence. It felt super validating to how I’ve always imagined Fade sequences going lol.
They also I don’t think mentioned the Fade at all lol.
okay okay i’m done for now x) I’m stewing up some other theories and stuff but yeah.
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the-concrete-sage · 2 months
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Truth Be Told…
I call myself an artist…
Yet I bullshit myself the hardest…
My very nature is all about creativity. My neurosparkly brain just accentuates this. I’ve been creating forms of art, on and off, all my life and the thing that perplexes me is the fact that I’m so fucking lazy.
In regard to my writing, I’ve had no formal training, something that I find myself questioning a great deal from time to time. I call myself a wordsmith because I absolutely love word play. I just love fucking around with words.
This shit I create are conscious streams of thought which I fondly refer to as my mind dumps. I call them that because basically that’s all that they are. I scribe something, usually the first thing that comes to mind, lay it down and that’s that. Rarely do I proofread. Hardly ever do I edit anything past the last sentence that I’ve put down. As for spell checking… ha! I’m dyslexic so even it I wanted to, save from autocorrect, there’s no chance of that.
Tbh, since jumping on this platform, I’m actually surprised that some of my mind dumps even receive reactions. There so many amazingly talented people on this platform that I’m awestruck. This is why I call myself an artist yet bull shit to myself the hardest.
Here’s yet some more evidence that I’m lazy. Most of the artwork I use to accompany my mind dumps is unabashedly ai generated. I’m not ashamed in the slightest. I really did what technology can do. But here’s the rub. I’m actually an okay drawer. I was drawing, sketching, creating images before I ever could write. I’ve even studied design. But I can’t be fucked creating my own art especially since I rarely seem to have the spoons to start and never have the patience to really polish/finish any of it.
I love what I do for sure. I humbly and gratefully appreciate any attention my shit receives. I’ll never truly ever stop creating (words swim and sing with my mind constantly) but I offend wonder what this would look like, what would I be like, if I actually worked relatively hard at it for a while?
Thank you if you read through this conscious stream of unedited words. I appreciate you more than you will ever know, more than you could possibly imagine.
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sicklittleeighties · 2 months
I don’t hear enough noise about Nicolas Cage tbh. I know tumblr is probably not the place to come for that content but it seems like everywhere is dry as hell in terms of content. I’ve had to resort to Pinterest and that’s just pics of him. Like… everyone’s got this general reverence of him and thinks of him as like some meme but I thought he’d at least have like a decent following somewhere. I know he’s not got social media so that might be a slight contributing factor, but even before I was like a huge huge fan, I was still like “oh yeah he’s like one of the pillars of my childhood” bc national treasure and sorcerers apprentice. I’ve watched like idk 12 of his movies so far and he’s a really good actor and pretty damn intelligent ngl. He loves the old monster classics and he’s got that spooky vibe so I was kind of supposed that he’s not been white boy of the month. Maybe he was back in likeeee 1980 😂 I know he got popular again during Renfield and UWOMT but the tag for him gets like 1 post a day. It just perplexes me bc he’s like a really good actor who isn’t afraid to go big or go home in movies, he’s unconventionally attractive, and he has beautiful eyes hehe. He fucking KILLED it in Mandy, Pig, Rage— even Willy’s Wonderland. That shit was better than the FNAF movie and I’m not even lying. Anywho it all probably sounds crazy so thanks for reading if you made it this far.
TLDR: Nic Cage deserves more fan love on tumblr than he gets 😭
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